Blood test analysis transcript. Deciphering a child’s general blood test independently. Adviсe. Deviations of which CBC indicators indicate heart pathologies?

A general clinical blood test (CBC) is the most important test of the body, which accurately reflects the state of human health.

A general blood test includes the following studies:

  • determination of hemoglobin level;
  • number of leukocytes in 1 liter;
  • number of red blood cells in 1 liter;
  • color index;
  • calculation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate or ESR;
  • study of the leukocyte formula, which consists of determining the number of monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes, neutrophils (segmented, band), basophils.

Blood clotting and bleeding rate are determined during OAC according to indications in individual cases.

Installed norms of general blood test in a healthy person are indicated in the table.

Leukocyte formula norms:

  • Segmented Neutrophils (Segm.) 2.0-5.5 (45-70%);
  • Band Neutrophils (Rod) 0.040-0.300 (1-6%);
  • Lymphocytes 1.2-3.0 (18-40%);
  • Monocytes 0.09-0.6 (2-9%);
  • Eosinophils 02-0.3 (0-5%);
  • Basophils 0-0.065 (0-1%)
The material for OAC is taken from a person’s finger by a laboratory assistant in the clinic in the morning and strictly on an empty stomach. About accepting any medicines You need to inform your doctor before taking the test.

Decoding the results: table

Deviation of indicators in the CBC indicates the presence of diseases of the body and circulatory system. The table lists possible reasons pathological analysis.

Index Exceeding the norm Decrease in norm
Hemoglobin (HB) is a complex protein substance that is part of red blood cells, the main function of which is to transport oxygen to tissues, regulate the acid-base state, and remove CO2. Exceeding the limit of 175 g/l is determined by erythrocytosis (pathological increase in red blood cells), erythremia (malignant blood lesion), dehydration, exhausting physical activity before taking the test, and smoking. Various anemias. Reducing NV to 90 g/l - sign iron deficiency anemia . Lower rates are detected with hypoplastic, pernicious and hemolytic anemia, and with massive blood loss.
Leukocytes are blood cells that are formed in the lymph nodes and bone marrow; their primary task is to protect the body from the introduction of third-party microorganisms. A slight increase in the number of leukocytes can be determined after eating food, during stress and intense physical activity, and in late pregnancy. Absolute increase in white blood cells (leukocytosis) – clinical sign most infectious and inflammatory processes. Other causes of leukocytosis: abscesses, heart attacks, blood loss, diabetic coma, late stage cancer, diseases of the circulatory system. Leukopenia or a decrease in the number of leukocytes develops against the background of long-term use of various medications, with damage and other pathologies of the bone marrow, spleen, with irreversible liver damage, pernicious anemia, endocrine disorders, for some infections (malaria, measles, influenza, rubella). Leukopenia occurs against the background of long-term diseases in the body, which at the beginning of the pathological process were accompanied by leukocytosis.
Red blood cells are blood elements containing hemoglobin. An increase in the number of red blood cells is called erythrocytosis. With indicators 7 – 9*10 12 l compensatory erythrocytosis occurs, which is detected in the CBC in pilots after flights and in residents of high mountains. Compensatory erythrocytosis occurs in diseases of the respiratory system: emphysema, pneumosclerosis, sclerosis pulmonary artery. And also for heart disease, polycystic kidney disease, hydronephrosis. Rising red blood cells up to 8 – 12*10 12 l indicates erythremia (malignant blood lesion). A decrease in red blood cells is determined in pernicious, hypoplastic and hemolytic anemia. With iron deficiency anemia, red blood cells are often found in the blood in quantities not exceeding the norm. Also, a slight downward deviation of the indicator is detected during pregnancy.
Platelets are non-nucleated cells “responsible” for blood clotting. An increase in platelets (thrombocytosis) is detected in liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, amyloidosis, lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis. And after heavy bleeding and surgical operations. Thrombocytopenia is observed after drinking alcohol, when taking medications (antibiotics, analgesics, diuretics), during pregnancy, liver disease, heart failure, systemic lupus erythematosus. A sharp decrease in platelets up to 60*10 9 l – at acute leukemia, systemic lupus erythematosus.
Color index (CI) – determines the amount of hemoglobin in one red blood cell. It is of clinical significance only in the presence of anemia to determine its type. An increase in indicators is called hyperchromia and is determined by B12 deficiency, hypoplastic and hemolytic anemia. Also for hypothyroidism, anemia, liver damage and after taking anticonvulsants and contraceptives. Hypochromia ( CPU less than 0.8) is detected in iron deficiency anemia and pregnancy.
ESR is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which is determined by calculating the time at which uncoagulated blood separates into 2 layers. The ESR value is influenced by the number of red blood cells and the presence of inflammatory processes in the body An increase in ESR indicates the presence of lesions inflammation or infection in organism. An increase in ESR is determined in the following conditions: abscess, sepsis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, kidney disease, the presence of malignant processes. A decrease in ESR may be due to an increase in the number of red blood cells. Also observed in liver diseases (hepatitis, jaundice), after taking mercury drugs.

The leukocyte count in KLA is not usually examined. Indications for determining the quantitative content of types of leukocytes are leukocytosis or leukopenia. Moreover, the quantitative content is calculated separate forms leukocytes and their percentage.

Leukocytes Increased Reduced
Neutrophils Purulent processes, abscesses, diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder, appendicitis, pneumonia Botkin's disease, typhoid fever, malaria, flu, chicken pox, poliomyelitis, severe inflammatory processes, B12-deficiency anemia.
Lymphocytes Brucellosis, typhoid fever, thyroid diseases (thyrotoxicosis), bronchial asthma, dystrophy, infectious lymphocytosis Acquired immunodeficiency, some forms of tuberculosis, lymphogranulomatosis
Monocytes Viral infections, scarlet fever, rubella, mumps, lung cancer, adrenal tumors Long-term use of glucocorticosteroids, stress, depressive syndrome
Eosinophils Bronchial asthma, serum sickness, eczema, myeloid leukemia, Quincke's edema, antibiotics, aspirin B12 deficiency anemia, shock, some blood diseases
Basophils Hypothyroidism, chicken pox, myeloid leukemia, premenstrual syndrome among women Norm

Clotting time– a value that reflects the coagulation process itself. Normal values ​​are from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. If the blood clotting time is less than 30 seconds, this indicates an increased level of prothrombinase in the body and determines the need to prevent hypercoagulation to prevent the development of thrombosis. If this value exceeds the limit of 120 seconds, this, on the contrary, indicates a deficiency of plasma factors.

