Pulls in the right side under the ribs in front. The right side hurts under the ribs on the side. Pain under the ribs on the right: how it occurs, symptoms

Pain in the right side under the ribs warns of various diseases of the internal organs. After all, it is in this area of ​​the abdominal space that organs important for the normal functioning of the body are located. The type of painful sensations plays an important role here. If a similar symptom occurs regularly and does not go away within three days, then this is a serious reason to visit the clinic and provide the patient with medical care.

Side pain in the right side under the ribs often speaks of inflammatory processes of the liver (other symptoms of a diseased liver can be found in), the gallbladder, and also the kidneys or intestines, can be a consequence of injuries. Painful sensations are pulling, aching or sharp, stabbing, cutting and unbearable. Their location can be local or spread over the entire side. Unpleasant sensations can give pain in the abdomen, ribs and even in the shoulder.

Similar sensations indicate the following pathologies:

  • colic in the kidneys characterizes the pain of an acute manifestation on the right side;
  • diseases in the chronic form of the abdomen are manifested by dull pain;
  • stitching sensations speak of inflammation;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane and gallbladder is manifested by aching painful sensations on the right.

What can happen in the body with right-sided pain under the rib?

Cramps and colic on the side speak of various pathologies or consequences of trauma in humans. Pain in the back is characteristic of liver problems. Most likely, there was an organ intoxication. This can happen after eating, oily and spicy, or alcohol abuse. Severely damages the liver and smoking.

Painful sensations on the right can also come from behind. It is a component of the endocrine system and produces insulin. When symptoms are complemented by nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, the development of pancreatitis can be suspected (read more about pancreatitis) . The reasons for its appearance can be different: trauma, alcohol dependence, surgical treatment.

The factor that provoked pain in the right side may be appendicitis, although this is possible only with its atypical location, as well as inflammation of the gallbladder.

Front pain in the right hypochondrium

This kind of painful sensations notify a person about big problems with his liver. The patient may suffer from bursting pain with tingling sensations. Toxic or alcoholic hepatitis is accompanied by additional symptoms: weakness, heartburn, lack of appetite and decreased functionality. You may also experience a burning sensation in the affected area.

The symptom also characterizes the development of cirrhosis of the liver, the appearance of cystic formations. The latter block the path of passage of bile and blood, which causes heaviness in the affected organ due to its increase.

With heart failure, there is a failure in the blood flow throughout the body, swelling forms, and the liver enlarges. This provokes pain in the studied part of the human body. Strong impulses of a painful nature develop with abdominal myocardial infarction.

The colon is able to stretch. With such a pathological condition, a person is tormented by colic. Their intensity will increase with further stretching of the intestine.

Cuts under the ribs on the right are manifested in case of digestive disorders, problems of the gastrointestinal tract: increased gas production, diarrhea. Often, severe pain characterizes the manifestation of colitis. It is characterized by spasms, stool problems, flatulence.

Pain syndrome can develop with echinococcosis. The cause of the onset of the disease is the activity of the echinococcus worm, as a result of which cystic formations filled with fluid are formed in the right side of the liver. Cysts are able to gradually squeeze the capillaries and bile ducts. The consequence is an enlarged liver and pain signals. With further progression of the formation, an abscess of the liver occurs, causing sharp painful sensations.

The pain of a pulsating nature worries the patient with any movement. It can hurt even under the scapula. If the disease is ignored, the body temperature rises, the peritoneum becomes inflamed, and blood poisoning occurs.

It is characterized by an atypical onset of the development of inflammation. The pain increases when walking, decreases if you lie on your right side. A concomitant symptom may be high body temperature, nausea, vomiting. After a few hours, painful sensations can spread to the entire abdomen.

Pain in the posterior part of the right side under the ribs

Painful sensations from behind from the back indicate the consequences of various injuries, problems with the functioning of the liver, paired organs, and the vena cava. This kind of impulses also occur with urolithiasis, when calculi, grains of sand descend along the ureters. In a baby, pain under the rib in the back causes pathologies of paired organs that have developed against the background of a decrease in immunity.

Common causes are kidney inflammation (pyelonephritis), rib contusion, malignant neoplasms, and necrosis of the renal papillae, shingles, and intercostal neuralgia.

The last pathological condition causes pulling pain, numbness of the side, painful sensations in the region of the ribs. If tingling occurs, the person may lose the ability to move. When muscles become inflamed, myositis develops, causing twitching or colic.

Severe pain is caused by a malignant tumor in the kidneys with an advanced ailment, especially if an oncological formation has blocked the urinary tract. Under the ribs, it can also hurt with a tumor in the adrenal gland, when it reaches a sufficiently large volume.

If there is a severe bruise of the posterior segments of the ribs, a person may feel aching pain, aggravated by coughing, inhaling. The fracture is accompanied by a characteristic crunch, so when this symptom occurs, a person can analyze whether a similar injury has occurred.

Inhalation pain

When the painful sensations during inhalation are unbearable, this indicates the development of cholecystitis, an inflammatory process in the lungs, and peritonitis. With the progression of cholecystitis in the body, bile accumulates in the cavity of the biliary tract, which does not reach the intestine. Getting on the mucous membranes, it begins to bake, because its composition is saline. The pain intensifies, the body temperature rises. O

A stitching sensation when inhaling or coughing can provoke pleurisy.

