Alaska who gave. Alaska Sale: Accurate Calculation or Rock Error

From this article, you will learn who sold Alaska America under what conditions and when it happened. Such an interesting event over many years has covered myths and speculation. Let's try to figure out what.

The sale of Alaska the Russian Empire was produced in 1867. The amount of sale amounted to a little more than seven million US dollars. Alaska was sold to the possession of the North American United States. The area of \u200b\u200bthe sold area was slightly over 1,500,000 square kilometers.

The reason for which Alaska was sold

Naturally, such a sale has its own goal and the cause. The thing is that at the beginning of the nineteenth century Alaska brought significant income at the expense of commerce. Nevertheless, by the middle of the same century it turned out that expenses would be much more expensive than potential profits. Costs were the banal content and protection of this territory, which, besides, was very distant.

The very first time, N. Muravyov-Amur spoke with the initiative of the sale of Alaska, in 1853. This man was the general governor of Eastern Siberia. In his opinion, such a deal was inevitable. Already four years later, the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich, who was a brother Alexander Second, made the initiator of the sale of Alaska. Formally, the proposal took place from Eduard glass - a famous Russian diplomat.

Negotiations for the sale took place precisely at the time when the UK claims to this territory. Here is another reason why the Russian Empire was advantageous to get rid of Alaska.

The issue of selling Alaska several times was postponed. First, they were waiting for the expiration of the term of privileges of cancer (a Russian-American company), then the end of the civil war in the United States. However, on March 18, 1867, President of the United States of America Johnson, signed by William Seward's special powers. Literally immediately after that, negotiations took place, during which an agreement on the purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire was agreed for 7 million US dollars.

Direct Sale and Transfer of Alaska

The signing of the contract was directly held in 1867 on March 30, in the city of Washington. The contract of sale was signed on the so-called diplomatic languages \u200b\u200b- French and English. What is interesting, in Russian, the official text of the contract simply does not exist. Under the terms of the contract, the entire Alaska Peninsula, as well as the coastline of 10 miles, south of Alaska.

The Senate of the United States of America, though even doubted the expediency of such a purchase, nevertheless, most members were supported.

On October 18, 1967, Alaska was already officially transferred to America. From Russia, the Protocol on the transfer of the territory was signed by A. A. Pivarov. This man was a special government commissar, a captain of the second rank. What is interesting, right on the same day the Gregorian calendar was introduced. Due to this, the inhabitants of Alaska woke up on October 18, although they went to their bed on October 5th.

So who specifically sold Alaska?

Alaska was sold by Alexander II-m. Here who sold Alaska America. The contract was also signed by Eduard Glame. By the way, as a sign of appreciation, Alexander II, he gave a Russian diplomat - a glass of the Order of the White Eagle, as well as a reward of twenty-five thousand rubles a one-time and pension of six thousand rubles each year.

There are a number of popular myths on the sale of Alaska, which do not correspond to reality:

  • "Alaska sold Catherine Two." This could not at least because the contract was signed in 1867, and Catherine the second died in 1796;
  • "Alaska was given for rent, and not sold." Myth of pure water. As in no way, there are documents confirming the opposite;
  • "On Alaska, after some time, a gold deposit in Klondike was opened. Thanks to this gold, all the costs of Americans replaced many times. " It can not even comment, as Klondike is located in Canada.

In the distance 1866, when the reign of the government belonged to Emperor Alexander II, a representative of Russia was sent to Washington. The purpose of his trip was in the situation of strict confidentiality to negotiate with the American government for the sale of Alaska. A year later, in March 1867, a sales contract was signed, in which America was initiated by the transaction for the whole world.

The contract said that the entire territory of the peninsula, as well as the coastline with a length of 10 miles in the southern direction passed to the US property. Surprisingly, the text of this agreement was compiled in two languages \u200b\u200b- English and French. The Russian version of this document does not exist.

The initial initiative to sell Alaska proceeded from N. Muravyov-Amur during his stay at the post of governor of Eastern Siberia. He considered the deal inevitable and extremely necessary Russia. After 4 years, this question was climbed by the emperor brother, Prince Konstantin Nikolayevich.

Present at the design of the document and its signing E. Glass, Russian diplomat. For the transaction, as well as for the "faith, law and king", E. Glass was awarded the Order of the White Eagle, a monetary reward of 25,000 rubles and an annual pension.

How much did they sell Alaska?

Agreement on the sale of "Russian America", or Alaska, was transferred several times. At first, the deal was postponed due to the US civil war, then the authorities of the countries were waiting for the expiration of the expiration of cancer. Nevertheless, negotiations occurred, during which the exact cost of the peninsula was established - $ 7.2 million.

On the question of who sold Alaska, no wonder for a long time did not find answers. The transaction was held under the vulture "secretly", and only the emperor and five of his approximate ministers knew about the signing of the papers. Announced the transition of the Peninsula to the United States was only 2 months after the agreement.

In some Russian newspapers, this event is located on the last pages, and nobody gave him much importance. Moreover, by virtue of its ignorance and inexpensiveness, many people did not even know that there are distant northern edges belonging to the Russian Empire.

The amount that Americans gave for the peninsula was very significant in those times. But, based on the huge area of \u200b\u200bAlaska, one square kilometer of her land cost only about 5 dollars. Thus, it was a very profitable deal for America.

In October 1967, Alaska was officially transferred to the United States. Russia was represented by the Government Commissioner A. Come. Immediately on this day, the Gregorian calendar entered into force on the peninsula. If on that day it was on October 5, then in the morning the residents woke up on October 18!

Myth or truth?

Since the history of the transfer of Alaska USA was shrouded in secrecy, there is still disputes and investigations on this matter. Some say that the Americans were given this land for rent, and they illegally enjoy its possessions. There are assumptions that the peninsula was still selling Ekaterina II. What happened really, and who sold Alaska?

Russian America was sold by Emperor Alexander II during his reign. Catherine could not do this, as she died back in 1796.

Alaska was sold precisely, and not leased. This is evidenced by the contract with the exact amount and signatures of both sides. The only disagreement is still theme of money.

In one of the contract items it was stated that America undertakes to pay the amount of US $ 7.2 million with gold coins. However, it turned out that Russia received from the US a check with the amount registered in it. Where this check was used, and who cassed him - still unknown.

