Topic: “All professions are important.” Where is the air

TEST No. 1
TOPIC: “About science”
d) cube

1. What is science?
a) ancient records about events of past years;
b) skills that people possess;
c) the knowledge that humanity has accumulated over its history;
d) something that can tell us about people’s past.
2. The science of past events is called...
a) economics;
b) astronomy;
c) history;
d) biology.
3. Why does day follow night?

c) The Earth revolves around other planets.
4. What science studies mountains, seas, plains, oceans?
a) psychology;
b) geography;
c) astronomy;
d) economics.
5. Astronomy is -
a) the science of housekeeping rules;
b) the science of past events;
c) science of stars.
6. What is the shape of the Earth?
a) square;
b) triangle;
c) ball;
TEST No. 2
TOPIC: “What is space?”
1. What is a star? Circle the correct letter.
a) constellation; b) flaming ball; c) small sun.
2. In what ways do stars differ from each other?
Circle all the letters of the correct answers.
a) by color; b) in form; c) by beauty; d) by size.
3. Which star is closest to earth? Circle the correct letter.
a) Moon; b) Sun; c) Sirius.
4. What does the Sun create for us? Circle the correct letter.
a) shadow; b) light; in a day.
5. How much bright stars in the constellation Ursa Major?
Circle the correct letter.
a) 7 stars; b) 8 stars; c) 6 stars
6. Why do the stars shine? Circle the correct letter.
a) because they happen at night when it’s dark;
b) because they reflect the light of electric lamps;
c) because they consist of hot substances.
7. Circle the correct letter.

The main source of light and heat on Earth is...
a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 d) 2
a) Moon; b) Sun; c) stars.
6. Complete the sentence.
TEST No. 3
TOPIC: “Solar System”
1. What is the name of the science of celestial bodies?
a) history;
b) geography;
c) ecology;
d) astronomy.

2. How many planets revolve around the Sun?
a) 7;

b) 9;
at 11.

3. Complete the sentence.
The closest star to Earth is ____________________________.
TEST No. 4
TOPIC: “Blue Planet Earth”
1. Complete the sentence.
 Our planet is called ___________________________.

What shape does the Earth have? Emphasize.
 Square, oval, ball, triangle, rectangle.
3. Circle the letters of the correct answers.
The earth revolves around...
a) its axis;
b) other planets;
c) the sun.
The path along which the planet moves is called __________________
4. Which planet Earth is from the Sun?
4. Do the planets emit sunlight?
a) YES b) NO
5. Which planet Earth is from the Sun?
a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 d) 2
5. Why do the seasons change?
a) The Earth rotates around its axis;

b) The earth revolves around the sun;
6. Write why the Earth is called the “blue planet”

a) The moon emits its own light;
b) The moon does not emit its own light;
5. Why there is no life on the Moon.
a) there is no water or air;
b) very far from Earth;
c) the surface of the Moon is rocky and uneven.
TEST No. 5
TOPIC: “Earth’s satellite Moon”
1. The moon is...
a) planet;
b) star;
c) satellite of the Earth.
2. Choose the correct statement..
a) The Earth moves around the Moon;
b) The Moon moves around the Earth;
c) The moon does not move.
3. Choose the correct statement.
a) The moon is larger than the sun;
b) The Sun and Moon are the same size;
c) The Sun is larger than the Moon.
4. Choose the correct statement.
TEST No. 6
TOPIC: “What is a globe”
1. What is a globe?
a) model of the Sun; b) model of the Earth; c) model of a ball.
2. What do they mean? different colors on the globe?
A) Blue colour ______________________;
b) green color ____________________;
V) Brown color _________________.
3. How many continents are there on Earth?
a) 7 b) 6 c) 5
4. List all the continents.

