Three simple recipes for making cold porcelain. Cold porcelain: master class, recipe Do-it-yourself porcelain at home

Liquid porcelain is very convenient for crafts; it can be made at home and even without cooking. Today's master class will be devoted to making this material with your own hands.

There are several ways to make it, but before cooking you should take into account that the color scheme depends on the ingredients that are included in it, for example, potato starch gives a grayish tint, and corn starch gives a yellowish tint.

DIY liquid porcelain made from corn starch

We will need:

Dry corn starch – 150 gr.

Glycerin – 1 tsp.

Light-colored hand cream – 1 tsp.

Water – 100 ml.

PVA – 150 ml.

Stir all the liquid raw materials in one container and cook over low medium heat; during cooking, knead until smooth. Next, add cornstarch in small portions, but continue to stir so that nothing burns.

At first, the consistency is similar to liquid curd, but after some time it becomes like a puree. Continue kneading until the solution begins to form a lump around the spoon.

As soon as the whole mass is cooked, remove the container from cooking, take out the hot solution onto a damp cloth and wrap it in this cloth. Without unrolling the fabric, that is, directly in it, knead the dough by hand until it cools completely. Then knead by hand without a cloth, while lubricating your hands with starch to prevent sticking.

When the solution stops sticking to your hands and the dough becomes elastic, transfer it to a well-closed container or cellophane bag.

DIY liquid porcelain in a water bath

We will need:

Dry corn starch – 150 gr.

Glycerin - one teaspoon.

Regular hand cream - one small spoon.

Water – 100 gr.

PVA glue – 150 milliliters.

Mix all the liquid ingredients in one container, then sift the starch through a sieve and pour it into the container. Mix the resulting solution until it has a uniform consistency and then filter.

Prepare the resulting mixture in a water bath and stir constantly during the cooking process.

When cooking, the starch begins to brew in the area where the temperature is higher, and therefore it is difficult to have time to mix everything in the bathhouse, then you need to remove the container and stir, and then put it back in the bathhouse to cook, while stirring, further. We continue this process until the solution is around the spoon in one lump.

Transfer the solution to a wet cloth, wrap it and knead it into the cloth until it cools. Then remove the fabric and knead by hand, remembering to lubricate your hands with starch. After kneading, when the dough has become elastic, put it in a well-closed container.

Liquid porcelain without cooking

We will need:

Regular soda.

Vaseline or Vaseline oil.

Dry potato starch.

In a cleaned and wiped dry container, grind a couple of large spoons potato starch and 1 spoon of Vaseline. Then add a little soda and stir the resulting solution. Add PVA one small spoon at a time and begin stirring the solution.

When the solution becomes soft, lubricate your hands Vaseline oil and stir until cooked.

Porcelain painting

Painting is done with food dyes, acrylic, oil and other paints. To do this, simply add a certain color to the prepared solution and stir until the color is evenly distributed.

If you want to decorate a product that has already hardened, then you need to take a brush, apply powdered paint material to the product and let it steam. As a result, the product will absorb the colorful material and a natural shade will form.

Method of working with porcelain

When working, various tools are used: rolling pins, figured knives and much more that can be useful in sculpting and product design. Before mixing by hand, lubricate your hands with cream. After everything has been kneaded, let the resulting solution sit for at least forty-eight hours. Stored this dough in an airtight container or plastic bag.

Porcelain drying time

Drying of this material depends on the size of the product and lasts from twelve hours or more, but the size is made smaller. When drying flat products, they should be turned over so that they do not change their appearance, that is, so that there is no deformation. If you need to reduce the drying time, you can dry it in the oven.

Often, during the cooking process, the composition is changed and recipes are improved, you can experiment as much as you like, and creating from such a pliable material is a pleasure.

Enjoy your creativity and beautiful crafts!

Video on the topic of the article

IN Lately the regiment of needlewomen has arrived. Appeared the new kind hobby - sculpting from so-called cold porcelain.

If you think that this hobby is only for sculptors and architects (as well as potters), you are deeply mistaken. Let's take a closer look at this current technology, and also find out whether it is possible to make this material for creativity with your own hands.

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What is cold porcelain

This is a cheap, accessible, very pliable material, which, being absolutely safe, can be used for modeling during creative activities with young children.

It is not difficult to prepare it even at home. By appearance It looks like plasticine or clay, and when it dries, it becomes very hard. You can sculpt any type of jewelry from such porcelain, make small beads and beads, shells, buttons, twigs or flowers. The surface of the resulting products can be painted or sprinkled with fine material, or varnished.

IN composition of cold porcelain DIY products most often include: glycerin, oil, glue and starch. But before you start work, you need to know that the color of the resulting products depends on the recipe.

For example, what will be made from the potato version will turn out dense and grayish, and from the corn version it will be transparent, airy and slightly yellowish.

Cold porcelain recipes

There are several options for making a cold product that are suitable for a beginner.

The simplest way to prepare cold porcelain


  • 150 g corn starch,
  • 1 tsp. glycerin,
  • 1 tsp. hand cream (preferably white),
  • 100 ml water,
  • 150 ml PVA.


  1. It is necessary to mix all the liquid ingredients in a saucepan, place over medium heat and stir until smooth.
  2. Starch must be added in portions, continuing to stir, and make sure that the mixture does not burn.
  3. At first everything will look like liquid cottage cheese, but after a while it will become like mashed potatoes. You need to continue stirring until the mass begins to form a lump around the spoon.
  4. Now you can remove from the heat and place the hot mixture on a damp, clean cloth and wrap it in it.
  5. After this, you need to start kneading this mixture through a cloth and knead it with your hands until it cools.
  6. Next, you need to remove the fabric, continuing to knead the mixture with your hands, which need to be regularly lubricated with starch so that they do not stick to the material.
  7. When the mixture stops sticking and becomes soft and pliable, you need to transfer it to a plastic bag (you can use a tightly sealed container, which will be even better). Cold porcelain at home is ready.

Often home craftsmen change the composition, wanting to improve the properties of the resulting product. So everyone can feel free to experiment on their own.

Variant of improved cold porcelain recipe

Ingredients: the same as in the previous recipe.


  1. All liquid ingredients must be mixed.
  2. Add sifted starch, stir until smooth, then strain.
  3. Place in a water bath and, while heating, stir constantly.
  4. The starch will begin to brew in those places where the temperature is highest, so if you don’t have time to knead it in the sauna, you need to remove it and knead it, and then put it back in the sauna. And all this must be repeated until a lump forms on the spoon.
  5. After this, you need to put the resulting mass on a clean, damp towel (or cloth), wrap it and knead until it cools.
  6. Then, having removed the towel, you need to continue kneading with your hands, lubricating your hands with starch when necessary.
  7. When the mixture begins to stop sticking to your hands and becomes plastic, you need to put it in a container.

The product obtained in this way will be more uniform and smooth.

How to make cold porcelain without cooking with your own hands

And here is the technology for making the product without cooking and using potato starch.


  • potato starch,
  • baking soda,
  • PVA glue,
  • Vaseline (Vaseline oil).


  1. You need to thoroughly grind 2 tbsp in a clean, dry bowl. l. starch and 1 tbsp. l. Vaseline.
  2. Then add a little and mix.
  3. Gradually (one teaspoon at a time) add PVA.
  4. When the mass becomes pliable, you need to lubricate it with Vaseline and knead until completely cooked.

How to paint cold porcelain items

It is best to change the color of the product itself using all kinds of paints or paints such as acrylic or oil, and to do this you need to add them to the prepared mixture and knead until an even distribution of color is obtained.

To paint the finished frozen product, you need to use a brush to apply a little dry food paint to the element to be painted and hold it over steam. As a result, the surface of the porcelain will absorb the dye and take on its color.

  • Nessesary to use special tool(stick stacks, rolling pins, etc.).
  • Lubricate your hands with cream before starting work.
  • After kneading the mixture, let it sit for a day or two.
  • Store the mixture in an airtight container.

How to dry cold porcelain items

Drying time depends on the mass of the product, and it can be one day or several days, and the size of the sculpted objects will decrease. If dried flat figures, then they need to be turned over so that they do not become deformed. To speed up drying, you can use the oven.

Cold porcelain is a material from which you can make a lot of things. And you can decorate the resulting products using pieces of fabric, beads, seed beads, threads, etc.


In Europe, cold porcelain appeared quite recently, but the Japanese have been using it for 5 thousand years. It has nothing in common with ordinary porcelain, but it is visually fragile, translucent and weightless in the finished product.

Each master who is interested in sculpting from cold porcelain has his own recipe, which he developed after much experimentation. But a beginner in this business can try to make cold porcelain without cooking from known components. And over time, develop your own recipe, which will be individual.

From corn starch

To prepare the material you will need:

  • Corn starch - 200g;
  • Construction PVA glue - 150g;
  • Water - 100g;
  • Glycerin - 1 tsp;
  • Any cream - 1 tsp.

Cold porcelain made from corn starch at home will have a yellow tint, while its appearance is more transparent and it looks weightless in products. This material is ideal for making delicate flowers and leaves.

Step-by-step production

Mix glue, water, glycerin in an old saucepan and put on low heat, stirring without stopping. Starch is added at the moment when the mass in the container becomes homogeneous, without stopping stirring. It is worth noting that the mass will boil only at the edges of the pan, and if you do not stir constantly it will burn. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to lag behind the pan and form a lump, it can be removed.

