Women's fortune telling based on the day their menstruation begins. Various methods of fortune telling using menstruation. Predictions by day of the week

By rethinking the mistakes and failures of the past, a person is able to change not only his character, his present, but also prepare favorable soil for the future.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Proven fortune telling for menstruation

People have always wanted to know their future: for this they turned to higher powers for help, studied secret knowledge and developed dozens of theories. Most often, fortune telling is used to determine future fate. You can guess on many things: maps, coffee grounds, a thrown coin, you can study the stars and the movements of celestial bodies.

But one type of fortune telling is striking in its simplicity: when faced with it for the first time, people perceive this method as a joke. But the laughter passes after all the predicted events come true. We are talking about fortune telling by menstruation.

For this, several values ​​are used: the date of the start of menstruation, the time of day and the exact time. Each of the above factors has both its advantages and disadvantages. But for the sake of completeness, we will analyze each of them.

3 options for fortune telling by menstruation

These methods of fortune telling have not lost their relevance: they allow you to determine events that will happen in the next 30 days. A month does not seem like a long time, but if you use these methods constantly, you will be able to gradually review your future life. This will require the day on which menstruation began. The day of the week, the exact date and time of day are taken into account.

By time of day

I have my periodtrom

The most optimistic forecast for the future is menstruation that began in the morning. You should expect pleasant events, new acquaintances, the appearance of a loved one and family happiness. You will be able to build relationships with your child, best friend and work colleague. Morning periods indicate that a real idyll will come in the family: all quarrels and insults will remain in the past, and love and harmony will take their place.

Period before 1 pm

If menstruation began in the first hour after noon, then you should expect joyful events and a good mood. People around you will be filled with happiness and will happily share it with you.

Menstruation from 13.00 to midnight

If the menstrual cycle begins at this time, expect problems and troubles. But the saddest thing is that all negative events will happen at the beginning of the month.

Period at night

Night periods are perhaps the worst case scenario. Troubles, sad news and separation from your lover await you.

By day of the week


Monday - it portends troubles, anxiety and many small errands. But in addition to unpleasant events, you may receive an unexpected surprise or a present worth a round sum of money. And this gift will be made by a person from your close circle.


Tuesday - if the cycle began on this day - expect to meet childhood friends, classmates or people with whom you studied in the same group at the institute. You can also meet your loved one. Another interpretation suggests that your life will change dramatically.


If your period starts on Wednesday, expect a lot of problems. As a rule, troubles are local in nature and do not threaten your fate as a whole. They can be considered not a black, but a gray streak in life. The most you should be wary of is a reprimand from your superiors or a warning from loved ones.


If the long-awaited cycle began on Thursday, then you can expect the following: a pleasant company and a noisy party in your own home, a visit to a stranger, a sudden acquaintance. All of the above events will be positive, and therefore you should not worry about possible troubles.


Friday is an important day. It portends dramatic changes in life, unexpected news or an invitation to work. But you should also prepare for a series of tests. You will cope with them, but this will require persistence, a cool mind and sober calculation.


Saturday is the first day of the weekend, and therefore it portends good news. You should expect solutions to problems, pleasant meetings and even declarations of love. In addition, Saturday foreshadows the fulfillment of desires or the realization of an old dream.


Sunday has the most optimistic interpretation. This day foreshadows pleasant events, joyful moments, relaxation and absence of problems. You will be able to make peace with your loved one, forget about a long-standing quarrel, or get useful advice from an experienced mentor.

By day of the month

We figured out the time and days of the week: next up is the calendar and the days of the month.

