Why dream of braiding a long braid? Dream interpretation: braided braid. Dream interpretation

why do you dream about a braid

If in a dream you saw a scythe for mowing grass, this is a sign that your plans may be interfered with by an illness or an unforeseen event; as a result, your planned trip may not take place. A dull, worn-out scythe indicates separation from comrades or the collapse of a business endeavor.

why do you dream about a braid

If in a dream you put your hair in a braid, get ready for troubles, worries, and fuss. If, on the contrary, you undo your braid, this is a signal that people will no longer be interested in you. If you are struck by a “braid to the waist” - to long journey: The length of the hair indicates the distance of the trip. A braid cut off in a dream warns of possible betrayal.

braid according to the dream book

If you dreamed of such a tool as a scythe - good sign, promising a comfortable existence.
If in a dream you mowed grass - a symbol of protection from misfortunes, the attention of Fortune and happiness in love.

interpretation of sleep Xhosa

If a man dreams of a braided braid, beware of female betrayal. Black braid - prosperity, enrichment. If you braid your hair - conversations, celebration, fun. A cut off braid is a scandal, slander, everyday hardships, discord in the family. Combing a braid with a comb means a long journey, quick visits, or shame and disgrace. If you look in the mirror at the same time - life changes, and for unmarried young ladies - imminent marriage.

a braid in a dream what is it for

If in a dream you saw someone's hair braided, it means a quick trip. If someone braids their hair in a dream, this means a change in marital status: for unmarried people it means marriage, for married people it means a breakup. If, before tying your hair into a braid, you untangled it with a comb or comb, the upcoming event will come true against your wishes.

what does it mean if a braid is in a dream

If you braid your hair in a dream, beware of gossip, squabbles, and difficulties in business. If the braid from a dream is blacker than night - to untold wealth. If you braided your daughters’ hair, this is a sign that you will receive instruction, thanks to which you will be able to gain time and save money. A long braid predicts a protracted matter. A short braid means long separation and short fleeting meetings. If you cut off your braid in a dream, it means big losses of something very dear.
A thick, lush braid predicts a successful completion of the plan. And an unbraided braid, on the contrary, foreshadows difficulties on the way to realizing your plans or a premature abandonment of plans.

Dreams about a braid have a lot of different explanations.

Firstly, because this word includes two meanings (hairstyle and tool). And secondly, as the dream book writes, a braid in a dream is a rather ambiguous sign.

And in order to determine exactly what awaits you in the future, you need to take into account all the details of your dreams.


A braided hair braid on your head symbolizes the solution to an important issue. And the tighter it was braided, the more difficult it will be for you to find the correct answer. The dream book recommends relaxing and acting according to the dictates of your heart. Now a period has come in your destiny when intuition will defeat cold reason.

Braiding a braid in a dream - according to the dream book, means creating a problem out of the blue. IN this moment you are too excited and perceive basic things as something unusual.

The dream book advises to be simpler, not to stress yourself out over trifles. If you follow these simple tips, you will soon realize that everything is going great in your life.

  • A long braid - to a long, interesting road.
  • Weaving it on a friend’s head means envying her.
  • Unraveling her hair is trying to help.

If you dreamed of a guy or man braiding your hair, then in reality expect a fan to appear. And braiding a braid for a representative of the stronger sex means, according to the dream book, trying to restore a relationship with a former partner.

When in a dream you had to braid a braid from dirty hair on your head, this suggests that you have unfinished business. The dream book advises to deal with them in a short time. Otherwise, unexpected problems await you. And quickly achieving your goals is the meaning of a dream in which you had to undo your dirty braid.


As the dream book says, a scythe, like a tool, appears in a dream before entering a new life period. What it will be like depends on the details of the dream.

Seeing a scythe standing in a barn means planning a new business. It will definitely be successful if you are not lazy and shift the solution to your troubles to others.

And if the tool was standing next to a pile of mown grass, then you are already halfway to success. In the near future, fate will delight you with pleasant surprises.

  • Dreaming of braids on the field - to grandiose plans.
  • Seeing how many people are mowing the grass is a sign of teamwork.
  • The instrument has become dull - to an obstacle on the way.

If you mow the grass in your yard, you will soon receive a business proposal from loved one. And to do this in a foreign place, according to the dream book, means wasting your energy.

The meaning of night dreams in which you mow for money is financial profit for conscientious work. But if, on the contrary, you hired someone to mow your lawn, then you are too wasteful.


If you dream of two different braids at once (hairstyle and instrument), then the dream book can also interpret such a dream in detail.

For example, when you dreamed of a braid used to cut off braided hair, this means that there are too many thoughts in your head that distract you from the main thing. And to see hair wound around a tool means it will take a long time to complete the work, but in the end you will receive a good reward.

A girl with a long braid mows the grass - for a long business trip. It will be successful if you do not make unnecessary demands on your partners. And if a beautiful ribbon is braided into a girl’s hair, then fate is preparing a gift for you in the form of an original, profitable offer.

If you manage to determine exactly what the braid means in a dream, then you can prevent all problems before they arise. You will also have the opportunity to learn how best to act in certain situations that will soon arise in your life. The dream book will tell you the whole truth.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

If you dream about braiding your hair, married woman, it warns that she should pacify her rebellious nature. Numerous quarrels with neighbors will lead to mutual squabbles. And endless quarrels with your spouse will end in divorce. Is this what you really want? Then why not just separate peacefully and not get on each other’s nerves? When a young girl braids her hair in a dream, this is a good sign, it predicts her marriage and happy marriage. Very soon you will meet a young man who will become your destiny. You will live a long and happy life with him.

The meaning of the dream about Pigtails ( Noble dream book N. Grishina)

Why dream of braiding your hair in a dream - to the danger and transience of life. You don’t notice how quickly time passes, missing many important events in your life. Be prudent - in the midst of everyday chores, you can miss your happiness, simply without noticing it. Beware of danger if you braid in a dream. This dream foreshadows problems with people who have long entered your life, but have not acquired a certain status.

The meaning of a dream about a Hairstyle (Symbolic dream book)

Plait? Why dream that you are braiding your hair - soon you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life and the feelings will be mutual. Braiding someone else's hair in a dream means worrying about loved ones, helping a person decide in reality difficult task. Having your hair braided in a dream means trouble at work or in the family. You will lose your position due to your own negligent attitude towards work.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about braiding?

Seeing that you are braiding your hair is, in general, a very good dream. It says not only that you are trying to resolve some old conflicts or endless quarrels with your spouse, but also that everything is really in your hands. If you dream of braiding your hair, you can act as your heart tells you. The dream promises a successful resolution of the current tense situation. But if someone else braided your hair in a dream, this predicts that you will soon find yourself at the center of developing intrigues and growing gossip. Try to show wisdom, restrain your emotions and do not give in to hysterics. Just don't pay attention to anything. Then you will be able to emerge from the situation as a winner, with your head held high.

Why did you dream about braiding according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

According to spiritual sources, seeing that you are braiding your hair predicts a meeting with your loved one and love pleasures in reality. If you dream that someone else is braiding your hair, expect an early invitation to a date. If in a dream you comb your hair for a long time and carefully before braiding it, you dream about it before you go on a long journey. But if another person combed your hair in a dream, all you have to do is braid it - the dream promises that the trip will be not only pleasant, but also romantic. A surprise may await you in it - your chosen one will decide to offer you his hand and heart.

The meaning of the dream about Braids (Numerological dream book)

Braiding means impracticality and excessive optimism. If you have difficulty braiding, perhaps the mistrust of colleagues and people close to you is completely justified. You look at the problem through the prism of not accepting the seriousness of the whole situation, and it seems insignificant to you. In fact, the current situation requires a serious attitude. It’s easy to braid – to convince your opponent that you’re right. If you can’t braid your braid or hair at all, in 3 weeks and 3 days you will face serious changes that will disrupt your plans.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Dream about Braiding

In a dream, you braid your hair, or someone braids it for you, then the color of the hair and its texture play a role in the interpretation. If you dream of braiding red hair, this is a dream of envious people in reality. Braiding thick ones in a dream means profit. Braiding someone else's hair always portends the loss of a friend, or financial loss. Braiding and then combing in a dream means a merry way. Long hair - for a long journey. Braiding your hair is a bad change in life. Braid into a long braid - funny company, or a pleasant road.

