Our sightseeing tour. Quiet Don. Stanitsa Veshenskaya

It seems every person in Russia has heard about it. Even if you haven't studied school curriculum, then I watched films based on Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”. It is possible that many have no idea where Rostov, Taganrog, Novocherkassk are located. But everyone knows about Veshki.

But my interest in Veshki was not at all due to the historicity of the village. One morning in 2013. the bell rang mobile phone, a classmate called. And she offered to go to the anniversary of a mutual friend, classmate, and Komsomol member of the course, Valentina K., who lives in the village of Veshenskaya. And so we called each other and went to the event in a large friendly group.

The road was wonderful, there were practically no cars. We were practically driving to splendid isolation. The weather was warm, sunny and cloudy at the same time. It was not possible to remove the eagle. My camera didn't take it. I had to steal it from the Internet.

So Stanitsa Veshenskaya. Here's what they write about him on the Internet:

The first mention of the Cossack town of Veshki dates back to 1672. In the Region of the Don Army, it was originally part of the Donetsk district; after the formation of the Verkhnedonsky district, the village became its administrative center. During the Civil War, the village was the center of the Verkhnedon uprising against the Bolshevik rule.

The village of Veshenskaya gained worldwide fame thanks to the novel “Quiet Don” by a resident of the village, Mikhail Sholokhov, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. After the death of the writer in 1984, the State Museum-Reserve of M. A. Sholokhov was created here. A bronze bust of Sholokhov was installed on May 23, 1981 on the banks of the Don River (sculptor A. Novikov and architect V. Klimov).

We were greeted by hospitable hosts. We were accommodated and fed.

The owner of the house is a wonderful woman, a beauty, an athlete, a Komsomol member... A mathematician by first education, an architect by second. He is interested in mountaineering, runs a mountaineering section on a voluntary basis, runs a business for the restoration of Sholokhov objects, raises children, and runs a household.

The road was not tiring and we refused to rest. Without wasting precious time, we were introduced to some of the sights of the village.

Object first. Cool yar.

It wasn't even dark yet, but it was cloudy. The weather cleared up a little later, but at that time it was like that. The photos turned out sad. The impressions are completely different. The scope and enormity of the spill is impressive. The spectacle is so large-scale and impressive that it can only be compared with such objects as Palace Square in St. Petersburg or Red Square. they say that it was this place that Krutoyar was visited by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in 2005. I believe. There is something to see.

Object second. A trip to the famous oak tree. Ancient oak

The highlight of this place is the oak tree, which is over 400 years old. In 2011, the tree was recognized as the oldest in the Rostov region and has the status of a “living natural monument.”

Object three. A trip to a birch grove.

The third object of the first day was a birch grove. Who hasn't been to a birch grove? in early spring I definitely recommend visiting. Beauty and deliciousness. We drank juice. Interestingly, it turned out that the juice from different trees different. There is juice that is sweeter and more concentrated, and there is juice that is less sweet. Taste of childhood! I wonder what kind of grove it is in early autumn, when the birches are just about to shed their leaves? Would like to watch. There are many single birches in Rostov; in early autumn they are very beautiful. True, birch trees can be said to be beautiful at any time of the year.

By the way, there is a pine grove nearby. They say that mushroom pickers come here in spring and autumn. They arrive in Kamaz trucks and with scythes (they mow with a scythe and take them out in Kamaz trucks). And oyster mushroom is not a mushroom at all for picky mushroom pickers.

The owners noticed several unusual objects in their yard. A piece of a farmstead, stylized as the beginning of the last century, a training ground for a dachshund where it digs holes and a home gym.

Second day. Sunny. The sky is clear. In the morning, on the site of the host party, we noticed an interesting collection of stones, which the owner of the house was collecting:

The owner of the house is a very extraordinary person. The number of his hobbies is countless. Hunting, fishing, exploring the region, mountaineering, restoration. A gym in the house is a family hobby. The love of mountaineering brought these two people together in their youth and led them hand in hand through life.