  • 1 - nothing threatens you: the next month will be filled with meetings and joyful events.
  • 2 - the person you respected will lose value and significance in your eyes.
  • 3 - a disagreement awaits you, which may fade away or turn into a scandal of universal proportions.
  • 4 - all childhood dreams and dreams will come true.
  • 5 - your loved one will remember gallantry and present a long-awaited gift.
  • 6 - this day warns that the enemies have woken up from hibernation and are preparing for active action.
  • 7 - a romantic meeting or declaration of love awaits you.
  • 8 - for the first time in your life you will be jealous of your loved one for another woman.
  • 9 - ill-wishers do not like your feminine happiness, and therefore they will try to destroy the union with your loved one.
  • 10 - you will meet a loved one, or move with your current lover to the next stage of the relationship.
  • 11 - you are too suspicious, and this quality interferes with family happiness. For the next month you should forget about jealousy and mistrust.
  • 12 - you have a date with nice man. But be careful: if he likes you, he is ready to turn to magical powers for help.
  • 13 - carefree times are a thing of the past. The time has come for problems and the time to overcome difficulties.
  • 14 - you can rejoice: a pleasant letter or good news awaits you.
  • 15 - news awaits you, but its content is far from pleasant.
  • 16 - try to keep your mouth shut in the next month. All leaked information will be used against you.
  • 17 - temporary separation from your loved one awaits you. We are talking about either a quarrel or a business trip.
  • 18 - a renewal of relations with you awaits you ex-man or meeting a new person.
  • 19 - Cupid's arrow will pierce your heart. But no one knows whether the love will be mutual or not.
  • 20 - you will be madly in love with a man who does not pay attention to you.
  • 21 - a person you trust is preparing an outright lie.
  • 22 - coins will ring in your wallet again. It will be a gift or a long-forgotten debt.
  • 23 - good news and joyful events await you.
  • 24 - guests and meeting new people await you. Prepare the tables and open the cookbook: it will be up to you to receive guests.
  • 25 - a series of gray everyday life will be disrupted by a meeting with a new person. Who is he - new friend or beloved - is not yet known.
  • 26 - you will find a strong shoulder and a vest for your own tears.
  • 27 - the help you so needed will come from a stranger or a sworn enemy.
  • 28 - your efforts will be rewarded in full: expect recognition or a salary increase.
  • 29 - prepare sedatives and clean handkerchiefs. You will have to cry often and a lot: trying to hide your tears will only worsen your state of mind.
  • 30 - your loneliness has come to an end: look forward to meeting a charming man.
  • 31 - this number has a double meaning. One of them speaks of a quick journey, the other predicts sincere shame for unreasonable words or stupid actions.

Fortune telling by menstruation is an easy and harmless way to find out your own future. It helps a woman prepare for unplanned events and determine what actions she needs to take in the coming months of her cycle. Fortune telling allows you to find out about situations that will have a positive or negative impact for her life. It all depends on a combination of factors: day of the week, date, time of day.

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      Fortune telling by menstruation

      Since ancient times, menstruation has been ascribed mystical significance. It was believed that these days a woman poses a certain threat to others. People were sure that on critical days she had supernatural powers.

      Many people note that during menstruation, the fair sex’s intuition is heightened. This explains the origin of such fortune telling by menstruation. With its help you can see not only the near future, but also love. This method is not difficult, and absolutely any girl can handle it, and the predictions will be correct and accurate.

      • Basic Rules

        In order to get a more accurate prediction, you must follow certain rules:

        • during fortune telling, use information that relates to the first day of bleeding;
        • apply 2 methods to get a more complete prediction;
        • remember that the information received is valid only until the next menstrual cycle;
        • write down the prediction on paper to remember it and check whether it will come true.

        You cannot tell those closest to you what the result was. After all, a person is surrounded not only by decent and kind people, but also by envious people.

        Characteristics of fortune telling

        It is worth noting that fortune telling by menstruation does not relate to witchcraft rituals, but due to the fact that the cycle always begins in different time, many mystical legends appear around him.

        This fortune telling is based on drawing parallels between the date and time and the events that occur after. No preparations for the ritual are required. A woman should not have any special skills.

        Although this method is quite simple, all the information the girl receives is true. Today there are a huge number of types of fortune telling menstrual cycle.There are 5 most popular methods:

        • by the hour;
        • according to the dates of the month;
        • by days of the week;
        • by time of day;
        • at the moment of bleeding.

