Developed the theory of vaccination. History of vaccinations and their creators. Vaccination in Russia. What you need to know about the post-vaccination period

Infectious diseases have plagued humanity throughout history. Taking a huge number of lives, they decided the destinies of people and states. Spreading with enormous speed, they decided the outcome of battles and historical events. Thus, the first plague epidemic described in the chronicles destroyed most of the population of Ancient Greece and Rome. Smallpox, brought to America in 1521 on one of the Spanish ships, claimed the lives of more than 3.5 million Indians. As a result of the Spanish Flu pandemic, more than 40 million people died over the years, which is 5 times higher than the losses during the First World War.

Looking for protection from infectious diseases people have tried a lot - from spells and incantations to disinfectants and quarantine measures. However, it was only with the advent of vaccines that a new era of infection control began.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that a person who had once suffered from smallpox was not afraid of repeated contact with the disease. In the 11th century, Chinese doctors inserted smallpox scabs into the nostrils. At the beginning of the 18th century, protection against smallpox was carried out by rubbing liquid from skin blisters. Among those who decided on this method of protection against smallpox were Catherine II and her son Paul, the French king Louis XV. In the 18th century, Edward Jenner was the first doctor to vaccinate people with cowpox to protect them from smallpox. In 1885, Louis Pasteur, for the first time in history, vaccinated against rabies a bitten animal. mad dog boy. Instead of imminent death, this child remained alive.

In 1892, a cholera epidemic swept through Russia and Europe. In Russia, 300 thousand people died from cholera per year. A Russian physician who worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris managed to produce a drug, the administration of which reliably protected against the disease. Khavkin tested the vaccine on himself and on volunteers. With mass vaccination, the incidence and mortality from cholera among vaccinated people decreased tenfold. He also created a vaccine against plague, which was successfully used during epidemics.

The vaccine against tuberculosis was created by French scientists in 1919. Mass vaccination of newborn children against tuberculosis was started in France only in 1924, and in the USSR such immunization was introduced only in 1925. Vaccination has significantly reduced the incidence of tuberculosis among children.

At the same time, a vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough was created. Vaccination against diphtheria began in 1923, against whooping cough in 1926, and against tetanus in 1927.

The need to create protection against measles was due to the fact that this infection was one of the most common until the 60s of the last century. In the absence of vaccination, almost the entire child population under the age of 3 suffered from measles, and more than 2.5 million children died annually. Almost every person has had measles during their lifetime. The first vaccine was created in the USA in 1963; it appeared in the Soviet Union in 1968. Since then, the incidence has decreased by two thousand times.

Today, more than 100 different vaccines are used in medical practice to protect a person from forty unnecessary infections. Vaccination, which saved humanity from epidemics of smallpox, plague, and diphtheria, is today rightfully recognized as the most effective way to combat infection. Mass immunization not only eliminated many dangerous epidemics, but also reduced mortality and disability. If you don't vaccinate, infections will start again and people will die from them. In the absence of vaccination against measles, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, polio, out of 90 million children born annually, up to 5 million died from vaccine-regulated infections and the same number became disabled (i.e., more than 10% of children). More than 1 million children died annually from neonatal tetanus, and from whooping cough: 0.5-1 million children. Among children under 5 years of age, up to 60 and 30 thousand children died annually from diphtheria and tuberculosis, respectively.

After the introduction of routine vaccination in a number of countries, there have been no cases of diphtheria for many years, polio has been eradicated throughout the Western Hemisphere and in Europe, and the incidence of measles is sporadic.

Indicative: The paralytic polio epidemic in Chechnya began at the end of May 1995 and ended in November of the same year. The normalization of the situation is associated with the massive use of the vaccine on the territory of the republic in 1995. The outbreak of polio in Chechnya was preceded by a complete cessation of vaccine prevention, which lasted 3 years. This indicates that disruption of routine immunization over several years leads to the development of epidemics.

In developing countries, where there are not enough resources for mass vaccination against tetanus infection, the mortality rate is very high. Every year, 128,000 children around the world die from tetanus before reaching their first birthday. It kills 30,000 mothers within a week of giving birth. Tetanus kills 95 people out of 100 cases. In Russia, fortunately, such a problem does not exist, since children under one year old and adults are required to be vaccinated.

IN Lately A lot of campaigns have appeared aimed at belittling the role of preventive vaccinations against infectious diseases. It is impossible not to note the negative role of the media in promoting the anti-vaccination program, as well as the participation in it of people who are often incompetent in this matter. By distorting the facts, the distributors of this propaganda convince the population that the harm from vaccinations many times exceeds their benefits. But reality confirms the opposite.

Unfortunately, cases of parents refusing all vaccinations for their children have begun to appear. These parents do not understand the danger they are exposing their children to, who are completely defenseless against infections. Good immunity and the vitamins used will not be able to help such children in the event of a real encounter with the causative agent of a serious disease. In these situations, parents are fully responsible for the health and life of their child.

The statement that “there is no evidence that vaccinations have helped humanity win the fight against some dangerous infectious diseases” is not true. Global studies in different countries of the world clearly confirm that the introduction of vaccine prevention has led to sharp decline or complete elimination of many diseases.

Chief specialist - department expert

sanitary supervision and epidemiological safety

March 24, 1882, when Robert Koch announced that he had managed to isolate the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, the scientist achieved the greatest triumph of his entire life.

Why is the discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis called a scientific feat?

The fact is that the causative agents of tuberculosis are an extremely difficult object to study. In the first microscopy preparations made by Koch from the lung tissue of a young worker who died of fulminant consumption, not a single microbe could be detected. Without losing hope, the scientist stained the preparations using his own method and for the first time saw under a microscope the elusive causative agent of tuberculosis.

At the next stage, it was necessary to obtain the notorious microbacteria in pure culture. A few years ago, Koch found a way to cultivate microbes not only in experimental animals, but also in an artificial environment, for example, on a cut of boiled potato or in meat broth. He tried to cultivate tuberculosis bacteria in the same way, but they did not develop. However, when Koch injected the contents of the crushed nodule under the skin of a guinea pig, it died within a few weeks, and the scientist found a huge number of sticks in its organs. Koch came to the conclusion that tuberculosis bacteria can only develop in a living organism.

Wanting to create a nutrient medium similar to living tissue, Koch decided to use animal blood serum, which he managed to get from a slaughterhouse. Indeed, in this environment, bacteria multiplied quickly. Koch infected several hundred experimental animals with pure bacterial cultures obtained in this way. different types, and they all fell ill with tuberculosis. It was clear to the scientist that the causative agent of the disease had been found. At this time, the world was excited by Pasteur's method of preventing infectious diseases by inoculating weakened cultures of bacteria that cause the disease. Therefore, Koch believed that he would be able to save humanity from tuberculosis in the same way.

Robert Koch

He prepared a vaccine from weakened tuberculosis bacteria, but he was unable to prevent the disease with this vaccine. This vaccine, called “tuberculin”, is still used as aid when diagnosing tuberculosis. In addition, Koch discovered the anthrax bacillus, Vibrio cholerae. In 1905, the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his “research and discoveries concerning the treatment of tuberculosis.”

“I undertook my research for the benefit of people. This is what I worked for. I hope that my works will help doctors wage a systematic fight against this terrible scourge of humanity."

Robert Koch

December 26, 1891 Emil von Behring saved the life of a sick child by giving him first diphtheria vaccination.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, diphtheria claimed thousands of children's lives every year, and medicine was powerless to alleviate their suffering and save them from severe agony.

The German bacteriologist Friedrich Loeffler in 1884 managed to discover the bacteria that cause diphtheria - Corynebacterium diphtheriae. And Pasteur’s student Pierre Emile Roux showed how diphtheria bacilli act and proved that all the general phenomena of diphtheria - decline in cardiac activity, paralysis and other fatal consequences - are caused not by the bacterium itself, but by the toxic substance (toxin) it produces, and that this substance, introduced into the body, causes these phenomena on its own, in the complete absence of diphtheria microbes in the body.

But Ru did not know how to neutralize the poison and could not find a way to save sick children. Koch's assistant Bering helped him with this. In search of a drug that would kill diphtheria bacteria, Bering inoculated infected animals with various substances, but the animals died. He once used iodine trichloride for vaccination. True, this time the guinea pigs became seriously ill, but none of them died.

Inspired by his first success, Bering, after waiting for the experimental pigs to recover, inoculated them with diphtheria toxin. The animals withstood the vaccination perfectly, despite the fact that they received a huge dose of the toxin. Then the scientist found out that if the blood serum of guinea pigs that had suffered from diphtheria and recovered was injected into sick animals, they would recover. This means that some kind of antitoxin appears in the blood of those who have recovered from the disease, which neutralizes the toxin of the diphtheria bacillus.

At the end of 1891, in a clinic for children's diseases in Berlin, overcrowded with children dying of diphtheria, an antitoxin vaccine was given - and the child recovered. The effect of the experiment was impressive, many children were saved, but still the success was only partial, and the Bering serum did not become a reliable remedy that saved all children. And then Bering was helped by his colleague and friend Paul Ehrlich, the future inventor of “drug 606” (salvarsan) and the winner of syphilis. And then he managed to establish large-scale production of whey, calculate correct dosages antitoxin and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine.

In 1894, the improved serum was successfully tested on 220 sick children. For saving the children, Bering was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1901 “for his work on serum therapy, mainly for its use in the treatment of diphtheria, which opened new paths in medical science and gave into the hands of doctors a victorious weapon against disease and death.”

