Antibiotics without prescriptions: list. What antibiotics can you buy at a pharmacy without a prescription? The Ministry of Health proposes a new list of over-the-counter medications. Are injections for flu and colds really necessary?

The Ministry of Health proposes to discuss new list medications that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. The new list of drugs is posted on the department’s website.

The photograph is used as an illustration. Photo: Reuters

“The project has been updated taking into account the presence or absence of registration of medicines and has not changed significantly in comparison with the current one,” they comment Ministry of Health. — Our specialists are looking forward to suggestions and comments from specialists, including medical practitioners and suppliers.

TUT.BY compared two lists of over-the-counter medications - the current one and the new one, which the Ministry of Health proposes to discuss.

The draft new list lists medicines under international nonproprietary names (if available), i.e. all medicines with such INNs in the forms specified in the resolution, regardless of their trade names, will be sold without a prescription.

For example, as before, without a prescription, pharmacies offer to sell powders that are used for colds, gels and tablets for heartburn, and anesthetics. Antivirals such as Groprinosin, Arbidol, Arpetol will continue to be sold without prescriptions. But the Ministry of Health proposes to dispense Oseltamivir by prescription.

— Doctors assumed that all systemic antibiotics—those taken orally or by injection—would be removed from the new list of over-the-counter drugs. However, only one was taken out,” comments Tatyana Erofeeva, general practitioner medical center"Lode". “I think everything should have been removed.” After all, our people tend to self-prescribe antibacterial drugs. Often in cases that are not sufficiently justified for this purpose.

For example, the interlocutor says, a person has a cold or runny nose, and he immediately takes an antibiotic. Although it is too early or not at all ineffective to do this. Such self-medication leads to the body's resistance to these drugs.

The specialist also notes that two drugs that are used for high blood pressure and heart diseases.

- That's right, after all modern drugs much more effective, but for some reason they were prescribed,” the therapist continues. - And these old ones, with a lot of side effects - without it.

The fact that the list of medications that can be bought without a doctor’s prescription may become shorter, the doctor notes many advantages. With this, she says, we are getting closer to European standards.

— Medicines with serious side effects should not be sold just like that. Just like medications for diseases that require medical supervision,” she explains her position. — Let’s say hypertension, which needs to be monitored at least twice a year. In Europe, the same “Captopril” can be bought only with a doctor’s prescription.

Tatyana Erofeeva believes that this situation disciplines people.

The new list of drugs that will be sold without a prescription can be viewed or on the Ministry of Health website in the “Drug Policy” section.

Comments and suggestions on the draft resolution are proposed to be sent to the Department of Pharmaceutical Inspection and Organization of Drug Supply of the Ministry of Health for email address [email protected]. Letters will be accepted until June 16, 2017.

A new list of medications that will be sold in pharmacies without a prescription is posted on the Ministry of Health website. Let us remind you that from July 1, without the coveted piece of paper from a doctor, you can purchase a little more than 60 percent of all drugs registered in Belarus in a pharmacy. Read more about the adoption of the resolution HERE.

What can we buy without visiting a doctor? Drugs for the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract and liver, cardiovascular diseases, some painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic drugs, drugs for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as some antibiotics (first and second generations), “old” antiviral, antimicrobial, immunomodulating drugs, low-dose hormonal oral contraceptives and emergency contraception.

Antibiotics of the third and fourth generations, insulins, anabolics, antiarrhythmics and drugs for the treatment of oncology will be available only by prescription.

It is curious that, for example, not all drugs for the treatment of thrush can be purchased without a prescription. But before they were freely available.

The over-the-counter list includes the most primitive drugs for the treatment of candidiasis, explained the obstetrician-gynecologist highest category, manager antenatal clinic No. 27 Elena Nikolaeva. - All others (these are III and IV generations) are more addictive and must be taken by the patient strictly under the supervision of a doctor, according to certain regimens. Apparently, this is why they need to be purchased according to prescriptions.

On the other hand, the question arises: why were some antibiotics left without prescriptions, while others were banned?

Of course, all antibiotics must be prescribed,” explained Mikhail Kevra, professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of BSMU. - You just have to take into account that for 20 years you could buy antibiotics without a prescription. And since they have been used for a long time, there are resistant strains to them (in other words, our body is already accustomed to them. - Ed.). This was the case for some time in America with penicillin. When he stopped working, he was banned for 8 - 10 years. And then the doctors accidentally prescribed him, and he began to work again.


According to the decree of the Ministry of Health of June 8 this year, without a doctor’s prescription, you can buy no more than 50 doses of medicines in a pharmacy or no more than one package containing more than 50 doses (if these are tablets, dragees, capsules, lozenges, granules, powders). If we are talking about others dosage forms(let’s say ointments, potions. - Ed.), then you can buy no more than two packages without a prescription.

You can view a complete list of over-the-counter medications.

advice from consultants in Vitebsk pharmacies

September 15, 1928 microbiologist Alexander Fleming isolated penicillin, the first antibiotic in the world. The invention of a talented Englishman revolutionized medicine. In those years the majority infectious diseases, such as pneumonia, sepsis, tuberculosis, gangrene, and typhoid fever were considered incurable.

Penicillin helped save millions of lives both in peacetime and during World War II, when industrial production of the first antibiotic was established in the United States in 1943. By the way, in the USSR in 1942, penicillin was first isolated by professor Zinaida Ermolyeva. The material used was a colony of mold fungi taken from the wall of a Moscow bomb shelter. The antibiotic helped to recover a huge number of seriously wounded soldiers who suffered from purulent lesions caused by staphylococci and streptococci.

Penicillin can be isolated from such a colony. Source:

Today, they mainly sell drugs of the penicillin group, obtained synthetically. And to purchase them, you will need to see a doctor. But what if for some reason it is not possible to contact a specialist? Will they sell antibiotics without a prescription?

They will sell. The list, which are freely sold in the pharmacy chain of Belarus, includes amoxicillin, oxacillin, doxycycline, ampicillin. You can get them freely.

We go into the duty room of VITVAR LLC on Moskovsky Prospekt. You can go here at any time of the day, and this is a definite plus: if you have a cold late in the evening, when there is no way to see a doctor, then it is better to ask a loved one to go to the nearest “duty room”. Amoxicillin-500 produced in Belarus will cost 4 rubles 37 kopecks for ten capsules. Plus, they can also offer a ten percent discount on (domestic only) disabled people, pensioners, mothers of many children and those who have children under 3 years old. If you don’t trust the Belarusian drug, take Ospamox of the same dosage from Sandoz. Higher price: 6 rubles 14 kopecks.

There is a smiling consultant at Itera-med Lyudmila suggests not to get carried away with antibiotics, but at the first manifestations of a cold, take powders with paracetamol or Grippomix containing remantadine.