5. How many oceans are there on Earth? List them.
6. The first manned flight into space took place...
a) May 9, 1945
b) April 12, 1961
c) October 4, 1957.
7. Write down the name of the first person to fly into space.
8. Why does day follow night?
a) The Earth rotates around its axis;
b) The Moon revolves around the Earth;
c) The earth revolves around the sun.
TEST No. 7
TOPIC: “Bodies and substances”
1. What is a body?
a) it is something made by human hands;
b) this is any object, any living creature;
c) this is any plant, insect, bird, animal.
2. Match.
grains of sand
3. Which line lists only products.
a) a piece of sugar, a drop of dew, a crystal of salt;
b) car, brick, house, water, ink;
c) desk, board, table, chair, lamp;
4. Write down five examples of living and nonliving bodies of nature.
Living bodies ___________________________________________________
Inanimate bodies_________________________________________________
5. What is a substance?
a) these are different things in the house;
b) this is what bodies are made of;
c) this is leaf fall, snowfall, sleet, ice drift.
6. Which line lists only substances? Circle the one you need
a) sugar, glass, water;
b) aluminum, pan, iron poker, copper basin;
c) a lump of sugar, a drop of dew, a crystal of salt.

7. Cross out the substances that are not solids.
8. Write down what substance can be found in a liquid,
solid and gaseous state.

TEST No. 8
TOPIC: “About energy”
1. What is energy?
a) this is what a person does with his own hands;
b) this is the ability to do work;
c) this is the light of the sun.
2. List the sources of energy you know.
3. What phone number should you call if a smell appears?
a) 01 b) 02 c) 04 d) 03
4. Why is it dangerous to light matches or sparklers near fuel?
lights, candles, lighters?
a) it smells bad and is unpleasant to be around;
b) ignites easily;
5. Thanks to what energy does all life on Earth exist?
Explain your answer.
a) sun; b) moon; c) water.
TEST No. 9
TOPIC: “About light and color”

1. Remember and list light sources

__________________________ _________________________
__________________________ _________________________
2. Is the statement true: “All objects transmit equally?
a) yes, true b) no, false
Where is the property of mirrors to reflect objects used?
Solar and electric light
a) yellow;
b) colorless;
c) consists of all the colors that we see.
Color your hats in rainbow colors starting Monday
in order.

TEST No. 10
TOPIC: “In the world of sound”
6. Complete the sentence.
Sound occurs as a result of _____________________________________
7. Give examples of sound sources.
8. Why is shouting loudly dangerous?
9. What rules need to be followed to avoid noise.
10. What is music?
a) noise pollution; b) type of art; c) source of profit.
11. What do they call people who create musical
a) scientists b) composers; c) architects.
12. What musical instruments You know? List.

13. Note what people do to reduce noise.
a) plant trees; b) burn fires; c) sing songs;
d) upholster doors; e) install thick glass;
What stone do people use as fuel?
TEST No. 11
1. Mark where granite is used.
TOPIC: “In the world of stone”
a) for grinding;
b) in construction;
c) as a decoration.
2. Guess the riddles. Write the answers.
This master is white - white. Children really need him,
At school he doesn’t lie idle: He’s on the paths in the yard,
Runs along the board, He is both at a construction site and on the beach,
Leaves a white mark. It's even melted in glass
________________ _____________________
When is salt more valuable than gold? Why?
TEST No. 12
TOPIC: “Winter changes in nature” 1c
1. What winter phenomena occur in inanimate nature?
Cross out the excess.
2. What winter phenomenon are we talking about? Complete the proposal.
Snow melts, becomes wet and easily sticks - this
3. Who hibernates? Circle the correct letter.
a) wolf; b) elk; c) wild boar; d) hedgehog
4. What birds winter? Circle the correct letter.
a) rook, jay, nightingale;
b) crossbill, sparrow, pigeon;
c) starling, crow, swallow.
5. Why do many birds stay closer to their homes in winter?
person? Circle the correct letter.

a) you can warm up here;
b) it’s easier to find food here;
c) here you can communicate with people.
6. What animals change color for winter? Emphasize.
Squirrel, bear, fox, hare, elk.
TOPIC: “In the world of wildlife. About insects."
TEST No. 14
1. How many legs do insects have?
a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10
2. Underline the names of insects from the group of animals.
3. Is it true that all insects are pests?
a) YES b) NO
4. Write down what role do insects play in nature?
5. What happens if insects disappear?
TOPIC: “In the world of wildlife. At the edge"
TEST No. 13
1. What is the environment?
a) trees, shrubs, grasses;
b) everything that surrounds living beings;
c) animals, insects, birds, fish.
2. Emphasize what relates to nature.
3. Fill out the table.
What or
Refers to nature
Man made

