Breast diseases that occur in women. Types of neoplasms. What breast diseases can a woman encounter? Inflammation of the female breast

Hello dear readers. The female breast is a delicate organ that can be injured, “cold”, or suffer from hormonal disturbances. Knowledge of possible pathologies of the mammary glands and their symptoms is important for every girl and woman. Having discovered the first signs of an illness in yourself, you can contact a specialist in a timely manner and quickly heal the illness at the very beginning of the development of the pathological process.

Symptoms of breast diseases in women depend on the specific disease. The international classifier identifies several categories of breast pathology:

  • a group of benign dysplasias (adenosis and its sclerosing form, fibrous and cystic, a mixed version of the disease);
  • hypertrophy of glandular tissue;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • unrefined neoplasms and other pathologies;
  • anomalies (absence of the pectoral muscle or gland/accessory gland, absence of the nipple/accessory nipple, unrefined and other anomalies).

This classification is convenient in that it allows us to identify the leading symptoms for each group. But it is not informative for patients. Because the diagnosis written by the doctor on the card will be more precise. For example:

  • adenoma;
  • atrophy;
  • papillary tumor;
  • (outside childbirth);
  • nodular/diffuse;
  • fat necrosis;
  • invasive ductal;
  • mammalgia;
  • mycoses (actino-, candidomycosis);
  • hereditary cancer;
  • anomalies;
  • cancer tumor;
  • disease ;
  • fistula;
  • syphilis of the mammary glands;
  • cracked nipples;
  • injuries;
  • mammary tuberculosis;
  • fibroma, including.

These are the main diseases that affect the female bust. The reasons for the development of many pathologies have not been fully determined. Exceptions are infectious and inflammatory pathologies for which the causative agent is known (for example, actinomycosis, candidiasis, tuberculosis, herpes virus or), trauma to the mammary glands, fistulas and cracked nipples.

The causes of other pathologies may be a genetic predisposition stimulated by unfavorable factors:

  • disorders of hormone production, related diseases female sphere (including STDs) or pituitary disorders;
  • bad habits;
  • inactive/hyperactive sex life;
  • frequent termination of pregnancies or lack thereof;
  • neglect breastfeeding;
  • late pregnancy and childbirth;
  • ecological problems at the place of residence;
  • industrial hazards;
  • poor diet;
  • drinking large milk cattle affected by viral leukemia.

And there are many more known and unknown factors that can cause the transformation of normal bust cells into pathological ones.

Signs of benign dysplasia

This is a whole group of pathological processes in the glandular tissue of the breast, which are characterized by:

  • proliferation;
  • regression of glands;
  • tissue imbalance: epithelial/connective.

The main symptom for this group of pathologies is pain that intensifies before or during menstruation and decreases until it disappears completely after bleeding. Pain syndrome May be:

  • intense;
  • medium-intensive;
  • unbearable.

The pain is localized most often in both glands, less often in one gland, sometimes radiating to the armpit, shoulder, under the scapula, simulating signs of a heart attack. When palpated in the tissues of the gland, compactions may be felt.

Changes in the size of the mammary glands or their shape occur only in the advanced stage of the disease. At the same time, during menstruation, the nipples become hard, the breasts increase in volume (fill out). Light, translucent ones may appear.

On initial stage Treatment of the disease is conservative; in later cases, surgery may be suggested.

Signs of hypertrophy

Hypertrophy or excessive growth of glandular tissue, in some cases together with the growth of fat cells, can be congenital or acquired. There are three stages of hypertrophy from a slight increase in the bust to a change in volume by 8-10 sizes with the development of pronounced mastoptosis. Main symptoms of the pathology:

  • noticeable change in bust size;
  • back pain, development of osteochondrosis, in the case of unilateral hypertrophy - scoliosis;
  • discomfort during active exercise;
  • increased fatigue;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • discomfort during sleep.

Treatment is mainly surgical:

  • restoration of the position of the nipple and areola.

When diagnosing the disease in teenage girls, mammologists try to resolve the issue using conservative methods. And only after reaching 18 years of age can such patients be offered a surgical solution.

Signs of malignant neoplasms

The symptom that usually sends us to the hospital is pain. With these diseases, pain begins only in the later stages of the disease, sometimes at the time of tumor disintegration. That is, when any treatment gives a minimum of results and causes maximum harm to the body. Therefore, it is important to regularly conduct self-examinations and palpation of the breast, paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • appearance;
  • immobility of the node/adhesion with surrounding tissues;
  • change in shape/size of the areola;
  • disturbances in the nipple area (its retraction, formation of cracks, ulcers, wounds, scabs);
  • changes in the skin over the seal (hyperemia, peeling, ulceration, formation of lemon peel and other disorders);
  • enlargement of the gland, deformation;
  • discharge from the nipple (from clear to bloody);
  • rapid growth of formations without clear boundaries.