We return to Veshki. Excursion around the village.

Sculptural composition “Gregory and Aksinya”

The sculptural composition dedicated to the heroes of M. A. Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don” is located on the banks of the Don River. The sculpture is located in the place where Sholokhov drew inspiration for his novel Quiet Don.

By the way, this composition is well known to all Rostovites. For a long time it stood on the left bank of the Don opposite Sobornaya Street. But then she disappeared. Many wondered where the monument had gone. And he miraculously decorated the embankment of the village of Veshchenskaya.

Church of St. Michael the Archangel

The St. Michael the Archangel parish of the village of Veshenskaya has existed since the mid-18th century. In 1786, the main altar of the temple was consecrated.

Get organized.

Brief historical reference:

There are no material traces left of the town of Veshki, mentioned in historical documents for the first time in 1672 (although, according to the legends of some old-timers, the year of foundation is 1640). In its current location, Veshenskaya was formed as a result of the resettlement of the Cossacks of the Chigantskaya village, which was devastated for participation in the Bulavinsky uprising. There was not a single economic enterprise in the village. Trade was carried out by food and departmental stores. At the very beginning of the 20th century, 1,200 people lived in the village of Veshenskaya, and the yurt numbered 28,000 people. In 1913, the Veshensky yurt, together with the village, numbered 36,989 Cossacks, not counting residents of non-Cossack origin. And yet, from the very beginning, the 20th century brought a “blaze” to the Don, and with it, troubles and misfortune. The Cossacks left for Japanese war, fought on the fronts of the First World War. Not everyone returned home. The houses were getting old, the economy was falling into disrepair. The year 1917 split the Cossacks in two: red and white. Ahead lay decossackization and genocide of a huge part of the Russian population, oblivion and decline of Cossack culture and folklore. Veshenskaya found herself in the epicenter of the Vendée. In the fall of 1926, Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov and his family moved to the station. Veshenskaya, which became his permanent place of residence. In 1928, he bought a house and estate on Sovetskaya Street (currently house number 103 on Sholokhov Street), where the Sholokhovs lived until 1935. Here M.A. Sholokhov wrote the third book of “Quiet Don” and the first book of “Virgin Soil Upturned”, worked on articles and essays.


Visiting time:

No limits

Basic mythological facts:

1. Name: village Veshenskaya.

2. Location: Russia, Rostov region, Sholokhov district, village Vyoshenskaya.

3. Description: Veshenskaya (colloquially Veshki) is a village in the north of the Rostov region, the administrative center and the largest locality Sholokhovsky district and Vyoshensky rural settlement. Population - 9.3 thousand inhabitants (2002).

The village is located on the left bank of the Don River. In 1963, thanks to the parliamentary efforts of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, from the city of Millerovo, through which the Moscow-Rostov-on-Don and North Caucasus highways pass Railway, a 145 km long asphalt road was built to the village of Bazkovskaya, located on the right bank of the Don, opposite Vyoshenskaya.

In 1985, a bridge was built between these villages, replacing the ferry crossing. There is an airport near the village.

The first mention of the Cossack town of Veshki dates back to 1672.

In the Region of the Don Army, it was originally part of the Donetsk district; after the formation of the Verkhnedonsky district, the village became its administrative center. During the Civil War, the village was the center of the Verkhnedon uprising against the Bolshevik rule.

Veshenskaya gained worldwide fame thanks to the novel “Quiet Don” by a resident of the village, Mikhail Sholokhov, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. After the death of the writer in 1984, the State Museum-Reserve of M. A. Sholokhov was created here. A bronze bust of Sholokhov was installed on May 23, 1981 on the banks of the Don River (sculptor A. Novikov and architect V. Klimov).

4. Basic legend. The events of the novel "Quiet Don" take place in Veshenskaya. For example, here Grigory Melekhov takes the oath and military training for service takes place, here Grigory takes part in the uprising, here Cossacks from the Tatarsky farm go to the market.

