Budgerigar according to the dream book. Why do women dream of budgies?

He will assume that she has a bad temper.

Teaching a parrot to talk- means that you will have troubles in personal affairs.

Dead parrot- portends the loss of friends.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Parrot- personifies empty chatter, meaningless speeches. Warns that you should better keep your secrets.

Seeing a parrot- living in someone else's mind, thoughtlessness.

Dream book of lovers

If a girl dreams that she has a parrot- this means that the loved one will mistakenly assume that she has a bad upbringing.

If in a dream you teach a parrot to talk- in reality you may experience disappointment in love.

Aesop's Dream Book

Parrot- is the personification of human stupidity. There is a well-known expression among the people: “Stop repeating like a parrot.” This is what they say about people who do not have their own opinions and repeat different thoughts after other people, without completely understanding what they mean. Perhaps the image of a parrot appeared in a dream, thanks to a childhood tongue twister deposited in your subconscious: “The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you.” This tongue twister did not arise out of nowhere, but was a consequence of the fact that previously the parrot was a constant companion of any pirate and sat on his shoulder. So perhaps the image of a parrot appearing in a dream is a warning that real life you are about to meet with an evil person who threatens your honor and financial situation person.

Seeing a beautiful “overseas” parrot in a dream- a sign that in real life you will try in every possible way to regain the favor of an influential companion, whose trust you lost due to your own stupidity.

If you dreamed of an ordinary parrot- in reality you should be on your guard, otherwise you will seriously suffer from human stupidity.

Seeing a parrot in a cage in a dream- a sign that you will be able to disarm your enemy before he can interfere with you.

If you dreamed of a parrot in the wild- in real life, you don’t even suspect the danger that threatens you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will soon have a bad meeting with a person who has recently returned from not so distant places.

Seeing a talking parrot in a dream- means that someone’s rash words will greatly hinder you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that there is a stupid, but very sarcastic person in your environment.

If in your dream a parrot repeats your words after you- in real life you help the wrong person: he uses your thoughts for his own selfish purposes.

If a parrot screams loudly- such a dream warns about great danger. You are under threat of a bandit attack.

Talking parrot- you will have to have empty conversations with uninteresting people.

New family dream book

Parrot chattering in your dream- predicts empty activities and idle gossip among your friends.

Silent parrot- portends peace and silence in family life.

If in a dream you taught a parrot to speak- get ready for troubles in personal affairs.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream about talking parrots- this means a frivolous attitude towards one’s responsibilities and gossip from friends.

See resting parrots- a harbinger of a truce in family quarrels.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Parrot- false news, deception; meeting an unusual person.

Dream book of a gypsy

Parrot- beware of slander. Don't listen to gossip.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See a parrot- happiness, joy / your soul plunges into the world of delusion with pleasure.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Valuable parrot"

There was once an old Jewish woman and she had three sons.
All three became successful and rich.

And so, the woman’s anniversary was approaching, and the brothers decided to give their mother gifts.
Who is good at what.

The older brother decided to buy his mother a huge house on the lake.
The house had countless rooms, luxurious decoration and many servants.

The middle brother bought a long limousine for his mother and hired the best driver who would always accompany his mother everywhere.

The younger one was sure that best gift it will be his.
He found somewhere a miracle of a parrot that had an incredible ability to remember and perfectly imitated human speech.
He bought this parrot from the owner, hired forty rabbis, who taught this parrot the Holy Scriptures for a year.

And the parrot learned the holy scripture by heart, so much so that it could reproduce its contents from any place that you showed it.
You name only the page and line.
It seemed that the younger brother had spent a fortune on the parrot and his teachers.

A couple of weeks after the anniversary, when the gifts had already been given, the brothers asked their mother if she was happy.

And mom answered them:
– Thank you, eldest, for this wonderful house and helpers.
But the house is so huge that I just get lost in it.
As a result, I still sit in one room and it’s enough for me.

Thank you, my mediocre one.
It's just a wonderful car and a wonderful driver.
But I still have nowhere to drive it and in the end it just sits near the house.

But most of all I liked the gift from my youngest.
That's where I was pleased, I was so pleased: the soup from this bird that you sent me was simply delicious!

