How to make your dream come true? Practical advice. Stages of realizing a dream

How to understand where dreams and desires ours, and where are the dreams and desires of our relatives, friends and people around us? How to draw this line and separate our true from the superficial and outside-inspired? And can this be done at all?

Until we learn to understand ourselves, accept our desires and realize our goals and dreams, and not the desires and dreams of other people, often implanted in us from childhood, we ourselves will suffer from the failure to fulfill our needs and bring suffering to people close to us with our discontent and disappointment.

Allow yourself to be yourself, acknowledge your desires, and not the desires of even the most beloved and dear person.

Allow yourself to live your life, give your soul a chance to spread its wings and fly, fly with the joy of self-realization, fly on the wings of satisfaction and contentment with yourself and with what you are doing in your life.

Allow yourself to realize your own, namely YOUR dreams and needs.

Start developing your own aspirations and talents, not the aspirations of others.

How to do it? Remember what you dreamed about as a child? What did you want most? After all, it happens that only later, during adulthood, our childhood dreams are trying to break through and remind ourselves through our fears and doubts that we can, we can, we can handle everything. They periodically no, no, and they remind of themselves.

The main thing is to listen to yourself. Listen to your most subtle, barely audible needs.

Take courage and start living your life. Live to your full height, live your true desires, sometimes hidden under guilt and self-doubt.

Understand, what do you really want?

What do you really love? What do you really like, how you would really like to live, and why are you living differently now?

Why do you communicate with these people? Why do you drink coffee or tea? Do you really love these drinks? Or maybe you prefer juice, or just water? And you just don't have the courage to say “I don't like coffee”? Or did you just not think about it?

Why are you dressing in this particular style? Do you like your clothes? Is this the style that reflects your personality or is it inspired by the ads?

Why do you watch TV, read newspapers and magazines, why do you rest there and not elsewhere? Do you do all this because you want it, or because someone once said a long time ago that “This is how you should live”?

The main thing is to take the first step, then it will not be so scary, and then the process itself will captivate you, and even despite the mistakes and bruises, you can no longer, and you don’t want to turn from the path of realizing your desires.

And here gain confidence, gain patience and inner strength, because it often happens that the people around you, for whatever reason, will begin to criticize and dissuade you from further progress towards your dream.

These reasons may be different, but the essence remains the same - not everyone in your environment can support you and say: "Go ahead! Try it, dare, you will definitely succeed. And if you don't even succeed, or you actually don't like the dream in the process of realization, then you will simply be calm. You can tell yourself that you were not afraid and tried and for some reason did not want to move on. And if you don’t dare, if you don’t take a step towards your dreams and your desires, you will never be able to understand whether it’s yours or not! ”

If there are people who support you in any endeavor, that's great! This is one of the most important factors in order for you to successfully begin to move and fulfill your needs.

But even if there is no one to support you now, find such support within yourself. After all, the most important person for you in life is, first of all, you yourself. You yourself spend the most time with yourself. And only you yourself can change your life, take courage and take the first step. And in order to take this step and take all subsequent steps on the way to realizing your goal, become for yourself the one who will instill confidence and energy in you every day. Every day, take time to be alone with yourself, go to the mirror and say, looking into your eyes:

- Well done! You are already well done in that you began to think about your life and listen to the needs of your soul.

You are well done in that you took the first step, started collecting the necessary information, in more detail interested in what you want to see in your life.

You are well done in that you decided to change yourself and your life, to bring happiness and satisfaction from the realization of your desire into it.

You are well done in that you began not only to sit and dream, but also began to act, began to make some efforts and take steps towards your goal. And even now you often stumble, even though now you are walking by touch and still do not really see your path, but all this is not important. The main thing is that you are going! The main thing is that you think and act in accordance with your own, and not others', needs and desires.

And I'm proud of you. I am proud that you finally got the courage to ask yourself what it is you and not other people want. And I am proud that even through fear and doubt you try, stumble, sometimes fall, but then you get up again, rubbing the bruised place - and again you go to your dream.

You will succeed. You hear me, you will definitely succeed, just have patience and self-confidence. Sooner or later, doing the same action, you will start doing it better and better each time. Then you will begin to master the second, third, fourth, and time will pass before you will not even notice that your dream has come true, she spread her wings, and these wings become stronger and more powerful every day, and now you are already floating on them through life. Now you are already enjoying your being, radiating happiness and self-satisfaction and thereby instilling faith in other people.

