How to straighten teeth without braces for children and adults? Teeth straightening: main types Quick teeth straightening

Not everyone can boast of a perfect smile and straight teeth. Malocclusion is best corrected in childhood, however, if this was not done, then how to correct malocclusion in adults?

The most effective way to straighten your teeth is to wear braces, but not everyone wants to wear braces for several years in a row; some cannot afford this due to the specific nature of their work. Therefore, methods of correcting crooked teeth without braces are gaining more and more popularity and becoming more accessible!

Ways to straighten teeth without braces

If there is no desire or opportunity to wear braces, then you can straighten your teeth without braces. Modern dentistry is developing rapidly, and what seemed impossible a few years ago is now widely used in every clinic.

Straightening teeth without braces at home is possible, but it should be understood that improvised means and folk methods in in this case not worth using. It is recommended that you contact a professional specialist and get advice.

There are several types of structures that are used to correct crooked teeth:

  • medical mouth guards (aligners);
  • veneers;
  • trainers;
  • composite restoration.

This or that method is selected for each patient individually, based on the condition of the oral cavity and the degree of unevenness of the teeth.

Teeth straightening with aligners

In appearance, mouthguards are similar to transparent “covers” for teeth; they are put on the entire row of teeth, gradually giving it the correct shape, and are worn for about a year. In terms of appearance, the mouthguards are very comfortable, since the transparent, light texture helps them not to be conspicuous and look as natural as possible.

The main advantages of this aid To straighten teeth include:

  1. They do not cause any inconvenience during operation. Lightness and comfort are all you can feel when wearing aligners.
  2. Invisible on the teeth - even with close contact during a conversation, the mouth guards will not attract the attention of the interlocutor.
  3. Safe from a medical point of view. The absence of contraindications for use allows the use of mouthguards even for women during pregnancy.
  4. There are no restrictions on food and drink intake while using the aligners. The mouthguards are made in such a way that they do not react to dyes contained in food and drinks.
  5. The ability to easily remove and put on mouth guards yourself without the help of a specialist.
  6. An effective result is achieved even with closely spaced teeth.
  7. The ability to combine wearing mouth guards with other dental procedures.

When a special solution is placed in the trays, you can undergo a whitening procedure in parallel with teeth straightening.

For all its advantages, wearing mouth guards has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Suitable only for mildly crooked teeth.
  2. They must be removed when eating.
  3. Quite a high cost - a course of teeth correction can cost more than 200 thousand rubles.
  4. Since the aligners are not attached to the oral cavity, they may fall out at the most inopportune moment.

Veneers for straightening teeth

In fact, veneers are visual corrections of teeth; they are used primarily to obtain a perfectly white shade of teeth and hide imperfections, such as darkening of the enamel, chips, but veneers can also correct minor curvature of teeth. The principle of their action is that part of the tooth enamel is ground down, after whereby onlays are placed on the teeth, giving them a perfectly even shape. It should be borne in mind that veneers remain permanent, since it will be impossible to return the teeth to their original appearance; the service life of veneers is on average 10-15 years, after which they will have to be replaced.

Advantages of veneers:

  1. Fast installation procedure, unlike other methods that require multiple visits to the dentist and a long time to achieve results.
  2. You can hide absolutely any defects.
  3. Veneers are quite durable, because... made from high quality ceramics. The service life can reach 18 years.
  4. They look natural – you can choose the appropriate color and shape.
  5. They are not subject to painting - they retain their original appearance throughout their entire service life.
  6. No special care required.

Disadvantages of veneers:

  1. The installation process is painful and anesthesia is required.
  2. The need to wear on an ongoing basis, changing only the veneers themselves after their service life has expired.
  3. High price - depends on the quality of the materials used. The price of one overlay can reach 10 thousand rubles.

Straightening teeth using trainers

Trainers are similar in appearance to mouth guards. Their key difference from the previous two methods is that in addition to correcting crooked teeth, they correct malocclusion. The time required to achieve positive result– the bite and dentition will acquire the correct shape within 2 years.

