Inconsistent definitions: examples. Agreed and inconsistent definition. Separating agreed and inconsistent definitions

Definition is a minor member of the sentence, which depends on the subject, addition or circumstance, determines the attribute of the object and answers the questions: which one? which the? whose?

Definition can refer to words different parts speech: a noun and words formed from adjectives or participles by transition to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed versus inconsistent definition

An agreed definition is a definition for which the type syntactic link between the main and dependent words - agreement. For example:

A disgruntled girl was eating chocolate ice cream on the open terrace.

(girl (which one?) dissatisfied, ice cream (which one?) chocolate, on the terrace (which one?) open)

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives consistent with the words being defined - nouns in gender, number, and case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) adjectives: dear mom, beloved grandmother;

2) participles: a laughing boy, a bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boy;

4) ordinal numbers: September 1st, by March 8th.

But the definition may be inconsistent. This is the name of the definition associated with the defined word by other types of syntactic links:



Inconsistent definition based on governance:

Mom's book was on the bedside table.

Wed: Mom's book - Mom's book

(Mom's book is an agreed definition, the relationship type is reconciliation, and Mom's book is inconsistent, the relationship type is management)

Inconsistent adjacency-based definition:

I want to buy her a more expensive present.

Wed: a more expensive gift - a dear gift

(a more expensive gift is an inconsistent definition, the type of connection is adjoining, and an expensive gift is an agreed definition, the type of connection is approval)

To inconsistent definitions include definitions expressed syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseological units.

A five-storey shopping center was built opposite.

Wed: center with five floors - five-story center

(a five-story center is an inconsistent definition, a link type is management, and a five-story center is an agreed definition, a link type is negotiate)

A girl with blue hair entered the room.

(A girl with blue hair is an inconsistent definition, the type of connection is management.)

Different parts of speech can act as an inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

The bus stop has been moved.

(bus - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma cooked the meat in French.

(in French - adverb)

3) a verb in an indefinite form:

She had the ability to listen.

(listen - a verb in an indefinite form)

4) the comparative degree of the adjective:

He always chooses the easier path, and she chooses the harder tasks.

(easier, harder comparative degree of adjectives)

5) pronoun:

Her story touched me.

(her is a possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrase


Application is a special kind of definition. An application is a definition expressed by a noun consistent with the word being defined in the case.

Applications denote various signs of an object that are expressed by a noun: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my sister - baby.

A group of Japanese tourists lived with me in the hotel.

A variety of applications are geographical names, names of enterprises, organizations, printed media, works of art. The latter form inconsistent applications. Let's compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the Sukhona River.

(Sukhona is a consistent application, the words river and Sukhona are in the same case.)

The son read the fairy tale "Cinderella".

("Cinderella" is an inconsistent application, the words "fairy tale" and "Cinderella" are in different cases

Inconsistent definitions expressed indirect cases nouns (more often with a preposition) are isolated if the meaning expressed by them is emphasized: Officers, in new frock coats, white gloves and shiny epaulettes, sported the streets and the boulevard. Inconsistent definitions can also appear in front of the noun being defined: In a white tie, in a dandy coat wide open, with a string of stars and crosses on a gold chain in a tailcoat loop, the general was returning from dinner alone. Such inconsistent definitions are usually isolated:
if they refer to their own name: Sasha Berezhnova, in a silk dress, in a cap on the back of her head and in a shawl, was sitting on the sofa; Light-haired, with a curly head, without a hat and with a shirt unbuttoned on his chest, Dymov seemed handsome and extraordinary;
if referring to a personal pronoun: I am surprised that you, with your kindness, do not feel it;
if separated from the defined word by some other members of the sentence: After dessert, everyone moved to the sideboard, where, in a black dress, with a black net on her head, Caroline sat and watched with a smile as they looked at her;
if they form a series of homogeneous members with preceding or subsequent separate agreed definitions: I saw a man, wet, in rags, with a long beard.
Often, inconsistent definitions are isolated in the names of persons by the degree of kinship, profession, position, and so on, since due to the significant concreteness of such nouns, the definition serves the purposes of an additional message: Grandfather, in grandmother's katsaveika, in an old Kartuz without a visor, squints at something, smiles at something.
The isolation of an inconsistent definition can serve as a means of deliberately separating a given turn from a neighboring predicate, to which it could be attributed in meaning and syntactically, and referring it to a subject: Women, with long rakes in their hands, wander into the field.
The inconsistent definitions expressed in turnover with the form are isolated comparative an adjective (often a defined noun is preceded by an agreed definition): A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.
In the absence of a previous agreed definition, the inconsistent definition, expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective, is not isolated: But at another time there was no person more active than him.
Separated and separated by a dash are inconsistent definitions expressed by an indefinite form of the verb, before which you can put words without prejudice to the meaning, namely: I went to you with pure motives, with a single desire - to do good! If such a definition is in the middle of a sentence, then it stands out with a dash on two sides: Each of them decided this issue - to leave or stay - for themselves, for their loved ones. But if, according to the terms of the context, there should be a comma after the definition, then the second dash is usually omitted: Since there was only one choice - to lose the army and Moscow or one Moscow, the field marshal had to choose the latter

