Lung cancer - symptoms and first signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment. Benign tumor in the lungs Neoplasm in the lung 2-5 cm

Lung tumors in many cases are not malignant, i.e. the diagnosis of lung cancer in the presence of a tumor is not always made. Often the lung tumor is benign.

Nodules and spots in the lungs can be seen on an x-ray or computed tomography. They are dense, small, round or oval-shaped areas of tissue surrounded by healthy lung tissue. There may be one or several nodules.

According to statistics, Lung tumors are most often benign if:

  • The patient is under 40 years old;
  • He does not smoke
  • Calcium content was detected in the nodule;
  • The nodule is not big size.

Benign lung tumor appears as a result of abnormal tissue growth and can develop in various parts lungs. Determining whether a lung tumor is benign or malignant is very important. And this needs to be done as early as possible, because early detection and treatment of lung cancer significantly increases the likelihood complete cure and, ultimately, patient survival.

Symptoms of a benign lung tumor

Benign nodules and tumors in the lungs are usually do not cause any symptoms. That is why it is almost always are diagnosed by chance during a chest x-ray or computed tomography scan.

However, they can cause the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Hoarseness;
  • persistent cough or coughing up blood;
  • Dyspnea;
  • A febrile state, especially if the disease is accompanied by pneumonia.

2. Causes of benign tumors

The reasons why benign lung tumors appear are poorly understood. But in general they appear often after health problems such as:

Inflammatory processes caused by infection:

  • Fungal infections – histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, aspergillosis;
  • Tuberculosis
  • Lung abscess
  • Pneumonia

Inflammation not associated with infection:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Congenital pathologies, such as lung cyst and others.

3. Types of tumors

Here are some of the most common types of benign lung tumors:

  • Hamartomas. Hamartomas are the most common type of benign lung tumor and one of the common reasons formation of single pulmonary nodules. This type of lung tumor is formed from the tissues of the lining of the lungs, as well as fatty and cartilage tissue. As a rule, hamartoma is located on the periphery of the lungs.
  • Bronchial adenoma. Bronchial adenoma accounts for about half of all benign lung tumors. It is a heterogeneous group of tumors that arise from the mucous glands and ducts of the trachea or large respiratory tract lungs. Mucous adenoma is one example of a true benign bronchial adenoma.
  • Rare lung tumors may appear in the form chondroma, fibroma, lipoma– benign lung tumors consisting of connective or adipose tissue.

4. Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of benign lung tumors

In addition to X-ray examination and computed tomography for diagnosing lung tumors, which we have already discussed, diagnosing the patient’s health condition may include monitoring the dynamics of tumor development over several years. This practice is usually used if the size of the nodule does not exceed 6 mm and the patient is not at risk for lung cancer. If the nodule remains the same size for at least two years, it is considered benign. This is due to the fact that benign lung tumors grow slowly, if they grow at all. Cancerous tumors, on the other hand, double in size every four months. Further annual monitoring for at least five years will help to definitively confirm that the lung tumor is benign.

Benign lung nodules usually have smooth edges and a more uniform color throughout. They are more regular in shape than cancerous nodules. In most cases, to check the growth rate, shape and other characteristics of the tumor (for example, calcification), it is enough chest x-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan.

But it is possible that your doctor will prescribe other studies, especially if the tumor has changed in size, shape, or appearance. This is done to rule out lung cancer or determine the underlying cause of benign nodules.

For diagnosis you may need:

  • Blood analysis;
  • Tuberculin tests to diagnose tuberculosis;
  • Positron emission tomography (PET);
  • Single photo-irradiation CT (SPECT);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, in rare cases);
  • Biopsy - taking a tissue sample and further examining it under a microscope to determine whether a lung tumor is benign or malignant.

A biopsy can be performed using various methods eg needle aspiration or bronchoscopy.

Treatment of benign lung tumors

In many cases, specific treatment for a benign lung tumor is not required. Nevertheless, removal of the tumor may be recommended in case if:

  • You smoke and the nodule is large;
  • Unpleasant symptoms of the disease appear;
  • The examination results give reason to believe that the lung tumor is malignant;
  • The nodule increases in size.

If surgery is required to treat a lung tumor, it is performed by a thoracic surgeon. Modern techniques and the qualifications of a thoracic surgeon make it possible to perform the operation with small incisions and reduce hospital stay. If the removed nodule was benign, no further treatment will be required unless the presence of the tumor was complicated by other problems, such as pneumonia or obstruction.

Sometimes treatment requires more complex invasive surgery, during which the nodule or part of the lungs is removed. The doctor decides which surgery will be necessary, taking into account the location and type of tumor.


Benign lung tumors are among the largest group of atypical formations. They are characterized by a large growth of pathological tissues, which are located in the pulmonary, bronchial and pleural areas of the human body.