The procedure for installing trainers takes place in 2 stages:

  • installation of primary soft structures. This stage is necessary in order to prepare facial muscles to the correct position;
  • installation of final rigid structures.

Wearing trainers also has its pros and cons.

Advantages of trainers:

  1. Correct diction associated with malocclusion.
  2. Ease of use - no need to wear it on a regular basis, just put it on at night.
  3. They do not require special care.
  4. They have no contraindications for use.
  5. Affordable price - the approximate cost of the structure is about 6,000 rubles.

Disadvantages of trainers:

  1. A long process to achieve the intended result.
  2. Possible discomfort at the initial stages of operation.

Composite teeth straightening

The installation principle of composite alignment is similar to that of veneers. The difference is that veneers are ceramic microprostheses that are installed on the teeth, and with composite alignment, special composition, the required shape is formed, under the influence of UV rays the composition hardens and is ground to give the final shape. The technology is the same as when installing a light filling, only in this case the entire surface of the tooth will be made from it.

Advantages of composite restoration:

  1. No pain during procedures.
  2. Fast execution speed.
  3. Ability to repair any damage.
  4. Affordable price.

One of the disadvantages of this method of teeth straightening is that the composition of the material tends to absorb coloring substances and may change over time appearance composite. The durability of the composite material is not great, 5-10 years.

So, straightening teeth without using braces is possible. In order to choose the most suitable method, it is recommended to consult a dentist.

If you have any questions or want to add something, leave your comments below.

Braces are perhaps the most effective method correction of crooked teeth, but it is not suitable for many for a variety of reasons. It’s good that minor defects can be straightened without braces. This method includes several techniques that cope with their main task equally effectively.

In what cases is this possible?

Leveling without braces is effective and even necessary in the following cases:
- The curvature is not complex in nature, i.e. incorrect location has only one or two teeth.
- The bite is slightly different from the norm. In the case of an open bite, only braces will help.
- The patient needs a quick effect, and treatment with braces sometimes lasts up to several years.
- The patient is allergic to metal, which is an integral part of any braces system.
- Low location of the gums, due to which it can be damaged by locks, and there is no opportunity to install sapphire braces that solve this problem.
- It will be difficult for a person to follow the rules of wearing braces and caring for them.
- Low pain threshold, due to which the pain that is possible during treatment will be unbearable.
- Work and everyday life The patient's appearance implies an impeccable appearance or excellent diction, and conventional braces are not suitable here.

What methods are there?

Modern dentistry can offer as many as four ways to correct teeth without braces. Some of them are a more thoughtful type of brackets, others, on the contrary, are very different from the usual technique.


Mouthguards are not used so often, but their effectiveness cannot be ignored. They are a silicone or plastic mouthguard that follows the contours of the dentition and acts on the principle of braces - it slowly and surely straightens the teeth.

Advantages of aligners:
1) Absolutely not noticeable.
2) Can be removed when eating and cleaning
3) Minimal discomfort during adaptation.
4) No dietary restrictions.
5) There is no pain at all.
6) Dental care is not complicated in any way.
7) During the wearing period, treatment of oral diseases is possible.
8) Hypoallergenic.
9) One tray can be used for straightening and whitening.
10) There are no contraindications.

Disadvantages of aligners:
1) Too expensive. The price of straightening without braces can reach 250 thousand rubles.
2) You need to take it off before eating, which makes it difficult to visit restaurants and cafes.
3) Sometimes they may fall out.
4) Manufacturing of aligners can take up to several months.
5) They cannot cope with complex dental anomalies.

Treatment of curvature with the help of mouth guards occurs in several stages. First, the dentist takes an impression and makes an electronic mock-up. A mock-up is also made after treatment, as well as an intermediate result, that is, how the teeth will look during each individual period of treatment.
The obtained data is sent to the manufacturer's laboratory. The manufacturing of aligners lasts from several weeks to several months.
The patient receives a set of several sets of caps. Each of them corresponds to a separate stage of treatment, and they need to be changed approximately once every 2-2.5 weeks. In addition to them, the patient is given several spare mouth guards, which must be worn if the main ones are damaged.

