If the district clinic does not have the required specialist. Where can I file a complaint about the clinic? “Get” under compulsory medical insurance

When should you go to the clinic yourself, and when should you call a doctor? What to do if the clinic does not have this or that specialist? How long does it take for a patient to see a doctor?
We are talking about this with the chief physician of clinic No. 44 of the Frunzensky district, candidate medical sciences Oleg Vilyevich Kulikov.

High temperature - call a doctor at home!

- Let's start with when should a patient go to the clinic himself, and when should he call a doctor at home?

The patient can come to the clinic on his own when he has recovered from acute condition and feels quite satisfactory. We consider an acute condition to be a sharp deterioration in health as a result of an infectious process, injury, poisoning or exacerbation chronic disease. There may be other situations when it is necessary to obtain a referral to additional examination, consultation with a specialist or planned hospitalization. Unfortunately, in Lately Patients are increasingly visiting the clinic for preventive purposes, although, I believe, this should be the main reason for going to the doctor.
A doctor should be called to a patient’s home in the following situations:
with a pronounced deterioration in general health, which may be associated with high temperature, runny nose, cough, pain various localizations, gastrointestinal disorders and other conditions. If you believe that your condition or the condition of your loved ones poses a threat to life, then, of course, you should contact an ambulance medical care.

- What to do if at this time there is no specialist, for example, an ophthalmologist, in the clinic?

In such cases, the patient can make an appointment with the required doctor at another clinic in the district through the district public access center by telephone, which can be found in the help desk of his clinic. It should be noted that in order to consult individual specialists, it is necessary to obtain a referral from a local doctor and undergo a clinical minimum examination. Otherwise this consultation will be useless.

And one of our readers turned directly to her insurance company. And she was immediately sent to another clinic. Did she do the right thing?

Absolutely! You have been issued a compulsory insurance policy health insurance so that you can use it skillfully. And if you have questions during the course of your treatment, then dial the number indicated in your policy and consult with a consultant of this company.

You can choose a clinic

Here is a question from our reader Antonina Petryaeva. She lives in the Kalininsky district. But in her clinic it’s practically impossible to get to an endocrinologist. She was sent to the clinic in the Vyborg district. And she really liked it. She lives nearby. Can she go to this clinic for treatment?

Yes, according to the Compulsory Health Insurance Law, the patient can choose medical institution, but only for outpatient treatment. This means that in the event of an acute condition, the patient will continue to receive care at the clinic at her place of residence.

- Is it possible to choose a local doctor in your clinic?

Yes, legally it is possible, but it is not always easy! Because before you switch to another doctor, you must obtain the consent of the doctor himself. However, at present, clinics are experiencing a shortage of local doctors, so doctors often refuse patients from other districts due to extreme workload.

How to shorten the queue

Well, a man came to the surgeon with acute pain and received a consultation. And then should he be treated by this doctor or should he still wait until his surgeon has a number?

In such cases, the doctor himself must set a date for the next examination and issue a number for a control appearance.

- Why do you think there are still queues at clinics and what should be done about it?

Yes, unfortunately, there are queues at clinics! But each institution has its own situation. There may be a shortage of doctors in a particular specialty, some equipment, or there may be an increased need for certain types examinations. Even within the same district, the situation with the availability of outpatient care can vary significantly. That is why the city leadership decided to open regional centers of collective access in order to equalize the opportunities for patients to have access to the necessary consultations with medical specialists and research. In the near future, we expect a significant improvement in the material resources of clinics due to the purchase of modern equipment as part of the regional modernization program. It must be admitted that main reason long terms waiting there is still a staffing problem. Therefore, the main thing now is to attract new specialists to clinics. In the Frunzensky district, this problem has recently been resolved thanks to the implementation of a regional program for the provision of office housing on a commercial lease basis. In our institution, over the past two years alone, we have managed to attract and retain 10 highly qualified specialists in various fields.

- Tell me, do specialized specialists: ENT, cardiologist, rheumatologist and others go to patients’ homes?

Yes, they do, but only in cases where the patient, due to his condition, cannot come to the clinic to see the necessary specialist. The need to send a specialist to a patient’s home is determined by the local doctor.

-Tell me, do you carry out medical examinations for working citizens in your clinic?

