The corpus luteum immediately becomes a cyst. Important aspects of treating corpus luteum cysts. How to treat a corpus luteum cyst using folk remedies

Cystic formations of the ovaries are the most common pathologies of the functioning of the female reproductive system. This disorder is diagnosed in more than 70% of patients. One of the most common types of neoplasms is a cyst. corpus luteum.

It is a pathological cavity in an organ filled with liquid contents: serozometra, bloody effusion, and, less commonly, purulent discharge. A cyst is a retentional functional formation formed from the tissues of the gonads. Damage appears at the site of the corpus luteum, a transient structure that for some reason has not undergone involution.

Attention! A retention cavity is a specific neoplasm. It differs from a tumor in that it has a thin transparent wall, and the inside is usually filled with liquid contents. Retention cysts are practically not prone to malignancy, that is, cancerous degeneration.

Cystic formations are predominantly benign in nature. They are formed from glandular tissue organ and are characterized by long and rather slow development. The sizes of cysts vary from 3-5 millimeters to 10-15 centimeters or more.

Attention! Cystic cavities of the corpus luteum are usually quite small in size. Their diameter can range from 5-6 millimeters to 3-5 centimeters.

Today, medicine identifies six main types of pathological formations that can form from the tissues of the female reproductive glands:

  • follicular cysts;
  • cystic cavities;
  • paraovarian cysts;
  • endometrial cysts;
  • dermoid cavities;
  • mucinous cavities.

Experts classify follicular cystic formations and corpus luteum cysts as tumor-like pathologies of a functional nature. That is, their growth and development directly depends on the changes occurring in the patient’s body during the menstrual cycle. Such cysts are formed directly from the membranes of the gland and the corpus luteum as a result of any hormonal dysfunction in the woman’s body.

Specifics of development of corpus luteum cysts of the left ovary

Pathologies of the development of the corpus luteum occur in approximately every fifth woman aged 18-45 years. The neoplasm is formed from an atretic follicle and is a thin capsule of a round or ovoid shape.

Cysts of the corpus luteum are usually unilateral, while a cyst of the left ovary is detected in patients much less frequently than lesions of the right gland. The neoplasm has one cavity and a capsule filled from the inside with yellowish-red and granular contents.

The cyst persists for several menstrual cycles, after which in most cases it disappears on its own. Also sometimes there are neoplasms of the corpus luteum in women during gestation. They degrade and disappear by the middle of the second trimester.

The corpus luteum is a glandular body that is formed from ovarian tissue during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. It forms at the site of the sac containing the egg and produces progesterone. This is a hormone that influences the development of pregnancy and embryogenesis.

Attention! The glandular body received its name due to high content lipochrome pigment in its cells. It gives the iron a corresponding light beige color.

During the second stage of the menstrual cycle, the temporary gland reaches approximately two centimeters in diameter and begins to rise above one of the poles of the ovary. As a result, upon conception, it continues to develop for about three months, stimulating the release of pregnancy hormones in the woman’s body. If the formation of a zygote does not occur, the corpus luteum gradually decreases, stops producing progesterone and is destroyed.

Features of the phases of the menstrual cycle

StageHormonesFeatures of the state of the reproductive system
FollicularFollicle stimulating hormoneThe follicle matures in the ovaries. The endometrium sloughs off in the uterus. Then the formation of a new endometrial layer begins
OvulatoryEstrogen and luteinizing hormoneThe mature follicle passes the fallopian tubes and enters the uterine cavity. This period is the most favorable for fertilization
LutealProgesteroneAt the beginning of the phase, implantation of the zygote is possible. If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium begins to prepare for detachment

If by the end of the luteal phase the temporary gland is not destroyed and continues to partially function, then serous fluid begins to accumulate inside it. It gradually stretches the capsule of the corpus luteum to several centimeters in diameter. In this case, the gland tissue itself can be replaced by connective tissue or epithelial cells. This way a cyst is formed.

Reasons for the formation of pathological neoplasms

Modern medicine has not yet been able to determine exactly what causes lead to the occurrence of pathological cavities of the corpus luteum. However, experts identify several factors that can indirectly provoke the formation of cysts:

  1. Reception pharmacological agents, aimed at stimulating ovulation during artificial insemination or intended for the treatment of infertility.
  2. Using medical abortion drugs or emergency contraception.
  3. Surgical abortion.
  4. Excessive physical activity, frequent strong emotional stress, neuroses and stress.
  5. Work in hazardous industries, especially those associated with increased radiation exposure or interaction with chemicals.
  6. Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system: salpingitis, oophoritis.
  7. Compliance with mono-diet, eating disorder, anorexia.
  8. Infectious diseases genitourinary system.
  9. Endocrine dysfunctions, lesions thyroid gland, pathologies of hormone production.
  10. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

All of the above are not the direct causes of the formation of tumors. However, they can lead to the development of hormonal imbalance and, as a result, the appearance of cysts.

Video - Ovarian cyst. Why does your stomach hurt?

Clinical signs of pathology

In most cases, the formation of pathological cavities is asymptomatic. Pathology is usually detected in women during a routine examination by a specialist. Poor health and any signs of dysfunction of the reproductive system most often occur in patients with large cystic formations. In this case, the patient has the following complaints:

  1. Distension in the lower third of the abdomen, upset stool, cramps in the intestines. Most often, cystic formations are accompanied by diarrhea and, in some cases, flatulence.
  2. Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands; a number of patients experience fluid discharge from the nipples.
  3. Hyperthermia up to 37-37.2°C, chills, weakness and lethargy.

Attention! Cysts of the corpus luteum are practically not prone to malignancy. However, in some cases, complications develop when tumors appear. In this case, the patient requires immediate medical attention.

Complications of luteal cysts of the left ovary

Complications from ovarian retention formations are quite rare, but can lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s well-being. If symptoms of any disorder appear, you should definitely consult a gynecologist:

  1. Torsion of the luteal pedicle. The cyst is fixed to the gland using a stalk. In some cases, this attachment becomes twisted, which leads to a sharp disruption of blood flow in the ovary and the death of its tissue. With such a disorder, the patient experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by nausea and unrelieved vomiting, shooting in the lower back and thigh.

  2. Cyst rupture. The luteal neoplasm has fairly thin walls. As a result, physical exertion, rough sexual intercourse or a blow to the abdomen can lead to rupture of the cyst tissue and the development of abdominal bleeding. In this case, the woman experiences severe pain, reaching the point of rent. There has been a sharp decline blood pressure, pallor skin, tension of the anterior abdominal wall.
  3. . This pathology is usually a consequence of torsion of the cyst pedicle. At the same time, blood continues to flow into the arteries, which leads to the formation of vascular adhesions between the intestine and the omentum. This condition is accompanied by pain, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, nausea and weakness.