The patient must wear the aligners for at least 22 hours a day. They can only be removed during cleaning and eating. On average, treatment with aligners lasts from 6 to 8 months; sometimes they are used after braces as a preventative measure.


The main reason why many people do not use this method is the price. In case of minor defects, there is no point in spending money on expensive methods, because there is a method that is available to everyone.
A trainer is a multifunctional orthodontic device that is shaped a little like mouth guards.

Advantages of trainers:
1) Can be used even in children under 10-12 years old.
2) Helps not only correct teeth, but also solve childhood problems such as a child’s mouth breathing, incorrect tongue positioning and finger or pacifier sucking habits.
3) Effective for both children and adults.
4) You don’t need to wear them all the time, just put them on at night and wear them for at least an hour during the day.
5) You can purchase it yourself.
6) Used to correct incorrect diction.
7) Help with abnormal position of teeth and malocclusion.
8) Does not interfere with food intake.
9) Does not require additional care.
10) Since you have to wear them mainly at night, there are no difficulties with getting used to them.
11) The maximum price is only about 6 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of trainers:
1) Pretty long treatment- from one year.
2) It may cause pain at first.
3) May fall out at night, which worsens the effect of treatment.
Treatment with trainers takes place in three stages.
At initial treatment soft blue trainers are used. They are a kind of preparation for more rigid pink designs. If you immediately put on trainers for the second stage, the patient will experience severe pain. Each treatment step lasts from 6 to 12 months.

In conclusion, the patient must wear retainers for several years - structures for the prevention of repeated curvature of teeth, which are equally effective after braces and after trainers. They only need to be worn at night. They differ from ordinary trainers in that they have a metal body and cover only the palatal part of the mouth, and not all the teeth.


Sometimes patients decide not to correct crooked teeth, but simply to hide it. The term restoration is used to denote this technique. Veneers - thin ceramic plates - do an excellent job of this task. They are attached to the front of the tooth using especially powerful cement.

Advantages of veneers:
1) There is no complex and lengthy treatment.
2) In addition to curvature, you can hide cracks in the enamel, chips and unsightly shades.
3) The appearance of the veneers remains excellent throughout the entire period of wear.
4) Average term service - about 10 years.
5) Fixing cement provides excellent fixation, is odorless and colorless, and is safe for health.
6) Dental care is not complicated at all.
7) The plates cannot be distinguished from real teeth.

Disadvantages of veneers:
1) Not suitable for complex curvature.
2) Must be changed every 10 years.
3) May crack.
4) Installation requires anesthesia.
5) You have to wear veneers all your life.
6) For installation, it is necessary to completely grind off that part of the tooth that protrudes from the general row.
7) The procedure is contraindicated in case of excessive sensitivity.
8) You will have to abandon bleaching and professional cleaning.
9) Quite expensive. The price of one record starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Veneers will not only allow you to visually straighten your teeth, but also correct a lot of other aesthetic problems. Still, dentists are not very fond of this method of correcting the dentition, because when installing them it is necessary to grind them down very much, which is why a person will not be able to walk without veneers for the rest of his life.

The dentist first makes a kind of sharpening using a drill. They mark the depth of the enamel that will need to be ground off. On average, a specialist grinds 0.3-0.7 mm of enamel.
Then he selects the shade and makes a cast. Using these data, individual plates are made in the laboratory, which during next appointment fixed with cement.

Composite restoration

In addition to ceramic veneers, there is also a unique subtype of them - composite. However, it is more often customary to call this a composite restoration.
Composite is a material that is used to fill teeth. It hardens under the influence of a special lamp and becomes surprisingly durable.