Yes, it is happening! To organize a medical examination of its employees, the employer must contact the administration of the nearest clinic and agree on the timing and location of the examination. A necessary condition To undergo a medical examination, employees must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a valid compulsory medical insurance policy.

Basic mistakes made by patients

- What do you see as the main mistakes of patients? How should we take care of our health?

The main mistake I see is that St. Petersburg residents often self-medicate and see a doctor at the wrong time. Thus, they trigger their disease. Unfortunately, our people have stopped undergoing routine medical examinations: fluorography, ECG, necessary tests. Women need to regularly visit the examination room, and those over 45 need to have a mammogram and donate blood for tumor markers.
Another condition for maintaining health is compliance healthy image life. We consider the main components of a healthy lifestyle to be: correct balanced diet, sufficient physical exercise, psychological well-being and withdrawal bad habits. Now every St. Petersburger has real opportunity receive complete information about the rules of maintaining a healthy lifestyle at the Health Centers.

- Tell us more about the work of the Health Centers.

Today in St. Petersburg there are 22 health centers in all districts of the city. There are two of them in the Frunzensky district. One of them, called “Kupchino,” is located in our clinic. There are also seven centers for children open in the city. Any citizen who has a compulsory medical insurance policy can contact the Health Center. All examinations are carried out free of charge within one hour. With the help of modern equipment, the most common diseases can be detected in a patient: ischemic heart disease, vascular atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disturbances, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus. After the examination, the patient will receive qualified advice from a specialist doctor and will be prescribed individual program recovery.

Welcome to health schools!

When I was in your clinic, I noticed that you have different patient schools. For example, a school with diabetes and hypertension. There are schools for those who want to keep their weight at a normal level and for those who want to quit smoking.

I would like to note that in terms of the number of established schools, our clinic is the leader in St. Petersburg. We operate 12 different health schools. Among them: three schools for patients with cardiac pathology, a school bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, obesity, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, school of psychological well-being. We are proud of our first free smoking cessation school in the city, as well as a school healthy eating and fitness. We recently opened a new school for patients suffering from glaucoma. Classes in all schools are taught only by doctors. Moreover, 3 doctors have a candidate of medical sciences degree, and cardiology schools conduct unique specialist, Honored Doctor of Russia Margarita Ivanovna Khrakovskaya.

Not so long ago, in clinics, forms with test results were lying right on the windowsills or in open drawers: take whichever one you want. Thus, diagnoses were revealed with the help of which the patient could be blackmailed and deceived. Is there medical confidentiality in this regard now?

Yes, it works! Any medical documentation, including test results, must be stored in a place inaccessible to unauthorized persons. After the Federal Law on Personal Data comes into force, each medical institution is obliged to ensure the preservation of the personal data of each patient, including information constituting medical confidentiality. In addition, when a patient is assigned to a clinic, he must provide written consent to the processing of his personal data.

- Tell me, what services should be provided in the clinic for free, and what services should be paid for?

All services that are included in the Territorial Program of State Guarantees for the provision of free medical care must be provided free of charge. The text of the Territorial Program must be posted directly in the clinic and on the institution’s website. If this is not done, the patient can contact his health insurance company or the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
-Paid services by a medical institution are carried out in accordance with the order of the Health Care Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg. Their list with a price list should be posted on a special stand. The procedure for providing paid medical services is also posted there.

- Are the procedures and medications for the physiotherapy room free?

As prescribed by a physiotherapist within the framework of the Territorial Program, they should be free.

Here we have a question from reader Lydia Alexandrovna Ivanovskaya. She asks if the local doctor prescribed injections for her, should a nurse come to give them to her?

If the patient, for health reasons, cannot come for injections to the treatment room of the clinic, the local nurse must do them at home. And on weekends and holidays this is done by the charge nurse.

In short, the patient should inquire about his rights and defend them. And doctors must strictly fulfill their duties. And then everyone will be satisfied.

Agree! The patient and the doctor must meet each other halfway and cooperate, for the sake of our common health!

Prepared by Tatyana Zazorina

You can now make an appointment with a doctor online. With the advent of services for self-registration with a doctor, it would seem that it’s time to forget about endless queues and frayed nerves.

