The cat's tail smells bad. Cat has bad breath. Old animals

You should figure out why your cat's breath smells, this could be a sign serious problems with health. If bad breath appears once, then there is no need to worry, but if it appears with enviable frequency, then you should consult a specialist.

IN oral cavity Many different bacteria accumulate, some of them are useful, and some can be harmful. A kitten is the same living creature, and various pathogenic processes can occur in its body. One of these processes is bad breath.


The causes of bad breath are most often bacteria in the mouth, as well as diseases internal organs. If this problem appeared after another snack and went away on its own, then there is no need to worry. But if the smell contains notes of acetone or rot, then this may become one of the symptoms of the disease.

Reasons why a cat has bad breath:

  1. Stomatitis– observed in the pet’s mouth inflammatory processes.
  2. Gingivitis– the inner surface of the cat’s mouth becomes inflamed. If no treatment is taken, it may develop into infectious disease which will destroy bone tissue and will cause serious harm to the oral cavity. The kitten may lose its teeth, resulting in rapid exhaustion and death.
  3. Abscess– most often observed in cats. The reason for this is the entry of a foreign body into the tooth, as a result of which inflammation develops and many harmful bacteria appear.
  4. Changing teeth– Kittens’ teeth begin to change at 3-4 months. Because of this, it may appear bad smell.
  5. Polypsbenign tumor, the location of which is the nasal passages or larynx of the cat.
  6. Diabetes– observed in old cats. At the same time, the animal develops a fruity odor from its mouth.
  7. Reflux- in other words, heartburn.
  8. Lung diseases– the inflammatory processes that occur there can also be the cause of the cat’s bad breath.
  9. Liver diseases– characterized by the smell of ammonia.
  10. Benign and malignant tumors.
  11. Gastrointestinal diseases– oncology, indigestion, etc.

If your cat has bad breath due to problems in the oral cavity, then you can solve them on your own. Ointments, compresses, special foods and brushing your teeth will help cope with the disease. Usually these are problems with teeth or gums. But if the kitten chews slowly, finds this process difficult, scratches its mouth with its paw, or tilts its head to the side, you should seek help from a veterinarian. Perhaps your pet has developed one of the above diseases.

If a bad smell has become a symptom of a disease of the internal organs, then you cannot do without qualified help. The owner of the animal himself will not be able to determine anything.

If a cat eats only soft food, then it begins to accumulate between the teeth, and therefore, tartar can form on the teeth.

The causes of odor can be divided by age category

Kittens will most likely have:

  • Untimely replacement of teeth.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Wounds, ulcers in the mouth.
  • Remains of food, a foreign body in the tooth, due to which bacteria begin to develop.

Middle aged cats:

  • Tartar on the teeth, in which the gum moves away from the tooth itself. They are starting to populate it harmful bacteria, which leads to infections and inflammation.
  • Injury to the gums, causing them to become inflamed. For this reason, the cat's breath stinks of rotten meat.

Adult cats:

  • Malignant tumors.
  • Diseases of the kitten's internal organs.
  • Diabetes.

We distinguish diseases by smell

Bad breath from a cat can make it clear to its owner what needs to be addressed. Gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the esophagus give off a putrid odor. Liver diseases are characterized sweetish smell. The smell of ammonia signals kidney disease. The smell of acetone or overripe apples indicates the development of diabetes. If it smells like rotten meat, then most likely there is a problem in the animal’s oral cavity.

Associated symptoms

Halitosis (stinky odor) is not the only symptom that may concern the owner. In addition to this, pet Appetite may decrease and it becomes difficult for him to chew food, especially hard food.

A cat's bad breath may be accompanied by diarrhea or constipation. IN in this case The cause is diseases of the digestive tract.

If strong thirst, changes in weight up or down, weakness, indifference to everything, the smell of acetone from the mouth are added to the stench of the mouth, then this indicates diabetes mellitus.

In combination with the stench, there may be frequent urination, pain when going to the toilet, all this indicates diseases of the urethra.

If accompanied by increased salivation

This is one of the signs of stomatitis. In this case, the cat’s breath smells like rotten meat. In addition to stomatitis, the smell of rotten meat may indicate infectious processes in the body, the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity, or kidney failure.

