If you have retrograde planets in your horoscope - what it means

Retrograde Uranus

A man with such uranium always complains that there is no space. It seems to him that it is coward, suffocating, limited. It protests against any form of power and hierarchy.
It can not be in second roles or subordinate positions. It is distinguished by internal originality and eccentricity, but it is difficult to express it. Such a person does not tolerate any constraint.
His karma - to be a living embodiment of freedom. May be a reformer proclaiming for long forgotten truths.
Uranium is retrograde 1 time per year 4-5 months.

Retrograde Uranus - Esoteric Symbol

The symbol of uranium is formed by two soul semicircles in opposite sides connected through the cross of matter. As a wayward wanderer heaven, Uranus has always been associated with everything that symbolized unique abilities A person to achieve extraterrestrial.
To do this, he must break the conventions at any cost, often breaking himself in the process in this process. Semicircles of the soul, pointing in opposite directions, remind us of the symbols of the arriving and decreasing moon; Each represents the different side of life like two sides of the coin, which, although they are so opposite by nature, cannot exist without each other.
The cross of the matter is in the center of this tugging of the rope, symbolizing everything that the person has already created as its traditional bases. Of both shoulders of this cross, two semicircles are constantly pulling in opposite and not yet marked on the map directions. Nature of the soul, seeking to explore the unknown, forces the individual to make constant decisions between the stability, which he already knows, and the positive and negative features of everything that he has not yet tried.
Thus, the symbol of uranium is less symbolizing the unpredictability of a person than his desire to be freed from the side of the life of matter or a form that restrains all existential opportunities, which, as he ever knows, he can achieve.
When the planet is retrograde, a person perceives it as a personal crusade, feeling deeply within himself responsibility for human progress as a whole.
The inverted symbol puts two semicircles of the soul closer to the ground. Thus, it is not enough to free yourself for this individual. He must feel the freedom of everyone in his life space before he can be pleased with the fact that his own soul's liberation penetrated the essence of everything he sees around himself.

Retrograde Uranus - Individuality

A man with retrograde uranium discovers a rather unique personality.
At the most deepest levels, he is a riot driver against everything that binds it. If this is a timid person, he can test claustrophobic. If it is a fearless person, he will try to overturn all that he considers to be out of his utility. He cannot be satisfied just a movement in life, as it sees too much that it can increase the wealth of humanity, if only society shakes all his false security anchors.
It is worried if other people treat him too much, because then he will feel that he has lost a significant part of himself. Therefore, it will be from time to time to lose friends and acquaintances, sometimes work and romantic attachments - all because other people are often too difficult to take the oddity of his ideas. However, after years, when society will defend everything that he once supported, he will no longer feed interest to all advanced theories or positions that he inspired at one time. Thus, it is largely a harbinger of the future. Because of this, he may experience loneliness, but he would never refuse his gift of originality for the sake of the company of other people. He knows that above all his soul should be free. Everything that prevents this freedom, he will be swept away from his way. For those who are able to understand him, he is the most captive interlocutor, as it is literally filled with all the ideas that humanity needs for the future of the human race.

Retrograde Uranus - Karma

At the personal level, the retrograde uranium produces a mess in human relations. The individual is experiencing internal variability, which often makes him hypocritical to himself. His mental and emotional levels are often fighting with each other, so that he can know some things that should lead him in the direction that his knowledge points, but at the same time he feels other things that can lead him in perfect in a different direction.
He is experiencing karma learning how to express the inner freedom, which he brings into this life. And he should not be connected attempts all the time to explain the meaning for others or even for himself. Free Spirit does not always seem to make sense. The fact is that a logical continuation common sense The individual is more a Saturnian feature associated with the rigidity of order, discipline and the direction of itself to certain purposes. But an individual with retrograde uranium is not worried about such karma.
To explore your internal existence, as well as many other spheres of understanding, which humanity as a whole has not yet reached, it goes along a long and winding path to the search for formulas that the world is forced. Nevertheless, he knows that his search is an infinite process, since each new discovery leads to another question.
It can be extremely happy until others try to squeeze it into the patterns of thinking and patterns of behavior whose limits he has already crossed due to the meaninglessness of the roles that they play in his perception of a huge scheme.
He learned how to be independent in former incarnations, and now it should use this independence to reiterate and understand the reason why he originally wanted it.

Retrograde Uranus in Aries

Here the individual spends a lot of time, repeating changes within itself, which were started in another incarnation. It is very individualistic, independent and unique. He lives for spontaneity in himself, trying to be free from barriers that would hold him connected. He very intensively rebels against everything that he considers excessively traditional or too firmly formed to provide him with a space for improvement. This is a great excitement seeker, and it is usually ready to quit any reliable support for the sake of a promise of some intensive stimulation, which he has not yet experienced. Therefore, it is difficult for him for a large period of time to be a satisfied marriage, partnership or even work or career, which can become too boring.
Sometimes he can become a leader of unpopular business. Whatever he did, he must prove to himself that no person or the idea (different from the chosen) cannot tie it. This is probably one of the most interesting and original people in the zodiac. Conducting most The time in the phase I of the retrograde process, he is a true pioneer seeking to investigate what society has not noticed. He rushes quickly, manifesting little patience to someone or anything that can interfere with his movement forward. This allows him to be free from the restrictions of existing opinions of the Company.
His karma - go there, where there are no draws of any traces, forming new mental undertakings in everything he does. He must constantly draw a realization of the past life in order to apply every ounce of inventiveness to them to make new undersions. Although at times, he goes on a very winding path, without him, humanity would have expected very small progress.

Retrograde Uranus in Taurus

Here the phase III phase of the retrograde is put forward to the foreground, when the individual continues to re-evaluate everything he has already survived. Financial and emotional confidence becomes a shaky, but it only makes an individual more resolute in strengthening its position. At the same time, he is experiencing severe sexual interest in anyone who seems exciting or unusual.
In past incarnations, he developed crystallized conflicts in its system of values, which should now be destroyed if he is going to make some kind of progress in himself. These crystallized parts seduce him tightly hold on for the reliability and confidence of the past. But the retrograde uranium does not cease to lift it from his lowest "me." The planet holds a person through the circumstances that make it realize that much of his sense of reliability and well-being is built on false basics.
Thus, it is constantly moving between quiet serenity and exciting study of new borders, which may not promise some practical exit.
In many respects, this position of uranium causes an individual to want to combine incompatible. He wants to be married, but at the same time assume that he is free. He likes to work at sustainable work, while convincing himself that he is not connected with her. He wants to adhere to one religion, thinking at the same time that he has no obligations to her. Thus, it is unconventional in a very traditional sense. When he faces opportunities to be truly free from marriage, work, religion, and all other parts formed by the parts of his life style, he quickly jumps back in the womb of reliability, which has always been looking for Taurus.
The karmically, this position is found in the maps of individuals, whose souls are trying to break the crystalline patterns of thinking from previous incarnations. But these people are not yet ready to abandon the physical side of life with paramount importance for them.

Retrograde uranium in twins

Here the individual is experiencing a very active mental life. He continues to change from one retrograde phase to another, as it tries to find an identity that will make it most satisfied. Being unusually nervous and unstable, it turns out to be under the strong influence of external thinking in the world. Because of this, it is difficult for him to adhere to a single topic or a project for a long time. He is so interested in the study of all mental opportunities that occur with him that his life becomes literally a kaleidoscope of scattered ideas and positions. Without having enough confidence in the uniqueness of their own thoughts, he is inclined to identify with the originality of other people.
With this position of retrograde uranium there are great instability. Sometimes an individual can actually cause itself harm to an attempt to understand much of what is beyond the limits of expected normality, so it can actually lose the real perspective. This happens as a result of the fact that it absorbs the belief systems, not only distracting him from the progress, which he would like to do, but also far throwing it away from any realistic focused approach to life. The essence of the problem is that it is subconsciously very light.
Realizing this, it should be cautious in the areas of hypnosis or other deep impact techniques on the mind that will lead it too quickly to the levels of its existence, which it is not yet ready to manage.
It is so mentally active that even his interest in sexuality acquires more painting of mental research than physical or emotional satisfaction.
As one of the most inquisitive people in the zodiac, he is experiencing karma researchers who, throughout many lives, could not make a decision in favor of any selected path. Now he continues to change his direction, impulse and speed, tries a lot of different things, but never really calms on one of them. He recognizes people from various layers of society, each of which presents something that he would like to try.
If he works on the development of his consciousness, then one day he will clearly understand the mental gymnastics, which was used for many lives and which kept him from the knowledge of herself.

