The top management of the company belongs to the category. Essence, main categories of management

Management, like any branch of knowledge, has its own system of categories and concepts.

Management subject- These are the laws, principles and methods of building and functioning of the organization; laws and principles underlying the activities of executives in the management of the organization; relationships that develop between people in the process of management.

Control object are individuals and groups of workers.

Due to the specifics of the subject and object of study, management is at the intersection of social sciences and applied fields of knowledge. At the same time, there is a connection between management and other sciences:

Economy (economic laws work);

Philosophy (the dialectical approach to the studied phenomena is used);

Logic (it is important when choosing management decisions);

Psychology (its knowledge is necessary when solving issues of motivation and stimulation of labor);

Cybernetics (studies control systems);

Mathematics (using mathematical methods).

Under research method the system of used methods and techniques for obtaining knowledge is understood.

We list some special research methods of management:

Systemic - based on the integrity of the system;

Complex - considers phenomena in their connection and interdependence;

Structural - based on the decomposition of a complex phenomenon into its constituent parts;

Situational - provides for taking into account specific external and internal conditions;

Integration - totality various methods;

Mathematical and economic-mathematical - use the mathematical apparatus and computer technology as a tool for finding the optimal solution;

Sociological - include questioning, testing, polling, etc.;

Modeling - a model of the situation or phenomenon under consideration is built;

Observation - observation is carried out and data is recorded, then analysis is carried out;

Experiment - the influence of a number of factors that can be changed on the characteristics of the process or phenomenon under study is studied. Generally speaking, large-scale experiments in management can be very expensive, since their consequences are often difficult to predict.

It should be noted that these research methods are also used by other sciences.

Laws of Management reflect general, stable, essential and necessary links between a certain set of phenomena.

The specific laws of management in agricultural production include:

Combination of centralization and decentralization of management. Complete centralization is impossible, since the divisions of agricultural enterprises differ in working conditions, tasks to be solved, etc. It is possible to take into account the specifics of the work of all divisions if they are given the right to independently solve certain problems. But in each specific case, it is necessary to choose the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization;

Correspondence of the control subsystem to the controlled one. The governing bodies must correspond to the level and scope of the production sector. The cost of maintaining the administrative apparatus and the effectiveness of its work depend on this. Automation of production and computerization of management increases labor productivity and at the same time frees people employed in the field of management;

Continuous improvement of the management structure. It is necessary to constantly bring the management apparatus into line with the changing scope of work, goals and objectives of production;

Development of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit of enterprises and their subdivisions. V market conditions this is especially important;

Unity of management methods and technologies at all levels and in separate divisions.

Under management principles refers to the basic laws, guiding rules, regulations and norms of conduct that guide the bodies and employees of management in the course of their activities due to the prevailing socio-economic conditions in society.

Basic principles of management:

- scientific. Management must be based on precisely formulated laws, management decisions should be taken on the basis scientific approach;

- legitimacy. All management decisions must have a legal basis. The head must be guaranteed all the rights provided for by law;

- a responsibility. The work of all employees should be determined by the organizational structure of the enterprise, clear job descriptions;

Management is a separate entity professional activity, aimed at achieving the company's goals through the rational use of material and labor resources using the principles, functions and methods of the economic management mechanism.

Management - management in a market economy - means:

- orientation of the company to the demand and needs of the market, to the needs of specific consumers and the organization of production of those types of products that are in demand and can bring profit to the company;

– constant striving to improve production efficiency, to obtain optimal results at lower costs;

- economic independence, providing freedom of decision-making to those persons who are responsible for final results activities of the company or its divisions;

– constant adjustment of goals and programs depending on the state of the market;

- identifying the final result of the company's activities in the market in the process of exchange;

– the need to use a modern information base for carrying out multivariate calculations when making reasonable and optimal decisions.

The term "management" is analogous to the term "management", but there are differences. The term "management" is much broader as it applies to different types human activity, to different areas activities, to management bodies, as well as at enterprises.

Management- a set of methods, principles, means and forms of management of organizations in order to increase the efficiency of their activities. Or management It is the process of planning and organizing. Motivation and control in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization through the work of other people. Management involves managing not only formal, but also informal organizations that form and act spontaneously on the basis of personal connections, contacts, friendships, family and other types of relationships.

The basis of management is the following:

- management is a process;

- the result of management is always the achievement of any goals;

Management always involves many actions, each of which contributes to the achievement of the goal.

Final goal
management consists in ensuring profitability in the company's activities through the rational organization of the production process, including production management and the development of a technical and economic base, as well as the effective use of human resources while improving the skills, creativity and loyalty of each employee.

The most important task of management is to organize the production of goods and services, taking into account the needs on the basis of available material and human resources and ensuring the profitability of the enterprise and its stable position in the market.

Concerning into management tasks includes:

- ensuring the automation of production and the transition to the use of highly qualified workers;

- stimulating the work of the company's employees by creating better working conditions for them and setting higher wages;

- constant monitoring of the efficiency of the company, coordination of the work of all departments of the company;

– constant search in the development of new markets.

Management tasks also include: determination of specific goals for the development of the company; identification of priority goals, their order and sequence of solution; development of a company development strategy - economic tasks and ways to solve them; development of a system of measures to solve the planned problems for various time periods; definition necessary resources and sources of their provision; establishing control over the implementation of tasks.

Consider the main categories of management.

    Control system. The management system is a part of the socio-economic system, distinguished by connections and the specifics of relations. The formation of a management system is based on 7 factors: the purpose of management, the function of management, the powers of management, the complexity of functions, the object of management, information, technology. All these factors operate in their totality and interconnectedness. And their accounting requires a lot of analytical and design work.

    Management is an impact, therefore, there is an object and a subject of management. Subject of management - it is a source of influence, a link in the control system that influences the system as a whole. The subject of management is understood as an individual or legal entity from which power influence comes. The authority of the subject, its economic and moral and ethical levers of influence underlie the management process. Control object - this is a socio-economic system (organization) that perceives the impact as an act of coordinating the actions of people in accordance with the purpose of existence, functioning and development. The object of control is what the subject's power influence is aimed at. It can also be individuals and legal entities, socio-economic systems and processes. As a result of the influence of the subject on the control object, a result comparable to the goal should be obtained.

