What essential vitamins does a person need? Important vitamins in the body and in human nutrition. The most useful vitamins for the human body

Proper nutrition A balanced diet is considered to provide the human body with all the nutrients and vitamins it needs. If a person does not receive the required amount, he will begin to feel unwell, or even get sick. To prevent this, follow a diet that helps saturate your body with vitamins.

Vitamins are organic molecules that are vital for the normal functioning of our body. We need them for our growth, our vitality and our well-being. Vitamins revitalize our metabolism as the spark plugs move. Vitamins may - with some exceptions - not be produced by the body itself. Therefore, most vitamins must enter our body with our food and be part of natural products.

There are water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins, for example. Because they are not stored by the body and therefore must be replaced daily. Water-soluble vitamins are part of enzymes as coenzymes and thus contribute to the regulation and regulation of body functions as well as the generation of body energy.

Vitamin C.

In order for the immune system to function normally, it is necessary to consume enough vitamin C. It will also support and restore bones, tissues, cartilage and teeth. In addition, this vitamin helps iron to be absorbed. If the body lacks vitamin C, there will be a risk of scurvy and anemia. Your hair will fall out and the wounds will heal very slowly. Vitamin C contains citruses, garlic, red peppers, spinach, berries, tomatoes, cabbage, kiwi and other fruits and vegetables.

Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body, especially in the liver, and given to cells when needed. This has hormone-like properties. This protects the fatty acids in cells from oxidation, which is mainly caused by free radical attack.

Vitamins - sensitive substances

Vitamins can be easily destroyed by external influences. For example, table and pre-processed foods contain only 60% of the original vitamins. It follows that the drug is again well lost and a small residue only enters the cells if the enzymes and mucous membranes in the intestines work correctly and the intestinal flora is not damaged; Today everything is an exception.

What vitamins does a person need?

Still general classification and the designation of vitamins is historically determined. Thus, each vitamin performs its own functions in metabolism that are specific to the corresponding vitamin and therefore, by definition, cannot be, or to some extent, intercepted by other vitamins.

Vitamin B2.

This important vitamin is involved in energy metabolism, is responsible for the health of your skin, your vision and nervous system. It is found in dairy products, bread, cereals, poultry and fish. If the body for a long time does not receive vitamin B2, you may develop cracks near your mouth, a rash on the skin, and a sore throat. If you are very sensitive to light, you are lacking vitamin B2.

Accordingly, despite certain overlaps, it can be assumed that healthy body must be constantly supplied with sufficient quantities of all vitamins. This recommendation can also be justified pragmatically by statistical comparison general condition health and fitness of people with or without vitamin deficiency.

The most important vitamins at a glance

Even substances from the vitamin group were examined temporarily for their vital status in the early days and were classified under the general name “vitamin P”.

Conclusion: Avoid Vitamin Deficiency

As mentioned above, the body cannot produce most vitamins, so it depends on a vitamin-rich diet. Since vitamins are destroyed during cooking, fruits and raw vegetables are an integral part of the daily diet.

Vitamin A.

This vitamin is present in carrots, liver, cheese, milk, butter, and spinach. Vitamin A is responsible for vision, health of the skin and mucous membranes. If the body does not have enough vitamin A, you will begin to see poorly in the dark, your skin will begin to peel and you will have poor appetite.

Vitamin D

This vitamin is needed for muscle strength and muscle growth. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which is responsible for the nervous system and cardiac function. Vitamin deficiency leads to rickets, increased risk fractures. Vitamin D can be obtained from milk, fish oil, butter, and egg yolk.

Therefore, adequate intake water-soluble vitamins should be daily and checked more often. If you want to stay healthy for a long time, take a vitamin supplement regularly and correct it as needed. Vitamins are important nutrients for our body. They are extremely important for its proper functioning, mainly because they help prevent many diseases. This group of organic nutrients promotes physical and mental well-being.

Vitamin K

This vitamin is important for the body. It helps blood clot. Vitamin K is found in vegetables, greens and beans. If the body lacks this vitamin, a person is susceptible to various skin lesions.

Vitamin B12.

This vitamin synthesizes red and white cells. It can be obtained from products produced by animals, such as meat, milk, eggs. If the body does not have enough vitamin, a person develops anemia, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

Vitamin deficiency or vitamin deficiency is a lack of vitamins in the body caused by body malabsorption or lack of a vitamin in the form of food or supplement. Vitamins are essential for proper functioning human body and are present in food products in general, but especially in fruits and vegetables.

The best way to consume all the vitamins your body needs to function properly is to eat a healthy and varied diet, preferably including fresh and organic foods. Vitamin tablet supplements are also an alternative to prevent or treat vitamin deficiencies and their consequences.

We found out what the most important vitamins for the body person. Eat properly and balanced and stay healthy.

Every living thing on our planet needs vitamins. The human body is not capable of synthesizing everything on its own. useful material that he needs, so he tries to get as much of it from food or various vitamin supplements as possible. IN modern science There are a lot of different vitamins and microelements known, but today we will talk about the most important vitamins that help our body be healthy:

In red blood cells, nerve cells, hormonal balance and skin beauty. On connective tissue, has detoxifying properties, fights stress, and also acts as a natural antibiotic. Auxilia in the treatment of diseases and infections.

  • It improves the skin and mucous membrane.
  • The metabolism of sugars, fats and proteins works on the nervous system.
  • It provides energy to the body.
  • It improves cellular oxygenation.
  • Helps in the healing and rejuvenation processes.
Also called retinol, vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy skin, vision and immune system.

VITAMIN A (Retinol) We know that this vitamin helps maintain and improve vision. But this vitamin also ensures the normal growth of our body as a whole, normalizes the condition of the skin, bones, teeth and hair. A lack of this vitamin can cause so-called “night blindness” and conjunctivitis, and also makes us more vulnerable to various infectious diseases. Contained in fish oil, beef liver, carrots, red peppers, green onions, tomatoes, apricots and pumpkin. Daily norm 1 mg.

Beta carotene protects the body from degenerative diseases such as cancer. Vitamin A has many important functions in the body, like protective effect on the skin and mucous membranes, in addition to playing an important role in the retina and in the functional ability of the reproductive organs.

Sources: carrots, liver, butter, mango, egg yolk, cheese. They are from the group of water-soluble vitamins that play an important role in cell metabolism. Deficiency of these vitamins can cause effects such as muscle weakness, paralysis, mental disorder, disorders nervous system, digestive problems, acute anemia and heart failure.

VITAMIN B (Thiamin) Responsible for regulating very important functions of our body, for example, the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. If there is not enough of this vitamin in our body, problems with cardiovascular and digestive system, and insomnia and irritability will also appear. Found in small quantities in peas, bakery products, cereals and millet. The required amount per day is 1.8 mg.

Sources: Meats, nuts, nuts, kale, spinach, beans, whole grains, milk and eggs. Also called ascorbic acid, vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining connective tissue, strengthening the immune system against infectious processes, acts as a powerful antioxidant, promotes iron absorption, cooperates with the synthesis of certain amino acids, and also imparts resistance to bones and teeth.

The most useful vitamins for the human body

Vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining support immune function. As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals that are harmful to cells. Athletes constantly expose their bodies to intense stress. physical activity, which can weaken the immune system. This is why vitamin C is widely used by athletes to help them stay healthy and active.

VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin) Helps the body absorb useful substances such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also helps cope with stress. This vitamin is the most deficient in our body, as it is found in small quantities in meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and baked goods. The required dose per day is 2 mg.

VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine) Reduces blood cholesterol, promotes the metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids, and also reduces blood cholesterol. If the blood does not contain enough of this vitamin, then disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and irritability are quite possible. Contained in cereals, buckwheat, bananas, avocados, walnuts, bananas and greens, as well as in poultry meat. The average daily intake is 1.6 mg.

Sources: acerola, lemon, orange, guava, strawberry, cashew, kiwi, pineapple, mango, pepper, broccoli, cabbage and tomato. It helps protect bone mass, control blood pressure, maintain weight, function properly thyroid gland, prevent tumors. Sources: butter, egg yolk, milk, liver oil and fish.

