Chestnut flowers beneficial properties and contraindications. Chestnut flowers, tincture, application, medicinal properties and contraindications. Use of horse chestnut for medicinal purposes

Almost every plant that is found in the vastness of our country has medicinal qualities. Herbs, flowers, shrubs, and even large trees. Based on such plants, a variety of medicines, and many of them can be purchased freely at pharmacies. One of the famous medicinal crops is horse chestnut - a large deciduous tree that gives beautiful flowers. The topic of our conversation today will be chestnut flowers, medicinal properties and the contraindications of which we will discuss, consider how a useful tincture is prepared on their basis, and discuss its use.

Medicinal properties of chestnut flowers

Useful qualities of flowers horse chestnut due to their wealth chemical composition. Such plant raw materials are a source of kaempferoglycoside and other flavone glycosides, represented by rutin and quercetin. Horse chestnut flowers also contain a triterpene saponin, escin. They are rich in choline, sugars and tannins. All these components determine the medicinal qualities of such raw materials, providing an active healing effect.

Medicinal properties of chestnut flower tincture

Chestnut flower tincture is most often used as a component complex treatment varicose veins veins, as well as spider veins on skin. In addition, it is commonly used to purify blood and to effectively thin it.

Tincture of leather chestnut flowers has a persistent venotropic effect. It heals veins and blood vessels, and also has a positive effect on the condition of capillaries. Rutin, found in horse chestnut flowers, remarkably strengthens the walls of all blood vessels, eliminating their fragility and fragility. In addition, a tincture based on them cleanses the blood and helps restore its protein structure, while simultaneously reducing clotting.

Among other things, tincture of horse chestnut flowers can be used for therapy various forms leukemia, as well as radiation sickness. It is also used in therapy fibrocystic mastopathy, tumor lesions of the brain and cardiovascular diseases. Chestnut flowers have a positive effect on the state of lymph.

An alcohol tincture based on such plant materials will be especially useful for patients with cancer who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation procedures. In this case, it is used as a blood and lymph cleanser. This medicine will also help patients who have undergone surgery for breast cancer. It prevents the occurrence of lymphostasis well.

Chestnut flower tincture copes well with arthritic and rheumatic pain. It is used for rubbing into the affected areas and taken orally.

Also, this drug can be used for the treatment of endarteritis, hemorrhoids, leg ulcers and vein lesions caused by various injuries. Preparations based on chestnut flowers also help cope with prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

Chestnut flowers (tincture): use for treatment

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to take thirty to forty drops of an alcohol tincture based on chestnut flowers, dissolving them in fifty to one hundred milliliters of water. This medicine It is recommended to drink three times a day shortly before meals. The duration of such therapy is two months. Then take a break for two weeks and repeat taking the tincture again.
Depending on the complexity and degree of neglect of the disease, several courses of treatment may be carried out in a row.

Does a tincture based on chestnut flowers have any contraindications for use?

A tincture based on horse chestnut flowers cannot be used to treat patients who are pregnant and carrying out breast-feeding. This medicine is also contraindicated in cases of severe hypotension and reduced blood viscosity. Among other things, its use can cause reactions of individual intolerance (allergy), which makes the use of tincture based on horse chestnut flowers impossible.

How to prepare a tincture based on chestnut flowers?

To prepare such a medicine, you need to prepare one hundred grams of dried chestnut flowers. Fill them with a liter of alcohol and leave to infuse for one and a half to two weeks. It is best to prepare such a product in a fairly dark and at the same time dry place. Strain the finished tincture through cheesecloth and squeeze out the plant material.

How else can horse chestnut flowers be used?

You can also prepare an infusion based on horse chestnut flowers. For this purpose, you need to prepare a tablespoon of dried plant material. Brew it with two hundred milliliters of water and bring to a boil. Set the broth aside and leave for six to eight hours. Strain the finished medicine and drink in small sips throughout the day. You can take one to one and a half liters of this drink per day.

Patients with different types For varicose veins, you can also use juice obtained from chestnut flowers. To prepare such a remedy, you only need to grind the flowers themselves (without the candle columns) using a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and combine with alcohol, maintaining an equal ratio. Take a teaspoon three times a day immediately before meals.

Other medicines based on chestnut flowers have all the same contraindications as the tincture.

