Massage for back and neck. Back massage technique at home. Massage techniques and movements

Many diseases today most often affect the human musculoskeletal system. This is due to the peculiarities of today's work, study and even leisure. Excessive loads on the spine make it a vulnerable point in the human body, and this causes its anatomical structures to age faster. The more vertebrae are destroyed, the more difficult for a person begins to perform daily activities.

The main rule for keeping your back in healthy shape is to occasionally allow yourself a relaxing massage. It is not necessary to go or invite expensive specialists; it is enough to master the most basic elements of its implementation and simply enter on the Internet: how to do a massage correctly?


This word comes from French word masser, or rubbing, is a combination of mechanical techniques and reflex action on the structures of the body (muscles, tendons, organs). The impact on the body can be in the form of stroking, pressing, rubbing, vibrations, which are carried out directly on the surface of the human body, both with hands and with special devices (massagers)

For a more effective therapeutic effect, relaxing back massage began to be done using various flavored oils, gels and creams. But experts give greater preference to oils, since their structure is more suitable for these purposes.

Depending on the type of massage effect, in nervous system There can be both excitatory and inhibitory impulses. The choice of technique is based on the patient’s problem: to stimulate the growth of new muscle and bone structures there will be a stimulating effect, and to relax and restore, there will be an inhibitory effect.

In order for the back massage to be most effective, oils containing active microcomponents are used.


All over the world there are 4 types of massage effects: sports, hygienic, therapeutic and cosmetic. But the subsections of these species a large number of, their name and technique depends on where it came from. The therapeutic technique of massaging is the main one, as it is carried out almost throughout the entire treatment and even during the rehabilitation phase. Thanks to the effect of massage, it is possible to prevent diseases of such systems as:

  • Cardiovascular.
  • Gastrointestinal.
  • Musculoskeletal.
  • Nervous.

For effective therapeutic effects, it is necessary to know and learn to understand which structures of the body will need to be affected, and what is better not to touch. Especially with .

In order to learn how to massage correctly and efficiently, you need to master the basic rules and techniques.

General principles

  • A relaxing massage should be present in any massage treatment. This will allow you to relax your muscle structures.

  • Most movements should be done from top to bottom and from the center to the periphery. This helps improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
  • To reduce friction, it is better to use specialized oils. At their core, it is desirable to have active ingredients.
  • The patient should be in a completely relaxed position, preferably on a special couch.
  • The surface on which the patient will be should not be too hard or soft.
  • Any massage at home should only occur after consultation with a specialist. Especially if the patient has any problems with the spine as a whole.
  • For quality assistance It is recommended to attend specialist lessons several times.
  • You should not ask yourself how to do a back massage; all the elements described below should be performed automatically. And self-doubt will scare away your patient, relative or friend who turned to you for help.

If you decide to carry out a therapeutic or relaxing massage yourself, follow the recommendations and rules of massage described above.

Back massage technique

On the territory of Russia, 4 basic techniques for massaging body structures are firmly established. Any massage effect consists of a combination of these techniques of varying intensity and duration of impact.

The first technique is stroking. It is carried out without a specific sequence and is necessary to prepare the skin and muscles for more intense effects. It is carried out from the neck down to the sacral joint. First along the central line of the spine, then along the paravertebral line, from the center to the periphery. Stroking helps increase blood flow to the muscle structures of the back. The pressure should not exceed the weight of the massage therapist's hand. There are several subtypes of this movement:

  • Stroking can be flat. The hands are on the back without any force, we move them along the line of the back from the neck to the lower back.
  • Stroking can be continuous and grasping. Such movements are best done on the limbs. For example, clasping the patient's forearm with both hands.
  • Stroking can be intermittent and grasping. Also on the arms and legs, but when lowering the arms down, it is necessary to make squeezing movements. Stroking should not bring, we only prepare the body structures for further forceful influence.

The next movement option is rubbing. It differs from stroking in that it has a rougher and stronger effect on the structures of the back. It is done along the same lines as stroking, but with more significant pressure. The pressure should be constant - at the level of the physiological threshold of pain sensitivity. Also has subspecies:

  • Rake-shaped appearance. This is done by placing your fingers like a rake.
  • Comb-like appearance. Carried out with the edge of the palm, it is best suited for rubbing the rectus muscles of the spine.
  • Pincer-shaped appearance. Grasping the muscle or skin between the thumb and the fingers. A relaxing massage must be performed first (it hurts on unprepared muscles). This technique works well on the muscles of the neck and the straight muscle structures of the spine.

Kneading is the impact on the tissue with the hands of a massage therapist with variable pressure from minimum to maximum. It is done in a spiral, from top to bottom, centripetally. By type they are divided into:

  • Continuous kneading.
  • Intermittent kneading.

Shock and vibration impact. Rhythmic shaking of the subcutaneous structures of the back, with variable rhythm and strength. These are movements such as tapping with the palm or edge of the hand. Avoid such impacts to the upper spine.

The combination of these 4 basic movements allows you to perform a quality massage. The most popular is the classic back massage.

