Isolated members of a sentence. The concept of isolation. Means of isolation. Conditions of separation. Sentences with semi-predicative isolated members. The concept of isolation in Russian


Elliptical sentences

Elliptical sentences. The phenomenon of parcellation.

Elliptical sentences - special kind incomplete sentences. They always lack a predicate verb. They differ in that they are understandable without context and without a situation. In elliptical sentences, it is not customary to put a dash at the gap.

Verbs can ellipse:

verbs of being, being in space. What? Who? → where? example: A book is on the table. (lying)

verbs of motion. Who? → where? where? examples: We're going to school. We're from school. Tatyana goes into the forest, the bear follows her. (let's go)

verbs of speech, thoughts. Who? → about what? about whom? examples: Who's talking about what, and the lousy one about the bathhouse. (dreaming, thinking)

verbs of energetic, aggressive action. whom? → what? for what? examples: And you would have him by the hair! Board them, board them! As soon as the redhead passes, I’ll immediately hit him in the eye! (Grab him, hit him)

Parcellation is the division of a single sentence in a language using a period into a number of statements. Example: He promised to come. And he arrived. (parcel that is not an independent sentence)

The following can be parceled:

Homogeneous members (including predicates)

Minor members

Parts of a complex sentence

Purposes of use: text rhythmization; highlighting important pieces of information;

Here the structure of speech is as close as possible to the process of thought. Human thinking is discrete (discontinuous) and associative (updating prose).

the main reason (general condition) for isolation is the complexity of the content conveyed by the isolated member of the sentence. The means of isolating the members of a sentence are emphatic intonation and word order (inverse or distant arrangement of the secondary member of the sentence).

Along with the general condition of isolation, characteristic of all isolated members of a sentence (a large semantic load, expressed in the complexity of the content and additional predicativeness), there are also particular conditions that are found when certain members of the sentence are isolated. These include the following.

1. The clarifying or explanatory nature of one member of a sentence in relation to another can help to highlight it. Members of the sentence, complicated by the meaning of clarification or explanation, always stand immediately after the word being clarified or explained. The qualifying member specifies what is being specified, i.e. in terms of content, they are not equivalent and are related as genus and species, general and particular, and the explanatory member is equivalent to the explained one, but names the explained more clearly for the given situation. For example: I go to the pond, to my favorite place, between the rosehip flowerbed and the birch alley, and go to bed (L. T.); We quickly got ready and went to the Paveletsky station, to the night train (Past.); Summer after state exams I spent with my parents at their dacha in Molodi, near the Stolbovaya station on the Moskovsko-Kurskaya railway(Past.); To the right, at the foot of the hills, spread out a large field, covered with tall, man-sized grass (Chak.); I... finally reached a large village with a stone church in a new style, i.e. with columns, and an extensive manor house (T.).

2. The degree of prevalence of a member of a sentence can influence the isolation of circumstances and applications. Wed, for example: She entered the hall without knocking (Shol.). The participle is not isolated, since it has a meaning very close to the adverb; it characterizes the action indicated by the verb - she entered without knocking. When this circumstance spreads - She entered the hall without even knocking first - conditions arise for isolation, since in this case the independence of the action designated by the gerund is enhanced: She entered and did not knock first. The same meaning complication may appear in the application. Wed: The old watchman was on duty at the melon patch. - Still a vigorous old man, the watchman was on duty at the melon patch.

3. Syntactic incompatibility of words related in meaning can act as an additional condition for isolation when referred to a personal pronoun. The personal pronoun cannot be combined with definitions directly, since it does not denote a person, but only points to it. Rare cases of the use of non-separate definitions with personal pronouns only confirm their unusualness and unnaturalness, for example: “My “she”” is the title of one of the stories by A.P. Chekhov. Or: The red director and the pale ones looked straight at Ivan Petrovich (Ch.); And truly you are the capital for the crazy and the bright of us (Ahm.). The lexical incompatibility of a personal pronoun (its lack of quality) and an adjective leads to isolation, since in this case the immediacy of the connection is broken and a relation to the predicate verb appears, for example: Tired of a long speech, I closed my eyes (L. T.); Pale, with trembling lower jaw, he stood over her and begged her to calm down (L.T.). Such definitions are always complicated by additional meaning; they are not capable of conveying only a definitive meaning, since they are also connected with the predicate: Deprived by nature of the gift of speech, he [the cat] could not justify himself in anything (Bulg.) - Could not justify himself, since he was deprived the gift of speech.