Treatment of any of these complications must be carried out in a hospital setting. Lack of timely treatment can lead to the death of the patient.

Luteal formation of the left ovary during gestation

Luteal cystic formations are also often diagnosed in women during gestation. In a patient during fertilization, the villous membranes of the embryo begin to actively produce human chorionic gonadotropin. It stimulates the functioning of the corpus luteum, which actively releases progesterone into the blood. This hormone is necessary in the first trimester of gestation for the preservation of the fetus and the formation of its hormonal centers. This process continues for approximately 8-12 weeks until the placenta completes development. After which, when normal course During pregnancy, involution of the corpus luteum occurs.

In some cases, the gland does not regress, and a cyst forms in its place. It does not interfere with the development of the fetus and disappears after the birth of the child. However, in some patients, a luteal cyst appears before the placenta forms. In this case, progesterone production in the woman’s body decreases, which can cause disruption of fetal development and lead to miscarriage. To prevent such complications, the patient is prescribed hormone-containing drugs: Duphaston, Ingesta etc. A diet rich in zinc and vitamins E and B also helps improve the condition of a pregnant woman.

Diagnosis of luteal cyst of the left ovary

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out taking into account a physical examination of the patient, laboratory and instrumental studies. The doctor interviews the patient, takes into account her medical history and existing complaints. Necessary procedure is palpation of the ovary, which makes it possible to determine the presence of a neoplasm with high mobility. As a result, the specialist prescribes an ultrasound examination for the woman.

During echoscopy, an anechoic body with a diameter of up to 4-6 centimeters is revealed, which has clear contours and is filled with suspension. The cyst has a round or ovoid shape. If there are other formations in the ovary, it is recommended to computed tomography or MRI. These procedures make it possible to exclude vascularization of structures, that is, the growth of new vessels, cysts, and to differentiate retention cysts from malignant tumors.

If necessary, puncture of the posterior vaginal vault is performed. This is a procedure aimed at excluding the presence of any malignant tumors in the pelvis. For the same purpose, an analysis is done for tumor markers. The most commonly tested marker is CA-125.

Treatment of luteal cysts of the left ovary

If the luteal cyst does not cause concern to the patient and does not exceed a few centimeters in diameter, then the specialist may not prescribe any drug treatment to stop it. In this case, the woman is recommended to follow a sleep and rest schedule, reduce the amount of physical activity and come for examination to the doctor every month until the cyst regresses.

In the absence of involution of the neoplasm, the patient is prescribed conservative therapy. The gynecologist takes into account the severity of the clinical symptoms of the pathology, the presence or absence of a history of pregnancies and childbirth, general state woman's health. Treatment includes the use of the following pharmacological agents:

  • hormone-containing drugs, including oral contraceptives: Median, Dimia, Jess etc. Oral contraception should be selected individually, taking into account the age and specific hormonal background of the patient. The drug must be prescribed by the attending physician;

  • vitamin-mineral complexes, including vitamins B, C, E, zinc and magnesium;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, e.g. Diclofenac;

  • painkillers: No-shpa, Nise, Novigan and etc.

The patient is also shown medicinal baths, vaginal douching, electropheresis and magnetic therapy. During therapy, it is necessary to reduce the amount of physical and emotional stress and refrain from intimacy to prevent cyst rupture.

Surgical treatment for luteal cysts

If the patient has large, multiple cysts, or the neoplasm does not respond to pharmacological therapy for a long period, she may be indicated for surgical intervention. The procedure involves desquamation of the corpus luteum cyst during laparoscopy. Two punctures are made in the lower third of the abdominal wall, through which a thin long probe is inserted into the cavity. With its help, the doctor performs resection of the tumor and its removal.

In case of twisting of the cyst stalk or growth of a pathological neoplasm, oophorectomy is possible. This is an operation that involves removing the entire left ovary. It is also performed using laparoscopy. Recovery after manipulation takes about 4-7 days.

If the cyst ruptures and bleeding develops, the woman necessarily requires emergency surgical intervention. This can be either laparoscopy or conventional abdominal surgery. In this case, it is always necessary to remove the ovary, and sometimes the fallopian tube. After the procedure, the patient is prescribed pharmacological therapy to restore hormonal balance.

Attention! Patients during gestation in case of emergency are given the same treatment. The prognosis for a timely procedure is favorable for both the woman and the embryo.

Video - Functional cysts

Prevention of luteal cysts

To prevent development cystic formations corpus luteum, it is necessary to promptly treat diseases of the genitourinary system. Patients should undergo regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist and ultrasound monitoring. You can maintain normal hormonal levels by following these recommendations:

  1. Eat properly and nutritiously.
  2. Provide yourself with moderate physical activity in the fresh air.
  3. Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

The luteal cyst of the left gland is a pathological cavity filled with serozometra, which forms in the place of the corpus luteum, which has not undergone regression. Such a cyst is functional, that is, it depends on the woman’s hormonal background. Such formations usually do not pose a threat to the patient’s health and disappear within several menstrual cycles. To prevent the development of complications with a luteal cyst, you should regularly undergo a clinical examination by a gynecologist.

Cysts that sometimes form in the ovary may have different character, arise due to a number of reasons and require a different approach to their treatment. The corpus luteum cyst refers to the functional formations of the tissues of this organ and, unlike other types of cysts, if the course is uncomplicated, it can disappear spontaneously without any therapy.

What is an ovarian corpus luteum cyst?

Luteal cyst refers to neoplasms of a functional nature, i.e. to those that are associated with the performance of certain functions by the body, in particular the female reproductive organs. During the fertile (childbearing) period, cyclical processes constantly occur in a woman’s body: a follicle, called the Graafian vesicle, matures monthly in the ovary, which eventually bursts and releases an egg ready for fertilization on a traditional “journey.” In place of the burst follicle, a temporary gland remains, called the corpus luteum because of the color given to it by the lipochrome pigment. The corpus luteum secretes hormones (androgens, progesterone, estradiol) that prepare the uterine mucosa (endometrium) to receive a fertilized egg. When pregnancy occurs, the gland still continues to function during the first months.

A luteal cyst occurs in cases where, for some reason, the corpus luteum has not undergone regression. In such a case, due to circulatory disturbances, serous or bloody fluid accumulates in it. New growths can be quite large sizes- most often their size ranges from 6 to 8 cm, and there are cases when they reached 20 cm in diameter. The incidence of this pathology usually does not exceed 3–5%.

