Why did the shepherd lose his voice? Why did the dog lose his voice and what to do about it. Psychogenic factors and “talkativeness”

Moist rales occur when blood or exudate accumulates in the airways. Air passing through an obstacle emits a specific sound that can be heard when inhaling and exhaling even at a distance. This symptom indicates the following diseases: bronchopneumonia, bronchitis, pulmonary edema, pulmonary hemorrhage.

With emphysema, pneumonia and fibrosis, dull, crackling wheezing is observed. This occurs during the passage of air, which separates the stuck together alveoli. A whistling sound can be observed when entering the trachea foreign body, glottic paralysis.

Some diseases respiratory system inherent certain breed. Chihuahuas, Toy Terriers, and Spitz dogs are susceptible to tracheal collapse. Initially, a cough appears, then the condition worsens, the dog breathes heavily, suffocates, and loses consciousness.

Causes of hoarseness

Treatment is carried out based on the causes of wheezing during inhalation and exhalation. A diagnosis can only be made after a complete laboratory research. The dog is prescribed radiography and bronchoscopy. Surgery is necessary in severe cases: vocal cord paralysis, tracheal collapse.

Treatment of the disease

Helps with swelling of the larynx drug treatment, in some cases artificial ventilation will be required. This disease occurs mainly in old animals. The disease is accompanied by shortness of breath and even fainting. For bronchitis and pneumonia, antibiotics and antitussives are prescribed. These diseases predominantly occur during the cold season. Accompanied by cough, pallor of the mucous membranes, feeling unwell in the dog and hoarseness.

Strange sounds during breathing may occur as a result of foreign objects entering the respiratory tract. Even dry food can serve as such an item. In such situations, bronchoscopy is required to release respiratory tract.

Neoplasms can also cause wheezing in your beloved pet. In this case, it is necessary to identify the nature of the tumor and the stage of the disease. IN best case scenario the doctor will prescribe chemotherapy. It also happens that the owner notices the illness in his pet too late; at this stage, the disease is no longer curable.

Treatment of pulmonary edema will be successful if correct positioning the reasons for its occurrence. It could be viral infection, and heart failure. In this case, intensive decongestant therapy will be required.

All pets, like their owners, differ not only in gender, breed or weight, but also in character. Character is exactly what distinguishes any living creature from the gray and monotonous mass, making it a unique and interesting creature.

There are talkative cats or cats that willingly meow at almost every action of their owner, and there are silent ones from whom you can’t get an extra sound. Dogs, as a rule, are noisier and “talkative,” probably due to their protective purpose, which is inherent in them by nature.

But sometimes it happens that a once sociable and noisy animal suddenly becomes quiet and silent, as if it had swallowed its tongue. Naturally, any caring owner will immediately sound the alarm, because this a clear sign some kind of ailment that definitely needs to be corrected. Of course, first you need to carefully observe the animal: if your pet is silent for only a day, who knows, maybe he just wanted to!

The mood of animals, like people, sometimes changes depending on the different sides. If you understand for sure that something is wrong with your pet, then it’s time to take action. For example, if this is a cat, then he tries to meow, but instead only an incomprehensible wheezing or even emptiness comes out of his throat? Instead of barking, the dog may produce an incomprehensible wheezing, shortness of breath or a plaintive whistle - all these are signs that the animal needs your help.

Why did it happen so?

What to do if your cat or dog loses its voice? Unfortunately, you won’t find a clear answer to this question; first of all, you need to figure out why this happened. There are a number of factors and even serious diseases that can provoke the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom for your pet. After all, for him, the lack of a voice is a real shock, which he needs help to cope with.