    A managed object has an external and internal environment - market relations, to the state of which it must adapt on the basis of direct and feedback links. Feedback system- any mechanism that provides data on results that can be used by managers to correct deviations from the intended plan.

    Addiction from the external and internal environment - the most important characteristics of the enterprise. The environment is understood as the whole set of elements and events that can affect the activities of the organization or the result of its activities.

    Under internal environment understand a set of elements and relationships that are constantly inside the enterprise and affect its activities.
    Allocate 5 basic elements the internal environment of the control system: - goals; - tasks; - structure; — personnel; - technologies.

    External environment- it a set of conditions and elements that are outside the enterprise, but nevertheless can influence its behavior and activities. Two levels of the external environment can be distinguished.

    The bottom one is enterprise microenvironment, which includes factors that directly affect the enterprise. They are specific and always individual for each company. These impact factors include: suppliers and consumers; competitors; union action; strategic alliances entered into by these companies.

    Upper level - enterprise macro environment. Its factors have an indirect impact and are the same for all enterprises operating in a certain territory. Macro-environmental factors include: — general economic factors; — level of technology; — sociocultural factors; — political and legal conditions, etc.


    Management has general fundamentals, initial provisions and rules. They are called principles of management. Acting as fundamental ideas and general rules, the principles define the features of real management practice in any organization, formulate requirements for the organization's management system - functions, methods and organizational structure of management.

    The leading principle of management is the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization of management. Its application in practice means that issues of a strategic nature are assigned to the highest level of management, and operational management is assigned to the lower levels. The implementation of this principle solves the problem of the optimal distribution of powers in making managerial decisions.

    Other 1 follow from this basic principle:

    - the principle of skillful use of unity of command and collegiality in management;

    - the principle of scientific validity of management means that management should be carried out on the basis of the application of science;

    - the principle of planning, which means that the activities of the organization, both current and prospective, should be planned;

    - the principle of combining rights, duties and responsibilities, i.e. the employee should be responsible only for those tasks that fall within the scope of the powers granted to him (rights to make decisions);

    - the principle of democratization of management.

    It should not be assumed that principles are some kind of dogma. The economic life of society does not stand still, it changes, and along with the change in the realities of management, the rules of management also undergo changes.

    So at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the founder of the school scientific management F. Taylor formulated four principles for managing the individual work of workers:

    – a scientific approach to the implementation of each element of the work;

    - a scientific approach to the selection, training and training of a worker;

    - cooperation with the worker;

    – Sharing responsibility for results between managers and workers.

    The research of Harrington Emerson (1853-1931) on the application of the scientific organization of labor in all expedient human activities, and not just in the limited production process, found a theoretical generalization in the book The Twelve Principles of Productivity (1912). According to Emerson, these principles are as follows: precisely formulated management goals, which every manager and his subordinates strive to achieve at all levels of management;

    positional approach common sense to the analysis of each new process, taking into account long-term goals; competent consultation - the need for special knowledge and competent advice on all issues related to production and management (genuine competent advice can only be collegiate); discipline - subordination of all members of the team to established rules and regulations; fair treatment of staff;

    comprehensive accounting, providing the head with the necessary information; dispatching, which provides operational management of the team's activities; norms and schedules that allow you to accurately measure all the shortcomings in the organization and reduce the losses caused by them; normalization of conditions, providing such a combination of time, effort and cost at which the best results are achieved; normalization of operations, involving the establishment of the time and sequence of each operation; Written standard instructions that ensure that all rules for performing work are clearly stated; performance rewards aimed at encouraging the work of each employee.

    G. Emerson was the first to point out the need and expediency of an integrated approach to solving the problems of organizing production and management.

    A. Fayol developed the principles of administrative activity, which include: division of labor, power (authority and responsibility), discipline, unity of command, unity of leadership, subordination of individual interests to a common interest, remuneration, centralization, scalar chain (line of power), equality, stability personnel positions, initiative, corporate spirit 1 . He first pointed out the need to create headquarters (functional units), which should not have the right to lead, but should prepare for the future and identify possible ways improvement of the organization of work.

    The management principles of the 90s of the XX century focus attention on the social aspect of management: management is aimed at the person, at making people's efforts more effective. By the end of the 20th century, the practice had developed its own principles. Some of them are listed below:

    – dynamism of formation and development of innovations;

    - purposeful activation of people's activity, innovative entrepreneurship;

    – humanization of labor processes;

    - the orientation of management is not on the processes of activity, but on the final results;

    – self-control of the quality of labor, products and processes of activity in the management system;

    the quality of work and products is ensured by the principle of voluntariness, self-development and mutual development, group activity, business activity, mass innovation and creative search;

    - the effectiveness of management is ensured by combining the factors of production: capital, information, materials, people and organizations, the most important of which is a person;

    - a person is not only a means to an end, he himself is the goal of management.


    The management of a modern trade organization is a complex mechanism, the implementation of which requires the manager to have deep professional knowledge and practical experience. It cannot be reduced to the provision of trade and technological processes associated only with the purchase and sale of goods. The source of profit is gradually becoming the professionalism of management in the field of acquiring sustainable competitive advantage by increasing the adaptive capabilities of the organization, gaining an active position in the field of formation and satisfaction of the population's demand for goods and services.

    Management is a branch of professional knowledge that allows you to optimally combine the diverse activities of the structural elements of an organization into a single mechanism based on modern information technologies. The specificity of the management of a trade organization is due to the special role of the industry in the system of socio-economic relations. Trade enterprises are the link between the producer and consumers of goods. This determines the special requirements for the location of trade enterprises, their organizational design, the formation of a set of strategic decisions and approaches to their implementation.