Duration of bleeding characterizes the condition of the blood vessels and platelet system. Normally, the bleeding process lasts 2–3 minutes. Reducing the time period has no clinical significance and indicates a mistake made by the laboratory assistant during the research process. An increase in time reflects disorders of the hemostasis system, including thrombocytopenia, and disorders of the vascular wall.

Complete blood count in adults

General blood test in adults is mandatory whenever you consult a doctor due to illness or deterioration in health. It allows you to evaluate general state body and make the correct diagnosis. Women during pregnancy take the OAC upon registration, at 12, 20, 30, 36 weeks of pregnancy.

For an accurate interpretation of the results of the CBC, the age of the person is important, since the norms of some blood parameters differ somewhat in accordance with this factor.

Indicators Hemoglobin Red blood cells
age women men women men
20-30 110-152 130-172 3,5*1012-5,0*1012 4,2*1012 -5,6*1012
30-40 112-150 126-172 3,5*1012 -5,0*1012 4,2*1012 -5,6*1012
40-50 112-152 128-172 3,6*1012 -5,1*1012 4,0*1012-5,6*1012
50-60 112-152 124-172 3,6*1012 -5,1*1012 3,9*1012 -5,6*1012
60-65 114-154 122-168 3,5*1012 -5,2*1012 3,9*1012 -5,3*1012
Over 65 110-156 122-168 3,4*1012 -5,2*1012 3,1*1012 -5,7*1012

Features of changes in blood parameters during pregnancy:

  • By increasing the total volume of blood, its viscosity decreases. As a result, pregnant women have a decrease in hemoglobin and a decrease in the number of platelets.
  • The leukocyte formula changes: the concentration of leukocytes increases to 10*10 9 /l, the numerical value of band neutrophils increases, and the content of lymphocytes decreases.
  • The ESR value during pregnancy can be increased to 45 mm/h.

Normal indicators in a child

If in adults the age range for OAC is determined by decades, then in children of the first year of life, OAC norms change every three months, and after a year they determine separate periods: 1 - 6, 7 - 12, 13 - 15 years.

Norms of blood parameters in children of the first year of life

Age 1 day 4 weeks 6 months 1 year
Hemoglobin 145 — 225 100 — 180 100 — 145 110 — 144
Red blood cells 4,1*10 12 -6,6*10 12 3,2*10 12 – 5,6*10 12 3,2*10 12 – 4,5*10 12 3,7*10 12 -5,2*10 12
Leukocytes 8,5*10 9 – 32,2*10 9 6,5*10 9 – 13,8*10 9 5,5*10 9 – 12,5*10 9 6,0*10 9 – 12,5*10 9
Platelets 180*10 9 – 490*10 9 180*10 9 – 400*10 9 180*10 9 – 400*10 9 180*10 9 – 400*10 9
ESR 2 — 4 4 — 8 4 — 10 4 — 12

in children older than one year

Age 1 — 6 7 — 12 13 — 15
Hemoglobin 110 — 142 112 — 146 112 — 160
Red blood cells 3,5*10 12 – 4,5*10 12 3,5*10 12 – 4,7*10 12 3,6*10 12 – 5,1*10 12
Leukocytes 5,0*10 9 – 11,4*10 9 4,5*10 9 – 11,4*10 9 4,3*10 9 – 9,5*10 9
Platelets 160*10 9 – 390*10 9 160*10 9 – 380*10 9 160*10 9 – 360*10 9
ESR 4 — 12 4 — 12 4 — 15

Established norms for blood parameters during general analysis in children older than one year

The first time a child’s blood is taken for analysis is still within the walls of the maternity hospital, a few hours after birth, then the test is taken at 1 month during a planned visit to the pediatrician, at 3 and 6 months before preventive vaccinations and when the baby turns 1 year old. Further, blood must be donated every year during a routine medical examination and before preventive vaccinations.

Children donate blood unscheduled for OBC when their health deteriorates or various diseases occur. Due to their age, infants do not need special preparation before the analysis. The only condition is not to eat 2 hours before the test.

"How to decipher a blood test?" - a question of this order can be vitally important for hundreds of people suffering various diseases. Modern medicine has risen to unprecedented levels high level, clinics are equipped with the latest equipment, patients are treated using high-tech techniques, medications are effective, and the statistics of medical institutions are improving every day. And yet, all healing processes begin with the most important thing - laboratory analysis blood. Correct diagnosis depends on the results of biochemical studies. This means that treatment will be prescribed in accordance with real clinical picture diseases.

The general condition of the human body, infections, pathologies of internal organs and many other diseases are identified and diagnosed based on analysis of blood. The result of the blood test and transcript of laboratory data are sent to the doctor’s office ready-made from the computer. Mistakes happen rarely, but still no one is completely immune from them. And if the patient knows what a blood test means, what laboratory processes he undergoes, and most importantly, how it is deciphered, then there is nothing reprehensible in this. All data regarding clinical studies is available for review. This article contains information about basic laboratory methods and answers the question of how to decipher a blood test.

The most important factor of life

Blood is the most important factor in the vital functions of human organs. Its qualitative composition affects the functioning of the brain, spinal and bone marrow, muscle structures, gastrointestinal tract, lymph nodes. Separately, you can designate the heart muscle, liver and kidneys. The body’s ability to resist the emergence and development of pathologies directly depends on the biochemical composition of this fluid. That is why, to diagnose the disease and subsequent treatment at the first stage, a blood test is necessary, the normal values ​​of which will allow you to avoid the use of unnecessary techniques. And alarming data will make it possible to take timely measures to prevent the disease.

Blood test and diagnostics

So, the diagnosis of any disease begins with an analysis showing the general picture of the disease, followed by a more detailed study of the anamnesis. The qualitative composition of blood cells is determined through laboratory tests. Some parameters may require retesting. The results of a blood test and their correct interpretation are a guarantee of error-free diagnosis.