Classic back massage

Question: “How to do it correctly?” - is now very popular on the Internet. There are many monographs and training videos that can teach you how to do a relaxing back massage on your own in a short time. To more quickly master the massage technique, it is recommended to start studying with classic version. It works like this:

  • Relaxing massage. It is always carried out using oils and is performed from the upper body. It begins from the moment the oil is applied to the body. Movements such as stroking in a circular motion along the back line, they should be light and relaxed. We start from the neck and move down.
  • Gradually the movements become more intense, we also add rubbing from the center to the periphery, from top to bottom. Massaging the area upper third spine, pay more attention to the muscle structures of the neck, especially during the stroking stage.
  • We start kneading with the muscles near the spine. The starting points are the muscles of the neck and shoulder blades. They should be given special attention and caution. Most often it is effective to use thumbs(they move the muscles of the neck and shoulder blades).

  • The combination of shock-vibration and kneading should be moderate. An indicator of worked muscles is the redness of the skin. When massaging the upper part of the spine, namely the neck, do not use the shock-vibration method. This intense impact can have a detrimental effect on the fragile structures of the neck.
  • Most time is devoted to the cervical and thoracic regions. The lumbosacral region requires more intense and powerful movements. It should be remembered that this area is the most likely risk for developing a hernia and pinching.

The combination of these simple elements will allow you to perform a high-quality back massage at home without harm to the spine. But for your confidence and the safety of the patient, look several times or ask on the Internet how to do a back massage, as well as how to properly perform a relaxing massage for the structures of the spinal column. But the best thing is to take a course and see how professionals do it. After all, in order to perform a massage efficiently and most effectively, you need to study this complex art for many years.

Muscles of the back and neck area after working day susceptible to stress and fatigue. The best way to relax is a massage, which helps relieve tension, soreness and stiffness. Knowing how to properly massage your back and neck is essential if you want to achieve a positive and relaxing effect.

Before starting the massage, you should wash your hands with soap and water under running water. warm water and prepare a special warming cream or oil used for massage.

Using massage movements of your hands, you need to move smoothly from upwards. At the beginning of the massage, to prepare the back muscles, light strokes are used, which are performed both in a circular motion and along the back. Light stroking gradually turns into more active massaging.

The only rule during the procedure is not to rub or massage the spinal column directly. The massage is performed only along the back, without affecting the spine.

Limit the force of influence in the area of ​​the kidneys, and sometimes between the shoulder blades.

To influence the back, techniques are used that alternate during the procedure:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • tingling;
  • pat.

Since the neck and shoulders are subject to greater tension throughout the day, they are kneaded with greater force.

How to properly massage your neck

In the cervical region are blood vessels, through which blood circulates to the brain, so before you start massaging this area, you should know how to properly massage not only the back, but also the neck:

  • for complete relaxation during a massage, you need to take a comfortable position, for example, lying or sitting in front of a table, resting your head on it;
  • the first few procedures should not last too long;
  • the transition from one type of technique to another is performed smoothly and easily, without long breaks;
  • The massage begins from and then the hands go down to the shoulders: all movements are made following the flow of lymph;
  • should not occur during the procedure painful sensations and discomfort;
  • The massage begins with light stroking movements, and they also complete the session.

For a good effect, you need to complete a full course of massage.

Existing basic massage techniques

To properly and effectively perform a back and neck massage, you should know the main principles of how to make hand movements correctly:

  • First, stroking is performed: these movements will help relax the muscles as much as possible and prepare them for more intense massage techniques; using the palm of your hand or fingertips, stroking is carried out along the back or across;
  • then begin rubbing: the back is massaged, moving from the sides to the center of the back; pay special attention to rubbing the neck area, as this will help get rid of salt deposits and muscle hypertonicity;
  • kneading of the back and neck begins: to perform this technique, you need to lightly grab the skin with your fingertips and then move your hands from the middle of the back to the sides; the left and right areas of the back are massaged in turn;
  • patting movements: the hand in the palm takes the shape of a spoon, and the massage therapist begins to smoothly move the hand in the hand, performing pats, avoiding the kidney area;
  • Vibration is used last: with the pads of the fingers, the massage therapist moves in a circular motion from the back of the head to the lower back, which helps regulate metabolic processes.

What types of massagers are there for the back and neck?

To perform a massage yourself, there are a variety of back and neck massagers, which can be either manual or electric. What massagers are on sale:

For various types The main thing about massage is knowing how to do it correctly, so as not to injure the neck and back, in order to improve the health of the body as a whole and cope with ailments, for example, headaches, back pain, discomfort in the cervical region and other ailments. But still, you first need to consult with a specialist, since even such a seemingly harmless procedure as massage has contraindications.

Massage can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. To understand how to do a back massage, it is useful to master its basic methods and principles.

All movements when treating the back should be in the direction of the lymph flow:

  1. The session begins and ends with relaxing superficial strokes;
    • From the lower back to the inguinal lymph nodes;
    • From the lower thoracic region to the armpits;
    • From the upper thoracic region to the supraclavicular lymph nodes.
  2. Classic massage techniques include superficial (stroking, rubbing, continuous vibration) and deep techniques (kneading, squeezing).

Besides general rules, there are also specific recommendations and techniques that can teach you how to properly massage the back and individual muscle groups.

