Memory problem. Excerpt from the book “The Last Step” by V.A Soloukhin (Unified State Exam in Russian). The problem of the relationship between man and nature essay Unified State Exam Soloukhin

The problem identified by the Russian writer and publicist V.A. Soloukhin, in my opinion, is the following: the people began to forget their past. It seems to me that this particular problem is the most significant from the passage in the book “The Last Step” by V.A. Soloukhin. The question arises: “What will happen if we deprive people of their past?”

The question of the disappearance of history and customs of the people cannot leave anyone indifferent. The problem identified by V.A. Soloukhin is especially relevant today, because the enemies of our people, our history are trying to rewrite, forget, disfigure the past of our people.

Why does V.A. Soloukhin’s point of view seem correct to me? Firstly, I myself have more than once felt ashamed that I generally do not know the history of my people, but I am proud that I know my ancestors on my mother’s side up to the eleventh generation. Secondly, knowledge is power. The history of the past unites our people in the face of vital difficulties and strengthens our national spirit. Thirdly, articles began to appear in the press about changing the name of the historically settlements, about destruction historical monuments, about the vandalism committed against the monuments of the heroes of our people.

In an excerpt from the book “The Last Step” by V.A Soloukhin, a very important problem is raised. Although he wrote this at the end of the twentieth century, this problem is more relevant than ever. The people must learn life lessons from their history, remember, respect and never forget.

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Updated: 2017-12-14

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1) There are such remote and secluded places on our river that when you make your way through tangled forest thickets, also filled with nettles, and sit down near the water itself, you will feel as if you are in a world fenced off from the rest of the earthly space.

(2) The bird cherry’s future berries have grown to their size. (3) Now they are smooth, hard, just like they were carved from green bone and polished. (4) The leaves of the willow tree are turned either with their bright green side, or with their reverse, matte, silver side, which is why the whole tree, its entire crown, the whole, so to speak, spot in the overall picture seems light. (5) Grasses grow at the water’s edge, leaning to the side. (6) It even seems that further on the grasses stand on tiptoe, stretching with all their might, so as to be sure to look into the water, at least from behind their shoulders. (7) There are nettles here, and tall umbrella plants, the names of which no one here knows.

(8) But most of all, our closed earthly little world is decorated with a certain tall plant with lush white flowers. (9) That is, each flower individually is very small and would be completely invisible, but the flowers gather on the stem in countless numbers and form a lush, white, slightly yellowish cap of the plant. (10) And since its stems never grow alone, the lush caps merge, and now it’s like a white cloud dozing among the motionless forest grass. (11) It is also impossible not to admire this plant because as soon as the sun warms up, invisible clouds of a strong honey aroma float from the white flower cloud in all directions.

(12) Looking at the white lush clouds of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation. (13) I grew up on this river, they taught me something at school. (14) I see these flowers every time, and I don’t just see them, but I distinguish them from all other flowers. (15) But ask me what they are called - I don’t know, for some reason I have never heard their names from other people who also grew up here. (16) Dandelion, chamomile, cornflower, plantain, bellflower, lily of the valley - we still have enough for that. (17) We can still call these plants by name. (18) However, why generalize right away - maybe I’m the only one who doesn’t know? (19) No, no matter who I asked in the village, showing white flowers, everyone shrugged:

- (20) Who knows! (21) There are plenty of them growing: both on the river and in forest ravines. (22) What are they called?.. (23) What do you care? (24) Flowers and flowers, you can’t reap them, don’t thresh them. (25) You can smell it without a name.

(26) Actually, I would say, we are a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth. (27) No, no, of course, we often say that we love nature: these copses, and hills, and springs, and fire-filled, warm summer sunsets halfway across the sky. (28) Well, collect a bouquet of flowers, and, of course, listen to the singing of the birds, to their chirping in the golden forest tops at a time when the forest itself is still full of dark green, almost black coolness. (29) Well, go mushroom picking, and fish, and just lie on the grass, looking up at the floating clouds.

“(30) Listen, what is the name of the grass on which you are now lying so thoughtlessly and so blissfully?” - “(31) That is, how is it? (32) Grass. (33) Well there... some wheatgrass or dandelion.” - “(34) What kind of wheatgrass is this? (35) There is no wheatgrass here at all. (36) Take a closer look. (37) In the place that you occupied with your body, about two dozen different herbs grow, and each of them is interesting in some way: either for their way of life, or for their healing properties for humans. (38) However, this seems to be a subtlety incomprehensible to our minds.”