Cute feathered pets and exotic inhabitants of tropical latitudes amaze with their diversity. Perhaps this is why the range of interpretations of what a parrot dreams about is quite wide.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a parrot in a dream

Miller's Dream Book interprets the talking bird as empty conversations and gossip. For a young girl, a dream suggests that her gentleman condemns her manners.

Vanga's Dream Book does not see parrots in a dream as particularly bad or good value. However, this neutral plot warns against idle talk.

According to the family dream book a lot of parrots dreaming in the branches of a tree mean a fun pastime. However, pleasures can undermine the budget.

Russian dream book suggests that one dreams of a parrot as a symbol of a stupid person. Surrounded by empty talkers.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse interprets the parrot's egg as hypocritical friends. They deceive the sleeping person.

Women's dream book suggests that when you dream of a parrot talking, in reality there will be empty conversations and gossip. Teaching a bird to repeat phrases means trouble in the personal sphere.

According to the modern dream book If the parrot bites, the work environment is far from ideal. The team is intensely busy gossiping.

Friendly parrots for a man mean a romantic adventure. No complications are expected in the matter.

Two parrots different color indicate the easy temperament of the sleeper. He or she knows how to negotiate with anyone.

If you dreamed of a parrot and a cat, a quarrel will occur in reality. The main share of the blame will lie with the sleeper.

Why does a woman dream about a parrot?

Budgerigar girl is a promise of a quick and very successful marriage. However, a cute bird chattering incessantly warns that you should not give evil tongues a reason to discuss yourself.

If you dreamed of a parrot woman married, this is a wonderful sign. The relationship with your spouse becomes stronger. When you dream of a very tiny parrot, or a chick that the dreamer is holding in her hands, the plot foreshadows pregnancy.

Interpretation of sleep by color and type of parrot

Depending on what kind of parrot you dream about, the interpretation takes on different meanings. Attention must be paid to the size and color of the plumage.

Big A parrot in a dream with a long, elegant tail symbolizes a love adventure. Although it is unlikely to end in marriage, it will leave very pleasant memories.

Little ones parrots represent infantile people who impose their society and solutions to problems on the sleeping person. The dream reminds us that kindness must have boundaries, otherwise it will be shamelessly used.

But touching chicks the parrot is an excellent symbol. This pleasant surprises, a successful turn in the relationship.

For lovers of poultry parrots wavy are a reflection of concerns about pets. This is advice to other sleepers to pay attention to a person who always promises a lot. It's time to notice that loud words are almost never confirmed by actions.

Dreamed parrot macaw sitting in a cage does not have a very pleasant interpretation. Close person will try to deceive.

If you dreamed of a parrot cockatoo, in reality someone will offer to participate in a certain project. It is worth carefully studying all the conditions, and you will definitely find a catch.

Parrots for lovers and family dreamers lovebirds- an excellent omen. There is complete harmony in relationships.

Beautiful color a parrot in a dream means a desire in reality to restore relations with important person. The breakup once occurred due to the fault of the dreamer, but the time has come to realize the mistakes.

They suggest about the impressionable and dreamy nature of the sleeper colorful parrots However, excessive gullibility can lead to disappointment in people.

Considered a sign of good luck white parrot. Sociability and sincere interest in the interlocutor will help in resolving various situations.

Black plumage in a bird means problems, purple plumage means wisdom.

Green the parrot portends changes for the better. Informed decisions will help you achieve your goals.

Yellow the parrot can be interpreted in two ways. IN negative meaning this is a lie from relatives. In the positive - financial well-being.

Passionate romance in reality predicts red parrot in a dream. For family people, in a whirlpool of feelings, the main thing is not to lose their heads, so that spontaneous infatuation does not lead to betrayal.

Pink the parrot also signifies romance. Lonely people can find happiness.

Support that was not expected means blue parrot. New projects will be successful.

For a long journey, I dream of a plot in which there is blue parrot. If the bird is friendly, the journey will be pleasant.

Orange bright the parrot calls for activity. In reality, this is the best time to implement your ideas.

Beautiful a parrot is a sign of amazing news. You're going to be very surprised.