Now many people are self-medicating, - the pharmacist sighs, - and I am sure that it should be taken only with the permission of a doctor. Especially things like antibiotics. Yes, amoxicillin (the drug costs 4 rubles 30 kopecks, and this is the most low price in the city!) I will sell. But if you have the means, it’s better to buy its analogue - Amoklav-1000 (14 tablets) from Pharmland for 14 rubles 26 kopecks. It is believed that when taking this drug, about 96% of the amoxicillin included in its composition is absorbed. And this will not affect the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in any way.

I will also give some advice: please do not abuse various painkillers like citramon and analgin, do not mindlessly drink aspirin, trying to bring down the temperature when you have a cold. You'll only get a stomach ulcer.

There are many antibiotics available in the pharmacy chain. Photo by Evgeny Moskvin

Itera-med also has discounts - 5% for pensioners and those who buy medicines for children under 3 years of age.

In the Pharmacia network, domestically produced amoxicillin will cost more: 4 rubles 77 kopecks per pack of 10 capsules. Amoxicillin is a little more expensive in Planet Health: 4 rubles 79 kopecks. It is recommended to pay attention to its British analogue Clavomed, which, due to its composition (amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid), is better absorbed by the body. You'll have to pay for 10 tablets 19 rubles 95 kopecks.

Amoxicillin is available at the Energofarm pharmacy 4 rubles 72 kopecks. Pharmacist Olga explains that the cheapest antibiotic is ampicillin in a dosage of 250 mg. Give me 20 tablets 1 ruble 79 kopecks. It is necessary to take the medications for 5-7 days, two tablets 4 times a day.

I understand that there are times when it is not possible to call a doctor and get the prescription you want,- says Olga, - then amoxicillin will help out. Let’s say a person came to Belarus from another country and contracted a bacterial infection. And on weekends and holidays you don’t run into doctors. Although, on the other hand, it is impossible to do without making a correct diagnosis. What if you are caught by a disease caused by a virus, the same flu? Antibiotics will be useless against it. You'll just be wasting your money.

Let's take a look at the ADEL pharmacy. Here amoxicillin is the most expensive in the city: 4 rubles 86 kopecks. Pharmacist Lyudmila explains that the medicine must be taken in combination: it also requires probiotics and hepatoprotectors (drugs that protect the liver and gastrointestinal tract). So therapy will be expensive! Get ready to shell out some cash.

In the treatment of respiratory diseases, targeted drugs are used that act on the cause of the disease. They inhibit pathogens. This type of therapy is called etiological therapy. In the fight against flu and colds, the main thing is to choose the right medications. Some people, in an effort to recover as quickly as possible, start taking strong antibiotics for colds at the first symptoms of ARVI. Is it correct?

When to take antibiotics for colds and flu

In most cases, respiratory diseases are caused by viruses, which are not affected by antibacterial medications. Therefore, their use from the first day of the disease is not justified. Treatment of respiratory diseases with antibiotics is justified if the flu or cold is stable on day 5-6 bad feeling person. As a rule, these are symptoms of a bacterial infection, which provokes the development of purulent sore throat, acute bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Signs of complications of flu and colds:

  • after the onset of ARVI, following improvement on days 5-6, body temperature rises sharply;
  • general health worsens, fever, cough, shortness of breath appear;
  • pain in the throat, chest area, and ears intensifies;
  • lymph nodes enlarge.

When treating colds and flu with antibiotics, never interrupt treatment when you feel better. People who make this mistake suffer twice as much later. In this case, an improvement in a person’s condition does not mean that the disease has passed. A batch of bacteria died under the influence of antibiotics, but another part of them adapts to the drug and begins to attack the weakened body with renewed vigor. This leads to a new round of the disease with subsequent complications.

What antibiotics are best to take for a cold?

For the treatment of respiratory diseases take bactericidal drugs aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotics play the role of heavy artillery in the fight against colds and flu when there is a risk acute complications. Three main groups of antibacterial drugs are used to treat respiratory diseases:

  1. penicillin - ampiox, augmentin, amoxapclav;
  2. cephalosporins - cefotaxime, cefpirome, cefazolin;
  3. macrolides - roxithromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin.

List of effective antibiotics for adults

For colds of bacterial origin, doctors prescribe antibiotics in extreme cases. Prolonged cough, persistent sore throat, severe fever, persistently high body temperature - this warning signs development acute illness. In this case, traditional antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, vitamins and medicinal herbs powerless. For effective therapy, you need to know which antibiotic is best for a cold in an adult:

  • amoxicillin;
  • arlet;
  • flemoclav;
  • rovamycin;
  • azithromycin;
  • hemomycin;
  • suprax;
  • cefepime;
  • erythromycin;
  • Levofloxacin.

Names of good drugs for children

For the treatment of bacterial diseases at an early age, antibiotics are used in extreme cases. For pneumonia, acute otitis media, purulent sore throat resulting from a respiratory illness, the use of such drugs is justified. The form of antibiotics prescribed depends on the age of the child. For infants - medicines in injections, for older children - in tablets. Babies are not always given injections; you are allowed to open the ampoule and give the child the medicine in the required dosage. Children's antibiotics for colds:

  • ampicillin;
  • flemoxin solutab;
  • Moximac;
  • avelox;
  • augmentin;
  • zinnat;
  • macrofoam;
  • fromilid uno;
  • esparoxy;
  • alpha normix.

Parents often mistakenly believe that antibacterial therapy is necessary for successful treatment flu and colds in children. This is a misconception about the effect of antibiotics on a child's body. For viral infections in children, the use of these drugs is unjustified, even at high temperatures that persist for a long time.

Treatment of children with antibiotics leads to dysbiosis, weakened immune system, and anemia. It is advisable to administer antibacterial therapy to children only in critical situations. For example, when aerobic streptococcal tonsillitis, acute otitis media, pneumonia, inflammation are observed paranasal sinuses nose The use of antibiotics for the treatment of children with colds and flu without complications is justified when:

  • pronounced signs of reduced body resistance - constant subfertile body temperature, frequent colds and viral diseases, HIV, oncology, congenital disorders of the immune system;
  • rickets, vices general development, underweight;
  • the child has a history of chronic recurrent otitis media.

Gentle drugs for the treatment of colds in pregnant women

When treating complications of a respiratory disease in an pregnant woman or a nursing mother, the effect of the antibiotic on the development of the fetus is taken into account. For treatment, gentle antibacterial drugs are selected. To select the appropriate medicine, the doctor identifies the causative agent of the disease, its resistance to various drugs. If it is impossible to conduct such a study, gentle antibiotics for pregnant women are prescribed:

  • ampicillin;
  • oxacillin;
  • cefazolin;
  • erythromycin;
  • azithromycin;
  • bioparox;
  • minocycline;
  • oxamp;
  • ericcycline;
  • ristomycin.

