Pharmacy choleretic preparations. Types and rules of treatment with choleretic preparations. Indications, types, compositions, pharmacological action

Many herbs have choleretic properties. For example, a folk choleretic mixture consisting of immortelle flowers, chamomile and lingonberry. All this needs to be mixed in equal proportions, after which two tablespoons of mixed herbs are poured into 0.5 liters. hot boiled water and let the collection brew for four hours. Store the collection in the refrigerator. Drink before meals three times a day. Warm up before use.

You can make choleretic infusions yourself if you purchase the necessary herbs. However, the fees can be purchased much more easily, since they are sold at any pharmacy. The most famous choleretic collections are those called “choleretic collection No. 1”, “choleretic collection No. 2” and “choleretic collection No. 3”. All of them help cope with gallbladder diseases and bile ducts. However, in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment specifically for your disease, you need to know which herbs are in which collection and how they act on the body. The infusions are sold mainly in two types: in the form of regular crushed herbs in a cardboard box or in a filter bag, which is much more convenient to use, since regular herbs still need to be brewed and strained. Each herbal collection always comes with instructions on how to properly take this collection, because different collections contain different herbs that can be prepared and taken in different ways. Choleretic collections can have different names, for example, Khodzhimatov collection or phytohepatol. These are analogues of choleretic mixtures numbered 1, 2 and 3.

Choleretic collection No. 1

It consists of peppermint leaves, immortelle flowers, coriander, or rather its fruits and trifoliate. The chemical composition of the mixture consists of elements such as silicon, magnesium salts, flavonoids and tannins. This collection removes stagnant bile, has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves spasms.

  • Peppermint (collected using only its leaves) is excellent remedy against cholelithiasis. It helps remove stones from the bladder and its ducts. It also has sedative properties that help relieve pain. The value of peppermint also lies in the fact that it helps stimulate the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Wachta trifolium is considered a good anti-inflammatory herbal preparation and also helps stimulate the nutritional process. This herb is also called “water trefoil”.
  • Coriander – its seeds are used in this collection. They are considered a good choleretic agent and relieve inflammation well.
  • Immortelle - is effective traditional means for pathology and diseases of the liver and gall bladder. The properties of immortelle flowers are aimed at significantly improving the condition of the bladder and liver, helping to relieve spasms, and are capable of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Also, immortelle flowers can lower cholesterol and bilirubin levels, normalize and influence the viscosity of bile and its chemical component.

To prepare collection number 1, you need to take one tbsp. spoon of crushed herb and pour one cup of boiling water (200 ml) over it, then heat for about fifteen minutes and let it brew for 40-60 minutes. Next, the collection is filtered through cheesecloth and diluted with ordinary boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Usually the finished tincture is drunk 300 ml per day, taking 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals. Before drinking, it is recommended to stir the decoction. The course of treatment with this choleretic mixture of herbs is 2-4 weeks, after which a break is taken for a month. A course of four weeks is considered more effective.

Choleretic collection No. 2

In terms of its composition, it has almost no differences from collection No. 1. It consists of such herbs as: peppermint, coriander fruit, immortelle (on the packaging it is often indicated as sandy caraway), as well as yarrow. It also contains chemicals such as essential oils, vitamins B, E, C, K, carotene and other beneficial substances.

Yarrow. Has long been used in traditional folk medicine as an excellent remedy for the treatment of liver and bladder diseases. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, as well as choleretic effects.

This choleretic mixture is often prescribed to children. Choleretic collection 2 is brewed in almost the same way. They drink it 300 ml per day, 100 ml. You need to take it three times a day. You should drink it 30 minutes before meals. For children, it is recommended to drink no more than 150 ml per day, also in three doses. If you purchased the mixture not in the form of crushed herbs, but in filter bags, then they are usually brewed two bags per glass of hot boiled water. Collection in this form is more convenient for preparation, because you just need to pour it in and let it sit for about fifteen minutes, after which it is ready for use. The course of treatment with this collection is one month. It is not recommended to take such fees for less than a week, as this will not bring the desired effect. If taken for more than a month, an overdose is possible. Therefore, after a month, the same break is taken. Often, choleretic collection 2 is drunk for two weeks. This is followed by a break for the same period. Choleretic collection number 2 is often prescribed for remote gallbladder as an excellent prevention. Collection 2 is useful for stagnation of bile; it also relieves inflammation and has analgesic properties.