Painful cramps in women

The representatives of the beautiful half of the population have pains in the last days of menstruation due to a sharp hormonal disruption. Severe pain occurs against the background of a spasm of the biliary tract, which can be given to the back. Therefore, the physiology of the female body is often the cause of painful sensations.

When taking hormonal birth control pills, a woman may feel tingling, burning, and dull pain in the right rib area. This is due to a violation of the bile duct.

Carrying a child and pain under the rib on the right

Women who are in position may experience cramps in the side when the uterus presses on the paired organs. If the liver is overloaded, the ureter will also suffer. During pregnancy, you should not worry about tingling or numbness in the right side, if this is not a constant phenomenon. Stabbing in the side of the fairer sex can be due to physical activity, so it is worth limiting sports.

During pregnancy, progesterone increases the biliary tract, provoking fluid stagnation in them, a symptom of which is a burning sensation in the right side. In order to avoid complications, a woman in a position needs to seek help from a doctor, take blood and urine tests, undergo an examination and an ultrasound scan. If necessary, therapy will be prescribed.

Important! Every expectant mother should remember about responsibility not only for her own life, but also for her child. Therefore, enduring pain is categorically contraindicated. In case of any deviations, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Acute kind of pain

Such sensations usually bother a person with seizures. The phenomenon often appears at night. In the right side, a sharp sharp pain speaks of renal colic, which characterizes the advancement of a stone through the ureter with urolithiasis.

Painful sensations in the hypochondrium on the right also signal an ulcer of the duodenum, stomach. Here, the symptoms are complemented by nausea, vomiting, belching. It can also be a sign of a ruptured cyst, ovary or fallopian tube, gallbladder, appendicitis.

Severe attacks are characteristic of acute cholecystitis. It can hurt under the rib on the right due to the progression of vascular dystonia. In this case, the pain is not constant.

Aching manifestations

Aching pains can manifest themselves with the following problems:

A similar feeling becomes a frequent guest of athletes when running. Sometimes it gives in the leg. Indicates stretching of the muscle capsule. The reason for this is a malfunction of the diaphragm with improper nutrition, a decrease in blood outflow.

Getting rid of it is pretty easy. Athletes should warm up before training, breathe correctly (deep breaths, belly breathing) during sports activity. In such a situation, it is not necessary to see a doctor.

But this kind of symptom may indicate the development of right-sided pneumonia. Pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, dyspeptic disorder and blue nasolabial triangle. Often, the symptom expresses a disease of the right urinary organ.

Dull and girdle pain in the side

Dull sensations disturb a person with pathologies of the liver and pancreas. It can be a tumor, hepatitis, poisoning of the body, as well as inflammation of the gallbladder or its head, enlargement of the liver.

Girdle pain is often caused by neuralgia, pleurisy, problems with the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. With pancreatitis, such pain is intense and sharp. Doesn't subside even when lying down. Concomitant symptoms of the disease are a blue tint of the skin, vomiting, small hemorrhages in the navel and on the sides.

Important information about painful sensations

For each person, it is important to remember some points about pain in order to go to the clinic in a timely manner or call for help:

  1. Differences between acute and chronic forms of painful sensations. With the first type, pain rarely occurs, the intensity can increase every hour. The chronic manifestation is usually dull, from which the patient may suffer for a long period of time. People need to distinguish between the types of sensations in order to understand what is happening in their body. Indeed, in case of acute pain, you need to immediately call the ambulance and go to the hospital. The situation may require surgical treatment. Chronic pain characterizes the long course of the disease.
  2. For acute abdominal pain, do not take pain relievers before being examined by a doctor. Chronic sensations have no such contraindications.
  3. Painful sensations in the right area of ​​the peritoneum do not always indicate diseases of the organs of this particular area of ​​the body. Sometimes this is a radiating pain arising from the characteristic features of the passage of the nerve trunks.

Diagnosing pain manifestations

To begin with, the doctor asks the patient about the type of pain manifestation, its location. Nutrition, the condition of the abdominal muscles and adipose tissue, the presence of injuries and infections are important. Then the doctor examines the affected area of ​​the body by groping. Then he directs the person to pass the necessary tests.

Hardware studies can be additional. This is an X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, ways of excretion of bile. To diagnose oncology, a biopsy is performed. Excretory urography, vertical aortography and radioisotope renography will be informative.

Under what circumstances is it urgent to see a doctor?

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for a person who does not stop vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea or constipation.

Important! Pain syndrome can often signal processes in the body that lead to the death of a person without proper treatment.

First aid

If people have pain, an ambulance should be called urgently. After all, there are many factors for the development of such a condition, and only a doctor can identify them after a complete examination of the patient. Before the arrival of medical workers, a cold can be applied to the affected area. The patient needs to be helped to take the optimal comfortable position of the body. The person should calm down and relax as much as possible.

After the diagnosis is made, the person will be prescribed the necessary medications: antispasmodics, analgesics, vasodilators and other drugs.