For the treatment of flu and colds in pregnant and nursing mothers, in order to avoid the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, it is advisable to take drugs in the form of injections. To avoid allergic reactions, use anti bacterial therapy combined with antihistamines. Chocolate, citrus fruits, and coffee are excluded from the diet of pregnant and lactating women.

List of broad-spectrum antibiotics

In bacterial therapy for the treatment of complications of influenza and colds, drugs are prescribed aimed at suppressing groups of pathogens. Such drugs are called broad-spectrum antibiotics. They help cure complications of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Cheap pills are as effective as expensive ones. These types of medications are available in pharmacies without a prescription. Before taking, read the instructions and read reviews about antibiotics. Good drug has a small number of side effects. Broad-spectrum antibiotics:

  • amosin;
  • becampicillin;
  • ospamox;
  • ecoball;
  • zinforo;
  • kefselim;
  • flamefix;
  • cefodox;
  • clacid;
  • oletherine

What antibiotics for colds are effective for adults and children: list and names

Antibiotics for colds are prescribed by a doctor when the human body is unable to cope with the infection on its own.

Usually dangerous signals attack by harmful bacteria is an increase in body temperature to more than 38 ° C, as well as a runny nose, redness of the throat and other symptoms that often accompany a cold: inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, sore throat, shortness of breath, dry cough, headache and so on. Antibacterial drugs will help cope with bacteria, but they should only be prescribed by a medical specialist, since uncontrolled self-medication with antibiotics can negatively affect human health.

Treating colds with antibiotics

Antibiotics for colds are necessary as a last resort, when the immune system cannot cope with pathogens that have attacked the human body. Many of us, at the first symptoms of a cold, wonder which antibiotic to take, perceiving it as a miracle cure for all diseases. However, this is a deep misconception, since the use of antiviral drugs is indicated for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory diseases, and only when the patient’s condition has worsened and a bacterial infection has become involved, a properly selected antibiotic will help. Thus, it is unacceptable to take an antibiotic at the first sign of a cold!

Treatment of colds with antibiotics should be rational, and this requires consultation with an experienced doctor who will determine the severity of the patient’s condition and prescribe the antibacterial drug that will be most effective in a particular case.

The common cold (ARVI) can be considered a rather insidious disease that manifests itself regardless of a person’s age, state of health, and weather conditions. Acute respiratory disease is one of the most common diseases throughout the world and lasts an average of a week without complications. Typically, adults get colds an average of two to three times a year. Today, doctors count more than two hundred viruses that cause inflammation of organs. respiratory system. It should be noted that the cold is a contagious disease - it can be transmitted by airborne droplets and often affects the bronchi, trachea, and lungs. A viral infection lives longer in mucus than in the air or a dry place. In order to start treatment on time, the patient’s condition should be objectively assessed. The main symptoms of a cold are:

  • inflammation lymph nodes, which manifests itself in the form of seals on the back of the head, neck, behind the ears, under the lower jaw, when pressed, the patient experiences painful sensations;
  • excessive discharge of mucus from the nose (runny nose), nasal congestion, as well as unusual dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • sore throat, dry cough, hoarse voice;
  • redness of the eyes and watery eyes;
  • increase in body temperature from 37 to 38.5 ° C;
  • upset stomach, nausea and vomiting (if the body is infected with rotavirus).

A cold is never asymptomatic, so at the first signs of its development you should consult a doctor in order to prevent possible complications in time.

To treat an advanced cold, an accurate diagnosis is necessary, which will allow you to select the optimal medicine, i.e. antibiotic. Each group of antibacterial drugs is intended to treat a specific type of bacteria, so the antibiotic is prescribed depending on the lesion. For example, for inflammation of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to choose a drug that effectively fights bacteria that cause inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs: for example, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Augmentin (i.e. antibiotics of the penicillin group). For various respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia, it must be taken into account that they are caused by bacteria, most of which are very resistant to penicillin. For this reason, for treatment of this disease It is best to use Levofloxacin or Avelox. Antibiotics from the cephalosporin group (Suprax, Zinnat, Zinacef) will help cure bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, and macrolides (Sumamed, Hemomycin) will cope with atypical pneumonia, which is caused by chlamydia and mycoplasma.

Treatment of a cold with antibiotics should depend on what category the disease falls into. In case of ARVI, first of all, it is necessary to use antiviral drugs, because they specifically affect the immune system, strengthening it and helping to cope with a viral attack. It makes no sense to use antibiotics for such a diagnosis, and this is contraindicated by doctors. The sooner treatment for ARVI with an effective antiviral drug begins, the greater the chance of completing it faster. However, if the cold is caused by a bacterial infection, taking antibiotics should not be neglected. At the same time, it is very important to pay attention to the condition of your own body in time and find out the exact cause of the cold in order to choose the most optimal antibacterial drug. After all, antibiotics must be taken very seriously, because... they can not only help, but also harm if you make the wrong choice. So, it is necessary to clearly set boundaries defining in what cases antibiotics can be prescribed and in what cases they cannot. Nowadays, indications for antibiotic therapy are:

  • quinsy(angina);
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • purulent otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear);
  • purulent sinusitis (purulent sinusitis or sinusitis);
  • purulent lymphadenitis;
  • pneumonia, pneumonia.

Antibiotics for pregnant women for colds

Antibiotics for colds, as effective medications that suppress the growth of pathogens, occur only in cases of complications caused by the development of a bacterial infection in the body. Their use makes it possible to suppress the growth of not only pathogenic bacteria, but also some fungi, thereby making life easier for the patient with a cold. You should remember the dangers of self-medication with antibacterial agents, especially when it comes to children and pregnant women. In such cases, taking antibiotics should be taken as responsibly as possible, following exclusively the recommendations and competent prescriptions of an experienced doctor.

Antibiotics for pregnant women with colds should be selected taking into account their effect on the fetus and only in those extreme cases that really require the use of these drugs. To select the most suitable antibiotic for treating a pregnant woman, you must first determine the causative agent of the disease, as well as determine its sensitivity to a particular drug. If such a study is not possible, broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually prescribed. Antibiotics are considered the most harmless to the body of mother and child. penicillin series(for example, Ampicillin, Oxacillin, etc.), as well as cephalosporins (for example, Cefazolin) and some macrolides (of which Erythromycin and Azithromycin can be distinguished). These are the drugs that doctors prefer when prescribing treatment for pregnant women.

The dosage of the antibiotic for a pregnant woman is determined by the doctor; usually it does not differ from the dosage of the drug for others. The expectant mother should carefully follow the doctor's recommendations and under no circumstances reduce the dose of the medication, because this can provoke the opposite effect: in such a situation, the antibiotic will not have such an effective effect aimed at destroying microbes and will not be able to fully suppress the bacterial infection.