Retrograde Uranus in Cancer

Here the individual is experiencing changes in its family structure. It is involved in a permanent emotional coup arising from the experiences to which it is not prepared. In a woman, this position sometimes indicates an extramarital child. When the question arises about the interruption of pregnancy, it faces the need of cancer in motherhood conflicting with the need of retrograde uranium in personal freedom.
Whether it is a man or a woman, a disharmonious emotional warehouse is caused by constant research and analysis of everything, the individual never allows you to completely develop a well-established emotional life.
Conducting a lot of time in the phases of the I and III of the retrograde process, the individual craves instant answers to all their feelings, but in their search, it is inclined to go through their answers.
He can become very zealous, again and again trying to solve the problems that actually survived many years ago. His great difficulty is synchronization in a temporary dimension, where he continues to re-evaluate his past in the hope that it will create a better future. However, due to the fact that he does this, the future actually becomes a mirror reflection of his past. There is always emotional disappointment here, since he is trying to restore against his family, after all the benefits of all that she gives him.
The karmic lesson in this position is to learn emotional satisfaction. From the experience in past incarnations, the individual has not yet developed a true sense of gratitude for everything that he was given.

Retrograde Uranus in Lev

Here the individual is experiencing an extraordinarily high level of energy. Feeling the most comfortable in the phase I of the retrograde process, he is truly a genuine commander of his life. He rarely allows himself to be driven by others and hardly refers to the council to the outsider.
In case of negative use, this can be a very intolerable, egocentric position, as the individual does not want others to question his idea. Thus, he can live all his life, completely having lost his way, missing the essence, listening like all his friends, neighbors and relatives say the same thing, but never listening to them.
Constantly being between unique and traditional, he will be identified from the moment to the moment that he gives him the strongest feeling of individual power and power. It can become overly aggressive, losing control of himself in the threat to his ideas.
It is very difficult to live with this person, as he constantly inspence loyalty, sincerity and honor of the people around him. At the same time, he refuses to comply with the standards established by those people whom he subconsciously considers as having less value than he himself. People walk around him on tiptoe in the fear of "leading it in motion", while he continues the mental game the destruction of the ego of every person, but not his own.
Karmically, this individual was spoiled by force. Essentially, he is constantly not satisfied with what has. Even in the search for spiritual answers, he is overly Ryan, overly obsessed and too proud of the awareness he has achieved. Retrograde Nature of the Planet turns his dissatisfaction inwards, while he telepathically at the subconscious level pours out the rest of his misfortune for everyone who is next to him. Its the largest sphere of disharmony is that the Bunlet, who loving the freedom of a retrograde uranium should be experienced in the traditional framework of the Lion principles. And no one can solve this dilemma for him, because if he really should achieve the strength, which he knows, he may have, he must find her source in himself!

Retrograde Uranus in Virgo

Here the individual is experiencing a phase of the retrograde process, as he tries to mentally streamline everything within himself, planning the future order of everything that he sees around. His ability to clearly think is fantastic, but he is inclined to make hasty conclusions.
Knowing what things should be, he must learn patience to create a view of the world according to his perception.
It goes through life on large reserves of nervous energy, making everything immediately. Mainly he performer. The problem is that it does not always remain faithful to some things long enough to completely complete them or achieve a deep level of satisfaction, doing them.
IN positive sense This provision can add a barcode of genius and clairvoyance to the horoscope. The level and nature of awareness is instantaneous. The ability to penetrate the essence is very strong when it comes to practical benefits for others. Individual, however it is much more difficult to understand myself.
Karmically, he brings many ideas to this life and must learn to exercise. He must overcome his tendency to constantly fly away from one thing to another, otherwise he uses all the joys of life so fast that actually will be happy at a young age. If he turns his consciousness to spiritual levels, he will find that is one of the most conscious people in the whole zodiac.

Retrograde uranium in scales

Here the individual is experiencing all three phases of the retrograde process. His life is strongly controlled by the lack of equilibrium, which he perceives in the people around him.
He is looking for peace and tranquility, but in fact it would be tired of him. Nevertheless, when he is experiencing too much excitement, he craves calm. To find the balance between these two trends, it moves from one person to another, often working out their karma, because he is not sure of his own. Decision making is difficult for him. He would prefer someone to solve for him, as it does not want to take responsibility for himself and determine the direction of his life at his own request.
Thus, it can fluctuate like leaves in the wind in accordance with the values \u200b\u200band ideas of the people with whom he is connected. With all this, he tries to preserve the feeling of independence, which results in a result of a certain kind of impartial honesty towards each whom he knows. It really bothers when situations or circumstances make him get up on someone's side in any controversial issue.
He managed to watch the eyes of others. Unfortunately, this is not the same thing that look at yourself with his own eyes. Thus, the final balance, which he reaches, is based on the fact that he perceives beside himself than that he can achieve within himself.
Always being between people with various ideas, positions and patterns of behavior, he tries to preserve his balance, without tilting the values \u200b\u200bof those. Who he loves.
It is a karmic chameleon zodiac. Wanting to be constantly useful to everyone who needs it, he should not be too attached to any special own valuable. But he must give love and the awareness he learned to anyone who needs him.

Retrograde Uranus in Scorpio

Here, the retrograde uranium detects a wonderful house, as it does not cease to bring light into the greatest depth of searching for an individual. He never takes something for a clean coin, without ceasing to dig to find the roots of everything that seems unresolved. He is geniant when it comes to research. He has little patience, but he has no need to deal with something for a long time, since he has mental abilities to instantly learn the essence of things.
At a personal level, he is experiencing many sexual changes in life. For one period, he strives for all types of excitement, which has not yet experienced, whereas during another period can turn to complete celibacy. In everything he does, he is a supporter of extreme glances and never calms down on the middle way in life.
The level of its energy is high and quite intense. When he knows the truth, he will not allow other people to reject him away from the independent course of action to which he decided to resort.
This provision of uranium can be very spiritual, especially during phase III of the retrograde process, during which an individual can achieve the realization of the universe within itself. He does not deceive himself and does not live in illusions, but rather it is very proud that he sees things as they really are.
He brings to this life a wonderful ability to understand a lot of those things, the existence of which does not even know the rest of society.
Karmically, he lives in this life to play a very active role in giving the form of the world in which he lives. He does not idle and does not complain of all the irrefidence that he sees around him; Rather, it is one of the leaders in transforming human consciousness.

Retrograde Uranus in Sagittar

Here the individual holds most of the time in the phase I of the retrograde process.
In an effort to remote horizons, which is beyond its reach, a person stretches to everything that symbolizes the leaving the limits of earthly life. Essentially, it is difficult for him to stabilize himself in his practical daily life. It cannot concentrate on small affairs or details for a long period of time, as it starts to miss. He needs a constant new stimulation to satisfy a very active thirst for life.
He loves to travel, and if it does not physically, his mind is in all unknown and not yet investigated by the spheres. Nevertheless, he is an optionally deep man, rather, he is looking for an expanser and latitude.
This is a rather difficult position for marriage, since the individual feels a threat if it is limited. He needs a space to explore all the possibilities he detects in his highest mind, and any attachment to one person deprives him of the advantages to superficially experience a lot.
The same position is transferred to most areas of his life. The commitment of one religion would violate the uranian need to be honest to others in combination with the prompting of Sagittarius to experience them all. For the same reason, he experiences changes in his career ...
All this may apparently indicate that from the point of view of the values \u200b\u200bof other people it is very scattered. But he considers it as satisfying insatiable curiosity to experience everything in life, and when he can follow in all numerous directions (which do not always seem related to each other), it is able to maintain a very high level of enthusiasm.
This gives him the opportunity to be a karmic messenger who brings everyone who he meets the piece of life at this moment. Thus, while he gives himself a pleasure to each new discovery, he actually spreads seeds, about which others will take care of, nourishing and helping growing in what will become a future human consciousness.