Even when appearing without painful lumps Those who are not prone to growth should visit a mammologist. As you age, your likelihood of developing cancer increases. After 60 years, malignant oncology in the breast area in women is as much as 400 times more common, compared to the number of sick girls aged 20 years.

With this pathology, the surgeon’s scalpel comes to the aid of patients, and a mastectomy is performed.

Mastitis: main signs

Inflammation in the area of ​​the mammary glands is often associated with postpartum lactostasis; less often, it can develop after injury, hypothermia of the gland, or penetration of an infectious agent. Characteristic symptoms for this disease are:

  • local temperature;
  • tissue hyperemia;
  • fever;
  • pain;
  • the breast becomes dense and may increase in size.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, treatment will be conservative, including antibiotic therapy, physical therapy, etc. methods. If abscess formation occurs, conservative therapy is ineffective and surgery will be required.

Other diseases

This is a large group of ailments, including mastodynia (pain in the gland area). Galactorrhea, the main symptom of which is the release of milk or a similar fluid outside of lactation. and fistulas are distinguished by: pain, the appearance of ichor (and in the case of a fistula, purulent discharge) and an increase in temperature.

This group also includes fat necrosis. The following symptoms are characteristic of this disease:

  • regional lymphadenitis;
  • change in nipple shape;
  • cyanotic skin of the affected breast;
  • the appearance of a specific formation of a round shape.

Atrophy or a sharp decrease in the volume of glandular tissue is accompanied by mastoptosis. The pathology is congenital; malnutrition can be acquired. Corrective therapy is possible for this disease ().


Of the main indicated anomalies, psychological discomfort is caused by the absence of the pectoral muscle, glands and extra nipples located along the milk lines. Physical discomfort is caused by:

  • excess mammary glands appearing along the milk lines;
  • inverted nipples or their absence, making feeding impossible.

Accessory glands are usually bilateral. The pathology is called polymastia. In addition to aesthetic ones, problems can arise during lactation, when additional lobules in the axillary region or glands along the milk lines are cut, hurt, and sometimes secrete.


Diagnosis of diseases of the mammary glands begins with an examination of the patient and collection of anamnesis (general, family, gynecological), it is clarified whether the woman took hormones, and sexual function is assessed.

A woman’s mammary glands, which form the beauty of her body, glorified by artists of all times and peoples, perform important function lactation when feeding a baby. For him, mother's milk is the most complete and sometimes difficult to replace food. Being an external organ, the mammary glands are easily accessible to visual observation and control. In this regard, every woman herself can easily notice changes or initial symptoms diseases of the mammary glands. There are several most common diseases that every woman should know about in order to detect them in a timely manner, as well as to behave wisely in relation to these diseases.

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish the norm from pathology (diseases). In biology and physiology, the norm is not some clear standard or rigid parameters. The diversity of nature is based precisely on the extreme variability of the biological norm. The norm is usually more diverse than the pathology. Thus, in women, as a rule, there is great variability in the size and configuration of the breasts. Often women consult a doctor about asymmetry in the size of the mammary glands. This is also a variant of the physiological norm. In nature, there is no absolute symmetry and paired organs differ slightly from each other, and sometimes these differences, in particular in the size of the mammary glands, can be more pronounced and noticeable. The shape and degree of protrusion of the nipples can also vary. A healthy woman's nipples may be flat or even inverted. And this can only interfere with breastfeeding. In this case, you can use special breast pumps or breast shields that replace the baby's nipple.

The shape of the nipple can also be corrected or restored with simple plastic surgery. The size, shape, consistency (density to the touch) of the mammary glands can change significantly with age, as well as during pregnancy, breastfeeding and after them.

Most pronounced changes in the female breast occur during pregnancy, when under the influence of a certain hormonal changes In a woman’s body, glandular tissue grows in the mammary glands, the latter increase in size and become denser. In this case, pronounced pigmentation of the nipples and areolas (a circle around the breast nipple) is noted. To a lesser extent, regular changes occur in women during the menstrual cycle. These monthly changes also occur differently in women. Some do not feel them at all or do not notice them, others may experience a feeling of heaviness, engorgement or even pain in the glands. These sensations are usually short-lived (1-3 days). They occur more often before menstruation or in the middle of the menstrual cycle and are caused by cyclic hormonal reactions in a woman’s body. All of the above changes and sensations in the mammary glands are normal, physiological and should not cause concern or anxiety in women.

Along with this, diseases can develop in the mammary glands, varying in causes and nature of the course. Moreover, they often have very similar symptoms, and their differentiation and establishment of the correct diagnosis often require medical qualifications and the use of certain laboratory and instrumental methods research. Nevertheless, it is useful for every woman to have certain ideas about some diseases of the mammary glands and their most characteristic symptoms, so that, if necessary, they can correctly navigate the situation and promptly seek help from a medical institution. Let's look at the main, most common diseases.