Why did you sell Alaska America?

Of course, when selling Alaska, Russia has pursued its goals. There were several reasons for getting rid of this harsh peninsula:

  • The only profit that the Alaska of Russia brought in those years was a fur. The flow of hunters increased over time, and the uncontrolled poaching destroyed most of the planned revenues of the state. A sharp drop in the extraction of valuable furs led to the fact that Alaska was recognized as an unprofitable region. The peninsula immediately lost its initial commercial significance, and its territory completely ceased to master.
  • The costs of maintenance, research, the production of resources and protection of Alaska significantly exceeded those kopecks that Russia received from it. In addition, the remoteness of the peninsula, the harsh climate and unacceptable conditions for life played a decisive role in the matter of its importance for the country.
  • The fighting, which occurred in those years in the Far East, showed perfect vulnerability of Alaska from invasion and capture. The Government of the Russian Empire thought that in the event of an attack on the Alaska of her land would have to give in vain. Therefore, it was more expedient to sell the peninsula and replenish the state treasury.
  • Negotiations on the sale of Alaska took place just during the unfavorable concrete confluence. Another state is presented to its territory to its territory - United Kingdom. Therefore, the Russian Empire was beneficial to sell Alaska and in such a way to get rid of the brewing conflict.

Alaska is an amazing, cold, proud land, rich, and to the end unexplored. Only here are 3 million cleaned lakes, 100 thousand glaciers, 70 dangerous volcanoes. Every year about 5 thousand earthquakes occur in these edges, some of which reaches 3.5 points.

  • To the capital of Alaska can only be reached by plane or ferry. On the car, a trip is unrealistic, as the climate of the region is the constant rust of snow blizzards, storms, avalanche and ice fluxes.
  • Alaska supplies 1/5 of the entire oil required by the United States. The rich field was found in 1968 in the village of Prudo-Bay, from which the Transistian oil pipeline was laid.
  • The presence of the oil pipeline among the virgin nature of the peninsula causes a storm of emotions from environmental defenders. The biggest publicity was received by the case that occurred in 2001. D. Lewis, being suitable, fired at the oil pipeline, which contributed to the illegal splash of oil in the amount of 6 thousand barrels. For this, he received 16 years of imprisonment and a huge amount of fine - $ 17 million.
  • Each animal Alaska is the property of the state. In the event that the animal died under the wheels of the car, the driver must immediately report this to special services. The carcass of a shot down large beast (moose or deer) is separated, and meat gives poor families. It helps to need the residents of the northern lands to survive the harsh winter months.
  • On Alaska a kind of cycle of days and nights. In the summer, the sun does not sit altogether, and in the winter there comes the period of infinite darkness. Due to the lack of solar heat and light, its inhabitants suffer from depressive states. However, there are also its advantages: thanks to the permanent summer sun, some vegetables, such as cabbage, pumpkin can achieve incredible sizes.
  • On the peninsula were found fantastic gold reserves. In total, about 1000 tons of gold were produced in Alaska, and enormous silver and copper reserves were found.

Correct decision or rapid act?

When the whole world rushed the thunder about the colossal deposits of valuable metals, gas and oil on the peninsula, many began to make fun of the short-sighted Russian emperor, arguing how the Alaska could be sold - the golden vein. However, if you look at the situation from a position not today, and the times of 1867, much clearers.

At that time, the Russian empire was mired in debt, intrigues, led the war. Palo serfdom, from the treasury began to pay compensation to nobles that could not cover their material losses. And the Crimean War took the decent share of the state of the state.

This difficult course of the empire simply did not have means and opportunities for development, research Alaska. Of course, after time you could do it. But who knows, maybe if they did not sell Alaska, they simply lost it by giving way to any connoisseable country.

Every year, October 18, a solemn holiday is held on Alaska. In the haul of the cage of costume views, a gun is poured, America flag rises. The words of gratitude to Russia are spent loud, which allowed the United States to hold one of the most successful deals - the acquisition of a rich land, once called "Russian America".

Until now, many consider one of the most mysterious transactions in Russia. Some believe that this land sold another Empress Catherine Two. Others and at all believe that Alaska USA was not sold, but was given by decree of this reigning personnel for rent on ninety-nine years. The term has expired, but the land is never returned. As if during the Soviet Union, Brezhnev did not want to take it back.

But if you remember, in which year they sold Alaska America, it becomes clear that Catherine has nothing to do with this. Rules by Russia during this period Emperor Alexander the second. And it was he who played in history that the decisive role that someone attributes to other rulers. This Russian king is accused of practically presented a huge territory. But about how things were actually about how the peculiar territorial triangle of Alaska-Russia-USA was evolved, there is only one version in official history, the individual details of which still do not know many.


Even a schoolboy knows that this peninsula is cold and harsh land, where the arctic and subarctic climatic zones reign. Sigor frosty winters with winds with legs and snow-covered blizzards in this edge - the norm. And this is not surprising: it is enough just to imagine where Alaska is located. The exception is only a small part of the coast of the Pacific Ocean, where the climate is moderate and quite suitable for human life. Includes the state of Alaska mainland territory to the border with Canada. In addition, it includes Aleutian, fox, Trinity and Islands of the Alexander Archipelago. Also, this peninsula is a narrow strip of sushi, stretched along the Pacific coast, connected to the Dickson Entrants strait. It is here that one of the most original capitals in the world - Juno.

Alaska - Russia

The United States called this region is not otherwise as "Russian America". In the second half of the eighteenth century, the furser traders became increasingly showing interest in Alaska. Already at the beginning of the sixties here, on the island of Unlaska, the Russians founded the village and, of course, the port through which the trade of the mined fur was supposed. In the 1784th, the merchant and explorer Grigory Shelikhov for his own funds organized an expedition to these edges, during which the settlement built on the island of Khadiak.

At the end of the century, European navigators came here, who even made attempts to declare Spain's sovereignty over certain Alaska areas. However, they did not achieve any results. And today, only some non-native geographical names are reminded about them in these parts, for example, the port of Valtez.

