What a Libra guy. Libra, born in the year of the Tiger. Actions that reveal hidden feelings

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The mysterious, inconsistent in his views, the Libra man is always full of contradictions and rarely agrees with himself. He does not tolerate loneliness, but avoids casual relationships, is very picky and fastidious with women. Do you need such a treasure? To a gentleman born under this sign,.

Libra man: characteristics of the sign, preferences

The first impressions of meeting with him are most favorable. His manners are excellent, his sense of humor is present enough. Representatives of the sign do not allow themselves to look untidy, they pay a lot of attention to their wardrobe and accessories. They are charming, modest, shy. The Libra man in relations with friends and ladies is always even, calm.

The ideal woman for Libra

They are rarely guided by momentary desires, base instincts. A potential girlfriend born during this period will be evaluated according to a variety of criteria and only then will they decide whether she is worthy of attention. Among their priorities are not only external attractiveness, but also a high level of intelligence, financial situation, social status. A sweet, but frivolous and rustic flower seller is unlikely to attract the attention of Libra for a long time. If you are self-confident, well-read, educated and elegant, they will definitely notice. Keep in mind that the Libra guy in relationships with women is demanding and picky.

What won't he like?

Representatives of this sign prefer to be in agreement with others. They will try to get rid of the scandalous, hysterical, excessively capricious person as quickly as possible. In addition, they are repelled:

  • Carelessness in clothes, insufficient personal care;
  • Vulgar behavior in public places, causing make-up;
  • The use of obscene expressions;
  • Lack of sincerity, infidelity;
  • Obsession, desire for leadership in a pair.

A typical Libra man in love is looking for comfort, pleasant communication. The desire of the companion to fully entrust the solution of problems will be perceived extremely negatively. Control your emotions, talk heart to heart with him more often, make sincere compliments - and he is yours forever.

Love. And Libra

Attractive character traits of people of this sign are necessarily balanced by the presence of bad behaviors. They combine two poles, leaning to one or the other, depending on the mood and circumstances. By learning to correctly perceive rare whims and temporary intransigence, you will find a wonderful companion.

Sensual nature

Slow, calm, rarely raising his voice guy Libra in love can bring down a hurricane of feelings on a companion. He is able to surround his girlfriend with attention, arrange an extremely romantic date, and give gifts. Striving for general comfort, Libra man in bed is sensual, attentive and frank. He seeks to build a beautiful, tender, graceful relationship with a woman. Most Libras prefer to be led and rarely impose their desires.

Libra and Sexual Relationships

Striving for beauty and harmony, Libra guy in sex is quite conservative. Adventurous contacts in public places or uncomfortable surroundings are not for him. For the sake of interest, he will succumb to such a provocation a couple of times, but later he will clearly prefer a comfortable sofa, silk underwear, semi-darkness and accompanying the process of love with beautiful music. Visual perception and convenience for him in the first place.

Such a lover is the dream of every woman. Libra man in sex is devoid of selfishness and will try all night. He expects sincerity and hints, genuine passion from his girlfriend. Only by fully satisfying his woman, he will feel happy.

Life with Libra

The necessity of marriage

Those born under this sign rarely become hardened bachelors. Marriage is extremely important and necessary for them.. If your boyfriend is a Libra, characterizing him as an indecisive person should make you take the initiative to start a family in your own hands. Such men are often lost when choosing contenders for a hand and heart. It is for this reason that serious romantic relationships with several women at the same time are not uncommon for this sign. It is necessary to incline to the union gently, unobtrusively.

Demanding and a little boring

Married Libra man in marriage demanding and pedantic. Most of his claims are indeed true. A calm woman with patience and not a quick temper will always benefit from his remarks and the couple's life will change for the better. And frequent mood swings should not be ignored. Smooth, attentive communication and care are the main trump cards of their happy wives.

How to save a marriage with Libra?

Quite windy in their youth, Libra men in family life usually remain faithful to their partners. They will become loving, reasonable and calm fathers. Relationship with wife is a priority. Her self-improvement, excellent physical shape and love for sex are a guarantee of maintaining a happy marriage for many years.