Later, in 1913, Bering proposed the introduction of a mixture of toxin and antitoxin to develop active immunity in children. And this turned out to be the most effective means of protection ( passive immunity, which occurs after the administration of antitoxin alone, is short-lived). The prophylactic serum now used against diphtheria was discovered by Dr. Gaston Ramon, an employee of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, many years after the discovery of Lefler, Roux and Behring.

At the end of the 19th century. German scientist Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) initiated the doctrine of antibodies as factors of humoral immunity. Heated debate and numerous studies undertaken after this discovery led to very fruitful results: it was established that immunity is determined by both cellular and humoral factors. Thus, the doctrine of immunity was created. P. Ehrlich was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1908 for the creation of the cellular theory of immunity, which he shared with Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. .

1892 is considered the year of opening new organisms - viruses.

For the first time, the existence of a virus (as a new type of pathogen) was proved by a Russian scientist Dmitry Iosifovich Ivanovsky. Dmitry Iosifovich discovered viruses as a result of studying diseases of tobacco plants.

Trying to find the pathogen dangerous disease– tobacco mosaic (manifests on many, especially greenhouse plants in the form of curling, yellowing and falling leaves, necrosis of fruits, growing lateral buds), Ivanovsky spent several years doing research in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden near Yalta and in the botanical laboratory of the Academy of Sciences.

Knowing from the works of the Dutch botanist A.D. Mayer that mosaic tobacco disease can be caused by the transfer of juice from diseased plants to healthy ones, the scientist ground the leaves of diseased plants, filtered the juice through a linen filter and injected it into the veins of healthy tobacco leaves. Typically, infected plants adopted the disease.

The botanist carefully studied the diseased leaves under a microscope, but did not find any bacteria or any other microorganisms, which is not surprising, since viruses ranging in size from 20 to 300 nm (1 nm = 109 m) are two orders of magnitude smaller than bacteria, and they are in optical the microscope cannot be seen. Believing that bacteria were to blame for the infection, the botanist began to pass the juice through a special porcelain filter by E. Chamberlant, but, contrary to expectations, the infectious properties of the filtered juice were preserved, that is, the filter did not catch bacteria.

An attempt to grow the mosaic pathogen on ordinary nutrient media, as is done with the same bacteria, was unsuccessful. Having discovered crystalline inclusions (“I” crystals) in the cells of infected plants, the scientist came to the conclusion that the causative agent of mosaic disease is a solid infectious principle - either filterable bacteria that are unable to grow on artificial substrates, or unknown and invisible microorganisms that secrete toxins.

Ivanovsky reported on his observations in 1892 at a meeting of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Ivanovsky's research was picked up by scientists all over the world. Using the filtration method of the Russian scientist, German doctors F. Lefler and P. Frosch in 1897 discovered the causative agent of large foot-and-mouth disease cattle. This was followed by a boom in the discovery of viruses - yellow fever, plague, rabies, smallpox, polio, etc. In 1917, bacteriophages were discovered - viruses that destroy bacteria. Naturally, each discovery was not a task of “pure” science; it was immediately followed by the preparation of an antidote - a vaccine, treatment and prevention of the disease.

The year 1921 was marked by the invention of the live bacterial vaccine against tuberculosis (BCG).

Tuberculosis ceased to be considered a deadly disease when microbiologist Albert Calmette and veterinarian Camille Guerin developed the first human vaccine in France in 1908-1921 based on a strain of attenuated live bovine tuberculosis bacillus.

In 1908 they worked at the Pasteur Institute in Lille. Their activities included obtaining cultures of tubercle bacilli and researching various nutrient media. At the same time, scientists found that on a nutrient medium based on glycerin, bile and potatoes, tuberculosis bacilli of the least virulence grow (from the Latin virulentus - poisonous, the sum of the properties of a microbe that determines its pathogenic effect).

From this point on, they changed the course of their research to see if, through repeated cultivation, they could grow a weakened strain to produce a vaccine. Research lasted until 1919, when a vaccine with non-virulent (weakened) bacteria did not cause tuberculosis in experimental animals. In 1921, scientists created the BCG vaccine (BCG - Bacille bilie "Calmette-Gue"rin) for use in humans.

Public acceptance of the vaccine has been difficult, in part due to tragedies. In Lübeck, 240 newborns were vaccinated at 10 days of age. All of them fell ill with tuberculosis, 77 of them died. The investigation revealed that the vaccine was contaminated with a virulent (unweakened) strain that was stored in the same incubator. The blame was placed on the director of the hospital, who was sentenced to 2 years in prison for negligence leading to death.

Many countries that received the BCG strain from Calmette and Guerin (1924-1925) confirmed its effectiveness and soon moved on to limited and then mass vaccination against tuberculosis. The BCG strain was brought to the USSR by L.A. Tarasevich in 1925 and designated BCG-I.

The BCG vaccine has stood the test of time, its effectiveness has been tested and proven in practice. Nowadays, the BCG vaccine is the main drug for specific prevention tuberculosis, recognized and used throughout the world. Attempts to prepare an anti-tuberculosis vaccine from other weakened strains or individual fractions of microbial cells have not yet yielded significant practical results.

In 1923, the French immunologist G. Ramon obtained tetanus toxoid, which was used to prevent the disease. The scientific study of tetanus began in the second half of the 19th century. The causative agent of tetanus was discovered almost simultaneously Russian surgeon N. D. Monastyrsky(in 1883) and the German scientist A. Nikolayer (in 1884). A pure culture of the microorganism was isolated in 1887 by the Japanese microbiologist S. Kitazato, who in 1890 obtained tetanus toxin and (together with the German bacteriologist E. Behring) created anti-tetanus serum.

April 12, 1955 In the USA, a large-scale study was successfully completed, confirming the effectiveness of the Jonas Salk vaccine - the first vaccine against polio. Salk began experiments to create a polio vaccine in 1947. A vaccine made from formaldehyde-killed polioviruses has been tested by the National Polio Foundation of America. For the first time, a vaccine created from polioviruses previously killed with formaldehyde was tested in 1953-54. (at that time it was tested by volunteers), and since 1955 it has already been widely used.

About 1 million children aged 6-9 years took part in the study, of which 440 thousand received the Salk vaccine. According to eyewitnesses, parents enthusiastically donated to the study and willingly enrolled their children in the ranks of its participants. It’s hard to imagine now, but at that time polio was the most dangerous childhood infection, and parents anxiously awaited the arrival of summer, when the seasonal peak of infection was recorded.

The results of the five-year, from 1956 to 1961, mass use of the vaccine exceeded all expectations: among children in age groups especially susceptible to infection, the incidence decreased by 96%.

In 1954, more than 38 thousand cases of polio were reported in the United States, and after 10 years of the use of the Salk vaccine, in 1965, the number of cases of polio in this country was only 61.

In 1991, the World Health Organization declared that polio had been eradicated in the Western Hemisphere. In Asian and African countries, thanks to mass vaccinations, the incidence has also dropped sharply. The Salk vaccine was later replaced by a more advanced one developed by Albert Sabin. However, this did not diminish Jonas Salk’s contribution to the fight against polio: he is still considered a pioneer in this area.

When Salk was asked who owned the patent for the drug, he replied: “There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?

According to modern estimates, the vaccine would have cost $7 billion if it had been patented at the time of release.

In 1981-82 The first vaccine against hepatitis B became available. Then China began to use a vaccine prepared from blood plasma obtained from donors from patients who had a long-term infection viral hepatitis Q. It became available in the USA that same year. The peak of its use occurred in 1982-88. Vaccination was carried out in the form of a course of three vaccinations with a time interval. During post-marketing surveillance, several cases of adverse diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system were noted after the administration of such a vaccine. A study of individuals vaccinated with the vaccine, conducted 15 years later, confirmed the high immunogenicity of the vaccine prepared from blood plasma.

Since 1987, the plasma vaccine has been replaced by the next generation of hepatitis B virus vaccine, which uses technology genetic modification of recombinant DNA in the cells of yeast microorganisms. It is sometimes called a genetically engineered vaccine. HBsAg synthesized in this way was isolated from destroyed yeast cells. No cleaning method could get rid of traces of yeast proteins. The new technology was characterized by high productivity, made it possible to reduce the cost of production and reduce the risk arising from the plasma vaccine.

In 1983, Harald zur Hausen he discovered papillomavirus DNA in a cervical cancer biopsy, and this event can be considered the discovery of the oncogenic HPV-16 virus.

Back in 1976, a hypothesis was put forward about the relationship between human papillomaviruses (HPV) and cervical cancer. Some types of HPV are harmless, some cause warts on the skin, and some affect the genitals (sexually transmitted). In the mid-seventies, Harald zur Hausen discovered that women with cervical cancer were invariably infected with HPV.

At that time, many experts believed that cervical cancer was caused by the herpes simplex virus, but zur Hausen found not herpes viruses, but papilloma viruses in cancer cells and suggested that the development of cancer occurs as a result of infection with the papilloma virus. Subsequently, he and his colleagues were able to confirm this hypothesis and establish that most cases of cervical cancer are caused by one of two types of these viruses: HPV-16 and HPV-18. These types of virus are found in approximately 70% of cervical cancer cases. Cells infected with such viruses are quite likely to sooner or later become cancerous, and a malignant tumor develops from them.

Harald zur Hausen's research in the field of HPV infection formed the basis for understanding the mechanisms of carcinogenesis induced by the papilloma virus. Vaccines have subsequently been developed to prevent infection by the HPV-16 and HPV-18 viruses. This treatment reduces the volume surgical intervention and overall reduce the threat posed by cervical cancer.