Accompanying tooth loss

Some cat breeds are highly prone to oral diseases, especially Persians and Abyssinians. An owner who does not monitor his pet’s nutrition, as well as the condition of his oral cavity, leads to the fact that his ward loses his teeth early.

If the following symptoms appear, you need to visit a veterinarian:

  • putrid smell.
  • swollen gums.
  • strong salivation.
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal of food.

If such signs are present, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. No one can make a diagnosis on their own. The doctor examines the animal, takes necessary tests, and will determine the reasons for the cat’s strong breath.

During the examination, an x-ray is used, which allows you to identify diseases of the bones or teeth, and will also show a tumor, if any. An ultrasound will determine the condition of the internal organs and their size.

If it is difficult to determine the cause of the stench, your doctor may recommend an endoscopy. This procedure is carried out using a thin tube, which is placed in digestive tract. At its end there is a camera that will show the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Typically, diagnosis of the disease consists of urine, feces and blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound and a swab from the kitten's mouth.


To determine the source unpleasant odor from the kitten’s mouth, you need to contact the appropriate specialists, only they, based on the examination, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If the problem is in the mouth, then most likely brushing your cat's teeth will help deal with the situation, but this is only when yellow plaque appears.

For prevention purposes, pets need to be given special food that reduces plaque. Solid foods help cleanse teeth of dirt and remove tartar..

Only a veterinarian can determine the treatment for bad breath in a cat. It all depends on the disease.

  • If the kitten eats only soft food, then it should be replaced with harder food. And cheap food, balanced and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • If the cat is found to have helminths, the doctor will prescribe anthelmintic drugs.
  • For kidney diseases, drugs are prescribed that restore this organ.
  • For dental diseases, procedures are carried out to remove caries and plaque.
  • If a cat develops diabetes and against the background of this a stinking odor appears, then she is prescribed therapy that helps get rid of it. However, she cannot cope with the disease.

If your pet's gums are poor condition, there are dental problems, as well as gingivitis, then, under anesthesia, they can remove the stone, remove the tooth or the resulting polyps. If a tumor is found, surgical intervention is possible.

If your pet’s mouth smells bad due to stomatitis, the doctor prescribes ointments, antibiotics, or, in the final stages, all teeth are removed. If there is an abscess, the tooth is opened and cleaned, and antibiotics are prescribed. In advanced stages, the diseased tooth may be removed.

If a cat’s breath stinks due to diseases of the internal organs, then a balanced diet is prescribed, and the necessary medications are also prescribed.

How to get rid of the stench

If the cause of the stench is not a disease, then special powders that are sold at the pet store will help get rid of it. They can be added to your pet's food or water. This method can only help if the stench appears occasionally and the cause is the pet’s food.


To prevent your cat from having bad breath or prevent a recurrence, you need to follow simple recommendations.

  • Take your pet to the veterinarian more often. He will assess your health and prevent unpleasant consequences.
  • From the early age You need to teach the kitten to brush its teeth and treat cuts in the mouth. This way, in the future, he will not be afraid of this procedure, which will make caring for him easier.
  • The pet must eat a healthy and balanced diet. The diet should include soft and hard foods.
  • It is necessary to purchase a special toy for animals that will help relieve them of some problems. By gnawing on it, the gums will be cleared of stuck food, the toy will prevent the formation of plaque, caries and tartar on the teeth.

Every owner should know that an unpleasant odor indicates a serious illness in his pet, which could result in death. The most common cause of stinky odor is oral problems. However, halitosis may indicate more serious illnesses internal organs that cannot be treated at home. All these troubles can be avoided, you just need to monitor your pet’s oral hygiene and promptly seek help from a specialist.

The cat is neat. She constantly licks herself, but the unpleasant smell from the cat indicates an anomaly. This cannot be tolerated. The cause should be found out and prevented further development pathological process.

Nature took care of the hunting cat and provided for the absence of smell. "Washing" the cat plays great value. Animal saliva contains lysozyme. This is an enzyme that, when contacted by microorganisms, immediately destroys their membranes.

The smell of flesh is the smell of microorganisms. It is they who, by multiplying, reveal their presence. The higher the population, the stronger the odor emanating from the microbe's breeding site. By destroying the microflora on itself, the cat normalizes it and prevents reproduction.

The cat washes itself often because the enzyme is very unstable. When it comes into contact with air, it quickly breaks down and must be applied again and again. If a cat feels good, it will not be lazy. Constant washing is a guarantee that there will be no odor.