The meaning of a dream about Hair (Witch's dream book)

Braiding hair in a dream - If a woman braids her magnificent hair in a dream, this predicts frivolity in her actions, which she will later repent of. A man who sees in a dream how he braids his hair, then in reality unjustified generosity will lead to failure and poverty. Braiding your own gray hair is a sad sign. If a woman sees a dream, she will transfer all her attention to her person and begin to indulge her whims to the detriment of morality. If you dream that your black curly hair is braided, then this predicts a seductive love trap for you. Braiding golden locks is a sign of the dignity and courage of your chosen one. Seeing your beloved woman with a red braided braid portends changes in your relationship. You see a beautifully braided hairstyle in a dream - a sign of a successful turn in your affairs, but if the hair is cut too short - this is a warning: do not be wasteful in order to avoid misfortunes.

It is a rather unusual symbol. And it can be explained in different ways. Well, for this you should turn to the most popular and authoritative dream books.

Universal interpretation

Everyone knows that hair symbolizes natural wealth and feminine beauty. But the dreams in which they appear cannot always be interpreted in this way.

If a person watched how he had to braid his hair in a dream (for himself or someone else) - this is not entirely good. Conflicting sign. It is believed that such a vision warns a person that he should behave in real life more carefully.

But it is also important to take into account the color - this is what the dream book says. A black braid really promises profit. And such a vision also suggests that in the dreamer’s life a person will come who will become for him reliable support. Many people who attach great importance to dreams even recommend tying a black one on your wrist. wool thread for more luck.

Why do you dream about a braid? white? This usually portends an awkward situation. In this case, some recommend carrying a glass ball in your pocket. They say he wards off bad luck.

Modern dream book

The braided braid that the sleeping person made for himself usually indicates that in real life he will reveal other people's secrets. Or he will find out some secret. And this will happen completely by accident.

Seeing yourself braiding someone else's hair is a sign of participating in gossip and discussing facts from the lives of others. By the way, such a vision often promises treason for a man, and scandals in the family for a woman. Which, in principle, are “related” problems.

If the dreamer saw how he thoughtfully sat down to braid his hair in a dream, it means that he will have some kind of frivolous conversation, during which his opponents will try to find out some secret information. You should be vigilant and attentive to the people around you, and trust them less.

It’s also worth paying attention to the length of the braids. It is important. A long braid portends a pleasant acquaintance, which can develop into strong friendly relationships. A short one promises a short-term relationship. And if a person tied his pigtail with a ribbon at the end, this is a desire to consolidate the relationship that has arisen.

According to Miller

This dream book can tell you a lot of interesting things. A braided braid is explained, like combing, to the path and the road. If a person begins to do his hair using prepared hair (clean, well-groomed and smooth), it means that events will soon happen in which he will have to participate. Perhaps not of your own free will.

Seeing yourself doing such a hairstyle for a little girl means that you should listen to the advice of the older generation in the near future. This should not be neglected. And then things will definitely go smoothly.

When a girl sees herself sitting by the mirror and braiding her hair, this means serious changes in her life. And everything will be fine if it turns out to be thick, heavy and strong. This braid promises good luck. But seeing thin, weak, split ends is a sign of disaster.

What else should you pay attention to?

The gender and age of the person to whom the vision appeared is what is important to consider. This is what every dream book says. A braid, hair, attempts to do her hair - if all this appears to a young girl at night, it means that a romantic date, a whirlwind romance or an entertainment event awaits her. A married lady should expect family troubles and quarrels. If a man had such a vision, it means that everything will go wrong for him in the financial sphere.

The gender and age of the dreamer does not matter in only one case. If in a vision he cuts off his braid, this promises dishonor. By the way, if during the process of creating a hairstyle the hair was constantly tangled with each other, then you should expect confusion in real life. It can affect anything - personal life, work, business.

About gray hair

Many young girls and boys often dream that their hair suddenly turned white, that is, their hair turned gray. It’s not very pleasant to see this in a dream, but it’s even more interesting to find out what it could portend. The dream book will provide assistance in interpretation.

Gray hair that looked very weak and brittle indicates the onset of the disease. If the dreamer does not think about a vacation, then his immunity will finally “sit down” and he will have to deal with various ailments. And when a girl sees how in a dream she is trying to hide the gray hairs that have appeared in her braid or to paint them over, it means that in reality she will be hiding her hair. personal life from strangers.

But Vanga’s dream book assures that silver hair symbolizes the intelligence of its owner. If a man or young guy in a vision sees himself with a gray thick braid, it means that he will have a very successful streak in life. The accumulated experience is enough for him to start and continue a profitable business. If there were such plans, it’s time to start implementing them.

No less interesting interpretation gives Freud's dream book. If a male dreamer has gray hair in a dream, and he himself sees that it suits him and corresponds to his age, it means that he gives the impression of a good lover. Only his techniques are too monotonous and can soon become boring. Therefore, you should not be afraid of experiments.

Other interpretations

A scythe can dream of the transience of life and danger. This is what N. Grishina’s dream book says. If you believe him, then the braid indicates that the dreamer does not notice how quickly time passes. And perhaps he misses a lot of events in his life.

The symbolic dream book assures: if a person sees himself braiding his hair, it means that he will soon meet his soulmate. And he should hold on to it.

And according to women's dream book The pigtail symbolizes the desire to resolve all past conflicts and improve relationships with people with whom they did not work out. The numerology book of interpretations says that such a vision indicates excessive optimism and impracticality. By the way, if it was not possible to braid it, then problems will soon overtake the person. This is what the braid means in dreams in this case.

In general, as you can see, there are many options for interpreting this vision. And which one to listen to is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

They symbolize the natural wealth and beauty of a woman; they are not always dreamed of for profit. Correct interpretation Dreams related to hair depend largely on the image of the hair and the actions that are performed with it.

Seeing the process of hair braiding itself is a very contradictory sign. It’s not for nothing that they say “to weave intrigues,” and the word “gossip” itself is akin to the same root word “to weave.” Surely such a dream warns that you should behave more carefully. Although, why dream of a braided braid does not always carry a negative load. Hair color also matters.

The braid is black, really for profit. And this is also evidence that soon there will be a meeting with a reliable person who will become a real guardian angel in life. True, to make it more likely that you are dreaming, it is recommended to “decorate” your wrist for a week with black woolen thread.

Blonde hair braided in a dream does not promise such a rosy ending to events. Most likely, this promises an awkward situation. To avoid this, you need to carry a glass ball in your pocket for some time.

If you see a braided braid that the dreamer braided himself, reveal the secrets of what others think. Weave it to another person - take part in a discussion of unpleasant facts from the lives of other people. For a man, such a dream promises betrayal, and for a woman, family feuds.

There is another opinion that braiding your hair means a frivolous conversation, during which others will try to find out hidden information. A favorable outcome also depends on the length of the braid. The longer, the longer a pleasant relationship will be associated with a person, whom you will meet shortly after the dream. A short one promises a short-term relationship. Tying the braid at the end with a ribbon is a desire to consolidate the existing acquaintance.

Sometimes the process of braiding is interpreted in the same way as combing - towards the road. If you braid hair that has already been prepared and combed, then events will occur in which you will have to participate against your will. Braiding a braid in a dream for someone you know does not always foreshadow gossip about them. There are also other ways to create obstacles for them, and this dream is aimed at exactly this outcome - to spin the intrigue in any way.

Braiding a stranger's hair does not bode well; there will be the same gossip and slander around one's name, which is something to be wary of. Braiding a braid small child- a warning that the advice of the older generation should be heeded with all severity. Only under this condition will things go smoothly.

Braiding while looking in the mirror is a sign of serious changes in life. Seeing a thick braid, healthy hair is a sign of good luck, while dull, thin and weak hair is a sign of trouble.

Not only the gender, but also the age of the dreamer matters. If a young girl braids her hair, it means an entertainment event or a love date. Although, this interpretation of some dream books is discouraging, because since ancient times the braid had the meaning of purity. For a married woman, the dream foreshadows troubles in the family, even divorce, and business person- imbalance in financial affairs.