Chestnut is not just a tree with beautiful inflorescences, but also a real natural healer. Chestnut fruits and flowers contain many useful and medicinal components - a decoction of these raw materials helps to cope with many diseases, inflammatory processes, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole. In order for the result of therapy to be noticeable, it is necessary to properly prepare raw materials and prepare the medicine according to the recipe.

Benefits of chestnut flowers

In the chestnut, all parts of the plant have healing power. There is a lot in the bark ascorbic acid, the fruits are rich in starch and fatty oils. The benefits of chestnut are recognized and official medicine, it is added to medicines for external and internal use. IN folk medicine most often the raw materials are used to prepare tinctures, but if ethanol is contraindicated, then a decoction can be prepared.

The inflorescences contain medicinal mucus, tannins, and pectins. But the main component is escin, which has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic properties, improves metabolic processes, increases the body's resistance to stress. Chestnut flowers are one of the the best means to strengthen the walls of small and large vessels, they are used to treat diseases caused by radioactive radiation.

What are the benefits of a decoction of chestnut flowers:

  • improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of developing venous pathologies;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a rejuvenating, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • A decoction is useful for hypertension, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, hemorrhoids, frequent nosebleeds;
  • promotes the resorption of compactions in the mammary glands;
  • has a mild sedative effect.

To prepare a decoction of chestnut flowers, you can use fresh or dried raw materials. Inflorescences should be collected in May and dried outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. They need to be stirred every day to avoid mold. Such preparations can be stored in glass or paper containers for 12 months.

Recipes for decoctions for veins and against swelling from chestnut inflorescences

There are several recipes for preparing decoctions, each of which is intended to treat specific diseases. You should not increase the indicated dosages - this will not speed up the recovery process, but may cause allergic reactions and signs of intoxication. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.

Ingredients for a decoction against thrombosis, hemorrhoids:

  • fresh chestnut inflorescences – 50 g;
  • water – 250 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour boiling water over the raw materials.
  2. Place the mixture in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Leave in a closed container for 2-3 hours.
  4. Strain.

Take 75 ml after waking up and before bed. This medicine improves blood circulation and lymph movement; this decoction of horse chestnut flowers promotes the resorption of blood clots and prevents the appearance of varicose veins. With regular use, arteries, veins and capillaries become elastic, resilient and strong, swelling disappears. In the recipe, fresh inflorescences can be replaced with 1–1.5 tbsp. l. crushed dried raw materials.

A decoction for the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and venous pathologies consists of the following ingredients:

  • fresh chestnut inflorescences – 150 g;
  • chestnut leaves – 150 g;
  • water – 500 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind and mix flowers and leaves.
  2. Brew with boiling water.
  3. Simmer the mixture in a water bath for 10–15 minutes.
  4. Filter.
  5. Add water to the original volume.
  6. Cover the container with a lid and put it in a dark room for 24 hours.

Take 30 drops of the medicine three times a day before meals. The duration of therapy is 8 weeks; if necessary, treatment can be continued after a month's break. This decoction helps with ischemia, atherosclerosis, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Composition of the decoction for the treatment of vascular and venous diseases:

  • dried chestnut inflorescences – 100 g;
  • crushed chestnut bark – 5 g;
  • water – 500 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Combine ingredients in an enamel container.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Simmer in a steam bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Filter.

Take the medicine 15 ml twice a day for 3-4 weeks. This medicine can be used as prophylactic against varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. It is necessary to take the course 1-2 times a year if there is a predisposition to vascular diseases.

Fruits - medicinal properties and uses

Chestnut fruits are often used to improve well-being in case of venous diseases. But their beneficial features it doesn't end there. Ripe nuts contain tannins, which accelerate the process of tissue regeneration - burns, scratches and wounds heal faster. Fiber has a beneficial effect on work digestive system.

Chestnut fruits reduce blood clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots, help get rid of rheumatism, long-term non-healing ulcers, and varicose veins. With their help you can improve your work digestive tract and kidneys. The peel of the fruit helps with prostatitis - it normalizes testosterone synthesis, eliminates inflammatory processes and swelling, the number of urges to urinate decreases, and as you recover, your erection improves.

Chestnut seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect, help with respiratory diseases, a decoction of chestnut fruits eliminates swelling, and is used as an antiseptic and wound-healing agent. The drink has astringent action, it helps with bleeding. This medicine can be used to treat women's diseases, provided there are no contraindications.