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Orthodox calendar

Saturday, March 23, 2019(March 10 O.S.)
Week 2 of Great Lent
Saturday of the 2nd week of Great Lent. Commemoration of the dead.
Mchch. Kodrat and others like him: Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekt, Paul, Kriskent, Dionysius, Quiz, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Seraphim, Papias, Leonidas and mtsts. Hariessa, Nunechia, Vasilissa, Nike, Gali, Galina, Theodora and many others (258)
Saints' Day:
Rev. Pavel Taganrogsky (1879). Mchch. Codrates of Nicomedia, Satorinus, Rufinus, and others (III). Rev. Anastasia Patricia (567-568).
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Shmch. Demetrius Legeydo presbyter (1938).
Great post.
Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: Heb.3:12-16 Ev.: Mark 1:35-44
Morning: - Ps.109-111; Ps.118 For eternity: - Ps.1-8

Representatives of the strong half of humanity born under the sign of Libra are real knights, gallant gentlemen who can melt the ice in the heart of absolutely any girl. What kind of women do Libra men like, and is it worth fighting for this prize with other contenders for his love?

Incredibly attractive and gifted with natural magnetism, Libra men literally attract the attention of the opposite sex. It is not difficult to captivate them with you, if, of course, you coincide with the ideal image of his soulmate, which is in his imagination. What qualities does he have?

Do you know what secret words will help to fall in love with a Libra man very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

The main character traits of a man born under the sign of Libra

The Libra man is an extremely pleasant, kind and gentle person, endowed with a fair amount of charm. He has a huge number of friends and acquaintances, he loves everyone, supports and helps everyone, there are always guests in the house, and therefore he is quite seriously puzzled by the search for the keeper of his home.

You can rely on the representative of this sign - he will never deceive your trust and will not betray you, you can always count on his help and support. Libras do not speak loud words and do not give beautiful empty promises, but they are always there in difficult times and know how to lend a shoulder.

Lives here and now, not a fan of long-term strategies, believes that planning anything is simply ridiculous - who knows how everything will unfold. Keeps its nose in the wind and follows where it blows.

How a Libra man behaves in relation to women

Without showing any particular initiative, the man of this sign does not rush to decide and make his most important choice - he rather watches the round dance of admirers around him, looking out for the very one, the only one whose image he has long thought of and keeps under his heart.

Idealist, romantic, dreamer. Demanding but not serious. He will never hide his experiences and feelings from his beloved woman (which compares favorably with representatives of other signs), you will always know what is in his soul and heart.

Ability to make decisions

He himself will take an incredibly long time to make a decision, continuing to weigh various options again and again. Therefore, he needs a girl who will not only be able to encourage or give good advice, but will also take over the decision-making function. Moreover, he will never point to this, he will take this weakness of his for granted, he will simply always be there and in the wings.


What the Libra man cannot stand is showdowns, showdowns and all sorts of other proceedings. Therefore, do not eat his brain with a teaspoon, do not object and do not bicker over trifles. Just agree and do as he wants - this is the ideal behavior of a companion of a man of this sign, which he really expects from her and for which he will be grateful and grateful.


He himself is quite emotional, from his beloved, the Libra man expects a calm, even, balanced behavior and attitude. You do not need to gush with emotions and violently express your feelings; the better you are, the higher your chances of getting this man in your gentlemen.

The ability to accept it and appreciate it along with all the shortcomings

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not tolerate a critical attitude, dissatisfaction with their actions or qualities of character. They digest all the accusations made against them for a long time, move away from resentment and disappointment in themselves for a long time. Therefore, try to complain to him as little as possible, refrain from criticism and, even more so, from insults during quarrels.

The ability to conquer his surroundings

For Libra, the opinion of friends and relatives is of great importance, so if you want to be with him, you will have to please them, not by washing, but by skating. Look for an approach to his parents and close friends, you cannot do without their approval and support. Since your man is the soul of the company, the same role falls on you, and you will need to fully comply with it.

What women do not like Libra

If the qualities of character that arouse their sympathy are more or less sorted out, and it becomes clearer what kind of women Libra likes, it's time to see what will easily repel him, and what traits in a woman's personality he does not accept in any case.