Choleretic collection No. 3

The composition of choleretic collection 3 differs from the composition of the two previous choleretic collections. It includes herbs such as calendula, chamomile, tansy and yarrow. From chemical substances– contains essential oils, organic acids, bitterness and other beneficial substances.

  • Tansy – the collection includes the flowers of this herb. Because they are the ones who manifest themselves as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and bile stimulating agents.
  • Chamomile - the flowers of this plant are capable of providing antimicrobial and choleretic effects; it is also excellent for relieving spasms. Chamomile is a good helper in getting rid of unnecessary bile.
  • Calendula - can relieve inflammation, is good remedy in the fight against liver and bladder diseases. Able to ensure the removal of bile from the body.

Most often, choleretic collection 3 is sold in filter bags. The fee is applied in almost the same way as the previous ones. One or two bags of herb are brewed in a glass (200 ml) for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to consume 3 glasses per day. One glass before each meal, preferably half an hour before meals. The course lasts from two weeks to one month. Collection number 3 is used for inflammation of the gallbladder or liver. Good for relieving pain, helps improve the secretion and outflow of bile. Often prescribed for prevention.


In many cases, choleretic preparations have positive reviews, they are considered useful and safe to use. However, you should not start taking the collection without consulting a doctor. Because unauthorized treatment can cause a number of side effects. For example, if you have stones in the liver, bile ducts or biliary tract, you should not drink herbal teas. If the stone is in the duct and interferes with the removal of bile, taking such a collection will only worsen the patient’s condition. Pregnant women and when breastfeeding children should use choleretic drugs with caution. If a person is allergic to at least one herb from the collection, then taking this collection is contraindicated. For cirrhosis and other serious liver diseases, as well as for appendicitis, it is not recommended to take choleretic herbs. If you do not follow the instructions for taking the collection, side effects such as diarrhea, diarrhea and other disorders are possible. gastrointestinal tract. Dizziness, rash, heartburn, and fatigue are possible. If there are stones in the liver or gall bladder, then there may be pain in the liver area or swelling. If you experience heartburn, do not be alarmed; heartburn does not indicate complications of gallstone disease or other serious illnesses.

A special selection of plants that help with diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts is characterized in alternative medicine as a choleretic collection. There are several types of this folk medicine, which differs both in its composition and effect on the body. Carry out uncontrolled application of fees in medicinal purposes undesirable. If there are signs of diseases of the biliary tract or gallbladder, you should still consult a doctor. It will help you choose the right fee, taking into account individual characteristics body and the course of the disease.

Action of choleretic collection: pharmacology

Choleretic herbal teas perfectly help eliminate or mitigate the symptoms of diseases of both the gallbladder and biliary tract. They have the following effect on the course of diseases of the above organs:

Collections for removing bile are divided into several types: No. 1, 2, 3. They have different composition. But still, the herbs that are included in them have a similar effect.

The preparations are produced in disposable filter bags, packed in a cardboard box.

Description of choleretic collection 1

The composition of this plant material includes plants such as:

  • trefoil watch (leaves);
  • mint (leaves);
  • immortelle flowers;
  • coriander seeds.

This collection, containing mint, has a sedative effect and successfully removes stones from the bile ducts and gallbladder, stimulates the functioning of the latter, and also activates the activity of the liver.

The three-leaf plant perfectly relieves inflammation, and coriander seeds relieve pain and promote the removal of bile.

Immortelle flowers tone the liver and gall bladder, reduce bilirubin and cholesterol levels, relieve spasms, and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

The tincture from this collection is prepared by adding a tablespoon of dry plants to a glass of boiled water. It is recommended to leave for approximately 45 minutes to an hour, while adding another glass of liquid. The course of therapy is a month with daily consumption of at least 900 ml of infusion. Reception medicinal drink Take before meals, three times a day, in equal doses.

Store the finished infusion in a cool place for no more than 48 hours.