  • The most common reason for the disappearance of an animal’s voice is damage to the larynx, esophagus or upper respiratory tract by some foreign objects. It’s not surprising, because animals, like children, taste everything and can easily harm themselves with a sharp bone from a fish or chicken, a knot from a wooden stick, a piece of wire or even a spare part from a toy.
  • Sometimes an animal loses its voice from lack of water. Remember that your pet should always have free access to a container of clean and fresh water.
  • Sometimes the disappearance of an animal’s voice is one of the symptoms of the disease. For example, otitis media, which is usually accompanied by ear inflammation.
  • A common cold or a more serious viral illness can also cause voice loss. Naturally, in this case, the sick animal should also show other symptoms of the disease: for example, drowsiness, weakness, cough, fever, and so on. Typically, colds, just like in humans, are accompanied by swelling of the larynx, where mucus accumulates and makes it difficult for the animal to make sounds.
  • Sometimes pets lose their voice if they for a long time are in a room with strong odors, such as solvents, varnishes or paints.
  • Sometimes it is difficult for an animal to make any sounds if it is weakened by the effects of anesthesia.

In addition to the above reasons, lack of voice can be caused by others, even more serious illnesses, which cannot be treated on your own under any circumstances if you value the health of your pet. An experienced veterinarian will be able to determine the real reason the problem that has arisen and will also prescribe appropriate treatment.

How to treat an animal?

As we already said, self-treatment this problem is not always the case the best option. Observe your pet if you notice any other additional symptoms or you see that no improvement occurs within several days, then be sure to contact veterinary clinic. And yet, before such drastic measures, you can do something.

  • Ventilate the room more often, monitor the availability and purity of water in your pet’s bowl.
  • Don’t get too carried away with ventilation; who knows, maybe drafts are the cause of the disease; carefully examine the animal for other symptoms.
  • Try to examine the animal's larynx if you find any mechanical damage and inflammation, then, in order not to further injure the tissues, try to fix it in a comfortable position and show it to the veterinarian.
  • Sometimes, in case of swelling of the throat, antihistamines, for example, Suprastin, Claritin, help. Naturally, you need to use them depending on the weight of your pet.
  • If it is a cold, then first of all, you need to treat it, this is the only way you can restore your pet’s voice.

Please tell me if the dog has something like a subcutaneous ball in the middle of his penis, what could it be? and what is it connected with? There are still calluses on the folds of the paws, they become larger over time, can they be cured?

During an erection, the “bulb” of the penis may enlarge; this is a normal phenomenon. If you are confused by another type of formation, it is better to show your dog to a doctor.

Calluses appear in heavy short-haired dogs in pressure points (elbows, hocks). The solution to the problem is weight loss, soft bedding and shock-absorbing pads on the joints. Formations in other places may have a different origin; it is also better to show them to a doctor.

Hello, I have a yard dog. She has been barking hoarsely for about two months now, she looks cheerful. She is about 2 years old. She feels like her voice is disappearing.

Voice changes are related to the function of the vocal cords. In young dogs living on the street, this may be a consequence chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis or bronchitis. Chronic injury from a tight collar or chain is also possible. And also with frequent barking.

If there are or have been signs of inflammation, a course of treatment is necessary. Adjust your ammunition to avoid microtraumas. Can be added to food raw eggs And medicinal fats(marmot, badger).

Hello, dog, small Spitz, boy, 2 years old. He was given to us half a year ago, the dog had an epileptic attack a couple of days after that. Seizures occur constantly, with different at intervals of time. Interestingly, it used to happen at night, now only during the day. Less than a month ago, the dog, while falling asleep, began to strongly jerk its head and paws, sudden convulsive movements. This
was preceded by stress (a trip to the doctor in another city). Could this be related to epilepsy? The dog, in the absence of seizures, is cheerful, cheerful, eats well, has normal stools. Almost nothing is known about life with the old owners, they say he was not sick, did not fall, They didn’t beat us. We treat epilepsy with finlepsin, now we are waiting for a prescription for benzonal. We injected magnesia, took furosemide and asparkam. Thank you.

Classic epilepsy begins at the age of one and a half years; no other symptoms are observed in the intervals between attacks. Stress can accelerate the onset of an attack, but is not the cause in itself. For diagnostic purposes, you need to take blood tests, conduct an ultrasound examination and ECG of the heart. Among differential diagnoses consider heart disease, porto-caval shunt, hydrocephalus.