Clinical and biochemical analysis

The blood test is carried out in two versions. By general scheme or by a method using biochemical parameters. A general analysis makes it possible to determine the main characteristics of the blood supply to organs:

  • The level of hemoglobin as the main component of red blood cells that deliver oxygen to tissues and organs. The norm for men is 131-161 g/l, for women - 119-149 g/l. Reduced hemoglobin levels may be a consequence of anemia.
  • Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They participate in the transport of oxygen and support the process of biological oxidation. The norm of red blood cells in the blood for men is 4.4-5.0 10 12 / l, for women 3.6-4.6 10 12 / l, for children 3.8-4.9 10 12 / l.
  • Leukocytes are blood cells that appear during the generation process in the bone marrow. They are divided into five typical categories: lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils. Leukocytes cleanse the body of foreign cells and destroy antigens. The leukocyte norm is 4-9 10 9 /l. An increase in their level is called leukocytosis, a decrease is called leukopenia.
  • The leukocyte formula, or leukogram, is part of a blood test that allows you to determine the percentage of leukocytes of different types.

  • CP is a color indicator that determines the degree of presence of hemoglobin in erythrocytes:

Saturation rate - 0.86 - 1.04 units;

For hypochromic anemia - 0.8 units or less;

For hyperchromic anemia - 1.1 units or more;

When assessing CP, not only the number of red blood cells is taken into account, but also their volume.

For men, the ESR norm is from 1 to 16 mm/hour;

For women, normal values ​​are from 12 to 20 mm/hour;

For children - from 2 to 17 mm/hour.

ESR analysis is based on changes in the specific gravity of red blood cells relative to the specific gravity of plasma. In their normal state, red blood cells slowly “drown” in the blood plasma. Precisely due to its specific gravity. During this period, red blood cells negative charge, and they repel each other. The degree of their aggregation, the ability of mutual adhesion, is practically zero. However, any inflammatory process associated with the intervention of proteins in the blood in an acute form, the so-called markers, radically changes the picture. Red blood cells lose their negative charge and begin to aggregate, that is, stick together. The relative surface area of ​​each decreases, while the rate of subsidence increases accordingly. Its laboratory measurement is correlated with the ESR table, and thus the degree of pathology is determined.

Interpretation of clinical blood test

After receiving the results of a laboratory test, the question arises of how to decipher the blood test. For this purpose, hematological determinants are used, the range of which is 24 different parameters. Among them are hemoglobin concentration, leukocyte count, red blood cell volume, average level hemoglobin concentration in an erythrocyte, average platelet volume, size distribution of erythrocytes and others.

Automatic decryption involves precise determination of the following parameters:

  • WBC - white blood cells, leukocyte content in absolute values. The normal amount is 4.6 - 9.0 cells/l, necessary to recognize and destroy foreign agents, stimulate the body's immunity, and eliminate dead cells.
  • RBC - red blood cells, the content of erythrocytes in absolute value at a norm of 4.4 - 5.8 cells/l in elements that include hemoglobin, which is a transporter of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • HGB is the level of hemoglobin in the blood at a normal level of 133-174 g/l. The analysis is carried out using cyanide. Measurement is in moles or grams per liter.
  • HCT is hematocrit, which determines the ratio of the volumes of blood elements in plasma: leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets.
  • PLT - blood platelets, platelet content in absolute value at a norm of 151-401 cells/l.

Red blood cell indices

  • MCHC is the hemoglobin concentration in the average value of the erythrocyte mass at a norm of 305-382 g/l. Determines the saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin. MSHC decreases in diseases accompanied by impaired hemoglobin synthesis. It is considered one of the most stable hematological indicators; it indexes shortcomings and instrument errors.
  • MCH - shows hemoglobin concentration in average values ​​and in individual red blood cells with a normal range of 27 to 31 pg.
  • MCV - determination of the average volume of red blood cells in cubic micrometer (µm) or in femtoliters (fl) with a norm of 80-95 fl. Previously, the names “macrocytosis”, “normocytosis”, “microcytosis” were indicated.
  • HCT/RBC - shows the volume of red blood cells in average values.
  • HGB/RBC - determines the level of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
  • RDW - relative distribution of erythrocytes in width, their anisocytosis. Indicator of erythrocyte heterogeneity, calculated coefficient of average RBC volume.
  • RDW-SD is the width of the total volume of red blood cells according to standard values.
  • RDW-CV—variant coefficients of erythrocyte distribution width.
  • ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate. A reliable indicator of nonspecific pathology.

Automated hematology analyzers also provide histograms for red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Platelet indices

  • PCT - thrombocrit, normal content is 0.106 - 0.280, the volume occupied by platelets as a percentage.
  • PDW is the relative width distribution of these cells. Determines the degree of their heterogeneity.
  • MPV - platelet volume in average values ​​with a norm of 7 to 10 fl.

Platelets as a potential danger

Platelets in a healthy person perform a number of useful functions. One of them is protective in nature. If a vessel is damaged, platelets instantly accumulate at the point of the cut and form a blood clot, which stops the bleeding. However, more often these cells become participants in pathological processes in the body.

A decrease in the level of platelets in the blood, thrombocytopenia, is a sign of anemia, deficiency folic acid. Anticipates the emergence of malignant cells, can become a harbinger of myelofibrosis, sarcoma, leukemia, viral infection, Fanconi syndrome and Wiskott-Aldrich.

Increased concentrations accompany diseases such as tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, erythremia, rheumatism, and osteomyelitis. It is necessary to know how to decipher a blood test so that platelets are characterized first.

Leukocyte indices

  • LYM% - lymphocyte content in relative values. At a rate of 25-40%.
  • LYM# - number of lymphocytes in absolute values. At a normal level of 1.1-3.2 µl.
  • MXD% - content in relative values ​​of mixed eosinophils, basophils and monocytes. At a rate of 5-10%.
  • MXD# is the number in absolute values ​​of mixed eosinophils, monocytes and basophils. The norm is 0.25-0.9 µl.
  • NEUT% - relative concentration of neutrophils as a percentage.
  • NEUT# - neutrophil content in absolute value.
  • MON% - relative concentration of monocytes at a norm of 4-11%.
  • MON# - the content of monocytes in absolute value at a norm of 0.15-0.65 10 9 cells/l.
  • EO% - relative concentration of eosinophils as a percentage.
  • EO# - eosinophil content in absolute value.
  • IMM% - relative concentration of immature granulocytes as a percentage.
  • IMM# is the absolute content of immature granulocytes.
  • ATL% - relative concentration atypical lymphocytes as a percentage.
  • ATL# is the content of atypical lymphocytes in absolute terms.
  • GR% - the number of granulocytes as a percentage with the norm being 47-72%.
  • GR# is the content of granulocytes in absolute terms at a norm of 1.3-6.9 µl.