Retrograde Uranus in the First House

This is an extremely individualistic position for retrograde uranium. A person manifests little interest in the rules and traditions of society in which he lives. He is identified with everything that is new and unique, and will try his best to rebel against everything that he puts it into a cage or makes it seems like others.
He seeks to establish his own feeling Uniqueness in order to distinguish its individuality from a variety of individualities that he sees around himself. This is usually expressed in the phase of the I retrograde process, in which the individual is experiencing great fear of expecting that other people will delay him in their reality. He always tries to express himself so quickly and spontaneously, as it is only possible.
This is a very bad situation for marriage, in view of the fact that the nature of the individual is unpredictable when he tries to break ties with traditional society. There is a constant change, while a person does not understand that his true goal is not to devote his life to any principle or a course of action that can smooth his spirit of adventure. He, apparently, spent another life, learning how to explore huge spheres of existing opportunities that allow a person to follow his insatiable curiosity.
Now he continues to do this, but already in the world who is more wide and has more opportunities than he experienced before. As the first rank seeker, he will sacrifice many amenities of traditional society to be freedom to open what is out of limits for its contemporaries.

Retrograde Uranus in the second house

Here the individual is experiencing constant changes and fluctuations in their values.
The principles that it supports do not flow from a particular source. Because of this, it is difficult for him to find out what he really supports.
Usually, the phase I of the retrograde process appears on the foreground, but the nature of the sign can change this effect. With a positive sign, the individual tries to express all the differences that exist in it so that other people can experience the same thing. With a negative sign, the whole picture acquires a more introspective color. Thus, one individual captures its reality in the universe, while the other reacts to the universe differences.
In any case, the financial perspective and affection of the individual is messy and, apparently, Never offer stability, which he would like.
The fear of obligations and binding should be brutally overcome. Instead of tosing yourself to any particular way in life, this individual likes to try pieces of different opportunities that he may once be imprisoned - after it tries everything! He is a researcher of ideals, values, reasons or goals for which most people live. Unfortunately, he does not want to stay faithful to anything that he discovers. Thus, it can be very useful to other people, without realizing the true values \u200b\u200bin itself. When he learns to be impartial, he will see the light of the true meaning of life. Thus, the binding of itself, which he ultimately makes it is based on the fact that the universe specifically will objectively show him as his truth.

Retrograde Uranus in the Third House

This is very inventive, however, a very rebellious position for retrograde uranium.
The individual is definitely insists on being not as a society in which he lives. Essentially, its ideas and principles continue to change together with its random patterns. The totality of everything he is in many respects represents what its traditional environment does not contain. He so often changes retrograde phases, it is difficult to see any real pattern in his life style. Because of this, but this is one of the most original zodiac thinkers. His ingenuity does not have a reason or a certain goal and is not constrained by the boundaries that bind others.
At the same time, this provision of uranium causes difficulties - a person cannot blame with other people in work or personal relationship due to the persistent requirement to express his individuality, it does not matter what price.
Being a capable student, he tends to jump over some things. Thus, the approach to understanding is rather random than thorough. In the later years, an individual will undoubtedly return to a lot of things, it was hastily rushed earlier.
The karmically, this provision adds a barcode of genius and / or madness to the rest of the horoscope. Individual spends all his life, learning how to learn, and although his sources can be scraps of knowledge of different people, phrases from many books (the full text of which he did not have the patience to read) and drops of various experiences, his life has tremendous wealth in terms of The scale of the knowledge to which he touches.

Retrograde Uranus in the Fourth House

With this position, the individual is experiencing strong emotional mess. He wants to get away from his symbolic "birth rights", be it a religion in which he brought up, moral or ethical values \u200b\u200bhe studied, or the personal qualities of his parents. The more he focuses his internal thoughts On these things, the more continues to cause vibration to the initial conflict. He is looking for individuality, but only within a certain family structure or organizational borders to prove that he links him that he is truly free. Thus, he lives the illusion of freedom inside the prison walls created by himself.
It spends a lot of time in phase III of the retrograde process, during which he has been revised by everything that has already survived. At the emotional level, its concept of time is quite different from chronological reality. Even when he occasionally experiences phase I, he jumps out of his protective shell only to look back and make sure that his launo still follows him.
Karmically, he is experiencing a lot of doubts in combination with the moments of extreme self-confidence. When he goes in life, he hesitates between one and the other, trying to find a place in which he hoped he would be emotionally comfortable. While he will definitely be sure where he is, he is tightly cling to the shackles, which he says, he drops.

Retrograde Uranus in the Fifth House

Here the individual is dedicated to creating an original lifestyle, which will allow him to be mixed with the world in which he lives, and at the same time feel a uniquely independent part of it. He is afraid to be caught in the trap of society and is inclined to capture the weapon, rushing to the phase I of the retrograde process. In this phase, he can avoid everything that will make it seem traditional, - he will first establish his unconventional personality. He is an inventive thinker, and in essence, it is not difficult to follow the ideas of other people. His attachment is unique, and he prefers to live with another person, and not consist of him in marriage.
One of his greatest talents - the ability to initiate ideas in other people who were on the verge of their awareness, but which they considered too unorthodox to explore them. The karmically, this individual is one of the most independent souls in the whole zodiac, as he is concerned not only with his own personal uniqueness, but also the originality of everything that he creates. Undoubtedly, in some past life, he felt that he was listed in a kind of form, very distinguished from what he felt inside. Now he tries to make sure that he will remain at any cost himself.

Retrograde Uranus in the sixth house

Here the individual can express significant innovations in his daily working routine. He can take the most ordinary affairs and detect unusually interesting methods Contact them. This person is very sensitive. This makes it especially open to the influences of the external environment, which, in turn, make it feel the need to be active, so it can become internally restless.
It doesn't matter how often this individual says he wants peace of mind - he is inclined to resonate everything that his life takes his life from everyday to the exciting. Thus, if calm is really his desire, he has a powerful tendency to inflate defeat. He really wants to know why people do something in a certain way. This leads it to permanent attempts to understand the motivation of each person who is next to him.
Karmically, he is a great innovator in a physical plane. Past incarnations gave him a great understanding of the relationships and processes in the physical world. Despite the phase of the retrograde process, in which he is at any given moment, he constantly seeks to understand or apply his understanding in order to be more useful to the world around him. Everything that he should learn is how to stay calm and collected in this process.

Retrograde uranium in the seventh house

Here the individual is needed by the need to develop confidence in their forces. Essentially, he tends to attract those people in which, as he believes he can rely.
But due to the fact that they are by nature "Uranian", their unreliability makes it become stronger internally.
This position of retrograde uranium means "reaping" the fruits of karma, especially in the spheres of marriage and relationship, - so far the individual does not learn how to become more objective in determining his needs. He must come to understand that in past lives he expected too much from others And that the continuation of such patterns is unrealistic, as well as unnecessary.
This position often indicates more than one marriage. It also indicates difficulties in preserving some level of sexual heat with the opposite sex. Relationships turn into a kaleidoscope of unexpected events, which, apparently, constantly threaten fall. As soon as an individual can realize that at the level of the soul, he is its own partner, others will change their attitude towards him. Before it happens, other people will turn to his uranian or impersonal part, while he expects that they will establish a connection with his personal part. Thus, at the same time there is a huge forced height of the soul, as an individual is learning, perhaps after many lives, finally stand on their own legs.
The retrograde phase, which he experiences, will constantly change in accordance with the nature of the person, with whom he communicates, as the individual is constantly trying to synchronize himself with others, until he knows that he should not do that. Then he will develop an inner awareness of his cosmic relationship with each person with whom he comes into contact.

