What diseases cause sleep apnea? I suffocate in my sleep when I sleep on my back or lying on my side, what could it be? Dreaming of “feeling suffocation in a dream” in a dream

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Why do you dream of Choking in a dream according to 5 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Choke” symbol from 5 online dream books. If you haven't found necessary interpretation on this page, use the search form for all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Choking according to the dream book?

Choking - good luck; heart or respiratory diseases.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

Hello!! from behind my back, or rather from behind my shoulders, dark hairy male hands appear, drag me into a corner and begin to choke me, I try to call my brother for help and I understand that I can’t be heard, no matter how much I scream... in a dream, I have thoughts that I need to turn on the light, that I need to wake up, but I am suffocating and cannot wake up... I also saw in front of me the image of a guy I know, we communicate well... after I supposedly woke up in a dream or in reality, I didn’t understand... I had the same dream, but I see the image of this guy, he disappears and suffocation again... but then I was still able to wake up... interrupted the dream and fell asleep... what could it mean??

I fall asleep, I start to fly away and I see some force dragging me out of bed, I’m screaming in my sleep, no one can hear me, I wake up instantly from a scream in a dream, I understand that I’m lying and for a second there’s someone’s presence behind me or in front of me, this dream has already happened 2 times and in different places. at my mother-in-law's house or at my mother's apartment

The dream, as always, is about my husband’s betrayal; I very often dream that he cheated on me. So today I dreamed that he brought some girl to our house, for some reason I understood that he was crazy but didn’t tell him anything, when it was time to go to bed, he sent me to our room to sleep, and he went to another room to fuck this one slut, then in the morning he went somewhere, and she was washing herself in the bathroom, I went in there and drowned her... that’s the dream

I was sitting with a friend on the sofa, she opened her bag and books were looking out from there... I got up, went to the mirror and something began to squeeze in my throat, I couldn’t breathe, and in a panic I called my friend, but she didn’t react, and so she woke up.

Hello, Tatyana Miller!
That night I dreamed that a girl was strangling me, very similar to one from a previous serious and unsuccessfully ended relationship. It’s just the two of us, I can’t free myself (shackled), shout, or prevent it in any way.. The setting of a seemingly unfamiliar apartment, the time of day is early morning or late evening.. it seems like there’s an open window in the room behind a lowered tulle curtain.
It’s like in a dream I’m waiting for help from loved one, but no help from him..
The duration of sleep is somewhere around an hour, it seems like sleepy time.
I woke up in slight excitement, but having covered my head, I quickly fell asleep.

I dreamed of a friend who died 2 years ago, I said hello to him and a minute later I began to choke. A cobweb began to appear in my mouth, which made me choke, but I was able to remove it so as not to suffocate

the man is sitting on his chest and I’m suffocating, I’m saying that I’m still asleep, I seem to be suffocating without a voice, and I’m shaking my head violently, then waking up (possibly waking me up) and shaking my head

Hello! Today I had a dream that was very painful for me, when I woke up, I even really felt suffocated, it was hard for me to breathe. I dreamed that there was a devil standing behind me (he looked the same as in the movie “The Night Before Christmas”), I see him as if from the side, but I can’t turn around. My chest and neck are all pressing on me, and it’s hard to breathe, I don’t know what to do, how to get rid of him. I’m doing something, I’m going somewhere, it seems like there are people around , but no one can help. And suddenly some voice from the side - “You have a prayer book, so pray.” And that’s it, I woke up. It was so hard for me. Please help, explain. Thank you!

Hello! Never before have I dreamed of such a thing, the dream is so confused with reality that it is not clear whether it is in the willow or in a dream. The dream, I think I even opened my eyes, was very dark and it was hard to breathe. When I woke up in the morning, it turned out that the dream was so similar to reality!