Benign tumors may differ from each other:

  • origin;
  • histology;
  • location;
  • signs of illness.

In most cases, benign neoplasms in the pulmonary region account for only 7 to 10% of all tumors. The disease develops equally in both men and women. Experts diagnose a benign tumor in people under 35 years of age.

Benign tumors grow very slowly, do not destroy internal organs and do not metastasize. The tissues that surround the growths turn into a connective capsule over time.

Benign lung tumor: symptoms

The manifestation of the disease depends on the size of the benign formation, its location, direction of growth, the activity of hormones, and so on. The development of the disease can occur without any obvious signs.

The development of growths is divided into stages:

  • no symptoms;
  • with initial clinical symptoms;
  • With severe symptoms, in which complications are observed.

A benign formation that occurs without signs of disease can only be detected through a medical examination. At the initial and severe stages, the signs of the disease depend on the depth of the tumor, its relationship to the bronchial system, blood vessels and blood flow of tissues.

A benign lung tumor that is large in size can reach the diaphragmatic area or affect the chest wall. Due to this location, a person experiences pain in the area of ​​the heart, and shortness of breath may occur. When erosion is detected in a benign tumor, the patient coughs up blood, as well as bleeding in the lungs.

If the patency in the bronchial area is impaired, this is due to compression of the large bronchi by the neoplasm.

Experts distinguish several degrees of bronchial obstruction:

  • Ι with slight stenosis;
  • ΙΙ associated with valvular or ventral bronchial stenosis;
  • ΙΙΙ type consists of bronchial occlusion.

Also, for greater convenience, doctors distinguish between several periods.

The first stage of a benign tumor is characterized by a narrowing of the lumen in the bronchial system, so this disease occurs without symptoms. Experts note that in rare cases, a cough with sputum is observed. Very rarely there are blood impurities. The patient is in stable condition.

It is impossible to determine the presence of a formation using x-rays or fluorographic examination. It is possible to detect the disease only with bronchoscopy, bronchography and computed tomography.

At the second stage of a benign lung tumor, stenosis occurs. It is associated with a neoplasm that can occupy most of the lumen in the bronchi, but at the same time retains its elasticity. At this point, emphysema develops. In such cases, specialists most often detect bronchial obstruction, which occurs due to swelling of the mucous membranes and sputum. Processes of inflammation and ventilation disturbances occur near the growth.

The patient is able to notice the first signs of the disease. A person’s body temperature begins to increase, purulent and wet cough interspersed with blood, shortness of breath is noticeable. Strong pain syndrome in the chest. The patient begins to get tired and fatigued very quickly, and pronounced weakness of the body appears.

When conducting a medical examination, it is possible to identify deviations in normal ventilation of the lungs, as well as in its segments in which the inflammatory process occurs. At this point, atelactasis and emphysema may develop.

With the help of competent treatment, specialists can reduce pulmonary edema, reduce the inflammatory process, and restore proper ventilation. Symptoms of a benign tumor of the disease may disappear for an indefinite period of time.

The third stage of benign neoplasm has character traits with complete and persistent obstruction of the bronchus. Suppuration of the lung in the area of ​​atelactasis develops with great speed. At this moment, tissue cell death occurs, which leads to irreversible processes in the respiratory system of a sick person.

This stage is characterized by a general increase in body temperature, which does not decrease for a long period of time. Pain syndrome appears in thoracic region, severe shortness of breath occurs, which can even progress to the stage of suffocation. A sick person's body sweating increases. The patient suffers from severe weakness and fatigue. Drops of blood may be present in a purulent-mucous cough. In some cases, bleeding in the lungs may occur.

X-ray examination can detect atelactasis with damage to the lung, as well as a purulent-inflammatory process and bronchiectasis. During examination using linear computed tomography, a bronchial stump can be detected.

A specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment only based on the results of a CT examination.

Benign lung tumor: treatment

Treatment of this disease it is necessary to start as early as possible. This will help prevent the growth from increasing, and will also help completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

First of all, experts note that therapy aimed at relieving the inflammatory process in the lungs does not give any result. They recommend removing such growths through surgery.

Just started on time medical examination and the operation performed can reduce the likelihood of irreversible processes occurring in the human body. This will also reduce the risk of postoperative complications.

In most cases, doctors use thoracoscopy to remove a benign tumor. The reappearance of tumors in medicine is very rare.

Central benign neoplasms are excised using the method of economical bronchial resection. Growths that have a thin main part are removed using fenestrated resection of the bronchial wall. After which the wound is sutured or a bronchotomy is performed. For disease with a thick stalk, a circular resection is used and an anastomosis is performed.

If the formation is complicated, then specialists resort to surgical intervention with excision of one to two lobes of the lung. If the disease has affected the entire lung, then a pneumectomy is performed.