Massage technique

The person being massaged lies on his stomach, his arms are extended along the body, slightly bent at the elbows, and there is a small flat pillow under his head. If the massage cannot be performed in the prone position, it can be done with the patient lying on his side.


First, apply broad superficial stroking. Then deep ironing with the back of the hand from the crests of the iliac bones, rising up to the collarbones. Having reached the supraclavicular fossa, they smoothly return to the sacrum.

The palms are moved some distance away from the spine and movements are made upward towards the armpits. Return with the same movement to the inguinal folds. Massage movements should be used to treat the entire back. On the lateral surfaces, grasping stroking is performed.


A deeper technique - squeezing is performed along the flow of lymph. It runs slowly. They affect not only the skin, but also the deeper layer. For better effect Squeezing is performed with weights. To do this, one hand is placed on top of the other. Begin by treating the long back muscles. Gradually move on to the latissimus muscles. Reception is carried out along three lines.


Before starting deep treatment, prepare the muscles by rubbing. The technique is performed with skin displacement. On long muscles, rubbing begins from the sacrum. Use semicircular movements to treat the area of ​​the spinous processes upward to the neck. Having reached the hairline, return to the sacrum in a reverse movement. The technique can be performed 5-6 times.

On the latissimus dorsi muscles, you can saw with both hands or perform a technique with the ulnar surface of the hand. Start from the lumbar region. You can perform the technique with the phalanges of your fingers spaced apart.

“Intersection” is used on the side surfaces. It is performed using the radial surfaces of both hands. Start moving from the pelvic area to the armpits.

Rubbing the intercostal spaces is performed from the spinal column to the sides. Apply straight-line rubbing with fingers placed in a rake-like manner with one or two hands. You can perform the technique alternately.

In order to rub the inner edge of the scapula, the patient’s hand is placed behind the back and the elbow is lowered. With one hand you need to lift the shoulder girdle, and with the other you need to rub it. In the area between the shoulder blade and the spinal column, you can use the pads or ridges of your fingers.

Finish with general broad rubbing of the entire surface of the back. As a rule, it is performed with both hands. Be sure to do a few strokes.


For the greatest effort during kneading, one hand is placed on the other. They start by treating the long muscles. Depending on the purpose of the massage, the following types of kneading can be performed on this area:

  • The thumb of one hand. The finger presses the muscle to the bone and makes rotational movements up the paravertebral zones.
  • With both hands. Performed alternately with thumbs on both sides of the spine.
  • Use the pads of four fingers in a circular motion.
  • Using the phalanges of the fingers in a circular motion.

Having treated the long muscles, they begin to warm up the latissimus. Movements from the iliac crest to the armpits. During the execution of techniques, the muscle is grabbed, pulled and massaged in a circular motion.

In order to knead the muscles of the scapula, you should place one hand under the shoulder joint and lift it slightly. Proper massage includes treatment of the shoulder joint. Rubbing is carried out in a circular motion along the back, front and middle surfaces of the joint.

End of session

Finish the back massage with vibration techniques. Vigorous striking movements with the palm of the hand or fists are used over the entire surface of the back. You can “chop” using the elbow edges of the hand. It should be performed along the muscle fibers.

After shock techniques, vibration stroking is performed. Finish the massage with general broad strokes of the entire surface of the back.

A classic back massage usually takes about 20 minutes. Half of this time is devoted to kneading.

Massage at home

When performing a massage at home, prepare a work area. The surface must be level, hard and stable. You can carry out the procedure on the floor. There should be a small bolster or pillow under the ankle joints. There is a flat pillow under your head. You can ask the patient to place his hands under his head.

The room should be warm enough. Otherwise, you will not achieve normal patient relaxation. Massage is best performed using special tools.

You should adhere to the general rules for classical massage.

  1. You need to do a back massage correctly, using light, gentle techniques in the first sessions.
  2. During the session, techniques are performed that act superficially on the tissue, then move on to deeper techniques.
  3. Impact techniques should not be used in the area of ​​the kidney projection.
  4. In the area of ​​the projection of the heart, gentle percussive techniques are performed.
  5. Finish the session with calming superficial techniques.

Many people have heard how to do massage at home to improve their health, but few know how to do it and who it is useful for. Without knowing the basics of the issue, you can easily harm yourself.

Massage will prolong our youth, improve our well-being, mood, bring bliss and relaxation. Massage relieves muscle spasms.

How to do massage at home, attributes:

What you need to have for a massage at home:

  • The massage therapist must have healthy, strong hands. Specialists of this profile always do finger exercises to strengthen their hands.
  • The massage therapist's hands are soft, without calluses or hangnails, with nails cut off to make the person feel good.
  • There is no jewelry on the hands; watches, rings, and bracelets have been removed.
  • Be sure to wash your hands before the massage and after the massage too.
  • You must take a shower yourself; your skin needs to be clean.
  • Various types of massagers (finger, ready-made devices from various companies).
  • Massage oils to improve the glide of hands on the skin, moisturizing composition, aromatizing the skin. Before the massage, the oil should be applied to your hands and rub them well against each other for good hydration.
  • Usually these are heating oils. The heat effect of the massage lasts for approximately 40 minutes.
  • The most important thing for a massage therapist is to have knowledge: how to do a massage correctly.
  • It is better to do a back massage by a professional; for the most painful person, you can only rub the lower back; all other parts of the back are also difficult to reach due to pain.
  • When massaging the back, the spine area is excluded.