Recipes for decoctions based on chestnut fruits

Maximum amount useful substances found in ripe nuts. They need to be collected in the fall, when the peel turns yellow and fully opens. Chestnut seeds store well without any pre-treatment– they need to be washed, dried, and placed in paper bags or glass jars.

To prepare a decoction to eliminate bleeding you will need:

  • chestnut fruits – 5 pcs.;
  • fresh chestnut leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • boiling water – 200 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind the fruits and leaves and mix.
  2. Brew with boiling water.
  3. Place the mixture in a water bath and simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Cool in a covered container for 5 minutes.
  5. Strain, add warm water to the original volume.

Take 15–30 ml of chestnut fruit decoction daily. Duration of therapy is 4–8 weeks depending on the severity of the pathology. If necessary, treatment can be continued after 1–1.5 months.

Composition of chestnut medicine for the treatment of gynecological pathologies:

  • fresh fruits – 7 pcs.;
  • boiling water – 250 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Fry the fruits in a frying pan without oil - the peel should brown evenly.
  2. Grind, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 35 minutes.
  4. Leave in a closed container for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Take 30 ml 1-2 times a day. If you replace fried fruits with fresh ones, you will get effective remedy to combat diarrhea. To normalize stool, the medicine should be taken 15 ml after each bowel movement.

To prepare a medicine for the treatment of chronic prostatitis you will need:

  • green prickly peel of chestnut fruits - 2 pcs.;
  • dried chamomile – 10 g;
  • water –400 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind the peel and mix with chamomile.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Close the container and put it in a dark room for 12 hours.
  4. Strain.
  5. Cook in a steam bath until the volume is reduced by 2 times.

Take 15 ml of horse chestnut decoction three times a day 10 minutes before meals. Duration of therapy is 2–3 months. This medicine can be used for microenemas - carry out the procedure with a warm decoction before bedtime for 14 days.

Chestnut inflorescences and fruits - contraindications

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties, chestnut has certain contraindications; when taking decoctions based on it, some adverse reactions may occur.


  • individual intolerance;
  • problems with blood clotting, thrombocytopenia;
  • hypotension;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy, lactation period, age under 6 years;
  • chronic renal pathologies.

In case of overdose, deterioration of intestinal function, nausea, and dizziness are observed. To avoid poisoning, raw materials should be collected in environmentally friendly places, away from roads and industrial enterprises.

A decoction of chestnut inflorescences and fruits is very effective medicine from various ailments. This drink is especially useful for problems with veins and blood vessels. You can use it only after prior consultation with your doctor, do not forget about contraindications, and follow the indicated dosages.

Chestnut flowers have a healing effect on blood vessels and joints

The beautiful chestnut trees have blossomed. Immediately the thought arose that we needed to dry the flowers. Before, when I didn’t know about its properties, I kept thinking - what beautiful candles on the tree. And the pink flowers of the chestnuts were especially surprising; in comparison with the white flowering branches they seemed exotic. A passion for herbal medicine has emerged, and now I look at each plant in a completely different way - as a source of health.

Chestnut flowers are for the health of blood vessels and joints

So let's get to know each other together medicinal flowers chestnut, which in Latin are called Flores Aesculi hippocastani. Herbal medicine has studied their composition - flavonoids were found in the flowers - derivatives of kaempferol and quercetin; admitted that the infusion of chestnut flowers has medicinal anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, but did not use it. The chestnut fruits, which contain the venotonic substance escin, turned out to be very medicinal; dozens of drugs have been created around the world on their basis for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Chestnut flower juice

Traditional medicine has well studied the medicinal properties of chestnut flowers. She widely uses their juice - for the heart, blood vessels and the treatment of joint diseases. To obtain juice, you need to pick the inflorescences (I affectionately call them candles :-), wash them, grind them through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice itself through cheesecloth. Drink it 30-40 drops per 1 tbsp. water 3 times a day to get rid of atherosclerosis and strengthen blood vessels; for the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids. Treatment should last at least a month. If there is no improvement, the course of treatment can be repeated after a month's break. In general, chestnut flower juice is a very effective remedy for varicose veins. You can preserve the juice of the flowers with alcohol and use this remedy year-round. Tincture of chestnut flowers in alcohol is used for rubbing for rheumatic, gouty and arthritic pain. For internal use, the tincture is prepared as follows: take 100 ml of vodka for 10 g of chestnut flowers. Infuse for 10-20 days, and then drink 30-40 drops 3 times a day to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Dried chestnut flowers