Choleretic collection 2: brief description

Specially selected plants included in choleretic collection No. 2 are distinguished by the following composition:

  • yarrow;
  • coriander seeds;
  • mint;
  • immortelle flowers or sandy cumin.

It is yarrow that is widely used in alternative medicine as a folk medicine, as it perfectly relieves spasms, reduces inflammation and helps speed up the process of removing stagnant bile.

Apply the above collection as follows: take three sachets per glass of boiling water of this medicine. You need to let it sit for no more than half an hour, then squeeze out the bags and add another glass of boiling water. It is advisable to take this medicinal drink before meals, three times a day, no more than 100 ml at a time.

Choleretic collection 3: brief description

Included in this collection medicinal herbs includes the following plants:

  • tansy (flowers);
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow;
  • mint (leaves).

Tansy flowers, in addition to the choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect, also have an antimicrobial and bactericidal effect on the above organs.

Chamomile is good for calming and relieving painful sensations during spasms.

To prepare this medicinal drink, take 2 filter bags of the collection, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Choleretic collection 3 should be infused for the same time as the previous infusion, about 15 minutes. The course of therapy with this medicine lasts a month, with daily consumption of 300 to 600 ml of the medicinal drink. The dose, of course, is determined by the doctor depending on the course of the disease.

Indications for use of the above fees

Choleretic preparations are used for medicinal purposes when the following indications exist:

  • chronic reactive hepatitis;
  • indigestion;
  • lack of appetite;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • the formation of an infectious inflammatory process in the bile ducts (cholangitis);
  • postcholecystectomy syndrome.

Contraindications to the use of choleretic collection

Despite all the positive effects of these herbs on the body for diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, some people should not use the choleretic preparation. Reviews from researchers indicate that the use of the above selection of plants is undesirable when:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the collection, the manifestation of allergic reactions to some plants;
  • cholelithiasis - a disease that is characterized by the presence of stones in the bile ducts and bladder that interfere with the release of bile;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • acute pancreatitis.

It is also undesirable for women to take such medications during pregnancy and lactation. Only in exceptional cases can a doctor prescribe therapy with the above remedy.

The use of this medicine is strictly prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

Choleretic tea can also cause some side effects, such as heartburn. Reviews of people who had problems with organs digestive system, very often indicated the occurrence of this problem during the use of this remedy. They complained of a certain burning sensation in the chest area.

Also, those suffering from hypertension when consuming infusions from the above mixtures very often complained of increased blood pressure. Experts, after analyzing their reviews and doing some research in the laboratory, came to the conclusion: immortelle flowers have this effect on the body. Therefore, it is not advisable for people with hypertension to use choleretic collection 1 and 2 for medicinal purposes.

Also, with uncontrolled use of a choleretic preparation, congestion in the liver may develop. Immortelle flowers have this effect.

Choleretic preparations remarkably help fight the symptoms of diseases of the biliary tract and bladder. When using this selection of plants for medicinal purposes, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic effects are guaranteed. But you need to remember that only a doctor can prescribe such treatment, and only after a thorough examination of the patient and finding out the details of the medical history. The doctor will correctly select a specific preparation for the patient and prescribe the necessary doses. Uncontrolled use of this plant material for the treatment of the above diseases may contribute to the occurrence of side effects.

Choleretic collection is different medicinal plants, selected and mixed in a certain way. They are used in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder, liver and bile ducts. This collection includes leaves and roots of plants, which effectively relieve inflammation and spasms and have antiseptic properties.

They not only promote the outflow of bile and remove it from the body, but also restore liver function and remove toxic substances from the body. You should not brew or take such herbal infusions without a doctor’s recommendation, so as not to harm the body. After all, like any medicine, they also have contraindications and cause adverse reactions.

Instructions for use

Bile produced in the liver is needed by the body for normal digestion. In addition, it helps destroy bacteria. The gallbladder accumulates it and, if necessary, delivers it to the duodenum to digest food.

