What to do and how to treat if you see a tick on a cat. Subcutaneous mite (demodex) in cats White mite in a cat

Subcutaneous mite may have an earthen or gray oval body. The most favorable environment for their reproduction is considered to be dirty and unkempt skin. Infection in a cat occurs through direct contact of a healthy individual with an infected one. Also, subcutaneous mites can be transmitted to a cat through the owner's clothes or shoes.

Demodectic mange in pets

Ticks are considered one of the most ancient invertebrate organisms on our planet. Subcutaneous mites can be found in:

  • people;
  • animals;
  • plants;
  • ground;
  • water.

Scientists can distinguish over 25,000 species of subcutaneous mites. For this purpose, a whole science was created - acarology.

After fertilization, female subcutaneous mites begin to lay eggs, in some cases these may be larvae. The reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous mites are very varied, however, it is often a lack of proper hygiene.

These subcutaneous microscopic creatures feed on everything they can find in the body of their new owner.

First symptoms

Depending on the degree of the pathological process, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Local. If it is present, no more than five lesions can be detected on the surface of the skin of cats.
  • In the generalized form, a huge number of foci of inflammation can be detected. This form of the disease is extremely rare in cats, but a few cases have been reported.

Localized lesions of small size can also be called one of the symptoms. Therefore in in some cases lesions do not lead to baldness. First of all, the subcutaneous mite affects the areas around the ears, mouth and nose of cats.

It is necessary to treat subcutaneous mites in the clinic, and an integrated approach should be used.

The subcutaneous tick loves to live in places where purulent wounds form, which are not uncommon in animals that spend a lot of time outside. Such wounds are covered with a crust consisting of particles of the epidermis, blood cells and dried pus. Such places cause great anxiety in animals, and they try to comb them.

Subsequently, hair will fall out in these areas and a kind of dandruff will appear. Treating subcutaneous mites at home is possible, however, only early stages and only with the consent of the veterinarian.

It is after discovering these symptoms that a person consults a veterinarian. If you contact a specialist in a timely manner, the treatment prognosis will be more than favorable. The longer you put off going to veterinary clinic, the more foci of infection the cat will develop and the more painful his condition will be.

Drops of blood will appear on the wounds, and the areas will be completely devoid of fur.

How can you become infected with this type of tick?

The subcutaneous tick will remain on the clothing for some time until an animal approaches it, onto which it will climb.

These factors sometimes do not allow them to be detected in a timely manner, and they get into the animal’s fur. Hypodermic ticks are practically afraid of nothing except fire. Most people are mistaken when they say that they do not cause any harm to cats, but this is far from the case.

Types of ticks and ways to eliminate them

You can find several types of ticks, each of which will cause various diseases. The initial symptoms and treatment of the animal will differ from this.


Possible harm:

  • the presence of a pathogen in the tick;
  • Each bite is accompanied by the release of a secretion that provokes itching and inflammation.

The cat begins to itch a lot and behave restlessly. In some cases, she can even rip off the tick, but we are talking only about its body, while the head remains inside skin. This can lead to infection, rotting and septicemia. In this case, the cat’s immunity will be seriously affected.

What treatment is needed for subcutaneous mites?

Subcutaneous mites can be treated only after confirmation of the existing form of the disease. If localized demodicosis was detected, then cats can be bathed with one of the medicated shampoos, which contain benzoyl peroxide. To remove skin crusts, use a solution of chlorhexidine or the more common hydrogen peroxide. After which the surface of the skin is thoroughly dried.

Drugs used for treatment:

  • For achievement best result It is recommended to use a comprehensive approach, which will be prescribed by your family veterinarian. At the same time, we should not forget about reduced immunity, which will require additional medications to boost it.
  • Sprays for treating damaged areas of skin with lost hair.
  • A separate series of sprays for the treatment of infection.
  • Cleansed areas of skin are treated with liniments and ointments.
  • You can use "Lawyer" and "Stronghold", but no more than four times.
  • To treat inflamed skin, Butox-50 or Amitraz is used.