(According to V.A. Soloukhin*)

The work of Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, touches on the problem of human indifference to the surrounding nature, which is important for many.
Who, if not a representative of village prose, should touch on such a problem that worries us? In the proposed text, the author gradually leads the reader to the topic of interest. In the first paragraphs, the author describes his native land in which he grew up. Using a variety of lexical and grammatical means expressiveness of V.A. Soloukhin attracts the reader's attention to the wondrous beauties of the native flora. A certain plant with white flowers, unfamiliar to him, receives special admiration (sentences 8-11). Next, the author, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. This prompts the writer to think about the indifference of people (26-29).
In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people are very often indifferent to nature, despite their apparent love for it.
I agree with the author's point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technology and technical progress, there are more and more such people. We are moving away from Mother Nature. In my opinion, this is not good... To confirm that the author is right, I will give examples.
For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev “The Tsar Fish”, human indifference to nature is shown, which in the case of the main character, a poacher, has turned into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author is trying to convey the idea that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy ending, because main character almost dies from the King Fish, which personifies angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
Another example is contemporary Russian reality. For example, it is practically impossible to “pull” today’s youth out of the virtual space into nature. They became indifferent to her. This is the sad situation. in my class there are half of the total number of such people.
I come to the conclusion that the author was right in asserting that many people are indifferent to the natural environment. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will return to the bosom of nature.

(Was it possible to reveal the problems of simply human indifference to everything around him? Or is this an extension of the topic? Thank you for checking.)
and another question (do the arguments prove the author’s position or mine?)

Answer accepted


IN work(remove) text by Vladimir Alekseevich(Put away) Soloukhin, Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, affected(remove) The problem of human indifference towards the surrounding nature, important for many, has been raised.
Who, if not a representative of village prose, should touch on such a problem that worries us? In the proposed text the author (This is not the author, not Soloukhin, but the narrator) gradually leads the reader to the topic of interest topic(the word forbidden for this essay: PROBLEM). In the first paragraphs author describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expression, V.A. Soloukhin attracts the reader's attention to the wondrous beauties of the native flora. He receives special admiration for a certain unfamiliar plant with white flowers. And.( sentences 8-11). Further author with the help of several sentences (20-25) conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects them indifference in relation to flowers and nature in particular. This prompts the writer to think about indifference people(26-29) (FOR WHAT?).
In the end, author comes to the conclusion that people very often indifferent to nature, despite their apparent love for it.( Remove repetitions of thoughts and words, straighten everything out!)
I agree with copyright point of view. Indeed, many e people indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technology and technical progress, such of people getting bigger. We are moving away from Mother Nature. In my opinion, this is not good... To prove that you are right author I'll give examples.
For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev “The Tsar Fish”, human indifference to nature is shown, which in the case of the main character, a poacher, has turned into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author is trying to convey the idea that such an attitude will not lead people to happy ending, because the main character almost dies from the King Fish, which personifies angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
Another example is contemporary Russian reality. For example, it is practically impossible to “pull” today’s youth out of the virtual space into nature. They became indifferent to her. That's how it is sad situation. in my class such people - half of the total .(ARGUMENT WILL NOT COUNT!)
I come to the conclusion that the author was right in asserting that many people are indifferent to the natural environment. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will again return b into the bosom of nature.
K1-1 K2-2 K3-0 K4-2 K5-1 K6-0 K7-2 K8-3 K9-2 K10-0 K11-1 K12-1=15 points

Arguments prove your position: after all, you may not agree with the author’s point of view.

Answers (8)

  • Answer accepted


  • Answer accepted


  • Answer accepted


    The text (is the work a hackneyed word?) by Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, poses the problem of human indifference to the surrounding nature, which is important for many.
    Who, if not a representative of village prose, would touch upon such a problem that worries us? (abrupt transition?) In the proposed text, the narrator gradually leads the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expression, V.A. Soloukhin attracts the reader's attention to the wondrous beauties of the native flora. A certain plant with white flowers, unfamiliar to him, receives special admiration (sentences 8-11). Next, the narrator, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. Replies from fellow villagers play an important role in understanding the problem of the text.
    In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature (or not A.P.)
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technology and technical progress, there are more and more such individuals (or does the book word not work in this context?). We are moving away from Mother Nature. In my opinion, this is not good... To confirm the correctness of my judgment (then you should write not “the author’s correctness”, but “my judgment”?) I will give examples.
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev “The Tsar Fish”, human indifference to nature is shown, which in the case of the main character, a poacher, has turned into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author is trying to convey the idea that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy ending (what is the mistake?), because the main character almost dies from the King Fish, which personifies angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    Another example is another work by V. Astafiev “Lyudochka”, in which, in addition to acute social themes (or is that also impossible?), the problem that interests us is also raised. The park is an ennobled piece of nature, a place for mental relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but it is depicted in a completely different way in Astafiev’s story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is the park. And why all? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the result? Moral and moral degradation.
    I come to the conclusion that the author was right in asserting that many people are indifferent to the natural environment. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will return to the bosom of nature.