Retrograde Uranus in the eighth house

Here the individual is experiencing changes in the values \u200b\u200bof other people. Personal attachments to friends and beloved are not easy, as the permanent transmutation of ideals makes it difficult to stable reliability. Although a great awareness is achieved through the study of other people, a person is difficult to hold on to those who give him this information. During the first half of life, an unusual sexual experience occurs, which ultimately serves as a learning tool to bring an individual to the highest sexual consciousness. Some people with such a position are experiencing sorrowful sexual meetings, as well as periods of celibacy.
There is always a huge depth of understanding related to many different areas of life. It makes a person interesting for other people. But he must learn to express his ideas openly and tactfully. Karma here is to understand the independent values \u200b\u200bof other people in order to learn how to provide them with their own mental space. In past lives, he undoubtedly experienced periods during which he was excessively properly. In the current life, this situation aligns this trend in the rest of the horoscope. The introspective qualities of the eighth house along with some asexual trends of retrograde uranium sometimes generate existence similar gravity. This allows a person to learn a lot about his priorities.
Retrograde phases, expressed here, usually depend on other people in the life of the individual, as well as from the sign on the custard of the eighth house. Otherwise, the individual is experiencing trends in phase I of retrograde uranium together with the qualities of the phase II of the eighth house. Thus, the sign and external factors in his life are combined to force it to cause vibration to any specific phase at the moment.

Retrograde uranium in the ninth house

Here the individual is experiencing extremely unique adventures in consciousness. At one level, it tests the phase I of the retrograde process, during which the new philosophy and spiritual awareness assisted with the wishes together with the desire to absorb everything he can. It stretches to everything that has the value for its highest existence. At the same time, at a deeper level, he brings to this life a long time developed spiritual consciousness. Thus, it may well experience the wealth of sacred knowledge from biblical times in his past, which creates a powerful desire to make such an understanding in his present.
His great awareness of life, apparently, comes from a source other than the standard, since the methods of his self-expression are usually very unique. He nourishes great love for the ideas of God, but not to the official format of any particular religious tradition. Fighting against the rules, he at the same time knows the internal rules that will best help him.
Sometimes he can lose thread thinking due to the fact that he is so wondering to all that it is difficult for him to narrow his sphere.
Karmically, he learns how to be spiritually, philosophically, religious and emotionally independent. He must develop his understanding of life, despite the fact that is socially acceptable for the rest of the world, and be able to accurately comply with what, as he knows, works for him. Often it will lead to criticism from friends and the people equal to him. In some cases, it even causes gaps in marital connections.
However, his final truth should come from his own unique sense of identity, and not from any need to compromise for personal admissibility.

Retrograde Uranus in the tenth house

Here a person is looking for an inner sense of identity, which will bring him a uniqueness of character in the framework of society in which he lives. He experiences a conflict, yielding his individuality to keep in the position where he will ultimately express it more. He can repeatedly change its direction until it finds a special niche, where he can really express himself. This is a particularly good position for career in advertising or media, where a person can be multilateral and have the reliability in which it needs.
He must have enough space to follow his creative instincts, not being listed in the scope of responsibility. However, he perfectly copes with responsibility when not aware of what it does! When he allowed to live and work on day after day, he does it much better than when he faces any project that includes great promising planning. However, it exhibits great abilities in the development of long-term plans, until he considers them as a "case" for his future.
Usually he spends a lot of time in phase III of the retrograde process, absorbing the needs of his immediate environment, and from this he can understand how to deal with everything that surrounds him. Nevertheless, there is a tendency to be a bit outside of temporary synchronization, especially due to the fact that Uranus manages the future, while Saturnian trends of the tenth house are more to the qualities of the past. When mixing these two trends, an individual must do a great job to acquire a balanced perspective in time. It is very ingenious and can show rare giftedness in understanding how to do something, which none of the people around him cannot understand. Karmically, he studies the lessons of self-discipline so that all the inner ingenuity, which he feels, could be used in today's world in which he lives. He must learn how to be unusual without disturbing the structures that he ultimately wants to improve.

Retrograde Uranus in the eleventh house

Here the individual is experiencing a new awareness in the spheres of friendship, goals and ideals. The glimpses were in the past, but now he is able to receive an understanding at a deeper level of his inner consciousness. This is a very original thinker, since his ideas are not bound by the ordinary reality of society. At a personal level, however, it is incorrect to interpret friendships, so in the end he has to revise their meaning, changing his concept later. He attracts people from all segments of society, so that he himself acquires a big colorfulness of ideas, dreams and personal view of life. He discovers that people do not always respond as he expected, and it teaches him to respect the individuality of others. It becomes separate and impartial, but it helps him achieve clarity with a profitable position of objectivity.
Although he can be resentment to everyone that restrains people, it really tries not to face their personal karmic burden. Speaking in defense fair gamesHe rarely falls on someone's side in disputes, because it is enlightened enough to understand how usually they are meaningless.
When he meets people who are blind to themselves, he wants to open their eyes to the highest consciousness. But he will never force people to perceive things in their own way. Rather, he will hope that he was useful to them, knowing that one of the rules of this world is that every person should grow with its own speed. Karmically, he is experiencing a very enlightened sense of reality, known only to him, but through the phase of the I retrograde process, it can spread his inspiration so that others can see glimpses of the impartial sublime state of consciousness.

Retrograde uranium in the twelfth house

Here the individual is experiencing phase III of the retrograde process, during which the awareness and understanding achieved in previous lives draws, as it sees the need to use them now. In some individuals, this may indicate an understanding of astrology in previous life. In other people who do not have this, retrograde uranium symbolizes important changes in consciousness. In both cases, the potential for real proper growth is very large. If the current life circumstances and the pattern of individual behavior indicate this (together with the confirmation of other spheres of the horoscope), this provision of uranium may also be a pointer from a past life for some sexual anomaly or homosexuality. However, it doesn't matter how it works at a personal level - this provision indicates an internal ingenuity that passes through the highest channels of consciousness. This person knows how things work in the outside world, and as a result, it should not always know them in action. His inner mind is all the time in knowledge. It is very easily adapting and will change his mind, as it is not the owner of his ideas and is not trying to constantly harmonize disharmonious thoughts.
He has a great ability to leave the universe in peace so that in response it gives him the inner freedom in which he needs. Although his changing values \u200b\u200bof times seem very eccentric, it is nonetheless not limited to the format of tradition, which keeps most of society related to its chains. However, he must live in society, and the good aspects of Saturn will allow him to introduce his Uranian awareness into a practical interaction between his knowledge and the world around him.

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\u003e Uranium

People S. retrograde uranium It is always difficult to navigate in life, they lack space for action. They feel their stiffness and restrictions. It should be tested against a variety of forms of power, they do not like hierarchy.

A man with retrograde uranium cannot be in the second plan and work at the lower steps. It is characterized by the inner eccentricity and originality of thinking, which is hardly expressed through actions. Any obstacles and restrictions bring anxiety.

The true freedom of action is enclosed in his karma. Most become real reformers leading people to the embodiment of forgotten ideas.

Uranium's reactionality is manifested once a year and lasts about 4 or 5 months.

When the planet Retrogradna, it excites the need for violating the rules and established norms. Own actions are solely true and unique. At this time, you can fully express yourself in new affairs and experiments.

New thoughts are best achieved by the ears of the masses through the media. During the retrogradity of the planet, you can show the wonders of invention, lift the creative potential and create original concepts. Removement from any templates can create conditions for successfully promoting their thoughts and ideas in any industry.

People in retrograde uranium can engage in astrology or occult sciences, they do not bypass by side and psychology. An active session of these things can be carried out until the fortune does not respond to the call and will not make a sentence. The situation will be controlled and in the case of a quiet expectation, he will extend his hand.

Reactionability makes it possible to show its revolutionary. A person under such an impact sharply responds to any stimuli. The position is reminded by a retrograde Mars, when drilling is heard instead of action, and then sharp jerk up.

Human intuition and independence of thought completely naturally falls on the total flow of being. Retrogradity is pulled by a rapid flow through internal vibrations. It increases the tone so much that a person cannot even close his eyes during sleep. It seems to him that instead of rest you need to act. And immediately.

Intuition works instantly, people under the action of the reaction planet feel and catch the streams of energy, they poured a huge number of manifestations of illumination in various fields. Sometimes creative stools happen, but they keep short, then again powerful jerk.

Retrogradness of the planet makes it very strong. After each visit, the retrograde uranium shows powerful vibrations, much more than the usual uranium.

