How to treat sensitive gums. The most effective ways to reduce tooth sensitivity. Nutrition for dental hyperesthesia

When a hot cup of tea or ice cream on a hot summer day causes you not pleasure, but pain and discomfort, it means that you are familiar firsthand with such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased sensitivity teeth. You will learn everything about why a pain reaction occurs, as well as possible methods of treating this disease, from this article.

Symptoms of hypersensitivity of teeth and gums

In dentistry, this disease is called hyperesthesia, and, according to medical data, women are more likely to suffer from dental hypersensitivity. Pregnancy and childbirth, emotional and mental stress negatively affect oral health. The risk of hyperesthesia increases with age; after 30 years, its symptoms may begin to appear regularly. The first and main sign is the presence of a pain reaction to the following stimuli:

  • cold or hot liquid;
  • solid food;
  • sour or too salty liquids and foods;
  • very cold air.

The severity of pain directly depends on the condition of the tooth enamel and can vary from barely noticeable, discomfort to sharp, very severe pain. If the sensitivity of tooth enamel has increased and it is too thin, then upon contact with any irritants, the pain increases.

This clinical picture is caused by severe damage to tooth enamel, and is a sign of an advanced stage of the disease. Treatment of dental hyperesthesia in this case will be quite complex and lengthy. When the first ones appear, even faintly severe symptoms If you have increased tooth sensitivity, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.


In fact, there are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of hyperesthesia, and if you learn about them in a timely manner, the disease can either be prevented or eliminated at the initial stage. First, it’s worth understanding the structure of the tooth in order to understand how the sensitivity of not only the teeth, but also the gums increases. Each tooth is covered with enamel, which protects it throughout life. Under the enamel there is dentin, and it is the impact on dentin through damaged or thinned enamel that causes pain.

Dentists include the following factors as prerequisites for the occurrence of increased sensitivity of teeth:

  • caries;
  • some periodontal diseases;
  • improper oral care;
  • errors in the dentist's robot;
  • general diseases of the body.


Most often, dental hyperesthesia appears due to the presence of caries. This is especially true when it is localized in close proximity to the gums. Tooth enamel begins to lose minerals as the affected tooth becomes sensitive to the acidic environment. Caries must be treated in a timely manner in order to relieve not only the unpleasant symptoms of hyperesthesia, but also to avoid partial tooth destruction or loss.

Periodontal diseases

Damage to periodontal tissue can lead to receding gums. Also, gum recession can be caused by physiological characteristics - a short frenulum of the lips or tongue. This leads to the fact that the unprotected neck of the tooth, and then the root, is gradually exposed, and the tooth’s susceptibility to irritants increases. In these cases, the appearance of hyperesthesia is inevitable, and it is impossible to fight it without eliminating the underlying problem.

Dentist mistakes

The lack of professionalism of the dentist often causes increased sensitivity of the hard tissues of the teeth. Improper filling and treatment of caries leads to damage to the integrity of the enamel, and a poorly installed crown can cause receding gums. Also, the cause of tooth sensitivity can be the whitening procedure carried out in violation of the technology or due to low-quality materials. In this case, the consequence will be an even greater thinning of the sensitive enamel. Also, tooth sensitivity can be caused by improperly performed professional cleaning, for example, removal of tartar, when the part of the tooth adjacent to the gum is excessively polished or damaged by a dental instrument.

Systemic diseases

Also, this unpleasant illness can be caused by various malfunctions in the body: hormonal disorders, diseases of the digestive system, depression, women's age-related changes(menopause). For example, with metabolic disorders, the acidity of gastric juice increases, which often causes heartburn. At this moment, bile is released from the stomach and enters the oral cavity, and the acidic environment is known to have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

Improper care of teeth and gums

Hard toothbrushes, improper use of dental floss, constant use of aggressive toothpastes and whitening gels - all this can also lead to increased sensitivity. It is also not advisable to use home remedies for yellowing, such as baking soda, as they can destroy tooth enamel. Improper care can also lead to mechanical damage enamel, and cracks and chips almost always increase tooth sensitivity.