Attempts to control and manage it

If you are planning to remake the Libra man, forget about this ridiculous idea forever. He will not give up his views and values, the main of which is freedom of choice. Do not limit it in any manifestations - neither in communication, nor in the sphere of implementation and active work. Otherwise, you will not have time to look back, as you find yourself overboard of your joint love boat.

Stiffness in the intimate sphere

Restraint in behavior should be fully compensated by emancipation in the sexual sphere. If you do not have enough experience - honestly admit it to him, then he will treat it differently, guide and teach you. But in any case, do not hesitate to show your desires and sensuality - Libra does not need a cold woman in bed.


Libra men are everyone's favorites and jokers. In a relationship with a woman, they can be serious, but they don’t really want it. Therefore, in order to create a harmonious pair with him, you yourself will need to learn to take life easier and be more tolerant of his shortcomings. In return, you will receive an attentive and loving partner, ready to be there for you whenever you need it.

There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which the Libra man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video until the end.

The characteristic of the zodiac sign can tell a lot about its carrier. Many turn to the stars for help to improve relationships in the family or business. If you intend to conquer the most difficult peak of the entire zodiac - the Libra man, then why not arm yourself with a reliable assistant - a characteristic of a man according to his zodiac sign? This is exactly what you will learn by reading the article.

The characteristic of a Libra man borders on Gemini. They are also dual and contradictory. Representatives of this sign have a very interesting character, which is very different from the understanding of a simple layman. They have their own framework of moral ethics and laws of being. This is a very interesting sign that some admire, while others have a dumb question mark:

  • The Libra man is the owner of a controversial character. In general, this does not interfere with his life, but can cause bewilderment and criticism from a close circle of friends. A man of this sign will never listen to lectures about accepted moral principles and his participation in them, he is free to do as his heart tells him.
  • Libras are fierce truth-seekers. You should not expect hypocrisy from them, but in their direction they will not tolerate lies. It cannot be said that Libra is straightforward, they tend not to voice more information, but if they do speak, it actually reflects their opinion and understanding of the situation.
  • It is also worth noting that despite the pragmatic thinking and mindset, Libra is a rather sociable and sociable sign. Representatives of this constellation are excellent interlocutors, who, moreover, have an excellent sense of humor.
  • Men of the Libra sign know how to keep other people's secrets and do not like to get into the soul when they are not asked about it, therefore men of this sign always have a lot of friends and close acquaintances.
  • The Libra man is a fighter for justice. He will not tolerate a critical or condescending attitude towards his person. Both Libra men and women are very principled in this matter. Libra is one of those who will add a couple of kopecks at the checkout and, at any opportunity, will not miss the chance to mention the debt to you.

Their desire to restore justice is explained by the legend of the origin of the constellation. This is the only sign that personifies an inanimate object, but has perhaps the deepest meaning of all. Demida - the daughter of Zeus had Libra, which showed her the balance of good and evil. She was very baked for the harmony and justice of this world, so she told her father all her unpunished deeds. Zeus raised the scales of Demida to the stars so that people would not forget about the ardent gaze from above and the forthcoming repentance for their sins.

  • Libra has a special relationship with money, they love to live beautifully, but they don’t like to say goodbye to money. They prefer to earn more than spend less, which is why Libras are hard to find in the middle class. Sooner or later, such a life will bring them either to bankruptcy or to wealth.

Libra man in love and relationships

The Libra man is not so easy to charm, this is perhaps the most impregnable sign of all. This does not mean at all that they lead a monastic lifestyle, detached from everything worldly. It’s just that they, Libra, are not greedy for the popular tricks of the modern foundations of temptation. They are very selective about their partner and can be alone for years. The characteristic in love of Libra men is very peculiar:

  • Libra men are attracted to girls who are romantic and timid, but not stupid. Their interesting and ambivalent attitude towards the chosen one is also evidenced by the fact that they love praise, affection and attention, but lose interest in a woman who literally dissolves in his person.