Speaking a parrot is not the most positive symbol. Rumors and gossip circulate around the sleeping person.

Stranger dying a parrot in a dream is interpreted positively. You will be able to free yourself from everything unnecessary and stupid.

Yours for a long time dead the parrot may appear as a symbol of sadness for him. This is also a warning that a family member may feel unwell. Dreaming of a dead parrot means a deterioration in relationships with friends and loved ones. Unexpected problems may arise at work.

Where did you dream about the parrot?

You need to think creatively when solving problems, that’s what a parrot dreams about in the house. If the bird walks on the table, there will be a lot of talking.

Parrot in a cage interpreted as a limitation of the will of the sleeper and dependence on external events. At the same time, it is believed that a certain annoying person will disappear from the inner circle of friends.

Parrot, flew out of the cage, means trouble. Changes will happen.

Favorable sign - parrot in hand. Stability reigns in business and personal spheres.

I dreamed about a parrot on the head- it's time to take the initiative. A long-conceived idea needs to be realized.

When the parrot sits on the shoulder sleeping, just recently had the opportunity to encounter deception. Someone else has a bird - trouble from him. If a parrot sat on your hand in a dream, in reality you will have to fulfill your promises.

Actions with a parrot in a dream

For woman catch parrot - a new novel. The plot promises good luck for men.

Catch holding a parrot with your hands in a dream means getting a little carried away by your waking dreams. Everything will work out with effort.

Hold parrot - a long-standing wish will come true. However, the pleasure will be less than expected.

Get ready buy a parrot in a dream is a warning. Don't be upset when you have to find out about gossip about yourself.

Buy parrot - the sleeping person provokes ill-wishers with his behavior. Sometimes it pays to think before you do something eccentric.

Find parrot - troubles in reality. However, they will bring more joy than fatigue.

Feed parrot - attempts to please a person who hides his true character. This plot warns girls against hasty marriage.

To gossip - talk to the parrot in a dream. Unsavory rumors can make life difficult.

This is what dreams of a parrot in various forms and actions with it mean. The main thing this spectacular bird calls for is to think about the consequences of actions and words.

Briefly about the main thing

A man or woman most often dreams of a parrot for upcoming meetings with new people or negotiations. A dream can mean bright events and changes in life associated with the manifestation of eloquence and talents, or a warning about the insincerity of loved ones and gossip.

For more accurate interpretation sleep great importance have details:

  • color of birds;
  • size;
  • quantity;
  • actions performed by parrots.

Color code:

  • white - good news;
  • black - gossip and rumors that cannot be refuted;
  • red - quick fulfillment of desires;
  • green - a new promising project;
  • blue - support of a stranger.

TOP 2 positive interpretations

  1. A large number of colorful birds in one place- happiness, a grand event, a holiday that will bring positive emotions.
  2. See a cage filled with colorful parrots- good sign for a young girl. She will be the life of the party in any society and will conquer everyone with her eloquence.

Do you want your dream to come true?


If you want the dream not to come true, share the interpretation on social media. networks

TOP 3 negative interpretations

  1. Situated parrots on tree branches they say that the dreamer will soon find himself in an awkward position and will be laughed at.
  2. Dead newborn chicks- a bad sign. All business started will bring losses.
  3. Hman kills a large multi-colored parrot- negative life changes await him. The more flowers there were on the killed bird, the lower on the social ladder he will fall.

TOP 2 neutral interpretations

  1. Conversation about parrots portends a new acquaintance.
  2. Lots of little parrots in a woman’s dream they symbolize the desire to have children.

What does a dream with parrots mean according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller's dream book interprets a dream about colored parrots as an omen of empty conversations and meetings that will not bring any benefit to a person.

For women:

  • the feathered one flew in and sat on her hand - for a girl, the dream means that her lover condemns her behavior.

Video about why a parrot dreams

Filmed by the online channel “HoroskopeVideo”.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud, exotic parrots are dreamed of by people who doubt their friends and have some kind of grudge against them.

For men:

  • if you dream talking bird, which flew into the window - the need for rest, moral fatigue.

For women:

  • a chick sitting in a cage, looking intently at the dreamer - the girl in reality greatly offended someone.