Interpretation of blood tests in children

A general blood test for children differs from an “adult” study only in numbers. But the technique is the same. The answer to the question of how to decipher a blood test in children is contained in special tables. The following are data norms for different age categories.

Norms for newborns:

  • CPU - 0.86-1.16.
  • Hemoglobin 182-242.
  • Basophils 0-1.
  • Red blood cells 3.8-5.6.
  • Lymphocytes 15-35.
  • ESR - 2-4.
  • Platelets 180-490.

Norms for children from 6 to 12 months:

  • Hemoglobin 113-140.
  • CPU - 0.85-1.15.
  • Leukocytes 6-12.
  • Basophils 0-1.
  • Lymphocytes 45-70.
  • ESR - 4-12.
  • Platelets 160-390.
  • Red blood cells 3.7-5.3.

Interpretation of blood tests in children from 1 to 12 years old. Standards:

  • Hemoglobin 100-150.
  • CPU - 0.75-1.2.
  • Red blood cells 3.7-5.2.
  • Leukocytes 6-5.2.
  • Lymphocytes 37-46.
  • ESR - 4-12.
  • Platelets 160-390.
  • Basophils 0-1.

A children's clinical blood test, the interpretation of which can be done using a standard table, will help clarify the picture of the disease. The doctor can interpret the results of laboratory tests in a condensed or expanded version, depending on the severity of the disease. The appropriate blood test table will help you reach the optimal decision. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor should, in severe cases, discuss the current situation with colleagues.

Blood chemistry

For biochemical analysis blood is taken from a vein, since it requires a significant amount of starting material. The number of tubes can be up to twelve pieces, but in most cases laboratory research are carried out according to six samples. 12 hours before blood sampling, the patient should not eat, and he is also advised not to drink anything other than water.

A biochemical blood test is carried out according to the following parameters:

  • Hemoglobin is a red blood cell protein that transports oxygen. A decrease in its blood level may be the result of anemia.
  • Haptoglobin is an active component, a plasma glycoprotein that binds hemoglobin. Deciphering a blood test in adults shows that the content of haptoglobin in it largely depends on the age of the patient. Normal values ​​range from 350-1750 mg per liter.
  • Glucose - sugar content. Blood test values ​​should not exceed 3.3-6.1 millimoles per liter. Data outside the normal range indicate the presence of diabetes mellitus, as well as the body’s lack of tolerance to glucose. In any case, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.
  • Bilirubin - pigment red-yellow color, a breakdown product of hemoglobin. The norm is 20 µmol/l. It is an external sign of Botkin’s disease if the level exceeds 27 µmol/l.
  • ALT - alanine aminotransferase, a liver enzyme. Analysis data characterize its functioning. The male norm is 42 units/l, the female norm is 32 units/l.
  • AST is a cellular enzyme aspartate aminotransferase, contained in internal organs. The norm is 31-42 units/l. An increased level of enzyme in organs is a warning about the development of pancreatitis, hepatitis, and cancer.
  • Lipase is a special enzyme that breaks down fats. Normal level is 190 units/liter. If the amount of lipase is higher, then this is a warning about possible gastric diseases.
  • Urea - average normal values ​​are 2.6-8.4 mmol per liter. If these numbers are exceeded, then there is renal failure. Urea content in the range of 16-20 millimoles per liter is considered a functional disorder moderate severity. From 35 to 50 mmol/l is already a severe kidney pathology. Values ​​higher than 50 mmol/l - very severe, life-threatening disease. Acute renal failure can be characterized by levels up to 83 mmol/l. A blood test and interpretation of normal and not quite normal values ​​may show slight deviations towards pathology. And this is a reason to repeat the study, since kidney disease is easier to prevent than to then spend months and years on conservative treatment.
  • Creatinine is analyzed in combination with urea. This test is also an indicator of kidney function. The normal creatinine level is 44-106 millimoles per liter.
  • Cholesterol is a natural organic compound, a lipophilic fatty alcohol that is present in cell membranes most organisms of animal origin. Normal cholesterol levels are 3.5-7.9 mmol/l. If the blood test values ​​are higher, then there is a risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Triglycerides - natural organic compounds, glycerol esters, monobasic fatty acids. Belong to the class of lipids. They are used in the body to perform energetic and structural functions.

The results of a blood test on a biochemical basis are the most productive in terms of subsequent diagnosis and treatment.

Blood performs a transport function - it supplies cells with oxygen and other necessary substances, takes away carbon dioxide and metabolic products. It includes plasma and formed elements, the ratio and quantity of which can tell a lot about the state of health.

Below we will describe in detail the indications and features of a general blood test - a table of norms in adults, a breakdown of the results and the meaning of deviations upward or downward.

Why is analysis needed?

General clinical trial blood tests are carried out to identify most pathologies of an infectious, inflammatory, malignant nature.

With its help, the effectiveness of treatment is assessed; it is a mandatory part of the examination upon admission of the patient to the hospital and during a preventive examination.

A general blood test is needed to determine the number of red blood cells, the concentration of hemoglobin in them and the sedimentation rate, the number and composition of leukocytes and platelets, the ratio of the amount of cellular and liquid components.

These indicators can tell a lot about the state of the body and help diagnose pathologies in the early stages.

Interpretation and norm of general blood test in adults

A general clinical blood test determines the level of the following elements:

  • red blood cells and their average volume;
  • hemoglobin;
  • hematocrit;
  • the average amount and percentage concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells;
  • reticulocytes;
  • anisocytosis of erythrocytes;
  • platelets and their average volume;
  • leukocytes;

The leukocyte formula is described in detail, including values ​​for six types of white blood cells: eosinophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, basophils, band and segmented neutrophils.

Table 1. Normal results of a general clinical blood test

Red blood cells (× 10 12 / l)R.B.C.3,7-4,7 4-5,1
Average red blood cell volume (fl or µm 3 ) MCV81-99 80-94
Hemoglobin (g/l)HGB120-140 130-160
Avg. hemoglobin level in erythrocyte (pg)MCH27-31
Color indicatorCPU0,9-1,1
Hematocrit (%)HCT36-42 40-48
Platelets (× 10 9 / l)PLT180-320
Avg. erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (%)MCHC33-37
Reticulocytes (%)RET0,5-1,2
Leukocytes (× 10 9 / l)WBC4-9
Avg. platelet volume (fl or µm 3 )MPV7-11
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (mm/h)ESR2-10 2-15
Anisocytosis of erythrocytes (%)RFV11,5-14,5

Table 2. Leukocyte formula (normal)

Index× 10 9 / l%
Neutrophilssegmented2,0-5,5 45-72
stab04-0,3 1-6
Basophilsup to 0.065up to 1
Eosinophils0,02-0,3 0,5-5
Lymphocytes1,2-3,0 19-37
Monocytes0,09-0,6 3-11

Red blood cells

Their increased content is detected during hypoxia, dehydration, heart defects, excess steroid hormones and dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, erythremia.

Decreased - with anemia, acute blood loss, in the II-III trimester of pregnancy, chronic inflammation, as well as bone marrow pathologies.


Many diseases are associated with disturbances in the volume and structure of hemoglobin. A decrease in its level is detected in anemia, bleeding, tumors, kidney damage, and bone marrow. An increase may indicate blood thickening due to dehydration, erythremia, or taking iron supplements.


This indicator is the ratio of red blood cells and plasma; it is used to determine the degree of development of anemia. Hematocrit is high in dehydration, polycythemia, peritonitis, and extensive burns.

A decrease accompanies anemia, cancer, chronic inflammation, late pregnancy, fasting, chronic hyperazotemia, pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.

The ratio of the amount of hemoglobin in one red blood cell to normal value reflects the color (or color) indicator. Its decrease is detected in case of lead poisoning, anemia of pregnant women and iron deficiency anemia.

CP rises above normal with a deficiency of vitamins B12 and B9, gastric polyposis and cancer.

Anisocytosis of red blood cells

This is the presence in the blood of red blood cells of different diameters (mature - 7-8 microns, and microcytes - up to 6.7 microns), which indicates the development of anemia. Depending on their ratio, various pathological conditions are determined.

With iron deficiency anemia, lead poisoning, thalassemia, the level of microcytes is 30-50%, and with a lack of folic acid, diffuse liver damage, macrocytic anemia, alcoholism, metastases in the bone marrow - it exceeds 50%.


These cells are responsible for blood clotting. Their number decreases in leukemia, AIDS and others viral diseases, some genetic pathologies, aplastic anemia, bone marrow lesions, bacterial infections, drug, chemical, and alcohol poisoning.

There are fewer platelets in the blood due to treatment with antibiotics, analgesics, estrogens, prednisolone, nitroglycerin, antiallergic drugs and vitamin K. An increase in the number of these cells is observed in the following cases:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • colitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • erythremia;
  • joint diseases;
  • myelofibrosis;
  • bleeding;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • corticosteroid therapy;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • after operations.

During pregnancy, menstruation, postpartum period the rate at which red blood cells settle is higher than normal. This indicator is also high in diseases of the liver, kidneys, connective tissue, injuries, infectious pathologies in acute and chronic forms, inflammatory processes, anemia, poisoning and cancer.

A decrease in ESR occurs with impaired blood circulation, anaphylactic shock, heart and vascular diseases.

Average platelet volume

There are young and old platelets in the blood, the former are always larger, the latter decrease in size. Their lifespan is 10 days. The lower the MPV value, the fewer mature, aged platelets in the bloodstream, and vice versa. Deviations in the ratio of such cells of different ages helps diagnose many diseases.

An increase in MPV can be caused by diabetes, thrombocytodystrophy, blood pathologies ( systemic lupus), splenectomy, alcoholism, myeloid leukemia, vascular atherosclerosis, thalassemia (genetic disorder of hemoglobin structure), May-Hegglin syndrome, posthemorrhagic anemia.

This indicator falls below the norm due to radiation therapy, with liver cirrhosis, anemia (plastic and megaloblastic), Wiskot-Aldrich syndrome.


Leukocytosis is an increase, and leukopenia is a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the plasma. White blood cells absorb pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other foreign objects, and produce antibodies that recognize pathogens. Leukocytosis can be physiological or pathological.

In the first case, the reasons for the increase are food intake, pregnancy and childbirth, premenstrual syndrome, physical activity and mental stress, hypothermia or overheating.

Among the pathologies, an increase in the WBC indicator can be caused by hypoxia, suppuration, severe blood loss, intoxication or allergies, blood diseases, burns, epilepsy, administration of the hormones insulin or adrenaline, and a malignant tumor.

Leukopenia occurs with radiation sickness, systemic lupus erythematosus, poisoning, liver cirrhosis, cancer metastases in the bone marrow, lymphogranulomatosis, functional nervous disorders, leukemia, acromegaly, bone marrow hypoplasia, due to the use of certain drugs.

The level of leukocytes also decreases in infectious and inflammatory pathologies - influenza, hepatitis, malaria, measles, colitis and others.

Features during pregnancy

In women expecting a child, the volume of blood circulating in the body increases, and the level of formed elements changes somewhat. During gestation, the study is carried out at least four times. Below is a table showing the norm of a general blood test during pregnancy.

Hemoglobin (g/l)112-165 108-144 110-140
Leukocytes (×10 9 / l)6-10,2 7,2-10,5 6,8-10,5
Red blood cells (×10 12 / l)3,5-5,5 3,2-4,8 3,5-5,0
Platelets (×10 9 / l)180-320 200-340
ESR (mm/h)24 45 52
Color index (C.P.)0,85-1,15

Indications for prescribing a general blood test

A general (clinical) blood test is indicated for diagnosis:

  • anemia;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • functional states of the body;
  • blood diseases and systemic pathologies.

It is necessary for regular monitoring of chronically ill people if complications arise during therapy and during a prolonged recovery. In healthy children and adults general examination blood tests should be performed once a year for preventive purposes.

Depending on which blood cell levels deviate from the norm, they speak of anemia, erythrocytosis, neutropenia, or other conditions.

How is a general blood test performed in adults?

A general blood test is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning, with the exception of emergency cases - heart attack, appendicitis and other emergency conditions.

Before taking the exam, you don’t need to smoke or be stressed, you can drink a little clean water, you should not drink alcohol for 3-4 days. On the day of the analysis, heavy physical activity should not be allowed.

Capillary blood from ring finger arms or venous, taken from the ulnar vein - in this case, along with a general analysis, a study for infections, hormones and other indicators can be carried out.

  • When taken from a finger, the first drop is removed with a cotton ball, and the next drops are taken for analysis. You should not rub or stretch your fingers before handing over - this can cause an increase in white blood cells and a change in other values.

Table normal indicators general blood test

Analysis indicator



Men: 130-170 g/l

Women: 120-150 g/l

Red blood cell count

Men: 4.0-5.0 10 12 /l

Women: 3.5-4.7 10 12 /l

White blood cell count

Within 4.0-9.0x10 9 /l

Hematocrit(ratio of plasma volume and cellular elements blood)

Men: 42-50%

Women: 38-47%

Average red blood cell volume

Within 86-98 microns 3

Leukocyte formula


    Segmented forms 47-72%

    Band forms 1-6%

Lymphocytes: 19-37% Monocytes: 3-11% Eosinophils: 0.5-5% Basophils: 0-1%

Platelet count

Within 180-320 10 9 /l

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

Men: 3 - 10 mm/h

Women: 5 - 15 mm/h


Hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein containing an iron atom that is capable of attaching and transporting oxygen. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells. The amount of hemoglobin is measured in grams/liter (g/l). Determining the amount of hemoglobin has a very great importance, since when its level decreases, the tissues and organs of the entire body experience a lack of oxygen.

Hemoglobin norm in children and adults

Units of measurement - g/l

Up to 2 weeks

from 2 to 4.3 weeks

from 4.3 to 8.6 weeks

from 8.6 weeks to 4 months

at 4 to 6 months

from 6 to 9 months

from 9 to 1 year

from 1 year to 5 years

from 5 years to 10 years

from 10 to 12 years

from 12 to 15 years

from 15 to 18 years old

from 18 to 45 years old

from 45 to 65 years

after 65 years

Reasons for increased hemoglobin

    Dehydration(decreased fluid intake, profuse sweating, impaired kidney function, diabetes, diabetes insipidus, excessive vomiting or diarrhea, use of diuretics)

    Congenital heart or lung defects

    Pulmonary or heart failure

    Kidney diseases (renal artery stenosis, benign kidney tumors)

    Diseases of the hematopoietic organs ( erythremia)

Low hemoglobin - reasons



    Congenital blood diseases (sickle cell anemia, thalassemia)

    Iron deficiency

    Lack of vitamins

    Exhaustion of the body

    Blood loss

Red blood cell count

Red blood cells- These are small red blood cells. These are the most numerous blood cells. Their main function is the transfer of oxygen and its delivery to organs and tissues. Red blood cells are presented in the form of biconcave discs. Inside the red blood cell there is a large amount of hemoglobin - the main volume of the red disk is occupied by it.

Normal red blood cell count in children and adults


indicator x 10 12 /l


from 1 to 3 days

in 1 week

in week 2

at 1 month

at 2 months

from 3 to 6 months

from 6 months to 2 years

from 2 to 6 years

from 6 to 12 years

boys aged 12-18

girls aged 12-18

Adult men

Adult women

Causes of decreased red blood cell levels

A decrease in the number of red blood cells is called anemia. There are many reasons for the development of this condition, and they are not always associated with the hematopoietic system.

    Errors in nutrition (food poor in vitamins and protein)

    Blood loss

    Leukemia(diseases of the hematopoietic system)

    Hereditary enzymopathies (defects of enzymes that are involved in hematopoiesis)

    Hemolysis(death of blood cells as a result of exposure to toxic substances and autoimmune lesions)

Reasons for the increase in the number of red blood cells

    Dehydration(vomiting, diarrhea, profuse sweating, decreased fluid intake)

    Erythremia(diseases of the hematopoietic system)

    Diseases of the cardiovascular or pulmonary system that lead to respiratory and heart failure

    Renal artery stenosis

General blood analysis- Very important procedure, which is prescribed for almost any change in human health. Deciphering a general blood test helps doctors understand exactly what pathological processes occur in the human body.

Clinical relevance

The study of blood from a finger or from a vein serves as the foundation for constructing diagnostic and therapeutic tactics. Doctors widely use this tool, and people themselves are already accustomed to the fact that treatment or preventive examination is not complete without general blood and urine tests.

It doesn't take much time to get results.

Fact! In urgent cases, the most important data can be obtained in just a few minutes, while the patient is still being examined by a doctor.

A modern laboratory service provides insight into the following general parameters:

  1. Red blood.
  2. White blood.
  3. Coagulation system.
  4. blood.

Obtaining the data itself is important, but an equally significant role is played by their correct assessment individually and in combination. Qualitative interpretation of the results obtained is impossible without the help of a qualified specialist.

Fence rules

To obtain reliable data, a number of requirements must be met. The result is influenced by a variety of factors: for example, at different times of the day, some indicators will vary for the same absolutely healthy person.

Capillary blood

This is a familiar general blood test from a finger prick. Allows you to assess the condition of tissues on the periphery of the body.

In order for the result of a general blood test to be used in the diagnosis and monitoring of a specific patient, you need to:

  1. Take the sample on an empty stomach, preferably fasting for 12 hours.
  2. The collection is carried out in the morning, between 7 and 9 o'clock.
  3. Before visiting the laboratory, avoid physical activity and medical procedures.
  4. Use only a disposable syringe and a sterile tube (capillary).

Important! If a patient arrives at the laboratory after an hour or two of jostling in minibus taxis or a crush in the subway, he needs to rest for at least half an hour, just sit.

Deoxygenated blood

Taking a sample for a general blood test from a vein requires observing some additional nuances:

  1. The time for applying the tourniquet should be as short as possible.
  2. The sample must be taken in a lying or sitting position.
  3. It is undesirable to bend and straighten your fingers.
  4. Take the test only on an empty stomach.

It is better to use modern vacutainers as a tool. This is a special tube with a needle that avoids contact with blood and carefully collects the sample.

Most often, venous blood is collected if necessary. However, it may also be required for general clinical research.

Fact! The vertical position of the body increases the level of proteins, cholesterol, and many other metabolites in the peripheral blood. Intensive “fist work” redistributes protein fractions in the hand, from where blood is drawn and reduces the oxygen saturation of the taken blood.

If these requirements are not met, the blood may become unsuitable for testing or, worse, give incorrect results.

Normal indicators

At the beginning of the 21st century, approximately 40 indicators can be obtained for assessment. For most cases, such detailed data is not needed.

In routine medical practice, the blood system is assessed according to the following indicators (table):

Category, name (international abbreviation) International


What do they characterize? Normal indicators: men/(women)
Red blood
Red blood cells Red Blood Cells, R.B.C. Saturation of tissues with oxygen, transport, nutritional and protective functions of blood. 4.0-5.1*10 12 cells in 1 liter/(3.7-4.7*10 12 /l)
– reticulocytes The number of young red blood cells that still contain ribonucleic acid (RNA) 0,5-1,2%
Hemoglobin Hemoglobin, HBC The content of pigment in erythrocytes, responsible for the delivery of oxygen to tissues and the selection of carbon dioxide from them 130-160/(120-140) grams per liter
Hematocrit Hematocrit, HTC How do the liquid (plasma) and dense (cells) parts of blood compare? 40-48/(36-42%)
Selected erythrocyte indices
– average volume of one red blood cell Mean corpuscular volume, MCV Important when it helps to establish its type and cause 80-94/(81-99) cubic micrometers, microns 3
– average hemoglobin content in one cell Mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCH The same 27-31 picograms, pg
– average concentration of hemoglobin in one cell Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, MCHC The same 33-37%
Erythrocyte anisocytosis Red blood cell distribution width, RDW Number of red blood cells of different sizes (micro- and macrocytes) 11,5-14,5%
White blood
Leukocytes White blood cells, WBC Degree and quality of protection from foreign components 4-9*10 9 cells in one liter
– neutrophils Neutrophil granulocyte "Working" cells
- stab In some way, young forms show the level of synthesis of new cells 1-6% of total number leukocytes
- segmented “Pull horses” are responsible for phagocytosis - eating foreign agents 45-72%
– eosinophils Eosinophil granulocyte Collect information for the synthesis of antibodies, are responsible for the start of allergy mechanisms 0.5-5% of the total number of leukocytes
– basophils Basophil granulocyte Responsible for allergic reactions (immediate or delayed type) 0-1% of total leukocytes
– monocytes Monocyte Destroy unnecessary or spent cells and tissue fragments of the body itself 3-11% of total leukocytes
– lymphocytes Lymphocyte Regulate the interaction between different parts of the immune system 19-37% of the total number of leukocytes
Platelets Platelets, PLT Responsible for the level and quality of the primary stages of the blood coagulation system (hemostasis) 180-320*10 9 cells in one liter
ESR Indirectly reflects changes in blood protein balance (dysproteinemia) in any disease 1-10/(2-15) millimeters per 1 hour, mm/hour

Despite the fact that it is not a problem to find normal indicators now, only a specialist should evaluate them.

Fact! The norm is a very average indicator. There are no identical people in the world and blood numbers will be different for everyone. In the clinic, it is generally accepted that the indicators observed in 80% of the healthy population are the norm.

Your doctor will tell you more about how to take a general blood test to obtain adequate data for assessment.

Red blood assessment

The table shows that red blood cells and hemoglobin are the main components of the so-called “red blood”. The reason for the name lies in the red color of heme, a key protein for oxygen transport. The hemoglobin molecule consists of 4 heme molecules.

This protein is found in red blood cells. Therefore, the main thing that red blood is responsible for is saturating tissues with oxygen. But not the only thing.

Red blood cells

Almost everyone has heard about red blood cells. But few people know that in addition to transporting oxygen (inside the cell), red blood cells transport mass nutrients, immune antibodies. They play an important role in maintaining adequate acid-base balance of the internal environment.

Increasing the number of cells ()

If they more than normal, this may indicate:

  • Chronic hypoxia. For example - life in rarefied air at altitude, heart disease, bronchopulmonary insufficiency.
  • Stimulating synthesis with special hormones - erythropoietins. This happens with kidney pathology and liver tumors. May be hereditary.
  • Elevated steroid levels. Or against the background of adrenal disease, or during the treatment of any pathology with these hormones.

Important! There is such a thing as relative for (dehydration): the numbers need to be evaluated together with the hematocrit.

Decreased cell count (erythropenia)

A decrease in the amount below normal indicates:

  • (anemia). Can be called for various reasons, which help establish other indicators of red blood.
  • Acute blood loss.
  • Late pregnancy.
  • Chronic inflammation.
  • Oversaturation with water (overhydration).

Not only do some blood numbers in women differ from those in men, but they can also change depending on the gestation period.


Young cells that are just maturing to become full-fledged red blood cells. If they are more than normal (reticulocytosis), this indicates blood loss and acute oxygen starvation.

Fact! Normal variant – reticulocytosis against the background effective treatment iron deficiency anemia.

Reticulopenia (decrease below normal), indicates disturbances in the functioning of the bone marrow: treatment with cytostatics, metastases of malignant tumors. The same picture will occur with a lack of iron and B vitamins (B 6, B 12) in the diet.


Widely known protein. The key task is the delivery of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from tissues.

Important! If a general blood test is normal, adults are found to have typesHbAAndHbB. Other types (HbF) indicate bone marrow pathology.

Above normal for dehydration and primary (hereditary) erythrocytosis. The reasons for the reduction are:

  • Anemia of various origins.
  • Acute blood loss, hidden bleeding.
  • Severe intoxication due to cancer.
  • Blood hyperhydration.
  • Impaired function of the kidneys, liver, bone marrow and other hematopoietic organs.

The study of this indicator allows us to indirectly assess the degree of oxygen saturation of tissues.

Hematocrit, anisocytosis and erythrocyte indices

The ratio of plasma volumes to formed elements is valuable for determining the degree of hydration of the body. A high indicator indicates significant blood viscosity, a low indicator indicates excess fluid.

Hematocrit is included in a general blood test in adults and children for some diseases that require hospital treatment and careful monitoring of the patient's condition.

The anisocytosis rate is calculated mathematically. If the diameter of a red blood cell is less than 6.5 micrometers (μm), it is called a microcyte; if it is greater than 9 μm, it is called a macrocyte. The normal ratio of cells with such characteristics is indicated above in the table.

Deviation from the norm will occur with anemia, bone marrow pathology, and some hereditary diseases.

Erythrocyte indices are also calculated mathematically and play a narrow clinical role.

Summing up the red blood, I would like to draw attention to the importance of responsible preparation for research.

Important! Simply drinking water immediately before a general blood test can affect its results and obtain incorrect data.

White blood assessment

These indicators are no less important. After all, many diseases are infectious or allergic in nature. Then changes occur on the part of the white blood. The number of leukocytes and/or their cellular composition(leukocyte formula).


Their normal level indirectly indicates calmness in the immune system. Exceeding the norm - leukocytosis - is observed when:

  • Any infections.
  • Intoxications.
  • Allergic manifestations.
  • Inflammatory processes of various origins.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Leukemia.

Fact! When the body is under the influence of a number of hormones, histamine, and digitalis-based medications, the white blood also changes, which is shown by a general blood test in the form of leukocytosis.

A decrease in level (leukopenia) is also common:

  • Severe infections (viral or bacterial).
  • The effect of some medications.
  • Bone marrow pathology.
  • Increased activity of the spleen.
  • A special form of leukemia (aleukemic).
  • Anaphylaxis is an immediate, severe allergic reaction.
  • Systemic diseases of connective tissue (collagenosis).

At least two pathologies can be accompanied by both leukocytosis and leukopenia: infections and leukemia. Therefore, taking a blood test and interpreting it should be carried out only by qualified specialists.

Important! In severe infections, leukocytosis is first observed. If it turns into leukopenia, this indicates a depleted immune system. It is imperative that such a patient is shown to a doctor.


They saturate the blood when it is necessary to eliminate (destroy) any unnecessary and foreign agents. Above the norm will be when:

  • Bacterial infections.
  • Inflammation or necrosis (burns, rheumatic attack, etc.).
  • A disintegrating tumor.
  • Intoxication (pregnant women, uremia - increased levels of uric acid, acetone with).
  • Carbon dioxide poisoning.

Some drugs can also increase the number of neutrophils. If the patient is treating chronic illness and takes medications daily, this should be discussed with your doctor before taking a general blood test. Then it will be possible to make a correct assessment of the data obtained.

Neutropenia is observed under the same conditions as leukopenia with some clarifications:

  • Some bacterial infections (typhoid, brucellosis).
  • Viral infections (rubella, infectious hepatitis).
  • Fungal infections, rickettsia.

Physiological neutrophilia will occur during physical activity, after eating, during stress and pregnancy.

Important! Great importance for correct result acquires a period of physical and moral peace, followed by the delivery of the sample.

Important qualitative changes

The severity of the pathological processes is indicated by the number of band neutrophils, young forms: myelocytes, promyelocytes, which is also called a shift to the left.

Fact! This formulation appeared because of the forms on which the results of a general clinical blood test were previously written out. Young forms of neutrophils were placed at the beginning of the table. When they were identified, the indicator numbers were placed on the left side of the table. This is where it came from - a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left.


Exceeding normal values ​​(eosinophilosis) indicates:

They may be elevated during the recovery period after severe infectious diseases.

Eosinopenia (below normal) will occur under the same conditions as leukopenia.


Characterizes the body's ability to allergic manifestations. An increase from the norm (basophilia) is observed against the background of:

  • Blood diseases.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Hypofunction of the thyroid gland (myxedema).
  • High levels of estrogen.

A decrease (basopenia) will occur when acute infections, conditions with low estrogen and thyroid hormones.

Note! The dependence of basophils on hormone levels can be used to indirectly assess the quality of therapy. Whether the analysis will show ovulation is unknown. But a decrease in estrogen levels can be noticed.


The most “gluttonous cells”. They are responsible for phagocytosis and, in combination with lymphocytes, participate in the immune response. Monocytosis should be expected against the background of any infections, injuries, or surgical interventions.

Monocytopenia is provoked by the same thing as leukopenia.


The most famous white blood cells. They have a regulatory function (T-lymphocytes) and are responsible for the synthesis of antibodies (B-lymphocytes). However, such a division is not included in the decoding of a general blood test: it is a very complex procedure and technique.

Raises above the norm:

  • Any infections.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Toxoplasma.
  • Some medications: analgesics, haloperidol,.

A decrease in level - lymphopenia - will occur under the same factors as leukopenia with some exceptions: immunodeficiencies.


They stand apart in the blood formula. These are cells without nuclei that trigger a cascade of coagulation reactions. Thrombocytosis often accompanies the following conditions:

  • Increased bone marrow activity (myeloproliferation).
  • Malignant diseases.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Bleeding.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Splenectomy.
  • Treatment with corticosteroids.

The female body stands out here too: against the background of menstruation, the level of platelets can drop 25-50% of the usual amount.

Thrombocytopenia directly indicates a weakness of the blood coagulation system. There are a lot of provoking factors: from bone marrow abnormalities to alcohol consumption.

This indicator should only be assessed by a specialist, in relation to the patient’s current condition.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

In the minds of most people, ESR is strongly associated with the activity of inflammatory processes in the body. Actually this is not true.

ESR, without which not a single decoding of a general blood test is complete, indicates an imbalance of proteins in the blood plasma (dysproteinemia). Acceleration may indicate:

  • Infection.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Trauma.
  • Intoxication.

A slowdown in ESR may occur with:

  • Erythrocytosis.
  • Chronic circulatory failure.

Sometimes this indicator is placed at the end of the form. But its clinical importance is difficult to overestimate. This is the easiest way to assess disease progression or the effectiveness of therapy.

Modern laboratory service

It takes several hours to do a clinical blood test. The most important indicators - leukocytes, hemoglobin and ESR - are carried out in emergency cases in a few minutes.

In modern medical practice gradually enter automated systems– analyzers. Their use eliminates the human factor, which could sometimes lead to an error in conducting research.

The development of telemedicine has made possible such a phenomenon as online transcript analysis. The doctor can receive results from the analyzer in digital form, being at a great distance from the patient.

But such a scheme cannot be unreservedly trusted. At a minimum, along with test data, the doctor must study the patient’s life history and medical history. This is the only way to be sure of the correct interpretation of data, correct diagnosis and adequate treatment of the patient.

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I am a general practitioner, a general specialist. My competence includes issues of early diagnosis of patients and treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, skin diseases, metabolic disorders, etc. 15 years of experience as a general practitioner in Moscow clinics, 5 of which worked in one hospital in St. Petersburg.. I will be happy to answer questions from readers of my blog.