Guinea pig breeds and colors. The main breeds of guinea pigs - breeds of guinea pigs - this is interesting - guinea pig nursery "Profik" Breeds of long-haired guinea pigs

Exists a large number of species guinea pigs(other names: kewi, cavey), and breeders continue to work on developing new breeds. They are usually grouped into four large categories according to the properties and length of the coat:

  1. 1. Shorthair(or smooth-haired). These representatives have smooth, very hard fur that fits tightly to the body. This group includes the subspecies Rex, English Self, Teddy, Crested and others.
  2. 2. Long-haired. Body hairs of pigs from this group to varying degrees length, and the texture of the coat can be absolutely any. These include Peruvian, Scottish, Coronet and others.
  3. 3. Rosette (wire-haired). The hairs grow in different directions, forming numerous “vortexes”. This includes the Abyssinian breed.
  4. 4. Hairless (hairless). Baldwin, skinny.

They stand apart rare species guinea pigs. These include Kui, Curley, Ridgeback, Mini-Yak, Panda, Somalia and other breeds.

Guinea pigs are also divided into subspecies according to the color of their coat. However, it must be taken into account that each of the colors can be observed in representatives of any of the breeds. Highlight the following groups colors:

  • Satin. They are distinguished by shiny fur of a rich tone. The quality of the wool is soft and long. Despite the fact that each hair is very thin, the hair coat is thick.
  • Tortoiseshell, or tricolor. The main feature of their colors is the original pattern on the coat in the form of smooth, large and clear spots of white, red and black, arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Agouti. This color is similar to the color of wild rodents, in which each hair is unevenly colored, that is, it has dark and light zones and shimmers. There are lemon, chocolate, cream, golden, silver, Brown color.
  • Brindle. It assumes the presence of two shades on the coat - black and red.
  • Buff. The so-called buffalo coloring resembles the color of roasted peanuts.
  • Dutch or piebald. Kevy has an alternating white tone with other bright shades (black, red, etc.).
  • Roans (with gray hair). The fur is painted in a mixture of white and primary colors.
  • Tans. The animals are supposed to have different fur around the eyes and on the belly from the main color.
  • Himalayan or Russian. Dark ears, paws and muzzle stand out against the background of a light body; this color is similar to the color of a Siamese cat.
  • Tan and Fox. Relatively new types of colors in which the coat has black or tan white.
  • Dalmatian. Small spots of a darker tone are evenly scattered on a light base.

When determining the breed, in addition to the length and color of the coat, the following characteristics are additionally taken into account:

  • degree of hair hardness;
  • color (distribution of shades on wool, saturation);
  • wool quality;
  • physique and general appearance;
  • body weight, etc.

They are divided into short-haired, long-haired and hairless. Each of these species includes several breeds.

Short-haired guinea pigs

These pigs can be single-colored or variegated. Solid-colored pigs usually have a slightly rounded nose and large, slightly protruding eyes. The ears resemble a flower petal and are slightly tilted.

The American (and English) Crested is the most common breed. These are pigs with smooth, straight hair and a rosette on the head. Distinguished by its wide crooked nose and a variety of shades of monochromatic coat color. In the English Crested, the color of the rosette is the same as the entire color of the animal. The American has a white rosette on its head.

Self. The breed is distinguished by its somewhat disproportionately large head, strong build and uniform coat color.

Satin guinea pig. A distinctive feature of this pig is its smooth coat with a magnificent silk (satin) sheen. For an exhibition, the number of rosettes available to these pigs should be 8-10.

Rex. The coat is hard, not adjacent to the body, but sticks out somewhat. The colors of this breed can be quite varied.

Himalayan guinea pig. The animal itself is white, but it also has brown or black ears, paws, and nose. The most interesting thing about this breed is that the brightness of its color directly depends on the temperature of its content.

Teddy is American. These are plush guinea pigs with short, spiky hair like a Rex and a Roman nose. Their wool is distinguished by its “resilience” - it does not wrinkle.

The Abyssinian guinea pig is perhaps the oldest breed. Rosettes are scattered throughout the body of this breed. According to the standard, a specific number (at least 8, and preferably exactly 10) and location of sockets are prescribed for these pigs, but in fact it is believed that the more symmetrically the sockets are located, the better. The Abyssinian coat is short and stiff, and comes in a variety of colors. These pigs have small whiskers that stick out around their nose.

Long-haired guinea pigs

Sheltie. They have a magnificent long and smooth coat that grows from the head down and thus forms a train. They are also called Angora guinea pigs. Coat color may vary.

The Coronet is a breed very similar to the Sheltie, but differs from it in the presence of a rosette (crown) on its head and its proud Roman nose.

The Peruvian guinea pig is the first internationally recognized long-haired breed. This is a breed that has different colors of straight long hair (more than 30 cm). It has rosettes, because of which the hair grows as if in the opposite direction - towards the head and forms a kind of bang.

Texel are pigs with a short body and a wide round head. These guinea pigs have long, wavy hair that grows downwards. It seems to be laid in curls all over the animal’s body. There are no sockets. This breed is considered the most difficult to groom.

Merino is a guinea pig similar to Texel, but with a rosette on its head. The coat is long and curly.

Alpacas also have long, curly hair, but it grows towards the head and forms a bang. It is also interesting for its two rosettes on the back.

Naked guinea pigs

There are only two types of pigs here - Baldwin and Skinny.

Baldwins are quite exotic, completely hairless pigs. At birth, they may have some hair, but this gradually disappears.

Skinnies are also hairless, but there may be a little hair on some parts of their body - for example, on their paws and face.

Most guinea pig breeds come in a variety of colors. Red guinea pigs look very impressive. Albino pigs with a pure white color are interesting; you can even find a white pig with blue eyes. All breeds of these cute animals are great for keeping at home. But when choosing a pig, you need to understand that long-haired breeds require more careful care for their coat, and some breeds are even considered difficult to care for and are not recommended for keeping them at home as an ordinary pet.

These cute rodents are not related to ordinary pigs, but belong to the capybara family and got their name because they sometimes make sounds similar to grunting. The first pigs were brought to Europe from South America on ships by travelers and traders, so the animals turned into “overseas”, which means “brought from overseas”, and then simply “sea”.

There are several types of guinea pigs found in nature. As a result of crossing Cavia aperea and Cavia tschudii, it was possible to develop the new kind Cavia porcellus, which we are used to seeing as pet- they do not occur in wildlife, although some representatives may have a rebellious nature and escape from cages. Domestic pigs differ from their free-range counterparts by the absence of a long tail, rounded lines, large size and bright colors.

Guinea pigs are considered to be the oldest species of domestic animal in the world; they were domesticated more than 5 thousand years ago. Sadly, at first such interest was caused by the fact that rodents were eaten, because they were the only source of meat that did not require hunting. Later, guinea pigs took pride of place in the culture of the Indians of South America, who used animals for occultism and sacrifice, as well as for fortune telling and the machinations of shamanic medicine.

Only after the colonization of South America did Europeans bring guinea pigs to their territory, but not as food. Pets charmed Europeans with their cute appearance, gentle character and unpretentiousness, and therefore they began to be bred for home care. At the beginning of the 20th century, the active development of medicine marked the beginning of a real boom in the breeding of these animals. Just like other small rodents, such as rats and mice, pigs were used as experimental samples. Along the way, a large number of new breeds were developed. They were still decorative and intended for home use.

Domestic guinea pigs are divided into three groups based on their coat type: hairless, short-haired and long-haired.
The color is also very diverse:

  • Self – monochromatic. Black, red and cream.
  • Dalmatian - spots on a light background
  • Dutch - the muzzle and back of the body contrast with the main hairline.
  • Himalayan - the tips of the nose, ears and paws are dark, and the main shade of the coat is light. Interestingly, the cooler the air temperature was when the litter was gestated, the darker the animals will be.
  • Agouti is a “wild” color. The entire length of the hair has a color that changes from dark to lighter.
  • Two and three - colored - large clear spots of 2-3 contrasting colors.
  • Tortoiseshell - a uniform mixture of several colors.

Short-haired guinea pigs

  • English (American) is the most popular breed today. It is distinguished by a wide nose and short, smooth coat of various colors.
  • Rex has very short and thick hair, reminiscent of Rex rabbits.
  • The Abyssinian is a very old breed. Characteristic these pigs - the hair does not grow in one direction, but forms about 8 “tufts”, which are located symmetrically relative to the body.
  • Ridgeback has a short coat that forms a “ridge” on the back.
  • Crested or crested - a “tuft” of wool is located on the head, the cover of the entire body remains smooth. Guinea pigs of this breed do not come in Dalmatian, Dutch, Himalayan or tortoiseshell coat colors. White Crested is the same breed, but the “bun” on the head is white.

Teddies are the owners of a fairly noticeable hump on the nose or a “Greek” profile. The coat is hard and short.

Long-haired guinea pigs

  • Peruvian is the most ancient breed among long-haired pigs. The wool is soft and very long. Some outstanding representatives of the breed can boast 30cm of hair. The fur lies softly on both sides of the body, and also covers the head and back of the body.
  • Sheltie or Silk are similar to Peruvian, but these animals have softer fur and grows towards the tail, so it does not lie on the head and forms a mane.
  • Texels have long and curly wool, like sheep. They are quite small in size, but have a wide and rounded head.
  • Hairless guinea pigs
  • Skinny - have a slight coat of hair on the face and paws. They are born bald.
  • Baldwin - at birth they have residual hair, but with age they go bald. It is especially interesting that the skin of hairless guinea pigs also has its own characteristic colors.

Amazing fact!

Guinea pigs mate for life. If in captivity two individuals of opposite sexes initially live together, then after one leaves, the other half begins to experience terrible melancholy. And not always a new partner can replace the departed one.

  • Many pet owners are unaware of their origins. For example, a guinea pig. What is known about this animal? Where does it come from? How to properly care for it?
  • The guinea pig doesn't like water, and it doesn't look like a pig at all.

The history of these unusual animals

  • Guinea pigs are from the pig family. They belong to the genus Kavia. In Latin it is called "cavia porcellus". Translated from Latin, the word “porcellus” is translated as piglet. These funny rodents come from South America.
  • The animal was tamed by the tribes of the ancient Incas. They fed the rodents leftover food and kept them in small pens fenced off with stone fences. The meat of these animals was considered a great delicacy.
  • The Spanish conquistadors were the first Europeans to see the strange animals and began to trade them quickly. In the middle of the 16th century, they were bought for gold coins - escudo. Later, in the 18th century, these animals came to England. Overseas strange pigs gradually began to be called guinea pigs.
  • Then these animals settled throughout all the cities of Europe. Guinea pigs are very popular with people. They were no longer used for food.
  • By the middle of the 20th century, guinea pigs began to be bred in captivity throughout the world. At exhibitions, animals are rated on a 100-point system. Contenders for the championship title must have a pure coat color and a head and ear shape that meets special requirements. The best animals have a noble “Roman nose”.

Guinea pig breeds with photos

  • Now a lot has been withdrawn various types and subspecies of these animals. Among them are short-haired and long-haired, as well as specimens with hard hair. Here are examples of some unusual breeds:

Short-haired species


Animals of the same color


Short-haired animals with undercoat of contrasting color


Two or three-colored animals with a pattern of spots of almost perfect shape. The spots are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.



One of the original longhaired breeds. With their color, pigs resemble Siamese cats.


The fur of these animals grows from the muzzle. Animals come in all colors. There should be no partings or rosettes on the wool.


This species is similar to representatives of the previous breed, only it has a rosette on its head, resembling a crown in its shape.


A very unusual breed. Pigs have long and curly hair. There are two rosettes in the sacral region. Of these, the hair grows towards the head. On the muzzle there is also a rosette that forms a bang.


Pigs of this breed have an aristocratic appearance. Soft silky wool forms something like a mantle. The chic bangs give the animal a very unusual look. Parting along the back sets the direction of hair growth only forward. The pig's face has long whiskers that grow in the same direction. A pair of rosettes in the sacrum area determine the growth of fur from the butt to the muzzle.

It is simply impossible to list all the species and varieties of these animals.

Features of caring for guinea pigs

  • Keeping these rodents is not difficult. Pigs cannot tolerate drafts or high humidity, so they need to be kept in a dry and bright room. It is better to place the rodents in a cage or box with thick boards. Sawdust is poured onto the bottom of the “house”. If you change them in time, then unpleasant odor there won't be any from animals.
  • Leave the pigs something to sharpen their teeth: twigs, wooden blocks.
  • Guinea pigs are big gluttons and should not be overfed. An adult needs about 50 grams of grain and the same amount of carrots, cucumbers, and cabbage per day. She also needs the same amount of hay and 0.5 grams of salt. In winter, add a few drops to food fish oil and low-fat cottage cheese. This food is given 3 times a day in small portions. Cubs need half as much food as adults. In summer, feed your pigs greens.

How to choose a pet

It is better to buy animals no older than 8 weeks. By this time, they are already independent and adapt well to new conditions.

When choosing an animal, pay attention to the following:

1. The animal must be active, but careful;

2. The animal’s eyes should shine and have no discharge;

3. The pig should not wheeze or sniffle;

4. The animal’s paws must be clean and dry;

5. Make sure that the animal’s incisors are straight and not broken;

6. Run your finger against the fur and see if there are any wounds or bald spots on the pig’s skin.

With the onset of summer, the animals can be taken out into the sun.

Unfortunately, guinea pigs live a short life: on average 3 – 4 years. But, if a caring and loving owner provides the animal with good care and care, they can live up to 8 years.

Abyssinian Guinea Pig is one of the oldest breeds of guinea pigs, has the funniest appearance, and is unique in its kind. Such pigs are ideal for those breeders who want not just to have a guinea pig, but to be the owner of an unusual pig.


Agouti (Agouti Guinea Pig) are smooth-haired pigs with complex colors similar to those of wild guinea pigs. In order not to mislead anyone, we note that in this article we are talking specifically about the Agouti breed, and not about the color! The agouti color can be found in pigs of any breed. But the agouti breed is deeper and more significant.


Alpaca (Alpaca Guinea Pig)... Strange name for a guinea pig, you might think. After all, an alpaca is a llama, a relative of the camel, with beautiful curly and thick hair. It is because of the appearance of the wool that the unusual breed of guinea pigs was named alpaca by analogy. And indeed, these pigs have the same long, curly and beautiful fur as their distant relatives - llamas.

American Crested

The American Crested Guinea Pig, or as it is often called, the White American Crested, is one of the varieties of the Crested breed. Here you can find the name “white crested” for such pigs.

American Teddy

The American Teddy (US-Teddy Guinea Pig) is quite easy to confuse with a Rex, but still the Teddy's fur is thicker, shorter and stands on end. The fur on the belly is smoother than on the back. These guinea pigs got their name because of their resemblance to teddy bears. Colors may be different.

English self

The Self Guinea Pig breed, or as it is often called, the English Self Guinea Pig, is one of the most common breeds all over the world. The main criterion on the basis of which these guinea pigs were isolated and identified as a separate breed is a solid solid color, uniform throughout the entire body of the guinea pig.


Argente Guinea Pig are guinea pigs with a special, two-color coat color. Argents, just like agoutis, are characterized by ticking in color, but nevertheless, despite all the similarity to each other, agoutis and argents are different. How? Read the article below.


Baldwin Guinea Pig are unique, completely hairless guinea pigs. This is a fairly new breed, not yet recognized in many countries, but very popular among breeders. The skin of Baldwins is very warm, soft and elastic, they are very pleasant to hold in your hands.


Himalayan Guinea Pig (Himalayan Guinea Pig) have patches of fur on their nose, ears and feet that are colored black or brown. Abroad, pigs, which we usually call “Himalayan”, are called, paradoxically, “Russian” guinea pigs, because this breed was bred in Russia.


The Curly Guinea Pig, or curly guinea pig, is a completely new breed. Curly is a new gene discovered several years ago in Stockholm, Sweden. The Curly pig is similar to the Rex and Teddy and is a short-haired version of the Lunkaria breed.


This breed of guinea pig has a long, silky coat with a single rosette in the middle of its forehead that looks much like a crown. Hence the name of the breed. This "crown" grows in the same way as the rest of the coat, hanging over the eyes in the front and blending with the rest of the fur on the back.


The main feature of the Crested Guinea Pig breed is the rosette on the head. If this rosette matches the color of the rest of the fur, then such a pig is called an English Crested. If this rosette is white, then the pig will be called an American Crested, or an American Crested. In Russia, Crested pigs are often called crested pigs.


Cuy guinea pigs (Cuy Ginea Pig) are real giants in the world of guinea pigs: the weight of an adult male can reach as much as 4 kg! Kui is a separate branch in the world of guinea pigs. In countries Latin America Such pigs are bred for meat, fur and fertilizer, and not as beloved pets.


The Lunkarya Guinea Pig is a fairly new and not yet very common breed that is classified as the long-haired version of the Curly breed. The breed is not yet included in the standards, although it already participates in exhibitions in European countries. Three known different types: Lunkaria Sheltie, Lunkaria Peruvian and Lunkaria Coronet.


The Merino Guinea Pig is the curly-haired version of the Coronet breed. This breed was created by crossing the Coronet and Texel breeds. Merino pigs have long curly fur all over their body and a rosette on their head. The pig resembles a small sheep. The color scheme of the fur can be different - white, gray, brown. Multi-colored merinos are also common.


Sheba, or mini-yak (Sheba Guinea Pig, Sheba Mini Yak Guinea Pig) are long-haired guinea pigs with a rosette. Their pronounced sideburns also attract attention. Sheba looks like an Abyssinian with long hair. The coat is hard, of medium length, and falls in all directions, which is why the pigs look like a mop, have a slightly aggressive appearance and look disheveled.


Peruvian Guinea Pig (Peruvian Guinea Pig) has long, silky fur that is quite thick and dense. Their main feature is the rosettes on the wool. The hair hangs over the muzzle at the front and extends outward at the sides and back. If you don't trim your Peruvian guinea pig's fur, you can soon become confused about which side of its head it is on. Peruvian guinea pigs are the champions in terms of coat length among other guinea pig breeds.


home distinctive feature Ridgeback Guinea Pig - a ridge that runs along the entire spine, from the ears to the animal's sacrum. The fur is short (about 25 mm long) and smooth. Ridgeback, as a separate breed, is recognized only in certain countries.