Massage techniques for doing at home:

Let's look at the most important techniques for massage. For professional massage, a larger amount is used, for home use there is no need to study everything.


  • An obligatory phase of entering a massage: well-being improves, relaxation begins, the body itself becomes toned.

The stroking itself is divided into:

  • Rectilinear or longitudinal (movements are made with the right and left hands simultaneously from bottom to top).
  • Spiral (movement in a spiral). Some people confuse it with zigzag. The massage is done from below - upward movements in a circle (spiral).
  • Zigzag is no longer a spiral, but a transition along a spiral at an angle to the right, then to the left. Both hands work in parallel.
  • An enveloping massage is performed on the side of the body.
  • Ring massage is carried out along the axis in the area of ​​the shoulder joints and the neck area.


  • When rubbing, all the above actions when stroking are repeated in order, but the actions are already stronger.
  • The skin warms up greatly, blood flow improves.


  • Vigorous kneading of muscles along massage lines, grasping them with hands.
  • Pull it away from the bones and stretch the muscle.
  • First on one side, then on the other. The skin suddenly turns pink due to dilation of capillaries.
  • Blood flow increases even more.

Comb kneading:

  • Next we knead with our knuckles and phalanges of our fingers (with our hands clenched into fists).

Working as a massager:

  • We take a roller or finger massager and put it on our hands. We use it according to the same scheme as manual massage.
  • Each type of massage must be completed in four paths.
  • Massagers are not used for joint massage; we skip them. We do it only on soft muscles (thighs, arms).


  • With this type of massage, it is done on the side surfaces of the palms.
  • The massage lines are the same.


  • The pressure technique is especially useful for back pain.
  • They are performed on both sides simultaneously along the spine.
  • They work by pressing the pads of the thumbs.
  • Positively affects the nerve fibers of the spine.


  • Using the side surface of the palm, we make chopping movements over the area where the body is treated with massage.
  • Hands should be relaxed.


  • Precisely slapping (this is not a mistake).
  • Driving movements are made with the entire palm on the person’s skin. It doesn't hurt at all.


  • All stroking techniques are described at the beginning.
  • They need to be repeated to calm the skin.


  • The final stage of the massage. Produced by a neck specialist. Then we stroke the skin.
  • Wipe off any remaining oil.

Be sure to lie down after this and cover yourself with a blanket.

Types of massage for home use:

There are two types of massage.

  1. Sports.
  2. Medicinal:
  • Therapeutic massage is performed when a person has pain: back, knees, joints hurt.
  • In such cases, massage is carried out with creams containing antibiotics, which relieve joint pain: Ketonal 5%, Ketonal gel (quickly absorbed into the patient’s skin) massage is not very convenient for them.
  • It's better to use cream.

Watch the video on how to properly massage your back: at home:

How to do massage at home to improve your well-being:


Who among us doesn’t know how our legs hurt when we do this? Massage will help in this case.


  • To improve blood circulation, we make movements from bottom to top.
  • At the same time, never touch sore spots. Capture the area around them.
  • Massage with light strokes only.
  • In advanced cases of the disease, massage is contraindicated.

Injuries and bruises:

  • When you are seriously hurt or injured, light rubbing with pieces of ice wrapped in a plastic bag will help.
  • The inflammation will subside, the pain will go away.
  • There is no need to press hard on the sore spots.


  • You will feel noticeable relief when massaging your temples with your thumbs.
  • You just need to find the most painful place.
  • Smoothly move on to massaging the eyebrows (inner and outer edges of the eyebrows).
  • Knead your neck well at the roots of your hair.
  • For headaches, massage of the tips of the toes helps, oddly enough. Thumb don't touch.
  • Rub a few drops before massage essential oil lavender in whiskey. This will calm you down and it will pass.

Premenstrual syndrome:

  1. You will feel better by massaging the area under the navel, but only clockwise for two minutes.
  2. Then massage the sacrum area on both sides, two minutes is enough.
  3. Rub the sides of your waist with up and down movements.
  4. Finally, place your outstretched palm on your bent knee.
  5. Use your ring finger to find the groove underneath.
  6. Rotate it with your fingertip for about five minutes.
  7. At the same time, you will help your pancreas and spleen.

Massage for beauty, how to do it at home:

For tired eyes:

  • To relieve eye fatigue from sitting at the computer for a long time, rub your palms together.
  • Close your eyes while sitting and relax. Place warmed palms over your eyes. Sit like this for 3 minutes.
  • Massage the brow ridges and the lower part of the eye sockets, do not open your eyes.
  • We make movements from the nose to the temples. 30 seconds is enough.
  • Sit with your eyes closed a little longer.
  • Open your eyes and look into the distance.
  • This massage improves sleep and appetite.

