Glasses are a fashionable women's accessory. Can I wear contact lenses with glasses?

Glasses today have become not only a necessity, but also a stylish, fashionable addition to a person’s image, regardless of his gender. If sunscreens are appropriate only in hot and sunny seasons, then transparent glasses captivate with their versatility and originality.

There are several types of such glasses - for every taste and for different needs:

  • with corrective lens;
  • with the effect of protection against solar radiation;
  • for working at a computer;
  • fashion, without corrective lenses.

Such accessories are available for both women and men. There are also many types of frames. They are different colors and sizes. It is truly lucky to meet a seller who, right in the store, would professionally select clear glasses for a person to suit their face shape and individual style. Another option is to select everything yourself, taking into account several factors. They are decisive in the successful choice of glasses.

Of course, the leader is precisely business style clothes. If a person works in an office, then transparent glasses will very well emphasize a serious and representative image.

Moreover, scientists have proven that people with glasses are always taken more seriously and considered smarter. This can be beneficial if a person wants to climb up the career ladder.

Well-chosen transparent glasses will suit almost any style and will make your image more formal. Hipsters play them especially interestingly. In this case, glasses seem to flow into the fashionable style and become an integral part of it. Some women's models suit men and, accordingly, vice versa.

Shape of glasses

  • Classic. A win-win option, especially for those who have difficulty choosing the shape of their glasses. Of course, for business style there is only classic. Many stylists recommend that everyone have such glasses, regardless of preferences. There are many classic options for every face shape.
  • "Droplets." It’s also a universal shape, it suits many people, but it doesn’t suit every style. Casual is the best option for this.
  • Oval, with a slight elevation on top. They are recommended for those with a rectangular face shape.
  • Small glasses with rounded edges. These can be worn by people with a triangular face shape.
  • In a round frame. Strictly contraindicated for girls and men with round faces. They can be worn by those with ideal oval shapes.
  • Rectangular glasses. They are perfect for chubby people and compensate for disproportion.
  • A little about the frame

    The effect of a well-chosen accessory shape can be ruined by an awkward frame. Everything plays a role - from its thickness to color. To quickly decide on a shade, at the very beginning of the fitting you need to put on glasses with black, white and red frames. Next you need to select in the range of the tone that suits the best way. Black is rightfully considered the most universal color.

    Colored frames are the choice of brave people who are not afraid to emphasize their individuality. It is easier to choose the right color for those who have a certain range of tones prevailing in their wardrobe.

    Exists big choice glasses with transparent frames. They look impressive and very stylish. Thanks to this, this accessory has become very popular among young people.

    Disadvantages and advantages of clear glasses

    There are quite a lot of advantages to this type of product:

    • they can hide some defects on the skin,
    • emphasize a person's style,
    • many models are equipped with eye protection from ultraviolet radiation or are designed for computer work,
    • Transparent glasses, like all others, protect your eyes from dust and sand from the street blown up by the wind.

    Such an accessory can radically change a person’s image, improve his appearance, highlight the beauty of his face and hide some imperfections in his shape.

    Unfortunately, transparent glasses also have their own significant drawback. If they do not have a corrective lens and it is replaced with ordinary glass (in fashion accessories), then over time this can have a bad effect on eye health. The thing is that the frame becomes an obstacle to side vision. A person always has to turn his head in one direction or another. Therefore, ophthalmologists advise wearing such glasses only from time to time.

    Separately about the quality of a fashion accessory

    If you can’t afford a beautiful branded model from a trusted brand, it’s better not to buy glasses at all.

    There are reasons for this:

  • Glass must be of high quality and perform its intended function well - the cheap materials that people like to replace them with spoil vision.
  • All other elements - frames, fastenings - should be of the same high quality. Unscrupulous manufacturers often skimp on them, and this leads to rapid wear and tear of the product.
  • In branded stores, when purchasing a model that has a sun protection layer, it can be checked using a special device that confirms the quality. This option is not provided at markets or other distribution points. Moreover, this needs to be checked on products with a polarizing filter. They should darken the sun's glare well and improve visibility.
  • It is worth understanding that the price of high-quality glasses without corrective lenses and without protection from ultraviolet light should start from 1,500 rubles.

