No synthetic vitamins list. How does natural vitamin C differ from synthetic vitamin C?

The effectiveness of vitamins is determined not by the amount of these vitamins entering our body, but by their biological value. So to speak, by their activity and ability to participate in metabolic processes. Synthetic vitamins, as well as those isolated from natural products, do not contain the necessary components that help these vitamins to be absorbed. Without the presence of these components, artificial vitamins are of no value. At best, they are simply eliminated from the body.

In rats, the lack of vitamin E leads to fetal resorption in the female and atrophy of spermatogenic tissue with permanent sterility in the male. Vitamin E deficiency in humans is correlated with increased red blood cell hemolysis. Tocopherols prevent the peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamin requirements appear to be directly related to dietary intake of unsaturated fatty acids. Although animals develop symptoms of muscular dystrophy on deficient diets, the vitamin has no effect on the disease in humans.

Green, leafy vegetables; kidney; liver; and yeast are good sources, and bacterial synthesis occurs easily in humans. As a coenzyme, the vitamin serves as a carrier of one-carbon units, especially in the synthesis of nucleoproteins. Inadequate folate levels cause a variety of species-like symptoms that include megaloblastic anemia in humans. Inositol is not truly a vitamin because the body can synthesize significant amounts of glucose.

Synthetic vitamins often cause toxic reactions. Natural vitamins, even in large quantities, do not cause any adverse reactions. We take uncontrollably a large number of vitamin preparations. We believe that vitamins are useful, and the more of them, the better. The way it is. But only if we are talking about natural, natural vitamins (contained in food). Artificial vitamins, even in small quantities, can cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions. The use of synthetic vitamins in large quantities can cause oncological diseases and urolithiasis.

His biological role not established, but it is necessary for the growth of liver and bone marrow cells and helps relieve fatty liver. Vitamin K is necessary for the synthesis of prothrombin by the liver. However, dietary vitamin K deficiency is rare. The vitamin has been used in combination with extensive oral antibacterial therapy for the treatment of hemorrhagic diseases of the newborn, hemorrhage, obstructive jaundice and sprue, as well as for anticoagulant therapy. Dietary sources include liver, kidney, lean meats, wheat germ, yeast, soybeans and peanuts.

A natural vitamin is a whole natural biological complex. It includes many active ingredients(bioflavonoids, tocopherols, etc.) This entire complex is closely interconnected and has its own special structure. Vitamins contained in natural products are useful. Vitamins, which are even produced from natural products, are simply “dead” crystals. They are not active. And they can acquire biological activity only by taking the form of natural vitamins. And this will only happen if they interact with other components that make up natural vitamins. Our body, like vitamins, does not synthesize these components. They must come from food. That is why, in best case scenario, only a small part of artificial vitamins can be absorbed by the body. Excesses of such vitamins circulate throughout our body, settling in our organs and damaging the walls of blood vessels.

There is intestinal bacterial synthesis. Although the amino acid tryptophan contributes to the nutritional supply of niacin, its metabolism requires the presence of sufficient vitamin B6. The deficiency is unusual due to its widespread occurrence, but burning feet syndrome has been reported in people suffering from acute malnutrition. It also functions in porphyrin, fatty acids and cholesterol metabolism. Signs of deficiency include acrodynia syndrome, seizures, arteriosclerotic lesions, hypochromic microcytic anemia, and impaired antibody production.

Poor nutrition represents real threat our health. Our diet really lacks vitamins. Taking advantage of this deplorable situation with a shortage of natural vitamins, manufacturers of artificial ones are trying to convince us (and they are doing quite well) that their vitamins are no worse than natural ones. After the issue of the benefits of synthetic vitamins was repeatedly discussed, manufacturers found a new advertising ploy. Now they all claim that their vitamins are natural because they are made from natural products (usually yeast). But for us, as consumers, this does not change anything. Ultimately, we are offered the same “dead” crystals. They are absolutely no different from their synthetic analogues obtained chemically. During this processing, the organic (living) form of vitamins is converted into an inorganic form.

Dietary sources include wheat; corn; liver; milk; eggs; and green leafy vegetables. It is found in green leafy vegetables; whole grains; eggs; liver; milk; and legumes; small amounts are synthesized in intestinal tract microorganisms. Signs of ariboflavinosis include angular stomatitis, seborrheic dermatitis faces and glossitis.

Thiamine pyrophosphate is a coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate and α-ketoglutarate, the transketolase reaction of glucose metabolism, and the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. Deficiency results in beriberi. organic matter, discovered in food products, and is necessary in small quantities for growth, health and survival. The body needs vitamins as well as other nutritional components such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water. The absence of one or more vitamins from the diet or poor absorption of vitamins can cause diseases such as rickets, enzootic muscular dystrophy and polioencephalomalacia.

In this form, these vitamins, as well as synthetic ones, are not absorbed by our body. They definitely need a protein component. It's not difficult to see for yourself. After consuming any, even the most expensive vitamin complex, the urine turns bright color (mainly the color of the same vitamins) and a pronounced smell appears (with the scent of the same vitamins). With such “recovery” we seriously overload our kidneys and liver. Artificial vitamins create an imbalance in our body. Overdose of vitamins natural form It is almost impossible to obtain by consuming products. But it is not uncommon for a person to overdose on artificial vitamins. There are cases of deaths.

Discussion of patients with vitamin

One is soluble and absorbed from the intestines into fat. Do I still need to take vitamins? If your doctor hasn't told you that you are suffering from a vitamin deficiency, then there is a healthy balanced diet enough to get all the necessary vitamins.

Be sure to eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in them. Are vitamins really good for you? Is there a difference between vitamins from fruits and vegetables and vitamins you buy off the shelf? Is there such a thing as too many vitamins? The nutrition we get from food is the best, but the truth is, we are not getting the amount of food we need on a daily basis. Yes, there is such a thing as taking too many vitamins.

There is an opinion that taking vitamin C in increased doses increases our body's resistance to infections. This statement is, to say the least, controversial. But the fact is that large doses of synthetic vitamin C worsen the course of allergic diseases, it is a fact. An ardent supporter and promoter of “shock” doses of artificial vitamin C, Linus Pauling, died of cancer! They say that at the end of his life, he focused his attention precisely on natural sources necessary for a person substances.

This is why it is still a good idea for your doctor to take when you take any vitamin or supplement. When choosing a vitamin, price is not a concern for me when it comes to health. What vitamins are recommended to treat colds? and what is its correct amount? In fact, although studied in trials, vitamins C, E, and zinc did not have a significant effect on either preventing or reducing cold symptoms, so these vitamins cannot be recommended for the treatment of colds at this time.

Vitamin C tablet for colds, another tablet for more strong nails and a supply of magnesium supplements if you are always in the house? Almost every third German today takes vitamin tablets or other preventative medications. various diseases and strengthening the body. Health through supplements sounds tempting. But do artificial vitamins really help? Where is the difference between natural and artificial drugs? And why do you end up choosing natural products for tablets and powders?

Recently, English scientists published data from which it follows that artificial vitamins cause harm to humans and contribute to the development of cancerous tumors. Doubts about the benefits of vitamins in artificial form first appeared in the early 80s of the last century. Previously, it was believed that vitamins A and E prevent the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This was the case while we were talking about natural, natural vitamins. But after a wide experiment, conceived and carried out to popularize artificial vitamins, many experts were shocked. The experiment involved several thousand heavy smokers, who were explained how beneficial the vitamins would be to their bodies. They were offered to take vitamins A and E for free for several years (the participants were divided into two different groups). The results of the experiment made many people think. In the group of smokers who actively took vitamin A, the amount cancer diseases lungs was higher than the national average (among smokers). The group taking vitamin E had a higher number of strokes (compared to the average).

Why are there artificial vitamins?

We humans want this to be our body. That's why many of us go in for sports, pay attention to healthy eating and allow you to get enough sleep. And only under each of the three in Germany takes vitamin supplements to benefit from the supposed positive properties tablets. The idea of ​​"a lot helps a lot" originally came from a time when sailors were faced with diseases such as scurvy - these diseases were caused by vitamin deficiency. At that time, it was coming to the realization that food could provide even more than just carbohydrates or proteins.

The commission's conclusion was clear: smokers should not take medications containing vitamins A and E, because it may increase your chance of developing lung cancer and heart disease. Well, now, as V. Vysotsky wrote: “get ready, now it will be sad.” Another study conducted by Boston University researchers found that consuming an artificial form of vitamin A early stages pregnancy, can lead to defects in newborns. In America there were even printed warnings for expectant mothers. However, vitamin A is still present in almost all vitamin complexes for expectant mothers.

Microelements are Magic word, and you have become aware of the fact that the body can only produce them to a limited extent. Therefore, it is necessary to absorb sufficient amounts of these substances through diet, which was not always possible in more recent times. early times. As previous studies have shown, lack of vitamins and minerals can cause us pain. Thus, in the 1920s, more and more researchers worked to isolate substances such as vitamin C and magnesium and artificially produce them.

Prepared preparations should be consumed in addition to food and thus compensate for deficiencies. The vitamin tablets that we can buy from pharmacies or pharmacies are either artificial or natural. In artificial products, the ingredients are synthetic vitamins, which are produced in the laboratory. In most cases, this is a cheaper option for natural products, which is primarily due to the less expensive production process. The decisive disadvantage of artificial drugs is its composition.

This, of course, does not apply to the natural forms of vitamin A (beta-carotene) found in carrots and many other vegetables. This has nothing to do with other natural forms of this vitamin contained in various foods (liver, eggs, butter etc.). This only proves once again that these forms of vitamin A are completely different.

While natural products often come with other nutrients, synthetic vitamins are limited to the isolated active ingredient. However, in order for our body to benefit from beneficial properties phytochemicals, they must interact with other substances. Our body is unlikely to metabolize synthetic products. In addition, it should be remembered that the natural nutritional mixture protects the tissues from external influences such as heat or cold.