Types of hyperesthesia

Hyperesthesia is classified according to the following main criteria:

  1. by origin;
  2. by area of ​​distribution;
  3. according to severity.

Depending on the origin, there are two types of increased sensitivity: when it intensifies due to partial damage to the enamel, and regardless of the integrity of the coating. The first case includes:

  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • carious cavities;
  • erosion of hard tissues;
  • preparation of teeth when installing crowns.

The second case includes the following factors:

According to the area of ​​distribution, hyperesthesia can be limited (localized on one tooth) and generalized (when several teeth hurt at the same time). According to severity, hypersensitivity is divided into 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 – reaction only to temperature stimuli;
  • Stage 2 – a painful reaction to salty or sour foods is added;
  • Stage 3 – irritation of hard tissues manifests itself even from touching with the tongue or toothbrush.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Of course, any disease is best treated by a specialist who will tell you how to relieve tooth sensitivity and prescribe the necessary procedures. Home remedies can also help in the fight against dental hyperesthesia. The ideal option would be an integrated approach, when two types of treatment are combined, as well as regular prevention.

Treating tooth sensitivity with medications

Professional treatment for dental hyperesthesia is as follows:

How to reduce hypersensitivity with dental care products?

Along with professional help, dentists recommend using special gels and pastes with high content fluorine and calcium. It is also necessary to rinse your mouth after eating with special rinses for sensitive teeth and gums, which should include plant extracts, sodium fluoride and potassium nitride, antiseptics (more details in the article: what are the types of mouth rinses for sensitive teeth?). Such rinses restore damaged enamel and lead to a decrease in hypersensitivity of the gums and teeth, and also help get rid of pathogens that cause inflammation of the root soft tissues.

How to deal with high sensitivity of teeth using folk remedies?

If there is a painful reaction of the enamel to cold and hot, or, as people say, the teeth are stuck, then in order to reduce the pain and cure it, people often resort to prescriptions traditional medicine. How to relieve tooth sensitivity using medications, the dentist must tell. Folk remedies in the fight against hyperesthesia can also be very effective, but only as an addition to doctor’s prescriptions.

Name of the productCooking methodApplication
Oak bark decoctionSteam 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical oak bark with boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes in a water bath. Then the broth must be cooled and strained.The decoction should be used to rinse 3 times a day for two weeks.
Tea tree oilA solution of boiled water (1 glass) and a couple of drops of oil will reduce pain.For a therapeutic effect, the oil solution must be used as a rinse at least 4 times a day.
Infusion of chamomile and burdockBrew a mixture of herbs (1 tablespoon of each type) with boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Then the infusion must be filtered through a fine sieve or gauze rolled up in several layers.Use the infusion as a rinse in the morning and evening for up to 10 days.


Taking care of your dental health means not only regular visits to a specialist, but also mandatory preventive care. To minimize the risk of hyperesthesia, it is necessary to perform a simple complex preventive measures for oral care. These include eating, brushing your teeth properly, and visiting your dentist.

Proper brushing of teeth

When brushing your teeth, it is unacceptable to apply strong pressure and use brushes with very hard bristles, so as not to injure the root zone. The movements should go from the base of the front incisors to the apex, and the molars should be cleaned in a circular motion. Also, do not neglect dental floss, since the brush is not able to clean the interdental space.


Diet has a significant impact on oral health. The diet must include foods containing calcium: cheeses, milk and cottage cheese. Also, after drinking juices with dyes or high acidity, in order to reduce their aggressive effects, the oral cavity must be rinsed. It is not recommended to consume foods with different temperatures at the same time, since their sharp difference irritates the enamel and causes hypersensitivity.

Rules for visiting the dentist

Regular visits to the dentist's office will relieve many oral problems. Timely detection of caries, various periodontal diseases, and the initial stage of hyperesthesia will prevent advanced stages of the disease, when pain becomes unbearable, and relief from symptoms and full recovery will not occur soon.

