Color of clothes by day. Lunar calendar and Violet color. All the best and be happy! Maria Dukhovitskaya

Clothes colors by day of the week:
Thursday-Jupiter yellow, orange;

Saturday - Saturn-black, blue;

This is briefly to record, and now in more detail.

Let's start with Sunday, because... in Vedic astrology it is considered the beginning of the day of the week.
SUNDAY. Planet - Sun.
And our sun is bright, radiant, sparkling. Therefore, the colors must be appropriate. You should dress in bright white, gold, orange, yellow. This doesn't mean that you should only wear that color, it does mean that it is advisable to include at least one attribute of that color.

Favorable Colors Gold, yellow.

Medium: white, pink, blue, green, all light.

He who intuitively dresses in yellow is pleased with his beauty.
By the way, in English - Sunday - “Sun-day”, translated - “Day of the Sun”.

MONDAY is ruled by the Moon. Imagine her, what do you see? I personally imagine a huge ball of soft cream color. The conclusion is that the colors you need to choose are milky white, light yellow, cream, silver, just the color of our beautiful moon.
Main Color: Silver, White
Favorable Colors: yellow, blue.
Medium: pink, green, gray, chocolate, purple, all light.
Unfavorable: Black, dark violet, dark red, all dark.
Anyone who intuitively dresses in white strives for purity.
By the way, in English - Monday - “Monday” (from “Moon-day”), translated as “Day of the Moon”.
In the family, the representative of the Moon is the Mother.
The Moon gives - Kindness, Gentleness, Love, Calmness, Poetic inspiration, Travel, Business with liquids or with overseas partners.

TUESDAY. The planet Mars.
I don’t know about you, have you seen our planet? solar system, but from my school years I remember what the planet Mars looks like, it is a rich red color. Very beautiful!
Therefore, on this day it is favorable to wear pink and red colors, for example, bright red, scarlet, crimson, and brown.
Favorable Colors: red, brown.
Medium: blue, ash, gold, saffron, all shades of red.
Unfavorable: Black, green, blue.
Anyone who intuitively dresses in red is brave and confident.

WEDNESDAY. Planet Mercury.
Responsible for learning and speech. By the way, you can learn about how to convince people from the article “Rhetoric - how to convince a person with the help of words.”
All shades of green are suitable, as well as yellow and gray. Apparently it’s not in vain that they say that green color promotes learning.

Main color: green.
Favorable Colors: gray, yellow.
Medium: blue, ash, gold.
Unfavorable: blue, violet, orange.
Those who intuitively wear light green strive for new knowledge.

THURSDAY. Planet Jupiter.
It is considered the most favorable planet, and therefore the day is considered successful. Suitable blue, purple, indigo, crimson.

Favorable Colors: violet, lilac, saffron, pink.
Medium: red, blue, blue, green, brown, white.
Unfavorable: yellow, gold.
Anyone who intuitively dresses in purple or lilac strives for harmony in life.

FRIDAY. Planet Venus .
Silver-white, blue, turquoise, pink, red are suitable.

Main colors: blue, turquoise, white.
Favorable Colors: blue, pink, red.
Medium: ash, green, brown.
Unfavorable: Black, violet.
Anyone who intuitively dresses in blue, turquoise and pink is talented.
By the way, in English - Friday - Friday (from Free-day) - translated as “Freedom Day”, since Venus loves Freedom.

SATURDAY. Planet Saturn
The heaviest and slowest planet, therefore its colors are not bright. Black, dark blue, light blue with blue elements, and gray are suitable.
.Favorable Colors: black, dark blue, gray.
Medium: brown.
Unfavorable: white, yellow, all light colors.
Those who intuitively dress in black do not want to stand out and want to be invisible.
By the way, in English - Saturday - Saturday (from Saturn-day) - translated as “Saturn Day”.

Following these principles is a personal matter for everyone, but if you want to become even more successful, healthier, luckier, then do not be afraid to experiment with colors.

In Feng Shui, each color has its own meaning. By choosing this or that color in clothes, you attract what is characteristic of the energy of this color. It turns out that with the help of some flowers you can attract good luck and lift your spirits. According to Feng Shui, which colors in clothes are favorable, and which ones attract troubles and problems?

Blue color in clothes

This color will put you in a business mood. Go to important meeting, interview, exam? Then the blue range will help you. This color, according to the art of Feng Shui, imparts rationalism and concentrates attention on the right things and gives you self-confidence. People dressed in clothes of blue color are perceived as decisive, intelligent and reasonable.