If there is a suspicion of a malignant tumor, a histological examination of the material taken during the operation will be carried out. If the result of the study shows a malignant formation, then the surgical field will be enlarged until the malignant growth is completely excised.

It would seem that a healthy lifestyle, that is, good nutrition, no chronic diseases And bad habits, and breathing becomes difficult, causeless coughing, shortness of breath and general state the body is weak.

Why? Such symptoms may indicate pathological processes in the body, the examination of which should begin with the respiratory system. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a biochemical analysis of blood and urine, then take an x-ray of the lungs. The presence of unclear foci and shadows on the respiratory organs in the image requires mandatory consultation with a pulmonologist, phthisiatrician and oncologist. TO pulmonary pathologies include: bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, atelectasis, abscesses, gangrene, tuberculosis and lung tumors. These processes can occur with a benign course and degenerate into the malignant nature of the disease.

Development of lung cancer

A lung tumor can be considered both as a precancerous condition and as a malignant formation. This form of oncology ranks second in increasing morbidity and mortality after tumor-like formations of the digestive and reproductive systems in men and women.

The pathogenesis of precancerous conditions (benign course of pathology) develops in the presence chronic processes in the bronchi and lung tissue. This is preceded by diseases such as:

  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Pneumosclerosis;
  • Bronchiectasis;
  • Chronic tuberculosis;
  • Complicated influenza;
  • Silicosis.

The risk group includes people who complain of a prolonged, causeless cough and the presence of bloody streaks in the sputum, as well as prolonged increase in ESR in blood tests and constantly monitored low-grade fever bodies. This list can be supplemented by chronic smokers and patients who have deformation of the respiratory organs as a result of tuberculosis pathology.

A malignant growth in the lung tissue is called lung cancer. Symptoms of this pathology are observed in people in adulthood, and especially in males. The cause of the development of oncology today is considered to be genetic, that is hereditary factor, as well as weakness immune system the body overcomes pollution environment, occupational hazards, frequent respiratory diseases and smoking. The last factor determines one of the main influences on the occurrence of lung cancer. Heavy smokers need about five years of abstinence for the lungs to begin to recover and about fifteen years for the organ to reach the status of being free of smoking residues.

The localization of lung cancer can be varied and it develops from the glands and epithelium lining the bronchi. The classification of the tumor depends on the symptoms of differentiation of its degree. There are squamous cell, small cell, anaplastic and glandular lung cancer. The location of the lesion of the main, initial and lobar pulmonary segments is considered to be the localization of the central tumor, and the area of ​​bronchioles and subsegmental bronchi is considered to be peripheral cancer.

Central lung cancer

Atypical cells of such a tumor grow exophytically, that is, starting from the lumen of the bronchus, they spread into the lung tissue. Metastases in this form spread through the lymphohematogenous route. This occurs by damaging nodes and vessels lymphatic system near the gate and in the interlobar region of the lungs, and then the spread affects the lymph flows of the root section of the lung tissue. As the tumor develops, metastases descend to the mediastinal and tracheobronchial nodes and then can penetrate the subclavian, cervical and even axillary lymph nodes. Metastases can be transported through the bloodstream to the adrenal glands, liver, bones and brain.

The classification of oncological pathologies, as a rule, according to the symptoms of the course, is determined by four stages. Early development tumors can be attributed to the first two stages of the spread of atypical cells. The treatment and prognosis for such damage to the lung tissue is more favorable than for cancer of the respiratory organs, and these are the lobes of the lungs, bronchi and trachea.

Determination of the localization, size and distribution of metastases is classified according to the system TNM. If a malignant formation is detected by analysis of bronchial mucus or by cytological examination, but with no image on x-ray, then the designation is established Tx. When the tumor initially affects the tissues of the respiratory organs, indicate the titer T or That when the formation is invisible in the field of view. According to the classification from T1-T3, the location of the tumor and its size are observed with a clear image. The tumor can reach more than three centimeters and is located in the area of ​​the carina of the trachea, the root of the lung, the diaphragm, the mediastinum, chest wall, affecting the entire lung tissue with pleural effusion observed. A mandatory addition to this system are captions N- state lymph nodes in regional areas of the bronchi (N1) and mediastinum (N2), as well as tumor metastasis – M, Where M1 indicates the detection of metastases and Mo, Mx – about their absence or difficult determination.