Who can help with pain on the right side under the rib?

It is impossible to identify the exact disease only by the pain symptoms above the waist. A person needs to undergo a full examination. First you need to see a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and interview, and refer to a specialist of the required profile on complaints. It can be a cardiologist, surgeon, gynecologist, and also a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, traumatologist or infectious disease specialist.

Self-medication is categorically contraindicated. Without knowing the exact cause of the discomfort, you can harm your health, aggravate the situation. It is allowed to carry out therapy only after a doctor prescribes treatment based on the results of tests and a complete examination.

How to relieve unbearable pain?

With severe pain, it is not recommended to take antispasmodics. Indeed, in this case, the exact clinical picture of the pathological condition is washed off. In rare cases, we can accept No-shpa. In general, after a doctor's examination, a complex treatment is prescribed, which includes drug therapy aimed at getting rid of the underlying disease, a diet and a course of vitamins. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary.

Important! Under no circumstances apply a heating pad or other heat to the sore side. Only cold is allowed.

How to help a child with painful sensations?

If the baby has pain on the right side, you need to immediately call an ambulance. It is contraindicated to give the baby pills and other medicines for pain on your own.

Compliance with dietary nutrition

Proper nutrition is the key to quick relief from pain in the right side, both in men and women. To do this, you need to give up bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse), if any. It is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods cooked with spices from the diet. Carbonated drinks, canned food, smoked foods are contraindicated.

If a person is diagnosed with a chronic disease, such nutrition will contribute to long-term remission, facilitate the work of the diseased organ. It is not only the quality of the food that is important, but also the adherence to the regimen of meals. With fractional nutrition, the metabolic process is accelerated, the outflow of bile returns to normal, the load on the internal organs becomes even.

Pain relief methods

If the patient is worried about renal colic, doctors do novocaine blockade. In the case of inflammation of the liver or exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis (in the absence of calculi), tubage is indicated.

When cholecystitis has caused severe pain, it can be eliminated by pressing. The manipulation can be done independently. To do this, the patient lies on his back, gently presses on the affected area of ​​the biliary tract. You need to press with your hand with insignificant pain and release after 20 seconds. When, after a couple of minutes, the discomfort intensifies, you need to press again. The procedure lasts until the pain completely stops.

Alternative medicine in the fight against right-sided pain

Means of folk production are indicated for chronic painful sensations. Basically, herbs that have an alkaloid in their composition and have an antispasmodic effect will be useful here. These are mint, fennel, chamomile, St. John's wort and anise.

With cholecystitis, immortelle, oregano, corn stigmas will become effective due to their choleretic actions. A decoction of potatoes will also be useful here. Boiled potatoes "in their uniforms" are pounded right in water and eaten one spoonful three times a day.

For kidney discomfort, a remedy made from honey and cinnamon or lemon and olive oil can help.

In folk medicine, there are many useful recipes for pain, but their use is allowed only after consulting a doctor and receiving his recommendations.

Preventive measures against discomfort on the right

In order for the pain syndrome not to catch a person by surprise, it is necessary to follow a number of very simple rules:

  • seek medical help at the first sensations of pain;
  • do not eat a lot of fried, fatty and salty foods that are heavy on the stomach;
  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • do not neglect preventive visits to the doctor and examinations through ultrasound.

The causes of pain in the right hypochondrium are many. Accordingly, the treatment for each situation will be different. It is important not to be your own doctor, and not to drink medications on your own. In case of severe and severe pain manifestations, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a medical professional and act according to his recommendations. After examining and studying the test results, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary therapy to eliminate the pain and the factor that provoked the unpleasant sensation. Otherwise, you can greatly harm the body, which will end in failure.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience over 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Surely every person at least once in his life had pain in the right hypochondrium. Most often, it goes away on its own, as it is associated with improper diet or excessive physical activity. However, if it stabs in the right side under the ribs for a long time, regardless of external factors, then this may be a signal of the development of a pathological process. What pathology are we talking about, and what organs can provoke right-sided pain? More on this later in the article.

Pain in the right side under the ribs may indicate the development of inflammation of the internal organs.

Pain in the right side in front

If the pain on the right under the ribs is felt closer to the front surface of the body, this may be evidence of not only inflammation in the digestive tract, but also heart disorders.