Beautiful pink chestnuts also have medicinal properties

Chestnut flowers should be harvested in May, the first day dried in the sun, then in the shade. Tincture of dried chestnut flowers (40 g of raw material per 1 liter of alcohol) is used for rubbing joints for rheumatism, gout and arthritis.
Decoction: 2 tbsp. dried chestnut flowers per 200 g of water, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. For hemorrhoids, you need to drink 1 glass 2 times a day. The same decoction can be used for microenemas for hemorrhoids: take 1 dessert spoon per 1 glass of boiling water.
For heart pain and arthritis, use this tincture of chestnut flowers. For 2 parts of raw materials, take 1 part of alcohol, leave for 15 days, filter and store in the refrigerator. Take 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day.

Traditional healer V. Tishchenko believes that chestnut flowers are an ideal remedy for protection against radiation. To do this, you need to pour 3 freshly picked inflorescences with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 3 hours. Dried chestnut flowers (2 tbsp) are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and left in a thermos for 3-6 hours. Daily norm infusion – 1-1.5 l, drink like water.

Nature created all herbs to be beautiful and medicinal. It seems that, attracting us with the unusual beauty of their candle flowers, chestnuts want to give a person a chance to restore health. Now it’s just the month of May, and we can take advantage of this offer :) Make juice from fresh chestnut flowers, dry them for the winter. In the following articles I will certainly tell you about the medicinal properties of chestnut leaves and fruits :)

The medicinal properties of chestnut are due to the bioflavonoids it contains. These substances are present in the bark, leaves and in the nuts themselves. People who intend to use horse chestnut in medicinal purposes, it is useful to know not only about contraindications, but also that the plant is effective as a vascular strengthening, venotonic and angioprotective agent.

What it looks like and where it grows

Common horse chestnut (English name Horse Chestnut) belongs to the Sapindaceae family. His homeland is considered southern territories Balkan. Horse chestnut also grows in Russia, where, as a wild plant, it coexists with ash, linden and other trees. Distributed mainly in the temperate climate zone. Many of its species are bred everywhere in parks. A favorite is the red horse chestnut.

The biological description of horse chestnut (also called horse chestnut) is as follows:

  1. A large deciduous tree reaching a height of 35 meters.
  2. It has a powerful root system and a spherical or broadly ovoid spreading crown.
  3. The trunk is of regular cylindrical shape.
  4. The leaves are large, palmately compound, up to 30 cm in length.
  5. Inflorescences in the form of erect panicles formed by 20-50 white-yellow flowers.
  6. The fruits of the chestnut are spherical in shape with numerous spines. Inside them are 3 flattened seeds up to 2-4 cm in diameter. Ripen in early autumn.

When growing a tree, you need to be patient. This is a very long process. For the horse chestnut to grow and reach maximum height, it takes approximately 20-40 years.

Why is the chestnut called horse chestnut?

Since the genus Chestnut includes over 10 different plants, horse chestnut, according to one version, was named so as to distinguish it as a fodder species grown for the treatment of horses. The tree was popularly nicknamed chestnut for its striking resemblance to the fruits of the edible chestnut, and only experts could find the differences. There is another version, according to which the plant is called so because of the presence of reminiscent horse shoe scars on shoots after leaf fall.

The fruits of this plant are inedible, so the answer to the question whether horse chestnut can be eaten is sharply negative. All its parts contain the toxic substance esculin. Eating nuts can cause irreparable harm to the body. However, horse chestnut also has beneficial properties, thanks to which it has won its place in the pharmacopoeia.

Benefits of the plant

Horse chestnut, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are determined by its unique composition, is used:

  1. As a hemostatic, diuretic, wound-healing, analgesic, antioxidant agent;
  2. For varicose veins, impaired water-salt balance, for the treatment of swelling and inflammation;
  3. To reduce blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood;
  4. To normalize the acidity of gastric juice.

Contains horse chestnut bark a large number of vitamins C, B1, tannins, due to which it is often used as an antipyretic and astringent.

Peeled chestnut fruits, also called horse chestnut, contain starch and tannins and are rich in coumarins (esculin, fraxin, aescin). Fresh kernels are used for persistent diarrhea, and fried ones for bleeding. Dried fruits are good for colds as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

The foliage of the common chestnut is rich in pectins, carotenoids and glycosides. As part of folk remedies, it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Wild chestnut flowers contain mucous and pectin compounds and secrete flavonoids. Used for local rubbing in the treatment of joint pain. Flower infusions are used in complex therapy in the fight against hemorrhoids, skin diseases, prostatitis and radiation sickness.

Industrial applications

Wild chestnut wood has properties similar to linden. It has not received wide commercial distribution in Russia as a raw material. However, it is used for the production of doors and furniture elements, since it well accepts and holds various fasteners in the form of bolts, screws, etc. Specially treated wood has long term services.

In cosmetology

Antioxidant properties allow the use of chestnut parts in the production of anti-aging cosmetics. Such products improve skin by producing collagen. Horse chestnut fruits are included in anti-cellulite products; due to their effect, swelling is reduced, the skin is smoothed and toned.

In medicine

Horse chestnut has also been used in medicine. Preparations based on it are widely sold in pharmacies in Russia. These include:

  1. Aescusan drops. Thanks to the beneficial properties of its constituent components, the drug actively fights venous circulation disorders. Horse chestnut drops are prescribed for hemorrhoids, initial forms varicose veins, leg ulcers, cramps and swelling in the area calf muscles. Aescusan should be taken according to the instructions - three times a day, 15 drops before meals. There are no specific contraindications. In rare cases possible allergic reactions caused by hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Esflazide is an analogue of Escusan, but in a more convenient tablet form. The main indications are hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually. According to the instructions, in the first two days the drug is taken 1 tablet 1-2 times a day, then 3-4 times.
  3. Wild chestnut extract is rich in active compounds that work well against swelling, varicose veins and restless legs syndrome. The drug normalizes blood pressure and regulates cholesterol levels in the blood, making it effective in the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  4. Ointments are effective for skin and varicose diseases. To produce them at home, horse chestnut flowers are used. 5 tbsp. l. half a liter of dry raw material is poured vegetable oil, then boil for an hour in a water bath. The finished mixture is cooled, filtered and used for its intended purpose. Horse chestnut has a strong decongestant and venotonic effect. In combination with troxerutin it gives quick results.
  5. Tinctures based on horse chestnut fruit are aimed at combating prostatitis, thrombosis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. You can buy the finished product at a pharmacy or make it yourself. To do this you will need to grind 10 grams. horse nuts and pour 100 ml of vodka. Infuse the mixture for a week in complete darkness, shaking the solution periodically. According to the instructions, take the finished tincture 30 drops three times a day. The drug can be used for rubbing and as phytoapplications for rheumatism and radiculitis.
  6. Common chestnut oil improves blood circulation, reduces capillary permeability, relieves leg fatigue and muscle tension. Apply with massaging movements to lower limbs in the direction from the feet to the knees. The oil also improves complexion, soothes and tones. To achieve this effect, the skin must be wiped twice a day.

Before using medications, consult a doctor.

Folk recipes

Flowers, fruits and their peels are used to prepare medicinal infusions. These parts contain the greatest amount of useful circulatory system substances. To prepare medicines using chestnut, it is recommended to use the following recipes:

  1. Infusion of chestnut flowers. 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and 200 ml of water bring to a boil. Leave for 7 hours. Take sips throughout the day. You can drink 1-1.5 liters per day. Useful for brain tumors, mastopathy, endarteritis, hemorrhoids, lesions of the venous vessels caused by various injuries.
  2. Flower tincture. Pour vodka over the plant material in a ratio of 1 to 10. Place the container in a dark place. Leave for 2-3 weeks, shaking the contents occasionally. Strain the finished medicine. Take 30 drops 3-4 times a day.
  3. Peel decoction. Pour 250 ml of green shells from two chestnut fruits hot water. Place on low heat and cook for 10 minutes. Cool to a comfortable temperature and drink 100 ml twice a day to improve potency (in the morning and evening).
  4. Tincture of horse chestnut fruit. The main indications are gout, arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. To prepare, you should take 1 kg of nuts (more is possible). Grind in any convenient way (blender, meat grinder). Pour into a jar and fill with 1 liter of vodka. Place in a dark place and leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain the finished tincture and store in a cool place. Take 40 drops diluted in water after meals. The same medicine can be used to rub problem joints.