Advantages of composite restoration:
1) The procedure lasts no more than an hour.
2) The dentist and the patient control all stages of the restoration, so the result is very natural.
3) Composite veneers, just like regular ones, can hide a lot of aesthetic imperfections in a smile.
4) Does not require getting used to.
5) Does not chip.
6) Affordable price.

Disadvantages of composite restoration:
1) Will only last about 5 years.
2) Absorbs dyes, gradually losing its original appearance.
3) Requires careful care and frequent visits to the dentist.

Composite restoration begins in the same way as the installation of veneers. The dentist grinds down the teeth and selects their shade. Only this time there is no need to make an impression, because all stages take place right in the office.
The dentist applies the composite composition layer by layer and dries it under a lamp. For an excellent effect, you need to carefully select the color and shape of each layer.

When the last layer has dried, you can begin polishing. During this stage, the dentist not only achieves a perfectly smooth surface of the veneer, but also evens out its shape.
Finally, a special varnish is applied to the restoration area, which is designed to combat dyes and other contaminants. Periodically you will have to visit the dentist and repeat this procedure.

How much does such pleasure cost?

Aligners (full set) - from 90 to 250 thousand rubles.
Trainers (one record) - from 2.5 to 6 thousand rubles.
Ceramic veneers (for one tooth) - from 10 to 25 thousand rubles.
Composite restoration (for one tooth) - 1-2 thousand rubles.

The problem of malocclusion is common, so many people wonder how to correct crooked teeth without and with braces. Moreover, this applies not only to correction in children, but also to the elimination of dystopia of molars in adulthood.

By the condition of the oral cavity, you can determine how attentive a person is to his own health and beauty, because someone who takes care of himself will never allow himself to walk around with uncleaned or caries-affected teeth. But another thing is malocclusion, which cannot always be corrected, especially if the patient became interested in this issue after 25 years.

Causes of crooked teeth

About a third of the world's population faces a problem such as uneven teeth, expressed to one degree or another. This makes the smile unattractive, which is why a person has complexes and difficulties in communicating with other people. Therefore, orthodontists who correct bites are in demand.

The main reasons why teeth begin to grow crooked:

  • lack of calcium - many people underestimate the importance of calcium daily diet dairy products. A lack of calcium has a particularly negative effect in childhood, when the skeleton is forming. The microelements contained in cottage cheese, milk and yogurt allow the jaw bones to become strong and the enamel to become strong;
  • the predominance of soft food on the menu - the lack of proper load on the muscles and jaws leads to the fact that curvature of the teeth may occur;
  • Mouth breathing – the habit of breathing through the mouth disrupts the natural circulation of air. This does not ensure the correct position of the tongue when it is in a relaxed state adjacent to the floor of the oral cavity and lower jaw, which contribute to the development of bite pathology;
  • bad habits– they all influence the formation of the maxillofacial apparatus, therefore, from childhood it is necessary to wean the child from biting the upper or lower lip, thumb and pacifier sucking, grinding teeth, as well as the habit of chewing pens and pencils;
  • genetic predisposition - dentists say that a tendency to bite pathologies can be transmitted from parents to children;
  • physiological features – short and thick frenulum upper lip leads to the fact that a powerful mucous cord does not allow teeth to become in the correct position after eruption, therefore such features of soft tissues require surgical correction;
  • problems in temporary occlusion - premature loss of baby teeth leads to the fact that the erupting permanent teeth do not have antagonists or neighbors, which is why they are able to deviate from the correct axis of growth.