1. Isolation can be caused by the proximity of other isolated groups of words. For example, in the sentence To the right, a few fathoms away from me, stood some unfamiliar hut, to the left - a gray clumsy pillar with a wide plank roof, with a mug and a board (Cor.) inconsistent definition with a wide plank roof, with a mug and with a board is not isolated. However, if it is placed after another definition - isolated, it becomes isolated: ... To the left is a gray clumsy pillar, completely askew, with a wide plank roof...

2. An accompanying condition for isolation may be a weak syntactic connection of a particular word form with the controlled word. This is revealed, for example, when weakly controlled word forms are separated from verbs. For example: In the kitchen, a young woman, wearing a headscarf and boots on her bare feet, stood on the windowsill and washed the window (Pan.). In the version of the proposal without a separate inconsistent definition word forms in a scarf and galoshkas gravitate towards the predicate: stood in a scarf and galoshkas

Class _______________


Date of:

Subject : The concept of isolation. Conditions of separation.

Target: study the features of isolation.



To repeat what segregation is, the concept of segregation, the conditions of segregation;

Develop the ability to retell a scientific text; distinguish between the concepts of oral and written speech, vowels and consonants;

2. developing:

Create conditions for the development of UUD: compare, contrast, draw conclusions;

Continue developing creative abilities;

Formation of spelling vigilance;

3. educational:

To educate students cognitive interest, information culture, culture of verbal communication.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment : textbook, handouts

Working methods : oral, written

Forms of work: individual, frontal.

During the classes.

    1. Organizing time.

Check students' readiness for the lesson.

    Updating knowledge.

Guys, we continue our journey through the “Syntax” section. Punctuation simple sentence”, as well as “Simple complicated sentence”.

Let's remember how a simple sentence can be complicated?

Homogeneous members of the sentence, address, introductory words, etc.

Right. Let's work with the sentence written on the board. Let's do syntactic and punctuation analysis.

Moon just now got out because of mound And illuminated two small , thin , low clouds .

Student comment: the sentence is simple, declarative, non-exclamatory. Between homogeneous predicatesgot out And illuminated there is no comma because they are connected in a non-repeating way connecting union AND.

Between definitionssmall , thin , low separating commas are placed, since these are homogeneous definitions, the connection between them is non-union.

Which parts of the sentence are called homogeneous?

Homogeneous sentence members are those that refer to the same sentence member, answer the same question, and perform the same syntactic function.

When are definitions considered homogeneous? The definition is homogeneous if it characterizes the object on one side. The knowledge that we have repeated will be useful when considering new material.

Let's try to determine the topic of the lesson by listening to a grammar fairy tale. Translate it into the language of science.

From the life of isolated members of a sentence

Unusual sentence units live in the state Syntax – Isolated. They are not similar to either the Main or Secondary members, although they are directly related to the latter. This kinship obliges them to answer the same questions, to have the same name as the Additions, Definitions and Circumstances. But otherwise... These Separate Ones are so proud, so selfish, so independent! They surround themselves with Commas like a fence, as if they don’t want to know anyone. Sometimes they make Dependent words work for themselves, sometimes they make Prepositions, sometimes they connect with each other using Conjunctions. And how intonation serves! Try to pronounce it without due respect, you will immediately pick up punctuation errors. In the Punctuation Code of Laws, not one rule is devoted to them, not two, but no less than fifteen! They are very significant, everyone really needs them. You look at them and you immediately understand: important birds.

So, the topic was determined and written down. What goal will we set for ourselves?

Learn to recognize isolated members and use correct punctuation marks.

    Learning new material.

Guys, remember what isolation is?

(Identification according to the meaning of the members of a sentence. In speech using intonation, and in writing using punctuation marks).

What distinctions are you familiar with? (Participial phrases are separated if they appear after the word being defined, gerunds and participial phrases, comparative phrases).

Let's turn to the dictionary.

Separate - to define specifically, to highlight, to isolate, to exclude from the general. V. Dahl

Separation – intonation and semantic highlighting of a word form or group of word forms within a simple sentence.

A short guide to the modern Russian language .

Guys, the term “isolated members of a sentence” was introduced into science by the famous linguist Pleshkovsky.

Only minor members offers.

Studying the rule in the textbook ___________________

Additional material by isolation

1) I stood enchanted, not wanting to break this mirage.