Most of the benefits of vitamin E result from its antioxidant qualities. This means that it associates with oxygen and destroys free radicals. This prevents polyunsaturated fats and other oxygen-sensitive compounds such as vitamin A from being broken down by harmful oxidation reactions. There is substantial evidence that vitamin E provides protection against heart disease, in addition to slowing the decline associated with aging. The effect of this vitamin in preventing heart disease may be time and dose sensitive.

VITAMIN B9 ( Folic acid) This vitamin must be present in the diet of women. Indispensable for removal postpartum depression, and also during pregnancy prevents premature birth and miscarriages. Contained in greens, pork and beef liver, melon, carrots, tuna beets, spinach. The daily norm is up to 350 - 400 mcg. It is best absorbed when taken in combination with vitamins B12 and C.

Vitamin E also acts as an antioxidant in food. In vegetable oils, this helps prevent oxidation and spoilage. This makes vitamin E a very useful food preservative. Sources: sunflower oil, bell peppers, almonds, meats, dairy products, whole grains and vegetable oils.

Vitamin K is common name For various substances necessary for normal blood clotting. Sources: pork liver, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, wheat and oats. We all know that vitamins and minerals are fundamental to people's health and well-being, protecting the body from disease and helping it function properly. If we maintain a varied and nutrient-dense diet, and we are not deficient in a vitamin, we are likely to take in vitamins and minerals sufficiently and naturally.

VITAMIN B12 (cyanocobalamin) Improves memory, attention and appetite, indispensable for the growth of children. Prevents depression and insomnia, promotes normal operation liver and strengthens the immune system. Largest quantity This vitamin is found in liver (especially cod), cheese, meat, fish, and also in egg yolk. Our body needs 2.2 mcg per day.

However, if we maintain a diet that is low in food and lacking in important foods, we will likely need to take vitamin supplements. This vitamin plays a key role in vision, growth, bone development, skin tissue development and maintenance, the immune system and reproduction. Approximately 90% of this vitamin present in the human body is stored in the liver - the rest is stored in the lungs, kidneys and fat deposits.

Essential in the process of energy conversion and conduction of membranes and nerves. This vitamin is used in the metabolism of fats, proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. Its absorption may be inhibited by alcohol consumption. Important in the formation and maintenance of skin and in the formation of antibodies. It stimulates the absorption of iron salts and protein metabolism.

VITAMIN C ( Ascorbic acid) This vitamin is indispensable in our arsenal, especially in winter. It protects our body from most viruses and infections. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant; it oxidizes and removes waste and toxins from the body, regulates blood clotting, strengthens blood vessels, increases mental capacity and gives us additional energy. Mainly found in citrus fruits and also in berries, bell pepper, greens and tomatoes. The daily norm is on average 60 mg.

This vitamin removes toxic chemical substances from the body and helps produce steroid hormones, such as sex hormones and those associated with stress. Helps control the body's response to stress, affects the production of adrenal hormones, the formation of antibodies, and is necessary for the production of vital steroids such as cortisone.

It helps in the functioning of the nervous system and skin health, promotes rejuvenation, works like a natural diuretic, helps reduce dry mouth and urinary problems caused by antidepressants, reduces nighttime muscle cramps, leg cramps, numbness in the arms and some types of neuritis in the extremities.

VITAMIN D (Calciferol) Formed in skin tissue under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and we also consume a small part of this vitamin with food. Promotes the growth and development of bone tissue, and prevents osteoporosis and rickets. Very important for the child's body.

Regulates the metabolism of minerals in the body. The main part is found in fermented milk and seafood. Daily dose about 10 mcg.

This vitamin is necessary for the normal functioning of the metabolism of all cells, especially for cells gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow and nervous tissue. Its highest concentration is found in the liver. It is secreted into the kidney according to the requirement of bone marrow and other tissues.

Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis, connective tissue development, healing and recovery from burns and wounds, resistance to infections, iron absorption and immunization to allergic reactions. It is known for its protection against colds, although its benefits are thought to help more in reducing the severity of flu symptoms than in preventing colds.

VITAMIN E (Tocopherol) Promotes the normal functioning of the reproductive system, is indispensable during pregnancy, strengthens the immune system and promotes wound healing. Ensures the functioning of the muscular system. Vegetable oils, various cereals and nuts contain this vitamin in their composition. We need to consume up to 10 mg per day.