        The following methods of guessing are also popular:

        Fortune telling by the hour

        In fortune telling by the menstrual cycle, a 12-hour system is used:

        • 1 - favorable news, pleasant and joyful events;
        • 2 - severe irritation, followed by complete indifference;
        • 3 - a conflict situation that may adversely affect life;
        • 4 - happiness and fulfillment of desires;
        • 5 - unexpected, but very a pleasant surprise;
        • 6 - gossip, envy;
        • 7 - a declaration of love from a secret admirer or from a man whom the woman has known for a long time;
        • 8 - jealousy of the chosen one;
        • 9 - slander, appearance of an enemy;
        • 10 - love, new acquaintance;
        • 11 - jealousy for no reason;
        • 12 - secret love that someone you know feels for a woman.

        Fortune telling by time of day

        This prediction is aimed at the love aspect and relationships between the opposite sex.

        If menstruation began from 12 o'clock at night until 8 am, then this portends that the girl will fall in love, but the relationship will be shrouded in mystery. And, unfortunately, for certain reasons, lovers will not be able to confess their feelings to each other.

        Menstruation from 8 am to 12 noon foretells a woman a real candy-bouquet period. This applies not only to ladies whose hearts are free, but also to those who have been married for a long time.

        If menstruation began between 15:00 and 18:00, this means that a pleasant surprise awaits the woman soon. A man will prepare a romantic gift for his beloved.

        Menstruation from 6 pm to midnight does not bode well. Bleeding indicates that not all is well in the couple’s relationship. Problems in relationships will begin due to misunderstandings, lies, betrayal, and betrayal. Each of the partners can provoke discord in the relationship.

        Fortune telling by days of the week

        The type of fortune telling by day of the week will allow a woman to prepare for upcoming events. The value depends on the day on which the menstrual cycle began.


        The onset of menstruation on this day of the week portends a change in a measured and settled life. They can be positive or negative. Begins new stage on life path.


        In the near future, a woman will meet a man who can bring her real benefits. This could be a new love, a co-worker, or just a friend.


        There will be some changes in life. They will not bring favorable emotions.


        Menstruation, which began on this day of the week, portends that the woman will receive an unexpected invitation to visit. But it will turn out to be sad, because an unforeseen circumstance may occur that will awaken a feeling of shame in her. But this is not a reason to turn away from a tempting offer. You just have to pay close attention to your behavior and try to control your actions.


        We need to pay maximum attention to our health. This month, a woman will experience an event that will completely change her entire life.


        This is a time of new love, which is full of romantic emotions. The girl will receive new sensations, affection, tenderness. This will make her feel loved and desired.


        This day of the week portends that a girl most She will spend time in the company of people close to her: relatives, friends, a loved one. All meetings will be spontaneous.

        Fortune telling by the dates of the month

        This kind of fortune telling is especially popular, because each number carries its own information and can influence a person’s fate in different ways. To compile accurate horoscope For the female cycle, you need to know what each day of the month brings. A table of the meanings of each of them will help you navigate:

        • 1 - complete satisfaction with life;
        • 2 - appearance discomfort to a specific person;
        • 3 - groundless conflict, manifestation by the chosen one negative aspects character;
        • 4 - fortunate circumstances;
        • 5 - a pleasant and welcome gift;
        • 6 - gossip spread by a loved one;
        • 7 - declaration of love, which long time hid.
        • 8 - unreasonable jealousy of a lover;
        • 9 - loss of trust of loved ones;
        • 10 - complete understanding with the chosen one;
        • 11 - retribution for excessive arrogance;
        • 12 - the appearance of a secret admirer who is trying to win the girl’s favor;
        • 13 - unpleasant consequences of harsh statements and thoughtless words;
        • 14 - a lie from a loved one.
        • 15 - improvement of financial situation;
        • 16 - arrival of guests whom the woman has been waiting for a long time;
        • 17 - fulfillment of a cherished dream;
        • 18 - unexpected conflict situations, which will take quite a long time to resolve;
        • 19 - disappointment, which will only bring benefits in the future;
        • 20 - betrayal of a person whom the woman completely trusted;
        • 21 is an event that will completely change the usual rhythm of life.
        • 22 - minor troubles;
        • 23 - victory in an important matter, reward for work, positive assessment of actions by loved ones;
        • 24 - betrayal on the part of the woman herself or her chosen one;
        • 25 - collapse of hopes;
        • 26 - profit;
        • 27 - successful completion of the case, improvement of financial situation;
        • 28 - deception related to money.
        • 29 - complex and confusing situations that are difficult to find an explanation;
        • 30 - a grandiose gala event;
        • 31 - parting with the past and the beginning of a new stage in life.

