Physical recovery in the postpartum period. Restoration of a woman’s body after childbirth. Restoration of internal organs

After discharge from the hospital, many women face many problems. Little man requires constant mother's attention, and she has absolutely no time left to devote even a couple of hours a day to herself. Just as a child has to become acquainted with the outside world, a woman has to re-acquaint herself with her changed body and correctly understand the needs of an organism that has experienced severe stress.

Excess weight, skin and hair problems, mood swings and hormonal imbalances - all this a young mother will have to go through during the difficult postpartum period. How long does it take for major organs to recover after childbirth? Let's find out from the article below.

How long does it take for a woman’s body to recover after childbirth?

Recovery after childbirth can take varying lengths of time. For some women, it will take several months for full recovery, for others it will take several years.

How long will rehabilitation last? It depends on:

  • how the pregnancy went and whether it was multiple;
  • what kind of births were there;
  • how the birth went;
  • whether the woman in labor was injured during childbirth;
  • whether breastfeeding is present;
  • whether there is a history of chronic diseases;
  • whether any health problems appeared during pregnancy;
  • whether relatives help the mother take care of the child;
  • whether the young mother plunged into postpartum depression.

Each of the listed factors or their combination is directly related to the period of the postpartum recovery period. If we consider this issue from the perspective of individual organs and functions that have undergone changes over 9 months, it is more convenient to perceive the information from the table.

Organ/body function Time frame for full recovery
Uterus The uterus, which had a weight of 100 g before pregnancy, will return it after 2-3 months. Physiologically normal bloody issues will stop after 8-9 weeks.
Cervix If there were no tears or cracks, no ectopia or other pathologies formed, the shape of the cervix is ​​restored to its original appearance after 3 months.
Vagina Episiotomy stitches usually dissolve in 10-14 days (see also: How long after birth do internal stitches dissolve?). The prenatal shape of the vagina may not be restored, and some women have to undergo cosmetic correction to resume a normal sex life.
Stomach Aerobics and fitness will help strengthen the muscles of a sagging belly. With diastasis, physical activity is allowed no earlier than 3 months after delivery.
Breast It is not easy to regain your former elasticity, shape and size after pregnancy and full breastfeeding. In cases where nature cannot cope with this task, plastic surgery comes to the rescue.
Menstruation For breastfeeding women, menstruation comes with the first spoonful of complementary foods for the baby, and comes at full normal after completion of lactation. For mothers of artificial babies - after 3 months.

Condition of a woman after childbirth

Only a woman who has already gone through this process can understand how a woman in labor feels. In addition to the great happiness of meeting her child, a young mother may also experience not so much happiness. pleasant emotions associated with pain experienced during labor. Weakened by moral and physical stress, the body may face the formation of many previously unknown diseases, such as:

  • cystitis and pyelonephritis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diabetes.

First 3 days

The first few days after the baby is born are critical for both him and his mother. The condition of both during this period is monitored in the maternity hospital by obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatric neonatologists.

For women, the first three days are characterized by:

  1. Copious bloody discharge (lochia). Girls preparing for childbirth should remember that in the first three days the lochia will be very abundant. You should not be afraid of the large volume of bloody fluid released; this is a completely natural process. The main thing is not to forget to stock up on enough postpartum sanitary pads.
  2. Painful contractions of the uterus, which are a manifestation of the fact that it is returning to its normal size. Contraction-like sensations may occur over a couple of weeks, especially while breastfeeding.
  3. Pain in the perineal area, especially at the sutures after tears or episiotomy. Girls with perineal ruptures are strictly prohibited from sitting in the first three days after suturing.
  4. Difficulty urinating and bowel movements. If the process does not improve after three days, you must tell the doctors about this.
  5. Possible problems with the breasts - the formation of cracks in the nipples, stagnation of milk. Maternity clinics and maternity hospitals tell you how to feed your baby correctly so that there are no cracks and the milk does not stagnate in the breast.

From 4 to 14 days

If everything is fine with the child and mother, they are discharged from the maternity hospital home. By this time, lactation is already improving, the breasts are getting used to constant stimulation. Lochia changes its color from bright red to brown or pale yellow. The stitches after the episiotomy (if they were made with surgical catgut) are already completely absorbed. However, you should not forget about the rules of personal hygiene; injured tissues can become inflamed without constant care.