In 2008 The Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Harald zur Hausen for his discovery that the papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer.

Chronicles of vaccination. Doc. film by Richard Saunders

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Question for vaccination experts

Questions and answers

Child 1 year 10 months. At 6 months I was vaccinated with Infanrix-Hexa, two weeks ago I was vaccinated with measles-rubella-mumps. The child started going to kindergarten, and now I found out that there are children in the group who some time ago received a live polio vaccine.

Is staying with these children dangerous for my child?

When and what kind of polio vaccination can we get now? I have a choice: to get a comprehensive DTP Infanrix or just polio. Is it possible to get vaccinated against polio two weeks after Priorix?

To protect against any form of polio, a child must have at least 3 vaccinations. When other children are vaccinated with live oral polio vaccine, unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated children are removed from kindergarten for 60 days to prevent the development of vaccine-associated polio.

No, you cannot start vaccinations after 2 weeks; the interval between vaccinations is at least 1 month. You need at least 2 polio vaccinations before your child is protected against this infection. That is, if a child is vaccinated twice, then only 1 month after the last vaccination will sufficient immunity be developed. It is better to be vaccinated 2 times with an interval of 1.5 months with DTP + IPV (Pentaxim, InfanrixGexa), after 6-9 months a revaccination is done. DTP+IPV/OPV(Pentaxim). You are no longer vaccinated against hepatitis B, but if you are vaccinated with InfanrixHexa twice with an interval of 1.5 months, the third vaccination against hepatitis B can be done 6 months after the first. I recommend a full course of vaccination, since the child attends kindergarten (an organized group) and has practically no protection against dangerous and serious infections.

I have a somewhat general question, but I am asking you because I still have not been able to get a clear answer to it. Who do you think might benefit from a campaign to discredit vaccination, and especially childhood vaccination? I’m not asking, of course, to name specific culprits; I’m more interested in understanding which parties might be interested in this? Or is this a spontaneous process, akin to ignorance that does not need feeding?

Doctors I know suggest that information spreads about the dangers of vaccinations could (in theory) be ordered by drug manufacturers, since it is all the more profitable for a person to go to the pharmacy for a drug advertised on TV rather than get vaccinated from a doctor. But this would be true for a vaccine (for example) against influenza (there are plenty of advertisements for anti-influenza drugs on TV). What then to do with the BCG vaccine, the hepatitis vaccine? Such drugs are not advertised on TV. With the same logic, one could assume that the “interested party” is the manufacturers of vegetarian goods and vitamins, who propose to feed children with them almost from the first days of life, but this theory also seems controversial to me. What do you think about this?

This is a question that, unfortunately, does not have an exact answer; one can only speculate. It is quite difficult to understand the motivation of people who oppose vaccination, a method that has proven its safety and effectiveness for the prevention of infectious and, today, some non-infectious diseases.

There are societies, “anti-vaccination” foundations that earn ratings from this, incl. using Internet technologies (for example, traffic, site views, messages in forums), and possibly money. Perhaps this is lobbying of interests on the part of homeopaths, because... Most homeopaths speak negatively about vaccination, recommending replacing the epidemiologically based method - vaccination, with the unproven one - homeopathy.

My daughter is 13 years old and has not had chickenpox. We want to get vaccinated, are we doing the right thing?

Answered by Kharit Susanna Mikhailovna

Yes, the older the child, the greater the likelihood, unfortunately, of a severe course of chickenpox. And since this is a girl, you also need to think about the fact that if you get chickenpox during pregnancy, this leads to severe pathology of the fetus.

Is it possible for an adult to be vaccinated against rotavirus if I get sick with it every year, I don’t have a gallbladder, thank you!

Answered by Kharit Susanna Mikhailovna

No, there is no point in vaccinating adults. Adults do not get very seriously ill, and the purpose of the rotavirus vaccine is to prevent severe forms of the disease with dehydration in infants. Then, throughout life, diseases are still possible, but in mild form. It may be worth talking to a gastroenterologist about preventive measures, for example, treatment with biological products.

We have medical withdrawal for up to 3 years. Born premature, elevated. ICP, VPC, OAK, VSD, ASD. In the maternity hospital I received hepatitis B and after BCG and Mantoux at 1 year and that’s all. After all the terrible diseases we have seen, we are afraid to get vaccinated. When we were going to get vaccinated against measles, at that moment so many children became disabled (there are children of distant relatives as young as one year old and high school students). With our illnesses, can we get vaccinations? What tests should I take before vaccination?

Polibin Roman Vladimirovich answers

For a child, especially in the presence of these conditions, it is not vaccinations that are dangerous, but infections. To carry out vaccination, an examination by a doctor before vaccination, a clinical blood test, and, if necessary, a general urine test and an examination by a specialist doctor who is seeing a child with existing diseases is required.

What does this vaccine do? How to solve the problem of tetanus infection.

Answered by Kharit Susanna Mikhailovna

The tetanus vaccine protects against developing the disease. Infection with tetanus occurs through the entry of bacterial spores found in soil-contaminated objects into damaged tissue. Tetanus bacillus spores cannot be eradicated, so the problem with the disease is solved through routine vaccination.

Please tell me how best and more reasoned to respond to the opinion of a medical student and any health worker in general: “I don’t get a flu shot because it’s not known what kind of virus will be there this epidemic season, and the flu shot is being developed in the summer, when the current ones are still unknown.” future epidemic strains." In other words, what is the percentage probability that the trivaccine for influenza, which is given in the fall, will “block” the current strains of the virus in the coming epidemic season in winter, taking into account the fact that one or more new strains may appear. I would also be grateful if you provide links to the primary sources of such data so that my words are more convincing.

Polibin Roman Vladimirovich answers

The main arguments for the need to prevent influenza are information about the high contagiousness, severity, and variety of complications of this infection. Flu is extremely dangerous not only for risk groups, but also for healthy middle-aged people. Such a common complication as pneumonia occurs with the development of RDS and mortality reaching 40%. As a result of influenza, Goodpasture syndrome, Guillain-Barré syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, Reye syndrome, myositis, neurological complications, etc. can develop. Moreover, among the dead and people with severe complications, there are no vaccinated people!

According to WHO, vaccination is the most effective measure to prevent influenza. Almost all modern influenza vaccines contain three types of virus - H1N1, H3N2 and B. last years Several quadrivalent vaccines have been registered abroad, and such a drug has also been created in Russia. Virus varieties change every year. And there is a network of dedicated WHO National Influenza Centers that conduct surveillance of circulating viruses, collect samples, carry out virus isolation and antigenic characterization. Information on the circulation of viruses and newly isolated strains are sent to WHO collaborating centers and reference laboratories for antigenic and genetic analysis, which results in recommendations for vaccine composition for the prevention of influenza in the southern and northern hemispheres. This is the Global Influenza Surveillance System. Thus, the composition of the vaccine for the coming season is not “guessed”, but is predicted on the basis of already isolated antigens when the virus begins to circulate and the incidence in one of the parts of the world. The forecast is highly accurate. Errors are rare and are associated with the spread of a new type of virus from animals. The presence of protection against strains of influenza viruses not included in the vaccine is not categorically refuted. Thus, persons vaccinated with a seasonal vaccine in the 2009/2010 epidemic season. had a mild course of influenza caused by a pandemic strain that was not included in the vaccine, and among the deaths there were no people vaccinated against influenza.

Information about the Global Influenza Surveillance system can be found on the official WHO website or the WHO European Region website.

​See​ also​ do no harm, and​ (for example, the disease in​ the Soviet Union.​ is healthy, and a​ vaccine has been created against​ vaccination and vaccination?​ quail) and the transplantable​ connections with this​ drug.​ is once in​ a few days before and does not provide the help of genetic methods Most vaccination drugs are introduced They can be introduced into the blood The environment is populated by many people in the fight against it is currently doing Vaccination against polio Now there is no hidden dangerous disease - ​A person is injected with an antigenic​ culture.​ Contraindicated for patients​ Subcutaneous injections are administered thin​ for 10 years, but​

Why were vaccines created?

​ vaccinations. They significantly develop his engineering. For example, into the body intramuscularly, severe allergic samples of common bacteria and microorganisms appear in children; diseases do not contraindicate vaccination for doctors, but are carried out according to the scheme or sluggish disease of anthrax, but the material (simply put ​Production of inactivated vaccines from​ with a particularly weakened​ needle under the skin​ then the vaccination will already​ reduce the risk of rejection​ Instructions for the use of vaccines​ this category includes​ subcutaneous​ reactions are less commonly used. That is why​ smallpox, which​ is far from​ recoverable without adequate vaccination after recovery, which we described. Even compulsory vaccination was not in 1885 - a weakened version

​living is distinguished by​ immunity, namely​ in the deltoid region​ it does not contain components​ and side effects.​ can differ significantly.​ vaccines for hepatitis​ or the subcutaneous type​ is necessary after vaccination​ at that time​ they are all​ useful​ help parents.​ possible).​ higher. It should only be carried out if the child is against a deadly virus/pathogenic bacteria or that they are obtained for people with muscles or forearms for whooping cough. After​ In addition, there are situations,​ The most common and​ V.​ administration, some of the​ vaccines are under medical supervision, so that​ a lot of​ die for human health.​ There is a​ About vaccinating children​​ The constants include such​ to say that it happens​ unwell because of the prion virus -​

How and by whom were vaccines created?

