What is laryngitis and why is it dangerous? Is laryngitis dangerous? Acute symptoms

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx that develops from prolonged voice strain, irritation or infection. Inside the larynx are the vocal cords - two folds of the mucous membrane, each of which contains ligaments and muscles. Normally, these folds open and close easily, and their movements and vibrations produce sounds. Inflammation and irritation of the ligaments, which are observed with laryngitis, cause a decrease in the ability to produce sounds. As a result, the voice becomes hoarse. In some cases, with laryngitis, the voice becomes almost inaudible.

Laryngitis can be acute or chronic. In most cases, the triggers for laryngitis are infections or strain on the vocal cords. This type of laryngitis goes away quite quickly and is not dangerous. Persistent hoarseness due to laryngitis may be a sign of serious underlying medical conditions.


Typically, symptoms of laryngitis go away in less than two weeks. However, it happens that they persist for months. Symptoms of this disease are:

  • Hoarse voice
  • Weak voice or temporary loss of voice
  • Tingling sensation in the throat
  • A sore throat
  • Feeling of dry throat
  • Dry cough

Laryngitis can usually be managed with simple home remedies such as drinking hot drinks and reducing stress on the vocal cords.

Call your doctor right away if your child has symptoms of laryngitis and one or more of the following:

  • High-pitched and/or whistling sounds during inhalations
  • Increased salivation
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Labored breathing
  • Body temperature above 39C

These may be symptoms of croup - inflammation of the larynx and those located under it. respiratory tract.

Acute laryngitis

Causes of acute laryngitis can be:

  • Viruses that cause colds
  • Vocal cord tension
  • Measles and mumps
  • Some bacterial infections - in rare cases

Chronic laryngitis

Laryngitis that lasts more than three weeks is called chronic. Chronic laryngitis can cause damage to the vocal cords or the formation of growths on them. The causes of chronic laryngitis and damage to the vocal cords can be:


Acute laryngitis usually does not require drug treatment. To cope with chronic laryngitis , the patient sometimes needs

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal folds. It rarely develops on its own, more often in adults whose profession involves singing or speaking - singers, readers, teachers. In children from six months to six years, laryngitis is especially common, but it almost always develops against the background of a viral infection.

How does this happen?

The baby gets sick: fever, runny nose... nothing special. And suddenly the mother notices (and this is impossible not to notice) that the baby’s voice is hoarse, and the cough changed its tone and became rough. At the same time, the child runs around the room contentedly and, it seems, nothing terrible is happening. An inexperienced mother calmly puts her child to bed.

An experienced mother, having barely noticed the first signs of laryngitis, checks home first aid kit and is mentally prepared for the possibility of hospitalization by ambulance.

Why is laryngitis dangerous for babies?

For kids early age the larynx is small in size, and its mucous membrane is tender and loose. Any inflammatory process in this area leads to rapid swelling of the laryngeal mucosa. This rapidly developing edema quickly reduces the lumen of the larynx. The child begins to experience a lack of oxygen and suffocate. From the moment of illness to complete closure of the lumen it may take just a few hours . Therefore, you need to act quickly and skillfully.

Laryngeal stenosis and its stages

Doctors divide laryngeal stenosis into four stages:

  1. first - the voice is hoarse, the cough is rough, breathing is slightly difficult, you can notice stops between inhalations and exhalations, the child is extremely restless;
  2. second - the child is restless and very frightened, breathing is noisy, “stridorous”, the cough is rough, the voice is hoarse, retraction of the supraclavicular fossa and intercostal spaces is visible when breathing - treatment in intensive care is required;
  3. third - breathing is significantly difficult, the body position is forced, the face is blue, the child becomes lethargic - only immediate surgery can save him;
  4. fourth - the child becomes indifferent to his surroundings, extremely lethargic, the pupils dilate, the pulse weakens, the skin takes on an earthy tint - there is a chance of survival only if treatment is carried out in a specialized large center.

The transition from one stage to another takes only a few hours.

Mom should know that “getting away with a slight fright” is possible only in the first and second stages of stenosis, subject to timely hospitalization and active treatment. The third and fourth stages can lead to the death of the child; only surgery and complex long-term treatment can save.

Laryngitis is a disease whose treatment cannot be postponed until the doctor arrives. You need to act immediately. But don't panic, s full knowledge affairs.

Laryngitis without stenosis - mom's tactics

  • Call a doctor at home.
  • Provide the child with a gentle regimen. Stop running and jumping, organize quiet games and activities: reading, drawing, watching cartoons (it’s better to let him watch cartoons than run).
  • Constantly offer warm drinks: water, dried fruit compote without sugar.
  • Feed simple food that does not cause allergic reactions in the baby.
  • Inhale with mineral water without gas and then carry out the procedure twice a day.
  • Clean the child's room - wash the floor. Turn on the humidifier. The room should be warm and humid.
  • Follow the doctor's recommendations. They can vary greatly, as they depend on the age, build and behavior of the baby.
  • Remember that laryngitis can be complicated by stenosis at any time and be prepared for this.

Laryngitis with stenosis - mom’s tactics

  • Call an ambulance.
  • Remain calm, understanding the responsibility.
  • Be constantly close to the child, calm him down.
  • Give a piece of no-spa tablet (dose according to age!) and an antihistamine (anti-allergic) agent.
  • Do inhalation with Berodual. It is very important to do it calmly so that the child does not scream. Screaming reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, which is already insufficient.
  • There is no way to carry out such inhalation - fill the bathroom with steam by simply turning on hot water. Undress the child, cover him with a diaper and go into the steam room with him. Take toys with you and entertain your baby. Moist steam helps soften the symptoms of stenosis.
  • If the ambulance team offers hospitalization, do not refuse. You can always leave the hospital by at will, as soon as the threat to the child’s life has passed. But getting to the hospital with third-degree stenosis is very problematic, and treatment will take weeks.

How is a child with laryngitis treated in the hospital?

For laryngitis 1-2 degrees Inhalations with a hormonal agent and regular alkaline inhalations are prescribed. They are alternated, every hour until the condition improves, day and night, then the frequency of inhalations is gradually reduced. Conduct symptomatic therapy. Antibiotics are not prescribed. The point of going to the hospital is to be under the supervision of doctors if the stenosis suddenly worsens. The danger subsides within 2-3 days and you can safely return home.

For laryngitis grade 3-4 The child undergoes surgery - tracheostomy. The trachea, which is located below the larynx, is cut and a tube is inserted into it so that the baby can breathe. Conducted in parallel intensive care- drops, antibiotics and hormones are administered. Treatment lasts two to three weeks.

Did your child have laryngitis? What did you do? What helped best?

The acute form of the disease in adults is provoked by chronic respiratory diseases such as whooping cough, scarlet fever, and influenza.

The chronic course of the disease is often observed in smokers, drinkers, and patients with allergies. In the case when inflammation in the larynx becomes the result of infection as a result of a disease - influenza, ARVI, whooping cough and others, viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Other factors, including laryngeal cancer, do not become a cause for concern among others in terms of infection. Laryngitis in adults is not considered dangerous or severe. With appropriate treatment, it goes away within a week, but the process itself is dangerous because it can cause serious consequences.

Laryngitis and its forms

For acute course Laryngitis is characterized by an infectious lesion, and a chronic disease occurs as a result of repeated or repeated infection.

Doctors distinguish such forms of laryngitis as:

  • acute catarrhal - in this case, the focus of inflammation spreads to the submucosa, mucous membrane and muscles of the larynx;
  • acute phlegmonous is a purulent disease that penetrates muscle structures, ligaments, and sometimes into the perichondrium zone and cartilage;
  • chronic - in this case the process covers the mucous membrane, its submucosal and intramuscular layers. The type of disease is catarrhal, atrophic and hypertrophic.

Chronic laryngitis of the catarrhal type in adults is characterized by hoarseness, sore throat and periodic cough. This form of the disease is considered mild.

Chronic laryngitis of the hypertrophic type is characterized by the fact that the patient experiences severe hoarseness, cough and discomfort in the throat.

There are small neoplasms in the form of nodules that appear on the ligaments.

Atrophic type laryngitis is associated with thinning of the mucous membrane, causing dry mouth, unbearable cough and hoarse voice.

Peeling of crusts with blood streaks is often present.

Doctors find a connection between this form of the disease and the consumption of hot or spicy foods, which harm both the larynx and the back wall of the throat.

Laryngitis in adults, caused by professional affiliation, is classified into a separate group. Teachers and speakers often suffer from excessive strain on their ligaments.

Acute laryngitis and its consequences

Acute laryngitis is a companion to a viral infection, but can also exist as an independent disease. This often happens when the vocal cords are strained, exposed to harmful substances, inhalation of dust, smoking and frequent use alcoholic drinks.

The causative agent of the pathogenic process in most cases is streptococci, staphylococci, etc.

Acute laryngitis occurs suddenly with hypothermia, the body, ulcerative manifestations on the vocal cords, as well as the appearance of polyps.

Acute laryngitis can begin with a dry cough, scratching in the larynx and pain when swallowing. A little later, sputum production appears, after which the voice becomes rougher, hoarse, or disappears altogether. Laryngitis is often accompanied by fever and headache.

The most dangerous is laryngitis in adults, resulting from acute inflammation subglottic space with severe stenosis.

In this case, swelling of the larynx appears, which is fraught with asphyxia. This condition is called false croup. Distinctive feature false croup manifests itself in a film formation on the vocal cords. It's important to know that true croup- This is most often a consequence of diphtheria.

Why is acute laryngitis dangerous?

  • First of all, this is the transition of acute laryngitis into a chronic form of the disease;
  • Severe laryngitis or allergic edema the larynx can cause the development of suffocation;
  • Laryngitis and its purulent forms diseases can cause complications such as mediastinitis (inflammation of the space in the middle sections chest cavity), cellulitis of the neck (spilled purulent inflammation neck tissue), lung abscess (formation of a cavity with pus in the lung), sepsis (spread of infection through the blood throughout the body).

This is interesting! How to cope with acute laryngitis during pregnancy.

Consequences of chronic laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis is often caused by a cough as a result of a cold, problems with the stomach and esophagus, overstrain of the vocal cords, and exposure of the larynx to adverse environmental factors.

It also occurs with regular exposure to cigarette smoke, which contains a huge amount of harmful substances, and abuse of alcoholic beverages.

The development of chronic laryngitis in adults is provoked by too hot or very cold drinks, irritating the mucous membrane of the throat, frequent or untreated colds, chronic lesions of the upper respiratory tract.

Chronic forms of laryngitis are divided into:

  • catarrhal – the primary factor of which is a violation of local circulation;
  • hypertrophic – in which there are nodules and changes in the mucosa. If there is a violation of glandular function, viscous mucus will certainly appear in the larynx;
  • atrophic – characterized by a feeling in the throat foreign object. The mucous membrane becomes rough and becomes covered with a viscous substance that forms dry crusts that are practically inseparable when coughing. There is thinning of the mucous membrane.

Complications of chronic laryngitis

The chronic form of laryngitis is no less dangerous than the acute form. Against this background, the following most often develop:

  • benign tumors of the larynx, for example, fibromas, angiomas, angiofibromas, papillomas;
  • tumor-like formations, for example, polyps, cysts, granulomas of the vocal cords;
  • malignant tumors of the larynx (cancer);
  • stenosis of the larynx, that is, narrowing of its lumen and disruption of the movement of air through the respiratory tract, often leading to the development of suffocation;
  • persistent loss of ability to work in persons with voice-speech professions, for example, singers, announcers, lecturers, teachers;
  • impaired mobility of the larynx, namely: paresis of the vocal cords, leading to persistent hoarseness and shortness of breath.

The best prevention of laryngitis in adults is gradual hardening methods. At the same time, quitting drinking alcohol and smoking will help preserve the protective properties of the body.

To prevent laryngitis, it is useful to systematically clean the nasopharynx mucosa from accumulated dirt, dust and chemical particles using an inhaler.

In cases where laryngitis could not be prevented, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid complications and unpleasant consequences.

How laryngitis occurs, how to treat it and what to do to prevent it in the following video:

Laryngitis is, although not particularly dangerous, a very uncomfortable disease for both adults and children. A lost voice and cough will prevent you from working and communicating normally. Therefore, the first thought that comes to mind is how to quickly cure laryngitis.

Effective treatment of laryngitis depends on how correctly the provocateur of the disease is identified. The following types are distinguished:

  1. bacterial (streptococci, staphylococci, fungi, pathogens of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria);
  2. allergic (food, plant, chemical allergens, as well as animal ones);
  3. traumatic (strain of the vocal cords);
  4. viral (common pathogens: influenza virus, measles, parainfluenza).

In children, the disease often occurs after prolonged breathing through the mouth in cold air, as well as when infected in kindergartens and schools. Laryngitis often occurs as a consequence of general hypothermia in a child.

The disease takes on a chronic form when an untreated source of infection settles for a long time in the pharynx, nose or sinuses, and complications arise at the slightest provocation. Such laryngitis can occur in adults due to alcohol and smoking abuse, as well as in professional singers, teachers, and speakers.

It's important to start on time complex treatment, otherwise the transition to a chronic form is not all that laryngitis is dangerous for. Quite serious complications can arise in children against the background of infectious laryngitis - false or true croup (larynx stenosis). In this case, a narrowing of the lumen occurs, often dangerous to the child’s life. The consequences can be dire, so immediate professional help is necessary.

General recommendations for all forms of laryngitis:

  • give rest to the ligaments;
  • plenty of warm drinks (neither cold nor hot);
  • giving up alcohol, smoking, and not eating sour, salty, spicy and solid foods.


Allergic laryngitis most often occurs in children under 3 years of age. This is facilitated by a narrow funnel-shaped larynx and not fully formed immunity. In this case, cough, hoarseness, and soreness are observed. The temperature does not rise.

Allergic laryngitis in children and adults is quite simple to combat: you need to remove all possible allergens and take an antihistamine (Erius, Suprastin, Zyrtec).

Glucocorticosteroid drugs do a good job of relieving symptoms: Pulmicort, Symbicort. The drugs are used in the form of inhalation with a nebulizer. Can be used to treat children from 6 months. Pulmicort is able to calm an allergic cough and relieve laryngeal swelling in a child in one application. Alternation with inhalations of saline solution or Borjomi is effective.

Important: do not use essential oils and herbs for inhalation!


Infectious laryngitis is accompanied by an increase in temperature. In children, the disease is more severe. Exacerbations occur at night, the child suffers from a hacking cough, shortness of breath, and possible oxygen deprivation.

The pathogen can be determined by the nature of the sputum discharged from the respiratory tract. With bacterial laryngitis, it is yellow-green. Amoxicillin-based antibiotics are usually prescribed for treatment.

At home, Miramistin spray helps well, destroying pathogens on the surface of the mucous membrane. Moreover, the drug is safe for both adults and children.

Bioparox spray is quite effective against bacteria (do not use for children under 12 years of age).

Erespal syrup has antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects.

With an integrated approach, laryngitis will subside in 2-4 days. How long it takes to fully recover depends on your immune system.

Important: do not use expectorants (such as Ambrobene) in the first phase of the disease. This will increase laryngeal swelling. Do not use steam inhalation. The consequences are rapid proliferation of bacteria.


Viral laryngitis is characterized by a sudden increase in temperature to 38 degrees or more. The sputum is clear and liquid.

Can be used immediately universal remedy− Miramistin spray of combined action: effective against viruses and bacteria.

Stoptussin syrup actively fights viruses, softens the throat and relieves cough. Sinekod is also well suited for eliminating cough syndrome.

Immunomodulatory drugs based on interferons are effective. Laferon nasal drops or Anaferon tablets for children are suitable for a child. There is a special antiviral drug for children Immunoflazid. It is active against viruses respiratory infections. It can be used for treatment from birth.

For adults, Aflubin, Oscillococcinum, Resistol, Arbidol, Cycloferon tablets are suitable.

A good remedy is inhalation with herbal decoctions or with the addition of essential oils.

Important: on days 5-7 of viral laryngitis, complications in the form of bacterial infections are possible.


Laryngitis caused by ligament strain can be quickly cured without the use of medications. Treatment lasts from 1 to 3 days.

There are several ways to relieve swelling and restore your voice (adults only):

  1. Mix a teaspoon of honey, cognac and vegetable oil. Swallow.
  2. Sage decoction in milk (a tablespoon per glass). Simmer for 15 minutes. Afterwards, cool slightly and reheat.
  3. Every 30 minutes, take a decoction of anise seeds: half a glass of seeds in half a liter of water, boil for 15-20 minutes. After it has cooled a little, add a tablespoon of honey and cognac.

The following recipes are suitable for children:

  1. Infusion of dry raspberry shoots: pour two tablespoons with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and a half. Take 1/3 glass three times a day.
  2. Warm milk with honey.
  3. Inhalations with herbal infusions. Used: sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, calendula. How much raw material to use is written on the packages.
  4. Inhalations on essential oils fir, eucalyptus, juniper, thuja, cedar: 3 drops per glass of water. Only if the child does not have allergies!
  5. For the nebulizer: pure saline solution.

Inhalation nebulizers based on hydrocortisone relieve swelling well. For children over 2 years old: mix 1 ml of the product with 2 ml of saline solution. For adults: 2 ml of product per 2 ml of saline solution.

During inhalations medicinal herbs Without a nebulizer for a child, it is better to use a kettle with a paper funnel on the spout to avoid consequences such as burns on the face.

Important: inhalations are contraindicated when elevated temperature bodies.

Regardless of what type of pathogen caused the disease, if after 2-3 days of treatment there is no significant improvement, then you need to consult a doctor. Only he can tell you exactly what medications to take and how much. For viral and bacterial laryngitis, especially in a child, it is important to consult a specialist at the earliest opportunity, since complications can develop unnoticed.

Is laryngitis contagious or not? This question worries many people. Should you be afraid and what precautions should you take if there is a family member with laryngitis? Will this disease be passed on to other family members? This issue is especially acute when there are several children in the family and one of them is sick. Does he need to be isolated from other children, and how dangerous is laryngitis for the patient?

Is laryngitis contagious to others? To understand this, let's figure out what it is - laryngitis? Translated from medical diagnosis in simple terms - this is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

A condition where the throat is sore, it hurts to swallow, the voice has changed or even disappeared completely, the patient has a fever and even attacks of suffocation and is called laryngitis.

In addition to the above, the patient has chills and the level of leukocytes in the blood increases. The symptoms are very unpleasant, and, if this happened to your child, then downright frightening.

The disease begins suddenly and occurs in an acute form. If you are unable to cope with laryngitis in two weeks, the disease becomes chronic. In addition to damage to the larynx and vocal cords, the nasopharynx also becomes inflamed. Nasal congestion appears. It is difficult to breathe through the nose, and breathing through the mouth is accompanied by pain in the throat. The patient cannot sleep, he constantly feels bad. The classification of the types of this disease will help us figure out whether laryngitis is contagious or not. Depending on the causes, there are several types of laryngitis:

Non-contagious forms:

  1. Allergic
  2. Psychological
  3. Drug


When any allergen substance enters the human body. U different people allergies can be caused by a variety of food products, natural phenomena and smells. This is animal hair and poplar blossoms and the smell of paint. When an allergen appears, the laryngeal mucosa becomes inflamed, breathing becomes difficult, and a cough begins. This type of laryngitis will go away some time after the allergen disappears.

Congenital predisposition

People, especially children, may have congenital predisposition to acute respiratory diseases. If the mother suffered from any illness during pregnancy infectious disease, then the child will be prone to laryngitis. In this case, you need to carry out therapeutic treatment in order to strengthen the immune system.


Against a background of stress. This is especially common in children. Children are very emotional and react strongly to all kinds of nervous shocks. This can provoke spasm of the larynx and vocal cords. This type of laryngitis is treated by a psychotherapist, or the disease gradually goes away on its own as the causes of stress are eliminated. In this case, those around you do not have to fear for their health..


Occurs during treatment of other diseases. For treatment various diseases Sprays are often used. Medicines in this form, when they get on the mucous membrane of the throat, can irritate it and lead to symptoms of laryngitis - swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane, and a change in voice. And if the substance in the spray turns out to be an allergen, it can lead to suffocation. Treatment is very simple - switch to other forms of taking the prescribed medication, while simultaneously checking whether one of the components is medicinal drug allergen for this patient. This type of disease allows you to communicate with the patient without restrictions.

It is clear that all of the above types of laryngitis are not contagious and cannot be transmitted to another person. The disease will go away after the cause that caused it is eliminated. You can and should communicate more with such patients. After all, care and good mood in itself is an excellent healing agent.

Infectious forms:

  1. Viral
  2. Bacterial.


Caused when a person is infected with a virus. These could be, for example, influenza or measles viruses. In this case, laryngitis is concomitant disease. During treatment, attention is paid to strengthening the immune system. There is no point in using antibiotics for this type of disease, since they have no effect on viruses. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often, give the patient warm drinks, humidify the air in the room and carry out other measures that will facilitate the breathing process and relieve swelling of the larynx.

This type of laryngitis is dangerous for others. There is no doubt that this type of disease is contagious. When coughing and sneezing, viruses located on the vocal cords infect the air around the patient. This type of disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets. When communicating with such a patient, it is necessary to use a gauze bandage.


Caused by various pathogenic bacteria. These can be bacteria of scarlet fever and typhus, diphtheria and syphilis.

This type of disease is very difficult. Heavy discharge from the nose, sore throat when swallowing, persistent cough And heat distinguish this type of disease. The course of this disease is especially difficult in children. To these symptoms are added attacks of suffocation.

Treatment of the bacterial form is best done in a stationary clinic under the constant supervision of specialists. It is clear that this is a contagious type of laryngitis and it will be transmitted to others. All measures must be taken to isolate the patient.

If there is a disaster in your family and one of your loved ones gets laryngitis. Take a closer look at how the disease progresses, try to determine the causes of the disease and determine whether it is a type of laryngitis that is contagious or not. In any case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Be always healthy.

A sudden sore throat and hoarseness in the voice are symptoms of laryngitis. There is only one disease, but there are plenty of reasons that provoke its development. Is laryngitis always contagious, and how is it transmitted? Knowledge of indirect signs indicating the nature of the disease, as well as precautions, will help reduce the likelihood of contracting this disease.

Routes of transmission

“Culprits” of an inflamed larynx:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • fungi.

Infectious laryngitis is transmitted:

  1. Airborne method.
  2. As a result of direct contact.
  3. During intrauterine development(from mother to unborn baby).

Inflammation of the larynx rarely occurs as an independent disease. There are no specific viruses or bacteria that cause laryngitis. Typically, laryngitis develops after a respiratory disease: tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, which infects others.

The development of the disease is possible when pathogenic microorganisms enter the body against the background of weakened immunity, as well as under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Usage medicines(sprays, aerosols).
  2. The body's tendency to allergic reactions.
  3. Professional activities (singers, lecturers).
  4. Jar of Hearts.

Non-infectious forms

Inflammatory processes, the development of which occurs under the influence of non-infectious factors, do not pose a danger to other people.

Congenital predisposition

Laryngitis in children under three years of age is a consequence of the child’s mother’s excessive consumption of fatty and carbonaceous foods during pregnancy.

Reaction to nervous shock

The larynx can also become inflamed during severe emotional shock. This happens to children much more often due to their fragile psyche. A psychological factor causes spasm of the vocal cords, which leads to loss of voice.

Reaction to drugs

Preparations in the form of aerosols intended for the treatment of laryngitis are contraindicated for children. Active substance when hitting back wall throat causes defensive reaction body from the penetration of foreign particles. The larynx becomes inflamed and swollen.

Allergic laryngitis

Despite the fact that the disease caused by the action of allergens is not transmitted from one person to another, but when an infection is attached, it becomes contagious to other people. To avoid this, when developing allergic form follow the procedures prescribed by your doctor - rinsing and inhalation.

Otherwise, the effect of allergens can affect the immune system. And a weakened body is not able to fully resist attacks from viruses and bacteria. Hence the complications of the disease, which develops into an infectious form. A person can understand that an infection has entered the body by a sudden rise in temperature to 38 °C, the appearance of weakness and body aches.

Development allergic reaction contribute to:

  • house dust;
  • pet hair and saliva;
  • dandruff;
  • feather and down;
  • food allergies;
  • reaction to pollen of trees, grasses and cereals;
  • medications.

Occupational laryngitis

The work of an artist, presenter, or teacher involves constant overload of the vocal cords. People suffer from laryngitis much more often than others, but they are not contagious to others. Symptoms are a hoarse voice and unpleasant, tearing sensations in the larynx. The main treatment is vocal rest. Constantly recurring relapses lead to infection of the respiratory tract.

Viral laryngitis

Acute laryngitis is most often caused by viral infections, such as coronavirus, enterovirus, rhinovirus. After infection, it takes several days to 2 hours for the first symptoms of the disease to appear. Antibiotics are not suitable for treating the viral form.

Viral laryngitis is transmitted by airborne droplets and direct contact within 3–4 days after infection. Infectious agents are spread into the external environment by sneezing, coughing and exhaling. When a person does not wear a mask, the air in the immediate area becomes contagious. A person who inhales this air runs the risk of contracting laryngitis.

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to distinguish bacterial infection from viral:

Bacterial laryngitis

Microbes such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci are transmitted through household contact through dishes, door handles, and towels. The risk of becoming infected with laryngitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms after communicating with an infected patient is 80–85%. Only the human body with strong immunity, resists microbial attacks. You can walk outside after 5–7 days of treatment - that is how long bacterial laryngitis remains contagious.

Clinical picture:

  • temperature 38 °C;
  • cough;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge in the sputum.

To avoid getting laryngitis and to protect yourself and family members in which one person is sick, create a quarantine room and go there with a gauze bandage. After visiting, wash your hands with soap.

Chronic form

Symptoms of acute laryngitis without necessary treatment after some time they can still pass without complications. But there may be consequences in the form of a transition to a chronic form. Incubation period no, the disease begins suddenly as a result of the penetration of infections that are constantly present in the human body into the mucous membrane of the larynx.

During remission, pathogenic microorganisms remain within the body of the sick person and are not dangerous to others. At the time of exacerbation, chronic laryngitis is contagious to others. It is better not to communicate or have contact with sick people in such a situation.

Fungal form

In organism healthy person Fungi of the genus Candida are normally present. But with a decrease in immunity, the amount increases, and the inflammatory process begins. The disease is not contagious to others. Fungal laryngitis develops after a course of antibiotics. This can be avoided if after antibacterial therapy take antifungal medications: Nystatin, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole.

Candidal laryngitis is diagnosed when visual inspection. Characteristic symptom- curdled coating on the surface of the larynx. The disease develops within 2–3 weeks.

Is it possible to go outside with laryngitis?

Walking on fresh air If you feel well and have no fever, doctors do not prohibit it from laryngitis. On the street, breathe through your nose. If cold air enters the mouth, the patient's condition can only worsen.

When you have laryngitis, you need to walk correctly: walking at a calm pace and resting on a bench are acceptable. An adult should walk with a sick child. Parents should not allow jumping and running, but only walking slowly.

Based on indirect evidence, only an assumption is made regarding the type of laryngitis. The true cause of the disease is determined by the doctor. Knowing the exact diagnosis, we can say whether a particular case of laryngitis is contagious or not.


A barking cough, a tearing sore throat, loss of voice – these are the symptoms of a disease called “acute laryngitis”. The essence of this disease lies in inflammation of the larynx under the influence of various factors. We will talk about what should be considered the cause of the disease and what its possible consequences are in this article.


Acute laryngitis is often caused by various viruses and bacteria. Diphtheria, mumps, measles - all these ailments can cause complications on the vocal cords, but influenza viruses are most often considered to be the cause of larynx diseases. As for laryngitis of bacterial origin, it is much less common, but the consequences of its occurrence usually do not pass without leaving a trace on the body. The main pathogens in this case include Haemophilus influenzae, streptococci and staphylococci.

The cause of laryngitis is contact with previously infected people.

As we see, lack of contact with virus carriers is sometimes the best prevention illness. But acute laryngitis is not always infectious in nature. Chemical and mechanical damage vocal cords, their overstrain. In a normal state, under the influence of air flow, these organs easily open, producing sound. Inflammation of the vocal cords leads to their hardening and swelling, which negatively affects the voice. Why is this happening? There is no exact answer to this question: too much a large number of factors may affect the occurrence of the disease. Even the entry of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus (which clearly does not fall under the purview of an ENT specialist, but rather a gastroenterologist) sometimes has a detrimental effect on the speech-forming apparatus. As for screams and the habit of speaking in a raised voice, the disease of the larynx has a special “reverence” for them - even people who are very far from medicine know about this.

Acute laryngitis is often observed in people with chronic diseases ENT organs (adenoids, sinusitis, etc.), as well as in those who have experienced paralysis of the vocal cords. The latter is possible with a stroke, malignant formations on the mucous membrane of organs or injuries. The development of laryngitis is also affected by age-related changes body. In addition, the disease can be provoked by a number of factors, which include bad habits(alcohol abuse and smoking), unbalanced diet and weak immunity. To this list should be added the intake of polluted, dusty air into the respiratory organs, and hypothermia of the body. By the way, even ordinary breathing through the nose, which is very condemned by vocal teachers, speech therapists and ENT specialists (apparently for good reason!), in some cases can cause acute laryngitis. The presence of allergies also plays an important role in the occurrence of cough and swelling of the ligaments.

Possible consequences

If the disease is not treated for a long time, then sooner or later it becomes chronic. Unfortunately, when it comes to laryngitis, many, for unknown reasons (perhaps they are fans of a slightly hoarse voice?) forget this wisdom. And completely in vain, especially since the disease of the larynx has three chronic forms - catarrhal, hypertrophic and atrophic. All of them are fraught with serious consequences in the form of aphonia (that is, loss of voice) and a feeling of lack of air. Here we will add a violation of the innervation, blood circulation of the larynx, and even cancer as a result of the transformation of inflammatory cells into malignant ones.

Cellulitis of the neck is one of the possible consequences acute laryngitis

Particularly dangerous is acute laryngitis and the so-called laryngitis that forms under its influence. false croup for representatives of the younger generation. The false croup itself - so named by analogy with the true one that occurs with diphtheria - is an inflammatory process of the larynx, accompanied by its swelling and the same barking cough. And if for an adult false croup is another unpleasant addition to laryngitis, then for children (especially infants), whose larynx is much smaller, it is fraught with suffocation.

Pregnant women should also beware of laryngitis, because in order to become infected with this disease, they only need to ride on public transport once with some coughing gentleman. But the consequences of such a trip for the gestating fetus can be simply fatal: being viral in nature, the disease can spread to other organs, including the placenta. This, in turn, is fraught with defects in the development of the fetus (if infected in the early stages of pregnancy) and premature birth. However, even if you do not consider yourself to be an infant or pregnant woman, you should still not develop laryngitis. Remember that the disease lasts on average one week; any painful symptoms that extend beyond this period require immediate medical attention.

In addition to the listed complications, acute laryngitis can become chronic, resulting in frequent exacerbations of the disease. If the pathology is purulent in nature, the following may develop:

  • abscess of the lung or bronchus, due to the spread of the inflammatory process further down the respiratory tract;
  • phlegmon of the neck as a result of the spread of purulent secretion into the tissues adjacent to the throat;
  • sepsis, an infection spreads throughout the body through the blood and lymph flow;
  • mediastinitis, pathology arising in the middle section chest in the form of an inflammatory process.


It is, of course, impossible to completely protect yourself from all throat diseases, but adhering to certain rules, many of them can be avoided:

If you are faced with a not so pleasant disease, such as laryngitis, for a speedy recovery you should unquestioningly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Complex therapy, containing drug treatment, the choice of necessary medications is best left to the doctor. Also physiotherapeutic procedures, bed rest and in a week, you will again enjoy life, and you will not lose a trace of the disease.

Also pathological process may affect deeper tissues - cartilage. If therapy is not started promptly, there is a risk dangerous consequences. When they appear, it will be much more difficult to cope with the disease.

Why do complications of laryngitis occur?

The key reason for complications is the lack of adequate and timely therapy. Negative consequences most often occur if a person ignores the first symptoms of laryngitis and does not see a doctor.

Complications are also caused by a weakened immune system, the presence of concomitant pathologies, and bad habits.

Chronic form

The very first and most common complication is chronicity of the process. When exposed to negative factors on the larynx against the background of weakened immunity and high vocal loads, there is a risk of developing chronic form illness.

This is fraught with constant relapses of laryngitis, damage to the vocal cords, the appearance of hoarseness in the voice and its complete loss.

Etiology of laryngitis

False croup

This term refers to an acute inflammatory process in the larynx, swelling of the glottis, as well as the subglottic area. This condition is characterized by hoarseness, spasmodic cough, and breathing problems.

When laryngitis becomes chronic, it progresses. This leads to damage to adjacent organs and systems. If mediastinitis is not diagnosed in time, there is a risk of disability and even death.

This disorder has the following symptoms:

  • fever;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit.

According to statistics, only 20% of cases of mediastinitis can be detected during the patient’s lifetime. This complex disorder develops against the background of respiratory pathologies, which is why many people are in no hurry to see a doctor.

Secondary mediastinitis can occur against the background of the lungs and bronchi. This disease is characterized by rapid development. Therefore, strong and corticosteroid hormones are used to treat the disease. With their help, it is possible to cope with the symptoms of inflammation.

Localization of mediastinitis inflammation

Paresis of the larynx

Sometimes laryngitis provokes laryngeal paresis. With a significant decrease in physical activity muscle tissue In this area, there is a disturbance in breathing and the functioning of the vocal apparatus. Patients with this diagnosis experience difficulty swallowing, aphonia, and hoarseness in the voice.

Paresis of the larynx is characterized by a violation of the innervation of the muscles located in the area. This leads to problems at work speech apparatus. In advanced cases of laryngitis, not only soft fabrics, but also nerves. This leads to disruption of the innervation of the laryngeal muscles.

As a result, a person experiences laryngeal paralysis. Therapy of the disease also involves the use of antimicrobial drugs that can cope with foci of inflammation. Paresis of the larynx is characterized by constant closure of the ligaments, which leads to respiratory failure.

Phlegmonous (purulent) laryngitis

This term refers to purulent inflammation, which is accompanied by limited or diffuse damage to the larynx and nearby tissues. Depending on the location of the lesions, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • intralarynx - only the inner part of the larynx is affected;
  • extralaryngeal - lesions appear not only in the larynx, but also in the periglottic area.

Typically, purulent masses accumulate in the mucous layer, which leads to tissue melting. If the cause of the disease is not eliminated in a timely manner, there is a risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the circulatory system. As a result, the area of ​​inflammation increases, the lymph nodes are affected and even develops.

This form of the disease is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • strong increase in temperature - up to 40 degrees;
  • coughing attacks;
  • fever;
  • hoarseness in the voice;
  • breathing disorders.

As the disease progresses, the purulent process spreads to the epiglottic cartilage and subglottic area. In this case, extraneous noises occur during breathing and sore throat during palpation. If you don't start on time antimicrobial treatment, causes the appearance of epiglottitis, which, in turn, is fraught with suffocation.

Cellulitis of the neck

This concept means inflammation of a purulent nature, which leads to damage to the tissue of the neck. Such foci do not have clear boundaries, which leads to rapid spread. Usually this condition is a consequence.

The following symptoms are typical:

  • hyperemia of the skin on the neck;
  • increase in neck size;
  • fever;
  • increase in temperature;
  • pain when feeling the neck.

With severe tissue damage, there is a risk of severe intoxication. It is accompanied by nausea, chills, weakness, and loss of appetite. Cellulitis is dangerous due to the spread of infection throughout the body. Before use medicines Pus is pumped out from the swollen area. Then antibiotics, local antiseptics and other substances are prescribed.


As the disease progresses, pathogenic microorganisms enter the bronchi. This causes serious inflammation. If therapy is started on time, the pathology will last a maximum of 10-12 days. If this is not done, there is a risk of the process becoming chronic.

Bronchitis can transform into pneumonia and respiratory obstruction. As a result, there is a danger of hypoxia and suffocation.

Typically, bronchitis has the following symptoms:

  • increase in temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • breathing problems;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache.

What is bronchitis and how to treat it, watch our video:


Without treatment for laryngitis, there is a risk of various formations, including malignant ones. Any chronic process causes cell division and mutation. This is what causes the appearance of tumors.


This term means limited purulent formation. Most often it is localized in the area of ​​the epiglottis - the cartilage that blocks the entrance to the larynx. This condition is accompanied by sore throat and difficulty swallowing.

How to avoid consequences

To avoid complications, during treatment of laryngitis it is necessary to exclude the effect of irritating factors. These include:

  • smoking;
  • eating hot or cold food;
  • voice loads;
  • overheating and hypothermia.

Laryngitis is considered a serious disorder that can cause dangerous consequences. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to start therapy in a timely manner. of this disease. At the first symptoms of a disorder, you should consult a doctor.