What not to do if there is a dead person in the village. Funeral traditions, ceremonies, omens, customs

It is believed that the deceased should not be left alone for a long time. There must be a relative or close person near the coffin. This sign arose because all the personal belongings of the deceased are used for carrying out black rituals and they can simply be stolen. The Church believes that relatives should always be near the deceased in order to read prayers over the body.

How do they close their eyes to a corpse?

It is much easier for people to perceive a deceased person as sleeping, and therefore, after death, relatives can close their eyes to the deceased or wait for an ambulance. Signs believe that it is impossible to look into the eyes of the deceased for a long time, as he can take it with him. Closed eyes may open over time as the muscles gradually relax. Therefore, if it is decided that the body will be in the house, coins are placed on the closed eyelids of the deceased. After rigor mortis, the eyes will no longer open. In the morgue, embalmers perform many different operations on the body, including preventing the eyes from opening.

According to signs, you cannot put your personal belongings in the coffin of the deceased, thereby you bury part of your life. Buried wedding ring- don't get married again. The same applies to money, if you put your personal coins in the coffin of the deceased, you actually buried your money, and therefore your income.

It is impossible to use by signs personal belongings of the deceased, especially those who directly prepared the body for burial, such as a comb. These objects are either placed in the coffin of the deceased, or they are disposed of and burned.

You cannot sweep the floor while the deceased is still in the house, so you sweep the living in the cemetery. If someone in the house died, then everyone, including children, was woken up according to an old tradition so that the soul of the deceased would not crawl into the body of the sleeping person.

Animals, dogs and cats should not be allowed into the room, and it is better to remove those animals that were in the room so that they do not get sick.

It is considered that you cannot sleep on the bed of the deceased person, as well as watch the funeral from the window.

You must never cross the road of a funeral procession, nor can you walk in front of the coffin.

You cannot dig a too large grave for the deceased, according to signs, this is another place for a future victim.

You cannot carry the coffin of the deceased to the relatives themselves. By signs, blood is drawn to blood. This is done so that living relatives do not go after the dead. It is considered a bad omen if you look out the window and accidentally see a coffin.

They say that you can't cry too much for the deceased, otherwise he will not be able to leave this world. After the funeral, you cannot immediately go to visit someone.

Bad omens at funerals and cemeteries

From the moment of death to 40 days in the house where the deceased died, all the mirrors are covered. They say that this is done so that the soul of the deceased is not afraid that it no longer has a reflection.

According to the sign, so that the soul does not return to the house, after the body of the deceased has been taken out in the house, all the chairs are raised. The personal belongings of the deceased, according to signs, are placed in a coffin or burned. The water in which the deceased was washed is poured out so that it cannot be used in black magic.

After the deceased was taken out of the house, there is only one person who sweeps death out of the house. Nowadays it is customary to clean up and wash the floors in the house. After that, the mop and rags, according to signs, need to be thrown out or burned.

Usually in the ritual agency they say to bring the deceased a clean handkerchief. This handkerchief is placed in a coffin so that he can wipe off the sweat during the trial of his soul.

According to signs, the relatives of the deceased put spruce branches at the doorstep in the house so that those close to them who came to the commemoration do not take death to their home. So that the deceased does not come at night, everyone throws a handful of earth into the coffin during burial. They close the lid of the coffin only in the cemetery. According to signs, to do it at home unfortunately. They leave the cemetery, without looking back, and at the exit they wipe their feet so as not to accidentally bring the cemetery land into their house.

After the funeral go to the commemoration. Before entering the house, they took out a bucket where everyone washed their hands. Now they wash their hands most often at home. Some may support their palms over the candle.

During the commemoration, according to signs, it is customary to put a photo of the deceased with a mourning ribbon, allocate a separate place for him and even impose his favorite food. Sometimes they put a slice of bread with water. There is no sign of this food. They don't even give it to animals.

There is only one candle on the memorial table. You don't need to clink glasses either. The first is always imposed on the deceased. Funny songs and laughter at the commemoration of grief, and alcohol abuse to the fact that children will be alcoholics. They usually drink without clinking glasses no more than 3 times.

There are different signs about what to do with the icon, what was left after the burial. They say that it is better to give it to the church, or let it along the river, or even put it on your altar. However, everyone agrees that it is impossible to bury the icon.

Things of the deceased after death, they are distributed to people in need. Sometimes the funeral agencies themselves are ready to save you unnecessary things, distribute them yourself. You can also take things to church. The bed on which the deceased died is usually thrown away or burned, it is believed that sleeping on it is not good, there may be problems, both with health and with life in general.

Pregnant at a funeral omens

Quite interesting signs and disputes are being held about whether pregnant women can go to a funeral? Inside the woman, life grows, and death itself reigns in the cemetery. Some people think that the necrotic energy of the cemetery is not very good for the fetus, but is it so?