Gynecologists differentiate between pathologies that develop during pregnancy and those that form on the basis of an atretic follicle, i.e. one whose development followed an erroneous scenario, when the egg did not come out of him, but began to degrade, decreasing in size.

Depending on the location, the pathology can be either right-sided or left-sided, and based on its structure, it can be a single-cavity or multi-cavity formation, consisting of several chambers communicating with each other. In most cases, cysts are single-cavity, one-sided and consist of a capsule filled with reddish-yellow contents.

Corpus luteum cyst is a non-dangerous neoplasm and in most cases within 2–3 menstrual cycle successfully resolves without treatment. In addition, they never degenerate into malignant tumors.

Luteal cyst and pregnancy

In the presence of an uncomplicated luteal cyst, do not big size, which a woman may not even be aware of, it is quite possible to become pregnant, since the second ovary continues to function correctly. If the neoplasm has reached a large size, or its course has become complicated, it is necessary to first achieve its resorption, and then plan for the child.

It should be noted that a luteal cyst that develops during pregnancy does not threaten either the woman or the fetus. In most cases, reverse development occurs spontaneously around the 20th week of pregnancy, when the formed baby's place (placenta) completely takes over the synthesis of hormones.

For what reason does pathology occur?

Gynecologists do not have a consensus on the causes of the development of the disease. Most of them are inclined to believe that such a failure in the scenario can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, and the direct development of a neoplasm can be caused by a disorder of blood and lymph circulation in the ovary.

Some experts explain the relationship between the current increase in the number of these pathologies and the decrease in the frequency of childbirth by the fact that the more ovulation occurs in the female body, the higher the risk of developing ovarian cysts.

Factors that increase the risk of developing a neoplasm include the following:

  • reception hormonal drugs ovulation-stimulating drugs, such as Clomiphene;
  • abuse of oral contraceptives;
  • passion for mono-diets;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries (oophoritis) and appendages in general (adnexitis);
  • increased physical activity, stress;
  • underweight or overweight.

How can a neoplasm manifest itself?

If they are not too large, luteal cysts usually do not cause any symptoms. These neoplasms can arise and resolve unnoticed - women in many cases simply do not suspect that similar processes are occurring in the ovary.

As the size of the tumor increases, the patient develops a feeling of fullness and discomfort in the lower abdomen, a feeling of pain during bowel movements and when pressing on the abdominal wall from the side of the lesion. In addition, the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle and an increase in the abundance of menstruation. In the absence of an inflammatory process in the ovary The lymph nodes not enlarged.

In case of a complicated course of the cyst - torsion of its legs, impaired blood circulation of the ovary, accompanied by rupture of the cystic cavity with subsequent hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, symptoms of an “acute abdomen” may develop:

  • acute pain in the lower abdomen, and sometimes throughout the entire abdominal cavity;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fever;
  • abdominal wall tension;
  • retention of stool and gases;
  • absence of signs of intestinal peristalsis;
  • fainting state.

Diagnosis of pathology

When diagnosing a luteal cyst, it is important to differentiate this neoplasm from an endometrioid cyst and malignant tumors. The following methods are usually used for diagnosis:

  • vaginal-abdominal examination, which allows you to determine the approximate size and location of the cyst - the luteal cyst is usually located on the side or slightly behind the uterus, has a smooth oval shape and is mobile when palpated;
  • Ultrasound - allows you to determine the nature and density of the tumor contents, its structure and exact size (echoic signs of a luteal cyst are considered to be the visualization of small-sized parietal inclusions (0.5–1 cm), the presence blood clots, high sound conductivity);
  • color Dopplerography - allows you to confirm or refute the presence of a blood network in a neoplasm and, thus, differentiate from a malignant tumor;
  • pregnancy test - to determine the presence or absence of pregnancy;
  • laparoscopy - a detailed clarifying examination of the abdominal cavity using a fiber optic probe, carried out to determine the presence of hydatidiform mole, ectopic pregnancy, cysts, malignant tumors;
  • tumor marker CA-125 - if a malignant process is suspected.

In what cases is it necessary to treat a neoplasm?

Patients with asymptomatic small cysts are recommended to be monitored by a gynecologist for several menstrual cycles, since there is a high probability of spontaneous regression of the formation. If the cyst does not resolve on its own, treatment is indicated.

Drug treatment and physiotherapy

To treat uncomplicated luteal cysts, therapy with hormonal drugs is used, for example, Duphaston, which is an analogue of natural progesterone. In addition, the patient may also be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. medicines, for example, Ibuprofen, Voltaren, etc., and vitamin therapy.

For successful resorption of cysts, in some cases, physiotherapeutic methods are used - electrophoresis, magnet, irrigation with anti-inflammatory drugs and herbs.

Physiotherapy using thermal procedures is strictly prohibited. The patient is contraindicated:

  • mud and ozokerite wraps;
  • saunas, steam rooms;
  • hot baths;
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

During treatment, a woman should limit sexual contact, refrain from physical activity and sudden movements, so as not to cause torsion of the cyst stalk or perforation (rupture) of the tumor.


If conservative treatment does not give results, the doctor recommends surgical removal cysts. In the absence of complications, cystectomy is performed using a gentle laparoscopic method. During the operation, the cyst is removed within healthy ovarian tissue.

In case of a complicated course of the cyst - necrotic processes in the ovarian tissues, perforation of the neoplasm, bleeding, etc. An emergency surgical operation (laparotomy) is indicated, accompanied by removal of the affected ovary (oophorectomy).

Traditional medicine

Borovaya uterus, Rhodiola, winter-loving

For the most effective treatment For cysts of the corpus luteum, plants such as hogweed, Rhodiola (red brush) and wintergreen are used. These herbs contain phytoestrogens, flavonoids, coumarins, organic acids, etc., which contributes to the resorption of the formation.

There is a treatment regimen with these herbs, scheduled according to periods of the menstrual cycle. For each cycle, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of the desired ingredient daily, for which a teaspoon of the herb is steamed with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and allowed to brew for 20–30 minutes, then strain and consume. Raw materials for preparing infusions can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Treatment should begin immediately after your period ends. During the first week, take 1/3 cup of infusion of boron uterus three times a day, half an hour before meals, or an hour after it, during the second week - infusion of Rhodiola, and in the third week - infusion of winterweed according to a similar scheme. After menstruation has passed, treatment can be repeated. For greater effect, you can add vitamin E to the infusions (1 ampoule each).