    (or A, P is the judgment that every piece of nature (plants, flowers) has an interesting history.....?)

  • Answer accepted


    In the text ( This is an excerpt from the work) Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, raised the problem of human indifference towards the surrounding nature, which is important for many.
    In the proposed passage, the narrator gradually leads the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expression, V.A. Soloukhin attracts the reader's attention to the wondrous beauties of the native flora. Particular admiration is given to something unfamiliar( Is it unfamiliar?) for him a plant with white flowers (sentences 8-11). Next, the narrator, using several sentences (20-25), conveys thoughts fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. Replicas fellow villagers play an important role in understanding the problem of the text.
    In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature (or not A.P.) (Don't be original! Write according to a template!)
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technology and technical progress, there are more and more such individuals. We are moving away from Mother Nature. In my opinion this is not good... RUSSIAN CLASSICS HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT THIS MORE THAN TIMES.
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev “The Tsar Fish”, human indifference to nature is shown, which in the case of the main character, a poacher, has turned into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work the author tries to convey the idea (UNTIL WHOM?), that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy ending( Speech. Find another expression.), after all, the main character almost dies from the King Fish, which personifies angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    To others an example would be other the work of V. Astafiev “Lyudochka”, in which, in addition to acute social themes, the problem that interests us is also raised. The park is an ennobled piece of nature, a place for mental relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but it is depicted in a completely different way in Astafiev’s story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is the park. And why all? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the result? Moral and ethical degradation. (WHOM?)
    Thus, many people are indifferent to the environment nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will return to the fold again nature.

  • Answer accepted


    The text by Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, poses the problem of human indifference towards the surrounding nature, which is important for many.
    In the proposed passage, the narrator gradually leads the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expression, V.A. Soloukhin attracts the reader's attention to the wondrous beauties of the native flora. Particular admiration is given to a certain plant with white flowers that is unfamiliar to him (is it unfamiliar? Sentence 8) (sentences 8-11). Next, the narrator, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. Replies from fellow villagers play an important role in understanding the problem of the text.

    The author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technology and technical progress, there are more and more such individuals. We are moving away from Mother Nature. In my opinion, this is not good. (RUSSIAN CLASSICS HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT THIS MORE THAN TIMES)
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev “The Tsar Fish”, human indifference to nature is shown, which in the case of the main character, a poacher, has turned into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author is trying to convey to the reader that such an attitude will not lead them to good things. The main character almost dies from the King Fish, which personifies angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    Another example is another work by V. Astafiev “Lyudochka”, in which, in addition to acute social themes, the problem that interests us is also raised. The park is an ennobled piece of nature, a place for mental relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but it is depicted in a completely different way in Astafiev’s story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is the park. And why all? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the result? Moral and moral degradation of people.
    Thus, many people are indifferent to the natural environment. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will return to it again.

Vladimir Soloukhin reflects on the important problem of perception of nature.

We all see the beauty of what surrounds us in different ways. Two different views on nature are presented in the text by V. Soloukhin. The narrator, a villager, refers to the “river, fields, meadows” as something native, close, familiar from childhood. Valeria, a Muscovite who has visited many parts of the world, knows how to see beauty everywhere. The narrator was in vain to think that his guest would not appreciate the delights of the village landscape. The girl was able to subtly sense the discreet, but no less attractive beauty: “Can such a night, such silence among the grass and stars not enchant?” In my opinion, Valeria expresses the author’s thoughts.

The writer is convinced that it is important to be able to find beauty anywhere on the planet. Then every little thing will charm you - “and if it doesn’t charm you, then the person himself is to blame.”

I completely agree with this point of view. To live in harmony with nature, you need to be able to enjoy its beauty.