Go ahead, you will succeed!

If you still have questions, you can get advice from the author of the article and books A. Guy. Conditions

Best regards, Anastasia Guy.

If you really want to, you can fly into space. It is this principle that helps me a lot in realizing my desires. Today I will share with you several ways on how to make your dream come true. Of course, from my own experience and how it happens with me.

I must say right away that the methods may seem rather primitive. However, even knowing about these elementary things, we prefer not to deal with them or put them off for later. For me, this article is also a good incentive not to forget about regularly working on your desires.

How to make your dream come true?

Wish board

Although this practice is as old as the world, it is really very effective. The power of visualization is probably the most powerful tool on the way to realizing our desires. You can create a wish board in both electronic and paper versions. It is useful not only for visualizing desires, but also for forming clearer life goals.

Please note that the dream board should inspire you. It should not have "passing" goals that do not inspire you at all. One glance at the board should be enough to forget about despondency and recharge with enthusiasm. The brighter and stronger your desires, the stronger the impulses sent into the Universe.

Possession technique

No dream will come true if you just look at a picture of a beautiful house and think, "I want this too." The point of visualization is to imagine how you have this thing, to be imbued with this thought and really believe in it. I believe this is the most difficult link between a dream and its fulfillment. Doubt and uncertainty ("I won't succeed" or "it's too good to be true") prevent us from feeling that we have what we want.

If you dream of a luxurious house and vividly imagine how you walk on a soft carpet, climb stairs, sit near the fireplace, think about what kind of renovation and furnishings there are - then this can already be called visualization.

You must believe in your dream

The following follows from the previous point: you must believe in your dream. Your wish must be real so that you know 100% that it will come true. ... Moreover, I believe that the Universe is not limited in the benefits for us, so you can set yourself the highest goals, but only if you believe in their reality. For example, I want to earn $ 30,000 on the Internet in 2015, but when I say this number, it seems to me that it is not yet available. So, how will I get this amount if I do not internally believe in its possession? In this case, there are two options: lower the bar or eradicate "poor thinking."

This should really be YOUR wish.

Now it is very "fashionable" to dream of a cool car, luxury villas, leadership position and travel to the islands. Think what you really need exactly to you... For example, I am indifferent to cars, I do not strive to lead, but travel is actually what insanely inspires me in this life.

However, it is not always easy to separate your true dreams from those imposed from the outside. It seems to me, real desire should cause a huge surge of energy, positive emotions, inspiration. It is not simple " well yes, it would be cool to have", a " yes, yes, yes, I want to madly ... buy a car / buy an apartment / go to the sea" (Underline whatever applicable). Before I experienced about such emotions, it cannot be confused with anything.


And the last piece of advice for today on how to make your dreams come true is gratitude. I think everyone will find something to thank the Universe for. Rejoicing in small, while striving for more is probably the easiest way to inner harmony. When I have Bad mood, I open a notebook on my phone and write down the points, for which I am grateful to life. The necessary attitude and belief in success usually returns in 5-6 sentences :)

Gratitude is a kind of giving back energy in return for the benefits provided. But gratitude should be sincere, by no means formal. It should be supported by feelings, positive energy and come from the heart.

By the way, this post about how to make my dreams come true was inspired by an electronic version of my wish board found on a computer, made about a year ago. Of the 11 desires depicted there, 4 came true, 3 are no longer relevant and 4 are still waiting in the wings. After analyzing, I can say that until the maximum result I lack the elaboration of the very technique of "possession". It's not enough to do beautiful pictures, look at them for a day, two, a month, so that bang .. and a wish come true. You need to be absolutely sure that a dream is not just a dream, but the very near future.

Many people ask why dreams don't come true. We visualize, but we don't see the results. This can be, if a person approaches the implementation of his plan incorrectly. Here are the top 10 mistakes:

1. Inaction.

You should know that only actions count. In addition to visualization, you should practice taking active steps towards your dreams. Doing something every day to achieve what you want.

2. Lack of a plan

In order to start taking action, it is better to make a plan of your goals. This will help you to be more organized. You will know where to follow you!