In this case, strong contrasts are particularly felt by retrogradity. They are capable of making a small mouse of a huge elephant. These extremes are felt as constants, they simply do not notice. Faith at such moments can lead to the fact that others can take a person for abnormal.

Directive Uranus is very different from the reactionary fellow. If a simple uranium keep the sharp bursts of energy, then retro is able to go for them and feel like the norm.

The energy of the planet in this state is very difficult to control. People feel like something burst into their consciousness and then they become uninteresting the acting prohibitions. It seems that you need to immediately go outside and shout about your thoughts in all the throat so that others know the truth.

Some believe that it is impossible to take advantage of uranium metaphysics practical terms. But others, during such manifestations of insight, feel that they must include the information received from the outside to their thoughts. Although in some cases their beliefs can diverge.

Best of all, if a person is fully aware of why you need to immediately engage in your promotion.

Retrogradity is manifested only once a year and lasts from 4 to 5 months in a row. The planet is responsible for the manifestation of insights. They can fall as snow on the head, unexpectedly without ad. That's all calmly and suddenly the outbreak, clinging to the fullness. How thunder from heaven comes to Earth. At this point it is very difficult to plan for a long term. Plans may not only be fulfilled, but completely go as shock. Retrogradness of the planet always contributes to active changes and change. It is necessary to carefully listen to yourself and not to make rash actions.

Before manifestation, do not forget that with the beginning of influence, life can collapse. Especially strong influence of uranium in computers, relations with loved ones, diseases, receiving news from afar, challenges with travel by airplanes. Preparation for retrogradity is already visible for a half months before the reversal.

It is worth sticking to such rules:

  • It is not necessary to engage in extreme activities, especially active sports, where there are dangers;
  • If you planned flights with airplane, then for a while forgetting them;
  • No need to take a risks;
  • Carefully follow the included electrical appliances.

Retrograde uranium in 1 house

Complete independence, but in the process of reaction, it is significantly enhanced and goes into the category "Super No. Position promotes rapid movement to revolutionism. A person will show a desire to communicate with himself like. Such people are not only scared, but the real convergence begins.

Active revolutionary begins to work in all spheres of being. This applies to both relationships and work. The place of residence ceases to take and the person is able to rejoice even Shalash.

Impact affects the manifestations of extreme radicalism and revolutionism in actions and reasoning. It may even attract that aspect to which no one has not paid attention to. Karma can send much away. The first plan comes to the fore.

Retrogradity is manifested in extreme individualism and intolerance. The rules and norms of society are of little interest. Traditions move aside and are often ignored. Around it should be all new and innovative, the other is simply not interested in and noted. It has its own identification with a unique and original. Old and bone will be perceived in the bayonets. It seems that it was simply closed in a blind box and do not release out. Looking at the surrounding comes completely.

He promotes his individualism forward, which is significantly different from other manifestations of this phenomenon, characteristic of surrounding people. A special expression manifests itself in the first phase of the reaction process, when an individual is able to feel great concern that turns into fear. He expects someone to take advantage of his delay and will be able to tighten into their being. The desire to escape from such a trap spontaneously and acts involuntarily.

In this position, it is not necessary to seriously plan a future marriage. Time is not suitable for this. The individual becomes completely unpredictable and trying to break the connection with traditional stuff. During constant changes, an understanding comes that it is not worthwhile to devote to the only principle. It is better to sail downstream and feel the spirit of adventures.

Another life was most likely spent on learning various possibilities. And now you can take advantage of the knowledge gained and satisfy your curiosity. This world is much wider and makes it possible to realize your knowledge. As a primitive seeker, he can neglect the comforts of a quiet life and will go on a long journey through the waves of discoveries and unknown adventures. Thus, a person, instead of maintaining a traditional lifestyle, opens up new faces of freedom.

Retrograde uranium in 2 houses

If a person was engaged before manifest ordinary work, Most likely, finding will not contribute to the stability of earnings. Causes are lurking inside.

Stable income can be obtained if engaged in non-traditional forms of earnings. Work official, and especially in the central apparatus will not be able to feel happiness. Anxiety can go to a nervous breakdown or illness. To understand the importance of an unusual way, you may need to spend a lot of time. Long reflections will lead to powerful changes in life.

The individual may be under the influence of permanent fluctuations that will affect the preservation of values. The source for the conversion of principles may have different origins. It is sometimes difficult to find out what exactly supports energy.

The first phase in retrogradity begins to play the leading role. However, nature is able to fully deploy polarity. A positive sign contributes to the expression of all the differences that exist in nature. Others can take advantage of its fruits and experience influence. Negative polarity allows you to make a picture of introspective. Individuality creates its own imprint on reality, although some can react to differences.

There is no stability to expect, therefore, the prospects for financial improvements are very glitched, no matter how much another individual wanted.

Karma should help overcome obstacles and fear of obligations. A person is not attached to a certain area of \u200b\u200bactivity, but tries to various opportunities that open before him. You should not stop on the only option when you can try several.

It is characterized by a study of ideals, search for causes and values. Most humanity lives for this, but it is not necessary to individual. It is absolutely not suitable for this direction. This does not mean that other people will not be a sense from him, but the help of loved ones will be impressed, without aware of their value in solving this problem.

If a person can become impartial, then only he can see his destination. Own binding will be based on the fact that the universe will be able to show him his own face. The truth will open, but for this you need to attach certain movements.

Retrograde Uranus in 3 houses

For a schoolchild, problems associated with educational process. He always remains himself and does not want to be like everyone else.

A person can be a real innovator, but the rebellion and bright individuality is necessarily present, thanks to the reaction of the planet. The individual decides that he is not like the surrounding society. He is a bright person and himself. Conduct patterns are essentially a guide force for their own perception.

Most cannot fit into the boundaries of the existing reality. The traditional environment of Tomit and interferes with their promotion. Retrograde phases are so often changed, it is difficult to keep track of this and express a separate direction. So he belongs to the most interesting and bright representatives Thunders in the zodiac. Inventiveness comes from the depths of the soul and does not have a special reason for manifestation. It does not argue the narrow walls that most people surround.

At the same time, the position of the planet causes certain difficulties. This applies to personal family life and relationships at work. Always have to defend your individualism. At the same time, the price may exceed the result obtained.

It can be called a good student, but there is a possibility that during training you will have to jump over some things. Understanding what is happening more like a mess than a thorough study. Subsequent life will allow return to the missed moments and make missed opportunities.

Karma is to develop genilation, but maybe some cases lead to madness. It is necessary to learn throughout the life path, although knowledge will often consist of passages of the skills of other people. Much will have to independently search for in the books, pull out separate phrases from the context, told by kinoheroi. The same applies to sensory perceptions. All areas of life will give a positive response, and fill in the real wealth of knowledge.

Retrograde uranium in 4 houses

His inspiration he has to draw only in his own home and loved ones. All the rest are sideways. He may seem completely wild.

In this position, a person gets a real confusion in the shower. Emotions are confused. The individual can try to escape from his symbolism from birth. This applies to various moral aspects of education, ethical values \u200b\u200band religious beliefs. They were trying to instill his parents in childhood. A large concentration on these things causes a condition of conflict. Vibration does not make sure one wave and continues to flush energy.

I want to have complete individual freedom. This applies not only to family life or organizational measures, but also to proof their full freedom. The wines of the prison are created by themselves, and he continues to be captured by their illusions.

A large amount of time is given to the 3 phase of the retrogradity process. During this period, the individual returns and rethinks past moments. Chronological reality is completely unlike his emotional imprint. In those rare moments, when he managed to experience 1 phase, the leap from the protective shell occurs only for a moment. This is done to quickly look back and make sure that the launo moves behind it.

Karma does not allow to doubt himself, but causes a lot of issues that they will be. Sometimes there is inappropriate self-confidence. Life Path It passes between these extreme positions. A person wants to find his own place where he will feel comfortable. But until there is a complete confidence, the shackles will have to leave in their place, even though they want to reset them.

Retrograde Uranus in the 5th House

Society seems that they are completely abnormal. In any questions, they lead their line and do not want to go close to others. Usually they cannot pick up a satellite of life and have to turn to unconventional methods.