I'm lying on the bed, sleeping, and suddenly I feel like something is choking me. I wake up (in a dream) and see that the duvet cover is intertwined with the chain on which I wear the icon of Xenia of Petersburg (which is in reality) and this knot is strangling me. I break the chain and throw off the blanket. And then I understand that everything bed sheets it is flooded with water and there is water on the floor (the water is clean) and it quickly flows into the drains in the floor. (these used to be in city baths)

Hello Tatiana!
Last night I felt suffocated and my whole body was paralyzed. I tried to scream, to call my friend, who was sleeping in another part of the room, but my body did not listen to me. I don't know if it was a dream. But I was very scared. As soon as the suffocation stopped and I was able to move, I went to sleep with my friend, fortunately she slept on a double bed. In the morning I told why I was next to her. She was also concerned about my nightmare because she believes in otherworldly forces. And that night we changed beds. That is, my friend could have been in my place.

Hope for your help. Thank in advance!

I was lying with my current boyfriend in my apartment (we are now renting an apartment in another city), as if it was already in the future tense, I took out my phone, he heard a notification come, start taking the phone from me, he rolled over and stuck it in hand in my mouth, and the other held the second one so that I would not slip out, I began to feel that the end was coming for me and these were my last breaths, I somehow began to pinch his neck, from which he had to pull his hand out of his mouth a little, I started to inhale full breasts air and woke up from this

I stood near the coffin with my dad (my dad actually died 20 years ago), but in a dream I saw that he was moving and said hello. Then suffocation, as if someone was strangling, but physically no one was strangling... and in a dream, if I’m not mistaken, I said that it was dad who was strangling his strength. I could make a mistake.

I dreamed that I was communicating with ex-husband normal, without scandal and assault (which has not happened for a long time in reality). And even in my dreams it surprises me. We are somewhere on the street and our daughter is nearby. And then I feel as if he is holding me, like a collar, a belt that is thrown around my neck. And it’s not that he’s strangling me on purpose, but it’s painful and difficult for me to breathe. I shout to him that it hurts so that he let me go, but he laughs. I start to fight back and push him away. And it’s as if my daughter is interceding, and somehow I breathe freely and push him away from me.

I’m in my apartment, next to my parents and someone else, I don’t remember... I’m starting to choke... something is pressing on my throat, it’s hard to speak, it makes me panic ambulance, do not want to go because they do not correctly understand the reason for the call. Before that I called an ambulance for one of my relatives, I don’t remember, the SP thought that I was calling a relative again, when they realized that it was me who needed it, they seemed to agree, but I woke up

Initially, I dreamed that I was in some fantastic place, and I needed to put on a magic crown so that its power would come to me, but it was taken off me by a red-haired guy who began to choke me, and then when he did this in front of me like -as if there was a page of him on the social network, so that all the signs of what he looked like. I'm worried, maybe this is a death warning, or I'm just screwing myself up. Thank you for your attention!

The girl with whom we have a conflict in life hugged me in a dream and said, “This is your punishment,” and I was choking, I begged to stop, said that it hurt me, but she didn’t stop, there was a crowd of people, some faces were familiar to me when I looked with a look asking for help, he said to them, “Be patient, you can do it”

Hello, I looked through all possible dream books, but I still couldn’t find the answer to what this dream is about?
So here it is:
This happened the day before yesterday, you know, I still twitch all the time in my sleep, as if lightning was striking.
Let's go back, this time I fell asleep without “problems”. I stood near the sink, inflated a bubble gum ball, and for some reason took a breath, a “bubble” began to inflate and I was suffocating.
Then I woke up and dreamed of a man.
I think the dream is funny.
But explain it to me, please.
Thank you in advance.

The moment when you are sleeping and a strong feeling of suffocation and helplessness covers you is called sleep paralysis. To get rid of this syndrome, you need to take several actions:

1. Relax. Having succumbed to the influence of suffocation, you will be able to get out of this situation as quickly as possible; when you fight, the symptoms intensify, and it will become even more difficult to fight;

2. Focus. Paralysis affects the limbs, torso and throat, so try to turn your attention to your palms or feet and work with them;

3. Persuasion. If the previous methods did not work, turn to your ideal. Suggestion and calling on your love for help will shift your attention to this process, slowly leading you out of sleep paralysis.

I’m suffocating in my sleep, there’s not enough air, what’s the reason?

The main cause of lack of air during sleep may be cardiac asthma. Due to low blood pumping in the body, it can stagnate in small or big circle in the heart, creating suffocation. Bronchial asthma is allergic disease and is accompanied by a sharp cough with the inability to inhale air.