4. Note what is necessary for plant life.
a) light; d) water; g) soil;
b) warmth; d) friends; h) music;
c) food; f) air; i) fuel.
5. Match.
6. Draw a diagram of a tree, shrub, herbaceous
TEST No. 15
Topic: “In a birch grove”
1. What kind of snakes can be found in the lowlands? Write it down.
2. Determine what kind of snake it is.
a) _____________________ has a dark, sinuous stripe along the back;
b) _____________________ has two bright ones yellow spots on the head.
3. Mark which snake is poisonous.
a) already; b) viper; c) boa constrictor; d) python;
4. Mark a rare moisture-loving plant that only grows
in damp places.
a) chamomile; c) buttercup;
b) swimsuit; d) Ivandamarya;

5. Mark the shade-tolerant tree.
a) birch; c) sorrel;
b) spruce; d) linden;
6. Choose the correct statement.
a) carnivores b) herbivores
7. Label edible mushrooms.
a) chanterelles; c) toadstool; e) honey mushrooms;
b) fly agaric; d) boletus; e) milk mushroom.
8. What rules for picking mushrooms must be followed? Circle everything
letters of the correct answers.
a) collect any mushrooms you come across;
b) everything inedible mushrooms trample underfoot;
c) cut the mushrooms with a knife;
d) do not tear up the soil around the mushroom so as not to damage the mycelium;
e) do not take mushrooms near highways and railways.
TEST No. 16
Topic: “At the forest lake”
1. Which plant has a flexible stem filled inside
a) duckweed; b) egg capsule; c) reed.
2. Write down one of the smallest plants in the forest lake, near
which has no leaves. __________________________________
3. Mark the rare plant of the lake, which is listed in red
a) reed; b) egg capsule; c) St. John's wort.

4. Mark the insects that live in water.
a) swimming beetle;
b) roach;
c) frog;
d) ant;
d) water strider.
5. What waterfowl can be found in the thickets?
lakes? Mark.
a) heron;
b) geese;
c) ducks;
d) crane;
d) capercaillie.
TEST No. 17
Topic: “In a pine forest. Take care of the forest."
1. Check what is appropriate to describe the pine tree.
a) shade-tolerant;
b) moisture-loving;
c) photophilous;
d) thermophilic;
d) drought-resistant.
2. Write down the name of the “forest doctor” bird

Why is it called that?
3. What is the worst enemy of the forest?
a) wind; c) water;
b) sun; d) fire.
4. What air and water are necessary for plant life,
animals and humans? Circle the correct letter.
a) transparent;
b) clean;
c) colorless.
5. How to behave in the forest. Mark.
a) do not leave a burning fire in the forest;
b) listen to loud music in the forest, shout, because you don’t care
no one will hear;
c) don’t destroy birds’ nests;
d) you see chicks in the nest, help them, take them home;
e) do not break tree branches, do not trample the grass;
f) there are a lot of flowers in the forest, pick big beautiful bouquets for the house.
Test No. 18
Topic: “Man in Society”
1. Complete the sentence.
People living in the same city or country have a lot in common: customs,
laws, rules of conduct. All together people make up
2. Mark the correct statements.
a) a person lives on his own, does not belong to anyone;
b) the person is part of society;
c) man is part of nature.
3. List what equal rights all people of ours have
4. List what responsibilities people have to
5. Mark the correct statement.
a) society of people;
b) society of people of the future;
c) society of ancient people;
d) a society of people from another country.
Topic: “Work in human life. Professions."
Test No. 19
1. Who is the “stranger” in the row? Cross it out. Name it in one word
remaining bodies. Complete the proposal.
Painter, steelmaker, driver, cook, dump truck, agronomist, salesman - this is