The individual is trying to make his own life original. A person feels like a part of the universe, without losing independence. The trap of society will not work, and he will only have to turn to 1 retrogradity phase.

Now he can avoid traditionality if he can get rid of the shackles and express individuality through non-traditional. He is peculiar to the inventive mind and the huge abilities of the thinker. The ideas of other people can concentrate and processed for the universal benefit. He is not needed for normal life marriage and family, although it can be in close relationship with other long time.

Among the main talents, the ability to find knowledge and excite them to incarnate in people, even if they are deeply hidden somewhere and were not considered important. Karma of this soul is one of the most independent in the whole zodiac. It is characterized by the full personality and the special originality of everything that falls on hand and embodies in real plans.

Past life, no doubt, takes over him. There were large restrictions that restrained the individual impulse inside themselves. Now it is time to make sure of the immutability under the action of circumstances.

Retrograde Uranus in the 6th House

The physical body has significant sensitivity. A person can work even in situations when the forces are on the verge of exhaustion. Aura is usually in Dissonance with others, so it is more suitable for individual work.

In work can be significant tolerance. However, they strive to bring a lot of innovation into the team. During the workflow, they are annoyed by the annoying and looks over the shoulder.

The individual can express their innovative ideas and apply them in everyday work. The most common classes can be represented in a new light and make ordinary work interesting and fascinating. Sensitivity is at the highest level. This allows you to absorb other people's influences that help to feel exclusive. Internal anxiety leads to activation of processes and needs to be necessary.

Words do not play such an important role as it wants others. The individual is committed to his own tranquility. He is peculiar to resonance with the surrounding life. Calm really needs to be like air, so sometimes the desire for him can be defeated. People are interested in their actions and desires. As a result, the individual seeks to understand them and deal with the motivation of the actions and solutions around.

Karma becomes driving power in innovation. And special attention It is paid to the physical plane. Previous incarnations gave a man the opportunity to understand the relationship of what is happening in the world. The phase of the retrograde process does not play a special role. He wants to understand or express his understanding through actions. The world around the world needs a correction, so the individual seeks to benefit. The main direction of learning should be based on the achievement of complete calm during the process.

Retrograde Uranus in the 7th House

His preference is sudden feelings. The cooling of sensuality leads to immediate rupture of relations. From the side it seems that everything is fine, but suddenly there is a sudden break. They are unusted open struggle. Long-term relationships become boring and unnecessary.

The main emphasis is on the development of his own confidence. We can assume that people are attracted to it. They can always rely on them. Because of the uranian nature, the bad reliability of others makes it strong outside and inside.

Retrogradness of uranium helps to reap the consequences of karma. This is especially noticeable in the family sphere. An individual needs to study for a long time to become objective in determining their needs. He needs to understand that the past life passed under the sign of too much hopes on others, so now such patterns are completely unrealistic.

The position indicates that marriages may be several. Difficulties may arise in the sexual sphere and the warmth of relationships with a partner. Normal relations become a kaleidoscope of events that lead to permanent drops and breakdowns.

After aware of his individuality, the struggle against the soul begins. In relation to it, an individual is a partner. Other people will use the opportunity and apply to its uranian essence, which is an impersonal part. Its calculations will be built on the fact that the connection will occur with the personal part. In this position, the soul is experiencing significant growth, a person after passing numerous lives is in his mistakes.

Retrogradity will particularly affect the variability of the phases that will adapt to the nature of people with whom they have to communicate. The individual will try to constantly find the lines of contact and synchronize. It is better not to do this, but the awareness of individuality will come with time. Ability to adapt to develop a space interconnection with those who are near.

Retrograde Uranus in the 8th House

These people are able to influence the change in the habits of others in the financial sphere. Their control is notgated and unusual events that came out from under the control can occur. Such phenomena give a huge energy push and change the course of life.

A person in such a situation may experience changes in the value estimates of other people. There is a constant change in priorities, so the relationship with loved ones and friends is not easy. Reliability is extremely unstable due to transmutation of ideals. The study does not take place in a gift and difficult to stay at a certain framework. The information received is useful, but people may not linger.

The first part of life may take a sexual plan very unusual, so the subsequent life will use the experience gained. The individual will be able to achieve real vertices of sexual pleasure. In this position, some are encountered with problems in the personal sphere, and for a long time Can live alone.

Understanding what is happening reaches considerable depth. This applies to the majority of life spheres. The person is interesting to others, but is obliged to do tactfully in the expression of his own thoughts.

Karma helps to understand the value of others. They should be learn in providing their mental perception. Past life passed under the sign of emergency affection for the property.

Now this situation contributes to equalizing the trend towards the entire horoscope. Retrograde uranium, together with the qualities of 8 houses, gives rise to a desire to align and become a hermit. Own priorities will stand in the foreground.

Phases during this period are usually largely based on those people who fall into the field of vital activity of the individual. If this does not happen, then you have to experience the trends 1 of the retrogradity phase with high-quality aspects of 2 phases of 8 at home. The combination of these moments causes the vibration to go to any phase if necessary.

Retrograde Uranus in the 9th House

The individual can feel unique adventures in their own consciousness. At one point he can feel 1 phase of retrogradity, when the realization of the need for the study of spiritual principles and philosophy comes. He is taken for this with a huge excitement and desire. The compression process captures completely. All having value for higher existence stretches to it.

A special role is assigned to the spiritual consciousness, which is at the deep level: inner world. Sacred knowledge from time immemorial can find an embodiment not only in the past, but also in the present. Understanding this makes you make changes to an existing life.

The source of great inspiration is non-standard, the methods of self-expression are original on the verge of uniqueness. God is in the foreground for him. This concerns not just some separate religion or teaching, but the true essence of the Creator. The battle against generally accepted rules is possible due to internal stability, which will help in this struggle.

Sometimes the thread of reflections can be lost due to the latitude of the sphere of attention. It is difficult to emphasize the interest when the world is so vigorous.

Karma helps in achieving emotional independence. The rest of the world may not be interested in raised questions, but it does not stop on the way to perfection. Everything accumulates in some hands and is directed to an increase in spirituality and understanding of philosophy.

Friends can criticize for such an attitude to knowledge. In special cases, development can lead to the rupture of family bonds. Nevertheless, truth is obliged to proceed from its own individualism and uniqueness. Compromise, even in good purposes does not pass.

Retrograde Uranus in the 10th House

Huge efforts are spent in areas where others would have lowered their hands. A comparison of uranium with others does not like completely. The situation threatens failures if the main earnings will depend on unconventional types of professional activities.

Great importance is given to the feeling of internal identity. This will help preserve the uniqueness among other people. If a person comes his individuality to the throat, then it comes so in favor of his position, which in the future can help in the strongest expression.

Directions are not priority. Self-expression can direct the movement in the right direction. This situation can be successful in case of work in the media or advertising. Comprehensiveness will allow reliably to equip their lives.

Creative instincts should be able for development. No need to limit yourself with a certain framework. Responsibility does not notice aside when its awareness comes.

If there is a single basis, then life passes around it. Perspective planning does not make it possible to realize itself completely. There are certain abilities in work and for long-term plans, but they can suddenly end with the feeling of limiting their own individuality in the future.

Time is spent on finding in the 3 phase of retrogradity, where the needs of the surrounding society are absorbed. It comes to feeling that it turns out to cope with all the tasks. There is a possibility of failures in synchronization over time. It comes due to the opposition of the future, controlled uranium, and the trends of the past in the 10th house.

The individual should work hard to create a necessary balance in the future. Own ingenuity allows you to show forces to promote a case that other people are not capable of performing.

Karma helps to explore the self-discipline. Energy should be used for the benefit of this life. He will be original, while remaining the composition of the structures where he has to live.

Retrograde uranium in 11 house

It is possible to change the direction of goals, however, the feeling arises that they will lead to uncertainty.

The individual is subject to testing in friendship and other areas of activity. Such glimpses existed in the past, but now their understanding comes upstairs. His ideas are not limited to commonness, so it can reach vertices in the originality of thinking.