  • Diseases of the liver. In case of violations associated with this organ, pain occurs due to the fact that it is overflowing with blood, has a strongly stretched capsule. They are localized on the right side of the body, and, as a rule, are bursting or blunt in nature. Liver disease, in addition to pain, can be accompanied by nausea, heaviness and a burning sensation that radiates to the shoulder region, neck or back.
  • Hepatitis. In this case, discomfort in the right side will be associated with the release of toxins and dyspeptic manifestations. Feeling of nausea and increased formation of gas is possible. Pain syndrome with hepatitis often manifests itself after eating a tingling sensation. Yellow eyes and discoloration of bowel movements are common symptoms.
  • Cirrhosis. The pain in this disease is localized in the waist area on the right under the ribs. It feels like a burning sensation. Sometimes it can spread to the back of the body.
  • Echinococcosis. The disease belongs to helminthic invasions. In the process of its development, echinococcus forms cysts, which are located in the liver tissue. These formations squeeze hepatocytes and blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of pain on the right side. In case of rupture of the cyst, severe pain appears on the right under the ribs or just below. If you do not provide timely assistance, then peritonitis may develop.
  • Heart failure. With this pathology, blood flow is disturbed, as a result of which the liver increases in size. The pain is pulling in nature, in addition, there is a constant feeling of heaviness. With abdominal myocardial infarction, the pain does not pull, but burns or presses strongly in the region of the ribs on the right side. The difference from other diseases is that in this case, the person's blood pressure drops sharply, he becomes pale, the heart rate is disturbed.
  • Bowel diseases. With these disorders, pain can be localized only under the ribs, for example, with inflammation of the colon, or cover the entire abdomen, change localization. So, with appendicitis, the pain subsequently moves to the iliac region. With intestinal diseases, parallel symptoms are often: stool disorders, the presence of impurities in the feces, bloating.

Pain in the right side from the back

Why does it pierce the right side closer to the back of the body?

As the stone moves through the ureter, the pain will be felt on the right side of the back under the ribs, and then move to the groin area

The cause may be a pathological process that develops in the kidney, osteochondrosis, impaired blood flow in the vena cava and other diseases.

  • Chronic cholecystitis. This disease causes pain on the right, aching in nature, which radiates to the lumbar region. In addition, there are signs such as a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, headache, appetite disorder.
  • Stones in the kidneys. As the stone progresses, it irritates the receptors of the pelvis and ureter. Therefore, the pain is felt both from the side and from the back. Irradiation of pain in the groin and femoral region is characteristic of urolithiasis. It is also possible the appearance of blood clots in the urine, vomiting.
  • Pyelonephritis. The inflammatory process in the right kidney leads to pain on the right under the ribs from the back. The accompanying signs will help to recognize the disease: fever, the presence of false urge to urinate, pain syndrome in the process of urinary excretion, swelling of the face. If there is a purulent infection, then the pain becomes pulling and prolonged.

How to distinguish colic occurring in the right side

When it hurts or tingles in the right side, it is difficult to immediately determine where the discomfort is coming from. Nevertheless, it is possible: by the nature of the pain, intestinal, renal and hepatic colic are isolated.

  • Intestinal. This type of colic is characterized by a manifestation in the form of seizures. In this case, if you press a little on the stomach, then the painful sensation may disappear. During intestinal colic, a person feels pain either in the lower right part of the abdominal region, or it captures the entire abdomen, including the hypochondrium. Accompanying symptoms in this case will be: nausea, increased gas formation, "swollen" abdomen, vomiting is possible.
  • Renal. This type of colic is very severe pain in the lumbar region, under the ribs (right or left - depending on the kidney), in the groin. Such accompanying symptoms as: problems with urination (often with pain), difficulty in defecation, increased gas production will help to recognize it.
  • Hepatic. Most often occurs after lunch. These are painful, stabbing or unpleasant sensations in the right side under the ribs, which can subsequently spread to the shoulder, scapular, and also throughout the abdomen. Additional signs of hepatic colic are: dryness of the oral mucosa, profuse sweating, possible vomiting and fever.

Other causes of pain in the right side

In addition to the above, other causes of pain and discomfort in the right side are possible. For example, a pulling sensation of numbness under the ribs can occur with intercostal neuralgia. It intensifies in the process of movement, bending in the form of a sharp pain syndrome. In addition, tingling sensations from the back or front (sometimes from both sides at once) are characteristic.

In the case of traumatic injuries of the lower ribs on the right, the pain will manifest itself mainly during physical activity. Osteochondrosis will "shoot" in the right side on the back if it develops in the lumbar spine. It can also be detected by the characteristic tension of muscle tissue in this area.

Why does side pain occur after exercise?

Many people are faced with a situation when, as a result of or during physical activity, it stabs in the right side. Load refers to both sports training and activities associated with hard physical labor. The unpleasant sensations are caused by the overflow of the liver with blood and the resulting distension of its capsule.

Pain on the right after physical activity is caused by overflow of the liver with blood and stretching of its capsule

Here, the ducts of the gallbladder are stretched with bile, since in the process of physical activity their walls are relaxed. As a result, the person has a tingling sensation in the right side, and in some cases pain is felt.

It should be noted that if physical activity was preceded by food intake, then pain is manifested in the vast majority of cases. The liver at this time is in a state of active work, so the additional load will be detrimental to it.

Important! In trained people, pain on the right under the ribs after physical activity rarely appears.

Common pain on the right in women and during pregnancy

In females, pain in the right side under the ribs may be associated with hormonal levels. For example, pain appears in the last days of the menstrual cycle, especially while taking hormone-based contraceptives. As a result of an imbalance in the bile ducts, a spasm occurs, the outflow of bile is disturbed, and pain appears in the right hypochondrium.

While carrying a child, a woman has a sore or tingling sensation in her right side in the same way, due to an altered hormonal background. The bile ducts, thanks to progesterone, are in a relaxed dilated state, which contributes to congestion. The growing uterus puts pressure on the liver and gallbladder, leading to painful sensations.