Main symptoms

The symptomatic clinical picture of respiratory cancer is usually difficult to recognize. The occurrence of cough, shortness of breath, constant increase in temperature to low-grade levels and pain in the chest area may alert about the occurrence of an atypical pathological process in the lungs. Symptoms of the presence of a tumor can be expressed in cases such as:

Presence of cough reflex and shortness of breath . A person who smokes a lot for a long time almost always notices the desire to clear his throat. This condition occurs when products from the combustion of cigarette filling substances accumulate in the bronchial mucosa. A dry, hacking cough torments at night, in the morning and at the end of the day. At the same time, a small amount of sputum and even streaks of blood may be released, which is typical for the primary oncological process. The appearance of heavy bleeding may indicate severe damage to the lung tissue. When gas exchange and ventilation of the lungs are impaired, shortness of breath occurs when physical activity body and at high environmental humidity;

Painful spasms in the chest . The persistence of pain in the chest wall may indicate not only the presence of pathology in the respiratory system. This sensation is also observed with abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, liver and pancreas. Mild and constant chest pain is observed in most pulmonary cancer patients;

Loss of energy, drowsiness and weakness with lung cancer , appears together with the presence slightly elevated temperature bodies. This process is determined by the protective properties of the body, which try to fight excreted tumors and decay products.

The clinical course of such symptoms can last a long time, and sometimes at an accelerated rate of tumor development. Its rapid growth is often accompanied by bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy. The condition of the organs, in this case, can be slightly improved with anti-inflammatory treatment. But the occurrence of recurrent pathologies indicates rapid tumor growth. At the same time, the hormonal balance in the body is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in speed. metabolic processes with potassium, glucose and calcium in the blood. With this course of metabolism in cancer patients, pulmonary osteopathy is often observed, which is expressed painful sensations in the legs and difficult mobility in the legs and knee joints. This is considered one of the initial symptoms development of respiratory cancer.


Rise clinical indicators cancer is accompanied by other signs of abnormalities in the functioning of the respiratory system, and these are:

  • Difficulty in moving the diaphragm;
  • Disturbance of innervation and blood supply in nerve and large venous vessels;
  • Vocal cord paresis and intercostal neuralgia;
  • Difficult passage of the esophagus due to its compression by a tumor or enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Hemoptysis, exudative pleurisy with abscess or gangrene of the lung, which is accompanied by an unbearable rotten odor when the patient breathes.

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Examination and treatment of a cancer patient

Recognizing the development of benign tumors and cancer in the patient's respiratory organs is a complex process. Symptoms of abnormalities in the functioning of the bronchi and lungs can be attributed to pathologies of an inflammatory nature, the occurrence of injuries during the digestive act or infection with a tuberculosis infection. To establish a reliable diagnosis, it is necessary, first of all, to collect an anamnesis of pathological abnormalities and conduct an examination using auscultation and percussion. The second and most basic step is to examine the X-ray image of the lungs. The presence of shadows, cavities and capsule-shaped foci in the respiratory organs can indicate the shape of the cancer, its location, size, contours and the cavity of its decay. The diagnosis of oncological pathology is complemented by other hardware methods:

  • Angiography and bronchography;
  • Tomography of the bronchi and trachea;
  • Bronchoscopy and puncture of the pulmonary pleural cavity followed by cytological examination of bronchial mucus and pleural fluid.

The subsequent treatment of the patient and the prognosis for further life activities depend on a correctly established diagnosis after examination. As a rule, for cancer of the pulmonary system, the most effective treatment methods, depending on the extent of the lesion and the stage of the tumor, are a conservative approach and a radical one. Conservative treatment is provided for early forms of malignant tumors and terminal states patient to facilitate his life. Such treatment consists of the use of antitumor drugs in combined form, these are chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics (methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and others).

The treatment effect is also significantly enhanced by the use of radiation therapy, which, according to the latest technologies, is aimed at removing a specific lesion through irradiation without affecting nearby organ tissue. If the malignant process is more severe and there are no contraindications to surgery, surgical intervention is resorted to. Radical treatment consists of removing the tumor and resection of lung tissue. The indication for removal of a segment of lung tissue, its lobe, and sometimes the entire affected lung is considered to be the determination of the oncological process according to the lung cancer classification system.

The prognosis for a favorable outcome for the continuation of the life of a pulmonary cancer patient depends on his timely contact with a specialist, establishment of an accurate diagnosis and use of effective treatment followed by rehabilitation.

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Lung tumors can be of several different types. The peculiarities of a benign neoplasm are that during its development the body tissues are not destroyed at all, and metastases do not form.

A malignant tumor is characterized by the fact that as it grows, it grows deep into the tissues of the body and metastases are formed. The peculiarity of the metastatic type of neoplasm is that it can be in any of the organs, but metastases go to the lungs. In order for the patient’s prognosis to be good, the presence of a tumor must be recognized in a timely manner and complex treatment.

Benign tumors

In mild cases, symptoms and signs cannot always be recognized in a timely manner, since it often manifests itself in nothing. Such neoplasms can be different in their structure, localization and clinical course.

Often, various types of benign lung tumors initially have a tendency to grow. However, after some time, the neoplasms somewhat slow down their growth, and are also characterized by the fact that they are practically absent clinical manifestations before complications arise. In addition, they very rarely progress to a malignant stage.

