What does a mole on the inner thigh mean? The meaning of moles on women's legs

Ancient sages claimed that moles or nevi on the body are a gift from above. The location, color and size of the birthmark predicted the fate of a person and his character traits. People who are interested in esotericism consider moles to be bioactive antennas that regulate the human information and energy field. Sometimes moles have an unusual shape, which has a karmic effect on a person.

The meaning of the shape of a mole

  1. A mole in the shape of a cross indicates serious trials and difficulties in a person’s life.
  2. A star-shaped mole is considered auspicious sign. Fate will always protect the owner of such a mole from adversity and serious illnesses.
  3. A mole in the shape of an island or continent is typical for impulsive individuals who cannot control their own emotions.
  4. A bird-shaped mole is happy sign and indicates the determination of its owner.
  5. A mole associated in shape with a cat is characteristic of mysterious and mysterious personalities who own magical power. In ancient times, such a mole was considered a devilish sign.
  6. A mole in the shape of a fire indicates a person’s emotionality, courage and ability to perform crazy feats. Owners of such a mole are possessive and jealous.
  7. A mole in the shape of a human face speaks of isolation. The owner of such a mole needs the support of loved ones.
  8. A mole that resembles a lip print is a “kiss of fate.” She will present only positive surprises to a person in life.
  9. A mole in the shape of an elephant indicates the devotion and reliability of its owner.

The meaning of moles in the form of numbers

Birthmarks on the body can resemble numbers in their shape. Let's consider the meaning of moles in the form of numbers:

  • One - indicates the straightforwardness of a person;
  • Two - speaks of the inconstancy and weakness of character of its owner;
  • Three - speaks of a person’s cheerful nature and narcissism;
  • Four - indicates the decency of a person;
  • Five - speaks of readiness to win fame at any cost;
  • Six indicates a sharp mind and insight”;
  • Seven - characteristic of idealists;
  • Eight - speaks of peace of mind its owner and the ability to earn money;
  • Nine - speaks of a person’s ability to decide his own destiny.

Moles on thighs

Large black moles located on the thighs are considered an unfavorable sign for men and women. They can symbolize serious illnesses and failures. In a woman birthmark on the hip - a sign of unhappy love. A mole on a man’s upper thigh speaks of his reserved character and high ability to work. Many moles on the thighs promise family problems and chaos in business.

Moles on the lower leg

Moles on the lower leg are found in women with a bright appearance and a stormy temperament. For a man, such a mysterious sign symbolizes good luck and luck in financial matters, as well as changes for the better. A red mole located on the lower leg symbolizes the hot-tempered and even aggressive nature of its owner.

What do moles on the calves mean?

In a man, moles on his left calf indicate his frivolity, weak willpower and inconstancy in love. For a woman, such a sign symbolizes devotion. Moles on the calves are considered auspicious signs that promise their owners interesting travels and meetings.

Moles on knees

If moles are located on the inside knee joint, they symbolize the failures and misfortunes that await a person on life path. A large mole on a man’s right knee means a successful marriage, and on his left knee - serious problems and disagreements. A man with a birthmark on his left knee has complex nature and is characterized by inconstancy.

A mole on the right knee promises a woman an unsuccessful marriage and unhappy love, and on the left knee - longevity and female happiness.

The meaning of birthmarks on ankles

A man has moles on right side ankles indicates pride and inability to adapt to changing conditions. A mole on the opposite side of the ankle symbolizes wit and sociability.

A woman has a mole on the right side of her ankle that promises her financial difficulties, and a mole on the left side of the ankle means a happy marriage. Owners of such a mole are distinguished by their activity and cheerful disposition.

Moles on the chest in women and men

For men, moles on the chest symbolize prudence, wit and the ability to persuade. If moles are localized on the right side of the chest, the man is pleasant to talk to and is an optimist. Mole on the left side chest indicates a man’s love of love and his passion for women. A mole located in the center of the chest speaks about a man’s creative abilities.

A favorable sign for a man is a birthmark on the left side of the chest that is yellow, brown or pink. It symbolizes good health and financial well-being.

Bright red moles on the chest are a sign of Mars and predict struggle and rivalry for a man.

In women, the presence of moles on the chest indicates a strongly expressed maternal instinct or a violent temperament. Owners of such birthmarks are affectionate mothers and loving spouses. A woman with a mole on her right breast is fickle in love.

A mole under the left breast predicts a strong family and healthy children for its owner. A mole located under the right breast indicates a woman’s energy and ability to achieve success on her own.

