Cod fish. Cooking recipes. Cod fillet - description with product photo; its composition and calorie content; benefit and harm; dish recipes

Cod is the collective name for a whole genus of fish belonging to the cod family. All fish have a similar appearance, but excellent size and weight, life expectancy. This is a valuable commercial fish, a photo of which you can see below. Cod fishing is very popular among amateur anglers.

Varieties and appearance

The cod genus includes four varieties. But one of the species is often not taken into account, since its individuals practically do not differ from the Pacific variety. Alaska pollock was recently included in the genus. So, there are the following types of cod:

  • Atlantic, photo below the list. This type of cod is distinguished by its large size: the maximum body length of a fish can reach two meters, and its mass can be equal to 96 kilograms. The fish has a white belly and back, colored brown or olive green with a green tint. Individuals live up to a quarter of a century;
  • Pacific cod, in which the photo is presented after the Atlantic. Body weight can reach 23 kilograms with a length of 120 centimeters, the longest life expectancy is 18 years. The appearance is similar to the Atlantic cod, except for the head: it is wider and larger;
  • Greenland cod is similar to Pacific cod, this conclusion can be made from the photo, which is located under the photo of the Pacific cod. The maximum length of a refined body is 77 centimeters, the fish lives up to 12 years;
  • Pollock has a narrower body, so with a maximum length of 91 centimeters, the fish weighs no more than 4 kilograms. The appearance also resembles other types of cod.

All types of cod are characterized by the presence of a fleshy tendril on the chin. A specific feature of this genus: the presence of two anal and three dorsal fins. The object of the fishery is individuals aged from 3 to 10 years. By this time, the length of the fish is 40 to 80 centimeters. Cod is caught on an industrial scale with fishing nets.

There is another species that has nothing to do with the genus of cod, but it belongs to the cod family: this is the red cod. The fish got its name from the fact that in the air its body begins to turn red. The maximum body length of the fish is 91 centimeters, and the weight is 2.5 kilograms. The red cod from the back is gray, from the belly it is pink. Distinctive feature: there is a dark spot behind the head.

Distribution and habitats

Atlantic cod is found in the temperate region of the ocean of the same name. There are several geographic subspecies of fish: the White Sea cod is found in the White Sea, the Baltic cod in the Baltic, and so on. This cod is widespread from the Bay of Biscay to Spitsbergen, the Barents Sea (eastern part). In the western part, the fish is distributed from Cape Hatteras in North Carolina to the island of Greenland.

Pacific cod lives mainly in the North Pacific Ocean. It is found in the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas. Greenland cod is found off the coast of Greenland. Pollock lives mainly in the cold waters of the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Some fish species have adapted to life in fresh water: such individuals mature earlier, they do not make large migrations.

Nutrition and reproduction

Cod breeds near the coast in the sea, in which they spend most of their life. But it happens that fish are fattened in one sea, and for spawning they go to the coast of another sea. The spawning season occurs in the spring in March or April. Spawning occurs at a depth of 100 meters.

Fertilized eggs often flow further northward. The larvae hatched from eggs begin to feed on plankton. By autumn, juveniles begin to lead a benthic life. In the first years of life, fry eat small crustaceans. From the age of 3, the fish becomes a real predator, since capelin, saury and herring become the main food for it. She can also feed on individuals of her own species: cannibalism is not alien to her.

Thus, cod is a whole genus of fish with a high nutritional value. The fish meat is white, low-fat, which cannot be said about the liver, which has become a real delicacy for humans. Cod fishing is carried out on an industrial scale, and anglers are also fond of it.

To understand what the benefits and harms of cod are, you need to start getting to know this fish. A very large number of people love it, but not everyone knows about the shortcomings of this product.

What does cod look like and where is it found

The habitat of cod is the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, the Bering Strait in the direction of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the temperate part of the Atlantic Ocean. This fish is distinguished by the presence of many subspecies in accordance with the habitat:

  • Baltic cod;
  • white sea;
  • arctic and other types.

At the same time, in the open part of the ocean, cod is practically not found, the entire main life cycle of the fish takes place near the coast.

The color of this fish can be either olive green or black (depending on the species). Within our country, the most common black cod. The fish has a torpedo shape, an elongated head with a whisker under the lower jaw. The back can be covered with small spots, and the belly is mostly white, in rare cases with a yellowish tint.