At the slightest malfunction of the liver or gallbladder, excessive accumulation and stagnation of bile occurs. Its excess does not leave the body on its own. This is where various choleretic preparations come to the rescue.

pharmachologic effect

Medicinal herbs included in the composition help to liquefy thick bile secretions and effectively remove them from the body. They not only remove excess bile from the body, but also improve the condition of the liver, normalize its function, and tone the muscle layer of the gallbladder. Such medicinal preparations perfectly relieve spasms and severe pain, improve appetite, and increase pressure in the digestive tract. This helps to quickly remove excess bile from the intestines.

Indications for use

Similar drugs are prescribed for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis or hepatitis, anorexia and digestive disorders.

Disorders of the liver, bile ducts and bladder are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • constant bitterness in the mouth;
  • feeling of heaviness with right side abdomen, due to enlarged liver;
  • diarrhea followed by diarrhea;
  • stool becomes white and urine becomes very dark;
  • belching;
  • severe pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomiting mixed with bile;
  • indigestion.

Herbs cope well with dyskinesia of the bile ducts, infectious inflammation of the biliary tract (cholangitis), and impaired bile patency. Help relieve nausea, spasms and pain in the gallbladder.

Often, choleretic herbs are prescribed for the treatment of pancreatitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). With this pathology, the enzymes produced by the pancreas do not enter the intestines, but corrode the gland itself. Herbal decoctions help improve food digestion and are used in the treatment of giardiasis.

They are not used as an independent medicine, but only as part of complex treatment, and only as prescribed by a doctor. You should not delay your visit to the doctor, because such symptoms often lead to the development of liver failure and cirrhosis.

Mode of application

Choleretic collection will be beneficial only if properly prepared. This is quite easy to do. It is necessary to pour a spoon (tablespoon) of dry raw materials with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water and cook over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. Then, the finished drink is infused for about an hour and carefully filtered.

During the day, you need to drink approximately 200-300 ml of the decoction in several doses, and treatment is continued for a month. If the collection comes in bags, then take two bags per glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The further application scheme is the same as when brewing in the usual way.

Also watch a video with tips on how to properly brew and take herbal infusions:

Release form, composition

Choleretic preparations are sold in pharmacies, both in the form of filter bags and packaged in 100 grams per carton boxes. There are three types of fees: No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3.

The first fee includes:

  • mint leaves;
  • coriander seeds;
  • three-leaf watch;
  • immortelle.

Mint, due to its bitter taste, stimulates the liver, and three-leaf watch normalizes impaired digestion. Coriander facilitates the removal of bile from the intestines. Immortelle is considered the best anti-inflammatory agent, dilutes bile, lowers bad cholesterol in the blood, and reduces pain.

Collection No. 2 includes the same herbs (mint, coriander and immortelle). Only instead of a three-leaf watch, it contains yarrow. This unique plant is part of a huge number of natural medicines. Yarrow can quickly remove inflammatory process, spasms and pain syndrome, accelerates the excretion of bile

Collection No. 3 includes:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • mint;
  • tansy;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow.

Tansy actively fights not only inflammation, but also germs and bacteria, and chamomile has a strong calming and antiseptic effect. Calendula is also an anti-inflammatory plant that strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance.

Interaction with other drugs

Such medicinal preparations can be combined with taking any medications. No studies have been conducted on this matter, but herbal infusions, as a rule, have no effect when used together with medications.

Side effects

Often, patients note that after taking such herbal drinks, they get heartburn. Sometimes there were strong allergic reactions, in the form of urticaria and itching.



Although these are natural herbal preparations, they are not harmless.

Choleretic preparations should not be used for the following ailments:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • allergy to pollen (hay fever);
  • individual intolerance;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • appendicitis;

Any of these diseases excludes the use of herbal drinks and requires consultation with a doctor.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, you should not drink such decoctions. The doctor can prescribe them only in the most extreme cases.

special instructions

To medicinal herbs brought benefit and did not cause adverse reactions, it is necessary to take into account some application features. You should drink decoctions before meals, strictly following the brewing rules and dosage.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

It must be remembered that preparations that include immortelle can significantly increase blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension should be especially careful, especially when using preparations No. 1 and 2. Due to a sharp increase in pressure, severe headaches and dizziness, and loss of orientation are possible.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and subsequent feeding, women are not recommended to use choleretic preparations. The doctor may prescribe them as a last resort, when the possibility of using medications is completely excluded.