Moles in the armpit

Men with birthmarks armpit are leaders who quickly achieve respect in society and know how to earn money. A woman’s mole in the armpit indicates her inconstancy in love, talkativeness and emotionality. It is difficult for owners of such a mole to find mutual language with men.

Moles on the stomach

For a man, a large birthmark in the center of the abdomen is a favorable sign, as it symbolizes wealth or a big win. For a woman, such a sign is misfortune and the loss of a loved one in her youth.

A mole below the navel indicates that a man is not serious. For a woman, this is a favorable sign that indicates the family well-being of its owner. If a woman has a mole in the waist area, then she, as a rule, has an eccentric nature.

Moles on the wrists

For a woman, a mole on her right wrist indicates her selfishness, stubbornness and perseverance, and for a man, it indicates his strong character and determination.

For a woman, a birthmark on the left wrist is a lucky sign, but for a man, such a birthmark portends danger and the loss of a loved one.

Birthmarks on the hand

For men, a mole on the right hand is considered a rare but favorable sign, which symbolizes universal recognition and success. A birthmark located on a man’s left hand will tell about his excellent business qualities.

For a woman, moles on the hand are a lucky sign. Owners of such a mole are sociable, have an analytical mind and are considered extraordinary individuals.

Moles on elbows

For a woman, moles on the elbows are a favorable sign that portends harmony and spiritual integrity. For a man, moles on the elbows mean hard work, life difficulties and impermanence.

Moles located on the inside of the elbow indicate a vulnerable person who is haunted by troubles and failures. He will have to achieve everything in life on his own.

The meaning of moles on the shoulders and forearms

A mole on a woman's left shoulder means happy life and well-being, and on the right shoulder - serious illnesses and failures.

Men with a mole on the right shoulder are wise and prudent. Men with a mole on their left shoulder often fall into depression.

A woman's mole on her right forearm indicates her great creative potential. For a man, moles on the right forearm are considered a lucky sign. The owner of such a mole is different out-of-the-box thinking and practicality.

Men with a birthmark on their left forearm are able to quickly adapt to changes in life. They are serious and reasonable.

For both sexes, a round and convex bright red mole on the forearm is a sign of well-being that will be achieved by overcoming significant difficulties. Small moles of red and Brown on the forearms they are found in sensible and purposeful people.

Moles in the perineal area and on the genitals

The owners of such moles are unrestrained, emotional and endowed with a stormy temperament. A man with a mole on his genitals knows how to enjoy life and is also a devoted friend. A woman's birthmarks on her labia indicate her amorousness, frivolity and fickleness.

A person with black moles in the perineal area loves to dominate, and is also aggressive and unsociable. Pink moles in the perineal area are considered a sign of health.

The meaning of birthmarks on the back

For men and women, moles on the back are considered an auspicious sign and have the same meaning. A mole on the back, located on the right side, indicates the straightforwardness and sincerity of its owner. Its owner is also characterized by balance and commitment.

A mole on the left side of the back speaks of the sociability, determination and practicality of its owner.

A large number of reddish-brown moles that are located along the spine promise prosperity. The owners of such moles are self-confident and true realists.

Moles on the feet

If the mole is located on the right foot, the person loves to travel. Men with a mole on the left foot are witty and sociable.

Moles on the toes indicate instability of the psyche of its owner and suspiciousness.

The meaning of birthmarks on the neck

Men with birthmarks on the neck are unbalanced and weak-willed individuals. Such men are influenced by changing weather conditions and magnetic storms.

Women with moles on the neck are fickle and capricious.

Podomancy answers what moles on the legs mean. Podomancy is the ancient science of predicting a person’s future from the feet and soles of his feet. It was noticed a long time ago that the feet are a completely unique zone on the human body from the point of view of “subtle” energy. There is no less biologically active points(BAT) than even on the face and ears. This is due to the fact that many of those channels, or meridians, along which, according to the tradition of Eastern medicine, Vital energy(called “qi”, or “chi”, or “prana”), end or originate precisely on the sole or foot. Meanwhile, it is known that it is the starting or ending points of the meridians that are extremely energetically active. It is widely used in many types alternative medicine(acupuncture, sujok therapy, many types of massage, especially Thai) and for many centuries it has consistently provided a strong therapeutic effect.

From this it is clear that moles at such important energy points can have a significantly stronger effect than all others. It is also clear that those moles that are present here from the moment of birth are of particular importance.

Meanwhile, there are not only congenital moles on the legs - here, in comparison with other parts of the body, they can especially often appear for a while, subsequently disappearing without a trace. Interesting fact: the postulates of many esoteric schools, which claim that it is through the soles of the feet that a person can best provide himself with energy replenishment from the Earth (walking barefoot), are finding more and more confirmation. Here's one of them. Moles on the legs can often serve as a warning about the possibility of developing serious illnesses or about existing illnesses. But repeated observations confidently indicate that people who walk a lot barefoot on the grass, take care of their feet and give them proper exercise in the form of walks, water procedures, etc., quite often note that the very moles that are associated with health hazard, they have disappeared!

What is podomancy? This ancient science is very similar to palmistry, since it also studies the lines on the skin and interprets them to predict the future - only not on the hands, but on the feet of a person. Here, too, the papillary lines of the skin form a complex pattern, unique for each person. This science is no less developed and complex than palmistry, and we will not go into all its subtleties.

Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only the most basic and important postulates of submantle in the context of the topic under consideration. The first and most important of them says: in the lines located on a person’s left foot, information about his past is encoded, while reading the lines on the right foot allows you to learn a lot about a person’s present, as well as predict his future.

Moles on legs: feet

Moles on the feet: for men

  • A mole on the right side of the left foot indicates intelligence, insight, and foresight.
  • A mole on the left foot closer to the center means prudence, tact, but at the same time a decisive and strong character.
  • A mole on the left side of the left foot is an auspicious sign. Promises the owner prosperity and happiness. Such people are often religious.
  • Success also promises a man several small moles (especially convex ones) on his right foot.
  • One very large mole on any foot speaks of devotion, reliability as a husband in the family and a business partner in business.
  • A mole on a man's left right foot indicates developed intelligence.

Moles on the feet: for women

  • A mole on the right side of the left foot means variability, inconstancy, lack of interest in study or science, craving for entertainment.
  • Any large mole on the right foot - interests mostly lie in the sphere of family life, a devoted wife, a reliable friend.
  • A large, especially convex mole on a woman’s right foot indicates impracticality in business, but attachment to the family and especially to children.
  • A few bright brown moles on any foot are a sign indicating kindness and openness. Often - not a very happy family life.
  • If there was a green mole on one foot, this is an unfavorable sign; if during your life the same one appears on your second life, this indicates the onset of a serious illness.
  • Many small, but richly colored moles on one foot speak of the loving nature and stormy temperament of their owner.
  • A large mole on the left foot closer to the toes means a difficult life, moderate income.

Moles on the feet: toes

In podomancy, it is believed that moles on the toes are associated, for the most part, with a person’s health or indicate his predisposition to certain diseases. IN in general terms moles on the toes indicate not very good health, which is true for both men and women. Moles that appear in this place during life indicate temporary changes in the condition of the body. And persistent moles are often evidence of various chronic diseases.

A man who has a mole on the big toe of his right foot is often predisposed to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Moles on the joints of the toes in women are a warning about the high likelihood of developing migraines, neuralgia and other nervous (but not mental) disorders. If a mole is located at the base of the fingers or between them, it, regardless of gender, indicates possible diseases liver, stomach, digestive system in general. A large mole closer to the outer edge of a man’s foot often indicates that he is susceptible to disorders in the genitourinary area. In both men and women, an oval mole between the middle finger and little toe of the left foot indicates possible problems with vision, although it is not an accurate indicator of the presence of an already formed eye disease. If the mole is in the same place on the right leg, you should worry about immunity. Moles on the little fingers are more common in people who have problems with hearing or impaired function of the vestibular apparatus - in particular, periodic dizziness for no reason.

And, nevertheless, most often a mole indicates more often the possibility of the appearance of a particular ailment than its presence. Therefore, it is believed that studying moles on the toes can allow you to take the necessary preventive measures in time to prevent the disease from developing or becoming chronic.

Moles on feet: soles

There are especially many reflex and biologically active points on the soles, as well as energy zones, while exposure (during walking, bruises, playing sports, even with regularly carried out intense water procedures with rubbing) can quite often have some effect on moles. This is why moles appear here so often and then disappear again without a trace. There have even been cases of so-called migrating moles, the location of which changes throughout life. All this greatly complicates a clear interpretation of moles on the soles, and only the most general and frequently encountered interpretations in various esoteric sources can be given. Here they are.

Moles on the soles: for men

Any mole on the sole means love, regardless of its shape, location or color. Moreover, if the mole is located in the center of the sole, it also promises happy marriage.

A man with a large mole on the right sole, closer to the base thumb, as a rule, is intelligent, with a calm and accommodating character. Owners of paired small moles on one of the soles are romantic, dreamy, with a penchant for contemplation and a high appreciation of art.

A mole on the sole of the right foot, especially closer to the heel, according to ancient Russian beliefs, means wisdom and remarkable insight of its owner.

Moles on the soles: for women

An abundance of moles on the sole means inconstancy, a quarrelsome character, and a tendency to love adventures. A mole on any part of the left sole promises longevity to its owner. Moles on the left sole closer to the fingers may indicate a tendency of its owner to disorders cerebral circulation, and in the same place on the right sole - the presence of rheumatic diseases or a predisposition to them. A large mole on the right sole, according to ancient Russian beliefs, indicates that this woman will have many children.

It is often pointed out that the presence of moles on the soles indicates a love of wandering; such people tend to travel a lot - this is true for both men and women.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again: be especially attentive to moles on your legs - they can not only be a sign of some existing or possible disease in the future. If injured, the mole itself can become a source of a very serious disease and become malignantly changed.

Many people are interested in what a mole can tell. For example, a mole on a leg. What does a mole on the leg mean? Find out about this by reading this article.

Mole on a leg: what does a mole on a leg mean?

So, for example, moles located closer to the knees indicate a restless person. These people are overly inquisitive, but they are constantly in a hurry, reading a book, skipping pages, and when watching a movie, they constantly look at their watches, as if they cannot wait for it to end. They eat quickly, but are very capricious in their choice of food. They value their time excessively.

Women with a pedunculated mole on their left knee can, without hesitation, marry the first person they meet, just so as not to waste time choosing a suitable candidate. Those with moles on their knees are in a hurry to live, while missing out on a lot of interesting things, losing the opportunity to enjoy the little joys in life. If they had been at least a little observant, they would not have made so many mistakes. The appearance of moles on the knees may be associated with karma, most likely to a person in past life I had to hide, be in constant flight, and experienced incredible fear. The feeling of fear is actually very strong, so getting rid of it is not so easy. Such a person absolutely cannot understand what is pushing him to run somewhere, so in order to get rid of it, you need to seriously work on yourself.

If a child with a mole on his leg manages to overcome his fear, he will definitely become famous and successful. He stands out from the crowd and can easily captivate people with him and make them believe in his ideas. It can be both useful and dangerous - it depends on the goals it pursues.

Mole on a leg - on the lower leg

A person with a mole on his leg loves to travel. He can become an excellent athlete and climber, as he loves to conquer peaks. Likes dancing. If a mole is located on a man’s lower leg, this means that he is active and treats women lightly. But at the same time, he always loves his only beloved one infinitely. If a mole is located on a woman’s lower leg, then this once again draws attention to the beauty of her legs. In terms of beauty, the owner of a mole is almost ideal. She wins the heart with her naturalness and uniqueness. Musical and dancing, there are many men in her life, but no one dares to speak of her as lung woman behavior. Gives the impression of being untouchable. If the mole is located on the right leg, then the woman will have a beneficial influence on her chosen one, and thanks to her love, he will achieve high positions.

What does a mole on the leg on the thigh mean?

Such a mole can tell a lot about its owner. For example, if it is located on the hips, then such a person is constantly overcome by some incomprehensible premonitions. They seem to appear out of nowhere discomfort in the abdomen, especially at the bottom, they can gradually move to the legs. There is a high likelihood of seizures, especially if the mole is located on the inside of the thigh. This person is very easily unbalanced by external stimuli - loud music, a large number of people. When busy with serious and responsible work, he is often distracted by completely unnecessary things.

People with a mole on the thigh often have strange dreams, the plots of which are sometimes fairy-tale and fantastic. A mole on the leg may indicate heavy karma that a person earned in a past life or inherited from his ancestors. It can be worked off, but only if you abstain from alcoholic beverages, and under no circumstances relieve nervous stress with wine.

A person with a mole on his leg needs to monitor his health. At the first symptoms of overstrain or fatigue, give your body a rest, otherwise this will lead to dire consequences. Relaxing in nature and regular exercise will have a beneficial effect on your well-being. Favorite music and exposure to art will help lift your spirits.

If a mole on the leg is located at the back, then the person is able to have the gift of foresight, can become a magician and psychic, and heal other people. It happens that a person will simply say something casually, as if sharing his thoughts, but after a while his words will come true with stunning accuracy. If a person is not drawn to occult knowledge or does not see himself in the role of a psychic or healer, then the profession of a surgeon, priest or teacher is perfect for him.

Mole on a leg, on the knee

If moles on the leg are located closer to the knees, then we can say that these are impatient and restless people. It happens that birthmarks are on both knees, then these are generally meteor people. The most incredible challenge for them is waiting for something. Owners of such moles simply need to learn to control their nervousness. They just need somewhere to run, they have an incredibly fast gait, it’s not easy to keep up with them. They walk quickly, even if they just went out for a walk along the street. When starting a business, they already imagine final result, while completely ignoring the work process. To succeed in business, people with a mole on their legs need a partner who is attentive to details, then everything will be fine.

Most often, a mole (med. - nevus) on the foot appears as a result negative impact ultraviolet radiation and hormonal imbalance. Let's find out in what cases you need to see a doctor, and when you should listen to folk signs.

What do moles on the foot mean?

A birthmark on the foot characterizes its owner as a restless person who is drawn to adventure. The remaining meanings of the sign depend on which leg the mark is located on.

The meaning of a mole on the right foot

Label on right foot speaks of a desire to travel, visit interesting places. Usually this aspiration remains a dream. Such a mole is a sign of chronic diseases.

A woman with a birthmark on her right sole will become a good mother and wife. However, she will not see success in business. Her whole life is centered around her family.

A man with this mark has a number of advantages:

  • foresight;
  • insight;
  • intelligence.

Most often, a guy with a mole on his sole is successful in his career.

The meaning of a mole on the left foot

A pigment formation on the left sole indicates developed intelligence. Such a person has a number of qualities:

  • softness;
  • flexible mind;
  • passivity.

A nevus on a lady’s left foot speaks of her variability and inconstancy. She does not like to study and prefers entertainment to work. For a man, this sign predicts wealth and happiness.

Dark moles predict failure in personal life, pink ones promise happiness in family relationships. Green nevi indicate the development of a serious disease in the body.

The meaning of a mole on the foot in women

The meaning of a mole differs between the two sexes. Women should pay attention to the color, size and number of moles:

  1. A bright red mole promises problems in family relationships. The lady is distinguished by her honesty and sincerity, but she does not see success in her personal life.
  2. Many bright marks indicate the girl’s love and temperament.
  3. A large mole on the sole means that a woman will become a mother of many children.

Important! Many moles on the foot indicate travel. This prophecy applies to both men and women.

If the birthmark is located in the center of the sole, this means a successful marriage. If the nevus is located near the thumb, this characterizes its owner as a wise and flexible lady with a calm character.

Much depends on which finger the birthmark is located under:

  1. Big. A person is prone to depression and deep despondency. He often feels sorry for himself and constantly makes the situation worse. Such a lady is not able to overcome adversity on her own.
  2. Second. A mole on the sole under this finger speaks of an assertive and self-confident person. She doesn't care what happens around her, the main thing in her life is her career and work. It is difficult for her to find a soul mate.
  3. Average. The mark indicates existing talents that will not bring results if they are not developed. Such a young lady should try herself in various fields.
  4. Fourth. A mole underneath indicates an open and sociable personality. Such a girl is always in the center of attention and is able to find a common language with any person.
  5. Little finger. A spot on the small toe on the side of the sole of the foot speaks of a person’s phobias and fears. If the mole is very large, this is a sign of poor mental well-being.

A mark near the edge of the foot means a threat of heart and vascular disease. A mole between the center of the foot and heel is a sign of pathologies of the genital organs.

The meaning of a mole on the foot in men

A large nevus in a man is considered a sign of fidelity to his wife. Such a person is a reliable friend and business partner. Moles on both legs promise a happy marriage.

The guy with the pigment formations on his soles is pretty smart. He often falls in love and has many friends. He is also distinguished by other character traits:

  • rich inner world;
  • resourcefulness;
  • caring;
  • seriousness;
  • romance.

Such men reach great heights and have strong character. They will never leave a loved one in trouble and rarely need money. A mole on the right heel speaks of the insight of its owner.

Nevi have different meanings depending on location on the foot:

  • between the second and thumb– excessive fatigue, poor vision;
  • between the third and second fingers - susceptibility to influenza, poor immunity;
  • between the fourth and third fingers - the risk of developing varicose veins, hemorrhoids, nasopharyngeal diseases;
  • between the fifth and fourth fingers - a weak nervous system.