Personal level will not give the opportunity to properly arrange accents in friendly connections. Because of this, they will have to revise their influence and opportunities. People from different layers of society are attracted to him. As a result, the incredible color of ideas, the development of dreams and the revision of a look at fate.

It seems to him that the surrounding belongs to it at all as they should. It helps in respect for their uniqueness. Outproof and detachment makes it possible to look at the world from the side and be more objective to others.

Sometimes comes outrage limitations of others. To preserve equilibrium, it is necessary to bypass their personal karma side. If the game is done on honest rules, then it is not necessary to get up on someone's side. It is better to stay aside, watching the meaninglessness and futility of the dispute.

If there is a blind man on the way in his own karma, he wants to send them to the highest consciousness. Its judgment will remain inside. It will not interfere in other people's processes trying to change them. The awareness will come that every person should go along the path of progress with different speeds and individually.

Karma gives enlightenment in the feeling of reality. It is unknown to anyone except him. Inspiration can be proposed through 1 phase of retrogradity. As a result, others may feel some of the glimpses of consciousness, although not the largest.

Retrograde Uranus in the 12th House

Some may think about him as a madman. Parents as a child could criticize him for non-standard behavior, which gives an unusual person. Life can go among the younger generation and it will not bring discomfort.

The 3rd phase of retrogradity is valid for a person when it can use the knowledge gained in the past. Now the need for awareness has grown and can be used in direct appointment.

Separate individuals feel the correctness at the subconscious level. astrological forecasts. Another retrograde uranium can help with clarifying consciousness. There is also a high probability that its own spiritual increase has potential for development.

If the life of the individual and patterns indicate this feature, then the position of uranium can be taken as a signpost. In the sexual sphere there may be deviations and the percentage of becoming a homosexual.

Personals are not so important. The main thing is that they indicate the internal capabilities to the new, which pass through the highest forms of the channels of awareness. A man knows the state of things in the outdoor world. They are not necessary to know their internally.

He is easy to adapt and change his mind. Ideas as the basis are taken not their own, so they should not be cling. The universe can not be touched, and she in gratitude can make an individual completely free.

Its core values \u200b\u200bare in motion, therefore, a certain eccentricity is visible from the side. If others are forced to live under the nest of tradition, then he does not need to limit his freedom. Life in society must go to good aspects Saturn, so Uranian awareness can be used to create a balance between their own knowledge and peace.

Uranus - Planet unconscious, and even at the time of him retrograd movement Energy Uranus focus on this area. It is characteristic that its energies will be expressed even brighter. When the time of change comes, the owners often come to the fore retrograde Uranus.

The positions of the external planets characterize the generation as a whole: they are associated with global transpersonal public factors. If any of them are retrograde, it is recommended to pay attention to the fact that the birth of a new case does not have to go for a while when managed retrograd Planet The sign is on the ascende or manages the house corresponding to the nature of the undertaking.

Uranus goes in retrograd move Every year for five months. Uranium has a much larger sequence number than Mercury, therefore is associated with higher levels of communication. It is always associated with innovations, inventions, new concepts and ideas.

With the stationary position of uranium and educate them aspects on their map you can see the promises of unusual and amazing events, both favorable and unfavorable, which will happen to you. Sometimes it causes a need for sharp change, the need to end the past once and for all, without taking into account all the consequences of this step.

When uranium starts the direct movement and removes your natal planets, you can make changes if you are still convinced that the decision you adopted is correct. People with fixed signs in particular need some initial push, which can give a large transit with a variable direction of movement.

Retrograde Uranus in Natal Map

When natal Uranus RetrogradenThe desire for reforms and rebellion is manifested stronger than in the case of direct uranium. That is why such people, as anyone, it is important to understand the internal structure and system before they take them to reform.

A man with such uranium always complains that there is no space. It seems to him that it is coward, suffocating, limited. It protests against any form of power and hierarchy. It can not be in second roles or subordinate positions. It features internal originality and eccentricity, but it is difficult to express it.

May be a reformer proclaiming for long forgotten truths. Friends, group societies, the direction of goals and tasks per hour have roots in the past. Personal freedom is achieved by revising behavior in the light of the past life experience. Such a person does not tolerate any constraint. His karma - to be a living embodiment of freedom.

Man C. retrograde uranium in the horoscope You need to learn how to be removed and unbiased as much as possible when he decides to change.

And Hitler and John Kennedy possessed retrograde uraniumHowever, using it in your own way. John Kennedy sent these energies into a positive direction to the struggle for equality and humanism, while Hitler demonstrated the negative aspects of the same energy.

Uranus - Retrograde Planet
Uranium energy as an expression of exclusivity and individuality is strongly emphasized when Uranus Retrograd. It feels a powerful pressure capable of breaking any form of restriction and achieve real personal freedom. In such people, a congenital understanding of the fact that external freedom can only be achieved through freedom internal.
Such children need recognition and high assessment of their uniqueness. They can achieve recognition due to their talent, which they certainly have.
(Star "Horoscope of your child")

* Uranium - Retrograde Planet
A man with such uranium always complains that there is no space. It seems to him that it is coward, suffocating, limited. It protests against any form of power and hierarchy.
It can not be in second roles or subordinate positions. It is distinguished by internal originality and eccentricity, but it is difficult to express it. Such a person does not tolerate any constraint.
His karma - to be a living embodiment of freedom. May be a reformer proclaiming for long forgotten truths.
Uranium is retrograde 1 time per year 4-5 months.
(Larisa Nazarova. Karmic Astrology.)

* Uranium - Retrograde Planet
In the period of retrogradity, the feeling of the clamp, the lack of space and freedom in the actions, is felt. The behavior of the harmony of relations with their bosses and with higher instances. It is a convenient time to find a long-forgotten improvement and revive it.
Retro-uranium owners are manifested as the destructors of traditions, strive for originality, personal freedom and to dominance over the accessible part of the environment. As a rule, these are leaders, especially with uranium in the corner house.
(Velichko F.K. Retrograde planets)

* Uranium - Retrograde Planet
1. Esoteric symbol
The symbol of uranium is formed by two soul semicircles in opposite sides connected through the cross of matter. As an independious wanderer of heaven, Uranus has always been associated with everything that symbolized the unique abilities of a person to achieve extraterrestrial. To do this, he must break the conventions at any cost, often breaking himself in the process in this process. Semicircles of the soul, pointing in opposite directions, remind us of the symbols of the arriving and decreasing moon; Each represents the different side of life like two sides of the coin, which, although they are so opposite by nature, cannot exist without each other.
The cross of the matter is in the center of this tugging of the rope, symbolizing everything that the person has already created as its traditional bases. Of both shoulders of this cross, two semicircles are constantly pulling in opposite and not yet marked on the map directions. Nature of the soul, seeking to explore the unknown, forces the individual to make constant decisions between the stability, which he already knows, and the positive and negative features of everything that he has not yet tried.
Thus, the symbol of uranium is less symbolizing the unpredictability of a person than his desire to be freed from the side of the life of matter or a form that restrains all existential opportunities, which, as he ever knows, he can achieve.
When the planet is retrograde, a person perceives it as a personal crusade, feeling deeply within himself responsibility for human progress as a whole. The inverted symbol puts two semicircles of the soul closer to the ground. Thus, it is not enough to free yourself for this individual. He must feel the freedom of everyone in his life space before he can be pleased with the fact that his own soul's liberation penetrated the essence of everything he sees around himself.
2. Individuality
A man with retrograde uranium discovers a rather unique personality.
At the most deepest levels, he is a riot driver against everything that binds it. If this is a timid person, he can test claustrophobic. If it is a fearless person, he will try to overturn all that he considers to be out of his utility. He cannot be satisfied just a movement in life, as it sees too much that it can increase the wealth of humanity, if only society shakes all his false security anchors.
It is worried if other people treat him too much, because then he will feel that he has lost a significant part of himself. Therefore, it will be from time to time to lose friends and acquaintances, sometimes work and romantic attachments - all because other people are often too difficult to take the oddity of his ideas. However, after years, when society will defend everything that he once supported, he will no longer feed interest to all advanced theories or positions that he inspired at one time. Thus, it is largely a harbinger of the future. Because of this, he may experience loneliness, but he would never refuse his gift of originality for the sake of the company of other people. He knows that, above all, his soul should be free. Everything that prevents this freedom, he will be swept away from his way.
For those who are able to understand him, he is the most captive interlocutor, as it is literally filled with all the ideas that humanity needs for the future of the human race.
3. Karma
At the personal level, the retrograde uranium produces a mess in human relations. The individual is experiencing internal variability, which often makes him hypocritical to himself. His mental and emotional levels are often fighting with each other, so that he can know some things that should lead him in the direction that his knowledge points, but at the same time he feels other things that can lead him in perfect in a different direction.
He is experiencing karma learning how to express the inner freedom, which he brings into this life. And he should not be connected attempts all the time to explain the meaning for others or even for himself. Free Spirit does not always seem to make sense. The fact is that the logical continuation of common sense in the individual is more a Saturnian trash associated with the rigidity of order, discipline and the direction of oneself to certain purposes. But an individual with retrograde uranium is not worried about such karma.
To explore your internal existence, as well as many other spheres of understanding, which humanity as a whole has not yet reached, it goes along a long and winding path to the search for formulas that the world is forced. Nevertheless, he knows that his search is an infinite process, since each new discovery leads to another question. It can be extremely happy until others try to squeeze it into the patterns of thinking and patterns of behavior whose limits he has already crossed due to the meaninglessness of the roles that they play in his perception of a huge scheme.
He learned how to be independent in former incarnations, and now it should use this independence to reiterate and understand the reason why he originally wanted it.
(Retrograde planets - general description by Schulman)