It is imperative to take into account the fact that antibiotics are most effective only in the treatment of infectious diseases of bacterial origin. In other cases, they are not able to have the desired effect and can even cause harm to the body. For example, antibacterial drugs will be powerless if:

  • ARVI and influenza (in this case, the diseases are caused by viruses, to destroy which it is necessary to use antiviral drugs);
  • inflammatory processes(antibiotics are not anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • elevated temperature (do not confuse the effect of antibiotics with the effect of antipyretic and painkillers);
  • cough in pregnant women in cases where it is caused by a viral infection, allergic reaction, development bronchial asthma, but not by the action of microorganisms;
  • intestinal disorders.

If we consider the issue of the effects of antibiotics on the fetus, then according to the results of numerous medical research we can conclude that these medications do not provoke the development of any congenital defects in the child and do not affect his genetic apparatus. But at the same time, some groups of antibacterial drugs have the so-called. embryotoxic effect, i.e. can lead to impaired fetal kidney function, tooth formation, and affect auditory nerve, as well as cause a number of other unfavorable deviations.

Antibiotics for pregnant women for colds have the most adverse effect on the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy, so if possible, it is recommended to postpone treatment to the second trimester. However, if there is an urgent need for such treatment, the doctor should prescribe to the expectant mother antibiotics with the least degree of toxicity, and also strictly monitor the condition of the pregnant woman.

What antibiotics to take for a cold?

Antibiotics for colds should be used according to the doctor’s recommendations in cases where the patient’s condition indicates the development of complications, such as sore throat, purulent sinusitis, pneumonia. However, first of all, when you have a cold, you need to use proven folk remedies and take antiviral drugs, the action of which is aimed at destroying the viral infection. You should not resort to antibiotics if the cause of the disease has not been established. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of taking antibacterial drugs, taking into account their side effects and possible complications.

Only a doctor knows what antibiotics to take for a cold, who will determine the degree and type of complications caused by a cold, and then prescribe an antibiotic of the appropriate group:

  • Penicillins (Augmentin, Ampicillin, etc.) have a pronounced bactericidal effect and are effective in the treatment of bacterial infections and severe forms ENT diseases (angina, purulent otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, etc.). The action of these antibacterial drugs is aimed at destroying the walls of bacteria, which causes their death. A positive feature of penicillins is their low level toxicity, so they are widely used in pediatrics.
  • Cephalosporins have an active bactericidal effect aimed at destroying the cell membrane of bacteria. Typically, antibiotics of this group are prescribed for the treatment of pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia and are administered by injection (intravenously or intramuscularly), only Cephalexins are taken orally. They cause fewer allergic reactions than penicillins, but in rare cases, manifestations of allergies, as well as impaired kidney function, still occur.
  • Macrolides (azalides and ketolides) have an active bacteriostatic effect and are effective in the treatment of atypical pneumonia. The first macrolide was Erythromycin, which was used by patients with an allergic reaction to penicillins.
  • Fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, etc.) are used to destroy gram-negative bacteria (mycoplasma, pneumococcus, chlamydia, E. coli). Quickly penetrating into the cell, they infect the microbes that are located there. Today they are the most non-toxic antibacterial drugs, which do not cause allergies and are safe to use.

To find out which antibiotics to take for a cold in a particular case, you should consult a medical specialist. For example, for the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases in our time, the drug Flemoxin Solutab, containing amoxicillin, is often prescribed. For bronchitis, pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis and otitis, pneumonia and a number of other infectious and inflammatory diseases, the drug Suprax can be prescribed, which must be taken in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, because in case of uncontrolled treatment of colds with this drug, adverse reactions in the form of a violation of the intestinal microflora. This can lead to the development of severe diarrhea or pseudomembranous colitis. An effective antimicrobial drug is Levomycetin, which is used for infectious diseases. The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment, as in other cases, must be strictly established by the attending physician.

Good antibiotic for colds

Antibiotics for colds should be used if, after taking antiviral drugs in the first days of the illness, there was no improvement, and especially when the patient’s condition worsened: this means that, in addition to viruses, the body was also attacked by bacteria. Such medications are good “helpers” in ridding the human body of toxins and all kinds of pathogenic microbes, but the choice of antibiotic in one case or another remains with the doctor, because must correspond to the indications and course of a particular disease. The fact is that an antibacterial drug that is not strong enough may not fully cope with the complications caused by a cold or flu, and a “powerful” antibiotic can cause harm. immune system body.

The beginning of the use of antibiotics in medical practice dates back to 1928 and is associated with the name of the Englishman Fleming. It was he who discovered the substance “penicillin”, which can lead to the death of many microbes and bacteria, and thereby made a real revolution in medicine, because Since then, many previously fatal diseases have become curable: scarlet fever, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc. During World War II, antibiotics helped doctors save the lives of millions of wounded people. To this day, these faithful “helpers” help doctors fight for the health of many patients.

A good antibiotic for colds is a medicine that is selected taking into account the type and course of the disease. Treatment with antibiotics should be carried out carefully, after consulting with a doctor, who will select the optimal drug from four main classes of antibiotics of different effects, which have proven to be effective in treating various complications caused by bacterial infections. These classes include: penicillins (Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, etc.); macrolides (Azithromycin, etc.): fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, etc.); cephalosporins (Cefixime, Cefuroxime, Suprax, etc.).

Before you start taking any medicines, it is advisable to try to cope with a mild cold using methods and recipes traditional medicine. For example, do inhalations, foot baths, apply a compress or mustard plasters. It is necessary to increase the volume of fluid consumed, as well as expand the diet natural vitamins, i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables. At the first signs of worsening your cold, you should immediately go to the hospital to prevent complications from developing. In the case when a bacterial infection has attacked the body, there is an urgent need to “connect” an antibiotic, because in this situation we are literally talking about saving the patient’s life. The patient must understand that only the attending physician can prescribe an antibacterial drug, and it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated by him, as well as the dosage intervals. Self-medication can result in significant risk to a person's health.

Antibiotics for colds can have a number of negative consequences, especially when they are chosen incorrectly during self-medication. Among these side effects, the most common are allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, dysbacteriosis, and suppression of the immune system.

You should also remember that it is not recommended to take an antibiotic for more than 5 days in a row, however, reducing the period of treatment with antibiotics can lead to the fact that the infection will not be eliminated from the body, and this, in turn, will cause complications such as disruptions in the functioning of the heart and kidneys. If after three days the patient does not feel any relief from his condition, he should ask the doctor to change the drug to another, more effective one. You should also be careful when combining other medications with antibiotics; in such cases, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations. Under no circumstances should you take an antibiotic that has expired!