Mastitis is an acute inflammation of the mammary glands. In most cases, mastitis develops in postpartum period when breastfeeding a baby. The cause of the disease is the penetration of microbes through dilated milk ducts or cracks (skin damage) of the nipples into the breast tissue. Subsequently developing edema in the glandular tissue impedes the outflow of milk, thereby promoting stagnation and progression of the inflammatory process. In this case, the glands become painful, swell, the skin over them sometimes turns red, and the body temperature rises.

Treatment of mastitis is simple and effective, but requires medical qualifications and urgency. There are serous and purulent mastitis varying degrees development. All this leads to certain differences in treatment tactics. Only a doctor can figure this out, so attempts to self-medicate on the advice of friends and acquaintances in the form of various compresses or applying various objects can lead to serious complications. But preventing the development of mastitis is entirely within the competence and capabilities of women themselves. This requires compliance with simple hygiene rules breast care. In particular, in the postpartum period, daily washing of the mammary glands with warm water and soap, followed by gentle rubbing with a towel, is recommended.

To prevent milk stagnation, it is also important to follow a breastfeeding regimen and express the remaining milk in a timely manner.

Breast abscess usually develops as a complication of untreated or advanced mastitis. Limited purulent infiltrate, which gradually increases in size, softens in consistency, and becomes sharply painful. An abscess can also develop in women who have never given birth or breastfed, when infection penetrates into the breast tissue from various skin and subcutaneous inflammatory foci, such as eczematous changes, boils, small ulcers, cracked nipples, and traumatic injuries. Abscesses usually require surgical treatment.

Plasmatic inflammation of the glands is a special type of inflammatory changes, characterized by general pain, swelling, redness of the skin and periodic purulent or brownish discharge from the nipple. Individual symptoms may be expressed to varying degrees in different patients. Acute plasmatic inflammation can become chronic, in which individual symptoms weaken or disappear, but discharge from the nipple remains. To establish the correct diagnosis and effective treatment in these cases, consultation with a medical specialist, surgeon, gynecologist, or oncologist is necessary.

Tuberculosis of the mammary glands - usually multiple or single nodular formations appear - “abscesses” in the gland tissue, which can ulcerate, break out, forming fistulas. Tuberculosis requires immediate treatment with certain chemotherapy drugs under the supervision of a phthisiatrician.

Traumatic injuries to the chest are associated with various mechanical impacts: bruises, blows from various objects, compression, wearing tight or chafing bras. These effects can cause prolonged pain, inflammation and subcutaneous hemorrhages in the mammary glands. Moreover, in some cases there is no need for any treatment, in others certain therapy is indicated. However, in all cases, if certain changes and symptoms do not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor in order to relieve your own anxiety and, if necessary, receive appropriate treatment to prevent the transition of certain acute traumatic injuries into chronic ones.

Cyclic mastodynia. As already mentioned, a healthy woman may experience minor painful sensations in the middle of the menstrual cycle or a few days before the onset of menstruation. However, such cyclical pain in the mammary glands can intensify and disturb no longer 1-3 days, but for 1-2 weeks or longer. Such symptoms are caused by certain disturbances in hormonal and water metabolism in the body, tissue swelling and, of course, require medical advice. In some cases, it is possible to relieve or reduce chest pain simply by limiting the daily intake of salt and liquid in the premenstrual period (salt - no more than 3 g and liquid - no more than 1 liter). In addition, compliance with a similar water-salt regime in last week before menstruation is a preventive measure for a number of pathological changes not only in the mammary glands, but also in the uterus and appendages. In the treatment of cyclic mastodynia, they are also effectively used. different kinds vitamin and hormonal therapy aimed at normalizing hormonal metabolism in a woman’s body.

Galactorrhea is the release of milk or colostrum outside of breastfeeding. Small discharge may remain for a long period (up to several years) after the child has stopped breastfeeding or after an abortion. This discharge usually goes away over time without any treatment. But doctor's supervision is necessary. In some cases, a cytological examination of nipple discharge is necessary (taking smears on a glass slide and examining them under a microscope). For heavy and long-lasting discharge, certain drug therapy is indicated to suppress the hypersecretion of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates secretion in the mammary glands.

Mastopathy is one of the most frequent illnesses female breasts, although the impression of the widespread prevalence of mastopathy somewhat exceeds its true frequency among women. The reason is that some forms of mastopathy are difficult to distinguish from possible variants of the normal state of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland. Therefore, sometimes healthy women are diagnosed with mastopathy until additional studies and follow-up examinations allow the doctor to remove it. Under the diagnosis of mastopathy, a whole group is usually united in a certain respect great friend from other pathological conditions in the mammary glands. These are fibrosis (overgrowth of connective tissue), cysts, mixed fibrocystic changes of both diffuse and focal nature. All these changes are a consequence of certain shifts in the hormonal balance in a woman’s body, which in turn can occur under the influence of a wide variety of reasons: termination of pregnancy (after abortions and miscarriages), disturbances in sexual activity, disturbances in breastfeeding, overdose of solar radiation ( Even healthy women should avoid sunbathing for many hours), repeated mechanical injuries breasts, severe mental trauma, etc. Hormonal abnormalities and mastopathy caused by them can also occur secondarily as a consequence of diseases and dysfunctions of the ovaries, thyroid gland and liver.

Manifestations of mastopathy can be different. The disease is characterized by the appearance in the mammary glands of formations of various sizes and densities, fine-grained to the touch, and often painful. Inflammatory phenomena may be absent.

Based on the nature of the lesion, diffuse and nodular (focal) forms are distinguished.

With the so-called focal form of mastopathy, single compactions of more than large sizes with unchanged surrounding breast tissue. The seals are usually round or plaque-shaped, relatively mobile, and have an elastic consistency. With mastopathy there may be pain and other discomfort in the mammary glands, both associated and unrelated to the menstrual cycle. Mastopathy can also be asymptomatic, unnoticed by the patient. These cases of mastopathy are usually detected only during preventive examinations.

Treatment tactics for mastopathy vary depending on the causes of its development, the form and severity of the changes. In some cases, with minor changes, observation by a doctor without treatment with periodic follow-up examinations is sufficient, since self-healing is possible, that is, the reverse development of pathological changes in the mammary glands. In other cases, successful treatment of such underlying diseases as inflammation of the appendages, diseases of the liver, thyroid gland, vegetative neurosis, simultaneously leads to the disappearance of pathological changes in the female breast.

Drug treatment methods for mastopathy are aimed at normalizing the hormonal balance in a woman’s body. In case of focal forms of mastopathy, in addition, surgical removal of nodular seals is indicated, since they are rarely amenable to therapeutic treatment, and, most importantly, these seals can mask pre-tumor changes, and therefore their timely removal is the prevention of tumors. The operation consists of removing only one lump or a limited area (sector) of the gland with the lump. Nodular formations in mastopathy often tend to gradually increase in size, so it is advisable to remove them in a timely manner while they are relatively small in size. Postponement of the operation is associated with the possibility of growth of the compaction and, accordingly, an increase in the volume of partial resection of the mammary gland.

Fibroadenoma is a benign formation representing a nodular proliferation of fibrous connective tissue. Fibroadenoma is often the result chronic course untreated mastopathy, but can occur without previous diseases of the mammary glands. Unlike malignant tumors, fibroadenomas develop in predominantly young women, up to 40 years of age. There are cases of the development of these formations in girls during adolescence. Usually the formation has a very dense consistency, round or oval shape and clear, even contours. The size of fibroadenomas can vary greatly: from the size of a pinhead to chicken egg and more. Fibroadenomas are insensitive to drugs and therefore require surgical treatment- sectoral (partial) resection of the mammary gland.

In girls aged 11-16 years, with the development of the body, with the onset of regular menstruation, spontaneous (without treatment) regression of fibroadenomas is possible. However, in these cases, a doctor’s supervision with periodic control examinations of the breast is necessary.

Lipoma is a benign tumor arising from adipose tissue. It can develop in various parts of the body, including the mammary gland. The neoplasm has a characteristic soft elastic consistency and a spherical, smooth surface. Usually these are harmless formations that do not cause complaints from patients or concerns from doctors. In most cases, when they are relatively small in size, they do not require treatment. However, to differentiate lipoma from other, more serious pathologies, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Intraductal papilloma is a benign formation, similar to known skin papillomas, that grows in the ducts of the mammary gland. Most characteristic symptom- discharge from the nipples. The discharge can be very scanty (1-2 drops per day) or copious. They can appear when pressing on the breasts or randomly when a woman notices them from marks left on the inside of the bra. The discharge can have different colors: yellow, greenish or brown, and bloody. Other symptoms: pain or discomfort in the chest, small lumps behind the areola of the mammary gland may be present, but may not be present. Treatment of papillomas is their surgical removal.

Paget's disease is a peculiar disease named after the English surgeon and pathologist F. Paget, who described this disease in the last century. The disease is characterized by eczema-like lesions of the nipple and areola of the mammary gland. The skin over the nipple and areola becomes inflamed, becomes crimson, ulcers form, which either get wet or dry out, becoming covered with crusts. In all cases, an urgent visit to a medical specialist is necessary to clarify the diagnosis by taking smears from the surface of the ulcers, their cytological examination under a microscope and determining the type of treatment. Inattention to such changes and postponing a visit to the doctor is dangerous due to the possibility of developing tumor changes.

The changes and diseases of the female breast listed above are the most common, although they do not cover the entire diversity possible deviations and pathological processes in the mammary glands. It should also be noted that often different diseases have the same symptoms and a similar picture of external manifestations. On the other hand, everyone isolated case The same disease occurs in different patients to a certain extent differently. Doctors even have a postulate that no two patients are alike. All this often complicates an objective assessment and final diagnosis of changes, requiring qualified specialist consultation and the use of instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods. Accurate and timely diagnosis allows us to determine the right tactics in the behavior of the patient, doctor and conduct effective treatment. The latter is important for any disease, both mild and severe, if only because a mild, “trifling” disease can lead to serious complications if not properly behaved and treated. The wait-and-see attitude is especially dangerous: “I’ll see what happens next,” “If it doesn’t go away on its own, then I’ll go to the doctor.” This position often leads to the fact that there is time for easy and simple therapeutic measures is missed, severe complications develop that require complex, sometimes traumatic treatment methods. Treatment of breast cancer in Israel

The Israeli clinic Top Ichilov offers diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer from a leading Israeli specialist, Professor Moshe Inbar.

Israeli oncologists have extensive experience in treating breast cancer. New treatments and advanced technologies have helped thousands of women from all over the world overcome the disease.

According to statistics, almost 60% of women had breast disease. When they found some nodules in the mammary gland, they immediately thought it was cancer. But many people do not know that there are various breast tumors. Many factors influence the appearance of pathologies: genetics, bad habits, chronic diseases, polycystic diseases, problems with the thyroid gland.

If you find lumps in your chest, you should immediately seek help. medical care. Benign neoplasms can be treated with medication without complications. Breast diseases in women are not a death sentence. The main thing is to get diagnosed in time and choose the right course of treatment. Breast diseases in women are divided into the following categories:

  1. Benign breast dysplasia;
  2. Enlargement (hypertrophy) of the mammary gland;
  3. Breast formations of unknown origin;
  4. Malignant formations;
  5. Other pathologies of the breast.

This subcategory of pathologies includes mastopathy and fibrocystic disease. This pathological condition breast, in which the tissue grows greatly. Mastitis is divided into diffuse and nodular.

Fibrocystic mastopathy with a diffuse form of the course appears in women at approximately 24-41 years of age. The disease affects both breasts and is localized mainly in the upper quadrant. The main symptom will be strong pain, radiating to the back, shoulder blade or arm. Yellow or green discharge from the nipples is also observed. Full symptoms develop in the second half of the disease. At chronic form painful sensations occur periodically.

Types of disease:

  1. Fibrous mastopathy - in certain areas of the mammary glands, fibrous compactions with severe heaviness are palpated. There is no discharge from the nipples yet;
  2. Cystic mastopathy - cystic lumps can be felt in the glands. There are many of them, pain is present and it intensifies before the start of the menstrual cycle;
  3. Adenosis is a compaction of glandular composition that spreads to adjacent tissues. On mammography they are depicted as shadows with an unclear structure;
  4. Mixed form - the lobules of the glands enlarge and the connective tissue becomes sclerotic. Upon palpation, you can feel the granularity of these modified glandular lobules;
  5. Sclerosing adenosis is a benign compaction of small size, the cause of which is an increase in the lobules. High sensitivity and pain may occur. A woman must be registered with a doctor and undergo an annual examination.

There are the following forms of nodular disease:

This group of diseases includes mastitis different types. The pathology is acute and chronic form, affects one or both female breasts. Occurs in 85% of women postpartum mastitis. Since cracks appear in the nipples, streptococcus or staphylococcus easily enters them. This disease of the mammary glands in women has the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain in the chest area;
  • Temperature rise, up to 41;
  • Increase in gland volume.

If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, the development of the disease may worsen. The skin will become hyperemic and the lymph nodes will increase significantly.

Mastitis classification:

  • Serous;
  • Infiltrative;
  • Purulent.

The stages of the disease progress to the next in two days, so you need to urgently seek medical help. Treatment includes conservative and surgical therapy. Mastitis is a serious disease that can be fatal.

Non-lactation mastitis is a disease that is not caused by breastfeeding. It mainly develops due to hormonal imbalance in the body.

Breast hypertrophy

This is a disease that is characterized by enlargement of the mammary gland. The chest becomes rough and heavy. Hypertrophy can be triggered by a hormone imbalance that occurs during pregnancy or puberty. Diseases of the thyroid gland can also cause the development of the disease. Hypertrophy has a serious complication - mastoptosis.

Types of disease:

  • Stage 1 - the nipple does not reach the retromammary fold;
  • Stage 2 - the nipple is located at the level of the retromammary fold;
  • Stage 3 - the nipple is below the retromammary fold.

Endoprosthetics of the mammary glands is performed on initial stages. And at the third stage, they do a mastopexy. If the disease is detected at an early stage in young girls, then doctors use conservative methods treatment of breast cancer in women. Diseases of a hypertrophic nature are not only cosmetic defect, but also requiring urgent treatment for a serious illness.

