Mirror in the hallway - how to choose a reflective surface. Hallway according to Feng Shui: rules for arranging a home

The placement of mirrors according to Feng Shui in an apartment or house is a rather important and serious process. It is believed that a reflective surface can multiply everything that falls within its “horizon,” therefore it is very important that only positive and pleasant objects appear in such a field of vision.

The question of how to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui today interests many adherents of the ancient teaching. After all, when we enter a house, the first thing we find ourselves in is the hallway, where the entire energy background of the home begins. Therefore, in our article we will share with you tips on how to correctly position reflective surfaces in the corridor.

Feng Shui placement of the mirror in the hallway

According to the wise beliefs of the ancient Chinese, all positive energy enters our home through. Therefore, you should place mirrors near this “source” very carefully, so as not to remove good luck and prosperity from your home.

According to Feng Shui, place a mirror in the hallway on the wall opposite front door, is considered extremely unsuccessful. In this case, positive energy is reflected back at the threshold and does not enter the house, which can lead to frequent quarrels, deterioration of health, bad mood etc. Besides, hardly anyone likes to walk into a corridor and constantly see “someone else” opposite them; it’s still annoying.

According to Feng Shui, it is best to place a mirror in the hallway on a wall located at an angle of 90 degrees to the front door. An ideal option would be a painting, banknotes, photographs depicting a happy couple or child located opposite the “reflector”. This helps to attract and increase wealth, luck and family well-being.

Also, the mirror should be of such a size that the person looking into it can see his full-length reflection. When ordering a mirror, you need to focus on the tallest member of the family, adding a couple of extra centimeters to the main figure. Thus, a person looking at his reflection with free space above his head is likely to get a promotion at work or start replenishing family budget large deposits.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway should slightly increase the space, this helps spread positive energy throughout the house. However, mirrors should not be allowed to reflect on each other, or “look” out the window, this will disrupt the whole process and take all the good things out of the house, what you wanted to gain.

Is there an object with greater magical properties than a mirror? Since ancient times, magicians and sorcerers have used them in their rituals, and seers, peering into their mesmerizing depths, spoke about the future.

Today, for us, a mirror is a decorative item that, if placed in the “wrong” place, can cause harm. Therefore, the question arises: “How to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui?”

Mirrors in the Feng Shui system

Since ancient times, it was believed that with the help of a mirror it was possible to establish a connection between the material and subtle worlds and, thus, receive information hidden from everyone. In the Feng Shui system, mirrors are considered as conductors of positive Qi energy. With their help, these flows can be adjusted by redirecting to the right places. A correctly selected mirror and hanging in a “good” place can influence many factors in human life. The reflective surface can neutralize Negative influence, which creates sharp corners and correctly directs the flow of energy along a narrow passage.

From a Feng Shui point of view, a mirror can be of any shape, so when choosing it, be guided by intuition and personal taste. From the time of Ancient China legends about the miraculous properties of the Bagua mirror, which was protective talisman. It has a round shape and is framed in an octagonal frame on which special symbols are applied. This mirror is intended to be placed outside the house, so that it does not reflect the rooms where people live or work. If there is a crossroads, a garbage dump, a noisy highway or a cemetery near your house, then such a reflective surface placed outside will protect the house from the influence of negative energies.

Feng Shui of mirrors: how to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui. Good Feng Shui for apartments and houses. Natalia Pravdina

Feng Shui mirror. Mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui mirror. Feng Shui mirrors in the apartment

According to Feng Shui, mirrors tend to double objects, so they should only reflect beautiful things with positive energy. Never hang a reflective surface against a cracked wall or peeling plaster. Place flowers in front of it, photos of smiling people or cute animals and other things that are pleasing to the eye. If you have a talisman with which you want to achieve success in any area of ​​life, make it reflected in the mirror - and it will magical properties will double.

According to the teaching, there must be at least one full-length mirror in the house with additional space above the head of the tallest member of the household, which promotes spiritual, physical and material growth. Mirrors that “cut” a person’s reflection can cause various diseases"cut off" body parts. The same applies to mirror tiles, which are popular today, which “split” the reflection. You can’t look in the mirror when you’re sick and in a negative mood – it can remember and reproduce a person’s emotions and state. Approach it in a good mood and admire your reflection.


The hallway is the first room you see when entering the house. According to Feng Shui, positive Qi energy flows into the home through the front door and windows, and then spreads from the hallway to the rooms. If a mirror hangs opposite the windows or front door, then the energy reflected from its surface goes back. It becomes difficult to live in such an apartment - the owners are haunted by failures and their health fails, quarrels and showdowns begin, and money, like water, flows through their fingers.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway should hang on the wall, which is placed at an angle of ninety degrees from the entrance. If there is a mirrored cabinet on the wall opposite to the front door in the hallway, it is better to rearrange it. According to Feng Shui, a mirror in a corridor should be selected in such a way that it visually expands the space. This will allow positive Qi energy to circulate freely. To expand the room, you can resort to a trick by hanging reflective surfaces on opposite walls of the corridor so that they are not opposite each other.


The bedroom is a bad place for a mirror, no matter its location. While in a state of sleep, according to some beliefs, we wander between worlds, and no one knows how the reflective surface will behave in this case. If a mirror is integral to the bedroom interior or you can’t do without it, you need to follow some rules for its location in this room. The most important rule of the bedroom that you need to remember: mirrors and beds are incompatible.

The mirror in the bedroom should be positioned in such a way that it does not reflect the marital bed. Otherwise, it can cause discord in the lives of the spouses, both sexually and emotionally. A reflective surface can “pull” someone else into the marital bed. If you have the opportunity to choose the shape and type of mirror, choose a dressing table with doors that can be closed at night or cover the reflective surface with a cape.

Living room and office

The living room is one of the most favorable places to place mirrors, especially if they look good in the interior of that room. The reflective surface should be hung in the room in such a way that it is not opposite the entrance or windows. Otherwise, the Qi energy will not linger in the apartment. If a certain area is missing in the living room, then to fill it up, you need to hang a mirror on the wall.

An office is a work area in an apartment, where everything should be conducive to fruitful work. In this part of the house, the mirror should be hung in such a way that it does not reflect the desktop and documents. Reflecting work papers on your desk “doubles” the amount of work you will have a hard time handling. You may simply become overwhelmed by the number of things to do, and the results will be disastrous. Avoid hanging reflective surfaces opposite windows and doors.

Bathroom, kitchen and children's room

If the bathroom or toilet in the house is located in the hallway near the front door, then you risk losing positive Qi energy, which will “leak” through the sewer holes. To prevent this from happening, according to Feng Shui, you should hang a mirror on the door of the bathroom and toilet, and from the outside. WITH inside bathroom, it can also be placed. But regarding the reflective surface in the toilet, according to Feng Shui, its presence there is undesirable.

The kitchen is not the part of the house where you can place a mirror. It is believed that it will bring the owner a lot of trouble and worries. The only condition for its placement in the kitchen is the dining table reflected in it. Thus, by doubling the dishes on the table, you attract wealth into the house.

It is not recommended to hang a mirror in a children's room. If you cannot do without it, then place it in such a way that it does not reflect workplace and a child's bed. Opposite the window and door, it also cannot be placed. For small children, reflective surfaces, which can frighten them at night, are strictly contraindicated.

In order to ensure that the positive energy of Qi is not “transferred” in your home, and all the bad things leave your life forever, you should follow some rules for handling mirror surfaces:

  1. If the mirror breaks, collect the fragments, wash them under running water and throw them away. This way you will wash away from the surface information about those who looked at it.
  2. Mirror surfaces absorb both positive and negative information, so they need to be wiped constantly.
  3. If the reflective surface has stains or scratches, it should not be used.
  4. Do not look into a cracked mirror or its fragments.
  5. Do not buy or use antique mirrors, because you do not always know who they belonged to and what energy they carry.
  6. You cannot use more than three reflective surfaces in one room, especially if you create a “corridor” by placing them opposite each other.
  7. Do not buy mirrored surfaces with patterns or engravings; they convey distorted information and interfere with the entry of positive Qi energy.

Mirrors make the space visually wider, add space and light to the room, which is why they are a must-have item in any home. It’s hard to imagine a hallway that doesn’t have a mirror, because it’s so convenient to look at yourself before going outside, you have the opportunity to evaluate your appearance.

People rarely think about how to properly hang this item in the hallway and whether it is permissible to place it opposite the front door. The answer to this question can be given by Feng Shui experts who are aware of all the subtleties and nuances of this teaching. After all, a mirror is a difficult object, it has special magic and can cause both benefit and harm to a person. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the main features of placing mirrors in the hallway according to Feng Shui.

The magic of mirrors according to feng shui

The science of Feng Shui arose a long, long time ago; it is based on the harmonious interaction of nature and man. Feng Shui says that spiritual balance can only be achieved when there is more positive energy than negative energy.

Using various household items, you can both attract and repel flows of positive and negative energy in your home. This rule applies, first of all, to the hallway, which is the beginning of the living space for each of us. When arranging a hallway, it is very important that the furniture is arranged correctly and with maximum comfort. Also, mirrors are almost always placed in the hallway.

Since ancient times, reflective surfaces have been considered something mystical; various signs and superstitions have been made about them. The science of Feng Shui devotes an entire chapter to this object and the energy that it circulates in the home. Based on the placement of the mirror in different parts at home, it will have a different impact on the people living in it and create a general atmosphere of housing.

If we talk specifically about the hallway, then it has a connection with the energy of the front door; it is through it that all energy flows are directed into the home and back. It is not surprising that the front door in China is called the “mouth of the house”; it is responsible for activating and directing energy.

Is it acceptable to place a mirror opposite the front door?

Mirrors have the property of reflecting and attracting energy flows, and they are also capable of changing their direction. The area in which the mirror is located determines whether positive energy will linger in the home and where negative energy will go.

Feng Shui experts say that it is unacceptable to place a mirror opposite the front door, because in this case the reflective surface will allow a flow of positive energy to pass through, but will not retain it in the home and the latter will leave the house very soon. In addition, residents of the house will feel bad due to the constant accumulation of negative energy. Also, mirrors placed opposite the front door provoke financial expenses, they interfere with savings, contribute to various troubles and deteriorate the well-being of members of the house.

It is considered correct to place mirrors in the hallway on the same side as the door to the home. At the same time, it is important that the mirror is large enough so that each family member can easily see his full-length reflection in it.

  1. A good place to place a mirror is on the side wall of a door, but don't hang it too close or the mirror risks breaking. Large mirrors accumulate a large number of energy, for this reason, stop at a fairly large object, for example, a mirror on the entire wall or a mirrored wardrobe.
  2. Floor mirrors are an ideal option when there is no direct contact with the front door; Feng Shui fully approves of this arrangement.
  3. Mirrors are capable of storing negative events, so if this happens, the best thing to do would be to remove the item that has become “dirty” and replace it with a new one.
  4. You can also place a mirror on the front wall, but only so that it does not face the front door. Place the mirror at an angle, in this case the directed energy flows will be refracted, they will not leave the room, but will be attracted inside.
  5. Feng Shui experts advise placing mirrors in frames, which provide additional protection.
  6. Make sure your mirrors are perfectly clean and wipe them as often as possible. It is also worth placing flowers near the mirror or hanging a picture opposite the reflective surface (in this case, it will accumulate positive energy and distribute it throughout the room).

Mirror design features

The design of reflective surfaces also plays a very important role in the hallway design process. It is ideal when, thanks to the sufficiently spacious areas, you can use mirrors of any size. Difficulties arise in small apartments in which the hallway is very small. But for this, Feng Shui came up with special rules:

  • The doctrine says that even if there is a shortage of space, a mirror can be hung on the front door. But be sure to securely fix the object so that it does not accidentally fall. For this purpose, use special decorative inserts.
  • Reflection of trash cans and dirty shoes in the mirror is not allowed, because mirrors are capable of not only reflecting objects, but also tend to collect and double their strength.
  • Place the mirror in a beautiful frame that will accumulate energy and distribute it throughout the room.

  • It is permissible to use only intact mirrors; they must be free of any damage, amalgams, cracks, broken frames. After all, all of them will cause energy leakage;
  • mirrors are set in wooden or metal frames (these verses balance the power of water);
  • do not use old mirrors, because they have already been filled with the energy of their previous owners;
  • Do not choose mirror tiles and fragmented reflective panels for your interior, as they will negatively affect the flow of Chi energy.

And, of course, buy only those mirrors that appeal to you.

The teachings of Feng Shui will help you create the energy of coziness and comfort in your home. To make your home a source of positive energy, hang mirrors correctly.

Mirrors have attracted people with their secrets since ancient times. According to many esotericists and feng shui specialists, they have exceptional power, capable of both harming and helping us. According to ancient Chinese teaching, mirrors are the link between material and subtle worlds, as well as conductors of Qi energy. You can avoid troubles and fill your home with positive energy if you position the mirror correctly.

Where can't you hang mirrors?

Do not hang mirrors opposite entrance doors or windows. A mirror hanging in these places is not able to let in the streams of positive energy that rush into the house from the outside. It blocks its flow, depriving you of luck.

The bedroom is also a negative place for mirrors. Reflecting sleeping people can cause a lot of trouble. You may begin to experience problems with sleep, conflicts in your family will become more frequent, and your health will worsen. It is not without reason that many esotericists believe that in a dream a person is vulnerable. Taking into account the fact that mirrors are used to communicate with the world of the dead, it is strictly contraindicated for a person in a state of rest and sleep to be reflected in a mirror. Our ancestors believed that living souls could find themselves through the looking glass or that otherworldly forces could inhabit a person.

Don't place mirrors in places where they will reflect something negative. Unfinished renovations or fallen tiles in the bathroom, a mess in the room - all this increases negative energy, which the mirror generously returns to the room.

Do not position the mirror so that it reflects your work area. Feng Shui practitioners believe that this way you increase the volume of work. Doubling is one of the distinctive features mirrors, so exclude the possibility of falling under such influence.

Do not place mirrors opposite each other. This way you will create a corridor that can provoke negative emotions, scandals in the house and a deterioration in the well-being of all family members.

Pay attention to the shape of the mirror. Do not use chipped mirrors in your interior. Avoid newfangled trends that involve breaking mirrors into pieces. If a person is crushed in the mirror, his internal integrity is violated, which leads to problems with the biofield.

Remember to wipe down your mirrors frequently to keep them clear. Don't swear or think bad things in front of the mirror, otherwise you won't be able to avoid problems.

Where can you hang mirrors?

A good solution would be a mirror in the hallway. The Qi energy coming from the front door, reflected in the mirror, will circulate freely throughout the apartment. However, as mentioned above, you cannot hang it opposite the door.

To keep the positive energy flowing, hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom. Then it will circulate evenly in the space of your home, “without leaking into the pipe.”

A mirror will bring good luck if it reflects a beautifully decorated and served table. The energy of abundance and prosperity will increase.

Use the teachings of Feng Shui to ensure that only positive energy has a place in your home. Talismans, which have been known since ancient times, will help attract happiness. remember, that broken mirrors must be thrown out immediately. When looking at your reflection, think and say only pleasant things, otherwise you can transfer double the negativity onto yourself. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.12.2017 01:00

A mirror is an integral part of the interior; hardly anyone can imagine life without this important thing. ...

Feng Shui how philosophical doctrine, appeared more than two thousand years ago on the territory of Ancient China.

The basic principles of science are maintaining balance and harmony between nature, man and the surrounding space. That is, saying in simple language, following the principles of Feng Shui allows you to organize space so that the positive energy in it prevails over the negative. Feng Shui is the science of the flow of energy invisible to the eye, correct use which will allow you to achieve material and spiritual wealth.

Skillful mastery and knowledge of the principles of ancient Chinese teachings allows you to generate and attract positive energy into the house through the correct arrangement of furniture and the use of figurines, magic items, paintings, mirrors, color and light.

Having opened the door to the apartment, we find ourselves in the hallway, and it is from its arrangement that we must begin to comprehend harmony according to Feng Shui. And how to properly hang a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui is one of the most important tasks, since many magical properties are attributed to the reflective properties of this piece of furniture.

Choosing a place for a mirror in the hallway

The entrance to the house is also considered an entrance for positive chi energy, and the mirror located opposite the door reflects it back, preventing it from spreading throughout the rooms. The house is deprived of the energy necessary for well-being, the owners are haunted by failures, and there is absolutely no mood to live in such an apartment. And all this can be the result of an incorrectly chosen place for the mirror.

The wall located opposite the front door is not a place for any, even the smallest, mirror surface. In addition, not everyone is pleased to see someone looming in front of them when entering a dark corridor from the street; this can get on their nerves.

The ideal option for placing a mirror in the hallway would be a wall located at an angle of 90 degrees to the door. A mirror can magnify everything that comes into its field of vision, so it must reflect beautiful picture, flower, image of nature or banknotes.

It is worth paying attention to its size. The ideal ones are those in which the entire person is visible in the mirror, so when securing the item, it is necessary to find out the height of the largest member of the family. There should also be a small space above your head - this is a place for career takeoff and increase cash flow to the family budget.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway should visually expand the room, which creates favorable conditions for the circulation of positive qi energy. To do this, you can hang them on both sides of the corridor, the main thing is that the mirrors do not reflect on each other.

  • According to Feng Shui, mirrors should not contain inscriptions or various engravings - a scratched surface transmits information in a distorted form and may not distribute energy correctly.
  • You cannot buy mirrors from your own hands or take them from your relatives; a lot of negative energy accumulates in them, which is not in the best possible way will affect the environment of the house and the well-being of its inhabitants.
  • The mirror should not look out the window. Usually in typical apartments they are not in the hallway, but with individual construction this may well be the case.
  • Mirrors should always be perfectly clean - dust and dirt on them disrupt the balance of the home and increase problems.

The correct placement of a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui will increase the well-being of your family and relieve it of the negative energy that ill-wishers direct into your home.

Even if you are not familiar with the teachings of Feng Shui, you must have an irreplaceable item in your home that is used by almost all representatives of humanity. We are talking about a mirror that helps us determine our appearance. According to Feng Shui, a mirror is also a powerful symbol that helps fight negative phenomena in our home and in the environment.

The magic of mirrors

A mirror is an indispensable accessory for many women and men, but few people realize that by carrying this accessory with us, we are protected from adverse effects. But many people don’t think that the Feng Shui mirror is so magical, because everyone wears it simply to monitor their appearance and correct their hair or makeup in time. It will be useful for you to know what a mirror means in Feng Shui and how to choose it correctly. Thanks to the mirror, you can not only monitor your beauty and bring changes to your interior. By arranging them correctly, you can attract love, luck, wealth and health into your home.

Mirror size

If you want to place a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui, you will think about what size you need to choose this item. Every apartment owner should take into account that every home should have a very large mirror - in such a mirror all family members should be able to see themselves together in full height. Firstly, in such a mirror it will be very easy for you to evaluate your appearance. And according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that a person’s reflection should be one, since his inner strength is one, thanks to this a person’s energy and creative potential increases. The ideal size of the mirror will be when there is still a free area above a person’s head - this also implies the “growth” of a person in those areas of life where it is most needed - this can be physical growth, mental, career, spiritual or financial.

Where to hang a mirror

There are many points in Feng Shui, thanks to which you can determine where each zone is and what to activate it with. To determine the zones in your apartment, you need to purchase a compass that will help determine directions. You also need to print Bagua grid, which helps you arrange all the zones in your home. Knowing where a certain sector is located, you will know what objects and things can be placed there and where not. For example, it is believed that it is not recommended to install a mirror in the bedroom, especially if the sleeping person will be reflected in it. married couple. This can lead to cheating.

Everyone knows that a mirror has the ability to reflect. At the same time, the mirror reflects not only the appearance, but also other favorable or unfavorable phenomena. This is why the mirror in your home should be placed in a place where it will reflect beautiful views. Then there will be only happiness, prosperity, and positive emotions in your home. It is recommended to place flowers opposite or next to the mirror, beautiful pictures or beautiful pieces of furniture. There are special talismans and Feng Shui symbols that are sold in specialized stores, which can also be placed in front of the mirror. At the same time, you can choose a talisman that is responsible for exactly the area of ​​life that you most need to activate - love, wealth, marriage, etc.

Mirror location

If you decide to place a mirror in the kitchen, then you must remember that placing it opposite the table at which you eat will be very correct - then your family’s wealth will increase, and there will always be plenty of food in the house. Sometimes this is also useful for women who want to lose weight - besides, a woman always sees her overweight, so he won’t eat too much. It would also be appropriate to hang a mirror near the stove so that the person cooking can see everyone entering the kitchen.

As mentioned above, it is better not to install mirrors in the bedroom, especially if people are reflected in them. If you really want to, then hang the mirror so that the bed is not reflected in it, and at night it is generally advisable to hang the mirror. If you don't want it in your personal life a third person burst in, then you shouldn’t experiment, because the happiness of your family is in your hands.

Mirrors are a great help to normalize not only the space in the house, but also the relationships between household members, but the main thing is that they must be installed correctly. It is recommended to install mirrors within frames - thanks to this, they retain positive energy and direct it in the right direction. It is important that the mirrors are always clean, then the energy in your home will be clean and quite positive.

According to Feng Shui, you should not hang a mirror on the door, just like in front of the front door. Because upon entering the house, good energy will immediately leave it, reflected in the mirror. The same applies to windows.

And it’s worth remembering that all broken or cracked mirrors should be immediately thrown away and taken out of the house, since it is believed that, having cracked, it takes on all the negative energy, which must be immediately removed from your home.