There is no comma in the sentence, since the participle charming is part of a compound nominal predicate.

2) Light clouds, still pink from the sunset, stood thoughtfully in the sky.

A comma is placed in the sentence because the sentence contains an adjective with a dependent word.


Tasks. Write down the text, separating homogeneous members with commas and highlighting with commas isolated members expressed by participles and participial phrases. Underline these phrases as parts of the sentence.

A true nature lover notices the slightest changes taking place in the forest in spring, summer, and autumn.

Equally...stuffy towards nature, he walks along the forest road (not) paying attention to anything. A nature lover will definitely notice the thin bluish fog hanging over the road and over the clearings; he will notice drops of dew on the grass and bushes; the variety of colors in the morning and evening dawn and much of what those who are equal to nature will (not) see. And the smells of the wasp(n, nn) ​​of his forest will be felt by a person close to nature.

Insert separate definitions into sentences and talk about punctuation in these sentences.

1) The autumn wind flew in from the steppe with a howl and whistle, throwing up leaves (damp and nasty).
2) From the window one could see a flat rye field (shrouded in gray rain haze).
3) Dust rushed along the ground (pink from the shine of lightning).

Exercise ________________


Which parts of the sentence are called isolated?

In what case are definitions separated?

What styles of speech are characterized by separate definitions?











Complicated sentence

1) homogeneous members;

4) appeals;

General concept about separation


Isolation is one of the ways of semantically highlighting or clarifying part of a statement. Isolated members have a certain independence and are capable of becoming a separate sentence or its center. If we compare this syntactic phenomenon with people’s lives, it is easy to imagine that a grown-up child in a family, a teenager, is in some way an isolated member of the family: he has his own territory within the apartment (sentences), he closes the door behind him (puts commas ), he has his friends (dependent words), but for now he depends on his parents. But he will grow up and create his own separate family.

Let's see how isolated members can easily be transformed into separate sentences:

Clouds, like low smoke, quickly rushed from the sea.

The first sentence separates the definition expressed by an adjective similar with words related to it. This definition can be replaced by a separate sentence or a subordinate clause as part of a complex one: Clouds rushed quickly from the sea. They were like low smoke.

Clouds that were like low smoke rushed quickly from the sea.

The isolated members of the sentence are divided into two groups:

1) isolated secondary members, close in meaning to the sentence;

2) clarifying members of the sentence.

Here is a brief summary table of isolated terms with examples of those types of isolations that are checked for OGE exam(2016)


1. Participial phrase after the main word.

Roadwalking along the forest. COMPARE: walking along the forest road(no separation)

2. Turnover with an adjective with dependent words.

Window, wet from the rain. Day, similar to the others.

3. Two single adjectives, homogeneous, standing after the main word.

It's arrived morning, frosty and foggy.

4. Participial phrase before the main word, if the main word is PROPER NAME or the phrase has the meaning REASON.

Angry Nikitin his eyes flashed angrily.(reason why it sparkled?)

5. Definition related to the personal pronoun:

Young, We dreamed of cosmic distances and unknown worlds. (personal pronoun)


1. A noun, standing in the same case as the main word, calls the subject of speech ANOTHER WORD, clarifies who he is or who he is.

Artyom and Ilya, classmates, passed the test first.


1. Very few of the additions are isolated, namely additions with prepositions

except, besides, excluding, over, besides, including:

Besides him, five more people came.

All the guys, including Ilya and Artyom, take responsibility for completing tasks.


1. Participial phrase and single participle

Having settled down on the embankment, we began to watch the approaching train.

2. A turnover with a preposition is always separate despite

Despite our fatigue, we were determined to reach the village before dark.


1. Two circumstances, the second of which specifies PLACE or TIME.

There, far behind us, there was a noisy city.

Lilacs grew right under the windows, next to the gate.

Then, as a child, everything seemed simpler and more understandable.

Along the fence, right next to the gate, daisies bloomed in November.

Isolated circumstance

SEPARATE CIRCUMSTANCE - these are single participles and participial phrases.