At overweight body fat affect the diaphragm, and the space for the lungs is reduced, and therefore suffocation may occur during sleep. Sleep apnea - the syndrome appears when the pharyngeal muscles relax. They block the respiratory channel and when there is not enough air in the body, it gives a signal, which leads to a sharp awakening and a feeling of suffocation.

I choke in my sleep from heartburn

Choking syndrome during sleep from heartburn occurs due to acid reflux. When lying down during heartburn, the stomach releases fluid that goes up to the throat, blocking the airways. In this regard, you feel as if you are suffocating, and the body gives a cough signal to free the respiratory channel.

I choke in my sleep from coughing: causes and treatment

When suffocation occurs in a dream due to intense coughing, you need to understand the reason for its origin. It could be low temperature indoors, uncomfortable body position with pressure on the diaphragm, dry indoor air or pathological diseases (bronchitis, allergies, adenoids, rhinitis, viral diseases).
To get rid of this disease, you need to periodically ventilate and humidify the bedroom, and also maintain room temperature. If the problem is a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

I choke in my sleep from smoking, phlegm in my throat, saliva

Smoking directly affects the quality of sleep. Due to the fact that cigarettes increase arterial pressure and palpitations, apnea syndrome may appear during sleep. At this moment, the person stops breathing for several seconds. This is harmless to health, but causes serious discomfort during sleep. To get rid of such consequences, you need to quit smoking. Blood pressure will begin to recover and the quality and duration of sleep will improve.

Phlegm in the throat or saliva can interfere with normal breathing during sleep. The reasons for this may be the following diseases: allergies, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis or problems of cardio-vascular system. Smoking may also affect this. Nicotine irritates the larynx and thickens the mucus produced by the lungs. At frequent occurrence Symptoms of choking should consult a doctor.

I suffocate in my sleep when I sleep on my back or lying on my side, what could it be?

Brief suffocation while sleeping on your side or back is not associated with any heart disease or lung problems. Often the cause is a deviation in the rhythm of sleep. By contacting a neurologist, he will prescribe medications that normalize the process of falling asleep and normalizing the rhythm.

I suffocate in my sleep during pregnancy, how to treat the problem

During pregnancy, women tend to gain weight; fat deposits accumulate in the neck, narrowing the airways, and in the abdomen, pressing the diaphragm against the lungs. All this can provoke suffocation during sleep. Also, during pregnancy there is increased blood pressure, which is also accompanied apnea syndrome sleep.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

It happens that accumulated stress, negativity and fatigue are reflected in a dream. Dream books remind you that any dreams you have, not only in general outline describe the future, but serve as a warning to the dreamer. What does the subconscious try to warn us about when we see strangulation? Why do you dream about such a situation?

Miller's Dream Book - about rivalry

The dream of strangulation, according to the psychologist, is viewed from two perspectives. So, if in a dream you strangled a person, it means that in reality you will have to compete with this person. To feel that someone is squeezing your neck in an iron vice means that a favorable state of affairs will be overshadowed by a lack of freedom of action.

Don't paint yourself into a corner

The Wanderer's Dream Book explains why one dreams of feeling suffocated by the hopelessness of the situation that has developed in real life. Seeing a stranger trying to strangle you with his hands predicts the presence of painful problems that poison your life.

Feeling the risk of being strangled, experiencing fear, means that the sleeping person is now powerless to change something in life.

Put everything in its place

Committing murder in a dream by strangulation is interpreted by Medea’s dream book as the need to reveal and finally resolve a brewing hidden conflict with others: colleagues, relatives, neighbors. Seeing a man who commits the murder of his wife in a dream, her soul, speaks of disagreement and confrontation between spouses, which needs to be corrected in time.

Excessive seriousness of judgment and thoughtlessness of actions - this is what dreams of strangling a child mean. If your hands are clutching the child’s neck, it means that in reality there is a possibility that, having taken on an interesting project, you will abandon it. The reason for this behavior will be resentment towards superiors, colleagues or someone else from the environment.

If you dreamed that a child was cutting off your oxygen, then, as the dream book convinces, you will become a victim of your own idea. If the strangulation is done by your own mother, reconsider your behavior, otherwise the parent may become seriously ill because of you.