Sources of unpleasant odor from cats and their prevention

An unpleasant-smelling animal cannot cause disgust; it should alert you. Pathologies in the body can happen at any time. Finding out the cause of the smell in a timely manner and providing assistance will help you quickly deal with the problem.

Odor from wool and leather

Pathological processes on the animal's skin may not be visible due to the presence of fur. In this case, the smell gives away the problem.

To establish the location, you need to examine the animal. It is enough to carry out palpation. Starting from the head with your fingers, moving through the cat’s skin, you need to move towards the tail. If, upon palpation, irregularities are detected, they should be inspected by spreading the hair. In case of pain, the animal will give away the location of the pathology by its reaction to pain.

Upon examination you can reveal:

  • papules (nodules);
  • pustules (ulcers);
  • vesicles (air bubbles);
  • (limited purulent inflammation);
  • (not limited purulent inflammation);
  • scabs (crusts of dried tissue and purulent masses);
  • scales (dry dead tissue).

As a rule, on initial stages, there may be no odor during the ripening process. It appears when the tissues are lysed and the purulent masses go beyond the process itself.

Read also: Brewer's yeast for cats: pros and cons

Unpleasant odor from mouth

Cats are carnivorous predators. In nature, their food is meat and fish. Man, in order to reduce the cost of his diet and ease his lot, tries in every possible way to change nature. Keeping cats on dry food, which is based on cereals, violates acid-base balance in organism. As a result, opportunistic microflora begins to transform into pathogenic microflora, causing dysbacteriosis. This may be one of the reasons for the unpleasant odor from the animal's mouth.

To identify possible reason you need to examine the oral cavity. The following can tell about the pathology:

  • dental condition (, inflammatory processes);
  • gums ( , );
  • mucous membrane of the cavity ().

As we age, the body loses immune functions, the liver is no longer able to perform the barrier function in full and this affects the condition of the whole organism. The unpleasant smell from an old cat's mouth is the smell of old age.

Strong odor of urine

Urine has its own specific smell. Normally it does not appear. If the owner feels it, this may indicate:

  • improper feeding (this is again due to a violation of the acid-base balance);
  • kidney pathologies;
  • disruption in work Bladder, ureters, urinary tract.

In any case, urgent consultation with a doctor and examination of the animal is necessary.

Ear smell

Inner surface ears inaccessible to cleansing by the cat itself. Therefore, the owner must ensure cleanliness. If this does not happen, then over time dust and natural secretions accumulate in them. All together, this is a breeding ground for microorganisms, and they emit an odor.

Microbes multiply vigorously and can cause not only odor, but also cause serious pathology.

The cause of the smell may be. In this case, you can see crusts, discharge, and dirtiness in and around the ear. The ear will “itch.” If the process is left to chance, it will lead to (otitis media) and hearing loss.

The smell from under the tail

If an animal has diarrhea, or alternates with diarrhea, then this is the reason. The cat simply does not have time to “serve” itself.

Other pathologies are also possible. If the odor is associated with estrus or during prepartum or lochia discharge (postpartum discharge), then you should pay attention to this Special attention. During this period there should not be a particularly intense odor. Any odors indicate the proliferation of microflora and a pathological, purulent process in the genital and birth canals.

Read also: What to feed a Siamese kitten: menu by age

Inflammation is common in older cats anal glands. Normally, they are released independently into the lumen of the rectum. With age, the muscle sphincter weakens, which slows down the evacuation of secretions. Against this background, purulent inflammatory processes are possible.

Smell from the nose

The cause of odor from the nasal cavity may be:

  • rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal cavity);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses);
  • and (other signs may join later).

Whatever the reason, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Hygiene rules for cats

A healthy cat takes care of itself. She spends a third of the day on this. However, the owner is also obliged to take part in this.