Attention! In any case, the manifestation of pain, and especially during pregnancy, should not be guided by the material of articles posted on the network (including this article). It is imperative to consult a doctor for advice.

It hurts on the right under the rib, this fact is observed not only in the case when an increase in their volume is associated with the onset of inflammation

Painful sensations are very often observed, which are located under the ribs on the right side. Many people want to know what is under the right rib? They are experienced at least by every person at least once in his life. This occurs as a result of the high density of the structure of the organs located on that side of the chest. Here the liver and the right side of the kidney are located close to each other.

Pain in the right side is divided into acute and dull. They arise if the liver or kidney does not have enough space, which is allotted to them by nature. This fact is observed not only when the increase in their volume is associated with the onset of inflammation.

The cause of the pain syndrome can be the displacement of the internal organs, which have arisen as a result of a blow or squeezing, and they are as close to each other as possible.

To find out exactly the cause of pain in the right side, you need to know what it depends on, and what factors influence its occurrence.

Pain under the right rib: how it appears

There are a number of things that can cause pain that is felt in the right rib area. That is why it is important to know the possible factors of its occurrence in order to seek appropriate help in time. This pain may require urgent medical attention, therefore:

  • If it hurts in the area of ​​the right side for more than an hour (under the rib), then an emergency ambulance should be called;
  • Pain of a sharp or acute nature also requires immediate examination by ambulance specialists;
  • If acute pain is accompanied by vomiting or nausea, then this indicates serious reasons requiring an emergency call;
  • If painful sensations of a stabbing nature arise during movement and do not go away within half an hour, this may indicate an infringement of internal organs. This also suggests the need to call an ambulance for a diagnosis by specialists.

With normal functioning of the internal organs, there should be no pain. As an exception, injuries that affect the ribs or organs appear. If a bruise appears in the area of ​​the ribs on the right side, then the cause of the pain is a previous injury.

Possibly hepatitis

Pain may appear due to hepatitis. There are three symptoms to help you recognize it:

  1. General weakness of the body and apathy;
  2. Persistent migraine and impaired appetite;
  3. The appearance of yellow skin and loss of urine color.

Causes of pain in the front and back under the right rib

In addition to mechanical injury, pain in the right side of the chest may appear due to the onset of the inflammatory process of such organs as:

  • Gall bladder;
  • Lungs;
  • Adrenal;
  • The upper part of the intestine;
  • Duodenum;
  • Pancreas.

If a woman is at the stage of pregnancy, then pain on the right side of the chest may indicate the growth of the fetus. This factor implies squeezing of internal organs, which occurs as a result of the active growth of the unborn child.

Also, pain may indicate the onset of inflammation in the gallbladder, when its walls thicken. This reaction is associated with slow work on the outflow of bile. As a result, the enlarged gallbladder begins to press on the right side of the ribs. If the reason is this, then the pain has an aching character, it can intensify in the process of a person's movement and decrease when his body is in a calm, relaxed position.

Acute pain can occur if one of the internal organs is seriously damaged. In this case, the immediate assistance of specialists is required.


To correctly identify the cause of pain in the right side, you should carefully compare all the symptoms and do a number of studies of your body. The doctor makes a presumptive diagnosis based on the patient's complaints. During the survey, the doctor may be interested in the presence of acute chronic diseases, recent injuries and bruises, as well as the possible hepatitis. You will also need to identify the relationship between acute pain and recent food intake. Physical activity that could have contributed to the development of pain is also important.

After the interview, the doctor begins to personally examine the patient. This procedure begins with a visual examination of the skin, after which it proceeds to palpation of the abdominal cavity.

If the reason for which the pain is felt is the right kidney, or rather its increase in volume, then this is revealed through probing the anterior abdominal wall.

With the development of inflammation in the liver, this is noticeable by examining the edge of the right side of the ribs. In case of problems with the gallbladder, the doctor identifies through pain in the lower part of the right side of the chest. Sometimes, pain in the right side of the ribs can indicate the presence of helminthic invasion. In this case, discomfort will be observed when feeling the area near the navel.

In addition to palpation of the patient, a visual examination of the eyeball, tongue, and also all skin integuments plays an important role in making the correct diagnosis. If the inflammation is located in the liver or gallbladder, then in this case a yellow bloom will be noticeable on the tongue. Kidney or pancreatic problems can be detected through a white coating on the root of the tongue.

If there are problems with the outflow of bile or yellowing of the whites of the eye and the entire skin occurs. This is due to the fact that bilirubin enters the bloodstream from the bile, which, when decomposed, gives the skin and eyes a yellowish tint.

After the doctor has made the alleged diagnosis, it is necessary to additionally conduct an examination in the laboratory. This is necessary to confirm or refute a previously made diagnosis.

Severe unbearable pain under the right rib: what to do?

If pain begins in the right side of the chest, this means that your body warns of the presence of serious diseases. After all, it is here that some of the main human organs are located. Their defeat and untimely treatment can cause death!

So in most cases, severe pain can indicate:

  • Rupture of the gallbladder;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Mechanical injury to the liver;
  • Prolapse or rupture of the kidney;
  • Pinched renal.

