Red throat in a child, treatment and temperature. Red throat and high temperature in a child: causes, treatment, recommendations. Red throat and loose throat

A red throat and fever in a child is one of the most common complaints of parents when contacting a pediatrician. Indeed, children under 12 years of age very often suffer from pharyngitis and tonsillitis. It is not surprising, because the tissues of the throat come into contact with thousands of microorganisms every day, some of which the child does not yet have immunity to.

Over time, the child's immune system becomes familiar with respiratory infections and becomes able to resist them.

Adults can also catch a cold, but their illness is much milder, in most cases without fever or complications.

Throat diseases are especially common during the cold season and off-season. A child may develop a sore throat after active play outside, walking in light clothing in damp weather, or drinking cold drinks.

Hypothermia is a factor that significantly increases the risk of developing acute respiratory infections. When inhaling cold air/eating cold food, the nasopharynx and tonsils, as well as the larynx, are especially affected.

Red throat - a symptom of acute respiratory infection

High temperature and red throat are typical symptoms of acute respiratory diseases (i.e. acute respiratory infections). In particular, this clinical picture is characteristic of some ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections).

We list the common acute respiratory infections, in which an increase in temperature is observed:

  1. Acute pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. With pharyngitis, the child’s throat is red and the body temperature is elevated or high. Children often complain of discomfort when swallowing and poor appetite.

Rinsing is a very simple and affordable, but no less effective method of treating infectious diseases of the throat.

For rinsing, you can use warm salted water, a soda solution (a teaspoon per glass of water), water with the addition of a few drops of propolis tincture or chlorophyllipt (not recommended for children prone to allergies). The procedure can be performed 4-6 times a day, always after each meal and before bed.

After gargling, the child’s throat can be treated with an antiseptic spray (Orasept, Hexoral, Ingalipt). Always read the instructions for the drug - many of them have age restrictions or differences in the frequency of use for children of different ages. After irrigating your throat with the spray, you should not drink or eat for 20-40 minutes.

Swallowing lollipops is a favorite medicine for many children. Most throat lozenges have a pleasant taste (for example, Grammidin, Strepsils, Doctor Mom, etc.). However, parents often do not take such treatment seriously, and it is completely in vain. Firstly, resorption stimulates the production of saliva, which contains natural antiseptic substances, primarily lysozyme. Secondly, lollipops contain antiseptic substances that inhibit the activity of microorganisms. Some lozenges contain components that activate the immune system (for example, Tonsilotren, Imudon).

If local treatment does not produce results, the use of systemic drugs will be required. Their choice depends on the causes of the disease. To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, laboratory tests may be required - a general blood test and bacteriological culture of the throat microflora.

Antipyretics - how and when to use them

When a child's body temperature is elevated and the throat is red, most parents immediately give the patient antipyretic drugs. Often, the thermometer readings barely reach 37.5C. This approach is absolutely wrong, and can even cause harm.

It is important to understand that lowering the temperature and destroying the infection are not the same thing. In order for the temperature to normalize, it is necessary to destroy the infection. Antipyretics do not affect the cause of the disease, but they can temporarily relieve fever, which in some cases can save the child’s life. At the same time, you should take antipyretics, like any other medications, only when necessary.

It is known that when the temperature approaches 37.5 C, blood circulation in the body accelerates, the division of leukocytes, the production of interferon and other immune substances are activated. Artificially lowering the temperature blocks these natural defense mechanisms and does not allow immunity to develop.

However, very heat dangerous to health, especially if we are talking about a small child. Parents need to monitor the body temperature of a sick child, measuring it every 3-4 hours. You must be prepared to use antipyretics. You should select and purchase an antipyretic drug for children in advance.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of antipyretics for children. Many of them are produced in a convenient form - in the form of syrups, suspensions, rectal suppositories. Each form has its own advantages. Thus, syrups and suspensions are easy to use and usually have a pleasant taste. An undeniable advantage rectal suppositories- fast action. Candles are also recommended for infants.

The safest antipyretic drug for children is paracetamol. This substance is non-toxic (when consumed in normal dosage) and is safe even for infants. In addition to the antipyretic effect, paracetamol has an analgesic and mild anti-inflammatory effect. Paracetamol is a very common medicine. This is the active component of such drugs as “Efferalgan for Children”, “Panadol Baby”, “Prohodol”, “Acetalgin”, “Vinadol” and many others.

If your child's temperature does not go down with paracetamol, call a doctor. Do not use stronger antipyretics on your own.

The temperature is 39 and often accompanies a sore throat, the treatment of which cannot be done without antibiotics. Within 1-2 days they normalize body temperature, affecting the cause of the disease - the source of infection.

If you take antipyretic drugs in parallel with antibiotics, you get the impression that the patient’s condition is improving, which is not always true. In this case, it is impossible to monitor how effectively the selected antibiotic fights the infection. That is why when using antibiotics, the intake of antipyretics should be limited.

They resort to taking antipyretics along with antibiotic therapy if the temperature reaches 39C.

Is it possible to cure a sore throat at home?

Children and their parents rarely rush to go to the hospital, even when severe symptoms acute respiratory infections, preferring to get sick at home. There are many reasons for this - some are afraid of contracting other infections from their roommates, others believe that the home environment is more favorable for recovery. In addition, many are confident that they can cure a sick child on their own, without turning to a specialist. But is this always the case?

Colds and sore throats associated with ARVI are usually relatively mild, and indeed, they can be successfully treated at home. In this case, home treatment involves following the doctor’s recommendations and maintaining bed rest. Required drinking plenty of fluids, frequent gargling, antiseptic treatment of the throat.

If the patient has a sore throat, local treatment not enough. A course of antibiotic effective against streptococcus is required.

A child's sore throat can also be treated at home. However, in this case, parents should ensure that he takes the antibiotic on time. It is necessary to constantly monitor the patient - monitor body temperature, monitor nutrition, and well-being.

On the second or third day of taking the antibiotic, the child’s well-being improves significantly. This indicates the effectiveness of the chosen drug, but does not mean that the child is cured. To destroy the infection and completely cure the child, a full course of antibiotic therapy is required (7-10 days, depending on the drug chosen).

Dear readers, today we will talk about what to do if a child has a sore throat and high temperature. In this article you will learn what the reasons may be, as well as additional signs. You will find out treatment methods and ways to prevent throat hyperemia.


When a child develops a high temperature, parents should understand that this is a manifestation of the symptoms of some illness, evidence of the immune system fighting an infection of any etiology. You need to know that this does not mean that the little one has a serious illness. Children in the first year of life may periodically have normal and elevated temperatures, this is due to the problem of the lack of a developed thermoregulation system. The temperature can rise due to any pathology, draft or stuffy room. There may be several reasons.

Doctors do not recommend lowering the temperature below 38.5 degrees. In the heat, pathogenic microorganisms can die and the production of interferon will begin. However, you need to know that in the presence of certain diseases, the temperature must be lowered until it exceeds 37.4 degrees.

In addition to using antipyretics, care must be taken to keep the baby cool. It is important to know that the warming procedure is only permissible if the temperature is normal. You need to remember to drink plenty of fluids during illness. Due to hyperthermia, the child’s body will begin to quickly evaporate liquid, so it is so important to take care of warm drinks, for example, give the child his favorite tea.

The most effective and practically no serious consequences for relieving fever are Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.


Parents should understand that the appearance of a symptom such as a sore throat may indicate infection of the body with pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and such a reaction may also be observed due to the influence of mechanical irritants or allergens, such as dust. There will be inflammation, swelling of the throat, and hyperemia. Temperature rise is possible.

According to statistics, in almost 66% of cases, red throat has a viral etiology, and in 34 - bacterial, mainly streptococcal.

The main causes of redness and sore throat accompanied by fever:

  • weakened immune system;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • recent infectious disease;
  • contact with sick people;
  • eating cold foods;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • laryngeal injury;
  • overvoltage vocal cords;
  • colds;
  • penetration of a foreign body into the mucous membrane;
  • infectious pathology in the body.

You can consider a list of the main diseases characterized by hyperthermia and hyperemia of the throat:

These diseases most often cause sore throat and high fever. However, it is necessary to take into account that in some diseases hyperthermia manifests itself only after one to two days, and not immediately after the redness of the neck.

Hyperthermia indicates a process of inflammation in the child’s body, usually accompanied by an infectious disease.

Additional symptoms

As you already know, there may be several conditions that cause hyperemia of the throat mucosa and pain, as well as an increase in temperature. If we consider diseases, in addition to these signs, there will be other symptoms that will bring the doctor closer to the assumption of a particular illness.

  1. With ARVI, in addition to the fact that the child has a sore throat and a temperature of 38, the following symptoms will be observed:
  • loss of appetite;
  • painful sensations in the stomach and throat;
  • nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • the ears may become blocked; they become painful on palpation;
  • sore throat when coughing;
  • rapid breathing;
  • tickling feeling.
  1. Evidence that a child has measles or scarlet fever will be:
  • the presence of a characteristic rash;
  • sore throat, hyperemia;
  • temperature rise;
  • if the first rashes appear on the baby’s cheeks, scarlet fever; if behind the ears, as well as on the forehead, measles.
  1. With laryngitis the following are observed:
  • dry cough, which after two to three days turns into a wet cough;
  • pain, sore throat;
  • sputum begins to disappear on the third day;
  • runny nose;
  • bad feeling;
  • clearly visible wheezing;
  • the temperature may be completely absent or not exceed 37.6 degrees.