Our kinship with nature is obvious. In the poem “My Quiet Homeland,” the poet Nikolai Rubtsov wrote about it this way:

With every bump and cloud,

With thunder ready to fall,

I feel the most burning

The most mortal connection.

Nature has more than once become an object of admiration for people who are able to appreciate it. , for example, saw the charms even in stormy autumn days, as evidenced by the lines from his poem “Autumn”:

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

Irina Korableva, 10th grade student, Secondary School No. 60

Sample essay based on the text by V.A. Soloukhina. Option number 5.

(Unified State Examination - 2015. Russian language. Model exam options edited by I.P. Tsybulko)

C 1 Interesting text. I read it with great pleasure.

In my opinion, one of the problems of this text is the problem of perception of nature. The author of the text, Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin, claims that he cannot help but “be captivated by such a night, such silence... if it does not charm, it means that the person himself is to blame.”

There are many examples in the literature of works in which this problem is raised. For example, Vladimir Krupin’s story “Drop the Bag.” It tells the story of a girl who was forced to work with her father to feed “ten mouths.” One day, the father saw an unusually beautiful rainbow, but his daughter did not understand his enthusiastic words. Then her father forced her to throw off the bag and straighten up. A beautiful sight appeared to the girl’s eyes: in the sky, as if “a horse was harnessed to a rainbow.” The beauty of nature seemed to revive the girl. This is the influence of nature on humans!

Another literary example. The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Forest and Steppe”. The author describes the beauty of a July morning, the attractiveness of a foggy cold day, the grandeur of the forest in late autumn. This beauty could not help but charm a person who did not at all doubt the greatness of nature. This means that Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin was right.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

To help 11th grade graduates. Sample essay-reasoning. Option 3. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Model exam options: 10 options edited by I.P. Tsybulko. FIPI approved"

To help 11th grade graduates. Sample essay-reasoning. Option 4. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Model exam options: 10 options edited by I.P. Tsybulko. FIPI approved"

To help 11th grade graduates ( educational materials in preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian)...

To help 11th grade graduates. Sample essay-reasoning. Option 1. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Model exam options: 10 options edited by I.P. Tsybulko. FIPI approved"

To help 11th grade graduates (educational materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian)...

To help 11th grade graduates. Sample essay-reasoning. Option 2. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Model exam options: 10 options edited by I.P. Tsybulko. FIPI approved"

To help 11th grade graduates (educational materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian)...

Unified State Exam 2015. Russian language. Typical test tasks. 10 options

Typical test tasks in the Russian language contain 10 variants of sets of tasks compiled taking into account all the requirements of the Unified state exam in 2015. Authors of tasks: Vasily...

Sample essay based on the text by V.A. Soloukhina. Option number 5. (Unified State Examination - 2015. Russian language. Model exam options edited by I.P. Tsybulko)


Irina Korableva, 10th grade student, Secondary School No. 60

Sample essay based on the text by V.A. Soloukhina. Option number 5.

(Unified State Examination - 2015. Russian language. Model exam options edited by I.P. Tsybulko)

C 1 Interesting text. I read it with great pleasure.

In my opinion, one of the problems of this text is the problem of perception of nature. The author of the text, Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin, claims that he cannot help but “be captivated by such a night, such silence... if it does not charm, it means that the person himself is to blame.”

There are many examples in the literature of works in which this problem is raised. For example, Vladimir Krupin’s story “Drop the Bag.” It tells the story of a girl who was forced to work with her father to feed “ten mouths.” One day, the father saw an unusually beautiful rainbow, but his daughter did not understand his enthusiastic words. Then her father forced her to throw off the bag and straighten up. A beautiful sight appeared to the girl’s eyes: in the sky, as if “a horse was harnessed to a rainbow.” The beauty of nature seemed to revive the girl. This is the influence of nature on humans!

Another literary example. The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Forest and Steppe”. The author describes the beauty of a July morning, the attractiveness of a foggy cold day, the grandeur of the forest in late autumn. This beauty could not help but charm a person who did not at all doubt the greatness of nature. This means that Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin was right.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

To help 11th grade graduates (educational materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian).

Typical test tasks in the Russian language contain 10 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2015. Authors of tasks: Vasya.

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 6. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Model exam options 10 options edited by I.P. Tsybulko. FIPI approved.

The document contains various tasks on Russian language and literature. They have criteria for some tasks and for assessing all work. The format of the Russian language assignments is focused on the OGE. Composition.