5. Degree of uniqueness: high.

Vyoshenskaya (colloquially Vyoshki) is a village in the north of the Rostov region, the administrative center and largest settlement of the Sholokhov district and the Vyoshensky rural settlement. The population is about 10 thousand inhabitants. The village is located on the left bank of the Don River.

Probably, the village of Veshenskaya, which lies on the left bank of the Don, is now known to anyone who knows the history of the Don, the life and work of the writer M.A. Sholokhov. These Don lands saw a lot of tragic and solemn things; many stood on the banks of the Don near the village of Veshenskaya, admiring the open spaces. There are still rumors about the time of the founding of the village of Veshenskaya. There is simply no exact information. You can read more about the history of the village.
The first mention of the Cossack town of Veshki dates back to 1672.

In the Region of the Don Army, it was originally part of the Donetsk district; after the formation of the Verkhnedonsky district, the village became its administrative center. During the Civil War, the village was the center of the Verkhnedon uprising against the Bolshevik rule.

Veshenskaya gained worldwide fame thanks to the novel “Quiet Don” by a resident of the village, Mikhail Sholokhov, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
After the death of the writer in 1984, the State Museum-Reserve of M. A. Sholokhov was created here. A bronze bust of Sholokhov was installed on May 23, 1981 on the banks of the Don River (sculptor A. Novikov and architect V. Klimov). The Sholokhov Spring festival is held in the village every spring on the last weekend of May.
These days, professional and amateur groups, writers and poets, Sholokhov scientists, theater and film actors come to Vyoshenskaya from all over the country. The holiday comes to Vyoshenskaya in the morning, as it used to be in the old days, at sunrise and begins with a wake-up call. Folklore groups in folk costumes walk along the streets of the village - with songs, dances, and jokes, the festivities flock to the center of the village. Numerous folk groups from all over Russia, near and far abroad perform at all permanent and temporary venues.
At the farmsteads, the owners treat guests to dishes of Cossack cuisine and the famous Cossack “haze”. Numerous craftsmen and artists offer their artistic products and souvenirs. The next day, on the outskirts of the village, in the area of ​​the hippodrome, from 10.00 in the morning traditional Cossack races take place, where the best Cossack squads of the Don demonstrate their prowess. This is the art of wielding a saber, a pike, and the ability to control a horse.

State Museum-Reserve M.A. Sholokhov

founded in 1984. The creation of a museum-reserve in the writer’s homeland was a recognition of the outstanding merits of M.A. Sholokhov in front of domestic literature and world spiritual culture.

In 1995, by Presidential Decree Russian Federation All objects of the museum-reserve are classified as objects of historical and cultural heritage of federal (all-Russian) significance.

The uniqueness of the museum-reserve, first of all, lies in the fact that it preserves everything connected with the life and work of the writer (personal belongings, manuscripts, letters, houses in which he lived, nature, farms and villages depicted in his works ).

The collection of museum objects consists almost entirely of original items that belonged to the writer himself and his family; it amounts to more than 52,000 storage units, of which more than 25,000 are fixed assets. Annual receipts - 2500 - 3000 storage units. On a functional and territorial basis, the museum-reserve includes ten main structural and planning zones, which most fully reflect the life and work of M.A. Sholokhov on the Don Land: Art. Veshenskaya, h. Kruzhilinsky, st. Karginskaya, st. Elanskaya, h. Lebyazhy, x. Pleshaki, Shchebunyaevsky h., lake. Ostrovnoye, Vyoshensky centuries-old oak.

All photos here:

Veshenskaya is a village in the Rostov region. Long years it was the “home” for Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov (1905 - 1984). Currently, the village is the center of the Sholokhov district. When approaching its border, a slightly paused horseman is visible from a distance (see photo on the left). Turning his head slightly, he looks around the steppe, trying to see someone in the distance. These are the native Don expanses, stretching far around. You are immediately immersed in the life of the Cossacks at the beginning of the 20th century. From a distance, from a distance of several kilometers, it looks very realistic and impressive, like a real horseman in the steppe. This is the Cossack Grigory Melekhov from the great work of Sholokhov M.A. "Quiet Don" The monument was made from the actor Pyotr Glebov, who played Melekhov in the brilliant film adaptation of the novel. The film was shot by director Sergei Gerasimov in 1958.