  • The Libra man will not tolerate criticism. It will be useful for the future chosen one to learn how to negotiate, but even then the possibility of a scandal based on mutual claims is likely.
  • As mentioned above, Libras are great and loyal friends. They really appreciate women who are looking for ways to get closer to his usual circle of friends.
  • A woman who claims love in the life of a Libra man must be able to find compromises in the most hopeless situations. You should not expect such generosity from Libra, they are very stubborn in matters of principle for them.
  • In a love relationship with a woman, Libra men are uninitiated. Not every companion is ready to tie the knot of family life, when she literally has to take everything into her own hands.
  • The love of Libra men greatly fuels jealousy. They calmly relate to this feeling, without creating much tragedy. Their attachment becomes stronger, and sex takes on a new breath of passion, but most importantly, do not give obvious reasons.

Libra man in love and marriage

The Libra man has a versatile and controversial character, even some astrologers puzzle over the logic of his actions, so it can be very difficult for contenders for the heart of representatives of this sign to imagine how their partner will turn out in family life. Before subscribing to an alliance with such an interesting and multifaceted sign, it is recommended that you carefully study this section:

  • Libra men literally have their own point of view on everything, which will be radically different from established norms. Marriage was no exception. For Libra, the issue of registering relationships is not at all fundamental.
  • They see the stamp in the passport as a way for lawyers to facilitate the division of joint property. Their attitude does not depend on the presence of a ring on the finger, so it will be very reckless to expect a crazy act from him.
  • Putting pressure on a man with demands to register a relationship is also not the best option. His decision may not work in your favor. The Libra man does not like criticism and pressure, especially from a woman, so if the Libra man goes on principle, then it’s easier for you to find yourself a new life partner than to wait for a marriage proposal.

  • Libras always have very close-knit families. They are reliable fathers and life partners who are ready to drop everything and come to the rescue at any time.
  • They will be sympathetic to your bad mood after work, but don't expect a Libra man to let you turn it into a system. They tend to express empathy but have very short patience.
  • Libras make very good fathers. They enjoy spending time with their child and will never consider him a burden. Often it is Libra men who take the initiative in raising children, but, unfortunately, they do not always cope with this. Representatives of this sign have a very soft heart towards their children, so they cannot always calm down their child, but they will always protect him in front of a strict mother, even if this is completely unjustified.

Libra man in sex

Sex is the most piquant and hot topic of this article. Surely you can't wait to find out what kind of sex the Libra man likes, because looking at his restless character, you can expect anything. But whether he is as ardent as his promising nature remains to be seen. If you are eager to find out what the Libra man likes in sex, then do not torment yourself with guesswork, our section is at your service:

  • The Libra man is a wonderful lover, and this is more of a modest understatement than open flattery. Representatives of this sign are always thinking and baking about the pleasure of their partner, which makes them such wonderful allies in bed.

  • Libra men are eternal students. They are eager to learn new discoveries and are always ready for something new. Such a sign will gladly accept any initiative of the most insane experiment.
  • Among Libra males, there are very few people who would record themselves as fans of a particular type of sex or position. They are not attracted by monotony, they are always in a state of search and, most importantly, they always find what they want. If they are told that they have tried everything and there is no point in improving further, then they will be very upset, because the search for new sensations is the essence of their restless nature.
  • If you drop in to the Libra man “for coffee”, you will surely be surprised at all the lotions that help improve the enjoyment of this hot “drink”.
  • For an experienced lover, role-playing games are an outdated monotony, so you need to work hard to interest your loved one in a performance of a sexual nature. The script should not be banal, like Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden or a physical education teacher and a sexy high school student. Offer him a brighter game, such as a landlord and a tenant who has no money to pay rent, or a producer and an aspiring adult actress. The Libra man will appreciate a scenario where he will have power over the situation.
  • The same can be said about oral sex. This is certainly a nice sign of attention that can flatter male pride, but you need to grow with him. The Libra man will appreciate your dedication, but you should try to surprise him with all sorts of interesting innovations so that your sex does not turn into a routine.

Compatibility in love with Libra men

The Libra man is a very picky partner. His meticulous attention to detail allows you to see the slightest flaws in his chosen one. Not every young lady can endure such a meticulous groom, but if you are determined, then the probability of a happy marriage is very high. Libra has very strong, close-knit and friendly families.