When treating the generalized form:

  • removing subcutaneous mites is very problematic, and at this stage treatment is carried out using the same drugs as at the initial stage;
  • Additional drugs (Cydectin and Dectomax) may be prescribed, but they can only be used in the presence of a doctor, as they can cause a number of unpleasant consequences for the animal;
  • For proper treatment This form initially eliminates the disease itself, which led to exacerbations.

It is worth noting that in some cases remission may occur. In this case, the symptoms will disappear. But this does not mean that the animal has recovered. The tick may subside for a while, and then all the symptoms return, even in a more severe form.

It is necessary to treat your cat's skin even if all symptoms are absent.

A cat affected by subcutaneous mites will behave aggressively. All pillows and blankets of the animal, its toys and bowls are subject to disinfection. All pets can contract this type of mite, so the main thing is to detect the problem in a timely manner and then begin treatment for it. The treatment process is very long and can take up to a year.

It is easy to identify the disease in the early stages if you know the first signs of subcutaneous mite infestation. If you notice the first symptoms, you should immediately call a veterinarian or take the animal to the clinic.

The treatment process is quite long, and timely detection will significantly reduce treatment.

We sincerely hope that our information will be useful to animal owners and will help them promptly pay attention to the emerging problem.

— Tell me, are ticks dangerous for cats? Pauline

Where do Ixodid ticks live? It's easier to tell where they are not. And the only place they don’t exist is in Antarctica (hurray! at least there’s no one there). In general, there are more than 1000 species ixodid ticks(about 60 in Russia), formed into six genera, three of which include distributors infectious diseases- ixodes (taiga tick, dog tick), dermacentor (pasture tick) and hialomma.

Typically, ixodid ticks are active only in the warm season (from March to November). The rest of the time they are hidden in plant litter, in the roots of pasture cover, in animal dwellings, and in livestock stalls.

Ticks live in grass and shrubs at a height of up to 1 meter, preferring forest and park areas, although they can also be found on city lawns. They usually passively lie in wait for their prey, responding to thermal radiation and exhaled carbon dioxide, but some species can perform mobile searches. Ticks are most active in spring and autumn, when they are especially hungry and angry.

And before or after meals? After all, these are two big differences!

Externally, the tick is similar to a spider - an oval body with a small head and eight limbs. They are quite large, and females are much larger than males. The body is covered with a dense chitinous shell. In the female, the armored shield occupies only the front part of the body, allowing them digestive system and the integument stretches from several mm to one and a half cm, depending on saturation. Therefore, ticks can feed rarely (sometimes once in a lifetime), but a lot.

Their oral apparatus is equipped with a proboscis with a hypostium - on the elongated outgrowth there are sharp, posteriorly directed teeth - this is a device for piercing the skin and sucking blood. During a bite, saliva is injected into the wound, containing pain-relieving enzymes and hardening around the proboscis like cement. Thus, the tick is tightly fixed to the host and can sit on it long time, from 3-4 days to a month. The longer a tick sits, the more difficult it is to remove it (remember the expression “clung like a tick”).

In their development, ixodid ticks go through the following phases: egg, larva (six-legged), nymph and, finally, adult - adult (eight-legged). Larvae and nymphs usually live on small mammals (rodents), while adults live on large domestic animals.

How dangerous are ticks?

Ixodid ticks are vectors dangerous diseases humans and animals(!), such as viral encephalitis, typhus, tularemia, hemorrhagic fever, Q fever, piroplasmosis and other diseases of domestic animals, and these are also spreaders helminthic infestations.

Viruses multiply in the tick's body and accumulate in its salivary glands(!) and ovaries. Subsequently, the viruses, when bitten, pass into the wound of the animal, and are transmitted to new generations of ticks when eggs are laid.

Tick ​​on a cat

Once on the animal, the tick crawls along the body for some time in search of a convenient place. Preference is given to the stomach, armpits, hind legs, ears, groin area(in cats).