Same Shelits A few years later, he initiated the organization of a commercial company for the development of Alaska, the creation of which was assumed by the type of British Ost-India. She was created in 1799, and Alexander Andreevich Baranov again became the first leader, who since the end of the eighties represented the interests of Russian industrialists in America. It was he who founded a few settlements in Alaska, including modern Sitke, which was then called the city of Novoarhangelsky.

The company's activities in general had a dual character. On the one hand, she was engaged in the predatory fishery of the Fweight, but at the same time facilitated the development in some areas of the bakery and cattle breeding. Since the beginning of eight hundred, this activity has become complicated by the struggle with American and English entrepreneurs who armed local aborigines in order to fight against Russians.

And in 1824, Russia signed a number of treaties with US and England governments. These documents at the state level determined the boundaries of Russian possessions in North America. Until that time when Alaska became American, there were less than four and a half dozen years.

Difficult situation

In 1861 in Russia, as you know, the serfdom was canceled. To pay compensation to its landowners, as well as pay the costs of the company, the Sovereign Alexander II was forced in 1862 to occupy from Rothschilds under five percent of the annual fifteen million pounds. However, the financial magnames soon had to return something, and the royal treasury was empty.

The very first with the initiative involving the sale, and rather the accession of Alaska to America, was the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia. It happened in 1853. In his opinion, the deal was simply inevitable. But then nobody listened to him. And four years later, the Grand Duke Konstantin - the younger brother of the sovereign - offered Alexander "something unnecessary" to sell. The most unnecessary thing was the northern uncharted lands, which are Russian, actually, and did not master.

The very fact of alienation, as well as the history of the sale of Russia, Alaska today is perceived by many in their own way. But then the sharms were more than obvious: this huge territory never brought Russian special revenues, and Kalanov, sea seals and other owners of the most valuable fur, which at that time were in demand in the world market, for the most part the industrialists have already changed. In general, the colony mostly survived only at the expense of large ice supplies in the city of California. To keep military garrisons and officials working here in this ice territory to master the colossal lands, it was not that. Russia, quite recently surviving the Crimean War, was experiencing financial difficulties after the defeat.


Naturally, the history of the transfer of Alaska America has its predict, in addition, such a step pursued certain goals and had good reasons. It is known that at the beginning of the nineteenth century, this land brought significant income at the expense of commerce, but already for the sixties of the same century, it turned out that expenses will further be significantly more than the potential profits. We will have to be constantly spent not only on the banal content of this territory, but also on its protection, and if you remember where Alaska is located on the map, then you can imagine what kind of penny it would all cost the bankrupt Russian Empire.


Officially, the history of the sale of Russia Alaska states that the proposal about the deal proceeded from the famous Russian diplomat Eduard Glass. And the negotiations began precisely at that time when the UK began to present his claims to this territory.

And this was another reason why Russia was very profitable to get rid of their northern land.

The question of what year they sold the Russians to Alaska, today there are consistent disputes today. Some call the year 1866, others - 1867th. It must be said that both of these dates correspond to reality.

Secret negotiations

December 7, 1866, the emperor Alexander Second convened a meeting in a cloudy gloomy winter day. His brother Prince Konstantin, Ministers of the Maritime and Finance, and Baron Eduard Glass - Ambassador of Russia in Washington. I must say that the idea of \u200b\u200bsale by participants was approved and supported. Actually, from this moment began to join Alaska to the United States. At first, I was waiting for the end of the privilege period later - the civil war in the United States. But nevertheless, eighteenth of March 1867, Johnson, after a long random, finally signed a decree on the transfer of special powers to William Seward. At the proposal of the Minister of Finance, the minimum threshold price of Alaska was established: five million rubles. A week later, the Russian emperor, approving the borders of his state, sent glass to America with an official appeal to the Secretary of State Seward. After that, just immediately began to host negotiations, during which they managed to agree on the purchase agreement of Alaska from the Russian state for seven million dollars.

USA and Tsarist Russia

By the beginning of the process of selling Russia's relations with America reached apogee. Even during the Crimean War, the United States has repeatedly emphasized: if the boundaries of the conflict are expanding, they will not take an anti-Russian position. The intention to sell Alaska was kept in deep secrecy. Surprisingly, with an already sufficient level of then external intelligence in the third state, the information was not leaked. The London newspaper "Times" very concerned about mysterious mutual sympathy, rising between the United States and Russia. Especially since the money paid for these northern lands has paid off in a short time, and it is not necessary to speak about the strategic plus from this transaction, it is enough to imagine where Alaska is located on the map.

UK discontent was justified: the contract of 1867 not only made these two states closest neighbors, but also gave the opportunity to the Americans from all sides to surround the British possessions in the north. Oils in the fire added and saying the American general of Welbridge on a dinner in honor of the delegation of Russians. Its meaning was as follows: there are two significant hemispheres, Western and East on the planet, and one must personify the United States, and the second - Russia. Naturally, it was only a subtle diplomatic game of words, but the fact remains: Russians seriously supported Americans in their elevation.

Direct transfer

The signing of the contract happened to the thirtieth of March 1867 in Washington. It was compiled in French and English, which at that time were diplomatic languages. Interestingly, no official text in Russian simply exists. According to the terms of the contract, America passed the Alaska peninsula completely, as well as its coastal strip of ten miles south.

The US Senate, although doubted the expediency of such a purchase, however, most of his members deal supported.

October 1867, Alaska was already officially transferred to Americans. From Russia under the Protocol on the transfer of this territory, A. A. Ksemaov subscribed to the transfer of this territory - a special government commissar, the second rank captain. Interestingly, but on this day was introduced and therefore residents of Alaska woke up the eighteenth of October, although they went to sleep in the fifth of October. Therefore, if on the question of what year was sold to Alaska America, the answer is unequivocal, then it is impossible to say about the bottom of the signing of the contract.


October 1867 in half the fourth day, the flag was shown on the flagpole, located in front of the village of Alaska ruler. The Russians and American troops lined up in a row, and on the signal one by one Unter-Officer on each side began to fit the staging raised during the times of the Russian-American campaign. The ceremony itself was held in the setting of great solemnity, however, until the flag, confused at the very top of the ropes, did not cause the faceclosure.