Nervous tension:

  • Find a point on the neck at the base of the neck (pit). It should be at the level of the lower earlobes.
  • Massage it for about five minutes with deep but gentle movements.

Wrinkles and swelling around the eyes:

This massage helps very well:

  • Using your index, middle, and ring fingers, press the inner corners of your eyes to the skin.
  • Then close your eyes, overcoming their resistance.
  • Count to six, relax.
  • This is especially true in the morning.
  • Read the article.

Take note of the rules for massage at home:

  1. Perform the massage only clockwise, slowly and without haste.
  2. The area of ​​skin being massaged should be free of wounds and rashes.
  3. Massage can be performed without cream, ointment and gels.
  4. Warming ointments are needed for myositis, radiculitis, and osteochondrosis.
  5. Necessary for sensitive, dry skin to prevent injury.

Contraindications for massage:

  • Therapeutic massage must be prescribed by a doctor. He knows whether you can do it at all or not.
  • In acute pain, massage cannot be done on your own. Only after the pain has been relieved and the diagnosis has been clarified. Back pain does not always indicate problems in the spine.
  • At intervertebral hernias, massage is dangerous on protrusions. The help of a chiropractor or massage therapist will bring additional suffering.

How to do cupping massage at home:

For this massage you need plastic jars. They are specially made for massage. Sold in pharmacies.

They massage problem areas (especially cellulite) for 10 minutes. Smaller at first.


  • The jar needs to be treated with hydrogen peroxide (edges). Still, you will use it on your skin, who knows where the jar was before packaging.
  • Before the procedure, be sure to take a shower or bath. Lubricate the areas to be massaged with warm vegetable oil or anti-cellulite, massage cream.
  • We squeeze the jar in the middle with our fingers, place it on the prepared place, and release it. It should stick.
  • There should be no more than one and a half centimeters of skin inside the jar. Otherwise it will hurt and bruises will appear.
  • If you grip the skin too much, squeeze the jar again and release.
  • Move the jar from bottom to top, this warms up our skin.
  • In the future, move on to circular movements, do not forget the rule - clockwise.
  • Switch to zigzag movements.
  • We finish the procedure with smoothing.
  • Go to bed for 20 minutes to rest.

What does this massage give:

  • Destroyed body fat from vacuum.
  • Blood flows through the vessels more cheerfully.
  • The tissues are saturated with oxygen.
  • The muscles are actively contracting.
  • Sleeping cells wake up.
  • Exchange is improving.
  • The skin is evened out, becomes smooth, without ugly bumps and dimples.
  • Very effective for cellulite.
  • Course from 10 procedures to 20.
  • The skin may swell and hurt - this will go away with time. The next day, simply reduce the skin's suction.
  • When performing procedures of this kind, keep in mind that it is prohibited to massage the inner surface of the thighs.

Watch the video, anti-cellulite massage at home:


  • Cannot be used for blood diseases.
  • For heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Tumors and skin diseases.
  • Pregnant mothers.

Don't expect quick results in the first days; they will appear after 10 sessions.

I described how to do massage and its technique at home. I have attached a video for the most common massage requests. Learn, apply

I wish you beauty and health!

I'm looking forward to visiting you, come!

During the day, every second we test our back's strength: we hold it in an upright position when standing and walking, we bend it, lift it, turn it, twist our torso, sit in an uncomfortable position, and carry heavy loads. Our muscles are constantly in good shape, excited and contracted under the influence of impulses coming from the central nervous system, and the spine experiences great overload. Sometimes the safety margin provided by nature is not enough, and pain, stiffness, spasms appear, and pathological processes in the musculoskeletal system develop.

To prevent such painful symptoms from becoming habitual, you need to learn how to relieve growing tension in a timely manner. And for this there is nothing better than a back massage.


In the absence of obvious contraindications, the procedure will be of great benefit and completely healthy person, and those who have serious health problems. To an uninformed observer, it may seem that the hands of a massage therapist only affect the superficial structures of our body. In fact, at this time all components of the body are involved, complex mechanisms of self-regulation and recovery are launched. A general massage of the back area is prescribed to:

Medical science confirms the preventive and therapeutic effect of this massage procedure and recommends it for:

Light back strokes are performed even on pregnant women. later or for women in labor to relieve pain and tension during labor. In this condition, as well as with mastopathy and breastfeeding The procedure cannot be performed lying on the stomach: the woman should sit on a chair or lie on her side.


The procedure has no age restrictions. It is prescribed to the child starting at seven weeks. Back massage for him is an early training that will help the baby learn to hold his head confidently, strengthen the muscle corset and spine, preparing the child for sitting, crawling, standing independently and the first steps. Special daily gymnastics will complement and consolidate the results obtained.

In what cases should you not massage?

Massage is a powerful tool that can cause serious changes in the human body. These changes are not always positive and in some cases can lead to serious deterioration in health.

  • elevated temperature;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • rickets;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • heart disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • oncology;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • bleeding of various origins;
  • alcohol and drug poisoning;
  • problems with the kidneys and gall bladder;
  • acute pain in the abdomen or behind the sternum.

Massage with caution areas with protruding moles, warts, fresh wounds, and scratches. In case of kidney stones, intense pressure on the kidneys is avoided.