2. Write down the names of professions that are related to transport.
c) in groups;
d) tribes.
Pilot, _________, _________, _________, _________.
2. In order to provide the family with everything necessary, you need
3. Who does what? Connect with arrows.
Who writes the books? doctor
Who heals people? artist
Who bakes the bread? writer
Who performs in the circus? driver
Who drives the taxi? baker
4. Guess the riddle. Write the answer.
Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches?
(. . . . .)
5. Circle all the letters of the correct answers. Teacher
a) card;
b) board;
c) saucepan;
d) chalk;
d) pointer.
Test No. 20
Topic: “Family, budget”
1. B modern society people usually live...
a) community
b) families;
a) receive a pension;
b) work;
c) steal;
d) sit and wait for help.
3. In old age, people receive from the state
a) scholarship;
b) salary;
c) allowance;
d) pension.
4. A family with many children is considered to be one in which
a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) 5
5. Family budget is
a) expenses;
b) expenses and income;
c) income;
d) profit from a profitable transaction.
1. What words are polite? Cross out the excess.
TEST No. 21

Thank you, hello, good, thank you.
2. Indicate with arrows in what cases these words are used.
Topic: “Summer is ahead”
1. Write down the order of the summer months in numbers:
"Bon Voyage!"
"Thank you!"
3. What words can replace the word “hello”?
Circle the correct letters.
a) hello;
b) good afternoon;
c) good morning;
d) please.
4. Leaving the table, Sasha said: “It was very tasty.” Which
did the boy forget to say a word? Emphasize.
Sorry, please, hello, thank you.
5. Write down in numbers the procedure for talking on the phone.


2. How does the sun rise above the horizon in summer compared to
in the spring? Circle the correct letter.
a) lower than in spring;
b) the same as in spring;
c) higher than in spring.
What are the main summer changes that occur in nonliving
nature? Circle the letters of the correct answers.
a) snow melting;
b) precipitation in the form of rain;
c) thaw;
d) the sun is shining hot.
4. What are the main summer changes that occur in life?
nature. Circle the letters of the correct answers.
a) leaf fall;
b) the appearance of mushrooms;
c) the appearance of insects;
d) growing up of chicks;
e) flowering of grasses;
Test No. 22
_____________, _____________, _____________,
5. What insects can be found in the summer. Write.

_____________, _____________, _____________.

Tests on the subject " The world". 2nd grade. At 2 o'clock to school. Pleshakova A.A. - Tikhomirova E.M.

11th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2014. - Part 1 - 112 p., Part 2 - 80 p.

This benefit fully complies with the federal state educational standard(second generation) for primary school. The proposed manual contains tests on all topics of the A.A. training set. Pleshakova "The world around us. 2nd grade." This material can also be used by teachers working with other textbooks.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Part 1.
Preface 5
Test 1. Home country 7
Test 2. City and village 11
Test 3. Nature and man-made world 15
Test 4. Non-living and Live nature 18
Test 5. Natural phenomena. How to measure temperature 22
Test 6. What is weather 26
Test 7. On a visit to autumn (inanimate nature) 29
Test 8. visiting autumn (wildlife) 32
Test 9. Starry sky 36
Test 10. Let's look into the storerooms of Earth 40
Test 11. About air 43
Test 12. ...and about water 47
Test 13. What types of plants are there 50
Test 14. What kinds of animals are there 54
Test 15. Invisible threads 58
Test 16. Wild and cultivated plants 62
Test 17. Wild and domestic animals 66
Test 18. Houseplants 70
Test 19. Animals of the living corner 74
Test 20. About cats and dogs 78
Test 21. The Red Book. Be nature's friend! 81
Test 22. What is economics 85
Test 23. What is it made from 88
Test 24. How to build a house 92
Test 25. What types of transport are there 96
Test 26. Culture and education 100
Test 27. All professions are important 103
Test 28. On a visit to winter 106
Replies 109

Part 2.
Test 29 Human body structure 6
Test 30. If you want to be healthy 9
Test 31. Beware of the car! 13
Test 32. House Hazards 17
Test 33. Fire! 20
Test 34. On the water and in the forest 24
Test 35. Our friendly family 28
Test 36. At school 31
Test 37. Rules of politeness. You and your friends 35
Test 38. We are spectators and passengers 39
Look around 43
Terrain orientation 46
Form earth's surface 49
Water wealth 52
On a visit to spring 56
Russia on the map 59
TEST 45 Traveling around Moscow.
Moscow Kremlin 62
City on Neva 65
Traveling around the planet and continents 68
Countries of the world 72
Summer 75 is ahead
Ztvety 78