Use in childhood

Children under 12 years of age are strictly prohibited from drinking decoctions. For older children, they are given strictly as prescribed by a specialist.

If kidney function is impaired

For kidney disease, this drug is contraindicated.

In case of liver dysfunction

Severe liver damage, cirrhosis, are also contraindications for taking choleretic preparations.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Any choleretic collection is sold in all pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

It is better to store the grass in its original packaging, away from drafts and moisture, in a dry and dark place. The shelf life will be no more than 2 years from the date of manufacture and packaging. The brewed drink should not be stored for more than 2 days, even in the refrigerator.


This is one of the cheapest and most widely available choleretic drugs, which can be bought at any pharmacy.


Brewed corn silk, a decoction of their calendula and celandine flowers, and a rosehip drink have the same effect.

Watch the video for other recipes for treating the gallbladder using traditional methods:

When bile stagnates, the use of choleretic herbs is effective and safe way treatment. Modern style nutrition involves eating sweet, high-calorie, fatty foods. Due to poor nutrition and alcohol abuse, bile stagnates in the body and gallbladder diseases develop.

In the morning, a person develops a bitter taste in the mouth, an unpleasant taste, and pain periodically occurs in the right hypochondrium. These symptoms are direct evidence of problems with the gallbladder and liver. The risk of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis increases. You need to contact a specialist to get examined. Only a specialist can prescribe medications or herbal medicine. Application herbal infusions will help improve the course of the disease.

Choleretic herbs are divided into four groups according to their mechanism of action:

  • Herbs that relax the muscles of the bile ducts. When using herbs, bile in large volume and leaves the gallbladder more easily.
  • Herbs that change the composition of bile. They make bile thinner, the outflow of bile entering the duodenum is activated.
  • Herbs that enhance the tone of the gallbladder muscles. Thanks to this, bile enters the intestines more actively.
  • Herbs that help fill the gallbladder and accelerate the flow of water into the intestines.

Plants belonging to each group of herbs can be brewed independently or as part of herbal choleretic infusions. There are choleretic teas in the pharmacy, they already contain harmoniously selected herbs that have a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Popular choleretic herbs

Sandy immortelle. The inflorescences of this plant contain flavonoid glycosides, vitamins, essential oils, phthalides, tannins, mineral salts and fatty acids. The plant has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antispasmodic properties. A tea drink made from immortelle is taken for cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, and hepatitis.

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 10 g of inflorescences into 200 ml hot water. Heat in boiling water with the lid closed, stirring, for half an hour. Cool for about 10 minutes and filter. Take 100 ml decoction in the evening before meals and in the morning.

Common barberry. All parts of this plant contain alkaloids. In fruits a large number of acids: malic, tartaric, citric, ascorbic, pectin. Barberry preparations are successfully used for hepatocholecystitis, hepatitis, dyskinesia biliary tract. Decoctions of the plant improve the functioning of the gallbladder, liver function, and eliminate congestion.

Infusion of barberry leaves: 10 g of leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and kept in boiling water for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 45 minutes. After filtration, squeeze out. For diseases of the biliary tract and liver, 1 tablespoon is prescribed.

Corn. Corn columns with silks are prepared for medical purposes. They contain essential oil, fatty oil, sitosterol, saponins, gum, chlorophylls, glycosides, vitamins, ascorbic acid. Corn silk has a pronounced choleretic property. An infusion and decoction of them is prescribed for hepatitis, cholangitis, and enterocolitis. The plant helps dissolve kidney stones. For stagnation of bile, this is the best remedy.

You need 10 g of raw materials. Fill it with boiling water and put it on the fire in boiling water. Keep for 30 minutes, then cool for 10 minutes. As cholagogue Take a quarter glass four hours before meals.

Choleretic herbal teas

Collection with immortelle

Immortelle flowers - 4 hours.

Peppermint - 2 tsp.

Trefoil (leaves) - 3 hours.

Coriander (fruit) - 2 tsp.

A tablespoon of raw material is brewed with 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse the herbs for 20 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml before meals before breakfast, dinner and lunch.

