How to convince a person to do something Motive and types of motivations that encourage a person to act! How to induce a person to action: powerful techniques of psychology


Special Study. You may have a question: how to acquire power? What needs to be done for this? it the right questions and I will try to answer them. But first, let me remind you that everything you read should first of all be not so much understood as applied directly and, above all, to yourself and the circumstances of your life, then and only then will you be able to gain personal strength, which ultimately opens the way to what you want.

Essence of emotions. And now about streams. Every desire, no matter how it is expressed, is an emotion, and this is ultimately a current of energy. This should be taken literally. Each desire creates attraction and repulsion based on the karmic law of cause and effect.

The power of desire. The moment you see that the fulfillment of a desire takes away your strength, you will gain secret knowledge. There is never a shortage of desires and it is up to you how to use them. Try to not only remember this, but also take it as a guide to action. So, following the lead of your desires, you lose not only strength, but also the power that is inherent in you immanently.

Constant surplus of power. When you see desire not as an obstacle, but as a means to an end, then you will achieve what you have planned in the most natural way. The power of desire is always in tune with emotions: impatience, anger, debauchery, vanity, and so on. It should be remembered that self-importance weakens strength most of all, since it quite often takes on a different appearance and you, indulging it, again lose the most precious thing - strength.

Mode of action. If you have any desire, use your will to hold the force of desire. Through such conscious action, not only will you not lose strength, but you will increase your ability to attract external strength to yourself. Consider the most common way of loss - vanity, the desire to impress.

The meaning of silence. First, we will figure out the meaning of stealth. If you are given a message - no matter what, even if it is completely trifling, and you have a desire to tell others about it, you still try to restrain yourself. In this way, you sort of begin to accumulate personal power through restraint. You need to understand that the secret is an integral part of your power. If the secret is kept, it will produce a force which, in turn, will attract even more force from outside. The better you keep your secrets, the more impeccable your restraint, the greater will be your strength.

The difference between stealth and laziness. Stealth should not be confused with mental laziness. In the same way, one should not fear that the ability to transmute will lead to the destruction of desires as such. On the contrary, the desire will intensify. Remember - a dammed river has tremendous potential energy. Time will pass and you will see that the amount of your strength has increased, acquiring a new quality.

Manifestation of the power of desire. It may very well be that you have not yet fully realized the power of the force of desire. Think about it. Sometimes the desire to tell someone the news makes you use technical means of communication, or even personally go to the other side of the world. Thus, it becomes obvious that the force is by no means small if it is capable of causing such activity. Therefore, if you personally need it - take care of it, in due time it will certainly come in handy.

The power of mystery. It is a well-known fact that people are most inclined to follow the call of the unknown. It is difficult and even impossible to penetrate into the recesses of the thought of a person with power. It is full of mystery, and it is unthinkable to comprehend its plans. Yes, he won't let that happen. Still waters are deep. Therefore, one should try to be like him, avoiding, however, vulgarity in imitation and even more obsession. Any strangeness of manners does not serve to gain true power. Charm attracts not by oddities and eccentricities of manners. Entering into relationships with others, one should maintain even friendly relations. And for this, at least one should not devote anyone to the details of personal history. Leave it to yourself.

Impeccable calm. Someone, for example, gives you extraordinary news. You listen to the interlocutor, while maintaining imperturbable calmness, at the same time refraining from remarks. Such behavior can be surprising. Calmness is striking when your interlocutor notices that the news that has excited him so much does not make the proper impression on you, from his point of view. Of course, show him that you are also interested in the news, but still not so much as to lose your calm. With this behavior, you will demonstrate peace of mind, which your interlocutor may not have suspected. This will earn you his respect.

Mysterious or inaccessible. Outstanding politicians have always enjoyed personal charm and thanks to it they won sympathy, often turning dissatisfied people into supporters and friends. A brilliant example of this charm is Charles Stewart Parnel. In him, the power of personal charm was expressed more strongly than in Napoleon, Wellington and Gladstone put together. The guy has always been distinguished by restraint and secrecy. Even his opponents, such as Gladstone, recognized his strength, greatness and charm. The guy spoke little, but his speeches always had a strong effect on those around him.

Using the power of others. Of course, you know that restraint and lack of sociability are two different things. Restraint is usually understood as the ability to control not only feelings, but also thoughts and thereby restrain them. Allow the interlocutor to speak while remaining silent. As long as you remain mysterious, you will retain an attractive power. But as soon as you change this rule, a change in currents will follow, i.e. there will be a reaction similar to neutralization. By remaining mysterious, you will increase your attractive power. You, so to speak, will be a magnet, and those around you will be what it attracts.

Warning. Now it is necessary to warn those who are too cautious and too carried away. When studying the manual, especially at the beginning, it is necessary to observe a certain caution and prudence. All your work will go to waste if others notice a change in your behavior. Try not to let anyone know that you have new knowledge. That is why you should not pay attention to yourself. I consider it superfluous to warn readers, and especially readers, that they should not talk too much about their occupations, tastes and desires, thanks to which one can attract excessive and not always friendly attention. By talking about all this, you violate the rule of preserving knowledge and recapitulating feeling. own importance.

Attitude towards flattery. rule thumb- avoid flattery. The one who has personal power does not speak about himself. Let others speak; they can praise, they are surprised at actions; their speeches will have more effect than their own attempts to satisfy their vanity. Someone may say: "This has nothing to do with me: I never sought flattery." Such people are the exception rather than the rule. Usually everyone strives in one way or another to be praised. Those who strive most for this receive the least, because they are unable to collect and preserve that inner force that attracts the outer force to itself.

Striving for approval.


Striving for Approval. Everyone has a moment in life when he hopes that his words will convince those present in his mind and exceptional abilities. This desire is explained by the desire of a person to receive approval. The desire for approval is quite natural, so it should not be ashamed, because it is also a force that can be used. However, this is usually an uncontrollable desire, striving to come true at the first opportunity. Persons who obey this force, very often act contrary to obvious expediency. Very few do great things. It should be understood that this is an invisible force that you need to learn how to use, and not spend it left and right, just as a short circuit can discharge any battery in the blink of an eye.

Caring about aspiration. You need to take all measures to increase your strength. To do this, proceed as follows. As soon as you have a need for approval, try to calmly contain it, paying attention, but not satisfying. The efforts that you make for this will serve as clear evidence of the presence of strength in you, which will become even greater over time.

Change of character. Once these rules are firmly established in your life, you will notice positive changes in yourself very quickly. Finally, a sense of self-respect, awareness of strength and dignity will appear. After each new conscious retention of the power of desire, your nervous system will be more and more strengthened. There will also be a positive change in relations with others - they will strive to communicate with you. By never completely satisfying their curiosity and betraying the premeditation of your actions, you will be able to maintain and increase your ever-increasing influence.

Use of opposing forces.


Using Opposite Forces. Now I will explain to you how to use the external force. Every desire is power, or rather a manifestation of power. You must clearly understand that force, whether positive or negative, tends to unite with its opposite, just as positive electricity attracts negative. On this basis, it is easy to explain any addiction. It is force that makes a person, despite his will, indulge in vice. Now let's look at how to overcome this or that attraction and direct it, just as it is done in aikido, in the right direction.

Determining the usable force. You already know the value of mystery and getting rid of vanity. Now I want to show you that all temptation is a blessing, because in whatever form it may be expressed, it will not pose a threat to those who are armed with the doctrine of personal power. On the contrary, they will rejoice in temptations, realizing that victories over them increase their natural potential. Obviously, one should not succumb to temptations and satisfy the desires that arise in passing, since the latter entails a decrease in the attractive power of personal charm. In order to consciously manage the process, it is necessary to follow some simple, and at the same time, very effective rules.

Strength Exercises. Suppose you have some kind of strong desire, or, in other words, you are tempted. Now you should rejoice in this (perhaps you did not pay attention to such cases before) because you have the opportunity to increase your strength. Focus all your thoughts on the desire to use the power that lies in your temptation; after that, take a slow deep breath as far as your lungs will allow you, it will take you about 16 seconds; at the same time, mentally repeat: "Now I am accessing the power of my desire." Then hold your breath for eight seconds and mentally say: "Now it becomes my property." In conclusion, exhale slowly, mentally pronouncing the following words: "Now I am calm and balanced, I have full command of the power of desire." If necessary, the exercise can be repeated several times.

Removing Temptation. Remember firmly that temptation loses its power as soon as you realize the mechanism of its action. Thus, you become inaccessible to temptation and reach the state to which another may strive all his life.

For greater clarity, I dare to compare the temptation with an explosive device that has fallen near you. If you know how it works, you can quickly reset the fuse. The power of the charge is now yours, and you can direct it as you see fit. A person unfamiliar with such objects would not be able to prevent an accident and, moreover, would become its victim.


"God will never come down from heaven to say, 'Now I give you permission to succeed!' Each of us must give this permission to ourselves. The main thing is to start!” © Andrew Matthews

The principle of motivation to action says: the appetite for any work comes after you take it. And this principle applies to any occupation. One has only to take the first step and plunge into the work with his head.

We are mistaken in postponing this first step "until Monday." It turns out that energy and enthusiasm appear only after the start of work. A surge of energy is the result of immersion in work. You just have to force yourself to start doing something, and that's the whole secret.

To start doing something, like running in the morning, you don't need to prepare. After all, it is never possible to prepare one hundred percent for anything. You are only wasting time.

For example, you need to give a speech to the public. Is it possible to perfectly prepare yourself for this performance? No. No matter how much you rewrite the text, no matter how much you learn it, the thought will still spin in your head: “Oh, I would like to rehearse for a couple more hours ...” Or, for example, start your own business. Can you prepare for it? Psychologically, yes. But no one will give you guarantees of success.

"A wise man lives by acting, not by thinking about his actions" Carlos Castaneda

First you need to be determined to do what needs to be done. Then prepare as much as possible, and after that, take the first step without any guarantees or answers to the questions that arise.

Motivation is in action, not in thinking about it

From the point of view of psychology, if you put off your actions all the time, then you don’t really want to achieve what you want. Or you are overcome by fear of something new. But just fear is a natural human reaction to something new. Be brave enough to force yourself to start doing something.

Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is the ability to act in spite of fear

Those who let life take its course have just as many fears as those who constantly take desperate risks. Only the first are afraid of meaningless trifles. So why not be afraid of something more significant?

Motivation to act involves overcoming your fears and anxieties

If you ask “brave” people where they got the strength to start their own business, acquire real estate, go to other countries or, in general, do something new in life, they know that they can overcome all the difficulties that they may encounter on the way to success.

To force yourself to start your own business, ask yourself: “What is my worst risk?”

It is enough just to realize your vague fears and figure out what adverse situations may arise. To create motivation for action, try to focus on what you want, and not on what you are afraid of.

By concentrating on our fears and drawing catastrophic images in our minds, we automatically program ourselves for failure.

As you work to motivate yourself to take action, don't be afraid to demand more of yourself.

It is impossible to know everything about everything. No, there are no such people.

Even the most successful people there are no superhuman abilities. They also have only one brain, also twenty-four hours a day, and, as a rule, two arms and two legs, like everyone else. They just learned a lot, overcame their fear, learned to overcome difficulties and believe in themselves.

None of us are given any special certificates of success at birth. God will never come down from heaven to say, "Your hour has come!" He will never tell you what you can and what you can't. It is up to you to decide when and how to start doing something.

The Paradox of Motivation to Action

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” Eastern wisdom

As soon as you finally and irrevocably decide to change your life or take action, life itself will begin to throw up options to help you.

Out of nowhere will appear necessary people, friends will give you a useful book, an advertisement in the newspaper will “snap into your eye”, chance will take you to the right place at the right time.

We will simply begin to notice favorable situations and attract new opportunities to us.

As soon as we decide to start doing something, resources will immediately appear and for the motivation to act. Of course, you can explain these glimpses of luck as a simple coincidence. But if you take a closer look at life, you can see that they happen regularly.

Primary impulse, sensual experience of need, attraction to an object. Depending on the measure of awareness, S. as a dynamic tendency is expressed in the form of attraction or desire ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

See attraction, longing, desire, lust... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

STRIVING, aspirations, cf. Persistent attraction, a resolute orientation towards something, towards the achievement of some goal. The pursuit of glory. Evil intentions. "The natural school is accused of striving to portray everything from the bad side." ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

pursuit- DESIRE, pursuit, harassment STRIVE, stretch, gravitate, strive, outdated. to be attracted to STRIVE, to achieve, open chase, run to race, to tear… Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

A motive that is not presented to the subject in its subject content, due to which the dynamic side of activity comes to the fore ... Psychological Dictionary

STRIVING, I, cf. 1. see striving, xia. 2. Persistent desire for something. to achieve that implement; striving for something. Soul desires. youthful aspirations. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (volzh.) the main jet of the current in the fairway. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

English inspiration; German Bestreben/Streben. Primary impulse, sensual experience of need, attraction to an object. Depending on the degree of awareness, S. (as a dynamic tendency) is expressed in the form of attraction or desire. Antinazi.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology

pursuit- violent (V. Ivanov); hot (Tang); greedy (Balmont, Andreev); cherished (Nadson); unstoppable (Ertel); relentless (Fet); tireless (Sologub); fiery (Kruglov); ardent (Fet); passionate (Merezhkovsky); pure (Nadson) Epithets of literary ... ... Dictionary of epithets

pursuit- the desire of the subject is revealed, the demonstration to desire free love is a modality, the desire is time to seek continuation, modality, the desire to crave truth is modality, the desire to desire bliss is modality, the desire ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


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Structurally, the psyche can be represented as the unity of its three components - consciousness, subconsciousness and motor skills. Whatever a person does, his activity acts as a manifestation of these components. This means that in order to induce the interlocutor to activity, it is necessary to influence his consciousness, subconsciousness (mainly emotions) and include them in the corresponding activity.

Appeal only to consciousness does not exhaust all the possibilities of persuasion. Only those stimulating efforts achieve the goal that will pass through the mind, feeling and motor skills of people.

With a systematic impact, it affects all spheres of life. This is confirmed by the following well-known fact: spouses who have lived together for 25 years become similar to each other not only mentally, but also physically (in person). Even dogs that live for a long time with the owner are somewhat reminiscent of him.


The power of the look.

American tourists John Gelfreich and Otto Buteshude traveled through the jungle of Mato Grosso. Having spent the night somehow on the banks of the Xingu River, in the morning they start preparing breakfast.

Buteshude went for water. He did not appear for a long time, and Gelfreich went to look for a comrade. He found him near the water. Otto walked slowly towards the thick bushes, his movements were like those of a robot, his head motionlessly directed towards the thickets. Following the direction of his gaze, Gelfreich saw the snake's head sticking out of the bush. John's reaction was lightning fast: with a shot from a pistol, he killed a reptile. Otto suddenly started and laughed nervously. Later he said: by the water he felt someone’s eyes on him, but he doesn’t remember what happened next.

I remember one picture seen by the author in childhood: in the zoo - feeding a boa constrictor. They started washing the terrarium. The boa constrictor stared at her without blinking. The mouse became numb, and then slowly began to move straight into the mouth of the boa constrictor. Wherein hind legs pushed it forward, and the front ones rested. Unforgettable in its drama spectacle!

Both described cases show that a special look can subjugate both a person and an animal, impose certain actions on them.


In the business world, a closer look finds itself practical use. The president of the McDonald's fast food restaurant chain said: “Our restaurants in Moscow feed fifty thousand people every day. And we pay individual attention to each visitor. We tell him, looking into his eyes: "Come to us again."

The story told earlier about how Senator Robert Kennedy greeted shows that politicians also skillfully use the look to inspire attraction to themselves.

Magic look.

A mystical halo has long been formed around a direct gaze. It is even called the "magic look". Naturally, there are educational recipes. Igor Vostokov tells about one of them in his book "Secrets of Healers of the East".

“Take a typewritten sheet and in the center of it draw with ink or black ink a circle the size of a two-kopeck coin (1.5 cm).

Hang this sheet at a distance of 2-2.5 m from you and for 15 minutes continuously and without blinking look at this black circle (the circle must be shaded in black).

By doing this daily, you will develop a "magic eye" in yourself. If a woman, for example, looks at a man with such a look in order to bewitch him to herself, then he will forever become hers.

Another way is with a mirror. Slightly relaxing the muscles of the face, look at your reflection. Look into your eyes or the bridge of your nose Avoiding frequent blinking, look at the point for 20-25 seconds.

At home stare should not be abused, because people under it start to get nervous. Usually, during a conversation, it is customary to periodically look away so as not to embarrass.

If you want to unbalance the interlocutor, choose a weak spot on his body or clothes (for example, crooked legs, bad teeth, dirty nails, uncleaned shoes, a stain, fly, etc.) and stare intently there. Your interlocutor will immediately become nervous. Well, if, in addition, you portray a barely noticeable caustic smile and arrogantly throw your head back, then only a very self-possessed person will be able to maintain composure. A distracted or directed past the eyes of the interlocutor (at the ear, forehead, chin, lips) will do the same, but in a more delicate and gentle form.

Word suggestion.

Words are the main instrument of suggestion. Visual techniques are auxiliary, facilitating the achievement of the goal. The crushing power of the tongue found its peculiar reflection in the Gospel of James (3:5-6):

“So the tongue is a small member, but it does a lot”

"Language is fire, embellishment of untruth"

"This is an unstoppable evil: it is full of deadly poison"

Since ancient times, it has been known that the treatment of the body and soul of a person rests on three foundations: a knife, grass and a word. The knife is used in surgery; the use of herbs led to the emergence of medicines; the word is the main "tool of labor" of the psychologist and psychotherapist. But not only them. A good doctor is one whose one visit already alleviates the patient's condition.

Elderly people complain that doctors now have no time even to listen to the patient properly. Doctors, who find the opportunity to patiently listen to complaints, encourage, inspire hope for improvement, enjoy the greatest respect among this contingent.

"The word kills" - quite rightly stated in the proverb. This is exactly what often happened when a sorcerer cast a spell on a particular person, piercing his image with a sharp object, and by the appointed time the person really fell ill and died. Some mothers still believe that the evil eye can harm their child. In such cases, we are dealing with mechanisms of direct or indirect suggestion.

Direct suggestion.

It is directly related to the speech of the influencing person. As an example of direct suggestion, let us recall the previously described case of the death of a patient immediately after the death of the specialist who treated her and “calmed” her with the words: “You will die after me.”

Indirect suggestion.

With indirect suggestion, some intermediate action or stimulus is used to enhance its effect (for example, pierce with a nail or burn the image of a person on whom a spell has been cast). Often, indirect suggestion is more effective than direct suggestion, since it does not act "on the forehead" and therefore does not cause internal resistance at the suggested.

Let us illustrate the power of indirect suggestion with the data of three experiments. In one of them, conducted in a psychiatric clinic in the United States, patients were divided into two groups: the first underwent psychotherapy for six months, while the second was awaiting treatment at that time. When the results were compared, it turned out that the percentage of improvement was the same in both groups. The hope of a cure was equal to the cure itself.

In another experiment, patients with neurosis were given sugar pills (completely useless in terms of treatment) instead of drugs, with the assurance that they would "help in the same way as other drugs." A group of fourteen people took sugar pills three times a day for a week, after which thirteen patients improved on all criteria ...

A similar effect is widely known in medicine under the name "placebo effect" (that is, pacifiers).

In the third experiment, two groups of students with psychological problems. Worked with one professional psychologists and psychiatrists, and on the other hand, college professors who were popular with students. These teachers had to say everything that came to mind in the process of work, with the aim of "helping". Similar sessions were held 2-3 times a week for three months. The percentage of improvement was the same in both groups.


It is purely individual for each person. To determine the level of suggestibility, you can use special tests, they are called "samples". These tests are necessarily carried out by hypnotists, selecting for themselves the appropriate "material" for the session.

But before giving a description of these trials, let us express some information about suggestibility as such. When suggesting, they appeal mainly to the feelings of the listener and count on an uncritical perception of information. Therefore, the most suggestible children. Since women tend to be much more emotional than men, it is they who are more amenable to suggestion.

Less educated people are easier to suggest, as well as those who are accustomed to do what the boss orders in the service.

In general, activities related to the fulfillment of orders and requirements (soldiers, athletes, party functionaries) develop suggestibility. Fatigue and stress also increase it. Alcoholics and drug addicts are even more suggestible. Easily suggestible crowd. She has "many heads, but few brains." The more massive the audience of listeners, the more weak-willed and suggestible it is. It is difficult to say to the first: "But the king is naked!" And since everyone is silent, the illusion is created that everyone is in favor. Ideologists of the totalitarian political systems used this phenomenon to simulate "support" for their decisions. So it turned out: each individually - "against", and all together - "for" ...

"Fight fire with fire".

One poorly educated woman inspired herself that a real toad settled in her stomach: as if, after drinking water from a pond, she swallowed her embryo, which grew and now does not allow the poor woman to breathe.

No arguments could convince her of the absurdity of these statements. And she went to a well-known doctor, who practiced privately, with a request to “drive out” the toad: after talking with her, he understood what was the matter and did not argue, but appointed the next day an “operation to extract” the damned creature. He told the woman to eat more all this time. He himself asked the neighbor boys to catch a toad for him for a decent reward. Soon the captured creature was already languishing in the bank.

The “operation” consisted in the fact that the doctor gave the patient a strong emetic and sat her down over the large pelvis. A long exhausting vomiting dulled the sufferer's vigilance, and a toad was placed in her pelvis, unnoticed by her. Seeing her, the patient exclaimed: “Here! I told you! Doctor, you saved me. I feel so relieved now!”

Suggestion mechanism.

When suggesting, the effect on a person is built in such a way that first a strong excitation is caused in a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain with simultaneous inhibition in the rest of it, and then a targeted discharge is performed, which fixes the suggestible thought in the mind.

Suggestibility tests.

Braid's welcome. The subject focuses his gaze on a shiny object presented to him (a metal ball, the tip of a medical hammer, etc.), fixed opposite and slightly above his bridge of the nose (for stronger tension of the eye muscles). After a long period of concentration, fatigue can set in. visual analyzer and dream.

Receptions of Coué and Baudouin. Experience one: a standing person is offered to stay straight so that his heels are his main support; you can also ask to throw back your head. This is a position of unstable equilibrium in which any push will lead to a fall. At the same time, it is calmly but firmly suggested: “You are falling back, you are being pulled back, you are already falling, falling ...” Most people really fall, so the hypnotist must stand behind the person in order to catch him in time.

To enhance the effect of the test with the palm located opposite the forehead, you can slightly push the patient or, touching the back of his head with the palm of your hand, gradually move your hand back, which also causes an imbalance in the body. If the test worked, then the person begins to experience much more "respect" and trust in relation to the hypnotist, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the results of the session itself.

Experience two: the subject is placed in front of the hypnotist; the center of gravity of the body this time is shifted to the toes. Both look at each other, into the eyes (experienced specialists, in order to less tire their eyesight, look at the bridge of the nose). Then the person conducting the test stretches his palms forward so as to reach the temples of the ward, and says: “You are already falling, falling ...” When performing this technique, you can touch the temples of the subject (the fingers should be cold).

Carrying out such techniques requires compliance with certain rules that ensure the physical safety of the subject: he must be without glasses; you need to remove nearby objects with sharp corners; the hypnotist must have sufficient strength to hold the person in the event of a fall.

Experience three: the subject is given a thread with a heavy object at the end, they are asked to close their eyes and persistently think about the circle. Very soon the pendulum begins to describe circular motions. If the patient is told that he was thinking about an oval, then the pendulum begins to rotate along an oval trajectory. So the “device” by which “negative energy” is determined has its predecessor, but in a completely different field of application.

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