Most are visible to the naked eye. Since their bite usually does not cause discomfort thanks to pain-relieving enzymes, you should check your pet regularly, especially if it is often outdoors. Running your hands under the cat's fur, you should carefully feel it. Examine the cat, parting the fur (you can blow it with a hairdryer against the fur, comb it with a comb). A tick that has not had time to drink looks like a stuck dark seed, while a tick that has sucked looks like a pea or a large mole.

A tick has been found, what should I do?

Of course, shoot. How? Be careful, not forgetting how dangerous he is.

If you are not sure that you can remove the tick yourself, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

The tick has been removed. What to do next?

Watch your pet.

Although all ticks carry the potential for infection, most tick bites are not disease-causing. The period of development of tick-borne diseases is 2-3 weeks. During this time, you need to monitor the pet’s well-being, its activity, appetite, and body temperature. If any deviations occur, contact the clinic.

How dangerous are ticks for cats?

Everyone knows the main deadly viruses transmitted by ticks: encephalitis to humans, piroplasmosis to dogs. These diseases have been well studied, the methods for diagnosing them and treatment regimens are clearly described.

What about cats?

For some reason, it is believed that ixodid tick bites do not affect them. This is wrong! It’s just that diseases of cats caused by tick-borne viruses are much less common than diseases of dogs. Therefore, they are practically not diagnosed and, therefore, not treated effectively. These are piroplasmosis, hemobartonellosis (infectious anemia), theileriosis, borreliosis (Lyme disease), etc.

Temperature increase; lethargy, apathy; refusal to eat; anorexia (weight loss), dehydration; vomiting, diarrhea; jaundice; anemia (pale gums and other mucous membranes); cough and shortness of breath (associated with heart failure); pinkish color of urine, etc. Any changes in your pet’s health after removing a tick(!) should be alarming.

In addition, the bite itself can cause irritation, suppuration to the point of an abscess, allergic reaction.


The result depends on the timeliness of diagnosis, the stage of the disease, the condition and immunity of the cat, and the effectiveness of the drugs used.

Сytauxzoonosis– extremely serious illness, carried by ticks, with fatal consequences. Fortunately, very rare. There is no systematic treatment.

It is possible that cat diseases caused by an Ixodid tick bite are extremely rare. Perhaps not all of them are common in our country. Or perhaps, most likely, they are simply not diagnosed. Therefore, it is better not to calculate the probability of a cat becoming infected, but to try to reduce it to zero.


This is exactly the case when prevention plays a decisive role. During the tick season, it is necessary to protect your pet from tick attacks. This can be done with the help of special collars, drops on the withers, and sprays.

The period of action of the chosen product is important (again, specifically for ixodid ticks!). It needs to be updated by the end of the term.

The drugs are toxic, so when choosing them, special attention should be paid to contraindications. Those at risk are usually sick and recovering animals, pregnant and lactating females, small kittens - it is wiser for this contingent to stay at home during the tick-borne period.

Of course, an individual reaction to the drug cannot be ruled out - an allergy or poisoning (consult a veterinarian immediately!).

(!) Products for dogs are not suitable for treating cats.

After opening the package, the collar should be slightly wrinkled, put on the cat so that two fingers pass between it and the animal’s neck, the end of the tape should be secured through the fastener, and the excess should be cut off.

Sometimes the collar causes irritation in the animal's neck area. In addition, if a cat licks or chews it, poisoning is possible. There is a risk of the collar getting caught on a tree branch, nail, fence, etc., which is very dangerous.

The collar cannot be removed during the entire period of its operation (!), so its use is inappropriate for cats that walk only occasionally.

Sprays (Frontline, Beafar, Hartz, Bars Forte, etc.) – drugs with systemic action (i.e. where they are applied, they act there, without spreading throughout the body) are applied to the entire body of the animal according to the instructions. To be honest, sprays are much more difficult to use, and side effects more.

Demodectic mange is not dangerous for humans, but for cats it is very unpleasant disease which brings them a lot of discomfort. Subcutaneous mites that lay eggs in hair follicles are harmful to the health of the animal. What symptoms should you pay attention to? How to carry out treatment correctly? Is it possible to use folk remedies? What is the best thing to do to prevent the disease? Let's look at these questions in detail.

There are two types of demodicosis: localized and generalized. In the first case, only one area of ​​the body is affected (for example, ears, eyes, neck, etc.), while the second type of disease is more severe - several areas of the body are already affected. If a cat has suffered a generalized form of the disease, then it should be sterilized to avoid inheritance of demodicosis. In any case, at the slightest sign of a subcutaneous tick, it is recommended to immediately show your pet to a veterinarian.


  • The coat loses its original healthy appearance;
  • Dandruff appears around the eye, the skin turns red and peels;
  • Hair loss is observed in some places, sometimes in tufts;
  • The pet is tormented by itching, he often scratches certain parts of the body with his teeth;
  • Hard and slightly convex growths appear on the animal’s body;
  • The affected areas become bald, and pustules form on them;
  • The wounds that appear on the cat’s body bleed with ichor.

In order to accurately diagnose demodicosis, it is necessary to carry out several tests. To do this, a scraping is taken from the animals, which is carefully examined under a microscope. And only after diagnosis, depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Treatment of localized form

The first manipulations performed for this type of disease are bathing the pet using a special product; veterinarians recommend “Doctor” and “Elite” shampoos. This is necessary to clean the animal's fur and skin. After this, you should treat all wounds and scabs with Chlorhexidine solution (if necessary, it can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide), then wait until the affected areas dry out.

After cleansing the pet’s skin of scabs, treatment of subcutaneous mites in cats in a localized form is carried out using the drugs “Tsipam”, “Perol”, “Ektodes”, “Ivermek”, “Neostomazan”, “Mikodemotsid”, “Amit”, as well as sulfuric and aversectin ointments. In addition to shampoos, solutions and ointments, the pet must be given means to increase immunity, these include “Gamavit”, “Immunol”, “Gala-vet”, “Maksidin”.

Treatment of the generalized form

To the question of how to treat subcutaneous mites in cats if the disease has already reached a more severe stage, the answer is clear: this form is more difficult to treat and takes longer. After all, demodicosis has spread almost throughout the animal’s entire body, and treatment will not be easy. Doctors advise cutting your pet's hair first to make it easier to treat with medications. At the first stage, the same means are used as in the treatment of a localized form.

Usually, this type The disease resolves with complications, so a course of injections of Cydectin solution is prescribed. At the same time, the animal should be given antibiotics Betamox, Camacidin, Baytril or Amoxicillin. The drug “Ligfol”, as well as a vitamin and mineral complex, will help restore immunity. Treatment of this form of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Folk remedies

We immediately draw your attention: self-medication of subcutaneous mites without consulting a veterinarian can be life-threatening for your pet! After all, cats' skin is much thinner and more sensitive than that of humans, so it must be handled very carefully. Treatment folk remedies with demodicosis, it is permissible only if the doctor has not found any contraindications for this. Therefore, each option is discussed with a specialist. What remedies can a veterinarian suggest to treat demodicosis?

  • Bathe your pet every three days using a special shampoo, and after each water procedure treat wounds with a strong decoction of chamomile or sage.
  • In the same way, bathe the animal every three days, but with soap based on birch tar, and at the end of the procedure, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with calendula tincture.
  • In some cases, doctors allow wounds to be treated with kerosene, but the pet cannot be bathed after this for three days so that the pustules on the skin dry out.

Preventive measures

You should not allow your pet near animals whose health status is in doubt. It’s better to play it safe than to later discover demodicosis in your cat. Also try to support your pet’s immunity, necessary medications your veterinarian will prescribe it for you.

Although today there are many medicines for the treatment of subcutaneous mites, but it is better not to deal with this disease. And not even because a lot of time passes from diagnosis to recovery. First of all, the cat suffers, for which demodicosis brings a lot of discomfort. And if you use preventive measures, your pet will always be healthy.

You can now see the current price of anti-tick medications and buy them right here:

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A cat that “walks on its own” has the best chance of bringing in an unwanted lodger – a tick – on its fur. Moreover, it can cling to fur not only in a park or in the forest, but even in the grass near the house. Therefore, immediately after a walk, before the arachnid animal has time to find a habitat on the skin, you should definitely examine the animal’s fur coat.

Full-fed adult tick

If an arthropod is discovered, measures must be taken to remove it as quickly as possible. It is best to do this at a veterinary hospital. If this is not possible, be sure to know how to remove a tick from a cat yourself, doing it correctly.

The cat owner should always have special tools on hand to remove ticks

The tick causes severe suffering to the animal

Symptoms of the lesion

  • Scratched areas, peeling skin.
  • Local baldness.
  • Possible increase in temperature, change in urine color.
  • Loss of skin shine.
  • Increased thirst against the background of decreased appetite.
  • Change in eye color (pallor).
  • Bloody tuberous formations on the skin, from which thick contents are released with light pressure.

How is subcutaneous mite treated?

The therapy is long-term. It must be comprehensive. It is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been established. For this purpose, laboratory research scraping from the infected area to identify the type of tick. The affected areas are treated with oil. It should be completely absorbed by the skin, which will take about 3-4 hours. The situation should be monitored to ensure that the animal does not lick the lesions. Then, as prescribed by the veterinarian, medicine is applied to the wounds. This could be one of the ointments: Saphroderm, Amitrazine, etc. In case of advanced disease, ivermectin is administered subcutaneously. At the same time, the immune system is strengthened by introducing vitamin preparations (ligfol) into the menu.

Carefully monitor the condition of your furry pet’s skin.

Scabies in cats (pathogen)

Scabies is caused by a mite that cannot be detected with the naked eye (photo of adults below). And its bite is not noticeable. The presence on the body is indicated by redness of the skin and restless behavior of the animal. The most accurate analysis is diagnosis. The scabies mite Notoedres cati affects the ears. The cat, as if trying to shake off the bloodsucker, constantly shakes its head, scratches its ear and presses it.

Scabies mites in cats are treated in the early stages with insectoacaricidal drops, following the order:

  • the auricle is cleaned with a solution soaked in camphor alcohol ear stick;
  • the medicine (“Octovedin”, “Demos”, “Okotan”) is instilled in 3 drops into each ear;
  • Konkov's (Wilkinson's) ointment on an acaricidal basis is used to treat the edge of the skin around the entire affected area.

In such a situation, serious therapy will be required, otherwise the animal will die.

General rules of treatment

A reasonable question that arises if a tick is found on a cat: what to do? The algorithm boils down to the following:

After treatment, a second scraping is done. When negative result treatment should be continued for another 21 days. If there are other “smaller brothers” living in the house, they also need to be treated for preventive purposes along with the sick animal. Use a special collar as an effective preventive measure.

Therapy for a cat, as well as selection of a treatment regimen, medicines from ticks depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and its form. But it is possible for everyone to detect the source of infection in time, eliminate and diagnose it, and reduce the suffering of a beloved pet. You just need to follow all the useful recommendations.

  1. Getting worse appearance wool
  2. Peeling appears around the eyes.
  3. Skin pigmentation is disrupted.
  4. Dandruff is found throughout the coat.
  5. In some areas, the hair begins to fall out in small clumps.
  6. Acne appears.
  7. The animal experiences itching and discomfort, as a result of which it constantly itches, scratching the affected areas until it bleeds.
  8. The affected area is covered with a hardened growth, the height of which can reach 2-12 mm.
  9. From the small hole at the top of the growth, ichor constantly oozes.
  10. Small pustules appear on bald areas of the skin, and the skin itself becomes pearly in color.

These symptoms arise due to the fact that the tick makes passages under the skin, constantly moves and leaves behind the products of its vital activity.

To determine the form of the disease, several scrapings are taken from the affected areas of the body and examined under a microscope.

There are two forms of demodicosis:

Treatment of subcutaneous mites in cats

Treatment for each pet must be prescribed individually. Treatment also depends on the form of the disease.

Localized form

First of all, at home the animal is washed using special shampoos that cleanse the skin. To do this, use Elite shampoo with chlorhexidine or Doctor shampoo with benzoyl peroxide. Then the affected areas are cleaned of crusts and scabs with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine solution. After treatment, the skin dries out.

At intervals of a month, Advocate or Stronghold is applied to the animal’s skin in the area of ​​the shoulder blades 2-4 times. It is recommended to use the drugs Butox 50 and Amitraz, which are used according to the instructions.

Areas suffering from subcutaneous mites can be treated with Citeal solution, the use of which must be approved by a doctor. After using the drug, the animal should be rinsed well and dried. The procedure must be repeated at least 2-3 times a day.

As soon as the affected areas are free of crusts, they should be applied one of the recommended remedies:

  • Aversectin ointment;
  • Ivermek-gel;
  • Amidel-gel;
  • Demos liniment;
  • sulfur ointment.

After cleansing from scales and scabs, it is best to apply oil solutions, which include Amit, Ektodes, Tsipam, Mycodemocid, to wounds and areas with lost hair.

For the treatment of demodicosis, experts often prescribe special products in the form of ointments or sprays:

  • Perol;
  • Tsidem;
  • Ivermek;
  • Acaromectin;
  • Unoiled.

Depending on the form of release of the drug, the area affected by the subcutaneous mite is lubricated or sprayed according to the attached instructions.

To restore your pet’s strength, it is necessary to provide it with adequate nutrition and still mineral water.

Generalized form

This form of demodicosis is much more difficult to treat, since lesions are present almost throughout the body, and large areas of skin are affected. But, even if ulcers have already formed on the animal’s body and the skin is severely irritated, it can be cured. Treatment will depend on the degree of infection, age, gender and weight of the cat.

For greater effect, it is recommended to trim your pet and wash it with medicated shampoos. Then the affected areas are lubricated with special oils, which should be well absorbed. At this time, to prevent the cat from licking the drug, it must be restrained. As soon as the oil is absorbed, the skin is treated with a subcutaneous mite remedy prescribed by the doctor.

In severe cases, the animal is prescribed injections of Cydectin in a dose of 0.4 ml at a time, or Dectomax, which is calculated depending on the weight of the cat. They can only be used on the recommendation of a veterinarian and under his strict supervision.

In case of demothecosis secondary infection occurs, and the disease resolves with complications, the doctor may prescribe a course of one of the following antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Baytrila;
  • Betamox;
  • Kanamycin.

To restore the immunity of animals, the drug Ligfol has proven itself well, which is recommended to be taken in combination with the treatment of subcutaneous mites. We should not forget that the animal’s nutrition should be complete and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Treatment of demodicosis with folk remedies

At home, you can fight subcutaneous mites with folk remedies that should be used only after consultation with a specialist. The following are used as such means:

  1. Washing your pet's skin with gel or soap containing birch tar.
  2. Places with fallen hair are washed with kerosene, after which the animal does not wash for two days, and its skin is not lubricated with anything.
  3. Treatment of affected areas with calendula tincture.
  4. Every two to three days, bathe the cat or spot treat it with chamomile decoction.

When treating demodicosis, it is necessary to ensure that all pet household items are disinfected. Special attention You should pay attention to the lounger, and do not forget about bowls for food and drink.

Prevention of demodicosis in cats

Since the disease does not produce immunity, after the animal recovers it is necessary take preventive measures. For this, experts recommend:

There is no doubt that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. This is why you need to be attentive to your pets and support their immunity. In this case, the cat will always have excellent health.

Today, there are enough ways to rid animals of subcutaneous ticks. Treatment of demodicosis for a cat should only be prescribed by a veterinarian who will take into account individual characteristics pet. Since the treatment will be long, your pet will need increased care and attention.

Demodectic mange in cats