Selection anticonvulsants occurs depending on their effectiveness. Most often, the choice is phenobarbital and its analogues, hexamidine or carbamazepine. The final dose of the drug should provide a long seizure-free period and minimal impact on the dog’s psyche.

Magnesium sulfate, asparkam and furosemide are ineffective for true epilepsy.

I am turning to you for help. I have a 6 month old Brussels Griffon puppy. He was scared of the fireworks, now he is afraid of the noise on the street and when he goes out he quickly runs home. I used to enjoy walking. Please give me recommendations, maybe I should give him some sedatives.

You can apply the technique of desensitization, i.e. gradual habituation to frightening stimuli ( loud sounds). Training is carried out first in calm conditions, then the volume of the sound is increased under the control of the dog’s adequate behavior.

Among the sedatives, in combination with behavior modification methods, you can use herbal medicines (Fitex), 1 drop per kg of weight 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

More specific anti-anxiety drugs (Prozac, amitriptyline, clomipramine) have age restrictions and are used when other measures are ineffective under the supervision of a physician.

Hello, please tell me, on 14.05 I cut my spaniel's hair. One tick was removed from him, but it did not have time to bite into it. from 15.05 the dog became lethargic, from 16.05 he stopped eating, and today on 18.05 I noticed that he began to pee in blood. what could it be? what to do?

Staff 12l. He has been urinating in the apartment for 2 months (we already walk 4 times a day), often immediately after a walk he will squeeze out at least a little bit (it doesn’t leak, he just walks!) A last week caloincontinence appeared. It comes out 4 times on the street and maybe 3 more times at home. The stool is light. What should I do, maybe there are some pills?

These symptoms may be associated with prostate pathology - an enlarged prostate can lead to problems with urinary and fecal incontinence. Carry out an ultrasound examination of the prostate; if the diagnosis is confirmed, castration is recommended, and in some cases, prostate surgery.

| Forum: ENT and Okulizm
Topic: Loss of voice in a dog
Hello dear veterinarians!
I am a breeder of the Russian-European Laika breed. I often encounter the problem of voice loss in dogs of this breed, not only mine, but also in dogs from other breeders.
For example, a dog sits in an enclosure, in the evening everything is fine with its voice, but at night a cat wandered nearby and the dog barked at it all night, in the morning the voice disappeared and has not been restored for 4 months. Not only is it barely audible, but it is also difficult for the dog to give it, because... She began to bark much less often.
The Russian-European Laika is a very temperamental, passionate breed, does not sit still and of course barks a lot.
Could you explain what happens in a dog’s body when barking frequently, continuously, how everything works in the throat)? Is there any way to prevent voice loss or restore voice after loss? Is it possible that the loss of voice is associated, for example, with an infection, or is caused by some additional reasons?
I had REL many years ago and Karelian-Finnish much earlier.
I'm certainly not a breeder, but I haven't noticed any such problems.
A peculiarity of the vocal apparatus of dogs, and especially of huskies (they were called that for a reason) is the ability to bark non-stop for almost a day without any consequences. Of course, if the animal is completely healthy.

Have you seen this cat yourself? And they heard that the dog was barking, or they slept soundly, or they were absent, but you " knowledgeable people“they suggested that they themselves know (usually that they don’t know anything except their own conjectures).

Maybe it's just something to do with the nursery?
There is such a symptom complex as “kennel cough”. But this is not a disease, it is just a group of symptoms. And the disease itself can have different etiologies (virus or bacterial infection). The essence of the name is only in transmissibility. And the symptoms can be different, from the full-blown clinical picture until a latent course manifests itself, for example, in the form of pain when barking.

I would pass if I were you necessary tests in patients and paid more careful attention to hygiene, prevention and vaccination for the future.