From two to four weeks

Between two and four weeks after giving birth, lochia may subside quickly in some women. After this, they need to make an appointment with a gynecologist for a routine examination and ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Everyone should do this, especially women who feel pain and discomfort in the vagina and abdomen.

A month after giving birth, a young mother can gradually begin to put her figure in order. She is already allowed to engage in physical activity - her body is completely ready for physical activity.

Recovering a woman after childbirth at home

A woman will only be able to get back into shape after her first or second birth at home if she has time for herself. Young mothers should not shoulder all the care of the child and household. It is best to delegate half of your powers to one of your closest relatives, and divide the care of your newborn son or daughter in half with his father.

General tone

To restore the overall tone of the body, a young mother needs:

  • get enough sleep;
  • relax during the day with your child;
  • visit fresh air;
  • eat well and properly;
  • drink enough fluids;
  • take a complex of vitamins for nursing mothers.

The last point should be given Special attention, because often, women who adhere to a special diet for a nursing mother experience an acute deficiency useful vitamins and microelements. During continuous breastfeeding, you can and should take vitamin complexes for nursing mothers or continue to take appropriate prenatal vitamins. This also applies to those whose breastfeeding for one reason or another did not work out and whose child is fed formula. Shortage useful substances present in the body of every woman who has recently given birth.

Restoration of menstruation

The prolonged absence of menstruation after childbirth is called lactational amenorrhea (see also: the nature and appearance of discharge a month after childbirth). The timing of cycle recovery is influenced by many factors:

  • were there any complications during childbirth;
  • whether a caesarean section was performed (emergency or planned);
  • whether there were inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs before and after childbirth;
  • whether there is a history of chronic diseases;
  • emotional condition.

Recovery menstrual cycle After pregnancy, the hormone prolactin interferes. He is the one responsible for the production breast milk and inhibits the maturation of eggs in the ovaries. The first regulations can come almost immediately after the end of lochia, or after the complete end of lactation.

Speaking about the duration of the menstrual cycle, it is worth noting that it will differ significantly from the prenatal one. Bleeding will be more profuse and longer throughout the days. A woman may experience more severe discomfort. There is also a possibility that the person on breastfeeding In the first days of menstruation, the child may be capricious near the breast. This is explained by the fact that due to hormonal changes, milk may slightly change its taste and smell. After a couple of days, everything usually returns to normal.

Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract

The gastrointestinal tract, like other body systems, can also malfunction. Often, young mothers suffer from constipation associated with insufficient contractility of the pelvic muscles. To improve bowel function you need to:

  • take a warm shower;
  • do a light abdominal massage;
  • use laxative suppositories (in moderation);
  • eat foods rich in fiber;
  • eat small meals several times a day.

Cardiovascular system after childbirth

During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases significantly. Its quantity returns to normal after 7-10 days. The increased number of platelets, which contribute to the clotting necessary for bleeding, returns to the original number 2 weeks after birth.

Particular attention is paid to cardiovascular work vascular system women who have had a caesarean section. The main complication for their heart and blood vessels is thromboembolism, in which blood clots form that close the lumens of blood vessels.

Hormonal background

Every woman experiences hormonal problems once a month before her period begins. Pregnant women and those who have given birth experience the influence of raging hormones every day.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth is a common phenomenon that often does not require external interventions (for more details, see the article: hormonal imbalance after childbirth in women). However, if there are some symptoms, a woman needs to see a gynecologist-endocrinologist and take a course of medications.

To the number dangerous symptoms include:

  • rapid changes in weight;
  • heavy sweating;
  • hair problems - hair loss on the head or excessive hair growth on other parts of the body;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • psycho-emotional instability.

Vaginal muscles

Kegel exercises and special devices (vaginal balls) will help restore vaginal muscles stretched by the baby’s passage through the birth canal. The main principle of the exercises is to alternately relax and tense the muscles of the vagina and perineum. Ideally, these exercises should be mastered before pregnancy; those who did not have time are allowed to begin studying them a month after discharge from the maternity hospital (after the stitches have completely healed).

Figure restoration

If a woman has not gained extra pounds during pregnancy, the problem is excess weight after childbirth, he can bypass it. Those who did not deny themselves anything and ate for two will have to spend many months to return to their former forms.