Burdock juice

This treatment is best done in the summer, since the juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-4 days. To prepare the juice, freshly picked clean (washed and dried) burdock leaves should be ground in a meat grinder and squeezed through several layers of gauze. You need to take the drug according to the following regimen:

  • the first 2 days after menstruation - twice a day, a teaspoon half an hour before meals or an hour after it;
  • 3rd and 4th - three times a day, a teaspoon;
  • from the 5th day until the beginning of the next menstruation - a tablespoon three times a day.

After the end of menstruation, the course can be repeated.

Plants used to treat luteal cysts (gallery)

Borovaya uterus contains phytoestrogens Rhodiola is rich in flavonoids and organic acids Wintergreen helps normalize blood circulation in the reproductive organs
Burdock juice helps speed up the resorption of luteal cysts

When carrying out treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cyst using ultrasound.

Forecast and prevention of the disease

In most cases, a corpus luteum cyst has a favorable prognosis, being easily treatable or resolving spontaneously. However, if therapy is still necessary, you should not neglect your doctor’s advice and self-medicate.

Patients who are recommended for surgical removal of a cyst should not delay the operation, since the sooner the intervention is performed, the lower the risk of damage to healthy ovarian tissue and the development of complications requiring extensive emergency treatment. surgery ending with the removal of the organ.

Some concomitant diseases of the female genital area - infectious, inflammatory, can complicate the course of the disease and require additional therapy.

A cured or resolved cyst does not leave any consequences for the woman’s body and does not affect either sex life or the ability to become pregnant.

The following measures can be taken to prevent luteal cysts:

  • timely diagnosis and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases female genital area;
  • correction of hormonal imbalances;
  • regular examination by a gynecologist.

Elena Malysheva talks about ovarian cysts (video)

Corpus luteum cyst is a non-dangerous pathology that has a high chance of self-regression. However, the patient should not ignore the presence of such a cyst, since, in some cases, the course of the disease can be seriously complicated if therapeutic measures will not be accepted in a timely manner.

A corpus luteum cyst is an ovarian formation that forms after ovulation under the influence of luteinizing hormone. Pathology is detected mainly in women reproductive age, including during pregnancy. The appearance of a cyst is accompanied by menstrual irregularities and pain syndrome. As the formation grows, the risk of its rupture and other dangerous complications increases.

Corpus luteum cyst does not require specific treatment, and in most cases observation is sufficient. At chronic course surgical intervention is indicated for the disease. It is important to know how the pathology manifests itself in order to notice it in time characteristic symptoms and avoid the development of complications.

What is the corpus luteum

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland that appears in the ovary after ovulation. It appears at the site of a burst follicle and lasts at least 12-14 days. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum spontaneously regresses. This process is repeated every month.

The process of formation of the corpus luteum.

After conceiving a child, the corpus luteum continues to grow, gradually increasing in size. The gland synthesizes progesterone, a key hormone that allows pregnancy to take its course. At a period of 12-14 weeks, the placenta takes over the function of the corpus luteum, and the temporary structure gradually resolves.

It is not for nothing that the corpus luteum bears this name - it is actually colored this color (due to the content of lipochromic pigment). At the dawn stage it reaches 1.5-2 cm in diameter and rises somewhat above the surface of the ovary. If a formation larger than 3 cm is detected, they speak of a corpus luteum cyst.

Where does the cyst come from? Causes and risk factors

A cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. It is formed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle from the corpus luteum, which has not undergone regression. The exact causes of the pathology are unknown. One thing is clear: the appearance of a cystic cavity is clearly associated with hormonal changes and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

This is what a corpus luteum cyst looks like (schematically).

In ICD-10, the corpus luteum cyst is coded N83.1. Another name for the pathology is luteal cyst.

Risk factors:

  • Taking hormonal medications, including emergency contraception (Postinor, Escapelle);
  • Termination of pregnancy (spontaneous miscarriage or induced abortion, regardless of the method);
  • Stressful situations;
  • Strict diets with sharp decline weight;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Thyroid diseases.

The occurrence of pathology during IVF deserves special attention. To stimulate ovulation during the artificial insemination procedure, various hormonal drugs (Clostilbegit and others) are used, which affect the functioning of the ovaries and lead to the formation of cysts.

On a note

Cystic formations occur predominantly on the right ovary. This is due to the fact that ovulation occurs more often on the right, which means that the likelihood of pathology occurring here is higher. According to its characteristics and clinical symptoms the formations of the left and right ovaries are no different.

There are two main mechanisms for the development of pathology:

  1. Hormonal imbalance and increased levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), which leads to the growth of the corpus luteum;
  2. Poor blood circulation in the ovarian tissues.

Hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle is normal.

Each of these factors causes the corpus luteum to continue to grow. A cavity is formed in it, filled with fluid - serous or hemorrhagic. The latter option occurs with a long course of the pathology and the appearance of minor hemorrhages. The formation fills with blood and continues to increase in size. This pathology is called a hemorrhagic cyst and is a special case of a luteal cyst.

There are two more theories that explain the development of the disease. They are not confirmed scientific evidence, however, have the right to exist:

  1. The tendency to develop tumor-like formations of the ovary is genetic. The disease manifests itself after puberty with the onset of favorable factors;
  2. The increase in morbidity in the 20th-21st centuries is associated with changes in childbearing policy. Modern women decide on motherhood once or twice in their entire lives. The ovaries are constantly working, ovulation occurs almost every month. This theory explains the origin of not only tumor-like formations of the appendages, but also other gynecological pathologies (fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, polyps).

On a note

Scientists have calculated that 100-200 years ago, a woman who gave birth to 5-10 children would menstruate only 30-40 times in her entire life. In modern conditions, menstruation occurs much more often - up to 400 times.

Below is a diagram of a corpus luteum cyst (its location relative to the pelvic organs is visible). The photo shows the formation during surgery:

Can the corpus luteum be confused with a cyst? A normal corpus luteum does not grow more than 2 cm and goes unnoticed by a woman. If obvious symptoms appear, you should think about the formation of a cavity. The final diagnosis is made after an ultrasound scan.

Important features of the pathology

A luteal cyst is not the only formation that occurs in the ovary. Knowing its distinctive features, we can assume a diagnosis already during the initial examination.

Variants of tumor-like formations of the ovary:

Pathology and its characteristics Corpus luteum cyst Follicular cyst Endometrioid cyst Dermoid cyst Serous or paraovarian cyst
Woman's age Reproductive age when the menstrual cycle is formed Found predominantly in adolescents and young women Found during reproductive age Any age
Features of growth Reaches 6-8 cm in diameter Grows up to 10-12 cm or more
Tendency to regress May resolve on its own within 3 months Capable of regression during pregnancy and menopause Doesn't regress
Effect on the menstrual cycle Leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and measurement of the nature of menstruation Does not affect the menstrual cycle
Link to infertility Does not interfere with the conception of a child, detected during pregnancy Prevents ovulation and pregnancy Does not affect conception and gestation
Malignancy Not proven Not visible Possible malignant degeneration

Types of cystic formations of the ovary.