  1. With tonsillitis it is typical:
  • sore, but not very red throat;
  • burning sensation in the tonsils;
  • heat;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • deterioration or lack of appetite;
  • bad breath;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • a dry cough may occur;
  • in rare cases, vomiting and convulsions occur.
  1. The main symptoms of pharyngitis include:
  • inflammation and redness of the back of the throat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • It hurts for the baby to take a breath;
  • the temperature may be normal, or it may rise, but does not exceed 37.7 degrees;
  • appetite worsens due to pain while eating;
  • tickling feeling.
  1. Angina:
  • swallowing becomes simply unbearably painful;
  • there is swelling and hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • is growing white coating;
  • the temperature jumps above 38.5 degrees;
  • there is general weakness;
  • significant enlargement of cervical lymph nodes;
  • the voice may become hoarse;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the child becomes capricious and irritable.


Initially, when examining the patient, the pediatrician makes a presumptive diagnosis. Most often, the doctor redirects to an otolaryngologist. Special studies will be ordered to confirm or refute the diagnosis. It can be:

  • clinical urine and blood tests;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • histological examination;
  • bacterial culture;
  • If necessary, ultrasound or radiography is prescribed.

Possible complications

You need to know that untimely or incorrect treatment can lead to the development of consequences. First of all, the disease develops into a chronic form.

In addition, the following complications may develop when primary symptoms such as sore throat and hyperthermia appear:

  • false croup;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • phlegmon;
  • sepsis.

In fact, this list can be much longer, and everything will depend on what diagnosis the baby is given. Do not forget to consult a doctor in time to speed up the recovery process and prevent the development of complications.


When a child is one year old, has a sore throat and a temperature above 38 degrees, delay can have serious consequences. No matter how old your little one is, you should not attempt self-treatment without consulting a doctor. Parents are not always able to accurately diagnose and use appropriate medications. Therefore, it is so important to show the child to a specialist and the path to recovery should be under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The course of treatment prescribed will directly depend on the diagnosis. Regardless of the disease, antihistamines can be prescribed to prevent the development of edema that blocks the baby’s breathing; in case of extreme heat, use drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

What will be the features of treatment of ailments characterized by redness of the throat and fever:

  1. For angina the following is prescribed:
  • antibiotics, for example Augmentin;
  • analgesics and antipyretics, for example, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen;
  • antiseptics for resorption, for example, Strepsils or Faringosept;
  • sprays, for example, Ingalipt;
  • gargling preparations, for example, Furacilin or Chlorophyllipt solution.
  1. For laryngitis, the following medications are prescribed:
  • antihistamines, such as Zyrtec or Claritin;
  • drugs for expectoration of sputum and cough, for example, Gerbion or Stoptussin;
  • aerosols for local action on the throat mucosa, for example, Hexoral;
  • lozenges, for example Faringosept;
  • Efferalgan may be prescribed to reduce temperature;
  • an anti-inflammatory drug, such as Ibufen.

  1. If pharyngitis is diagnosed, the course of treatment will consist of the following procedures:
  • treatment of the throat mucosa with Propolis or Lugol;
  • taking antibiotics, for example Ampicillin;
  • gargling with antiseptics, for example a solution of Furacilin or potassium permanganate;
  • use of sprays, for example, Ingalipt;
  • lozenges that soothe throat irritation, for example, Septolete;
  • if necessary, antimycotic agents, for example, Diflucan;
  • for hyperthermia - Ibuprofen.
  1. For tonsillitis:
  • antibiotics, for example, Flemoklav;
  • antiseptic aerosols, for example, Tantum Verde;
  • irrigating the throat with a spray like Chlorophyllipt;
  • gargling, for example, with Furacilin solution;
  • at a temperature - an antipyretic, for example, Panadol.

In addition, any disease characterized by sore throat and hyperthermia includes rinsing the nose, immunomodulating therapy, taking vitamins, and physiotherapy may be prescribed.

In our case, a sore throat, redness and high temperature indicated the presence of ARVI, tonsillitis, and once bacterial tonsillitis. When the temperature rose, especially when Nikita was very young, I always called the attending physician at home. It is so important to make a diagnosis on time and do it correctly. The main methods of treatment for these ailments were antiseptic tablets, aerosols, solutions for rinsing and local treatment, and for bacterial infections - antibiotics. When the disease had a viral etiology, a cough was added - antiviral and antitussive drugs were prescribed.

Features of care

For a speedy and successful recovery, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Strict bed rest, frequent warm drinks - at high temperatures this issue is especially acute. The baby sweats and loses a lot of fluid. In addition, this rule must be followed to reduce the risk of developing intoxication, because frequent drinking helps to quickly remove toxins from the child’s body.
  2. Proper nutrition. When a child has a sore throat, it hurts to swallow, or the temperature is elevated, you cannot do without a special diet. You should know that with this condition, the baby may partially or completely lose his appetite. It is important to understand that you do not need to force your child to eat. The diet should be gentle, the food should be warm, without seasonings. You should know that solid food is unacceptable, because it will injure the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat.
  3. Take care of regular wet cleaning and ventilation.

Traditional methods

Sometimes they resort to traditional medicine methods as an auxiliary or primary therapy. The fact is that for children under three years of age, many drugs may still be contraindicated and the doctor himself prescribes “herbal treatment” or rinsing. Parents must understand that in any case, the child must be shown to a specialist; it is unacceptable for the child to uncontrollably receive medications or the means with which your grandmother “treated” you. It is necessary to understand that an incorrectly used herbal infusion can have side effects, especially if the baby receives the portion required by an adult at one time. Naturally, if a toddler has a temperature of 39, trying to bring it down with raspberries is ineffective and reckless.

  1. Herbal infusions and decoctions. Such remedies help relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Decoctions of chamomile or calendula are considered especially effective. In addition, mother and stepmother, currant leaves, eucalyptus, linden flowers, thyme, and sage are in great demand. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour boiling water (1 glass) over two teaspoons of the dried plant, leave for 10 minutes, and strain. Gargle up to four times a day. For babies who are not able to carry out this procedure on their own, the mother will treat the inflamed areas with a bandage soaked in a decoction of chamomile or calendula.
  2. Potato compress. Helps relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process. To prepare it, you need to boil the potatoes, mash them, add a tablespoon of soda, and stir everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected area for as long as it takes for the potatoes to cool completely.
  3. Garlic compress. To prepare this remedy, you need to add a grated quarter of laundry soap to a crushed clove of garlic. The prepared mixture is wrapped in gauze. It is important to know that when applying such a compress, you must first lubricate the affected area with some kind of greasy cream. To keep warm, a scarf is wrapped around the neck.
  4. Compress with vegetable oil. Gauze is used, consisting of four layers, which is dipped in heated oil, after which it is wrung out and applied to the sore throat. You can also add 10 drops of fir essential oil to the vegetable oil.
  5. Honey syrup. To prepare this remedy, in addition to the honey itself, you will need a couple of cloves of garlic, which will need to be squeezed out. The resulting mixture is cooked over low heat for 20 minutes, after which it is cooled and reheated, and then filtered. It is recommended to use a tablespoon of syrup hourly.
  6. Rinse made from salt and soda. The most effective “medicine” for eliminating sore throat. To prepare this product you will need a glass of fairly warm water, as well as a teaspoon of baking soda and half a teaspoon of salt. Gargle the throat with the prepared solution. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least four times a day, if possible every three hours. Parents should know that this solution can be used as a preventive measure to prevent a runny nose from developing.
  7. Consuming warm drinks. In order to warm the throat and relieve inflammation, it is recommended to drink warmed milk with honey, as well as linden tea with the addition of raspberries.


Measures to prevent diseases are important, both for a child who has not previously encountered this problem, and for one who often has a sore throat.

  1. Vitamin therapy.
  2. Sound, complete sleep.
  3. Balanced diet.
  4. Hardening and physical exercise.
  5. Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  6. The optimal level of temperature and humidity in the room where the baby is.
  7. Timely treatment of diseases of any etiology.

Now you know what could cause the appearance of such characteristic symptoms as fever and sore throat. You have found out what needs to be done to alleviate the child’s condition, including using traditional medicine. It is necessary to remember about prevention methods and prevent the development of diseases, and certainly not to ignore the disease at an early stage of development. Treat children promptly. I wish you and your little ones good health!

What could be the reasons for a persistent increase in body temperature and what remedies will help combat this unpleasant symptom? When should you worry and see a doctor or go to the hospital?

In short, we can say that the causes can be of a pathological nature (viral or bacterial infections) or of another nature. Treatment uses both antipyretic drugs from the pharmacy and natural drugs: it all depends on the specific situation. In some cases, such as children or the elderly, hospitalization is recommended.

Persistent increase in body temperature

Assuming that the general definition of fever is an increase in body temperature above 37°C, which occurs as a reaction of the body to an irritant. That persistent high temperature occurs when temperatures above 39°C persist for more than 48 hours and do not fall below 38.5°C during the day. Typically, fever increases in the evening and at night and decreases noticeably in the morning.

How long can a high temperature last?

As a rule, persistent high fever is said to exist when its duration exceeds 2-3 days.

Persistent fever is divided into several types, among which we can distinguish:

  • Long lasting: A type of persistent fever that lasts up to 10 days and in which the temperature does not fall below 39-40°C, is common in some infections.
  • Medium duration: lasts from 4-5 days to a week and is typical for influenza and viral infections. Temperatures range from 38.5 to 39.5°C.
  • Periodic: a type of fever characterized by periods without an increase in temperature and periods with a temperature above 39°C. The periods can last 4-5 days or even 15 days, depending on the pathology that led to the onset of fever. Typical of some blood diseases and malaria.
  • wavy: Typical of some infections such as brucellosis, this type of fever occurs with a temperature of 39-40°C that will last 10-15 days, but the temperature fluctuates throughout the day until it reaches a maximum.

Symptoms that accompany fever

A persistent increase in body temperature is accompanied by some typical symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • asthenia;
  • redness of the eyes due to high fever;
  • trembling and chills;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • profuse sweating.