Cutting off a braided braid in a dream means dishonor. If during the braiding process the hair constantly gets tangled, then the same tangled circumstances should be expected in reality. Sometimes the length of the braid is understood as the road ahead. The longer the braid, the further you have to go.

Just as the braid itself is confused, so is its interpretation. Only an inner voice can tell you whether to expect good or bad from a dream. No matter how vivid and clear the image in a dream is, it is often caused by ordinary chaotic daytime impressions, which are continued on a subconscious level.


I dreamed about a Scythe, what is it for, what does a Scythe mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of the dream Braid:

You dreamed of a Scythe, what is it for - a girl's dream - for girls, a dream of a love interest. Romantic relationship.

Jewish dream book What does a Scythe mean in a dream:

What does a Braid mean in a dream - Braiding a braid. For a woman - to gossip or a change in life. Unravel the braid. For a woman - to excessive frankness with unfamiliar people. For a man - to inconsistent actions, constant doubts and suspicions.

Creative dream book Meaning of the dream Braid:

You dreamed of a Scythe, what is it for - see also Sickle. 1. A scythe is a cutting tool, therefore it has the same meaning as a knife (see Weapons). In dreams, a scythe usually suggests that it is necessary to cut out some unnatural actions or beliefs. Or perhaps he says that we need to be a little more cruel in order to achieve the desired goal. 2. The braid is a very ancient symbol of the past tense. Its appearance in dreams shows that we are connected to deep beliefs and ideas. We become aware of an interruption in the flow of some energy, although this will not necessarily be our death. Something in ourselves can no longer provide us with what we need. 3. The scythe, like the hourglass, is an image of Death, predicting the end of physical existence.

What does a Scythe (tool) mean in a dream - in your hands - an instrument of useful activity, help, help; in the hands of strangers - to be cut down (by illness, intrigues, events).

Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell What does Scythe mean:

You dreamed of a Braid, what is it for (hairstyle) - You see a braid in a dream - a long interesting conversation awaits you; perhaps negotiations; You and your business partner, discussing plans for the future, will not notice how time passes. A woman dreams that she is braiding her hair - in general conversations this woman will be the first violin; not all conversations concerning friends and relatives can be classified as gossip.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Scythe, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: What does a Braid / Hairstyle mean in a dream. 1. In ancient times, a braid woven from three strands meant the union of mind, body and spirit. It also represented the influences that the growing girl had absorbed. Thus, a braid in a dream symbolizes female maturity. Nowadays, as men become more sensual, long hair will be braided more creatively. 2. Previously, braided hair was associated with order and cleanliness. In addition, the braid reminded her of her friend. Ancient knights took strands of the hair of their beloved women with them to the battlefield as a talisman. Now the braid has a more magical and happy meaning. Weave rope, twine, hair, etc. in a dream. means the ability to combine different influences into one whole. 3. As we develop spiritually, we may be influenced by subtle influences. A braid placed on the head with a crown is a spiritual achievement.

Russian dream book What does a Scythe mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Braid (made of hair) what is it for - a sign of honor, dignity; receive some awards, regalia, rewards, promotions.


Dream Interpretation Braid (hair) Why dream of a braid in a dream

A long braid, like long hair, is a symbol of the road, a long journey. If unmarried girl she dreams that she or her friend is braiding their hair in a dream, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding. It is interpreted in exactly the same way if a young man dreams: he will have to give up his bachelor life.

Moreover, if you combed your hair before braiding it, it means that the wedding will happen against your will. The color of the braid also matters: a black one means wealth, a light one means happiness and joy, a red one means deception. Cutting your hair in a dream is a symbol of loss, possible infidelity and even divorce (if a married woman had such a dream).



Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a braid- this means that some incident or illness will take you away from your business or interfere with your upcoming journey.

Old or broken braid

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Scythe in dreams- a symbol of danger or a very serious obstacle.

See the braid from the side- a warning about a possible trick. Such a dream indicates that your affairs are not very well thought out and need more attention and control.

Being wounded by a scythe- a sign that you should not engage in some activity. Perhaps the time has not yet come for him, or perhaps it would be better for you to abandon him altogether.

Mow yourself- means that your dexterity can lead you to success. But if at the same time you injured someone or damaged your scythe on a stone- such a dream warns that your cunning will ultimately bring you irreparable damage.

Dream book for a bitch

Scythe- an unforeseen event will interfere with your plans.

Broken Scythe- short separation from friends.

New family dream book

Agricultural spit- dreams of some incident or illness.

Old or broken braid- means separation from friends or failure of a business venture.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a braid in a dream- an omen that an accident or illness will interfere with your business and travel.

Old or broken braid- means distance from friends or failure in some commercial enterprise.

Eastern women's dream book

Scythe- symbolizes that illness or trouble will “crash” you and, accordingly, upset your plans.

Dreamed of an old or broken braid- this means you cannot avoid failure in business and conflicts with others.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you mow with a scythe- to unexpected money; if you hit with a scythe- get ready to defend yourself from the attacks of an insidious person.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Oblique mow- the need to reassess practicality, what is currently considered practical.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Scythe- You will not lack.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a braid in a dream- means that soon things will go so brilliantly and everything will turn out so well that you yourself will not believe your happiness.

Seeing someone mowing hay in a dream- they will offer you Good work at home, promising additional income.

Mow tall, dense grass or sedge- a harbinger of the unexpected loss of someone dear to you. Break your braid when you hit a rock- a sign of imminent separation from family and a long absence from home.

Women's dream book

Scythe in a dream- means that some incident or illness will take you away from your business or interfere with your upcoming journey.

Old or broken braid- portends separation from friends or failure of a business venture.

General dream book

If you dream of a braid- this means that some accident or illness will take you away from your business or interfere with your upcoming trip.

Old or broken braid- promises separation from friends or failure of a business venture.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a braid in a dream- a harbinger that troubles or health problems will interfere with your business and travel.

Old or broken braid- means distance from friends or failure in a business venture.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Scythe- an ambivalent symbol of injury and hope. The idea of ​​sacrifice.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Scythe seen in a dream- portends death for the sick, and unexpected misfortune for the healthy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Scythe- earnings; disease; death.

Dream book of a gypsy

If you are with a braid- it means you feel the need to end the current situation.

See death with a scythe, dressed or not, a skinny figure with a scythe- not necessarily to death. This image simply means the imminent end of a job, situation, relationship, etc. Don't forget that where there are completions, there are also new beginnings, and therefore new opportunities.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See the braid- danger, you need to beware / you don’t notice the inexorable passage of time.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Field scythe- death (to the patient), unexpected misfortune, beware; mow the grass- to death.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream about a braid- be careful, beware of trouble.

Collection of dream books

Women's braid- promises a woman health, and the man- sexual attraction to a woman; also braid- the tool symbolizes the danger of injury; old lady with a scythe– death that walks nearby.


Why do you dream about a pigtail?

A dream in which the braid is very long and strong means that all plans will soon be expected to be fulfilled. During this period of time, you can safely start your own business, as the business will be successful and will soon begin to bring in quite a good profit.

If a tightly braided braid was undone in a dream, it means that the plans will not be realized soon, or the person himself will abandon an idea that just recently interested him greatly.

A dream in which a braid is cut suggests that deception and serious losses await a person in life, so you should be more careful and attentive in order to avoid possible troubles.

If in a dream a girl braids her own hair, it means that in real life some serious changes will occur, frequent quarrels and conflicts may arise, and serious difficulties at work may arise.

If you dreamed of a long black braid, a good profit awaits you in a person’s life. Serious changes will happen soon, for the better.

To see in a dream a braid that a mother is braiding for her child, such a dream may be a sign that soon wise advice will be received, thanks to which it will be possible to save not only own time, but also money.

If you dreamed of a very long braid, then in life the work will take a very long time and will last a long time. But if the braid turns out to be too short, it means that you will soon have to part with a loved one, and rare meetings in the future will not last long.

Knowing what a pigtail means in a dream, you can be prepared for the surprises that fate has in store. If in a dream a girl undoes her own braid, it means that in the near future she will get married and the marriage promises to be quite successful and happy.

