Husky or Alabai: what dog are you according to your zodiac sign? Dog horoscope by date of birth, which dog is suitable by date of birth Zodiac signs of those born in the year of the dog

The mountain goat is equated by various cults to a deity who emerged from the depths of the sea (symbolizing the subconscious) to guide humanity on the right path.

Keywords: sense of duty, inspiration, determination.
Dominant principle: "I use".
Dominant planet: Saturn, Mars.
Stones: ruby, onyx, moonstone, lapis lazuli, garnet.
Metal: lead.
Lucky days: Tuesday, Saturday.
Bad days: Monday Thursday.

Capricorn symbol is a mountain goat climbing to the top of a mountain. His aspirations will only go higher. Capricorn is the House of power and achievement. In a horoscope, a dog is probably the home of its owner. In fact, the life of a Capricorn dog largely depends on its owner and his position in his home.

Capricorn dogs accept any established norms of existence and relationships, but at the same time they can express protest when trying to suddenly change the established state of affairs in the house. By washing or rolling, they will try to return everything to its usual places, sometimes saving a falling apart family. However, if a lonely lady decides to invite her male friend home, then she needs to coordinate this with her “Capricorn” in advance so that she does not show goat horns at the most inopportune moment. A Capricorn dog can bark at an uninvited guest who disturbs its measured life. She must be absolutely sure that a gentleman with a can of beer will not encroach on her rights and territory.

A Capricorn dog can deviate from the intended path only in order to please its owner, who is the light of life for it. As a guard or guard dog, it is not worth it at all. The Capricorn Dog will selflessly do its job with a sense of duty and responsibility. If you live alone and enjoy meditation, then a Capricorn dog can tune in to your train of thought and even contribute to detachment and calm. Capricorn Dogs have highly developed intuition.

A Capricorn Dog (or any other dog during the Capricorn sign period) is likely to appear in your home at the peak of your career. You can receive a dog with an excellent pedigree as a gift or, sparing no expense, spend money on its purchase. In any case, your Capricorn will attract the attention of others to you and to itself, thereby compensating for all your efforts. Even if he doesn't win first place at the show, the Capricorn dog will come up with another way to make you proud of him.

Harmony: Taurus, Virgo.
Friendship: Pisces, Scorpio.
Conflict; Aries, Cancer, Libra.

Health: Usually healthy, but tends to skin diseases. A lack of calcium can lead to diseases of the teeth and bones. Avoid wet and cold weather.

A Capricorn dog, with its grooming, can cause jealousy and envy. Make sure you and your dog live with good neighbors. The Capricorn Dog is absolutely devoted to you and wants its devotion to be appreciated. If you have guests at your home, the Capricorn dog will immediately find your boss among them and will certainly ensure that he receives as much attention as possible. Remember - this will be the most opportune moment to ask for a salary increase or promotion.

Dog - Aquarius
January 21 - February 20

Symbol : Water Bearer As an Air sign, it represents the link that must unite all humanity into a single brotherhood through mutual understanding.
Keywords: friendship, eccentricity, freedom.
Dominant principle: "I know".
Dominant planet: Saturn.
Stones: light sapphire, opal, amethyst, garnet.
Metal: tin.
Lucky days: Wednesday Saturday.
Unlucky day: Sunday.

Aquarius is the sign of group consciousness. This is why it is the most natural sign for dogs. A dog born under the sign of Aquarius will be defiant, eccentric, quick-witted and often downright funny. Eccentricity can manifest itself in a passion for unusual toys and unusual people. However, despite all the oddities of her behavior, the Aquarius dog is a smart and energetic creature. She gets along well with other pets and is very child friendly.

Your Aquarius dog may greet your neighbors with such a loud bark that only greets you, but this does not mean that they are dearer to her. A very selfless Aquarius dog will certainly provide invaluable assistance in rescue efforts and expeditions. It's also great for any group work - take it on a hike!

Don't expect constant displays of affection from your Aquarius dog. If you are in trouble, your dog will feel and understand it without words. You can have great fun with your dog, and if you are in trouble, he will never leave you in trouble. However, she is unlikely to flaunt her love and devotion every day.

The appearance of an Aquarius dog in your home (or any other dog during the Aquarius period) may be a reflection of your loneliness and the desire to strike up a friendly relationship with someone. In a completely incomprehensible way, an Aquarius dog will give you good spirits and will even be able to restore interrupted friendships. This can be a compensation for the lack of warmth that surrounds you. Do not give up! Your Aquarius dog came to you for good reason.

Compatibility with other signs.
Harmony: Gemini, Libra.
Friendship: Aries, Sagittarius.
Conflict: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio.

Health: The Aquarius Dog has good health, but cannot tolerate heat. She especially needs vitamins and fresh air. Prone to sprains varicose veins veins, circulatory and cardiac disorders.

Aquarius dogs can get bruises and wounds while traveling or moving. They become sad if they are deprived of the company of other pets and people. These dogs are very creative and easy to train. Sometimes they may surprise you with their behavior and performing tricks that you have never taught them. Aquarius Dogs are quite extravagant in manners and love to amaze other dogs in the area with their appearance. This is how they emphasize their originality and uniqueness. Aquarius dogs are extremely curious and have no fear even of modern technology. Don't be surprised if one day your Aquarius dog uses the remote control and tries to program your VCR.

Dogs - Pisces
February 21 - March 20

Symbol: Fish. Two fish swimming in different directions. Characteristic duality and indecision are the essence of Pisces.
Keywords: sensitive, indecisive, sympathetic.
Dominant principle: "I believe".
Dominant planet: Jupiter.
Stones: sapphire, moonstone.
Metal: zinc.
Lucky days: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
Unlucky day: Wednesday.

Dogs born under the Pisces sign are incredibly sensitive. It is their developed sensitivity that allows them to accurately understand people. A Pisces dog may suddenly jump on your guest or even try to bite him. Don't rush to punish your dog. Sooner or later, this particular guest will certainly show his antipathy towards you. So, if you need a detector of friends and enemies, get a Pisces dog.

Pisces control processes in the subconscious and, therefore, Pisces dogs feel at ease in the plane of the subconscious. They easily find an approach to a person’s mood and character, and can also foresee upcoming events. Your task is to recognize the signs and signals given to you in time.

Despite the fact that Pisces dogs change their mood easily, they will endure everything and see it through to the end if push comes to shove. However, most of all they feel happy and needed if they live in a calm atmosphere. Their desire for harmony is expressed in the very symbol of the sign of Pisces - two fish swimming in opposite directions, connected by one string. And as long as this rope curls, in other words, as long as the relationship between the Pisces dog and its owner is harmonious, the dog will be able to overcome any difficulties.

Pisces Dogs are a real consolation for people who are hospitalized, who meditate, or who are in places of voluntary or forced confinement. Their mere presence has a healing effect on the discouraged.

The Pisces Dog (or any other dog during the Pisces sign period) will most likely appear in your life at a moment when you are lonely and depressed or fixated on past mistakes; or when your brain is melting from contradictions and regrets. Your Pisces dog will help you put everything in its place. If there is discord and trouble in the family, she will act as an excellent mediator in peace negotiations.

Compatibility with other signs.
Harmony: Cancer, Scorpio.
Friendship: Taurus, Capricorn.
Conflict: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius,

Health: Health is fragile, susceptible to various diseases. There may be problems with the paws and abdominal cavity. Medication consumption should be moderate. A dry climate is recommended. A humid climate can have an impact Negative influence. However, the sea or ocean coast, as well as places surrounded by mountains, are favorable for living.

Pisces dogs do not tolerate rough treatment. These dogs are very artistic from birth and love to give performances. They will especially bring joy to children and the elderly. Get ready - one day an agent from a world-famous film company, for example from Hollywood, and your favorite Superstar will call you!

Dog - Aries
March 21 - April 20

Symbolically, Aries is the trustworthy leader of the herd, always ready to accept a challenge to his valor and masculinity.

Symbol: Ram. The image of the sign looks like the horns of a ram,
Keywords: enthusiasm, fighting spirit, aggressiveness.
Dominant principle: "I am",
Dominant planets: Mars, Sun.
Stones: diamond, ruby, amethyst.
Metal: iron, steel.
Lucky days: Tuesday, Sunday.
Bad days: Friday Saturday.

Dog-Aries- a brave creature, therefore, it can make an excellent guard dog. Sometimes she can be aggressive, even cruel, especially towards those of your acquaintances who hide their malevolent intentions behind frozen smiles. If the Aries dog survives a series of serious encounters, it will gain courage and wisdom. This sign gives the dog an incomprehensible integrity of nature, absolutely devoid of treachery. This is a very important trait in dogs, since they are surrounded by some rather insidious creatures.

The Aries dog is simple-minded, but in no way can it be called stupid or narrow-minded. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the starting point of life. Therefore, all animals born under this sign are distinguished by their noble, simple-minded nature. However, it is possible that the Aries dog can reveal itself from the other side. If you suppress her impulses, do not care for her and do not show attention, she can turn into a selfish, aggressive and stupid creature.

Basically, the Aries dog strives to be devoted, but this is the devotion of a child. You should never “stroke her against the grain.” However, if, when dealing with such a dog, you do not skimp on proper praise and recognition of its friendly manifestations, it will fight to the death for you and your honor. The Aries Dog does not feel a sense of fear if it goes into battle for a just cause.

The appearance of an Aries dog in your home (or any dog ​​during the sign of Aries) may mean the beginning of a new stage in your life; breaking old ties in relationships and starting new ones. Providence sent you this dog as compensation for the qualities that you may need in this moment, namely, courage, self-confidence, inspiration.

The Aries dog always resembles its owner.

Compatibility with other signs.
Harmony: Leo, Sagittarius.
Friendship: Gemini, Aquarius.
Conflict: Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

Health: The impulsive nature of the Aries dog often causes accidents. Head injuries are possible.

The Aries dog is devoted to its owner, takes care of his ailments and illnesses. She is with you as long as there is mutual affection. Don't be surprised if you find that your dog is uncomfortable in the doghouse. Dogs of this sign cannot stand restrictions on freedom of action. They are full of energy that needs an outlet. Therefore, they are indispensable for an owner who leads an active lifestyle.