It is important to know

Under the guise of a cyst, a dangerous malignant tumor may be hiding - ovarian cancer. The final diagnosis can only be made by histological examination.

How to recognize the disease

If you read reviews from women who have suffered from this disease, you can identify several key symptoms:

  • Menstrual irregularities. Noted long delay menstruation - up to 2-3 weeks or a month. After a delay, menstruation comes heavy, prolonged, and painful. Often, menstruation with a luteal cyst turns into uterine bleeding;
  • Prolonged menstruation. Your period comes almost on time, but it becomes heavier than usual, and the discharge lasts several days longer;
  • Feeling of heaviness, discomfort, fullness in the lower abdomen on the affected side (right or left, depending on the location of the formation);
  • Pain in the lower abdomen in the projection of the right or left ovary with irradiation to the groin and buttock region, to the lower limb.

The main manifestations of an ovarian cyst.

In rare cases, spotting may appear bloody discharge outside of menstruation, however, this symptom is not very typical for a corpus luteum cyst. Cycle failure is associated with the effect of formation on the endometrium. There is an uneven growth and equally sudden rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus. This causes the appearance of acyclic bleeding.

A corpus luteum cyst up to 3 cm in size usually remains asymptomatic. This formation does not hurt, does not bother, and is usually detected by chance during an ultrasound. If the outcome is favorable, a woman may never even know that at some point in her life a cavity filled with fluid has formed in her ovaries. Luteal cysts are prone to spontaneous regression, which is why they are called functional (temporary). Spontaneous resorption of the formation occurs within 2-3 months (rarely up to 6 months).

If the cyst does not regress, it continues to grow. An increase in size of the formation leads to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Compression Bladder and disruption of its operation. Urination becomes more frequent, urine comes out in small portions;
  • Compression of the intestines and the development of constipation. In favor of tumor formation pelvis indicates the appearance of ribbon-like feces.

The ratio of the sizes of normal ovarian formations and cysts.

A luteal cyst rarely grows more than 10 cm, so such complications almost never arise against its background. This pathology is dangerous due to other conditions:

Capsule rupture

One of the most common complications that occurs against the background of significant physical activity. Sports activities, sharp turns and jumps can cause damage to the capsule. Known cases of hemorrhages in the ovary after rough sex.

If the luteal cyst bursts, the following symptoms occur:

  • Sudden severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Radiation of pain to the leg, buttocks, groin area;
  • Tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • The appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • Retention of stool and urination;
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract.

Torsion of the pedicle of the formation

This complication also occurs after exercise and is accompanied by typical symptoms of an acute abdomen. Noted sharp pain in the projection of the affected ovary, nausea, vomiting. Possible loss of consciousness. Torsion of the cyst stalk is accompanied by its subsequent necrosis, so an increase in body temperature is possible.

It is important to know

With complete torsion, symptoms appear suddenly, with partial torsion they gradually increase over several hours.

First aid for rupture or torsion of a corpus luteum cyst is the same:

  1. Provide the woman with peace;
  2. Place cold on the lower abdomen (a bottle or heating pad with cold water, ice wrapped in a cloth);
  3. Call an ambulance.

Further treatment is carried out in a gynecological hospital. If complications develop, surgical intervention is indicated.

Schematic representation of torsion of an ovarian cyst.

Cyst suppuration

The source of infection is an inflammatory process in the uterus or genital tract of a woman. Suppuration of the formation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • The appearance or intensification of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Severe weakness and other signs of intoxication.

Inflammation of an ovarian cyst is a dangerous condition. Without treatment, it threatens the development of peritonitis and sepsis.

Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

Luteal cyst is not uncommon during gestation. Education occurs in the second phase of the cycle at early stages embryo formation, does not interfere with implantation and further development of the fetus. The appearance of a cavity does not prevent the temporary gland from performing its functions and producing progesterone. A cyst measuring 3-4 cm is asymptomatic and in most cases resolves on its own within 12-16 weeks.

As education increases, the likelihood of developing complications increases. During pregnancy, torsion of the cyst pedicle is most common. The growing uterus puts pressure on the ovary, displaces it and provokes twisting of the formation. Such complications are most often observed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as during childbirth.

Finding a luteal cyst during pregnancy is not a reason to panic. Regular ultrasound allows you to track the growth of the tumor and notice complications in time. No special treatment is provided.

If a corpus luteum cyst is discovered during pregnancy, its condition requires dynamic monitoring.

Surgical intervention is indicated in the following situations:

  • Rapid growth of the cyst and compression of neighboring organs;
  • Torsion of the leg or rupture of the formation;
  • Suspicion of malignancy;
  • Persistence of cyst after 20 weeks of pregnancy. If the formation remains within 4-5 cm and does not interfere with the course of pregnancy, the operation is performed after the birth of the child.

The photo below shows an ultrasound image taken during pregnancy. On the left side of the image you can see an embryo, on the right - a cyst of the corpus luteum in the left ovary:

How to detect pathology

The following methods help to make a correct diagnosis:

  1. Gynecological examination. On palpation, the cyst is identified on the side or behind the uterus and is felt as a round, mobile and painless formation. The appearance of pain indicates the development of complications (torsion of the legs, hemorrhage under the capsule, suppuration);
  2. Laboratory methods. The level of specific tumor markers is assessed: CA-125, CA-74 and CA-19. Detection of these indicators in the blood indicates possible malignancy;
  3. Ultrasonography. On ultrasound, the cyst is visible as a round hypoechoic formation with clear contours. The study is carried out in the first phase of the cycle in order to distinguish the cyst from the corpus luteum. Normally, there should be no corpus luteum before ovulation;
  4. Color Dopplerography makes it possible to distinguish benign from malignant formations, as well as from true ovarian tumors;
  5. MRI helps to clarify the diagnosis and identify concomitant pathologies;
  6. Laparoscopy is performed in situations where it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with other pathology of the appendages.

The photo below shows an ultrasound image. Visible corpus luteum cyst:

Below, for comparison, is a normal corpus luteum in the second phase of the cycle:

The following photo shows a hemorrhagic cyst - a cavity filled with blood:

The clinical picture of a corpus luteum cyst is similar to signs of pregnancy in early stages. There is a delay in menstruation - long-term, up to a month. Against the background of increased production of progesterone, breast engorgement occurs, and dubious signs of pregnancy may appear (nausea, changes in taste preferences and etc.). The cyst also disguises itself as an ectopic pregnancy, manifesting itself as pain in the lower abdomen on one side.