Chemical composition of cod

On a diet, cod is a very valuable product with a rich composition of vitamins, macro- and microelements.


Quantity per 100 g

Macro - and trace elements



How many calories are in cod

The number of calories per 100 g of fresh fish is 68.908. But as a result of various types of processing, its nutritional value is greatly increased. Information on the calorie content of cod per 100 grams of product in accordance with the cooking method is given in the table.

Useful properties of cod

The valuable properties of cod have been appreciated by many people who follow a diet to lose or maintain weight. It is also suitable for those who are fasting, as it will serve as an excellent supplier of protein for the body.

Cod for women is a valuable product not only in terms of nutrition, but also beauty. The use of this fish will help to strengthen and speed up the growth of hair and nail plates, and improve the condition of the skin. These effects are possible due to the content of zinc, sulfur and selenium in fish.

Due to the sufficiently large amount of potassium in cod, its use in food favors the passage of impulses along the fibers of the nervous system. It is also rich in phosphorus, which takes part in the processes of renewal of bone and cartilage tissue.

The health benefits of cod for children are also invaluable. The use of this product is recommended in carrying out preventive measures against rickets. In addition, due to the calcium content, this fish helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the child.

The healing properties of cod

Cod will be an assistant during preventive and therapeutic procedures in the presence of:

  • heart disease;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • thrombosis;
  • some types of cancer;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • leukemia;
  • non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Is it possible for cod during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The benefits and harms of cod for the body of pregnant women and lactating mothers are controversial due to increased mercury content... According to the recommendations of the US FDA, pregnant and lactating mothers of cod can consume no more than 2 servings over 7 days. And only after measuring the amount of mercury in fish (it should be minimal).

Benefits of cod for a child

To answer the question of at what age cod can be given to children, it will be necessary to take into account the child's predisposition to allergic reactions and the tolerance of the first complementary foods. If these indicators are normal, then the cod can be started to give the child before 1 year. So, to start feeding cod at the age of 9-10 months, you can give 0.5 teaspoon of soup, boiled fillet or steamed cutlets.

Important! To prepare any dishes from this fish, children under one year old must first cook it.

Gradually, you can increase the portion to 70 g. It is not recommended to give cod more than 3 times over 7 days. If you are prone to allergies, the serving is reduced to one per week.

Children over one year old can cook more complex dishes from this fish (pie, casserole, etc.).

Slimming cod

Cod is a very valuable product both for people who are losing weight and for those who want to control their weight. Among the recipes for cooking this fish, you can find a lot of dishes with a low calorie content. Indeed, depending on the method of its preparation, its calorie content changes slightly. And to preserve nutrients, it is better to bake cod or steam it. This treatment will help preserve sodium and magnesium in the fish.

Due to the richness of Omega-3, cod helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, which will also have a positive effect on weight loss.

Is cod good for pancreatitis

The benefits of pink cod for pancreatitis are very high, because it is rich in animal proteins, contains a low amount of calories. And the saturation of cod with various vitamins and fatty acids has a beneficial effect on all body systems.

Fish fillets are excellent for making mashed potatoes and cream, which is an important part of the diet for this disease. But even if you cook it in portions, it will be perfectly absorbed and will not harm the gastrointestinal tract system with pancreatitis.

Attention! In the acute stage of the disease and its exacerbation, cod is allowed to be consumed 14 days after the exacerbation.

In the chronic form of the disease during the recovery period, the use of a variety of casseroles, pies, fillets, steaks is allowed. But the dishes should be boiled, stewed or baked.

How to cook cod tasty and healthy

These methods of cooking cod will not contribute to weight gain, and due to the preserved beneficial properties, they will have a beneficial effect on all human organs.

There are many recipes for cooking cod in the above ways, which will be to the taste of even gourmets. Among them are cod soup, cod stewed with vegetables, cod soufflé.

For cooking fish, you can watch the following video:

Harm of cod and contraindications for use

When buying cod, you should ask sellers to show a certificate of product quality, and it is better to purchase it from a reliable supplier.

For medical reasons, fish may be prohibited in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • pathological changes in the work of the kidneys and bile ducts;
  • obesity of varying degrees is also a reason for refusing to cut cod tongues, but the use of fillets of this fish is allowed;
  • the presence of diseases such as hypercalcemia, hyperthyroidism and low blood pressure also requires the complete elimination of cod from the diet.

