The procedure for carrying out three-stage labor protection control. Methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting three-stage monitoring of the state of labor protection

From this article you will learn what three-stage labor protection control is, how this system works, how to correctly introduce it at an enterprise, and how to draw up a three-stage control log.

Three-stage labor protection control – effective method constant monitoring of safety and prompt response to deviations from the norm. At the same time, control functions are distributed over 3 levels:

Work managers—foremen, foremen, and section managers—are responsible for completing level 1 tasks. This is operational control.

The implementation of level 2 tasks is organized by department heads - heads, managers, heads of workshops, production facilities, and departments. This is control at the level of intermediate managers.

Level 3 tasks are supervised by an occupational safety commission headed by the head of the enterprise (organization). This is control at the management level.

Therefore, three-stage control over compliance with labor protection is effective way involve the entire team in solving labor safety issues. All employees of the enterprise are involved in it: ordinary workers through occupational safety representatives, foremen, engineers, representatives of trade unions, managers of all ranks and even senior management.

Three-stage control over labor protection: regulatory documents

The state does not oblige enterprises to organize three-stage control over labor protection; regulatory documents, in particular the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, do not provide for this. However, most enterprises introduce it on their own initiative. Supervisory authorities (for example, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation) have the right to strongly recommend the introduction of a three-stage control system over compliance with labor protection.

In some organizations, three-stage labor protection control turns into a two-stage one. This happens when the staff is small: in private doctors' offices, small shops, beauty salons, etc., as well as in individual entrepreneurs who use hired labor.

The following regulatory documents will help organize a three-stage labor protection control system:

Regulations “On three-stage control over labor protection”;
Regulations “On the Enterprise's OSHS” or the Enterprise Standard “Enterprise OSHS”;
order to introduce three-stage control.

Each organization decides independently in which regulatory document to prescribe three-stage labor protection control - in a separate Regulation, or in the Regulation “On OSHMS”. In any of them:

The procedure for conducting three-stage control over compliance with labor protection, its goals, directions and objects are listed;
steps (levels) of control are introduced with a description of the features of each (each) of them;
responsible persons are appointed for the implementation of activities at each stage;
the range of tasks of each responsible person (group of persons) is determined;
the procedure for recording the results of inspections is prescribed;
The form of the Three-Stage Control Journal and the procedure for filling it out are introduced.

Practice shows that when introducing the “Three-Stage Control Journal”, it is advisable to immediately provide an example of filling out its pages. To avoid claims from regulatory authorities, while working on the Regulations or Standards, you can show the “Three-Stage Control Log” and an example of filling it out to the curator, and then follow his recommendations. It is advisable to prescribe a procedure for making corrections when keeping entries in the journal (for example, prohibit the use of a proofreader and skipping lines, stipulate a method for crossing out incorrect entries - crossing out the entire line or only incorrect information).

How does three-stage control over compliance with labor protection work?

In order to monitor labor safety continuously, control functions are divided into 3 levels:

1. Operational control

The main goal is to maximize quick fix dangerous situations. Frequency – constantly. It is carried out by foremen, foremen and other immediate supervisors of work. They:

Bring to the attention of employees the need to constantly take care of personal safety and organize self-control;
introduce employees to safe methods work, monitor compliance with the requirements introduced by the instructions;
note whether the requirements of previous inspections have been fulfilled and organize their implementation;

at the beginning of the shift, make sure that the following standards are met:

— condition of workplaces and equipment: serviceability of tools, devices, availability of personal protective equipment, operation of ventilation and lighting systems;
— availability of serviceable fences, locks, issuance of key tags;
— condition of passages and driveways (integrity of pavement and fences, absence of clutter);
— preparation of documentation: work permits, orders for joint work, reports from previous shifts, etc.

and availability:

— safety signs, safety instructions, necessary logs;
— necessary certificates for employees;

during the shift:

— control the work of personnel, the use of personal protective equipment, and workplace safety;
— promptly respond to employee complaints;
— monitor the condition of the equipment;
- promptly eliminate violations. If they cannot correct the situation on their own, an appropriate entry is made in the 3-stage control log.

If the violation is too dangerous, work is stopped until it is completely eliminated. Information about it is brought to the attention of management and specialists who need to be involved to eliminate it.