Pharmacy choleretic fees

Phytohepatol- these are ready-made choleretic preparations, which consist of herbal natural ingredients, which are produced in filter bags. Currently, you can purchase two types of this drug - phytohepatol No. 3 and No. 2, their composition is slightly different, but the effect remains the same.

Phytohepatol No. 3 is a collection that contains chamomile, calendula flowers, mint herb, tansy, and yarrow. This remedy is recommended for diseases of the gallbladder and hepatitis. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Phytohepatol No. 2 - consists of immortelle flowers, mint leaves, coriander, yarrow. Interferes with education gallstones, thickening of bile. Taken for biliary dyskinesia and pain.

Choleretic collection No. 1. It contains coriander, trifoliate, immortelle, mint. It lowers cholesterol levels, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and prevents stones from forming in the gallbladder.

Choleretic collection No. 2. Consists of coriander fruits, yarrow leaves, mint and immortelle. Relieves spasms, accelerates the movement of bile, eliminates inflammation.

Choleretic collection No. 3. It contains chamomile, tansy, calendula flowers, yarrow and mint herbs. Accelerates the excretion of bile, eliminates spasms.

Choleretic mixture is a herbal mixture used by people suffering from abnormalities of the gallbladder and its ducts. There are 3 types of fees that can be used. In some cases, they use everything at once. Long-term use of this decoction without consulting a doctor can provoke the formation of liver pathologies. The drugs have contraindications and side effects. Before use, you should read the instructions.

Indications, types, compositions, pharmacological action

Choleretic collection(Phytohepatol) - a mixture of herbs that is used to combat diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract. There are 3 types of fees (No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3). Doctors prescribe them if the patient has developed hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis (acute inflammatory process in the gallbladder), poor appetite and digestive disorders, inflammation of the bile ducts, nausea and postcholecystectomy syndrome ( pathological condition developing after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract).

In accordance with the composition of the choleretic collection, there are 3 types, each of which consists of different plants:

Form Compound Healing properties
  • mint leaves;
  • three-leaf watch;
  • coriander fruit;
  • immortelle flowers
Mint has a sedative effect and helps in removing stones from the body. When taking this collection, the functioning of the gallbladder and liver is stimulated. The trifoliate, which is part of this product, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and coriander seeds have an analgesic effect. Immortelle helps relieve spasms; it also affects the viscosity of the liver, its chemical composition and reduces cholesterol and bilirubin levels
  • yarrow;
  • mint;
  • coriander fruit;
  • immortelle flowers (sandy caraway)
Thanks to yarrow, inflammation and spasms are relieved
  • tansy;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • yarrow
Tansy removes microorganisms from the body, relieves inflammation and is used for diarrhea, and chamomile has a hypnotic effect. The flowers of the plant are used for flatulence, diarrhea, gastritis with reduced acidity

This medicine has the following pharmacological effects:

  • choleretic (removal of bile from the body);
  • anti-inflammatory (preventing the development of the inflammatory process);
  • antispasmodic;
  • increased appetite;
  • restoration of intestinal motility.

Choleretic collection is releasedin the form of crushedcomponentsin cardboard packages or in filter bags for single use. The product is available in pharmacies without a prescription. There are 25 sachets in boxes.

Side effects, contraindications

Among side effects Heartburn and allergic reactions are observed. Sometimes there is a burning sensation in the sternum and belching. The following may also appear:

  • diarrhea;
  • asthenia;
  • headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting.

If such reactions occur after any of the preparations, you should consult a doctor or replace the product yourself. If a person has stones in the gallbladder or their ducts, then such drugs cannot be used. They should be used with caution by pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, as well as hypersensitivity to one of the components of the product.

Collection No. 3 should not be drunk by children under the age of 12 years, with gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis and ulcers in adults. When conducting studies, no interactions with other medications were found. This means that the preparations can be consumed regardless of whether a person takes medications or not.

Dosage and method of preparation

According to the instructions for use, to properly prepare the first collection, you need 1 tbsp. l. add 200 ml of hot water and heat for 15 minutes. Then you need to infuse the composition for 45 minutes. Before use, you need to strain it through gauze or bandage and add boiled water up to a volume of 200 ml.