How to choose and store cod correctly

Good quality cod should meet the following parameters:

  • the pupils of the fish should be transparent and free of debris and dirt;
  • the scaly and skin of the cod should be shiny and not damaged;
  • fish scales are very small and can be easily removed;
  • gills should be bright red;
  • fish fillets should be solid;
  • the cod should have a pleasant fishy smell;
  • the cod must be free of any defects and plaque.

Store cod only in the refrigerator or freezer. If there is no packaging, you will need to place it in a plastic bag.

Advice! To preserve the taste of cod in the refrigerator, it is recommended to put it on a plate filled with ice.


Consequently, the benefits and harms of cod are highly controversial given the negative effects that frequent consumption and purchase from an unverified supplier can have. It is worth buying it only from a seller who has a quality certificate for the product.

Most people are well aware of the beneficial properties of fish, which contains a rich complex of vitamins and minerals. However, when it comes to choice, many are wondering: which fish is healthier: sea or freshwater? It is rather difficult to get an unequivocal answer to this question, because each organism is individual and needs to receive certain substances in greater quantities than another. Therefore, the choice should be made taking into account the individual diet.

Comparison of the content of nutrients in sea and river fish

Almost all types of marine and river inhabitants contain the following elements:

  • vitamins of group B, D, A;
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium;
  • cobalt and others.

The difference lies in the fact that in each representative of the order of freshwater, the content of substances differs in quantity from that of a marine inhabitant. For example, 100 g of sea cod contains about 0.2-0.3 g of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, while pike living in freshwater rivers contains only 0.03-0.07 g of this substance. However, this does not mean at all that river fish does not carry any benefits, because it is rich in protein and boasts an optimal balance of amino acids.

What to choose: sea cod or river fish

Sea cod is famous not only for its meat, but also for its liver, which is considered a delicacy and is used to prepare delicious dishes. It is also a source of vitamins and minerals. But you should be aware that there are some contraindications to its use, especially for people whose body suffers from high levels of calcium and vitamin D.

But people who do not experience problems with an overabundance of these elements, but need to obtain iodine, should give their preference to sea cod.

There is an opinion that the phosphorus obtained from the meat of river fish is more easily absorbed in the body, which means that those who want to strengthen their bone tissue should use freshwater representatives.

What fish can be dangerous

Toxic wastes that enter the sea and freshwater bodies harm not only the organisms living in them, but also humans. Heavy metals such as lead, copper, mercury, nickel and many others are especially dangerous. Predators are most susceptible to this ailment, so pregnant women should be vigilant when choosing one or another fish. Fatty varieties are prone to accumulation of chlorinated hydrocarbons.

However, those who prefer sea cod should not worry, since the fat content in these individuals is not very high. And, of course, another danger that lies in wait for everyone is unscrupulous sellers. If the storage rules and sanitary standards are not followed, the product can be spoiled and cause great damage to human health.

Cod is a genus of ray-finned fish of the order cod-like, of the cod family (lat.Gadidae).

In the old days, cod was called "labardan", and the fish got its modern Russian name because of the peculiarities of the meat, which cracks when it is dried. According to another version, the cod got its name due to the peculiar crackling sound made by huge schools of fish going to spawn. The origin of this sound, crackling, is associated with the contraction of the muscles of the swim bladder.

Cod - description and characteristics of the fish. What does cod look like?

Cod fish grows throughout their life, and most fish by 3 years grow in length to an average of 40-50 cm.The size of mature cod individuals depends on the area, the largest representatives of the Atlantic cod species reach 1.8-2 m in length, the weight of the cod can be about 96 kg.

The body of the cod is distinguished by an elongated, fusiform shape. There are 2 anal fins, 3 dorsal fins. The head of the fish is large, the jaws of different sizes - the lower one is shorter than the upper one. One fleshy tendril grows on the chin.

The cod scales are small and toothed. The back can be greenish-olive, yellowish with green, or brown with small brownish spots. The sides are much lighter, the belly of the cod is pure white or with a characteristic yellowness.

The long-liver among fish is the Atlantic cod, some individuals of which can live up to 25 years. Pacific cod live, on average, about 18 years, Greenland cod - 12 years. The lifespan of the Kildin cod is only 7 years.

Classification of cod.