A) Definition expressed indirect cases of nouns (more often with prepositions)

1. if referring to a personal pronoun:

Today she, in a new blue hood , was especially young and impressively beautiful (M. Gorky).

2. Definitions-nouns stand apart, if separated from the word being defined by other members of the sentence:

After dessert, everyone moved to the buffet, where,in a black dress, with a black mesh on the head , sat Caroline(Goncharov).

3. Definitions-nouns stand apart, if they form a series of homogeneous members with a preceding or subsequent separate agreed definition:

This crowd of people, motley dressed, with tanned faces and with squirrel tails on headdresses , made a strange impression (Arseniev).

4. if they relate to a proper name, since they complement, clarify the idea of ​​a person or an object.

Sasha Berezhnova, in a silk dress, in a cap on the back of the head and in shawls , sat on the couch (Goncharov).

5. Noun definitions are usually set apart, if they relate to a noun that characterizes a person by the degree of kinship, position held, profession, etc. The noun definition in this case gives an additional characteristic to the person. Such a definition is more common, that is, it contains dependent words. Quite often, there are several such definitions.

Came out majestically mother, in a lilac dress, in lace, with a long string of pearls around the neck (Goncharov).

Note! G

1) When placing punctuation marks, it is very important to correctly determine the type minor member expressed by a noun, since it can be not only a definition, but also an addition, a circumstance.

Wed:Came out majestically mother, in a lilac dress, in lace. Mother came outin a lilac dress, in lace.

2) If the inconsistent definition expressed by a noun is isolated, it is highlighted with pauses.

3) Isolation of inconsistent definitions, expressed by nouns, is often optional but optional. If the author wants to give an additional characteristic to the person, if the isolation of the definition serves as a way of deliberately separating the turnover from the neighboring predicate, then such a definition is separate.

Baba, with a long rake in hand , wandering in the field (Turgenev).

V this case I.S. Turgenev wanted to emphasize that the turnover with a long rake in hand does not belong to the predicate wandering but to the subject women ("Women with a rake", not "wandering with a rake").

4) Separate inconsistent definitions are synonymous with subordinate clauses.

Wed: Baba, with a long rake in hand, wandering in the field. - Women who have a rake in their hands wandering in the field.

B) Definition, expressed by a turnover with a comparative form of an adjective

1. Inconsistent definitions, expressed by a turnover with the form of the comparative degree of an adjective, are usually isolated, since in meaning they approach a weakened, secondary predicate. Therefore, such definitions can be replaced clause or a stand-alone offer. Such phrases usually appear after the word being defined and have dependent words:

Force, stronger than his will , threw him out of there (Turgenev). -Wed:This power was stronger than his will. This force threw him out of there.

¯ Often the noun being defined is preceded by another definition that is agreed upon. In this case, the definitions have a shade of explanation (meaning "namely"):

Short beard, slightly darker than hair , slightly shaded lips and chin (A.K. Tolstoy); Other guys, younger , looked at us with delight.

2. The definition with the form of the comparative degree of the adjective is not isolated, if it is closely related to the noun being defined:

But at other times there was human more active than him (Turgenev).

V) Definition, indefinite

1. Definition expressed indefinite form verb (infinitive), separates (using a dash), if it has an explanatory meaning and before it you can put the words viz. In oral speech, such infinitive definitions are preceded by a pause:

But the given is beautiful lotbrighten anddie (Bryusov).