All these possible reasons require immediate treatment to specialists and, possibly, subsequent surgical intervention. For this reason, if you have a sharp severe pain that is felt in the right side, you need to urgently seek help from the hospital. Every minute wasted can cost a human life.

Why does it hurt under the right rib: possible diseases

Pain in the right side of the ribs can warn of a number of diseases. Among them it should be noted:

  1. Hepatitis in an acute or chronic stage;
  2. Cholecystitis;
  3. Fatty degeneration at the cellular level of liver structures;
  4. Inflammatory processes of the appendages;
  5. Acute form of appendicitis;
  6. Glomerulonephritis;
  7. Inflammation in the small intestine;
  8. The presence of worms;
  9. Acute form of pneumonia;
  10. The onset of inflammation in the pancreas;
  11. Oncological diseases affecting the area of ​​the lungs, kidneys, gallbladder and other internal organs.

In any case, it is important not to rely on self-medication and not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist is able to make an accurate diagnosis and develop an effective treatment. Any medical institution has all the equipment necessary for this.

How to relieve pain

Pain of any nature that is located in the right side of the chest can be relieved with the help of " Noshpa"And other medicines for spasms. However, experts do not recommend taking medications if the cause of the discomfort in the body is not known. So you can erase the clinical picture, making it difficult to diagnose.

At the onset of pain syndromes in the right side, it is necessary for a person to ensure complete rest, help to assume a static position of the body and put something cold on the disturbing place. It is not recommended to take anything on your own, you need to urgently call a doctor.

In case of pain caused by bile congestion, it can be reduced by cleansing the liver (tyubage).

If it hurts under the right rib in the back

Very often, pain in the area of ​​the right side of the ribs is observed precisely from behind. The reason for this may be inflammatory processes in the pancreas, as well as in the kidneys. It is quite easy to distinguish between these two options.

If the cause is precisely related to kidney problems, then Pasternatsky's symptom is observed. To determine it, you need to strike a little with the edge of your palm on the lower part of the ribs. If pain occurs, this symptom is confirmed.

If the cause of the pain is inflammation of the pancreas, then the pain is shingles in nature. That is, it hurts both on the right side of the ribs and on other sides.

When moving, pain under the right lower rib

Sometimes pain occurs in completely healthy people, most often when moving. If physical activity is too strong, then the internal organs increase as a result of the production of adrenaline and the acceleration of blood flow.

Also, pain can begin due to sharp bends of the body or its turns. In this case, it arises from the contact between the internal organs. It usually goes away 5-10 minutes after you stop exercising.

Pain in the side under the ribs on the right is a symptom that even a completely healthy person has encountered at least once in his life. The tight contact of the right hypochondrium with the internal organs, as well as their dense structure, greatly complicates the determination of a clear diagnosis, therefore, during painful symptoms of any nature under the ribs on the right, you do not need to postpone the visit to the doctor.

Why does it hurt under the ribs on the right side?

Right hypochondrium is a reliable protection for many internal organs. First of all, pain on the right indicates diseases:

But to reveal correctly the cause of painful symptoms in the right hypochondrium or back, you need to pay attention to the localization of pain, as well as its nature.


Pain in the side on the right under the ribs can be of a different nature:

  • sharp;
  • stitching;
  • strong;
  • pulling, dull aching;
  • sharp.

Subject to character pain and accompanying symptoms you can identify the affected internal organ.

Strong pain

Strong and unbearable right side pain typical for diseases of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

Diseases of the gallbladder. Strong pain on the right force the patient to look for a comfortable position for himself. In addition, there may be such symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin in the area;
  • frequent vomiting that does not bring relief.

Hepatic colic- sharp and strong painful sensations in the back, subside while taking antispasmodics. In diseases of the liver, yellowed whites and eyelids are characteristic.

Liver injury... The pain becomes worse if the person takes a horizontal position. Signs of blood loss can be observed (with low pressure, the pulse quickens, pallor of the mucous membranes and skin, dizziness and weakness).

Kidney... The pain is so intense that the patient rushes about trying to find a comfortable position. As a rule, pain is explained by urolithiasis, therefore, taking into account the location of the stone, the pain is localized in the lower or upper part of the hypochondrium on the right side. In addition, there may be the following symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • constant urination;
  • vomiting that comes along with pain.

Sharp pain

"Dagger" or sharp pain appears unexpectedly and is usually a symptom of a stomach ulcer. In acute pain, a person usually assumes a recumbent position with legs tucked into the abdomen.

In addition, he is often tormented by:

  • sour belching, heartburn;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • vomiting and nausea.

Sharp pain

Shingles and sharp pain is the first sign developing acute pancreatitis. The reason for the exacerbation of this disease may be the consumption of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages with sweet and fatty foods. Sharp pain sensations in acute pancreatitis are characterized by their intensity - the pain does not subside during a change in body position or coughing. Pancreatitis has the following symptoms:

  • severe intoxication (minor hemorrhages around the navel and on the sides, marbled skin on the abdomen, cyanosis of the body and face);
  • frequent vomiting;
  • nausea.