Main factors contributing to curvature

In addition to the reasons that lead to a violation of the position of the teeth in the arch, there are also prerequisites for the fact that they grow crookedly:

  • respiratory diseases - chronic runny nose, enlarged adenoids, sinusitis and lead to the fact that a person begins to breathe through the mouth, and this leads to improper functioning of the tongue muscles, resulting in a change in the position of the teeth;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system - curvature of the spine, as well as rickets has a direct effect on the jaws. Due to a lack of minerals in the bones, they become soft and susceptible to deformation, and this causes malocclusion;
  • prolonged sucking of a pacifier - the habit of constantly holding this object in the mouth leads to an unnatural arrangement of teeth in the arch, therefore even orthodontic pacifiers are not recommended for frequent use in children after the first primary incisors have erupted;
  • mechanical pressure - when even a small force is applied to the periodontium, the ligaments holding the tooth in the socket are stretched, which contributes to its movement into an unnatural position. For this reason, you should not press your tongue on the incisors and canines, so as not to cause their displacement;
  • intrauterine development - bad habits of the mother during pregnancy, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and narcotic substances, inhalation of chemicals - all this affects the health of the baby, including its dental-jaw system.

There are many reasons and factors leading to the occurrence of crooked teeth, so it is impossible to unambiguously determine what led to malocclusion.

Photos before and after treatment

How to fix teeth without braces?

It is necessary to think about correction from an early age, when the child begins to change from a primary bite to a permanent one, because the sooner you start doing correction, the easier it is and the less traumatic for the baby. In childhood and adolescence, the structure bone tissue porous, as a result of which it is more susceptible to restructuring and changes in it.

Some parents believe that wearing braces negatively affects not only the baby’s appearance, but also his psycho-emotional state, so they refuse correction.

However, crooked teeth in older age can cause the development of complexes and self-doubt, which interferes with the normal building of relationships with people. Therefore, it is necessary to straighten teeth as early as possible, and there are various devices to achieve a positive result.

  1. Records.
  2. Pre-orthodontic trainers.
  3. Veneers.
  4. Mouthguards.

Using braces for children

If a child grows crookedly front tooth, then the use of multibonding systems is recommended in situations where it is impossible to change the bite by other means. Curvature can be eliminated at school age using various devices:

  • plates are the most common design used in children since the advent of permanent teeth. It consists of a plastic pad to hold the product in the mouth, into which a screw is soldered, due to the unscrewing of which the necessary force is created to move the teeth, as well as a metal arch curved to the shape of the dentition. Bite correction is carried out through mechanical action on the crowns and smooth movement of the roots in the jaw. The most effective use of plates is at the age of 7-12 years, when maximum bone growth is observed;
  • pre-orthodontic trainers are silicone products, but in appearance they vaguely resemble mouth guards used at an early age to change the position of teeth. Such designs help protect the growing jaw from excessive pressure of the tongue and cheeks on the teeth, which can change their position. Trainers are recommended to be worn for several hours during the day and left in the mouth overnight. Its important advantage can be considered elasticity, due to which the device does not cause discomfort to the baby, is invisible to others, and also has a gentle effect on the teeth;
  • braces systems are used in children no earlier than 12-13 years old, since before this period skeletal system is quite soft, and rough interference in its growth and formation can lead to more serious problems. The feasibility of installing a multibonding system is decided by the orthodontist only after studying the radiograph individually in each specific case.

What to do with crooked teeth in adults?

Quite often in their practice, orthodontists encounter adults who are not satisfied with the appearance of their smile, but they do not want to put on braces to correct crooked teeth, but are looking for other ways to correct the problems.

It is important to note that without the help of multibonding systems it will not be possible to achieve perfectly straight teeth in adulthood, especially if there are serious disorders in the dentofacial apparatus. Using veneers and aligners, you can eliminate only minor cosmetic defects. Therefore, the possibility of such corrections without braces should be discussed with your dentist after a complete examination of the oral cavity.

A veneer is a special overlay for a tooth, made of ceramics or composite filling materials, fixed to the front surface to visually correct defects in the dentition. Such structures for straightening teeth can only be used in situations where there are no violations of the intermaxillary relationship. The veneer is made individually for each patient based on an impression of the dental arch, so when talking with a doctor, you can discuss the desired color and shape.

Performing this type of restoration to eliminate crooked teeth is effective only in certain situations.

  1. Closing the diastema between the incisors.
  2. Elimination of slight rotation along the axis or plane of the problem tooth.
  3. Restoring the shape of damaged teeth.
  4. Replenishment of lost enamel coating.

Installation of veneers requires preparation of hard tissue to a small depth (up to 1.5 mm), but if you do not want to file away the enamel, then there is an alternative to such overlays - lumineers. These are thin ceramic plates that are attached to the vestibular surface of the tooth and create the desired cosmetic effect. beautiful smile.

Another option for orthodontic structures used in adults are mouth guards. Hard products are made from impressions of the jaws and are worn at night to correct uneven teeth. Their wearing is recommended in the following situations:

  • crowding of molars, premolars and incisors;
  • crossbite;
  • trema and diastema.

Video: how to fix crooked teeth without braces? The Expert speaks.


Besides the fact that having crooked teeth is unsightly, such a change has much more serious consequences for the body.

  1. Impaired functioning of the dental-jaw system.
  2. Increased tooth wear.
  3. Inadequate chewing of food.
  4. Curvature of the teeth, accompanied by a violation of the jaw relationship (mesial or distal bite), leads to cerebral vascular spasm and chronic headaches.
  5. Poor quality hygiene care behind the oral cavity due to the inability to fully clean hard-to-reach areas.
  6. The development of dental diseases such as periodontal disease, caries or periodontitis.

Additional questions

A child has crooked baby teeth – should I panic?

An uneven primary bite does not have a direct connection with the location of permanent teeth, so if you find that your baby’s primary teeth are growing unevenly, you should carefully monitor him. oral cavity, especially during the period of change of bite. If the permanent incisors are unevenly positioned, you should consult an orthodontist.

How to smile beautifully if you have crooked teeth?

If an uneven bite cannot be corrected by various reasons, then don’t despair, because you can always choose the right angle or type of smile to look most advantageous in photographs. You shouldn’t have a complex about crooked teeth, because the interlocutor first of all pays attention to how much you nice man in communication, and you can always distract from shortcomings with bright accessories, an emphasis on external advantages and simply an interesting conversation.

Can veneers correct crooked teeth?

It is possible to eliminate aesthetic defects in a smile in strictly defined situations, because this is only a cosmetic correction in which the location of the tooth in the bone does not change. If there are gross violations of the function and structure of the maxillofacial region, then the pathology can be corrected only with the help of orthodontic and surgical measures.

Should you think about straightening your teeth as an adult? How can you achieve a perfect smile? How long does it take to treat a bite? How much does it cost to straighten teeth? You will find answers to these and many other questions in an interview with an orthodontist with many years of experience from the Happy Dents clinic in Moscow - Naira Samvelovna Panosyan.

In what cases is teeth straightening necessary?

Smooth and beautiful teeth are the dream of many people. After all, not everyone was given a perfect smile at birth. Dental abnormalities can be the result of poor heredity, trauma, or improper dental care in childhood. If you clearly see that your teeth are crowded, your teeth protrude greatly from the dentition, or there are other deficiencies, you should contact an orthodontist. Sometimes the problem is far-fetched, but only a specialist can determine this. A preliminary diagnosis will be made at the first appointment, and then the doctor will be able to offer treatment options.

Is it possible to straighten teeth in adults?

Of course, teeth straightening occurs faster in children and adolescents. This is due to the fact that up to the age of 25 in a person, the processes of bone tissue regeneration proceed faster, the ossification of bone sutures has not yet been completed, which means orthodontic treatment will be more effective. But don’t think that adults can’t be helped. Dentists have been successfully helping straighten teeth for patients of any age for a long time. It just takes a lot of time. Orthodontists typically recommend braces or aligners as options for straightening teeth in adults. In some cases, if only one or two teeth are misaligned, doctors may use veneers. These extremely thin dental coverings provide a quick solution to the problem of an imperfect smile. If the problem is several teeth and in addition the doctor diagnoses malocclusions, you will still have to use orthodontic structures.