    An important characteristic of management in the field of trade is its mobility, the ability to provide the necessary product offer in the right place and at the right time. Sales management technology includes controls that take into account the psychology of consumer behavior, perception and formation of his attitude to

    The management of a trade organization has a number of features due to the specifics of trade and technological processes. Trading activities always involve direct contact with the buyer. Working with people limits the possibilities of mechanization and automation of labor, requires a creative approach. Its effectiveness is largely determined by the personal qualities of the sales and operational staff, special knowledge in the field of psychology of personality behavior. The specifics of labor in trade is reflected in approaches to measuring the quantity and quality of labor of trade workers. Retail trade organizations are the final link in the distribution of goods. They have the most information about consumer preferences. This causes the emergence of new organizational forms that ensure strict control and coordination of the work of all links in the distribution chain. This approach contributes to the formation of a product offer that is attractive to the buyer.

    A trade enterprise is a complex, open socio-economic system. The principle of consistency, which became widespread in management practice in the late 50s of the XX century, is manifested in adaptive management mechanisms that allow the functioning and development of the organization in accordance with the requirements of the external environment. When developing managerial decisions, the manager takes into account the multivariance and mutual influence of individual elements of the organizational system, such as procurement, personnel management, customer service organization, etc.

    Another important component of the modern approach to management is based on the principle of situationality. The principles of the situational approach to management were developed in the late 60s of the last century. The construction of control systems, decision-making by managers of various levels, the implementation of managerial functions, the choice of methods and means of control are carried out taking into account situational variables at a given point in time. The constituent elements of the situational approach to management are:

    1. Knowledge of management theory, modern technology, methods, techniques for the implementation of management functions.

    The ability to predict the consequences of their application in a given situation.

    The ability to adequately assess the current situation. The procedure for such an assessment includes: selection of the most significant factors of the situation. For example, a drop in sales volumes can be caused by both external (changes in demand, economic and political conditions, increased competition) and internal factors (shortcomings in the procurement system, worsening working conditions, lower quality of service); assessment of the influence of the selected factors on the emergence and development of the situation; assessment of the nature of the dependence of the situation parameters on changes in significant factors.

    4. The ability to select the most appropriate forms, methods and techniques of management in relation to a particular situation.

    The main components of the management system of a modern trade enterprise are:

    Stimulation of labor activity of personnel. At the heart of the development of a mechanism for stimulating personnel is a motivational model of labor behavior of personnel. The pragmatic model involves the use of predominantly material incentives to work. The value model assumes that the employee is interested in the content of the work performed, its results, in professional development, communication, etc. The mixed motivation model combines the interest of the staff in the material and value aspects of the work. Depending on the value orientation personnel, approaches are chosen to build a mechanism for stimulating employees. In trade, the majority of personnel are women, whose value system is traditionally biased towards family and communication. Accounting for this factor in the management system allows you to expand the arsenal of methods for effectively influencing the labor behavior of personnel commercial enterprise.

    Labour Organization. The principle of the division of labor has become widespread in industry and is regarded as the most important factor in the growth of productivity and the quality of labor. Its application in trade has its own specifics. It is due to special requirements for the quality of customer service, a direct dependence of the profitability of the organization on its ability to quickly meet the need. Under these conditions, narrow specialization does not always lead to high results. This is especially true for small trade enterprises. Quite often, the implementation of the stages of the trade and technological process is ensured through mutual assistance, support from colleagues at work. In some cases, the employee must be able to skillfully perform many operations that ensure the functioning of a commercial enterprise.

    Management style. The place of the employee in the organizational structure, his authority and responsibility, and ultimately his contribution to the effectiveness of the organization depends on the management style adopted in the organization. The practice of excluding creative, skilled, developing workers from participation in the development and decision-making often leads to a loss of profit.

    Qualification of personnel and labor training. The qualifications of the personnel of a trade enterprise should be considered as the main condition for the viability of a trade organization. It determines the ability of the organization to meet the requirements of the buyer, forms the image of the enterprise in the market. Investments in staff development make it necessary to take measures to retain the most promising employees and encourage long-term employment.

    The mechanism for the formation of personnel wages. The formation of salaries in accordance with the category of the position does not always provide the most complete mobilization of the employee's potential. Modern systems of material incentives are often built on individualized principles of remuneration. The degree of individualization required depends on the operating conditions of the enterprise.

    Labor Relations. The principles underlying the formation of labor relations between the employer and employees determine the level of social harmony in the team of a trading enterprise. Common interests and cooperation can ensure the prosperity of the organization.


    Limited Liability Company "M-Sphere" is legal entity operates on the basis of the charter and legislation Russian Federation. The Company was established in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Limited Liability Companies" on the basis of the current legislation. The company is registered by the Registration Chamber of Krasnodar.

    Location of the company: Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, st. Highway Neftchilar, 9.

    The main activity is the provision of services in the field of tourism. In addition to the above activities, M-Sphere LLC carries out the following activities: creation of auxiliary industries; foreign economic activity; warehouse rental services; Advertising activity; provision of various types of household services; organization of freight transportation and provision of transport services to the population; the company may also carry out other types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The organizational chart of the enterprise LLC "M-Sphere" is shown in Figure 1.

    The mission of M-Sphere LLC is to gain a greater share of the tourist services market in the Krasnodar Territory.

    Figure 2 - The main competitors of the company LLC "M-Sphere" in the market of tourist services in Krasnodar

    Taking into account the formulated mission of M-Sphere LLC, the following problems facing the organization can be distinguished: 1) conquering the sales market and mastering the largest possible market share; 2) constant updating of the range of offered services and directions; 3) setting reasonable prices for all types of services; 3) search and implementation the latest technologies and services; 4) professional development of employees; 5) study of customer needs.

    On fig. Figure 3 shows how the goals of LLC "M-Sphere" flow from each other and form a tree, from the "trunk" of which, corresponding to the mission of the organization, several large "branches" depart, symbolizing corporate goals (goals of the 1st level), which further branch into smaller ones corresponding to specific ones. This "construction" clearly shows that in order to achieve the mission it is necessary to achieve corporate goals (goals of the 1st level), which in turn requires the implementation of specific ones (goals of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels).