Combing your hair for a long time in a dream means you have to wait for a long journey in the future, and such a dream can also be a harbinger of the arrival of important guests. Combing your braid in front of a mirror means that quite serious changes will soon occur in your life; for a young girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of an imminent marriage.

If you dreamed of a pigtail that was cut off in life, you need to be very careful and attentive. Such a dream can be a harbinger of a big loss in the near future - it could be the loss of a good and highly paid job or parting with a loved one, a good friend.


why do you dream?)


Irina Kalinina

Usually, if you braid a braid or someone braids your hair in a dream, this means marriage, and you will marry for love, with pleasure and after a very short time of communication after meeting...! Your dream is interpreted as happiness and joy, and there will be invisible help in everything... everything that you plan during this period of time will be given to you with ease..! Good luck to you and don’t lose your head, you will need it! Good day!



you're going somewhere...

Unset man

For big rains.

Olesya Kovboeva

try and have her weave for you in reality

Igor Kirillov

Something unfinished, but you need to know the details. But the signs are crap, and other signs about the road...


this is for your wedding

Only yours..

Someone braids your hair - circumstances are in someone else’s hands, and you are dependent on them

Avdotya Nikiforova

Vacation) Possibly with a friend


Muskrat Lanky

Braid - in a dream, braiding a braid, carefully dividing your hair into three parts, means that in reality you will spend a lot of mental strength trying to convince your colleagues or relatives that you are right. If in a dream you can easily braid your hair and it will be long and beautiful, then in reality you will achieve your goal and in 30 days your business will go uphill. If the braid either doesn’t braid at all, or you do it somehow, then expect a change in your plans in 3 weeks and 3 days. Perhaps you are too optimistic about the problem, and your colleagues or loved ones are right not to trust you. Try to look at everything soberly, from the position of a practical person.
To see in a dream how beautiful girl quickly weaves a braid - to the joy of family life. If the girl is unattractive, then you will be disappointed in your spouse. If a girl just can’t manage her braid or she can’t divide her hair into three equal parts, then let modesty and diligence become the main line of your behavior for the next 66 days.

Tanyushka Boyko

someone is weaving some intrigues about you.


Klim Chugunkin

to pregnancy

Larisa Zavizion

Long hair has always been a symbol of femininity and beauty; every woman dreams of beautiful and healthy hair. Curious why you dream about a braid?

If you dreamed of dark hair braided, then the dream foreshadows good events. It is quite possible that you will soon meet a person who will become your protector and guardian angel in all matters. To make sure this happens, try to wear a black woolen thread on your wrist all week.

If you dreamed of a blonde whose hair was braided, the dream is not very good. It is possible that on next week you will find yourself in an awkward situation in which your lack of education will be revealed in an ugly way. To avoid this outcome, carry a small glass ball in your pocket.

Have you wondered why you dream about braiding your hair? The interpretation is quite controversial, and you should listen to your inner voice. Perhaps such a dream foreshadows gossip. If you felt anxious while braiding your hair in a dream, be careful and try to behave as modestly as possible in public so as not to give rise to gossip.

If you felt emotional excitement and joy, the dream foreshadows a wedding. Maybe your chosen one will finally decide to propose to you?

If you nervously braid your hair in a dream, your hair constantly gets tangled and tangled, then in life you will be faced with a situation in which everything will be so mixed up that it will be impossible to find any end or edge.

A thick, beautiful braid of thick black hair promises you monetary profit.

Have a nice sleep!


you have some unresolved matters or problems... that you are thinking about... she will help put your thoughts in order... but not completely...



I dreamed of a woman who was not very beautiful, even a little vulgar, with white-dyed hair gathered in a long ponytail of thin braids. For some reason it was clear that she was a hairdresser. She smeared someone's split ends of hair (treated). I watched from the side


Hello. I dreamed that I was climbing up a ladder and holding on to someone’s very long hair. Every step up, I braided this hair into a thick braid. When I got to the top, I simply pulled up the remaining unbraided hair and put it together with the braid and moved on.

What could this dream mean?


In my dream they gave me a very beautiful hairstyle with long braids and left a beautiful curl, I really liked it. What is this for?


Good afternoon. Today I saw in a dream that my man’s hair had grown a little and some of it was braided into small braids. And to prevent them from unraveling, there are clips with blue fringe at the end of the braids. I wanted to run my hand through my hair - I notice these braids, as if I understand - treason. And I look like I want to hit him face and hand My whip just hung down and I couldn’t get up. This is such a dream


I dreamed of some kind of temple... in which in the middle there were male deities resembling Christ, but I am a Muslim. These men had pigtails in their hair, a lot of them, and we unbraided them for them. but not everyone had time. Then there was something like prayers, and the temple began to collapse.
More often than not, my dreams come true, or more precisely, what these dreams mean... but in this case, it’s not entirely clear to me whether I should be afraid?


I'm a man, and the hair on my head grew, and then they sang my braid


Good afternoon. I saw my hair braided into a spikelet, my color is black and my length is average. I liked the braid, only the bangs came out a little from the spikelet and I tried to comb it and remove it.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that my black hair of medium length was braided into a beautiful strong spikelet, only the bangs came out a little in front and I tried to remove it and comb it

And I:

I saw two pads covered in blood that I left on the table and told some guy about pregnancy. I find out how I went out into the street not sober and did inappropriate things. When I learned about this, I was very upset.....


Hello Tanya! Please interpret my dream: I saw my rival whom I know in real life. She was not the same as in life, but completely different, with a long braid with a red tint and white face and in a national dress. although in real life she is dark-skinned and has black bobbed hair and wears European dresses. In the dream, she said something not nice to me about me and walked past me, and I was surprised and thought to myself, she’s dark-haired and doesn’t wear such dresses, but in the dream she’s just a prude. Thanks in advance


I dreamed about my rival, I put her hair in a bun, twisted it and pinned it with hairpins. They didn’t want to get out of the way, but I still twirled them, removed every single hair, but for some reason the bun ended up on the back, and not on the head, i.e. it remained hanging on the back, separate from the whole head, so I I didn’t understand how I separated them without cutting anything off. And all this time, the hair on my head was braided into a beautiful high hairstyle, a lot of neatly braided, beautiful dark hair. And while I was braiding her hair, he stood behind me, as if protecting me, I turned my back to him, but she didn’t see it.


I dreamed that my hair was braided (I am blonde) and the braid was light. But I didn’t braid it myself in the dream, as if my friend had braided it for me (she’s a hairdresser), but I didn’t see the moment of braiding, I just already had a braid on my head (a braid around my head a la Yu. Timoshenko)


In a dream I was with my ex-husband. Everything was perfect and we furnished it new apartment and he hugged me, we kissed and I had a long braid.


Hello, I dreamed that I saw in the mirror that I had long thick black hair braided in a thick braid


Hello! I dreamed that I had 2 braids and I wanted to wash my hair. I unraveled my braids and went to the mirror and saw that my hair was beautiful and long to my toes. Then I see that they are a little shorter. But I still admire it and share it with a man I know (not my husband). And I changed my mind about washing my hair, because it would have taken me a lot of time, and I was apparently in a hurry to get somewhere. (In life my hair was shoulder length; at school it was below my waist)


I’m holding in my hands a tightly braided braid, white, (in the dream I have the same hair) I’m fair-haired, dyed dark chocolate. And I try to attach the braid to the hair on my head, but nothing happens.


Today I dreamed about how my mother and, it seems, my grandmother, braided 2 braids for me. My hair was darker than mine (I’m brown-haired, in my dream it was closer to a brunette), + now I generally have colored ends. And while we were braiding, we talked about something. By the way, I don’t remember the length of the braids, but they weren’t short, about the same length as mine, maybe a little longer


I had a dream that I was braiding my own braid, like a spikelet, although in real life I don’t know how. Then I had a dream that I had a bald spot in the bangs area of ​​my head.


Hello. I dreamed that a young girl or woman (dark hair) was showing me how to do her hair. The hairstyle is similar to a spikelet braid, but I have never seen one like this before. She and I are in a house with white walls and a red carpet hanging on the wall. The house is not new, but clean. I would be grateful if you help me solve this dream.