Aries woman

The Aries woman is unbridled energy, passion and a fiery temperament, which, at times, borders on completely opposite features. But, perhaps, not only this attracts the Libra man:

  • The location of the constellations of Libra and Aries is directly opposite each other, so there are a lot of happy couples among these two signs. But it cannot be said that the union of these two couples is completely cloudless. Of course, they have to work hard on their relationship.
  • That's why Libra and Libra love balance in everything. The hot temperament of the Aries woman puts a lot of pressure on the Libra man. The representative of this sign will not tolerate constant tantrums and a showdown.
  • The success of this union largely depends on the ability to cope with the inner fire of the Aries woman.

Compatibility of Libra man with Aries woman 59%

Taurus Woman

Libra men are attracted to strong and strong-willed women, which include representatives of the Taurus sign. They, like two opposites, complement and balance each other:

  • The Taurus woman combines many talents that win the heart of a man of this constellation. They are full of ambition and constantly busy with something. Their hobbies may change every season, but the fire in their eyes does not subside.
  • But above all, the Libra man appreciates attention to his own person. The Taurus woman skillfully manages her time and does not deprive her companion of it.
  • Taurus is a quick-tempered but wise sign. They will not throw tantrums in vain, if the situation does not require it. In addition, they are able to convey information of high quality without creating unnecessary noise.

Compatibility of Libra man with Taurus woman 65%

Gemini Woman

The Gemini woman is similar to the Libra man in many ways. These are two very similar signs that are almost identical in nature. Surely it is their incredible similarity and easy attitude to life that can unite them into a strong union:

  • The Gemini woman does not know how to live according to the norms of this world. She has her own perception and understanding of the normal. This is very similar to the nature of the Libra man.
  • The Libra man is more serious, so in many ways it is he who will pull their relationship, but it's worth it. Their fantastic connection can work wonders, because the pairs of these two signs are able to carry their love through many years and not let it subside.
  • Problems in the relationship of this union can only arise due to the excessive pickiness that the Libra man possesses.

Compatibility of Libra man with Gemini woman 74%

Cancer Woman

Cancer woman is a sensitive and romantic person. This is the embodiment of the heroine of waking romance novels. It is difficult for any man to resist such a lyrical person, and even more so for the main connoisseur of female beauty. Her subtle inner world reveals the boundaries that the Libra man is unable to resist:

  • The Cancer woman is quite tolerant and indulgent. She is self-confident, therefore she does not perceive the first step towards reconciliation as a humiliation of her dignity.
  • The Cancer woman easily compromises and respects the integrity of the Libra man.
  • A Cancer woman is always full of ideas that she is used to sharing with her soulmate. She always asks for advice, which is very flattering for the Libra man.

Compatibility of Libra man with Cancer woman 72%

Leo woman

The Fire Lioness is a whole set of different aspirations, ambitions and emotions. She is ready to turn anyone's head with her assertiveness and frantic rhythm with which she is used to going through life:

  • The Lioness woman loves attention very much and for this she is ready to go to provocations. She lives with emotions and that says it all. Any of her whims must be fulfilled at the same hour.
  • The Libra man is attracted by this demeanor of this fiery woman, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, because the patience of the representatives of this sign is very short.
  • He can leave at any moment, slamming the door, and the Lioness woman will not soon understand what was the reason for their silent parting.

Compatibility of Libra man with Lioness woman 68%

Virgo woman

The Virgo woman creates for her companion a warm, cozy and pleasant place to which he can always return after a hard day's work. Libra men really appreciate this attitude, so such couples always get along wonderfully with each other:

  • The Virgo woman is a wonderful hostess, an accommodating wife and a responsible mother. She easily leaves the advantage to her chosen one, which serves to benefit their relationship.
  • Problems in their cloudless union can only arise regarding the registration of marriage. As mentioned above, for a man, Libra is by no means a guarantee of a happy life, and he discards all requirements to legitimize relationships, becoming a principle.
  • For a Virgo woman, marriage registration is very important. She, first of all, thinks about her offspring and will not agree to start a family without a stamp in her passport. If the Virgo woman shows wisdom and talks about the importance of this process for their joint future, then sooner or later the Libra man will give in to his chosen one.