    Based on the SWOT analysis, it is possible to analyze the opportunities and threats for M-Sphere LLC: 1) Entering the market with a new competitive service; 2) Development and increase of business opportunities; 3) Optimal price-quality ratio of services; 4) Services of constant demand, of course, while studying the demand and following the fashion; 5) Desire to work and achieve the best; 6) Qualification, retraining and training of personnel; 7) Conclusion of a contract with a partner beneficial to the company; 8) A large range of products offered, designed mainly for the client; 9) Rearrangements, changes in the structure of the enterprise

    Threats for M-Sphere LLC: 1) Interruptions and problems with the provision of services; 2) Loss of customers; 3) Unpreparedness to work in new conditions; 4) Pulls down our consciousness, which is difficult to draw into a new direction; 5) Departure from the market of tourist services; 6) Loss of partners; 7) Increasing competition in the tourism services market; 8) Old knowledge, inability to readjust; 9) Loss of good personnel; 11) Threat of bankruptcy; 12) The impoverishment of workers, the threat of being left without work.

    Strengths of LLC "M-Sphere": 1) Sufficiently strong position in the market of tourist services); 2) Good relationships with partner firms, including assistance in providing them with critical materials; 3) Close-knit team of like-minded people; 4) Well-developed information base; 5) Active, purposeful leadership, understanding the need for changes in the management system; 6) Great potential for scaling up and expanding activities; 7) Provision of services necessary for the population; 8) The presence of a powerful information technology and labor potential; 9) The desire of management to change everything for the better.

    Weaknesses for M-Sphere LLC: 1) There is no planning and management system; 2) Lack of specialized marketing and financial planning services vital for the firm; 3) The functions of a financial manager are not performed (analysis of the financial condition, financial efficiency, additional financial resources, etc.); 4) Insufficient justification of development projects; 5) High concentration of functions and responsibilities of the company's management, which causes them stress overload and worsens the timeliness and quality of decisions; 6) There is no personnel development program, which threatens with a relative decline professional level necessary for the competitive development of the company; 7) Lack of a clear organizational structure and distribution of functions.

    Since the indicator of competitiveness is relative, it can only be determined by comparing with competing travel agencies (Table 3) and constructing a matrix (Figure 4).

    Table 3.6 - Calculation of the competitiveness of M-Sphere LLC


    List of parameters a i

    M-Sphere LLC

    L-Kim LLC

    Am-Tour LLC

    a i p i

    a i p i

    a i p i

    Financial stability





    Product quality





    Sales organization





    Tourist product price






    Service level





    Assortment of tourist products






    Domestic tourism





    Shop tourism






    Excursion tourism





    Ecological tourism






    Extreme tourism






    Organization of individual tours






    Business tourism






    Sports tourism






    Pilgrimage tourism






    Educational tourism






    Medical tourism






    beach tourism





    VIP tourism










    Reputation with consumers






    Flexibility of activity






    Activity automation




    S a i p i

    E \u003d 1.00




    Thus, an assessment was made of the main competitive advantages of the enterprise under study in comparison with competing firms. The undoubted advantage of the company under study is the location, reputation among consumers, the price of tourism products. At the same time, competing firms win in terms of automation of activities, assortment, slightly higher quality of services provided (compared to L-Kim LLC), at the same time, the quality of services of the studied enterprise is higher than that of Am-tour LLC.

    The company develops the following areas: Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Maldives, UAE, Oman, Italy, Portugal, Children's recreation (Russia, Italy, Turkey); Egypt, Cyprus, Thailand, Czech Republic, Spain, France; Turkey (Antalya coast, Fethiye, Sarigerme, Marmaris, Kusadasi, Cheshme, Bodrum, Side);

    Rest on the sea in hotels of category from 2 * to 5 *; club hotels; children's camps with the study of English by immersion ("Hilton") and health-improving summer camps for children; Italy (excursion programs from economical options to VIP); holidays on the coasts: the Adriatic, the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Neapolitan Riviera; holidays on the islands: Sardinia, Sicily, Ischia, Elba; individual bookings by city: Rome, Venice, Florence; trips to international exhibitions in Milan; Ski resorts: Cortina d'Ampezio, Madonna di Campiglio, Val Gardena, Val di Fassa, Val di Fiemme, Bormio, Val d'Aosta, Cervinia, Courmayeur, Sestriere; Rest in the best coastal hotels, business and shopping trips to Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Korfakkan, Ajman, Fujairah, Umm Al Quven, Ras Al Khaimah. Combined tours: UAE + Oman, UAE + Qatar; Exotic vacation.

    The firm organizes tourist trips for its clients in the following countries: United Arab Emirates, Italy, Cyprus, any country in Europe.


  1. Vesnin V.R. Practical personnel management: A manual for personnel work. - M.: Jurist, 2007.

    Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. -3rd ed. —
    M.: Gardariki, 2006.

    Management: Textbook for universities / M.M. Maksimtsova, A.V.
    Ignatieva, M.A. Komarova and others - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2008.

    Management Fundamentals: Tutorial for universities / Ed. A.A. Radugin. – M.: Center, 2007.

    Essence of management functions Organization as the main function of management 2014-02-15


Section 1. Basic categories of management

Topic 1. Organization and management

The essence of management

Today, everyone is interested in management in our country: business leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, public figures, employees of all levels of government, everyone who considers himself or hopes to become a manager, and simply inquisitive ones. We really lack management, and from all sides, at all levels, everywhere and in everything. And now it is difficult to imagine anything more useful in the field of education and dissemination of knowledge than understanding the science and practice of management.

Management is an important part of culture modern man and as such it has a history, traditions, theory and practice. Management- this is the management of joint human activity, and not the operation of machines or mechanisms, not individual labor as such, taken in isolation from its socio-economic environment.

One of the main, if not the central, difference between management and other ways of organizing collective actions is that management, in principle, does not provide ideal, only correct, “best” recipes suitable for all occasions. The organization and methods of management are selected in accordance with the goals, strategies and objectives of the enterprise. Without giving ready-made recipes, management teaches you to ask the right questions, to set tasks correctly. In addition, it gives leaders simple rules that, although not universal, are of great effect when applied to a particular situation.

From an informational point of view, management is a systematized set of theoretical and practical knowledge, which summarizes the experience of the best enterprises in the world and borrows the achievements of other sciences.

It should be noted that the term "management" and the word "management" that came from the English language are synonymous when they talk about the management of an enterprise (organization). In the literature one can find various definitions management.

Under governance in a broad sense is understood as the impact on any object or system in order to transfer it to a new state or maintain it in a steady state.

Management- This is an independent type of management activity for the management of teams of people to achieve their goals.

Management- this is the ability to achieve goals, using labor, intelligence, behavioral motives of people working in the organization.

Management is a type of activity for leading people and a field of knowledge that helps to carry out leadership.

Control is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, necessary in order to form and achieve goals.

Management also means a function and a group of people who carry it out. Management, as a group of enterprise managers, is a body that provides leadership, gives direction, develops and makes decisions. In performing these functions, management faces the same problems everywhere. He is responsible for the impact of the enterprise on the social and natural environment, but above all - for the production of results for which the enterprise exists.

Modern management is characterized by increasing attention to the person, who is perceived as the most valuable of all that the enterprise has. In difficult times, companies and firms go to the sale of securities, to reduce or eliminate resource reserves and goods, get into debt, just to keep the staff. Management plays an active role in the world, transforming not only its business, but also its environment. Of course, giant corporations can change a lot in the world, but even a small enterprise, albeit on a small geographical or social scale, can have a significant positive impact on its environment: the quality of products, the provision of jobs, attention to environmental protection and the needs of its region, reasonable charity and concern for education and culture.

Management, like any branch of knowledge, has its own system of categories and concepts.

Management subject- These are the laws, principles and methods of building and functioning of the organization; laws and principles underlying the activities of executives in the management of the organization; relationships that develop between people in the process of management.

Control object are individuals and groups of workers.

Due to the specifics of the subject and object of study, management is at the intersection of social sciences and applied fields of knowledge. At the same time, there is a connection between management and other sciences:

Economy (economic laws work);

Philosophy (the dialectical approach to the studied phenomena is used);

Logic (it is important when choosing management decisions);

Psychology (its knowledge is necessary when solving issues of motivation and stimulation of labor);

Cybernetics (studies control systems);

Mathematics (using mathematical methods).

Under research method the system of used methods and techniques for obtaining knowledge is understood.

We list some special research methods of management:

Systemic - based on the integrity of the system;

Complex - considers phenomena in their connection and interdependence;

Structural - based on the decomposition of a complex phenomenon into its constituent parts;

Situational - provides for taking into account specific external and internal conditions;

Integration - a combination of various methods;

Mathematical and economic-mathematical - use the mathematical apparatus and computer technology as a tool for finding the optimal solution;

Sociological - include questioning, testing, polling, etc.;

Modeling - a model of the situation or phenomenon under consideration is built;

Observation - observation is carried out and data is recorded, then analysis is carried out;

Experiment - the influence of a number of factors that can be changed on the characteristics of the process or phenomenon under study is studied. Generally speaking, large-scale experiments in management can be very expensive, since their consequences are often difficult to predict.

It should be noted that these research methods are also used by other sciences.

Laws of Management reflect general, stable, essential and necessary links between a certain set of phenomena.

The specific laws of management in agricultural production include:

Combination of centralization and decentralization of management. Complete centralization is impossible, since the divisions of agricultural enterprises differ in working conditions, tasks to be solved, etc. It is possible to take into account the specifics of the work of all divisions if they are given the right to independently solve certain problems. But in each specific case, it is necessary to choose the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization;

Correspondence of the control subsystem to the controlled one. The governing bodies must correspond to the level and scope of the production sector. The cost of maintaining the administrative apparatus and the effectiveness of its work depend on this. Automation of production and computerization of management increases labor productivity and at the same time frees people employed in the field of management;

Continuous improvement of the management structure. It is necessary to constantly bring the management apparatus into line with the changing scope of work, goals and objectives of production;

Development of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit of enterprises and their subdivisions. In market conditions, this is especially important;

Unity of management methods and technologies at all levels and in separate divisions.

Under management principles refers to the basic laws, guiding rules, regulations and norms of conduct that guide the bodies and employees of management in the course of their activities due to the prevailing socio-economic conditions in society.

Basic principles of management:

- scientific. Management must be based on precisely formulated laws, management decisions must be made on the basis of a scientific approach;

- legitimacy. All management decisions must have a legal basis. The head must be guaranteed all the rights provided for by law;

- a responsibility. The work of all employees should be determined by the organizational structure of the enterprise, clear job descriptions;

- moral and material incentives. The level of remuneration of employees should correspond to the quantity and quality of labor expended by them;

- selection and placement of management personnel. This provides efficient work enterprises;

- continuity. This principle involves the analysis of past experience and the preservation of everything positive in management.

Other principles work in management: consistency, hierarchy, feedback.

1. objects of management;

2. subjects of management;

3. functions;

5. methods;

6. principles.

1.Object management, its fundamental category is organization- as a community of people consciously coordinated to achieve established goals.

Organization- it:

1. a set of material objects and a team of people united with a specific goal (mission);

2. a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve certain goals.

The nature and properties, formal structure and behavioral aspects of the organization as an object of management depend on its type, hierarchical level and functional area of ​​activity. A variety of management objects is shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1. Characteristics of management objects

2.Subjects of management- These are managers, that is, managers of various levels who occupy a permanent position in the organization and are empowered in the field of decision-making in certain areas of the organization's activities.

Manager is a person professionally engaged in the management of socio-economic and production processes. The category "manager" applies to:

leaders of the organization;

Heads of structural units;

Organizers certain types jobs (administrators).

Managers lead the organization. team is a community of people working in the same organization. The entire team in the literature is often figuratively divided into "blue-collar" and "white-collar". TO blue collar includes all workers and specialists. White collars- These are managers, that is, leaders of all levels. There are three levels of rank managers: primary, middle and highest. The primary level - lower-level managers, that is, "junior bosses" - is the organizational level located directly above the executive workers; their positions: master, head of department, laboratory, head of department. Typical functions: control over the implementation of production tasks; responsible for the use of resources; are responsible for subordinates. Nature of work: tense, filled with a variety of activities, frequent breaks, transition from one task to another; communication with subordinates takes more than half of the working time. Such leaders, by analogy with English, are called “fest managers” ( first- first). Average level- "middle managers" ( middle- middle) - this is a buffer between top and bottom managers: they prepare information for decisions that are transferred in the form of tasks for execution to lower managers; coordinate and supervise the work of junior superiors and entrusted units; positions: dean of the faculty, head of the workshop, director of the branch; the nature of work is determined to a greater extent by the content of the work of the unit than by the organization as a whole. Communication takes 66-90% of working time.

And finally, the highest level - "top managers" ( top- top) are responsible for making decisions regarding the future of the organization (hence - high responsibility, exposure to risks); work is highly valued and highly paid; positions: director, chairman of the board, president of the company, nature of work irregular working hours.

3. Types of management- special areas of management activities related to the solution of certain management tasks. Exists different kinds management.

According to object distinguish between general (general) and functional (special) management.

general or general management consists in managing the activities of the organization as a whole or its independent economic units.

Functional or special management consists in the management of certain areas of activity of the organization or its links (innovative, financial, investment, production management, personnel management).

Based on content There are normative, strategic and operational management.

Normative management provides for the development and implementation of the philosophy of the organization, its entrepreneurial policy, determining the position of the organization in a competitive market niche and the formation of common strategic intentions.

Strategic management involves the development of a set of strategies, their distribution over time, the formation of the organization's success potential and the provision of strategic control over their implementation.

Operational management provides for the development of tactical and operational measures aimed at practical implementation adopted strategies for the development of the organization. Comparison of operational and strategic management presented in table 1.

Table 1

Comparison of operational and strategic management

signs Types of management
Strategic Operational
1. Hierarchy level Predominantly top level management All levels of management with particular emphasis on middle
2.Uncertainty High degree low degree
3. Type of problems Mostly unstructured. Generally well structured
4. Time horizon Emphasis on long-term, partly short- and medium-term Emphasis on short and medium term
5. Information needs Predominantly external Mostly internal
6. Alternatives The range of alternatives is wide The range of alternatives is limited
7. Scope of control Concentrates on critical structural problem areas and divisions Covers all directions and structural units of the enterprise and all sections
8.Detail Enlarged study Detailed study

4. Management functions determine the stable composition specific species management activities, characterized by the homogeneity of goals, actions or objects of their application.

There are the following management functions:

1. are common(goal setting, planning, organization and control),

2. technological(management decision making and communication)

3. socio-psychological(delegation of authority and motivation)

5.Management methods is a system of rules and procedures for solving various management problems in order to ensure the effective development of the organization.

Management methods make it possible to reduce the intuitive nature of management, introduce orderliness, validity and effective organization into the construction and functioning of management systems in an enterprise.

used in management as general methods and techniques(for example, expertise, generating ideas, evaluating management decisions) used in all areas of activity (production, trade, education, etc.), and special reflecting the specifics of a particular area (SWOT analysis, survey, questioning, discounting, risk analysis, etc.).

The classification of management methods into: administrative, economic, socio-psychological is often used.

6.Management principles- these are general patterns and stable requirements, subject to which the effective development of the organization is ensured. The most important principles of effective management are as follows:

The principle of integrity determines the need to consider the organization as an integral socio-economic system.

The principle of hierarchical order regulates the level of differentiation of management processes in the organization.

The principle of target orientation implies the priority of the target strategic orientation of the organization and the achievement of goals as the most important criterion for the effectiveness of management.

The principle of scientific validity and optimization formulates the need to use a scientific approach, various methods and tools to justify management decisions.

The principle of combining centralization and decentralization establishes the requirement for a rational separation of management procedures and decisions based on a reasonable delegation of authority and responsibility of managers.

The principle of democratization involves the use of behavioral management tools to motivate effective cooperation between managers.

As noted earlier, one of the objects of management is the organization.

Organization- a systematic, conscious association of people, pursuing the achievement of certain goals.

The main components of any organization:

The people who belong to this organization

the tasks for which the organization exists;

management, which forms, mobilizes and puts into action the potential of the organization to solve the problems it faces.

Any organization is an open system interacting with the external environment. The activity of the organization consists of three fundamental processes: obtaining raw materials or resources from the external environment, manufacturing goods (rendering services, performing work), transferring goods to the external environment.

The organization as a system has the following distinctive characteristics:

1. First of all, she social by nature, i.e. consists of people with their own goals, interests, values ​​and requests.

2. This determines the second essential feature - special purpose organization, which is expressed in its mission, since the property of goal-setting is inherent only in man. Without clearly defined, structured goals in a certain way, an organization cannot exist. At the same time, you need to know that the goals must coincide, or at least not contradict the goals of society.

3. Hierarchy how hallmark organization is expressed in the presence of a leader (manager) and followers (subordinates), as well as vertical and horizontal powers of authority.

4. Any organization cannot function without organizing principle, which is its next distinguishing feature. As such, there can be either a sole manager, a collective management body, or a general one, i.e. unifying idea.

5. The next sign of an organization is its relative isolation, expressed in the isolation of internal processes and relationships, which is ensured by the presence of boundaries separating the organization from the external environment.

6. Implementation of the organization's activities based on self-regulation principle which implies the possibility, within certain limits, to independently resolve certain issues

7. Availability organizational culture, which is a set of established traditions, symbols, values, beliefs, which largely determine the nature of relationships and the direction of people's behavior.

Modern manager

Manager is a member of the organization that carries out managerial activities and solves managerial tasks.

The term "manager" in a market economy is widespread and is used in relation to the heads of an enterprise, its structural divisions - departments, departments, departments, industries, workshops, sections, etc.

Managers play a variety of roles in an organization roles:

Decision-making role (determining the direction of the organization, allocation of resources, current adjustments, etc.)

informational role (collection of information about the internal and external environment, dissemination of information)

· the role of the leader (formation of relationships within and outside the organization, motivating staff to achieve goals, coordinating efforts).