Green color

Green color symbolizes harmony and tranquility. It is also the color of life and optimism. By wearing green clothes, you are charged with positive energy and good mood. Wearing green colors is recommended for impulsive, melancholic and irritable people. This color will help them pacify negative emotions.


Black is the color of melancholy and sadness. This color attracts failure, depression, loneliness and Bad mood. It is recommended to wear it only when you feel an excess of energy - it will help maintain balance.

Pink color

This color attracts positive emotions and lightness. If you lack romance and feelings, then wear pink clothes more often, and you will see how troubles will pass you by, and problems will not seem insoluble.


This is the color of confident and harmonious people. If something has gone wrong in your life, or you have lost your way, then wear clothes for several days white- this will help you focus on the most important thing and put your thoughts in order.

Red color in feng shui

The color red symbolizes energy and passion. If you lack determination, courage and perseverance, then wear red clothes more often. It will give you strength and courage, and will also give you a craving for everything new. Do you want to truly feel this life? Then wear red!


This is the color of positivity. If you want to attract attention, then wear clothes of this color. You will become the life of the party and the center of everyone's attention. You should not wear orange clothes to important events and negotiations - you may be considered a frivolous person.

According to Feng Shui, color in clothing matters! And if you want to make your life better and happier, then choose your colors of luck! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.09.2014 09:23

Psychic Ilona Novoselova believes that colors can influence a person’s destiny. According to her,...

The psychic spoke on her website about magical properties clothes. According to her, every thing surrounding...

The influence of the color of the food we eat and the clothes we wear is especially noticeable as the Moon moves through the Zodiac. The basic rule is that some colors have a special or stronger effect if used under the zodiac sign to which they correspond. Therefore, the lunar calendar and color can be used to enhance your energy.

Lunar calendar and color

If, for example, you want to use the influence of color as an additional remedy for various diseases and disorders, then choose a suitable or contrasting color for clothing, or at least for that part of the toilet that is located on the affected area of ​​​​the body.

In this case, it does not matter whether clothes are worn on a naked body, for example, a T-shirt, or other clothes. The direct impact is somewhat stronger. But color radiation perceived by vision has a beneficial effect in any case.

Lunar calendar and red color

Red color stimulates creative, vital, terrestrial species energy, develops passion and bold spontaneous actions, it invigorates and gives courage to implement new ideas. The red color of food and clothing activates the liver and supports the formation of red blood cells. This is a color that removes harmful substances from the body, it helps get rid of constipation and is very useful for iron deficiency.

Lunar calendar and Orange color

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow and has a harmonizing effect. Particularly useful Orange color as a remedy against nervousness, fear, depression. This color has a beneficial effect on the glands and lungs. Negative influence with an excess of orange, it is observed extremely rarely, only if this color is used exclusively. IN in this case orange color stimulates dependence on other people. Orange color has a positive effect when there are problems with digestive system And skin diseases, as well as with bad stool, especially under the sign of Virgo. This color stimulates the appetite. Heat released orange, relieves tension and cramps.

Lunar calendar and Yellow color

Yellow- this is the color of mental development, it gives vigor, supports the functions of the glands, activates the activity of the mucous membranes, and stimulates thought processes. It causes formation gastric juice. Helps with digestive disorders and intestinal obstruction, calms the nerves, relieves mental and nervous fatigue. Hence, this color is good for school and university premises. Yellow color soothes the spleen, activates the lymphatic system, and helps with liver problems.

Lunar calendar and Green color

Green is a balancing and neutralizing color, the color of hope, harmony, healing and natural maturation. The color green affects the pituitary gland and thus the metabolism. It restores the balance between the liver and spleen, has a regenerating effect on muscles and connective tissue. It is pleasant to the eye and soothing. Green color stimulates the autonomic nervous system and accelerates the growth process. An excess of green color has no effect negative impact. Only on very rare occasions does he develop indecision. Sometimes the reaction becomes too slow and sluggish.

Lunar calendar and Blue color

Blue color calms, balances, reduces pain, relieves inflammation. As a rule, an excess of blue, like green, does not have a negative effect. In exceptional cases, fatigue, boredom, melancholy and low blood pressure appear. But an excess of this color in food is not very useful, because the blue color can have an inhibitory effect. In addition, this color cools down. Therefore, it is useful for burns and elevated temperature. For those who communicate a lot with people, blue can be a wonderful screen. In addition, it relaxes and opens the way for creative thoughts, free from outside influences.

Lunar Calendar and Violet Color

The color violet calms, stimulates the spleen, relaxes, relieves pain, supports the lymphatic system, and enhances perception. The negative effects of purple foods are unknown. Such food cleanses the blood and prevents loss of appetite.

To get some tips on how to use color influence, become familiar with base and contrast colors, and put your newfound knowledge into practice, let's take a little trip through lunar month- from Aries to Pisces.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Aries

In almost all astrological systems of color correspondence to zodiac signs (and this is a controversial and ambiguous issue in astrology), RED is recognized as the main color of ARIES.

The primary colors of the zodiac signs also have so-called contrasting colors. In the system followed by the authors of all the tips in this section (I. Paunger and T. Poppe), the contrasting colors of Aries are considered to be YELLOW and BLUE.

When the Moon is in Aries, the red color of clothing and food (whether drinks like redcurrant juice or vegetables like tomatoes) has a particularly strong influence.

The red color always influences as described in the characteristics of this color, but all this is especially pronounced when the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

On the other hand, poor blood supply and circulation especially affect the head. Migraines and headaches are especially common during Aries days. By purposefully eating red foods under the sign of Aries, you can have a positive effect on blood circulation.

If we are talking about the opposite process, when blood pressure and circulation are too active, you can use contrasting colors as an “antidote”. In Aries days the colors are yellow and blue. All yellow and blue foods are calming.

So, with a strong rush of blood to the head, you should use yellow or blue color, which constricts the blood vessels. If there is not enough blood flowing to the head, it is red, which dilates the blood vessels.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Taurus

All blue-colored foods have a particularly strong effect on days when the Moon passes through the sign of Taurus. Blue foods strengthen, but this is especially felt under the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

On the contrasting side, Taurus is an ideal time for anyone who should eat less red foods, such as people with high blood pressure. On Taurus days, the effect of red color is weakened, so red foods are less harmful. It is very important to eat foods of different colors, but not in the same quantities every day.

The neck area, which is ruled by Taurus, always benefits from green color. But blue is very useful for treating inflamed tonsils, for problems in oral cavity, With thyroid gland or tongue.

It is especially useful in Taurus days to eat red foods if the pancreas is underfunctioning, and blue or green foods if it is overfunctioning.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Gemini

Yellow foods are most beneficial under the signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, primarily for the liver and gallbladder, but also for the stomach and spleen. Of course, Gemini is not directly associated with the liver and spleen, but supports this area due to the influence of the color yellow.

Contrasting red and blue colors weaken their influence under the sign of Gemini. At this time, yellow color strengthens the nervous system and supports the activity of the glands.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Cancer

Green color is especially useful for the chest area. The time when the Moon is in the sign of Cancer should be used to strengthen green vegetative nervous system.

There are a lot of green products, but don’t forget about green clothes, which have a special influence (this applies to the presence of the Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Pisces). So, use nature to support your own breasts (Cancer)!

good service You will do your body a favor if you eat as many B vitamins as possible on Water days (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). They dissolve in water and are found, for example, in grain husks, rice skins, yeast and potatoes.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Leo

If you have heart problems or high blood pressure, you should avoid the color red (both in clothing and in your diet), especially under the sign of Leo. In this case, contrasting colors of yellow and blue are useful, they restore balance; they should set the tone on the dining table. Green color is also useful because it restores harmony.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Virgo

During Virgo days you can support your work digestive organs. If they are somewhat out of order, then they can be calmed by the color blue, the influence of which is especially strong at this time.

If the stomach, intestines and other organs are not working very actively, then they can, on the contrary, be stimulated by contrasting colors with red foods and clothes.

For liver problems and gallbladder, with the stomach and spleen, use the effect of yellow color: compresses, foods, and everything else should be yellow. At the same time, products with high content acids balance both the liver and spleen, refresh, they make it not so hot, they quench thirst and stimulate sleep.

It is under this zodiac sign that it is especially clear whether you are eating right!

Lunar calendar: Moon in Libra

Whatever you do for your glands during Libra days turns out to be more beneficial than at any other time. Yellow foods and clothing not only enhance inspiration, but also support the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. You can easily start under the sign of Virgo. At this time, it is best to get rid of the lack of vitamin C; wild herbs, which contain 10 times more vitamin C than green vegetables, are especially good for this.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Scorpio

For healthy genitals, vitamin E is necessary, so you should never skip Scorpio days and eat as many green foods as possible. In addition, vitamin E is found in sprouted wheat grains, milk, animal oil and salads.

Green color stimulates growth, so the lack or absence of vitamin E can lead to premature birth or miscarriage in women. Vitamin E also affects fertility; its deficiency can even lead to sterility.

A little advice: for women prone to miscarriages, it is better not to eat lovage and thyme, although they are also green. Lovage and thyme have a negative effect on the fetus, especially in Scorpio days. Previously, these herbs were used as a remedy against unwanted pregnancy!

Lunar calendar: Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius energy sharpens the senses and supports the blood supply to the entire body with the help of red color. At this time, you should use a special influence on the veins, because in this area, in the days of Sagittarius, veins often appear. discomfort, the more important it is to prevent stagnation. Massage works wonders, and not only on Sagittarius days.

You should also take advantage of the fact that red vegetables and fruits have a particularly strong influence on Fire days (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). But for the fussy, very active people an excess of red is undesirable.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn days with blue energy are best time for skin care. Unclean problematic skin can be supported. Vitamin H is very important for healthy skin, which is found in yeast, bananas, potatoes, and offal such as liver, kidneys, and brains. When the Moon is young under the sign of Capricorn, the body actively takes in this vitamin, just like everyone else. nutrients from blue products.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Aquarius

The color yellow in the days of Aquarius represents everything that happens in an accelerated, more active and mild form. Sometimes this color slows down blood circulation, which can manifest itself in congestion of the lower thigh and varicose veins.

A contrasting red color may be good prophylactic, because it dilates blood vessels. If you already have varicose veins and you decide to have surgery, then it is better not to have it done under the sign of Capricorn, choose some other day, but always during the debilitated Moon.

Usually, real reason varicose veins and other vein diseases - “bad” blood, from which harmful substances must be removed. Try to also start eating healthy. On Aquarius days, any yellow foods are very beneficial for your body, as are yellow clothes or, for example, yellow compresses.

Lunar calendar: Moon in Pisces

Green is the main color of the Pisces sign, but the fact is that so many influences and energy lines pass through the foot, the part of the body controlled by Pisces, that the main color no longer plays a very important role.

This may be due to the fact that the ends of the body meridians are located in the foot, so almost any part of the body and any organ, when the corresponding zone is irritated, experiences a preventive or therapeutic effect.

For removal from the body harmful substances massage of the reflex zones of the foot is an indispensable tool. The power of Pisces days supports the positive effects of this form of massage. But you need to massage especially carefully at this time, since sensitivity increases.

I. Paungger, T. Poppe

Are you planning an important meeting, public speaking, serious conversation, exam? In addition to thoroughly preparing for the event, you need to take care of your appearance and enlist the support of the Moon! The most powerful energy of the Earth's satellite causes the ebb and flow of the vast oceans, not to mention the strength of its influence on humans. How can you get the help of the Moon during an important event in your life? And why would she help you?

Talismans and colors of lunar days - how does it work?

In fact, everything is simple and logical. For a full shift cycle lunar phases, from one new moon to another, the Moon passes through 30 so-called lunar days, and each of these periods of time corresponds to a certain mood of the Earth’s satellite. Each lunar day has certain characteristics, such as symbol, element, shape, talisman stone, lucky color . In addition, each of lunar days favorable for certain actions and events in different areas human life. Therefore, the first thing you should do when planning an important meeting is to look into Moon calendar and choose the right, most suitable lunar day.

What lunar day is it today? Lunar Calendar 2018 >>

How to use the color of the day according to the lunar calendar?

If it is not in your power to choose a date, you can enlist the support of the Moon by choosing a lucky and talisman stone. Colors of lunar days can be used in clothes, in makeup, in choosing nail polish, in paste for the pen you write with - in general, in anything that happens to you directly at the moment of an important event (and better all day). And if you also reinforce the colors of lunar days with talisman stones, luck will follow on your heels! 🙂

In the table below, we have collected information for each day of June 2017 to make it more convenient for you to choose a wardrobe, makeup and jewelry that will attract good luck into your life.