By order, several sailors rushed to climb upstairs to try to unravel the fabric, which remained from the banner, which hung in the rags on the mast. However, no one realized to shout at the bottom of the sailor, the first to him sometech, so that he did not throw it down, and would tear with him. And when he dropped it from above, the flag hit the Russian bayonets. Mysticals would seek this incident, but at that moment did not occur to anyone to think about him. In general, the history of the transfer of Alaska America is shrouded in thousands of myths, but many of them do not correspond to reality.

Glass and his mission

A significant role in the sale of Alaska played a diplomat glass. Since 1850, he was attornected in the affairs of the Russian Embassy in the United States, and from 1854 he moved to the position of Russian Messenger. The girl's wife was American, so he was integrated into the highest circles of American society. Such extensive ties helped him, they contributed to the implementation of the transaction. The Russian diplomat was actively lobbied the interests of the Russian emperor. In order to lean the Senate to the decision to purchase Alaska, the glass gave bribes using all its connections. Alexander the second appointed him a reward of twenty-five thousand dollars, as well as a lifelong pension of six thousand rubles.

Edward Andreevich immediately after the sale of Alaska briefly arrived in St. Petersburg, but soon went to Paris. Until the end of his life, this diplomat was avoided by Russian society, however, it is also. After the story with Alaska, bad glory remained behind the glass. And it was their reasons.

Where's the money?

Seven million thirty-five thousand dollars - precisely so much left from the originally stipulated 7.2 million. Eduard glass, receiving a check, left a reward, almost one and a half hundreds of thousands distributed as bribes of senators who voted for ratification, and the remaining money translated by bank transfer to London, Where in St. Petersburg on the sea went bought for the entire amount of gold bars. Some part of the payment was lost and when converting into pounds and gold. But it was not the last loss of Russia.

The main historical question is not in what year they sold Alaska America, but in where the money extended from this transaction was.

Bark Orkney, on board which was so long-long awaited for the Russian state, the sixteenth of July 1868 sank on the approach to St. Petersburg. It is still unknown, whether it was gold, or it did not leave a misty albion. Moreover, the insurance company declared himself in full bankrupt, and therefore the damage to the Russians was removed only in part. The debt of the Rothschilds could not pay, but the huge piece of the land of Tsarist Russia nevertheless lost.

Errors and speculation

The history of the sale of Russia Alaska still generates all sorts of judgments and speculation. Since negotiations were conducted in the strictest mystery, the signing of the contract was hidden for a long time. And only a year later, the Convention in French was published in the "diplomatic yearbook". Such secrecy and gave rise to the species primarily that Alaska passed the United States to rent a term of ninety-nine years, and after the expiration of this period she will again be returned to Russia. Such an erroneous version has become so living that when this period has expired, in the middle of the last century, it began to sound the requirements for transferring it back. But, unfortunately, it was only delusion. Alaska did not rent, but was sold forever.


Interestingly, the United States over the past two centuries has actively increased its territories. Few people know that in 1803 years old America in France in fifteen million dollars bought Louisiana, a little later, in the amount of three times less, Spain was successfully purchased by Florida. And already ten years later, in 1818, during the section of the "inheritance" section, the United States of Mexico moved most of the territory.

No less noteworthy and the fact that officially Alaska became another staff only in 1959, and not at all in 1867, when it was sold.

On March 30, 1867, the territory of the Russian Empire decreased on a little over one and a half million square kilometers. By the decision of the emperor and the autocrat of the Russian Alexander II, the territory of Alaska and the group of Aleutian islands near it were sold to the United States of America.

There are many rumors around this transaction - "Alaska was not sold, but only surrendered. Documents are lost, so it is impossible to return it, "" Alaska sold Ekaterina II Great, because it comes to the song of the group "Lube", "Alaska selling should be invalid, because the ship on which the gold was lucky to pay, sank" and etc. All the versions given in quotes are complete nonsense (especially about Catherine II)! So now we will understand how the realization of Alaska actually occurred and what caused this, externally not profitable for Russia, transactions.

Actual discovery of Alaska by Russian navigators I. Fedorov and M.S. The novel occurred in 1732, it was officially considered open in 1741 by the captain A. Chirikov, who visited it and realized to register the fact of discovery. Over the next sixty years, the Russian Empire, as a state, the fact of the discovery of Alaska was not interested - its territory was mastered by Russian merchants who were actively bought from the Local Eskimos, Aleuts and Indians, yes, Russian settlements in the convenient bays of the coast of Bering Strait Non-good winter months.

The situation has changed somewhat in 1799, but only externally - the territory of Alaska began to officially belong to the Russian Empire on the rights of the pilot, but the state was not interested in new territories. The initiative to recognize the right of ownership to the northern lands of the North American continent proceeded, again, from Siberian merchants, to expound documents issued in St. Petersburg and creating a Russian-American company with monopoly rights on minerals and fishing mining in Alaska. The main sources of the income of merchants in the north-American territories of Russia were coal mining, fishery of the sea cat and ... ice, the most common, supplied in the United States - the demand for Alaskan ice was stable and constant, because the refrigeration units invented only in the 20th century.

Until the middle of the XIX century, the state of affairs in Alaska did not interest the leadership of Russia - is somewhere "At the line on Kulichki", the money for its content is not required, to protect and contain a military contingent for this is also not necessary, the merchants of the Russian-American Companies, regularly paid taxes. And here, from this very Alaska, the negative gold deposits are found there ... Yes, and how did you think I didn't know the emperor Alexander II, what does the golden core sell? But no - I knew and realized aware of my decision! And why did you sell - now we'll figure it out ...

The initiative in the implementation of Alaska by the United States of America belonged to the brother of the emperor, the Great Prince Konstantin Nikolayevich Romanov, who occupied the post of headquarters of the Maritime Staff of Russia. He suggested the eldest brother-emperor to sell an "excess territory", because the detection there of gold deposits will certainly attract the attention of England - a long-standing enemy of the Russian Empire, and Russia cannot lead her defense, and there is no fact that the fleet of the military in the northern seas is not really. If England seizes Alaska, then for it, Russia will not get anything else, and so it will be possible to help at least some money, save face and strengthen friendly relations with the United States. It should be noted that in the XIX century, the Russian Empire and the United States had a rare friendly relationship - Russia refused to help the West in the return of control over the North American territories, which led to the rabies of the British monarchs and inspired America's colonists to continue the liberation struggle.