Collection and preparation

All parts of trees, including horse chestnut flowers, are used for medicinal purposes. Below are recommendations on when it is best to collect raw materials for the manufacture of medicines:

  1. Bark. Harvesting is done in March. The bark is carefully cut from young branches. It is then crushed and dried. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from the bark, which relieve pain and inflammation. Medicines made from it are effective in the treatment of gout, hemorrhoids, rheumatism and respiratory diseases.
  2. Horse chestnut flowers are collected during active flowering (in May). Afterwards they are laid out in the sun for 1 day so that they wilt a little. Then put it in a well-ventilated area, or dry it on fresh air in the shadow. Flowers are usually infused with alcohol and taken to restore vascular system and as a pain reliever for joints.
  3. Leaves are collected in spring or early summer. They should be juicy and deep green. During the harvesting process they are washed and dried. Alcohol tinctures and decoctions are prepared from the leaves. Such medications are used for inflammation and suppuration.
  4. Horse chestnut fruits fall in October, at which time they begin to be harvested. When making medicines, whole and crushed fruits are used. Healing tinctures and decoctions are prepared on their basis. Chestnut fruits have found application in restoring the functions of the digestive system, relieving joint pain, and normalizing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

It is better to collect medicinal raw materials in places far from the city and highways. This is where the most useful trees grow.

Indications for use

Considering the beneficial properties of horse chestnut, medicines based on it are used for the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Varicose veins The disease provokes abnormal changes in the veins, which leads to the appearance of nodes. The pathology most often affects the lower extremities, but the gastrointestinal tract and testes are also susceptible to it. The composition of horse chestnut helps thin the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels and veins.
  2. Diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory system. For sinusitis, the procedure of rinsing the nose is effective. The decoction has a pronounced antiseptic property, making it also recommended for gargling and mouthwash. Horse chestnut eliminates cough and makes breathing easier during influenza and ARVI.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to its unique composition, horse chestnut restores the functioning of the digestive system and relieves inflammation. Decoctions are effective for problems with the spleen, liver, pancreas, as well as gastritis with high level acidity.
  4. Dysfunctions of cardio-vascular system. Horse chestnut is included in medications intended to combat atherosclerosis, increased blood pressure, cholesterol, thrombophlebitis, cardiac disorders.
  5. Sore muscles and joints. IN in this case apply dosage forms for external use. Infusions and tinctures are rubbed into problem areas for arthritis and rheumatism.
  6. Women's problems. The plant improves blood clotting and stops bleeding. For inflammation in intimate area chestnut baths are recommended.
  7. Male diseases. Decoctions and medicines based on horse chestnut help with inflammation in prostate gland, as well as with varicocele.

Contraindications and possible harm

It will be useful for everyone to know not only about the benefits of the plant, but also about the contraindications of horse chestnut. Medicines and folk remedies have certain restrictions on admission. They are not recommended for:

  • decreased blood viscosity;
  • severe disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children.

External use of chestnut-based medications is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to this product, as well as if there are open, infected and festering wounds that cannot be treated with medication.

Before using horse chestnut as a remedy, you should consult your doctor. Wearing compression stockings and exercising will help enhance the therapeutic effect. therapeutic exercises. During treatment, it is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating fatty and spicy foods.

Eating horse chestnut may cause heartburn or nausea. Whenever side effects treatment should be stopped and blood prothrombin monitored.

The benefits of such a plant are great, but it can be harmful to health if you approach treatment thoughtlessly. Indeed, despite the fact that its nuts look like the fruits of a seed chestnut, in pure form they are not eaten. To prevent the development negative consequences you need to consult an experienced doctor. Treatment should be comprehensive and balanced, taking into account individual characteristics patient.

Summing up

Horse chestnut is effective for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is used for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gout and rheumatism. This raw material is in demand not only in folk medicine, but also in pharmaceuticals. It is produced from medications in the form of drops, ointments, hemorrhoidal suppositories, liquid extract and tablets.

Qualities of wood. In view of this, in the article below we will study in detail horse chestnut, its medicinal properties and contraindications.

Medicinal properties of chestnut

The medicinal properties of horse chestnut cover a large number of diseases. First of all, the tree is valued for its ability to influence the protein composition of the blood, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.