The figure recovers much faster if:

  • eat properly and balanced;
  • do exercises and gymnastics;
  • walk with a stroller in the fresh air;
  • drink the required amount of clean drinking water;
  • wear a special bandage that speeds up the process of restoring the tone of the abdominal muscles.

Skin, hair and nails

If during pregnancy the appearance of many women improves - the skin blooms, the hair becomes smooth and shiny, and the nails become strong, after childbirth everything can change for the worse. The period of intense hair loss and brittle nails usually occurs between 4 and 9 months of a baby’s life, especially if breastfeeding is present.

Since the child has been born, most women now want to become what they were before. However, the body and soul need time to... For 40 weeks, the entire body was programmed for pregnancy. For nine months, the child grew inside you, adapted and shaped your body in accordance with its needs, and after giving birth, the need for this disappeared.

As a matter of fact, it is quite logical that your body will now need some time for reverse restructuring. But, nevertheless, many young mothers do not believe in a successful recovery after childbirth, looking at themselves in the mirror for the first time. The belly sags, the muscles are flabby, the breasts are huge. Instead of being proud of the work the body has done, most women want to regain their usual figure as soon as possible. However, everything takes time, and it’s not for nothing that people talk about the second nine months.
Uterine recovery after childbirth, postpartum contractions and postpartum cleansing

The greatest changes in the body occur in the first days after childbirth. But for a few more months the body is rebuilt, returning to almost its original state.

The uterus probably has to go through the biggest change. Immediately after giving birth, she is still huge, like balloon, and its weight is 1-1.5 kg. Over the course of six weeks, it shrinks to the size of a pear, and its weight drops to 50-70 g.

In order to withstand such enormous changes, the uterus needs help. The so-called postpartum contractions serve to reduce its blood supply and remove muscle fibers that have become unnecessary. Immediately after childbirth, a prolonged (approximately 5 minutes) contraction of the uterus occurs, but in most cases women do not notice this. Postpartum contractions, which occur approximately on the third day after childbirth, are felt only by those women who have already given birth before. However, there is another type of labor pains that occurs only when breastfeeding. They are caused by a hormone produced in a woman’s body during breastfeeding, which leads to a noticeable contraction of the uterus.

As a further positive effect of postpartum contractions, a gradual decrease in intrauterine bleeding can be noted. The wound surface inside the uterus secretes a special wound secretion. Postpartum cleansing, or lochia, lasts four to six weeks and contains a ton of bacteria. Therefore, hygiene is extremely important. Neither the child nor your breast should come into contact with lochia under any circumstances.

Postpartum cleansing is not menstruation - the latter is restored in women who are not breastfeeding only six to eight weeks after birth, and in breastfeeding women - even later.

After childbirth, the mother's birth canal is traumatized: the uterus is swollen or even has tears, it had to be sutured, the labia and vagina are a continuous wound. Data internal injuries in most cases they heal very quickly.

Much big problem For most women, it represents a perineal incision or rupture, which is stitched up after childbirth. Some women have no problems with this even a week after giving birth, while others, on the contrary, suffer for several more weeks.

Most women tolerate everything directly related to childbirth easily. But they suffer greatly if childbirth affects their appearance. Even taking into account the fact that immediately after childbirth they lose several kilograms of weight, since not only the baby has left the body, but also the uterus has shrunk, additional blood and amniotic fluid have disappeared, the path to an ideal figure is still very far away. Eleven to twelve kilograms will disappear without problems, but other kilograms will have to work hard.

Your body has changed. The shape of the abdomen has changed, the breasts have enlarged, and ugly pregnancy stretch marks are visible on the hips, abdomen, buttocks and breasts. Such “beauty defects” are not so easy to eliminate. Pregnancy stretch marks, which initially have a bright purple color, fade over the years and acquire a pearlescent color - but in any case remain for a long time as a memory of pregnancy. Time heals all wounds.

Childbirth does not always go according to the plan destined by nature. From caesarean section the young mother is also left with a scar. It is located in the so-called bikini area, that is, at the border of pubic hair. It will take some time for this scar to heal completely and its red color to fade. At first, this scar is still very sensitive if you press on it, so you should take this into account when choosing underwear and swimsuits. Let us remind you once again: if the first child is born through a caesarean section, then the second pregnancy does not necessarily end in a caesarean section. After two to three years of rest, the scar will easily withstand the load of a second pregnancy.

Carrying a child and its birth is an important stage in the life of every woman. However, for a young mother’s body, the process of pregnancy and childbirth is a rather difficult, stressful period, after which it is difficult for a woman to return to her original shape.

Changes concern not only external characteristics (figure, breast shape), but also functioning internal organs and systems, primarily cardiovascular, reproductive, endocrine. Every young mother is concerned with questions: how to recover as quickly and fully as possible? How long does it take for the body to recover?

Recovery time

Since ancient times, it was believed that the body of a woman in labor needs about 40 days to return to normal (this is what is connected with the belief that a woman who has undergone childbirth should not enter church for 40 days after the baby is born). In each specific case, the time of postpartum rehabilitation is purely individual; how long the recovery will last depends on various factors, such as:

Where to start rehabilitation?

In the first days and weeks after the baby is born, a woman feels tired and depressed. This is due to hormonal changes, fatigue after a difficult birth process and caring for a newborn child, and negative changes in figure. Against this background, many young mothers experience such a common phenomenon as postpartum depression. This condition is considered normal, because in a woman’s life there has been a qualitative change in new stage, the transition to which is accompanied by severe stress. At this time it is important to accept everything necessary measures to alleviate your condition.

First of all, it is important to realize that the birth of a child is a great joy, the most significant event in the life of any woman, and some difficulties that will arise from time to time will not be able to overshadow the joy of motherhood. In addition, a woman needs the support of family and friends, but if postpartum depression manifests itself intensely, you can seek advice from a psychologist.

It is important to understand that the process of recovery after childbirth is not one-step, it requires large quantity time and patience. First of all, you need to:

Restoration of the cardiovascular system

During the process of bearing a child, the cardiovascular system undergoes significant changes. In particular, the volume of blood circulating in the body increases expectant mother. The normal volume is restored some time after the baby is born, however, this process does not occur immediately.

In addition, childbirth accompanied by heavy blood loss (especially if the birth of a child occurs through cesarean section) leads to an increase in blood clotting. This in turn increases the risk of blood clots, especially in the small blood vessels of the legs. Therefore, in the first time after childbirth, it is advisable for a woman to wear compression stockings.

Restoration of the reproductive system organs

Pregnancy and childbirth have a significant impact on the condition of the uterus, its cervix, and vagina. The menstrual cycle is disrupted.


Recovery of the uterus occurs after 6-8 weeks. All this time, the woman experiences specific bloody discharge - lochia. This is fine. In the first 2-3 days after birth, lochia resembles heavy menstruation. Over time, the discharge becomes less intense, its color (discharge becomes lighter) and consistency changes (mucous discharge and blood clots appear). Important! If the birth took place using the cesarean section method, the period of uterine recovery and duration postpartum hemorrhage increases.

The recovery process is accompanied by contractions of the uterus, during which the woman may experience intense pain. This is also a normal condition. The uterus, contracting, returns to its normal state, its size and volume are restored. If immediately after birth the organ weighed about 1 kg, then after 1.5-2 months its weight is 60-80 g, the original pear-shaped shape returns (after the child was born, the shape of the uterus was spherical). Contractions of the uterus are caused by the release of the hormone oxytocin into the blood, the production of which increases when the baby is applied to the breast. That is why during breastfeeding the process of restoration of the uterus occurs more intensively.

Many women experience a significant decrease in uterine tone after childbirth. This phenomenon can lead to very adverse consequences, such as uterine bleeding, stagnation of lochia with subsequent development inflammatory process, endometritis. The development of complications is accompanied by a change in the nature of postpartum discharge, its color, volume, and smell.


This area of ​​the reproductive system takes the longest to recover. And even after expiration rehabilitation period Over time, the cervix will not return to its original shape (therefore, during a gynecological examination, the doctor can easily determine whether a woman has given birth or not). This is typical only for natural birth. So, if before pregnancy the opening of the cervix was round, after childbirth it takes on a slit-like shape. The cervix itself becomes like a cylinder (before childbirth it had a cone shape). The duration of the rehabilitation period for the cervix is ​​about 4 months; if there are complications during childbirth, this process can be extended.


After pregnancy and childbirth, the tone of the vaginal muscles decreases (over time it increases, but will never be the same). How quickly will I recover after childbirth? To do this, it is recommended to regularly do Kegel exercises, which will not only lead to muscle tissue to a normal state, but will also allow you to avoid such unpleasant manifestations of hypotension, such as urinary incontinence, which is observed in many women in labor.

In addition, a woman experiences vaginal dryness, which occurs as a result of increased secretion of prolactin (breastfeeding hormone, against the background of a decrease in the level of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone). Over time, hormonal levels return to normal. This finally happens when breastfeeding ends.

Menstrual cycle

A signal that the process of postpartum rehabilitation is completed is the normalization of the menstrual cycle. Usually the cycle is restored after 7-8 months However, the appearance of normal periods may occur later. How long the cycle normalization process will last depends on the presence or absence of some unfavorable factors, such as:

  1. general weakness of the body;
  2. pathological course pregnancy and childbirth;
  3. presence of diseases in chronic form currents;
  4. Not proper nutrition;
  5. physical and emotional fatigue;
  6. age (the older the woman in labor, the longer the period required for her body to recover).

Figure restoration

During the entire pregnancy, a woman gains approximately 10-12 kg of weight, which includes the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid and membranes, and the weight of the increased blood volume. Almost all of this weight goes away after the baby is born. However, dietary changes and decreased physical activity a pregnant woman is led to visible changes in her figure.

For a faster recovery, a woman is recommended to:

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The birth of a child, despite all the touchingness of the event, is a serious test for female body. Although young mothers are discharged from the maternity hospital after 2-3 days, if there are no serious complications, and some even 24 hours after birth, recovery process lasts much longer.

website I decided to figure out what changes the female body experiences during childbirth and how much time is actually needed for its complete recovery.


During pregnancy, subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area, which protects the baby from external influences, can increase significantly. This is facilitated by hormonal changes and poor nutrition of the expectant mother. Therefore, the condition of the abdomen in the postpartum period depends on how many extra pounds the woman gained during pregnancy.

After childbirth, the abdominal muscles contract only after 6-8 weeks; after a caesarean section, they return to normal somewhat later due to postoperative suture. If there is no diastasis (divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles) requiring medical intervention, then the mother can start doing it 1.5-2 months after giving birth and gradually put her figure in order. If you do not neglect physical activity, the abdominal muscles are completely restored within 1-2 years.


During lactation, the breasts become larger due to the increase in lobules stretched by milk. Ligaments and muscles cannot, as before pregnancy, support breast tissue, the weight of which increases 2-3 times in the postpartum period. Against this background, breast sagging may occur - ptosis. The nipples and areolas also enlarge, their color becomes darker, the skin on the chest becomes thinner, its shade may become bluish, transparent, and a network can be seen blood vessels. The more milk, the heavier the breasts, and in order to cope with the increased load, the breasts need some support and care.

The younger the new mother, the more elastic the tissue, and the more trained the pectoral muscles were before pregnancy, the faster the breasts will recover after lactation. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to restore the original “girlish” shape and elasticity of the skin. But if you don’t let the process take its course from the very beginning, you can achieve very good results.

Proper nutrition and gentle intake of vitamins A, B, C will help preserve the beauty of your breasts and the elasticity of your skin. manual massage mammary glands, comfortable supportive underwear and, of course, exercises, which we have already written about and.

Musculoskeletal system

During pregnancy, a woman's musculoskeletal system experiences increased load, the body produces the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for the elasticity of the spinal ligaments and muscles. This load leads to changes in the spine and joints lower limbs, pelvic bones, back muscles. The center of gravity changes during this period, the spine shifts, which causes painful sensations. The same happens after childbirth a sharp decline levels of progesterone and estrogen, due to which the metabolic rate decreases. This entails an increase in adipose tissue.

The recovery period of the musculoskeletal system after childbirth occurs gradually and takes 3-4 months. During this time there may appear pain syndromes in the joints, aching bones, muscle cramps. Coping with pain lumbar region Wearing a postpartum bandage helps, as well as special gymnastics aimed at strengthening the back muscles. The above changes in a woman can disappear without a trace only if she initially did not have dysfunction in the musculoskeletal system. But, alas, modern girls, even from school, experience deviations from the norm, such as scoliosis, flat feet, etc.


During pregnancy and after childbirth, the uterus undergoes numerous changes. Its weight in a nulliparous woman normally ranges from 40 to 60 grams, in a woman who has given birth it reaches about 80 grams. But immediately after the birth of a child, the weight of the uterus is about 1 kg. Such changes are a consequence of muscle hypertrophy that occurs during pregnancy. The fundus of the uterus is located approximately at the level of the navel and in the first days after birth the young mother looks as if she has not yet given birth.

After separation of the placenta and birth of the placenta, the uterus is a wound surface that is restored by the 9th or 10th day. The first 3−7 days there is a strong uterine bleeding, which gradually decreases, and then until 6-8 weeks after birth there is spotting - lochia. If the uterus contracts normally, then after 10 days its weight is reduced by half. 1.5−2 months after birth, the uterus is finally restored and returns to its normal weight- 50−80 grams.


The cervix also undergoes changes. Immediately after birth, it is open by 10-12 cm; by the 10th day after the birth of the baby, the cervix is ​​completely closed, and by the 21st day the external os is closed. After childbirth, the cervix forever changes its shape, becoming not conical, but cylindrical, and the external pharynx becomes slit-like.

This is a gynecological feature that is inherent in all women who have given birth and is visible only to a gynecologist. After a caesarean section, of course, there are no such changes. 3 months after birth, the cervix functions as before.

Menstrual function

The process of restoring menstrual function in a woman who has given birth is influenced by many factors. This includes how the pregnancy proceeded, complications during childbirth, the age of the woman in labor, proper and complete nutrition, the presence of any chronic diseases, adherence to sleep and rest patterns, and many other factors.

As a rule, in non-breastfeeding mothers, as well as in some breastfeeding mothers, the first menstruation (not lochia) occurs 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child, unless there are significant deviations. In women who breastfeed, the cycle may not be restored until the end of breastfeeding. This is associated with the lactation process and is not normal or pathological; the timing of the restoration of the menstrual cycle is individual for each woman.

During feeding, the hormone prolactin is produced, which stimulates milk production in a young mother, and the same hormone suppresses the formation of hormones in the ovaries, egg maturation and ovulation. Ovulation, like the cycle, resumes after breastfeeding stops, but this does not guarantee that pregnancy cannot occur during this period.


The vagina is muscular organ, which also experiences a number of changes during childbirth. Muscles stretch, elasticity and tone are lost. But this is a completely normal process in this situation. Many women are concerned about this moment; they worry that the size of the vagina will now be much larger than before childbirth, and this will negatively affect the quality of intimate life. In fact, there is no reason to worry; the vagina loses its shape only temporarily.

Within 3-4 days after birth, swelling disappears; after a couple of weeks, if there were no serious injuries or damage, abrasions and cracks will heal, and the vaginal walls will again acquire a natural pale pink tint. Only the relief of the walls will change forever - in all women who have given birth it is smoothed, while in those who have not given birth it is more pronounced. This is what creates the illusion of an increase in size of the vagina.

The recovery time for the vagina after childbirth is very conditional, on average 6-8 weeks. This process depends on possible complications, individual characteristics body. In any case, during the recovery period you need to refrain from intimacy so that the wounded surface of the uterus heals and does not become infected. Special Kegel exercises will help you get your vaginal muscles in shape faster: squeeze and then relax your pelvic floor muscles 15–20 times, and so on 5 times a day.

In some, more severe cases, depression may develop. The reason for such a depressive state may be the young mother’s feeling of guilt towards her newborn baby due to lack of time, and the subconscious belief that it is the child who is the cause of the woman’s temporary insolvency, etc. In such a situation, the help of specialists is necessary, at least a consultation with a psychotherapist so that the mother can overcome this problem as quickly as possible and enjoy motherhood.

In general, a woman who has just become a mother really needs the help of family and friends, their understanding and support, regular walks in the fresh air, full, balanced diet taking into account breastfeeding of the child.

What worries a young mother, besides thoughts about the baby? When given a little time to take a break from caring for a newborn, many begin to think about their own health. Pregnancy and childbirth are a lot of stress for the body, and it can affect many aspects of health and appearance. There is a possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases, changes in figure, and problems with teeth and hair. It is hardly possible to describe in one article all the methods that are recommended for women to quickly restore their body after childbirth. Therefore, let’s talk about the general health of the body and working on your figure, because these are the problems that most often cause concern for women who have given birth.

Restoring the body after pregnancy and childbirth: where to start?

Perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions questions that women who have given birth ask: how to restore your figure after childbirth? But during pregnancy, other ailments may appear:

  • problems with the spine, back pain;
  • varicose veins;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • anemia (if a lot of blood was lost during childbirth);
  • diabetes;
  • other appearance problems: stretch marks, sagging breasts, hair and teeth loss, age spots, brittle nails;
  • depression, sleep disorders and other psychological disorders.

Most of these problems are fixable. But none of them can be solved efficiently in a short time. Especially in view of the fact that after childbirth, a woman needs relative peace in order to recover from the stress to which she was exposed. Therefore, you need to start recovering from childbirth and getting in shape gradually, without changing your lifestyle too dramatically. Although physical activity is possible after consulting a doctor, you should not try to run a half marathon or lift heavy weights. gym. The body has already used up more resources than is normally necessary.

On a note
During pregnancy, the heart beats faster, breathing becomes more intense, and taste preferences can change - thus a woman instinctively tries to compensate for the lack of any substances in the body. In the third trimester, the baby compresses some blood vessels and organs to make room for itself, and therefore after childbirth it takes some time for normal blood circulation to be restored.

In the first two months after birth, respiratory and cardiovascular system are recovering after working “for two”, the uterus is gradually shrinking, another hormonal changes. Psychologically, the mother also changes to fit the new role. At this time, it is better not to be overtired - especially since there is already enough trouble with the baby. Here are a few recommendations that will allow you to smoothly begin the body’s recovery after childbirth and do not require special knowledge:

  • Walks. For the first couple of months, physical activity can be limited to this. Long walking is what you need to gradually begin the recovery process after childbirth.
  • Healthy diet: eat often and in small portions, minimize flour, sweet and smoked foods, drink enough water. When breastfeeding, allergens (citrus fruits, nuts, chocolate, seafood, etc.) should also be excluded.
  • Skin care- during pregnancy, many women suffer from it in one way or another. Peels, scrubs and masks will help restore beauty. You can do them yourself. Excellent tool skin care during recovery after childbirth - contrast shower.

Of course, you should understand that these tips will not help you completely return to your previous shape. But if you adhere to them, then in the first months there will be a psychological adjustment to healthy image life and work on yourself. The results in the form of a couple of kilograms lost and an improved complexion motivate further action in this direction - ideally, this is drawing up an individual recovery program after childbirth. Experts in this matter, such as, for example, fitness trainers and gynecologists, will tell you where to start.

How to restore your figure after childbirth and regain your former shape

The main thing in the process of regaining your figure after childbirth is to make a firm decision and turn to specialists with a good reputation. The first will not allow you to veer off the right path if you have a desire to give up exercise and eat buns all day. And the professional approach of the doctor and trainer will eliminate mistakes that can be made in drawing up the program.

Fortunately, there are medical centers, specializing in working with pregnant women and postpartum women. Including those whose employees take a comprehensive approach to the issue of restoring health after childbirth. In such a center, you will not only be prescribed vitamins and a diet, but will also undergo an extensive examination with the participation of doctors of several specialties, create an exercise program,, if necessary, prescribe massages and, if desired, even treatment with alternative means.

Fitness, Pilates and Gym

A beautiful figure requires working out all the muscles, so one of the main means is sports. At the same time, the training should not be exhausting or too easy. It is important to find a line here: if you train half-heartedly, there will be no results. And too heavy exercise can harm the body, which has recently suffered stress. A coach will help you cope with this task - ideally a personal one, who will make individual program.

In the first months after childbirth, you should pay attention to types of gymnastics with passive load. This is, for example, yoga, Pilates, qigong. They not only smoothly strengthen all the muscles of the body, but also normalize internal balance, including psychological, which reduces the likelihood of depression and mood swings. The condition of the skin and hair improves due to the normalization of blood circulation. Such gymnastics is neither too tiring nor too gentle.

Where to study? The first thought for most people planning to exercise is, of course, at home, to save time and money. But this is not always an easy solution, especially for young mothers. After all, there is a child at home who constantly requires attention. In addition, in order to force yourself to study for many months according to a certain program, you need to have enormous willpower. That's why best option- agree with the father, grandmother or nanny that at certain hours they will take care of the child, and the mother will take care of herself at this time.

Massage and... herbal medicine

When women think about how to restore their body after childbirth, they do not first think about such methods. But together with those listed above, they are very effective. IN health centers they are often prescribed for more intensive recovery.

Professional massage useful for any person, and especially for a woman who has recently given birth. If you had back pain during pregnancy and after it, then a visit to a chiropractor is indicated. But there are other types of massage, many of which help restore muscle and skin tone and even, in some cases, reduce stretch marks. When massaged with healing oils, the skin becomes smooth and silky, it also brings calmness, and your mood noticeably improves.

Phytotherapy is a way to improve your well-being without resorting to chemical medications. But most often, herbal treatment is used in combination with other methods. And, despite the apparent simplicity of herbal medicine, you should not prescribe it yourself. Incorrect dosage and uncontrolled use of herbs can cause serious harm.

Medicinal plants recommended by a doctor even help in the fight against chronic diseases. And for women they are often prescribed to restore their figure after childbirth during the feeding period. Herbal medicine improves overall tone, helps lose weight and get rid of skin imperfections.

Acupuncture and other methods Chinese medicine

We've all heard of Chinese medicine, but few have experienced it ourselves. However, it can be very effective for various kinds of diseases, as well as for adjusting the balance of all body systems - just what a young mother needs. If there are any ailments, then acupuncture and other methods of traditional Chinese medicine can affect the root cause of the disease, resulting in a significant improvement in well-being.

There are specialists in Chinese medicine in Russia, but many of them, unfortunately, do not adhere to traditional postulates and offer some of their own methods, which do not always help. If you choose a Chinese medicine therapist, make sure he or she follows centuries-old techniques.

On a note
Acupuncture, or acupuncture, - the impact of very thin needles on special points on the body (most often on the back) associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems. The procedure is usually almost painless (many people fall asleep during the process), sometimes there is normal reaction in the form of itching or mild pain. Acupuncture treats about 250 diseases, and it is especially effective on early stages diseases.

What not to do

In any therapy main principle- do no harm. Apparent good results received without the supervision of a specialist can lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor before you begin recovery after childbirth using any method, and remember that a young mother should avoid unnecessary stress, therefore:

  • no strict diets, only nutritious food healthy eating;
  • no heavy training, which can negatively affect the spine, heart and respiratory system;
  • no rush.

The body, which worked to support the vital functions of two people at once, must carefully adjust to its normal pace. And we need to let him do it.

Proper nutrition and moderate exercise - the key to safe recovery after childbirth. If you add an individual wellness program that does not allow the development of diseases, then soon the young mother will feel as good as before pregnancy, and her figure will become beautiful again. Nothing comes for nothing, you will have to work hard to return to your previous form, but these efforts will be rewarded.

The leading doctor of the clinic (License No. LO-77-01-000911 dated December 30, 2008) Zhang Ziqiang agreed to explain what should be considered when choosing a clinic for recovery after pregnancy and childbirth.

“A professional doctor will be able to approach this issue comprehensively, since a young mother needs full recovery body systems. Combination physical exercise and healthy eating - That's not all. A woman should be referred for examination to specialized specialists if there are complaints about her health, and with their recommendations, continue drawing up a program.

It is advisable to choose clinics where there are specialists in different fields, including massage and non-massage. traditional medicine. So, for example, in TAO, along with the representative doctors official medicine- gynecologists, osteopaths, neurologists - specialists in Chinese medicine. But the main thing here is - Don't overdo it. Chinese medicine can solve many problems, but there are really few contraindications. However, treatment according to the canons of traditional Chinese medicine should only be done under the supervision of a doctor trained in this specialty. For example, professors and doctors come to TAO directly on the recommendation of Henan Medical University. These are experienced, qualified specialists.

I would like to note that any qualified doctor - a specialist in Chinese or traditional medicine - will most likely advise a young mother to pay attention to physical therapy using exercise equipment or individual/group exercises physical therapy in a swimming pool. Some clinics even partner with a specific fitness center to guide patients through all stages of postpartum recovery. Our clinic, for example, opened its own fitness club to be able to combine Chinese gymnastics with traditional types of physical activity, such as yoga and Pilates. This approach allows young mothers to receive a full range of postpartum recovery services from different groups specialists."