Can Sinaflan ointment be applied to the face? Hormonal drugs Nizhpharm Sinaflan - “Sinaflan for acne and herpes? Of course, this effective ointment will cope with this too, but the treatment is akin to cracking nuts with the caterpillar of a tank. Hormonal ointment Sinaflan for psoriasis

Sinaflan is an external ointment local application costing up to 100 rubles. Included in the group of topical steroid hormones subclass of corticosteroids. Available in a 15 g tube, it has yellow and a characteristic smell. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antipruritic effects, therefore, for certain indications, it is used for acne.

Composition and properties

The main active component of the ointment is fluocinolone acetonide, the concentration of which per 1 g of product is 0.25 mg. This is a synthetic hormone that has the properties of glucocorticosteroids. The auxiliary components include petroleum jelly, anhydrous lanolin and propylene glycol.

Together, these substances allow the drug to work in several directions:

  • reduce the process of local absorption;
  • relieve inflammatory reactions, preventing the accumulation of leukocytes and macrophages in areas of inflammation;
  • reduce the processes of granulation and infiltration, which leads to the cessation of the formation and discharge of pus;
  • weaken the permeability of blood vessels and tissues, which prevents the formation of inflammatory edema.
When used externally, the active ingredients of the ointment are only minimal doses are absorbed into the general bloodstream. They then bind to plasma proteins, are biotransformed in the liver, form inactive metabolites and are excreted by the kidneys. Thus, it has practically no systemic effect and does not lead to inhibition of the function of the subrenal gland cortex.

When can the ointment be used?

Sinaflan is prescribed for acne, the treatment of which requires the use of glucocorticosteroids. Such rashes do not appear on their own, but are symptoms of skin diseases. So, ointment is prescribed if pimples are a consequence of:
  • dry seborrhea;
  • lichen planus;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • psoriasis;
  • skin itching;
  • insect bites;
  • eczema;
  • thermal skin damage of the 1st degree;
  • sunburn;
  • allergic reaction.
With these diseases, the following symptoms are observed: small rashes, ulcers or hives. It is with them that Sinaflan helps to fight. If they are not observed clinical manifestations, there is no need to use ointment as a prophylaxis.

The drug can be used in adolescence, however, in compliance with all therapeutic doses, otherwise its hormonal composition can cause a hormonal imbalance in a teenager during puberty.

When to stop using Sinaflan?

In some folk recipes Sinaflan is prescribed against rosacea or acne vulgaris, as it relieves redness and inflammation, but the drug will only have a temporary effect, and then lead to an exacerbation, so there will only be more pimples on the face. This is due to the hormonal nature of the ointment, as well as the following factors:
  • exposure of the skin to fluorinated glucocorticoids can provoke perioral dermatitis and;
  • Sinaflan's auxiliary components - petroleum jelly and lanolin - clog pores, which worsens the condition of the epidermis;
  • the drug will provoke excess sebum, which will lead to new inflammatory elements;
  • Skin immunity at the sites where the ointment is applied is reduced due to prolonged use, so there is a high probability of fungal and bacterial infections, which will only complicate the fight against pimples.
There are also contraindications for which Sinaflan cannot be used even in the case of the above skin diseases. These contraindications are as follows:
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy (in the 2nd and 3rd trimester only short-term use is possible);
  • skin infections of a bacterial, viral and fungal nature;
  • neoplasms and precancerous skin conditions;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • undergoing preventive vaccinations.

At breastfeeding The use of ointment is permitted, but only under the supervision of a physician. It is recommended to stop feeding the baby breast milk for the duration of treatment.

How to use Sinaflan for acne?

The ointment is used in this order:

  • Wash with tonic or , dry your face with a towel or napkin.
  • Treat affected skin areas for disinfection.
  • Apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected areas of the skin with lightly massaging movements. No need to rub until completely absorbed. If lichen planus or psoriasis is diagnosed, the method of application is slightly different, since it is necessary to make an airtight bandage. To do this, after applying the ointment, wait 1 minute and apply a piece of cling film to the treated area of ​​skin. Leave the bandage on for 12 hours and change every day.

Do not apply ointment to large areas of the skin, especially those that are different hypersensitivity. These include facial skin and skin folds.

Course of application: You can apply the ointment 1-2 times a day, but if psoriasis is diagnosed, increase the amount of application up to 3 times. On average, the drug helps in 6-10 days, but in especially severe cases, treatment can last 21-25 days, but only with a doctor’s prescription. It is recommended to apply to the facial skin for no longer than 7 days, during which no more than 1 tube can be used. Treatment with Sinaflan requires compliance with the following rules:
  • do not apply the ointment to the eyelids or the area around the eyes if you have glaucoma of any form or cataracts, as the drug will increase the symptoms of the disease;
  • elderly people should use the ointment in minimal quantities if there is atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • postpone smallpox vaccinations and other types of immunization during treatment;
  • Do not use the ointment yourself for longer than 2 weeks, especially on large areas of the skin, as this can cause swelling, arterial hypertension, hyperglycemia, decreased resistance;
  • if an infection develops at the site where the ointment was applied, treat with antibacterial or antifungal agents.

Side effects

The use of Sinaflan may cause side effects local nature, characteristic of glucocorticoids. Such reactions include:
  • burning sensation;
  • skin itching;
  • acne;
  • striae;
  • dry skin;
  • increased baldness;
  • folliculitis;
  • skin lightening;
  • post-steroid vascular purpura;
  • skin atrophy;
  • various infectious lesions.

Using Sinaflan in an attempt to get rid of acne can cause more harm than good, since it is a hormonal drug, and its main effect is to relieve itching.

However, those who are unable to solve the problem of acne may be interested in Sinaflan for its ability to relieve redness and inflammation.

Scope of application of the ointment

Sinaflan has hormonal composition, this helps relieve any manifestations of inflammation.

However, this same property leads to a decrease in skin immunity. As a result, at the site where the ointment is applied to for a long time fungal and bacterial infections, the problem of which is more difficult to solve than getting rid of acne.

The drug is indicated for use for skin diseases or inflammatory diseases, if they are in no way related to microbes. These include psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and others.

The main contraindication to the use of this drug is that Sinaflan is not recommended for application to areas of the skin affected by bacteria, fungus or viruses.

Why is Sinaflan not used for acne?

Traditional methods, according to which the use of Sinaflan is useful in getting rid of acne, are based on its ability to remove redness from the skin.

However, the hormonal nature of the drug acts on the site of inflammation only during its application. When you stop using the ointment, everything comes back.

Among other things, petroleum jelly and lanolin, which are part of the composition, clog pores, which subsequently has a bad effect on the condition. Excess sebum, as a rule, only stimulates the appearance of inflammatory elements.

Sinaflan ointment contains fluorinated glucocorticoid, whose use without appropriate indications has a chance of leading to both perioral dermatitis and skin atrophy.

Even the instructions for use of the medicine indicate that its use for acne vulgaris or rosacea may cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Also, due to the hormonal composition of the drug, it is used with caution during puberty in adolescents, so as not to upset the hormonal balance.

Pharmacy ointments for wrinkles. You, of course, have heard about cosmoceuticals - care products that have medicinal properties. The main thing that distinguishes cosmoceuticals from trivial skin products is the high concentration of active ingredients, which makes them much more effective.

Pharmacy ointments

But also more expensive, of course. That's why everyone more women experimenting with pharmaceutical ointments. Indeed, why are they worse than cosmoceuticals? They are the focus active ingredients, and no fragrances that do not affect the skin the most in the best possible way. And you don’t have to pay extra for a beautiful box.

What ointments can be used instead of the usual creams and serums?

Firstly, they contain retinol - a serious weapon in the fight against dry skin, expression lines, age spots and premature aging.

Judging by the reviews on various women's forums, the palm in this group belongs to this product. As the name suggests, the main component in its composition is vitamin A. In Retinoic ointment, it is present in the form of isotretinoin, and this is perhaps the most light form for skin perception.

Retinoic ointment is most often recommended for various types acne and dermatitis. But no one forbids using it to combat aging. After all, isotretinoin is actively involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers, “repairs” cells damaged by free radicals, which leads to increased skin turgor and smoothing of wrinkles. The ointment also works as a gentle peeling, exfoliating dead particles of the epidermis, giving the face a smooth, well-groomed appearance.

However, it should be remembered that the product is too rich in retinol and its use requires caution, otherwise, instead of benefit, the face will receive pigmentation and redness.

The appearance of this product on pharmacy shelves caused a real sensation among women. Combination drug Dermatologists prescribe Radevit for eczema, erosion, ichthyosis and many other skin diseases. In addition, the ointment is credited with broad anti-aging capabilities. They say that it contains such generous doses of vitamins A, E and D that Radevit easily eliminates wrinkles and even tightens the “swollen” contours of the cheeks.

However, not everything is so simple. Due to certain absorption characteristics of retinol palmitate (it is this, and not pure retinol, that is included in the formula of the product), the active components of Radevit penetrate only into the upper layers of the skin. This is enough to save your face from dryness and irritation, refresh it, improve color and tone. But the drug is unlikely to get rid of wrinkles.

This ointment is based on a synthetic, but very productive analogue of the same retinoic acid. The ointment is designed specifically for the treatment of stubborn acne, but is also used as a peeling and wrinkle prevention agent.

The advantages of Differin are that the synthetic substitute for retinoic acid does not make the skin photosensitive, like real retinol. Therefore, Differin can be used all year round, at any time - after the first applications, the skin will become smoother and cleaner.

Prescribed for those with hemorrhoids. But many beauties claim that this is an excellent cosmetic product.

Judge for yourself, Relief contains not only a vasoconstrictor component, but also shark liver oil, cocoa butter, corn and thyme, vitamin E, and glycerin.

Shark oil is a very valuable product, rich in squalene and fatty acids, vitamins important for the skin. Just this - good reason transfer Relief from the first aid kit to the cosmetic bag. Those who did this claim that the ointment, moreover, retains moisture in the skin, making the network of wrinkles less noticeable and the oval of the face clearer.

One of the oldest medicines, which was used by our grandmothers. It was used to treat anything: from diaper rash in babies to bedsores in the elderly. It perfectly dries wounds and cracks, so it is successfully used for herpes, eczema and even trophic ulcers.

And in last years People are increasingly talking about the cosmetic power of zinc ointment.

It is clear that the main active “person” in the composition of the drug is zinc - an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory substance. But besides this, zinc oxide delicately exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, corrects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and has a positive effect on the secretion of collagen, which ultimately improves skin texture and makes wrinkles less prominent.

Light, colorless gel, a combination of zinc and hyaluronic acid. They remove various rashes and accelerate the healing of wounds and bedsores.

Widely used pharmaceutical product and in home cosmetics. Nothing surprising, however, because both main ingredients, zinc and hyaluronic acid, are real knights-protectors of our skin. The first organizes the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates inflammation, and the second retains moisture in the epidermis. The result is a clean, noticeably refreshed, toned face.

By the way, those who use curiasion as a cosmetic gel also advise mixing vitamin solutions, aloe juice, essential oils– that is, enrich it with useful “supplements” at your discretion.

There are two types, for the treatment of inflammation and demodicosis of the eyelids. And women are inspired to use it instead of cosmetics by hyaluronic acid, which is contained in both types of gel.

Reviews about this use are different: some praise the drug and convince them that it “transforms the skin,” but there are also many who are disappointed. Especially if we are talking about blefarogel-2, which, in addition to the miracle acid, also contains sulfur.

One of the most underrated drugs in cosmetology.

Perhaps, indomethacin is familiar only to those who have had radiculitis, myositis, ligament or tendon injuries. After all, it is a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and analgesic agent, which does not contain vitamins or substances beneficial to the skin. However, Indomethacin ointment is real “ Magic wand"for those who were tortured subcutaneous acne, the most unpleasant and painful type of rash. Since the papule is located deep under the skin, lubricate such pimples with drying, disinfectant solutions useless: they only burn the top, thin layer of skin without penetrating to the source of inflammation.

This is where Indomethacin in the form of an ointment comes to the rescue. It is soaked to a sufficient depth and quickly, within several hours, suppresses inflammation. If you apply ointment to even a noticeable pimple in the evening, by the morning only a small bump without redness or pain will remain, which will soon resolve.

We are talking about an ointment; in medicine it is used to heal “difficult”, old wounds. But many people apply it to their face, claiming that the ointment is “almost like Botox.” Can you believe this?

The drug is produced from purified, processed calf blood. Main active substance– a biological stimulant that restores damaged tissue, improves blood circulation in the capillaries, due to which ulcers heal and wounds heal. And also, as many testify, the depth of wrinkles decreases and the elasticity of the skin increases if solcoseryl ointment is applied to the face in the form of a mask.

This cheap remedy is especially effective when paired with dimexide, a solution that promotes the penetration of medicinal microelements into the deeper layers.

First, the face is moistened with a drop of dimexide diluted in water (proportions of at least 1:10), and a layer of solcoseryl is applied on top. It is believed that this procedure is a cheap home replacement for Botox injections.

The medicine is serious, because it belongs to glucocorteroid, that is, hormonal drugs. Glucocorteroids are very important and, one might say, ubiquitous hormones of the adrenal glands, which “can do”, if not everything, then a lot. They "conduct" blood pressure, rhythmic functioning of the heart and liver, glucose levels, potassium and calcium balance, protect the body from stress, affect the blood formula and much, much more. Hormone therapy in medicine it is used when other means are powerless: sinaflan ointment, for example, relieves the most severe, aggressive eczema. Just a few minutes after its application, the wounds become lighter, swelling, itching and pain decrease.

Doctors do not recommend using Sinaflan ointment for purely cosmetic purposes: these are not toys. However, there are situations when you have to use “heavy artillery”. Let's say you have a very important date, and dermatitis, irritation, or spider veins appear on the tip of your nose or cheek. In such cases, a drop of Sinaflan ointment will help out: a little on the site of redness. And now it is almost unnoticeable. The main thing is to resort to such a “help” as rarely as possible.

Balm “Golden Star”

Remember the famous queen of Soviet pharmacies, in a round tin, “Zvezdochka”? So, Vietnamese balm remains famous, but now also because it is increasingly used by women as a cosmetic potion.

You won’t find super-effective components in a miniature jar, but there aren’t any harmful substances: “Zvezdochka” contains various oils, plant extracts, formic acid and petroleum jelly. Apply a thin layer of fragrant ointment and keep it on the face like a mask. Don't expect a miracle, but the result will nevertheless be: medicinal oils They tone up aging skin well.

Important to remember

What is important to remember when exchanging a beautiful tube from a cosmetic store for a nondescript one from a pharmacy?

  • All ointments and medicated gels should first be tested on the skin of the wrist. And only after making sure that there is no allergic reaction, that is, after 24 hours, can you try them on your face.
  • Ideally, before using ointments and gels, you should consult with both a cosmetologist and a dermatologist. No matter how carefully you read the composition of the drug and reviews about it, the doctor knows much more. And about side effects, and about what time it is better to use the ointment, and what products it should not be combined with.
  • Be especially careful with ointments containing hormones. If you can’t cope without them, use a minimal amount of the product, in exceptional cases.
  • Even the most desperate beauty fans do not recommend getting carried away with “cosmetics” from the pharmacy. Don't accustom your skin to loading doses active components, this will deplete it. After the 7-day course, be sure to give your face a long rest.


Be aware that mineral oils found in ointments not intended for cosmetic purposes may clog sebaceous glands, clog pores. Soberly evaluate the information received from the instructions for the drug, reviews about it, in order to thoroughly understand: will this ointment really be beneficial for the skin? Or maybe leave it in the first aid kit?

The composition is alarming, but there is simply no better antipruritic

Grade: 4

The ointment is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The danger lies in the fact that it contains hormonal components. And despite this, I still use this ointment in emergency cases; I have never seen a better anti-itching remedy for acne. Significant relief occurs within a couple of hours after application, and the appearance begins to improve the next day. It is a pity that the ointment can only combat acne that appears due to hormonal imbalance, poor diet or lack of proper skin care. Sinaflan has no effect on infectious agents.

Not suitable for infectious skin lesions

Grade: 4

Sinaflan begins to work very quickly, literally immediately after application. And it acts in three directions at once - it relieves inflammation, has an excellent antipruritic effect, fights allergic manifestations, and helps draw out all sorts of nasty things from the tissues. But, the ointment is strictly forbidden to use in the presence of any infectious skin lesions. If you apply Sinaflan to such areas, you can provoke deterioration, stimulate further development microbes and bacteria.
The advantage of the ointment is that it is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. But since the composition contains strong hormonal components, before using it, I did an allergy test. Nothing terrible happened, but in any case, you cannot use the ointment uncontrollably and constantly. It is only suitable as an emergency remedy in case of emergency. The redness subsides the next day, and the wounds (if any) heal completely after a few days, almost no traces are visible. The ointment is very helpful for insect bites, but it is prohibited for small children and teenagers due to its composition.

Contains hormonal components

Grade: 4

The ointment is controversial. On the one hand, it perfectly relieves redness and inflammation. Penetrates well into the deep layers of the skin and acts for another couple of weeks. But the main catch is that it contains strong hormonal components. On the one hand, this is good; the maddening itching is quickly eliminated. But on the other hand, the ointment is good only in the absence of a serious infection or aggressive microorganisms, against which it is completely powerless. On the contrary, there is a temporary decrease in skin immunity, which can lead to severe deterioration; the treatment process can take a long time. For oily skin The ointment may not be suitable; the petroleum jelly and lanolin contained in the composition clog the pores. The ointment should be applied exclusively to problem areas no more than 3 times a day. If it gets on healthy areas of the skin, it can cause serious harm. My own experience has shown that Sinaflan does not help at all with acne. One tube of 10 grams is enough for long time, the ointment is used sparingly. The maximum possible treatment period is 15 days, after which you must take a break.

Acne worsened

Grade: 3

I have a lot of pimples on my face and... acne.
I started using Sinaflan ointment to relieve redness. I applied it all over my face and left it overnight. The first results pleased me, as my skin began to clear up acne.
After about a week I noticed that the number of acne was increasing. Therefore I had to refuse.
After stopping using the ointment, after a couple of days the acne appeared even more. The skin condition has worsened.
Only after this did I read in the instructions that the ointment can aggravate the skin condition in the presence of rosacea or acne vulgaris.
I won't use it now.

Hormonal, it is better not to use

It is strictly forbidden to use hormonal ointment on rashes caused by bacteria or viruses.
I concluded for myself that hormonal ointments should not be used for treatment problem skin. As a last resort, a single application to a large inflammation is acceptable for its quick fix. Using hormonal ointment for a long time can cause a serious aggravation of the problem.

Questions and answers

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The instructions for Sinaflan describe its almost magical therapeutic properties: eliminates itching and inflammation, reduces vascular tissue permeability, reduces peeling, and has an antiallergic effect. The visual effect is noticeable after 1-2 uses. It would seem that here it is, the long-awaited panacea for acne. Is it so? Let's try to figure it out.

Why is Sinaflan prescribed?

This drug local action prescribed by dermatologists for inflammatory processes of non-microbial etiology - allergies, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and other similar diseases.

Pimples, acne, boils and carbuncles appear when opportunistic and pathogenic microflora invade the hair follicle or upper layer of skin. That is, it is logical to assume that Sinaflan is not suitable for treating acne. Despite this, the ointment is often included by doctors in the therapeutic regimen for treating rashes and helps speed up this process. Why is this happening?

"Sinaflan" is a hormonal ointment. The active ingredient in its composition is fluocinolone acetonide, a hormone of the adrenal cortex. When a thin film of this drug is applied to the skin, redness - whatever is causing it - is eliminated, and body color is evened out. It seems that the action is what is required to visually eliminate inflammation. Just apply makeup on top and the pimple will definitely not be visible...

This should not be done under any circumstances. The inflammatory process caused by the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms is stopped only for the duration of action active substance. Once it is absorbed, general state will get worse. Fatty components will clog the pores, creating favorable conditions for the activity of streptococci or staphylococci.

For this reason, dermatologists sometimes include Sinaflan in the treatment of acne, but only at the recovery stage, in order to speed up regeneration skin. This means that before the use of Sinaflan, other antimicrobial drugs were necessarily present in the therapy.

Remember, during an acute inflammatory process It is not recommended to use Sinaflan! The main symptoms will indeed be relieved by its action, but several types of pathogenic microorganisms will be activated, and it will be difficult for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment for acne.

If the causes of the rash are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatosis caused internal states body - dysbacteriosis, diabetes mellitus, hyper- or vitamin deficiency;
  • increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • lichen planus,

then to eliminate itching and flaking, a dermatologist may prescribe Sinaflan ointment. Moreover, the product is in no way used for their prevention.

Apply the medicine in a thin layer to clean skin from which moisture has been completely removed. soft cloth or a paper napkin. The ointment is rubbed in, but not too much - the remainder should be absorbed on its own. Only the lesion is treated with the medicine - if the composition gets on healthy tissue, it must be removed immediately.

For allergies, sunburn, insect bites and abrasions, “Sinaflan” is used 1-2 times, no more. The exception is psoriasis and eczema. In this case, the medicine should be used in a course of up to 25 days, 3 times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

Long-term use of Sinaflan may cause severe complications local action:

  • atrophic changes in the skin - up to necrosis of individual areas;
  • the appearance of small papules and stretch marks;
  • peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis.

An overdose of the drug contributes to the appearance side effects– burning sensations, pain when touching the skin, redness.

General complications arise only with prolonged use of Sinaflan ointment or when it is applied to a large area of ​​the body. These include hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, dysfunction vascular system, increased permeability of peripheral capillaries.

The list of contraindications to the use of hormonal ointment "Sinaflan" is quite wide.

It cannot be used:

  • during pregnancy and lactation, even if acne appears due to hormonal status or allergies;
  • at dermatological diseases viral, bacterial or fungal etiology;
  • for psoriasis, plaques of which occupy more than 1/4 of the surface of the skin;
  • for any rash that is symptomatic infectious diseases– syphilis, diaper rash, rosacea, tuberculosis;
  • with varicose veins at the stage of formation of trophic ulcers.

Also a contraindication is the use of Sinaflan ointment for the treatment of allergic acne after the addition of a secondary infection, the symptom of which is purulent rashes.

Although the product quickly relieves redness from acne, it is not used as an “ambulance” for treating delicate skin - the face and genital folds. Sinaflan ointment helps in this case, but the consequences of its application are a violation of the integrity of the epidermis and the appearance of blisters.

When allergic acne appears in patients with a history of pathology of the urinary system, the ointment is used with caution.

In some cases, during pregnancy the drug is prescribed, but only at the end of the 3rd trimester. The use of the drug during the period of fetal formation may subsequently affect the functioning of its adrenal glands.

Analogues of the drug

Main active ingredient medicine– fluocinolone acetonide – causes local undesirable reactions in many patients – the appearance of small pimples, skin swelling. Is there really no alternative and it is impossible to find a similarly effective remedy that does not cause so many side effects?