Severe tooth sensitivity occurs in more than half of the population. Increased sensitivity or dental hypersensitivity is a disease that affects the root and neck of the tooth. Hypersensitivity occurs due to abrasion of tooth enamel or gum problems when dentin is exposed.

Enamel hyperesthesia usually appears with age, but this disease can also be inherited.

Most often, hypersensitivity develops due to thinning of the enamel and abrasion of the gums. Erasure of gums is an invisible process. As soon as the gums begin to move away from the surface of the tooth, you must consult a specialist. Otherwise, the gums begin to wear away, revealing dentin and canals that lead to the root of the tooth. This causes increased sensitivity of the elements of the dentition. Wearing can occur due to irregular oral hygiene or too much pressure while eating or.

Increased sensitivity of teeth causes not just discomfort, but also pain. The pain is most often sharp, acute and comes during meals and temperature changes. Some patients experience pain when inhaling cold air. Research has shown that people with hypersensitivity find it difficult to lead a normal life as they experience severe pain, which affects not only your health, but also your mood. Note that with a normal sensitivity threshold, a person does not experience any unpleasant sensations from sweet, sour, cold and hot. If the threshold is too high, discomfort and quickly passing pain are observed. But hypersensitivity is a strong and acute pain that slowly fades away.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

Dentists distinguish two groups of development of increased sensitivity of tooth enamel: systemic and non-systemic.

Systemic reasons:

  1. Lack of minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and many others. A lack of minerals affects not only the condition of the oral cavity, but also the entire body. High sensitivity of teeth is the first indicator that the body does not receive the necessary substances.
  2. Infections and viruses, primarily enter the mucous membrane and the oral cavity. That is why during illness, tooth sensitivity can occur, since microbes get on the nerve endings, which cause discomfort and pain.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract directly affect the condition of the oral cavity. Stomach diseases not only change the microflora, but also affect the composition of saliva. And saliva directly affects the enamel. If the composition of saliva is changed, it begins to gradually destroy tooth enamel and increase sensitivity.
  4. Endocrine disorders also affect the condition of the oral cavity.
  5. Pregnancy. Increased tooth sensitivity is also observed in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that hormonal levels change and the body needs additional vitamins and microelements.
  6. Hormonal contraceptives also affect tooth sensitivity.
  7. Stress and mental problems.

Non-systemic reasons:

  1. Constant exposure to various acids on the enamel. Acids are usually found in citrus juices, fruits. But the greatest harm is caused by the acids that are found in sweet carbonated drinks.
  2. Constant use of whitening products (gels, toothpastes). Whitening agents penetrate deeply into the enamel and remove age spots, thereby whitening the tooth surface. But long-term use of such products begins to destroy and wear off the enamel. Therefore, often after a whitening procedure, the patient experiences hyperesthesia, which goes away after a couple of days. You just need to carefully use whitening gels and toothpastes so as not to destroy tooth enamel.
  3. Hard toothbrushes also affect the development of sensitivity, as they damage not only the enamel, but also scratch the gum tissue. Over time, the gums begin to move away from the surface of the tooth, exposing dentin. It is best to use a brush with soft bristles or medium hardness.
  4. Pathological abrasion of dental tissues, which occurs in a certain percentage of the population and leads to hypersensitivity. In this case, it is necessary to constantly see a doctor to avoid many dental problems.
  5. The initial stage of caries development. Sick teeth react sharply to temperature changes and sweets. In this case, the pain may persist for up to several minutes.
  6. Mechanical injuries (chips, microcracks). If such injuries are not healed in time, then over time, under the influence of microbes, the enamel is destroyed, exposing the nerve endings. Note that microtraumas, which are almost impossible to notice with the naked eye, appear due to bad habits, such as the habit of gnawing seeds, biting off thread, opening plastic packaging with teeth, etc.

As can be seen from the listed reasons, some factors do not depend on a person. And to reduce sensitivity you need to consult a specialist. And most importantly, try to remove irritants that can cause increased sensitivity.

Types of hyperesthesia

Hypersensitivity or scientifically hyperesthesia has its own classification.