When driving through the area, you are amazed by the breadth and depth of the surrounding landscapes of the Rostov region. A few kilometers before Vyoshenskaya, a forest opens up. Look at the photo. There is a village in front, and the Don flows below.

At the entrance to the village of Veshenskaya

History of Veshenskaya

One of the most common versions says that the name of the village comes from the word “milestone”, “veshka”. It is assumed that Vyoshenskaya was founded in the 16th century by the Cossacks of Sary Azman. Nothing is known for certain about him. One of the sources preserves correspondence between the Nogai ruler Yusuf and Ivan the Terrible. The head of the Nagais complained to the Moscow Tsar: “...your servants, a certain Sary Azman says, he placed cities on the Don in three and four places... Yes, our ambassadors... and people are guarded and defeated.” Later, these settlements were used by Russian border troops for their livelihood purposes. The town of Veshki was first mentioned in 1571. Tsar Ivan the Terrible signed the “Boyar verdict on stanitsa and guard service.” It mentions a “head in the field”, which should be sent from the town of Shatsk and located in Vezhki (Veshki), above the Bear and Khopr.

In 1740 there was a large flood of the Don and the town was moved from the floodplain to a higher place above the river. It united with the village of Reshetovskaya and received the status of a village. In 1782 there was a big fire in Vyoshenskaya. Almost all the buildings burned down. I had to rebuild everything again. Like everyone else Russian Empire did not ignore the village Civil War. There were Soviet power here, and the uprising of the Cossacks, and de-Cossackization, and other sad moments of that time.

During the Great Patriotic War German troops(Army Group B), which included Paulus's 6th Army, passed through these places on their way to Stalingrad (now Volgograd). The front line came close to Vyoshenskaya, but the Germans failed to cross the Don at this point. The village remained the left flank of the advancing fascists, and the main forces of the invaders moved further towards the Volga. The headquarters of the rifle division, medical and other rear institutions were located in the village. The Germans subjected Vyoshenskaya to shelling and bombing. In one of these bombings, the house of M.A. Sholokhov was destroyed.

Veshenskaya, Don River near Sholokhov’s house

Now there is peace and quiet here. Local residents on boats fish on the river in the morning. Visiting guests of the village stroll along its embankment, visit museums, squares, monuments, etc. I can’t even believe that bombs once exploded here and people died along with the military. peaceful people. Look at the photo. To the left, on the high bank of the Don, there was a house in which the writer’s mother died from a bombing. Soviet people During the Great Patriotic War, they did an incredible amount so that we could now admire the beauty of Russia’s nature.

Biography of Sholokhov

Mikhail Alexandrovich was born in 1905 on the Kruzhilin farm. His mother Anastasia Danilovna Chernikova (1871 - 1942) was for a long time in the service of the landowner Popova, who forcibly married her to the son of the village ataman Kuznetsov. By that time, she loved another person - Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov. From him a boy Misha was born. Since Anastasia Danilovna was officially married, the boy’s surname was written down as Kuznetsov. Only after the death of her husband in 1912, Anastasia Danilovna and Alexander Mikhailovich were able to get married in the church of the Kargin farm. At the same time, his father officially adopted him and Mikhail received his native surname Sholokhov.

To provide basic education, Alexander Mikhailovich hires a home teacher T.T. for his son. Mrykhina. During these years, Mikhail was diagnosed with an eye disease and his father took him to Moscow for treatment. At the same time, Mikhail goes to preparatory class Moscow gymnasium No. 9. After treatment, his parents transferred him to the Bogucharsky gymnasium (Boguchar, Voronezh province). Unfortunately, revolutionary events interrupt the learning process. In 1918-1919, Mikhail studied at the Vyoshenskaya gymnasium, which he also failed to graduate due to the military actions taking place around the village. In 1920, Soviet power was finally established on the Don. Mikhail finishes his courses in Rostov and goes to the village of Bukanovskaya as a tax inspector. Then he deals with surplus appropriation. Now it is not known for certain what exactly happened there. The Revolutionary Tribunal tried him for a crime in office and sentenced him to death. For several days he expected death. The parents managed to bring a certificate that he was a minor and the execution was cancelled.