For young mothers, massage is indicated to strengthen and restore the functionality of the back muscles, which have been subjected to enormous stress throughout pregnancy. But the procedure can be performed only a month after birth or six months after caesarean section, after going to see a doctor.

Preparing for the session

The history of classical massage has its roots in the Buddhist temples of the Ancient East, where the healing procedure was equated to a sacred religious rite. Before the session, the patient and the massage therapist had to clear their heads of extraneous thoughts, read certain mantras and fully concentrate on the exchange of energy in order to achieve a divine state of consciousness.

Now the procedure does not require such complex preparation, but some measures to enhance its effectiveness are still worth taking:

It is important that the patient mentally tunes into the procedure and does not treat it with distrust or skepticism. As observations have shown, a focus on results greatly enhances the therapeutic effect of massage. The procedure can be carried out in the morning, for vigor, or in the evening, to restore energy after a working day.

Anatomy of the spinal muscles

In order for the procedure to have a therapeutic effect and not turn into ordinary useless stroking, the massage therapist must have knowledge topographic anatomy. Knowledge about the location and structure of muscles is especially important, since these structures receive the main impact during the session.

Different in appearance, size and function, on the back they cover the area from the pelvis to the neck in a dense multi-layered array.

The deep muscles are paired, located in three layers:

  • lowest are the interspinous, intertransverse and levator ribs structures;
  • the transverse spinalis muscle runs through the center, the different-sized bundles of which form independent functional groups: semispinalis, multifidus and rotators;
  • superimposed on top are the splenius muscles of the head and neck, as well as the erector spinae muscle; the latter at the level of the lumbar zone is divided into three parts: iliocostal, longissimus and spinous.

Photo: deep muscles

All of them form the basis of the back muscles and perform important functions: straighten the neck and head, provide the possibility of their rotation in different sides, are responsible for the stability of the spine, extending, tilting, turning it, nourishing and protecting bone and cartilage structures.

Flat superficial back muscles attach to bones shoulder girdle and are arranged in two layers:

  • the first is formed by the trapezius and latissimus muscles;
  • the second is the rhomboid major and minor, the superior and inferior serratus extensors of the back, as well as the levator scapulae muscle.

Photo: superficial back muscles

These structures bring the arms to the body, pull the body when hanging on a sports apparatus, tilt the head back, hold the back in an upright position, are responsible for its flexion, extension, bending to the side, lift, rotate and bring the shoulder blades closer to the spine.

Scheme of massage movements

A professional, unlike an amateur, will perform all movements along strictly defined massage lines. They are outlined taking into account the location of the muscles, spinal column, internal organs, nerve bundles, skin density, direction of blood and lymph flow. On the back, all movements are carried out according to the diagram shown in the picture:

  1. From the sacral area (number 9) along the spinal canal through the rectus muscles and serratus muscles (6) to the shoulders.
  2. From the sternocleidomastoid zone (1) to the shoulder blades, covering the upper edge of the trapezium.
  3. From the lumbar region through the latissimus muscles (7) to the armpit area.
  4. From the deltoid structures (4) to the shoulder blades.
  5. From the buttocks to the shoulder body, crossing the latissimus muscles, and back. This trajectory is due to the two-way movement of lymph in this zone.
  6. From the sacrum towards the oblique muscles (10) of the abdomen.
  7. On the lumbar region clockwise.

Massage lines

Typically, masters massage the entire surface of the back, simultaneously working the lines on both sides of the spine. But some people prefer to divide the massaged area into sections: standing to the left of the patient, they work with the right side of his body and vice versa.

Oils used

Of the many massage products on the market, a professional will most likely choose oil. Created on the basis of natural ingredients, it is quickly absorbed, moisturizes the skin, provides the necessary slip, has a pleasant smell, heals and relaxes the body. Judging by the reviews, the following oils have a good effect:

  • olive: rich in vitamins A, C, E, it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, especially dry and sensitive skin, and has hypoallergenic properties;
  • apricot: fights cellulite and dermatological problems thanks to the minerals and vitamins included in its composition, perfectly tones, smells pleasant;
  • sesame: the basis of this product is linoleic acid, which is famous for its regenerating effect, eliminates inflammation, removes toxins, and restores cells.

Essential oils in pure form cannot be applied to the skin. But a few drops added to the base natural basis, have their effect on the human body:

Before using the product, pay attention to its composition. The basis should be natural mineral, or even better, plant components. Acceptable as additives vitamin complexes and a moderate amount of essential substances. The presence of preservatives, thickeners, fragrances and other artificial ingredients is not welcome: their effect on the skin, enhanced by massage techniques, can lead to the development of severe allergic reactions. Before the first session, test the oil for absorption and individual intolerance by applying a small amount of the composition to the elbow.


In addition to oils, various cosmetic derivatives are used to prepare the skin for massage: creams, gels, emulsions. During the treatment procedure, they are replaced with anti-inflammatory ointments prescribed by the doctor. Extracts from medicinal plants - sports shoes - are made especially for athletes. Red – warms, as it contains pepper and camphor, blue, based on menthol, – cools.