There are limited and systemic forms. In the first form, increased sensitivity is observed in one or more teeth. In the systemic form, sensitivity is observed in all teeth on one side of the jaw or in the dentition of the upper/lower jaw.

In addition, dentists distinguish three degrees of hyperesthesia:

  • 1st degree is manifested by pain when cold and hot.
  • Stage 2 hypersensitivity is manifested by discomfort and pain in response to temperature changes and reacts to eating spicy, sour, sweet and salty foods.
  • Grade 3 is considered the most severe, since pain appears due to any external irritant.

What to do if you have tooth sensitivity

As soon as a person feels pain when eating or reacting to heat and cold, the first thing to do is contact a dental clinic. The doctor will conduct a full examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the dentist’s office, but you can reduce or remove hyperesthesia using special drugs, and folk remedies.

  • Treatment of hyperesthesia should begin with changes in diet. If your teeth react to sweet, sour, spicy and salty foods, then you need to give up these foods or eat as little as possible. It is necessary to reduce the intake of sour fruits and citrus fruits, since the acids contained in them have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.
  • You need to carefully monitor products with different temperatures. Under no circumstances should you mix hot and cold, for example, drinking coffee and eating ice cream. You can’t drink hot drinks, it’s best to dilute them cold water or milk to lower the temperature.
  • It is necessary to reduce the intake of solid foods - seeds, nuts, crackers. Due to hard foods, chips and cracks appear on the teeth.
  • Foods rich in microelements and vitamins should be added to your daily diet. Therefore, it is best to eat fish, milk, liver, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.

To reduce severe sensitivity, you can use medications - gels, toothpastes, varnishes for external use, and there are solutions and tablets for oral administration.

But before you start taking medications and using products, you should consult your doctor, as the pain may be caused by another disease.

To reduce hypersensitivity, desensitizing toothpastes are good, which have complex treatment on enamel and gums. Such pastes are convenient because they provide not only treatment, but also regular oral hygiene.

Desensitizing toothpastes:

  1. Sensodyne-F. This paste contains potassium compounds that close and block nerve impulses.
  2. Oral-B Sensitive Original. The paste contains 17% hydroxyapatite, which is identical in structure to tooth enamel. This property helps close microcracks and create a protective layer.
  3. "Rembrandt Sensitive" also forms a protective film that protects the enamel. But this paste should be used after every meal so that the effect lasts longer. In addition, the paste also contains whitening components.

Note that medicated toothpastes contain alkalis, which, in combination with water in the dentinal canals, cause dehydration, which reduces sensitivity. But such pastes should be used in courses no more than 4 times a year.

Remedies for tooth sensitivity

For many years, pharmaceutical companies have been successfully developing and producing specialized foams, gels, and varnishes to reduce tooth sensitivity, which are highly effective. These products should be applied at night and mouth guards should be used. If it is uncomfortable to wear mouth guards, then special solutions for rinsing the mouth are suitable for treatment.

  1. Bifluoride 12– varnish based on sodium and calcium fluoride. The varnish is applied to the teeth and forms a protective film. After applying the varnish, it is not recommended to eat food for about 1 hour.
  2. Fluoride varnish is applied and acts on the same principle as the previous drug. But there is a significant drawback - the protective film has a yellow tint. Therefore, this polish is best used in the evening or on the weekend.
  3. Fluocal– the gel is applied to the surface of the teeth or into the mouth guard. There is also a solution that can be used to rinse your mouth before or after applying the gel.
  4. Tooth Mousse– a professional dental gel, the composition is selected in such a way that when interacting with saliva, a protective film is formed. The gel is applied for three minutes, after which the excess can be carefully removed.
  5. MI Paste Plusprofessional product. The composition is dominated by fluorine. Apply for three minutes until a film forms.

With solutions for the treatment of hypersensitivity, it is a little more difficult, since you need to endure a certain course and one procedure takes from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

  1. Remodent- a powder that, after mixing with water, becomes a solution that needs to be soaked in the veil and applied to the sore teeth for 20 minutes. You can rinse your mouth with the remaining solution. The composition is dominated by: iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus.
  2. 10% calcium gluconate solution It is used according to the principle of the previous drug.
  3. 25% strontium chloride solution intended for rinsing.