She admired herself in front of the mirror and combed her long, thick, chic hair, braided it and showed off with pride to her friends.


I braided my mother’s very thick braid, dark chestnut color, but my mother White hair in life, what does it mean. I also had a dream that I was running through the corridors after a woman with my child in my arms.


I braided my hair. Moreover, I tried to make it curly, unraveling it several times and braiding it again. The braid was quite long, reaching to the middle of the back.


Today, at 3-15 o'clock in the morning, I dreamed about my late grandmother. My mother is more beautiful than my mother... When she was alive, I asked her to always do my braids... And suddenly I dreamed about her in a dream... That she came out or somehow appeared near a passerby and came near the sofa .I was sitting watching TV... I was sitting on the floor. And she was on the sofa and braiding my hair! I woke up in fright... I woke up my mother and said that my stomach hurt! in the morning there was thunder, lightning and hail! and mom said maybe you were scared, you saw something in a dream. but I didn’t tell the truth. I turned on the light in the hallway and went to bed in the living room! and woke up at 5 and the light was already turned off... and I 7 in the morning I sat and watched a movie! And then I went to school! What does all this mean, everything that was in the dream?!


Hello to me, the presniltsa of May, the deceased, little sister, I'm in the middle of my life, ana sheslivaya and beautiful, I'm talking about imu, you're kharasho viglidish, you're papravelos, ana atvet, yes, I'm on paprafka, gavarid, and smatru, there's an ugly braid on her hair, and I've split her braid, which means it's a dream, shake it off, sorry, my Russian if I wrote somewhere directed


Good day. At first I dreamed that I was at school with my classmates and class teacher(although I’m already 26 years old), then I was in a large supermarket, and along the way there, I met my classmates, and I had a very long braided braid, beautiful, down to my knees, and I carried it in my hands... that’s all what I remember.


I dreamed that I first washed my hair, which was very dirty. It dried on its own, without a hairdryer. And then a woman (like an acquaintance) braided my hair on my dark hair.The hairstyle had 3 braids and I really liked it. What is the dream for, please tell me?


I'm in wedding dress, with a beautifully braided braid. There is a young man nearby. I don’t know who he was in the dream.
And in life, when we were 15 years old, we were friends. Now I'm 36 years old. I'm married and happy.


I dreamed that my friend was tingling my hair how to French braid, and she braided it for me, but in the dream I unraveled it!


someone else's black hair, cut off with a braid, she divided it into strands and wove it into her own, in the end it turned out to be a very long braid, below the hips, but sloppy, somewhat disheveled and already blond hair. And while doing this, I felt unpleasant, disgusted, I was worried about not catching lice, I was not sure of their cleanliness.


I dreamed that I had long blonde hair Thick hair, to the waist, and for some reason I wanted to cut them off, under a bob, but then I saw that I cut them only on the top of the head and the rest were braided into a thick braid, I really liked it, but I thought to myself that the rest will grow back quickly.


I dreamed that I had a very chic braid. It was very beautifully woven. I was surprised that she was very rich. I unbraided it and there were strands intertwined.


I had a dream in which my mother braided a braid around my head, which I didn’t like, I unraveled it, later I regretted it and asked my mother to braid it for me again. I remember that I was going to some kind of holiday.


My lover combed and braided my hair. I myself am dark and in the dream my hair was white, beautiful and the braids were not long but very beautiful


A friend had two light brown braids braided. She sang and forgot the words, got upset, and I persuaded her.


I dreamed that I braided the braid myself. It turned out to be longer than my hair in reality... then I fluffed it up, just like they do in fashion now... it turned out so plump.


Hello. I dreamed that my old friend married man with children, who has liked me very much for many years (you can say that he is still in love with me), braids my hair: first several small ones, then all of them into one. although I have short hair, barely a bob, it turned out to be a shoulder-length braid, small, but clearly longer than it could have been. this also happened in his house, in the presence of his children, in the absence of his wife. and the nasty old woman - supposedly the children's nanny - looked at it angrily, but he seemed not to notice. for me this is not the only man in my life. I have other hobbies. but overall I'm lonely now


medium length braid. half of the braid from the roots is my natural color, half to the ends is a rich chestnut color with highlights (white). I looked at my braid in a dream and thought: dye it the same color again or grow out my natural color.


I dreamed that I asked several people to braid my hair (I asked my older sister, my best friend), but everyone said that they didn’t know how. And only my mother agreed, although she also didn’t know how. And she began to braid as best she could. And she braided it 2 braids.


I dreamed that some guy was braiding my hair. I remember the phrase because of its meaning: “In the old days, it was believed that if a girl lets someone other than her nanny braid/comb her hair, this means that she will belong to that person.” The words may not be the same, but the essence is the same. And I rarely remember people’s faces, but I did remember this one. Provided that this is not the first time I see him in a dream.


we are sitting with friends drinking tea and there is a discussion about a friend’s long thick black hair, she wants to cut it off, and we are persuading her to change her mind. and I show her that I’m growing it too. She talks about how difficult it is for her with such hair, but it seems like we persuaded her and left.


I had a dream about my deceased grandmother sitting and braiding my long hair. what could this mean?


At my girl's ex-lover The braid was short and light and she asked me not to take her boyfriend away from her


Hello, I dreamed that we were with a friend and some boy at her house and he was braiding a fishtail for me, or a pigtail in my opinion, on one side or on the whole head.. What could this mean?


I was combing my hair in a dream and noticed that I had a very long braid somewhere below my lower back, and the rest of my hair was cut short... I was very surprised... my hair was soft


To me unknown girl I braided a braid out of twelve parts and it turned out very beautiful and thick at the base


I dreamed that my husband and I were swimming in clean water, the children were nearby. There was a calm, small current, as if it were a river, not a lake. Then he began to braid my hair and inserted a flower into it.


Hello! I dreamed that I was braiding my hair while looking in the mirror, my hair seemed dark and highlighted with white, the braid was a little loose, not tight


I dreamed that I had a very beautiful long braid (mine is much shorter), black hair (like mine), shiny, and I was sitting holding it in my hands, over my right shoulder, and admiring it. and I think how long and beautiful my hair is.


in a dream, I braided my own braid, and I didn’t intentionally braid it tightly, but loosely, and it turned out to be a long braid, which I wrapped around my head twice


I was in my parents’ apartment, but the situation was different, I saw myself from the side with a thick, waist-length red braid braided on the side (this is my color) and showed it to my mother. Nowadays I have a short haircut


I see that I have two braids braided (in fact, I have short hair), at some point I touch the left braid and it comes off.


I dreamed that I had a very long braid and I was going somewhere with young guys on the bus and I was still looking at my braid, there were some round things in it, I didn’t even understand what it was


I dream in a dream that I look in the mirror, and I have two pigtails on my head. At some point I touch the left braid and it just comes off, then I take the right one and the same thing happens to it. I quickly begin to let down the rest of my hair and see my usual haircut that I currently have, but with right side slightly torn hair. That's it, that's where my dream ended. Thank you in advance!


I dreamed that a girl was braiding one of my braids, and the other was me, my hair was much longer than in life and black, it turned out beautifully :)))


I’m a guy, I have long hair, and I had a dream that I was braiding a braid from my temple to the back of my head, it seemed to go over my head and along my neck, and for some reason I liked it.


I saw myself in the mirror, only my face was very beautiful blonde hair and blue strands and eyebrows are also thick blue. Then I saw my hair gathered into a ponytail consisting of many braids.


I dreamed that I came to some event with my late grandmother and I was without makeup and hair... it’s also like it’s my birthday and I find out that our friends are waiting for us in another room. I see that makeup artists and hairdressers are located in the hall. They do my makeup and braid my hair into two braids. Then my grandmother and I go to another hall, and there is something like a concert there


I dreamed of a daughter aged 8-9 years (she is now 26). I'm putting her hair in order for some event. I comb them and remove the artificial braids. Then we try to find her a dress in an old chest of drawers. My mother - her grandmother (now deceased) is trying to help us. He finds a dark red silk dress in her dresser (this is what my daughter wore at her graduation). But for some reason she doesn’t put it on, something is in the way. But the grandmother herself wears a dark yellow dress. We are not going to the holiday.