Cat hygiene consists of caring for:

  • skin and hair. This includes bathing, combing while simultaneously examining and palpating the skin. To do this, you can use special shampoos and foams, combs and comb mittens. (For long-haired ones, you need a set of different combs). should be 2 times a month, hairless breeds that sweat profusely in summer - daily. If the animal is unwell, bathing is not used. You need to comb it 2 times a week (daily during the molting period);
  • . They should be cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in warm water or zoolotion. Using smooth movements and turning the swab clockwise, you can easily clean your cat's ears. If the accumulation of dirt is large, dry and old, then you can drop a few drops of lotion into the cavity, sunflower oil or water. The animal will shake out the excess, and what remains will soak the crusts. Next, you can use a cotton swab. Hygiene procedure carried out once a week;
  • . The removal of stones and plaque should be carried out by a specialist in the clinic. For prevention, the cat should be given solid food and allowed to chew on soft bones and cartilage.

Healthy feeding rules

The cat is a carnivore. should consist of feed of animal origin:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products.

Practice shows that constant feeding of dry food, even the most “promoted” brands, does not add health. Among these “eaters” there are no long-livers. Humans are not yet able to select an animal’s diet with molecular precision so that it is balanced by:

  • natural proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins.

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Cat owners should understand that the oral cavity of their pets is structured somewhat differently than that of humans. And unlike a person who observes daily oral hygiene, an animal is deprived of this opportunity. Normally, a neutral odor should emanate from your pet’s mouth, which intensifies after eating a particular food. However, the occurrence of a strong bad breath in a cat indicates a serious imbalance in the body.

Causes of bad breath

If your cat has bad breath, the ideal solution would be to visit veterinarian. IN medical terminology This phenomenon is called halitosis, which implies not only infections in the oral cavity, but also pathologies of internal organs. The causes of a strong odor from the mouth may vary depending on age group animal.

Young animals

  • untimely loss of baby teeth;
  • malocclusion;
  • gaps in teeth;
  • trauma in the oral cavity as a result of games;
  • hit foreign body or food that gets stuck between the teeth and creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Middle aged animals

In an adult cat, the cause of the odor may be a gastrointestinal disease.

Middle age includes cats from 1 year to 9 years inclusive. Common reasons fetid odor during this period of life are:

  • Tartar, which causes the gums to recede from the tooth. As a result, a certain gap is formed into which food debris gets clogged. They begin to rot and emit a putrid odor. If the problem is not addressed in a timely manner, the animal may lose a tooth.
  • Plaque, stomatitis, etc.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs.
  • Infections respiratory tract(rhinotracheitis, bronchitis, etc.) and dermatological infections.
  • Various injuries leading to gum inflammation.
  • Improper nutrition: overfeeding with soft food, food from the table, excess protein components in the feed.

Old animals

  • existing neoplasms;
  • diseases of internal organs, including digestive disorders;

What can smell tell you?

The smell can also appear in an animal with healthy teeth.

Based on the nature of the smell, the owner can independently determine the probable causes of its occurrence:

If you notice some symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Among them:

  • tartar, dark plaque, red and sore gums, tumor of the oral cavity;

Attention. A large number of brown tartar in a cat, accompanied by difficulties with nutrition, increased secretion drool and bad breath may indicate serious dental problems.

  • yellowing of the gums and corneas of the eyes;
  • the cat scratches its mouth and perioral area with its paws;
  • the cat does not eat, and there is bad breath and periodic vomiting;
  • the pet chews with caution, eats more slowly than usual, chews on one side; rubs one side of his muzzle against the furniture, holds his head at an angle;
  • the animal screams sharply, does not close its mouth, drools and does not allow itself to be stroked on the head.

Getting rid of unpleasant odor

Treatment of the disease causing halitosis will eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Before helping an animal get rid of bad breath, the veterinarian will conduct diagnostic tests to identify the cause of the disease. Often the animal is calmed down medicines, and in some cases it is necessary to resort to general anesthesia.

Important. It is very important to monitor the hygienic condition of the cat's oral cavity. From early childhood, a kitten should be taught to regularly brush its teeth, as well as treat wounds and ulcers on the tongue and the inner mucous surface of the cheeks with special antiseptic solutions(for example, Chlorhexidine).

In advanced cases, when caries, periodontitis or tumors are added to normal dental plaque, the help of a qualified veterinarian cannot be avoided. Under anesthesia, the doctor will remove significantly overgrown tartar, cure caries and carry out other necessary medical procedures. At the end of the therapeutic measures, not a trace will remain of the foul odor.

Prevention of pathology development

Brushing your cat's teeth helps prevent gum disease.

You can prevent your pet's bad breath by following certain rules care:

The video discusses the main causes of unpleasant odor from a cat's mouth: