Beef and canned mushrooms in a slow cooker. Meat with mushrooms in a redmond slow cooker. Cooking meat with mushrooms and prunes in a slow cooker

1. The recipe for cooking meat with mushrooms in a slow cooker should start with preparing the meat. In this case, pork is used, but any other meat can be cooked in the same way. Wash the pork shoulder, dry and cut into portions. Send to the multicooker bowl and turn on the Frying (or Baking) mode for 15-20 minutes (depending on the size of the pieces). If desired, you can add a little vegetable oil, but to make the dish less greasy, you can replace it with a few tablespoons of water.

2. In the meantime, you can do the mushrooms. Mushrooms are used in this recipe, but other mushrooms (both fresh and frozen) can also be used. Wash mushrooms, dry and cut into slices.

3. Pork should be with a light crust and start juice. In the process of frying, you can mix the meat 1-2 times.

4. It's time to add mushrooms to the multicooker bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. If desired, you can also add your favorite spices, dried herbs, garlic or tomatoes. If there is not enough liquid in the bowl, you can add a little water or broth. Continue to cook on the Frying mode for about 10 minutes.

Beef with mushrooms in a slow cooker will bring undoubted pleasure to adult family members and guests at home.

Mushrooms are often referred to as forest meat. They contain vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals that the human body needs. There are some elements that are found only in mushrooms and nowhere else. Elements such as cobalt and rubidium are rarely found in food products. But in terms of potassium content, the champions are champignons.

But mushrooms, especially wild ones, have one unpleasant feature - they contain a lot of chitin, which, like in a cell, contains all the useful substances. And not all mushrooms are digestible. That is why children under 5-7 years old, depending on the characteristics of the body, are not recommended to introduce any mushrooms into the diet.

Beef "French tunes"

Meat in French has always been a well-deserved success. It is served in the best restaurants in the world and cooked in almost all cuisines of the planet. Each chef has his own signature recipe. Let's create your own exclusive version of French beef with champignons for a slow cooker.


  • 4-5 beef steaks
  • Half a kilo of champignons
  • One large onion and two medium ones
  • Half cup high fat cream
  • 150 gr. fatty hard cheese
  • Salt, seasonings to taste
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • Greens for cooking

It is better to choose steaks from the entrecote, where the meat is more tender and juicier. Spices: a mixture of peppers, nutmeg, saffron, bay leaf.


We arrange fragrant meat in French on plates, and we have a wonderful healthy salad ready. Top hot can be sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

Rustic roast with meat and mushrooms

Butter is best suited for such a roast with potatoes - they are tender and soft. Stewed potatoes with fragrant mushrooms and juicy meat will be a great dinner after a family trip to the forest.


  • 7-10 large potato tubers
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 large white onion
  • Half a kilo of beef (tenderloin or shoulder blades)
  • Half a kilo of mushrooms oil
  • A glass of rustic non-sour sour cream
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste
  • Odorless vegetable oil for frying.

Beef and mushrooms go very well with potatoes. And it is better to choose a root crop of red varieties. Such potatoes are not so soft during stewing.


Stewed potatoes with beef and mushrooms are served hot. It can be sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs. A salad of fresh vegetables picked from the country garden and greens from your own garden will complement the idyllic picture of a rustic feast.

Be careful not to get a poisonous mushroom into your wallet. The pale grebe is especially skillfully disguised. Even one small fungus can ruin your mood and put you in a hospital bed for a long time. Toxins of the pale toadstool are very strong and cause severe poisoning.

If champignons or other purchased mushrooms grown under industrial conditions do not require preliminary heat treatment (boiling), then forest mushrooms should always be thoroughly boiled before frying or stewing.

Time: 90 min.

Servings: 3

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Fabulously delicious recipe for meat with mushrooms in a slow cooker

Not every housewife will undertake the preparation of beef. This is a troublesome business, and the troubles begin at the moment of choosing a suitable piece, and continue in the process of cutting and further processing.

This action is crowned with experiences: will it turn out tasty? Will the meat be too dry (tough, tasteless)?

Of course, it is much easier to buy a chicken carcass: both recipes are proven, and cook faster, and the dish is always juicy and soft.

Pork, again, is a grateful product: no matter how you cook it, eaters almost always like it. But if you venture to cook beef meat with mushrooms in a slow cooker at least once, the dish will definitely become one of your favorites.

Recipes for dishes prepared in a slow cooker claim that the device does an excellent job with the main task: preserving all the vitamins in the products used.

With regard to meat, the owners of multicookers have another advantage: any piece of meat retains its juiciness, and when cooked it amazes with tenderness and softness. Even capricious beef can surprise if you use a slow cooker to cook it.

We will warn you right away: - the dish is completely non-dietary. Judge for yourself: meat plus mushrooms (which in themselves are heavy food for the stomach), are stewed in a sauce based on heavy cream.

It is insanely tasty, very nutritious and satisfying, but, unfortunately, it is not at all useful for the figure. So if you are attracted to easy recipes, we have to disappoint you. But believe me, the taste of food compensates for all those calories that you “refuel”.