Negotiations on the sale of the territory of Alaska were instructed by Baron Eduard Andreevich Glake, the Messenger of the Russian Empire in the United States. It was called for Russia an acceptable price - $ 5 million gold, but the glass decided to appoint the American government a higher amount equal to 7.2 million dollars. The idea of \u200b\u200bbuying the northern territory, even with gold, but also with the complete lack of roads, a deserted and distinguished cold climate, was perceived by the American government of President Andrew Johnson without inspiration. Baron Glass actively intrigued, bribing congressmen and editors of the largest American newspapers, in order to create a favorable political climate deal.

And his negotiations were crowned with success - On March 30, 1867, the Treaty for the sale of the territory of Alaska by the United States of America was also signed by official representatives of both parties. Thus, the acquisition of one hectare of the territory of Alaska cost the US treasury at $ 0.0474 and for the whole territory equal to 1,519,000 square kilometers - $ 7,200,000 gold (in terms of modern dennaunations about $ 110 million). On October 18, 1867, the North American territories of Alaska were officially transferred to the US posing, two months earlier, the baron glass received a check for 7 million 200 thousand in the Treasury Bonds of the States, which he translated into the London Bank of Bargov Brothers to the Russian Emperor's account, holding his commission $ 21,000 and $ 165,000, spent from their own pocket for bribes (overhead).

According to some modern Russian historians and politicians, the Russian empire made a mistake by selling Alaska. But the situation in the last century was very and very difficult - the states were actively expanding their territory, the attachment of neighboring land and following the doctrine of James Monroe from 1823. And the first major transaction was the Louisiana purchase - the acquisition of the French colony in North America (2,100 thousand square km of custody and mastered territory) from the emperor France Napoleon I Bonaparta for ridiculous $ 15 million gold. By the way, on this territory today are the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and significant territories of a number of other states of modern US ... that before the former territories of Mexico - the territory of all southern US states - so they were for free.

For sale Alaska

The question of the fate of Russian America appeared in the early 1850s. In the spring of 1853, the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia Nikolai Muravyev-Amur presented Nicholas I note, in which he outlined his views on the need to strengthen Russia's position in the Far East and the importance of close relations with the United States.

The Governor-General reminded that a quarter of a century ago "The Russian-American company appealed to the government with a request to occupy California, then free and almost nobody possessed, informing this concern that this soones this area will be produced by the US United States ... it is impossible It was also not to envisage that these states, established by one day on the Eastern Ocean, will soon be there to first be chance in front of all marine powers and will have a need throughout the North-West shore of America. The dominacy of the North American states in all over North America is so natural that we should not regret that twenty-five years ago we were not established in California, - I would have to sooner or later give it up, but, yielding peacefully, we could have been in return Other benefits from Americans. However, now, with the invention and the development of railways, more than before, should make sure that the north-American states spread inevitably throughout North America, and we can not not keep in mind that sooner or later they will have to give up North American Our possessions. It was impossible, however, in this consideration, do not keep in mind and other: what is very natural and Russia, if not owning all Eastern Asia, then dominate the entire Asian coastal of the East Ocean. According to the circumstances, we allowed to invade this part of Asia to the British ... But the matter can also recover our close relationship with the North American states. "

The authorities in St. Petersburg reacted to the note of Muravyov very approvingly. The proposals of the Governor General of Eastern Siberia to strengthen the position of the empire in the Amur region and on the island of Sakhalin were studied in detail with the participation of Admiral General, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich and members of the Board of the Russian-American Company. One of the specific outcomes of this work was the command of the emperor from 11 (23) of April 1853, which was permitted by the Russian-American company "Take the Sakhalin Island on the same grounds as she owned by other lands mentioned in its privileges in order to prevent Sakhalin No foreign population. "

For its part, the Russian-American company, fearing the attacks of the Anglo-French fleet to Novo-Arkhangelsk, hurried in the spring of 1854 to conclude a fictitious agreement for the sale of 7 million 600 thousand dollars from the American-Russian trading company in San Francisco to San Francisco for three years in total , including land ownership in North America. But soon, Russian America came to the news about the official agreement of cancer with Hudson Bay on the mutual neutralization of its territorial possessions in America. "According to Sim so happily changed circumstances," reported in the summer of 1854, the Russian consul in San Francisco Peter Kostromitinov, - I did not give further movement from the colonies. " Although the fictitious act was immediately canceled, and the colonial bosses received a reprimand for excessive autonomy, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible sale of Russian America's USA not only did not die, but after the end of the Crimean War received further development.

The main supporter of the sale of Russian America was the younger brother Alexander II Grand Prince Konstantin Nikolayevich, who sent a special letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the spring of 1857 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to Alexander Gorchakov. Most of the most influential statesmen although they did not object in principle against the sale of Russian possessions in America, but considered it necessary to pre-comprehensively discuss this issue. It was proposed to first find out the situation in Russian America, the soil in Washington and in any case do not rush to the practical implementation of the sale, postponing it before the expiration of the privileges of Cancer in 1862 and the elimination of the contract for the supply of ice American-Russian trading company in San Francisco. This line was adhered to Gorchakov and employees of the Asian Department of Foreign Affairs, and most importantly, the emperor Alexander II, who ordered to postpone the decision to sell Russian America to the liquidation of the contract with San Francisco. Although the US government considered the purchase of Russian possessions in America very profitable, as a remuneration, it offered only $ 5 million, which, according to Gorchakov, did not reflect the "actual value of our colonies."

In 1865, after long discussions, the State Council of Russia approved the "main grounds" of the new charter of cancer, and the company's board was even obtained from the royal government. On August 20 (September 1), 1866, the emperor "command deign" to pay cancer an annual "allowance" of 200 thousand rubles and remove the debt of 725 thousand from it.

This company was not satisfied with this and continued to seek new privileges, which also had its negative side: the royal government was only approved in the opinion of the appropriateness to get rid of burdensome possessions in distant America. In addition, the general state of Russia's finance, despite the reform held in the country, continued to worsen, and the treasury needed foreign money.