The problem of the relationship between man and nature.

Essay based on the text:

Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin is a Russian writer and poet, a prominent representative of “village prose,” in his text he discusses the problem of the relationship between man and nature.

The author talks about how, while going fishing, he ended up in a wonderful country. What impressed him most was the sunrise. Several times the hero returns to this place, where the Chernaya River and the Koloksha River meet, but he could not find himself in this country again.

V. A. Soloukhin believes that nature gives a person unforgettable sensations, helps him feel happy, gain an understanding that every moment of life is unique. Being in nature, a person learns to sincerely enjoy the world around him.

I believe that man and nature are closely related. Many artists, poets, composers drew inspiration from being alone with nature. For example, the singer of Rus', Sergei Yesenin, sang of his native land throughout his entire career. Nature was his muse.

Buddha and his followers believed that only by reconnecting with nature would they achieve nirvana. Therefore, they left their families and went into the forest.

Thus, I came to the conclusion that every person who knows how to enjoy nature gets pleasure from it.

Text by V. A. Soloukhin:

(1) The trip to Olepin gave me an unforgettable experience. (2) Morning found me not in bed, not in a hut or city apartment, but under a haystack on the banks of the Koloksha River.

(3) But it’s not fishing that I remember the morning of this day. (4) Not for the first time I approached the water in the dark, when you couldn’t even see the floats on the water, barely beginning to absorb the very first, lightest lightening of the sky.

(5) Everything was as if ordinary that morning: catching perches, the flock of which I attacked, and the pre-dawn chill rising from the river, and all the unique smells that arise in the morning where there is water, sedge, nettle, mint, meadow flowers and bitter willow.

(6) And yet the morning was extraordinary. (7) Scarlet clouds, round, as if inflated, floated across the sky with the solemnity and slowness of swans. (8) The clouds also floated along the river, coloring not only the water, not only the light steam above the water, but also the wide glossy leaves of water lilies. (9) The white fresh flowers of the water lilies were like roses in the light of the burning morning. (Yu) Drops of red dew fell from a bent willow into the water, spreading red circles with a black shadow.

(11) An old fisherman walked through the meadows, and in his hand a large caught fish blazed with red fire. (12) Haystacks, haystacks, a tree growing at a distance! the copse, the old man's hut - everything was seen especially prominently, brightly, as if something had happened to our vision, and it was not the play of the great sun that was the reason for the extraordinary nature of the morning. (13) The flame of the fire, so bright at night, was almost invisible now, and its pallor further emphasized the dazzlingness of the morning sparkle. (14) This is how I will forever remember those places along the bank of Koloksha where our morning dawn passed.

(15) When, having eaten fish soup and fallen asleep again, caressed by the rising sun! and having slept well, we woke up three or four hours later, it was impossible to recognize the surroundings. (16) The sun, rising to its zenith, removed all shadows from the earth. (17) Gone: the contour, the convexity of earthly objects, the fresh coolness and the burning of dew, and its sparkle disappeared somewhere. (18) The meadow flowers faded, the water became dull, and in the sky, instead of bright and lush clouds, a smooth whitish haze spread like a veil. (19) It was as if a few hours ago we had magically visited a completely different, wonderful country, where there are scarlet lilies and red lilies! a fish on a rope with an old man, and the grass shimmers with lights, and everything there is clearer, more beautiful, more distinct, just as it happens in wonderful countries, where one ends up] solely by the power of fairy-tale magic.

(20) How can I get back to this wondrous scarlet country? (21) After all, no matter how much later you come to the place where the Chernaya River meets the Koloksha River and where Similar materials

An example of an Unified State Exam essay based on the text by V.A. Soloukhina

(1)Lie on the grass. (2)0 let down, tip over, spread out your arms...

(3) There is no other way to drown as tightly and dissolve in the blue sky than when you lie on the grass. (4) You fly away and drown immediately, at that very moment, as soon as you capsize and open your eyes. (5) This is how a lead weight sinks if it is placed on the surface of the sea. (6) This is how a tense balloon (let’s say, a weather balloon) released from one’s hands sinks. (7) But do they have the same swiftness, the same lightness, the same speed that the human gaze has when it drowns in the boundless blue of the summer sky?! (8) To do this, you need to lie down on the grass and open your eyes.