Traditional ways to reduce tooth sensitivity

Many people are skeptical about folk remedies, although they have been tested by time and the experience of our ancestors. Moreover, not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive drugs.

  • 3 drops tea tree oil mixed in a glass warm water, great for rinsing. You should rinse several times a day and after a couple of weeks the sensitivity will noticeably decrease.
  • A decoction of oak bark relieves irritation, inflammation and dulls sensitivity. To prepare the decoction you will need 1 tablespoon of crushed oak bark per 1 glass boiled water. Mix and put on the fire until it boils, then let it brew for 10 minutes. Cool and you can rinse.
  • A decoction of chamomile and burdock will relieve inflammation and sensitivity. Pour boiling water over 1 teaspoon and let it brew for 60 minutes.

Treatment of dental hypersensitivity should not be delayed long box, since severe sensitivity is the first sign of many diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist's office and conduct a complete examination.

We must not forget that treatment of hyperesthesia should be regular.

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting treatment. Only a professional dentist can prescribe a medication that is right for you.


Increased tooth sensitivity creates many problems. Looks like healthy teeth acute pain react to an aggressive environment - temperature changes, sour foods. In dentistry, this phenomenon is called dental hyperesthesia.

What is dental hyperesthesia

When complaining of increased tooth sensitivity, the dentist usually diagnoses “enamel hypertension.” Hyperesthesia means high sensitivity of teeth to any type of irritant - chemical, temperature, mechanical. This phenomenon is quite common; approximately 50 - 70% of Russian residents are familiar with increased sensitivity of teeth.

Tooth sensitivity can be an independent disease or a symptom of increased abrasion of tooth enamel, erosion of tooth enamel, or. Severe tooth sensitivity is inherent even in patients with completely healthy teeth without caries, when tooth enamel becomes thinner, exposing dentin.

Sensitivity of tooth enamel may also occur with carious defects in teeth. Moreover external manifestations do not always happen, but a painful reaction of a tooth to an aggressive environment (thermal, mechanical or chemical irritants) is a signal for both the patient and the doctor, since this symptom can be one of the first signs of incipient caries. Increased sensitivity of the neck of the tooth may indicate periodontal disease, when the necks of the teeth are exposed, reacting with acute pain to cold or hot food.

Typically, patients complaining of sensitivity note a different type of pain - from acute intense but short-lived pain in one tooth to long-term dull pain in the area of ​​​​several teeth. The most common increased sensitivity of teeth is to cold, hot and sour, sweet foods. By location, tooth sensitivity is most often noted at the base of the tooth, near the gums.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

The causes of hyperesthesia range from mechanical damage to the surface of tooth enamel with a hard toothbrush to general disturbances in the functioning of the body. The most common of them:

  • destruction of the enamel layer by short-term influence of mineral or organic acids;
  • exposure of dentin canals various lesions teeth;
  • restructuring of the endocrine system during pregnancy, adolescence or menopause;
  • metabolic disorders (phosphorus-calcium) in the body;
  • previous neuropsychological or general diseases;
  • exposure to ionizing radiation on the body;
  • habit of eating a lot of acidic foods - fruits, berries, fruit drinks, juices.
Increased tooth sensitivity during pregnancy is explained by hormonal fluctuations and increased blood flow into the oral cavity. Vomiting increases the acid level in the mouth, causing acid erosion. The enamel becomes thinner and the nerve endings react more actively to changes in temperature.

Sensitivity of tooth enamel occurs as a result of the fact that the dentinal canals are exposed for various reasons, and all kinds of irritants affect the sensitive tooth pulp. Even simply breathing in cold air or carelessly brushing your teeth can cause painful sensations. Particularly sensitive teeth are in the cervical area, where the enamel is thinnest, and if so, then it will immediately react sharply to any irritants.