Most people believe that the development of the fetus is much more influenced by the emotions of the mother. If the deceased was dear to you and it hurts you to go to the funeral or the burial process itself, then of course it is better to postpone the trip and visit the cemetery, say, in a year. If desired, a pregnant mother can attend a memorial service or go to church to pray for the soul of the deceased. Usually, close people understand in what position the pregnant woman is, and relate to this with a descent.

If a pregnant girl feels great and wants to go to the cemetery, say goodbye, then there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to understand that the atmosphere there will be appropriate, everyone will grieve, many will cry. The church also believes that there is nothing wrong with visiting a cemetery for a pregnant woman, it is much more important that the mother feels good emotionally and is less nervous.

To fall at a funeral omen

Bad sign if you fell at a funeral. If the coffin with the deceased turned over, then this also does not bode well. If this happens, then you cannot scold those who accidentally turned the coffin over or fell. It is believed that in this case, it is imperative to observe the funeral omens. When you come home, wash your hands thoroughly to the elbows or hold them over a candle. You also need to go to church and put a candle for the peace of the soul of the deceased.

Superstitions associated with death emerged on the basis of life experience many generations. Therefore, few people are frivolous about the signs at the funeral. For example, when a person dies in a house, his relatives first of all cover mirrors and glass surfaces. Ancient knowledge helps to properly say goodbye to the deceased and protect the living from negative impact the world of the dead.

How not to bring trouble while the deceased is in the house

According to Orthodox canons, the burial of the deceased is carried out only on the third day after death. While the deceased is at home, the rest of the family should adhere to certain rules... Non-observance of traditions can damage the soul of the deceased and bring misfortune to the relatives of the deceased. The most common superstitions are:

Signs in the cemetery during the funeral

Rain during the funeral is a good omen. Such a weather phenomenon suggests that the soul of the deceased will soon find peace.

But you shouldn't look for more good signs during the funeral. On the contrary, there are many restrictions and prohibitions associated with the burial ceremony. For example, children and pregnant women should not come after the hearse, because attending a funeral may be unsafe. Proof of this is more numerous than signs and beliefs:

Signs at a memorial service for the deceased

Traditionally, the funeral ends with a commemoration. Even during a memorial meal, you should be careful to protect yourself and your loved ones:

  1. Those who joke or laugh at the memorial table will soon be in for bitter tears.
  2. Those who get drunk at the commemoration will have alcoholics in their family.
  3. Those who clink glasses will pass on troubles to each other.
  4. Three candles on the table - to the new deceased.
  5. To choke on kutya - to a protracted illness or imminent death.
  6. If the spoon has fallen from the table, you cannot lift it (to illness).

The dead man looks out with one eye - he is looking out for a companion.

When the deceased's eyes are closed, then you need to be careful and make sure that both eyes are completely closed. If one eye remains even slightly open, then the one on whom the gaze falls will follow and go.

If a girl dies, then they dress her in all that is wedding.

The direct destiny of a woman is to become a wife and a mother. If a girl died at a young age and did not manage to get married, then she becomes the bride of God. And she should appear in front of him in a wedding dress. Therefore, young girls are buried in a wedding dress.

Genusnye do not carry a coffin, so that the deceased does not think that his death is glad.

This sign actually sounds a little different. Relatives should not carry the coffin with the deceased in order not to follow. As they say, blood is drawn to blood. But for those who are not consanguineous with the deceased, nothing will happen. But there is a warning for them too. Those who carry the coffin must have a new towel tied around their hand. It is believed that in this way the deceased himself thanks these people for the tribute shown.

When a person dies in the house, all mirrors are covered with a thick cloth for forty days.

This is not even a sign, but a rule that many strictly observe. It is generally accepted that the mirror is a kind of door between our world and the astral. But a mirror can also serve as a trap for a deceased person. It is believed that the dead do not immediately leave this world. They walk next to us, watch how we are going through, listen to what we are talking about. Only on the fortieth day does the soul go to heaven. Old people say that if a deceased person accidentally looks in the mirror, he will be captured and leave without help. knowledgeable person can no longer. To prevent this from happening, so that the soul of a person calmly departs to another world, the mirrors are closed. And only after the fortieth day can the veils be removed.

The measure from the deceased is placed with him.

You cannot leave things in the house that have come into contact with the deceased. Therefore, both the measure that was taken for the coffin, and the ropes with which the arms and legs of the deceased were tied, must be placed in the coffin. There are rituals in magic that use ropes from the deceased. The witch can steal these things. Grief-stricken relatives are unlikely to be able to keep track of everything, but acquaintances or close friends should watch so that no one can steal these things.

How to behave at a funeral

Pregnant women and small children are not allowed to attend funerals.

You shouldn't cry a lot at a funeral.

During the funeral, the deceased should be remembered only with good words.

When leaving the cemetery, turn your back and wipe your feet

Why do funeral omens come true?

After taking out the deceased, they throw out the old broom and chips from the coffin.

After the coffin is taken out of the house, the last one to leave the house sweeps and washes the floors behind the deceased. And they sweep the floors, and they wash only from the threshold into the depths of the room. After the floors have been washed, the broom with which the floor was washed and the rag must be taken out of the house and thrown away. You cannot leave these things in the house, otherwise very soon someone will go after the deceased.

The comb, with which the deceased was combed, is either thrown into the river, or placed in a coffin.

The fact is that the hairbrush with which the deceased was combed is considered unclean. It is no longer possible to wash or scold her. If there is a river near you, then the most the best solution Is to throw such a comb into the river. You cannot throw into the lake, the water must be running. They do this because the feeling of death leaves the house as soon as possible, so that a new death is not expected in the near future, and so that it would be easier for the soul to survive the loss. After all, it is known that the living are killed for a long time by the relatives who have left them. If there is no river in the vicinity, then it is enough to put the comb in the coffin. True, this will not help get rid of the anguish of the soul. But most importantly, it is necessary to ensure that one of the children of the innocent does not take such a comb and comb it.

A handful of earth in the grave and the ghost will not frighten.

Everyone knows about such a tradition that before you bury a deceased, you need to throw a handful of earth on the lid of his coffin. But not everyone knows why this is done. People say that if a person does not throw a handful of earth, then the deceased will find a weak spot and start scaring at night. True or not, you need to check. But who wants to arrange such a check?

Funeral procession past the windows - wake everyone who sleeps in the house.

Indeed, it is popularly believed that if a house goes by funeral procession, and someone is sleeping in the house, then the soul of the deceased can take with it the one who is sleeping. Therefore, it is imperative to wake up everyone sleeping in the house, so God forbid not to lose a person. Do not feel sorry for even a small child at such moments. Better to let him cry a little because they woke him up at the wrong time than something irreparable will happen to him later.

Do not cross the road in front of the funeral procession - if a person died of an illness, then you will take this illness upon yourself.

The people really believe that it is impossible to cross the road in front of the coffin. A person who does not know this or does not want to understand will certainly make problems. The worst thing is that he will not only be deprived of the opportunity to live his life the way he wants, but he will also make his family and friends unhappy.

Signs at and after commemoration

When the grave is buried, take a glass and drink to the peace of the soul.

It would seem impossible to object to this sign. Try to find a person in Russia who will not drink to the memory of the soul. But there is such a sign that the souls of dead people migrate to birds. Therefore, it would be more correct to crumble bread at the grave than to put a glass or drink vodka. But this can also be objected. If during your lifetime you sat with a person at the same table, drank strong drinks and had a good time, then this person will not refuse to drink five drops with you even after death.

Returning from the funeral, touch the stove with your hand - so that there is no new deceased in the house for a long time.

This sign is due to the fact that the furnace is directly related to the element of Fire. It's probably not even worth explaining. Old people say that if you hold on to the stove after the cemetery, you will burn all the bad omens in the bud. Therefore, it is imperative after you return from the funeral, if you do not hold onto the stove, you never know, maybe there is no stove, then be sure to light a candle. A candle is also a fire that is capable of burning all negative energies.

After the funeral, there is a glass of water on the windowsill - the deceased comes and drinks from this glass.

Firstly, it is not necessary to place a glass of water on the windowsill. It is enough that you put it in any convenient place. And it is best to put the glass where the deceased liked to sit and drink coffee, tea or any other drink. It is noticed that the water gradually decreases in the glass. Evaporates or not, think for yourself, but it really is. Moreover, if the glass is half empty before the fortieth day, then water must be added.

Signs about the dead and funerals in other countries

In order not to be afraid of the deceased, they grab him by the legs.

In order not to be afraid of the deceased, it is necessary to pull the thread out of the shroud.

If the deceased's feet are warm, it means that he is calling for him.

The deceased should be taken out of bed as soon as possible and put on the table, as his soul allegedly suffers for every feather in the feather bed and pillow.

If you put a piece of bread and salt under the table on which the deceased is lying, then this year none of the family will die.

If the deceased's eyes open, this portends soon another deceased in the house, because the deceased is looking out for someone to take with him.

If the dead man looks with one eye, he looks out for the other.

When a person dies with open eyes, then they say that there will be another deceased in this house.

It is necessary to wash and dress the deceased before he cools down, but it is better to do this while the person has not introduced himself and breathes, otherwise he will appear before God, being unclean.

The dead are washed by the widows;

After the deceased is washed, ritualized and placed in a coffin, all those who participated in this warm their hands over the fire, which is made from the chips and shavings left over from the hewn coffin: they do this so that their hands are not afraid of either cold or frost.

In the house where the deceased is lying, they do not sweep until the body is taken out: when the deceased is swept away, take everyone out of the house.

The deceased is given a handkerchief in his hands so that there is something to wipe off the sweat during the Last Judgment.

After the deceased, a glass of water stands on the window for six weeks, and a towel is hung on the corner of the hut, outside: the soul hovers on the ground for six weeks, bathes and wipes itself off.

The straw on which the deceased lay is burnt outside the gate.

The dead man's bed is taken out to the hen house for three days for the roosters to sing, "so that the roosters opel."

The image that stood in front of the deceased is lowered into the water.

If the coffin is too large, there will still be a deceased in the house.

If the grave prepared for the deceased, for any reason, turns out to be larger than the measure taken from the deceased, then this means again an imminent deceased in the house.

If the deceased's body is sluggish, soft, then there will be another deceased in the house.

In case of epidemics, general and infectious diseases, the deceased is carried forward with his head.

If you forget the coffin cover in the house from which the deceased was taken out, then this portends soon another deceased in the same house.

If, after the dead man was taken out of the courtyard, they forget to close the gate, then in the near future someone else from the family will die.

When they carry the deceased, they do not look into the windows of their own house and do not turn back, otherwise someone else will die in the family, since by looking out of the window they are, as it were, calling upon the living to follow the deceased.

If the deceased is carried past the house, then you cannot look out the window, but you must go outside the gate into the street.

If the child is eating and at this time they carry the deceased past the house, then water must be placed under the cradle.

Taking the deceased to the church, the owner of the house must, bending down to the ground, look from under the sled at the horse's legs so that the horse does not stumble later, or for the same purpose a needle without an ear is stuck into the collar.

Before lowering the deceased into the grave, they throw a penny to ransom a place in the next world.

In some places, a bag with his hair, collected by the deceased during his entire life, is placed under the head of the deceased in order to give an account of the next world in every hair.

After the funeral, they look into the oven so as not to be afraid.

The chips from the coffin must be carried clean out of the Court.

The shavings from the coffin are not burned, but released into the water

Where there is one funeral, there are three funerals

The coffin must be enclosed three times around the "Burial Stone".

If the coffin is covered with a lid at the moment when the deceased has already been taken out of the house, the doors of the house are closed, and the funeral procession has not yet got into its carriages, then in a few days someone else will die.

If the doors of the house are closed during the funeral, before the procession has returned from the cemetery, a quarrel will arise in the family.

If the funeral bell is struck once, it will soon strike two more times.

If the sun shines directly in the face of one of those present at the funeral, this means that he is marked and will be buried in this cemetery next.

The first deceased, buried in the new cemetery, will be taken by the devil.

The deceased will be happy if a stillborn child is placed in his grave: this is a guarantee that he will be admitted to heaven.

The one who meets the funeral is doomed to die soon after, unless he takes off his hat and walks a few steps with the procession. If the deceased is carried on his shoulders, he must also put his shoulder under the coffin. Having done this, he must bow to those present, turn around and leave without fear.

The southern side of the cemetery is the most sacred, the northern side is unconsecrated, suitable only for stillborn babies and suicides. (The source of this belief is the widespread belief that the south wind brings a pernicious spirit.)

There will be incomparably more bad ones at the funeral. No wonder - the energy of death is very heavy. She does not forgive mistakes, non-observance of old rules will not lead to good. It is quite possible to target yourself or the relatives of the deceased severe spoilage... That is why it is important to know folk signs about funerals.

Funeral superstitions - do's and don'ts

The set of rules and prohibitions applies to family members of the departed. An outsider does not need to know about them. But there are also beliefs concerning all those who came to say goodbye to the deceased, neighbors and bystanders who met the mournful procession.

Everyone who comes to the cemetery must throw a handful of earth on the coffin so that the spirit does not bother. At the funeral, you must not look back, otherwise the spirit of the deceased may follow you.

Washing the floor and sweeping to sweep death out of the house. As a rule, it is entrusted to friends of the family - the relatives of the deceased are prohibited. Sweep and wash towards the threshold. The broom, rag and gloves are thrown away. Water - pour out where no one walks. Wash the bucket. After that, go to the commemoration.

After the cemetery, you are supposed to go to the funeral or home. You cannot go to visit, you will bring death to this house. Upon arrival from the cemetery, warm over a candle or wash your hands, this will remove the energy of death. When entering the house, remove the dirt from your shoes.

Observe. You can not overdo it with alcohol, sing, have fun. In some regions, you cannot say “thank you”. The deceased is remembered only with good words.

Flowers in the cemetery

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It has been customary to lay flowers on graves since antiquity. Traditionally, the deceased are brought orchids, carnations, callas, tulips, chrysanthemums, asters... You can buy a bouquet of flowers that the deceased liked during his lifetime.

There are no strict restrictions on the color of plants. In Europe, for example, it is considered a symbol of grief, mourning and separation. The Slavs adopted discreet, austere flowers at the funeral. There should not be more than three shades - the variegation does not correspond to the moment of grief.

For a deceased man, pink tones in a bouquet are undesirable. A young girl is being buried - it is better to bring white and pink flowers. For children - white and cream bouquets. The older the deceased, the darker the flowers. Plants in bouquets must be alive. It is better that the wreaths also consist of fresh flowers.

How many flowers are there for funerals? An even number, but no more than eight. The rest of the funeral bouquets are not much different from the usual ones. Flowers brought to the funeral are placed on the grave. They cannot be carried away. They belong to the deceased. If it is not possible to attend the funeral, send flowers by courier and a note expressing your grief.

Beliefs for the deceased's neighbors

If the neighbors have a funeral, you will have to observe several rules, even if you are unfamiliar with them, and you are not going to be present at parting with the deceased. It doesn't matter where you live - in an apartment building or in a private one.

It is forbidden to sleep in the same room with the deceased

Neighbors are not allowed to sleep. The soul of the deceased can move into the body of the sleeping person. Not all the dead are easy on the fact of their death, separation from loved ones and their grief. A deceased neighbor may not want to leave for another world and take advantage of a sleeping person and live another life in his body. Therefore, it is supposed to wake up everyone who lives nearby. Especially when it comes to children - their protection from sharing spirits weaker.

If there are small children in the house, put water under the cradle - it will absorb the negative. Does the child eat when they say goodbye to the deceased in the neighborhood? Put water nearby in this case. Do not drink it, pour it down the drain after use.

Is it possible to watch the funeral from the window

In most countries, beliefs prohibit this. It is believed that whoever looks at a deceased or a coffin from a window will soon die of a serious illness. The spirit of the deceased does not like staring out of the window.

The living consider such curiosity to be tactless, while the dead are much more vindictive. The spirit is capable drag a living person with you... Even if during his lifetime he did not have an evil disposition. You will have to look after the children especially carefully. If you know that there will be a funeral, you should close the windows with curtains in advance.

What if a rule is broken by accident? Turn away quickly and cross yourself three times. Wish in your mind the Kingdom of Heaven for the deceased, pray for his soul. You can watch the funeral from the street. Not from behind a door, through a peephole, or from a threshold. Not because of a fence or a gate. If you want to express sympathy, go outside.

Participants in the funeral procession must not look out of the windows. Neither your own nor someone else's, nor into the windows of the house where the deceased lived - will draw death into the house. For the same reason, they do not turn back when they are going to leave for the cemetery, and do not advance the coffin, walking in front of it.

If you meet a funeral on the way

Why is it impossible to cross the road to the deceased? Signs promise serious illnesses for the violator of the rule.

According to signs, meeting the funeral on the way is not scary. But there is no need to look at the coffin and the deceased. As mentioned above, he may be offended by curiosity. We saw a friend among the mourners - don’t say hello, now is not the time.

If the deceased does not have to cross the road, do not stay in vain. You cannot overtake him - to death. Easier to change the route. But remember you can't turn around at the deceased.

Can I take pictures

Before October revolution it was customary to be photographed with the dead. In Indonesia, it is completely customary to dig up the corpses of relatives every three years, take pictures with them, sit them down at the table, and then bury them back.

But is it possible to photograph a funeral from the point of view of the signs of the church? Psychics are confident: the photo will emit negative energy ... When stored in a home, it will harm the people living in it.

Orthodox and Catholic priests have a negative attitude towards photographing the dead. It is supposed to perpetuate best moments life. Muslims do not film the funeral and do not put images of the deceased on the gravestones.

If you have to attend a funeral, observe folk traditions... They constitute an important part of funeral etiquette, the rules of politeness in relation to the deceased and his relatives. There are rules for the neighbors of the deceased and even passers-by who meet the funeral procession along the way.

Customs, rituals, traditions, signs

Everyone decides for himself to believe or not to believe in omens, to observe or not to observe rituals and traditions, but do not lead the observance to the point of absurdity.

How to spend the last journey of a loved one, without harming yourself and your loved ones? Usually this sad event takes us by surprise, and we get lost, listening to everyone and following their advice. But, as it turns out, not everything is so simple. Sometimes people use this sad event to hurt you. Therefore, remember how to properly lead a person on their last journey.

At the moment of death, a person experiences a painful feeling of fear when the soul leaves the body. When leaving the body, the soul meets the Guardian Angel, given to it during Holy Baptism, and demons. The relatives and friends of the dying person should try to alleviate his mental suffering by prayer, but in no case should they shout loudly or sob.

At the moment of separation of the soul from the body, it is supposed to read the Canon of prayer Mother of God... When reading the Canon, a dying Christian holds in his hand a lighted candle or a holy cross. If he lacks the strength to cross himself with the sign of the cross, this is done by someone close to him, bending over to the dying man and clearly saying: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me. In Thy hand, O Lord Jesus, I commend my spirit, O Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. "

You can sprinkle holy water on a dying person with the words: "The grace of the Holy Spirit, who sanctified this water, may deliver your soul from all evil."

According to church custom, a dying person asks for forgiveness from those present and forgives them himself.

Not often, but still it happens that a person prepares a coffin for himself in advance. It is usually kept in the attic. In this case, pay attention to the following: the coffin is empty, and since it is made according to the standards of a person, he begins to "pull" it into himself. And a person, as a rule, dies faster. Previously, to prevent this from happening, sawdust, shavings, grain were poured into an empty coffin. After the death of a person, sawdust, shavings and grain were also buried in the pit. After all, if you feed a bird with such grain, it will get sick.

When a person has died and a measurement is taken from him to make a coffin, in no case should this measure be put on the bed. It is best to take it out of the house and put it in a coffin during the funeral.

Be sure to remove all silver objects from the deceased: after all, this is exactly the metal that is used to fight the unclean. Therefore, the latter can "disturb" the body of the deceased.

The body of the deceased is washed immediately after death. The washing takes place as a sign of the spiritual purity and integrity of the life of the deceased, and also so that he would appear in purity before the face of God after the resurrection. Ablution should cover all parts of the body.

You need to wash your body warm, not hot water so as not to steam it. When they wash the body, they read: "Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us" or "Lord, have mercy."

As a rule, only elderly women prepare the deceased for their last journey.

In order to make it more convenient to wash the deceased, an oilcloth is laid on the floor or bench and covered with a sheet. The body of the deceased person is placed on top. Take one bowl with clean water and the other with soap. They wash the whole body with a sponge dipped in soapy water, starting from the face and ending with the feet, then wash it with clean water and wipe it off with a towel. Last of all, they wash the head and comb the deceased's hair.

It is advisable that ablution takes place during the daytime - from sunrise to sunset. Water should be handled very carefully after ablution. It is necessary to dig a hole far from the yard, vegetable garden and living quarters, where people do not walk, and pour it all, to the last drop, and fill it with earth.

The fact is that very strong damage is done on the water in which the deceased was washed. In particular, this water can "make" a person with cancer. Therefore, do not give this water to anyone, no matter who asks you.

Try not to spill this water around the apartment so that those living in it do not get sick.

Pregnant women should not wash the deceased in order to avoid the illness of the unborn child, as well as women who have their periods.

After ablution, the deceased is dressed in new, light, clean clothes. Be sure to put a cross on the deceased if he did not have one.

The bed on which the person died should not be thrown away, as many do. Just take her to the chicken coop, let her lie there for three nights, so that, as the legend says, the rooster will sing her three times.

Relatives and friends are not allowed to make a coffin.

The shavings formed during the manufacture of the coffin are best buried in the ground or, in extreme cases, thrown into water, but not burned.

When the deceased is placed in a coffin, it is necessary to sprinkle it and the coffin inside and outside with holy water, you can also sprinkle incense.

A whisk is placed on the forehead of the deceased. It is given in the church at the funeral service.

A pillow, which is usually made of cotton wool, is placed under the feet and head of the deceased. The body is covered with a sheet.

The coffin is placed in the middle of the room in front of the icons, turning the face of the deceased with his head towards the icons.

Seeing the deceased in the coffin, do not automatically touch your body with your hands. Otherwise, at the place where you touched, various skin growths in the form of a tumor may grow.

If there is a deceased in the house, then, having met there your friend or relatives, you need to greet with a bow of the head, and not with a voice.

While the deceased is in the house, you should not sweep the floor, as this will bring trouble to your family (illness or worse).

If there is a dead person in the house, do not start any laundry.

Do not put two needles criss-cross on the lips of the deceased, ostensibly to save the body from decomposition. This will not save the body of the deceased, but the needles that were on his lips will surely disappear, they are used to induce damage.

In order to prevent a heavy smell from the deceased, a bunch of dry sage can be put at his head, popularly called "cornflowers". It serves another purpose as well - it drives away evil spirits.

For the same purposes, you can use the willow branches, which are sacred in Palm Sunday and are kept behind the images. These branches can be placed under the deceased.

It happens that a deceased person has already been put in a coffin, and the bed on which he died has not yet been taken out. You may be approached by acquaintances or strangers, asking permission to lie on the bed of the deceased, so that their back and bones do not hurt. Don't allow it, don't hurt yourself.

Do not put fresh flowers in the coffin so that a heavy smell does not come from the deceased. For this purpose, use artificial or, in extreme cases, dried flowers.

A candle is lit near the coffin as a sign that the deceased has passed into the realm of light - a better afterlife.

For three days, the Psalter is read over the deceased.

The Psalter is read continuously over the tomb of a Christian as long as the deceased remains unburied.

A lamp or a candle is lit in the house, which burns as long as the deceased is in the house.

It happens that instead of a candlestick, glasses with wheat are used. This wheat is often spoiled and should not be fed to poultry or livestock.

The hands and feet of the deceased are tied. The arms are folded so that the right one is on top. V left hand the deceased is invested with an icon or a cross; for men - the image of the Savior, for women - the image of the Mother of God. Or you can: in the left hand - a cross, and on the chest of the deceased - the Holy Image.

Make sure that nobody else's belongings are put under the deceased. If you notice this, then you need to pull them out of the coffin and burn them somewhere far away.

Sometimes, unknowingly, some compassionate mothers put photos of their children in the coffin with their grandparents. After that, the child begins to get sick, and if you do not provide assistance in time, it can be fatal.

It happens that there is a dead person in the house, but there are no suitable clothes for him, and then someone from the family gives his things. The deceased is buried, and the one who gave his things starts to get sick.

The coffin is taken out of the house, turning the face of the deceased towards the exit. When the body is taken out, the mourners sing a song in honor of the Holy Trinity: "Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us."

It happens that when a coffin with a deceased is taken out of the house, someone stands near the door and starts tying knots on rags, explaining this by tying knots so that no more coffins are taken out of this house. Although on the mind of such a person is completely different. Try to take these rags away from him.

If a pregnant woman goes to a funeral, she will do herself evil by this. A sick child may be born. Therefore, try to stay at home at this time, and you need to say goodbye to your loved one in advance - before the funeral.

When a dead person is being carried to a cemetery, in no case cross his path, as various tumors may form on your body. If this happened, then you should take the hand of the deceased, necessarily the right one, and with all your fingers drive it over the tumor and read "Our Father". This must be done three times, after each time spitting over the left shoulder.

When they carry a dead man in a coffin down the street, try not to look out of the window of your apartment. By doing this, you will save yourself from trouble and will not get sick.

In the temple, the coffin with the body of the deceased is placed in the middle of the church, facing the altar, and candles are lit on the four sides of the coffin.

Relatives and friends of the deceased walk around the coffin with the body, with a bow they ask for forgiveness for involuntary offenses, they kiss the deceased for the last time (a crown on his forehead or an icon on his chest). After that, the body is completely covered with a sheet and the priest sprinkles it with earth in a cross-like manner.

When the body with the coffin is taken out of the temple, the face of the deceased is turned towards the exit.

It so happens that the church is far from the house of the deceased, then a correspondence funeral service is performed on it. After the funeral service, the relatives are given a chaplet, a prayer of permission and earth from the requiem table.

At home, relatives put a permissive prayer in the deceased's right hand, a paper whisk on his forehead, and after saying goodbye to him, at the cemetery, his body, covered with a sheet from head to toe, as in a church, is sprinkled with earth in a cross-like manner (from head to toe, from the right shoulder to the left - to get the correct cross).

The deceased is buried facing east. The cross on the grave is placed at the feet of the deceased so that the crucifix is ​​turned to the face of the deceased.

According to Christian custom, when a person is buried, his body must be buried or "sealed". This is done by the priests.

The ties that tie the hands and feet of the deceased must be untied and placed in the coffin with the deceased before lowering the coffin into the grave. Otherwise, they are usually used to induce spoilage.

When saying goodbye to the deceased, try not to step on the towel that is placed in the cemetery near the coffin, so as not to incur damage.

If you are afraid of the deceased, hold on to his legs.

Sometimes you can be thrown in your bosom or by the collar of the earth from the grave, proving that this way you can avoid the fear of the dead. Do not believe - this is done to induce damage.

When the coffin with the body of the deceased is lowered into the grave on towels, these towels must be left in the grave, and not used for various household needs or given to someone.

When the coffin with the body is lowered into the grave, all those who accompany the deceased on their last journey throw a lump of earth into it.

After the ritual of surrendering the body to the earth, this earth must be taken to the grave and poured crosswise. And if you are too lazy, do not go to the cemetery and take the land for this ritual from your courtyard, then you yourself will do it very badly.

To bury a dead man with music is not a Christian way; one should bury with a priest.

It so happens that a person was buried, but the body was not betrayed. You must definitely go to the grave and take a handful of earth from there, from which you can then go to the church.

It is advisable, in order to avoid any trouble, the house or apartment where the deceased lived, to spray blessed water... This must be done immediately after the funeral. It is also necessary to sprinkle such water on people who participated in the funeral procession.

The funeral is over, and according to the old Christian custom, they put water and something from food in a glass on the table for treating the soul of the deceased. Make sure small children or adults do not inadvertently drink or eat anything from this glass. After such a treat, both adults and children start to get sick.