But you can also do a massage using folk remedies:

  1. Honey is a product rich in vitamins and microelements, is quickly absorbed and has a healing effect on a sore back. It is applied in a thin layer to the skin, pressed onto the sticky surface with the palm of your hand, and then sharply torn off. Movements are performed along massage lines, avoiding impact on the lymph nodes and spine. The procedure fights diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, and nervous system.
  2. Salt - rock or sea, mixed with vegetable oil, has an anti-inflammatory and fat-burning effect, fights salt deposits and subcutaneous tissue. Massage with this remedy eliminates pain due to osteochondrosis, relieves tension in the back muscles, and reduces the withers - a formation in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra.

Relief occurs after the first procedure, but a course of 10–15 sessions will help completely restore the health of your back.

What are the types of back massage techniques?

Historians have proven that massage techniques were familiar even to primitive people, as evidenced by rock paintings found in their sites. Even then, people used the strength and energy of their hands to get rid of pain and fatigue by rubbing or kneading the problem area. The art of massage has not sunk into oblivion, but, on the contrary, has become even more popular, enriched with new effective techniques that have become known all over the world. Nowadays, the popular types are:


This technique is more popular than others. In the absence of obvious contraindications, it will be useful for both infants and adults. It is practiced as a preventive or therapeutic agent, and the list of indications for the procedure is quite wide.

The execution algorithm is simple and contains basic techniques familiar to everyone. The massage begins by working on the sacral and lumbar zones, directing movements to the nearest lymph nodes. Then they gradually move upward, covering the pectoral and CVZ, the scapula area, the deltoid and trapezius muscles.

Massage techniques for men and women are the same. But, since male muscles are more voluminous, the force of pressure, intensity of movements and duration of the procedure should be greater.


Prescribed for back pain, pathological changes in muscle structures, problems with the spine such as osteochondrosis, protrusions, spondylosis, hernias, atrophic processes of cartilage tissue, scoliosis. The procedure is performed using classical techniques, strictly adhering to a certain pattern of massage movements, the direction of which coincides with the flow of blood and lymph:

  • from the quadratus muscles of the lumbar area, movements are performed towards the nearby inguinal lymph nodes;
  • from the chest area they go to the armpit;
  • from the cervical-collar zone - to the clavicular.

It is worth considering that the main effect should be on muscle tissue, and not on bone tissue. Therefore, under no circumstances should you touch the spine itself: only a chiropractor can correct it.

The first procedure should not last more than 10–15 minutes, after disappearance discomfort the session is extended. The treatment course is repeated at least 2 times a year, and if the problem worsens, every month.


One of the ancient techniques was invented 3000 years ago in China. The monks then took it to Thailand, reworking it and adding reflexology and yoga techniques. heals the body and spirit, restoring energy channels.

The procedure technique differs from the European one:

  1. The exposure is carried out through clothing.
  2. The patient does not lie on the couch, but on the floor on mats.
  3. The massage therapist does not use any oils or creams. The only tools at his disposal are fingers, hands, elbows, knees and even feet (more details in the article: “”).

According to Eastern philosophy, the earth is the main source of energy, so the procedure begins with a relaxing foot washing and treatment active points stop. Then they move to the back, performing gentle pressure, kneading and stretching along the energy meridians. Painful and problematic areas are carefully treated. Massaging the longitudinal muscles of the back allows you to correct the position of displaced vertebrae, so a crunching sound is often heard during the procedure. The effect is complemented by special yoga exercises.


Eastern philosophers claim that Vital energy Qi permeates the entire Universe, including the human body. These flows move along special channels - meridians. Where the flow is disrupted, a problem, a pathology, arises. The purpose of massage is to remove the obstacle and adjust the internal forces of the body to fight diseases. Chinese specialists do this using:

It is believed that this stone is able to relieve pain, cleanse blood vessels, accelerate tissue regeneration, and calm excited nerves. Its therapeutic effect is enhanced by massage techniques: pressing, rubbing and kneading in the area of ​​active points and along energy meridians. The bruises, redness and bruises that appear after such exposure become a kind of map, after “reading” which the massage therapist will make the correct diagnosis.

Only a specialist can do Chinese back muscle massage correctly. A procedure performed with poor technique will most likely cause the opposite effect: the tissues will retain tension, which sooner or later will lead to overwork, stress, and a nervous breakdown.

Thematic material:

Bamboo chopsticks

The back is massaged not only with hands. Creoles, inhabitants of the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, have been using “cho” - bamboo sticks of different diameters - for this purpose for 5,000 years.

To begin with, the largest sticks will be useful. By performing rubbing, pressure and vibration, the master warms up the back muscles. Then he works them with sticks of smaller diameter, increasing the speed and depth of impact. As a result, rhythmic tapping is performed up to 120 times per minute, interspersed with palm stroking.

This massage is often chosen by girls, as it promotes weight loss, providing a lymphatic drainage effect, eliminating fat deposits, cellulite, making the skin beautiful and elastic. Read more in the article: "".