Main classification

According to the anatomical structure, all benign neoplasms are divided into central and peripheral. Central types include tumors located on the lobar, main and segmental bronchi. The main direction of growth in relation to the bronchi may be different.

They develop mainly from lung tissue. They can be located at different distances from the surface of this organ. In addition, a distinction is made between superficial and deep neoplasms. Among the most common types of tumors, the following should be highlighted:

  • adenoma;
  • hamartoma;
  • fibroma;
  • papilloma;
  • vascular;
  • oncocytoma;
  • teratoma;
  • neurogenic;
  • lipoma

Adenoma refers to epithelial tumors that form from the glands of the bronchial mucosa. They often have a central location. Such a tumor begins to develop in the wall of the bronchus and gradually grows into its lumen, pushing aside the mucous membrane, but does not grow through it. As the tumor grows, compression of the mucosa leads to its atrophy and sometimes to the formation of ulcers. The adenoma grows very quickly, resulting in characteristic symptoms tumors in the lung, which is expressed as a violation of bronchial obstruction.

Hamartoma is a congenital tumor, and particles of germinal tissue may be present in it. The composition of such a neoplasm may include muscle fibers, blood vessels, and an accumulation of lymphoid cells. Hamartoma often presents as a dense formation with a finely lumpy or smooth surface. The neoplasm has clear boundaries and is also surrounded by displaced lung tissue. As it grows, it can press on the bronchi and blood vessels of the lung, but they do not grow into it. In some cases, the tumor can become malignant.

Fibroids in the lungs are not as common as other types of tumors. The disease occurs mainly in men and can equally affect the right and left lungs. Fibroids are mostly small in size, but they can also be gigantic. It's a tight knot white with a smooth and even surface. Ulcers sometimes develop on the mucous membrane covering the tumor.

Vascular tumors of the lungs are quite common. They have different sizes and shapes. Among the main symptoms of a benign lung tumor, pulmonary hemorrhage should be highlighted. Such neoplasms can progress to the malignant stage.

Teratoma is a formation consisting of several different types of tissue. It can be in the form of a dense neoplasm or cyst. It mainly occurs in young people, however, it can occur in old or even senile age. The tumor develops quite slowly, but when an infection occurs, suppuration may occur. Its transition to a malignant form is also possible.

Reasons for appearance

Among the main reasons that lead to the formation of a benign neoplasm, it is necessary to highlight many different factors, in particular, such as:

  • genetic mutations;
  • genetic characteristics of the organism;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • various chemicals.

It is worth noting that the risk of a neoplasm increases in the case of a chronic disease with a decrease in the immune system, in particular:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • pneumonia, tuberculosis.

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to take into account not only the existing symptoms of a tumor in the lung, but also carry out additional examinations, since it is important to detect the tumor in a timely manner and carry out treatment to prevent it from progressing to the malignant stage.

Main symptoms

Many patients are interested in whether there is a tumor in the lungs, what symptoms appear and how exactly its presence can be recognized for timely treatment. There are many theories about the development of tumors in the lungs. Exposure to nicotine promotes the deposition of harmful substances in cells, which leads to the development of various abnormalities. As a result, the tumor begins to grow, which is almost impossible to control, since the symptoms of a benign lung tumor do not appear immediately. This means that DNA destruction begins, thereby stimulating rapid tumor growth.

In the initial stages, the neoplasm begins to develop in the bronchi, and then pathological process passes to adjacent parts of the lung. After some time, it affects other organs and also metastasizes to them.

On early stage In their development, the symptoms of a tumor in the lung are similar to the signs of many other diseases, so they can be very difficult to detect. Symptoms include coughing or sputum production. The early period can last for several years. Doctors usually begin to suspect the presence of a tumor in people over 40 years of age. Special attention they are given to heavy smokers, as well as people who work with hazardous substances, especially if they show signs and symptoms of a lung tumor.

In the presence of a neoplasm, the main complaint of patients is cough, which often occurs with sputum production. The sputum may contain blood. The cough is mostly constant, hacking, with sputum production. People with a tumor always experience shortness of breath, as well as pain in the sternum. This may mean that the neoplasm has moved into the pleura and is significantly increasing in size. When there is a strong load on the nerve endings, characteristic wheezing appears in the voice.

After the tumor grows and presses on the lymph nodes, signs such as:

  • hand weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • itchy skin;
  • rapid development of dermatitis.

In this case, the quality of life sharply deteriorates and working capacity may be lost. If the first signs of a lung tumor occur, you should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.

Carrying out diagnostics

When the first symptoms of a lung tumor appear in adults, it is imperative to undergo a comprehensive examination. In addition to x-rays, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of tumor development over several months. Typically, this practice is used if the tumor size is no more than 6 mm.