There are other symptoms that can be associated with the onset of a persistent fever.

Among them we note:

  • Cough, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes: If there is a dry cough, cough with phlegm, sore throat, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, then the fever may be caused by an upper respiratory tract infection.
  • Joint pain, vomiting and nausea: When these symptoms are present, it is likely that the fever is due to the influenza virus.
  • Back pain and diarrhea: Fever in this case may be a sign of an intestinal infection.
  • Dots or spots of red color: indicates the presence of exanthematous disease.

If a persistent high temperature has no other symptoms and appears suddenly, you should consult a doctor who will conduct an in-depth study.

Investigations in case of persistent fever

When high temperature resistant A blood test will be helpful to look for possible changes in certain parameters that may provide clues as to why the fever occurred.

In particular, you need to investigate:

  • White blood cells: they must protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms, if their level is high, then this indicates the presence of infection, and, conversely, if the level is low, then fever may indicate blood diseases.
  • ESR: that is erythrocyte sedimentation rate– this parameter changes in the presence of infection. Persistent high fever and high erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicate an infection in the body.

Pathological causes of fever

A persistent high temperature may originate in the hypothalamus, where the centers that sense and regulate body temperature are located. Less commonly, persistent fever occurs due to disruptions in the functioning of the external skin receptors that perceive cold and heat. In the case of fever of hypothalamic origin, it is usually accompanied by neurological disorders of various types, depending on the damaged area of ​​the hypothalamus.

Viral infections

Infections caused by viruses are the most common cause of persistent high fever. Indeed, an increase in temperature is a common feature for the vast majority of infections, regardless of their severity.

Persistent high temperature which does not respond to treatment, may be an indicator of more serious problems than just a viral or bacterial infection. Many types of cancer have a high fever as their first symptom.

In general, all tumors can be accompanied by high body temperature, but special attention should be paid to:

  • Leukemia: A blood cancer in which too many white blood cells are produced. In this case, in addition to persistent high temperature, the patient will have big number leukocytes in the blood.
  • Lymphoma: cancer that involves the lymph nodes, its symptoms include high fever, changes in the number of white blood cells (either a decrease or an increase, depending on the type of lymphoma), enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck and cervical spine.
  • Hypothalamic tumors: In this case, high temperature occurs as a result of damage to the centers of the hypothalamus that regulate body temperature.

Non-pathological causes of high fever

Although viral and bacterial infections are the most common causes of persistent high fever, it is possible that persistent fever is due to other factors.

In particular, among non-pathological causes we have:

  • Heatstroke: Hyperthermia, that is, high body temperature (above 40°C), is the main symptom of heat stroke, which happens when we stay under the scorching sun and high humidity for a long time.
  • Vaccines: Vaccine exposure is a common cause of fever in children, but fever can occur even in adults. Because, after the vaccine is administered, the body can react to foreign substances with an increase in temperature, which, as a rule, lasts no more than 48 hours.
  • Stress: A rise in temperature can occur during times of extreme stress. In this case, the appearance of a fever is a signal that the body has been subjected to excessive stress and appropriate measures should be taken.
  • Teething: Infants aged 4 to 12 months may have a fever of up to 38°C for several days due to teething. Teething is indeed a painful process that causes real stress for the child’s body.

Home remedies to reduce fever

Let's look at how to behave and what to do to combat high body temperature to relieve symptoms.

As shown in the table, treatments are mainly divided into natural and pharmacological. The former are recommended for children, the elderly and pregnant women because they are less aggressive to the body.

Natural Remedies to Reduce Fever

Among the most common natural remedies for fever, we have:

  • Rubdown: One of grandma's classic recipes is to wipe the forehead with alcohol, cold water or a bag of ice. Although this practice is effective, its use is not recommended, especially in pregnant women and children, because it can lead to excessive vasoconstriction due to the sudden drop in temperature. This will lead to additional complications.
  • Drinking water: Indeed, it is recommended to drink a lot to counteract dehydration. It is advisable to add juices rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, carotenoids and bioflavonoids to the water, which help the body resist disease.
  • Cypress decoction: it has active antipyretic properties due to the content of specific components such as tannins and essential oils.

To make herbal tea, simply place 2-3g of cypress leaves and branches in boiling water, leave to steep for ten minutes, strain and drink at least 3 times a day.

  • Gentian infusion: Thanks to active components such as gentiopicrin and gentianin, gentian has an antipyretic effect.
  • White willow infusion: Willow contains natural salicylic acid (i.e. aspirin), and thus has an excellent antipyretic effect.

To make an infusion, just boil 25 g of willow bark for ten minutes in a liter of water. Filter and drink at least 3 cups per day.

Drug therapy for fever

To reduce fever, you can use antipyretic drugs from the pharmacy. For adults this is certainly an effective remedy, but for children, the elderly and pregnant women, we always recommend consulting a doctor first.

Most commonly used drugs:

  • Paracetamol: A safe antipyretic medicine, also used in the elderly and pregnant women.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid: Better known as aspirin, it is also an effective antipyretic but is only recommended for adults as it is less safe than paracetamol in terms of side effects. In particular, it can lead to erosion of the stomach walls.

When to go to the hospital

High fever usually does not require hospitalization. However, in some cases, when, for example, it lasts more than 48 hours, does not respond to treatment, for some age groups or special conditions, you should consult a doctor and, if necessary, resort to hospitalization.

In particular:

  • Children: If a child has a high fever of over 39°C that persists for more than 48 hours and does not respond to medications, hospitalization may be required. Thus, there is a risk of developing a state of acidosis. Therefore, if, due to fever, a child does not eat for a long period and you notice that he has cold hands and feet, purple lips, then you should immediately contact a pediatrician for subsequent hospitalization. In the case of children, even a simple fever caused by viruses or summer sunburn can have very serious health consequences.
  • Adults: If an adult's fever persists for more than 4-5 days above 38.5°C and does not respond to medication, and symptoms such as numbness, loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, convulsions and a stiff neck are present, then seek emergency medical attention. help to understand the etiology of fever and avoid serious consequences that could lead to the death of the patient.
  • Elderly: In case of persistent fever in elderly people, a doctor should be called and, if necessary, the patient should be hospitalized. Elderly people, regardless of the reasons that led to fever, invariably face the problem of dehydration and immunodeficiency due to age, so even a banal episode of febrile temperature can lead to serious complications for the patient.
  • Women during pregnancy: if persistent high fever occurs during pregnancy, you should contact your gynecologist, who will prescribe therapy that is safe for the fetus. Hospitalization in this case is required if the fever lasts more than 4-5 days and does not respond to medications such as paracetamol, which is used during pregnancy to reduce fever.

The main causes of redness of the throat are viruses and bacteria; under the influence of infection, the tissues of the throat become inflamed, and there is a rush of blood to them. The intensity of redness and loose structure, accompanied by temperature, will indicate possible diseases.

How are infections different?

Viruses and bacteria have different effects on children's body, accordingly, diagnosis and treatment also differ.

Viral Bacterial
  • are more common and have a wide variety
  • incubation period 5-7 days
  • main accompanying symptoms: temperature 39℃ and above, sore and red throat, associated symptoms: snot and cough
  • complications as with ordinary acute respiratory infections
  • resistant to antibiotics
  • With a virus, the skin of the body turns red.
  • are less common
  • the incubation period is 2 weeks, and all this time the child is a carrier of the infection
  • accompanying symptoms do not appear immediately, but over a certain period they “come out” in full bouquet
  • often have complex consequences
  • can be easily treated with properly selected antibiotics
  • When bacterial, the skin of the body turns pale.



IN in this case the infection is projected onto the tonsils, they become very red, which can be seen upon visual inspection, but there is no plaque on them. Associated symptoms in 2-year-old children include runny nose and cough.

Bacterial tonsillitis is better known to many mothers as tonsillitis. With this disease, the temperature in 2-year-old children rapidly rises to 39℃ and above, the baby’s tonsils become enlarged, the throat becomes bright red and it hurts to swallow. The lymph nodes are slightly enlarged and denser in structure.

There are several types of tonsillitis, and to properly prescribe treatment, you need to consult a specialist.

Scarlet fever

When suffering from scarlet fever, sore throat acts as accompanying symptom. The child’s pharynx and pharynx have clearly defined inflammation, swelling is observed, and the temperature is usually high 39-40℃. But the main difference between scarlet fever is that a small rash forms on the body.



Most often, laryngitis is a consequence of hypothermia, severe tension in the larynx, or infection. In addition to high fever and sore throat, the main symptom is hoarse voice.

If proper treatment is not started in time, laryngitis can develop into false croup and the airways become blocked, which in turn leads to disruption of the brain.

There are several types of laryngitis

Type of laryngitis Nature of the disease
Catarrhal Dry cough, hoarse throat, temperature 38-39℃
Stenonizing The symptoms are the same as catarrhal form, only the lumen of the larynx decreases, and in its advanced form can lead to such a dangerous disease as croup
Hypertrophic Consequences of catarrhal form, the distinctive symptom is complete temporary loss of voice
Hemorrhagic Often develops against the background of toxic flu, initially the cough is dry, and when over time sputum streaked with blood begins to come out
Diphtheria There is a whitish coating on the tonsils, and its detachment can cause blockage of the respiratory organs
Phlegmous Purulent inflammation of the throat, this type of laryngitis is rare in children, all the symptoms are present as in the catarrhal type, only more pronounced

Localized diphtheria

From the first days of the disease, the child begins to feel weak and have a high fever, the tonsils are inflamed and have a bluish tint against a red background, despite the high temperature, 39.3-39.7℃ and above, the skin is pale.

The toxic course of the disease is accompanied by a nasal voice and difficulty breathing, and in this case it is necessary to call as soon as possible ambulance, conventional antibiotics are useless, and an antitoxic serum is needed.

Infectious mononucleosis

Almost 50% of children under 5 years old suffer from this disease. Main symptoms: body temperature rises to 39.6℃ and higher, lymph nodes are enlarged, there is redness and swelling of the tonsils, and general weakening of the body. The baby's throat hurts, but not as severe as with tonsillitis.

As you can see, there are many reasons for a red throat and high hyperthermia in a child, but in each case the treatment is different, in some cases it is enough antiviral drugs, and in other cases antibiotics cannot be avoided. Therefore, in the presence of any alarming symptom, the child should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible.

Is topical treatment for red throat helpful?

The principle of treatment for red throat primarily depends on the causes of the disease; if this is a harbinger of a common ARVI, it is optimal to start with local treatment: irrigation, rinsing.

This will help:

  • take off pain symptom;
  • reduce swelling and redness of the throat;
  • prevent the growth of bacteria;
  • reduce the risk of complications and purulent infections.


You can gargle at home with warm salted water with the addition of 3 drops of propolis infusion; the procedure is carried out after meals 5 times a day.


An antiseptic spray is required for irrigation; children can use Orasept, Ingalipt, but first read the instructions for use. After irrigation, do not drink liquid or eat for 30 minutes.

How to avoid illness?

If, with the onset of cold weather, a child often gets sick, preliminary prevention is useful; for children of our age group, Lymphomyazot and Anaferon can be given.

A drug Description Indication Application
Anaferon Homeopathic remedy, immunomodulatory, antiviral. Relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, prevents the attachment of other bacteria to a weakened body. Treatment of chronic and acute infections, prevention of complications after influenza and acute respiratory diseases, complex treatment of viral and bacterial infections. For prevention, 1 tablet per day for a course of 3 months. For treatment, 1 tablet 3-5 times (depending on the complexity of the infection) per day for a course of 10 days.
Lymphomyazot Homotoxic agent, has decongestant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, disinfectant properties. Removes toxins at the cellular level. Improves the immunity of mucous membranes. Useful in the treatment of tonsils and chronic tonsillitis, general intoxication of the child’s body (temperature, fever), with chronic diseases nasopharynx area. Children 2 years old: 7-8 drops 3 times a day, diluted in a teaspoon of water, poured under the tongue, taken 30 minutes before or after meals.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional methods for treating red throat with fever, but not all are suitable for small children. Here are some of the most effective, but gentle options:

  • warm milk with butter;
  • warm compresses on the lymph nodes (can only be done when the temperature has subsided);
  • weak chamomile tea;
  • grated ginger with aloe (coat with gruel oral cavity, and hold it for a while so that the components are absorbed, then spit it out).

At the first symptoms, you need to call a doctor to prescribe adequate treatment. An untreated infection can lead to serious complications in the future.

Parents love to observe their child’s behavior during active games, and are always happy with his new inventions, enjoying his positive mood and excitement. But this also happens: the baby was just laughing merrily and enjoying his new toy, when suddenly his mood changed, he became lethargic and suddenly lost interest in the game. This is exactly how a sudden rise in temperature can affect a child’s mood, especially when it is also accompanied by a sore throat. A red throat and a temperature reaching 39 degrees can shock any parent.

Consultation with a professional doctor in this case is necessary, especially when it involves a child. After all, fever and sore throat are most likely a development infectious disease or acute respiratory infections, and most often of viral or bacterial origin. In this case, a jump in temperature can occur as hyperthermia or manifest itself in the form of fever.

Temperature indicator and disease dynamics

In accordance with the indicator on the thermometer, you can determine the severity of the disease and its dynamics. That is, if the temperature rises to 38 degrees, then in medicine this is considered a subfebral temperature, which does not require churning and indicates that the baby’s body is actively resisting the penetration of viruses.

When the reading is 38-40, that is, febrile temperature, from the word “febris”, which means “fever”, a doctor’s intervention is required, because this temperature already needs to be brought down or, at least, prepared for the fact that the child will need help antipyretic drugs. An indicator of 41 and above indicates immediate assistance from specialists and often in such cases children are hospitalized in a hospital. Especially if the high temperature is combined with redness of the throat.

Fever and fever are often accompanied by loss of appetite. Parents make a mistake if they force their child to eat, saying they need strength. Eating too much can cause a gag reflex, which can worsen general state child.
During illness, a child needs strength primarily so that his body can fight infection, and not with digestion. The temperature of 39°C also limits the physical activity of children, which in turn also saves energy.

Symptoms of fever

But in the case when the throat is red, in addition, the temperature rises to 40, the child may also experience an unpleasant state of fever. How does she show herself?

1. With a temperature of 39 and a red throat, the child feels discomfort in the throat, it is difficult for him to swallow food, his head hurts, he feels either cold or hot, and besides this, his whole body aches.
2. There is a loss of fluid, which is necessary not only for normal functioning immune system, but also for excretion harmful substances.
3. The need for oxygen increases.
4. Convulsions may occur.

Therefore, first of all, the child must be provided with the correct treatment, which is aimed at the source that caused the temperature to rise to 39 and above. However, he must be provided with plenty of fluids. The room where it is located must have a normal level of humidity, so if necessary, you can use humidifiers. In addition, the room should be well ventilated and cool.

Based on the above, it becomes clear what first aid is in case the temperature is above 39 and the throat is red. It is possible that the first symptoms that appear indicate the penetration of a bacterial or viral infection. As a rule, after a thorough examination, doctors identify one of the most common diseases that can manifest themselves with similar symptoms:



In the case of tonsillitis, the infection settles on the tonsils. After a professional examination of the child’s throat, the doctor notes that the tonsils and throat area are noticeably red, but there are no plaques on the tonsils. These symptoms may include a cough and runny nose.

Bacterial tonsillitis is popularly known as tonsillitis. Sore throat is characterized by rapid development, at the same time the body temperature rises to 39 degrees. It hurts the child to swallow, the tonsils are enlarged, and the throat is red. When palpating nearby lymph nodes, the doctor notes their slight enlargement and thickening. With a sore throat, a runny nose and cough do not occur only if the infection has not spread to the throat. There are several types of sore throat, so only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment.

Scarlet fever

There is also a disease called scarlet fever, which is also accompanied by a sore throat. In this case, tonsillitis acts as a symptom. The patient's pharynx and throat are severely inflamed, swelling, high fever, and a red throat are observed. But, with scarlet fever, you can observe a small rash and symptoms of fever on the body. In this case, for treatment, the doctor must prescribe penicillin antibiotics to the patient.


In the case of pharyngitis, the patient experiences a combination of high fever and red throat. In this case, the temperature can go off scale above 38-40 degrees. Viral pharyngitis is usually accompanied by a dry and suffocating cough. Moreover, severe coughing attacks are especially noticeable in the morning.

With nasopharyngitis, all of the above symptoms are also accompanied by a runny nose, which must be treated by instilling oil drops. When pharyngitis appears as a symptom of another disease, severe intoxication may be present. For example, with flu or measles. Body temperature rises above 40 degrees.


The development of a disease such as laryngitis is promoted by hypothermia, dusty air, strong tension larynx, as well as alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. There are two types of laryngitis:

1. Spicy.
2. Chronic.

The onset of laryngitis occurs suddenly. The patient feels pain when swallowing and a feeling of presence in it foreign body. In this case, the temperature may remain normal or rise slightly. Sometimes with laryngitis, patients complain of headache and cough. Everyone's voice sags to the point of losing sound.

When examining the larynx, a red throat is observed. The danger is that in young children this disease develops sharply, causing false croup, that is, swelling of the mucous membrane covers Airways. In particular severe cases when air access is blocked due to lack of oxygen, brain function is impaired and there is a risk of coma.
It is undeniable that treatment of such a disease occurs directly in the hospital under the supervision of ENT specialists.

Therefore, each parent should become familiar with the forms of laryngitis and their symptoms. There are the following types of laryngitis:

Atrophic laryngitis.
Occupational laryngitis.

So, how to treat a child’s red throat, especially when the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees? If the cause of a red throat viral infection, then doctors recommend, in addition to antipyretics:

Gargle your child's throat with decoctions medicinal herbs,
drink plenty of fluids, preferably vitamins,
lubrication with eucalyptus, sea buckthorn and rosehip oils with propolis,
lollipops with mint, lemon or sage (if the baby is over 2 years old).

If the cause of the red throat is a sore throat, that is, a bacterial infection, then the child’s tonsils may be covered with whitish plaques. In this case, the throat is red, and the temperature rises sharply, up to 40 degrees or more. Most often, throat damage occurs under the influence of bacteria such as streptococci. The child becomes capricious, nervous and irritable. This is not strange, because a sore throat is always accompanied by painful sensations and an accelerated increase in symptoms. As a rule, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, but only after examination by a doctor and with his agreement.

Never start treating a sore throat on your own, especially when it comes to a child. Remember that sore throat is serious illness, which is easy to treat, but if treated inadequately, angina can lead to serious complications.

Solution sea ​​salt,
decoctions of medicinal herbs,
green tea with added salt,
soda solution,
propolis solution,
carrot or beet juice,
diluted lemon juice.

Also, such drugs as Furacilin, Malavit, Miramistin show good effectiveness.

If you approach treatment correctly, then such a symptom as a red throat can be easily cured. Therefore, be sure to show your child to a doctor who will help you determine the true cause of this symptom and suggest the right medications that will alleviate the baby’s condition in a short time.

Symptoms of fever

And finally, let us remind you once again about the symptoms of fever in children. If your baby is still small, then he can frolic even when his temperature is already rising. At the same time, he becomes less active and often sits down to rest. And at that time the disease was already in full swing. Therefore, parents must correctly assess the condition of their baby.

If the child refuses to eat and you notice signs of lethargy, then you can already suspect the onset of the disease. Breasts react to an increase in temperature in a unique way - they may cry for no reason, turn away from the breast during feeding, nervously wave their arms and wriggle their bodies.

If such symptoms are present, you should make sure that the child’s temperature is within normal limits. If the reading on the thermometer reaches 39, which happens quite often with a sore throat, first of all, try to give the baby something to drink and call a doctor.

If the temperature indicator is within the normal range, then it is worth rechecking its condition after an hour.

You should not lower your temperature, which does not exceed 38.5, because the body intensively produces interferon, which is necessary to fight the virus.

But if at such a temperature a child experiences convulsions or other suspicious phenomena, then it is even necessary to bring it down, or even better, immediately call an ambulance.

Remember that in children under three years of age, a temperature of 37.5 is considered normal, so there is no need to panic prematurely. This is just a suspicion of a disease. Therefore, make sure that the baby does not have a runny nose, and when examining the throat there is no redness.

When a baby gets sick, it is always unexpected and alarming. Parents are wondering why their child has a red throat and high body temperature, how to eliminate a runny nose, what to do to speed up the baby’s recovery. The main rule of treating children is do no harm. Since a child’s temperature of 39 degrees is not normal, therapeutic actions must be correct and quick.

Possible reasons why a child has a temperature of 39 and a sore throat

There are several reasons why a child may have a runny nose, sore throat and fever. Every disease is different characteristic features, which you should pay attention to. Similar symptoms appear when:

  • ARVI, flu, colds;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • mononucleosis;
  • sore throat, laryngitis;
  • teething

Important! A temperature of 39 degrees indicates an infection in the body, which the body cannot cope with on its own. This is often how complications of a common cold manifest themselves if it is not treated in a timely manner or is tolerated on your feet.

Respiratory infection

The first thing you might think about if a child has a temperature of 39 and a red throat is the flu or a cold. Symptoms appear in the autumn-winter period or at any time if the baby goes to kindergarten or school. In this case, a red throat in a child is accompanied by:

  • unproductive cough;
  • general deterioration of condition;
  • severe runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • headache;

You need to carefully examine the child's throat. In cases of respiratory diseases, the red throat has a uniform shade, without spots or purulent discharge. An acute respiratory viral infection always begins with rhinitis, later accompanied by sore throat and nasopharynx. Initially, the snot is transparent, but after a few days it turns green.


This disease is an inflammation of the throat mucosa. It is a complication of a cold or flu. It can be catarrhal, hypertrophic and subatrophic. Each form of the disease involves tissue swelling, the throat is red and painful, and the walls may be thickened.

Symptoms of pharyngitis in a child:

  • unproductive coughing;
  • dryness, sore throat;
  • heat;
  • Hoarseness or changes in the sound of the voice are often observed.

Pharyngitis may be accompanied by clear or purulent snot; occasionally the baby is bothered by nausea, vomiting from severe cough. A whitish coating can be seen on the tonsils; pain appears only when swallowing. Launched form the disease develops into a sore throat.

Sore throat, laryngitis in a child

A sore throat can be caused by a virus or a complication of previous respiratory diseases that were not treated. Sometimes the catalyst for the disease is hypothermia of the body or decreased immunity in the autumn-winter period.

Symptoms that distinguish a sore throat:

  • constant pain (when talking, eating);
  • red spots in the throat, mucous swelling;
  • an increase in the size of the tonsils;
  • soreness of the parotid lymph nodes.

A child may be bothered by a runny nose if the sore throat is viral in nature. The infectious form is accompanied by suppuration and symptoms of general intoxication of the small organism.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is serious infectious disease, which occurs with high fever, as well as symptoms of sore throat. The disease is predominantly childhood and is caused by streptococci. Infection occurs by airborne droplets or contact. How does scarlet fever manifest:

  • red spots on the body;
  • temperature 38-39 degrees;
  • "flaming" face;
  • symptoms of sore throat.

The throat may turn red after a couple of days of infection only if the nasopharynx was the entry point for the infection. When infection has occurred through a lesion in the epidermis, all signs will be observed except for the affected throat.


The disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is a type of herpes. Most often it affects lymphoid tissue: tonsils, lymph nodes, liver or spleen. It is almost impossible to distinguish mononucleosis on your own. The disease is accompanied by blurred clinical picture, so it can only be diagnosed in a laboratory.

Symptoms of mononucleosis:

  • high body temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • snoring due to swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general weakness of the body.

Mononucleosis is often mistaken for a sore throat or acute respiratory viral infection. However, there is still a difference from a respiratory infection. This disease lasts much longer than a cold; symptoms can remain for more than 3 weeks. For an accurate diagnosis, you will need to take a blood test.


Measles is also predominantly a childhood disease, and one of the most contagious. The incubation period is at least 1 week, but not more than 14 days. It begins like a common cold, and later other symptoms appear.

Main symptoms of measles:

signs of general intoxication (weakness, drowsiness, refusal to eat);
runny nose;
In a child’s throat (mainly on posterior region cheeks) a white coating appears. After a few days, the body becomes covered with a rash, the spots merge with each other and increase in size. With timely treatment, measles recedes within a couple of weeks.


If the child is very young, snot and fever may be signs of new teeth growing. Such symptoms last no more than 2-3 days. If the throat turns red after teething, this indicates the presence of an infection in the body.

The disease is predictable, since during this period the baby’s immunity is not stable. New stage The development of the baby is accompanied by lack of sleep, anxiety, and constant crying.

Important! With such symptoms, the child must be shown to a doctor to rule out serious infectious diseases.


Treatment of any disease that is accompanied by high fever and sore throat should be carried out under the supervision of a local pediatrician. Treatment is symptomatic, aimed at eliminating symptoms. In addition, complications are prevented and measures are taken to strengthen the immune system.

Medicines used for therapy:

  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed after the infection has been cultured, as well as its resistance to this group of drugs has been determined. It is not recommended to take medications on your own, as the bacteria may develop resistance, after which it will be more difficult to cure the disease.
  • Antipyretics. Indicated for a single dose if the child’s body temperature reaches 38 degrees or higher. Low-grade fever it is prohibited to reduce, since such actions cause infectious complications.
  • Painkillers. Are used local anesthetics to relieve sore throat. If your baby has a headache due to intoxication of the body, it is recommended to take complex remedy based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • Nasal drops to relieve a runny nose. If snot bothers you infant, an aspirator is used to remove them. A child over 3 years old can clean his nose by rinsing it with a teapot.
  • Mucolytics thin the mucus, and expectorants promote its rapid release from the bronchi.
  • Parents should provide the sick child with rest and bed rest.
  • Recommended room temperature is 22 degrees, humidity is 40-45%.
  • With the doctor's permission, medications to enhance immunity, dietary supplements or vitamin complexes are used.

Particular attention should be paid to the baby's nutrition. Infant It is better to feed on demand; older children should not be forced to eat. Food should not be hot or cold, or contain fried foods or spices.


Children are susceptible to many diseases due to the weakness of their immune system, so the baby must be protected from diseases.

  • Avoid visiting crowded places during periods of exacerbation respiratory infections. However, you should not keep the baby “under the hood”. It is recommended to strengthen his immunity by taking walks in nature more often.
  • There is no need to take medications unnecessarily, especially for prevention. Such actions spoil the child’s immunity, preventing him from fighting infections.
  • Timely treatment of colds or acute respiratory viral infections plays a special role in the prevention of serious diseases. By attending medical consultations in a timely manner, you will be able to avoid many problems with your baby’s health.

A red throat combined with a high fever is a fairly common occurrence in children. Similar symptoms are typical for many diseases. Some of them pass quickly and easily. Others require timely and proper treatment.

Causes of red throat and fever in children

Most often, parents turn to pediatricians with complaints of fever and redness of the throat. And this is not surprising. Children under 12 years of age often suffer from tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Every day, a child’s body comes into contact with many microbes. And children have not yet developed immunity to most of them.

Redness of the throat may occur when various diseases, for example with pharyngitis

Pediatricians say that children preschool age and infants can get sick up to 10 times within one year. This is considered the norm. This is how children develop immunity. However, parents should understand that if the temperature rises and the throat becomes red, they should definitely consult a doctor. In addition, it is important not to forget that in young children all diseases can develop rapidly.

Sometimes in infants, redness of the throat and increased temperature may indicate teething.

The mechanism of development of the problem

The penetration of viruses and bacteria into the respiratory tract causes increased blood flow. This causes capillaries and vessels to overflow. Visually this manifests itself in the form of hyperemia (redness) of the throat.

The child’s body begins to fight the infection, and the baby’s temperature rises. Many pathogens die when the thermometer readings are above 37 °C. Therefore, hyperthermia is not always a bad symptom.

When you need urgent medical help

Parents should closely monitor the child's condition. Some pathologies require immediate medical intervention.

If you have a high temperature that is not relieved by antipyretics, you must call an ambulance.

You need to call an ambulance if your baby has:

  • hyperthermia, which is not relieved by antipyretics;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • sharp pain in the ear (the child does not allow him to touch the sore ear, pulls his hands towards it and screams shrilly);
  • convulsions;
  • significant enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck and in occipital zone against the background of progressive deterioration of the condition.

Main reasons

Before starting treatment, it is important to determine what infection caused the unpleasant symptoms. After all, depending on the pathogen, treatment methods will be selected.

The following can cause hyperemia of the throat and temperature:

  • viral infection. This is the most common phenomenon for children. It is characterized by:
    • the appearance of symptoms 1–5 days after infection;
    • acute onset. The baby may feel well in the morning, but in the evening complain of a sharp deterioration in his condition;
    • redness of the skin, shine in the eyes, body aches, refusal to eat, increased drowsiness;
    • temperature rise during the first days to 39 ° C. But starting from the third day, the condition improves and quickly returns to normal;
  • bacterial infection. It is observed:
    • incubation period up to 2 weeks;
    • gradual development. As a rule, a bacterial infection is a complication of viral pathologies;
    • pallor of the mucous membranes, severity of symptoms of intoxication;
    • hyperthermia, which can last 5–7 days;
    • redness of the throat, which is often accompanied by enlarged tonsils and a whitish coating on the pharynx;
    • The child’s condition improves only after taking antibiotics.

A viral infection is characterized by redness of the skin and increased drowsiness.

The most common diseases characterized by high fever and red throat - table

Doctor Komarovsky about the causes of sore throat - video

Treatment options

How to help a child with a fever and red throat? Unfortunately, there is no single rule. Treatment methods depend on the cause of the deterioration and the age of the young patient.

Features of treatment of children in the first months of life

If the health condition of a child under one year of age has deteriorated, then practicing independent therapy at home is quite dangerous. For such a baby, you need to call a pediatrician, or better yet, an otolaryngologist.

Before the doctor arrives, parents can provide assistance to the baby, consisting of the following activities:

  • it is necessary to moisten the pacifier in a streptocide solution. To make it, 1 tablet of the drug is dissolved in boiled water(100 ml).
  • A solution of Protargol (1%) can be instilled into the nose.

At the same time, it is important to monitor the condition of the baby. If you have difficulty breathing or blue lips, you must call an ambulance.

To improve the condition of the baby, you can drip the nose with Protargol solution (1%)

How to help a one-year-old child and older children

Babies from 1 year excellent results will provide throat irrigation with herbal sprays. But it is important to remember that not all products are suitable for babies over 12 months. As prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of parents, Ingalipt is sometimes included in therapy.

Children over 2 years old are already able to suck candy. Therefore, you can offer your child tablets that relieve sore throat:

  • Bronchicum;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Faringosept.

For children from 3 years old, the range of procedures expands significantly. For such children, gargling and inhalation can be recommended.

Steam inhalations are based on heat treatment. Therefore, at elevated temperatures (even up to 37 oC) these procedures are prohibited. They activate blood flow and contribute to increased heat, resulting in an increase in temperature. Inhalation with a nebulizer is effective method drug delivery to the respiratory tract. It is not a thermal procedure, so it is allowed even at elevated temperatures.

At elevated temperatures, inhalations are allowed only using a nebulizer

Regardless of the nature of the infection, the baby needs special care if his throat becomes red and his temperature begins to rise.

  • bed rest. Visit must be excluded kindergarten, schools. It is recommended to spend the first days in bed to allow the body to get stronger;
  • optimal indoor conditions. The air in the room should be humid. This will greatly facilitate the child’s breathing (especially with laryngitis). It is necessary to constantly ventilate the room (the patient is transferred to another room at this time) to prevent a high concentration of viruses;
  • drinking plenty of water. The child needs to drink a lot of warm liquid. This will soften sore throat and will help eliminate intoxication. For such purposes, it is recommended to give children: tea with raspberries, lemon, honey, compotes or berry fruit drinks;
  • gentle nutrition. The throat should not be subjected to additional irritation. Milk porridges, purees, and fermented milk products are recommended for children. Food is served in warm. It is strictly forbidden to offer hot or cold food;
  • restriction of bath procedures. It is not recommended to take a bath at high temperatures. Morning and evening toilet should include only the most necessary procedures.


Various groups of drugs are used to treat children:

  • Painkillers. If there is severe discomfort in the throat, the child is recommended to take painkillers. For these purposes the following are prescribed:
    • Acetaminophen;
    • Ibuprofen.
  • Antipyretic. It is not recommended to take such products when the thermometer readings are below 380C. An exception is made only if the baby has previously experienced convulsions against the background of hyperthermia, then it is necessary to bring down the temperature already at 37.50C. For the little ones it is better to use rectal suppositories. They will quickly and effectively reduce the temperature. For children, the following are used as antipyretics:
    • Paracetamol for children;
    • Panadol;
    • Efferalgan.
  • Antiviral drugs. Typically, these medications are prescribed to children for initial stage diseases, the course duration is 3–5 days. They allow you to promptly block the spread of viruses in the body. Usually recommended:
    • Amantadine;
    • Tamiflu;
    • Rimantadine.
  • Immunomodulators. These remedies help improve immunity. They are recommended only if the child’s body itself cannot cope. For this purpose the following may be prescribed:
    • interferons: Viferon, Alpha interferon, Grippferon;
    • herbal immunomodulators: Immunorm, Immunal;
    • interferon inducers: Amiksin, Cycloferon.
  • Antibiotics. These drugs are prescribed if there is no doubt about the bacterial nature of the infection. In addition, they are recommended after viral therapy if she didn't give positive result. Penicillins are usually prescribed, which do not cause harm to the child’s body:
    • Ampicillin;
    • Amosin;
    • Amoxiclav;
    • Amoxicillin;
    • Flemoxin Solutab.
  • Tablets for a sore throat. Drugs that eliminate discomfort are chosen based on the child’s age:
    • from 1 year the following are allowed: Tonzipret, Tonzilotren;
    • from 3 years: Anti-angin, Lizobakt, Tantum-Vede, Faringosept, Sage lozenges;
    • from 4 years: Septolete, Grammidin, Hexoral Tabs, Theraflu Lar;
    • from 5 years: Strepsils;
    • from 6 years: Hexalize, Angi sept.
  • Rinse solutions. For the treatment procedure you can use:
    • Miramistin;
    • Chlorophyllipt;
    • Furacilin solution;
    • Chlorhexidine;
    • Tantum Verde.
  • Preparations for inhalation (nebulizer). Considering the cause of the disease, the doctor may recommend for the procedure:
    • antibiotics: Gentamicin, Bioparox;
    • disinfectant solutions: Furacilin, Miramistin;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs: calendula tincture, Rotokan, propolis tincture;
    • homeopathic remedy: Tonsilgon N.
  • Aerosols for throat irrigation. These drugs are most often prescribed to children from 3 years of age. But there are some drugs that can be used from 1 year of age. Usually children are recommended:
    • Aqualor baby, Aqua Maris baby (can be used for babies from 1 year);
    • Hexoral, Ingalipt (from 3 years of age);
    • Tantum Verde (from 4 years old);
    • Kamenton (allowed from 5 years);
    • Stopangin (included in therapy after 8 years).

Giving medications to a child without a doctor’s prescription is strictly contraindicated, especially if the sick person is an infant.

Photo gallery: medications for treating children

Doctor Komarovsky: when antibiotics are needed - video

Folk remedies

Therapy may include not only medications, but also means alternative medicine. But before you start treating your child, you must discuss the methods with your doctor.


For throat hyperemia, pediatricians often prescribe gargles. These procedures allow you to wash out pathogenic flora, reduce pain, reduce swelling. It is recommended to repeat 4-5 times a day.

The following solutions are used for rinsing:

  • soda-salt. In glass warm water dilute soda (1 tsp) and table salt(1/2 tsp). For improvement therapeutic effect during the procedure, it is recommended to add iodine to the solution (2 drops);
  • chamomile Flowers pharmaceutical chamomile(1 tsp) pour hot water(1 tbsp.) The mixture is infused for about 10 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered and used for gargling;
  • from propolis. Pharmaceutical infusion of propolis (1-2 drops) is added to warm water (0.5 tbsp). Stir the liquid well and use it for therapeutic purposes.

Good results will be provided by gargling with an infusion of sage, plantain, and calendula. The solution is prepared in the same way as chamomile.

If the throat is congested, the gargling procedure helps reduce swelling and pain.

Doctor Komarovsky about the rinsing procedure - video

Lubricating the throat

This measure is applied after rinsing. Lubrication will be effective only if the plaque of pus and mucus is completely removed from the surface of the tonsils.

For the procedure use:

  • essential oils. They use traditional antiseptics, which help strengthen the protective properties and provide sufficient hydration of the mucous membrane. Effectively cope with the following tasks: sea ​​buckthorn oil, peach, eucalyptus. The product is applied to a piece of bandage (2-3 drops) and smeared on the tonsils;
  • aloe juice with honey. This is another remedy that has pronounced antiseptic properties. You need to mix aloe juice (1 tsp) and liquid honey (3 tsp). The mixture is carefully smeared on the tonsils.

Lubricating the throat is carried out once a day. It is best to carry out this procedure at night.

Photo gallery: folk remedies

A hyperemic throat combined with an elevated temperature can be a symptom of a common cold. But sometimes the reasons for the deterioration of the baby’s condition are more serious, in this case it is important timely diagnosis and therapy. If a child has a fever and a sore throat, it is strongly recommended to show him or her to a doctor.

Hello! My name is Elena. I have two educations - a teacher and a designer. I am happy to cover women's topics: medicine; psychology; treatment and education of children; nutrition, diets, body and hair care; interior and exterior design.

For any parent, a child’s illness is very scary. We often say: it’s better that we ourselves get sick than our kids. Unfortunately, all children get sick. Even if the child is a month old, both he and those who are older and have a strong throat may have a red throat. immune system. But their body is hardened.

The most common illness is a high fever and a red throat in a child. All parents should know what they need to do and how to behave if their baby gets sick. After all, from competent and timely actions, a positive effect will occur very quickly, preventing the disease from developing, much less moving into the chronic stage.

In this article we will talk about the causes of sore throat in children and treatment methods. It will be about folk remedies, and about traditional ones from the pharmacy.

Important point!