Is it possible to straighten teeth at home?

Surely many people are interested in whether it is possible to straighten teeth at home. Don't think that this can be done on a whim. magic wand or using folk remedies. Teeth straightening at home means the use of aligners, trainers or elastopositioners. You will not be able to choose these designs yourself. You will need to contact an orthodontist - a doctor who straightens teeth, who will conduct an examination and tell you exactly whether removable structures will help in your case. Without a specialist, you won’t be able to cope with your problem - you shouldn’t even try. Attempting to straighten teeth without an orthodontist can lead to irreversible consequences.

How to straighten teeth for an adult?

Usually, correcting the bite and straightening the teeth is usually done in childhood. At an early age, these are removable structures, for example, trainers, lip bumpers or stretching plates; starting from the age of 10–11, braces can be installed. In some cases, you can do without braces, but the orthodontist will again tell you about this. For adults, teeth straightening procedures are more difficult. The fact is that at the age of 25, a person’s bone sutures harden, and any manipulations with the bite and other problems begin to take quite a lot of time. But this does not mean that you should give up dreams of a perfect smile. Answer to the question: “Is it possible to straighten teeth at 30 and beyond?” - of course, yes. At the first appointment, the orthodontist will tell you how to straighten teeth for an adult and what exactly to use in your case.

What ways are there to straighten teeth?

An orthodontist straightens teeth in several ways, as we have already mentioned. Let's talk about the most popular ones. The most popular way to straighten teeth is still to use. Braces vary in material, location on the teeth and the presence of a ligature. However, regardless of the type, they regularly perform their functions - treatment of almost all malocclusions and incorrectly positioned teeth. You can inexpensively straighten your teeth and get rid of other problems by wearing metal vestibular (located on the outside of the dentition) braces.

If braces are not an option for you, you can straighten your teeth without braces using aligners. They decide several at once dental problems– remove gaps between teeth, correct crowding and other malocclusions. One of the most popular brands is Invisalign aligners. Mouthguards are created taking into account individual characteristics, do not break and are almost invisible when worn. You can get used to them quite quickly. On average 10 – 12 hours. However, you will need to wear such mouthguards for more than 20 hours every day. You will need to accustom yourself to this, otherwise good result can't achieve it.

Naira Samvelovna Panosyan.

Teeth straightening devices

There are two most popular orthodontic teeth straightening systems - braces and aligners (aligners). Each has its own characteristics. Braces have been used for many decades. They differ in several parameters, for example, in material. All types of braces are equally effective. This method of treatment is time-tested. In addition, braces systems are improved every year. Even metal braces have changed and turned from creepy “brackets” into a rather neat design. In parallel with bracket systems, other technologies are also developing. Thus, several years ago Invisalign aligners became widely used. Despite the high cost, their popularity has grown in a matter of months due to the following advantages:

  • are created individually for each patient, taking into account his physiological characteristics
  • invisible to others
  • convenient for daily use
  • do not require complex care


The designs allow you to level out any, even the most complex pathologies. The device consists of the braces themselves, which are individually attached to the teeth, and an arch - under its pressure, the dentition is rearranged into the correct position. Depending on the complexity of the anomaly, you will have to wear the device from six months to two years, regularly visiting a doctor. He will record changes and adjust the system. The main disadvantage of braces is their visibility, but today there are models that provide the opportunity to hide the treatment process from others. For example, ceramic and sapphire systems have White color and merge with the enamel, and lingual braces are completely invisible, since they are installed on the inner wall of the teeth.


Another device for straightening teeth is silicone aligners. They are made from transparent material based on the patient’s personal jaw casts, so they are completely invisible on the dentition. Another advantage of aligners is that they can be removed during meals or, for example, business negotiations. Treatment with aligners does not require frequent adjustments; it is enough to visit an orthodontist once every two months. You yourself change the devices from the kit every two weeks, the doctor only monitors the process. The device must be worn at least 22 hours a day, then the first results will appear within a month.