If the nodule does not grow during observation, but remains the same size for 2 years, then it is considered benign. Such neoplasms grow very slowly or remain exactly the same size. Cancerous tumors increase in size every 4 months. Follow-up for 5 years will help definitively confirm that it is benign.

Such neoplasms generally have smooth edges and a more regular shape than cancerous tumors. Often, a chest X-ray or CT scan is all that is needed to check for nodules.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe other types of tests. This is necessary to exclude the presence of a malignant tumor and determine the main cause of the nodules. For diagnosis you may need:

  • blood analysis;
  • tuberculin tests;
  • single photo-emission;
  • biopsy.

A biopsy involves taking tissue samples for further examination under a microscope to determine whether the growth is benign or malignant. A biopsy can be performed using a variety of techniques.

Features of treatment

If symptoms and signs of a lung tumor are observed, drug therapy will not bring any results at all. A benign formation must be completely removed surgically. Only timely diagnosis and surgery can avoid irreversible consequences for the patient’s health.

Early detection of neoplasm is especially important, as this will help preserve maximum amount tissues during surgery, as this will avoid many complications. Recovery period takes place in the pulmonology department. Most operations are completed quite successfully, and the recurrence of tumors is almost completely excluded.

To remove the central tumor, the bronchial resection method is used. When using this technique, the lung tissue is not affected, but only a small incision is made, which makes it possible to save most of this organ. Fenestrated resection is used to excise the bronchus at a narrow base, which is ultimately sutured and a bronchotomy is performed at this site.

If the tumor is large, one or two lobes of the lung are removed. In especially severe cases, they resort to pneumonectomy, namely the complete removal of this organ. A similar operation is indicated for all patients who have suffered serious lung damage.

If it was carried out surgery lung tumors in the early stages, the results are quite good. Working capacity with insignificant volumes of damage is restored completely.

Prevention and prognosis

If symptoms and signs of a lung tumor were noticed at the initial stage and treatment was carried out in a timely manner, then the prognosis is quite good, since the person can fully restore performance and normalize well-being in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, a benign neoplasm can progress to a malignant stage with the occurrence of metastases.

It is very important to carry out prevention, which includes correct and timely treatment various inflammatory processes, occurring in the lungs and bronchi, in order to prevent them from becoming chronic. It is very important to quit smoking. People working in hazardous industries with high level dustiness, you must use personal protective equipment in the form of respirators and masks.

Malignant tumors

A malignant lung tumor often begins to develop from cells in this organ, but it also happens that cancer cells penetrate this organ by metastasis from other organs that were the primary source of cancer. Damage to lung tissue cancerous tumor It is considered the most common among all known oncological diseases. It ranks highest in mortality among all other types of cancer.

Often, tumors in the lungs also form in the bronchi, and they are called bronchogenic carcinomas. In oncology they are divided into types such as:

  • squamous;
  • multicellular;
  • large cell carcinoma;
  • adenocarcinoma.

Another type is alveolar carcinoma, which forms in the alveoli. Much less common types of cancer are:

  • chondromatous hamartoma;
  • bronchial adenoma;
  • sarcoma.

The lungs are among the organs that most often undergo the process of metastasis. Metastatic cancer can form against the background of advanced stages of cancer of the prostate, breast, thyroid, intestines, kidneys and many other organs.


The main cause of a malignant lung tumor is considered to be mutation of normal cells of this organ. Smoking is of great importance in this process. According to statistics, about 80% of all cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking, and most of them are long-time smokers. How more people smokes cigarettes a day, the higher his chances of developing a malignant tumor.

Much less often, cancer develops as a result of work activity that involves working with harmful substances. Working in rubber and asbestos production, contact with heavy metals, radiation, and ethers is considered especially dangerous.

The causes of neoplasms should also include harmful effects environment. Sometimes cells can become malignant due to inflammation and chronic diseases.

Is there a lung tumor and how to recognize its presence by symptoms is a question that interests many people who are predisposed to the occurrence of this tumor. The presence of certain symptoms in a person largely depends on the type of cancer, location and stage of progression.

The main sign of the presence of a tumor in the lung is persistent cough, however, it is not specific, since it is characteristic of many respiratory diseases. A person must be puzzled by a cough, which over time becomes more frequent and annoying, and sputum streaked with blood is also released. If the tumor causes damage to the blood vessels, then there is a high risk of bleeding.

With the subsequent active development of cancer, the symptoms of a malignant lung tumor manifest themselves in the form of hoarseness, as there is a narrowing of the airway lumen. An equally complex consequence of cancer is the occurrence of pneumonia.