In the learning process, it is important to take into account the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren. The teacher monitors the children’s progress every day and controls the level of mastery of the material. Tests can make the teacher’s work easier in this area.
Tests are tasks that require choosing the correct answer from the given options. Their use presupposes the presence of junior schoolchildren a certain amount of information, so they are most often used at the stages of repetition or consolidation of knowledge. Test tasks help the teacher save time on testing knowledge, identify the individual level of knowledge and adjust the educational process. But it should be remembered that tests cannot be used as the only form of repetition and reinforcement of the studied material.
In this manual, tests are compiled on all topics of the course “The World Around us” (author A.A. Pleshakov) for grade 2, but can also be used when working with other courses.
Each test includes 10 tasks, this does not mean that the teacher must use all the tasks. Their volume can be changed.
Tasks 1-8 allow the teacher to check a basic level of knowledge on the topic. Tasks 9-10 are more complicated and provide an opportunity to check how much the child masters universal learning activities. The questions are formulated in such a way that the student can show how he can apply the acquired knowledge in practice, highlight the main thing, establish cause-and-effect relationships between man and nature, between individual natural objects. The teacher can understand how well children can accept and maintain learning task, allow for the existence of different points of view, carry out step-by-step control of one’s activities, analyze information in textual, pictorial and schematic form. If the student completes all the tasks, then it can be argued that he is developing a holistic picture of the world around him and universal learning actions.
The manual is intended for both teachers and parents, who can use tests to determine the extent of their children’s knowledge.

Screening test on the topic “Travel around the planet. Countries of the World" 2nd grade

Author: Svetlana Vladimirovna Ivanova, teacher primary classes MBOU Golynkovskaya secondary school, Rudnyansky district, Smolensk region

Description: I offer a verification test on the world around us for 2nd grade students on the topic “Traveling the Planet. Countries of the world".
The test is compiled in accordance with the “School of Russia” program according to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakov and is intended to repeat and test students’ knowledge on this topic. Consists of 19 questions. This material will be useful to primary school teachers working with any educational and methodological set.

Target: consolidation of the topic and testing students' knowledge.

Screening test on the topic “Travel around the planet. Countries of the world."

1. What will help you travel around the planet?
1). Microscope;
2). Map;
3). Atlas of highways;

2. Among the statements, find the correct one:
1). The map shows the shape of the Earth and its
2). The globe is on a fairly small scale
and can show some area
in detail;
3). Maps showing different
countries are called political;

3. How many oceans are there on Earth?
1). 5;
2). 4;
3). 3;

4. How many continents are there on Earth?
1). 4;
2). 5;
3). 6;

5. Huge areas of the earth stand out against the blue background of the oceans.
sushi – continents:
1). Eurasia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica;
2). Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica;
3). Eurasia, North America, South America, Australia,
Africa, Antarctica;

6. Which continent is the largest on Earth?
1). Australia;
2). Eurasia;
3). Africa;

7. On what continent is our Motherland located?
1). Eurasia;
2). Asia;
3). Australia;

8. Name the largest country in the world by population
1). France;
2). Japan;
3). China;

9. Which continent is the rainiest?
1). Africa;
2). North America;
3). South America;

10. On which continent can you find a variety of wild animals?
1). Australia;
2). Africa;
3). South America;

11. On which continent is there only one state?
1). Antarctica;
2). Eurasia;

12. Name the coldest continent
1). Australia;
2). Antarctica;
3). North America;

13. Name the deepest lake on the planet
1). Baikal;
2). Peyto;
3). Matano;

14. Name the symbol of Paris:
1). Louvre;
2). Eiffel Tower;
3). Statue of Liberty;

15. The Big Ben clock is in...
1). America;
2). Japan;
3). Great Britain;

16. National clothing, kimono, is worn by:
1). Koreans;
2). Japanese;
3). Vietnamese;

17. Paper, gunpowder, compass, silk were invented in...
1). India;
2). Greece,
3). China;

18. How many stars are on the US flag?
1). 50;
2). 55;
3). 60;

19. The Statue of Liberty is located in…
1). USA;
2). Japan;
3). France;

Answer key: 1. 2). 9. 3). 17. 3).
2. 3). 10. 2). 18. 1).
3. 1). 11. 3). 19. 1).
4. 3). 12. 2).
5. 3). 13. 1).
6. 2). 14. 2).
7. 1). 15. 3).
8. 3). 16. 2).