A good antibiotic for a cold will definitely give positive results within three days: the patient will feel better, he will have an appetite, and unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

When treating with antibiotics, it is important to take care to reduce their negative impact on the body. For this purpose, the doctor should prescribe probiotics to the patient - drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora and thereby prevent the development of dysbiosis, strengthen the immune system, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, reducing the possibility of side effects and complications.

Antibiotics for colds for children

Antibiotics for colds should be given to children with extreme caution. Such treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician, who should be consulted immediately after the first signs of the disease - a runny nose, cough, or fever in the child. Typically, a temperature above 38.5°C indicates that the child’s immune system is trying to get rid of the virus on its own, in which case the doctor prescribes antipyretics. If, after 3-5 days, the baby’s well-being does not improve, and the temperature is still high, it is recommended to start taking the appropriate antibiotic, but only strictly as prescribed by the pediatrician and if the bacterial nature of the disease is confirmed.

Antibiotics for colds for children are a serious test for a growing organism, so they should not be used immediately after the onset of symptoms of the disease. If parents believe that taking a “powerful” antibiotic is the only way effective method treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections - this is a deep misconception! Action antibacterial agents on a child’s body without any particular reason can be very negative, and sometimes even destructive. Not to mention the use of antibiotics to treat infants, which in itself is blasphemous. Colds should be treated with antiviral drugs, the effect of which usually does not appear immediately, but after 3-5 days. At the same time, the febrile process in children, which is most often caused by viral respiratory tract infections, can fluctuate within 3-7 days, and sometimes even longer. You should not mistakenly believe that antibiotics are an alternative to antitussive drugs, because coughing when you have a cold is a defensive reaction child's body, which usually goes away last, after the disappearance of other symptoms of the disease. The question of prescribing antibiotic treatment for a child is decided by an experienced pediatrician who will assess the baby’s condition and only in case of emergency will choose the optimal drug. Parents should carefully follow all doctor's recommendations, including regarding the method of administration and dosage of the antibacterial drug. It is also important not to stop treating the child before the due date.

Some antibiotics for colds are strictly prohibited for children. First of all, these are so-called medicines. tetracycline group (Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline, etc.), which can disrupt the formation of tooth enamel in a baby, as well as antibacterial drugs of fluorinated quinolones, which have the ending “−floxacin” in their names (for example, Ofloxacin, Pefloxacin), which negatively influence the formation of articular cartilage in a child. In pediatrics, it is also not allowed to take Levomycetin, the effect of which is aimed at the development of aplastic anemia (the process of suppressing hematopoiesis) and can lead to death.

Among the antibacterial drugs used in pediatrics, we can note Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Levofloxacin, Flemoxin Solutab, Moximac, Zinnat, Avelox, Amoxiclav, etc. The choice of a particular drug depends entirely on the experience and professionalism of the pediatrician, who must determine which antibiotic will be the best assistant and will be beneficial in the treatment of complications after a cold in each specific case.

So, antibiotics for colds should be used to treat children only in cases of urgent need. This will not lead to the desired recovery, but will only worsen the situation, because... the effect of the antibacterial drug can be destructive to the baby’s immunity, which will increase the risk of the infection returning.

Names of antibiotics for colds

Antibiotics for colds should be chosen especially carefully, without resorting to self-medication, but after consulting a doctor who will determine the degree of complications and prescribe the most effective remedy. In addition, when taking antibiotics, you should follow these recommendations:

  • only one should be used in treatment, the most effective drug from a certain group;
  • if after the first dose of an antibiotic, after two days the patient’s condition has not improved and the temperature has not decreased, there may be a need to change the drug;
  • You cannot combine taking an antibiotic with antipyretic drugs, as they “lubricate” its effect;
  • The period of antibiotic treatment should be at least 5 days, or even more. It is this duration of treatment that allows the drug to fully cope with the infectious agent;
  • in case of a severe cold and complications of the disease, the patient should be immediately hospitalized in the hospital, and antibiotic therapy should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

It is useful for everyone to know the names of antibiotics for colds (at least a few of them), because in this way a person will have at least some idea of ​​the drug that the doctor will prescribe. Antibiotics are traditionally divided into several classes:

  • penicillins,
  • macrolides,
  • fluoroquinolones,
  • cephalosporins.

The penicillin class includes antibiotic names such as Ampicillin, Augmentin, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, etc.

The most common names of the macrolide class are Erythromycin, Azithromycin, etc. (such drugs are considered the most powerful in treating bacterial infections). Antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone class include Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin, and the cephalosporin class includes Axetil, Cefixime (Suprax), Cefuroxime Axetil, etc.

The main goal in the treatment of various infectious complications caused by a cold is to provide the body with effective assistance aimed at quickly getting rid of pathogenic microbes and toxic substances. In order for treatment to give a quick positive result, it is necessary to do right choice antibiotic, and only an experienced doctor can do this.

It should be remembered that antibiotics for colds are not as harmless as they might seem; they can cause a number of side effects, especially if used in the wrong cases. For example, many do not understand or simply do not know that only an antiviral drug can treat a viral respiratory tract infection, and they begin to use antibiotics immediately when cold symptoms occur, such as runny nose, cough, elevated temperature. This is a big misconception, because... Improper use of antibiotics can cause great harm to a person’s already weakened immune system. Such drugs are needed only to treat bacterial infections, the development of which can be caused by complications of a cold. Typically, antibiotics are prescribed if, 4-5 days after the onset of the disease, the patient’s condition does not improve or, on the contrary, it becomes worse.

Amoxiclav for colds

Antibiotics for colds should be used purposefully, depending on the patient’s condition and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Among the common drugs used in modern medicine, the effective antibacterial drug Amoxiclav occupies a special place. It has established itself as a reliable remedy for the treatment of various complications caused by colds and other unfavorable factors, in particular, such as the occurrence of infections after surgical operations.

Amoxiclav for colds is successfully used in modern medicine to treat the so-called. “mixed” infections, as well as to prevent possible infection of the patient during surgical intervention. Mixed type infections are most often caused by gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as anaerobes (including strains), manifesting themselves in the form chronic forms otitis, sinusitis and osteomyelitis, cholecystitis, odontogenic infections, aspiration pneumonia, various infections abdominal cavity and so on.

Amoxiclav is a combination of two substances: aminopenicillin, amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect. A detailed medical study of the microbiological properties of this drug gives grounds to assert that Amoxiclav, thanks to the combination of the above active substances has a depressing effect on the synthesis of bacterial walls and has a stable antibacterial effect on a whole variety of pathogens: Neisseria spp., Streptococcus spp. (various groups), Staphylococcus spp., Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Helicobacter pylori, Moraxella catarrhalis, Acinetobacter spp., Haemophilus influenzae and many others. etc.