But in reality, things don’t always go as smoothly as we would like. Sometimes this is due to the patient’s ignorance of their rights or the organization of an appointment by self-registration.


Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, so a medical institution begins with a reception desk.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you have an appointment or want to see a doctor without an appointment - you will still have to stand in line at the reception desk. This is necessary to issue a coupon and take an outpatient card.

In some clinics there are notices that citizens who have pre-registered are being served out of turn. But in practice, we have to deal with people’s reluctance to let anyone go ahead of them. And the registrars themselves do not interfere in the process.

Things are better in those hospitals where a separate admission window has been created for people who come by self-registration. But even here it is easy to meet a large number of There are quite a lot of people who use the opportunity to record independently. Therefore, it is worth arriving at the medical facility in advance so as not to stand in line at the moment when they are waiting for you at the doctor’s office.

It doesn’t hurt to inquire by phone the day before visiting the hospital about possible changes in the schedule. It often happens that the doctor gets sick or goes on vacation. Agree, it’s a shame to get to the clinic (especially if it’s not a short distance for a person) and find out that there is no appointment.

The examination itself by the doctor is no different from the usual one, which is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

What do you need to book a ticket yourself?

To register yourself, you need:

  1. Outpatient card. If the hospital where you plan to make an appointment does not have your card, i.e. If you have never visited it in person, then self-registration will be impossible.
  2. Individual personal account insurance number (SNILS). Often used to complete registration in self-registration services.
  3. Compulsory health insurance policy.
  4. Passport details or birth certificate.

What else you should definitely read:

  • ➤ How to transfer back to the state pension fund?
  • ➤ How to fill out tax reporting online!

Who has the right to see a doctor without an appointment or queue?

Some patient conditions require healthcare providers to conduct an appointment at the time of treatment.

These conditions include:

  • Acute pain of any location (ear, back, head, etc.);
  • High temperature (implied to be at least 38 degrees);
  • Loss of consciousness, bleeding - in a word, conditions that require an emergency response from doctors.

If, in case of obvious symptoms of deterioration in the patient’s well-being (fainting, for example), medical personnel are ready to provide assistance and conduct an examination, then if there is pain or a temperature not exceeding 38.5, clinic staff simply refuse to admit you. Be aware: this violates your rights!

Secondly, in absolutely any clinic there is a so-called on-duty therapist. It is he who must accept the patient in case of refusal to be examined by a specialist (otolaryngologist, neurologist, etc.).

For information on how exactly you can sign up through the State Services portal, watch the video instructions below:

We get to the office, bypassing hours-long queues

How to get to a doctor without an appointment? Unfortunately, a ticket with the treasured hour and minutes indicated on it does not guarantee timely passage of the specialist.

And if a delay in reception within 15 minutes is acceptable, then waiting in a general queue for several hours is not! So how can you avoid getting into such a situation?

  1. Arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled time. In half an hour, you can calmly stand in line (if there is one) at the registration desk for your card and find the right office. If you don’t make it in time, you will most likely have to go to the appointment on a first-come, first-served basis!
  2. Near the doctor’s office, find out about the appointment at the appointed time and the presence of people with coupons for more early time. If there are any, then you will have to wait for a specialist to pass them (unless, of course, we are talking about those who are more than 15 minutes late)
  3. In many hospitals, real crowds of people gather at the offices of doctors who do not organize entry on call. Only some of them are recorded for time.

If you want to make an appointment with a doctor at a specified time and get there on time, you probably won’t succeed; this process is still far from perfect. Therefore, be prepared for the old difficulties of making your way to the coveted doctor’s office in those medical institutions where this moment is left to chance. Have a good and relaxing visit to the doctor!

How to get to the doctor if you haven’t made an appointment in advance

“Good afternoon, please explain how I can get to the doctor. I woke up this morning - coughing and a runny nose, but no fever. I called the reception desk of my clinic to make an appointment with a therapist, and they told me that the next available time was only in three days. But I need help now. Are there really no options? If you get sick without making an appointment with a doctor in advance, will you not get an appointment? Sincerely, resident of Krasnoyarsk Anna Grigorievna Stepanenko.”

Indeed, today in Krasnoyarsk clinics, local therapists are seen by appointment. But this does not mean that if a person falls ill “without warning,” he will not see a doctor.