Step 1

Wash the meat, pat dry. Cut off everything that is not of culinary value: veins, films, excess fat. Cut the pulp into medium-sized pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker, start the “Baking” program. Wait until the oil is hot, and then put the chopped beef into the bowl. Fry until light browned.

Step 2

While the beef is roasting, peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Send the onion to the bowl, stir and fry for a few minutes.

Step 3

Wash the mushrooms, if necessary, clean with a knife. If the mushrooms are large, you can cut them into several slices.

In our case, the champignons were rather miniature, so we put them whole. Continue to sauté the meat with the onions and mushrooms until the mushrooms release their juices (this should take no more than a few minutes).

We decided to cook a dish with champignons, but you can implement the idea with the help of other mushrooms: freshly picked forest mushrooms, as well as dried or frozen ones.

Step 4

Switch off the device. Pour the cream into the bowl, salt and pepper the contents, put allspice. All recipes in which the stew is cooked in a creamy sauce indicate that the creamy base, whether it be cream or sour cream, must be diluted with water.

Otherwise, the undiluted dairy product will thicken during the cooking process (due to evaporation of the liquid), and the meat pieces may burn.

Therefore, pour about a third of a glass of water into the bowl. If you like sauces that are not very thick, you can add more water during the stewing process.

Step 5

Use the "Extinguishing" program, designed for one hour. It makes sense to open the lid after half an hour and check the condition of the dish.

Recipes strongly advise taking a sample of the gravy: you may need to add a little salt or add a little more water.

At the same time, you can throw a few bay leaves into the bowl. After making the appropriate adjustments, close the lid and spend the next half hour to good use. For example, prepare a side dish.

Our dish turned out to be very satisfying and fragrant. This stew in a creamy mushroom sauce sets off a calm side dish, such as mashed potatoes, crumbly rice, pasta or cabbage.

But it is better to refrain from preparing a high-calorie fatty side dish (if you planned to fry potatoes, it is better to postpone this idea until the next time).

See another version of this dish:


  • 500 gr meat (beef)
  • 1.5 tbsp starch
  • 100 gr dried mushrooms (I had mushrooms)
  • 2 onions
  • 400 ml water
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • Bay leaf
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • pepper

Braised beef with gravy is a fairly common dish. It is tasty and very “convenient” in terms of preparation. You just need to cut the meat, pour water with starch and put to stew. Stew will always help out when there is a catastrophic lack of time for cooking. You can make a lot of meat with gravy, and if necessary, heat it up, come up with a simple side dish - and a delicious hearty dinner is ready in a matter of minutes. It is good to complement meat, especially dried meats, in which all mushroom flavors are concentrated as much as possible. Therefore, today we will cook beef with mushrooms in a slow cooker.

My assistant in cooking beef with mushrooms is the VES Electric SK-A12 multicooker. The dish can also be made in a frying pan or saucepan, but using a slow cooker, you can be sure that even not the softest beef meat will blend well and be incredibly tender. I recommend that all readers of prepare such a meat delicacy.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the necessary products. Dried mushrooms can be replaced with fresh, frozen or pickled, but with dry mushrooms, the taste is more pronounced and rich.

  2. Mushrooms in advance, for 3-6 hours, pour clean water and leave in the refrigerator. During this time, they will get wet. The result will be a lot of mushrooms and a fragrant liquid - mushroom broth, which will also be used to prepare the dish.

  3. Rinse the meat, peel off the films and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape and size, it is very beautiful and convenient to cut into short strips.

  4. Turn on the slow cooker to the "Frying" mode, pour in the vegetable oil and let it warm up for 1-2 minutes. Put the mushrooms, which must first be removed from the liquid and squeezed well, if necessary, cut into smaller pieces. Do not grind too much, they should feel good in the dish. Peel the onion and cut into quarter rings. Saute with mushrooms. Put everything on a plate.

  5. Pour a little more vegetable oil into the bowl and put the beef. Fry until light brown. If there is a lot of meat, lay out in portions so that it does not begin to stew.

  6. Combine mushrooms with onions and meat together, without turning off the “Frying” mode.

  7. Pour starch into the liquid in which the mushrooms were soaked, mix.

  8. Pour into the multicooker bowl, salt, put the necessary spices (except bay leaf).

  9. While stirring, wait until it boils, then switch the miracle saucepan to the “Stewing” mode, close the lid and cook for 40 minutes, periodically looking after. If you want more gravy, you can add a little water. At the end of cooking add bay leaf. Close the lid, turn off the multicooker and let the dish stand for another 30-40 minutes. So all the flavors are better combined and intensified many times over.

  10. Serve beef with mushrooms in combination with any side dish or fresh vegetables.

  11. Thick tasty gravy will be a great addition.

Cooking beef with mushrooms is so easy and quick in a slow cooker that all lovers of meat delicacies should try this dish. In addition, beef meat is very healthy. Bon Appetit!