The pharmacokinetic properties of Amoxiclav indicate its pronounced advantages compared to other penicillins. Thus, after taking the drug, rapid absorption of components from the gastrointestinal tract is observed, regardless of food intake. The maximum level of drug concentration is reached approximately 45 minutes after administration. The main route of excretion of the drug from the body is its excretion in the urine, feces, as well as exhaled air.

Amoxiclav for colds, due to its pronounced antimicrobial activity and unique pharmacokinetic properties, is used to treat a number of infectious diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes:

  • infections of the respiratory system (in particular, acute and chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, retropharyngeal abscess, pneumonia, etc.);
  • otitis (both acute and chronic forms);
  • infections of the skin, joints, soft tissues and bones;
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • various types of gynecological infections.

As for the side effects that occur when taking Amoxiclav, in general the drug is tolerated by patients normally, without any negative reactions from the body. In percentage terms, only 8-14% of total number patients had side effects in the form of gastrointestinal dysfunction (diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting). To avoid such side effects, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of the drug and take it with food.

Antibiotics for colds have an invaluable effect when there is an urgent need to counter the development of pathogens and bacterial infections. However, to summarize, it must be noted again that the use of antibiotics must be agreed upon with a competent medical specialist. This is the only way to achieve high results in the treatment of post-cold complications and minimize the risk of negative effects of antibacterial agents on human immunity.

Are injections for colds and flu really necessary?

Many people believe that injections for colds and flu are an effective remedy. Modern medicine This statement is highly questionable and recommends carrying out these manipulations only in particularly severe cases. Otherwise, you can successfully get by using tablets and syrups.

Colds and flu are the most common diseases. There is no person in the world who has not experienced their symptoms. One has only to remember cold period year, which is invariably accompanied by influenza epidemics. People who have a cold do not have the habit of immediately seeking specialized help; they try to treat themselves. But there are also those who strive for a speedy recovery, so they turn their attention to antibiotics. And, often, precisely in the form of injections.

A little about diseases

A cold, or acute respiratory disease (ARI), never occurs just like that. In most cases, the cause is various viruses that are activated after hypothermia. They reduce immunity, and their waste products are toxic to the human body.

Colds are usually mild and go away within a few days. It is not characterized by high fever. Only sometimes there is a slight increase in temperature. Companions of a cold are cough and runny nose, sore throat.

Influenza is an acute respiratory disease caused by a virus that leads to general intoxication of the body and possible dangerous complications. The influenza virus very easily “travels” from a sick person to a healthy person. Influenza is transmitted by airborne droplets or household contact.

The virus infects the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. These toxins and epithelial cell breakdown products are very toxic to the body. Flu is accompanied high temperature, aching muscles and joints, headache and weakness.

The main cause of colds and flu is weakened immunity. Flu can cause complications such as pneumonia, acute bronchitis, asthma and others.

Can antibiotics be used?

Flu and colds are viral diseases. Therefore, the fight is carried out directly against the pathogen – the virus. In medicine, there is a statement that antibiotics have no effect on viruses. Their target is bacteria. Therefore, their use in cold or flu treatment is inappropriate. Antibiotics should be used only if the patient's condition does not improve or even gets worse within a week.

Doctors usually prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. Among them:

  1. Penicillins, which are represented by Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ampiox.
  2. Cephalosporins: Cefazolin and Ceftriaxone.
  3. Macrolides: Azithromycin, Clarithromycin and Roxithromycin.

They can be in the form of tablets or injections.

It is important to note that after the condition has normalized, you should not immediately stop taking the prescribed antibiotic. This is due to the fact that complete destruction of the bacteria may not yet have occurred and some of them may have survived. They quickly develop protective immunity against this antibiotic, and the next time the medicine will be useless in the fight against them.

As an example, consider an antibiotic broad action"Cefazolin". It, unlike other drugs, retains its effect for longer than 8 hours, and is excreted from the body through the kidneys. Cefazolin is highly effective and characterized by low toxicity. The drug is administered intramuscularly with novocaine (with the exception of minor children and elderly people) or intravenously with saline. It is important not to confuse!

Choosing a course of treatment

The fight against the disease includes several important stages:

  1. Etiological – impact on the cause of the disease.
  2. Symptomatic – combating the symptoms of the disease (temperature above 38 degrees, cough, runny nose).
  3. Strengthening – increasing the body's defenses.

These stages must be completed exclusively as a whole.

Antiviral drugs are based on interferon, a specific protein that is produced by the human body in order to fight viruses. These drugs may contain ready-made interferon (“Anaferon”, “Laferon” and others) or stimulate its production directly by the body (“Amizon”, “Kagocel”). In particularly severe cases, intravenous immunoglobulins are prescribed to bind viruses and toxins.

There are two groups of anti-influenza drugs. The first is represented by Amantadine, Rimantadine and their analogs, the second by Zanamivir and Oseltamivir.

“Grip-Heel” is an antiviral immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory drug, which is available in the form of a 1.1 ml injection solution. It is prescribed for influenza and ARVI with high fever and for prevention. Side effects This drug has no contraindications. It should be prescribed at the very beginning of the disease, and after normalization it should be taken for a few more days.

Paracetamol and Ibufen have an antipyretic effect. “Cycloferon” is an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory drug with a wide spectrum of biological activity. Available in the form of ampoules of 2 ml. The main active ingredient is acridone acetic acid (125 mg in 1 ampoule). The drug is effective for influenza and acute respiratory infections. It is prescribed to patients over 4 years of age. Sometimes it may be prescribed along with antibiotics and vitamins.

“Traumel S” is prescribed as a complex for any inflammation, including those caused by influenza and colds. The drug is available in the form of ampoules and tablets. But in ampoules “Traumel S” has several best effect. It can be effectively combined with Lymphomyosot intravenously, but it can also be administered intramuscularly. A combination is known when “Lymphomyosot” together with “Echinacea compositum” is slowly administered intravenously. One such injection may be quite enough.

It is better to take vitamins in the form of pills and fruits, but in some cases, for better absorption of other drugs, vitamins are prescribed in the form of injections (“Vitaxon”, “Neurorubin” and others). In any case, it is better to treat flu and colds, if they occur without significant complications, without using injections.

We do the injections ourselves

This is not as difficult to do as it seems at first glance. First, you need to draw the medicine into the syringe and release excess air through the needle until there is a steady stream and there are no more air bubbles in the medicine. Important! Before taking the medicine, you need to warm it up in your hand for several minutes. After this, you should wipe the future injection site with alcohol.

Intramuscular injections are traditionally made into the upper outer quarter of the buttock, while driving the needle deeper into a little more than half. This must be done sharply and clearly. Then slowly and smoothly, with a non-shaking hand, introduce the contents. Quickly pull out the syringe and apply cotton wool.

Before giving an injection, it is better to practice on an inanimate object, but in extreme situations there may not be time for this.