3. Importance

If your dream doesn't come true, you may be placing too much importance on it. Idealize her. It gets in the way. Instead of realizing your dream, you get the opposite result.

4. Limitations

You have not let go of negative limitations from your subconscious that prevent you from getting what you want. If, for example, you have a clear idea in your head that you are not worthy of money, you will not be able to attract it. Therefore, you should take the time to work with the subconscious.

5. Low energy

It is very important to take care of your energetic health. Energy and the realization of desire have a very close connection. Pay due attention to this. Pump yourself up with energy and know how to defend yourself energetically from ill-wishers.

More mistakes on the way to the dream

6. Low self-esteem

To realize a dream, you need to have normal self-esteem. Love yourself. Why? It's simple. When a person doesn't love himself enough, he doesn't think he deserves the best in life. And it really bothers him.

7 lack of faith

Faith is a powerful force. She decides a lot. Because to each according to faith. Even the Bible speaks about it. And all parapsychologists also have the same opinion that faith is 60, or even more, percent of success.

It is important to believe that your dream is coming true.

8. The dream is not yours

This is a very strong error and is common. Many do not make their wishes. And father's, mother's, friends, society ... dreams are not achieved. And even if you do implement them, they will not bring happiness.

9. We do not listen to intuition

Often, we make a dream come true. We begin to go to her. But don't turn on our intuition. We don't listen to her. And she sometimes washes to give very valuable tips. For example, to meet with such and such a person who in the future will provide you with great assistance in realizing your dreams. Or take another road where you can meet your love.

In this article, we will consider a very important question - How to make your dream come true?

How to make your dream come true?

Surely now you are asking: "Okay, let's say I found mine, but how can I find a way to implement it?"

My answer may seem strange to you, but it is true.

It is not your concern how to find a way.

The way to achieve anything in this world is a challenge. Only she has a complete set of information, and only she can guide you to yours. This is an overwhelming task for the human, and especially for logic.

The universe will find the most harmonious and the best option how to get you to your destination.

Your role is to trust the Universe and follow whatever it presents. And most importantly, you must carefully monitor and look for what the Universe wants to present to you. Believe me, the Universe will find the optimal and harmonious way to lead you to what you want. You shouldn't analyze and think about how this will happen. Just go for it. If a friend suddenly calls you and invites you for an interview at work, saying that a place has been vacated, and he suddenly remembered about you. Don't think, go straight away. The universe has arranged this event, and your role is simply to accept the offer.

I would like to draw your attention to the most important work that you have to do.

You must constantly keep yours in your head and FEEL that you ALREADY have it.

I think this is the most important and main quality of everyone. They learned to work with their own. They inspired themselves with theirs. In his book Napoleon Hill writes about Andrew Carnegie's secret. In 25 years of his research, he finally came to understand it. So, this secret is.

This is your most important job for!

The second main work is to implement those ideas that you "Threw" Universe.

This is all your job!

Let's repeat:

  1. Constantly keep in mind and feel that you have already fulfilled your true dream.
  2. Implement the ideas that the Universe will present to you

Let's talk about why it is so important to feel like you have already realized your dream:

  1. Doing work and feeling that you have already realized your true dream, you bring the Universe into the search mode. She begins to look for the most suitable way for you to implement this idea. (why this happens, let's talk a little further)
  2. You tune your subconscious mind to perceive those scenarios in which you achieve your dream. If you think why you need the subconscious, because you have your own head on your shoulders, then I hasten to assure you that logic is powerless here. (Here are two articles and, after reading which, you will understand a lot.)
  3. As soon as the Universe finds a way to achieve your true dream (by the way, if you haven't found your dream yet, then read the article), it will somehow show you this way. This may be the most unusual way. But whether you accept this method or not depends on how your subconscious is tuned. If you did your job well "Feeling" your dreams, your subconscious mind will perceive this method and open your consciousness access to it. If you did your job poorly, the subconscious mind will in any case perceive this method, but it will consider this information unimportant and will filter it out. Thus, consciousness will not get access to this information, and you will no longer know what to do.
  4. The subconscious mind is like a filter. It filters and passes all the information important for consciousness, and discards all not important information. The subconscious needs to be convinced that your true dream is important to you. And you can only convince by feeling time after time that you have already achieved your dream.
  5. Another reason why you need this state is to work to make this dream come true !!!