Final test

around the world

2nd grade

This test is intended for conducting final control of knowledge on the surrounding world for the 2nd grade course.

The test consists of 15 tasks, differentiated by three levels of difficulty. When completing tasks 1-10 (part 1), students must choose one correct answer out of four proposed. Tasks 11-14 (part 2) require independent decision. Task 15 (part 3) of increased difficulty. A brief explanation is required here.

Each correctly completed task in Part 1 is worth 1 point, and in Part 2 - 2 points.

18 points - mark "5";

17-14 points - score "4";

13-9 points - mark "3";

less than 9 points - mark "2".

Task 15 is assessed separately.

Another one is coming to an end academic year. You learned a lot in second grade. Test your knowledge of the world around you.

I wish you success!

Ant Question

Part 1

In tasks 1-10, choose the correct answer.

1. What is living nature?
a) moon

b) stone

c) birch

d) cloud

2. How to correctly record the thermometer reading “five degrees of heat”?

a) +5°;

b) -5°;

c) +5g.;

d) 5°.

3. Which of these plants is cultivated?

a) plantain;

b) wheat;

c) nettle;

d) burdock.

4. Which plant group lists only trees?

a) St. John's wort, chamomile, maple;

b) lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries;

c) aspen, apple tree, pine;

d) currants, raspberries, viburnum.

5. Which animals are characterized by six legs?

a) insects;

b) fish;

c) birds;

d) animals.

6. What does he do? Agriculture?

a) construction of houses;

b) growing cultivated plants and pets;

c) production of clothing, shoes, dishes;

d) transportation of people and goods.

7. What does this sign mean?

a) underground pedestrian crossing;

b) ground pedestrian crossing;

c) pedestrian crossing;

d) entry or exit.

8. What phone number do they call? ambulance"?

a) 01;

b) 02;

c) 03;

d) 04.

9. What does NOT apply to internal organs person?

a) head;

b) heart;

c) stomach;

d) lungs.

10. Which of these mushrooms is poisonous?

a) russula;

b) saffron milk cap;

c) wave;

d) pale grebe.

Part 2

In tasks 11-14 write down the answer.

11. Determine the sequence of creating clothes. Put numbers from 1 to 5.

A) Wool

B) Sheep

B) Woolen clothes

D) Wool thread

D) Wool fabric

12. How often should you brush your teeth?

Answer: ________________________________________________________.

13. Indicate with arrows in which cases these words are used.

1. "Thank you"

a) apology

b) farewell


c) greeting

3. "Sorry"

d) gratitude

4. "Bon Voyage"

14. What is the name of this poisonous plant?

Answer: ________________________.

Part 3

Answer the question. Write a few sentences.

15. Did the boys do the right thing? Why?

On Sunday I decided to go to the lake. Two boys were walking along the path in front of me. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. “Let’s take her for ourselves so she doesn’t get lost!” said one boy. “Don’t touch her! The frog will find its own way!” said another. The boys decided not to catch the frog.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answer form

Last name, first name _________________________________________________

If your answer matches the correct answer, put a “+” sign in the last column.

If the answer does not match, put "-".

Count the number of correct answers and the points scored.

The teacher will check the last assignment.


My answer

Correct answer


There are __________ correct answers.

Number of points __________.

Mark _______________.


Part 1

Crow's eye

Part 3

Frogs are human helpers. During the night they eat a whole bunch of mosquitoes and midges. Frogs must be protected. You cannot take them to your home.

Used Books

1. The world around us. Let's test ourselves: Notebook for 2nd grade students primary school/ A. A. Pleshakov. 13th ed. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2008, -48 p.: ill.

2. Literary reading. Typical test tasks for the primary school course / Comp. S. V. Kutyavina. -2nd ed., revised. - M.: VAKO, 2014. - 64 p.

Internet resources