Compatibility of Libra man with Virgo woman 65%

Scorpio woman

A Scorpio woman can be ruthless to her partner, but Libra is not intimidated by this. They deliberately climb on the rampage, managing to build a very promising relationship:

  • The Scorpio woman is not demanding in terms of love, affection and other manifestations of attention. She's too preoccupied with her personal interests, which she keeps under lock and key. She was not used to sharing or consulting with her chosen one. She is independent enough to make decisions.
  • The Libra man is fascinated by her perseverance in achieving the goal. In many ways, such women stimulate this sign by their own example.
  • The Scorpio woman is not used to pointing out or creating conflict out of the blue. These are very specific young ladies who know what they want, so they are not used to shifting their problems onto other people's shoulders.

Compatibility of Libra man with Scorpio woman 70%

Libra woman

Who can understand a Libra man better than another woman of the same sign. They go hand in hand without violating each other's personal boundaries. In such pairs, harmony and boundless understanding always reign:

  • In everyday life, they practically do not have conflicts. They are both very punctual, pedantic, vigilant and divide duties in half.
  • The Libra woman always takes life and all the troubles that fate throws at her with ease. It is this immediacy of the representatives of this sign that serves as a solid foundation for building relationships.
  • Libra sprays their attention literally on everything and at the same time, none of them feel limited in attention. Such couples can exist and have children without a stamp in the passport, as this is not a guarantee of a happy life for this sign.

Compatibility of Libra man with Libra woman 64%

Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman came into this world to find her place in this world. She learns with interest and pleasure all the hobbies of her partner, who simply cannot but reciprocate her:

  • The Sagittarius woman is a rather strong-willed young lady. She knows how to love and, undoubtedly, will make her partner happy, but she has certain limits, the line of which is best left unattended.
  • Sagittarius women have many hobbies and do not like inappropriate comments about this. She will not allow anyone to criticize her work, even if it is another fleeting occupation. The Libra man respects her choice and tries to support her in everything.
  • The Sagittarius woman is a true connoisseur of freedom. She knows what the key to a happy life is, and together with her partner she comprehends the art of being free for a couple. She respects the personal pastime of her chosen one and will not impose herself unless she hears a convincing invitation.

Compatibility of Libra man with Sagittarius woman 88%

Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman is overly critical of men who are much weaker than her. She has phenomenal insight and is able to see through even the slightest weakness. This is not the best option for a happy life together, because these two signs are completely different:

  • The Capricorn woman is an independent lady who does not spray herself into unnecessary connections. She is very specific in her desires and is able to say them out loud.
  • She needs a strong and strong-willed man with whom she will feel that she is in partnership, and does not serve as a support for someone's shadow.
  • The Libra man is not suitable for such a strong young lady as the Capricorn woman. This couple is doomed to failure.

Compatibility of Libra man with Capricorn woman 38%

Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is the perfect match for the Libra man. She is merciful enough to let her man be who he is. She respects and fully accepts her partner:

  • The Aquarius woman creates freedom in her family, thanks to which it becomes easy to breathe. The Libra man is free to do what he pleases, but, fortunately, the Libra man is not so stupid as to miss the trust of his companion.
  • The Aquarius woman is always full of enthusiasm, which heats up their relationship. She is ready to jump off the bridge if the mood favors her now. Representatives of this sign are a little crazy, which is of great interest to the Libra man at the beginning of their acquaintance.
  • The Libra man appreciates the Aquarius woman for her ability to reincarnate, changing masks one after another. Even in her sexual life, she tries on the masks of a diligent student and a depraved seductress who does not hesitate to express her desires.

Compatibility of Libra man with Aquarius woman 95%

Pisces Woman

Pisces women are very wise in their relationship with their chosen one. They are willing to compromise if they feel the return. It is a pity that the Libra man has little to offer to the beautiful and feminine Pisces:

  • Rybka women are big dreamers who see their chosen one as a real prince who will carry them in her arms, but reality hurts the infantile fantasies of these refined natures.
  • The Libra man is far from the hero of their romance. They want to see with them a faithful and devoted man who is ready to pamper them and indulge all whims. A man of this sign will not allow such wild fantasies of a companion to roam.
  • Libra man and Pisces woman are good companions. Friendship is often found among them. They are very similar when it comes to finances. These two signs like to spend a lot, but they don’t know how to plan their budget at all.