For minor crooked teeth, crowns or veneers are used. They do not correct real teeth, but only mask malocclusions, but you can see the effect immediately after installing the structures. Crowns are used if the teeth are more than half destroyed - they are ground down and dentures identical to natural teeth are put on. Veneers are fixed in the smile area and hide aesthetic defects such as chips or gaps between teeth. The structures are created individually for each patient - the specialist selects the desired color and then gives them the anatomical shape of the surface of the teeth. However, these records have one significant drawback. Which? We'll talk about this below.

Massage for teeth straightening

There are several ways to make the process of correcting dental anomalies less painful. One of them is massage of the gums and palate. Experts recommend using this method during oral care procedures. Gently, without force or sudden movements, massage the gums with a medium-hard brush, performing circular movements on each jaw. This will improve blood circulation, speed up the process of straightening the teeth, and reduce painful sensations, and if repeated regularly, it will strengthen the gums and prevent loosening of the teeth.

Surgical teeth straightening

Patients are often interested in the following questions: “What is surgical teeth straightening?” or “Is it possible to straighten teeth surgically?. We can say that it is impossible to surgically correct the position of the teeth, but it is possible to change the bite. Surgical method Bite correction is used only when orthodontic treatment alone is not enough.

Surgical correction of the bite, or orthognathic surgery, is only indicated for patients with noticeable skeletal deformities that result in abnormal jaw and chin size. The operation is carried out in inpatient conditions under anesthesia, the entire procedure usually takes about 6 hours. Like any other serious surgical intervention, this procedure has recovery period. The patient will be able to return to a full life after 3 to 4 weeks. However, in any case, treatment always begins with orthodontic teeth straightening, followed by surgical stage, after which final orthodontic correction is necessary.

The work of the orthodontist at the Happy Dents clinic Naira Samvelovna Panosyan.

In what cases is grinding necessary to straighten teeth?

As we have already said, veneers are used to correct small defects dentition - for example, with chips, curvature of one or two teeth, as well as with diastema. The main disadvantage of this method is the grinding of dental tissue to remove all irregularities. In addition, if you do not prepare your teeth before installing veneers, then after prosthetics they will look too convex and unnatural.

The structures themselves will last about ten years, after which they must be replaced with new ones, since turning teeth is an irreversible process.

To fix the veneers, the patient's teeth are ground down by approximately 0.3 - 0.7 mm.

How do teeth become straight?

After the patient has been fitted with braces or has started treatment with aligners, the process of teeth straightening begins. The constant slight impact of the orthodontic system leads to the fact that the bone around the tooth changes: on the one hand it increases, and on the other it decreases. And the tooth moves on desired point. It is important that the load is not excessive or insufficient - in either case, the treatment will not lead to the desired result. But an experienced orthodontist will not allow this to happen. It is to regulate the process of teeth straightening that you need to regularly visit your doctor. Treatment will last 1.5 – 2 years. After this, you will have to wear retainers for some time to fix the result.

How to straighten your front teeth?

In some cases, the dentition has slight deficiencies, for example with the front teeth. The orthodontist will tell you how to straighten your front teeth. He may recommend getting braces or treatment with aligners. However, sometimes cosmetic dentistry can help straighten the two front teeth. If there are no bite defects, you should consult an orthopedist - a doctor who specializes in prosthetics. He can offer the option of installing a veneer - an overlay 0.5 - 0.7 mm wide, which allows you to make your smile perfect. This technology has its pros and cons. A definite plus is the speed with which the installation is carried out - just a few days, and the problem is solved. Here's a way to quickly straighten your teeth. Another plus is the service life. One of the disadvantages is the need to grind the tooth, and this is an irreversible process. In the same way, you can straighten 1 tooth, and not necessarily the front one. Sometimes an orthodontist suggests straightening the lower teeth without using braces or aligners and using veneers or lumineers. In each specific case, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

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