Artificial vitamins cause harm to the human body

Since artificial drugs do not naturally benefit from this protective property, they must be further enriched in the laboratory with other chemicals. Meanwhile, studies have even confirmed that some synthetic substances, such as synthetics, can cause health problems. Additionally, consuming artificial vitamin E may cause the absorption of natural vitamin E at the cellular level to be blocked.

The results of another experiment are no less indicative. During this experiment, it was proven that artificial analogues of vitamins A and E violate natural ability the body fights “defective” (cancer) cells. Since the beginning of the 80s, a large number of similar experiments have been carried out with artificial vitamins, including different countries peace. I will list only the results obtained during these experiments. Consumption of vitamin B6 analogues can lead to circulatory problems. Abuse of vitamins C, D, E can result in digestive disorders and atherosclerosis.

This means: if we consume vitamin-rich foods after consuming such a drug, our body cannot properly metabolize the nutrients contained in it and therefore we do not receive the beneficial properties healthy foods. Natural vitamins are also more difficult to produce. Therefore, products that use natural building blocks are more expensive. In addition to the corresponding vitamin, they contain other nutrients that make our body better absorb the drug.

Mixture active substances consists of various individual active substances, such as flavonoids. The fact that natural products consist of a mixture of active ingredients not only has a positive effect on our body, but also reduces sensitivity to external influences such as heat and cold. In addition, it can be stated that natural vitamin supplements enhance the effect nutrients that we absorb in our diet. You can think of it this way: If you take nutrients with you, they end up in the intestines.

Preparations containing iron have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. Excessive intake of zinc leads to decreased immunity. Preparations with selenium can negatively affect the condition of our nails and hair. Sick diabetes mellitus It is worth knowing that large doses of vitamin C inhibit the activity of the pancreas, reduce insulin production and increase blood sugar. The most recent studies have shown that overuse of artificial vitamin C slows down the rate of transmission. nerve impulses, which leads to muscle fatigue and loss of coordination. Artificial vitamins certainly have a right to exist. Moreover, there are situations when they are simply necessary. But we must treat them as medicines, i.e. Use only in extreme cases, and only on the advice of a doctor.

There they were tested, among other food components, for their usefulness. Enzymes and other substances determine whether the nutrients that come there should be used - that is, whether they are needed in the body. If this is the case, all the nutrients are sent and transported to where they are needed. If there is a surplus, it will be transported.

Do we need preparations?

This process can only be carried out with natural preparations, since they are very similar in structure to the structures human body. To answer this question, we must look again at the origins of the drugs. Supplements such as vitamin C tablets or magnesium powders were developed at a time when many people were unable to meet the nutritional needs of food. The logic that you can swallow your health by taking pills frequently may have been better in the old days. But today we usually take good care of our food.

Let's think about what makes us buy artificial vitamins. Fashion? Advertising? Maybe we feel bad because we have vitamin deficiency? Our attending physician strongly recommended to us a specific vitamin complex and wrote out a prescription? So what? Crystalline vitamins are medical drug, and should be treated as medicines. We blindly believe advertising and are careless about our nutrition and our health.

The National Consumption Study even found that while many people are not necessarily eating healthily and eating fewer fruits and vegetables than recommended, they are not getting enough nutrition in vitamins and co. In addition, we should be aware that many drugs - artificial or natural - may be associated with side effects, some of which are unpredictable. So the question is whether we really need to prepare for healthy health, the answer may be “no” in most cases.

The nutrients we consume are found in many foods and superfoods, the consumption of which is always healthier than the consumption of pills. Tak contains tons of calcium or lots of magnesium and selenium. Thus, it can be said that today we are so well supplied with food that our body can be supplied with sufficient nutrients in the diet. If the need cannot be met - in case of increased need or certain diseases - you can resort to adding vitamins.

Indeed, all nutritionists state a lack of vitamins in our diet. But the lack of vitamins arose due to changes in the structure of our diet. More than vitamins, our diet lacks rough, poorly digestible food (fiber). Only such food can cleanse our digestive system and normalize its functioning (allow vitamins and minerals to be absorbed). We need to adjust our diet. Include foods that are healthy for the body: cereals (and whole grain products containing grain germ and bran), legumes (all types), vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc. The vitamins contained in these products are quite sufficient for our body. And their deficiency arises precisely because we have excluded these products from our diet. We eat fatty, refined foods high in carbohydrates. Our body is simply not genetically predisposed to such food. This causes digestive problems. With such a diet, our body cannot absorb even those vitamins (natural) that are supplied. There is no need to talk about vitamins in tablets. They are not needed at all in this situation.

The vitamin industry is a multi-billion dollar cash flow industry. This is the only sector of the economy in which the increase in sales volumes, in all reports, is calculated not as a percentage, but in times! Look what our pharmacies have become. These are vitamin supermarkets. This is a business on our health. In parallel with the amount of vitamins consumed, the number of serious diseases is growing. Just 20 years ago, oncology wards were mostly elderly people. And today, half of the patients there are under forty. Cardiovascular diseases have become significantly younger. I'm not even talking about allergies; every fourth resident of Russia suffers from it. Only a rational healthy diet and natural, wholesome and healthy products can help solve these problems.

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