Vacuum jars

This technique is most often used for medicinal purposes for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, for healing joints, eliminating scars, improving blood circulation, and getting rid of subcutaneous fat. Following step-by-step instructions, anyone can handle this procedure:

  1. We take suction cups: glass or latex ones with a volume of 40 to 200 ml are suitable for the back.
  2. Lubricate the massaged area with oil, cream or Vaseline so that the cans can slide freely over the surface of the body.
  3. By creating a vacuum, we place the cans on their backs.
  4. We continuously move them, following the massage lines, in circular or spiral movements.

Author's methods

Supporters healthy image life are confident that massage is a worthy alternative to expensive medications and even surgical methods treatment, therefore, they are studying with interest the new, so popular today, proprietary methods.


A doctor with 27 years of experience, the head of massage centers shares his knowledge in a series of special video lessons, including those conducted online. In his technique he combines elements of classical, sports and acupressure, recommending it after daily physical activity, for example, summer residents.

Back massage according to Mardinsky begins with impact on the muscles that support the spinal column, and then according to the classical scheme: lower back - thoracic region– cervical-collar area. At the same time, along with basic techniques, specialists carry out a deep study of trigger points that respond with pain to problems in the body. They are developed until the discomfort disappears completely.

The massage therapist views the back as a large reflex zone. By acting on it, you can get rid of headaches, relax the nervous system, normalize blood pressure and breathing, and strengthen the immune system.

Andrey Yakovlev's experience

Unpleasant sensations in the back, according to this master, are the most common disease. The reason for their appearance is prolonged muscle overstrain, which leads to hypertonicity and impaired blood supply. Because of this, tissues degrade, cartilages dry out, and ligaments and tendons lose their elasticity.

All this creates conditions favorable for the development of osteochondrosis. Andrei Yakovlev is convinced that massage, which can be performed regularly at home, will help prevent back pain. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the transition zones from mobile to fixed structures. These are the articulation points:

  • spine and sacrum;
  • skull and cervical region;
  • thoracic and lumbar zones.

In his educational video “No Back Pain,” Yakovlev explains the basic techniques and shows how to carry out diagnostics: by feeling the muscles, pay attention to problem painful areas, lumps, less mobile skin, changes in their color and temperature.

According to Jacquet

The technique appeared at the end of the 19th century and bears the name of its author - a dermatologist from France, who developed a special plucking massage technique. It is based on a deep grip of the structures of the back, which is briefly and quickly performed by the pads of the large and index finger. These techniques alternate with basic stroking, rubbing and kneading.

The procedure relieves muscle spasms, pathological adhesions and adhesions in fibers, cleanses the skin, opens sebaceous ducts, exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, and accelerates cell regeneration.

Cost in showrooms

Looking at the price list of salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg, you will notice that the price of one session varies depending on the type of procedure:

  • classic massage costs from 1200 rubles;
  • therapeutic – from 1500 rubles;
  • segmental – from 800 rubles;
  • honey – from 2000 rubles;
  • vacuum - from 1600 rubles.

For back muscle massage using Tibetan singing bowls, the price is negotiable.

Proper execution at home

It will be useful for each of us to learn basic massage techniques in order to help ourselves and our loved ones for free at any time. First of all, you need to adhere to the general procedure:

  1. On initial stage perform classic stroking and squeezing, relaxing the back muscles and preparing them for more intense work.
  2. The main part is based on rubbing, warming up, pressing, patting and vibration. There is an impact on the deep muscles and structures of the back.
  3. The procedure ends with a light soothing stroke.

During the session, remember that you always massage without affecting the spine, and the kidney area and interscapular area are worked with light superficial movements.

Special massagers will help you perform self-massage:

  • roller;
  • rubber balls with spikes;
  • hand-held vibration massagers with a built-in magnet and IR emitter;
  • butterfly massagers attached to problem areas;
  • Kuznetsov applicator in the form of a mat;
  • massage covers for the chair: from the simplest, assembled from many rotating wooden balls, to complex electronic devices that imitate classic massage techniques;
  • backpacks;
  • collars.

Don't be upset if you don't have anything like this at home. For back massage, you can use available tools: kitchen rolling pins, plastic water bottles, terry towels for rubbing, tennis balls, brushes with natural or silicone bristles.

Video materials

You can learn how to professionally massage your back with your own hands, without even taking a course. Just watch the training master classes offered by experienced massage therapists. For example, Nikolai Filimonov, who practices Western and Eastern massage techniques, teaches a simple relaxing technique

  1. To establish contact with the patient, we place one hand on his head, the other on his sacrum, mentally tuning into a massage for a minute.
  2. Performing a “wave” right hand, the left one lies in the region of the sacrum.
  3. Gentle stroking is carried out with soft, smooth circular movements, directed first from bottom to top, and then in different directions. We work with our palms and relaxed fingers.
  4. We knead the tissues, creating a muscle roll and rolling the skin from the lower back to the shoulders.
  5. We stretch the muscles diagonally using weights to relieve stiffness and pain in tissues.

Such techniques will help you relax and relieve fatigue after a working day, giving you ease of movement, activity and joy of life.

Training lessons for beginners

The principles of vacuum massage and therapy come from traditional Chinese medicine. Today, cupping treatment methods have a scientific basis, the tools are becoming more complex and improved. Vacuum massagers are used in professional field And…