Completion of the US Civil War and the subsequent friendly visit of the American squadron headed by Gustust Fox to Russia in the summer of 1866 to some extent contributed to the revival of the idea about the sale of Russian colonies in America. However, a direct reason for the resumption of consideration about the fate of Russian America was coming to St. Petersburg Russian Messenger in Washington Eduard Glass. Leaving the United States in October 1866, he was in the royal capital until the beginning of the next year. During this time, he had the opportunity to meet not only with his immediate bosses in the department of foreign affairs, but also to talk with the Grand Duke Konstantin and the Minister of Finance Mikhail Reuter.

It was after conversations with a glass both statesmen reported their considerations "on the subject of the concession of our north-American colonies." Sale of Russian possessions in America seemed to be relevant for the following reasons:

"one. After a seventy-year-old existence of the company, it did not at all reaches the logistics of the male population, nor the durable watervation of the Russian element and Nimalo did not contribute to the development of our merchant navigation. The company does not bring significant benefits to shareholders ... and can only be supported by the government's significant donations. " As the minister noted, the value of the colonies in America even more decreased, since "now we have already firmly embalved in the Amur region in incomparably more favorable climatic conditions."

"2. The transfer of colonies ... will save us from possession, which in the case of the war with one of the nautical powers we have no opportunity to protect. " Reiternen further wrote about the possible clashes of the company with enterprising traders and navigators from the United States: "Such collisions themselves are unpleasant, could easily put us in need of maintaining military and sea forces in the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean to maintain privileges Companies that do not bring substantial benefits to nor Russia, nor even shareholders and to the detriment of friendly relations to the United States. "

The most influential figure when discussing the question of the fate of Russian holds in America, the Grand Duke Konstantin remained in favor of selling for three main reasons:

1. The unsatisfactory state of cancer cases, the existence of which must be supported by "artificial measures and cash from the ownership of donations".

2. The need to concentrate the main focus on the successful development of the Amur Region, which is in the Far East "Russia will have to go."

3. The desirability of maintaining the "Close Union" with the United States and the elimination of everything, "that might give rise to disagreement between two great powers."

After familiarization with the considerations of two influential dignitaries and a good knowing view of the glass, also expressed in favor of selling Russian America, Gorchakov came to the conclusion that it was time to accept final decision. He proposed to hold a "special meeting" with the personal participation of Alexander II. This meeting was held on 16 (28) December 1866 in the Paradle Cabinet of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Palace Square. It was attended by: Alexander II, Grand Duke Konstantin, Gorchakov, Reuter, the Maritime Ministry of Nikolai Krabbe and Glass. All participants spoke in favor of selling Russian colonies in North America to the United States, and interested departments were instructed to prepare their considerations for the envoy in Washington. Two weeks later, "in pursuance by his imperial Majesty in a special meeting ... The Highest Will" reacted his considerations, which he considered it necessary to envisage that the Russian citizens and general residents of the colonies were granted "the right to stay in these or unhindered to go to Russia. In that matter, in another case, they retain the right to all their own property, in whatever it consists. " At the same time, the minister particularly stipulated the provision of freedom of "their liturgical rites." Finally, the Minister of Finance pointed out that the "monetary remuneration" for the concession of the colonies should be at least $ 5 million.

Returning in March 1867 to Washington, the glass reminded the state secretary to William Seward "On the proposals that were made in the past selling our colonies" and added that "Currently the Imperial Government is to join the negotiations." Having enlisted by President Johnson, Seward, during the second meeting with a glass, held 2 (14) Martha, was able to discuss the main provisions of the future contract.

On March 18, 1867, President Johnson signed the official authority to Seward, almost immediately negotiations of the Secretary of State with a glass took place, during which a draft agreement on the purchase of Russian possessions in America for $ 7 million was agreed upon.

picture of Edward Lentse

From left to right: State Department employee Robert Chu, William Seward, State Department employee William Hunter., employee of the Russian mission Vladimir Bodisko, Eduard Glass, Charles Sunner, Frederick Seward

At four in the morning 18 (30), March 1867, the contract was signed. Among the territories defended by Russia, the United States of the territories in the North American continent and in the Pacific Ocean were: the entire Alaska peninsula (along the line passing through the meridian of 141 ° C), the coastline of 10 miles south of Alaska along the western shore of British Columbia; Alexandra Archipelag; Aleutian Islands with Ants Island; Middle Islands, Kracii, Fox, Andreyanovsky, Shumagina, Trinity, Mochnak, Umnac, Kodiak, Chirikova, Afognak and other smaller islands; Islands in the Bering Sea: St. Lawrence, St. Matvey, Nynivak and Promit Island - Saint-Paul and Saint-George. The total size of Russia's underlying land territory was 1519 thousand square meters. km. Together with the United States territory, all real estate was transferred, all colonial archives, official and historical documents belonging to the transmitted territories.

In accordance with the usual procedure, the contract was transferred to the Congress. Since the session of the Congress ended just on this day, the President convened the Emergency Executive Session of the Senate.

The fate of the contract was in the hands of members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Committee at the time was: Charles Samner from Massachusetts - Chairman, Simon Cameron from Pennsylvania, William Fessenden from Maine, James Harlan from Iowa, Oliver Morton from Indiana, James Patson from New Hampshire, Raverdi Johnson from Maryland. That is, to decide on the accession of the territory in which the Pacific States were primarily interested in representatives of the North-East. In addition, most clearly disliked their former colleague - the Secretary of State Seward.

A decisive opponent of the contract was, in particular, Senator Fessenden. During the discussion, the ulcer senator noted that he was ready to support the contract, "but with one additional condition: to force the Secretary of State to live there, and the Russian government is there to contain it." Fessenden joke caused general approval, and Senator Johnson expressed confidence that such a proposal "would be unanimously".

However, not obvious hostility to the administration of Johnson-Seward and not ulcer Fessenden jokes identified the relationship of members of the Committee to the New Treaty. Most senators, and primarily Samner, were guided by objective data and real benefits from the acquisition of Russian America.

Moreover, taking into account the influence of the Sunner in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and in the Senate, it was his position on the Agreement that became decisive. Initially, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee suggested even withdrawing an agreement with the discussion, as it allegedly does not have a chance of success. In the future, however, the views of Sumner have suffered serious changes, and on April 8, 1867, he has already made a decisive supporter of the ratification of the contract with Russia. The change in the position of the Samner was not random, but became the result of a thorough study of the issue with the involvement of a huge actual material. The assistance provided to the Senator from the most aware of the state of affairs in the Pacific North, including experts of the Smithsonian Institute, was also important.

All this significantly strengthened the position of supporters of the contract and finally convinced Sumner in the importance of joining Russian America. As a result, on April 8, the Foreign Affairs Committee decided to submit an agreement to the Senate for approval.

On the same day, Sumner presented the Senate agreement and said the famous three-hour speech in support of ratification, which made a large and even decisive impression on the listeners. For ratification, 37 votes were filed, against only two. These were Fessenden and Justin Morril from Vermont.

Without any complications of 3 (15) May, the ratification was held in St. Petersburg, and the official exchange of ratification diplomas was held in the American capital 8 (20) of June 1867. In the future, in accordance with the established procedure, the contract was printed, and then included in the official assembly of the laws of the Russian Empire.

The decision to allocate $ 7.2 million, provided for by the Treaty, was adopted by the Chamber of Representatives of the US Congress a year later, July 14, 1868 (113 - "For", 43 - "Against" and 44 Congressmen did not take part in the voting). On July 15, a warrant was discharged to receive money, on August 1, the glass left in the Treasury that the whole amount was obtained completely.

The fate of money reversed for the sale of Alaska is a favorite topic for newspaper speculation. The most popular version is that the ship with gold from America sank in Finnish bay. But in reality everything was less romantic and tragic.

On August 1, the glass instructed the Bank of Riggs to translate 7035 thousand dollars to London, to the Bank of Bargov Brothers. "The missing" 165 thousand were spent in the United States. 10 thousand worth the telegram in St. Petersburg with the news about the conclusion of the contract, 26 thousand received a lawyer in the Russian mission Robert Walker, 21 thousand amounted to the royal award for the conclusion of the contract and another employee of the Mission Vladimir Bodisko. The rest of the money, as researchers believe, the glass spent on bribing journalists and congressmen. At the very least, this conclusion can be made from the instructions of Alexander II to credit the actual consumption of the funds spent by the Messenger on the use of use "known to its imperial majesty." This formulation usually accompanied the expenses of a secret and delicate nature, to which bribes treated.

The same money that reached London was spent on the purchase of steam locomotives and other railway property for the Kursk-Kiev, Ryazan-Kozlovsk and Moscow-Ryazan Railways.

Having bought Russian America, the United States, as shown further events, made one of the most profitable deals in its history. This territory was rich in natural resources, including oil and gold. She occupied a profitable strategic position and ensured the prevailing effect of the United States in the north of the continent and on the way to the Asian market. Together with the Hawaii and Aleutian Islands, Alaska became the stronghold of the influence of the United States on the huge space of the Pacific Ocean.

Used text N.N. Bolchovitinova from: History of Russian America: in 3 volumes. M., 1999. T.3. P. 425-488.
(with additions for other sources)

Alaska in the area of \u200b\u200bits territory is equal to three France. It is not only Gold Klondike, but also tungsten, platinum, mercury, molybdenum, stone coal. And, most importantly, there is a development of giant oil fields, reaching up to eighty-three million tons per year. This is twenty percent of the total volume of US oil production. For comparison: Kuwait mines about sixty-five, and the United Arab Emirates are seventy million tons per year.

Many contemporaries mistakenly believe that Alaska sold Catherine the second. But it is not. Such a statement to some extent among young people has become popular after the song of the Lube group "Do not Valya Fool, America". It says that the empress was not the right to do so with this area. Based on this, young people who do not disassemble in history, and concluded that Alaska America.

Geographical position

Today, Alaska is the largest in the area, forty-ninth is the coldest territory of the country. The Arctic and subarctic climatic zones are dominated by the larger part. Here the norm is harsh frosty winter, accompanied by strong winds and snowy blizzards. The exception is only part of the coast of the Pacific Ocean, where the climatic conditions are moderate and quite suitable for habitat.

Before sales

The history of Alaska (before the transfer of it to the United States) was associated with the Russian Empire. Back in the eighteenth century, this region belongs to the Russians. It is not known how long the history of Alaska began - the settlement of this cold and intense land. However, the fact that in the deepest antiquity between Asia also existed a certain relationship, no doubt causes any doubt. And it was carried out by which was covered with an icy crust. People in those times without much difficulty were shipped from one mainland to another. The minimum width of the Bering Strait is just eighty-six kilometers. Such a distance was completely able to overcome dog sledding to any more or less experienced hunter.

When the Ice Age ended, the warming era began. I melted ice, and the banks of the continents disappeared behind the horizon line. More people who inhabited Asia did not boast of glaolds to swim in an unknown. Therefore, starting from the third millennium BC, Alaska began to master the Indians. Their tribes from the territory of the current California moved to the north, adhering to the Pacific coast. Gradually, the Indians got to the Aleutian islands, where they settled.

The development of Alaska Russians

Meanwhile, the Russian Empire began to rapidly expand the eastern frontiers. In the meantime, flotilla from European countries constantly furred oceans and the sea, looking for places for new colonies, the Russians mastered the Urals and Siberia, the Far East and the Earth of the Far North. The whole pleiad of strong and courageous people went on ships not to tropical waters, but towards the ice of the harsh north. The most famous leaders of expeditions were Semyon Dezhnev and Fedot Popov, and Alexey Chirikov. It was they who in 1732 opened this land for the rest of the civilized world - long before Russia gave Alaska America. The specified date is considered to be official.

But one thing to open, and the other is to equip a new land. The very first Russian settlements in Alaska appeared only in the eighties of the eighteenth century. People engaged in hunting and commerce: hunters were caught furious animals, and merchants bought them. Gradually, this unnecessary land began to turn into a source of profits, since the valuable fur in all centuries was equated with gold.

Loss Earth

At first, on these northern lands, very rich fur, the interests of the Russians were jealously worried. However, the years went, and the total destruction of the same foxes and calanov, beavers and mink could not continue indefinitely. Frees have fallen sharply. Gradually, Russian Klondike began to lose its commercial importance. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the endless land was still practically not mastered. It became an impetus, the first reason why Russia gave Alaska America.