It may be a surprise to modern girls that fortune telling by menstruation is still very popular today. Despite the fact that such fortune telling for love and questioning of higher powers is quite popular among women, it gives answers to the questions posed only within the next month.

Fortune telling by menstruation today

Menstruation can tell you a lot about yourself

As noted by practicing esotericists and magicians, fortune telling on menstruation is truthful and very common these days. But it is important to note that this type of ritual fortune telling for monthly days provides truthful information in a limited time - only for the future, without developing it for the long term. However, this will be enough to answer your questions even within one month. It's also worth remembering one important point- guessing, according to the presented method, it is recommended to do it once, on the day the cycle begins.

Time of day

Such methods help develop intuition

Fortune telling according to the female cycle provides for the point that at the beginning it is important to coordinate it with the time of day and night in the selected period of time. That’s why it’s so important to determine for yourself optimal time when exactly to carry out monthly fortune-telling and we’ll talk about this further.

The most successful and truthful time for fortune telling is the morning hours, and therefore esotericists believe that if menstruation occurs precisely during this period of time, then this promises quick, pure and true love, harmony in your family hearth. Therefore, if menstruation started in the morning, in the next month you will have warm and positive relationships in your environment.

The day before 13:00 is also considered by practicing esotericists to be very successful and positive in terms of the onset of menstruation and fortune telling - it directly indicates that the next month will bring warmth and joy to life.

But the second half of the day, after 1 pm, is not the most suitable and successful time for magic. When your period falls on this half of the day, this predicts a number of minor, rather annoying, failures and minor troubles. And therefore, the beginning of your period at this very time predicts a very unlucky month for you, events that bring with them melancholy and sadness. And at the end of the night - no best time, broadcasting separation and tears.

Day of the week meaning

The days of the week also play an important role in the interpretation of the results of fortune telling by menstruation

The very ritual fortune-telling by the menstrual cycle necessarily takes into account the day of the week in its implementation, since it is also of no small importance in the interpretation. The beginning of a woman's cycle on Monday gives you empty anxiety. But what fortune telling predicts for you will bring into your life important changes. The onset of menstruation on this day is also indicated by the receipt of an expensive gift presented to you by a dear and loved one.

If a woman’s menstrual cycle starts on Tuesday, then this predicts that you will soon meet with old friends and acquaintances about whom you have not heard anything for a long time. Somewhat less often, this also promises you an acquaintance with a new person who will be very dear to your heart in the future. Another possible interpretation is rapid changes in many areas of life.

Wednesday is considered by knowledgeable magicians to be sufficient unfavorable period for the start of menstruation - it promises a girl or woman a lot of unpleasant moments in the near future. However, you should not fall into despair, since these troubles do not bring you fatal changes; you can solve all the problems on your own. This is a warning from above about future problems, and everything depends on you. The main thing is not to give up, fight and win, because the one who is warned is always the best armed.

If the beginning of the cycle falls on Thursday, magicians say that the interpretation of fortune telling is ambiguous. This may mean an invitation to a noisy celebration, or a cheerful feast with friends and family, a celebration that will take place in your home, and you yourself will become the center of everyone’s attention.