Compatibility of Libra man with Pisces woman 54%

You had the opportunity to make sure that the Libra Man is not an easy companion for life. He needs a special approach to try to keep your friendship and take the relationship to a new level. Be prepared for the fact that he will not listen to you, because he has his own correct opinion on any account.

Video: “Libra man in love. A tidbit or a punishment?

Detailed description of the man - Libra.

Loving, sensual and compassionate, the Libra man is one of the charming signs of the zodiac. Ruled by Venus, the Libra man is a helpless romantic who craves love. He is rarely alone, and would rather have a bad relationship than no relationship at all. Libras are open with a positive outlook on life. They love beauty, comfort and luxury even when they can't afford it. By virtue of the name of their sign, Libra seeks balance and harmony. They have a deep sense of fairness and fairness. The Libra man often raises questions that concern most people, and tries to destroy various delusions in the world. He expects his partner to understand him and fully support his efforts. Libras hate confrontation, which can be seen as a positive quality by other signs. On the other hand, he can be very indecisive and, as a rule, does not know how to defend his point of view. True to his trademark justice, he first weighs all the pros and cons, and there are times when he initially agrees with an opinion, but then after a while, tries to resist it. These same qualities can sometimes make him unstable in love relationships.

He loves people and they love him, so he is often seen as someone to flirt with. He wants the perfect relationship. If he does not have this with his partner, he immediately tries to find a more suitable companion. But once they fall in love, Libra becomes completely loyal and devoted. To find a man - Libra, you must think about what he is interested in. Since he loves beauty and creativity, look for him in art galleries, arts and crafts fairs and museums. Because of his altruistic spirit, you might find a Libra man volunteering at a homeless shelter or walking in a protest movement. Libras also love luxury, so they tend to frequent fine restaurants, hotels, and trendy clothing stores.

The Libra man is looking for someone who will satisfy him emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and physically. In order for a Libra man to notice you, you must stand out from the crowd. He is drawn to beauties who have a sense of style and elegance. Once you win his attention, you will need to work hard to keep his interest. Libra loves flattery and compliments, so try to praise him often, especially about taste and style. Give him small gifts from time to time and send him small messages for no reason at all. Plan romantic dates for you and your Libra man, including candlelit dinners, massages and bubble baths for two. Surprise him with a romantic getaway, even if it's just short day trips for a picnic in the woods or a sunset boat ride. Use your imagination and creativity and your Libra man will fall helplessly in love with you!

Libra man compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Woman - Aries and man - Libra are prone to conflict. This is because Libra weighs decisions carefully while Aries is impulsive. Aries is also very self-confident, something Libra may never understand.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20). A Taurus woman may need to go against her character in order for a relationship with a Libra man to be productive. While Libra loves to go out, the Taurus woman is more of a homebody. She can also be a bit of a nerd, unlike Libras who like to live without too much trouble.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) A Gemini woman and a Libra man have every chance of becoming a good couple. Both signs love people and noisy groups, along with the finer things life has to offer. The biggest problem is that none of them is able to make firm and informed decisions.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22). The biggest obstacles to love between a Cancer woman and a Libra man usually lie in the fact that she tends to need too much emotional support, while he is more rational.

Leo (July 23 - August 22). Both the woman - Leo and the man - Libra love romantic relationships and informal meetings. Sometimes, however, Leo can take a managerial position in relation to the man - Libra.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22). The woman - Virgo and the man - Libra have masks that they constantly change, which may not have the best effect on their relationship. Libra will find Virgo too stubborn and important.

Libra (September 23 - October 22). The combination of double scales: women - Libra and men - Libra can be ideal. Both partners will contribute to maintaining harmony and avoiding conflict, and they will also have a rich and varied life. However, the downside of such a relationship can be that neither one wants to take the reins in their own hands when it comes to making important decisions.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21). A Scorpio woman and a Libra man can be very attractive to each other sexually, but long-term relationships can be difficult. A Scorpio in love is often just too confusing for an open-minded Libra.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21). The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man are kindred spirits. Both signs are very enterprising, sensitive and sociable. They are both independent, so they will find similarities in each other.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19). may seem too serious for the cheerful Libra. Libra's habit of overspending is unlikely to go well with Capricorn's modesty. There may be some serious difficulties in the relationship of this couple.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18). The union of a woman - Aquarius with a man - Libra is truly an idyll. Both signs love people and intellectual stimulation, along with personal freedom. They are both ready to give each other the necessary personal space when needed.