Another method by which porcelain will turn out to be of higher quality is cooking in a water bath. Using this method, you can remove the pan from the water and mix the mass well.

Important! Be sure to fill all tools and pans used in cooking with water.

While the mixture is hot, you need to knead it in a towel until it cools. After the porcelain has cooled, remove the towel and begin kneading with your hands, which you periodically dip in starch.

During the kneading process, the raw materials are colored.

As soon as the mass stops sticking to your hands, it is ready for use, but it is better to put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Microwave recipe

An indispensable attribute of almost any kitchen is a microwave oven. And it is well suited for preparing cold porcelain. It is better to cook in glass containers. There is practically no difference in preparation, you just need to set the timer for 30 seconds and stir the mixture. After complete thickening, the mass is laid out and kneaded well with hands. This is a fairly simple recipe for making cold porcelain.

No cooking

Without heat treatment, it is possible to produce cold porcelain from potato starch.

We take petroleum jelly and potato starch in a 1:2 ratio. Mix the mixture well and add a pinch during the process. baking soda. With continuous stirring, add PVA glue to the desired thickness. After this, knead with your hands. For comfortable kneading, lubricate your hands with any rich cream. To prevent porcelain from sticking to the surface, it can be sprinkled with starch or lubricated with cream. Any beginner can make cold porcelain without cooking.

After kneading, you need to let the porcelain sit and then it can be used for modeling. Master class on cold porcelain without heat treatment can be viewed below.

Improved recipe

As mentioned earlier, the masters who long time They practice sculpting from cold porcelain and constantly experiment with ingredients. And thanks to this research, a composition of impeccable material for modeling was created. There's no big secret - it's an addition to the mix. citric acid. Let's figure out how to prepare cold porcelain at home - another, refined recipe.

Ingredients we will need:

  • 150 g - corn starch;
  • 150 g - “Moment” glue;
  • 3 tsp - glycerin;
  • 1.5 tsp. - massage oil;
  • 1.5 tsp - lemon juice.


Take a pan with thick walls, pour glue into it, mix it with glycerin, massage oil, and lemon juice. Stir until smooth. Starch is introduced into the mixture in very small portions. As soon as the starch is introduced, you need to mix well and leave to swell for 4 hours.

Then transfer the mixture into a microwave cup and heat it three times for 30 seconds at a power of 80 0C, then three times for 20 seconds, and three times for 15 seconds. Don't forget to stir the mixture after each heating. The resulting mass will be sticky, and you need to knead it with your hands coated with any cream. The surface on which kneading will be done can be spread with cream or starch. As soon as the finished material stops sticking to your hands, transfer it to a bag and place it in the refrigerator. The recipe for transparent porcelain differs little from the preparation of this material from corn flour.


It is worth noting that cold porcelain prepared at home is the cheapest option to bring your creative imagination to life. Thanks to this material, it is possible to produce magnificent works of art of extraordinary beauty.

The homogeneous, plastic structure of the material allows you to create not only flower arrangements, but also the smallest details for any crafts. In a duet with cold porcelain you can use:

  • ropes,
  • pebbles,
  • shells,
  • beads,
  • sequins,
  • beads,
  • textile,
  • accessories.

If you are just starting to make cold porcelain and don’t know what ingredients are needed, what kind of glue, or how to prepare it correctly, then watch the training video:

Do not take on complex and small items right away. Start with something big, large and uncomplicated. As soon as you start to get simple elements, you can complicate your task.

Cold porcelain is the most comfortable and practical material for creativity at home.

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What is cold porcelain? This is an excellent material for crafts, which consists of glue, starch, glycerin and oil. There are various recipes for creating cold porcelain. The shade of your craft depends on the cooking method. Let's get started!

  • Before starting work, apply cream to your hands.
  • After making the mixture, let it sit for a day, then you can start creating the craft.

Improved Cold Porcelain Recipe

You will need:

  • Corn starch (150 grams)
  • White hand cream (teaspoon)
  • Glycerin (teaspoon)
  • Water (100 milliliters)
  • PVA glue (150 milliliters)
  • Pot

Master Class

Video lesson

Making cold porcelain without cooking

You will need:

  • PVA glue
  • Petrolatum
  • A bowl
  • Potato starch

Master Class

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Cold porcelain painting

Porcelain can be painted different ways. To do this, use acrylic, oil paints, food colorings. Add the desired color to the finished mixture and knead like dough.

To paint the finished product, apply the color of your choice using a brush. Then dry the product over the steam of the kettle. With the help of steam, the porcelain will better absorb the paint, and the color will look natural.

Drying cold porcelain

The drying time for porcelain depends on the thickness of the product. The thinner the product, the faster the drying process! On average, porcelain takes one to five days to dry. To speed up the drying process, use the oven.

Cold porcelain is a soft and flexible material. You can create a huge number of crafts from it. Imagine and surprise your friends!