Pneumonia is always accompanied heavy sweating, painful sensations in the sternum and cough. If the pleura is damaged by a neoplasm, the patient will constantly feel pain in the chest. After some time it starts to appear general symptoms, which means:

  • loss of appetite;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • constant weakness;
  • severe weight loss.

In some cases, fluid begins to accumulate in the lungs, leading to shortness of breath, lack of oxygen, and problems with the functioning of the heart. If the progression of cancer causes damage to the nerve endings in the neck, this can lead to neurological signs. They manifest themselves in the form of sunken eyes, narrowing of the pupil, and changes in the sensitivity of part of the face.

Symptoms of lung tumors in women include hardening of the lymph nodes in the chest, changes in the skin, and pain in the sternum. A neoplasm located next to the esophagus, after some time, can grow into it or simply grow until it leads to severe compression of the tissue. This complication can cause spasms and also makes it very difficult for a person to swallow, which makes it difficult to consume food. With this course of the disease, the patient’s symptoms gradually increase after eating. characteristic features in the form of a strong cough, as water and food enter the lungs.

Particularly severe consequences can occur when a tumor grows in the heart, causing symptoms such as arrhythmia, fluid accumulation, or cardiomegaly. Often the tumor affects blood vessels. A symptom of the collapse of a lung tumor is pneumothorax and severe bleeding. The veins in the chest swell and become cyanotic. The patient may also experience severe headaches, blurred vision, constant weakness and fatigue.

When cancer reaches stage 3-4, active metastasis occurs in certain organs. Often, through the bloodstream or lymph flow, malignant cells spread throughout the body, affecting nearby organs. Symptomatically, this begins to manifest itself in the form of dysfunction of the organ into which the metastases have penetrated.

Carrying out diagnostics

In some cases, even without obvious signs, the presence of cancer can be recognized by fluorography, which must be done annually. Additionally, radiography may be prescribed, but it is very difficult to see small nodes in the image.

To make an accurate diagnosis, your doctor may order other procedures, such as a biopsy, which can be performed using bronchoscopy. If the tumor has formed very deep in the lungs, the doctor can perform a puncture with a needle under tomography control. In especially severe cases, the material is taken during a thoracotomy operation.

More modern methods Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are considered studies, as they allow us to examine even small tumors.

Features of treatment

Depending on the size, characteristics and symptoms of the lung tumor, treatment is selected strictly individually. The main methods of therapy include the following:

  • operation;
  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • radiosurgery.

Complex treatment is often used, since removal of the carcinoma and radiation can achieve a complete cure. In the early stages of development of a malignant neoplasm, it is enough to only carry out radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy combined with radiation helps achieve very good results. The operation must be carried out as quickly as possible, as this avoids tragic consequences. If the tumor is detected at later stages, and irreversible processes in the lungs have already begun, then surgical intervention is usually only palliative. People with stage 3-4 cancer experience very severe pain, which can be alleviated by taking narcotic substances.

Recovery period

Rehabilitation is very important. At the end of therapy, it is imperative to undergo regular examinations in order to promptly detect relapse or metastases. Rehabilitation should also be aimed at treating concomitant diseases.

Drug therapy, breathing exercises, and a special diet are required. Pain management and special exercises are also required to improve brain function.


No oncologist can give an exact guarantee of a certain life span for a person with a malignant tumor, but he can suggest a possible survival threshold. When analyzing a patient’s condition, an important role is played by the patient’s age, stage of the disease, presence concomitant diseases and pathologies. Projections for five-year survival rate, subject to timely diagnosis and rational treatment, reach 40-50%. But in the absence of adequate therapy, 80% of patients die within 2 years, and only 10% can live 5 years or more.

It is worth noting that timely therapy is not a complete guarantee of recovery, since in such cases death is also possible.

A lung tumor can be either malignant or benign. Among all malignant tumors, it is the tumor in the lung that ranks among the first in terms of the number of cases. Men suffer from this disease much more often than women; it has also been noted that lung cancer develops mainly in the older generation. Benign tumors are less common and usually form from the walls of the bronchi. For example, it could be a bronchial adenoma or hamartoma.

Causes of malignant tumors in the lungs and symptoms of the disease

There are many causes of cancer; they can be divided into two categories: those that depend on the person and those that do not depend on the patient. Independent or unchangeable factors include:

  1. The appearance of tumors in other organs.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Presence of chronic pulmonary diseases.
  4. Age factor (the disease most often develops in people over 50 years of age).
  5. Endocrine pathologies that develop predominantly in women.

Dependent factors, they are also called modifiable:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Work in hazardous production.
  3. Bad ecology.

Symptoms of lung cancer can be divided into general and specific. General signs- frequent feeling of fatigue, refusal to eat, significant weight loss, slight increase in temperature to average levels for no particular reason, profuse sweating.

Specific symptoms are causeless severe cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, pain in the chest (develops in the later stages of cancer).