2. Definition expressed in an indefinite form of a verb (infinitive), does not isolate, if it forms a single phrase together with the noun. Usually such definitions are in the middle of a sentence and are pronounced without pauses:

Thought marry Olesya more and more often came into my head (Kuprin).

Note! G

1) Definitions-infinitives highlighted with a dash , not a comma or colon.

2) If stand-alone definition, expressed by an infinitive, is in the middle of a sentence, then it is separated by a dash on both sides.

Each of them solved this question - leave or stay - for yourself, for your loved ones (Ketlinskaya).

But if, according to the conditions of the context, a comma should be after the definition, then the second dash is usually omitted.

Since I was left alone choicelose the army and Moscow or Moscow alone , then the field marshal had to choose the latter (L. Tolstoy).

Exercises to the topic

"Segregation of agreed definitions"

Exercise 1. Find isolated or non-isolated definitions in sentences. Emphasize. Arrange the missing punctuation marks.

1. The weather, which was frowning in the morning, began to gradually clarify (Arseniev). 2. He had already opened his mouth and got up a little from the bench, but suddenly, struck with horror, he closed his eyes and fell off the bench (M. Gorky). 3. Gripped by angry despair, I saw around only these waves with whitish manes (M. Gorky). 4. Gripped by some vague premonition, Korchagin quickly dressed and went out into the street (N. Ostrovsky). 5. Meresiev sat silent and anxious (Polevoy). 6. A stoker who looked like a Negro passed by and did not close the door near me (Bunin). 7. While the tarantass, accompanied by barking with a crash, rolls along the bridges across the ravines, I look at the piles of bricks left over from the burnt house and drowned in the weeds and think about what the old man Kologrivov would do if he saw the impudent people galloping around the courtyard of his estate (Bunin) ... 8. Pavel went to her room and sat down on a chair tired (Polevoy). 9. The fire of a bomb exploding near him instantly illuminated two people standing above and white foam greenish waves cut by a steamer (L. Tolstoy). 10. A heavy, unheard roar shook the air (AN Tolstoy). 11. Chichikov only noticed something like a roof through the thick blanket of pouring rain (Gogol). 12. The badger, frightened by the noise, rushed to the side and disappeared from sight (Arseniev).

Exercise 2. Arrange the missing punctuation marks.

1. The girl plucked a twig from a currant bush and, delighted with the aroma of the buds, caught up with her companion and handed him a twig (Prishvin). 2. In the long beard of the father of the protopope and in his small mustache that connects with the beard at the corners of his mouth, there are several black hairs that give her the appearance of silver trimmed with niello (Leskov). 3. His eyes are brown, bold and clear (Leskov). 4. The sky is almost not reflected in the water, cut by the blows of the oars of steamer propellers with the sharp keels of Turkish feluccas and other ships plying the narrow harbor in all directions (M. Gorky). 5. A long dam lined with silvery poplars closed this pond (Turgenev). 6. She was in a white robe stained with blood and a scarf tied tightly up to her eyebrows (AN Tolstoy). 7. Long, grasping pines raised wide arms and all clinging to the clouds are trying to keep (Kuranov). 8. Looking angry, he was kind at heart (Fadeev).

9. An energetic tall, a little angry and mocking, he stands as if he was rooted to the logs, and in a tense pose, ready to turn the rafts every second, he vigilantly looks ahead (M. Gorky). 10. The blue southern sky, darkened by dust, is cloudy (M. Gorky). 11. From beyond the sea, mountains appeared like a flock of clouds, and behind them clouds like snowy mountains swirled (Krymov). 12. Ringing of anchor chains roar of coupled wagons delivering cargo metal scream of iron sheets from somewhere falling on a stone pavement dull sound of wood rattling of cabs whistles of steamers now shrillly sharp now dull roaring screams of loaders, sailors and customs soldiers - all these sounds merge into deafening music working day(M. Gorky). 13. And the people themselves who initially gave birth to this noise are ridiculous and pitiful: their figures are dusty, tattered, brisk bent under the weight of goods lying on their backs fussily run here and there in clouds of dust in a sea of ​​heat and sounds, they are insignificant in comparison with the surrounding iron colossi piles of goods, rattling wagons and everything that they created (M. Gorky). 14. Long, bony, a little stooped, he slowly walked over the stones (M. Gorky). 15. He is a very kind person, but with rather strange concepts and habits (Turgenev). 16. But to pay for something even self-needed suddenly two hundred three hundred rubles seemed to them almost suicide (Goncharov). 17. The next day we learned that Soviet intelligence entered the city but, shocked by the monstrous picture of flight, stopped at the slopes to the port and did not open fire (Paustovsky). 18. Obviously, depressed by the memories, Arzhanov fell silent for a long time (Sholokhov). 19. He looked around and saw that the truck, which had been overturned and long ago taken apart in parts, lying by the side of the road, was smoking rapidly (Polevoy). 20. Dawn came, and Kazbek (Zabolotsky), chained in snow with a two-headed fragment of a crystal, caught fire in the fire. 21. And the one enclosed in a regular square rushes about and tears for the fence, then silently flies around the garden (Shefner). 22. I never entered the house, sat on a bench and left unnoticed by anyone (Nikitin). 23. But besides the song, we also had something good, something we loved and, perhaps, replaced the sun for us (M. Gorky). 24. He stood surprised unexpected meeting and, too, embarrassed, was about to leave (N. Ostrovsky). 25. Soft and silvery, it [the sea] merged there with the blue southern sky and sleeps soundly, reflecting in itself the transparent fabric of cirrus clouds of motionless and not hiding golden patterns of stars (M. Gorky).

Exercise to the topic

"Isolation of inconsistent definitions"

Exercise 1. Find inconsistent definitions in sentences. Emphasize. Arrange the missing punctuation marks.

1. One of them was Stolz, the other was his friend, a fat writer with an apathetic face and pensive, seemingly sleepy eyes (Goncharov). 2. Blue in the constellations lasts midnight (Lugovskoy). 3. It was Lyoshka Shulepnikov, only a very old crumpled one with a gray mustache, unlike himself (Trifonov). 4. The desire to speak with his daughter disappeared (Trifonov). 5. Broad-shouldered, short-legged in heavy boots in a thick caftan the color of road dust, he stood in the middle of the steppe as if carved out of stone (M. Gorky). 6. And all of her in an old tunic with a burnt-out cap on dark blond smooth hair seemed to Alexei very tired and weary (Poleva). 7. The next morning, Luzgina, in an elegant blue silk dress with fluffy tufts of light blond hair, fresh, rosy, lush and fragrant with bracelets and rings on her plump hands, was hastily drinking coffee, fearing to be late for the steamer (Stanyukovich). 8. The elevator operator at the entrance, gloomy with drooping cheeks, greeted Lyosha with a nod of his head (Trifonov). 9. Suddenly, an old woman with a cigarette in her mouth (Trifonov) came out of the white door with frosted pimpled glass. 10. In a white tie in a dandy overcoat unbuttoned with a string of stars and crosses on a gold chain in a tailcoat loop, the general was returning from dinner, alone (Turgenev). 11. Elizabeth Kievna with red hands in a man's dress with a pitiful smile and meek eyes did not leave my memory (AN Tolstoy). 12. I am surprised that you, with your kindness, do not feel this (L. Tolstoy). 13. With her defenselessness, she aroused in him a knightly feeling to shield protect protect (Kataev). 14. Sometimes, in the general harmony of the splash, an elevated and playful note is heard - one of the bolder waves crawled closer to us (M. Gorky). 15. Suddenly everyone left their work and turned to face us and bowed deeply and some of the older peasants greeted their father and me (Aksakov). 16. The older children were spinning under his arms (Rylenkov). 17. So I have only one dubious pleasure to look out of the window at fishing (Kuprin). 18. She was pursued by a secret dream to go into the partisan underground (Fadeev). 19. Kirill Ivanovich felt in himself a desire to repeat each word several times (M. Gorky). 20. On the bridge, the captain and the officer of the watch (Stanyukovich) are dressed in raincoats with short-brimmed southwest on their heads.


Separate agreed definitions

1. As a rule, common definitions are isolated, expressed by a participle or adjective with words dependent on them and standing after the noun being defined, for example: A cloud hanging over high peaks poplars, already pouring rain (Cor.); Sciences, alien to music, were hateful to me (P.).

Definitions of this type are not isolated if the noun being defined in itself in this sentence does not express the lexically necessary concept and needs a definition, for example: I have not seen a person more exquisitely calm, self-confident and autocratic (T.).

Also common post-positive definitions do not stand apart if in their meaning they are connected not only with the subject, but also with the predicate, for example: I was sitting immersed in deep thoughtfulness (P.); Taiga stood silent and full of mystery (Cor.). This usually happens with the verbs of motion and state, which can act as a significant link.

2. Separate two or more post-positive single definitions that explain the noun, for example: In the air, sultry and dusty, a thousand-voiced dialect (MG).

However, the separation of two uncommon definitions is necessary only when the noun being defined is preceded by another definition. Wed: I want to learn the secrets of a wise and simple life (Bruce.). - The spring spirit, cheerful and dissolute, went everywhere (Bagr.).

3. A single post-positive definition is isolated if it has an additional adverbial meaning, for example: People, amazed, became like stones (MG).

4. A definition is isolated if it is torn off from the noun being defined by other members of the sentence; in these cases, the definition by meaning is also associated with the predicate and has an additional adverbial connotation. For example: Here, alarmed by the whirlwind, a corncrake flew out of the grass (Ch.); Sun-drenched, Greek and wheat fields spread across the river (Shol.).

5. The definition immediately before the noun being defined is isolated if, in addition to the attributive, it also has adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessive), for example: Growing up in poverty and hunger, Paul was hostile to those who were, in his understanding, wealthy (I. Sharp.); Cut off from the whole world, the Uralians withstood the Cossack siege with honor (Furm.).

6. Definitions related to the personal pronoun are always separated; such definitions are attributive-predictive in nature and have additional adverbial meaning. For example: Exhausted, dirty, wet, we finally reached the shore (T.); How, poor, can I not grieve? (Cr.).

Separate inconsistent definitions

1. Inconsistent definitions, expressed by indirect cases of nouns, are isolated if it is necessary to emphasize the meaning expressed by them, for example: The headman, in boots and in a saddlebag, with cloaks in his hand, noticing the priest from afar, took off his bright hat (L.T.).

Most often, inconsistent definitions are isolated with a proper name, since it, being the bearer of an individual name, in itself rather specifically designates a person or an object, and the indication of a sign has in this case the character of an additional message clarifying instructions, for example: Shabashkin, with a cap on his head , stood with a hip and looked proudly around him (P.).

The same is observed with personal pronouns that indicate an object or person already known from the context, for example: He, with his mind and experience, could already have noticed that she distinguished him (P.).

Often the isolation of an inconsistent definition serves as a means of deliberately separating it from one member of the sentence (usually the predicate), to which it could be attributed in meaning and syntactically, and referring to another (usually the subject), for example: Babas, with a long rake in their hands, wander in the field (T.).

2. Usually, inconsistent post-positive definitions are isolated, expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective; in these cases, an agreed definition often precedes the noun being defined. For example: Another room, almost twice as large, was called a hall ... (Ch.).

Standalone applications

Separate applications in some cases have a purely attributive meaning, in others adverbial shades of meaning are added to it, which is associated with the degree of prevalence of a separate construction, its place in relation to the word being defined, the morphological nature of the latter.

1. A common application, expressed by a common noun with dependent words and related to a common noun, is isolated; such applications, as a rule, are post-positive, less often they are found in a pre-positive position. For example: a) A hospital watchman, an old retired soldier (Ch.), Always lies on the trash with a pipe in his mouth; b) Unhappily faithful sister, hope in a gloomy dungeon will awaken cheerfulness and joy (P.);

2. A single application related to a common noun is isolated if the noun being defined has explanatory words with it, for example: I was looked after by one girl, a Polish woman (MG).

Less often, an uncommon application is isolated with a single definable noun, for example: And enemies, fools, think that we are afraid of death (Fad.).

3. An application related to a proper name is isolated if it is in a post position; a prepositive annex is set aside if it has additional circumstantial value. For example: a) Lies under a mound overgrown with weeds, sailor Zheleznyak, partisan (Utk.); b) Admirer of Bach and Handel, an expert in his field, ... Lemme over time - who knows? - would become one of the great composers of his homeland (T.).

4. Given name persons can act as a stand-alone application if it serves to clarify or clarify common noun(before such an application, you can put the words viz.) without changing the meaning. For example: The rest of the brothers, Martyn and Prokhor, are similar to Alexei (Shol.) To the smallest detail.

5. The application is always isolated with a personal pronoun, for example: It's a shame for me, an old man, to listen to such speeches (MG).

6. Standalone application may refer to a word that is absent in this sentence, but clear from the context or situation, for example: The child herself, in a crowd of children did not want to play and jump (P.).

7. A separate application can be joined by a union as (with a causal meaning), words by name, surname, nickname, gender, etc. For example: The commandant advised me in a friendly way to leave poetry, as it was a disgusting thing to do service and would not lead to anything good (P.); At the gatehouse there was a huge black dog of unknown breed, named Arapka (Ch.).

| next lecture ==>
criteria (from 1 to 6), and if a granuloma is detected, another relative criterion (from 1 to 6) |

Inconsistent definitions associated with the word being defined by the method
control or adjacency, that is, the coincidence of the forms of the determined
words and definitions are not assumed; when changing forms
of the word being defined, the inconsistent definition does not change.

Isolation of inconsistent definitions depends on several

a) from the part of speech of the defined (main) word;
b) from the position of the definition in relation to the determined (main)
word - before the main word, after the main word;
c) from the presence of additional shades of values ​​in the definition
(adverbial, explanatory);
d) on the degree of distribution and the way of expressing the definition.

However, in general, the segregation of inconsistent definitions is less than
categorically, rather than isolating agreed definitions. It
occurs if, in this context, it is required to highlight
any sign, to strengthen the meaning expressed by it.

Let us list the conditions for separating inconsistent definitions:

A) Definition expressed by indirect cases of nouns(more often
with pretexts)

1. Definitions-nouns are isolated if they relate to
personal pronoun:
Let's give an example:
Yesterday, in an old red jacket, he was especially young and impressive

2. Definitions-nouns stand out if separated from
defined word by other members of the sentence:
Let's give an example:
After dinner, everyone went to the courtyard, where, in a white dress, with a red
with a ribbon on her head, Angelina walked.

3. Definitions-nouns stand out if they form a series
homogeneous members with a preceding or subsequent separate
agreed definition:
Let's give an example:
This young man, provocatively dressed, with a white face and blue
eyes, made a strange impression.

4. Definitions-nouns are usually isolated if they refer to
proper name, since they complement, clarify the idea of
a person or about an object.
Let's give an example:
Vera Starolyubova, in a chintz dress, a cap on the back of her head and a shawl,
sat on an armchair.

5. Definitions-nouns are usually isolated if they refer to
a noun characterizing a person by the degree of kinship,
position, profession, etc. Definition-noun
in this case, it gives an additional characteristic to the person. Such
the definition is more common, that is, it contains
dependent words. Quite often, there are several such definitions.
Let's give an example:
Father came out majestically, in a red jacket, in lace, with
a silver bracelet on his arm.

B) Definition expressed by turnover with a comparative form

1. Inconsistent definitions expressed by turnover with the form
the comparative degree of the adjective, usually set apart,
as in value they approach a weakened, secondary
predicate. Therefore, such definitions can be replaced by the clause
offer or stand-alone offer. Such turnovers are usually
stand after the word being defined and have dependent words:
Let's give an example:
Love, stronger than his mind, pushed him towards her.
This love was stronger than his mind. This love pushed him to

Isolation of definitions.

Often there is another definition in front of the noun being defined,
agreed. In this case, the definitions have a shade of explanation.
(meaning "namely"):
Let's give an example:
Long beard, slightly lighter than hair, slightly set off the chin and
The other older guys looked at him in amazement.

2. Definition with the form of the comparative degree of the adjective is not
is isolated if it is closely related to the noun being defined:

But at other times there was no man more active than him (Turgenev).

C) Definition expressed by the indefinite form of the verb

1. Definition expressed by the indefinite form of the verb
(infinitive), is isolated (with a dash) if it has
explanatory meaning and before it you can put the words viz. V
oral speech such infinitive definitions are preceded by a pause:
Let's give an example:
But the choice is insane - to love and die.

2. Definition expressed by the indefinite form of the verb
(infinitive), is not isolated if it forms together with the name
a single noun phrase. Usually such definitions
stand in the middle of a sentence and are pronounced without pauses:
Let's give an example:
The idea of ​​marrying my husband for Oleg came into my head less and less often.