  • Cod (Gadus) - genus
    • Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a species. Subspecies:
      • Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua morhua)
      • Kildin cod (Gadus morhua kildinensis)
      • Baltic cod (Gadus morhua callarias)
      • White Sea cod (Gadus morhua marisalbi) (According to Russian sources, it is distinguished as a subspecies of Atlantic cod. According to foreign sources, it is synonymous with Greenland cod)
    • Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) - species
    • Greenland cod (Gadus ogac) - species
    • Pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) - species
  • Arctic cod (Arctogadus) - genus
    • Ice cod (Arctogadus glacialis) - species
    • East Siberian cod (Arctogadus borisovi) - species

Cod species, names and photos.

The modern classification includes several species and subspecies of cod, which have some differences related to habitats:

(lat.Gadus morhua)- the largest species of cod, the average length of adults is about 1 m, the maximum is about 2 m, the weight of cod can reach 96 kg. Atlantic cod is found in the temperate Atlantic Ocean and, depending on the specific habitat, forms a number of subspecies that are found from the Bay of Biscay to the Barents Sea, as well as from North Carolina to Greenland.

Atlantic cod subspecies:

  • Atlantic cod (lat.Gadus morhua morhua). The average body length of fish aged 5-10 years is from 40 to 80 cm, older individuals reach a length of 1.6-1.8 m.In the coloration of the back of the cod, shades of green prevail, olive or brown tones interspersed with small spots of gray brown tint. The abdomen is white or slightly yellowish.
  • kildin cod (lat.Gadus morhua kildinensis) is an inhabitant of the unique Lake Mogilnoe, located in the Murmansk region on the island of Kildin and which is a hydrological natural monument. The uniqueness of this reservoir lies in the fact that the water in the lake has a different degree of salinity: the surface layer is practically fresh, the indicator of the middle layer coincides with sea water, and the lower layer of water is extremely salty and saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Cod appeared in this reservoir back in the 10th century, when it was an ordinary sea lagoon. Then the lagoon was cut off from the sea by a rocky rampart, the upper layer of water was freshened, and the cod remained to live in Lake Mogilnoe, sinking into an average, moderately salty layer of water, about 4 m thick. the rest of the species, has a small mouth and short jaws. The body size of the cod is also small: males grow up to 50 cm in length, females up to 40 cm. The largest individual of the Kildin cod reached 70 cm in length with a body weight of 2.5 kg. A distinctive feature of the subspecies is a brighter color of the scales than that of the Atlantic cod. Representatives of this subspecies are not capable of dwelling in other places, and the pollution of the lake and the uncontrolled catch of this fish have brought the Kildin cod to the brink of extinction. Currently, the subspecies has several dozen individuals and is under the protection of the Russian state.
  • Baltic cod (lat.Gadus morhua callarias) in large numbers in the middle part of the Baltic Sea, east of the island of Bornholm. Slightly less common in the Gulfs of Finland and Bothnia. The body size does not exceed 80-100 cm in length, and the weight of the cod is 11-12 kg.

  • white sea cod (lat.Gadus morhua marisalbi). According to Russian sources, it is distinguished as one of the subspecies of Atlantic cod. According to foreign sources, it is considered synonymous with Greenland cod. The main habitat of large populations of the subspecies is the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea, a smaller accumulation of the White Sea cod lives in the shallow Onega and Dvinsky bays. The body color of the White Sea cod is significantly darker than that of the Atlantic cod, the size varies from 55 to 60 cm.

Pacific cod(lat.Gadus macrocephalus) differs from the Atlantic in a more massive and wider head shape, but in a smaller body size. Also, the Pacific cod differs from the Atlantic cod in the structure of the horn-like outgrowths of the anterior end of the swim bladder, which are much shorter in it than in the Atlantic cod. In addition, Pacific cod does not have floating pelagic eggs, but bottom, adhering ones. The average length of the Pacific cod is 45 to 90 cm, rarely reaching 120 cm. The weight, as a rule, does not exceed 22.7 kg. The habitat of the species passes through the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean: through the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas. The cod feeds on pollock, navaga and other fish, shrimps, crabs, worms and octopuses.

Greenland cod(lat.Gadus ogac)- a species of cod that is not recognized by all scientists as a separate species and is often considered a subspecies of the Pacific cod. A feature of the species is its small body size (the maximum length of the Greenland cod does not exceed 75-80 cm). The species is common off the coast of Greenland. The cod feeds on small fish and invertebrates.