Actions are based on emotion. And when you create certain emotions in yourself, you immediately enter the state of a certain action. This powerful feeling of a dream will with tremendous power attract to you events and people who will contribute to your acquisition of this state in reality.

Now you understand why your intentional work is so important. "Feeling"?

  1. "Force" The universe to find a way to make your dreams come true.
  2. Convince the subconscious that this information is very important for you, so that the subconscious will let it into the world of consciousness.
  3. The dream feeling provides you with strong emotions so that you can work towards the realization of your dream.

Let's be clear and understand why this works.

The universe reacts to feelings and emotions. It is what you are feeling now that creates your future. No, it is not thoughts that create your reality, but feelings, although thoughts have to feelings direct relation... Take a moment to take a break from reading and remember your most the best moments in life, when you won and were on top.

You started to feel better, didn't you? And what preceded these feelings? That's right, your thoughts.

It's so beautiful at work in the universe. I am sure you have already heard about it. So, when you feel that you already have something that actually does not exist yet, you attract it into your life. And when you experience the feeling of a real dream, you let the Universe understand by sending a powerful signal in the form of your emotions and feelings that you already have it, and all these things will be attracted to you.

Do you know how the Universe responds to this?

She begins to transform it into reality! This process starts rather slowly. But the most important thing is that it starts. If you continue to suggest to yourself that, then over time it accelerates. Your feelings tell you that you have very happy marriage- which means that the Universe should attract an ideal soul mate into your life. Your feelings claim that you are very rich, which means that the Universe should attract a lot of money to you. And not just to attract them to you, but to show you what your ideal field of activity is, where you will make a lot of money.

After all, your senses say that you are doing your favorite activity.

You see, we feel this in order to attract into our life everything that we feel, because we have collected in a dream all the most important, valuable and best for us.

After you have perceived the information that the Universe wanted to convey to you, it is time to work twice as hard.

First, you must continue to feel that you have already achieved your dream.

Secondly, you must begin to implement the idea that "Threw" Universe.

The universe will also show you a way along with an idea of ​​how to do it. (I always say: "Do not spare money for self-education"... This is the easiest way the universe can deliver some amazing idea to you.) And you just have to get to work.

Get to work and don't think.

These are exactly the sections that you will have to go through yourself. Wherever you may have difficulties, the Universe will guide you. On the way, she will tell you where to go when you meet a road. Take her hand and follow, don't hesitate. The universe will control and adjust events that are beyond your direct control. We must control the events that are under your direct control.

For example, the Universe has shown you a way to realize yourself. Your task is to start working to implement the idea that you received. Instead, you go with friends for a beer or start watching TV. This is silly to say the least. The Universe is laid out for you and adjusts 95% of events for you, and you cannot do the remaining 5%. So you will not achieve anything.

I want to warn you about something: until you reach your dream, never stop feeling that you have already achieved it. Once you stop doing this, the Universe may stop sending you instructions. And then you will very quickly get lost.

Consciousness, Subconsciousness and Universe should be in tune with your dream. If you lose synchronicity between them, you can turn off the right road and go down the wrong path.

how to make your dream come true, how to make your dream come true


Hey! Surely you have a dream - let's talk about how to realize it. Remember yourself in early childhood or look at any child of about three years old: he does exclusively what he wants, and what he does not want - he does not. In principle, this approach is absolutely normal for each of us, just with age you learn to ignore your true desires and begin to follow a sense of duty and your notions of “correctness”. Roughly speaking, you have a desire to “buy that dress over there”, which is immediately followed by a chain “you will never wear it, you don’t need it” or “now I am saving up money for a car”. As a result, the dress is either not bought (desire does not come true and your mood spoils), or it is bought, but you gnaw at yourself with a feeling of guilt and therefore do not get pleasure either.

Summary of the article

How to understand what you really dream about

Of course, small desires are one thing, they can sometimes be ignored, but the realization of a dream charges you with emotions for several years. At the same time, you do not need to be afraid to dream boldly and desire something that is very far from you now - with an effort, you can achieve anything. And believe me, when you work on your dream, you will definitely not have the feeling that life is passing by, and you are doing some nonsense!

What dream have you chosen for yourself? Look around: almost everyone dreams of being more beautiful, richer, living a luxurious life. Sometimes we ascribe such desires to ourselves purely automatically, because everyone wants this, which means it's good. ... As a result, you can improve yourself, but at the same time lose the race all the time - there will always be people in the world more beautiful and richer than you... Now think, do you really want this? When did this goal appear? External dreams are most often an empty shell, we want to realize them purely automatically, because everyone wants it.

Internal goals and dreams are those that were born in you, the product of your personality. It is worth focusing on them, because even from the first steps on the way to your dream, you can get real satisfaction. If you don't have a dream yet, remember what brings you the most great pleasure, almost ecstasy - it can be some kind of hobby, some kind of pastime, a state.

A dream can be intangible - a desire to write a book, get a black belt in karate, give birth to three children, get a perfect athletic body, open your own cosmetics production self made, move to live in warm country, or material - to win a million, become a director of a company, start a collection of sports cars. Pay attention: the non-material dream creates, and the material one only wants to receive.

If you pay attention to non-material desires, you can reveal your true dream, which will bring you not only satisfaction, but also success, including financial. The fact is that when you are on fire, everything starts to work out for you, and your hobby over time can bring a good income ... Most best business it works for people who pursue their hobbies, and not just build corporations for money.

How to make a dream come true when you have already chosen it

In order for your dream to begin to take shape, it is important take her out of the fantasy world into reality ... Try to fantasize - what will change in your life when your dream is realized. For example, you are the owner of your own sewing atelier or studio: how does your day start, how do you participate in the process, how does your workspace look like what kind of people work next to you, who are your clients.
If you think that this is just a waste of time, then you are very mistaken: exactly visualization makes it possible to present a complete picture and start taking the first steps ... For example, you always thought that you could work from home, but now you realize that you need a separate spacious room.

Try to become whole, as it were "Getting sick" with your dream and forgetting about the other - it is in this state that the most brilliant ideas come , are necessary people... The necessary information will come to you, the dream will acquire real forms - what size room do you need, how much equipment costs, how many people will be needed for the first time, how such a company is legalized. The second stage can be drawing up a business plan - this is a ready-made platform in order to look for an investor or to invest money in a new business.

If you dream of leaving to live in Bali, light up this idea - read the stories of other people, and you will understand that all this is much closer and easier than you think. By the way, it may happen that you just fly to Bali to rest and realize that you cannot live here all the time.

So do not forget to also check your dream for relevance and realism, especially if you dream about something that you yourself have not tried yet. Sometimes it turns out that you dreamed of something not particularly suitable for you. As I said before, we often take the dreams and desires of other people for our dreams.

Simple steps to help you get real goals:

  1. Write down the steps that will consistently lead you to the fulfillment of your dream;
  2. Schedule the implementation of each step on specific dates;
  3. Follow the steps and reward yourself with something enjoyable.

What will help you make your dreams come true

To realize your dream, it is important for you to be collected all the time and not to be sprayed on trifles, not to fade. Another person who wants the same can help in this - then you can not only put in twice as much effort, but also support each other. Sometimes the last impetus for the realization of a dream is precisely cooperation with a friend or girlfriend, and sometimes a life partner acts as an assistant. The most important thing - don't listen to critics who say that it's too late for you to change your life, that nothing will work out for you, and that your dream is a relic of childhood. Better to be surrounded by those people who believe in your strength and themselves are burning with something.

To make your dream come true, be ready to give up something else: for example, your current comfort zone, your current job, destructive relationships. Sometimes we grow into our environment and life so much that we cannot even take a step forward, because we are afraid. But the realization of a dream is really only for the brave.

When you have taken a step towards your dream, exhale and look around - what has changed after that, is everything going right, or is there some kind of dissonance? You do not need to run ahead, walking over your heads and spitting on other important aspects of your life, otherwise the realization of your dream will not bring you happiness. It is better to do everything gradually and harmoniously, at your own pace. And always be honest with yourself - if you notice halfway through that you stopped dreaming about it, give up your idea and find another actual dream. By the way, it will be interesting for you to see how you yourself can help your partner realize his dream.