* Uranium - Retrograde Planet
The highest: In the past, a man left a visible trace in science, was inventor, a reformer, a lot made a lot to bring the new opportunities to bring humanity more free and happy. Now he has paranormal abilities that allow him, without spending a lot of strength, not attracting increased attention to him, to achieve the goals for which he suffered in the past and entered into conflict with society.
Middle: In the past, a man allowed himself too much, he did not limit himself. Now he must be a little cold. A person must learn to feel free, digested under any circumstances, must gain a feeling of inner freedom. In this case, luck herself will go to his hands. A person may not hurry to master the most advanced technologies and put them on the service to people.
Low: In the past, a person was an asocial person, outraged the calm of society, contributed to changes and coup. Now the wave of shocks, chaos overtakes him. Much in the life of a person, besides his will, turns away from the legs. Buildings are destroyed, an unexpected accident rate negates his many years of effort. A person is not able to cope with the elements of life. Everything is too unreliable and changeable.
(Retrograde planets. BB shields.)

A difficult period of sudden events and sharp changes began on Wednesday on August 8, 2018 and will continue until January 6, 2019.

foreshadows unforeseen turns in fate.

Retrograde uranium 2018: what can not do

The planet of critical phenomena in the life of people carries the energy of destruction, updates and choices in favor of personal independence. The circumstances will take shape so that it will be extremely difficult to predict the course of events. Therefore, it is important to know what you can not do when Retrograde Uranus 2018:

  • Take part in events with great accumulation of people;
  • Believe in the word strangers interested in personal profit;
  • Sharply tearing relationships or vice versa: to make marriage again;
  • Go to risky travel when there is a real risk of an accident.

The retrograde position of uranium in the sign of the Taurus will bring cool turns in the life that will most powerfully felt until Tuesday August 21. This is due to the fact that the power of chaos will be strengthened by the retrograde position of Mercury and Mars. At the global level, such a configuration of the planets is fraught with social rins, revolutions in the field of business and finance, the devaluation of the national currency or the collapse of states.

At the fate of ordinary people, retrograde uranium in August 2018 will affect unexpected meetings With people who will play a negative role in your destiny, parting, transition to a new job, breaking relationships, danger on the road.

Retrograde Uranus for all zodiac signs

The opponent movement of the planet will force many to act under the influence of impulses, to fall in a situation where their opinion will not be able to change anything, and they themselves can become easy prey for bandits, fraudsters or rapists. Retrograde Uranus for all zodiac signswill dictate your living conditions and adjust your actions will have to be literally on the go.

Aries - For you, the main complexity will consist in the inability to realize your talents, to succeed where you have already done a lot. Therefore, carefully consider your activities and give up minor tasks in favor of the most significant results for you. On the retrograde uranium, the fire element of Aries can benefit when solving controversial issues financial nature. In no case do not accumulate debts and give up spending in favor of savings accumulation.

Taurus - survive difficult Augustus under retrograde uranium with minimal losses for itself, since their element of the Earth implies carefully thoughtful actions and diplomatic abilities. Dangers should be expected from competitors who can strike from behind the back. Do not trust flatter words and deliberately desire to please you, objectively evaluate reality.

Gemini - For representatives of the element, the air retrograde uranium can carry positive changes in the event that you have long allocated in one place and need a real shake in order to reach a higher social level. The opponent movement of the planet of rapid changes will bring you good luck in the field of communication and interpersonal relationships, as there will be even a lot of new acquaintances, which means that your chances of success will increase.

Cancer is the main danger that the retrograde uranium will bring in 2018 will be buried in the absence of mentality in relations with favorite people, minimal comfort when finding on its territory, as well as in an unconscious desire to retire. The horoscope for cancer suggests that the second half of 2018 is not best time For romance and new acquaintances, as new people will come to your life suddenly and also quickly leave your home.

Lev - Cool turns in fate most acutely cleaned precisely the ambitious lions, which will simply be sipped from the desire to try something new in their lives. However, the meetings will be postponed by reasons independent of you, events - there is no use in your favor, and at work there will begin quarrels because of those little things that previously easily went away with your hands. The only way out is a complete change of the kind of activity and reorientation to new horizons in life.

Virgo - on the scrupulous representatives of this sign of the zodiac will have its influence the watertic effect of retrograde uranium, Mars and Mercury, the most strongly affected by the sphere of business and finance. The second half of 2018 will bring a complete change of worldview, the old stereotypes will be destroyed, and new priorities will come to replace them. Do not be afraid to break what no longer benefits will be worthy of passing through the difficult length of life, you will discover something more valuable than you have so far.

Scales - the second half of the year Yellow dog Will passed for you under the motto: "Trusting - but check!" In your life, the chaos period will begin when the only true guideline will be personal intuition and the ability to act independently. Listen to your inner voice, do not trust the opinions of foreign people, take all solutions sole. It is such a tactics of behavior to minimize the risk of loss at work, in business and personal life.

Scorpio - a real period of reboot will begin in a personal life when old relationships will collapse, but new people will not meet your requirements. On the one hand, it is good for those who do not want to build a long-term relationship and strive for flirting and the opportunity to feel the taste of free life. But on the other hand, the loss, parting, separation is not in your fault, but because of external circumstances.

Sagittarius - For you, a retrograde Uranus prepared a surprise in the form large number Proposals from business partners, as well as the opportunity to take revenge in some kind of business, where you have previously failed. You yourself will carry people unexpected and rapid changes, interfere in other people's plans and break someone's plans. Be careful not to block firewood, but remember that the second half of 2018 opens up ample opportunities to achieve their goals.

Capricorn - representatives of this sign of the zodiac will begin to annoy the stability and monotony of life. Retrograde planets in 2018 will affect you so that you want to change the situation around yourself, and perhaps and update the circle of friends. This is a great time to travel to distant countries for the purpose of employment, learning or helping relatives. Changes will benefit you, bring the desired refreshment of feelings and emotions.

Aquarius - the gracious time comes for you when you can shine with your talents and to fully prove yourself. Good luck will bring a new job, dating, jointly spent holidays. Take all invitations regarding moving to a new place of residence, go to travel or deal with activities that will require you from you for the trembleness and acuteness of the mind.

Fish - Retrograde Uranus in the Constellation of the Taurus will make you revise your financial spending, more rationally plan a budget, and perhaps that at all, to largely build a business policy. Those who fell on your share will help settle questions with entrepreneurial partners in the event that you learn to act correctly and impartially. Until the end of the year, a yellow dog is to get rid of illusions and hide their plans from outsiders.

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