The following methods help to distinguish ovarian pathology from pregnancy:

  • Blood test for hCG. The specific hormone increases only during pregnancy;
  • Ultrasound. At 3-4 weeks the fertilized egg is visible, at 5-6 weeks the embryo is clearly visualized. Ultrasound allows you to distinguish an intrauterine pregnancy from an ectopic one.

On a note

Measuring basal temperature with an ovarian cyst is not indicative. Increased production of progesterone leads to an increase in rectal temperature and gives false hope of pregnancy.

The photo below shows a corpus luteum cyst. Pregnancy not detected:

Do I need treatment?

Corpus luteum cysts measuring up to 5 cm are usually asymptomatic and do not require treatment. In most cases, such formation spontaneously regresses within 2-3 months. All this time the woman should be under the supervision of a doctor. After the specified period, a control ultrasound examination is performed. If the cyst has not resolved, it must be removed - otherwise the risk of complications is too high.

It is important to know

During pregnancy, the tactics change: the existence of a corpus luteum cyst is allowed up to 16-20 weeks.

Do I need to treat a cyst after it is discovered or should I hope that it will go away on its own? There is no consensus on this issue. There are high chances that the formation will spontaneously regress, but this may not happen. The likelihood of a favorable outcome increases with drug therapy and physical treatment.

The following means help speed up the process of cyst resorption:

  1. Estrogen-gestagen drugs. In relation to ovarian tumor formations, combined oral contraceptives are considered the most effective. You need to take COCs according to the standard 21+7 or 24+4 regimen daily for 3 months. Low-dose COCs are used (Yarina, Lindinet 30, Zhanine and others);
  2. Progesterone preparations (Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Norkolut). Unlike COCs, gestagens do not block ovulation and do not interfere with the possible conception of a child. Exogenous progesterone reduces the production of its own hormones, leading to inhibition of the cyst and its resorption. Prescribed according to the schedule from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle or in another regimen established by the doctor. Progesterone also helps induce periods if they are late;
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for concomitant pathology reproductive organs. If the doctor assumes that the cause of the neoplasm is chronic endometritis or salpingoophoritis, he recommends that the patient take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, absorbable drugs, and enzymes;
  4. Vitamin therapy is indicated for general strengthening of the body and stimulation of the immune system;
  5. Physiotherapy is aimed at normalizing blood flow in the pelvic organs and accelerating the resorption of the cyst. Laser therapy, electrophoresis, and magnetic therapy are prescribed.

All these remedies help get rid of the pathology, but sometimes even without their participation the formation resolves spontaneously.

Correcting hormonal levels increases the chances of spontaneous regression of the cyst.


  • Physiotherapy with heating;
  • Hot baths, visits to the bathhouse and sauna;
  • Heavy physical activity;
  • Hirudotherapy;
  • Sunbathing is not recommended.

Surgical treatment is carried out if it was not possible to cure the patient within 3 months, the formation increases in size, and the symptoms of the disease increase. Surgery is also indicated if complications develop. The extent of intervention will be determined by the size of the cyst and other factors:

  1. If the ovarian tissue is preserved, the formation is enucleated or resection is carried out within the healthy tissue;
  2. If the ovary is significantly damaged, its removal along with the cyst is indicated.

Priority is given to laparoscopy, a minimally invasive method that involves performing all manipulations through punctures. If the medical institution does not have specialists and equipment, abdominal surgery is performed.

Non-traditional treatment methods are not used. You can drink herbal decoctions and insert herbal tampons into the vagina, but the effectiveness of such practices is extremely low. If the cyst tends to regress, it will happen without the help of traditional healers. If complications develop, you cannot do without the methods of classical medicine.

The prognosis for detecting a corpus luteum cyst is favorable. In most cases, the formation regresses and does not lead to complications. With timely medical care (if indicated), the outcome is also positive. It is important not to delay your visit to the doctor. A long-term luteal cyst can lead to undesirable consequences - dysfunction of neighboring organs, chronic pelvic pain. The possibility of malignancy should not be excluded.

What is a corpus luteum cyst and how does it affect pregnancy?

Useful video about functional ovarian cysts

Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary- a problem encountered in reproductive period women. This disease is functional in nature and leads to dysfunction of the ovaries.

The ovaries are a pair of glandular organs located in the pelvic cavity. The ovaries produce the most important sex hormones necessary for the regulation of the menstrual cycle, and also affect the functioning of vital important organs person.

Estrogens are involved in the processes of emergence of secondary sexual characteristics, the formation of mammary glands, and play a vital function in the regulation of menstruation.

This hormone has an important effect on skeletal system, protecting against osteoporosis. The effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system consists of a protective effect on the vascular link.

In the ovaries, the maturation of the egg occurs - the cell necessary for fertilization and the onset of pregnancy.

Ovarian function gradually declines after age 35 and practically stops with the onset of natural aging—menopause.

The menstrual cycle lasts on average 28 days, but there may be slight fluctuations, both down and up.

There are two phases - follicular and luteal

In the first phase of the cycle, selection and further growth of the main dominant follicle, which contains the egg. These processes are regulated by follicle-stimulating hormone produced in the pituitary gland.

Under the influence of external hormones in the middle of the cycle, the follicle ruptures and the female reproductive cell is released.

This process is called ovulation. The presence of normal ovulation - required condition for a future pregnancy.

In place of the burst follicle, under the influence of the luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland, a corpus luteum appears - a temporary gland that secretes progesterone.

Progesterone is steroid hormone, supporting and “protecting” pregnancy by reducing uterine contractility.

Under the influence of progesterone, lactation is inhibited. Outside the reproductive system, a positive effect of this hormone on the nervous system and skin condition has been noted.

In cases where conception does not occur, the corpus luteum helps start the next menstruation. This gland received its name in connection with its color, which, in turn, is formed due to the specific luteal pigment.

Typically, the luteal phase lasts 14 days and is genetically determined. With the onset of menstruation, the cycle is renewed.

So, what is a corpus luteum cyst?

A corpus luteum cyst is an ovarian formation that occurs at the site of a ruptured follicle. The tumor itself is usually small in size, but can reach sizes of up to 6-7 cm.

In the cavity of the cyst, serous or, and often mixed, fluid accumulates.


The causes of corpus luteum cysts are not fully understood.

On this moment one of the main factors is called a violation of blood supply and outflow lymph fluid against the background of a failure of hormonal regulation of menstrual function. Blood and lymph flow into the corpus luteum, forming a specific cavity.

The formation of a cyst can be triggered by intense physical activity, sexual intercourse, taking hot baths during the period of ovulation, as well as frequent inflammatory formations of the appendages.

Insufficient intake of important microelements from food, in particular with mono-diets, can also underlie dysregulation of the menstrual cycle and lead to the formation.


Often, corpus luteum cysts are asymptomatic. In rare cases, there is a slight delay in menstruation, which goes away naturally.

But if the blood circulation of a sufficiently large vessel feeding the tumor is disrupted, pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity and a disturbance in the general condition may occur.

If the formation is large, irritation of the pelvic peritoneum receptors may occur, leading to aching pain, as well as compression of nearby organs. Some patients complain about discomfort during sexual intercourse.


Diagnostics of this disease includes:

  1. Mandatory manual inspection on the chair. The doctor can determine by touch the approximate size of the formation, as well as possible swelling of the surrounding tissue. When pressing on the affected area, a woman may feel sensitivity and even severe pain. The doctor will also check for pain with slight displacement of the appendages relative to the uterus and with palpation of the vaginal walls.
  2. After the inspection is carried out ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, where the doctor can accurately identify the location of the tumor, its size, and also conduct a study of the blood flow of the vessels feeding the tumor. This method is called Doppler blood flow measurement. As a rule, all corpus luteum cysts have pronounced blood flow. This fact can also be used for differential diagnosis.
  3. In rare cases where the diagnosis is not obvious, it is possible to perform diagnostic laparoscopy . It is worth noting that this method used for complications of the cyst, which will be discussed further.

Main signs of complications

Before we talk about the main signs of complications, let's understand what consequences can arise in principle.

Apoplexy—rupture of an ovarian mass—is the most common complication. IN in this case the tumor membrane ruptures and the contents spill into the pelvic cavity.

If the cyst is large, it may twist, thereby cutting off the blood supply to the ovary and fallopian tube.

The main complaints of patients in such cases are severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness as a result of a drop in blood pressure and painful shock.

All complications require immediate hospitalization in order to resolve the issue of surgical treatment.

Differential diagnosis

Given the existence of others, differential diagnosis is often necessary. This is a method that allows you to determine the correct type of tumor by comparing the symptoms and diagnostic picture of different tumors.

For differential diagnosis the following are used:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, allowing to suggest the structure of the tumor;
  • To laboratory methods should include the identification of specific tumor markers CA-125 and HE4, indicating a possible malignant nature. A general blood test will help determine the presence of an inflammatory process.


In most cases, no specific treatment is required. Formations of the corpus luteum undergo reverse development within one to three cycles. In other cases, specific therapy is necessary.

Treatment of ovarian corpus luteum cyst is divided into conservative and surgical:

1) Drug (conservative) therapy. Represents the purpose of combined oral contraceptives continuously until the formation disappears. As a rule, this takes two to three months. Another view hormonal treatment is the appointment of gestagens in the second phase of menstruation in a cyclic mode. One of the most common drugs in this category is Duphaston.

Additionally, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics are used to relieve tissue swelling and reduce pain.

During treatment, intense physical activity should be avoided. sex life, visits to the bathhouse and sauna. You should also not take hot baths, as exposure to temperature can lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the tumor.

2) Surgery. Question about surgical intervention arises in cases where regression of the cyst does not occur, despite full-fledged drug therapy. The main method in this case is . In a large operating room, special manipulators are used to enucleate the formation and suturing the ovarian tissue.

You should know that in emergency cases when complications develop, the surgeon will give preference to the abdominal method - laparotomy.

To improve the course of postoperative therapy, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy for the lower abdomen. Magnetotherapy, electro- and phonophoresis are recognized as the most effective physiotherapeutic methods.

These methods are based on the positive influence of physical forces. The regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated and inflammatory reactions are reduced.

The pain syndrome becomes less intense. Radon therapeutic baths are also successfully used by physiotherapists.

Cyst and pregnancy

Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is essentially one of the subtypes of this formation.

Cysts can reach very large sizes and threaten to cause very dangerous complication during pregnancy - rupture or necrosis of tissue of both the tumor itself and the entire ovary.

However, most often the cysts are of medium size and must be dynamically observed using ultrasound. As a rule, such formations resolve by the 16th week of pregnancy and do not require specific treatment.

The question of surgical treatment arises quite rarely and requires a thorough analysis of all the pros and cons.


The basis for the prevention of any hormone-dependent formation is the normalization of the menstrual cycle.

If the cyst has regressed over a long period of time and caused complaints in women, it is advisable to prescribe combined oral contraceptives to reduce the own activity of the ovaries and give them a rest.

It should also be remembered that the basis of any prevention is healthy image life, adequate physical activity, timely detection of any inflammatory diseases.

Each woman should be dynamically observed by a gynecologist and periodically undergo screening ultrasound examinations.

In accordance with accepted international classification a corpus luteum cyst, which forms after ovulation during the normal menstrual cycle, is a functional tumor-like formation. It is a relatively thin round capsule filled with serous fluid, sometimes with blood, and rising at one pole above the surface of the ovary. Such formations occur in girls and women of any age, but mainly in reproductive age (in 2-5% of women).

Formation and function of the luteal body

The normal menstrual cycle consists of two phases - follicular and luteal, during which changes occur in the ovaries and endometrium of the uterus, providing conditions for preparation for fertilization of the egg and pregnancy.

The first day of menstruation is the beginning of the menstrual cycle and, accordingly, the follicular phase, which lasts on average 14 days. During this period, the follicle and the next dominant egg mature, and the glandular cells of the uterine mucosa grow. The pituitary gland releases the egg into the blood at the time of maturity maximum amount luteinizing hormone, resulting in ovulation, that is, rupture of the Graafian vesicle and release of the egg. This moment ends the first phase of the menstrual cycle and begins the second.

During the luteal phase, the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland is minimal, the follicle is reduced, and from its granulosa cells, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, a corpus luteum is formed, reaching 1.5-3 cm and representing a temporary endocrine gland.

It produces progesterone and a small amount of estrogens, which prevent the maturation and release of a new egg, reduce the tone of the uterus and its contractile activity, and increase the secretion of endometrial glands, preparing it for implantation and preservation of a fertilized egg.

This period also lasts about 14 days. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum functions for about 2-3 months, otherwise menstruation occurs, and by the end of the luteal phase it undergoes reverse development and grows with connective tissue fibers to form a scar.

Cyst formation

If the regression of the temporary gland by the end of the luteal phase is delayed and its partial functioning is preserved, then a yellowish serous fluid accumulates inside the gland, which may contain an admixture of blood, or blood, stretching the walls of the capsule up to 4-7 cm in diameter. Thus, gradually the corpus luteum itself is replaced by connective tissue with the formation of a cyst.

The inner surface of its capsule is completely or partially lined with luteal granulosa (granular) cells that produce hormones. Often they are replaced by connective tissue cells, leaving only a capsule without an internal epithelial lining, filled with the corresponding contents.

Causes of corpus luteum cyst

Luteal tumor-like formations are always benign; they are usually single and very rarely multiple. It is assumed that they develop as a result of impaired blood supply or lymph circulation in the area of ​​the follicle with the egg. The reasons for their formation are not fully understood. Risk factors may include:

  • hormonal imbalance; it often occurs with thyroid dysfunction;
  • hormonal stimulation of ovarian function during treatment;
  • spicy infectious diseases and chronic inflammatory processes pelvic organs;
  • taking oral medications for systematic and especially emergency contraception, repeated artificial terminations of pregnancy;
  • stressful conditions or significant psycho-emotional stress;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • high physical activity associated with work or sports training;
  • disruption of entry into the body nutrients and microelements as a result of diseases of the digestive system, as well as fasting or following a mono-diet in order to reduce body weight.

The frequency, quality and activity of sexual intercourse do not affect the possibility of the formation of luteal tumor-like formations.

Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, the cells of the villous membrane of the embryo produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which stimulates the hormonal function of the corpus luteum. In addition to ensuring the continuation of pregnancy, progesterone also affects the formation of the fetal gonads, as well as the corresponding hormonal centers in its central nervous system. This lasts for the first 2-3 months of pregnancy, during which the placenta forms. She gradually takes on the function of maintaining required level progesterone and estrogens. After this, the temporary gland normally undergoes normal reverse development.

But often during pregnancy, instead of its complete involution, a cyst is formed, which does not interfere with the further course of pregnancy and disappears after childbirth. If this occurs before the placenta is fully formed, progesterone production may decrease and there may be a risk of miscarriage.


As a rule, such a tumor-like formation does not manifest itself with any specific clinical symptoms. It can be discovered accidentally during diagnostic laparoscopy or pelvic organs performed for diagnostic purposes for any diseases, or during ultrasound for preventive purposes.

In rare cases, uncharacteristic symptoms such as:

  1. Feeling of discomfort, heaviness, slight pain in the lower abdomen from the localization of the pathological formation.
  2. Pain or discomfort when lifting heavy objects, standing for a long time, or during sexual intercourse.
  3. Menstrual irregularities in the form of a delay in the appearance of menstruation (usually no more than 2 weeks), excessively heavy or longer menstrual bleeding.
  4. Frequent urge to urinate (with significant size of the formation).

Most often, the luteal cyst disappears on its own by the beginning of the next menstruation or within 2-3 menstrual cycles. But sometimes complications may arise in the form of:

  • rupture of the tumor;
  • intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • complete or partial torsion of the cyst pedicle.

At rapid accumulation fluid or hemorrhage into the cavity of the formation, it increases to 10 cm in diameter, and the listed symptoms become more pronounced. In these cases, a rupture of the corpus luteum cyst of the ovary may occur with the emptying of its serous contents into the pelvic cavity. If the rupture occurs as a result of hemorrhage, the bleeding may continue into the abdominal cavity. The rate and volume of blood loss will depend on the caliber of the damaged vessels.

The clinical course of the disease upon rupture becomes acute with severe symptoms:

  1. Sudden sharp pains lower abdomen.
  2. Paleness and dampness of the skin.
  3. A short-term loss of consciousness is possible.
  4. Sometimes nausea, single vomiting, increased frequency of the urge to urinate or defecate occur.
  5. The heart rate increases and blood pressure rises briefly.

If a woman does not seek medical help, these phenomena may go away on their own. However, with bleeding, the condition gradually or quickly worsens, depending on the severity of blood loss, with the development of hemorrhagic shock:

  1. Weakness, moisture and pallor of the skin increase.
  2. Dizziness and repeated vomiting occur.
  3. The pulse rate increases even more.
  4. After a brief rise in blood pressure, a rapid decrease occurs.

The stalk of the neoplasm includes blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, ovarian torsion is accompanied by pain, disruption of its blood supply and nutrition with the further occurrence and development of necrosis of ovarian tissue, especially with complete torsion. The symptoms are the same as for a rupture without bleeding. The difference may be expressed in less intensity of pain, but it is more persistent. If timely assistance is not provided, the phenomena of pelvioperitonitis and general intoxication develop due to necrosis of ovarian tissue and the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction.


Typically, treatment of a corpus luteum cyst is not carried out if its size does not exceed 4 cm in diameter and there are no pronounced subjective symptoms. It is necessary to carry out 2-3 menstrual cycles only dynamic monitoring of its development through repeated ultrasound examinations. During this time, the function of hormone-producing cells gradually fades away, they are replaced by connective tissue cells, the contents are absorbed, and the walls of the capsule collapse.

In case of long-term existence, frequent formation or growth of the size of the gland, as well as in case of multiple cysts, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, hormonal drugs are prescribed, magnetic laser therapy (exposure to a magnetic field and low-intensity laser radiation) therapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapeutic treatment, with the exception of thermal procedures.

Among hormonal drugs, Duphaston, which is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, has a good effect in the treatment of small cysts. Replacing the body's own progesterone with a synthetic one leads to a decrease in the pituitary gland's production of luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the activity of the corpus luteum, due to which the latter gradually stops functioning and the cyst disappears. Duphaston is also effective as a prophylactic agent for their frequent formation.

In case of formation of a cyst with insufficient function of the corpus luteum during pregnancy and in order to prevent its interruption, appropriate hormone replacement therapy is carried out.

Multiple or large formations are removed by laparoscopic surgery. If an emergency situation arises such as rupture of a cyst without bleeding or torsion of the ovary, sectoral resection is carried out with removal of the cyst shell, necrotic area of ​​the ovary, removal of the ovary (oophorectomy) or removal of it along with the fallopian tube (adnexectomy). These operations are performed, depending on the situation, laparoscopically or laparotomically.

Bleeding, especially with hemorrhagic shock, requires emergency intensive therapy and surgical care in the amount of oophorectomy or adnexectomy only through laparotomy.

If an emergency occurs during pregnancy surgical methods the treatments are the same. If they are performed in a timely manner, the prognosis for both the mother and the fetus is favorable.