The mechanism of dental hyperesthesia is quite simple: dentin is penetrated by tiny tubes (dentinal tubules), which contain nerve endings that connect to the dental pulp. The dentinal canals are filled with fluid that is in constant motion. Any change in the speed of fluid movement causes pain. When tooth enamel becomes thin, the dentinal tubules become exposed. Under the influence of various stimuli, the speed of fluid movement in the dentinal tubules constantly changes, it is accompanied by acute short-term pain, resulting in complaints about sensitive teeth.

Diagnosis of tooth sensitivity

If you complain about a painful reaction when exposed to an aggressive environment, the dentist may immediately suspect dental hyperesthesia. The disease can be diagnosed already visual inspection oral cavity. During examination, changes in the structure of hard dental tissues and periodontium are noted. Usually there is a decrease in hard tissue at the cutting edge of the front teeth or on the chewing surface of the molars.

Differential diagnosis of dental hyperesthesia should recognize the symptoms of tooth sensitivity due to pulpitis. In acute pulpitis, the pain is more prolonged and occurs mainly at night. With dental hyperesthesia, pain is usually short-lived and appears as a result of direct chemical or thermal irritation of the tooth and passes relatively quickly.

Symptoms of dental hyperesthesia

The main symptom of dental hyperesthesia is acute short-term pain. Common complaints from patients are that the tooth feels cold, sweet, hot, sour, and pain immediately appears, which subsides literally after a few seconds. The intensity of toothache ranges from mild discomfort to severe throbbing pain. In extreme cases, patients cannot breathe cold air, eating only warm and neutral-tasting foods

Typically, pain during hyperesthesia is a constant reaction, but temporary periods of remission can also be observed when the teeth do not respond to stimuli at all or the intensity of the reaction is low.

Treatment of tooth sensitivity

  1. If a diagnosis of “increased tooth sensitivity” is established, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the cause of the disease and the degree of its development. Treatment of such a disease does not cause difficulties for the doctor.
  2. Hyperesthesia of the 1st degree does not require complex treatment - a course of dental fluoridation of 10 - 15 sessions is sufficient. Applications of calcium and fluoride salts are made to problem areas.
  3. When treating dental hyperesthesia of degrees 2 and 3, fluoridation may not be enough, then the tooth enamel is covered with modern filling materials.
  4. If the cause of hyperesthesia is caries, it is necessary to change the filling.
  5. When the cause of hyperesthesia is the lowering of the gums, inflamed periodontal tissues and exposure of the cervical areas, it is necessary to surgery, during which the gum is lifted and the neck of the tooth is covered.
  6. With increased tooth wear, sensitivity cannot be reduced by simple therapeutic methods; orthodontic treatment can be used to change the bite.
  7. When treating a generalized form of hyperesthesia, drugs are simultaneously prescribed to restore phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the form of calcium glycerophosphate and multivitamin complexes, which are taken throughout the course of treatment of hyperesthesia.
  8. If increased sensitivity remains after filling, you need to check the quality of the filling. If it is placed incorrectly, with the edges not tightly adjacent to the tooth enamel, food debris can get into the cavity, causing characteristic pain. In this case, the tooth must be refilled. Sometimes tooth sensitivity after caries treatment may indicate the presence of chronic inflammation in the tooth pulp. If tooth sensitivity occurs after active brushing or whitening, this indicates thinning of the tooth enamel. If there are no other diseases, good effect in the treatment of hyperesthesia can be achieved by electrophoresis with a solution of calcium glycerophosphate. A new and well-proven method is to coat the enamel with varnish containing calcium and sodium fluorides.
Whitening sensitive teeth should be carried out with great care and only in a professional setting, after consultation with a specialist. After all, during the whitening process, tooth enamel becomes even thinner and more sensitive. The doctor selects the most gentle whitening technology so that the tooth enamel is not damaged.

Sensitivity of teeth and braces are also interconnected; after removing braces, increased sensitivity of teeth may occur, which is eliminated by applying fluoride and calcium, as well as coating the surface of the tooth enamel with a special varnish with calcium and sodium fluorides.