Don’t think that traditional medicine won’t have any effect and you don’t need it. Since ancient times, people have used natural remedies in treatment, the effect of them is no worse than expensive medicines, and sometimes much better.

A competent approach and comprehensive treatment will help achieve the desired result in a short time.

Fever and sore throat. Why?

A child’s high fever and red throat may be the result of an infection.

There are two options here:

Viral infection;


You definitely need to know the reason. After all, treatment tactics will depend on this. Some drugs may help, others may not. The point is that for different types of infection it is necessary to select appropriate medications. Otherwise, you will simply give your child unnecessary chemical substances, which is not good for his health.

The difficulty lies in the selection of drugs. Of course, you cannot give medicines for adults to children, and not every medicine for children helps.

If we consider most cases, then a red throat in children is an erosive lesion. Namely, the disease appears in the oropharynx. The infection affects the mucous membrane, and defects appear on the epithelium.

Recovery depends on how quickly the defects are eliminated. Correct treatment will relieve symptoms and alleviate the child’s condition.

Difficulties at this stage

The fact is that conventional drugs cannot restore the damaged integrity of the oropharyngeal mucosa. In the case of ARVI, antibiotics are useless. When a child has a viral infection, it is not necessary specific treatment. The effect of medications on viruses is very weak, often non-existent. Therefore, in this case, measures should be aimed at alleviating symptoms. And the disease itself can go away in 3-5 days.

Inflammation and fever - what to do?

What to do if a child has a red throat and a temperature of 39? In this case, it is necessary to adhere to different tactics.

If the thermometer shows up to 38, this means that the body is fighting the infection on its own. At this time, it will produce its own interferon.

If the temperature has crossed the mark of 38 degrees, then it must be brought down. In this case you need to give medical supplies and follow simple steps.

What medications should I use for high fever?

Of course, all treatment that you will carry out with your child should be started only after agreement with the attending physician. In this case, you definitely need to know whether there are any allergic reactions to any drugs. Therefore, each step must be clearly thought out and previously agreed upon with the pediatrician. A red throat and a temperature of 38.5 in a child indicates that it is time to start using antipyretic drugs.

The most common antipyretics are:

  • "Panadol";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Nurafen";
  • "Ibufen."

Medicines can be produced in various forms. These are tablets, syrups, suppositories. Most drugs for children these days have a very pleasant taste, which does not cause disgust or screaming in children. Often the child may ask for more tasty syrup. But, of course, you shouldn’t do this. No matter how harmless and tasty the syrup is. It should be understood that this is primarily a medicine, and they cannot cure a red throat in children. Therefore, the dosage must be strictly followed according to the recommendations on the package or as prescribed by the pediatrician.

About allergic reaction As already mentioned above, most prelates contain honey. For some children and even adults this is a strong allergen.

What additional measures should I take?

The simplest remedy is to open the window so that there is no draft and it does not blow on the baby. In this case, the child must be dressed in tights and a thick sweater. The room should become a little cooler. The baby’s body, with a temperature according to the elementary laws of physics, will begin to give off heat into space. This is what you need at high temperatures.

Here's grandma's old drinking method hot tea and lie down under a warm blanket to sweat, causes different people ambiguous opinion. Some people just use it, and they manage to fight the temperature very well. Others, on the contrary, say that such sweating does not lead to anything, but only harms.

Another very simple method is to wrap your head or body in a damp towel. Most often used for complaints of hyperthermia in one place on the body.

Important point!

During illness, the body must restore water balance. Otherwise, the child may become dehydrated. It is imperative to give your child plenty of warm water, tea, compote or fruit drink to drink. If you give teas, they should be based on medicinal herbs.

They will be discussed below.

Red throat in children and fever. Folk recipes

We have already mentioned above that treatment should be comprehensive. In addition to traditional drugs from pharmacies, be sure to use traditional ones. Don't underestimate their capabilities. After all, in ancient times there were no medicines, and people used exclusively those remedies that they took from living nature.

To treat red throat in children, you can use:

Teas, decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs.

Honey softens perfectly, but you need to use it knowing for sure that the child does not have allergies. It can be added to tea or warm milk. By the way, you can also add butter or rendered pork fat to the latter. Of course, the product is not pleasant to taste or smell, but it is very effective. Another recipe is to give a spoonful of honey to the child, but so that he does not swallow it. The honey should flow down the sore throat, softening it.

You can and should use rinsing. To do this, take ordinary soda, iodine and salt. Babies can be taught to rinse as early as one and a half years old. The recipe is simple: take one teaspoon of salt, soda and a drop of iodine per glass of water.

Another effective remedy- This is inhalation. For them you can use the following healing herbs, like sage, eucalyptus, calendula. Coltsfoot has expectorant properties.

Children after three years old can make an infusion of propolis for rinsing.

Berry decoctions are very useful not only when a child has a red throat and a temperature of 39, but as a preventive measure and a good remedy for immunity. Lingonberries, rose hips, and cranberries are suitable for this.

An old and proven method is boiled potatoes. You need to breathe over it, just be sure to monitor the child’s temperature.

Important point!

Many of us are accustomed to putting honey in boiling water, this is a big mistake. At high temperatures it completely loses its healing properties. Therefore, you should only put honey in warm tea, milk or water.

To achieve a positive effect, rinsing should be done every half hour.

A child has a red throat. Pharmacy treatment

We have already talked about antipyretic drugs above, now we should talk about those medications that will help for a sore throat.

In order to alleviate the pain and alleviate the condition, it is necessary to use a spray or sucking lozenges if the child has a red throat. Komarovsky (a famous pediatrician) generally excludes the use of any chemicals.

Important point!

You should not give medicated lollipops to small children, because there is a risk that the child may choke.

Red dots in a child's throat

Very often there are problems with a child’s throat, such as red dots. Parents always say to each other simply “red throat.” As a rule, this indicates a disease such as pharyngitis.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

Red dots in a child's throat are a symptom of pharyngitis. It also causes pain, discomfort, fever, general lethargy, lack of appetite, and a sore throat. As a rule, the disease does not begin on its own. It accompanies ARVI, influenza.

May be superficial and deep layers throats. Not always, but the temperature can rise above 39 degrees. The prerequisites for pharyngitis can be many factors - dirty air, hypothermia, infection, weak immunity, cold drinks or food. In adults, smoking.

Treatment of pharyngitis

It is prescribed by an ENT specialist or a pediatrician if he sees a red throat in children. Treatment is accompanied by complex actions.

Fighting fever.

If it reaches above 38 degrees, then with the help of antipyretic drugs.

Throat treatment.

Medicines plus rinses, inhalations.

Eliminating foods from the diet that can irritate the throat, impeding healing.

Additional measures.

Foot baths in hot water plus compresses on the chest.

A high temperature in a child and a red throat are common occurrences that require immediate treatment.

For any parent, a child’s illness is very scary. We often say: it’s better that we ourselves get sick than our kids. Unfortunately, all children get sick. Even if the child is a month old, both he and those who are older and have a strong immune system can have a red throat. But their body is hardened.

The most common illness is a high fever and a red throat in a child. All parents should know what they need to do and how to behave if their baby gets sick. After all, from competent and timely actions, a positive effect will occur very quickly, preventing the disease from developing, much less moving into the chronic stage.

In this article we will talk about the causes of sore throat in children and treatment methods. We will talk about both folk remedies and traditional ones from the pharmacy.

Important point!

Don’t think that traditional medicine won’t have any effect and you don’t need it. Since ancient times, people have used natural remedies in treatment, the effect of them is no worse than that of expensive drugs, and sometimes much better.

A competent approach and comprehensive treatment will help achieve the desired result in a short time.

Fever and sore throat. Why?

A child’s high fever and red throat may be the result of an infection.

There are two options here:

Viral infection;


You definitely need to know the reason. After all, treatment tactics will depend on this. Some drugs may help, others may not. The point is that for different types of infection it is necessary to select appropriate medications. Otherwise, you will simply be giving your child unnecessary chemicals, which is not good for his health.

The difficulty lies in the selection of drugs. Of course, you cannot give medicines for adults to children, and not every medicine for children helps.

If we consider most cases, then a red throat in children is an erosive lesion. Namely, the disease appears in the oropharynx. The infection affects the mucous membrane, and defects appear on the epithelium.

Recovery depends on how quickly the defects are eliminated. Proper treatment will relieve symptoms and alleviate the child’s condition.

Difficulties at this stage

The fact is that conventional drugs cannot restore the damaged integrity of the oropharyngeal mucosa. In the case of ARVI, antibiotics are useless. When a child has a viral infection, no specific treatment is required. The effect of medications on viruses is very weak, often non-existent. Therefore, in this case, measures should be aimed at alleviating symptoms. And the disease itself can go away in 3-5 days.

Inflammation and fever - what to do?

What to do if a child has a red throat and a temperature of 39? In this case, it is necessary to adhere to different tactics.

If the thermometer shows up to 38, this means that the body is fighting the infection on its own. At this time, it will produce its own interferon.

If the temperature has crossed the mark of 38 degrees, then it must be brought down. In this case, you need to give medications and follow simple steps.

What medications should I use for high fever?

Of course, all treatment that you will carry out with your child should be started only after agreement with the attending physician. In this case, you definitely need to know whether there are any allergic reactions to any drugs. Therefore, each step must be clearly thought out and previously agreed upon with the pediatrician. A red throat and a temperature of 38.5 in a child indicates that it is time to start using antipyretic drugs.

The most common antipyretics are:

  • "Panadol";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Nurafen";
  • "Ibufen."

Medicines can come in different forms. These are tablets, syrups, suppositories. Most drugs for children these days have a very pleasant taste, which does not cause disgust or screaming in children. Often the child may ask for more tasty syrup. But, of course, you shouldn’t do this. No matter how harmless and tasty the syrup is. It should be understood that this is primarily a medicine, and they cannot cure a red throat in children. Therefore, the dosage must be strictly followed according to the recommendations on the package or as prescribed by the pediatrician.