Dog - Taurus
April 21 May 21

Taurus dog , ruled by Venus, is one of the most pleasant. Always calm, obedient, balanced, imperturbable, a dog born under this sign does not strive for leadership.

Taurus is a very peaceful creature; it will take a lot of effort and time for people or dogs to get him angry. But when teased too much, the hero of this chapter will stop at nothing in his crushing anger. But Taurus will never initiate noisy games and fuss, much less quarrels. In most cases, Taurus are real owners and in some cases even “plushkins” - they collect and protect old bones and toys, torn socks in their house... Their real fiery passion is containers and packaging; such dogs can spend hours fiddling with an old big a TV box, trying in vain to somehow fit in there. If it were up to him, the dog would fill the entire apartment with old cardboards, holey balls and tires. Taurus dogs have an innate love for children, and without any special training they cope well with the duties of their faithful bodyguards. But here lies the problem: Taurus is a super watchman, and his fantastic attitude towards his official duties can bring certain troubles to those around him.

Our hero loves to lie on the threshold, so the best place to live for Taurus is outbuildings on farms in the countryside. Unlike Aries, they do not need special spaces to “dump excess energy”: Taurus do not suffer from hyperactivity. But these animals really love fresh air and hate asphalt and concrete under their feet - another argument in favor of keeping calves outside the city. It’s hard to imagine what, other than open landscapes, can make Taurus dogs so happy. Their call to the earth is so strong that they are ready to be outside all 24 hours - be it a clear sunny day or a dark rainy October night. Although, undoubtedly, Taurus will prefer to be in the warmest place in the house in winter - at the owner’s feet near the fireplace or on a comfortable warm bedding.

Dogs born under this zodiac constellation adore their home, their family. They are very difficult to lift and it takes truly very compelling reasons for Taurus to change this habit.

Perhaps due to their unique focus, these dogs are usually very obedient. Be aware of their leisurely nature when training.

Puppies. A young Taurus is more likely to bring his owner more joy than grief. Most of these dogs are very calm, even slow; they, unlike Aries, are not in a constant struggle for leadership. Such a puppy, however, does not like changes in his new home. All Taurus, regardless of gender, are very gentle creatures - they require a lot of love and affection from their owners. But nevertheless, this is a completely inflexible creature, you won’t be able to twist ropes out of it, you shouldn’t even try. Little “calves” prefer to sleep in comfortable places; often the owner’s sofa is chosen for this purpose. Puppies have a tendency to overeat, which often leads to diseases of the digestive tract, pay attention to this.

Taurus do not like to take risks and treat everything new with distrust. Unlike Sagittarius, Taurus are unlikely to rush headlong after a butterfly or moth; the memory of their ancestors will tell you that in this situation you should be wary of bumblebees and wasps. Taurus are conservative: they should have “personal items” at their full disposal: bowls, resting mats, leash and collar; You should not frequently replace these items with new ones unless absolutely necessary. In puppyhood, taking into account the possessive character traits of Taurus, it is necessary to teach dogs of this type to give the owner any object upon request. Having learned this in childhood, the dog firmly retains the skill in memory forever, and will greatly facilitate the further coexistence of man and dog.

In general, all Taurus puppies perceive everything new, any information from the outside, somewhat warily, but do not rush your pet, because the learned skills are firmly remembered by them.

You can’t “put pressure” on Taurus to achieve any technique or command; it won’t do any good anyway. You can only use one way - love, affection and logic.

Training. Before you start training a Taurus, remember that he is slow-witted and does not like fast movements. Be patient. The shortcomings of a Taurus are a continuation of his dignity.

During classes, all the animal’s attention is focused only on the owner; He doesn't care about other dogs at all. Learning should be based on logic and no pressure, no oppression.

Best results from Taurus dogs can be achieved through constant, systematic training. Before actual training, draw up a lesson plan, read the relevant literature; group classes led by an experienced trainer bring good results. Exercise daily, several times at regular intervals. Always give commands in the same voice, in the same tone.

A typical Taurus hates orders, but loves tenderness. He hates rudeness. Screams and a harsh voice will not achieve the goal; Taurus can simply resist and even close his eyes. A certain diplomacy is required from the owner. Taurus will rebel if he is forced to do something he does not want. Or the animal will become suspiciously quiet and sad. But you didn’t count on this at all when you started training. Taurus dogs often believe that training is their personal, deeply intimate matter. That's why they don't like to "work for the public." At the very least, the "public" should remember that Taurus does not need advice from third parties during training. Just silent approval and admiration is enough.

Taking care of your health. It is no coincidence that the symbol of Taurus is a bull. Therefore, most dogs of this sign have many “bull” features: large bones, wide, strong build, coarse hair. An animal born under the sign of Taurus is very clean and loves when the owner takes care of their fur with the help of combs and brushes. Most Taurus have dark, large and very round eyes. Their constitution and temperament are determined at the hormonal level. The most common ailments include diseases Bladder, including urolithiasis. This feature requires a special diet and regular monitoring by veterinarians.

Taurus are prone to diseases of the reproductive system (reproductive) - males suffer from infectious prostatitis, females - from inflammation of the internal genital organs.

But the most common reason for deviations in health among Taurus is obesity, this is the number one problem, the trigger for all other ailments. However, an attentive owner can successfully combat the excess weight of their pets by correctly and rationally preparing the daily menu.

Taurus are parents. These are undoubtedly excellent parents, very sensitive and attentive to their offspring. They always make the owner's job of caring for the litter easier.

Taurus are easier to communicate than Aries, they have few conflicts with other animals. Their calm disposition excludes aggression, but a powerful Taurus, nevertheless, is always able to give a proper rebuff to more militant signs if necessary.

Taurus gets along with dogs born under the signs of Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra and Pisces.

After several inevitable skirmishes between Aquarius and Taurus, quite loyal relationships are possible.

So: If you need a calm, balanced and respectable pet who loves children, then you should probably look at a Taurus dog. Will this be the right choice?

Taurus is calm, but somewhat stubborn, can sometimes “explode,” but is sentimental: he loves light, melodic music and luxury. Taurus have a “no-brainer” attitude; they love to eat. Taurus rarely get sick, but it takes a long and difficult time to recover.

You will find a true friend, especially if you yourself value your own home more than anything in the world and forever remain a slave to habits and constancy.

Dog - Gemini
May 22 - June 21

Twin dogs , ruled by Mercury, are in constant motion, they are very energetic, usually friendly. Some of their actions look very funny.

Tirelessness is the main characteristic of twins; this should be taken into account when purchasing such an animal. After all, often overly active, even somewhat nervous dogs can tire and irritate.

Geminis are interested in everything, they literally “plug every hole.” But it is difficult to find a more suitable sign for agility or greyhound racing - during training or competitions it seems that they are electrified and are about to short circuit. These dogs welcome everything new and unusual, be it a recently purchased collar or a stranger entering your home. The guarding instinct is not very typical for twins; they often completely “lose face”, trying to please all the guests at once. Such dogs are real actors; in every company (no matter human or canine) they behave differently, like chameleons, sensitively determining the rhythm of communication and easily joining it.

Your twin, regardless of breed, is a real diplomat: despite all his mobility, the dog instantly determines the mood of the owner. There can be no mistakes here; guided through life by Mercury, he will never bother you with the game if you are not in the mood. Loving affection, he is very delicate by nature.

Gemini can be the best dog in the world for absolutely anyone - but only for two hours. There is simply not enough for more; new impressions, new meetings, new people and dogs are needed.

Those born under this sign prefer a fast trot to all other gaits. Therefore, it’s hard to think of a better partner for morning jogging.

Geminis adapt equally successfully to both urban and rural life, but, of course, they prefer a city with crowds of people, noise, and a changeable environment. They feel equally at home in small bachelor apartments and in luxurious spacious apartments - the main thing is that there is an atmosphere of goodwill and love around them.

But you shouldn’t leave such dogs alone in the room, even for a short period of time.

Geminis don't like confined spaces, and a locked door can drive them into a frenzy. In this case, they can take the most unexpected actions to get out of the “isolation”. So if you have a twin living in your house, all doors should always be open.

The unpleasant features of the nature of the described type of dog include the desire and desire to bark loudly and continuously for any reason or without it. Moreover, this creature simply cannot be happy without barking and increased physical activity.

But jealousy is absolutely not characteristic of them; without fear, you can bring other animals into the twins’ house, including cats and fellow tribesmen. The only thing that threatens you is a noisy, rapid fuss. Geminis fit perfectly into children's games, but even as a joke, such a dog will never allow himself to grab a child.

Probably, like no other sign of the Zodiac, Geminis will treat the owner with greater warmth if he is a representative of the opposite sex. This is one of the secrets of successful training.

Another characteristic feature of twins is great pickiness in food. It is very difficult to please such a dog, and many owners often complain about their pet’s poor appetite.

Puppies. Movement, movement and movement a hundred times more - this is the main character trait of the twin puppies. Once they appear in your home, they will be equally trusting of all household members, which greatly simplifies the process of raising them. For this creature, given its tirelessness, you need as many different toys as possible, otherwise your things will suffer. Puppies are difficult to train initially; training should not be long, otherwise the baby will get tired. You should not use “pressure” - Geminis cannot boast of a strong nervous system, hence the frequent barking for no reason.

The sooner you accustom him to a collar, the better. To prevent misfortune from happening, do not take your eyes off the puppy when he is wearing a collar - he may “suffocate”.

Every day, twins need new experiences, so no matter how busy you are, choose time for walks in crowded places and don’t skimp on new toys. Walks should be frequent and long enough so that the “baby” can properly “let off steam.”

Training. The Gemini dog prefers activities in company. Individual lessons are not suitable for them, because the active nature of twins requires constant communication. It will take a lot of effort to attract his attention during classes, because there are so many interesting things around!

Geminis are very smart and quickly grasp everything on the fly. It is very important for them to learn as much as possible and as quickly as possible. And having not yet properly mastered one command, they are already full of desire to move on to the next.

Your dog is able to do several things at the same time: at first he perfectly absorbs and carries out the command, but after several repetitions he quickly loses interest in it. Therefore, an individual approach to training is very important, when new techniques are alternated with the repetition of already learned commands.

Taking care of your health. The delicate nature of twins is susceptible to numerous illnesses, serious and not so serious. The main problems are bones and joints, so arthritis and dysplasia are the lot of many of these dogs. Not in good health and digestive system- in twins, diarrhea often alternates with constipation, problems with appetite and digestion of food arise. Often the only solution is to use digestive enzymes ("festal") throughout life. Twins often have very tender and sensitive skin, they should not stay in the open sun for a long time - the formation of pigment spots on the nose and even eczema is possible. In the case histories of “twins” there are blood diseases...

As you can see, Geminis are by no means the healthiest sign of the zodiac; in addition, animals are prone to failure immune system and, as a result, weak resistance to infectious diseases.

Geminis are parents. Our heroes often give their children much more freedom than they actually need. Twins need something new every day, and then there is feeding and hourly licking of the babies... Therefore, unobtrusive but steady control on the part of the owner is required. Yes, I must say honestly, twins are not at all an example of motherhood.

Relationships with other zodiac signs. Those born under the sign of Gemini establish good relationships with most animals, but occasionally have difficulties with slow, phlegmatic creatures.

So: If you need an active, energetic creature that can completely fill your entire life, the Gemini dog will cope with this task brilliantly. But if you need to often leave your dog alone, the twin is not for you. Most of all, such a dog is suitable for sports people with plenty of free time.

Dog - Cancer
June 22 - July 22

Symbol: Cancer, a creature with a gentle soul protected by a hard shell.
Keywords: homeliness, suspicion, emotional support.
Dominant principle: "I feel".
Dominant planet: Moon.
Stones: moonstone, ruby, emerald.
Metal: silver.
Lucky days: Monday Thursday.
Bad days: Tuesday, Saturday.

The Zodiac sign Cancer is characterized by a special relationship with the animal kingdom, since it is ruled by the Moon. It is believed that the Moon is the mysterious Hecate, the goddess of the night, the ruler of all ghosts and mysteries. Hecate rules the dark side of the Moon and the instincts of animals, as well as the baser passions of man. Dogs serve as conductors of these mysterious forces, influencing the people with whom they live.

Dog-Cancer very devoted to her home and the entire family of her owner. If such a dog finds itself away from its family, it becomes restless and restless. The kind-hearted Rottweiler is a typical Cancer dog. Dogs born under the sign of Cancer, like their “older brothers,” are often monogamous.

The Cancer Dog takes special care of his family and close friends. If she becomes friends with someone, then it will be a friendship for the rest of her life. Sometimes such care manifests itself in the form of a kind of protection. It doesn’t matter who the enemy is, but if he attacks and threatens the Cancer dog’s friend, then he will definitely be in trouble. Showing concern for others is characteristic of the Cancer dog like no other.

You should always be kind to your Cancer dog. She is extremely sensitive to what or how you say. The one who offended the Cancer Dog will not receive forgiveness for quite a long time. The words spoken or the action committed by someone will emerge in the dog’s memory every time he sees this person.

The appearance of a Cancer dog in your home (or any other dog during the period of this sign) may be related to your home or your family, since the constellation Cancer is the House of the Hearth. The Cancer Dog will always defend your home and your family. If you are alone in your apartment, then the Cancer dog with its appearance will bring hope for new house And new family. It is noteworthy that for single people, purchasing a Cancer dog will happily affect their family life. She can also silently remind you of your parents and mentally return you to the days of cloudless childhood spent in your father's house.

Compatibility with other signs.
Harmony: Scorpio, Pisces.
Friendship: Virgo, Taurus.
Conflict: Capricorn, Aries, Libra.

Health: You will see that your Cancer dog tends to be overweight. She may also suffer from intestinal and stomach disorders.

A Cancer dog may get bruised or injured while traveling with its owner. She is capable of experiencing acute pain if her owner's beloved family breaks up. The Cancer Dog is very sensitive to the needs of the elderly and children. Such a dog intuitively senses when it is needed and immediately comes to the rescue. The Cancer Dog is cool towards annoying and noisy guests who disturb the peace of the people it cares about.

Dog - Leo
July 23 - August 22

All lion dogs walking around with their heads held high. Such dogs seem to know from birth about their “royal” origin and destiny to command. It doesn’t matter if it’s a purebred dog or a simple mongrel.

Ruled by the Sun, Leo dogs always strive for knowledge of the unknown. These animals, full of their own dignity, have been in conflict with their brothers since the cradle, but in the end the role of leader “not in words, but in deeds” always remains with the lions. Leos are very serious, although they have a sense of humor. They are very prone to philosophical reflection, so it is advisable to provide your companion with a separate room.

Knowing the barking lions' penchant for exploration, it is recommended to take dogs on any trip. To keep your pet lion completely happy, try to make every walk an adventure. Like no other zodiac sign, dogs born under the constellation Leo love going to the forest or a nearby park - because there you can find something interesting under every bush.

Any guest who enters the domain of a respectable “king of beasts” will be received with the usual favor of a king. But he will always be made to understand, be it another animal or a person, that in the “lion’s castle” he is just a guest, albeit a welcome one.

All lions are by nature excellent defenders of the lair and members of the “royal family”, where you and your household undoubtedly find themselves. But remember, such a dog will feel unhappy and broken if you establish a relationship with it using brute force. The “monarchs” also react very negatively to any encroachment on the “holy of holies” - their freedom. It is unacceptable to plant born of a lion On a leash or locking one in a confined space for a long time, you can simply “break” the dog. But under no circumstances should you indulge him in everything, otherwise very soon the dog will rule you and it will be very difficult to change the current situation. The best thing is a firm, calm, friendly approach.

Leos have great difficulty adapting to a new environment, so moving to another place of residence is associated with mental trauma for dogs; they get used to it difficult and slowly. All lion dogs, regardless of their gender, are great with children.

Animals born under this sign, as a rule, are distinguished by well-developed powerful jaws, eyes are usually brown or sky blue, and a powerful skeleton with well-developed muscles.

Puppies. Even at the most tender age, puppies look like real princes. Having left the lion cub alone for some time at your summer cottage, do not be surprised if, by the time you return, the puppy will be at the head of a flock of neighboring cats and even dogs. He is a leader and that says it all!

Therefore, never undermine your friend’s authority with severe reprimands or, especially, physical force in the presence of strangers or “faces”. The dog will be happy if he follows his own, lion's, path in everything. Well, so be it, if it does not cross the boundaries of what is permitted! Be as gentle as possible in handling the lion cub, only then will the raising process be significantly facilitated by the enthusiasm of the person being raised. Leos are created for supremacy, so puppies absolutely love any gatherings where this main feature of theirs can manifest itself. All lions are created by nature for all kinds of exhibitions and competitions, so they endure training without complaint.

Training. Lions have several characteristics that should be taken into account when training. First of all, dogs have excellent memory. Animals of this type love to learn, and then they always work only at the highest level. Do not forget about encouragement after a successful result, but remember his royal temper - encouragement should not look like a pathetic handout, but only a well-deserved prize.

All Leos are actors in some way and love to be the center of everyone's attention. Some of their actions may look too eccentric, but if necessary, this difficult dog will perform any exercise with brilliance and will never back down in the face of imaginary or real danger.

Knowing the tendency of the “maned” animals to lead, experienced trainers use the help of such animals during group classes. Leo will quickly bring an overly naughty student to his senses (size, age and breed do not play any role in this case), will immediately extinguish the flaring fight and will be ready to show the “low student” an exercise until he is completely exhausted.

Taking care of your health. Cardiac problems come first for lion dogs. Therefore, before serious symptoms of the disease appear, it makes sense to show the dog to a specialist and follow his recommendations.

Animals are also susceptible to so-called “spinal” chronic diseases: displacement of vertebral discs, osteochondrosis - all this is not uncommon in lions. Fortunately, ailments are quite easy to correct. Another weak point is the liver. Remember this and provide your pet with proper nutrition from a very early age.

Leos are parents. Those born under this sign have a highly developed instinct of motherhood. These are ideal mothers; usually they do not have any problems with raising their offspring. In addition, lionesses, as a rule, have abundant and prolonged lactation, so the puppies grow up large and healthy.

Relationships with other zodiac signs. Leos are quite compatible with the vast majority of other signs. Moreover, lions always protect their friends - both other animals and humans. The most successful combinations are with Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Taurus and Gemini, as well as with your own sign. Virgo and Pisces can temporarily suppress Leo.

Conflicts between Leo and Aquarius and Scorpio are likely.

So: if you are looking for a dog that is eager to immediately carry out your every order, if it is ready to walk on a leash or sit on a chain all day, a lion dog is simply contraindicated for you. After all, a king cannot be a second-class creature. He is the one leading you on a leash! But if you need a guard for your possessions (even small ones, even tiny ones), if you and your family are ready to conform to royal manners, choose a lion and get a noble heart of a knight, loyal to you to the end.

Dog - Virgo
August 23 - September 22

Virgo dogs , ruled by Mercury, are not very welcoming to guests. On the other hand, a certain lightness of their nature allows them to while away their leisure time in games with sparrows and butterflies. The passion for fun with those who are significantly inferior to the virgin dogs in size and intelligence can lead to various oddities.

For example, there is one famous English setter, an obvious maiden, of course, who loved playing with earthworms so much that he spent whole hours in the rain. And it was simply impossible to drive him home until he had played enough. This is just one example that confirms how resilient virgins are able to derive joy from communicating with the world around them.

If you want your barking maiden to make friends with the pets of your neighbor in the country house or landing, you should introduce them to them at as young an age as possible. In general, dogs born under this sign are very friendly and nice to family members. The animal is distinguished by the ability to very sensitively capture all the nuances of the owner’s mood, so they are irreplaceable companions in both joy and sorrow.

Despite all their sensitivity, Virgos are usually restrained in showing emotions. Even after a long separation, the dog will not jump on you and lick your face and other parts of the body visible to it. But the owner will constantly feel the unobtrusive attention of a friend. And the most “high” for a gentle and faithful furry maiden is to lie at the feet of the owner while watching nightly television programs. Such animals are very attentive, careful, they think about every decision or action for a long time and carefully.

Another feature of the aristocratic nature of a maiden is pickiness in everything: food, acquaintances, etc. The taste of maidens is so refined that often the animals themselves suffer from it: most maidens are not distinguished by their heroic build and good appetite.

Virgo dogs are very clean; they are unlikely to need frequent bathing with detergents. Even in rainy, dirty weather, such a dog will avoid puddles without any strain and is able to return home even cleaner than before the walk. As for some external features characteristic of virgins, these animals are closer to the lower limit of the standard. The bones are well developed, but do not give the impression of power, the muscles are light, but prominent, providing the dog with speed of movement and maneuverability. Shiny thick fur complements the appearance of the maiden. Those born under this sign have brown eyes. In general, a Virgo dog should give the impression of grace, lightness and beauty, like a collie, Doberman or greyhound. Despite this, Virgo dogs are very strong and require calm and even handling from the owner.

Puppies. Little maidens are very smart and almost silent. Hardly without good reason they will bother you by barking or howling. Some happy owners, having taken a puppy into their home, cannot even get any sounds from such a “silent” puppy during the first few weeks. I'll have to struggle with feeding. Virgo puppies often drive their new owners into a complete frenzy, flatly refusing not only porridge and cottage cheese, but also veal tenderloin! At that time, a tomboy can gobble up spoiled fish or a soft pickled cucumber with an enviable appetite.

Virgo puppies are amazingly capable of learning and copying, and are very smart. Due to their innate intelligence and cleanliness, juniors quickly master the skills of keeping the house clean.

To maintain fur and stimulate blood circulation in the outer layers of the skin, brush your puppy regularly with a comb or a special natural bristle brush. Virgo puppies have very delicate skin, so do not wash them with shampoo too often, only in case of radical contamination. After a bath, it is good to use a special balm-conditioner for wool - this will prevent excessive dryness of the skin and brittle hair.

The Virgo puppy really needs almost every minute confirmation of your love - caresses, stroking, tender words. This is necessary for the formation of further social relationships of the dog both with relatives and with people. To some extent, Virgos are slaves to their own habits; they really don’t like it when the time of eating or walking changes, when one of the family members decides to pour water into a different bowl or remove their favorite bone from under the sofa.

Training. The Virgo Dog loves to study and has good abilities. The dog is delighted by the feeling of being needed when it quickly and accurately fulfills the owner’s request. Undoubtedly, these animals, with skillful training, become excellent working dogs. For them there is no better entertainment than fetching.

When training, it should be taken into account that it is difficult for virgins to focus their attention on one thing for a long time. In this case, encouragement is necessary. A tired dog, hearing admiration in the owner’s voice, will repeat a complex and no longer interesting exercise for him in order to receive from you yet another confirmation of his need. And in general, Virgo receives great satisfaction from work. To “revive” your skills, training is required from time to time.

Virgo parents. Despite the fact that all virgins love to take care of small and helpless creatures, a young mother will gladly accept your help, especially if there are a lot of puppies. But for virgins, large litters are rare. The Virgo mother is usually strict with the puppies and does not allow them anything unnecessary.

Virgin fathers, if given the opportunity, do not shy away from fulfilling their duty and are happy to walk their children, introducing them to the wonderful world.

Relationships with other zodiac signs. Virgos have the best relationships with Virgos, Cancers, Taurus and Capricorns. Virgos have a rather complicated relationship with Aquarius and Gemini.

So: If you don’t mind stroking your own vanity, then the Virgo dog is perfect for you, because this animal is a born showman, often taking prizes at the most prestigious exhibitions. Virgos are extremely easy to communicate with and are excellent at training.

Dog - Libra
September 24 - October 23

Symbol : Scales. The only inanimate object among the other signs. Essentially aimed at finding qualities that its owners lack. This explains their indecisiveness.
Keywords: cooperation, partnership, balance.
Dominant principle: "Balance".
Dominant planet: Venus.
Stones: opal, lapis lazuli, peridot, diamond.
Metal: bronze.
Lucky days: Friday Saturday.
Bad days: Tuesday, Sunday.

Libra, the seventh sign of the Zodiac, is traditionally associated with establishing and developing close relationships. Many astrologers consider it a sign of balance. If we are talking about personal relationships, then quite often, contrary to popular belief, Libra experiences a stage of uncertainty, which leads to a change in the status of the relationship, or to a change in conclusions, or to jumps in the emotional mood, i.e. up and down, for and against, etc. Don't lose hope! Sooner or later the scales will come into balance.

Libra dogs should be walked daily. They just need to hang out with other dogs. Libra is influenced by Venus, the goddess of love. Therefore, Libra dogs should not be kept locked up during the mating period. Since Libras are passionate about communication, believe me, a Libra dog can not only introduce you to other dogs, but also to their owners.

Libra dogs are calm and peaceful by nature. They extremely rarely show strong negative emotions, but if they “go off the rails,” they are terrible in their anger. Fortunately, they are not touchy. If there is a misunderstanding between you, do not take it seriously - it will not last long.

The appearance of a Libra dog in your home (or any other dog during the sign of Libra) may coincide with a stage of your life when you need communication and mutual understanding. The Libra Dog to a certain extent compensates for the lack of human mutual understanding. It could also be a sign of an upcoming wedding or the establishment of close friendships. Very soon you will be able to achieve harmony in your relationship with your Libra dog - dogs are not as picky as people.

Compatibility with other signs.
Harmony: Aquarius, Gemini.
Friendship: Sagittarius, Leo.
Conflict: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer.

Health: The weak point is the glasses. Reflex connection with the head, especially with the eyes. Energy is often below normal levels.

The Libra dog is a picky eater and requires a balanced diet. Due to excessive curiosity, she can fall into various traps. Make sure you haven't locked it in the refrigerator or bathroom. They like the bright and pleasant environment of your home. They love getting their hair cut in a fashionable salon. The Libra Dog is a very good mediator in resolving conflict situations arising between people. It relieves tension naturally and unobtrusively.

Dog - Scorpio
October 24 - November 22

Symbol: Scorpio and eagle. They symbolize overcoming base passions. This sign has always been correlated with the mystical life force in the critical phases of transformation: conception, birth, death.
Keywords: perseverance, renovationist, mystery.
Dominant principle: "I wish".
Dominant planets: Pluto and Mars.
Stones: ruby, topaz, aquamarine, coral, malachite.
Metal: iron, steel.
Lucky day: Tuesday.
Bad days: Monday Friday.

The sign of Scorpio reflects in the horoscope the principle of desire, emotional struggle and vicissitudes of fate. It is also the House of death, or rather of renewal. This is a sign of an all-consuming desire - to exist, to live, to feel.

Animals born under the sign of Scorpio exhibit these characteristic traits through their owners rather than through their interactions with each other. Similar to the fate of man, the fate of an animal involves other animals and people in the cosmic game. This group involvement is especially common with pets born under the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio dogs are perhaps the only ones among dogs who choose their future owners themselves, and not vice versa. As soon as you have a Scorpio dog, you should expect: everything will turn either for the better or for the worse. The Scorpio Dog is the builder of its future. She can so easily gain your trust and make it easier for you to make positive decisions that before you know it, the Scorpio dog will be at your home. It can appear in your life at a critical moment and help fundamentally transform your personality. Her friendship with you will be strong and lasting.

You should not leave a Scorpio dog alone for a long time, as its energy requires immediate release and it can become uncontrollable. As a result, any accidents are possible.

Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars. This is why Scorpio dogs are usually fearless, energetic, and have the potential of a compressed spring. They can sense approaching danger a mile away, give you a warning signal and come to your defense without fear or reproach.

The appearance of a Scorpio dog (or any other dog during this period) in your home is never accidental. Your meeting was predetermined! The situation is probably out of control at the moment. You can adopt a Scorpio dog for a day or two, but rest assured that he will stay with you for life, or until your problems are resolved.

Compatibility with other signs.
Harmony: Pisces, Cancer.
Friendship: Capricorn, Virgo.
Conflict: Aquarius, Taurus, Leo.

Health: The Scorpio Dog has enviable health. Vulnerable places: nose, throat, back and paws.

The Scorpio Dog can be used to perform all types of protection. The aggressive instincts of such a dog can suddenly lead it into a state of rage and anger. In addition, she can harbor a grudge for a long time. At the same time, the Scorpio dog is a very good tracker; she can find things lost a long time ago and bring them to you. Regardless of your mood, never raise your voice at your Scorpio dog and never force him to perform tricks in front of guests if this is against his wishes.

Dog - Sagittarius
November 23 - December 21

Symbol: Centaur with a bow and aimed arrow. A symbol of far-reaching, boundless, tireless idealistic intentions, characteristic of the impulsive Sagittarius.
Keywords: freedom, independence, adventure.
Dominant principle: "I see".
Dominant planet: Jupiter.
Stones: topaz, amethyst, sapphire, agate, turquoise, carbuncle, emerald.
Metals: zinc, tinplate,
Lucky day: Tuesday.
Unlucky day: Wednesday.

Sagittarius is a sign of independence and freedom. Those born under this sign love freedom and adventure, long trips. Many runaway dogs are most likely born under the sign of Sagittarius. Lassie, the famous dog from the television series, is a typical representative of this sign. Traveling all over the country, she is always ready to come to the rescue of people and restore justice. Animals need freedom just like people. Sagittarius dogs cannot become completely domestic. From time to time they need to be given complete freedom so that they can enjoy the world around them. Don't worry - they will definitely return to their home.

Sagittarius dogs love to travel with their owners. They make excellent hunting dogs or excellent companions on any journey, as well as excellent treasure hunters. They enjoy spending weekends with you, love to play and need regular exercise. They are extraordinary revelers. Sagittarius dogs love to explore their surroundings and meet other pets. They will become attached to you for a long time, provided that they can enjoy freedom and independence. Otherwise, Sagittarius dogs may disappear from your life forever.

The appearance of a Sagittarius dog in your home (or any other dog during this period) indicates that a period has come for you highest achievements both in the spiritual and material spheres. Maybe you are waiting for a trip “across three seas”, a time of change or gaining new experience.

Compatibility with other signs.
Harmony: Aries, Leo.
Friendship: Aquarius, Libra.
Conflict: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo,

Health: As a rule, the Sagittarius dog has good health. He gets sick very rarely and gets better quickly. Vulnerabilities: hip joints and lungs. Tend to be overweight.

Sagittarius dogs are very vulnerable and often take the imaginary for reality. Be patient with them. They love cleanliness and order. Sagittarius is a lucky sign for racing dogs. They enjoy good company and love to party. Sagittarius dogs are always on the move. They are regular participants in various exhibitions and competitions. They are very inventive. And if you manage to understand them, the employees of the latent bureau will have more work, and you will have more fame and money. Don't be surprised if one day your Sagittarius dog lands on another planet under the close attention of television cameras.

Source: "Your Dog's Horoscope" (Antonella De Missini)


If you are an ARIES

These dogs, just like representatives of the Aries sign, are courageous and courageous, but stubborn and capricious at the same time. Therefore, Aries can look at them as a “mirror” of their own shortcomings and strengths.

Chihuahuas are considered decorative dogs, although their courage is enough to protect themselves from larger dogs, and to protect their owner and home.

The willfulness of Chihuahuas can be expressed even at a young age, for example, when they meet their owner, at first they carefully watch him and, as it were, try how large the scope of the things allowed to them is, at the same time trying to win for themselves more rights and freedoms. Therefore, it is important to immediately discipline them and never allow them to exceed the norm, otherwise these smart girls and beauties turn into monsters and dictate their will to all family members, considering themselves the master of the house.

These dogs need exercise and should not be kept indoors all the time. Therefore, Aries will have to overcome their inertia and laziness, and find time to work out with their beloved pet.

Chihuahuas, despite their small size, are rightfully considered intelligent dogs, therefore they need communication with other people and dogs, and long walks, where they behave like little explorers. They cannot tolerate long separation from their owner, they cannot be left at home for a long time, and their development must be constantly addressed.

If you are a TAURUS

Taurus are thorough in everything and self-confident, sometimes sentimental, but this does not prevent them from standing firmly on their feet and appreciating home comfort and harmony. And the Dachshund, an active and cheerful, active and proactive dog, can bring comfort and harmony into the Taurus home. She can be slightly aggressive with strangers, but Taurus can easily cope with these difficulties of upbringing, since they have the gift of pedagogy. In addition, their universal calm and equanimity will inevitably be transmitted to the pet and have a beneficial effect on the Dachshund.

The dachshund has hunting inclinations, and boasts an excellent sense of smell and the ability to dig holes - this she will happily demonstrate in the garden. And on cold days it will be cozy to snooze, curled up and create comfort and peace for Taurus in the house.

With children, Dachshund takes part in all outdoor games and will not miss an opportunity to run, jump and bark to his heart's content. Despite its short legs, the dachshund can be a faithful companion for Taurus on any, even long walks. And they both need it: the dachshund requires regular walks because it tends to gain weight. excess weight; Taurus also needs walks fresh air or even jogging.

If you are GEMINI

Impulsive intellectuals with a penchant for various fields of activity, Geminis constantly find themselves a hundred different activities. Their agile and easy-going nature is perfect for a pug. Pugs have an iron psyche, they are a cheerful little dog that looks surprisingly exotic. Such a dog will only calmly watch how Gemini grabs onto many things at once, and will even forgive the lack of attention, without requiring concentrated painstaking care for its coat or health. The pug is energetic and can handle more serious workloads than many other small dogs. Therefore, he needs jogging in the fresh air or at least on a treadmill. It is for such dogs that fashionable clothes are now being created. GYM's for dogs. Pugs enjoy using exercise machines; it is not difficult for the owner to accustom these intelligent dogs to such products of civilization.

This is one of the most adapted dogs for the city. However, if you overfeed your pug, it will turn from an elegant, resilient companion into a fat, lazy and unhealthy dog. In addition, the weak point of this breed is the breathing apparatus. Therefore, Gemini will have to make sure that the dog does not become overtired from running around, is not in a stuffy room, and does not overheat in hot weather.

If you are CANCER

The Pekingese values ​​comfort too much and loves an orderly, measured life, so these aristocrats of the canine world are most suitable for Cancers. Who are the same adherents of comfort and who just like air need to live in a beautiful and functional house or apartment. Kind and sensitive Cancers almost always have pets in their home.

It’s not for nothing that Pekingese are considered imperial dogs; they don’t like noise and din, they don’t like outdoor games at all and they are almost impossible to train. They need a diet and walks, dental care and, of course, care for their wonderful coat. In addition, they need affection and understanding that they are loved, otherwise they will feel depressed and may even get sick. All this can be provided to them by responsible and attentive Cancers.

The Pekingese is a cat of the dog world, with all the resulting habits and preferences. You should not expect these dogs to love children - they are not capable of this and perceive children solely as a source of noise and disorder. Therefore, you should not have them if there are small children in the house. This breed does not tolerate any familiarity and is full of self-respect, so it is unlikely to tolerate manifestations of children’s emotions and any kind of squeezing.

If you are a LEO

Leo natures are strong, intelligent, and absolutely cannot stand loneliness or any manifestations of inattention from others. Powerful and ambitious, as befits their sign, they are always in the center of events and in the spotlight.

The Shih Tzu, the “chrysanthemum dog,” will be their faithful companion. This is a cheerful and charming little indoor dog that loves the company of people and does not tolerate inattention. She is exceptionally smart, self-confident and patiently waits for her daily toilet, for which you will have to devote a lot of time. Leos will certainly appreciate the Shih Tzu's mane, which requires some maintenance. For example, daily brushing with a natural bristle brush. You also need to tie the bangs with a ribbon, otherwise your pet’s eyes will hurt.

Leos are very concerned about their appearance and their image, so keeping their pet in order will be a matter of course for them. Shih Tzus are great fashionistas, and Leos who do not follow fashion, but create it, will be able to try themselves as stylists. Shih Tzus love tactful attention and affection.

The decorative nature of the Shih Tzu is beyond doubt, so caring for them requires a certain amount of money and time.

If you are a VIRGO

Despite their passion for cleanliness and order, Virgos almost always have pets, and most often these are dogs. Dogs for Virgos can be of any breed. An aristocratic Bichon Frize, which traces its ancient family back to ancient times, is also suitable. Terriers of all types and sizes are also suitable for Virgos.

Bichon Frizes won the hearts of the French and Spanish nobility; their images are found in the paintings of Francisco Goya.

Very lovable and cheerful, the Bichon Frize is affectionate and cheerful, and becomes a family favorite. Brave, noble, intelligent, loyal, easily trainable animals are quite suitable for city life, provided they take regular walks. They are very happy to have the opportunity to frolic without a leash and run free. Bichons require very careful and painstaking coat care, so they should not be owned by those who do not want to spend time thoroughly combing, bathing, trimming and grooming the dog.

But as a result of these efforts, hardworking Virgos will have a dog that they can rightfully be proud of, as well-groomed bichons look so impressive and noble. With proper training, these dogs make a lasting impression on others.

If you are a LIBRA

Yorkies are one of the most popular small dogs in the world. They, unlike their other little brothers, are not aggressive or overly excitable, have a good-natured disposition, and are friendly to everyone, even children. Apparently this is why they are so popular.

Libra, in turn, is also very balanced and cannot stand scandals, quarrels, or even just rude speech. Therefore, these magnanimous intellectuals of the dog world are more suitable for them than anyone else.

Yorkies, like most dogs, love to walk, jump, and run. Taking care of them is a pleasure, although they have a thin, long and silky coat identical to human hair (it does not cause allergies and is not prone to seasonal shedding). They are patient and calmly endure all dog grooming procedures. Apparently realizing that this makes them even more beautiful.

Together with the charming little Yorkshire, Libra will find it easy to make a favorable impression on others. In addition, Libra, who is not very decisive in experimenting with appearance, will be able to switch to pets. Yorkies, even in old age, have a resilient character, good nature and intelligence. Ideal companions for subtle and exalted Libra.

If you are a SCORPIO

Toy terriers are a rather nervous dog with a delicate psyche and understand perfectly well that anyone can offend such a little thing. Scorpios have a weakness for dogs that are nervous and unsure of their safety. It is Scorpios who perfectly understand such dogs because, despite their apparent confidence and independence, deep down they are very wary of the surrounding reality. Scorpios generally like to help the weak and defenseless, and if they don’t help, then you can certainly count on sympathy from them.

Typically, the English Toy Terrier has good health, a lively, playful disposition, caring for him is not difficult, loves children, and is intelligent. He is well adapted to life in the city; he does not need large apartment spaces, although any dog, even such a small one, will feel better in a large apartment. Although this is a fairly healthy and hardy breed, it should be dressed in warm dog clothing in cool weather.

Toy terriers are very gentle, graceful dogs; under no circumstances should they be picked up by the front paws or, like a kitten, by the scruff of the neck - the shoulder ligaments may tear and the dog will remain crippled. It is best to place the puppy in your hand, so that its chest lies in the palm of your hand and its paws hang between your fingers.

If you are a SAGITTARIUS

All Sagittarius are independent, brave, smart, do not recognize authority and prefer sports and travel to a sedentary and monotonous lifestyle.

Although at first glance miniature pinscher doesn’t really suit them, because after all, he’s not a hunting dog. And all hunting breeds are undoubtedly suitable for Sagittarius. But among small dogs, the miniature pinscher is the most fearless, despite its size, and the most curious. On walks it can cover long distances. In general, he can frolic in nature all day long. These dogs are simply an inexhaustible source of energy and rarely get tired. And they are always as optimistic as Sagittarius. They are perfect for each other, and may well become friends who understand each other perfectly. Another advantage of this breed is that it sheds very rarely and therefore requires minimal grooming. The dog naturally looks well-groomed, behaves proudly, is always lively and energetic. Natural qualities of the Pinscher that distinguish it from the rest dwarf breeds, is absolute fearlessness, complaisance, complete self-control and a lively mind.

If you are a CAPRICORN

Capricorns are natural and simple, economical and love functionality in everything; they rarely bother with decoration. They rarely blindly follow fashion, because they almost always know exactly what they want and what they really need. At the same time, they often become fashion trendsetters themselves. Apparently because they radiate confidence in themselves and their capabilities.

A cheerful and unpretentious dog, smart and with a good nervous system, will suit them. Jack Russell Terriers are just such dogs, they are brave, cheerful, loyal and obedient. They look very nice. Like all small terriers, they were once used to hunt small animals that lived in burrows. Gradually, this baby became a domestic dog.

Russells do not require extensive grooming, and they have virtually no health problems.

They feel great both in the apartment and on long journeys. They are also absolutely non-aggressive towards their owners and small children, even strangers.

If you are AQUARIUS

Typical Aquarians are friendly and good-natured; they may well make mistakes in communicating with others, but their goodwill neutralizes everything; the sympathies of those around them are invariably on their side. For all their diversity and inconsistency, Aquarians combine a craving for originality and even extravagance with a strong attachment to the classics.

The Maltese is quite an original purchase, because... Currently, it is not a particularly popular breed; the peak of its popularity in our country occurred in the 70s of the last century. And international popularity dates back to the more ancient times of the Middle Ages, when these dogs were owned by kings and sultans, cardinals and other nobility. This almost forgotten breed looks interesting and original in the setting of a modern home, and at the same time is undoubtedly a classic sofa dog.

In addition, the Maltese is as good-natured and forgiving as Aquarians, and is guaranteed to be everyone's favorite. She can be trusted to play with children, she is usually in good health and remains cheerful until the end of her long life. The Maltese has a number of characteristics: it is very unpretentious in terms of walks; extremely child friendly; has an affectionate character; needs careful daily grooming, but does not shed either in spring or autumn, and her coat always looks luxurious. She will be devoted to Aquarians who value friendship and will become their unobtrusive companion on walks and travels.

If you are a PISCES

This breed looks very exotic and even fantastic; you always want to pet this dog, and after petting it, you want to hug its velor body. It is impossible to remain indifferent to them.

The Chinese Hairless Dog has been known since ancient times. In the last century, this breed was especially popular in China, Africa, Mexico and Spain, but subsequently they stopped breeding them, and by 1966 only one American woman was the only happy owner of this breed.

The crested dog is gentle and touching, which will definitely appeal to dreamy and leisurely Pisces. She may well learn to go to the litter box, becoming absolutely domestic in every sense. The Chinese dog prevents quarrels and scandals in the house with truly fabulous magic - all she has to do is look reproachfully at the disputants, and any conflict subsides.

And such variety in color is rarely found in other breeds. The Chinese Crested can come in a variety of colors: pink, black, blue, lavender, copper or mahogany. Even in color it suits Pisces zodiacally.

Pisces, who do not like loud noises and fuss, also like the fact that these dogs never make noise or show aggressiveness. The character of a dog of this breed is very friendly; it is attached to all family members, especially children. These dogs are credited with the ability to heal and predict natural disasters.


All earthly creatures obey cosmic rhythms. Just as a person’s character depends on what star he was born under, so the behavior and manners of our smaller brothers, in particular dogs, are influenced by a certain zodiac sign. The dog horoscope is designed so that the owner of the animal knows how to approach it correctly, how to correct its behavior, train and manage it, and also has the opportunity to calculate the potential abilities of the pet, which are inherent in its date of birth.

An impulsive, cocky, excessively active animal. With a pronounced spirit of competition and instinct of exploration. As a result, they have an extremely high risk of getting into trouble, getting run over or falling into a heating main well. Therefore, proper training is of increased importance from a very early age. One of the favorite pastimes of the four-legged Aries is to pick up and eat some nasty thing. The dog horoscope does not recommend letting Aries off the leash without 100% confidence in his safety. Dog - Aries - an inexhaustible source of energy. You must be prepared for this. She absolutely loves long walks, running, active games or just running wild. If you deprive it of this opportunity, the dog will often mope, and may even get sick or become embittered. The dog horoscope advises people who lead an active lifestyle to have an Aries. The dog will be a great partner when playing sports, as he loves to compete and be competitive. Aries respect will. Therefore, from childhood they must be taught to use quick, clear, confident commands and gestures. And don't let them down. Otherwise, this little creature can easily poison your life.

Taurus A stubborn animal with a very complex psychotype. Violence has absolutely no effect on them. This dog cannot be crushed or broken. You can only direct her persistence and perseverance in the right direction, beneficial for her owner, by finding a special key - something interesting and important for the dog. In this case, Taurus becomes a diligent and obedient student. The process of learning and training is usually slow but effective. The four-legged Taurus is a very difficult dog for novice dog breeders. Often the dog begins to lead its owner, and this situation, if it is severely neglected, is almost impossible to correct. Innate perseverance, perseverance and stubbornness are very important qualities for a service dog. Taurus cannot stand haste and fuss. In general, Taurus are quite peaceful and friendly. From the outside it may seem that they are even melancholic. The main values ​​for them are their place in the house or in the yard, their “family” - “pack” and place in the hierarchy. The dog horoscope calls them ardent adherents of “house building”. Therefore, it is very important to show the dog its “place” even in the very beginning. early age. They are very conservative and resist change. Taurus are slightly lazy and do not really like to be overexerted physically. Tend to overeat. Therefore, to maintain health, they need to be additionally loaded. The dog horoscope recommends having Taurus as home guards or personal bodyguards. Since they are generally friendly within the family and towards strangers. But in case of danger you can rely on them. They are loyal to their master and home to the end.


Charming in his intelligence and sensitivity, but not a very loyal creature. Regardless of the breed, it needs increased attention and the owner must be ready to constantly groom and cherish this dog. But if you expect to acquire in the person of the Gemini Dog something like a comfortable sofa cushion, then the dog horoscope warns: don’t even hope! Gemini dogs have an agile mind, are very enterprising and unpredictable in their decisions. This is the only sign whose canine representatives are capable of deception. Owners of such dogs need to constantly direct the Gemini energy in a peaceful direction. Because if you don’t do this, then they themselves will find food for thought and entertainment that you are unlikely to like. Unfortunately, representatives of this sign more often than others run away and get lost, in search of adventure and new experiences. That is why the dog horoscope recommends starting to raise Gemini as early as possible. Little Geminis are incredibly curious, although they can be terrible cowards with a degree of nervousness. They quickly get tired of physical activity, so you need to work with them very carefully and carefully. It is very important to accustom these puppies to water correctly and without pressure, since Gemini dogs are not particularly fond of water procedures. Throughout their lives, Geminis should be protected from the cold. Dogs of this sign are highly susceptible to colds and various diseases associated with hypothermia. There are, of course, advantages to all this: Gemini dogs are superbly trainable and easily learn everything new. They are wonderful companions. With their emotionality and creativity, these dogs make you look at the world more easily and positively. They love to travel with their owner. If you come across a motorcycle on the road, in the sidecar of which sits a happy dog ​​with ears fluttering in the wind, then this is almost certainly a Gemini Dog!

The dog horoscope of this sign characterizes its representatives as ideal for a large friendly family with children and elderly people. Dogs - Cancers are the personification of care, affection, and devotion to home. They are friendly and easily adapt to the character of their owner. If relationships with someone in the household do not work out, then Cancers may develop depression. These dogs make wonderful nannies; you can safely leave small children with them without fear that the dog will harm or injure the child. Dog - Cancer has heightened feeling responsibility for those he loves. With all this, Cancers are quite touchy and require respectful treatment. Otherwise, they can organize various “protest marches” ranging from completely ignoring the offender to destroying his personal belongings. Dog health – Cancers are generally quite strong, but you should pay attention to gastrointestinal tract, because he is often prone to disorders. Cancer's food should always be fresh and of high quality. Cancers are very thoughtful and calm dogs with developed intelligence. They perfectly feel the mood of the owner, they can be both incredibly playful and sincerely compassionate, unobtrusive friends who are always nearby. Cancers are highly trainable due to their innate gentleness and amazing memory. The dog horoscope claims that with them you can easily make the dream of delivering slippers to your beloved owner or even a dog going shopping with a string bag in its teeth come true!

Watching a Leo dog, you will never be mistaken as to whether it belongs to this particular sign. These dogs, regardless of size, are characterized by royalty, self-esteem and fearlessness. The dog horoscope notes that these dogs will never bark in vain and will not allow themselves to be made into house calls. Even in games they do not accept familiarity. Their relationships with their owners are built on the principles of a clear hierarchy, in which Leo, in the worst case for him, will take second place after the head of the family. Dogs - Leos are not very good as a pet for a child, because these dogs are quite arrogant and will rarely allow a “junior in rank” to control them. For all their fortitude, Leos are somewhat weak in health. They get tired quickly, they have a rather weak heart, and their blood vessels are prone to sclerosis. Therefore, their diet must contain vegetables rich in vitamins and potassium, as well as foods containing protein, since these dogs expend a lot of energy. Lions are quite amenable to training, but mainly not because they want to please their owner or get a treat, but because it is not a royal thing to behave like a mongrel. The dog horoscope recommends: if you need an additional incentive to feel high self-esteem, then this zodiac psychotype is exactly what you need!

The most adequate psychotype of an animal for the home. Dogs - Virgos are very obedient, disciplined, and rarely cause chaos in the house, even in puppyhood. Not touchy or depressed. These are dogs for organized or elderly people, i.e. those who are not touched by “cute pranks” in the form of dirty paws on the sofa or a torn down pillow. Virgo dogs have an incredibly developed sense of responsibility and awareness of their own unworthy behavior. You will understand that your pet has done something by his bashful look and increased degree of obedience. Like many dogs, Virgos have weak intestines. Any food that is not fresh can cause loose stools. The dog horoscope considers Virgos to be so smart that learning to count and letters can easily be included in the standard training package. In general, these are excellent guards and selfless defenders of the owner.

The calling of Libra dogs is to balance the emotional and energy flows in the house. The dog horoscope notes that in families where representatives of this sign live, peace and mutual understanding reign. Looking at the grace and good manners inherent in Virgos, even children do not have the desire to frivolously cuddle the fluffy one. These animals have a very finely organized nervous system. They absolutely cannot stand scandals and conflicts in the house. If they are surrounded by a tense emotional situation, which they, as a rule, are not able to understand, then Libra cannot avoid a nervous breakdown. The dog horoscope believes that the saying “all illnesses come from nerves” directly applies to representatives of this particular star sign. Against the background of nervous disorders, they may develop skin diseases and hair problems, including the formation of eczema. These dogs are also susceptible urolithiasis. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that they drink as much clean filtered water as possible and get everything essential vitamins and microelements, especially phosphorus. Virgos feel most comfortable in a friendly family where they love to play music. After all, then there is an opportunity to “practice vocals.” Although, perhaps, the love of “singing” to music in Virgo dogs is associated with the peculiarities of heightened hearing, which distinguishes them from many other signs. So, when getting a Virgo dog, make sure that “Italian passions” are not raging in your family.


A very complex animal in its psychotype. This is a dog for very strong-willed, intelligent and balanced people. The dog horoscope warns against acquiring a Scorpio unless you have enough time and patience to understand her passion in life. A sea of ​​energy that needs a regular release in the form of long, exhausting walks can overwhelm this creature if you don’t pay enough attention, and the dog risks turning into a domestic aggressor. The Scorpio dog has only two concepts in relation to others: friend and enemy. You absolutely cannot put pressure on this astrological entity, much less beat it, because in this case “every action leads to a reaction” and as a result you will get, to put it mildly, an offended dog. And the offended Scorpio will take revenge. And when you least expect it. Considering the increased sensitivity of such a dog, it will bite into your hand during that period of time when you are just thinking about hitting it and are about to raise your hand to strike, warns the dog horoscope. Despite the complexity of the dog’s character, Scorpios are highly trainable. They are unsurpassed bloodhounds thanks to their amazing sense of smell and wild passion. According to unofficial dog horoscope data, the best customs dogs belong to the sign of Scorpio. With the right approach and upbringing, you will get a smart, strong, healthy, extremely tenacious, true friend and comrade.

The dog horoscope identifies these dogs as excellent circus performers due to their sociability and curiosity. They love to run around in nature, splash into the river, and get along wonderfully with children. Sagittarians easily survive various moves and are ideal for various trips. They are not very disciplined in nature, but are remarkably trainable. Sagittarius dogs are very open and do not understand if the owner shows his bad mood towards them. In this case, these animals either become upset, taking the emotions of a loved one personally, or are offended if they understand that they have done nothing to deserve the anger being taken out on them. They, of course, are not as vindictive as Scorpios and not as sensitive as Cancers, but still, if you have a Sagittarius dog, then control your behavior. In general, Sagittarians do not create problems; they are energetic, but reasonable, passionate, but not to the point of fanaticism, emotional, but without nervous disorders. Sagittarians are dogs for a young active family with a creative approach to life.

For Capricorn dogs, as the dog horoscope states, routine occupies an important place in life. When getting this naturally organized animal, be prepared for the fact that you will have to feed, walk, play and coexist almost on an alarm clock. And there can be no compromises or emergency circumstances. The fact is that these dogs have a heightened sense of time, and they are simply not able to adapt to the chaotic flow of life. True, thanks to this feature, they make exemplary service dogs. Capricorns have rather weak bones. Their diet must certainly contain foods rich in calcium and vitamins D, A, C and E to improve metabolism in bone tissue. Also, the dog horoscope calls for paying attention to the work of the Capricorns’ intestines. A tendency to constipation requires excluding rice, smoked sausages, and canned food from the diet. If possible, it is necessary to accustom Capricorn to vegetables and foods with coarse fiber. Dogs - Capricorns are very obedient, adequate and consistent in their actions. They are affectionate towards the owner and all family members and strive to show their love in every possible way. This perfect pets for military families, where discipline and organization are the essence of daily life.

Dogs of this sign can be described as rather exalted animals. These are the worst watchmen, because they surprisingly combine friendliness and cowardice. Dogs - Aquarians consist of continuous contradictions. Being very sociable, joyful and loving noisy companies, they absolutely do not accept screams and harsh sounds. They do not perceive aggression towards them well; physical punishment is absolutely inapplicable to them. Due to their weak nervous system, they often suffer from incontinence, so it is not recommended to scare them. In general, the subtle mental organization of four-legged Aquarius often provokes infectious diseases of the central nervous system, as a result of which they can develop nervous tic and various paralysis. Dogs of this sign are more likely than others to suffer from canine distemper (the so-called “distemper”) and need to be vaccinated against this disease on time. With all this, the completely self-sufficient and positively-minded nature of Aquarius provides the owners with the opportunity to live quite carefree in terms of caring for them. The dog horoscope considers them to be the dogs of bohemia, where the concepts of discipline are very relative. If the owners forget to feed the tailed Aquarius, it doesn’t matter! He will successfully replace food with sleep and will not be offended by them at all. The only thing that these dogs should always have at their disposal is a sufficient amount of water, as they drink a lot.

After communicating with these animals, there is a strong impression that Pisces dogs have a “sixth” sense. This is expressed in the amazing sensitivity and insight of Pisces. It’s as if they can read minds and guess the actions of the person in contact with them in advance. The dog horoscope believes that well-developed intuition is a natural phenomenon for almost all dogs, but in Pisces it is extremely developed! Fish are remarkably trainable. But you need to be extremely careful and careful with them. Since they are very vulnerable and touchy. With any incorrect intonation of voice or manifestation of aggression towards them, these dogs may become offended and “withdraw into themselves.” Pisces themselves are not aggressive, but they cannot stand aggression directed at them. The dog can either simply lie down and turn away, declaring a strike, or respond with the same coin. Pisces are subject to frequent, unmotivated mood swings. This cannot be explained, it just needs to be known and taken for granted. Fish (naturally) absolutely cannot live without water. Puddles, ditches, rivers, frogs, tadpoles are their outlet. And coupled with a tendency to colds and various pulmonary diseases, these “hobbies” can be dangerous. Pisces dogs can be real home healers. At a glance they can diagnose fatigue, decreased tone, and various disorders of the owner. They begin to get nervous and are ready to do everything in their power to help you. The dog horoscope recommends getting dogs born under the sign of Pisces for lonely older people. They are able to become a sincere, sensitive friend. And they will always be grateful for the love that they so need.

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Let your pet always be happy and healthy, and the DogBox store will do everything to help you achieve this goal. When a pet is happy, its owner is happy too! By contacting us, you will give real joy to both your dog and yourself!

People born in the year of the Dog are honest and uncompromising: the injustices happening around cannot leave them indifferent. They are always ready to defend the weak, which brings them in life not only a lot of conflicts and inconveniences, but also well-deserved respect and love from others.

The positive qualities of a Dog can be listed endlessly. She is smart, honest, loyal and brave. This is a devoted friend you can always rely on. In addition, the Dog is responsible, noble and will never leave you in trouble. In a team, the Dog prefers to listen rather than talk. She does not always know how to wrap her own thoughts in beautiful phrases, since she thinks first of all with her heart, therefore she usually prefers real actions to words, and in a conversation she is an excellent, understanding and sympathetic listener.

The dog has a vivid imagination, is easily able to understand someone else's situation and take it to heart. It often happens that, after listening to someone’s complaints about life, she rushes to help, selflessly spending her time and energy. Moreover, her help is not limited to advice alone, but, as a rule, turns out to be extremely specific and effective.

This character is very convenient for everyone who is close to her, but the Dog herself can sometimes suffer from it. Her keen sense of justice makes her not only sympathize with her loved ones, but also worry about things that she cannot change in any way: wars, poverty, disasters. All this is often the cause of her anxiety, but the hardest thing for her, as a person of honor, is to understand and accept betrayal - when faced with it directly, she can fall into depression and pessimism. In addition, the Dog often enters into battle with injustice in the heat of the moment, without thoroughly understanding the situation, and this makes it a source of conflicts and quarrels.

Responsibility, hard work, love for their work and good organizational skills make the Dog indispensable in the workplace, including in the highest management positions. She, like no one else, is wisely and effectively able to manage a team. The dog knows how to make decisions, achieve set goals and, although he does not chase money, he is quite capable of earning more than enough if he wants.

Noble and sincere, honest and generous, the Dog cannot put up with the imperfections of the world, knowing for sure that he can make it a little better.

Before getting a pet, check out the stars' recommendations. Sometimes it is difficult for us to get along with each other due to differences in temperament. Incompatibility can also arise between a dog and a person, so when choosing a pet, it is important to focus on what breed your horoscope advises you to get.


These people are active and energetic, independent and decisive. Most of their life is occupied by action. Men of this sign are leaders by nature, while women are distinguished by self-sufficiency and ambition. Suitable for Aries strong in character dogs: large Alabais, shepherds, Dobermans, boxers. A golden retriever or mountain dog can be a good friend. Such dogs are majestic, calm, but at the same time, they have a bit of stubbornness. Active training and walks in the fresh air will appeal to energetic Aries.

To take a break from an active lifestyle, representatives of the fire sign can get a smaller breed, for example, a Pekingese or a Chihuahua. These dogs are able to capture the mood of the owner.


Taurus are self-sufficient, peace-loving and good-natured. Men of this sign may seem secretive and unsociable, while women are more often emotional and expressive. Taurus will be fine without a dog, but if the desire to get a pet takes over, it is better to pay attention to independent breeds. A Yorkshire terrier or poodle would be an excellent choice. Taurus are passionate natures, so the first impulse may give way to indifference. It is better for them to choose dogs that can be observed from the outside.

In order to stir up Taurus, you can get a Shar Pei, St. Bernard or Chow Chow. These breeds combine activity and independence.


Representatives of this sign do not like silence and loneliness. Throughout their lives, Geminis are plagued by frequent changes in mood and lifestyle. It is difficult for them to settle on just one dog, so several cheerful four-legged friends often settle at home. Geminis need sociable breeds: Dalmatians, terriers, griffons, collies. People who quickly get bored with active dogs are better off getting a chow chow or a husky.


Outwardly cold and calm, Cancers are sensitive natures, often prone to melancholy. Representatives of this sign make good husbands and responsible fathers. House-loving Cancers will want a calm, fluffy dog ​​that requires careful care. It's worth looking for a friend among the royal poodles, Caucasian Shepherd dogs, golden retrievers. The size of the breed is not as important as the ability to give positive emotions and sometimes act as a living anti-stress.

a lion

Leos are endowed with determination and a desire for excellence. Women born under this sign have a kind heart and lead an active lifestyle. Leos love to make an impression and have a bright and unusual image. They want regal dogs that will delight others. An excellent choice would be a Doberman, a greyhound, a mastiff, or a giant schnauzer. An aristocratic dog walking proudly next to you will delight Leo's heart.


Virgos have a lot of positive qualities. They often show kindness, caring for loved ones, conscientiousness and philanthropy. At the same time, Virgos are pedantic and sometimes boring. They also realize their desire for constant development in their pets, constantly raising and training them. An easy-going dachshund, basset, or Doberman will suit such people. Virgos will not tolerate an animal in the house that emits an unpleasant odor or leaves behind a lot of dirt.


People under the protection of this sign are often subject to doubts. They often experience mood swings and may become depressed due to lack of balance. Making decisions is very difficult for Libra: sometimes even simple situations make them hesitate in the throes of choice. But, having settled on one option, they no longer change their decisions. Libra may want to get two puppies of different breeds to observe their differing temperaments. Pugs or Italian greyhounds will get along well with this sign, as well as artistic, funny dogs: toy terriers, pinschers and poodles.


Very multifaceted personalities, constantly revealing new traits of their character to others. They seem to be woven from contradictions. Workaholic men are able to forget about rest, while women can devote themselves completely to love and family, sometimes to the detriment of their interests. Scorpios love to fill their lives with interesting events. Large dogs are suitable for them: Newfoundland, Shepherd, Labrador. They will bring the missing peace into life. But small, nimble dogs very soon begin to irritate Scorpios.


Representatives of the fire sign are almost impossible to keep in place. Their goal is constant adventure and travel. These people cannot stand strict rules and boundaries, and therefore do not subject their dog to strict training, allowing them to simply exist nearby as an object of love. A beagle, greyhound, basset hound or bloodhound would suit them. A hardy husky will be able to walk side by side with a Sagittarius for tens of kilometers. Ordinary mongrels can also conquer this sign with their friendliness.


Capricorns are distinguished by a high degree of responsibility and seriousness. When communicating with others, they often express their opinions, show stubbornness, and can, unnoticed by themselves, offend a person. Chow-chow dogs, English bulldogs or Rottweilers may be suitable for this sign as a like-minded person. A dachshund, boxer or French bulldog can help Capricorn raise himself.


These are sociable people who have a desire for experiments and everything unusual. They are attracted to rare and exclusive dog breeds: Chinese Crested, Bearded Collie, Hungarian Shepherd, Barbet, Leonberger. The size of the dog, its origin and character are of little interest to Aquarius. For them, the main thing is to have a pet that others don’t have.


Representatives of the element of Water are dreamy and ambitious. But Pisces are often prevented from bringing their plans to life by indecision and constant head in the clouds. At home, they value peace and quiet, so noisy behavior of family members can irritate them. Pisces cannot imagine their life without long walks around quiet places. Ideal for these purposes German Shepherd or a golden retriever who can become a kind, obedient companion.

The dog is considered one of the animals of the Yin group. According to the Eastern horoscope, the dog is number eleven. Rules the time interval from 19 to 21 hours. The most successful season for people born under this sign is autumn, and the peak of this season is in September. If we draw an analogy with the European Zodiac, then the sign of the Dog will correspond to the sign of Libra. The fixed element is metal. Dark blue and black colors bring happiness and prosperity. If we talk about flowers and plants, then it is worth saying that wild poppy, water lily, and orange blossom can bring good luck to Dogs. Countries favorable for Dog habitat are Luxembourg, Korea, Alta, Angola, Costa Rica, Guiana and Guinea.

Years of the Dog sign in our century

  • 1910 February 10 - element of the year metal
  • 1922 January 28 - element of the year water
  • 1934 February 14 - element of the year tree
  • 1946 February 2 - element of the year fire
  • 1958 February 18 - element of the year earth
  • 1970 February 6 - element of the year metal
  • 1982 January 25 - element of the year water
  • 1994 February 10 - element of the year tree
  • 2006 January 29 - element of the year fire
  • 2018 February 16 - element of the year earth

The following famous people were born in the Year of the Dog:

Jean Anouilh, Brigitte Bardot, Yuri German, Socrates, Elvis Presley, Nikolai Dubov, Jean - Louis Barrault, Tamara Milashkina, Peter Brook, Patriarch Pimen, Aristide Briand, Kate Bush, Grigory Rasputin, Carl Gustav XVI, Alexandre Dumas - father, George Gershwin, Louis XVI, Michael Jackson, Tatyana Samoilova, Anatoly Papanov, Liza Minnelli, Ernest Hemingway, Sylvester Stallone, Gerhard Blücher, Golda Meyer, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Stephen King, Alexander Tvardovsky, Claude Debussy, Marie Francois Voltaire, Stanislav Rostotsky, Robert Louis , Bertolt Brecht, Mother Teresa, Victor Hugo, Robert Stevenson, Jacques Cousteau, Yuri Gagarin, Guy de Maupassant, Nikolai Basov, Gottfried Leibniz, Alphonse Lamartine, Akira Kurosawa, Rene Clair, Benjamin Franklin, Georges Bizet, Olga Bergholz, Sophia Loren , Nikolai Ozerov, Vladimir Serov, Dalida, Madame de Lafayette, Lope de Vega, Saint Louis.

As has been known for quite some time, a dog is a person’s friend who enjoys well-deserved respect and love. Often people simply cannot manage their lives without a dog nearby. For most people, they only evoke sympathy. If you compare such pets as a dog and a cat, the comparison is always not in favor of the cat, which, as you know, is terribly selfish and preoccupied only with itself. The dog, in turn, is selflessly devoted to its owner, to whom it is ready to give all of itself without reserve.

According to Eastern sages, people born under the sign of the Dog are born pessimists, and the state of anxiety and stress is a common and constant value for them. At the same time, Dogs will not be able to say exactly what is eating them and what they are suffering from. Most likely, this is due to the inability to understand their own deep essence, because these animals are accustomed to serving and another state of affairs is alien to them. And life for them is just a transitional stage - a short moment, like a small bridge from one world to another.

According to Eastern legends, the Dog is doomed to eternal wandering between two worlds in gray anxiety, which is designated as the threshold of the dark regions of the soul. She is a watchman who lives to protect. And, as a rule, nothing more is expected from them. And quite often they make an attempt to express their own despair, but the person does not notice this and remains deaf to their silent calls. The dog is forced to live without human understanding, due to the fact that their language is not accessible to us, and therefore they live at our feet, content with the periodic stingy caresses that occasionally fall to their lot.

During the day, these animals rest in peace, and at night they are again and again forced to become guides and companions in the invisible world. Gradually, the Dog got used to bowing under the weight of its past, because it is part of the underworld, a world where shadows and cold reign.

In the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, Dogs accompany the souls of the dead on their journey to the afterlife to the Supreme Court of Osiris, which is why in real life these animals howl at the moon and love to take a walk between the graves. They are often made constant companions of the Moon goddess - the goddess of dead people, as well as witches and sorcerers. In a variety of magical rituals, the dog should always be near the adept, in order to ward off a magical blow from him if something happens.

You can also find the Dog in the ancient Aztec Zodiac, where it is compared with the constellation Canes Venatici, reminding people of the unchangeable end of life and the afterlife, the underground kingdom. The dog here is a symbol of death, rebirth and initiation.

In Greek mythology, Cerberus guards the gate to the kingdom of Hades. He allows the souls of the dead to enter the kingdom of the dead and does not allow them to return from there back to the human body.

And often you cannot envy Dogs, the person to whom they are devoted to the depths of their souls, not only put them on a chain, but also put on a collar and muzzle. The dog acts as his protector even before the gods and always remains his master’s faithful companion. And it is for this reason that the Chinese sages endowed the Dog with all the best qualities that can only be found in a person, thereby expressing their admiration. Sometimes, of course, the dog also experiences a feeling of envy - towards the Dragon for his luck, towards the Sheep for his ability to navigate the situation. And that is why we can conclude that Dogs can also be dissatisfied. Luck and luck are a frequent companion of the Dog, but even after becoming rich and famous, and having tasted sweet fruit success, the Dog cannot get rid of the constant feeling of anxiety.


If a Dog is born during the day, constant luck and happiness await him. A dog born at night will be on guard all its life. It is quite difficult for them to relax and abstract themselves from their worries. Often the life of a Dog is very unstable, however, this does not apply to their childhood period, when parents act as defenders of their interests.

The Dog's youth is accompanied by unhappy love, and his mature years by a constant fear of loss. Old age is the time when Dogs begin to regret their lives and remember everything they failed to do. The only way that can make them happy is to teach Dogs from childhood to enjoy life here and now, every moment and new day.


As a rule, the appearance of dogs is different from other people, but there is one quality that unites them - they are all terribly restless. They are able to develop vigorous activity in resolving all pressing problems. They are constantly in a hurry, are late, suffer from insomnia, and because of this, they once again fray their nerves. Such people work tirelessly and without respite, demanding the same from their subordinates, which is why they are considered real tyrants. Despite their dedicated work, they look at the world and those around them with skepticism.

Having been born, a person under the sign of the Dog already has his own philosophy. They are constantly tormented by feelings of guilt and unsatisfied desires. They bravely and with their heads held high, walk along the path of life, trying to find moments for success along it. In order to understand a Dog, you need to look into their subconscious, to find out what their inner world really is like.

It’s difficult to call Dogs particularly sociable, but at the same time they are quite kind-hearted and interesting to others. They look at the world too soberly, being aware of both their own weaknesses and the weaknesses of those close to them. Their humor seems too dark; they can harshly ridicule those whom they consider upstarts and careerists.

Dogs are trusted, and for good reason. People around them come to them with their problems, since no one can look at the situation from the outside better than them, delve into it and find the right way out. At the same time, they never refuse help to those who really need it. They do not expect rewards for their good deeds, since it is the dogs’ calling to do them. For the most part, Dogs are selfless and generous. If they believe that it is worth it, then they are ready to give everything and even sacrifice their interests and themselves.

In the year of the Dog, people who are freedom fighters are born. Any injustice and outright lies outrage them. Therefore, they do everything possible to defeat them. Because of their loyalty and nobility, very often they cannot adapt to the harshness of the world around them. They are ready to endure harshness, but they themselves refuse to live by wolf laws. Because of their suspicion of new acquaintances, they seem a little cowardly at first glance, but this is only at first.

A person under the sign of the Dog can always be trusted, but their pessimism can cause the shoots of suspicion towards them. These people cannot stand surprises, impromptu and surprises; they firmly hold on to their past, meeting any changes and initiatives with hostility. One can only envy their perseverance, while they always see a goal ahead that they achieve, no matter what.