During the commemoration of the deceased, according to tradition, a glass of vodka is poured. Do not drink it if someone advises you. It will be better if you pour the vodka on the grave.

Returning from the funeral, it is imperative to shake off your shoes before entering the house, and also hold your hands over the fire of a lighted candle. This is done in order not to damage the home.

There is also this kind of damage: a dead person lies in the coffin, wires are tied to his hands and feet, which are lowered into a bucket of water under the coffin. So, supposedly, they ground the deceased. In fact, this is not the case. This water is then used to induce spoilage.

Here is another type of corruption, in which incompatible things are present - death and flowers.

One person gives another bouquet of flowers. Only these flowers do not bring joy, but grief, since the bouquet, before being presented, lay on the grave all night.

If a loved one has died or native person and you often cry over it, then I advise you to have thistle grass in your house.

To miss the deceased less, you must take the headdress (scarf or hat) worn by the deceased in front of front door light it up and go around with it one by one all the rooms, reading aloud "Our Father". After that, take out the remains of the burned-out headdress from the apartment, burn it to the end and bury the ashes in the ground.

It also happens: you came to the grave to to a loved one pull up grass, paint a fence, or plant something. You start digging and you dig up things that shouldn't be there. Someone outsider buried them there. In this case, take everything that you find outside the cemetery and burn it, trying not to get caught in the smoke, otherwise you can get sick yourself.

Some believe that after death the forgiveness of sins is impossible, and if a sinful person has died, nothing can help him. However, the Lord himself said: "And every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, and blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven people ... neither in this century, nor in the future." This means that only blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgiven in the future life. Consequently, our prayers may be for mercy on the deceased in bodies, but our loved ones living in soul, who did not blaspheme during the earthly life of the Holy Spirit.

The funeral service and home prayer for the good deeds of the deceased, performed in his memory (alms and donations to the church), are all good for the dead. But the commemoration at the Divine Liturgy is especially useful for them.

If you come across a funeral procession on your way, you should stop, take off your headdress and cross yourself.

When a dead man is being carried to a cemetery, do not throw fresh flowers on the road after him - by doing this you damage not only yourself, but also many people who step on these flowers.

After the funeral, do not go to visit any of your friends or relatives.

If they take land to “seal” the dead, in no case do not allow this land to be taken from under your feet.

When someone dies, make sure that only women are present.

If the patient is dying hard, remove the pillow of feathers from under his head for an easier death. In villages, a dying person is laid on straw.

Make sure that the deceased's eyes are tightly closed.

Do not leave a deceased person alone in the house; as a rule, elderly women should sit next to him.

When there is a deceased in the house, then in neighboring houses it is forbidden to drink water in the morning, which was in buckets or pans. It must be poured out and poured fresh.

When a coffin is made, a cross is made on its lid with an ax.

In the place where the deceased was lying in the house, it is necessary to put an ax so that they do not die for a long time in this house.

Until 40 days, do not distribute the deceased's belongings to relatives, friends or acquaintances.

In no case do not put your pectoral cross on the deceased.

Before burial, do not forget to remove the wedding ring from the deceased. By this, the widow (widower) will rid herself of diseases.

During the death of your loved ones or acquaintances, you must close the mirrors, do not look in them after death for 40 days.

It is impossible for tears to fall on the deceased. This is a heavy burden for the deceased.

After the funeral, do not allow your loved ones, acquaintances, or relatives to lie on your bed under any pretext.

When a dead person is taken out of the house, make sure that none of those accompanying him on his last journey comes out with his back.

After taking the deceased out of the house, the old broom should also be taken out of the house.

Before the last farewell to the deceased in the cemetery, when the lid of the coffin is raised, in no case put your head under it.

The coffin with the deceased, as a rule, is placed in the middle of the room in front of the home icons, facing the exit.

As soon as a person has died, relatives and friends should order a forty-mouth in the church, that is, a daily commemoration during the Divine Liturgy.

In no case listen to those people who advise you to wipe your body with water in which you washed the deceased to get rid of pain.

If the commemoration (third, ninth, fortieth days, anniversary) falls on the time of Great Lent, then in the first, fourth and seventh weeks of Lent, the relatives of the deceased do not invite anyone to the commemoration.

When memorial days fall on weekdays of other weeks of Great Lent, then they are postponed to the next (ahead) Saturday or Sunday.

If the commemoration falls on Bright Week (the first week after Easter), then in these first eight days after Easter they do not read prayers for the dead, do not perform requiem for them.

To commemorate the departed Orthodox Church permits from Tuesday Fomina week (second week after Easter).

The dead are commemorated with the food that is supposed to be on the day of the commemoration: on Wednesday, Friday, on days of long fasts - lean, in the meat-eater - fast.