Pollock (lat.Gadus chalcogrammus). Representatives of the species are distinguished by a rather narrow body, the length of which rarely exceeds 90 cm, and the weight is 4-4.5 kg. The color of the back of the pollock varies from light to dark gray, almost black. The sides and abdomen are whitish, less often with a slight yellowness, sometimes covered with dark spots. The species is widespread in the Pacific Ocean, especially in its northern part. Pollock lives in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Bering Sea, in the bays of Alaska and Monterey, as well as in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Two species of cod have been identified as a separate genus Arctic cod (Arctogadus). This includes the following types of cod:

Ice cod (lat.Arctogadus glacialis) lives mainly in the western part of the waters of the Arctic Ocean, off the northern and northwestern coasts of Greenland, less numerous populations are found north of the Bering Strait and in the waters near Wrangel Island. The body length of the gray-colored ice cod does not exceed 30-32 cm. The head of the fish is large, the eyes are large, the antennae on the chin is very weakly developed or may be completely absent. Mainly, ice cod feeds on plankton.

East Siberian cod (nine-pointed) (lat.Arctogadus borisovi) - fish that lives off the coast of Greenland, North America and Siberia (east of the deep-water Yenisei Gulf). Far from the coast, it is sometimes found near the New Siberian Islands and in the northern part of the Bering Strait. Adults reach a length of 52-56 cm, while the weight does not exceed 1.5 kilograms. The cod feeds on crustaceans - mysids and amphipods; large individuals eat juvenile Arctic cod.

Cod lifestyle.

The lifestyle of cod directly depends on the habitat. The Pacific cod species is sedentary, seasonal migrations take place over short distances: in winter, schools of fish migrate to a depth of 30-60 m, with the onset of the warm season they return to the coast.

The life of the Atlantic cod is closely connected with the ocean current, this is due to long seasonal migrations, forcing schools of fish to cover distances of up to 1.5 thousand km from spawning grounds to feeding grounds.

Young individuals of cod become predators by 3-4 years old, and before that, juveniles feed on plankton and small crustaceans. The diet of adult Atlantic cod is based on various types of fish: herring, Arctic cod, saury, sprat, smelt, as well as young and medium-sized individuals of their own genus. In summer, krill and bivalve molluscs are added to the main menu, in which the cod bites off the legs extended from the shell.

Pacific cod feeds on pollock, navaga, worms, molluscs and crustaceans.

The Kildin cod eats mormysh, representatives of the order of higher crayfish, polychaete worms, bell mosquitoes, juveniles of smelt and buttermilk.

Young pollock feeds mainly on plankton with small crustaceans. As the fish grows, they begin to feed on more impressive prey: capelin, squid, smelt. Cases of cannibalism are not uncommon among representatives of the species: adults eat fry of their own species.

Cod, like many other marine and oceanic fish species, is very beneficial. Basically, its benefit lies in the saturation of fatty acids that affect the body's metabolism.

Not everyone loves sea fish, so for fastidious gourmets you have to combine it with various products and sauces. However, it must be remembered that the more different foods there are in a dish, the greater its calorie content and less benefit.

Description of the species

Cod is one of the most important industrial fish

Cod belongs to the Ray-finned class, the Cod family. The body length of an adult can reach almost 2 m. It is one of the most important commercial species since the mid-20th century.

Most of the catch is taken by fishermen of European countries from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean (Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, etc.). During the peak period, the cod catch was 300,000 tonnes per year.

Such rates led to the fact that in the early 90s. 20th century some countries have declared moratoriums on this species. Currently, the catch quota is set at 27,000 tons per year.

There are several subspecies of cod, depending on the habitat:

  • white sea;
  • arctic;
  • Baltic, etc.

In addition, there are two lacustrine forms of the species. One of them lives in Lake Ogak on the island of Baffinova Zemlya, the other lives in Lake Mogilnoye on Lake Kildin (Murmansk region).

The fish got there when the reservoirs were still connected to the sea and were filled with salt water. Now the upper layer (to a depth of 5 m) in them is freshened, and the bottom layers are poisoned with sulfur dioxide, therefore, cod is found mainly in the middle layers of lakes that have preserved seawater.

The benefits of fish

Cod liver is a particularly valuable product.

Cod is considered the ideal product for people wanting. When saturated with vitamins and other nutrients, the calorie content of fish is very low. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a boiled product per 100 g is 17.8 / 0.7 / 0, respectively.