A gerund is a special form of a verb that answers questions doing what? and what did you do?, always refers to a verb and denotes an additional action in relation to the main one. For example, in the sentence

Having donea large circle along the newspaper lane in Kislovka, Levin again returned to the hotel and, putting watch in front of me, sat down, waiting twelve.

the highlighted words are gerunds, underlined as circumstances together with the words dependent on them, that is, participial phrases (= DO)

You should not confuse a gerund with the suffix VSHI and a participle with the suffix VSH, for example:

Boy, smiled at me, ran along the path - this is a participle and a participial phrase; and the boy, smiling at me, ran along the path;

Returning from work parents didn’t notice anything - participle and participial phrase; Having returned from work, the parents did not notice anything - gerunds and participles;

You should not confuse a gerund with the suffix A/YA and a participle with the suffix УШ/ЯШЧ/АШЧ/УШЧ, for example:

Smiling and smiling; preparing and getting ready; addicted and carried away.

Basic rules for separating gerunds and participial phrases.

Unlike participles and participial phrases, single gerunds and participial phrases are always separated by commas, regardless of their location, with the exception of the following cases:

If the participle is included in a stable circulation: work carelessly (cf.: rolling up your sleeves), work tirelessly; run with your tongue out; run headlong; listen with bated breath; listen with open ears, etc.: On difficult days, he worked tirelessly with us. Some of them (later, broke) have an archaic form and in modern language are no longer gerunds;

If the gerund is directly adjacent to the verb and has the meaning of a manner of action: Horses run slowly among green hilly fields- how are they running? Sergei lay motionless for a long time- How did you lie? Such participles are similar in function to the adverb: This exercise is done sitting on a chair; He read lying down; My mind is exhausted, and I must die in silence.

According to special rules, gerunds and adverbial phrases are separated by commas if there are several predicates or several participial phrases.

Separate definitions

Separate definitions are definitions highlighted in meaning using intonation and commas, which can be replaced by a separate sentence.

Definitions that are not separated by commas are called non-separated.

Let's compare the offers:

1).It was a clear, frosty night. Two homogeneous non-distributed non-isolated definitions.

2).The night came, clear and frosty. Two homogeneous, uncommon, isolated definitions.

3).The night was frosty and clear. A compound nominal predicate with two nominal parts.

Pay attention to the comma before the first definition in the 2nd example, this is isolation. In the 3rd sentence the words clear and frosty are no longer definitions, they have become predicates.


Separation according to type 1.

The participial phrase is isolated if it comes after the main word. Scheme: GS+PO.

Human, |not remembering the past|, deprives himself of the future.

Swap PO and GS: |Not remembering the past| Human deprives himself of the future. There is no separation!

Note: almost all errors involving commas are associated with this rule, or more precisely, with its violation. THERE IS NO SUCH RULE: the participial phrase is separated by commas. It stands out if the GS+PO scheme is followed. If the scheme is PO+GS, turnover is allocated only if the conditions of TYPE 4 and TYPE 5 are met.

Segregation by type 2.

Determinative phrase after the main word Scheme: GS+OO.

Were heard sounds, |similar to the groans of trees|.

The note to TYPE 1 also applies to this rule.

Segregation by type 3.

Several uncommon definitions, connected by a conjunction and (or without it, with a comma) after the main word.

Scheme: GS + Definition + I + Definition. Martovskaya night

, cloudy and foggy, enveloped the earth. Spring spirit

, cheerful and dissolute, walked everywhere.

Segregation by type 4. Before the word being defined, if the definition has the meaning of reason or concession.

If there is no such value, then the turnover, as a general rule, is not highlighted. |Hung from a tree| birdhouse

on the same day he turned out to be settled. (There is no reason, it cannot be said that he was settled because he turned out to be hanged. There is no separation). |Exhausted by a multi-day drought|, Earth

greedily quenched her thirst. (Why? Because she was exhausted by drought.) Scheme: PO + GS.

Segregation by type 5. Isolation always occurs if the definition refers to a personal pronoun.

Scheme: PO+GS. |Engrossed in conversation|, He |Engrossed in conversation|, listened. Hot and excited

ran into the room.

Let's look at specific examples (taken from the FIPI Obz) using the following algorithm:

a) find all the words that answer the definition question;

c) let’s try to put questions from participles or adjectives to other words to make sure that there are no dependent words;

d) look at the types of isolation 1-5 and check with the commas placed, indicate the type of isolation, if it occurs.

1. (1) Black-haired, (2) disheveled, he looked like a (3) small (4) emaciated wolf cub, and his (5) sunken eyes were constantly looking for prey.

Under the numbers 1 and 2 there are isolated non-widespread homogeneous definitions, they stand before the personal pronoun OH, type of isolation 5; 3 and 4 - non-separate, non-widespread heterogeneous definitions; under the number 5 is a single, non-isolated definition.