But if your menstruation begins on this very day, this may promise you an unexpected trip, so to speak, quite by accident, to visit strangers or unfamiliar people. But whether this visit and the meeting itself, the acquaintance will be pleasant or not - it is no longer possible to predict. But in any situation, it is worth remembering that everything is exclusively in your hands, and on your own you can turn any, even boring, celebration into an enchanting holiday or vice versa.

But Friday, as a day of the week, is considered a day of certain events, and therefore the beginning of menstruation on this day brings you pleasant news that can radically change your life. better side your life and future. But, besides this, the beginning of your period on Friday promises you a number of troubles and disappointments. You can overcome them, but to do this you will have to put in maximum effort and energy.

Saturday is considered successful for the start of menstruation - it is this day that sends you a planned, positive decision from all those existing on this moment vital events. Therefore, you should not worry too much about problems, fuss around them - everything will be resolved by itself and with minimal effort on your part. Most likely, next month, a person you know will confess his bright feelings to you, or your innermost wish, which you have been carrying in your heart for a long time, will come true.

When the cycle falls on Sunday - this is good sign, as he announces to you a month of carefree and cheerful joy and pleasure, contentment and happiness. Most likely, you will soon be able to resolve problems or misunderstandings that are troubling you with your loved one, and a sincere and frank conversation between you will greatly contribute to this.

Fortune telling by monthly meaning of the day of the month

The date of fortune telling also has its meaning

The presented method of fortune telling involves taking into account the time of day and night, as well as the day of the week and the date of their occurrence. The proven method will give an extended answer in the near future based on the date of menstruation.

  1. – it is this date that predicts that over the next month very important but pleasant events and meetings will burst into your life, which will give you many minutes of joy.
  2. – you will quickly experience a feeling of bright transformation or bitter disappointment in relation to a certain event or a specific person.
  3. - promises possible debriefings and quarrels. But the outcome depends on you. Maybe you will forget this dispute, or the quarrel will develop into a large-scale scandal of universal proportions.
  4. - broadcasts imminent gifts and situations that are pleasant for you, important events that you have been looking forward to for a long time and, most importantly, are looking forward to.
  5. – this date promises you a pleasant and financially dear surprise from your loved one, and it will be very unexpected for you
  6. - gives you a warning that a secret enemy has appeared in your environment, who will soon dishonor you and slander you.
  7. - this date indicates that the fortuneteller is loved very strongly and purely, and so much so that he puts it above the meaning of his own life and priorities.
  8. – in a short time you will learn something very unpleasant, but, nevertheless, unreasonable feeling jealousy.
  9. – indicates that someone plans to upset better relationship with people close and dear to the fortuneteller. Therefore, it is worth reconsidering everyone who is in your environment.
  10. - promises you warm love or a new round of relationships with your spouse, but in any case, the date tells the fortuneteller bright and better beginnings.
  11. - reminds that a loved one is faithful to the fortuneteller and is honest in his words, so you should not suspect him of far-fetched stupidity.
  12. - this date indicates that you will soon meet a sweet and charming person, but it is important to be careful here, since the latter applies a magical rite to the fortuneteller in order to draw attention to his own person.
  13. – broadcasts serious financial and personal difficulties.
  14. - promises the fortuneteller himself quick and unpleasant news.
  15. - broadcasts the receipt of not the most pleasant news.
  16. – you should not chat and gossip beyond measure, as this will bring many unpleasant consequences.
  17. – indicates a short or long-term separation from close and beloved people.
  18. - promises new love or the development of old and faded relationships.
  19. - the date predicts quick love to the fortuneteller, but whether it will be mutual is unclear.
  20. - tells the fortuneteller unrequited, but bright, so-called quiet love.
  21. – the day warns that a loved one or loved one is lying to you.
  22. - announces the receipt of money and the most unexpected thing - it could be a win in the lottery, or an increase in salary, a bonus, or the return of an old debt that you did not expect to get back.
  23. – broadcasts pleasant and bright events that will give you a lot of joy and positive impressions, new acquaintances.
  24. - indicates an upcoming entertainment event, which will be attended by many guests.
  25. - promises a pleasant, new acquaintance for the fortuneteller with a pleasant and interesting person for the fortuneteller. No matter how the relationship develops between you, he will accompany you and help you throughout your life.
  26. - promises a meeting with a person who in the near future will become the fortuneteller’s best friend, ally and assistant, maybe even a legal spouse.
  27. - secret and secret desires will come true in the most unexpected way - help, as they say, will come from where you yourself did not expect it.
  28. – profit, recognition and success in business, financial and career fields. The main thing is not to give up and make every effort on your part to achieve your goal.
  29. - a negative event for the fortuneteller will soon occur, which will upset and cause a lot of tears. Therefore, you should be prepared for this and not worry - it’s not worth it.
  30. – possible successful development of business or business for the fortuneteller love relationship with a new person. In this case, the development of events will directly depend on you.
  31. – this date promises new events, travel is quite possible. But as an option, you will commit a very unpleasant act, for which you will be ashamed in the near future.