At the end of 1922, Mikhail went to Moscow with the goal of enrolling in the workers' school. Unfortunately, he does not have work experience at the plant and a Komsomol voucher, which were required upon admission. Getting a job wasn’t so easy either. Mikhail did not have any profession. He managed to get a job as an accountant in a housing office. He begins to write various stories. On the recommendation of a friend of an aspiring writer, he is accepted into the “Young Guard” literary group. He slowly tries to publish in newspapers and magazines, joins the Komsomol and is engaged in self-education. At the end of 1923, he arrived in the village of Bukanovskaya, where he wooed the daughter of the former village ataman P.Ya. Gromoslavsky. At the beginning of 1924, Mikhail married Maria Petrovna Gromoslavskaya (1901 - 1992). He will live with her for the rest of his life. They had four children: Svetlana, Alexander, Mikhail and Maria.

In 1925, Mikhail Alexandrovich began creating the novel “Quiet Don”. After writing several chapters about the events of 1917, he decides that the reader will not be entirely clear about the underlying reasons for the behavior of the Cossacks during the difficult revolutionary years. To show the way of life and traditions of the Cossacks, Mikhail Alexandrovich comes to the conclusion to begin the narrative from the time before the outbreak of the First World War and expand the volume of the novel to several volumes. In parallel, in the same year, his collection entitled “Don Stories” was published as a separate book. In 1926, he and his family moved to the village of Veshenskaya, where he would live until his death (until 1984).

Sholokhov in Vyoshenskaya

In Vyoshenskaya, Mikhail Alexandrovich plunges headlong into work on the first volume of the novel “Quiet Don”. The work went very quickly and fruitfully. Having finished the first volume, he makes sketches and begins the next parts of the novel. At the end of 1927, Mikhail Alexandrovich took volume 1 of “Quiet Don” to Moscow, to the magazine “October”. In the first four issues of the magazine for 1928, the 1st volume of the novel was published. After some time, in the same year, the second volume of the novel was published. In parallel, “Quiet Don” also publishes “Roman-Gazeta” (a literary magazine that has been publishing novels for the people since 1927).

Veshenskaya, morning dawn on the Don

The surrounding nature in the village of Veshenskaya is very beautiful. Don is simply mesmerizing. And what silence there is around. No wonder Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov describes these places in his novel “Quiet Don”. No matter what events happened to people, no matter how difficult it was for them, they were always drawn home, to their native Don.

Truly, the novel “Quiet Don” is a masterpiece of Soviet and world literature. True, human envy sits very firmly in a person. Immediately after the publication of the novel, rumors spread in writing circles that Sholokhov M.A. I didn’t write it myself. He allegedly found the manuscript in the bag of a murdered white officer. One of the venerable writers even said as an argument: “I am an old writer, but I could not write such a book as “Quiet Flows the Flow of the Don”... Can you believe that at the age of 23, without any education, a person could write such a deep, such a psychologically truthful book..." Mikhail Alexandrovich was very worried, but steadfastly endured all the insults. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin read the novel and liked it, despite a number of points that did not quite fit into Soviet ideology. On his instructions, an authoritative commission was created to confirm the authorship of “The Quiet Don.” Mikhail Alexandrovich presented the manuscript of the novel. He said that he had lived all his short life in those places and knew the life of the Cossacks from the inside, that he wrote down the stories of many village residents who were still alive at the time of the commission’s work. After some time, the commission came to the conclusion that the author of the novel “Quiet Don” is Sholokhov M.A.