Rejoice - the situation will be resolved

The newest dream book confidently states that what people dream of strangling symbolizes successful overcoming of obstacles. Seeing from the side how two people are locked in a fight promises in reality a benefit from the disagreement of competitors. If you dreamed that you were strangling a rat, it means a peremptory victory over your competitor.

Animals in a dream

In Loff's dream book, the explanation of what dreams of suffocation mean is closely related to the animal that had to cut off oxygen.

  • strangling a rat in a dream - to identifying a negative person in your close circle;
  • a dog - benefit is more important to you than the company of friends;
  • kitten - indicates the dreamer’s excessive suspicion, phobias, fears;
  • cat - successfully overcoming an obstacle with negative energy.

The dream book offers several interpretations of what it means to dream of suffocating. The fight for air in a dream can be caused by the fear of losing what is most precious. What exactly depends on individual system values. Often interpretations relate to health, livelihood, loved ones, and the meaning of life. The dramatic plot encourages you to fight for your happiness.

Miller's explanation

In Miller's dream book, the prediction of why one dreams of suffocating depends on the fate of the dreamer. If the poor fellow dies in a dream, in reality you should pay attention to the safety of property, including real estate. A successful rescue means that determination, excellent well-being and sympathy from others will significantly improve your financial situation.

Water environment

Shereminskaya's dream book will tell you why you dream of suffocating under water. Seeing this happens to overly practical people who sometimes lack emotions and spontaneity.

If you dreamed that you were suffocating under water, in the Gypsy dream book the symbol means the risk of tarnishing your reputation. Italian psychoanalyst A. Roberti doubts the dreamer's ability to overcome everyday adversity.

The Emperor's Dream Interpreter believes that one has to see oneself underwater due to physiological reasons. Those who actually have a disturbed water balance in the body suffocate in water.

In a smoky room

A smoky room in which it is difficult to breathe often indicates unfavorability and even harmfulness. environment in real. The explanations of why you dream of choking on smoke list the most likely factors.

Khamidova’s dream book identifies a curtain of smoke with a risky amorous adventure. An outbreak of romantic feelings for a sworn enemy is not excluded. Panic in a dream suggests that a sudden romance will cause suffering.

Sometimes the dreamer unconsciously feels why he dreamed of suffocation from smoke. It’s scary to think that your own weaknesses can lead to trouble, but you don’t have the strength to pull yourself together. The support of loved ones will be very useful.

If you dreamed that a smoke screen from a fire interferes with your vision, the medium Hasse promises that changes will dispel the dreamer’s illusions.

For no apparent reason

In a dream, it is not always possible to see why breathing is difficult. Dream Interpretations offer universal interpretations, why dream about the very fact of suffocation.

  • Feeling afraid of lack of air happens when someone is missing you;
  • When it is difficult to breathe in a dream, in reality something prevents you from openly expressing thoughts and feelings;
  • Someone else's hands or a noose around the neck symbolize psychological pressure;
  • If you had to suffer from lack of air while running, beware of a strong opponent;
  • Overworking causes a feeling of hopelessness, you are “suffocating” from work;
  • If you dreamed of suffocation, in reality you are in a depressed state.

Gas attack

If you dream that you can’t breathe in the room due to gas, the Wanderer’s dream book believes that the dreamer is tired of arranging his destiny with a constant eye on the opinions of his friends.

Experience discomfort, suffocation from gas and its unpleasant odor, is brought to those who in reality are unfair or overly demanding of a loved one.

- This is a very alarming complaint that may be a manifestation of heart or lung disease. Patients endure this symptom very painfully, since it takes them by surprise during sleep, and in some cases there is no one nearby to help or hold, which further worsens the situation, horrifying the person and giving a feeling of helplessness and defenselessness.

It is not always possible to fall asleep after such an attack, as the patient is afraid of a second attack. But nighttime suffocation is not always a sign of illness; often patients with an overexcited nervous system experience exactly the same symptoms, while there is no real danger to their life. Therefore, in this article I would like to draw a line between dangerous and non-dangerous suffocation.