Disease Prevention

Everyone knows that it is best not to get sick, but to prevent certain diseases in time. Prevention should be devoted to strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's defenses. It may include the following items:

  1. Taking vitamins (in medicinal form and in the form of fruits and vegetables).
  2. Mandatory rest after a hard day.
  3. Good healthy sleep.
  4. Morning work-out.
  5. Fresh air.
  6. Gradual hardening of the body: cold and hot shower, dousing cold water. The main thing is to remember that you need to do this gradually.

Vaccinations can be used to prevent influenza during epidemics. These can be “Grippol”, “Agrippal”, “Vaxigrip”, “Begrivak” and others. Flu vaccinations are based on different strains, so it is advisable to vaccinate with different drugs each year. This will allow you to more reliably protect the body.

Antibiotics for colds: indications and features of use

The term “cold” refers to a whole group of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which can be characterized by both viral and bacterial origin. As a rule, all diseases have similar symptoms, which in most cases are relatively easy to treat. But at the same time, situations cannot be ruled out in which complications of a cold develop, which are impossible to get rid of without antibacterial drugs. Almost all people take antibiotics for colds with caution, since they can also cause side effects.

In order for the treatment to bring only benefit to the sick body, eliminating the accompanying symptoms, it is important to choose and use the right antibacterial drug.

When are antibacterial drugs needed for a cold?

If, when treating colds, the patient’s condition does not improve on the 5th day after starting medication, it is worth considering that a bacterial infection may have been added to the cold. It is in such situations that the use of antibiotics becomes mandatory. Such therapeutic actions for ARVI and the common cold are very important, since their course can often be complicated by the development of other diseases, such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia.

Also, indications for the use of antibiotics include diseases such as purulent tonsillitis, otitis, purulent sinusitis - sinusitis and sinusitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the lymph nodes with the formation of pus, laryngotracheitis.

Antibiotics for colds should be chosen especially carefully; in addition, they must be taken according to the following recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to take the drugs orally. If the drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, an infection can be introduced into the blood. In addition, such procedures are very traumatic for the child.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to monotherapy, using one antibiotic from the selected group of drugs.
  3. You should only take the drug that is effective. If using it within 48 hours does not improve the patient’s condition and the body temperature does not decrease, it may be necessary to change the antibiotic.
  4. It is forbidden to use antipyretic drugs in parallel, since they hide the effect of the antibiotic.
  5. The duration of treatment should be at least 5 days, and more if necessary. During this period, the vital activity of the pathogen will be suppressed. Experts also recommend not interrupting therapy even after the expected effect occurs, continuing treatment for another 2 days.
  6. In severe cases colds and if its complications occur, the patient should be hospitalized, and the use of antibiotic therapy should be carried out under the guidance and supervision of a specialist.

How to choose a drug?

Many patients often face a problem caused by the fact that they do not know which antibiotics to take for a cold. It's important to know that everything existing antibiotics are divided into groups, each of which is designed to treat specific bacteria. That is why it is so important to make an accurate diagnosis and then choose the appropriate drug.

Types of cold medications

All antibiotics used for colds are divided into the following groups:

  1. Penicillins.
  2. Cephalosporins.
  3. Macrolides.
  4. Fluoroquinolones.

Penicillins by their nature can be natural - benzylpenicillin, or synthetic - oxacillin, ampicillin. Such drugs are effective in the fight against bacteria, destroying their walls, which inevitably leads to the death of the pathogenic microorganism. Almost never occurs when treating with drugs of this group. side effects in the form of allergies or fever. The main feature of penicillins is their low toxicity, due to which they can be used in high dosages, and treatment is often carried out for quite a long time. Because of this advantage, such antibiotics for colds for children are very often used in pediatrics.

Cephalosporins are a group of antibacterial drugs with high activity. When they penetrate into the source of infection, the bacterial membrane is destroyed. These drugs are used only intramuscularly or intravenously, and are not taken orally with the exception of cephalexin. Occasionally, minor allergic reactions and impaired renal function may occur.

Macrolides were previously widely used in the treatment of those patients who were allergic to penicillin. Such drugs are non-toxic and do not cause allergies.

Fluoroquinolones have high activity against gram-negative bacteria. In a short time they penetrate into the cell and infect intracellular microbes. These are one of the safest and non-toxic antibiotics, the treatment of which does not even disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Respiratory treatment

Respiratory tract diseases include tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, and pneumonia. In most cases, all of them are united by two common symptoms- fever and cough. As soon as they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor for a prescription proper treatment. Such actions will avoid many complications.

Among the drugs effective in combating bacteria that infect Airways, it is worth highlighting Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Augmentin. All these antibiotics for colds belong to the penicillin group. Some bacteria that cause respiratory illnesses may be resistant to penicillin. In such cases, Avelox, Levofloxacin - trifluoroquinolone and fluoroquinolone are prescribed.

Cephalosporins are effective against diseases such as pneumonia, pleurisy and bronchitis. For these purposes, Tsinacef, Zinnat, Suprax are widely used. Atypical pneumonia, caused by mycoplasma and chlamydia, can be cured with Hemocin and Sumamed. Each of these drugs is the most powerful antibiotic for colds.

Treatment of ENT diseases

The most common diseases of the ENT organs are sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis. They can be caused by streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, and staphylococcus. In the treatment of such diseases, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Augmentin, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin– used for sore throat, frontal sinusitis, pharyngitis.
  2. Azithromycin, Clarithromycin– the most effective antibiotics for colds, namely sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media.
  3. Ceftriaxone, Cefatoxime– are used in cases where treatment with other antibacterial drugs has not brought improvement.
  4. Morsifloxacin, Lefofloxacin– used to eliminate inflammatory processes in the ENT organs.

Consequences of taking antibiotics

If prescribed or treated incorrectly with antibacterial drugs, many unpleasant consequences can occur. The most commonly observed side effects are:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. Bacteria that perform protective functions are always present on the mucous membranes and skin of the human body. When pathogenic microorganisms multiply beneficial bacteria don't survive. In this case, an imbalance is disrupted, which usually manifests itself as candidiasis and diarrhea.
  2. Resistance of pathogenic microorganisms. With improper treatment, more resistant bacteria are selected, which rapidly multiply in the body.
  3. Allergic manifestations. Patients may be allergic to some drugs, which is not always easy to get rid of.

Antibiotics for colds should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician based on an examination of the patient, medical history and other studies. Antibacterial agents should never be used by patients without
appointment of a specialist.

Antibiotics are substances that inhibit the growth of living cells or lead to their death. May be of natural or semi-synthetic origin. Used to treat infectious diseases caused by the growth of bacteria and harmful microorganisms.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics - list:

  1. Penicillins.
  2. Tetracyclines.
  3. Erythromycin.
  4. Quinolones.
  5. Metronidazole.
  6. Vancomycin.
  7. Imipenem.
  8. Aminoglycoside.
  9. Levomycetin (chloramphenicol).
  10. Neomycin.
  11. Monomycin.
  12. Rifamcin.
  13. Cephalosporins.
  14. Kanamycin.
  15. Streptomycin.
  16. Ampicillin.
  17. Azithromycin.