When publishing the novel, some officials proposed excluding from it several dozen chapters about the Upper Don Cossack uprising and making Grigory Melikhov a Bolshevik. Mikhail Alexandrovich refused. He always tried to honestly describe the tragic events in the life of the country, without distorting the historical truth. Even the white emigration well received the novel for the truthfulness of the events shown in it. Subsequently, the novel was published not only in the USSR, but was also translated into many foreign languages. Despite his intractability and defending his point of view, Sholokhov M.A. normal relations have developed with the head of state I.V. Stalin. Poskrebyshev A.N. (Stalin’s secretary) 13 meetings of I.V. Stalin were recorded in the visitor logs. with Sholokhov M.A. And this is despite the fact that the leader of the country is so busy.

In 1930, having postponed work on the last parts of the novel “Quiet Don,” Mikhail Alexandrovich began writing a work about collective farm life called “With sweat and blood.” Subsequently, the novel was called “Virgin Soil Upturned.” From 1930 to 1940 Sholokhov M.A. conducts extensive social activities. During the period of famine that swept across the country, he defends dying people and denounces the mismanagement of local leaders. In 1937-38, he came to the defense of many famous people. But clouds were gathering over Mikhail Alexandrovich himself. In 1938, local security officers tried to extract testimony against M.A. Sholokhov from arrested people. The leaders of the Rostov NKVD instructed Ivan Pogorelov to expose Sholokhov as an enemy of the people who was preparing a Cossack uprising. Pogorelov turned out to be no timid person. He told everything to Sholokhov. Mikhail Alexandrovich went to Moscow to see Stalin, who summoned all the participants in the events. In Stalin's office, Pogorelov presented written evidence of the event. They didn’t pester Mikhail Alexandrovich anymore. By 1940, the novel “Quiet Don” was completed. Many officials did not like the last chapters, where main character gets tired of all these whites, reds, etc. He just wants to live ordinary life. Despite all the criticism, at the beginning of 1941 Sholokhov M.A. was awarded the Stalin Prize 1st degree for the novel “Quiet Don”.

Grigory and Aksinya from the novel "Quiet Don"

In Veshenskaya there is a sculptural composition that shows how Grigory Melekhov goes to the Don to bathe his horse and meets Aksinya. The action takes place on the river bank. It’s as if you become a participant in those events. Now they will meet and you will hear their conversation. Any person who considers himself cultured and enlightened is simply obliged to read “Quiet Don”. This novel can easily be considered a classic of world literature.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Sholokhov M.A. was drafted into the Red Army. He worked at the Sovinformburo, as well as a correspondent for Pravda and Krasnaya Zvezda. Visited many fronts. During the war, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, the medal for the defense of Moscow and the medal for the defense of Stalingrad. In this difficult time war time he begins work on a new novel, “They Fought for the Motherland.” Moreover, its first chapters were published already in 1943-44. By the way, Mikhail Aleksandrovich donated his entire Stalin Prize, received for the novel “Quiet Don,” to the defense fund on the second day of the war.

Life of Sholokhov M.A. in the post-war years

After the end of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945), many famous people The leadership of the USSR issued dachas near Moscow for living and recreation. M.A. Sholokhov was also offered such a dacha, but he refused to move to Moscow. Mikhail Alexandrovich turned to the Central Committee of the party (he had been a member of the party since 1932) with a request to allocate funds for the restoration of his house in the village of Veshenskaya, instead of the proposed dacha. Funds were allocated to him, but not free of charge, but as a loan. He then had to repay this loan over the course of two decades (in today’s time it can be compared to taking out a mortgage). Whatever you say, the leadership of independent and independent people who have their own opinions and act at their own discretion does not like. With this money, a stone house was built in Vyoshenskaya. Now it houses the M.A. Sholokhov Museum.

Sholokhov's House in Vyoshenskaya

In 1950, Mikhail Alexandrovich completed the first volume of the novel “They Fought for the Motherland.” In order to comprehensively show events of such great significance, Mikhail Alexandrovich intended to write a trilogy. Unfortunately, he did not have enough information for such work. He turned to the General Staff with a request to work in the archives. But knowing his integrity and desire to show the events that took place from a truthful point of view, no matter how bitter they were, he was refused. I had to work with the sources that were available. In 1954, new chapters of the novel were published.

At the end of 1956, Pravda published a story by M.A. Sholokhov. "The Fate of Man." The main character in it was a simple soldier who passed German captivity and having lost all his loved ones. After the war, he met the orphaned boy Vanya and, giving himself and him hope for new life, says that he is his father. In 1959, director Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk made a film based on the story, where he himself played the main role - driver Andrei Sokolov. The film was an incredible success with audiences. He was awarded the main prize at the Moscow Film Festival, and opened the way for the director to big cinema. At the end of 1959, Mikhail Alexandrovich recreated the second volume of the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned”. It was lost during the evacuation of the district department of the NKVD in 1942, where Mikhail Alexandrovich deposited his personal archive at the beginning of the war. The second volume of Virgin Soil Upturned was published in 1960. For this novel he was awarded the Lenin Prize.

In 1965 to Sholokhov M.A. international fame came. For the novel "Quiet Don" he was awarded Nobel Prize. Subsequently, Mikhail Alexandrovich moved away from writing and became more and more involved in social activities. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for 10 convocations. He received citizens and helped solve their problems. His merits were recognized by the state in post-war years. He was twice awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. In this regard, a bust of the writer was erected in the village of Veshenskaya. Other states also highly appreciated his services. He was awarded several foreign orders. Mikhail Alexandrovich was honorary member a number of universities, including foreign ones. His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. The total circulation of published books was more than 100 million copies. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov died in 1984 and was buried near his house.

Veshenskaya on the map


Veshenskaya is one of the oldest Don villages, which became famous thanks to Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”. Mikhail Alexandrovich was born in these places, and after his death in 1984, a museum was created here in his honor, and three years earlier a bronze monument was erected on the banks of the Don.

Local residents carefully preserve Cossack traditions and honor the memory of the great writer. Every spring, on the last weekend in May, the “Sholokhov Spring” festival is held here, and another very colorful event takes place at the local stables - the Cossack horse riding and horse riding festival “Veshenskiye Shermitsiya”.

How to get there

You need to get to Rostov by plane, and from the main city of the region there is a direct road to Veshenskaya. The journey will take about 8 hours.

The best way to get to the Millerovo station is by train, from where buses depart to the village. The journey takes 3 hours. If you want to get to Sholokhov’s homeland faster, then take a taxi. The driver will take you to your destination in a couple of thousand and an hour and a half.

In a personal car, you need to drive along the M4 highway exactly to the intersection: if you go straight, you will get to Rostov, to the right - to Millerovo, and to the left - to Veshenskaya, which will be 140 kilometers later.

Search for air tickets to Rostov-on-Don (the nearest airport to Veshenskaya)


About 9 thousand people live in Veshenskaya. So the best public transport here is minibuses or buses that run along the highway from Moscow to Rostov. Between this village and Bazkovskaya, located on the opposite bank of the Don, a bridge was erected, which replaced the ferry crossing.

Cuisine and restaurants

There are two restaurants worth visiting in Veshenskaya - “Khutorok” and “Pogrebok”. These are culinary islands of Cossack cuisine, where, accompanied by folk music, they serve dishes that you are unlikely to try anywhere else.

For example, the “Cellar” is decorated in the style of a kuren with elements of Cossack life. It is hidden on a quiet street under a vineyard. The portions are huge, almost enough for two. Here you can order Don fish soup, okroshka, dumplings, rich borscht and veshki mushrooms.

The shops

Veshenskaya is a treasure trove of souvenirs. Here they know how to sell something like a souvenir with a Cossack flavor. For example, magnets, films about the Don region and the village itself, posters, photographs, graphics, paintings, ceramics and CDs with recordings of Cossack songs.

IN souvenir shop It is worth buying, first of all, books by Mikhail Sholokhov, beautiful wooden and earthenware, and grapevine products. For brutal men, Cossack clothing is sold: burkas, hats, tunics, trousers with stripes, checkers, mace, whips and accordion. It's worth taking a samovar for a snack.

Weather in Veshenskaya

Veshenskaya Hotels

There are as many as five hotels in Veshenskaya. Here you can rent a cozy room for a reasonable fee. The hotels offer healthy home-cooked food, prepared, as the owners claim, only from organic ingredients. In principle, there is no reason not to trust them.

In addition, hotels offer guests various excursions. For example, you can go to the forest to pick mushrooms, go fishing on the Don, take a steam bath, or go on a horseback ride.

And in Veshenskaya there is a balneological resort-sanatorium of the same name. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system And diabetes. On the territory of the sanatorium there is mineral spring- its waters are used for drinking, bathing and swimming pool procedures. The resort is open all year round.

4 things to do in Veshenskaya:

  1. Go hunting - on the Upper Don all year round, except summer, you can hunt quails, partridges, pheasants, wild boar, elk, deer, roe deer, fallow deer, hares, foxes and raccoon dogs.
  2. See the tulips blooming - they cover the entire steppe with a multi-colored carpet. This is a beautiful sight, which, in principle, is typical for the south of Russia.
  3. Try to find the treasure under the oak tree - there are many legends about the Veshensky oak tree. For example, local residents believe that this tree was planted Tatar Khan so as not to forget where he hid the treasure. Cossacks came here many times in search of treasures, but to no avail. According to legend, the treasure is buried 500 steps from the oak tree. But no one knows which way to go.
  4. Try local fruits and vegetables - and not only try them, but also take them with you. In Veshenskaya, melons, watermelons, and grapes ripen beautifully, and in the forests there are mushrooms - just to choose from.

Entertainment and attractions of Veshenskaya

The main attractions of the village are associated with the life and work of Mikhail Sholokhov, as well as with the Cossacks.

Festival "Sholokhov Spring"

This festival is held in the village every spring. It is dedicated to the birthday of the writer Mikhail Sholokhov. The festival is no less international.

About 100 thousand people come to Veshenskaya - these are fans of Sholokhov and the culture of the Don Cossacks. The village hosts famous actors, writers and public figures. Once Vladimir Putin himself came here.

The festival has its own traditions. It starts with a children's party, poets and writers meet in the library, and in the evening a concert of amateur groups begins. Morning next day charges with a theatrical wake-up call - folklore groups move through the streets of the village, waking up residents with songs and dances. There is a fair on the square; Cossack pickles and vodka are sold in the smokehouses.

Finally, on the last day, the big races are held. Horsemen from Russia and abroad take part in them. Cossacks compete in horse riding and cutting vines.

Sholokhov Museum-Reserve

This museum preserves everything related to the life and work of the writer - manuscripts, letters, personal belongings, houses where he lived and much more. The collection of museum objects numbers more than 50 thousand items. Moreover, the collection is replenished every year.

The museum-reserve includes several zones that most fully reflect the life of Sholokhov - the village of Vyoshenskaya, the village of Kruzhilinsky, the village of Karginskaya, Elanskaya, the villages of Lebyazhiy, Pleshaki and Shchebunyaevsky, Ostrovnoye, as well as the Veshensky oak.

"Gregory and Aksinya"

The sculpture is dedicated to two heroes of the world famous novel by Sholokhov “Quiet Don”. It was created in the mid-80s of the last century, and was first located in Rostov, and then was transported to Veshenskaya.

The sketches of the compositions were approved by the writer himself. He advised replacing the buckets that Aksinya was holding, and also recommended transferring Gregory from an Arabian horse to a Donchak horse.

Monument to the Don Cossacks

This monument stands on a raised hill near the Kruzhilinsky farmstead. It was installed on the 89th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Sholokhov.

The monumental Cossack on horseback rises 8 meters. Next to him White stone with the inscription “Monument to the Don Cossacks” and a cross. All around is steppe.