Types of benign tumors and their symptoms

Depending on the histological content, benign lung tumors have different origins:

  1. Epithelial types - papilloma, adenoma.
  2. Tumors of a neuroectodermal nature - neuroma, neurofibroma.
  3. Mesodermal types - chondroma, myoma, fibroma, lymphangioma.
  4. Dysembryogenetic types of formations - teratoma, chorionepithelioma.
  5. Other types are hematoma, histiocytoma.

Symptoms of these species may vary. If this is a neoplasm of central localization, then it can manifest itself as follows:

  1. An initial tumor of the lung, there are no symptoms, the formation is most often detected by chance.
  2. Cough, little sputum, this happens at the initial stage.
  3. The appearance of shortness of breath.
  4. At the time of exacerbation of the disease, cough, heat, mucopurulent sputum. When the acute period passes, the symptoms subside.
  5. With severe manifestations, when the disease drags on, exacerbations occur. General symptoms also occur: the person loses weight, weakness appears, and sometimes hemoptysis.
  6. When listening, wheezing, weakening of breathing and trembling of the voice are observed.
  7. A person’s quality of life and performance suffer. But this phenomenon happens very rarely.

If the tumor on the lung is peripheral, then it does not manifest itself in any way until it becomes significant in size. Then, when the sternum is compressed, pain occurs in the area of ​​the heart and shortness of breath. If a large bronchus is compressed, then the symptoms resemble those of a central tumor.

Diagnosis of tumors

Most tumors of any nature for a long time does not manifest itself until the process becomes irreversible, so diagnosis at an early stage of the disease presents certain difficulties. Doctors recommend having an X-ray of your lungs at least once a year. If any formations are detected, the person will have to undergo a series of further studies:

  1. Fluorography is considered mandatory.
  2. The condition of the lungs will be seen in more detail on an x-ray.
  3. A simple layer-by-layer X-ray tomography is performed on a suspicious area of ​​the lung.
  4. For a detailed study of the lung, CT and MRI methods are used.
  5. Bronchoscopy.
  6. For malignant tumors, tumor markers are used; this is a blood test for proteins that are present only during a malignant process in the body.
  7. Laboratory examination of sputum.
  8. Thoracoscopy.
  9. If the nature of the tumor is unclear, a biopsy is performed.

Ways to get rid of a benign tumor

Treatment is predominantly surgical. It is necessary to carry out removal as early as possible, as this makes it possible to avoid complications, such as the tumor developing into a malignant one. Also deleting on early will not cause any particular harm to the body. A wait-and-see approach to treating peripheral tumors is also possible; it is justified if the patient is elderly with reduced functional reserves of the body or if studies have shown that malignancy is currently impossible and the course of the disease is favorable.

Treatment of lung cancers

A malignant lung tumor has one hope of salvation - this is surgery.

There are several types of lung surgery:

  1. Excision of a lobe of the lung.
  2. Regional removal, that is, when only the area with the tumor is excised. Applicable this method in the elderly in the absence of other pathologies and in people who may be harmed by radical surgery.
  3. Pneumonectomy or removal of the entire organ. Shown similar treatment for a malignant tumor lung central localization stage 2 and for the peripheral species stages 2 and 3.
  4. A combined operation involves removing parts of adjacent affected organs along with the tumor, for example, part of the ribs, heart muscle, and blood vessels.

If a malignant tumor on the lung is small cell in nature, then treatment with chemicals (chemotherapy) is used, as they act on cancer cells, preventing their growth. At lung cancer Platinum preparations are often used, but they, like other chemicals, are very toxic, so the patient is advised to take plenty of fluids.

Another way to fight cancer is radiation treatment, it is used if some of the cancer cells have not been removed or at stages 3-4 of the disease. Gives good results for small cell cancer in combination with chemotherapy. Benign or malignant lung tumor cannot be treated traditional methods, since in this case they are ineffective.

This video talks about a benign lung tumor:

Prognosis for various types of tumor

The prognosis generally depends on the stage of the disease and the histological structure of the lungs. With small cell oncology, the prognosis can be quite good compared to other forms of cancer. This is due to the fact that this type of malignant lung tumor is sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

If treatment was started at stages 1-2 of cancer, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. But when malignant tumors For stages 3 and 4, patient survival is only 10%.

If a tumor on the lung is benign, then it does not pose a particular threat to human life. If it is removed in a timely manner, a person can carry out normal, full-fledged activities.

This video talks about the causes and symptoms of lung cancer:

Since most tumors in the lungs are associated with smoking, first of all, you should give up this harmful habit. When working in hazardous industries, you should try to change your profession or constantly wear respirators. To detect a tumor on the lung at the initial stage, undergo fluorography regularly. If a person smokes for a long time and several packs a day, it is recommended to undergo bronchoscopy 1-2 times a year.