These drugs are used in cases where it is impossible to accurately determine the causative agent of the infection. Their advantage is a large list of microorganisms that are sensitive to the active substance. But there is also a drawback: in addition to pathogenic bacteria, broad-spectrum antibiotics contribute to suppression of the immune system and disruption of normal intestinal microflora.

List of strong new generation antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action:

  1. Cefaclor.
  2. Cefamandole.
  3. Unidox Solutab.
  4. Cefuroxime.
  5. Rulid.
  6. Amoxiclav.
  7. Cefroxitin.
  8. Lincomycin.
  9. Cefoperazone.
  10. Ceftazidime.
  11. Cefotaxime.
  12. Latamoxef.
  13. Cefixime.
  14. Cefpodoxime.
  15. Spiramycin.
  16. Rovamycin.
  17. Clarithromycin.
  18. Roxithromycin.
  19. Klacid.
  20. Sumamed.
  21. Fuzidin.
  22. Avelox.
  23. Moxifloxacin.
  24. Ciprofloxacin.

The new generation of antibiotics is more remarkable to a deep degree cleaning active substance. Thanks to this, the drugs have much less toxicity compared to earlier analogues and cause less harm to the body as a whole.

Narrowly targeted Bronchitis

The list of antibiotics for cough and bronchitis usually does not differ from the list of broad-spectrum drugs. This is explained by the fact that the analysis of sputum takes about seven days, and until the causative agent of the infection is precisely identified, a product with the maximum number of bacteria sensitive to it is needed.

In addition, recent studies show that in many cases the use of antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis is unjustified. The fact is that the prescription of such drugs is effective if the nature of the disease is bacterial. If the cause of bronchitis is a virus, antibiotics will not have any positive effect.

Commonly used antibiotic drugs for inflammatory processes in the bronchi:

  1. Ampicillin.
  2. Amoxicillin.
  3. Azithromycin.
  4. Cefuroxime.
  5. Ceflocor.
  6. Rovamycin.
  7. Cefodox.
  8. Lendatsin.
  9. Ceftriaxone.
  10. Macropen.

List of antibiotics for sore throat:

  1. Penicillin.
  2. Amoxicillin.
  3. Amoxiclav.
  4. Augmentin.
  5. Ampiox.
  6. Phenoxymethylpenicillin.
  7. Oxacillin.
  8. Cefradine.
  9. Cephalexin.
  10. Erythromycin.
  11. Spiramycin.
  12. Clarithromycin.
  13. Azithromycin.
  14. Roxithromycin.
  15. Josamycin.
  16. Tetracycline.
  17. Doxycycline.
  18. Lidaprim.
  19. Biseptol.
  20. Bioparox.
  21. Inhalipt.
  22. Grammidin.

The listed antibiotics are effective against sore throats caused by bacteria, most often bethemolytic streptococci. As for the disease caused by fungal microorganisms, the list is as follows:

  1. Nystatin.
  2. Levorin.
  3. Ketoconazole.
Colds and flu (ARI, ARVI)

Antibiotics for the common cold are not included in the list of necessary medications, given the fairly high toxicity of antibiotics and possible side effects. Treatment with antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as restoratives, is recommended. In any case, it is necessary to consult a therapist.


List of antibiotics for sinusitis - in tablets and for injections:

  1. Zitrolide.
  2. Macropen.
  3. Ampicillin.
  4. Amoxicillin.
  5. Flemoxin solutab.
  6. Augmentin.
  7. Hiconcil.
  8. Amoxil.
  9. Gramox.
  10. Cephalexin.
  11. Digital
  12. Sporidex.
  13. Rovamycin.
  14. Ampiox.
  15. Cefotaxime.
  16. Vertsef.
  17. Cefazolin.
  18. Ceftriaxone.
  19. Duracef.

On the dispensing of medicines during the seasonal rise of respiratory, infectious diseases and influenza in the autumn-winter period

About the dispensing of medicines During the seasonal rise of respiratory, infectious diseases and influenza in the autumn-winter period, the Ministry of Health considers it necessary to draw the attention of doctors and pharmaceutical workers to the following.

Medicines(in all dosage forms) containing the single drug Ibuprofen or Paracetamol are included in the list of medicines sold without a doctor’s prescription, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated June 5, 2012 No. 55. Including oral suspensions for children: Ibufen, Ibufen D, Nurofen for children, etc.

These medicines are intended for use in children of all ages. age groups and can be selected for use by a child in a form convenient for him, taking into account his age: suppositories and drops - for children under 3 years of age, syrups and powders for preparing solutions - after 3 years.

Dispensing antipyretics based on the combination of paracetamol + ibuprofen ( trade names"Ibuklin", "Ibuzam") is produced according to a doctor's prescription. This is primarily due to the high toxicity of this combination in relation to liver and kidney function. Since 2011, the use of these combinations has been discontinued in a number of countries (including Kazakhstan, India, Great Britain and a number of others). In the Republic of Belarus, 6 cases of acute renal failure associated with the use of these combinations. In this regard, the Ministry of Health decided on the need to prescribe these drugs only after examining and examining the child by a doctor.

Similar prescription measures were established by the Ministry of Health for antimicrobial drugs based on the combination “sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim” (trade names: “Biseptol”, “Biseptin”, “Co-trimoxazole”). This is due to the fact that as a result of their widespread use, resistance of most pathogens to these drugs has developed. The use of this group of drugs for respiratory and urinary tract is irrational and unsafe. Taking into account the antibacterial activity of this drug, as well as the level of microbiological resistance, the prescription should be made only by a medical professional if the patient is suspected of having a pathogen that is sensitive to this combination (indications for use are currently limited), and also taking into account existing contraindications for use . Currently, treatment of respiratory and urinary tract infections is carried out by other groups of antibacterial agents (antibiotics of the penicillin group, macrolides), a number of which are included in the list of over-the-counter drugs.

At the same time, we remind you that the following medications are available without a doctor’s prescription for the treatment of respiratory, infectious diseases and influenza.

1. Antiviral drugs: Arpetol (arbidol), Rimantadine, Interferon, Oxolinic ointment, others - AngriMax, Anaferon, Kagocel, Virogel, Panavir.

2. Analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory: Acetylsalicylic acid, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nimesulide, combination drugs – Negrinpin, Fapirin S, etc.

3. Antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid, Ampicillin.

4. Medicines that affect immunity: Ekhingin, Trimunal Groprinosin, Cycloferon.

Deputy Minister V.E. Shevchuk