Since the end of the thirties of the eighteenth century, under the imperial yard, it began to form the opinion that Alaska is a loss edge. Moreover, the king began to come to the idea that, except for headaches, this land can not bring anything. From now on, the history of Alaska America began. The industrialists were confident that to invest money in these lands is complete madness, as they cannot pay off. Russian people will not settle this icy desert, especially since Siberia and Altai exist, and the Far East, where the climate is much softer, and the lands are fertile.

And without that difficult situation aggravated the Crimean War, launched in 1853, which ran huge money from the state treasury. In addition, Nikolai I died in 1855, which Alexander II changed on the throne. We looked at the new emperor with hope. People have expected new reforms. But what reforms are held without money?

Forever and ever

When it comes to those who gave Alaska America, everything for some reason remember the Empress Catherine in the second. Many are sure that it was she who put their signature under the decree on the transfer of "Russian America" \u200b\u200bBritain. Allegedly the conversation was not at first not about selling, but only about lease for the age. Even a story that fully confirmed that Alaska was sold Catherine. As if the empress, which does not know the Russian language, instructed to draw up an agreement to a trustee man. The same encouraged with the spelling: instead of burning "Alaska transmitted to an eyelid", this person, by scattered, introduced a record: "Suggested forever", which meant forever. So the answer to the question: "Who gave Alaska America?" - "Catherine!" It will be wrong. Need to still carefully examine the past of your country.

Alaska: History

Catherine Second, according to official history, did not do anything like this. With her, these land did not give up for rent, and even more so were not sold. There were no prerequisites for this. The history of the sale of Alaska began only after half a century, already in the days of Alexander II. It was this emperor of rules in the era, when numerous problems began to emerge, the solution of which required immediateness.

Of course, this sovereign, asking for the throne, did not immediately decide on the sale of northern land. Passed for ten years before the question is called. Selling land for the state at all times was very shameful. After all, it was evidence of the weakness of the country, its inability to keep their subordinate territories in order. However, the Russian treasury was very necessary for funds. And when they are not - all the ways are good.

Purchase sale

However, no one became shouting about it for the whole world. The question of why Russia gave Alaska America, scrupulous and political, he demanded non-standard solutions. In 1866, a delegate came to Washington from the Russian Imperial Court, which began to lead secret negotiations on the sale of northern land. Americans showed primeness, although the time for the transaction and for them was unsuccessful. After all, in the US, the civil war was barely ended, unleashed between the south and the north. Therefore, the state treasury was completely depleted.

Ten years after the time Russia gave Alaska America, it would be possible to request five times from buyers once more, but the Russian courtyard, according to historians, was pressed by lack of money. Therefore, the parties agreed at only 7.2 million dollars in the gold equivalent. And although at the time it was very decent money, translated into the current components of about two hundred and fifty million dollars, but everyone who is interested in the question of who gave Alaska America will agree that these northern territories cost several orders of magnitude more.

One year later

After the conclusion of the agreement, the representative of the imperial courtyard returned to Russia. And after a year, in the name of the one who gave Alaska America - the reigning Alexander of the Second - an urgent telegram was sent for a signature - President of the United States. It contained a business offer: Russia loudly, for the whole world, was proposed to sell Alaska. But no one knows about the preceding this telegram of the visit of the Russian representative to Washington. It turned out that it was America that became the initiator of the transaction, but not Russia. So cherry were preserved by both parties diplomatic and political conventions. In the eyes of Russia, Russia managed not to drop their dignity. And in March 1867, legal registration of documents was carried out. And from that time, "Russian Alaska" ceased to exist. She was assigned the status of the American colony. Later, she was renamed the district, and in 1959 this northern land became forty-ninth US state.

In justification

Today, learning who gave Alaska America can, of course, condemn and scold the Russian emperor Alexander II. However, if you carefully familiarize yourself with the political and financial position of Russia in those distant years, a completely definite picture is evaporated, to some extent justifying his decision.

In 1861, the serfdom was finally canceled. Thousands of landlords remained without their peasants, and this meant that a considerable estate lost its stable source of income. Therefore, the state began to pay nobles compensation, which was supposed to somehow cover their material losses. But for the treasury, such expenses were calculated by tens of millions of royal rubles. And then the Crimean War was killed, and again the money flowed from the treasury.

Sophisticated situation for Russia

To somehow compensate for expenses, the royal yard occupied huge amounts abroad. Foreign governments with great pleasure were given in because that was unreparable natural wealth. In the empire there was a situation where every excess ruble was in joy, and especially the one for which it was not necessary to pay interest on debt notes.

That is why Ekaterina and the Great Russian Empress - in this matter at all at all. And it does not make sense to blame her, except that the state came to full decline and with her light hand.

Difficulties in the sale

Alaska is a distant northern earth, constantly composed by eternal ice. She did not bring Russia a single penny. And around the world they knew perfectly well. And so the Imperial Dvor was very concerned about the buyer's search for this useless region of ice cold. The United States was closer to Alaska. They were offered Russia at his own fear and the risk of concluding a deal. American Congress, more precisely, many senators did not immediately agree to such a dubious purchase. The question about her was put on the vote. As a result, more than half of the senators categorically voted against the acquisition: the proposal received from the Russian government did not cause any enthusiasm among the Americans. Yes, and in the rest of the world, the absolute indifference was shown to this transaction.


And in Russia itself, Alaska and at all passed unnoticed. Newspapers about it wrote on their latest pages. Some Russians did not even know that it exists. Although it is later that the richest gold reserves were found on this cold northern land, the whole world became in need of talking both about Alaska and sell, ridicuing the stupid and short-sighted Russian emperor.

In serious political and financial issues, the subjunctive inclination is unacceptable. None of those who later began to condemn Alexander II, never suggested that there may be such huge deposits of gold in Alaska. But if we consider the deal not from today's position, but from the situation that established in 1867, then many believe that the Russian emperor entered absolutely correctly. And even more so for the sale of Alaska Catherine - only to sue the fiction, which does not have grounds.


In total, one thousand tons of gold was mined on the lands of the former "Russian America". Some on this fabulously enriched, and some were disappeared forever in this snowy desert. Today, Americans are very inert and somehow inurely catching out their unwriting edge. There are practically no roads on Alaska. To the few settlements, people get either by air or water. The railway here passes only through five cities. In total, six hundred thousand people live in this state.