2. Control by department

The main goal of control at this level is to ensure the safety of all work organized in the department. Events are held weekly, monthly or promptly. Responsible persons: heads of departments (heads of workshops, shifts, senior foremen, managers, etc.). They:

Hear daily reports from subordinate specialists on the work being carried out in the department and its safety;
weekly or more often check the logs of reception/handover of shifts, 3-stage control, other logs, organize the elimination of violations that were revealed by the previous level of control, check the implementation of recommendations made by previous inspections;
check the safety status at the department's workplaces monthly or more often. This work is carried out jointly with the representatives of labor collectives on occupational safety, and, if the trade union committee wishes, also with its representatives. If the inspection coincides with the inspection of the enterprise's OT service, then they are carried out jointly by one commission.


Carrying out activities recommended by previous inspections;
work safety;
correct operation of equipment, its maintenance and repair;
availability and correct execution of occupational safety documentation;
quality of control at the previous stage;
working conditions, sanitary services;
completeness of PPE, safety signs, instructions and their use.

The “3-Stage Control Log” records violations that cannot be immediately corrected. The results of the control are displayed in the order and studied at the next OT meeting.

3. Control in the organization

The main task is to ensure security throughout the enterprise. Frequency – promptly, monthly, quarterly, according to schedule. Responsible persons: head of the enterprise, safety commission.


Head of the enterprise:
organizes daily collection of information from heads of departments and labor protection services and makes appropriate decisions;
once every six months or more often organizes a commission review of the progress of the plan complex activities on occupational safety, making appropriate decisions.
Chief Engineer:

— organizes daily collection of information from dispatchers, safety services, makes appropriate decisions;
— quarterly or more often organizes a commission review of the state of occupational safety at the enterprise, makes or approves appropriate decisions.

Head of OT service:

— organizes monthly collection of information from department heads about the state of labor protection;
— monthly works with authorized labor collectives on occupational safety issues: listens to proposals, organizes training, coordinates joint work;
— carries out inspections of the health and safety status on schedule, as well as unscheduled.

Main specialists:

— organize a monthly analysis of occupational safety violations recorded in their subordinate units during the reporting period;
— carry out inspections in their area of ​​competence quarterly and more often.

Occupational Safety and Health Commission:

— carries out inspections of OT status according to schedule comprehensive surveys. During this process, she reviews all aspects of the units' security performance;
— quality of work at the 2nd stage of control, implementation of recommendations of previous inspections;
— documents the results of the work in acts, on the basis of which relevant instructions and orders are issued.

The OT service supervises the elimination of violations identified by the commission.

Three-stage control log: example of filling

The three-stage control log is filled out at levels 1 and 2. You can enter logs for each stage separately or one log for both stages. Each organization has the right to develop its own form of this journal, which best suits its needs.

Three-stage control log and filling example:

For joint filling:

date Stage number Violations Elimination time frame Inspector's position, full name Inspector's signature, date date of completion Full name, signature of the performer
1 16.12.2016 1 The fence was removed at conveyor No. 3 at elevation -10m Immediately Shift foreman Boy S.M., OT authorized Shevchik M.I. signature






Brigadier Onishchenko M.I.
2 20.12.2016 2 Loaders are not provided with safety glasses in accordance with the Issuing Standards 2 days Head of the workshop Osipov E.G.

Labor Protection Commissioner M.I. Shevchik

signature 12/20/2016

signature 12/20/2016

Completed 12/21/2016 Senior master Efimov A.M.

For each stage separately.

First stage control is carried out daily, monthly. Direct supervisors together with an authorized person for labor protection both at the beginning of the shift and throughout the entire working time. When carrying out control, they monitor the condition and correct organization of workplaces, the serviceability of equipment, tools, protective equipment, signaling accessories, the availability of appropriate certificates for employees, the availability of fire extinguishing equipment, and employees’ compliance with rules and instructions. All detected violations are eliminated immediately on our own and entered into the first-stage control log.

Second stage control is carried out at least once a month together with the labor protection representative or trade union committee. Commissions for the second stage:

1. Head of the reserve and instructor of train crews in the following directions: Nizhnevartovsk, Moscow...

2. Deputy head of the reserve and instructor of train crews in the following directions: St. Petersburg, Urengoy, Vladivostok, Simferopol and VIP carriages.

All comments identified during the inspection are recorded in the log of the second stage of control.

Third stage carried out according to the schedule by the commission, the immediate supervisor and his deputy at least once every three months. The results of the third stage inspection are documented in acts. Identified deficiencies are recorded in third-level journals. An order is created to punish those managers where shortcomings and violations of labor protection were identified.

Public control carried out by the trade union body.

Rights and responsibilities of labor protection representatives

1. Promoting the creation of healthy and safe working conditions at the enterprise;

2. Representing the interests of employees in state and public organizations when considering labor disputes;

3.Take part in monitoring the state of labor protection, as well as monitor compliance with labor legislation, timely provision of work clothes, safety shoes, and protective equipment;

4. Conducting all types of training on labor protection;

5.Take part in the investigation of industrial accidents, participate in improving conditions in the workplace, submit proposals for inclusion in the collective agreement.

Regulations on a special regime of work on labor protection

The introduction of a special operating regime in structural units may be carried out based on the results of comprehensive inspections, and may also be associated with an increase in industrial injuries with serious outcomes. The instruction to introduce a special regime is adopted by the head of the road together with the trade union organization. For the entire period of the special regime, a special work plan is being developed, which provides for an increase in unannounced inspections, unscheduled briefings, technical training, and extraordinary knowledge tests. At the end of the term, the chief engineer of the road submits a petition to remove or extend it, in this case the question of the possibility of the relevant managers remaining in their positions is considered. Spring and autumn occupational safety inspections are carried out instead of the third stage from April 1 to April 30 and from October 1 to October 31. All work is carried out in 3 stages:

1.Checking the state of labor protection and collecting proposals for improvement;

2. Elimination of hidden deficiencies, implementation of all proposals received;

3. Summing up the results at the occupational safety day.

31.10.2017, 20:49

The employer has the obligation to organize internal system labor protection. One of the effective forms of ensuring employee safety in work time– three-stage labor protection control. The essence of this method lies in the involvement of officials with different levels of authority in the process of monitoring labor protection at all stages.

Classification of types of control

The Labor Code assigns the employer the function of ensuring normal conditions labor for personnel, as well as monitoring the current state and changes in created conditions.

For labor protection purposes, there may be several types of control:

  • state;
  • departmental;
  • public;
  • administrative – in essence, this is three-stage control.

Let us say right away that the three-stage system combines the functions of administrative and public types of control.

How does three-stage control work?

Description of a set of actions within the three-stage internal control Occupational safety systems can only be found in some industry regulations. For example, in the order of the Ministry of Transport and Industry of December 4, 2002 No. 237 and the regulations of JSC Russian Railways of August 12, 2006 No. TsTL-16/2.

The fact is that federal legislation does not impose a general obligation to maintain such control on employers.

This method of organizing labor protection provides for:

1st stage of control

At this stage, three-stage monitoring of compliance with labor protection can occur daily or every shift, with a set of certain activities carried out at the beginning of the working day and throughout the entire shift.

Responsibilities for its implementation are assigned to:

  • for a shift foreman;
  • duty officer;
  • foreman;
  • immediate superior.

The working day of such a responsible person should begin with the following actions:

  • checking the current health status of employees arriving at work;
  • monitoring the adequacy of employee behavior (detection of facts of alcohol and drug intoxication, mental imbalance);
  • assessment of the safety of production premises relative to the control values ​​of key indicators;
  • checking the availability of first aid kits and fire extinguishers, special clothing, and personal protective equipment in the required places;
  • checking tools for serviceability;
  • diagnostics of the operation of the ventilation system, lighting and grounding devices.

During the working day, the responsible official is obliged to note the team's compliance with safety and labor protection rules. If necessary, the supervisor can use checklists, making notes on each item.

2nd stage of control

Heads of structural units, represented by heads of workshops, sections and senior foremen, implement a set of level 2 measures, which involves three-stage control over labor protection at the enterprise.

The frequency of these checks is from 1 time per month. However, weekly monitoring is also possible. In addition, occupational safety specialists can be involved in inspections.

The tasks of the inspectors at this stage are:

  • eliminating deficiencies identified by daily monitoring;
  • implementation of measures specified in acts for investigating injury cases (if any);
  • diagnostics of operability and serviceability of transport and equipment, electrical appliances and ventilation systems;
  • checking compliance with the standards of the degree of illumination of each workplace in the enterprise, the sanitary condition of production premises and rest rooms;
  • recording the presence of information stands with safety signs, assessing their relevance;
  • checking the implementation of the labor protection training schedule and the timeliness of special briefings.

Note that in the first 2 stages, as a rule, a three-stage control log is filled out. A sample of it is usually given in the internal regulatory act of the enterprise. For example, regulations on labor protection.

3rd stage of control

Once a month or quarterly, the enterprise forms a commission, which is headed by the head of the organization or his deputy. She conducts a comprehensive audit of the labor protection system. The commission may include:

  • Chief Engineer;
  • chief technologist;
  • technical department employees;
  • representatives of the trade union committee;
  • electricians;
  • personnel department employees, etc.

The functions of the commission usually include:

  • studying facts of violation of safety measures (in the log of three-stage labor protection control they are noted by responsible persons at the first 2 stages of control);
  • assessment of the current state of industrial buildings, structures, road crossings on the territory of the enterprise, tunnels, sidewalks, etc.;
  • diagnostics of serviceability of lifting equipment, technical production lines, ventilation systems, electrical devices, communications;
  • availability and intended use of protective clothing and other personal protective equipment.

At this stage, general monitoring of compliance with the work and rest regime established at the enterprise is carried out, and the degree of compliance of sanitary and hygienic standards in the workplace with state standards is assessed.

If at the first 2 stages, based on the results of the inspection, a three-stage control log is filled out, then at the third monitoring block the results are reflected in the report. Its shape is arbitrary. It involves listing the entire range of identified violations.

Based on the final document presented by the commission, the head of the enterprise issues an order to eliminate the detected shortcomings by implementing specific measures.

Maintaining this log is the responsibility of the inspectors. This document must contain information:

  • about the date of inspection;
  • FULL NAME. and positions of inspectors;
  • identified violations;
  • proposed measures to eliminate shortcomings;
  • time frames allocated for improving the labor protection system;
  • appointment of responsible persons who must monitor the elimination of deficiencies;
  • notes on the implementation of the proposed measures.

In order to prevent disagreements within the enterprise, as well as to minimize claims from external controllers, the internal regulations on labor protection must approve recommendations for maintaining and the form of a three-stage control log. Each organization will have its own example of how to fill out this document.

Carried out by legislative and executive authorities.

Organs local government ensure compliance with sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards in their areas, including at production facilities.

Functional management bodies are a number of federal executive bodies that develop regulatory legal acts containing state requirements for labor protection, as well as taking into account the state of labor conditions and safety, the level of injuries and occupational morbidity, and training personnel in the field of labor protection.

Strategic developments in the field of occupational safety, including management issues, are carried out by research centers.

Control plays a significant role in the implementation of occupational safety management. Control over the state of occupational safety is implemented through state supervision, departmental and public control.

Main body state supervision and control The Federal Service for Labor and Employment is responsible for the state of labor protection. Its structure includes the Department of Supervision and Control of Compliance with Labor Legislation, territorial bodies for state supervision and control of compliance labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, state labor inspection entities Russian Federation. This system supervises and monitors compliance with Russian legislation on breastfeeding and labor protection, regulations on compensation for harm caused to employee health, on social insurance and the implementation of collective agreements at enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership.

Supervision and control over the safety of work related to the use of subsoil, industrial safety, safety during use atomic energy, the safety of electrical and thermal installations and networks, the safety of hydraulic structures, the safety of production, storage and use of explosive materials for industrial use is entrusted to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor).

State sanitary and epidemiological supervision over compliance by enterprises, institutions, organizations with hygienic and sanitary standards and rules are carried out by divisions of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

The State Fire Supervision Authority is entrusted with monitoring the implementation of fire prevention requirements during the design and operation of industrial premises and buildings in general.

Supervisory functions are also performed by the prosecutor's office and a number of other departments. All of the listed supervisory authorities are built on a territorial principle. Representatives of these bodies have the right to freely enter subordinate facilities; receive all necessary information from representatives of the executive branch, local government and enterprise management: issue mandatory instructions to employers and officials; impose fines on them in accordance with the procedure established by Russian legislation on administrative offenses; suspend the operation of individual production units and equipment if there is a threat to the life and health of workers until it is eliminated.

Departmental control Labor safety services of ministries, departments, associations, and concerns are responsible for occupational health and safety. At enterprises, institutions and organizations, this control is also carried out by the relevant services, and in their absence - by labor protection engineers or persons entrusted with these duties. In addition, this type of control is carried out by the heads of departments and sections.

Public control compliance with labor and occupational safety legislation is carried out by trade unions through special commissions of trade union committees of organizations. In addition, authorized representatives (trustees) for labor protection of a trade union or other body authorized by employees are elected. Depending on the specific production conditions, several such responsible persons may be selected in a structural unit. Persons exercising public control inform the administration about all identified violations and seek their elimination.

Enterprises, as a rule, have occupational safety management systems in place. The creation and management of an occupational safety system at an enterprise is carried out by the owner of the enterprise or persons authorized by him; they create occupational safety services or hire occupational safety specialists on a contractual basis.

The number and structure of occupational safety services at an enterprise are determined by the size of the enterprise and the number of its employees.

If the number of employees is less than 10 people, then special commissions are not created and a specialist is not hired, since in this case the employer bears full responsibility; if there are 10 or more people, a commission is created on a parity basis (including representatives of employers and employees); if there are more than 100 people, the position of occupational safety specialist is introduced; When the number of employees is more than 1000 people, an occupational safety service is created.

If the organization does not have an occupational safety service or an occupational safety specialist, the employer enters into an agreement with a specialist or organizations providing services in the field of occupational safety.

The occupational safety service in an organization is an independent structural unit and reports directly to the head of the organization or, on his behalf, to one of his deputies. The main tasks of the OT service:

  • organization and coordination of occupational safety work at the enterprise (organization);
  • control over compliance with legislative and other legal acts;
  • improvement of preventive work to prevent industrial injuries;
  • consulting employers and employees on occupational safety issues.

Managers of enterprises, all structural divisions, including departments of chief specialists, individual sections, laboratories, and divisions take part in the work of the occupational safety management system. involved in training, logistics, etc. The coordination of the activities of the units of this system is carried out by the OT service (engineer). Basis for adoption management decisions, in particular work planning, is the analysis of control results, including an assessment of the state of labor protection.

To assess the state of labor safety at production sites and in workshops it is recommended to use a generalized OT level coefficient( Cat):

K ot = (K sp + K b + K vpr) / 3

  • K sp— coefficient of the level of compliance with labor safety rules by workers;
  • K b— equipment safety factor;
  • To vpr— coefficient of completion of planned labor protection work.

Compliance rate factor FROM working is determined by the ratio of the number of workers in compliance with the rules to total number working.

For determining K sp The enterprise introduces a map of the level of compliance with labor protection for the site and workshop.

Equipment safety factor ( K b) is determined by the ratio of the number of safety indicators (requirements) corresponding to the regulatory and technical documentation on occupational safety to the total number of safety indicators (requirements) related to this equipment.

To control the level of safety of production equipment at sites and workshops, a site safety coefficient ( To the boo) and workshop ( K bts):

K bu = (K b 1 + K b2 + ... + K bn / n,

  • K bi— safety factor of a unit of operated equipment at the i-th (i = 1,...,n) plot;
  • n— number of equipment units on the site:

K bts = (K bu1 + K bu2 + ... + K bum) / m,

  • Byj— safety factor of the j-th section (j = 1,...,m);
  • m— number of sections in the workshop.

The rate of completion of planned work on occupational safety ( To vpr) is determined by the ratio of the number of activities actually completed and planned for a given month for all types of plans, instructions, orders.

The most important function of the occupational safety management system is monitoring the state of safety and working conditions, the results of which are the basis for making management decisions. The main types of labor protection control are operational control (unscheduled inspections) of the work manager and other officials; planned control (targeted and comprehensive inspections); control of labor safety requirements during workplace certification; selective control (control of difficult, especially difficult, harmful and especially harmful working conditions).

Operational control(unscheduled inspections) are carried out by the OT service in connection with various types of accidents and failures. Depending on their nature, the department of the chief mechanic, the department of the chief power engineer, and units ensuring the safety of buildings and structures are involved. In addition, the labor protection department organizes planned control(targeted and comprehensive inspections).

Targeted checks set as their task the control of production equipment according to a certain criterion, for example, checking compliance with safety requirements of electric drives, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, and means of protection against mechanical injury. In addition, the object of control may be collective protective equipment in production premises(ventilation, air conditioning, heating, lighting systems, etc.). As a rule, targeted audits are carried out enterprise-wide.

Comprehensive checks are carried out in one workshop. The object of control is production equipment, which is checked for compliance with a set of safety requirements established by the safety standards. Employees of safety departments, together with employees of standardization services, take part in monitoring the implementation and compliance with safety standards. organize measurements of parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors. At the same time, all types of equipment are monitored for compliance with safety requirements. production processes, personal and collective protective equipment, as well as the condition of the building structures of the workshop (site). All the services mentioned above are involved in these checks. Comprehensive inspections are organized by the occupational safety department, whose representatives also take part in their conduct.

Certification control- This is primarily the certification of workplaces based on working conditions. It is based on monitoring compliance with safety requirements of working conditions (working environment, intensity and severity of work), production equipment and devices. The values ​​(levels) of all hazardous and hazardous substances present in the workplace are subject to assessment. harmful factors, as well as characteristics of the severity and intensity of labor. The values ​​of these factors are determined on the basis of instrumental measurements during the work process in accordance with the technological regulations, with working and efficiently operating means of collective and personal protection. In this case, control methods established by the relevant standards or other regulatory documents must be used. When carrying out measurements, only those devices should be used that are specified in regulatory documents and have passed state inspection within the established time frame. The measurement results are documented in protocols.

When assessing equipment compliance with safety requirements, the availability of protective equipment is monitored in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for the machines and mechanisms being tested and their compliance with safety requirements. When assessing a workplace from the point of view of the use of personal and collective protective equipment, not only their availability is monitored, but also their compliance with established safety requirements.

During certification, the provision of workplaces with training tools is assessed. The certification commission enters the certification results into special workplace cards. The data obtained during the certification of workplaces for working conditions is used when registering employment contracts, when developing programs to improve safety and working conditions, as well as when certifying labor protection work.

Selective control(monitoring of severe, especially severe, harmful and especially harmful working conditions) is carried out in order to verify the correct application of lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators for which preferential pensions are established and additional leaves are provided, the validity of providing compensation to employees of enterprises in accordance with the law for work in unfavorable conditions labor, as well as for the purpose of quality control of workplace certification based on working conditions, especially in workplaces where women’s labor is used.

Based on the results of monitoring labor conditions and safety, including inspections of the relevant supervisory and control bodies, work is planned to improve them. Plans can be long-term, current and operational. The first are associated with the implementation of major events, the implementation of which is planned for several years. Current plans are made for a year, operational plans focused on eliminating the consequences of various types of accidents.

Incentives for work on occupational safety include encouraging employees to comply with occupational safety requirements in the form of additional payments to wages, awards, etc.

Assessing the conditions and labor protection at an enterprise makes it possible to determine priority areas of work to improve them and identify departments where they should be carried out first.

The most important indicators of the state of labor protection are statistical indicators of injury: frequency and severity coefficients of accidents, as well as the fatality rate. Analysis of the dynamics of changes in these coefficients allows us to predict their value for the near future.

The criteria for qualifying an injury as an industrial injury (an industrial accident) are given in the Regulations on the Peculiarities of Investigation of Industrial Accidents in Certain Industries and Organizations. In accordance with this Regulation, accidents are subject to investigation and recording. entailing the need to transfer the employee to another job, temporary or permanent disability or death that occurred while the employee was performing his job duties (work), performing work on the instructions of the employer during working hours (including established breaks) on the territory of the organization or outside it ( including on the way to the place of execution of the task), as well as during the time necessary to put production tools, clothing, etc. in order, before starting or at the end of work, as well as when performing work overtime, weekends and holidays days.

Occupational accidents include injuries, including those resulting from bodily harm caused by another person; acute poisoning; heatstroke; burn; frostbite; drowning; defeat electric shock, lightning and ionizing radiation; insect and reptile bites, bodily injuries caused by animals; damage resulting from explosions, accidents, destruction of buildings, structures and structures, natural disasters and other emergency situations.

In addition, injuries received while traveling to or from work on transport provided by the employer or available transport under the appropriate agreement or order of the employer on its use for production purposes are subject to investigation and recording as industrial accidents; when traveling to and from a business trip and in some other cases.

If an accident at work occurs with an employee who is insured against it, the employer is obliged to notify the executive body of the social insurance fund (at the place of registration as an insurer) within 24 hours.

The investigation is carried out by a commission consisting of representatives of the employer and the workforce. The inclusion in it of administration representatives responsible for labor safety at the site where the injury occurred is prohibited. The composition of the commission is approved by order of the head of the organization or a person authorized by him. The victim can take part in the investigation of the incident that happened to him. Based on the results of the investigation, within three days the commission draws up an act in form N-1 in two copies, for insured persons - in three. If necessary, the chairman of the commission may increase the investigation period, but not more than by 15 days. The act is drawn up if the injury caused the need for the employee to be transferred, in accordance with a medical report, to another job for one day or more or loss of ability to work for the same period. An act in form N-1 is a statistical reporting document. It is approved by the head of the organization and certified with a seal.

Group, severe and fatal cases are investigated within 15 days by a commission consisting of a state labor safety inspector, a representative of the employer, the executive body of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a trade union or other representative body authorized by employees. In addition to the report in Form N-1, for each victim, a special report is drawn up on the investigation of a group industrial accident (serious industrial accident, fatal industrial accident). In addition, the state labor protection inspector writes his conclusion.

If, during the investigation of an industrial accident that occurred with an insured employee, the commission established that its occurrence or increase in the harm caused to health was facilitated by the gross negligence of the victim, then, taking into account the conclusion of the trade union committee or other body authorized by the insured, the commission determines the degree of his guilt (in percentage), and the amount of insurance payments is reduced accordingly (by a maximum of 25%).

Recording industrial accidents allows us to study the causes and circumstances of accidents and, on the basis of this, develop and implement measures to prevent injuries and occupational diseases.

The diverse causes of accidents can be combined into the following groups: technical, organizational and sanitary-hygienic.

Technical reasons: technical imperfections and design deficiencies in energy, transport systems and equipment; imperfection of the technological process; imperfection or lack of safety equipment - interlocks, fences and safety devices.

Organizational reasons disruption of the technological process, improper organization of labor and workplace; use of inappropriate equipment, devices, tools, lack of management and supervision of work, insufficient training of workers safe practices labor, violation and non-compliance with safety instructions, insecurity by individual means are protected.

Sanitary reasons: abnormal meteorological conditions, irrational lighting, excess noise levels, vibrations, harmful emissions and radiation, unsanitary condition of industrial and domestic premises.

Analysis of the causes and level of injuries can be carried out using the following methods: group, topographic, monographic. statistical and economic.

At group method accidents are divided into groups depending on the nature of the work, type of equipment, nature of damage, etc. for a certain period of time. At the same time, the repeatability of cases and the danger of working on this or that equipment are revealed.

Topographic method - distribution of the causes of accidents at the scene of the incident, while identifying unfavorable places for injuries.

Monographic method - a detailed study of the complex of conditions under which the accident occurred: the technological process, equipment, work features, etc. are studied in detail. At the same time, not only the causes of the accident are identified, but also potential dangers, which makes it possible to most fully establish measures to prevent injuries and occupational diseases.

Statistical method makes it possible to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the level of injuries through two indicators: the frequency coefficient and the severity coefficient of accidents.

Frequency factor (K h) is the ratio of the number of accidents during the reporting period to 1000 workers:

K h = (N/P) * 1000,

  • N- the number of recorded accidents that caused loss of ability to work;
  • R— list of employees during the reporting period, people.

Gravity factor (K t) is a number showing the average number of working days lost by each victim during the reporting period:

K t = T/N,

T— the total number of working days lost in recorded cases during the reporting period.

Using these coefficients and distributing accidents by profession of the victims, location of the incident and other indicators, it is possible to determine the direction of work to combat injuries.

Economic method - determination of economic damage from injuries, as well as assessment of the effectiveness of costs aimed at preventing accidents, in order to optimally allocate funds for occupational safety measures.

IN in this case the minimum material loss coefficient is used and economic indicator injuries.

Minimum material loss coefficient (K p) — number of labor losses in days per 1000 workers:

K p = K h * K t = (T/R) * 1000

Economic indicator of injuries - cost of lost working time per 1000 workers:

E = (3 p - T)/P * 1000, Where Z p- average salary of the victim.

Control is one of the main components of the safety management system, and the state of labor protection in the department and enterprise largely depends on how fully it is carried out, how effective and efficient the decisions made based on control materials are.
There are two types of control:
1. Technical, if its objects are objects of labor (products, technical documentation, etc.), means of labor (equipment, tools), labor processes.
2. Social, if its object is human activity.
Control is a system for checking the compliance of the process of functioning of an object with the adopted management decisions - laws, plans, norms, standards, rules, orders, identifying the results of the influence of the subject on the object and deviations from the adopted management decisions.
Control is such an important means of ensuring occupational safety at work that the need for this type of activity is stated in almost all regulations on labor protection.
In any activity, the principles on which it is based are important. When exercising control, such principles are the following.
Control must be effective. This principle lies in the fact that control is carried out not for the sake of control itself, but to eliminate detected deficiencies. There is nothing worse than a manager’s failure to take action on identified deficiencies. Therefore, the success of control is determined by the measures taken.
Control must be complete, comprehensive and objective. This principle reflects one of the most important provisions of Marxist-Leninist dialectics, which requires in any branch knowledge of a comprehensive study of the subject, knowledge of all aspects of reality, all its connections and mediation. It requires studying the facts and phenomena of objective activity not in isolation, not in isolation from each other. Conclusions from the results of control will be objective only if they are based not on isolated facts, taken out of the general connection of causes and effects and of a random nature, but on facts that reflect the essential aspects of the phenomenon.
Control must be continuous and regular, i.e. be systematic and not carried out occasionally. And the lower the rank of the leader, the higher the systematicity should be. In some cases, constant and direct supervision of the work is necessary. Special cases requiring such monitoring from a safety point of view are indicated in the relevant safety regulations and instructions.
Control must be timely. This principle requires that control be carried out when there is still time to take measures to eliminate obstacles, errors, and shortcomings. This principle is especially important when controlling plans, where the time factor plays a significant role.
One of the effective forms of control by the administration and the trade union committee of an enterprise over the state of conditions and labor protection at workplaces, production sites, workshops, as well as over the compliance of all services, officials and workers with legislative and regulatory technical acts on labor protection is three-stage control.
This type of control does not exclude the administration from carrying out control in accordance with job responsibilities managers and technical workers of enterprises, as well as public control of trade union bodies. Depending on the specifics of production, structure and scale of the enterprise, three-stage monitoring of the state of labor protection is carried out at the first stage - in the workshop, quarry, mine; at the second stage - in a workshop, quarry, mine; at the third stage - at the enterprise as a whole.
The first stage of control is carried out by the head of the relevant section (foreman, section manager, shift supervisor) and the public labor safety inspector every day at the beginning of the working day (shift), and if necessary (work with increased danger) - during the working day (shift).
Based on the violations and shortcomings identified during the inspection, measures are planned, deadlines and persons responsible for implementation are determined.

If the deficiencies cannot be eliminated by the site, then its manager is obliged to report this to a superior supervisor for appropriate measures to be taken.
The second level of control is carried out by a commission headed by the head of the workshop and the senior public inspector for labor protection of the workshop, at least twice a month. The commission includes managers (representatives) of the technical services of the workshop, an enterprise safety engineer and a medical worker assigned to the workshop.
The commission outlines measures to eliminate deficiencies, and the workshop manager appoints performers and deadlines. In addition, the head of the workshop (division) must organize the implementation of the measures proposed by the commission to eliminate the identified deficiencies.
The third level of control is carried out by a commission headed by the manager or chief engineer of the enterprise and the chairman of the trade union committee, at least once a quarter, and in practice, as a rule, monthly. The commission includes the deputy chief safety engineer or the head of the enterprise's labor protection service, the chairman of the labor protection commission of the trade union committee, heads of technical services, heads of the gas rescue service, fire department, medical service enterprises. The inspection is carried out in the presence of the head and senior public labor safety inspector of the unit being inspected.
The results of the inspection are documented in a document; within a week they must be discussed at a meeting with the head of the enterprise with the participation of trade union activists. The meeting should be attended by the heads of all sections and workshops of the enterprises. Here, the heads of those sections (shops) where unsatisfactory working conditions have been identified and violations of safety rules and industrial sanitation standards have been committed are heard. It is recommended that the meeting be documented in minutes indicating decisions taken and measures to eliminate identified deficiencies and violations, deadlines and responsible persons. If necessary, the head of the enterprise issues an appropriate order.
Some enterprises have organized and used another, quite effective form of control - targeted inspections of the state of working conditions and labor protection in the divisions of the enterprise.
Targeted inspections are carried out by the head of the unit together with the senior public inspector. The relevant heads of technical services of the unit participate in targeted inspections. The essence of a targeted inspection is that, according to a special schedule, on a certain day of the month, the condition of only one particular object, household, etc. is checked. For example, in the first week of January and July, the condition of fire and explosive premises, gas facilities, oxygen supply lines is checked , pressure vessels, steam and air ducts, fire fighting equipment.
For this targeted inspection, the workshop manager involves the assistant workshop manager for equipment, the workshop energy engineer, and a mechanic; invites an engineer from the bureau for the supervision of boiler inspection facilities, an engineer from the OGE.
Based on the materials of the target inspection, measures are developed, indicating the deadlines for their implementation and responsible persons, and an order is issued for the workshop.
In the first week of March and September, an inspection of the condition of lifting machines, mechanisms, crane tracks, lifting devices and devices, etc. is organized.
Of course, the above examples are recommendations, they can be taken as typical, they make it possible to understand the essence of targeted checks. Enterprises develop and implement schedules of targeted inspections, taking into account the specifics of production and the specific state of labor protection at a given enterprise.
In addition to those listed, there are many more forms and methods of monitoring the state of labor conditions and safety, and compliance with regulatory documents.