— Primary medical care in municipal clinics is provided in accordance with the state guarantee program. It can be either planned - by appointment, or emergency - directly on the day of the patient’s visit,” says Oksana Sokolova, chief therapist of Krasnoyarsk. — To provide emergency care Almost all branches of the adult network clinics have pre-medical surgeries.

To get into it, you need to contact the reception directly; no pre-registration is required. “The reception in the pre-medical office is conducted by a paramedic,” explains Oksana Igorevna. - He examines the applicant and decides on the further management patient: gives directions for tests, in some cases prescribes drug therapy. If the patient needs to be examined by a doctor on the day of treatment, the paramedic will refer him to the doctor.”

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A citizen goes to the clinic not for the sake of idle curiosity, but specifically with complaints about his health. Clinic No. 6 actually has a first-aid room if you don’t have a fever. The paramedic recommends making an appointment with a therapist, knowing that in the coming days the patient will not be able to see the therapist. The paramedic does not have the right to write a referral to a specialist and does not prescribe medications. This recommendation should be regarded as a violation of the right to timely medical care. help. When seeking medical help and receiving it, the patient has the right to: respectful and humane treatment on the part of medical and service personnel; relief of pain associated with disease and (or) medical intervention, accessible ways and means. And workers in white coats ignore these rights

In all other cases, the doctor’s work will not be paid, so they can justifiably refuse an appointment.

It depends on what reason and where you applied. If this is a specialist, often before you see him you need to see your family doctor, and only after the latter’s examination will he decide whether you need a consultation with someone else. If necessary, they will give you a referral either to the same clinic or even to a hospital. Yes, a specialist at a clinic has the right not to see you without an appointment or without a referral from a family doctor, if this is not a condition life-threatening(someone became ill in the corridor, had a heart attack or lost consciousness), then any doctor is obliged to provide first aid.

Today, many Russians are faced with this problem - they go to the doctor with a passport, and he says, they say, the registration is not in our region, go to your doctor.

What should the patient do in this case: go to another city where he has a residence permit or quarrel with the management of the clinic?

Does a doctor have the right to refuse medical care to a person not in his area, is it possible to make an appointment with a doctor not in his place of registration in 2019, and is the patient obliged to pay for the services of someone else? medical organization?

If a person lives in another city for a long time without registration, but wants to be served at a local clinic, then he needs to register there.

To ensure that the receptionist does not have any questions and issues a certificate to see a doctor, the patient must have a passport, compulsory medical insurance policy and a rental agreement for housing, certifying the person’s temporary registration.

Is it possible to change the attending physician if a person does not live according to registration in 2019?

Yes, you can. In Art. 16 clause 5 of Federal Law No. 326 states that a citizen of the Russian Federation can choose a attending physician on a permanent basis, even if he is registered in another city.

To do this, you need to submit an application addressed to the head of the clinic.

Is it possible to make an appointment with a doctor outside of your place of residence without a passport and insurance policy? Can the clinic refuse an appointment?

You can make an appointment with a doctor without a compulsory medical insurance policy and a document confirming the person’s identity, although you need to go to a private clinic. That is, on a paid basis.

In this case, we can say that the passport was lost or stolen. Then the patient’s data is entered into the database according to the patient’s own words.

If a person wants to go to a free public clinic without the above-mentioned documents, then he may be refused, and this refusal will be lawful.

Yes, a citizen of the Russian Federation who has this policy in hand is required to be admitted to any clinic in Russia free of charge, regardless of his place of registration.

If the receptionist refuses to accept a “strange” patient, then the patient must prove that their actions are unlawful.

We need to rely on the federal law No. 326 “On compulsory health insurance.” So, according to Art. 16 of this law, any Russian who has a compulsory medical insurance policy has the right to free medical care if an insured event occurs.

Paragraph 1 of the same article states that a citizen has the right to go to any state clinic throughout Russia.

Therefore, when seeking help from a doctor not at the place of permanent registration, the patient needs to have a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Is it always possible to get an appointment with family doctor or a therapist, having a compulsory medical insurance policy in hand? Unfortunately, not always.

In some clinics, patients who are not at their place of registration are offered to make an appointment with a doctor for money, or they can go to their own clinic according to their registration.

The reception staff justify their refusal by saying that the person does not even have temporary registration, so he does not belong to this clinic, he needs to write a refusal in his clinic and register with this medical organization.

What should the patient do in this case: agree with the receptionist or appeal his legal right to be served in any clinic with a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Of course, the actions of an employee of a medical institution are unlawful, since she is obliged to register a person with a doctor if he has a medical insurance policy in his hands.

In this case, there is only one way out: the patient needs to contact the head doctor of the clinic with a request to serve him at his place of actual residence.

If the head physician refuses or asks the person to come for a paid appointment, then you need to contact higher authorities, for example, the prosecutor’s office.

In order to get an appointment with a doctor in the capital, a person needs to be assigned to a clinic.

To do this, you need to bring with you the following documents: passport and its copy with the registration page, original and copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS (pension insurance certificate).

On the spot, you need to write an application and provide a medical card (or get a new one).

However, you can get an appointment with a doctor without being assigned to a clinic. This can be done through EMIAS - Unified Medical Information and Analytical System.

If a person received a compulsory medical insurance policy outside of Moscow, then he needs to contact an insurance company in the capital and change the service region.

The insurance organization with which the person signed the contract must transfer data on the policy from the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund to the capital's Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

The recording process goes like this:

  1. Go to the EMIAS website – https://emias.info.
  2. In the required fields, enter the policy number, date of birth, and click on the “Sign up” button.
  3. After the client logs into the system, he will need to select the desired specialist (select the doctor’s name from the list), decide on the time of the doctor’s visit, and click on the “Confirm” button.
  4. After confirmation, you need to print the coupon by clicking on the “Print” button. The coupon must contain the following information: coupon number, full name of the clinic, date and time of the planned appointment, full name of the doctor, as well as the number of the office where he will receive.

If you don’t have a printer at home, then you can print the coupon directly at the clinic using a special information machine.

You can make an appointment online with the following doctors: therapist, ENT specialist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, dentist, psychotherapist, gynecologist, urologist.

There are no appointments with other specialists; if necessary, referrals are made by a general practitioner or family doctor.

If the clinic refuses to make an appointment with a doctor even if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, then you can file a complaint with the Department of Health.

Popular questions on this topic

When it comes to doctors state clinics, then no.

A person can receive such a service only in a private hospital. To do this, he needs to call the selected hospital and make an appointment with the registrar.

After this, the employee will transfer the call to the doctor and he will come to the patient’s home.

You can pay for the service both before and after your appointment.

If a person has a compulsory medical insurance policy, but is registered at a different address, then he has the right to call a doctor. How to call a doctor at home if you do not live according to your registration?

To do this, you should call the clinic and give the address of your actual residence. When the doctor comes to call, you need to prepare your passport and compulsory medical insurance policy.

If a person plans to live in a city other than his own, then it is better for him to detach himself from his clinic and enroll for medical care at the clinic at his residence address.

The attachment is valid for 1 year only. The attachment must be renewed every year.

A person can choose a clinic for service no more than once a year.

What to do if the doctor does not want to come to the patient, but he needs emergency help?

Of course, going to the clinic and proving your rights is still pointless, especially since the person is sick and needs emergency help.

In this case, the patient needs to call an ambulance. She comes regardless of the place of actual residence and the presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy.

If the patient has forgotten the policy at home, then he can contact the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the region to which he belongs and write down his policy number, as well as the insurance company.

This can also be done by the receptionist, but in practice they do not do this.

“Stranger” patients - this is what patients who do not belong to the clinic by registration are called; they have every right to be served in any government medical institution upon presentation of a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy.

If doctors refuse to accept such patients, they need to be persistent and calmly explain their rights, referring to Law No. 326, Art. 16 “Rights and obligations of insured persons.”

If this does not bring results, then you need to contact the head physician and write a complaint to higher authorities.

St. Petersburg, according to Health Minister Tatyana Golikova, is one of the few regions of Russia that has a surplus of doctors. But patients cannot understand why there are such queues in clinics and no numbers to see specialists.

The terms for the provision of medical care are established by the law “On the Territorial Program of State Guarantees for Providing Free Medical Care to Citizens of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg for 2012,” that is, they have the status of state guarantees. . For example, if you are asked to wait six months for an MRI examination, this is illegal; it should be carried out within four months.

If a medical institution really cannot accept you, it must:

1. invite you to sign a written agreement to wait longer than the established period;

2. if you do not agree to wait, issue a referral to another medical institution operating in the compulsory medical insurance system.

In practice, of course, this does not happen; there is no form of written consent in clinics. The healthcare facility does not want to lose money for the patient, so it forces him to wait.

But let’s say that one clinic writes you a referral to another, but there it’s the same story - the doctor is on vacation or maternity leave, wait. Then you should ask for directions to diagnostic test to the hospital. If you are denied here too, call your insurance company and complain. And now it is the insurer who writes you a referral to a hospital or outpatient clinic.

To ensure that this chain is not interrupted by the insurance company, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund has developed “Methodological recommendations on compensation by an insurance organization for damage caused to the insured person in connection with its failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of its obligation to organize the provision of medical care.” Now, as explained by Gennady Lopatenkov, head of the department for working with citizens of the St. Petersburg Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, these recommendations establish financial liability for the insurer.

That is, if you turned to a clinic for help, and they didn’t take any steps towards you, you contacted your insurance company, but they also refused you, you can safely go to a private clinic to see the specialist you need (though you will have to spend your money ), and then demand reimbursement of expenses in court.

True, there are few people willing to go through all the complexities of our legal proceedings: “If the insurance company does not want to help you, you can put pressure on it,” advises Gennady Lopatenkov, “by reminding them of how this could turn out for them. Punishment with the ruble is still more effective than any suggestions.”

Oksana Eliseeva

Doctor Peter

Category: Patient's rights


Mr. Lopatenkov is disingenuous, wishful thinking. TFOMS of St. Petersburg really wants to shift all responsibility for the mess in the city’s healthcare to insurance companies. And with his comment, he pits patients of clinics against insurance organizations, indicating the vector of movement: “Here they (insurers) cannot organize medical care for you! We (TFOMS) will punish them with a ruble! At them!” Although in " Methodical recommendations..." The FFOMS clearly states what the insurance company can be punished for:
“The grounds for an insured person to file a claim against a medical insurance organization or a claim in court may be, in particular:
- unjustified refusal to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy;
- refusal to provide information or provision of false information about the types, quality and conditions of providing medical care to the insured person;
- refusal or improper implementation, upon the complaint of the insured person, of control over the volumes, timing, quality and conditions of providing medical care in medical organizations;
- unjustified refusal to consider or untimely consideration of citizens' requests and complaints;
- other violations that infringe on the rights and legitimate interests of insured persons, guaranteed by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of compulsory health insurance."
Insurers have previously arranged, and are now extending, their insureds, who are treated at health care facilities, to appointments with doctors. All this is done through personal agreements. But if there is no doctor in the clinic, then he is not there and nothing can be done!
And the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund solves the problem of access to medical care in a rather unique way - by developing Call centers. Although the number of operators making appointments with doctors increases, the number of doctors themselves in clinics does not increase.

In children's clinic No. 39 of the Moscow region, appointments with doctors are carried out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.00 to 8.30. There are never numbers for specialists. It is impossible to sign up on the website, although there are free numbers. Where to complain?

From residents Leningrad region: the villages of Toksovo, Kuzmolovo, Yukki, Garbolovo, Leskolovo, the village of Rappolovo and nearby settlements, those who visit the clinic in the village of Toksovo, Leningrad region!
to the Head of the Toksovskaya Polyclinic - Shavlokhova Irina Sergeevna.
Dear Heads of committees, departments, EVERYONE who can hear US and help!
We are PEOPLE and there are MANY of us! We live in the village of Toksovo, Leningrad region and nearby villages and small towns.
We have a clinic and a hospital in the village of Toksovo. The hospital is not bad, there is a lot of equipment and we get help in severe cases, BUT before going to the hospital we naturally go to see a doctor at the clinic, but there are NO doctors!!! There is almost no specialist: there is no ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, cardiologist, surgeon, neurologist, oringologist, proctologist, not to mention highly specialized specialists. Therefore, we, old people, disabled veterans and pensioners have to go to see doctors in Vsevolozhsk or the Regional Hospital, which is located in the city, and getting a number to see doctors there is almost impossible even with a referral - there is a queue for six months ahead!!!
Previously, things were much better with doctors, but over the past 5 years, the head of the Toksovskaya clinic, Irina Sergeevna Shavlokhova, has driven everyone away! This person doesn’t think at all about people who simply have nowhere to get medical care like at their place of residence! She is rude, rude, always speaks in a raised tone, and the diamonds with which she is hung are enough to pay the salaries of all the specialists that the clinic requires for more than one year of work!
WE REALLY ask you to understand why wonderful doctors, good specialists they are simply running away from the Toksovskaya clinic, why is Irina Sergeevna Shavlokhova completely unable to cope with her duties as a leader, but only yells and is rude!
Hear US!
Thank you SO MUCH in advance!
(Recorded from the words and at the request of residents!)