9) Just a minute ago I was walking along the slope and was involved in various earthly objects. (10) I, of course, also saw the sky, as you can see it from a home window, from a train window, through the windshield of a car, over the roofs of Moscow houses, in the forest, in the gaps between the trees and when you simply walk along a meadow path , along the edge of a ravine, along a slope. (11) But this does not mean seeing the sky. (12) Here, along with the sky, you see something else earthly, nearby, some detail. (13) Every earthly detail leaves a piece of your attention, your consciousness, your soul. (14) Here the path goes around a large boulder. (15) A bird fluttered out of a juniper bush. (16) Here is a flower bending under the weight of a toiling bumblebee.

(17) You walk, and the surrounding world supplies you with information. (18) This is unobtrusive information. (19) She is not like a radio that you are not free to turn off. (20) Or at the newspaper, which you can’t help but glance at in the morning. (21) Or on the TV, from which you cannot tear yourself away due to the apathy that has gripped you under the influence of the same information. (22) Or on the signs, advertisements and slogans that dot the city streets.

(23) This is different, very tactful, I would even say affectionate information. (24) It doesn’t make your heart beat faster, doesn’t fray your nerves, and doesn’t cause insomnia. (25) But still your attention is scattered by rays from one point to many points. (26) One ray is to the chamomile (shouldn’t you tell fortunes - and here is a far-leading chain of associations), the second ray is to the birch (“a couple of white birches”), the third ray is to the forest edge (“when the foliage of the damp and rusty rowan turns red bunch"), the fourth - to a flying bird ("The heart is a flying bird, in the heart there is aching laziness"). (27) And the soul began to radiate, to be divided, not becoming scarce, not exhausted from such fragmentation, but still not concentrating from many points to one, as happens in moments of creativity, in moments, probably, of prayer, and even when you remain face to face with the bottomless sky. (28) But for this you need to capsize into summer grass and spread your arms.

(29)…And so lie on the grass. (ZO) But why on the grass? (31) Well, if you don’t like it, lie down on a dusty road, on bricks, on scraps of iron, on a pile of mineral fertilizer, on knotty boards. (32) You can, of course, spread your cloak on the ground. (33) But I would advise - on the grass. (34) These minutes will become, perhaps, the best, memorable minutes of your life.

Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin (1924 – 1997) – poet, prose writer, publicist.

Nature. What effect does it have on the human condition? It is this problem that V.A. raises. Soloukhin in the text proposed for analysis.

Reflecting on the question posed, the author of the text says that if a person lies on the grass and looks at the heavens, he will feel how his life will change. internal state: he will feel his unity with the sky. The author describes the beauty of nature with undisguised admiration. The poet concludes his reasoning with the fair conclusion that minutes spent alone with nature can become the happiest in a person’s life.

Russian classical writers spoke about this repeatedly in their works. Let us remember the story of A.P. Platonov "Yushka". In this work, the main character Yushka experienced real happiness when he was left alone with nature. He admired life and was even upset when he saw dead insects, feeling left without them. But living birds and insects were singing around, so Yushka felt light and joyful in her soul. He inhaled with pleasure the aroma of forest flowers. Under the influence of nature, the hero forgot about his illness, which had tormented him for a very long time. Thus, nature has a beneficial effect on the human condition, improving his well-being and instilling happiness in him.

I will give another literary example that shows: nature can bring a person a feeling of extraordinary happiness. In the poem by F.I. Tyutchev “Nature is not what you think...” the poet says that people who consider nature a “soulless face” “live in this world as if in the dark.” Further, the author discusses what kind of happiness such people lost: “The rays did not descend into their souls, spring did not bloom in their chests, the forests did not talk about them, and the night in the stars was silent!” Consequently, nature, bringing a person a feeling of happiness, has a beneficial effect on his state of mind.

In conclusion, I will emphasize once again: left alone with nature, a person who loves and appreciates it will feel a noticeable improvement in his condition and a feeling of extraordinary happiness, and, perhaps, the minutes spent with nature will turn out to be the best in his life.

What other examples can be given to support this point of view?

Nature and man. Essay on the Unified State Exam based on the text by V. Soloukhin

Essay on the Unified State Exam based on the text by V. Soloukhin. This is an Essay on one of the most popular Unified State Examination problems. Considering the relationship between nature and man, the author, following the famous publicist, comes to the conclusion about the need to take care of natural resources.

The text of the essay “Nature and Man” includes Unified State Exam arguments, taken from fiction. In the proposed text, Russian publicist V. Soloukhin reflects on the fate of our planet. The author raises the problem of the relationship between man and nature, or more precisely, the alienation of people from nature.