In addition, thanks to taking medicines from chestnut, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the main blood arteries become wider, which again helps to avoid thrombosis. Treatment with horse chestnut shown when:

  • high blood pressure;
  • capillary hemorrhages (often there's blood coming out from the nose);
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • varicose veins;
  • ulcers on the legs;
  • hemorrhoids.
The plant extract has bactericidal properties, helps relieve inflammation and stimulates the healing process of wounds. Chestnut decoctions are drunk to improve digestive processes and even for tuberculosis. For metabolic disorders in tissues and joints, special medicines are prepared from chestnut for rubbing.

Did you know? In France, roasted chestnuts are one of the culinary delicacies. However, horse chestnut fruits are not used for this purpose, since they contain a large amount of bitter glycosides, which makes the taste very unpleasant. But in agriculture The fruits are often used as animal feed.

Even chestnut peel has medicinal properties - it is used in gynecology. It is recommended to douche with a decoction prepared from it, which helps with leucorrhoea. Chestnut decoctions can even stop uterine bleeding. For men, fruit peels help relieve inflammation in the prostate gland.

The properties of horse chestnut are determined by its chemical composition. In particular, his seeds contain:

  • 10% saponins, thanks to which the natural process of hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells is enhanced, and the release of hemoglobin from them;
  • about 6% fatty oil;
  • 49.5% starch;
  • up to 10% proteins;
  • flavonoids, which improve vascular elasticity;
  • vitamins C, B and K.
The bark of the tree is no less rich in its chemical composition. It contains tannins, thanks to which bark compresses promote wound healing. The bark also contains esculin, an anti-inflammatory substance that can also relieve the symptoms of varicose veins, making legs more attractive. The bark also contains escin, which eliminates venous congestion.

The leaves also contain flavonoids and tannins. In addition, they are valuable for the presence of rutin, which reduces capillary fragility and reduces the intensity of blood clotting, and carotenoids - natural antioxidants, which also increase human immune resistance.

Horse chestnut flowers are rich in rutin and flavonoids, as well as pectins, which normalize metabolism and promote the elimination of cholesterol.

When and how to collect chestnuts

To healing properties manifested in full force, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. Since in folk medicine not only the seeds of this tree are used, but also its bark, flowers and even leaves, we will consider the method and time of their preparation in more detail.

Important! For the preparation of medicinal horse chestnut raw materials, only those species that have White color inflorescences.


The bark does not have as many medicinal properties as the fruit, but its effect on the human body should not be underestimated either. The process of harvesting bark is worth starting in early spring, as soon as the juices begin to circulate through the tree. It is better to cut it from young branches, but you should not get carried away so as not to harm the tree.

The collected bark is cut into small pieces and laid out to dry in a dark, well-ventilated place. Dry bark is best stored in bags made of linen, cotton or durable paper. However, they should not be stored for more than two years, since natural reasons the bark may begin to rot and change its chemical composition.


Flowers are harvested at the very beginning of flowering. At the same time, you should not completely tear off the entire inflorescence - just remove the flowers themselves with petals and stamens from it. You need to dry them very carefully, laying them out one at a time. Please note that if the air humidity rises and there is not enough heat, the flowers may rot.

So if you don't have ideal place To dry chestnut flowers, you can even use an electric dryer for this purpose.

Did you know? Horse chestnut extract is even used in cosmetology, as it is very effective against severe hair loss. In addition, it can also slow down skin aging by stimulating collagen production.


Leaves are also collected during the flowering period of the tree, that is, in May. You only need to pluck the leaves themselves from the tree - you won’t need their petioles. The process of drying leaves is similar to the process of drying flowers. It is better to store them in airtight glass containers so that the leaves do not become damp.


In traditional and folk medicine, only well-ripened fruits are valuable. For this reason, they need to be collected closer to autumn or even in September, when the boxes themselves will turn yellow and open, and the fruits will end up on the ground under the tree.

For long-term storage The fruits should also be dried. If this is not done, they may bloom and rot in a closed container. It is also recommended to dry in a dark and well-ventilated place. If you are interested not in the fruit itself, but in its peel, you can remove it immediately after harvesting the fruit.

Traditional recipes for treating chestnuts

In folk medicine, horse chestnut is used much more actively than in traditional medicine. In particular, decoctions, tinctures and ointments are prepared from it, the concentration characteristics of which vary significantly depending on the disease: