Does constant hunger mean illness? Continuous feeling of hunger - causes. Constant feeling of hunger: reasons, what to do Why constant feeling of hunger torments

The feeling of hunger is the body’s natural need for energy, which is generated by receiving nutrients. For normal functioning, a person, depending on his lifestyle, needs to receive a sufficient amount of food. But if some people, after eating, do not think about food at all until the next time, then some people have constant hunger throughout the entire time.

The reasons for the eternal undersaturation of the body can be various factors. One of which is the big one exercise stress associated with hard work, sports, or simply a very active lifestyle. As a result, the metabolism will accelerate, food is digested much faster, and more often than usual.

Some people lack a gene that controls hunger. And at the same time, a person simply cannot stop, even when he doesn’t really want to eat. The brain does not receive a signal about saturation, and it seems that you are eating, even after just leaving the table.

Lack of sleep can also provoke hunger, as the body will try to replenish the energy not received during rest with food. Mental stress on the body and stress can also cause increased appetite and eating problems.

Various diets with small portions, strong restrictions and strict boundaries provoke a constant feeling of hunger, because... the body does not receive the required amount of substances it needs. A lack of certain vitamins (B, A, glucose) makes a person want to eat something salty and sour.

Hormonal disruptions associated with taking hormonal drugs, and due to them, cause appetite and the desire to constantly snack on something.

If hunger is present for a long time and is not associated with the above factors, then it may be worth contacting a specialist and checking your health. Because Some diseases can also increase appetite. One of them is disease endocrine system leading to hormonal imbalance (possibly problems with thyroid gland). Gastrointestinal diseases and dysbiosis sometimes also cause a desire to eat.

How to fight hunger

A constant feeling of hunger brings discomfort to many people, and it does not affect the figure in any way. better side. If you do nothing, then only one thought will sit in your head - to eat, which, if this desire is not satisfied, can ultimately lead to mental disorders.

First, it’s worth understanding the reasons for increased appetite. Perhaps your body simply does not have enough calories consumed, then there is only one way out - to increase daily norm food. If possible, replace it with healthy foods as much as possible, and not with snacks like chocolate and buns.

When dealing with stress and other problems, try not to overeat, but to distract yourself in other ways and do what you love. Good mood, and simply the lack of free time will deprive you of additional unnecessary food intake.

Try not to get carried away with strict diets with very strong restrictions, and more smoothly switch to proper food. Drink more clean water- especially before meals - this causes faster satiety. The food itself should be chewed thoroughly and slowly and not be distracted by TV or a book.

Get plenty of rest, follow a sleep schedule, try to eat rationally, consuming everything essential vitamins and minerals, and if necessary, supplement with special vitamin complexes.

If all this does not help and the feeling of hunger is constantly present, then you should consult a doctor, perhaps there is some kind of disorder in the body behind this, which, by eliminating it, will regulate your appetite.

What to do when your stomach growls treacherously after dinner, fragrant smells are everywhere, and your eyes catch rosy pies, crispy chicken or juicy fruits, and a feeling of hunger fills your mind? Saturation after eating does not come immediately, but within 30 minutes. Therefore, do not rush to eat until your stomach hurts; leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger. If after an hour you are drawn to the kitchen to the refrigerator, then we can talk about a malfunction in the body.

Why do you still feel hungry after eating?

A person is designed in such a way that after eating food, a feeling of satiety comes. It gives him joy and psychophysical comfort. Hunger overshadows everything. A hungry person is angry, irritable, and thinks only about food. The rest fades into the background. Uncontrolled absorption of food leads to extra pounds and metabolic disorders. Therefore, we cannot leave everything to chance; it is necessary to identify the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Among the main reasons are:

  1. Stress is the scourge of the 21st century. Once you get nervous, your hands reach for food and more often than not, high-calorie confectionery products end up in them. Eating problems day by day, a person unnoticed gains weight;
  2. Lack of certain nutrients. After a big lunch, do you want any specific food? Most likely, the body lacks certain vitamins, macro- and microelements or does not have enough fiber, proteins, fats or carbohydrates for vital functions. Therefore, even after a hearty lunch, you will want to eat until the body replenishes the deficiency of missing substances;
  3. Lack of water in the diet. This does not mean soda, juices, tea, but plain water. Often after eating a person confuses hunger with thirst. Have you eaten well, but still want to eat? Drink a glass of clean water after lunch and you will feel full;
  4. Mental stress. During mental work, a large amount of glucose is required to properly nourish the brain. It is the brain that sends signals about a lack of energy, while the body does not need it;
  5. Lack of physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle slows down cellular energy metabolism and glucose uptake. The stomach walls are stretched due to consumption large volume food, food portions imperceptibly increase. Over time, you want to eat more often; a person does not get enough at one time. People who lead a “Plyushkinsky” lifestyle often suffer from boredom and begin to chew from “doing nothing.” This soon becomes a habit that will not be easy to break;
  6. Dietary disorder. The Russian proverb “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy” gives correct installation to the diet. IN ordinary life only a small percentage of people manage to have a good breakfast. The rest begin to suffer from hunger in the morning. But, as soon as you start the morning with a hearty meal, your ability to work will increase, and thoughts about your daily bread will bother you less;
  7. Health problems. This may be a disease at the genetic level when the saturation signal in the brain fails or mental disorder, hormonal disorders, helminth infection. Only a specialist will help here. Be sure to consult with him.

How to reduce hunger?

There are several general rules to help cope with hunger.

  • It is better to start your meal with a salad;
  • Food should be balanced and rich in essential nutrients;
  • You need to eat in small pieces, chewing the food thoroughly. Remember, he who chews longer lives longer;
  • Make it a rule to eat small meals over a short period of time;
  • Limit foods with fast carbohydrates. They break down quickly, causing a spike in sugar levels, but do not saturate the body. Products with fast carbohydrates: lard, sugar, wheat bread, honey, confectionery, chips, fruits - grapes, persimmons, banana.

How to suppress the feeling of hunger caused by the main reasons?

You can overcome the feeling of hunger if you take into account the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists:

  • Stressful situations must be avoided. If stress overtakes you, resist the temptation to eat a couple of buns and instead drink herbal tea.
  • Various cereals, dairy products and eggs are considered the ideal breakfast. The denser your morning meal, the longer you will not have the desire to eat, and you will need smaller portions for lunch and dinner.
  • The optimal amount of food per day is 3 full meals and 2 snacks.
  • An adult should drink 1.5-2 liters of water. Drink tea without sugar. Green tea with mint copes well with the feeling of hunger. It is a strong antioxidant and helps fight stress.
  • Introduce leafy green vegetables into your diet - lettuce, spinach. They contain a lot of fiber, which helps keep you feeling full for a long time.
  • Reinforce mental activity not with sweets and dried fruits, but with nuts, cereals, corn, and bread.
  • Lead an active lifestyle.
  • You need to sleep 7-8 hours. During this time, the body manages to synthesize the required amount of leptin, which is responsible for appetite. Otherwise, if there is a deficiency, the body requires food to replenish the level of the hormone. Hence the uncontrolled and constant desire There is.

How to quickly get rid of hunger?

Have you had breakfast, but it’s still a long time before lunch? Hunger haunts you and prevents you from concentrating on work? There are several proven ways to silence it:

  1. Simple water, drunk in water, quickly combats it. large quantities. So, drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals will allow you to get full faster with fewer calories;
  2. Low fat yogurt or kefir. The drinking version of the fermented milk product easily fits into a handbag and will always be at hand;
  3. Carry a couple of apples with you, which will help curb your stress at any time. discomfort and please the body with useful substances;
  4. A little prune will do a good job of quelling a rumbling stomach and “feeding” the brain. However, it should be remembered that it has a laxative effect and contains enough calories to harm the figure;
  5. Will come to the rescue at home vegetable soup. It quickly gives you a feeling of fullness. It is cooked from any vegetables to your taste, but without adding meat, spices or spices. The last ingredients only increase your appetite.

Each person is individual, and what exactly will help him remove hunger faster can only be understood by trial and error. Try all the options and find your optimal one, which will come to your aid at the first attacks of hunger.

Feeling hungry during early pregnancy

The notorious hormones and acceleration are to blame here. metabolic processes. Food is digested and absorbed much faster. At the same time, some pregnant women cannot put anything in their mouths, while others do not part with food or develop strange preferences.

Doctors consider increased appetite to be normal, and selectivity in food as a natural reaction. Organism expectant mother thereby signaling a lack of specific substances.

Doctors note that based on the preferences of the expectant mother, one can determine what she is missing:

  • If there is not enough calcium, a woman begins to consume large amounts of dairy and dairy products, sometimes – chalk;
  • With sodium deficiency, celery, cheese, seaweed which the woman may not have tolerated previously;
  • Often pregnant women suffer from anemia and lack iron. Therefore, it is not surprising that even supporters of vegetarianism suddenly find themselves on the table with meat products and liver. And also pomegranates and apples.

You shouldn't limit yourself in food if you don't overdo it with weight. “Zhor” usually goes away after the 12th week of pregnancy.

How to reduce hunger by early stages pregnancy:

  • Avoid eating a lot of sour foods, as acid stimulates the appetite, and sweet foods, which cause a spike in blood sugar levels;
  • Replace white wheat bread with cereal or bakery products;
  • Increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • For breakfast, give preference to cottage cheese and cheeses;
  • For a snack, keep dried fruit or a cracker on hand;
  • Make your choice in favor of plant carbohydrates rather than animal ones. They are digested more slowly, and the feeling of fullness will last longer;
  • Protein is necessary for the formation of the fetus, it takes longer to be absorbed by the body and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Foods rich in animal proteins and plant origin: legumes and dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese), nuts, meat.

How to overcome the constant feeling of hunger? A clinical nutritionist answers this and other questions:

Whatever the reasons for the feeling of hunger, it should not be tolerated. It is possible and necessary to fight it, because it not only causes moral and physiological discomfort and interferes with enjoying the joys of life, but also causes the development of a number of diseases

The modern concept of beauty for most girls is equivalent to being slim.

It is thanks to this interpretation that young ladies torture themselves with all sorts of food restrictions.

Such self-experiments most often do not give the expected result; on the contrary, they further provoke the feeling of hunger that haunts us constantly.

Many people believe that the feeling of hunger is extremely difficult to train. After reading our article, you will be convinced that everyone can “put your appetite in its place”; moreover, there are many ways to do this without harm to your health and figure.

What causes constant hunger?

The hypothalamus is the so-called culprit of our appetite and hunger. It is this part of the brain that is responsible for the emergence of appetite and regulates the need for nutrition. Hunger occurs when blood glucose levels drop; After eating, the glucose level returns to normal and the hypothalamus confirms that we are full.

For reference: appetite is a reflex that especially helped our distant ancestors, who strove to eat as much as possible in one sitting, preferably even to overeat. Surplus food “went” to fat deposits, and when harsh times came and it was not possible to eat for a long time, they were successfully spent.

Now this previously useful reflex has been transformed into the so-called feeling of false hunger and has become one of the reasons for psychological dependence on food and, as a result, overeating and metabolic disorders.

In this article we will not talk about how to “stop eating”, but about how to deceive that very feeling of false hunger. To do this, let’s find out how a healthy appetite differs from food addiction.

Indicators Physiological need for food Increased appetite or imaginary feeling of hunger
What do you want to eat? High-calorie foods without special taste preferences Something specific: sweet or salty, smoked or fried - cake, cake, etc.
When and how do you want to eat? The desire to eat increases, the feeling of hunger is accompanied by rumbling in the stomach, weakness or darkening of the eyes. The desire to have a snack is sudden and can overtake you right at the counter or near a cafe; increases due to stress or is associated with the expectation of receiving pleasant sensations
Portion size Enough to guarantee you will be full and replenish your energy reserves. Virtually uncontrolled, food is swallowed automatically, by inertia
Pleasure from eating Stop eating immediately after feeling full When you eat food automatically, you often fail to concentrate on its taste.
Feelings after eating food After eating, you feel pleasure from satisfying one of your natural needs, without feeling guilty for what you have done After eating, sometimes there is a feeling of guilt for showing weakness, indulging in a sudden desire to eat.

Conclusion: our appetite often deceives us. In many cases, “hunger urges” are caused by unstable emotional state, and not at all the need to replenish energy resources.

Read more about the causes and ways to combat “brutal appetite” in interesting video below.

How to satisfy hunger without food: the most effective ways

In order to deceive hunger and not leave it a single chance to seduce ourselves, we will use the most in effective ways, which are available to each of us. Choose according to your taste and capabilities:

  • Drinking therapy (water, coffee, tea, cocktails to reduce appetite).
  • Suppressing appetite using drugs from the pharmacy.
  • Sport as a weapon in the fight against hunger.
  • Breathing exercises for false appetite.
  • Aromatherapy is an excellent help in the fight against hunger.
  • Handy and home remedies that “drive away” appetite.

We will talk about each of these magical methods in more detail below.

Water for weight loss: how to drink water so you don’t want to eat?

Everyone knows a simple and effective rule: you need to drink a lot of clean water - from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day . But how many people follow it? Often we simply brush aside this postulate and simply force ourselves not to eat. And in vain, because water helps very well in getting rid of false feelings of hunger, the main thing is to know how to drink it correctly.

  • Drinking a glass lightly warm water immediately after sleep, it will make the body wake up and cheer up, and start the metabolism.
  • Often our body experiences thirst, which we mistake for hunger and eat instead of drinking clean water. If you feel a sudden attack of hunger, drink a glass of regular water - without gas or sugar.
  • Make it a rule to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals and 40-60 minutes after meals - this way you will not eat too much and are guaranteed to improve your metabolism.

Scientific fact: nutritionists have noticed that cool melt water can satisfy even a severe attack of hunger. The same effect will come from drinking a little salted clean water.

Coffee and tea for weight loss

Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of all kinds of drinks for weight loss - coffee and tea. The effect of these drugs is based on a diuretic and laxative effect, partial suppression of the sense of appetite from the systematic use of these drinks.

Some products are indeed popular because of their effectiveness, but it should be borne in mind that they act differently on everyone, and without trying, you will not know how consuming this or that “cocktail” will affect your body. Therefore, we will give you recommendations on how to deceive your appetite by drinking regular coffee or tea.

  • When you feel an acute feeling of hunger (not to be confused with a physiological need), brew yourself ground black coffee without sugar or cream. Pamper yourself - keep only coffee at home good quality, buy your favorite variety and enjoy the aromatic invigorating drink, replacing cakes or sweets with it.

The secret of coffee is simple: it suppresses appetite, energizes and has a diuretic effect, that is, relieves swelling.

  • The same effect is attributed to tea, and to make this drink even more effective, drink green tea with lemon - suppress hunger and strengthen your immune system.
  • Try this tea recipe: place 2 tablespoons of grated ginger root, 2 whole garlic cloves in a thermos, and brew in 2 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take when you feel hungry spontaneously or between meals.

Effective drinks and cocktails that quickly satisfy your hunger

As for hunger-quenching cocktails and decoctions, if you suffer from attacks of uncontrollable appetite, we recommend trying these drinks:

  • dried fruit compote with a minimum of sugar– an ingenious remedy for sudden hunger;
  • parsley infusion– chop a bunch of greens and brew it in a glass hot water; consume after steeping for 20 minutes;
  • fig liqueur– brew several figs in 0.5 liters of boiling water, and after 10 minutes an effective drink for deceiving hunger is ready;
  • infusion kombucha – not only quenches appetite and promotes weight loss, but also participates in the general improvement of the body’s microflora;
  • garlic tincture– grind 3 cloves and pour in 250 ml of lukewarm water; This drink will infuse for an hour, and you need to drink it at night - 1 tbsp.
  • oxygen cocktail, which can be purchased today at any sports center, in a matter of minutes it reduces the feeling of hunger and allows you to feel full due to the air bubbles that are present in it.

Sports to get rid of hunger: the most effective exercises

It has been proven that ordinary exercise done during a hunger attack helps reduce appetite. Even simple exercises distracts you from thoughts about food, and also helps burn calories. We offer some of them.


  1. Lying on your back with your knees bent, place your feet on the floor.
  2. Place one palm on your chest, the other on your stomach.
  3. As you inhale, straighten as much as possible chest, pull your stomach in.
  4. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and, if possible, your chest.
  5. Observe the natural rhythm of breathing, and keep your muscles in good shape, do not strain too much. You can also perform this exercise standing or sitting.

After doing 30-40 approaches, you will notice that you don’t want to eat at all. Of course, you cannot replace the physiological need for food with a set of exercises, but it is quite possible to eliminate the appetite that appears inappropriately.

"Swallowing Air". Remember your favorite childhood pastime - swallowing air followed by belching. This way you will not only get rid of the urges of false hunger, but also activate your intestinal muscles.

"Warming up the dimples over upper lip» . This point is responsible for the feeling of hunger. Massaging it for 10-15 minutes can dull your appetite.

Breathing exercises- an excellent help in the fight against appetite, which has run rampant just like that.

Check out a set of exercises that are guaranteed to eliminate hunger pangs.

Home Remedies to Relieve Hunger Without Food

To avoid feeling hungry, try tricking your appetite with simple home tricks that have proven to work:

  • Chewing gum noticeably dulls appetite.
  • Chew a sprig of parsley – this will reduce the feeling of hunger.
  • Self-massage the point between your upper lip and nose or breathing exercises , which we described above.

Aromatherapy for hunger

American scientists have repeatedly provided evidence that by surrounding yourself with certain aromas, you can get rid of the obsessive feeling of hunger and significantly reduce your appetite. Therefore, when you are overcome by hunger, smell these aromas.

Motivation: how to force yourself not to eat?

In moments when a brutal appetite awakens, only strong motivation can keep you from setting foot on the beaten path to the refrigerator. We offer effective motivational techniques to force yourself not to eat.

1. Visualization: Imagine as clearly as possible that you are attractive, slim and fit. Is this really beautiful woman will he go and start eating food at night?
2. Set a clear goal: how much do you need to weigh, what size clothes to wear?
3. Get on the scale regularly. There is no better motivation in the world than realizing the fact that you have managed to lose a kilogram again. Praise yourself for every step towards your ideal figure.
4. Play on your feelings of guilt: inspire yourself that everything you eat tomorrow will end up on your wasp waist and beautiful hips.
5. Eat only in front of the mirror: By watching your reflection while eating, you are guaranteed to eat 20-25% less.
6. "Before and after": An excellent motivation for those losing weight is contemplating photographs of thinner women who were able to overcome their appetite and achieve perfect shape. Can't you do that?
7. Find like-minded people, organize a unique weight loss challenge and fight your appetite together - fun and effective.

How to satisfy hunger without food: detailed instructions

  1. First, find out if you are really hungry? Drink a glass of lukewarm water: if you still feel hungry after 10-15 minutes, you may really need a snack.
  2. Analyze your condition: maybe your appetite has increased due to stress? Try not to eat the cake, but, for example, take valerian, maybe the feeling of hunger will disappear by itself.
  3. Do breathing exercises and self-massage, as described above.
  4. Complete simple physical exercise– shake your abs, jump with a skipping rope, do a “plank” or “wave” exercise. For 30-60 minutes the feeling of hunger will go away.
  5. Take a hot bath, preferably in combination with aromatherapy - arm yourself with an aroma lamp or use foam with the scent of vanilla, citrus, banana or lavender.

Remember, nothing increases your appetite more than idleness. Load yourself with work to the maximum, distribute your time so that there is no time left not just for food, but even for thinking about it.

The main secrets of getting rid of hunger without food

Paradox: in order not to be hostage to a constant feeling of hunger, you need eat right, and we will teach you how to do it:

  1. If you eat food while listening to music or TV, more will “fit” into you - scientifically proven; Conclusion - eat in silence.
  2. Don't snack on the go or while standing - eat while sitting.
  3. Eat from “toy” dishes - with a tiny fork from a small plate.
  4. Spread your meals out over 20 minutes, chewing your food thoroughly. It is after 20 minutes that your brain will give you a signal that you are no longer hungry.
  5. Away from food temptations: do not keep sweets and other things " junk food" at hand.
  6. Before going to bed, be sure to take a walk - this will help reduce your appetite.
  7. Sleep more: according to statistics, a well-rested person eats more less than that who doesn't get enough sleep.
  8. Eat little by little, but on a schedule - this way your body will stop spontaneously feeling hungry, and you will begin to control your appetite.
  9. Avoid hot sauces and seasonings - your appetite's best friends.
  10. If you really want to eat, eat dishes with high content fiber.

While someone else is checking to make sure they have the house keys with them, you are checking to make sure you have a snack. If you forget it, your mood will instantly deteriorate. It seems to you that you eat enough, but hunger torments you constantly. Why is this happening? It turns out that hunger is enough complex function organism, which is influenced by both biological and psychological factors. In addition, there are foods that only exacerbate the feeling of hunger. Find out the most common causes of hunger pangs to solve your problem!

You eat a lot of processed carbohydrates

Even if you eat regularly, if every meal is sugary cereal, pizza, sandwich, chips, pasta or cookies, you are simply overloading your body with processed carbohydrates. Lack of fiber causes severe hunger, as well as cravings for carbohydrate foods.

You're just thirsty

It is possible that you are confusing hunger and thirst. According to research, this happens in sixty percent of cases. Try just drinking water, it will help curb your appetite and lose weight.

You eat without paying attention

Everyone knows that we eat with our eyes, but it turns out that our ears also play a role. If you eat crunchy food but don't hear the crunch, you'll eat more. Try to focus on the foods you eat so you don't increase your food intake.

You constantly feel stressed

In the short term, stress can reduce your appetite, however, if you are constantly stressed, cortisol levels in the body increase - not only will you become more hungry, but lipids in the blood will begin to accumulate in your cells.

You don't get enough sleep

If you constantly feel like you have a ravenous appetite, it may be due to lack of sleep. Fatigue causes levels of the hormone leptin, which helps you feel full, to drop. In addition, lack of sleep will cause you to burn fewer calories and store more fat.

You only count calories

It's not calories that fill you up, it's nutrients: fiber, protein, healthy fats. Processed carbohydrates do not contain these substances, as a result you want to eat, no matter how much you have already eaten.

You eat too fast

Hunger hormones reach the brain within twenty to thirty minutes. If you eat your food very quickly, you will still feel hungry. It's better to eat more slowly.

You are viewing food photos

If in in social networks you constantly see photos of food, your appetite grows. Even if you don't physically need food, your body will send signals to your brain that you need to eat.

Do you drink diet drinks?

It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about regular or diet water, sweet carbonated water is always harmful. Artificial sweeteners stimulate your appetite even more than regular sugar and lead to increased calorie consumption.

You skip meals

This may seem obvious, but the reason is more serious than just a lack of food. If you regularly skip meals, you will feel hungrier the next time you eat. The level of the hormone ghrelin increases in the body, which affects appetite.

You have a fast metabolism

Perhaps this is the result for long years work in gym, or maybe you're just lucky. One way or another, a strong appetite may be a sign that you are simply burning calories faster than others.

Do you eat low-fat foods?

It's quite possible that you already know that low-fat foods can be high in sugar, which offsets the taste. This is not the only reason to be wary of such foods. Low-fat foods are less satiating than higher-fat foods, research has proven this.

Do you drink alcohol often?

If you drink before a meal in the hope that it will curb your appetite, you will achieve the opposite effect. Research has shown that alcohol is one of the leading causes of increased food consumption. This may be because alcohol heightens the senses.

Feeling hungry is a signal that you need to eat, but what if its presence is constant? Is it a lack of food or is there some kind of disturbance in the digestive system? If such a problem arises, you should think about your health and the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract. The reasons for the constant feeling of hunger even after eating can only be determined by a doctor based on the results of the study.

One of the reasons may be low level leptin. This substance can be observed in large quantities in obese people: the more fat in the fat cell, the higher the level of leptin. This component regulates metabolism and affects the feeling of hunger.

The feeling of hunger is controlled by the nutrition center, which is located in the cerebral cortex. There are two sections: the “saturation area” and the “hunger area.” While influencing these points, our brain receives a signal that we are full or hungry.


When food arrives, our brain receives signals from two sources:

  • Nerve endings.
  • Information from the gastrointestinal tract about food components and their quantities.

There are many reasons for feeling hungry:

There is a fairly adequate chain of “actions” of the body, which looks like this: a signal is received that the body needs food, the body receives it, a signal of saturation is received, the feeling of hunger leaves you. If a person constantly feels hungry, this indicates that one of the components of the chain is broken. Such a “good” appetite will lead to obesity in the future.

As you can see from the list, there are really many reasons. You yourself are unlikely to figure out what the real problem is, but for now we can continue and educate you on the symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of manifestation

When everything is in order, hunger sets in after about 2-3 hours (if the meals are fractional and the food portions are quite small, 250 grams each) or 4 hours after eating. If there are violations, that is, you want to eat constantly or 20-30 minutes after eating. Small, fleeting abdominal cramps appear, which become stronger over time. After this, you can hear a rumbling sound, indicating that it is time to “sit down at the table.”

Studies have shown that high blood sugar does not have a very good effect on hunger. And also a woman is more likely to feel the need for food than a man. To accurately determine the cause, you need to consult only an experienced doctor. Since the reasons are so different, you can start with psychological disorders and end with pregnancy.

During pregnancy

Such good news, which brings a lot of emotions and happiness, can cause eternal hunger. The body of the expectant mother is changing: hormones begin to be produced a little differently, which leads to constant feeling hunger. It could also be due to stress or lack of vitamins and minerals.

During pregnancy, you should balance your diet and drink vitamin complexes so that the body does not feel vitamin starvation. This will help get rid of this problem and avoid overeating and weight gain, and large excess weight is dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

The child has

Probably all mothers have encountered such a situation when the baby flatly refuses food and no amount of airplanes or cars can force him to eat. However, the opposite situation also exists. If a child is constantly hungry, this may be a sign of gastrointestinal dysfunction. In such a situation, parents should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe proper diet to kid.

How else parents can help:

It is necessary to accustom children to healthy food and proper nutrition from infancy. This will only benefit them; there will be no problems with excess weight and all sorts of resulting diseases in the future. Children must understand that food is not something they have to live on, but something that will help them live. Children, like a mirror, copy the behavior and habits of their parents, which is why parents should change.

After meal

Does the feeling of hunger persist even after eating? The reasons for this problem may be:

Solving the problem

First of all you need to try eat more fiber. These are vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, celery, spinach. Drink more water: As soon as you feel the urge to snack, drink water. It is better to replace the plate from which you eat food with a small one.. Chew food slowly so that the meal takes 20 minutes. Don't be distracted by a newspaper, magazine, TV. Once you've eaten, you get up from the table so that the food doesn't tempt you. Eat while sitting, not standing.

There are many reasons for this behavior of the gastrointestinal tract. You can fight this problem yourself, but in order to protect yourself from wrong actions and quickly cope with this disorder of the saturation process, it is best contact a gastroenterologist and psychiatrist. This will save you from more serious consequences.

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