To find out the colors of the lunar days of the next months, take a look at our Lunar Calendar 2018>>

Talismans and colors of lunar days. June 2017

dateLunar day colorTalisman stone
1.06 hyacinth, citrine
2.06 red, scarlet and blackgarnetite, uvarovite, olivine, chrysolite
3.06 black pearl, alexandrite, rauchtopaz
4.06 amber, tsvarovite, olivine-peridot, sardonyx
5.06 fire opal, hematite, carnelian
6.06 lapis lazuli, yellow coral, mother of pearl, pink pearl
7.06 red opal, ruby
8.06 violet, lilac, lilac and whitehyacinth
9.06 red, scarlet and blackagate, morion, jet
10.06 orange, chestnut, chocolate and brown; white, silver, bluetourmaline, emerald, pearl (NOT black)
11.06 yellow, goldhematite, zircon
12.06 green, malachite and emeraldwhite agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel
13.06 blue, sea wave and azurelabradorite, peridot, olivine, green garnet, uvarite, red onyx
14.06 blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphirered jasper, rock crystal
15.06 violet, lilac, lilac and whitezircon, aventurine
16.06 red, scarlet and blackblue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade and amber
17.06 orange, chestnut, chocolate and brownrauchtopaz, black jade, crocodile, sarder
18.06 yellow, gold, amber, lemon, saffron and ocherblack jasper, airy obsidian, malachite, blue jade, grossular
19.06 green, malachite and emeraldspar (amulets), tiger (red) eye, falcon (blue and blue) eye, cat's (green) eye
20.06 blue, sea wave and azureorpiment, yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase
21.06 blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphirepurple transparent amethyst, emerald, adularia, rose and crimson quartz, selenite
22.06 violet, lilac, lilac and whitearagonite, anadalusine, chrysoprase
23.06 red, scarlet and blackserpentine, black pearl, mother of pearl
24.06 orange, chestnut, chocolate and brownwhite coral, rock crystal and tourmaline
25.06 orange, chestnut, chocolate and brownjadeine, calcedony, iridescent agate
26.06 yellow, gold, amber, lemon, saffron and ocherjaspilite, ruby, pyrite, aventurine
27.06 green, malachite and emeraldsardonyx, amazonite (brings joy to the home), green jade
28.06 blue, sea wave and azureturquoise, pink chalcedony, marble
29.06 blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphiremarble
30.06 blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphiremarble

Let's start with Sunday, because in Vedic astrology it is considered the beginning of the day of the week. This day is ruled by the Sun. And our sun is bright, radiant, sparkling. Therefore, the colors must be appropriate. You should dress in bright white, gold, orange, yellow. This doesn't mean that you should only wear that color, it does mean that it is advisable to include at least one attribute of that color.

Monday is ruled by the Moon. Imagine her, what do you see? I personally imagine a huge ball of soft cream color. The conclusion is that the colors you need to choose are milky white, light yellow, cream, silver, just the color of our beautiful moon.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars. I don’t know about you, whether you have seen the planets of our solar system, but since my school years I remember what the planet Mars looks like, it is a rich red color. Very beautiful! Therefore, on this day it is favorable to wear pink and red colors, for example, bright red, scarlet, crimson, and brown.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Responsible for learning and speech. By the way, you can learn about how to convince people from the article “Rhetoric - how to convince a person with the help of words.” All shades of green are suitable, as well as yellow and gray. Apparently it’s not for nothing that they say that the color green promotes learning.

Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It is considered the most favorable planet, and therefore the day is considered successful. Suitable blue, purple, indigo, crimson.

Friday is ruled by the amazing planet Venus. Silver-white, blue, turquoise, pink, red are suitable.

Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn. The heaviest and slowest planet, therefore its colors are not bright. Black, dark blue, light blue with blue elements, and gray are suitable.

Following these principles is a personal matter for everyone, but if you want to become even more successful, healthier, luckier, then do not be afraid to experiment with colors. And about how to attract good luck and money, read the article by our Editor-in-Chief and leading author of the Sunny Hands website, Anastasia Gai, “How to attract good luck and money.” After all, it often happens that we dress in the same colors, completely ignoring others. But you can choose a different shade of clothing, for example, if you think that bright colors don’t suit you, then buy them more muted, as if a little gray color was added to them. Personally, I am guided this way, because... I have cool-toned skin. For example, I used to be afraid of the color red, I thought it didn’t suit me. But then I saw a long red skirt with a small pleat on the counter and tried it on. Imagine my surprise when I saw that this color not only doesn’t suit me, but just really highlights my complexion and makes it look fresher. Now I'm not afraid to try different colors, experimenting with different images.

All the best and be happy! Maria Dukhovitskaya.