You can always hear a huge amount of free advice from this person. If you have any problems, he will always find the right solution. But you should not tell yourself that he is the ideal of a man: he can really solve all problems, except for one - your relationship with him. His habit of analyzing everything, even love, can drive him crazy.

Breaking off a relationship will not be easy for you if you Libra Man will spread its charm, attempts to get rid of which are similar to attempts to get out of a trap without outside help. You will be so fascinated by it that you will lose any ability to resist and will no longer be able to think and decide on your own. He will persuade you to stay if you decide to leave him, using all the eloquence that he has, and using such smart evidence that you can only agree with him.

Over time, you will develop the same habits as him, you will completely share his thoughts, and gradually your only desire will be to make him happy and please him.

For his part, he will do nothing to make you feel constantly on top of bliss. It is unlikely that life with him will be smooth and calm. When he is in an unbalanced state, he will be absolutely indifferent to your feelings and thoughts. But such a state will be replaced by a serene and happy time. Because it is fun, easy and pleasant with him when he is in a state of balance.

The Libra man is very passionate. But he has a different attitude to love from other Zodiac signs. Love for Libra is a high art. He rises in the expression of his love to unprecedented heights and has an all-encompassing passion. If his chosen one does not correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200breciprocal passion, this type of man is bitterly disappointed. Libra men tend to look for diversity anyway, even in those conditions when the life partner meets his requirements and is accommodating. They just need more opportunities to express themselves.

Making any decision is the biggest difficulty for Libra. Their opinion can change every day. A man born under this sign is able to conquer almost any woman, and it seems that Libra has surpassed everyone else in love affairs. Not only did they invent romance and love, they made it the highest form of art. until old age they do not lose interest in love. Often this is only a platonic interest, but undoubtedly its presence in Libra's life to the end.

The Libra man is often surrounded by girls, he always has many admirers whom he cannot get rid of. If Libra manages to curb his temperament, harmony and well-being are achieved. But it happens that the whole world is overshadowed by the need for pleasure. During this period, they can have more than a dozen novels at different stages of development. For Libra, this condition is fraught with nervous breakdowns, breakdowns. Libra is not able to simply say “no” and end this painful relationship at once, although it is much more cruel to prolong it. In the case when the relationship is so deep and sincere that almost the only possible solution is to say "yes" - you can say the same thing. Libra is Libra, and there seems to be no end to their painful indecision. They, not daring to take the necessary step, pull, evade.

For Libra, extremes are the exception. Many of them always know how to provide themselves with sufficient freedom, so that, without allowing the sentimental bonds of marriage to tie them up, they enjoy full love affairs. They are rarely left with a broken heart. It is most typical for them to represent every third woman as their partner.

But if Libra Man- experts in love affairs, then they are not so in matters of the soul. They are unlikely to want to look into your spiritual inner world or find out your secrets, the motives for your behavior are absolutely not interesting to them. Sometimes it may seem that they are not only indifferent, but also callous.

They reason smartly and a lot, but these reasoning aims at the usual consideration of questions of an abstract nature, and not the desire to understand another person. Even if someone tries to pour out their soul to the scales, they will be even more upset because they will not pay any attention to other people's experiences.

Libra The man is quite generous with money. True, he will never invite many guests to the house, guided by quality, not quantity. Therefore, simply interesting, intelligent interlocutors, and stars will be among the invitees. Scales of large gatherings are not physically tolerated, and they cannot stand being in crowded, noisy places. Peace is dear to them more than anything in the world.

A typical Libra man really wants to impress others, whether it happens on the beach, on a romantic date or at an international conference; has financial ability; spending money on pleasurable things can be wasteful. Needs harmony and loves art; willingly gives advice; to make a more reasonable decision, usually analyzes the facts; at any age interested in the opposite sex.


Male horoscope - choose your zodiac sign