Birthmarks that influence fate usually have the following shapes: triangle, square, circle, cross or star.

Attention! A good sign considered to be a perfect circle. An angular mole suggests the opposite.

What does medicine say about this?

Birthmarks on the foot can appear throughout your life. They usually stop occurring after age 25, when tissue growth stops. If the resulting formation grows, hurts, itches or changes color, this is an alarming sign.

There are several reasons for the growth of a mole:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • stress;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • heredity;
  • excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • pathologists of internal organs.

Important! Any mole on the foot can develop into melanoma. This happens especially often with nevi located on the feet and palms.

For a long time, people have tried to find out about their destiny by unraveling the signs on the body: there is an opinion that all moles do not appear by chance on our body and appear in certain places. Interpreters usually focus on moles Special attention, if they are located on the hands and face, however, the meaning of a mole on the legs can also be important and interesting.

The brighter and larger the mole, the more significant its influence on a person’s fate. Huge moles signal problems in karma, while tiny moles may not be noticeable. Very often we remove moles for aesthetic or medical reasons. Doctors often insist on removing nevi that are constantly injured or rubbed by clothing, or exposed to ultraviolet radiation. These injuries are dangerous for some moles, as they can also contribute to the degeneration of the mole into malignant melanoma. It has been proven that melanoma most often occurs in those people who spend a long time in the sun.

Moles on the legs may appear due to exposure to ultraviolet rays or adverse environmental factors. Also, such moles can be congenital.

If you have a mole on your leg, this suggests that this is a favorable sign. A nevus on the legs is not a very favorable sign. Those who have such a mole are smart, beautiful and talented, but they clearly lack luck. This is especially true for women.

What types of moles on the legs can there be?

Dermatologists on human feet count 5 various types moles:

Type of mole Her characteristics
Convex moles Formed due to melantocytes in the deep layers skin. They can have a diameter of up to 1 cm. Their surface resembles a tubercle.
Pigmented large moles They appear on the human body at birth and grow with age. They can be very large. Their color varies from brown to black.
Blue moles There are congenital and acquired. May be light blue, dark blue or brown. Their surface is smooth, slightly convex, dense. They can reach a diameter of 2 cm.
Hemangiomas Hanging moles. They can be brown, and flat ones can be red and pink.
Flat moles Such moles are compared to pigment spots due to the formation in the upper layer; they resemble freckles in color, a little darker. Such moles do not react to exposure to ultraviolet radiation and do not change their color.

Whatever type of moles you have, remember that they are directly connected to your biofield. Moles on the legs can tell a lot about your character, your destiny or abilities, and most importantly, moles warn us about cancer.

What does a mole on your leg mean?

In this section of our site we will look at the main meanings of moles on the legs.

It is important where the mole is located on the leg. For men, it is the location of the mole on the right that is favorable, and moles on the left side of his body indicate negativism. For women, moles that are located on the left are favorable.

For men, a mole on the thigh means good luck. The closer it is to the inner thigh, the better. Such a mole in women indicates a tendency towards excessive pride and complete independence. People with moles on the thigh usually love animals and nature, and sometimes have superpowers.

A mole on the knee always characterizes its owner as an active and impatient person. This quality is usually positive, because it is combined with certain abilities that can be successfully implemented.

A mole on the knees is auspicious, but indicates the impatient nature of the owner. These people are often inattentive to details, they are in a hurry all the time, and can make many mistakes in a hurry. A mole on the right male knee and the left female knee promises the owner a strong and happy marriage. Moles on the lower legs indicate excellent control of one’s own body. These moles are often found on athletes and dancers. Moles on the right calf predict success in all matters and relate to building relationships with people, especially in politics. On the left calf - a job that involves business trips, many loyal friends and a passion for travel.

Moles on the ankles will tell you about developed spirituality. These people are believers and observe all church rituals. A mole on the right ankle speaks of eloquence, on the left - of silence.

Moles on the ankles indicate the receptivity and spiritual sophistication of a man. Such moles in women are a sign strong energy and great abilities. Moles that are found on a person’s feet indicate a desire to travel. Moles on the toes indicate suspiciousness. All people who have moles on their legs usually start a family late, but the marriage is happy. At the same time, their career takes a lot of time and turns them into excellent public figures.

Removing moles on your legs is not necessary if they do not bother you and do not spoil your aesthetic beauty. The decision to remove must be made by a doctor after an examination and relevant tests. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.