The problem raised by the author is extremely relevant, since the fate of the planet depends on us, people. V. Soloukhin notes with bitterness: “as soon as people introduce a drop of a harmful culture into the earthly coat of the Forest, it becomes ill.” But we don’t think about it and treat the world around us irresponsibly.

The author believes that man has moved away from nature. In the bustle of city life, people forget what a wonderful world surrounds them; their spiritual connection with nature weakens over time. Sometimes people, caring about the immediate, destroy natural resources that have been created over centuries. The author emotionally describes what is happening to nature due to human intervention: “They scurry about, multiply, do their job, eating away the subsoil, depleting the fertility of the soil, poisoning rivers and oceans, and the very atmosphere of the Earth with toxic substances.” I share the point of view of V. Soloukhin. His position is close to me. Indeed, we ourselves. Without realizing it, our actions contribute to the irreversible process of destruction of the Earth.

The consequences can be very tragic for each of us. To support my words, I will give examples from works of classical literature. For Evgeny Bazarov, the hero of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” nature is “not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it.”

Bazarov rejects all enjoyment of nature. His friend, Arkady, on the contrary, admires her, and nature helps him heal his emotional wounds and immerse himself in his thoughts. I. S. Turgenev emphasizes the need for communication and contact with the outside world, leading Evgeniy to the realization of his wrongness at the end of the novel.

Another example illustrating the consequences of human intervention in nature is the plot of M. A. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog.” Professor Preobrazhensky transplants a part of the cute dog Sharik human brain, turning a cute dog into a disgusting citizen Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov. In my opinion, one cannot mindlessly interfere with nature, since the consequences of such intervention are difficult to predict. I believe that man creates his own destiny, and only he can solve the problems of our planet.

I hope people can find means to prevent the destruction of the Earth. We all need to be more attentive and careful about nature, preserve its beauty and wealth for future generations, since the future of humanity depends on our behavior.

School assistant - ready-made essays on Russian language and literature

Essay on the Unified State Exam based on the text by V. Soloukhin. This is an Essay on one of the most popular Unified State Examination problems. Considering the relationship between nature and man, the author, following the famous publicist, comes to the conclusion about the need to take care of natural resources.

In the text of the essay “Nature and Man” USE arguments taken from fiction are included. In the proposed text, Russian publicist V. Soloukhin reflects on the fate of our planet. The author raises the problem of the relationship between man and nature, or more precisely, the alienation of people from nature.

The problem raised by the author is extremely relevant, since the fate of the planet depends on us, people. V. Soloukhin notes with bitterness: “as soon as people introduce a drop of a harmful culture into the earthly coat of the Forest, it becomes ill.” But we don’t think about it and treat the world around us irresponsibly.

The author believes that man has moved away from nature. In the bustle of city life, people forget what a wonderful world surrounds them; their spiritual connection with nature weakens over time. Sometimes people, caring about the immediate, destroy natural resources that have been created over centuries. The author emotionally describes what is happening to nature due to human intervention: “They scurry about, multiply, do their job, eating away the subsoil, depleting the fertility of the soil, poisoning rivers and oceans, and the very atmosphere of the Earth with toxic substances.” I share the point of view of V. Soloukhin. His position is close to me. Indeed, we ourselves, without realizing it, through our actions contribute to the irreversible process of destruction of the Earth.

Consequences can be very tragic for each of us. To support my words, I will give examples from works of classical literature. For Evgeny Bazarov, the hero of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” nature is “not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it.”

Bazarov rejects all enjoyment of nature. His friend, Arkady, on the contrary, admires her, and nature helps him heal his emotional wounds and immerse himself in his thoughts. I. S. Turgenev emphasizes the need for communication and contact with the outside world, leading Eugene to the realization of his wrongness at the end of the novel.

Another example, illustrating the consequences of human intervention in nature, is the plot of M. A. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog.” Professor Preobrazhensky transplants part of the human brain into the cute dog Sharik, turning the cute dog into the disgusting citizen Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. In my opinion, one cannot mindlessly interfere with nature, since the consequences of such intervention are difficult to predict. I believe that man creates his own destiny, and only he can solve the problems of our planet.

I hope people can find means to prevent the destruction of the Earth. We all need to be more attentive and careful about nature, preserve its beauty and wealth for future generations, since the future of humanity depends on our behavior.

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