Vanga's Dream Book

The dream means that you should be wary of gossip and intrigue that will come from your immediate circle. Business negotiations on this moment will not bring results.

For men:

  • I dreamed of a parrot screaming loudly - danger, theft;
  • if you see a large number of birds - respect from colleagues.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Tsvetkov believes that a dreamer who sees a flying parrot is expected to receive news from abroad. If the bird was in a cage, then this indicates gossip from colleagues.

For women:

  • small budgerigar a chick flying through the window is a disappointment in the chosen one.

Loff's Dream Book

If a person dreams of many colored parrots, then in reality he will be privy to an important secret that is connected with his loved ones.

For men:

  • a macaw that flew away is a crisis in relationships;
  • buying a parrot at the market or in a store means offensive gossip behind your back.

For women:

  • watch a clean bird - material aid influential people;
  • For an unmarried woman, feeding a parrot means marriage to an unreliable man.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Multi-colored parrots can portend idle chatter. The dreamer will have to argue, defend his opinion, but in the end he will never achieve the desired result.

For men:

  • feed the bird - marry a gossip.

For women:

  • a talking parrot - to ill-wishers and envious people;
  • screaming chick - slander, intrigue.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Such a dream marks a period when a person will have to take independent decisions that will affect his entire life. Tips for at this stage can lead the dreamer astray.

For women:

  • budgerigars-lovebirds - a secret romance will become known to those close to you.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to this source, a winged macaw in a vision can mean that a person lives in someone else’s mind and does not have his own opinion. The dream book warns that you should not be frank even with friends. People around you can use this for selfish purposes.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

A parrot that has to be caught and put in a cage means that a person is wasting his time. The efforts made will not bear fruit.

For men:

  • hearing a parrot speak means not taking work seriously;
  • holding a dead bird is a loss of respect from your superiors.

For women:

  • a parrot in a cage - help from an influential person;
  • learn to talk - there is a serious conversation ahead on the topic of personal relationships.

Azar's Dream Book

A dream about a parrot symbolizes the presence in the dreamer’s life of a talkative person who does not hear anyone around him.

A multi-colored bird sitting on an exotic tree predicts betrayal by a loved one.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

An exotic bird symbolizes our dreams and speaks of a rich imagination.

For women:

  • a flying parrot - mirages, hopes that are not destined to come true;
  • a chick sitting on the floor is a favorable time for the implementation of old ideas;
  • a bird near the feeder - the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Dream Interpretation Veles

According to Veles, a large and colorful parrot is a sign of stupidity and carelessness in real life.

For men:

  • a motley parrot means that the dreamer is surrounded by a frivolous person who cannot be trusted;
  • bird in a cage - the enemy will stop plotting;
  • a loudly screaming chick is a danger, a threat.

Aesop's Dream Book

The parrot dreams of meeting an unpleasant person who can discredit the dreamer.

For men:

  • a beautiful, overseas macaw - an attempt to regain the favor of an influential patron;
  • an ordinary little parrot - you will have to face the stupidity and misunderstanding of colleagues;
  • a bird flies in a cage - victory over the enemy;
  • a parrot in the wild - a meeting with a dangerous person.

For women:

  • a talking chick - the dreamer will become a victim of deception;
  • a loudly screaming parrot is a great danger;
  • a large number of colorful birds - the desire to stand out, to be better;
  • watching parrots perform in the circus means trusting the wrong person;
  • dead bird - other people's gossip can be refuted.

English dream book

By English dream book this bird promises the dreamer:

  • meeting with a rude person;
  • moving abroad;
  • birth of twins.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

According to the interpreter, the dream warns that the information coming in at the moment cannot be trusted.

For women:

  • a multi-colored, colorful parrot that was given as a gift - a meeting with an unusual person.

French dream book

The French dream book says that releasing a parrot from a cage in a dream means spreading unverified information in reality.

For women:

  • talking with a bird - hearing fences;
  • catching in the forest means ruining your life because of someone else's lies.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

The Great Empress Catherine the Great believed that:

  • to see a talking parrot in a dream - to take on a task that turned out to be beyond your strength;
  • to know that the bird can speak, but not be able to get it to talk - a family quarrel will end happily;
  • teach words - troubles in your personal life;
  • dead chick - loss of a friend.