If tooth sensitivity occurs after brushing, you should choose special toothpastes with a high content of fluoride and calcium. Today it is not difficult to find a good toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

High tooth sensitivity: prevention

What to do if you have tooth sensitivity at home? Prevention of hyperesthesia is simple:

  • complete oral hygiene, which includes systematic brushing of teeth with preventive toothpastes that do not contain abrasive particles and do not destroy tooth enamel;
  • competent technique for cleaning teeth using a toothbrush of medium or minimal hardness, without the risk of injuring the teeth and gums;
  • careful use of whitening toothpaste with abrasive particles and chemical elements causing damage to tooth enamel and leaching of calcium from it;
  • a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of foods rich in phosphorus and calcium;
  • limiting the consumption of sour fruits, berries and juices that destroy enamel;
  • systematic visits to the dentist twice a year.

Treatment of hypertension with traditional methods

Simple measures can weaken the nerve impulse emanating from the teeth when taking a breath of cold air, ice cream and other foods:

  • exclusion of sugar and sweet foods from the diet;
  • adding protein, dairy, seafood, fresh berries and fruits;
  • additional intake of vitamins D and C;
  • do not eat hot and cold foods, as well as sour and sweet foods at the same time;
  • mouth rinse green tea, a decoction of burdock, knotweed herb, oak bark, infusion of chamomile and calamus root several times a day. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs per 1 liter of water - boil, insist, strain.

Treatment of increased sensitivity of teeth with folk remedies strengthens tooth enamel (if damage to it increases tooth sensitivity), heals gums, but does not eliminate the cause of sensitivity. Rinses are especially effective for inflammation of the gums and sensitivity of the cervical area of ​​the tooth. Relieving gum inflammation automatically reduces sensitivity. But traditional methods of treatment (rinses, applications) are effective with prolonged regular use. If, after treatment with home methods, increased sensitivity persists, gums swell, and pain persists, a visit to the dentist’s office cannot be avoided.

If you have ever experienced pain while eating sweet, hot or cold food and drinks, then you know what dental hyperesthesia is.

Dental hyperesthesia- increased pain and tactile sensitivity of teeth due to greater permeability of the enamel and the perception of pain by the receptor apparatus of the tooth, which can occur even with intact tooth tissues. Dental hyperesthesia is a consequence of the rapid movement of dentinal fluid in the dentinal tubules, resulting in stimulation of nerve endings from the pulp. Therefore, to treat dental hypersensitivity, methods are used aimed at both blocking the movement of dentinal fluid, mechanically closing the dentinal tubules, and reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Hyperesthesia also manifests itself in periodontal diseases due to exposure of the necks and roots of the teeth as a result of gum recession. In this case, treatment should also include effects on the gums.

Did you know

To determine the cause of dental hypersensitivity, you must consult a specialist and follow the prescribed treatment.

Depending on the etiology of hyperesthesia, oral hygiene products of various compositions are used. In addition to remineralizing agents, pastes and rinses containing potassium salts, high fluorine content, and hydroxyapatite are used.

Potassium ions penetrate into the dentin tubules and to some extent reduce the stimulation of sensory nerve endings. Toothpastes containing potassium salts are effective in the treatment of hyperesthesia. These drugs have a cumulative effect, that is, the clinical effect appears relatively slowly.

Fluoride compounds reduce sensitivity by blocking dentinal tubules. A poorly soluble compound (CaF2) is deposited in the tubules, gradually reducing their diameter.

Hydroxyapatite, a component related to tooth enamel, also acts by blocking the dentinal tubules, thereby preventing sensitivity.

✓ The active formula of toothpaste with pine extract strengthens gum cells and stimulates tissue regeneration, preventing gum recession and opening of dentinal tubules.

✓ Rose hips contain vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotenoids, flavonoids, and phytoncides. A decoction of rose hips has a vitaminizing, bactericidal, and tonic effect.

✓ Calendula flowers contain carotenoids, flavonoids, phytoncides, triterpene saponins, salicylic acid. The extract has a bactericidal, disinfectant and wound-healing effect. Calendula extract complements well the action of other plant extracts.

Consultation with a specialist is required