2. A herd of calves and bulls was pulled onto the (1) old, |(2) littered with trees| I'll make a clearing. Two homogeneous definitions refer to the word “clearing”. 1st non-separated, single. 2nd common non-isolated, expressed by participial phrase. Please note: if the task requires you to find a non-isolated common definition, it will most often be a participle phrase that comes BEFORE the main word.

3.And she went to her (1)faithful girlfriend Zinochka Kryuchkova, (2) still supporting a shelf with a wire model of an atom. There are two definitions: number 1 is a non-isolated, non-widespread definition that refers to the word “girlfriend”; under the number 2 is widespread, expressed by a participial phrase, isolated. TYPE 1

4. (1)Deep and (2)quiet water glittered lacqueredly, as if oil had been poured into the river, and thoughtful people looked into this (3) black mirror from the cliff (4) ate, (5)thin birch trees, (6)|touched by yellowness|. Under the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are non-separate, non-widespread definitions; 1 and 2 are homogeneous; 6 common, expressed by participial phrase, isolated, type 1.

The pigeons recognized him, fluttered over his head, sat on his shoulders, he took their, cooing, alarmed, and hid it under his jacket, in his bosom. There are two definitions, single, homogeneous, connected by intonation, isolated (there is a comma before the first and after the second) according to type 3.

Separate addition

Usually, additions are closely related to the words they refer to, so they are rarely isolated.

Phrases with words are considered as separate additions except, apart from, including, except for,

over, excluding, along with, instead of and etc.:

I heard nothing but the noise of leaves. (A. Pushkin)

I really liked the story, except for some details. (M. Gorky).

There are no special beauties and riches in the Meshchera region, except for forests, meadows and clear air. (Paust.)

In addition to ship work, we were also engaged in loading coal. (M.G.)

Information for teachers: phrases with words in various school textbooks besides, apart from, including, apart from, over, excluding, along with, instead of They are classified either as isolated or as clarifying members of the sentence. The placement of this material in the "Isolated Members" group is dictated by the fact that in the tests OGE data additions are considered separate, while on this moment There are only two tasks to find a separate addition, and in two cases it is a phrase with the word “except.”

Such clarifying additions can appear not only after the member being specified, but also before it. In a sentence, clarifying additions and qualifying words can be different members, for example:

With the exception of some students, everyone in our class is doing well. The qualifying member “everything” is the subject, and the qualifying member “except for individual students” is the complement.

Standalone application

A SEPARATE APPENDIX is an application separated by commas or dashes.

Application is part of a group of 4 words related to SIGN.





APPLICATION is a definition that is expressed by a noun.

The application characterizes the subject in a new way, gives it a different name or indicates the degree of relationship, nationality, rank, profession, age, etc. For example, the city (what?) Moscow, first-year student, classmates Sergei-Lyosha and Maxim

The appendix is ​​always used in the same case as the noun to which it refers.

A clause can be common (consisting of a single noun) or common (consisting of a noun with a dependent word or words).

Depending on the various conditions, the application can be isolated, that is, distinguished by punctuation marks, or not isolated. In task 9 you need to find standalone applications. Remember that both dashes and commas can be used to separate applications.

Let's look at examples:

1. Children, little schoolboy men, began their working lives early, and their childhood was stolen from them. Application male schoolchildren with a dependent word small constitute a common application, separated by commas on both sides. This application refers to the word children, explains its meaning, gives the author’s assessment.

2. Lisapeta the Second scribbled a note to Vera, her neighbor at her desk: “Zheka will be laughed at now!” Application neighbor with dependent words his And on the desk constitutes a widespread application, makes us understand who Vera is, characterizes her.

3. And then the neighbor boy, a schoolboy, was the first to decide to tell him the truth. Undistributed application schoolboy clarifies who he is boy what is he like?

4. It was a firefly - a little insect, and he sang his simple song. Information about firefly(what is it?) is transmitted by a common application. A feature of this isolation is the use of a dash: it is placed if the application ends a sentence, in in this case the application is at the end of the first simple sentence in a complex sentence.

Please note that a dash is often used between the subject and the predicate. What is the difference? Let's look at some examples. In the first sentence the word neighbor is a predicate, its nominal part. There is no other predicate!

Vera is my desk neighbor.

The second sentence has a predicate, so these same words have already become an application.

I turned to Vera, my desk neighbor, with a question.