The presented fortune telling based on the menstrual cycle of a woman or girl has been known since time immemorial, but how true it is is up to the fortuneteller to decide.

Fortune telling by menstruation is very common among girls, because this is a good option to find out what fate has in store. Many claim that the results of fortune telling actually come true and that future events can be predicted in this way. Today, there are more than two options for popular fortune telling. critical days.

In the article:

Fortune telling by menstruation

Menstrual blood was often used for magical rituals, For example, . Today there is a large number of ways to find out your future: , ; Fortune telling on critical days is not inferior to them in popularity.

For the first fortune telling, you need to pay attention to what time of day the critical days began. Some believe that this carries important information and the initial result of fortune telling depends on this.

If your period starts in the morning, the next month will be full of love. It doesn’t have to be a relationship with the opposite sex. Perhaps you will be overwhelmed with love for your loved ones, friends, children. Most likely, you will be in an atmosphere of warmth, understanding, harmony.

If your period starts during the day, this means that in the next month you will be Fortune’s favorite. Everything will work out, it will always work out good mood, you will be able to avoid various failures and financial losses.

IN evening time - most likely, in the next month you will feel lonely, forgotten by everyone, and be in a state of depression and apathy. Quite often this is a harbinger of a boring and monotonous life.

At night- Frequent ups and downs, constant mood changes await you. Quarrels with loved ones and friends are possible, but you should not get hung up on them, as the grievances will quickly be forgotten.

Interpretation of the day of the week when menstruation begins

If you decide, then pay attention to what day of the week it happened. The beginning of the cycle may indeed carry useful information about what to expect, what to fear and what to pay attention to.

Monday- most likely, you will be given an expensive gift, perhaps it will be presented by a person who is not indifferent to you. The onset of menstruation on this day also indicates upcoming troubles; you will have to spend a lot of time doing household chores and will have little time for yourself.

Tuesday- very soon you will meet old friends or relatives. In most cases, this meeting is joyful. Also, perhaps in the future you will meet a person who will play an important role in your life. Sometimes this beginning of a cycle indicates changes in life that will happen very soon.

Wednesday- not the most favorable day. It foreshadows various troubles, quarrels, and troubles that may happen over the next month. Don’t worry, since such troubles will not be critical, you can easily solve them yourself. The main thing is not to give up and be prepared for the fact that difficulties may arise along the way. Don't be afraid of them, and you can conquer everything.

Thursday- the meaning of this day is ambiguous. On the one hand, people claim that changes await you in the near future, an invitation to a holiday, perhaps a wedding or birthday. Most likely, you will have to be the hostess of the table.

Another sign states that the beginning of the cycle on Thursday indicates a meeting with strangers. It is quite difficult to say whether this acquaintance will be pleasant or not. In any case, now you know that this meeting is likely, and you can avoid it if you feel that it will not bode well.

Friday- in the next month you will receive very important news that can really change your life. Pay attention to everything that happens, don’t miss your chance to change your life for the better. There may be minor troubles along the way, but you will overcome them without much effort.