Sharp pain in the right hypochondrium in the region of the clavicle and scapula appears during the accumulation of pus behind the diaphragm. Painful sensations become stronger with breathing, sudden movements, sneezing and coughing. Relief comes from lying down on the right side. Possible symptoms of the disease:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • fever.

Sharp pain between the ribs that begin to be felt with any, even a slight touch on the skin, as a rule, are characteristic of shingles, which is a viral disease that manifests itself in the form of painful rashes on the skin along the course of nerve endings infected with the virus (usually in the intercostal region). Before the appearance of a rash, a person may feel weakness, aching pain in the left or right hypochondrium, high temperature.

Drawing, dull aching pain

Aching dull, pulling pain on the right in the hypochondrium can talk about chronic liver diseases that provoke its increase in size (hepatitis). In addition, it can be a symptom of the development of benign and malignant tumors.

In addition to pulling and dull pain, there can be observed:

At the same time, dull and aching pain can be a sign of such diseases:

  • malignant tumors of the gallbladder, lung, pancreas, kidney;
  • in women, inflammation of the appendages;
  • polycystic kidney from the right side;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • an increase in the size of the spleen.

Stabbing pain

Stabbing painful sensations on the right under the ribs that get worse with a deep breath and cough are a sign of right-sided pneumonia. Very often the pain diverges completely on the right side, and the exact time of its appearance is rather difficult to determine. Associated signs:

  • shortness of breath;
  • heat;
  • herpes rash on the right side;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • blue or pale nasolabial triangle.

Back pain

Pain in the right back under the ribs, indicate problems with the pancreas and a kidney.

During inflammation of the kidneys in humans, you can observe Pasternatsky's syndrome: sharp pain even with a small blow with the palm of the back along the lower rib. During renal colic, the pain on the right in the hypochondrium is paroxysmal and intense, and can torment to such an extent that the patient cannot be at rest and changes his position all the time. During urolithiasis, pain symptoms spread to the lower back along the entire spine.

Pain under the rib on the right with inflammatory process of the pancreas(pancreatitis) appears unexpectedly, its intensity does not change and has a shingles in nature. The causes of the inflammatory process of the pancreas can be the abuse of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages, exacerbation of chronic diseases, complications after surgery, and metabolic disorders.

It hurts right under the ribs in front

When it hurts under the rib on the right side in front, then this is a symptom of diseases:

  • Gallbladder (chronic or acute cholecystitis).
  • Lungs (inflammation, pneumonia).
  • Stomach and duodenum (gastritis, peptic ulcer, erosion).
  • Liver (fatty degeneration of cells, hepatitis, tumors, cirrhosis).

During lung damage pain on the right in the hypochondrium stitching, which intensifies when coughing or inhaling, also a concomitant phenomenon will be typical signs of fever (weakness, temperature), distinguishing it from other pathologies of internal organs in the right hypochondrium.

During gallbladder inflammation strong pain is felt in the right scapula and in the epigastric region. In acute cholecystitis, pain symptoms go down the right hypochondrium.

When under the right rib dull or aching pain, then this indicates liver damage. Most often, it is accompanied by symptoms of jaundice (yellowish color of the whites of the eyes and skin), with the exception of only benign tumors.

During duodenal and stomach ulcers pain is present in front of the left and right hypochondrium, passing into the lower back and back. Painful sensations dull slightly during pressure, so a person begins to feel relief by squatting or lying on his stomach.

Pain on the right in the hypochondrium below

Pain sensations below under the ribs on the right are a sign of an inflammatory process:

Besides pain on the right side under the ribs can appear in an absolutely healthy person while driving. This happens if a person is exposed to loads that are unusual for his body. In the vena cava, located under the right lower ribs, blood flow increases and it increases. Also, pain can appear with sharp turns and tilts, if the rib bones are in contact with internal organs.


Regardless of type b oli on the right under the ribs, only an experienced specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to conduct examinations with a local therapist, who, if necessary, will refer the patient for an additional examination to another doctor.

Diagnosis of pain in the right hypochondrium has several stages:

How to treat pain under the ribs on the right?

The hypochondrium on the right side is a protection for such internal organs as the pancreas, liver, intestines, gallbladder. These organs fit together quite tightly., because the cause of pain is often very difficult to determine yourself. The first principle of treatment is a timely appeal to a specialist (gastroenterologist, district therapist, surgeon, oncologist).

You can independently reduce pain with the help of antispasmodics:

  • subcutaneously: 1 ml of promedol and 1 ml of 0.1% suspension of atropine; 2 ml of no-spa and 5 ml of baralgin;
  • nitroglycerin (3 drops per sugar cube or one tablet under the tongue);
  • no-shpa (2 tablets no more than 3 times a day).

Without specifying the diagnosis, you do not need to use hot compresses, you can apply ice to the affected area, but only if it can create an analgesic effect.

We must not forget that if severe pain is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting and nausea, then you need to immediately call an ambulance b. Often, with a list of diseases accompanied by acute pain in the right hypochondrium, emergency surgical intervention is necessary (with inflammation of the gallbladder, urolithiasis, severe liver injuries).