    In stores, the client can often be offered models from different companies, which will also differ and pricing policy. You need to ask the consultant about the quality of all elements separately. One manufacturer may have a higher quality lens, while another may have a more durable frame and arch mount. Men's glasses usually cost a little more. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of driving models.

    When purchasing a non-certified, cheap model, you need to be prepared for the fact that the glasses will soon become unusable.

    How to extend the life of clear glasses?

    To ensure that the accessory is worn for a long time and does not lose its original appearance, you need to remember a few simple rules:

    • You can't wear it on your head. This stretches the arcs and damages the fasteners. After wearing this way, the glasses do not fit well on the nose;
    • you need to protect the glasses from any mechanical impact - do not throw your glasses into your bag and do not leave them anywhere without a special protective case. This accessory will prevent scratches. As you know, even a few such minor injuries can adversely affect a person’s vision. Moreover, glasses with scratches simply lose their attractive appearance;
    • You should carry a soft, lint-free cloth with you to wipe your glasses. This is necessary to clean the lenses from street dust, grains of sand, and fingerprints.

    Clear glasses have become a favorite addition to many people's image. of different ages. Round, rectangular or square - they fit well into both a strict business style and a fashionable casual one. Now there is a fairly wide selection of both shapes and frames of various colors. Therefore, even the most demanding glasses lovers can choose a good model.

    In order for the accessory to last a long time and not cause vision loss, you need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for caring for it.

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    Roberto Cavalli

    • If you have wide cheekbones and a narrow chin, then you have triangular face. Square frames that are wider at the bottom will suit you. Colorless and dark frames will not suit you.
    • To the owners oval face type The lucky ones are that almost all models suit them. We recommend paying attention to the triangular shape with clear raised corners.
    • To those who square face(wide cheeks and a massive jaw, the height of the forehead and the width of the face are the same) small frames with narrow lenses are suitable. Choose models with a rounded bottom frame.
    • Chubby For fashionistas, angular and square shapes of glasses are suitable. Glasses with round and oval lenses are strictly prohibited.

    Trends for the 2013-2014 season

    Now, fully armed, you can explore the key trends of the season and choose the most suitable frame shape.


    1. The line between sun protection and medical frames has blurred. This season, the design of the frames is similar to sunglasses, which allows you to choose two optimal models at once.
    2. The use of translucent colored plastic for making frames is in fashion.
    3. Retro frames in the spirit of the 20s-50s-60s are the most popular this season.
    4. Black frames are giving way to brown frames this season. You can choose a solid color or a printed one.

    The gradually fading summer in every corner of our country turned out to be truly hot. And of course, in such weather you can’t do without the main accessory of every summer - sunglasses. What, if not they, will protect our eyes from the scorching sun?

    At the same time, sometimes, looking at popular pages on social networks, the question involuntarily arises: “Was the choice of glasses made with your eyes closed?”
    Some young people don’t even try to take care of their eyesight: they just want to look good in public. And they don’t think at all whether the purchased glasses are compatible with their chosen style or not.

    After looking through some accounts, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that glasses are not chosen according to the type of face, not in accordance with the weather requirements of the type high level ultraviolet radiation, but simply “according to fashion”.
    And no one looks at whether a certain shape of sunglasses is suitable for a given face shape or not. This mistake is the most common and prevents you from making the right choice in favor of the most effective option.

    Let's see which shapes remain the most fashionable this season.


    Throughout the years, aviators have not lost their popularity. This is an excellent solution not only for the stronger sex, but also for women.
    Men can boldly wear them to emphasize their brutality and show that success is in their blood. Aviators suit almost any face type. This season, standard aviators have a bridge on the bridge of the nose that connects both lenses, emphasizing the chic of the chosen model. Lenses of this type are suitable for any tone, from calm shades to rich colors.

    cat eye

    Framed glasses " cat eye"are considered universal for any type of face. Your face will take on a sophisticated look with this type of frame: especially if you have a diamond-shaped face and accentuated cheekbones, this option is definitely created for you.
    The look will be playful and seductive, and when complemented with an elegant hat, you will not go unnoticed among men.