Saturday- in the near future, wishes will come true; you won’t have to make much effort to solve problems. It's possible that your old crush will finally have the courage to confess his feelings.

Sunday- the best day to start your period. This onset of menstruation means that throughout the next month you will be happy and carefree. The problem that for a long time I haven't given any rest, it will finally be resolved. It may be possible to improve relationships with relatives or a loved one through a sincere conversation.

Fortune telling by the date of critical days

The last thing you need to know is the start date of your period.

  • 1 - throughout the month you will be happy and get what you have long dreamed of.
  • 2 - will be haunted by a feeling of disdain for something or someone.
  • 3 - a conflict with one of your friends is possible, the outcome will depend only on you.
  • 4 - a happy event.
  • 5 - expect a pleasant surprise.
  • 6 - someone will gossip and spread rumors behind your back.
  • 7 - soon someone will confess their love.
  • 8 - the feeling of jealousy will not leave throughout the month.
  • 9 - you will become an object of gossip and quarrels.
  • 10 - perhaps a new romance will begin this month.
  • 11 - stop being jealous of the person you care about. This month he will prove his affection.
  • 12 - you will fall into love networks.
  • 13 - minor troubles and problems are possible.
  • 14 - wait for good news.
  • 15 - possibly unpleasant news.
  • 16 - your talkativeness will not lead to good things.
  • 17 - a meeting with a loved one is possible.
  • 18 - love adventures.
  • 19 - wish fulfillment.
  • 20 - love will be unrequited.
  • 21 - someone will lie to you, your task is to find this person.
  • 22 - promotion on the career ladder or sudden profit.
  • 23 - you will feel full of energy and happiness.
  • 24 - this month expects frequent meetings with friends.
  • 25 - you will make a new acquaintance, which will be very profitable.
  • 26 - people will come to you for help.
  • 27 - there will be a chance to make your dream come true.
  • 28 - everything you undertake will be doomed to success.
  • 29 - you may have to shed a lot of tears.
  • 30 - mutual sympathy.
  • 31 - an unexpected event that can change your life.

Compare all 3 predictions and determine exactly what to expect in the next month and what to fear. If the result of fortune telling on critical days does not coincide with your expectations, do not be sad, because only you can change your destiny.

Since ancient times, women have been interested in fortune telling, which indicates curiosity to find out their future fate. There are quite a few types of fortune telling, which can be formally divided into two options:

  • serious - in which many people believe;
  • frivolous - which are treated as ordinary entertainment.

Serious fortune telling includes fortune telling using tarot cards, runes, Indian and playing cards. The second category includes fortune telling by numbers, by coffee grounds, by date of birth, Christmas fortune telling, fortune telling by menstruation (the so-called lunar days) and many others.

Many female representatives believe that fortune telling by critical days will tell them the future, and everything depends on the time of day, the day of the week, and the day of the month when they began. Moreover, it’s no secret that many people start their periods with one drop, and a few hours later their regular periods begin. So the real beginning should be counted from the first drop. What is most interesting is that there are many facts that with the help of this type of fortune telling, many girls were able to determine their future fate.

Monthly fortune telling based on the female cycle is now very common, and many people believe them, and you can tell fortunes every month, learning something new for each cycle separately, and then everyone can decide for themselves how true such predictions are.

Fortune telling can be carried out only once - on the very day when your period begins. Today, the most common are 2 options for fortune telling by menstruation. They came to us since ancient times, because our ancestors believed that everything was given by the gods and many things had their own clues. And menstruation begins on a certain day and time, so all kinds of healers and witches tried to compare everything and determine any dependence, some conventions and patterns were developed, which, in fact, has survived to this day.

Two options for fortune telling

The first option of fortune telling by time of day.

If menstruation began in the morning, then the woman will experience love, harmony, mutual understanding, and not necessarily love for a man, it can be love for children, family, friends or just acquaintances. This feeling may be old, it will simply flare up with renewed vigor and may last for quite a long time. Throughout the month there will be excellent relationships with people around you.