The manager acts as an organizer, administrator, specialist, diplomat, innovator, entrepreneur and educator. Acting as an organizer, the manager ensures the interaction of employees to achieve the goals of the organization. As an administrator, he applies measures of regulated administrative influence. As a specialist, he sets tasks, determining what and how to do to complete the work. As a diplomat, he conducts negotiations, contacts with the subjects of the external environment. As an innovator, he brings to life the achievements of scientific, technical and social progress, initiates the innovative activities of the organization's employees. As an entrepreneur, he works in conditions of uncertainty and risk, acts proactively and responsibly in order to make a profit. As an educator, he morally motivates the activities of employees, orienting them to creative, proactive, effective work.

Main signs of a manager. The manager is a hired manager. The manager is hired by the owner of the organization. The owner, as a rule, hires only the chief manager - the head of the enterprise, who in turn selects and inducts other managers and employees of the organization. But in some cases, the constituent documents of the enterprise may provide for a different procedure, including the hiring of deputy heads and other managers of the organization.

Manager - executive. The manager always occupies a certain vacancy in the organization's staffing table - a managerial post.

As an official, the manager performs managerial functions, for which he uses the powers delegated to him, and manages the resources of the organization. Authority is a limited right to use the resources of an organization and to direct the efforts of some of its employees to achieve the goals of the organization. The presence of such a right in the manager determines his ability to manage resources and influence the situation.

manager has power. The power of a manager in an organization is given not by property, but by a position and an established system of division and cooperation of labor (the power of a formal leader), as well as a system of psychological relationships between people (the power of an informal leader).

Manager manages people. Employees are always subordinate to the manager. Managing their knowledge, skills and abilities is personnel management. In addition, the manager's resources include natural and material (including financial) resources, as well as information and time. The quality of the resources used has a significant impact on the efficiency of the manager.

Managing, the manager makes and implements managerial decisions. Making managerial decisions- a distinctive feature of the manager, who singled out managerial work from the system of social labor.

Manager - professionally trained manager. Professional training in the field of management is necessary and cannot be replaced by training in certain specialties: humanitarian, economic, technical, natural sciences.

Real managerial practice is much richer than the selected features. So, a manager can combine the functions of an entrepreneur and an owner, have only two resources at his disposal: information and time, and not undergo professional training. However, consideration of these features contributes to the scientific understanding of management as a whole.

Tasks modern manager :

make your own interesting professional life;

make the professional life of subordinate personnel interesting;

· "make money", that is, to ensure the efficiency (profitability) of the work led;

make your personal and family life interesting.

Can be distinguished peculiarities managerial work:

mental, creative nature of work

subject of labor - information

tool of labor - means of working with information

The result of the activity is evaluated upon achievement of the set goals (time).

The following requirements are imposed on the professional competence of a manager: understanding the nature of managerial work; knowledge of officials and functional duties manager, ways to achieve goals and improve the efficiency of the organization; ability to use modern information technologies; manage resources, plan and predict the work of the organization; the ability to make and justify management decisions; the ability to work with people and manage oneself; personnel Management; knowledge of psychology; increasing the level of knowledge.

Similar information.

Management- the theory of production management, transformed into the theory of management of the activity behavior of people.

The main concepts of management include the following.

System- a set of interrelated elements that have different properties than each element separately. The main task of the system is to change and refract the external environment for itself.

Management - targeted impact on collectives of people in the process of production.

Socio-economic system - such a system, the main element of which are collectives of people, the main links between the elements are economic ties and relations, labor is the basis of their functioning. They are created artificially.

Objects and subjects of management

Management objects are divided:

  • ? by functional areas: finance, personnel, sales, supply, production, innovation, etc.;
  • ? type of object - operation, process, system;
  • ? hierarchy level - organization as a whole, workshop, site, workplace.

Subjects of management- managers of different levels, holding a permanent position in the organization and empowered in the field of decision-making in a certain area of ​​the organization. Categories of management apply to heads of organizations, heads of structural units and trade union centers, heads of certain types of work, administrators.

Types of management - special areas of management activity related to the solution of certain tasks. According to the principle of the object, general and functional management are distinguished.

General (general) management consists in managing the activities of the organization as a whole or its independent economic units, trade union centers.

Functional (special) management consists in managing a certain area of ​​activity of the organization, its links, directions (finance, personnel, innovation, production, ecology, supply, marketing).

regulatory management - provides for the development and implementation of the philosophy of the organization, its business policy, determining the position of the organization in the market, the formation of common strategic intentions;

strategic management - involves the development of a set of strategies, their distribution over time, the formation of the organization's success potential, the provision of strategic control over the implementation of the plan;

operational management - provides for the development of tactical and operational measures aimed at the practical implementation of the adopted strategies for the development of the company.

Management functions determine the stable composition of specific types of management activities, characterized by the homogeneity of goals, actions and objects of their application. Distinguish are common(goal setting, direction, organization, control), technological(solutions and communications) and socio-psychological(delegation and motivation) management functions.

Management methods - a system of rules and procedures for solving various management problems in order to ensure the effective development of the organization. The methods include economic, organizational-distributive, socio-psychological.

Management principles - general patterns and sustainable requirements, subject to which the effective development of the organization is ensured. The most important principles include:

  • ? integrity (system property);
  • ? hierarchical order;
  • ? target orientation of development;
  • ? scientific validity and optimality;
  • ? combinations of centralization and decentralization;
  • ? democratization.

Key Points modern system views on management are the following fundamental provisions.

  • 1. Application of a systematic approach to management.
  • 2. Application of the situational approach in management.
  • 3. Cybernetic approach.
  • 4. The new role of management - innovation (innovation), integration, rationalization.
  • 5. Recognition of the social responsibility of management to the individual and society as a whole.

European model management is based on the idea of ​​training a qualified leader. Within the framework of this model, firstly, higher professional education is distinguished, providing basic knowledge and a specialty (engineering, economic, legal or engineering-economic), which is directly related to the technical, economic or managerial activities of enterprises; secondly, advanced training of managers, which is carried out already in the process of practical work, as a rule, on a short-term basis. This also includes professional retraining as a more thorough form of developing knowledge and skills up to obtaining a new specialty in the field of business, management or entrepreneurship.

American model based on the formation of the so-called professional manager. It involves obtaining a higher professional education in the field of management on the basis of an already existing diploma of general higher education in the volume of undergraduate studies in any specialty. However, as a rule, within the framework of the American model, before receiving a higher professional education in the field of management, a person must accumulate some practical work experience in order to understand from the inside what business and management are in real life. Only after that he chooses the “career path” of a manager and again returns to the system of higher professional education to acquire serious knowledge in the field of business and management, which become his main profession.

Japanese model. Japanese management methods are fundamentally different from European and American ones. Japanese management, based on collectivism, used all the moral and psychological levers of influence on the individual. First of all, this is a sense of duty to the team. The main subject of management in Japan is labor resources. The goal set by the Japanese manager is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, mainly by increasing the productivity of employees. Meanwhile, in European and American management, the main goal is to maximize profits, i.e. getting the most benefit with the least effort.

Six signs of Japanese management:

  • 1) job security and the creation of an atmosphere of trust;
  • 2) publicity and values ​​of the corporation;
  • 3) management based on information;
  • 4) quality-oriented management;
  • 5) the constant presence of management in production;
  • 6) maintaining cleanliness and order.

American organizations

A type Z

Japanese organizations


Small investment in education. Training in specific skills. Formalized evaluation

Large investment in education. General training. informal assessment


At the first place - external factors. Short term hire. Specialized Promotion Ladder

In the first place - internal factors. Long term rental. Non-Specialized Promotion Ladder



Direct employment contracts. external incentives. Individual work assignments

implied contracts. internal incentives. Group orientation at work

Particular attention should be paid to such a category of management as its functions.

Any enterprise to maintain its existence, the implementation of corporate goals performs various activities, called functions. For the first time, the main types of management activities were described and formalized by A. Fayol. He argued that to manage is to plan, organize, dispose, coordinate and control.

In the future, the composition of these functions was expanded.

The allocation of management functions occurs as a result of the division and specialization of labor in the field of management. Apply various classifications management functions.

Let's define the main functions of management.

Planning- this is a type of management activity for setting goals and ways to achieve them. The result of the planning process is a system of plans, including corporate, functional plans, employee plans, etc.

Organization(organization) is a type of management activity for the development of a management structure, distribution of powers and responsibilities.

Motivation- this is a type of managerial activity to encourage a person to activity, which has a certain target orientation.

Control is a type of management activity to ensure that the organization achieves its goals.

The activity of performing functions is a process that requires certain resources and time. It was the process approach to management that made it possible to see the relationship and interdependence of management functions.

The management process reflects the recommended sequence of functions, more precisely, the sequence of starting actions to perform functions, since the implementation of multi-loop feedback leads to the simultaneous implementation of functions.

This management cycle is universal in relation to the management object, which is not only the organization as a whole, but also individual units, functions, methods, etc.

For example, the function of organizing production activities includes building a structure, distributing tasks, functions, powers and responsibilities among departments (regulations on departments) and performers (job descriptions). These activities should have a clear target, such as increasing the flexibility and adaptability of the organizational structure. After that, a plan for organizational changes is developed, responsibilities are distributed, and a system of motivation and control should be thought out to minimize the resistance of personnel to the process of change and, as a result, achieve the goals set, i.e. create organizational structure that allows you to flexibly and adequately respond to changing market needs.

The quality of the previous stage is a necessary condition for ensuring the quality of the subsequent stage (function). This expresses the interdependence of functions.

Binders are communication and decision-making processes. V Lately more and more often, scientists include the process of goal-setting among the connecting processes, since the setting of goals for functioning is necessary condition start any activity.

Goal setting process- the process of establishing a hierarchy of goals and coordinating them with the parameters of the external and internal environment.

Target It is an anticipation of the result of the activity.

Communication process - is the process of exchanging information between two or more people. Thanks to communications, managers (management apparatus) receive the information necessary for decision-making and bring decisions made to employees of the company. If communications in the enterprise are poorly established, decisions can be erroneous.

Decision making process - is the choice of alternative.

In the process of performing management functions, managers have to take a large number of solutions:

  • ? when planning: setting goals, determining the necessary resources, choosing ways to achieve goals and objectives;
  • ? implementation of the function of organizing: the structure of production, the structure of management, the organization of the production process, support services and service production, the organization of labor of workers and specialists.

Motivation process includes the establishment and assessment of unmet needs, the formation of goals for satisfying needs, the definition of stimulating effects (measures).

Coordination function involves making decisions on how to coordinate the activities of various structural units, the use of technical means of communication, etc.

Control function related to making decisions about what, when and how to control, what types and forms of control to use, how to analyze the information received, as well as decisions on the implementation of corrective actions.

The dynamism of functions is expressed in the need to adapt them to ever-increasing changes in the external environment, which today have acquired the character of turbulence. This requires the development of existing methods and ways of performing functions, the use of non-standard solutions, a creative approach to solving problems. According to Ashby's cybernetic principle, which states that "only diversity can destroy diversity", it can be argued that only the application of a variety of methods for the functioning of a system can make its behavior predictable. In other words, in order to maintain interest, a sense of employee satisfaction with the process and the result of labor, which are the basis of motivation, when applying methods of influencing the behavior of employees, novelty (for the one to whom the impact is directed) with elements of pleasant surprise is necessary. The greater the range of management tools a manager has, the higher his understanding of the environment, the greater the efficiency of the enterprise.

In the constant flexible response to the requirements of the market of all functions lies the art of the manager, which can only be realized through the use of scientific methods management.

Considering management, one cannot ignore the issues of leadership and power.

Leadership- this is the ability to form a team and lead it to the intended goals on the basis of personal authority.

Leadership cannot be defined by any formula. This is art, skill, skill, talent. Some people have it by nature, others learn it, and still others never learn it.

The leader is devoted to his company, he does not belittle his company in the eyes of employees and does not humiliate his employees in the eyes of the company's management. A leader must be optimistic, courageous, open-minded, decisive, tactful and considerate. The leader is always honest, ambitious, consistent and modest, self-confident. The leader must be a mentor. Fairness is also an important trait of a leader.

  • Ashby William Ross - English psychiatrist, specialist in cybernetics (1903-1972).