When the diagnosis has already been established by the doctor, then, in addition to medications, alternative methods of treatment can be used:


So that the pain on the right under the ribs does not turn into nightmare on the surgical table it is enough to use fairly simple rules of prevention:

  • At the first sensations of pain and accompanying signs, immediately consult a doctor.
  • Do not abuse alcohol, heavy, salty, fatty foods.
  • Conduct a complete medical examination and organ ultrasound annually to find out your chronic diseases, their treatment options and condition.

is a rather dangerous symptom, which all the time signals a serious illness of internal organs, therefore, at the very first encounters with it, you need to seek professional medical help from a doctor. Pain in the right hypochondrium can occur for a number of reasons. To begin with, it is worth knowing that it occurs in the event of damage to one of the organs located in this area, namely the liver with the gallbladder, the duodenum and colon, the loops of the small intestine and the diaphragm.
To determine the exact cause, one should clarify the nature of the pain and its exact localization, as well as the time and duration of the pain.

Liver is the most common cause of right side pain

The most common cause of pain is the liver. Most often, in this case, its inflammation is observed,. Its development is associated with infections, most often these are viruses, especially the well-known Botkin's disease, caused by hepatitis A viruses. In this case, symptoms of intoxication will be pronounced: an increase in temperature, a deterioration in well-being, indigestion is also observed, and over time, yellowness of the sclera and skin. In addition, hepatitis can be caused by chemical agents and medicinal substances, plant poisons (poisoning by mushrooms and some plant species), while toxins damage liver cells, causing toxic hepatitis. This group also includes alcoholic drinks caused by its abuse. In this case, the development of inflammation in the liver can be associated with the intake of one of the toxic agents.

Symptoms of this type will manifest themselves as an enlarged liver, pain in the right hypochondrium, and progressive yellowing of the skin.

As a rule, the course of the disease is severe, therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should contact a medical institution.

Pain in the right side during exercise

Very often, pain in the right hypochondrium occurs during exercise ( running, walking fast), which may be tingling or aching. Usually the reason occurs if this load began abruptly and at a high rate... Accordingly, with such a load, blood flow increases, and a large flow of blood is directed to the liver, causing stretching of its capsule, and reflexively manifests itself in pain. Most often, this does not entail any pathology on the part of the liver, but it is recommended not to eat large amounts of food before exercise and warm up thoroughly.

Side pain due to worms

Much less often there is liver damage with helminthic invasions (helminthiasis), infection occurs in several ways, depending on the type of helminth (with water, the use of poorly heat-treated fish and meat, unwashed vegetables, as well as in close contact with dogs or cats). Wherein the disease manifests itself primarily as a digestive disorder(frequent nausea, vomiting), pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, decreased performance, disturbed sleep, nervousness appears. Also a common manifestation is an allergic reaction, in the form of a skin rash, itching. Fever and weight loss are possible. In this case, it is worth conducting a diagnostic test in order to determine the type of helminth in order to start treatment.

Disruption of the gallbladder

Another cause of pain in the right hypochondrium is a malfunction of the gallbladder. As a rule, this manifests itself as aching pain in this area, nausea, feeling unwell, bitter tastes in the mouth, and a yellowish coating is noticeable. Most often, such symptoms manifest themselves in violation of the diet, and the consumption of large amounts of fatty foods. With acute, burning and unbearable pain in the right hypochondrium, the cause may be a blockage of the bile ducts by a stone. This condition is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, the patient feels chills. Such a condition () can be caused by fatty foods taken several hours before the attack. As a rule, the pain manifests itself suddenly, and reaches such intensity that the patient cannot lie still, he is forced to constantly change his body position. In such an acute situation, you should immediately consult a doctor, and in order to reduce pain in this case, it will be effective No-shpa and.

Pain in the right side - a disease of the pancreas

Sometimes the cause of pain can be a disease of the pancreas. In this case, pulsating soreness is observed, which will be not only in the right hypochondrium, but also often has a shingles in nature. Wherein additional symptoms will be vomiting, bloating, possibly fever... If the disease manifests itself acutely, then you should immediately seek medical help.

The same reason may be radiating pain to this area from the right kidney, which can be observed with inflammation or with urolithiasis. In this case, the pain is of a stabbing nature, accompanied by a rise in temperature, impaired urination.

In this case, antispasmodics are effective to relieve pain, but this is more of a symptomatic treatment, and it is recommended to see a doctor.

Duodenal pathology

With pathology of the duodenum, there will also be pain in the right hypochondrium, but in this case there will be a number of characteristic symptoms. Most often, they are caused by a duodenal ulcer, in this case, there will be night pains, which sometimes do not allow you to fall asleep. In addition, pain still occurs immediately after eating or with a long delay between meals. Pain, nausea, and bloating accompany. In this case, antacids are used., which are used symptomatically when heartburn occurs and have an enveloping effect, and it is also possible to use prokinetics that improve duodenal motility and eliminate nausea and vomiting.

Less commonly, pain can be caused by pinching of the intercostal nerves. with prolonged incorrect body position and hypothermia. And it manifests itself most strongly with a sharp breath or a change in body position. In this case, it is recommended to limit physical activity until the pain subsides. And to relieve this pain syndrome, sedatives and pain relievers are used.

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