There are no numbers at the 39th children's clinic for Cosmonauts to even get to a pediatrician with infant. We are trying “with the whole yard” to sign up children for examinations with specialists, which must be completed within a year - a pediatrician, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon, an ophthalmologist, etc. We make an appointment a month in advance - there are no numbers. Mothers arrive at the clinic at 7:30 a.m., registration opens at 8 a.m. There are no more numbers. We received a number to see the surgeon in 2 months. They arrived at the appointed time. The surgeon left his workplace Without explaning the reason. They offer everyone paid services, for example, for vaccinations, citing the fact that free ones are not of high quality. Where to contact. The information book says that the doctor is not seeing the chief either on vacation or ill. What to do?

It is not possible to sign up for an ultrasound at Children's Clinic No. 39 on Cosmonauts. Registration is only by telephone. Calls only take 10 minutes. I came to the clinic myself, but they turned me out the door. In my presence, the doctor told the nurse who was taking calls to immediately turn off the phone, otherwise she would be reprimanded. Arriving at the clinic and going up to the office, I saw that there was no one for an ultrasound. Then why is it not possible to sign up for an ultrasound. I tried to resolve this issue with the head but it is difficult to find her in place.

I like this about Vsevolozhskaya antenatal clinic) there are no ultrasound numbers) but you can do it for a fee at any time) and if you have a number, then wait two weeks)

39 clinic on Cosmonauts, Moskovsky district. It is very difficult to make an appointment with doctors, and it is simply unrealistic, there are never any coupons! The child is almost 5 months old; the scheduled check-up at 3 months still hasn’t passed - no coupons! We also cannot do a heart ultrasound at 1 month - there is no appointment! The clinic has a waiting list; I signed up on January 13 to see an orthopedist, they called 2 weeks later and offered an appointment for February 2! It's a complete disgrace - the baby will be 6 months old! There was no time to call the head doctor, I complained to the insurance company!

In 34 antenatal clinics there are not enough villages for calposcopy. Every day, a specialist writes 3 days by hand in a notebook. I have not been able to get permission to sign up for three weeks now. Please make an appointment with this specialist through a single telephone number so that working women can undergo this important examination in a timely manner!

unknown, November 15, 2016 3:19 pm

you guys are funny! what's going on in the medical institution. this is a direct consequence of the policy of your government - hence it is necessary to elect. and not hysterical. now reap the benefits.

Registration in another city is not a reason to run to paid doctor or self-medicate if you find yourself in Moscow and need medical help. Here's how to get it for free, even without temporary registration.

Check your insurance policy

Every citizen of Russia is insured by the state and has the right to free medical care. To use it, you need a compulsory health insurance policy. It is valid throughout Russia, regardless of the place of registration and execution of the document itself. Let's say you are registered in Kaliningrad, but work in Moscow - by law you have the right to go to any public clinic.

There are officially three formats of the compulsory health insurance policy: a blue A5 sheet, a blue-white-red plastic card with a chip, a green plastic card with a barcode

If you have not used your policy for a long time, then before going to the doctor, check:

— have your first and last names changed?

— what is the validity period of the policy;

- where it is issued;

— which insurance company issued it.

The information available to you depends on the results of the check. medical services.


— Get help if your policy is expired. They have no right to refuse.

It is forbidden

— Go to a doctor at a clinic if you have changed your last name or don’t have a policy.

— See a doctor if the clinic does not cooperate with the insurance company that issued the policy.

— Regularly receive treatment in one clinic and make an appointment with a doctor online if the policy is not issued in Moscow.