    The most extravagant option of 2016. Such a frame is not suitable for every fashionista, and not every fashionista can afford such glasses. After all, having put on such a frame, you immediately become an extravagant person.
    The round shape is perfect for those with a square face shape, hiding excess angularity. Abroad, John Lennon is a big fan of this style. And domestic singer Grigory Leps even released his own line of fashionable sunglasses, not forgetting his favorite frame.


    Having talked about fashion, let's not forget that health comes first. When choosing this accessory, you need to be guided not only by the advice of fashion stylists, but also by the recommendations of doctors.
    And since the main purpose of sunglasses is to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, it is better to purchase them in specialized stores. After all, when buying glasses in transit, no one can guarantee their quality. Moreover, no one can guarantee that they will not cause harm to the user’s health.

    At the same time, a specialized store usually has a quality certificate, by looking at which you can be sure of the quality of your purchase. In addition, when choosing, you should pay attention to the temples on the adjacent side: they contain information about the lenses and the level of protection.

    And the main thing to remember is that you should not emphasize your glasses, but they should emphasize you! Besides, fashion changes, but health remains. And if you harm your health with an unsuccessful purchase, the damage may be disproportionate to the price of high-quality glasses from a company store.

    Based on materials from the online guide to the world of fashion and beauty

    The concept of women's business style appeared in the 19th century, when women began to enter the world of men's business. The presence of intellectual abilities and business acumen does not depend on gender, but at that time, in order to prove their self-sufficiency and competence to male businessmen, women began to choose clothes made according to the principles of a classic men's suit.

    Thus, the concept of the image of a business lady gradually developed, which in our time includes not only a well-thought-out wardrobe, neat hairstyle and makeup, but also impeccably selected accessories - scarves, jewelry, bags, belts, watches, pens, business card holders and, of course, glasses. The purpose of glasses is to complement the overall look. People around you should see first of all your smart, penetrating eyes in a stylish frame, and not the frame and you behind it. How to choose a frame that is stylish and at the same time practical and comfortable to wear? Let's talk about this in the article.

    Typically, glasses are worn to correct vision. However, recently fashion glasses that do not have diopters have come into fashion: they have simple glasses inserted into them. People buy these glasses to experiment with their appearance. Business women Fashion glasses impart such features as: elegance, seriousness, sophistication and, to some extent, solidity. The only thing office rule for lenses and glasses this is - they must be transparent. If the interlocutor does not see your eyes, he subconsciously does not trust you.

    Tinted glasses are appropriate and justified, for example, in sunglasses and sports glasses.

    The right frame plays a big role when purchasing both medical and fashion glasses. The comfort and safety of the frame is already half the battle, since its aesthetic qualities will no longer please you if you start to get nervous about the incorrect fit of your glasses.

    Glasses should fit snugly to your face, without squeezing it, and sit firmly on the bridge of your nose. Falling “eyepieces” will distract both you and your interlocutors. Marks on the bridge of the nose from tight nose pads are also useless. Some frames have adjustable nose pads, allowing you to customize your glasses. The earpieces should be located at the same height and be coated with a special composition against inflammation of the skin around the ears. The temples, which ensure a stable position of the glasses, should not put pressure on the temples and the area behind the ears. The quality of the frame can also be judged by the absence of scratches, rust, or chips on it. The frame of the frame should be even and smooth.

    Frame material

    Metal the most versatile, durable, modern. He doesn't draw attention away from his face. This frame will suit most business wardrobes.

    Consider the nuance: the color of the frame and the color of the accessories you wear to the office should be the same - either gold or silver.

    A brief overview of the materials for making metal frames will be useful so that you can more easily navigate the optical shop.

    The most popular is considered titanium or alloys with it. Frames made from it are light, durable, hypoallergenic, and chemical resistant. This metal is not one of the most budget-friendly, so frames made from it belong to the VIP level.

    An alternative to titanium can be its alloy, which contains at least 70% of this metal. In this case everything positive properties frames are preserved. The most common alloy is beta titanium.

    Monel and nickel silver- metals, which include two main components - nickel and copper.

    In Monel, the nickel content reaches 85%; this is the most commonly used metal for the production of not only frames, but also elements for them - bridges, temples, etc. If deformed, the frame can return to its original shape thanks to the “memory” of the Monel. Nickel silver, the share of nickel in which reaches 20%, was one of the first metals used in optical market. Today, nickel silver is used in the production of frames in low and medium price ranges. Due to the fact that nickel can cause allergies, frames made of monel and nickel silver have a special protective coating. It wears off over time and can cause skin irritation.

    On a note!
    Keep several pairs of glasses in stock and change them periodically.

    Beryllium is good substitute titanium, although it is not very resistant to rust. Beryllium frames are available in a wide range of colors.

    If the lightness of the frame is crucial for you, pay attention to frames made of aluminum and stainless steel.

    Gold and silver are practically not used for the manufacture of solid frames.

    In the case of gold, this is unprofitable; with silver, it is risky: it is too soft. But due to their aesthetic qualities, both metals “found themselves” not only in the finishing of frames, but also in the composition of alloys for their manufacture.

    Plastic frames appeared on the market relatively recently, but quickly became popular. Their main advantage is the freedom to choose colors and hypoallergenicity.

    Holds the palm among plastic options for many years cellulose acetate in a huge range of colors and shapes. Frames made from it are comfortable, pleasant to the touch, lightweight, and are available in all price categories. These features of cellulose acetate more than compensate for its low resistance to chemical influences and sun rays, resulting in fading and a tendency for the frame to crack. Resistance to external influences, extraordinary lightness (lighter than aluminum) and modern design combine carbon, similar in properties to titanium. Designers love it for its flexibility, which allows you to create thin and elegant frames or frame elements.

    The most popular among epoxy polymers optyl.

    Its advantages are resistance to sunlight, cosmetics, sweat and the ability to return to its original shape in case of severe deformation. It is enough to heat the frame and it will return to its original form.

    Frame made from natural materials - horns, turtle shell- can be a great solution. The pattern on the cut of the horn makes the frame individual and gives it a special charm. Wide, stable fit and pleasant sensations On the skin, such frames stand out among their “colleagues”. To care for frames made from natural materials, there is a special cream that comes complete with a microfiber cloth.

    Horn glasses are made by hand in the old fashioned way, which places them in the luxury segment and indicates their status and adherence to tradition.

    Least noticeable on the face rimless And semi-rimless glasses. These “invisible” items do not draw attention to themselves and do not oblige you to choose certain clothes and accessories. The temples allow you to add a “zest” in the form of color to such frames.

    How to choose the right glasses?

    It is known that glasses change facial features and how others perceive a person’s appearance as a whole. First of all, this concerns the shape and color of the frame. This fact can be used as an image tool to highlight the advantages of your appearance.

    When you go to an optical salon, keep the following general points in mind: classic rules frame selection:

    • its width should be equal to the widest part of the face, its height should not be higher than the line of the eyebrows and should not “sit” on the cheeks;
    • large facial features are combined with a large frame, small features - with a small and graceful one;
    • a narrow nose bridge on the frame will visually bring widely spaced eyes closer together, and will also narrow a wide forehead and vice versa;
    • a short nose will be lengthened by a light frame with a high bridge, a long nose will be shortened by a low or wide bridge;
    • Half-rim glasses or an emphasis on the temples will push a wide nose into the background.

    Choosing glasses based on your face type

    The shape of the frame aesthetically depends on the type of face. The important thing is that the frame does not follow its geometric contour, but exists in contrast. The tips below apply to both the choice of frames and the selection of lens shapes if the glasses are rimless.

    Close to ideal oval face excellent Rectangular, cat-like or inverted trapezoid frames will look good.

    Elongated oval Medium-sized rectangular glasses with a wide nose are perfect for faces.

    On a round face Square, narrow rectangular and oblong frames will “play out”. High arches will also look good. It is advisable to choose colored plastic as a material for the frame, which will visually elongate the face.

    Angularity square and rectangular faces and the heaviness of a massive chin will be smoothed out by oval, “cat-like”, rimless glasses, the arms of which are located in the center.

    Triangular The type of face will suit frames in the form of an inverted trapezoid, as well as “cat” and semi-rimless frames. It is advisable to choose a frame with an accent in the form of a thickening or a spot of color on its upper part.

    Similar recommendations apply to trapezoidal shape faces. The wide arms of the frame will balance its narrow upper and massive lower parts. Oval frames in light or muted colors, frames with cut corners and rimless ones will visually widen the chin of a heart-shaped face.

    With diamond shape faces are combined with semi-rimmed, oblong, rectangular with rounded edges, “cat” frames, “drop” frames - all those options that will draw attention to the upper part of the face.

    Choose glasses according to your color type and eye color

    Color also relates to the aesthetic characteristics of glasses.

    Autumn color type should stop at:

    rich brown, copper, honey, plum, bottle, turquoise shades. The best metal to choose is gold.

    The main rule "Spring"- transparency. The following shades are suitable for this color type:

    ivory, beige, salmon, orange, lilac, and a thin metal frame with a matte gold finish will highlight the natural colors of the spring color type.

    Suitable for a contrasting winter color type:

    blue, white, red, deep purple, emerald shades. Among the metals for the frame, it is better to choose a silver color.

    A black frame looks very harmonious on the face of people of this color type.

    For representatives of other color types, especially “Summer” and “Spring,” a black frame will give an overly strict look. However, if your goal is emphasized rigor, conciseness, and solidity, then feel free to use this trick.

    Main feature "summer" people - a certain muted color. You shouldn’t play with contrast: it will be more advantageous to highlight your natural palette.

    Ash, silver, pure gray and gray with admixtures of pink, blue, green, lilac, even beige shades, matte silver are your main colors.

    Ladies of elegant age stand a little to the side. Metal frames “gold” and “silver”, gray, yellow, sand, unfortunately, will only draw attention to their gray hair and age characteristics skin. The most suitable colors in this case are transparent mother-of-pearl, lingonberry, blue, deep brown.

    You can look for frames based on only one component of your appearance - eye color. Depth gray and blue eyes Frames of the same colors will enhance the look, and brown shades will also play out in contrast. Green eyes“they love” green and beige tones, and contrasting brown, calm orange, deep red bring the green pigment of the iris to the fore. Brown-eyed A business woman should focus on color saturation:

    Beige, creamy, ocher, coffee shades are suitable for hazel eyes; the richness of dark brown eyes is emphasized by brown, amber and red colors. Green, purple, lavender will enhance the brightness of the brown pigment.

    And in order to calmly, without embarrassment, take out and put your glasses into the case, monitor its condition. Dear and stylish glasses“lose” if the appearance of the case leaves much to be desired. The inside of the case must have a special coating to prevent damage to the lenses.

    Whether we are talking about medical or fashion glasses, two conditions should be a priority when purchasing them: functionality(planting, materials) and aesthetics(color, shape). Their “duet” contributes the right choice glasses that you will be happy to wear every day. Better yet, buy several pairs with different frames and change them depending not only on your mood, but also on your business suit and work situation.

    Glasses are not a heavy burden on the bridge of your nose, but an accessory that emphasizes individuality and style. Glasses dramatically change your appearance, and correctly selected glasses improve this appearance. For many, glasses give a solid appearance that makes a man look good. And, believe me, it’s much better to wear glasses and not squint like a mole from poor eyesight or bright sunshine.

    Glasses that correct vision

    One of my friends was very upset when he found out that his eyesight had deteriorated. And not because of vision as such, but because of the need to wear glasses. He was tormented by school memories of “nerds” and bespectacled people, who were picked on largely because of their glasses. Fortunately, those days are a thing of the past. In “adult” life, glasses can be turned into an advantage, and instead of the offensive “Hey, glasses guy!”, you can hear: “Guy, you have cool glasses!”

    Before ordering glasses, you should consult an ophthalmologist about your current vision condition and get a prescription. It is extremely harmful for the eyes to wear ready-made glasses bought in a random place - temporary counters, in passages and subways, in markets. Therefore, we always select glasses only in good professional salons in accordance with the doctor’s recommendation. The quality of glasses is determined by weight, thickness, optical and spectral characteristics.

    The weight of glasses should be minimal, especially when glasses are worn constantly. The lightest lenses today are lenses made of optical polymers (special plastic). They are more than two and a half times lighter than glass ones, and this is extremely important if you have high myopia or hyperopia. In these cases, even with well-chosen frames, heavy glasses will slide onto the tip of the nose, and such sliding has a detrimental effect on vision. In addition, lenses made of optical polymers are non-traumatic, unlike glass lenses.

    Don't skimp on glasses! $100-$150 is a reasonable price, but if you can afford more expensive models, go for it.

    When choosing frames, you should pay attention to your predisposition to allergies - this is especially true when choosing metal frames of unknown origin. Cheap frames can cause skin irritation. The size of the temples must strictly correspond to the distance from the frame to the bulge behind auricle. The temples should not put pressure on the temples and the area behind the ear, as there are important reflexogenic points there.

    If you have a large face, it is advisable to choose frames with a spring hinge. While paying attention to the functionality of the frame, we must not forget about its aesthetic functions. The frame and shape of the glasses should suit your face. Finding exactly “your” glasses is quite difficult. So, arm yourself with patience.

    To find a suitable pair, you will have to go to many stores and try on dozens of glasses. Selecting glasses is a painstaking process; watch how your face changes from frame to frame.

    Currently, fashion designers, designers, and authors of various book publications and glossy magazines have developed some rules for selecting frames and the shape of glasses. By following the recommendations, you can make it a little easier to find your perfect couple points. When choosing a frame color, take into account the color of your hair, eyes and skin.

    It is better for dark-skinned people with dark hair to wear dark frames of basic, but not mixed, shades, with maximum contrast. The colors are dark brown, gold, silver, dark yellow (the color of an alloy of copper with tin and zinc) and tin color. For plastic frames - black, charcoal black, dark red or blue.

    Holders blonde hair and pale skin, plastic frames in soft and light colors - white, beige-pink, peach or light metal ones - made of titanium, chrome, gold or silver are best suited.

    Brown-haired women will suit metal frames in golden, bronze and copper colors, and plastic frames - reddish-brown, beige and peach shades. Red, brown and soft green frame colors go well with red or brown hair.

    People with blue eyes and light or gray hair, that is, with a predominance of cold shades in the color scheme of appearance, blue, purple and soft white plastic frames are suitable, and metal frames - gold, silver, tin colors.

    For people with bright blue eyes and dark hair, dark colors will suit them. For example, grey, jet black, gold, silver, pewter or graphite. Blonde and green-eyed people with light skin tones are suitable for all metallic frame colors, especially matte gold and plastic frames in bronze and pewter shades.

    Here things get even more complicated. But there is also a plus: with the correct selection of glasses, you can correct the natural contours of your face for the better. When choosing frames, take into account the shape of your face, cheekbones, eyebrow pattern and facial hair. There are some rules for selecting the shape of glasses depending on the shape of the face.

    If your face is quite round, then a wider, preferably angular frame will suit you, and its width should clearly prevail over the height. This will make a round face appear narrower. With this type of face, you can wear large, flashy glasses, which distract attention and at the same time make the face more interesting. The frames of the glasses should be dark.

    If your face has rectangular contours, forget about rectangular frames. It is better to choose an oval one, where the width will prevail over the height. This frame will help to slightly soften the angularity of the face.

    Your face is more triangular in shape, and your cheekbones are wider than your eye line - choose a decisive-looking, masculine frame. Let its width be approximately equal to the width lower jaw, this will balance the natural imbalance.

    In the opposite, not very simple situation, when the base of the triangle is on top, and the chin is narrowed in comparison with the cheekbones and forehead, you need something light, say, a frame with half rims, or without them at all. For a heart-shaped face, medium-sized glasses with oval frames are also suitable. Eyebrows should be visible above the frame.

    People with long faces usually benefit from glasses, provided the frames are chosen correctly. When the face is noticeably elongated, a rectangular frame is best, which will soften the contours, and for oval shapes, it is better to use a more angular frame of an unusual shape (for example, diamond-shaped or elongated from top to bottom).

    If the contours of your face are close to a diamond and your cheekbones are wide, it is best if the top of the frame, located above the eye line, is wider than the bottom to visually reduce the width of the cheekbones. Try on a frame with a more expressive upper part in color and shape, or a frame with half-rims.

    If a person doesn't fit into any of the above categories, don't worry. There are a lot of non-standard people - more than standard ones. Just follow the basic rule: don't try to make the frame follow the contours of your face.

    Men with a small face and a small nose should forget about glasses with large, flashy frames, because under large “eyepieces” the face “gets lost” and the smallness of the features becomes especially noticeable. In this case, it is recommended to wear glasses on the nose as high as possible. And when too long nose Glasses should be worn just below the bridge of the nose.

    Contact lenses

    If your relationship with glasses doesn’t work out at all, all frame models are clearly spoiling you, and any glasses irritate you, don’t despair - no one has given up contact lenses yet.

    Contact lenses are divided into “traditional” and “routine replacement” lenses. Traditional lenses are those that last for a long time (a month or more). These lenses require special care to remove accumulated deposits (proteins, lipids contained in the tear film, cosmetical tools, dust, tobacco smoke, microorganisms). Planned replacement lenses are purchased in quantities of several pairs and are replaced regularly (1-2 times a month or more often).

    “An ophthalmologist will tell you which lenses to choose”

    Used lenses are thrown away after a specified period, and clean and fresh ones are put on instead. An ophthalmologist will tell you which lenses to choose. Wearing contact lenses takes some getting used to, as the cornea contains a large number of nerve endings and is highly sensitive. Wearing contact lenses is not recommended when inflammatory diseases eyes, some infections and diseases (flu, acute respiratory infections, diabetes, etc.).

    It should be remembered that with continuous wearing of lenses, the risk of developing unwanted complications, which subsequently require special treatment, significantly increases. Contact lenses give wide view for the eyes, as they do not limit the space (field) of vision. They do not fog up, unlike glasses, which tend to become covered with moisture when the temperature changes sharply. Unfortunately, lenses have their drawbacks. They cannot be worn in the bathhouse or in the pool. Tobacco smoke and any smoke in general are harmful to lenses.

    Sunglasses and fashion glasses

    It makes sense to wear sunglasses when the sun is shining. In the evening we will leave black glasses to people in black, Blade, the guy with a black eye, celebrities and schoolgirls from discos. In cases where the sun has disappeared below the horizon, and glasses really decorate you, fashion glasses will come in handy. Their glasses are usually colored or even colorless, but the main thing is that they are not as dark as sunglasses and do not protect from the sun.

    The more expensive the glasses, the better they look. And the “left ones” not only spoil the appearance, but also harm the eyes. The price of normal glasses starts from $50 (glasses from sports brands like Esprit or Benetton, some Polaroid models), and good ones - from $100 and up to infinity. It makes sense to buy glasses only in good optical stores.

    When choosing sunglasses or fashion glasses, follow two rules:
    Glasses should decorate you
    Glasses must be of high quality, and not from a nearby stall.

    Almost all well-known luxury brands produce sunglasses, fashion glasses and frames. Glasses from Italian brands have great style. Such sunglasses, like Gucci, Chanel, Versace, Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada are true world-class trend creators. The USA is strong from a technical point of view with products like Oakley.

    If you don’t have money for good sunglasses, buy normal ones, but if you don’t have money for normal ones, don’t buy them at all. Bad glasses from tents only harm your eyes and image. It makes sense to buy expensive glasses at discount stores. The quality is no worse than in the new collections, and they can be even more flattering than the newfangled ones. Don't waste money on glasses. It is with the help of accessories (glasses, of course, include them) that you can emphasize and sometimes enhance the impression of your well-being and position in society. Glasses that suit your face are always a big plus for your appearance.

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