For women:

  • buying a parrot at the market - the lover doubts the dreamer’s sincerity.

Assyrian dream book

According to the source, the appearance of an exotic bird means that one is not taking one's responsibilities seriously.

For women:

  • a singing parrot is a deception of the chosen one;
  • if you feed a bird in a dream, it means prosperity.

Dream book of healer Akulina

The healer Akulina warns the dreamer that in the near future he should be wary of gossip, which could negatively affect his career growth.

Modern dream book

The modern dream book says that talking parrots flying into a house dream of losing respect among colleagues due to failure to keep promises.

For woman:

  • resting white birds - family well-being;
  • buy a parrot - the lover will be disappointed in the dreamer;
  • teaching a chick to speak means trouble in his personal life;
  • a dead parrot is the loss of an important person.

How often do you have lucid dreams?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Phoebe believes that seeing a bird sick or dead means a financial crisis. All accumulated savings will be lost due to someone else's miscalculation.

Chinese dream book

The Chinese say that catching a parrot that has flown out of its cage by its tail is a good sign. Success awaits a person in all his endeavors.

For women:

  • parrot with green feathers - peace and harmony in the house;
  • white bird - deception on the part of colleagues;
  • a small wavy chick - a person will be entrusted with an intimate secret;
  • a large cockatiel that they are trying to train - time will be wasted, the efforts will not be justified.

Muslim dream book

According to Muslims, a dream means that there is a person surrounded by the dreamer who annoys him with his stupidity and chatter.

Islamic dream book

IN Islamic dream book It is written that seeing a red budgerigar means in reality experiencing fear of life changes. A person needs rest to restore internal strength.

Russian dream book

A parrot means dissatisfaction with oneself, a desire to imitate someone.

For women:

  • a huge bird - the need for self-expression.

Slavic dream book

Many different parrots dream of empty talk. Decide financial difficulties during this period it is contraindicated.

For men:

  • a black arriving chick is a danger;
  • a bird without feathers - the death of innocent people;
  • parrots with chicks - news from afar;
  • dead on the shoulder - illness.

Ukrainian dream book

According to the Ukrainian dream book, a parrot symbolizes gossip and ridicule of colleagues.

For women:

  • talking to a bird means losing the trust of your superiors.

Family dream book

IN family dream book it is described that two lovebirds warn the dreamer against excessive frankness. Everything that is said can be used against a person.

For woman:

  • a flock of bright cockatoos on a tree - pleasure, fun;
  • birds attacking, beating their wings - you should refrain from air travel;
  • to kill a parrot is a disappointment in someone close to you.

Esoteric dream book

An esoteric source says that a parrot is a reflection of a person’s fantasies and plans. The more colorful it is, the more varied and interesting the dreamer’s life will be.

For men:

  • the bird is about to take off - time to realize a long-standing plan;
  • a parrot that eats - financial well-being.

Love dream book

According to love dream book, an exotic parrot indicates that the other half is not sure of the seriousness of the person’s intentions and considers him frivolous.

For women:

  • a woman dreams of a yellow parrot as a sign of something new in a relationship;
  • two chicks flying out the window mean a desire to have children;
  • a caught parrot warns of a partner's betrayal;
  • teach the parrot new words - loneliness, parting with a lover.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • silent large bird - harmony in family life;
  • a chatty parrot in a dream signifies pleasant gatherings in the company of friends.
  • learning to talk - loneliness, loss of friends;
  • buy a bird - troubles in your personal life.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • seeing an exotic bird means thoughtless waste, loss of respect from subordinates.
  • many colorful parrots on a tree - financial crisis;
  • dead - betrayal of a loved one;
  • sleeping next to a bird sitting in a cage means it is impossible to make your dream come true.

Lunar dream book

According to lunar dream book, if a bird appeared to the dreamer on the night of the 21st day, then soon some event from his past will repeat again. The more birds there were in the dream, the more likely it is that it will carry positive character.

Intimate dream book

For women:

  • a large multi-colored macaw that eats from the palm of your hand is a deception of the chosen one;
  • a talking chick flying into the dreamer's room is a romantic adventure;
  • a blue parrot bites a girl - to treason.