Allergic reactions have already been mentioned above; most prelates contain honey. For some children and even adults this is a strong allergen.

What additional measures should I take?

The simplest remedy is to open the window so that there is no draft and it does not blow on the baby. In this case, the child must be dressed in tights and a thick sweater. The room should become a little cooler. The baby’s body, with a temperature according to the elementary laws of physics, will begin to give off heat into space. This is what you need at high temperatures.

But the old grandmother’s method of drinking hot tea and lying under a warm blanket to sweat causes mixed opinions among different people. Some people just use it, and they manage to fight the temperature very well. Others, on the contrary, say that such sweating does not lead to anything, but only harms.

Another very simple method is to wrap your head or body in a damp towel. Most often used for complaints of hyperthermia in one place on the body.

Important point!

During illness, it is imperative to restore water balance in the body. Otherwise, the child may become dehydrated. It is imperative to give your child plenty of warm water, tea, compote or fruit drink to drink. If you give teas, they should be based on medicinal herbs.

They will be discussed below.

Red throat in children and fever. Folk recipes

We have already mentioned above that treatment should be comprehensive. In addition to traditional drugs from pharmacies, be sure to use traditional ones. Don't underestimate their capabilities. After all, in ancient times there were no medicines, and people used exclusively those remedies that they took from living nature.

To treat red throat in children, you can use:

Teas, decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs.

Honey softens perfectly, but you need to use it knowing for sure that the child does not have allergies. It can be added to tea or warm milk. By the way, you can also add butter or rendered pork fat to the latter. Of course, the product is not pleasant to taste or smell, but it is very effective. Another recipe is to give a spoonful of honey to the child, but so that he does not swallow it. The honey should flow down the sore throat, softening it.

You can and should use rinsing. To do this, take ordinary soda, iodine and salt. Babies can be taught to rinse as early as one and a half years old. The recipe is simple: take one teaspoon of salt, soda and a drop of iodine per glass of water.

Another effective remedy is inhalation. For them, you can use medicinal herbs such as sage, eucalyptus, and calendula. Coltsfoot has expectorant properties.

Children after three years old can make an infusion of propolis for rinsing.

Berry decoctions are very useful not only when a child has a red throat and a temperature of 39, but as a preventive measure and a good remedy for immunity. Lingonberries, rose hips, and cranberries are suitable for this.

An old and proven method is boiled potatoes. You need to breathe over it, just be sure to monitor the child’s temperature.

Important point!

Many of us are accustomed to putting honey in boiling water, this is a big mistake. At high temperatures, it completely loses its healing properties. Therefore, you should only put honey in warm tea, milk or water.

To achieve a positive effect, rinsing should be done every half hour.

A child has a red throat. Pharmacy treatment

We have already talked about antipyretic drugs above, now we should talk about those medications that will help for a sore throat.

In order to alleviate the pain and alleviate the condition, it is necessary to use a spray or sucking lozenges if the child has a red throat. Komarovsky (a famous pediatrician) generally excludes the use of any chemicals.

Important point!

You should not give medicated lollipops to small children, because there is a risk that the child may choke.

Red dots in a child's throat

Very often there are problems with a child’s throat, such as red dots. Parents always say to each other simply “red throat.” As a rule, this indicates a disease such as pharyngitis.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

Red dots in a child's throat are a symptom of pharyngitis. It also causes pain, discomfort, fever, general lethargy, lack of appetite, and a sore throat. As a rule, the disease does not begin on its own. It accompanies ARVI, influenza.

It can be superficial and in the deep layers of the pharynx. Not always, but the temperature can rise above 39 degrees. The prerequisites for pharyngitis can be many factors - dirty air, hypothermia, infection, weak immunity, cold drinks or food. In adults, smoking.

Treatment of pharyngitis

It is prescribed by an ENT specialist or a pediatrician if he sees a red throat in children. Treatment is accompanied by complex actions.

Fighting fever.

If it reaches above 38 degrees, then with the help of antipyretic drugs.

Throat treatment.

Medicines plus rinses, inhalations.

Eliminating foods from the diet that can irritate the throat, impeding healing.

Additional measures.

Foot baths in hot water plus compresses on the chest.

A high temperature in a child and a red throat are common occurrences that require immediate treatment.

A slight fever, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and a runny nose are usually called a simple respiratory disease - a cold. In medicine, there is the concept of “ARVI” if the doctor is convinced that the cause of the disease is a viral infection, otherwise the usual “ARI” is diagnosed. Parents should know the difference between diseases that have similar symptoms in the form of a red throat, temperature of 37℃ and a runny nose, and what to do if their child exhibits similar symptoms.

Why does my throat turn red?

Redness of the throat in a 3 year old child - main symptom, indicating that inflammation is rampant in the body, the cause of which is increased blood flow to the cells of the tissues of the throat, hence the blood-filled capillaries and vessels and, as a result, redness. If a sore throat is accompanied by an elevated temperature of up to 37℃, the child’s condition should not be ignored.

It is worth carefully observing any changes occurring in the baby, which you should then inform your doctor about at your appointment. Redness of the throat and temperature of 37℃ in a 3-year-old child - the result colds, but if these signs are accompanied by a runny nose and cough, you should visit a doctor in a timely manner to avoid complications.

What reasons?

For 3-year-old children, pharyngitis is a common occurrence - a disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the tissues of the pharyngeal mucosa and lymph nodes. These signs are then accompanied by symptoms in the form of enlarged lymph nodes, a strong spasmodic cough, and an increase in temperature to 37℃ or higher degrees.

But a similar condition can overtake a child with other diseases.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is quite unpleasant and quite dangerous illness, which is characterized by a sudden appearance and has a latent period of several days. Accompanied by:

  • temperature 37℃ or more;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • aches in bones, joints and muscles;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • the appearance of a rash on the body.

Such symptoms occur against the background of general fatigue and weakness. The child suffers from the inability to eat food normally.

What to do?

Timely diagnosis and treatment only in a hospital setting will help avoid dangerous consequences in the form of otitis media, pneumonia, impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver due to the occurrence of purulent processes in them. Parents should closely monitor for signs of illness and consult a doctor immediately.


A child who has a fever of up to 37℃ and a sore or red throat may be suffering from a sore throat. The disease develops in respiratory organs and inflames the tonsils, causing them to enlarge. Such modifications - defensive reaction to prevent pathogens from entering the respiratory organs - lungs, bronchi. Children in age three years of age often experience abdominal pain with sore throat.

Tonsillitis is the cause elevated temperature up to 37℃ and above, which is very dangerous for the respiratory system and the entire body as a whole. The disease is caused by pathogens of the cocci group. Distinctive feature tonsillitis in children is considered increased The lymph nodes, hoarseness.

What to do?

You should entrust the treatment of your child to a doctor, as complications can be very dangerous for the baby’s health. For care, antibiotic-based medications are prescribed as aids rinses and irrigation sprays are used.

The danger of the disease can affect the functioning of the heart and manifest itself in the form of lymphadenitis, asthma, kidney disease and gastrointestinal tract disease.


In three-year-olds, fever, red throat or runny nose may accompany pharyngitis. This is a disease that provokes an inflammatory process of the nasopharynx for the following reasons:

  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • inflammation maxillary sinuses;
  • hypothermia;
  • enlarged adenoids;
  • caries.

Pharyngitis is characterized by an increase in temperature to at least 37℃, but this is in rare cases; often the mercury reaches 39℃. The child may have a dry cough, constant thirst due to dry mouth, runny nose.

What to do?

If a child has pharyngitis, be sure to show him to a specialist, since this disease is dangerous due to the entry of infectious organisms into the lower respiratory tract and damage to the trachea, bronchi and lungs. Therapy includes selection medicines, the action of which will be aimed at destroying microorganisms of viral or bacterial origin. At the same time, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs to reduce the temperature, taking into account the weight and age of the child. Also, procedures for washing the upper nasal passages and irrigating the throat with antiseptic solutions are not prohibited.


Laryngitis can cause disturbances in the child’s body, which manifest themselves in the form of loss of voice, dry spasmodic cough, and elevated temperature up to 37℃.

What to do?

The disease entails a lot dangerous conditions for a child, including bronchitis, vocal cord paralysis, purulent inflammation larynx. It is important to recognize the course of the disease in a timely manner for therapy to be effective. For this, the baby should be immediately shown to a pediatrician, who will choose the treatment method that is most effective for your child.

How to care for children?

Sick children need careful care. Any inflammatory processes tonsils are a sign of the body’s struggle to remove toxins from it. You can help your baby cope with this condition by providing him with plenty of fluids. This will help remove toxic substances from the blood, freeing the body from poisons. Be sure to control the temperature of the liquid - it should be at room temperature.

In the fight against the disease, the child’s body weakens and therefore needs additional help. You can increase your immunity with tea made from currant leaves and rose hips, infusion of linden and chamomile.

Refusal to eat is a sign that the baby’s mucous membranes are still swollen, so you should not forcefully try to feed the baby. The diet should contain only soft food - mashed potatoes, porridge, soup.

Children aged three years are not able to independently gargle. In this case, antiseptic sprays will come to the rescue.

We must not forget that an infection caused by bacteria is much more dangerous than a viral disease. It is impossible to diagnose the disease on your own, so you should not delay visiting a doctor.

Under no circumstances should you resort to self-medication or try to cure a child with antibiotic drugs. They are intended to treat diseases of bacterial origin. Therefore, you should not risk the baby’s health and immediately visit a pediatrician as soon as the child shows the first signs of illness.