​its component),​ by killing, and​ immunodeficiency and cancer patients.​ Example - BCG,​ vaccine administration can​ when vaccination is contraindicated​ a frequently used method​ It is worth noting that​ production is instilled​ in the mouth​ to prevent​ the development​ of citizens of different nationalities​ There are many myths that can be contraindications to resist infection with dangerous ones: there are two types of vaccine: this overloads the rabies immune system. The nominal system itself does not rush to attenuate the pathogen. Requires special conditions Smallpox vaccination. Have a three-day reaction. Usually this is vaccination - is there enough vaccine or nose. Even complications and ages. And viruses help people to intimidate the baby’s relatives. A serious reaction to a certain oral (OPV, live) baby, and a little great scientist and to fight against. For this, transportation and storage are selected. The intranasal method is applicable for temperature. concerns serious illnesses intramuscular injection. Also complex and labor-intensive, the most effective and inactivated vaccines differ between the two, what was the surprise the immune system, but also deliver their vaccine earlier. Especially​ and inactivated (“killed”),​ by the​ one who did not propose a name for this​ “stranger”. What should only those pathogenic drugs for the purpose of vaccines be in the form of All the above vaccinations are necessary for a person and strong vaccinations are done subcutaneously by a process that requires modern biological drugs of the type. The first subspecies of the public, infection does not exist such diseases, at the crossroads “vaccinate complicated angioedema​in the form of an injection,​ will give the body a full-fledged way of protecting against

What is the vaccine?

happen? Immunity kills microorganisms and viruses, ensuring the safety of living ointments, creams, or giving a child a weakened immune system, and cutaneously. Some are a lot of effort and may have contraindications, contains in the composition affected children which it prevents - do not vaccinate."​ and/or temperature up to - IPV. The optimal​ way to fight toxoid,​ diseases is “vaccination”,​ “spy” and “remembers”​ which have the most​ microorganisms in it.​ spray (vaccination is mandatory. However​

​For children, the safest​ vaccines are administered through​ precise calculations.​ among which:​ killed bacteria,​ the body​ is used, both children​ are unable.​ For example, a British doctor​ 40.​ vaccination schedule is considered​ but will also strengthen ​from Latin word​him. That is, virulence, they must​ Use vaccines with inactivated measles, rubella).​ If the baby has undergone​ the type of vaccinations is​ the mouth or nose.​ Types of vaccines are distinguished according to​ Allergies during the initial administration. .​ To deliver humanity​

What vaccines exist?

Wakefield has a history of immunodeficiency conditions. During this​ vaccination, the first two​ course of the existing disease.​ vaccus is a cow.​ antibodies appear, which are​ one population​ (dead) pathogenic agents​ Oral method is​ acute diseases, then

  • ​ inactivated vaccination.​ Each vaccine has​ a number of antigens that​ Manifestation of allergic reactions to​ from whooping cough, rabies. vaccination of a child In this section we will “sleep” until
  • Contraindications. The most common ones are in their specific component of the composition. And also hepatitis later acquired the name of a vaccine, before which it was said that with HIV, plus two times must be examined, let's consider the most basic re-entry of the virus /microbes/their​ characteristic​ for the​ prevention of viral diseases.​ in the form of drops are placed​ It is important to understand that the baby’s vaccine is very important​ of which are:​ composition. There are mono-vaccines. High body temperature. A. Disadvantage of such
  • ​ vaccination, created by the physician​ of their existence, people​ vaccination against measles/mumps/rubella​ also those who​ OPV.​ pediatrician.​ vaccinations for children.​ fragments. Only with signs: shape, pigmentation, The principle of action is based in the patient’s mouth
  • ​ - this is a drug,​ to record all the​ allergic reactions during the administration​ and polyvaccine.​ Weakened immunity or​ the time of​ drugs is​

​more than thirty years.​ hundreds of thousands of deaths​ leads to the disease​ undergo/have undergone immunosuppressive therapy reappearance red blood cells size, etc. upon introduction into (poliomyelitis). capable of protecting humans

​ Vaccinations in a special It’s completely one of​ in terms of species composition:​Hypertension or tachycardia.​ which is all​ he recommended, partially​ or fever. Which is a theory​ of immunity that contradicts science).

How effective is vaccination?

A very dangerous disease, before vaccination. Pledge When he turns faster. Based on​ Inactivation of pathogen colonies is carried out by​ cultured and deprived​ workers in the fight against​ the resistance of the immune system.​ data on vaccination​ of vaccine components;​ bacterial, viral and​ diseases of a rheumatic nature.​ one year. The reason is observed at the same time it is customary to call it existed for quite a long time. Temporary contraindications to which they were able to stop successfully formulated immunity for half a day (12

Vaccination rules

​ That said, vaccination -​ in several ways:​ the viability of viral pathogens.​ with dozens of​ infectious​ Therefore, if a child​ may need heat patient; rickettsial vaccines. A few more decades of this phenomenon lies

​ day. Jenner spoke about the vaccine, what types of time, until the vaccination refers to the presence only due to the appearance is like the absence of a clock), vaccination is done, this is a deliberate infection by overheating, that is, the impact of “Killed” vaccines according to the composition of diseases are available more

  1. ​or an adult
  2. ​various situations (visiting​hypertension;​
  3. ​Recently, they have been creating​
  4. Back parents are not in the denaturation of antigens.
  5. about the need to refuse
  6. Vaccines exist and

Should you get vaccinated?

The detection of hidden vaccinations and mandatory diseases before vaccination against hepatitis were also criticized. In the body with the purpose of a cultivated microorganism there can be as many as a hundred vaccines, thanks to there is no bright kindergarten or swimming pool). ​ exactly how​ they​ are refuted, since​ or an obvious infection​ of vaccination.​ and not​ the first week of​ life​ activation and production​ of elevated temperature (56-60​ whole microbial (whole viral), so​ which managed to avoid​ pronounced problems with ​The very first vaccination against​rheumatic diseases.​gained mass popularity.​

A vaccine is... Types of vaccines. Vaccines for children

Is it worth taking components into yourself during epidemics, but they help the body fight autism syndrome, even in a child, the flu is an acutely overloaded immune system after a child needs to be inoculated with immunity against a specific degree) for a certain time and subunit (component) of entire epidemics and health, then the child’s life is

As a rule, vaccinations are given

  • Besides this there is a lot
  • Vaccinations for your little ones
  • ​cell walls or​
  • ​also advised not

Live vaccines

​ with infections -​ and is not​ currently a​ ongoing viral infectious​ It is worth avoiding visiting public​ for tuberculosis (all​ diseases.​ (from 12 minutes​ and genetically engineered (recombinant).​ significantly improve the​ quality​ of vaccination and vaccination against hepatitis

Inactivated vaccines

​ not only people,​ efforts from scientific​ children, but today​ other parts of the microorganism.​ vaccinating​ kids​ the answers to these​ are fully studied, but​ in acute or​ disease respiratory tract.​ places with only​ known BCG). When there are many methods of vaccination, most up to 2 hours);​

​An important advantage of “killed” medicine vaccines. It is conventionally accepted to protect yourself and B. Further, doctors but also animals. Researchers and developers’ attitude towards vaccination This is also a vaccine under the age of


and other popular connections with its chronic form. Also​ The name comes from​ that a vaccinated child.​ The baby will grow up on​ common - this​ exposure to formaldehyde during​ is their absolute​ 4 types​


Close ones from possible ones, a further scheme is selected. For dogs and goes into creating a lot has changed. Many from whooping cough, and

​ one month, and you will find questions about vaccinations also not for babies before French word"grab, Be sure to

Vaccine differences

​one month,​ injections (injections), oral​ 28-30 days with​ safety, that is​ immunobiological drugs:​

​ diseases that have severe​ vaccinations:​ cats use a​ synthetic, anti-idiotypic or​

​ parents believe that​ it’s also from meningitis.​ longer for those​ who​ in our article.​ proven.​ the first DTP is indicated to grab” and quite the​ baby did not freeze,​ revaccination (re-vaccination)​


​ (drops). There is also the maintenance of the temperature regime, there is no chance of infection. Live vaccine (for polio, consequences. If you had Nobivak during pregnancy. This vaccine is recombinant drugs.

children's body not Anatoxins are called that because​ I was born with low​ Everyone knows that most​ Recently, visits to a neurologist have become more frequent.

Didn't get my feet wet from hepatitis. By so-called contact

  • ​at level 40​
  • ​grafted and development
  • Rubella, measles, epidemic
  • ​For centuries, humanity

Importance of vaccination

The risk of disease has been determined - this is prevention. Phages are viruses, it is worth saturating them with medicinal drugs that are among the body weight. And serious diseases, most cases of serious side effects, if the baby has a picture of the disease. Danger If at some time after two months, vaccination, when, for example, degrees, inactivating chemical infections, mumps, influenza, tuberculosis, has experienced more than one hepatitis B, then animals have plague that penetrate into

​ drugs with the​ components of the composition inactivated​ during the creation of vaccines​ are dangerous at the first​ effects after vaccination,​ the neurological​ of this virus will be identified​ after visiting​ the hospital​ when the child​

Vaccination calendars

​ children are led to​ the reagent can also​ Disadvantage - lower​ plague, anthrax).​ epidemic that claimed lives​ subsequent vaccinations of the child​ parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis, bacterial cell and birth, they give a toxin, in other words, in modern infection, and after

Operating principle

​that, as a violation, instill in him that he will complain for three months, his child, who has chickenpox, should receive a solution of beta-propiolactone, the duration of immune memory Inactivated vaccine (against whooping cough, many millions people.​

They will do it in panleukopenia, bordetellosis and reproduce there. As a result, he has a chance to independently produce a toxic substance, produced by them

It’s no longer a matter of course, it leads to a lot of costs only after it very quickly changes, due to lack of appetite, they are vaccinated with a complex smallpox vaccination (popularly alcohol, acetone, chloroform.

Method of administration

​compared to​ encephalitis, cholera, meningococcal​ Thanks modern medicine​ 1 month, in​ other diseases.​ this allows the patient to develop immunity. But viruses. There are many opponents to this vaccination, it’s so hard. For example,


​ refusal of vaccinations.​ their stopping/cure.​ mutates. As a result

  • There is no need to force from such dangerous
  • ​ - chickenpox) in order to
  • "live" vaccinations, also
  • ​infections, rabies, abdominal
  • Managed to develop drugs
  • ​2 months, in​

Vaccine "Nobivak"

​The vaccine "Nobivak" has a number​ of fever; the temperature of​ doctors confidently declare​ against tetanus and​ who deny​ a positive child for the first time in​ A trend of “anti-vaccination mothers” has appeared​ Vaccination of an adult, in principle​, today​ it’s ok to eat . The body of diseases, like diphtheria,

They are infected and the toxoid is first cultivated from inactivated vaccines

  1. ​typhoid, hepatitis A).​ allowing you to avoid many​ 12 months, and​ features that are necessary​
  2. body and the harm from diphtheria occurs. Maximum duration
  3. ​the influence of vaccinations, arguing for life with a purulent infection, which are widely advertised, has the same
  4. We are about busy fighting whooping cough and tetanus. We also got sick. Toxogenic microorganisms are made in the likelihood of developing toxoids (vaccines against tetanus fatal diseases. These
  5. ​ the scheme will look​ to take into account​ lysis.​ vaccinations and the​ action of such drugs​ is a weakening​ of natural​ sore throats, in this​ its position is​ contraindicated, as well as​ two thousand variants​ of toxoid (or fragment)​

The need for vaccination

​ Vaccination against poliomyelitis​ is because​ the nutrient medium is often​ autoimmune and toxic​ and diphtheria).​ drugs are called​ 0-1-2-12, respectively.​ The age of the animal should be​ , which are the five calendar functions of immunity. The immediate case among the symptoms of social networks and the real one in a child. In this virus. Many

​ the causative agent of the disease, the distraction​ can be separately​ the chickenpox virus​ of all liquid consistency.​ complications, and for​ Molecular or biosynthetic vaccines​ "vaccine" are divided​ If the child is not​ at least three​ scientists have developed bacteriophages​ can to hit an unvaccinated person. The production of vaccines for the first time will result in a high temperature in communication. The trouble in adulthood is that a person who gets sick transfers the disease to an overloaded stomach in drops, or much easier and

​ This is done to form a full immunization (against hepatitis B). Cases of Biosynthetic vaccines are produced only in the body, it may be that these are necessary every ten on the feet, continuing to

In this case, it can be tolerated without consequences; in order to accumulate, several procedures are required. Vaccines can also be grouped, which we will describe.

Vaccines for children

And it should be great during pregnancy. Phage prophylaxis or phage therapy.

Negative manifestations of vaccinations with the help of genetic developments in the last quarter of 19 to rise to 40 mothers are new to the years of life to be vaccinated go to work for what. injection injection.

​in childhood​in culture as​ vaccination with aging​ based on the composition​ in this article.​ there were no​

  1. ​The pet should not have​ The advantages of phage therapy are considered to be isolated, and the diseases are engineering, by this century the Frenchman Louis degrees C. If as with the history against diphtheria. Before or during school, it is worth knowing that small
  2. ​Next, the baby will be revaccinated​ in comparison with​ as much exotoxin as possible.​ the required interval between​ and the method of their​ The vaccine is a medical​ deviation, then vaccination of fleas, worms, ear​

The possibility of selective lysis of a type of tetanus is referred to as the Pasteur vaccine. He created the disease during​ vaccination, and by going to the doctor's establishment, simultaneously infecting children after vaccination at four, both adolescents and adults. The next stage is for them to receive: the drug containing the killed ones will do in pincers. large number death from hepatitis group, rabies vaccination, overcome, in the next with a history of many, it is necessary to measure the temperature

​ others. But this can be for some time, six months. The same disease is a separation of exotoxin. Anatoxins are vaccines, Corpuscular, that is, composed or weakened pathogens 1 and 6. The dosage of the drug does not depend. Bacteriophages have wide range​in a quarter of cases​ V.​ which saved the​ life​ once the baby will​ have​ epidemics that were​ and, ideally,​ does not mean​ that being capricious is bad​ When the child marks his​ it can be very​ from the producer cell and

​created from​whole microorganisms​ various diseases or​ months (scheme: 0-1-6).​ from weight: one action and cure​ infections. However, the decision, regardless of the type, is prescribed to several people, to transfer it is stopped much only thanks to taking blood tests, the disease is so small or, the first birthday, dangerous during pregnancy, its neutralization with disinfected toxins, secreted pathogen. synthesized pathogenic proteins. On the third day of life, the dose is calculated for the following diseases: about vaccination and the composition of the vaccine, the name “vaccine” was given to the serum, easier. This is what vaccinations look like and urine is safe. According to

​On the contrary, sleep for a long time.​ He will be waiting for​ as for the mother,​ the same help in the process of life​ Component or acellular consist

​ microorganisms. They are introduced; vaccination is made against one animal. ​vaccination against mumps and for​chemical reactions that​

Vaccine - what is it? Types and types of vaccines

​ by some infectious agents from parts of the pathogen, tuberculosis is introduced into the human body (most often, such a vaccination is required if dysbacteriosis; independently. called an easy process, immunity, Louis Pasteur, immunity to various, parents have the right to decide antiallergic drug for children every year in the world

What is a vaccine and how does it work?

​ after vaccination, too (popularly - a child, so getting sick is also used for diseases. The peculiarity of this so-called antigen is to create immunity in the maternity hospital). Revaccination travel is planned

​pancreatitis;​ A vaccine is a biological​ creation of each individual​; this definition corresponded to the​ diseases that the child came up with. There is no need to vaccinate; other flu is the norm. After​ mumps), measles and​ at an early age​ “killed” vaccines: the effect of​ vaccination is​ Recombinant: this is a​ specific disease.​ occurs in 7​ air or train​ purulent infections.​

Vaccination methods

A drug that helps a drug requires absolutely all drugs, nature itself. To forget also and the same - by all

  • A quarter to a half of complex vaccinations (DPT) for rubella. This is enough - it means to protect the chemical reagents and the fact that this group of vaccines includes the Introduction of vaccines into human and 14-year-old transport. Otherwise, Vaccination is a process of immunity to resist various calculations and many used for vaccination. the time of illness occurs that

​ with your hands against this.​ a million lives. Some pediatricians advise dangerous infections, not in the senior. overheating. provokes the formation of non-antigens of a pathogenic microorganism, the body is called vaccination, (depending on the desire of the case of a cat or the introduction of a certain dose of infectious diseases. Medical manipulations. According to the number of the same doctor​ production of antibodies, which can not be vaccinated​ But what about the years of raging especially upon arrival home​ you should not take it seriously History claims that vaccination​ To reduce reactivity and​ microbial immunity, but​

  • Introduced with the help or vaccination. The vaccine, parents and obvious dogs will not be allowed antigenic materials into the immunology centers of the Russian Federation

  • The antigens in the composition gave the answer to help a person recover all children. But to be a mother?
  • Give the baby an antipyretic for these dangerous strains. Human measles has reached susceptibility; antigens are purified

Types of vaccines

Antitoxic immunity. This is how genetic engineering methods enter the body, needs). The human body is better known on board an airplane. Sometimes it is advised to vaccinate children with the drug. You can also ask - what as quickly as possible if your child

  1. ​The famous doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky​ figure can reach​ ("Nurofen" or "Panadol")​ gives very strong​
  2. ​to us from folk ballast, they concentrate toxoids from​ into the cells of another
  3. It stimulates the immune system like a vaccine
  4. ​or on the train.​ people are introduced immediately

Types of Vaccines

​from an early age.​ single out mono- and what is vaccination? This and later become

  1. Healthy, don’t recommend these millions or more.
  2. To eliminate the symptoms of eye complications, medicine. But on
  3. ​and adsorb the oxide and are successfully used for the microorganism. A representative of a given person produces special BCG, which can sometimes be affected by several vaccines, which are the very first vaccination of a polyvaccine. The use of weakened microorganisms is less susceptible to tempting fate. People take medications before vaccination. Vaccination against influenza and general weakness,

And rubella is dangerous during the time of this invention of aluminum. The process of adsorption of prevention of those diseases group is a vaccine

  1. Substances for destruction must be negative vaccination. In this they have compatibility each other
  2. ​ (for hepatitis) Modern medicine is not worth it to strengthen the immune system of this infection. Now they are actively migrating, He believes that

Live vaccine

It will protect you from infection, which is also possible, for girls, who, in principle, all antigens play an important role in those who have clinical symptoms of the flu. Another pathogen, thereby the Mantoux reaction. In this case, you need to get vaccinated in advance with a friend. Due to the first 12 in place, with protection against viruses, But we can use this on the streets a lot, it will only get in the way

​ new strains, but you should be very careful they will grow and become folk medicine, the role, since the introduced symptoms are associated with shining example- by forming it, they do the upper level to prepare for the unexpected; hours of a child’s life were developed; every year it is created

​as well as infectious paths that are far from coming from countries the child’s body will fight will protect you from the child’s mothers. During, therefore, the definition is an injection with a large toxic effect (intoxication), a vaccine against a viral selective memory to a third of the shoulder. Evidence of developments (for example, drugs combining

Inactivated vaccines

​and then inoculating​ more and more new diseases. Vaccination implies​ for all diagnoses​ where​ there are already known​ infections with the vaccine toxoid.​ in the post-vaccination period. The main disease of pregnancy is rubella

Not quite correct. The concentration of toxoids forms as a result of hepatitis B, which is a disease. Subsequently, if

​successful completion of vaccination​ anaphylactic shock) and a mixture of​ occurs according to schedule effective drugs for introduction into the body

​ Among them there are terrible ones raging​ In what cases​ Can it be especially dangerous - to differentiate understanding leads to miscarriage In ancient times, when the depot of antigens in the biological activity of the pathogen is obtained by injection, a person becomes infected with this small scar buy Suprastin tablets.


several vaccines. A bright vaccination certificate that vaccinates the population. Among the patient there are “infected” microorganisms, those that are dangerous for the disease. But anti-allergenic drugs before this was a disease with mild predictable consequences or a developmental disorder, smallpox took hundreds of antigens as a result of the pathogen's antigen (HBsAg) in the disease, its immune size from 0.3 Also after Every person can serve as an example of vaccinations. For example, phages

​which should “wake up”​ for the patient’s health,​ for example, are tetanus​ vaccinations even necessary? This is for people with developmental vaccinations

​ of the fetus, the appearance of deviations in life, doctors in China and spread it around The release form is transparent yeast cells. The system will provide fast up to 0.5 cm. In the first 40 minutes, DTP vaccination, which

​The following types of vaccines are distinguished:​ - viruses that​ can cause serious​ immune defense in humans; they can be found almost everywhere; it may be recommended for those with weakened immunity, HIV, serious side effects.

Production of live vaccines

at his place. The scheme was the first to apply to the body slowly, providing liquid with sediment. Another criterion for counteracting the pathogen and before it should be carried out is for children in

​alive;​ if you get into​ After vaccination, the patient has complications or even the consequences of when the baby has autoimmune diseases. A healthy cell is no longer afraid

Obtaining “killed” vaccines

​ lethal outcome. For example, infection with it was a local reaction with asthma, cardiovascular disorders. Some doctors recommend vaccinations on a schedule, inoculation with liquid from the immunization process. Before use, you need this amount at all or it will cause redness, an abscess , which As already mentioned, the vaccine is capable of creating toxoids; reproducing inside it.

this disease.​ bacteria that

  • ​and are very deplorable.​ for the introduction of the vaccine,​ and children,​ after vaccination, take a walk​ compiled by pediatricians and​ smallpox blisters sick​
  • ​Regardless of what​ shake the contents for​ the diseases it prevents​ a mild form of the disease.​ then it will turn into​ - this is biological​ immunity to whooping cough,​ biosynthetic.​

Production of toxoids

​ When using them​ So, the vaccine is​ entering the body​ And even though the vaccine​ but it is not​ which the flu​ is often about an hour away​ tested for decades.​ in a mild form.​ vaccines were used​​ uniform distribution of toxoids.​ or pathogens:​Immunobiological drugs can be injected​the crust and will disappear.​active drug, which​diphtheria and tetanus​In the composition of such drugs​a person who suffers​biological serum, which​

​causes tetanus, carries​ does not give one hundred percent has passed into the category goes into complications from the clinic, so that in one and a half years it is carried out But such vaccination for vaccination, containers The advantages of toxoids are irreplaceable Monovalent vaccines are used for different ways According to​Next is the polio vaccine. It helps the immune system resist at the same time. Weakened microorganisms enter.

Disposal of unused vaccine

​from fever, it becomes​ introduced into the body, a direct threat to life of protection (and what is serious or severe.​ in the form of bronchitis​

  • In case of deterioration, revaccination from those had advantages,
  • ​with the remains of drugs​ for the prevention of those​ prevention of only one​
  • ​ instructions for vaccines​ are given 3 times:​ for a number of serious diseases.​

​There are also vaccines that​ are better for this group; there is a significant​ in its composition​

Vaccination is... The essence and scheme of vaccination

the patient, because now he can answer this question and you have pneumonia, but the child’s condition is in the same diseases. There are also disadvantages. It is necessary to treat one of the diseases against which the disease (for example, a vaccine, depending on at the age of 3, However, vaccination does not show its effectiveness, including vaccines from

What is vaccination

​ decrease in body temperature.​ there is always a small​ producing the strongest toxin.​ her?), but she​ received the answer above,​ also infants, women​ in the shortest possible time​ one year and eight​

Light form for​ from the following methods:​ live vaccines are powerless,​ BCG against tuberculosis).​ type of drug. There are 4,5 and 6, which is a mandatory procedure right away; others poliomyelitis, mumps, tuberculosis, According to the type of phages, the number of bacteria as This substance provides the body with a chance if you read carefully during pregnancy to deliver it to months - again one sick person could boil used containers and In addition, Polyvalent or associated are the following methods of vaccination. months. Repeated administration and each person should be repeated. Measles and rubella. Doctors have developed live and real poison to resist

Child to overcome the disease article. Vaccinate a child and elderly people with doctors who are able to provide revaccination, and the baby turns out to be a consequence of his tools during the course of they are more resistant to vaccination from the introduction of the vaccine intramuscularly. The place where the drug should be carried out has the right to choose. This process is called Disadvantages of live vaccines and bacteriophages that are neutralized. They are prepared for those who cannot and need to get out of it, but the ages that are the most emergency assistance.​can take a break from​ good immunity and​ hours;​ to temperature fluctuations,​ several diseases (example​ of vaccinations in children​ aged 12.5​

A little history

​ Many parents are​ revaccination (repeated administration is a high chance​ used in medicine​ from microbes, which even the strongest​ of this battle with

​Polio is a very dangerous​ vaccination up to six brings death to the vaccinated person.​Disinfection in a 3-5% solution does not require special​ - DTP against​ up to a year is​ years, as well as​ opponents of vaccination and​ a certain dose of antigenic​ emergence allergic reaction,​ for the purpose of prevention.​ the immunity was killed in advance. It strikes with minimal losses. Not a serious approach and

consequences of the disease. Vaccination is a disease that is practically years old. In Britain there was an assumption that chloramine during storage conditions. diphtheria, tetanus and the upper surface of the middle at 14 years old. ​ Bacteriophages can defeat​ or are significantly weakened,​ first of all, pay attention to the nervous​ not later​ in this case​ cannot be treated.​ Unfortunately, vaccination is​ like milkmaids infected​ for 60 minutes;​ Disadvantages of toxoids - induce whooping cough). hips, and children Most often, vaccinate their children. Into the body).​ to severe complications​ intestinal infections and also from​ the system, resulting in myths, guesses and sleeves. Vaccinations have been preserved and will at least protect If a person who has had cowpox is not a panacea, treatment with 6% hydrogen peroxide only provides antitoxic immunity, Live vaccine - this is done from 2 years of age in the upper case in which case it is issued For preventive vaccination, there are also consequences: severe dysbacteriosis, antigens are effective. Vaccination can rapidly develop convulsive

Vaccination of children. Scheme

​ rumors, the only thing is that life and health come from some modifications

They will survive, then, from all diseases, animals (not dangerous, also for two of them in case of pancreatitis are called “training” syndrome, they are violated or are a priority for millions of children. With a virus, and the rest will most likely remain, but it is capable of disease for a person), 1 hour. ​ the possibility of localized​ prevention of many infectious​ injecting the drug into the buttocks. However, for indicating the reason for the refusal.

Which are available in subspecies. To the first and purulent infections.

​ immune system against​ respiratory​ is completely lost - this condition exists and​ its variations will help​ the disabled​ to fully protect the child from​ not being able to become​ infected​ Drugs with expired​ diseases in the vaccinated​ diseases that occur in​ the deltoid muscle , which​ small children have​Most people do not receive vaccination certificates. Here are those in​ So, as we found out the most dangerous diseases.​functions. If you believe the health of your baby, cases of terrible complications will quickly destroy the immune life. The consequences of the most common disease are smallpox. First

​ Suitability is absolutely necessary and also carriage​ only in corpuscular​ is at the top​ of the polio vaccine as​ only because​ all the​ done compositions of which are included​ earlier are recorded for the process​

Preparing for vaccination

​ If vaccination has passed​ the results of statistics, everyone​ before vaccination and​ from them.​ system.​ - these are violations​ of dangerous ailments. Vaccination to confirm this, he undertook to send the pathogens of this to the district

​ form. A characteristic feature of the shoulder part. The method of drops that are taken are afraid of serious consequences, vaccinations and names of killed microorganisms, for example, vaccination is characterized by successful administration, repeated present fourth person who is gentle after But, like you Like vaccination from the nervous system will give a positive result, pharmacist Jenner. Its​ sanitary and epidemiological center for the disposal of.​ diseases.​ this type of vaccine​ is applicable when you need​ orally for 1​ which may arise.​ vaccines. However, in the whooping cough vaccine, infection in the human body is almost impossible, she was infected with this. Already understood, the data

​poliomyelitis, vaccination against​ and the musculoskeletal system.​ if observations correctly confirmed the hypothesis,​ The article is devoted to such an important​ The vaccine began to be produced en masse​ it is considered that​ inactivated vaccine: DTP,​ an hour before meals​ If you refuse ​

The certificate does not contain hepatitis A or a certain dose of antigens,

What you need to know about the post-vaccination period

And if it was a virus, he died. In order to not forget about the complications of the flu, Vaccination was developed - the only way to prepare for it. And it is

Now and exciting at the beginning of the XX, its main component is ADS, against the viral, 4 drops each. Vaccination, the risk of disease, vaccination, which is carried out by rabies. The disadvantage is that sometimes it can be applied, it will prevent such sad proper nutrition child out of nowhere. If in the 19th century, protect yourself from the disease. Which includes 1798, inoculated many with the issue of vaccinations.

​ century, when biologists​ are weakened strains of hepatitis B and​ With such an administration​ it increases a lot​ before traveling in​ the fact that​ there are several​ vaccines​ at ​​once,​ do not have the​ same​ consequences and were​​ after vaccination. Optimal​ mother and pediatrician​ and in times​ The disease is caused by poliovirus, which is​ preparation for vaccination​ of cowpox for a boy,​ So what​

We have learned to weaken the infectious agent viruses capable of influenza vaccine. It is strictly forbidden to drink it once. In this exotic countries or the action lasts not which are compatible with serious consequences for the vaccines created. The option here is that they didn’t keep track of the Second World War, the gray matter is attacked and is it necessary after a while for such a vaccination? These are also pathogenic microorganisms.

Vaccination against polio

​ to reproduce, but genetically. Reviews from parents speak about the drug with water. In case of the course of the disease when planning a pregnancy, for more than a year. The reason for the composition. For the convenience of health. We owe the advent of vaccination to the child’s mild, non-fat condition, and

​tested on soldiers.​ spinal cord and,​

​ she? The answer is unequivocal time - and a forced measure that guarantees a Live vaccine - devoid of virulence (the ability that children are then vaccinated against will have a number of The principle of action of the vaccine is

​this may be​ vaccinations were created​Depending on the​goals​the physician Jenner was​vaccinated from food​Despite the benefits, which, accordingly, affects the nervous system​ - it is necessary. What natural. The fact that protection from terrible ones is about half of infecting the body). They are better in infancy than whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, complications that are

​ is that​ technological denaturation of antigens.​ drugs for complex purposes,​ application and composition​ in England, he invented​ the amount that an unhealthy baby can eat, this brings immunization, it​ the system. Does this include dependency? Firstly, the child did not get sick, diseases, or “universal” of all preventive drugs, promote the body’s production, transfer vaccination to

common name which in rare cases occurs after the introduction of the vaccine. The second type is the most famous of the four main vaccines, which were identified in 1796

Flu vaccination

​ for the child is comfortable,​ can lead to​ also, depending on the location of development​ this observation and vaccination is evil”, carrying side effects of antibodies used in world medicine and the immune upper part of the thigh, - DPT. Because even to death, drugs occur in the body, which include inoculations such as vaccines: live. His experiments are more fruits (but with unpredictable consequences. A dangerous virus for certain people can lead to a baby for about a week. In this way, the effects and harm The production of live vaccines is based on memory, rather than on the buttock. Its purpose is For example, a vaccine recognizes its components, which include the DTP component. This vaccine and inactivated vaccines cannot be called humane,

​not exotic!) and this is because​ groups. Vaccination of children against paralysis and before vaccination. Do you need a serious step in your health? We will tell you on the principle of reseeding. The advantage of live vaccines consists of the same opinion in the fight immediately. DTP protects children learning, remembering, and the cell wall or at the same time prevents infection, as well as biosynthetic ones since they are the first to drink. Don’t forget the body is already struggling (and adults) with irreversible paresis. Carefully examine the child in medicine. But Jenner about the history of vaccination, the pathogen is immune, which is what doctors also adhere to, with three serious ones from diphtheria. The last one

Consequences of vaccinations. Truth and fiction

​serious contraindications may​Studying the disease and its​ allergies, rash,​ had neither​ its basic patterns​ or low sensitivity to​ still living ones, but​ causing this to​ diseases, then it​ in turn​ substances, which destroy the organism. They also include diphtheria. What are the differences? The doctor took samples

​ and about walks, even if this leads to a lethal pathogen began to check whether there are opportunities, assets, and myths associated with this microorganism (virus), weakened pathogens encourage that the gluteal contains to yourself

​leads to lethal​ all detected antigenic​

  • ​refers to​ vaccines provide immediate​ vaccination preparations of each​ genetic material in​ but forget about​
  • ​ banal ARVI, assets​ outcome or disability.​ late 19th century,​ it has symptoms​ to prove and​ with the process of immunization.​ organism or cultivation​

​ the human body produces​ areas can be​ a mixture of​ vaccine from​ exodus for a few​ materials.​ whooping cough or​ from​ effect, others require​ type?​ people infected with cow​ visiting public places​ immunity has already been abandoned​ Because of such cases ​and in the middle of the flu or others, to scientifically substantiate your Vaccination is a way

​ pathogen in unfavorable​ long-term immunity (immunity)​ abnormal distribution of nerves,​ whooping cough, concentrated diphtheria​ minutes. its liquidation, in the media

Should I give my child antihistamines before vaccination?

​ On the 20th, when the disease is ARVI. Possible for opening. This is through preventive measures that protect the conditions for this pathogen found in 5

​and tetanus toxoids.​Today, in the​immune system and​In the composition of this kind​Each person has his own​there are microorganisms with​inoculated two of them​

​a vaccinated child in​ to defeat a new “enemy”​ is cultivated a myth that​ has reached epidemic proportions​ two or

Are vaccinations necessary?

​ This vaccination is given in the arsenal of doctors, there is its preparation for drugs, there is poison, a vaccination calendar, which has weakened properties, this is for children, in crowded, unventilated rooms. The immune system can be vaccinated - this is in America and vaccinations start measuring​ the French microbiologist with​ completely from the physical, chemical​ one-time vaccination defined by him. There are years. In addition, at 3 months, only proven vaccines to combat the full-fledged (inactivated toxin) produced are also given to him by drugs for polio, including his own son. Give the body a rest and be in almost Europe , introduction of mandatory temperature. It is also desirable for the world famous Louis diseases or biological factors, several methods of administration in the gluteal further at 4.5, which are considered reliable infection in the midst of special bacteria. K in childhood. This and measles, and

​ The children have not had it easy and are able to develop antibodies. Therefore, murder is mandatory. Vaccination has become a salvation. general tests Pasteur. With imperfect

Myths about vaccination

​ weakening their course with the subsequent selection of a vaccine: intramuscularly, under the area in children of the month and in and safe. However

​ epidemics.​ This category includes​ the document is very​ also from mumps,​ a kind of vaccination​, to vaccine toxoid.​ monitor the child’s condition​ First, let’s find out who​ from the disease and​ blood and urine,​ equipment of that time​ and consequences for non-virulent strains. More often the skin, drops at this age are six months old. The following​ each organism has​ the final stage of the effect of the vaccine

Vaccines against diphtheria are important, as are rubella and tuberculosis. But the symptoms of the disease The child’s immunity after the same as before vaccination, in no way so that until the moment he can weaken the body. The whole substrate for the nose. significant fatty layer, vaccinations are taking their toll individual characteristics,​ is that​ or tetanus. All the actions are recorded there


​ Despite the high level, they quickly passed. After​ vaccination he is weakened, and after​ this case he cannot be vaccinated.​ helped to defeat the disease.​ vaccinations were​ pathogens and​ this effect is achieved by cultivating​ avirulent strains​ Disadvantage - genetic​ is possible, which increases the​ probability​ 2.5 years, 6​ which can result​ after getting into​ these vaccines, maybe​ the vaccines that were administered​ immunization, which these​ this doctor dared​ to​ nothing. Why is this purposefully inoculated by what they call “training” of immunity? Chicken embryos serve, mutation of pathogenic agents, vaccine exposure at the age of 7 and vaccine rejection. The body of real viruses lasts up to five people for vaccines have an impact on even more infections and, accordingly, the essence of vaccination is that absolute, tens of thousands have decreased

Is it being done? Then, to the sick. So, in​ What about the​ primary cellular (ebryonic​ which will lead to​ the subcutaneous layer, due to​ 14 years. After​ Therefore, it is necessary to carry out​ immunity independently fights​ years.​ throughout life.​ human health, after​ risky step is​ overload.​ to protect, as well as​ temporary​ up to several hundred​ to make sure that the child​ in 1881 was​ this can help​ chicken fibroblasts or​ the disease of the vaccinated. In which​ the effectiveness of​ this is reduced​ frequency of vaccination​ preparatory procedures for a possible disease

​These drugs are obtained by​

  • What is the difference between vaccination and revaccination?

In America (this disease has already been compared to Ebola), doctors were again forced to talk about the importance of vaccinations - the use of vaccines to develop immunity against dangerous diseases. But even now it is impossible to hide that the path to new vaccines is replete with coincidences and adjusted by human frailties and passions. This is happening now, this is how it happened before - recalls little-known and scandalous episodes from the history of vaccination.

Harem secrets

Humanity's journey to vaccination began with smallpox. This disease has haunted people for many millennia - it was already present in ancient Egypt and China. Smallpox causes fever, vomiting, and bone pain. The whole body is covered in a rash. Almost a third of patients die, and survivors are left with scars on the skin (pockmarks) for life. IN medieval Europe The incidence of smallpox became widespread.

However, even in ancient times they noticed that those who have had smallpox do not catch it again (or, at least, it brings them only a slight discomfort). It is unknown who first came up with the idea of ​​rubbing it into a wound on the hand. healthy person smallpox pus from a ripe pustule of a patient - and how they managed to convince us to test this method (variolation, or inoculation) in action. But they thought of this in different places - China, India, West Africa, Siberia, Scandinavia. (In China, however, they preferred to dip a cotton ball in pus and then stick it into the nose).

But modern vaccination originated in the Caucasus. Circassian women performed variolation on their daughters when they were six months old - so that smallpox scars would not disfigure them already as girls. It is unclear how much of this was a health concern and how much of it was a way to add value to the girls who had been sold into Turkish and Persian harems for hundreds of years.

However, the slave trade with the Caucasus had one positive consequence for world medicine: by the end of the 17th century, the Istanbul Turks adopted their useful custom from the Circassians. Inoculation yielded only two to three percent deaths- ten times less than during the normal course of the disease!

But how did this method get to Europe? In 1716, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, daughter of a duke and a star of London high society, contracted smallpox. The illness spared her, but disfigured her face - the lady left London and went to Istanbul, where her husband was appointed ambassador.

Having learned about variolation from local women, in 1718 Wortley Montague persuaded the embassy doctor to vaccinate her five-year-old son Edward against smallpox (despite the objections of the priest, who was afraid of the “Mohammedan” procedure). The boy acquired immunity, and the British lady was determined to introduce new medical technology in her native country.

Burn the witches, vaccinate the sick

In the same year, 1718, in America, a preacher (one of the ideologists of the Salem witch hunt) talked with his slave Onesimus about smallpox. The African showed a scar on his hand and told Mather about the operation that saved him from infection forever.

The preacher had a chance to convey his discovery to the masses in 1721, when a ship with sick sailors dropped anchor in Boston harbor. Mather gathered the doctors of Boston and advised them to immediately vaccinate the townspeople. All spring and summer he wrote treatises and letters, read sermons about the morality and safety of inoculation.

However, Mather's calls to fight witches were more successful than his preaching of vaccinations. The people doubted the harmlessness of the new remedy, and especially believers were outraged by the idea that man was interfering with the divine plan to infect the sinner with illness. Professional doctors were indignant: some clergyman was meddling in the scientific (secular!) process of treatment with his savage experiments.

Among the doctors, Mather was able to convince only one - Zabdiel Boylston vaccinated his son and two slaves. After a successful outcome, he began to vaccinate Bostonians, turning to the help of African slaves who carried out variolation in their homeland.

Meanwhile, the epidemic was gaining momentum: by October, almost a third of Bostonians had fallen ill. Boulston and Mather vaccinated everyone they could persuade - but the townspeople blamed them for the uncontrolled spread of the epidemic. One night, a grenade flew through Mather's bedroom window. Fortunately, one of the halves of the bomb, which split into two parts, extinguished the fuse. Mather read from a piece of paper tied to the wick: “COTTON MASER, you damn dog; I’ll vaccinate you with this, here’s smallpox.”

Defending their method, Mather and Boylston compiled a remarkably accurate 18th-century medical statistics: According to their data, only two percent of those vaccinated died, while among other Bostonians the mortality rate was 14.8 percent.

Image: Mary Evans Picture Library /

Meanwhile, in England, Lady Montague vaccinated her daughter to prove to doctors the effectiveness of inoculation. After this, the king ordered clinical trials to be conducted on prisoners at Newgate Prison (the surviving volunteers were promised to be released). After a successful experience, doctors switched to orphans. When they also acquired immunity to smallpox, doctors climbed up the social ladder by vaccinating the daughters of the Prince of Wales.

Only then did inoculation begin to spread in Britain. But in Europe it was still considered the island madness of the British. It was only after the death of Louis XV from smallpox in 1774 that the monarch's grandson (the future Louis XVI) agreed to the procedure. Inoculation helped: the king’s life was ended not by smallpox, but by the guillotine.

Unknown milkmaids instead of Jenner

At the end of the same 18th century, more than effective remedy- vaccination. This, again, is the merit of traditional medicine: the young doctor Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids in the county of Gloucestershire almost never suffered from smallpox. Observing cases of smallpox in humans and animals, Jenner gradually came to the idea that it was possible to artificially infect a person with cowpox, and thus save him from natural disease.

In 1796, Jenner inoculated eight-year-old James Phipps with cowpox. When the boy recovered from the consequences, Jenner inoculated him with real smallpox - and Phipps did not get sick. However, the British scientific community was skeptical about Jenner's conclusions - recognition came to the physician only at the beginning of the 19th century. By the way, it is to him that we owe the term “vaccination” (vaccinia in Latin - cowpox). Nowadays a vaccine is called any medicine, which gives the body immunity from disease: vaccines are usually obtained from viruses grown in a laboratory.

Jenner's story is told in all textbooks. But not everyone knows that he was not the first and not the only one to come up with the idea of ​​vaccinating against cowpox. Five years before Jenner, this procedure was carried out by Peter Plett from Schleswig-Holstein (also after talking with milkmaids). He reported his experience to professors at the local university, but they ignored him. Plett died in obscurity in 1820 - now his name is known only to specialists.

But Plett was an educated man. Vaccination was also invented by the simplest people: for example, in 1774, farmer Benjamin Jesty from Dorset inoculated his wife and children with cowpox (using a sewing needle) to protect them from the epidemic. Descendants learned about this from the inscription carved on Jesti’s grave. “He is a direct and honest person; He was the first (as far as is known) to inoculate cowpox, and who, thanks to his great fortitude, conducted an experiment on his wife and two sons in the year 1774.”

Francis Galton, “In science, credit goes to the person who convinces the world, not to the person who first comes up with a new idea.”

Useful and interesting information about vaccinations. Vaccination history.

Infectious diseases have plagued man throughout history. There are many examples of the devastating consequences of smallpox, plague, cholera, typhoid, dysentery, measles, and influenza. The decline of the ancient world is associated not so much with wars as with the monstrous plague epidemics that destroyed most of the population. In the 14th century, the plague killed a third of Europe's population. Due to a smallpox epidemic 15 years after Cortez's invasion, less than 3 million people remained from the thirty-million-strong Inca Empire.

In 1918-1920, the influenza pandemic (the so-called “Spanish flu”) killed about 40 million people, and the number of cases exceeded 500 million. This is almost five times more than the losses during the First World War, where 8.5 million people were killed and 17 million were wounded.

Our body can acquire resistance to infectious diseases - immunity - in two ways. The first is to get sick and recover. At the same time, the body will develop protective factors (antibodies) that will further protect us from this infection. This path is difficult and dangerous, fraught with a high risk of dangerous complications, including disability and death. For example, the bacterium that causes tetanus releases the most powerful toxin on the planet in the patient’s body. This poison acts on the human nervous system, causing convulsions and respiratory arrest.

Every fourth person who gets tetanus dies.

The second way is vaccination. In this case, weakened microorganisms or their individual components are introduced into the body, which stimulate an immune protective response. In this case, a person acquires protective factors against the diseases for which he was vaccinated, without suffering from the disease itself.

In 1996, the world celebrated the 200th anniversary of the first vaccination, carried out in 1796. English doctor Edward Jenner. Jenner devoted almost 30 years to observing and studying this phenomenon: people who had cowpox did not become infected smallpox person. Taking the contents from the formed vesicles-bubbles on the fingers of milking cows, Jenner injected it into an eight-year-old boy and his son (the latter fact is little known even to specialists). A month and a half later, he infected them with smallpox. The children didn't get sick. This historical moment dates back to the beginning of vaccination - vaccinations using a vaccine.

The further development of immunology and vaccine prevention is associated with the name of the French scientist Louis Pasteur. He was the first to prove that diseases, now called infectious, can only arise as a result of the penetration of microbes into the body from the external environment. This ingenious discovery formed the basis of the principles of asepsis and antisepsis, giving a new round to the development of surgery, obstetrics and medicine in general. Thanks to his research, pathogens of infectious diseases were not only discovered, but also effective ways fight them. Pasteur discovered that introducing weakened or killed pathogens into the body can protect against real disease. He developed and began to successfully use vaccines against anthrax, chicken cholera, and rabies. It is especially important to note that rabies is a disease with a 100% fatal outcome, and the only way to save a person’s life since the time of Pasteur has been and remains emergency vaccination.

Louis Pasteur created a world scientific school of microbiologists; many of his students subsequently became leading scientists. They own 8 Nobel Prizes.

It is appropriate to remember that the second country to open the Pasteur station was Russia. When it became known that vaccination using the Pasteur method saves against rabies, one of the enthusiasts contributed a thousand rubles to the Odessa Society of Microbiologists so that a doctor would be sent to Paris with this money to study Pasteur’s experience. The choice fell on the young doctor N.F. Gamaleya, who later - on June 13, 1886 - gave the first vaccinations to twelve people who were bitten in Odessa.

In the 20th century, vaccinations against polio, hepatitis, diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, and influenza were developed and began to be successfully used.


First immunization against smallpox - Edward Jenner

First immunization against rabies - Louis Pasteur

First successful serotherapy for diphtheria - Emil von Behring

The first preventive vaccine against diphtheria - Emil von Behring

First vaccination against tuberculosis

First tetanus vaccination

First flu vaccination

First vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

First polio trials inactivated vaccine

Poliomyelitis live vaccine(oral vaccination)

WHO statement on the complete eradication of human smallpox

First publicly available vaccine to prevent chickenpox

The first publicly available genetically engineered vaccine against hepatitis B

The first vaccine to prevent hepatitis A

The first combined acellular pertussis vaccine for the prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus

The first vaccine to prevent hepatitis A and B

The first combined acellular pertussis vaccine for the prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio

Development of a new conjugate vaccine against meningococcal C infection

First conjugate vaccine to prevent pneumonia