[email protected]:

I dreamed of a long blonde braid (in real life it was also blonde), but the tip of the ponytail was broken off. it was simply torn off or shaken off and thrown away. My 12 year old daughter had a dream. 2 or 3 days ago.


sitting in front of the mirror, I braided 2 braids for myself. and the hair was so thick. braided badly. and asked me to braid my mother’s hair. She anointed my head with some kind of ointment to make my hair look better. Then she braided me 2 braids.


I dreamed that a guy I’d liked for a long time, but we didn’t know each other, came up to me, we started getting intimate, then he started to fly my hair


I dreamed that a guy I used to like, but I had never talked to him before, braided my hair


I dreamed that I was standing in the shower and washing my hair 3 times. 2 times with the same shampoo, and 1 time with a different one. But at the same time I didn’t see myself. I saw myself pouring shampoo into my hand.


I dreamed that I had a very beautiful, tight braid, the hair was dense and very beautiful and the braid had a bend, the tone of the hair itself was beautiful and warm, although in reality my hair was thin and shoulder-length. Then I let it down, cut it a little, but not all the way , just a little bit and braided it again, myself, although I don’t know how to braid, and such joy came from this hair...

my name is Evgeniya:

my dream is like this: I get up from my bed to a beautiful white man and look in the mirror and see hair up to my heels and then my mother combs my hair and payot some kind of song.


I dreamed of a girl with a beautiful long braid breaking up with a man the day before after living with him for two years, what does that mean?


I dreamed that it was as if I was invited to a wedding but I didn’t have my hair, I went looking for someone to braid my hair, first an older woman braided it, but it wasn’t tight and the braid came unraveled, then I looked for hairpins to pin my braid up, and the girls from the market finished braiding it for me……… ..

Evgenia Nikolaevna:

I came to the hairdresser and wanted to tint my hair. One master refused, and the other agreed. I sit in a chair and look at myself in the mirror and see that I have a very thick beautiful long braid and that I am blonde, although real life, me-brunette


a friend braided my dark hair and the braid turned out voluminous, it seemed like my hair was very thick, although it was my hair, and I don’t have thick hair.


I dreamed that I was braiding a braid on the side (although I have short hair in real life) I wanted to let this braid go around my head, but it turned out to be longer than I expected. I have brown hair and in my dream it was the same


I had a dream that I was braiding the braids along my bangs, but I didn’t have time to braid them all the way - my mother interfered. Immediately I find myself in mall and I’m looking for somewhere to eat, I go to one expensive restaurant, expensive to another, as a result I go up higher where there are ordinary cafes and wake up


I was collecting food from the refrigerator into bags. My friend’s deceased mother suggested leaving this activity, she said, “Let me braid your hair and you will be a beautiful girl... although in the dream we were all the same age as now, that is, I don’t care.” Currently 31 years old. I told her that I didn’t have to braid my hair, I could still wash my hair today - after all, I had to go to work tomorrow, but she insisted, at that moment I saw my hair loose and shaggy - one might even say unpleasant in appearance. Then I said that now I’ll take my hair tie and come over. The rubber band turned out to be red-crimson in color. A little later I see myself sitting, and she was braiding a braid for me...


This morning I had a dream, as if I came to work in the morning and sat down at the table, and a young man looked familiar to me, it even seems to me that I knew him for a long time, but I don’t remember his name now, I asked if I could do a beautiful hairstyle, I agreed and he so professionally, although not a hairdresser, braided me a beautiful braid, which I was very surprised by, but it turned out to be a very beautiful, thick, medium-length braid. I would like to know what this dream is about, thank you!


I was bathing in the bathroom. The water was dark. I had long hair, longer than it is now. And they braided it for me


I dream about talking to my husband, but I don’t know him, and at the same time they are braiding one braid and undoing the other half of the hair, but I know for sure that it was not braided


Hello Tatiana! Last night I had a dream: I looked in the mirror, and my hair was braided. But the braid is not long, just below the shoulders, because... in life my hair is also shoulder length. And I'm very happy with this braid. But the feeling that someone was braiding my braid, not myself.


1 dream: I was walking down the street and felt something hitting my ankles and when I bent down to look I saw a braid hanging from my head
Dream 2: supposedly I woke up and discovered that my hair was very long below my butt and I began to carelessly put it in a bun


Hello!) I had a dream! I don’t remember what the woman looked like, but I stood and braided my hair! her hair was medium! one might even say that they are long! The color is not light, the woman is long and thin! she was sitting and I was braiding my hair


I came to a friend’s hair salon to cut my bangs or my hair, but when she sat me down in a chair, she silently began to braid my hair and said it would be better this way.




Hello, in a dream I asked you to tell me my future while sitting in front of the mirror, I was lifted up with unpleasant sensations on the body, especially on the face, as if something was tightening it. On the left shoulder there was a thin, long braided braid with a blue ribbon, like in my youth (I’m 37) and on the right there was a white cylinder in my hair. What could this mean?


I dreamed that I was braiding someone’s hair, I didn’t even know if it was someone I knew or not, I didn’t see the hair, but it was a young girl, her hair was blond. I want to braid a beautiful braid, but I started braiding and somehow I can’t do it, I freaked out, wanted to quit, but then I changed my mind and decided to continue braiding, but I don’t remember then


Hello! I dreamed of a long dark brown braid on my head, it was very beautiful


Hello. I don’t remember anything except that I had long and quite thick hair, although it was shoulder-length. The hair was first braided into one thick braid, on right side, and then I got two braids at once, I don’t remember anything else. The color of my hair was light brown.


I had my hair braided by a married work colleague with whom I once had a hostile relationship (long ago)


For the second night in a row I dreamed of the feeling of being forbidden to walk with my hair down. so I start braiding my hair in my sleep


Very beautiful longer than it actually is my hair and heavy thick hair color like actually my natural light chestnut and bleached ends of the shatush. My hair is pulled back into a ponytail and a braid is made from the ponytail and I proudly lay it on my shoulder and show it to I don’t remember who


I was 10 years old and I dreamed that I was walking along the road with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, then Watson went into the barn and Sherlock entered it, I was left alone on the street


ZdravstvuiteTatjana.Videla vo sne volosi,okrashenije v rizevatij cvet,zapletionije v krasivuju kosu,s krsnim ukrashenijem v volosah,hotia volosi u menia svetlije,do plech.Potom menia tolknuli v vodu,ja upala i namochila volosi.videla t akze svojih detei,bivshego muza,mnogo pechenja,sliosi:(What is it? spasibo.


I remember little: they talk to me and braid my beautiful long braids. Then I remember that my hair was beautifully braided into two French braids. Thanks in advance for your answer!


hello) in my dream unknown woman She braided my hair, and it was very tight. It was very painful. She also took me by the hair and twisted me. And I lost consciousness. Then I found myself at home, where I haven’t lived for a long time. I looked in the mirror, my hair was beautiful, but for some reason my hair was brown, although mine is black. I really want to know what this means. Thanks in advance!


I am 55 years old, in a dream I see my sister, she is 51 years old, her hair is beautifully braided, she is joyful. I am surprised because she only had a braid when she was 12 years old. I think in a dream how quickly her hair grew and she became younger. I was in awe of her beautiful hair.


I have thick long hair, floor-length. It’s a pleasant red shade. At first it was braided, but then I unravel it, because I’m going to some holiday and doing a beautiful hairstyle.


Hello, I had a dream that they were running after me, long and far away. The area was like a forest, I felt that my legs were being hit by branches, my feet were bleeding from stones. I get tired and stop, look around, and then he catches me (I don’t remember his face , but I feel that I know him). He is clearly stronger than me, and first grabs one braid and cuts it with a knife, and then with the second one, also at the root.
I value my hair very much, and this is probably why my friends jokingly call me “a hair care maniac.”
I read on forums that this is a loss. Question: “A loss of what?”
I look forward to your earliest possible response and hope for honesty and frankness.
S/U Aidan, or just Dana.
To be honest, I have dreams almost every day, quite often I experience déjà vu, and recently I began to attach importance to dreams.


I have two long braids, almost to my toes, but not completely braided, there are 15 centimeter ponytails left and I don’t know what to do with them with the braids, I can’t do any hairstyle, I’m all thinking about how to style them. That’s how I woke up.


Hello! In a dream, I braided two beautiful long braids for myself... At the same time, in a dream I was arguing with my husband...) What is this for?


A woman stood in front of me with her back turned, and her braid was light and very thick and reached to her toes, and I looked and thought how long it was.


Hello Tatiana! In the dream, my hair, braided, remained in my hand. The braid is neatly braided and thick. A neat hairstyle in the form of a bob remained on the head. The dream is colorful, warm tones.


I was sitting on a chair with my long hair down. The man sitting opposite me stood up and came up to me with the words: “You look better with a braid,” and stood behind him and began to braid the braid, braiding it all.


The dream is generally positive. I dreamed that my colleague was braiding my dark hair. The braid is neither long nor short (mine is shoulder length)


I saw that my partner, also the presenter, had a very long, very beautiful braid that reached the floor. Although she actually has short hair.


Hello, I dreamed of a little schoolgirl girl and a little boy, they stood hand in hand like a couple, and the boy had a long dark braid


I dreamed that I had a very long beautiful braid and was fair-haired. In a dream, I feel this because I see how the elastic band at the bottom has slipped a little and I put it on again and see myself from the outside. I’m in a dream, it seems like I’m at a concert and sitting in the hall I see how my braid almost doesn’t reach the floor.


hello! I dreamed that they were braiding me many, many long braids)))


I saw myself from the back, looking in the mirror, my hair was braided in two thick braids to the middle, but I don’t remember anything else


I dream that I’m combing my hair from the bottom, braided it, and trying to comb the top of my head, comb it all as if I were in a park on a bench, then I decide that it’s better to do it at home and leave


Now I have a bob. in a dream the hair is dark but not black. the braid was braided just below the shoulders, she looked in the mirror and seemed to smooth it out around her head. thank you in advance.


I dreamed that I was braiding a spikelet of corn for myself, which I don’t know how to do in life, and in the dream I started to succeed and she was nearby, as if there was a mentor who told me how to do it correctly.


I like one person, T. man. I like him too. And the strangest thing is that I only dream about him on Fridays and Thursdays, and we work together only on these days. Dream: He sits so big, turned towards with his back in a suit (he himself is 1.95 tall) and as if he was waiting for me. And then I see that he has a thick braid on his head (although he always walks bald), tightly tied with an elastic band, but on the back of his head, all over his head this braid is woven in the shape of a beautiful heart and the edges are trimmed with some kind of fur., I woke up in shock


Long white hair braided. At the end of the braid there is an artificial tuft of hair. I cut off this artificial hair. The hair is below the knees. There is a beautiful crown of hair on my head. I am very surprised that it has grown so quickly and I really like myself.


I dreamed that I was driving a car. And I wonder why I didn’t pass my license and drive a car before. And then I stand in front of the mirror with a luxurious long braid.


Kind! I dreamed that an African woman was braiding many braids on my long, shoulder-length hair. And my hair is black, I also dreamed of a little African girl about 10 years old with the same black hair. But I saw myself from the outside, I didn’t see my face, I saw how this woman braided her hair


First she swam in a pool with soapy water and there was short cropped hair around her, then she swam out onto the path with transparent clean water, there were beautiful stones at the bottom, then she came out of the water and began to braid her hair.


I dreamed of my mother, who supposedly was in the hospital and I was visiting her. Looking at my mother, I notice she has braided braids all over her head. To the question: “Who did this?” Mom replied that she was a new friend. In real life, my mother is very sick.

Zulfira Gabdrakhmanovna:

I’m going to visit an unfamiliar man. He’s so handsome, tall and holding a child in his arms. He wants to get into my car, and I say, you sit behind the wheel, and I will hold the child. I’m also (seemingly) young and I have long hair in two braids.


I combed and braided the long, thick, silky, gray hair of my old grandmother, now deceased. She was in a good mood, children were playing nearby. The braid was unraveling. The grandmother advised us to wet the hair because previous people had not been able to braid it, but by wetting her hair they succeeded. And then I woke up.


I saw brown and black braids in a dream, although my hair is not thick, but I saw thick ones


a man braided a beautiful braid for me; I have blond hair. And a white dove sat on my head.


I saw myself with a white braid wrapped around my head, and even hanging down to my waist (like in old fairy tales). tugged at the loose end


I meet a young man, he goes everywhere with me, in the end he braids me a luxurious braid and offers me to be his wife


The guy I am dating braided my hair. My hair is short (to my shoulders). He braided it very tightly. At the same time he was silent.


Hello, last night I dreamed that I was falling asleep with a braid in my hair, then I woke up in my dream and a piece of the braid was torn off in my hand... I look at my hair, it has become shorter....


I dreamed that I was braiding my mother’s hair, she has short black hair, she asked me and I braided it


In a dream I asked my grandmother to braid her hair; her hair was sooooo thick and long, dark, but not black. And the braid was not three strands, but more. The braid was very wide and very beautiful. It seemed to me that she did not braid the ends tightly and I decided to fix the end, I found several bright elastic bands, as if there was not one braid, but several in one (but this was not so), then I straightened the curls on the braid to make it even more beautiful and voluminous.


Hello, I dreamed that a guy I knew, whom I cared about, was braiding my hair, while I was sitting in front of a mirror in an unfamiliar room


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was sitting in a car and braiding a braid of long hair on my head. Then I see how a former loved one approaches the car and through the open glass of the door hands me a bottle of beer that he started and says: “Will you?” He walks around the car and sits next to me. At this time I unravel my head.


His hair is thin and sparse, short. In a dream I saw quite long ones, braided into two beautiful braids that lay on my shoulders. And this gave me pleasure.


Hello! I dreamed that I was braiding one braid for my younger sister and the hair didn’t really want to gather in it, and then I was braiding a second one for myself... and everything was braided very beautifully for me


Hello, last night I dreamed that I had a long black braid and my head was completely shaved (like the Mongols).


I dreamed that my hair was longer (below my butt) than it actually was. They were straight, and I was even surprised that they grew so quickly.


I dreamed of two black braids, neatly braided, a strange woman cut off one of my braids. I cried a lot and complained to my mother (my mother died on February 16). In my dream, my mother felt sorry for me and hugged me.


I dreamed about my lover’s wife. She communicated very well with me, she was very friendly, almost family relations we had. My lover was also present there. But what’s most interesting is that she braided my beautiful braid.


My grandmother braided me several braids on both sides and tied them with silicone elastic bands, then the hair on the right side broke off in the place where the elastic bands were, the hair was light, smooth, combed and clean


My ex came to me, I sat on a chair, and he braided my hair and told me how much he still loved me. There were also my relatives there who looked at him with disdain.


The unknown man seemed to have cut out part of my hair and attached it so that I had a long braid with a red ribbon. What would that mean? Did you have a dream from Sunday to Monday?


I dreamed of a fight with my mother, a lot of dogs bit me and I noticed and got a bite, the dogs from the house brought roses and red roses and white teeth. He has a sideways head..


At first I dreamed that many relatives had arrived (but in real life I don’t know such people). My husband, sons and daughter and I are going to visit someone, then we need to leave. Then my late grandmother appears, sits me down on a chair, combs my hair and begins to braid my hair.


Good afternoon I had a dream. that another girl (either in the salon, or an acquaintance, I don’t understand for sure) braided a beautiful French braid for me. (One braid on top and the other below) my hair is light brown. I ended up liking the braid, but the hair seemed tangled, I’m so it seemed..)


I asked a girl to braid a small braid for me on one side of my head, she braided it, then asked me to do it on the other side, but she refused...then I asked my husband in a dream to braid it for me, and then we woke up and it turns out he was almost late for work


My hair is actually black, but I dreamed that it was light and I was braiding myself two gorgeous spikelets and I like them


From Wednesday to Thursday I had a dream. I was among my classmates. The surroundings were dark, a little snowy, but generally no snow at all. We were sitting in a circle, and suddenly the boy who I had liked for a long time began to braid my hair. At first he braided it, but it didn’t seem even, but when he straightened the strand, it became smooth and neat. My braid was light in color, although I am a redhead with blonde hair at the ends. And I didn’t see the process, but I saw the finished braid through the eyes of the one who braided it for me (according to the dream, it was the boy I like). What is this for?


Hello. I saw myself in a dream with long hair, below the waist. color, light brunette. And she braided her hair,


I dreamed about a woman ex-husband a bright pink ribbon was woven into the braid


I dreamed that my older sister braided my hair and cut it very short (I asked, maybe it’s not necessary since my hair is long, it’s a pity, she said that it would be beautiful, but in the end everyone was upset.


Hello. My mother dreamed that I had a long, light and beautiful braid. What does it mean?


Grandma was braiding my hair; it was dark and not long, but halfway through braiding she dropped her hands and said I can’t do it anymore. Grandma is alive.


Good afternoon Today I dreamed that I had very long wavy brown hair (in life I have black hair and it’s always cut short, it’s never been longer than shoulder length). In the dream, my mother and friend were nearby. I stroked my long hair and was surprised, and I remember thinking: “Wow, how long my hair is, and it’s not thick and not thin.” Then I asked my friend to braid them into two braids (I was going somewhere). While she was braiding, we laughed that when I went to school I never braided my hair, but now I’ll go with braids, but my grandmother already (I have two little granddaughters). And a friend made me a hairstyle with braids (she pinned them up with hairpins), it seemed to me that she pinned them up very weakly and I tried to “repin” my hairstyle. I don’t remember further


Good afternoon I dreamed of long black hair braided into two braids. I also dreamed that I was in a hotel, and a hurricane was gathering outside and I closed the window with the latch.


Hello! I had a dream today, I don’t remember the exact details. The main idea is that my late friend and I are going to braid my hair, she starts braiding it for me, like a modern braid external type the spikelet from the left side to the right, my husband comes up to us and I tell him in a cheerful tone that Anya will braid such and such a braid for me right now.


My man had a dream that he was released from prison and in front of him is a large deserted field, he walks along it, and then falls into some hole and finds himself in a large unfamiliar city, he doesn’t know where to go, then a car stops near him and he sees me in a car in a red dress and with a bow in my hair, and gets into this car, we drive together to my house, there he sees that I eat raw meat, and he asks why do you eat raw meat, and I answer that very hungry and haven’t eaten for a week, then he dreams that I have a long braid, and he asks, did you have such long hair, and then the dream ends that we are just sleeping together


I saw in a dream how a girl braided her braids and connected them by weaving in some kind of towel or ribbon! I was also bitten by a dog in a dream!


we have 2 granddaughters, they have very long wheat-colored hair and I saw my husband and I braiding it in the morning. He did it very quickly and beautifully, but at first it went well for me, and then it didn’t work out, I started to get nervous and my husband finished it everything myself. It turned out very beautifully. I dream every night, but as soon as I wake up. I can never remember what I saw, but this dream was very clear. I was surprised!


Hello. I dreamed that I had two braids made of black hair braided on my head. And someone comes up to me and cuts them off with scissors. The hair in the braids remains cut off and unbraided.


Hello! I dreamed that I was braiding a spikelet of corn for my three-year-old daughter! What could this mean?


A stranger braided my hair, standing behind me. The braid is quite long, in life I am blonde and the braid was my hair color. Two more lit candles. I’m also holding a lit candle in my hands.


Good day. I had a dream that my relative had gray dreadlocks (many small braids), and then they began to grow black. and the result was half-black-gray long pigtails


Good afternoon I dreamed that my husband was making two tails curled on my head


I unravel or lay out the hair of a young famous actress (singer) long red hair dream colored


I have naturally thin hair, and during nap I see that the braid is light brown, braided and thick along the back, almost to the waist, but not tied with an elastic band or anything else. Why?


I dreamed that my friend gave her mother a long braid to wear and I attached this braid to my long hair


An unknown woman, or I just don’t remember who she was, braided my hair in a dream, a long one, although my hair was shoulder-length.


In a dream, someone braided me two braids, one shorter, the hair color was light, close to my natural color in my youth, in life I have sparse hair, and in the dream I was pleasantly surprised by the decent thickness of the braid.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I was sitting in the room at the table and my deceased paternal grandmother was standing next to me, as if she were alive, she took out the fabric and unfolded it on the table and there were two braids as if they had been cut from my hair and I was so happy that all this time my grandmother took care of them and kept them, and my grandmother was so calm and peaceful in the dream, in general the dream was warm for me, I want to add that in the room where my grandmother and I were, it was her home


I dreamed that I had long hair and two braids that started at the top, big thick braids and I always touched them


I dreamed of long hair, I braided it. Gorgeous braid came out, thick


My neighbor braided my hair; he was kind and stroked my cheek. We haven't talked for a long time.


I dreamed that my relative was standing with a long dark beautiful braid, what was this for?


I dreamed of long white hair gathered in a ponytail, and from this ponytail there were three braids, which I gathered into a net and at the same time looked in the mirror and admired that I had luxurious, beautiful hair.


My rival in love braided my hair, although I didn’t ask her to do so. And for this, she asked her to pay. I gave her all the money that I had in my pocket. It was small change - coins from a ruble to 10. Moreover, it felt like this small change was also hers. Thank you.


A friend gave me her pink dress and said that it was from Roberto Covalli. I had braids on my head


Hello! I dreamed that my rival in love braided my hair. Moreover, this was not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations (for example, hair pulling). She braided me and pinned the hair that had escaped from the braid with bobby pins. And I paid her for it with a huge handful of change. Moreover, it felt like it was she who once gave me this little thing. Thank you!




Good afternoon Last night I dreamed that I was undoing my niece’s pigtails (13 years old, curly brunette). There are a lot of them, of different thicknesses and they bloom with difficulty, I feel irritated and tired because of this. I know that these braids were braided by a woman unknown to us and on each braid there is a beautiful hairpin or elastic band with stones.
Help me interpret the dream. I'm worried that he doesn't promise anything bad for my niece.


Hello. From Friday to Saturday I had the following dream. I see I have 2 long dark braids braided. At the bottom of each braid there is a large gold decoration in the form of a leaf. Tell me what this is for. Thank you in advance.


Someone braided my hair, I saw my braid from the side. It’s very beautiful, only my hair is dark brown, but in the dream it was light golden


a strange room, but I’m sure it’s a hairdresser’s, a large high basket, in it there is one long blond braid and three short blond, thick braids. I take them in my hands, put them back, they offer me to sit in a chair, but I’m not sure that I need it, I leave.


I dream of a friend; she has long dark hair braided. But now she has short hair, once it was long. I dream of a husband, he has light brown hair, he is trying to make a braid on his short hair, while he is looking at me. Then the dream changes, my husband behaves strangely, I run away from him, he catches up with me and hugs me. And then I find myself in some kind of stall and eating unusual homemade deep deep ice cream. The husband passes by the stall. And I woke up. There was someone else running away from him, but he didn’t catch anyone.


Hello. I had a dream where I was in my long hair I found a very long curl that almost reached the floor. It's like the hairdresser gave me a bad haircut.
And here, with a long braid, I stand in front of the mirror and twist the already braided braid into a bun to see what it would be like if the entire length of the hair was the same as a long, uncut curl. Thank you


I had thick, long hair. I stood in front of the mirror and braided my hair, which included a braid. (I braided the braid myself)


I comb my hair in front of the mirror and wonder if I’ve forgotten how to braid my hair, because I have short hair and it seems like I’m braiding my own hair.


I dreamed that my friends were braiding my hair. The hair was long and black. Then I looked in the mirror


My boyfriend's mom braided my hair, but it wasn't tight, it was weak and the strands fell out of the braids, then I braided my boyfriend's mom's braids, this time tight and it held on well.


I dreamed of a long braid with which I was strangling a man.


Hello! I dreamed that I was looking at myself from behind in the mirror, two braids were braided from the temples, and connected in the middle at the back, showing my hairstyle to my mother.


Hello, I dreamed that a girl had a beautiful braid in several circles, the color was blonde - and she showed me and showed off to me many times!


I dream about how I’m in a hairdresser’s and my hairdresser is braiding my long braid
And the braid is thick, the hair is light