Need to

— Re-register a regional policy in Moscow. To do this, just come with it to the Moscow office of your insurance company. They will put a stamp there and enter you into the database. Now, when you choose a clinic, you will be able to keep a medical history there and use EMIAS.

— Take out a new policy if your last name has changed or it simply doesn’t exist. The service is free.

How to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy

1. Choose an insurance company that works with compulsory medical insurance in Moscow.

2. Come to her office with your passport and SNILS. For children under 14 years of age, instead of a passport, you will need a birth certificate and the passport of one of the parents.

3. Fill out and sign the application.

4. Obtain a temporary certificate while the original is being prepared.

5. Receive a policy within 30 days.

Some insurance companies allow you to apply for and monitor the readiness of your compulsory medical insurance policy online. Find out in advance about the availability of this function, then you won’t have to waste time on calls.

“Get” under compulsory medical insurance

So, you have dealt with the policy. Now it is important to understand what you can calmly go to the doctor with at the clinic, without fear of receiving a refusal or a check for paid services. To do this, familiarize yourself with the basic compulsory medical insurance program. It is valid throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of your gender, age, place of residence and social status.


— Receive primary health care and preventive care.

Diagnosis, prevention, treatment of diseases, medical rehabilitation, monitoring the course of pregnancy.

— Get emergency medical help.

Loss of consciousness, respiratory failure, sudden sharp pain, bleeding, burns, childbirth.

— Receive specialized high-tech medical care.

Treatment of diseases using sophisticated medical technologies.

It is forbidden

— Receive free medical services that are not included in the compulsory medical insurance program:

- calling a doctor to your home without a good reason;

preventive vaccinations not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations;

- monitoring patients at home after discharge from the hospital;

Spa treatment, exceptions: sick children with a referral from a doctor and preferential category of citizens;

— cosmetology services;

dental prosthetics;

— treatment of sexological pathology;

- vision correction using glasses and contact lenses;

- artificial insemination;

- treatment of logoneuroses in adults;

— medical and psychological assistance — not to be confused with psychiatric help, which is included in the compulsory medical insurance;

- additional household and service services, stay in a superior ward with individual nutrition and care.

— Receive free help for socially significant diseases: tuberculosis, HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

In these cases, you need to register at your place of registration at the Center for Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS or an anti-tuberculosis dispensary. In Moscow, you can register with temporary registration if the application is approved by the Moscow Health Department.

Need to

— Check with your doctor and insurance provider whether the service you need is included in the compulsory medical insurance program. The law on compulsory medical insurance specifies a general list of cases for receiving free assistance. It is approximate - paid or free service depends on the specific diagnosis and concomitant treatment. Therefore, it is better to ask again.

“If the doctor said that the services for your treatment are not included in the compulsory medical insurance program and require payment, do not rush to take out your wallet.

Let's say you suspect you have an allergy. The doctor prescribes additional tests to identify the allergen. You are warned: tests are paid. What to do? Just in case, check the information in the following ways.

1. Ask the doctor to present a list of compulsory medical insurance program services approved by law. If your analysis is not on the list, then you will have to pay for it.

2. Call:

— to the information service of the Moscow Department of Health: +7 495 777-77-77;

- on hotline Roszdravnadzor: 8 800 500-18-35;

— to the insurance company: the number is indicated on your policy.

The first way is the fastest. You will find out on the spot how much the treatment will cost and save time. If the doctor is not convinced, use the second point. But be prepared, you may have to hang on the phone or wait for a call back.”

Join the clinic

All that remains is to choose the clinic where you will be treated. The compulsory medical insurance system includes not only public but also some private clinics. Study the list and choose the one that suits you.

On the spot

1. Come to the clinic with a compulsory medical insurance policy and a passport.

2. Take an application form from the reception desk addressed to the head physician and fill it out.

3. Wait for the clinic to check the information and notify you of your appointment.

On the Internet


1. Check your compulsory medical insurance policy. If it is not there or you have changed your last name, get it or replace it.

2. Make sure that the medical care you need is included in the compulsory medical insurance program.

3. Select a suitable clinic and register.

4. Make an appointment with your doctor.

5. In emergency cases, call an ambulance or go to the emergency room. No insurance or registration required.