Winter dream book

The winter dream book says that a blue parrot sitting on its head warns of gossip and hidden intrigues.

Summer dream book

According to the summer dream book, to see in a dream how a pair of colored cockatoos flew into an apartment means in reality to meet bright and eccentric people, but completely “empty”.

For women:

  • if a pregnant woman holds a small multi-colored chick in her hand - unborn child will be endowed with talents.

Autumn dream book

According to autumn dream book, the presence of a talking parrot in a dream speaks of a person’s desire to be liked by others and to be eloquent in society.

Home dream book

A parrot in a dream suggests that the dreamer is surrounded by “empty” people, communicating with whom he is wasting his time.

For women:

  • screaming bird - gossip, intrigues of colleagues;
  • a parrot sitting in a cage - family well-being.

Creative dream book

IN creative dream book it is said that if a multi-colored parrot sits on the dreamer’s head in a vision, then soon the person will have an idea that will bring profit in the future.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

An exotic parrot means plans, dreams. If 2 birds fight among themselves, then there will be many obstacles on the dreamer’s path, and he will spend more than he gains.

Video about what a person who sees a parrot in a dream can expect

Courtesy of the channel "MeriDDiany".

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about feeding the Parrot?

Parrot in hands - The symbolic interpretation of the image of this sociable bird is ambiguous. And this is not surprising: the chatter of a dreaming parrot is either cute or extremely dangerous. This “jammed tape recorder,” revered in many cultures as a mediator between the world of the living and the realm of the other world, also personifies stupidity, insincerity, and senseless imitation of someone.

It’s easy to figure out why you dream of a parrot in a cage if you remember the plot details. A stupid bird will readily blurt out its secrets: it all depends on how it appears to the dreamer - free or in a cage, colorful or frightened.

  • Colorful and talkative, the feathered parrot opens terrible secrets: Be sure to listen to his words. This is a warning of future troubles.
  • In a dream, how does a parrot circle around you, fly from object to object, or sit on your shoulder? In life, there is a talker and a windbag nearby who, with sweet promises, leads away from the goal. Pay more attention to work and family without being distracted by gossip.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did Parrots dream?

Parrot - Bird spontaneity is reflected in the sphere of our subconscious. When a parrot is dreamed of by a person who is not burdened with responsibility and prudence, this is a sign of empty pursuits and idleness. You feel like life is rapidly rushing past behind a series of gossip and tea parties, instead of which you could plunge into the river of life and enjoy all its gifts.

  • Have you seen in a dream a careless feathered chatterbox who was teased and egged on? In reality, the dreamer will regret what he missed.
  • A dreamed parrot, contrary to expectations, remains silent or preens its feathers in front of the mirror - expect a lull in family affairs. The peaceful atmosphere of the house forces even the eternal parrot to give up stupid activities and think about the future, which foretells comfort in everyday life and complete mutual understanding.
  • If in a dream a stupid parrot was put in a cage, in reality the dreamer will get rid of obsessive pressure from the outside.
  • Why do you dream of a bright parrot emitting loud cries - the bird warns of danger, conduct business more carefully.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream of a Parrot?

I dreamed of a cockatiel parrot - You cannot parrot in a relationship with your lover, especially if he is determined to have serious feelings and will not understand a child’s prank. The romantic background of interpretations of why you dream of a parrot is a mixture of good signs and unpleasant ones, since this image is one of the most ambiguous, a symbol of harmless pranks and malicious bias.

  • If the dreamer is the owner of an unceremonious parrot, it means that your partner will soon sense your bad temper. Such a dream plot foreshadows quarrels, but at the same time promises leniency in the coming conflict.
  • Do you talk to a parrot in a dream, teach it to pronounce phrases? If a pregnant woman dreams of such a picture, it means loneliness, predicts separation from a loved one and troubles in communicating with loved ones.
  • Why do you dream of a dead parrot - it means an imminent breakup or the loss of a fan.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream of a Parrot?