It is very important to understand that the application is not new item or phenomenon, not a homogeneous member in relation to its noun, but its SIGN. And to clearly demonstrate the importance of using commas or dashes in applications, we will give the following example.

My father and brother, sister, Marina, her friend came to the birthday party, my aunt and nephews, Denis and Stas, work colleagues came.

And if it’s like this: My father and brother, my sister, Marina, her friend, came to my birthday, my aunt and nephews, Denis and Stas, my work colleagues, came.

So as you prepare to send an invitation, consider whether you're calling Different people or just clarify who they are and what they are like.

Non-union proposals

Unconjuncts are complex sentences in which simple sentences are connected to each other by intonation, without the help of conjunctions and allied words:

1. The winds did not blow in vain, the thunderstorm did not come in vain.

2. The doctor forbade swimming: the water is too cold.

1. [= -], [= -]. 2. [= -]: [= -].

Complex non-union sentences differ from allied sentences in that the semantic relationships between simple sentences are less clearly expressed.

However, it is the meaning that determines punctuation marks in written speech, and intonation in spoken speech.

1. In complex non-union proposals with the meaning of simultaneity and sequence, one sentence is separated from another by a comma:

The birds have flown overseas, the harvest time has passed. The rain stopped immediately, the cloud moved on, and the sun appeared.

If the parts of a complex non-union sentence are complicated, a semicolon is placed between them:

The pine cones fell with a faint rustling sound; sighing, the forest rustled.

2. In complex non-union sentences with the meaning of opposition, a dash is usually placed:

Peace builds, war destroys. = Peace builds, but war destroys.

Such sentences can be replaced by complex ones with adversative conjunctions ah, but and etc.:

3. In complex non-union sentences, a dash is usually placed if the first sentence contains the meaning of time and condition:

If you lose your conscience, you won’t be able to buy another one. =If (when) you lose your conscience, you cannot buy another. A ray of sun will fall on the grass - the grass will flash with emerald and pearls.

Such sentences can be replaced by complex sentences with conjunctions when/if

4. Complex sentences with relationships of cause and effect are divided into two groups:

1) sentences indicating the reason in the second part (a colon is placed in such sentences

I trust those who love: they are generous.

2) sentences indicating the consequence in the second part (a dash is placed in such sentences):

The windows opened and the smell of pine trees entered the veranda.

Such sentences can be replaced by complex sentences with subordinate clauses of cause or subordinate clauses of effect.

5. In complex non-union sentences with an explanation (the second part explains the content of the first), a colon is placed:

Objects lost their shape: everything merged first into a gray, then into a dark mass. =Objects lost their shape, namely: everything merged first into a gray, then into a dark mass.

Such sentences can be replaced by sentences with conjunctions namely, that is.

6. In complex non-union sentences, if the second sentence complements the content of the first, put a colon

I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. And here’s what I noticed: near some houses the poplars are drying up.

Such sentences can be replaced by complex sentences with a conjunction What:

And I noticed that near some houses the poplars were drying up.

In some cases, you can insert the words and I saw (and see):

I look at my watch: we are accurately carrying out the navigator’s calculations. I look at my watch and see that we are accurately following the navigator’s calculations.

Let's summarize all the information in the table:


Complex syntactic constructions are combinations of parts with different types syntactic connection. Such constructions are very widespread in speech, and are equally often used in works of different functional styles. This combined types sentences, they are diverse in possible combinations of parts in them, but with all their diversity they lend themselves to a fairly clear and definite classification.

Depending on various combinations of connection types between parts, the following types of complex syntactic constructions are possible:

1) with composition and submission: Lopatin began to feel sleepy, and he was glad when the driver appeared at the door and reported that the car was ready

( = ), and [- = ], (when = - and =), (that - =)

2) with an essay and non-union connection: I’m assigned to another unit, but I’m behind the train: let me, I think, look at my platoon and my lieutenant.

(-), yes (- = ): ( = ).

3) with subordination and non-union connection: In the forest on a walk, sometimes, thinking about my work, I am overcome with philosophical delight: it seems as if you are deciding the conceivable fate of all humanity.

(- = ):[ = ], (as if =).

4) with composition, subordination and non-union connection: But the river majestically carries its water, and what does it care about these bindweeds: spinning, they float along with the water, just as the ice floes floated recently.

(- = ), and ( = ): [ = -], (as = -).