If the onset of menstruation falls during the daytime, this is a good sign; the girl will be in a good mood throughout the entire cycle, accompanied by joy, happiness and good luck.

But if the start occurs in the evening, then this is not entirely good sign which talks about boring life where there will be little joy, events may occur that will bring a lot of disappointment.

Night time is the worst way to start your period; separation from your loved one or just a close person is quite possible.

Determining the future by day

The second option for fortune telling by menstruation is the days of the week.

Monday - foreshadows worries, but it is far from a fact that they will be unpleasant; there is a possibility that they will be associated with some kind of surprise. It is quite possible to achieve a goal in some important matter, or receive a gift from a loved one.

Tuesday - guessing by menstruation on this day means very important meeting. Maybe it will be an old acquaintance, a friend, or perhaps an acquaintance with a person who will become very close. Some bold changes in life are coming (usually the predictions of this day are the most truthful).

Wednesday is the most unfavorable day, which speaks of upcoming troubles throughout the month. However, you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time, because all problems can be solved on your own if you don’t sit passively and wait. This serves only as a warning, not a sentence.

Thursday - foreshadows an invitation to visit, perhaps to a stranger. A very unplanned feast is expected at someone's place, or at home. There will be a chance of getting a visit, but it is unknown whether this meeting will be pleasant, so it is necessary to make every effort to make it at least safe.

Friday - serious events will happen in life. Perhaps they will become good, which will bring a lot of positive emotions, or perhaps they will be quite unpleasant, and you will have to make efforts to solve them.

Saturday is a very good day for the start of your period, life will flow as usual, without any ups and downs, problems that arise will be solved on their own, without much of your participation. Perhaps an old dream will come true, or one of the men you know will declare his love.

Sunday is the most auspicious day that guarantees a happy month. It is likely that a sincere conversation with him will lead to solving problems with your loved one.

Fortune telling by the dates of the month

Physiological fortune telling for women can also be carried out according to the dates of the month on which they began:

Monthly fortune telling women's cycles have been carried out since ancient times, but there is still debate about their veracity.

Five methods of fortune telling by menstruation (Feng Shui)

For quite a long time, fortune-telling by menstruation has existed in Feng Shui, there are 5 methods.

On request

2-4 days before the start of your period, you need to make a wish, and after the start of your period, determine whether it will come true. The prediction will be valid if you know exactly what time they started.

By day of the week

  • Monday - troubles that can be avoided.
  • Tuesday - everything is fine in your life, the main thing is not to talk about it.
  • Wednesday is a meeting with a person who will influence your life, but you cannot completely trust him.
  • Thursday - trouble awaits, do not make contact with strangers, they can cause harm.
  • Friday - troubles will go away, the main thing is to believe in it.
  • Saturday - threatens people with revenge for your conversations.
  • Sunday - beautiful love or a big purchase.

According to the number of menstruation

Each day of the month has its own meaning:

By time of day

  • Morning is an obstacle to accomplishing your plans.
  • The day is unexpected help.
  • Evening - plans will collapse.
  • Night - the fulfillment of plans.

Fortune telling in a women's group

It has been noticed that in a group, menstruation occurs with a slight difference, so fortune telling by menstruation for women at work is possible, knowing their meaning.

  • Everyone has mutual understanding on the same day.
  • 5 days earlier than you - a person is trying to surpass you.
  • 4 days earlier - bad relationship.
  • For 3 days – normal working relationship.
  • For 2 days you have a lot in common, but you won’t become close.

  • 2 days earlier than you have a close relationship.
  • 1 day later than you - sometimes you look askance at your colleague.
  • For 2 days - you always prove your point.
  • For 3 days - your colleague is jealous of you, which is what you yourself are trying to achieve.
  • For 4 days - she feels awkward when you are around.
  • For 5 days - she feels your superiority.

For love

At the beginning of menstruation, they also guess about love:

Whether or not to believe in the veracity of such fortune-telling is something everyone can decide for themselves, but you can try, especially since there is no need to perform any rituals.