The calorie content of 100 g of boiled or steamed fish is 78 kcal. The benefits of cod are due to the presence of the following substances in it:

  • Vitamin A normalizes metabolism, slows down cell aging, improves vision, supports immune system.
  • Vitamin B1 is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, regulates the activity of the nervous system and hematopoiesis, normalizes appetite and body tone.
  • Vitamin B2 ensures cell respiration and hematopoiesis processes, reduces the effects of toxins, activates the absorption of vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B12 strengthens the immune system, participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids, improves mental clarity and normalizes sleep.
  • Vitamin C reduces the effects of stress, is a powerful antioxidant, slows down the formation and growth of cancer cells, promotes the absorption of calcium and iron and the elimination of toxins.

Micro- and macroelements (selenium, zinc, iron, iodine, phosphorus, chromium, nickel, cobalt, copper, etc.) are participants in many metabolic processes in the body, ensure the normal development of tissues and organs, promote the synthesis of necessary enzymes, etc.

Phospholipids provide flexibility of cell membranes, restore damaged tissues, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and facilitate the transport of vitamins and other essential substances to organs and cells.

Cod liver deserves special attention. Its components delay inflammatory processes in the cartilage tissues of the joints, block the transmission of pain signals to the brain.

The use of the liver can serve as a preventive measure to prevent nervous and cardiovascular diseases. This product is recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers during postpartum depression.

Possible dangers when eating cod

Steamed fish is especially healthy

Like any other product, not all people can eat cod. Cod is useful in many ways, but in some cases, you should limit its content in the diet. The harm of cod has been proven for such categories of people as:

  1. having and bladder;
  2. suffering from hypervitaminosis D or an excess of calcium in the body;
  3. intolerant for individual reasons this product.

In salted (canned) form, cod, as well as its caviar and liver, is not recommended for use by children and pregnant women, as well as hypertensive patients.

Cod is prone to accumulation in the tissues of its body of heavy metals - mercury and arsenic. In this regard, fish caught in the coastal waters of Alaska are considered safe.

Nutritionists advise against consuming cod in combination with cheese. A meal containing these foods can cause indigestion and indigestion.

Examples of dishes

In order for dietary cod meals to be beneficial and not contribute to the deposition of fat reserves on the waist, hips and other parts of the body, fish must be cooked correctly.

Proper cooking in this case involves the use of gentle heat treatment modes:

  • boiling;
  • extinguishing;
  • baking without fat.

Cod, prepared in one of the above ways, retains the maximum amount of nutrients and does not increase the burden on the digestive system. There are many recipes for cooking cod:

  1. Cod soup. Nutritional value per 100 g of product: 20.4 kcal, BZHU - 2.1-0.7-1.3. 150 g of fish cleared of fins and entrails (without a head) are placed in boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. 4 medium potatoes, peeled, cut into cubes and add along with 200 g of green beans and one grated carrot to the fish. After 20 minutes, add some salt to the soup, put a bay leaf and a few peas of allspice. After 5 minutes, the dish is removed from the heat.
  2. Stewed cod with vegetables. Nutritional value per 100 g: 56.2 kcal, BZHU - 11.6-0.5-1.2. Cut 700 g of cod fillet into portions and put in a heated thick-walled frying pan or stewpan. There is also added onion cut into thin half rings (medium-sized onion or 2 small ones), carrots grated on a coarse grater and fresh tomatoes cut into rings (2 pieces). You can add sweet bell pepper... Salt the contents of the pan, season with oregano and basil, add 1 glass of water and put on medium heat. The dish can also be placed in the oven in the baking mode. Cooking time is 20-25 minutes.
  3. Rybnoe. Nutritional value per 100 g: 111.4 kcal, BZHU - 13.5-6-0.9. Mince 1 kg of cod fillet with 2 peeled onions. Beat 2 chicken eggs, add to the minced meat. Salt the mixture, season with spices if desired. Place the minced meat in a fireproof dish and place in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

Cod dishes prepared according to the above recipes will satisfy the needs of even the most fastidious gourmets without harming the figure and health.

Fish diet

You can make a delicious dish from cod

Cod is considered such a dietary product that it is recommended to be included in fish diets. Along with it, you can use such species as navaga, pollock, hake. In very small quantities, you can eat fatty red fish - trout, chum salmon, salmon.