  • Dreaming of parrots means that you are surrounded by empty and limited people who cannot appreciate your merits.
  • I dreamed of a parrot in a cage, which means a long lull in family disagreements.
  • Seeing parrots talking in a dream means gossip coming from friends.
  • I dreamed of teaching a parrot to speak in a dream - serious troubles.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Parrots

The parrot is the personification of human stupidity. There is a well-known expression among the people: “Stop repeating like a parrot.” This is what they say about people who do not have their own opinions and repeat different thoughts after other people, without completely understanding what they mean. Perhaps the image arose thanks to a childhood tongue twister deposited in your subconscious: “The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you.” This tongue twister did not arise out of nowhere, but was a consequence of the fact that previously the bird was a constant companion of any pirate and sat on his shoulder. So, the image that appears in a dream is a warning that in reality you will meet with an evil person who threatens your honor and financial position.

  • Seeing a beautiful “overseas” parrot with chicks, according to the dream book, in reality you will try in every possible way to regain the favor of an influential companion, whose trust you lost due to your own stupidity.
  • Why do you dream of a brightly colored macaw parrot - in reality you should be on guard, otherwise you will seriously suffer from human stupidity.
  • Seeing a small parrot in a cage means you will be able to disarm your enemy before he can stop you.
  • If you dreamed of a parrot in the wild, then in reality you are not even aware of the danger that threatens you. Perhaps the dream indicates that you will soon have a bad meeting with a person who has recently returned from not so distant places.
  • Seeing a talking parrot flying into a window means that someone's rash words will greatly disturb you. Perhaps the dream indicates that there is a stupid, but very sarcastic person in your environment.
  • If in a dream a parrot repeats your words after you, then in reality you are helping the wrong person: he is using your thoughts for his own selfish purposes.
  • If a budgie screams loudly, then the dream warns of great danger. You are under threat of a bandit attack.
  • Why do you dream about parrots? large quantities- in reality, you stand out favorably against the background of the people around you. You are very smart and quick-witted for being a simple employee.
  • Watching parrots perform in a circus in a dream means you are too trusting a person, and therefore unquestioningly follow the advice of evil people.
  • I dreamed of a dead parrot - the dream means that you will be able to refute evil gossip your envious people. Perhaps this dream is clear evidence that you should gather all your will into a “fist” and refute the false information about you that was received by influential, superior people.

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Seeing a Parrot, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

  • Why do you dream of a parrot on your head - you should talk less to anyone about your problems. Your words can be used against yourself.
  • If a parrot talked in a dream, try to remember what he was talking about and draw conclusions.
  • Dreaming of a flock of bright parrots sitting on the branches of a tree portends you pleasure and fun. But be more careful about your money - unexpected expenses can plunge you into the abyss of debt.
  • According to the dream book, parrots attacking you beat their wings. – You shouldn’t fly by plane. This is dangerous.
  • Killing a parrot in a dream means being disappointed in a good acquaintance or friend. Don't be surprised if you find out that someone close to you has been spreading gossip about you or spilling your business secrets.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Parrot in a dream?

  • Dreaming of a chattering parrot symbolizes empty activities and idle gossip among friends.
  • Seeing a quiet, silent parrot in a dream foretells a truce in the family.
  • If you dreamed of keeping a parrot at home, your lover will reveal your bad temper.
  • Teaching a parrot to talk in a dream means you will have troubles in personal affairs.
  • Dreamed of a dead parrot - loss of friends.

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Why do you dream of a Parrot in a dream?

  • You see a parrot, which means that you are surrounded by empty and limited people who are unable to appreciate your merits.
  • A parrot sitting in a cage foretells long periods of peaceful silence in family discord.
  • If a bird in a dream talks in every possible way and yells in a bad voice, in reality you will hear gossip about yourself coming from your friends.
  • Why does a parrot dream, according to the dream book, if in a dream someone tries to teach it to speak, this will bring serious troubles in reality, and for a young woman or girl such a dream portends that her lover will suspect her of a spoiled character and bad disposition.

“He chats like a parrot!..” is not the most flattering characteristic for a person, is it? Because the parrot chatters just for the sake of it, mindlessly repeating human words and even entire phrases. For a bird this is, of course, funny, but a person with such a trait is annoying.

And so the bird lives in tropical forest or in a cage, filling the surrounding space with a loud “chirp,” and suddenly he decides to fly into someone’s dream, perplexing with his appearance a sleeping person, or rather, an already awakened person, whose first thought will be: what would that mean?

It will not be news that, like everything that appears in a dream, the appearance of a parrot in it also has an ambiguous interpretation. Psychics, psychologists, and mediums attach great importance to the type of bird, its size, color, actions in relation to the dreamer and, conversely, the dreamer in relation to the parrot.

Just to see a parrot

Most dream books see this overseas bird as a good sign, foreshadowing joy and happiness.

According to Grishina’s dream book, the parrot is a sign of peace and happiness in life.

The opinion of Aesop’s dream book is radically different: in real life, one should beware of the appearance of a very unkind person who can threaten not only the dreamer’s honor, but also destroy his financial situation.

Azar’s interpretation looks most neutral: he warns about the visit of guests who, it must be said, are very talkative and active.

We all know roughly how parrots talk - no matter how you look at it, it’s still bird-like.

But if he is in a dream spoke in completely human language, it makes sense to listen to his speech: it is possible that he really suggests how to find a way out of the impasse in solving a problem that has long deprived you of peace.

If the bird is already very talking, this “threatens” you with a lot of entertainment, joyful events, festive events and noisy fun.

There is an opinion that if you dream about a parrot, then it’s just empty chatter with friends or colleagues. However, a parrot can also be thoughtfully silent. Such a dream also carries a good omen - it means that family relationships Peace, harmony and harmony will reign.

Loud parrot calls They hint that the dreamer in real life should be a little more modest.

Such a dream also advises you to exclude from your social circle unpleasant people who seem unpleasant and suspicious to you. You should avoid visiting noisy places for now.

According to Modern dream book, a noisy bird suggests that some friends or colleagues are not averse to washing your bones behind your back.

The sight of a closely tied parrot also indicates gossip.

According to Miller's dream book, a singing and talking parrot indicates the possibility of numerous idle conversations.

Is he already repeating your words after you? This is a sign that someone is waiting for your help, and you are ready to provide it.

A parrot sitting in a cage is a kind of symbol that warns that you should not be afraid of any possible rivals, competitors or enemies: they are powerless to harm you in any way.

Many birds of different sizes predict the path to success: after all, you are such a bright personality and stand out so favorably from the rest!

Budgerigars represent friendships . You can look forward to pleasant meetings and communication with friends.

A dead parrot, contrary to assumption, means your ability to resist all kinds of gossip and lies, and your honor and reputation will not suffer.

In real life, the owner of a parrot should be wary if he sees his pet dead. A deceased feathered pet signals the illness of one of your friends..

Although the cage is a home for the bird, it still flies out of it from time to time. A freely flying parrot means news from afar, perhaps from people who have not appeared in your life for a long time.

A parrot living in a cage in the dreamer’s real life, in night vision, simply signals a person’s underlying concern about the health of his pet.

Was there any contact with the parrot?

Additional meaning is added by a dream in which some action was taken in relation to the bird. The smallest detail can be important here.

What did the parrot look like?

In the interpretation of “parrot” dreams, the breed of the bird also matters.

What do birds promise to the female sex?

Why does a woman dream about a parrot? A good sign is the appearance in a dream of large and beautiful multi-colored parrots - green or yellow. In this case, you can expect a meeting with a very interesting admirer, which will become a bright love adventure.

Parrot predictions for a man

  • The man who saw the bird white, must understand: life requires very active and purposeful actions from him.
  • Chicks in hands are the same call to action, when any idea will result in the desired result.
  • A newly hatched and dying chick is a bad sign for the outcome of a planned business due to various obstacles.
  • The budgie tells the man that he has little control over his life.

In this case, it is worth keeping in mind that it is harmful to follow the lead of someone else and be dependent on him. We must take circumstances under our constant control and not allow anyone to influence them.

As you can see, dreams involving parrots for the most part have a positive connotation. They do not foretell troubles and global misfortunes, but misunderstandings that arise and appear in negative interpretations gossip is completely solvable and regulated if you always believe in a good outcome.