Please note that here we will not talk about suffocation that occurs for the first time, but only about suffocation that recurs from time to time over a long period of time. Since sudden suffocation that occurs for the first time (even during the daytime) may be a sign acute illness, requiring emergency treatment(heart attack, thromboembolism, pulmonary edema, status asthmaticus, etc.).

So, to begin with, it should be said that in the vast majority of cases, the cause of a sudden attack of suffocation at night is heart disease, lung disease, or instability of work nervous system, including mental illness. Let's look at everything in order possible states and discuss their distinctive features.

Night suffocation is very characteristic symptom for people suffering from heart failure. As a rule, patients complain that it is difficult for them to breathe air (there is a lack of air). Often this condition is accompanied by coughing and sweating.

Shortness of breath decreases when sitting and after taking diuretics; there may also be a positive effect after taking nitroglycerin. Such patients necessarily have some chronic illness heart – hypertension or ischemic disease, problems with valves, etc.

Heart failure does not occur out of the blue, therefore, in people suffering from attacks of night suffocation due to heart failure, changes in the heart are necessarily detected during examination. That is, it cannot be that a person suffers from heart failure at night, but during the day he has absolutely no complaints and all indicators, including ECG, ultrasound and chest x-ray are normal.

Angina is, first of all, a pressing or burning pain that usually occurs behind the sternum. But sometimes angina pectoris manifests itself not in the form of pain, but in the form of suffocation, the mechanism of which is associated with the development of acute, but short-term, heart failure. Such suffocation is difficult to distinguish from suffocation in chronic heart failure described earlier.

As a rule, patients suffering from attacks of suffocation at night due to angina pectoris have similar symptoms during the daytime, especially when physical activity, whereas patients with heart failure do not experience suffocation during the day, but only shortness of breath.

Detect angina pectoris ( ischemic disease heart) helps additional examination– stress test (VEM, Treadmill, Stress ECHO) or radioisotope scanning (used routinely abroad).

Bronchial asthma

Asthma is a lung disease that results in sudden spasms of the bronchi ( respiratory tract), that leads to sharp decline ventilation of the lungs and, as a result, lack of oxygen in the blood.

Nocturnal asthma attacks are quite common and, unlike “heart attacks,” they are accompanied by a feeling of incomplete exhalation (it’s hard to exhale air, not inhale!). Patients have the feeling that some kind of valve is working in the lungs, letting air in, but not letting it out.

Nitroglycerin and diuretics do not alleviate the patient’s condition in any way; only inhalers help, for example, salbutamol, or intravenous administration steroids (hormones).

Asthma is diagnosed based on complaints, family history (history) and spirometric examination of the lungs; alternatively, salbutomol is prescribed during an attack; if this brings relief, then the cause of such night suffocation becomes more obvious.

Many young people with unstable functioning of the nervous system (the so-called NCD or VSD) sometimes develop a feeling of suffocation at night. This, as a rule, is not even suffocation, but a feeling of lack of air.

This condition is accompanied by very vivid emotional experiences, and if patients with asthma and heart failure describe the attack in two or three words, then patients suffering from NCD, in addition to the suffocation itself, feel dozens of additional complaints: dizziness, nausea, palpitations, vague pain in the chest, fear, panic, trembling in the body, chills, sweating, etc. Of course, patients with heart and lung disease can also experience these symptoms, but suffocation is what bothers them 100 times more than all other accompanying “little things.”

In patients with NCD, everything interferes simultaneously and equally strongly. These studies do not reveal any deviations from the norm, and the age of such patients usually does not exceed 30-40 years. Most of them undergo examinations many times, go to different specialists, believing that they are terminally ill, but the doctors do not understand this. In this group of patients good effect achieved with the help of sedatives, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, and even better - psychotraining.

From all of the above, we can say that when assessing chronic nocturnal suffocation, one must be guided by the principle “there is no smoke without fire.” And if during the day the patient is completely “healthy” according to the examination and consultation with specialists, then you should not “get hung up”, but should try to solve this problem with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, especially since there will definitely be no harm from this.

In conclusion, it should be noted that although this article was written for patients, it is not a guide for diagnosis; the decision is always made by the doctor.