And in general, the first thing, like people do, is to put a spoon in the mouth, “say aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally”! That is, "gaf".
First you need to contact a specialist and get examined. Roughly speaking, climb into the mouth with your hands and eyes. Provide data from physical studies so that we don’t vandalize and cascade. Results of treatment and prescription. Everything is accurate down to the microgram and cubic liter. Did you read the forum rules when registering?
You are asking me to present you with a dissertation on abstract topics.
Sorry, but your question is "about nothing". There is no input data for any exhaust.
Sergey, thank you for your comment and interest in our problem)
We went to the veterinarians, no one wants to understand this, well, the voice disappeared and disappeared, it happens.
Often we cannot find a good doctor for ourselves, not to mention veterinarians. We have to understand the issues ourselves, for example, dirofilariasis was recently caught, the doctors are zero on this issue ((
It’s very interesting about “kennel cough”, because... dogs in our kennel and in two other kennels, where voices are a problem, from a kennel in Belarus, where more than 200 huskies are kept, from there we could all bring him. Is there a vaccine for this cough?
About the cat, it was in another nursery. This is how it happened with us: we brought young huskies for badger training, one bitch barked very actively for 20-30 minutes in the enclosure and under the enclosure for several more hours, they brought it home, there is no voice at home, she wheezes, wheezes, and cannot bark. After 1-2 months, the voice was restored, but became dull. The veterinarians didn't help us at all. There were no other symptoms before or after the incident.
Moscow? You're looking somewhere in the wrong place. Although dirofilariasis came to Moscow relatively recently.

Regarding the vaccine, I already wrote that there is kennel cough and that it is caused by various pathogens. It is impossible to get vaccinated against everything. Only from adenovirus.

Infectious tracheobronchitis ("kennel cough") can cause a large number of various pathogenic agents.
Bordetella bronchiseptica is usually main reason of this disease.
Many viruses can be the primary etiological agents of infectious tracheobronchitis.
Mixed infections are also common.
Canine distemper virus can cause primary respiratory symptoms(see previous chapter), therefore should always be considered as possible reason"kennel cough", especially for young and unvaccinated dogs.
The frequency with which each of these pathogenic agents is capable of causing kennel cough remains unknown.
Other bacteria and mycoplasmas can cause similar symptoms, but rather as a secondary infection.

In the absence of a detailed clinical picture laboratory diagnostics the thing is long and expensive.

Work in Moscow, so it’s listed in the profile, and the nursery itself Vladimir region, there is already a lot of dirofilariasis here.

So if there are no clinical manifestation, the dog is cheerful and cheerful, there are no signs of loss of voice, maybe there is some kind of prevention after all? And yet, not all dogs suffer from this, although they walk together, of course there may be different consequences from the disease.

Now all lichatniks have the opinion that Russians with weak voices are all. There are a lot of people who have a voice that is not their own breed since birth. Others lose it when they are young.

Prevention of what? There is no such disease as “loss of voice” and there is no causative agent. There is “aphonia,” but it’s nothing more than “the dog is sick.”
Feed correctly, maintain correctly, that’s all prevention.
And this is already a disease.
And to understand what’s there and why, you need to at least look into the mouth and see whether it’s pink or red.
Have I already looked on the Internet? Skype?

Well, you are right to understand what is possible and what is not possible. We don’t have Kashpirov’s sorcerers here.

Genotype and phenotype are not deciphered here according to opinions. Do you have any research data? We do not have. Give me, maybe we missed something due to our darkness. And they say that the chickens are milked, but we went and didn’t even find tits.

What determines the opinion of the lichens? What are meters, centimeters, cubic liters and megamoles?

Perhaps you are in the wrong forum. The speculations of people without specialized education are not dispelled here.

Barking for pet plays the role of a means of communication, with the help of which it warns the owner about danger and expresses his emotions. The formation of sound occurs thanks to the vocal cords of the animal, which are located in its throat. They are the ones who determine the timbre and volume of the dog’s bark. If the owner notices that the dog has lost his voice, then he should be seriously concerned, since such a condition is a symptom of serious pathologies occurring in the body of his four-legged friend. The article will discuss the reasons why a pet loses its voice, and will also provide recommendations that will allow the owner to understand what to do in this case and how to treat a suddenly silent pet.

In veterinary medicine, it is customary to distinguish two classes of reasons due to which a dog loses its voice: mechanical and neurological. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Mechanical reasons

  1. Throat injuries. Can occur in a puppy if he decides to swallow a toy or too large a piece of solid food. Adults suffer laryngeal injuries from cheap food such as bones. If the bone has sharp edges, this can lead to severe penetrating trauma, which will cause swelling of the glottis, depriving the dog of the ability to make sounds.
  2. Abscesses localized in the pharynx. Often found in those dogs who like to eat grass while walking. Sometimes, along with harmless stems, thorns and plant seeds end up in the pet’s mouth. They injure the delicate tissues of the larynx, making them vulnerable to infection, which in the future leads to swelling of the affected areas and the formation of harmful abscesses.

Neurological disorders

  1. Hypothyroidism. Dysfunction thyroid gland disrupts the full functioning of the laryngeal nerves, which is why the pet cannot bark.
  2. Congenital laryngeal paralysis. Dogs of such breeds as: German Shepherd, Dalmatians and Rottweilers. The animal is not able to make any sounds when it is still a small puppy. Unfortunately, this disease incurable.
  3. Acquired paralysis. It most often occurs in breeds such as the Irish Setter, Labrador and St. Bernard.
  4. Allergic reaction. This leads to the dog’s muscle innervation malfunctioning, which is why he stops barking.
  5. Oncological diseases. A pet may lose the ability to bark if malignant tumor which will hinder normal movement vocal cords. Treatment of such neoplasms is complex and associated with a lot of difficulties. In most cases, the prognosis for cure is disappointing. It is difficult for the animal to eat, so it quickly weakens and dies.

Veterinarians are convinced that sometimes the loss of voice can be caused by drying out of the oral mucosa, which occurs, for example, because the pet does not have free access to water. Also, the dog is able to stop making sounds if he is sick with any colds, since at this time mucus accumulates in his larynx, preventing him from barking at full strength.

In addition to all of the above, another reason for sudden muteness is the dog staying for a long time in a room where there is a strong smell. This is especially true for a room that is being renovated or where people smoke heavily. In any case, at the first signs of loss of voice, the pet should be taken to a veterinary hospital, because only a qualified specialist can establish the exact pathogenesis of such a phenomenon.

Diagnosis of the disease

After the animal is delivered to the doctor, he will carefully examine it and palpate the submandibular lymph nodes and neck. Then the dog's lungs and heart will be listened to for changes in its tones. If such procedures do not provide an accurate understanding of the cause of muteness, then the use of modern anesthesia techniques such as sedation is acceptable. With its help, you can examine the dog’s pharynx as painlessly as possible in order to exclude the influence of factors such as an abscess, paresis of the glottis or the presence of foreign objects inside the larynx on the lack of voice.

Diagnosis also includes bronchoscopy and blood fluid sampling general analysis. The latter measure will detect hypothyroidism, which changes the amount of thyroid hormones in the dog's blood.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of suddenly manifested muteness depends entirely on the cause that caused it. Experts offer the following treatment options based on the factors that provoked this phenomenon:

  1. Oncological neoplasms and paralysis are treated through surgery.
  2. A foreign body lodged in a dog's throat is removed by a veterinarian during laryngoscopy.
  3. Colds and viral diseases perfectly amenable to pharmaceutical influence, in particular antibacterial drugs.
  4. Antibiotics such as Streptomycin and Amoxicillin have proven themselves to be effective against infections.
  5. Diseases immune system and hypothyroidism require the use of symptomatic drugs.

It is important to understand that if your dog loses its voice, you should never treat your dog at home. The only exception is a cold. If the owner is absolutely sure that the dog has caught a virus, then before going to the doctor it is permissible to give the pet milk, honey and a warm chamomile infusion. These remedies successfully relieve inflammation of the animal’s larynx and relieve pain.

Finally, I would like to say that the absence of a voice is a serious symptom that something wrong is happening in the dog’s body. Therefore, if an unnatural atmosphere has reigned in the house usual time silence, then the owner is obliged to sound the alarm and take the pet to a specialist for examination. Under no circumstances provoke your pet to bark, do not command him “Voice!”, this can only aggravate the current situation and cause the dog more suffering.