The condition of a woman's breast depends on physiological processes, which affect the body of any woman. The female reproductive system includes paired exocrine glands - mammary glands, which are responsible for lactation for feeding the baby. According to statistics, breast diseases in women occupy one of the leading places in terms of frequency of occurrence. The article talks about the types of diseases and what symptoms you should pay attention to.

Common Causes of Diseases

The structure of the mammary glands is unstable and changes in women, since the glandular tissue of the breast is very sensitive to hormonal levels. The balance of hormones changes throughout life. During puberty, as hormone levels increase, breasts begin to enlarge. Upon reaching reproductive age During pregnancy and lactation, significant changes occur in the production of hormones by the ovaries, pituitary gland and adrenal glands. Closer to menopause Hormonal levels gradually decrease and breast tissue becomes thinner and less elastic.

Hormonal levels are negatively affected not only by uncontrolled intake. hormonal contraceptives, but also other common reasons:

  • absence of pregnancy and childbirth (unfulfilled reproductive function);
  • abortions and miscarriages;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;

Additionally, the formation of tumors in the breast can be influenced by nonspecific carcinogenic factors: prolonged exposure to the sun or in a solarium without a bra, alcohol abuse, smoking, high-calorie unbalanced diet, excess weight, prolonged stressful situations.

Types of diseases and specific occurrence

When the mammary gland is bruised, it appears closed injury, which damages tissue in the breast. You can get a bruise as a result of a domestic injury, a crush on public transport, while playing sports or in a car accident. The site of injury hurts, and a hematoma with bruising may form. If there are external damage to the skin of the chest (abrasions, scratches), then microbes can penetrate into the tissue through them.

Some injuries are complicated by bleeding and suppuration. For any chest bruise or hematoma, you should consult a doctor for examination.

After childbirth, a woman’s body’s defenses decrease, which increases the likelihood of illness. If the nipple is flat and not prepared for feeding, the size of the milk ducts is so narrow that they cannot cope with the excretory function of the gland, the breast has a sagging shape, the woman refuses breastfeeding altogether or because feeding is painful due to cracks in the nipples or weak sucking activity child, this creates conditions for the development of lactostasis.


Lactostasis is the accumulation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands. When the outflow is complicated, the gland becomes denser, painful sensations appear on palpation, and areas of the skin may become red. Sometimes a low-grade fever occurs (37.1 – 38.0°C).

Complete emptying of the mammary gland will help prevent the occurrence of lactostasis or reduce its negative manifestations. If the baby does not suck the milk, you need to express the rest. Will help before feeding dry heat or warm shower, massage with stroking movements. After feeding, you can apply cold water for 15-20 minutes to reduce swelling and inflammation.

If lactostasis is not eliminated in a timely manner, it will lead to mastitis.


Mastitis is inflammation of the breast tissue. A strong bursting pain is felt in the chest, the gland swells and thickens, the skin turns red, and the temperature rises sharply. Stagnation of milk creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria. The development of infection may result in fever and accumulation of pus. Mastitis can be caused staphylococcal infection, Escherichia coli. Bacteria penetrate deep into the mammary gland through blood vessels and milk ducts.

Breast cyst

A breast cyst appears when the gland duct expands and fluid accumulates in the resulting cavity. There can be several cysts, different in shape (oval, ball, irregular shape) and sizes (from a few millimeters to several centimeters). They form for a long time without symptoms. Degeneration of a cyst into a malignant tumor is rare, but such a risk factor exists.

The cause of a cyst may be mastitis, pathological processes thyroid gland, dysfunctional ovarian disorders, gynecological inflammatory diseases, hormonal imbalance with excess estrogen production.

Benign tumors are hormone-dependent tumors. They arise and change at different age periods, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the presence of pregnancy, lactation, and the intensity of the menopause.


Mastopathy is a group of diseases of the mammary glands associated with pathological growth gland tissue. Formed as a result of a disturbed relationship between glandular, connective and adipose tissues during extinction reproductive function. A typical symptom of mastopathy is the detection of painful lumps in the breast upon palpation, and the pain becomes more noticeable in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Circumstances that contribute to the development of mastopathy:

  • previously menarche;
  • early menopause;
  • disrupted menstrual cycle;
  • no history of pregnancy or childbirth;
  • late first birth;
  • more than three abortions or miscarriages;
  • irregular sex life (or prolonged abstinence);
  • gynecological diseases with increased estrogen levels;
  • short lactation period (less than 6 months);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • genetic predisposition.

A type of mastopathy is mammary adenoma - a benign tumor that is formed from glandular epithelial tissue due to an imbalance of estrogen. The shape is a ball or sphere. Diagnosed in young women of reproductive age, it practically does not appear in women over 40-45 years of age. Does not degenerate into a malignant formation.


Fibroadenoma – benign neoplasm from connective tissue. It looks like a round tumor of dense consistency; upon palpation it is defined as a mobile node. Having discovered such a lump in the breast, you should urgently consult a mammologist to rule out malignancy of the tumor.

Mammary cancer

Breast cancer is a malignant neoplasm of glandular tissue. On early stages There are no visible symptoms or pain. Locally manifests itself in the form of a changed form and skin breasts, nipple retractions. Sometimes discharge from the nipple appears (similar to colostrum, mixed with blood). During examination, dense formations are felt, and the lymph nodes above the collarbones or armpits are noticeably enlarged. It is important to remember that a malignant tumor detected in the early stages can be successfully cured with surgery in combination with radiation or chemotherapy. In advanced stages, the tumor can metastasize to other organs as cancer cells multiply uncontrollably and extremely quickly.

Diagnostic methods

Diseases of the mammary glands are dangerous because they may not cause pain or discomfort for a long time. Therefore, routine examinations and self-diagnosis recommended by doctors are very important.

Women are advised to perform a monthly self-examination of their breasts on days 5-7 of the cycle, when breast tension subsides. First, check the bra to make sure there is no secretion from the nipple. Then they stand in front of the mirror, arms down, and visually assess the size and shape of the breasts. Examine the skin and nipples for swelling, rashes, diaper rash, and cracks.

Then they place their hand behind their head, carefully observing whether the iron moves evenly. If the breast rises with a delay or with both arms raised, one gland deviates to the side, if after a change in position a depression or bulge is visible, changes in the nipple or discharge from it are observed - this is a sign that you should immediately consult a specialist.

One breast is palpated with the fingertips of the opposite hand. Gently and without pressing on the gland, move from the base of the breast to the nipple. Having examined the mammary gland completely, palpate the axillary and supraclavicular cavities to check the lymph nodes.

After examining the chest while standing, repeat the diagnosis in a lying position.

IN medical practice besides external examination and palpation, modern equipment is used, which makes it possible to detect neoplasms in the internal structure of the mammary gland and record their shape, boundaries and size, location and nature.

Mammography - overview X-ray examination with minimal radiation. Pictures are taken in two projections: straight and oblique, which makes it possible to detect possible tumors. All women over 40 years of age are recommended to have a mammogram annually.

Using an ultrasound examination, a clear image of the mammary glands is obtained from various angles. Ultrasound is used during pregnancy and lactation, as it is safe compared to the radiographic method.

Computed tomography is used when, after mammography and ultrasound, there are doubts about the nature of the tumor, or when breast cancer is confirmed.

During a biopsy, tissue samples are taken for subsequent cytological examination in the laboratory. Using this method, the quality of the tumor is clarified in order to accurately diagnose the presence or absence of breast cancer.

Disease Prevention

Many factors contribute to the occurrence and development of breast diseases. To the zone increased risk they put a woman oncological diseases from close relatives. Even in the absence of a hereditary predisposition, it is necessary to regularly and systematically examine the breasts. Women 30-35 years old need to have an ultrasound scan once a year and a mammogram every 2-3 years. After 40 years, mammography is strongly recommended to be done every year, after 50 years – once every six months.

The optimal prophylaxis for preventing diseases is:

  • timely, complete cure inflammation of the genital organs;
  • stabilization of hormonal levels;
  • timely implementation of reproductive function;
  • replacing carcinogenic habits with healthy image life;
  • wearing comfortable, non-compressive bras;
  • positive emotions.

It is very important for a woman to treat her body with care and attention. If you experience chest pain, slight discharge from the nipples, a feeling of heaviness, or burning, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Many diseases can be successfully cured in the early stages, in some cases without surgical intervention.

Mastopathy during menopause develops quite often. Often women themselves lose sight of changes in their own breasts or simply ignore certain symptoms. Sometimes this leads to serious deterioration in health and even surgery. Read about what mastopathy is, how to identify it and cure it here.

Mammology: diseases of the mammary glands in women and their treatment

Diseases of the mammary glands in women are gaining more and more menacing numbers every year. This is partly due to critical ecology, partly the fault lies with the beautiful field itself, which in its pursuit of beauty completely forgets about health.

Women's breasts are not only the most sensitive and delicate part of the body. Dangerous pathological processes can mature in the mammary glands, which can degenerate into the most dangerous disease - cancer. But breast diseases in women are not a spontaneous phenomenon; the course of the disease has distinct signs. Usually, it is not difficult for a woman to detect problems at the stage when treatment can be most effective. The only condition for this is timely attention.

Women are not inclined to pay attention to such manifestations as:

  • mild soreness in the chest area;
  • slight discharge from the nipples themselves;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • the appearance of hair on one or both mammary glands;
  • burning sensation.

Indeed, often these signs only indicate that critical days have arrived. They are the ones who can cause such changes in the body. However, if menstruation is not expected, then this should be alarming, since these may be symptoms of breast diseases. We must not forget that mortality from cancer has serious percentages in Russia.

What are the types of female breast diseases?

The undisputed leader of diseases is mastopathy. It has become so common, has many stages and forms, that some ladies simply do not attach importance to it. Externally, mastopathy is easily determined by the woman herself. To do this, it is enough to straighten your back, lift one breast and palpate with your fingers, pressing slightly. Normally, the structure is homogeneous, and fingers will not stumble upon strange seals if the gland is healthy.

With mastopathy, nodules are formed that are dense to the touch, often painless. That is why women do not attach importance to this disease. Doesn't hurt, doesn't cause concern, maybe long time not even increase in size. Should I pay attention and run to the doctor? Some people don’t even know where to turn if such a problem arises.

The treatment of mastopathy and other diseases of the female mammary gland is carried out by a separate specialist - a mammologist. Its task is to determine the disease, the degree of development, identify the danger of degeneration and prescribe adequate treatment. Mammologists unanimously say that if even a slight lump is detected, it is necessary to do a mammogram and visit a doctor.

The danger is that every nodule is a potential threat of a tumor. The appearance of a benign tumor carries the possibility of degeneration into a malignant one. Breast carcinoma develops quickly, and symptoms may not change. The woman will still feel satisfactory without any health complaints. And only when the cancer reaches its final stage will irreversible changes begin.

Often the only sign is lumps. They can be soft, as if a small berry is being squeezed, or they can be dense, like balls. Moreover, there may be several of them, the location depends on the degree of damage. If pain occurs, it is not necessarily in the gland itself. Pain may be felt in the armpit and shoulder blade. That is why it can be confused with thoracic osteochondrosis. As the disease progresses, the disease of the right mammary gland can provoke discharge from the nipple. Sometimes the discharge looks like colostrum, but may be mixed with blood or even look like real milk. In other cases, cracks appear on the nipples, which can cause pain. These are all signs of breast disease.

If mastopathy is not detected in time or treatment is delayed, the usual form may develop into purulent form. A woman must clearly understand: delay threatens breast removal.

Cervical erosion is one of the most common women's problems, which will be overcome by the methods described. You can learn about the symptoms of a disease such as uterine fibroids, as well as familiarize yourself with the principles of treating this disease.

Benign and malignant tumors

But the presence of a seal should not be a reason for hysteria. This may be the initial form of the disease or the occurrence of a benign tumor. The word “tumor” itself should also not come as a shock, since it is not a death sentence. A benign tumor is a sudden proliferation of tissue due to changed sex hormones and cells. Such a tumor will not extend beyond the mammary gland itself, so it is not dangerous and can be easily removed at any stage.

It’s another matter when the tumor is recognized as carcinoma (malignant). Carcinoma is dangerous because, as it progresses, it will go beyond the gland and affect neighboring organs. Further development will go into the metastasis stage, which can affect not only adjacent organs, but also all vital systems of the body.

Speaking about benign tumors, it should be noted that some can be treated conservatively. Treatment is always determined by a mammologist based on the mammography findings. Medicine defines a number of types of benign tumors:

  • cyst Frequent education in women of any age. It has the shape of a capsule filled with liquid. The capsule itself always has clear boundaries; upon palpation, it is defined as a movable seal;
  • mastitis. This disease occurs in a huge number of young mothers. Mastitis presents inflammatory process in iron. This is caused by various factors:
    - ingress of bacteria;
    - frequent stagnation of milk;
    - significant hypothermia of the chest;
  • fibroadenoma. During self-diagnosis, they feel like round balls and do not cause pain.

Symptoms of breast disease often have only a local, physiological form. Apart from detecting tightness in the breast, there may be no other signs at all. Occasionally during menstruation, the tumor begins to ache, the breasts fill up and become heavier, which brings some discomfort. But as soon as a few days pass, all sensations disappear. In this regard, diseases of the mammary glands are extremely insidious, because the vast majority of women simply will not go to the doctor until pain appears.

Causes and treatment of breast diseases

The main provocateur of serious illnesses is age. Normally, it is assumed that the first pregnancy should occur no later than 35 years. After this, the woman begins to experience hormonal changes due to the fact that the gland did not fulfill its main purpose on time. Contrary to everything, women's breasts are not intended by nature for beauty, but for feeding a baby.

Very young girls will also be at risk. Today manufacturers underwear are not at all worried about women's health. On display are luxurious lace lingerie that girls wear at any time of the year. Meanwhile, in such bras, the breasts inevitably freeze, triggering pathological processes.

Even in summer, sitting near a regular fan with a damp chest can easily provoke inflammation of the glands.

Diseases of the female breast will appear with age and in those who are characterized by:

  • smoking, being overweight, drinking alcohol;
  • frequent stress, depression;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • late menopause;
  • abuse of solarium;
  • wearing a tight bra.

Treatment of breast disease always includes cytological studies, mammography and examination. Based on these conclusions alone, a complete clinical picture is drawn. Self-medication of any disease is dangerous and fraught with complications. The only way to avoid severe and irreversible consequences is a timely visit to a mammologist (surgeon, oncologist).