Complex sentences are usually divided into Components, and one or both of them may be complex sentences. The main clause and its subordinate clause always form one component. Subordinating connection always internal. The connection between components can be of only two types - coordinative or non-union.

Thus, there are THREE components in sentence 1; Sentence 2 has THREE components; Sentence 3 has TWO components; There are 4 THREE components in the sentence.

pay attention to symbols:

sentences that do not have subordinate clauses are placed in curly brackets ( )

sentences with subordinate clauses are traditionally placed in square brackets

subordinate clauses are traditionally formatted with parentheses ()

They say (1) that Brazilian carnivals delight and fascinate (2) and (3) when we first saw its unique bright beauty (4) we ourselves were convinced (5) how right the eyewitnesses were.

[-], (what- = and =), and (when- =), [then = ], (how much = -).

There are always people next to you (1) and (2) even if you are very lonely (3) you do not doubt that (4) that someone will be able to listen and understand you.

[-], and, (if-), [- = in that], (that = and =).

There was an impression (1) that we had magically visited a wonderful country (2) where there are scarlet lilies and red rowan trees (3) where everything is clearer and more beautiful (4) than it has always been around.

[ = -], (which - =), (where - and -), (where- =), (than =).

Complicated sentence

A simple sentence can be complicated. Not complex, but complicated, because complex requires the presence of a second grammatical basis.

Sentence complication occurs when there are sentence members and non-sentence units with relative semantic and intonation independence. The complication of the sentence is caused by

1) homogeneous members;

2) separate members (including clarifying, explanatory, connecting, participle, participial, comparative turnover);

3) introductory words and sentences, plug-in constructions;

4) appeals;

General concept of isolation

Isolation is a highlighted secondary member of a sentence, intonation and semantic content, and words dependent on it. Thanks to the presence of dependent words, isolation acquires syntactic independence and communicative meaning.

The components of isolation most often perform the following functions: application, definition, circumstances, and form weakly controlled case forms. The term “isolation” first began to be used in Russian in 1914, and was introduced by the linguist A. Peshkovsky.

Signs of isolation

In Russian linguistics, the following main signs of the existence of isolation in a sentence are identified:

1) the presence of words depending on isolation

2) inverse word order.

3) the presence of complementary semantic verbal expressions.

Pegging functions

The main function performed by isolation is to provide additional characteristics of a person, object or action. With the help of isolation, the sentence is filled with clarifying semantic content, since it explains in detail what is said in its main part.

Example: Great and unexpected happiness came into Maria's life - Great and unexpected happiness came into Maria's life.

Often isolation imbues a sentence with an expressive character.

In writing, isolation is always distinguished by punctuation marks - dashes and commas. Example with a comma: An unfamiliar young man approached us, residents of the village, and asked about the location of the village council. Example with a dash: We watched with interest the jay, a small bird with a hooked beak.

Pegging Types

Depending on the functions performed in the sentence, inconsistencies are divided into two groups: explanatory and semi-predicative. isolated revolutions. Semi-predicative clauses often resemble independent sentences, as they are filled with logical, sometimes completely complete, meaning.

In russian language There are four types of semi-predicative isolated phrases:

  • - participial. In the distance a mill could be seen standing under the mountain.
  • - participial turnover. She ran, waving her arms.
  • - substantive turnover. Poor people, they had a hard time withstanding the cold.
  • - adjective phrase. The girl’s dress, reminiscent of the spring sky, fluttered in the wind.

Explanatory phrases always depend on minor members and perform a predominantly specific function or complement the sentence additional information. Types of explanatory singularities are distinguished by which part of speech the main word - isolation - belongs to.

Types of explanatory markings

  • - substantive: Near the forest, in a clearing, mushrooms grew.
  • - adjective: Everyone left except Alice.
  • - verbal: The rain took people by surprise, they didn’t expect it.
  • - infinitive: Vera Ivanovna came without a purpose - to sit and talk.
  • - adverbial: In the middle of the night, unexpectedly for everyone, he ran away.

The role of isolation can be proper names nouns or animal names.

MBOU secondary school in the village of Khondergei

Russian language lesson in 8th grade

Subject teacher Artsedi M.V.

Subject: The concept of isolation. Separate definitions. Markers punctuation with them.

The purpose of the lesson : give the concept of isolation of members of a sentence; show that isolation is one of the ways to semantically highlight (or clarify) part of a sentence; to teach to find grammatical conditions for isolating definitions expressed by participial phrases and adjectives with dependent words, to pronounce them correctly intonationally.

During the classes.

  1. Class organization.
  2. Updating basic knowledge.

Guys, we continue our journey through the “Syntax” section. Punctuation of a simple sentence”, as well as “Simple complicated sentence”.

Let's remember how a simple sentence can be complicated?

Homogeneous members of the sentence, address, introductory words, etc.

Right. Let's work with the sentence written on the board. Let's do syntactic and punctuation analysis.

1. The moon had just emerged from behind a hill and was illuminating two small, thin, low clouds.

Student comment: the sentence is simple, declarative, non-exclamatory. Between homogeneous predicates got out and illuminated a comma is not placed, since they are connected by a non-repeating connecting conjunction I.

Between definitions small, thin, low separating commas are placed, since these are homogeneous definitions, the connection between them is non-union.

Which parts of the sentence are called homogeneous?

Homogeneous sentence members are those that refer to the same sentence member, answer the same question, and perform the same syntactic function.

When are definitions considered homogeneous? The definition is homogeneous if it characterizes the object on one side. The knowledge that we have repeated will be useful when considering new material.

II. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Let's try to determine the topic of the lesson by listening to a grammar fairy tale. Translate it into the language of science.

From the life of isolated members of a sentence

Unusual sentence units live in the state Syntax – Isolated. They are not similar to either the Main or Secondary members, although they are directly related to the latter. This kinship obliges them to answer the same questions, to have the same name as the Additions, Definitions and Circumstances. But otherwise... These Separate Ones are so proud, so selfish, so independent! They surround themselves with Commas like a fence, as if they don’t want to know anyone. Sometimes they make Dependent words work for themselves, sometimes they make Prepositions, sometimes they connect with each other using Conjunctions. And how intonation serves! Try to pronounce it without due respect, you will immediately pick up punctuation errors. In the Punctuation Code of Laws, not one rule is devoted to them, not two, but no less than fifteen! They are very significant, everyone really needs them. You look at them and you immediately understand: important birds.

So, the topic was determined and written down. What goal will we set for ourselves?

Learn to recognize isolated members and use correct punctuation marks.

III. Explanation of new material.

Guys, remember what isolation is?

(Identification according to the meaning of the members of a sentence. In speech using intonation, and in writing using punctuation marks).

What distinctions are you familiar with? (Participial phrases are separated if they appear after the word being defined, gerunds and participial phrases, comparative phrases).

Let's turn to the dictionary.

Separate - to define specifically, to highlight, to isolate, to exclude from the general.

V. Dahl

Separation – intonation and semantic highlighting of a word form or group of word forms within a simple sentence.

A short guide to the modern Russian language.

Guys, the term “isolated members of a sentence” was introduced into science by the famous linguist Pleshkovsky.

Only minor members of a sentence can be isolated.

II. Working with the textbook.

Reading paragraph 47, analyzing sentences.

  1. Finally the dim and red moon emerged.
  2. Finally the month floated out,/ dull and red.

Exercise. In which of the sentences does the definition only characterize the month? In which sentence do the definitions have more meaning? In the second. By what linguistic means are these definitions expressed?

Writing sentences (working with text).

Tasks. Copy the text, separating homogeneous members with commas and highlighting isolated members, expressed by participial and participial phrases, with commas. Underline these phrases as parts of the sentence.

A true nature lover notices the slightest changes taking place in the forest in spring, summer, and autumn.

Equally...stuffy towards nature, he walks along the forest road (not) paying attention to anything. A nature lover will definitely notice the thin bluish fog hanging over the road and over the clearings; he will notice drops of dew on the grass and bushes; the variety of colors in the morning and evening dawn and much of what those who are equal to nature will (not) see. And the smells of the wasp(n, nn) ​​of his forest will be felt by a person close to nature.

(According to A. Peregudov).

What is separation?

With the help of what linguistic means are the members of a sentence isolated?

IV. Homework.

V. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Exercise. From two sentences, construct one with an isolated member.

  1. There were thick clouds on the top of the mountains. They will not allow you to distinguish their upper outlines.

Thick clouds lay on the top of the mountains, /not allowing to distinguish their upper outlines/.

  1. A fresh wind propelled the fisherman's boat. The blowing wind urged the boat along. Fresh breeze,/ blowing from the sea /, drove the boat.

VI. Summarizing.

Which parts of the sentence are called isolated?

How are individual members distinguished in speech and writing?

In what cases are definitions separated?