Fun reading lessons. The use of games and game techniques in teaching reading to preschoolers in the pre-school period

Do not hope that school will teach your child everything. As the mother teaches the baby the first steps, so the basics of reading the foundation should be laid from the first years of life. You can not start studying the alphabet in a "bare" place - instill a craving for literature in the baby in advance, before he goes to first grade.

Start by developing your speech

Before learning to read, a child must learn to speak. And the correctness of speech development directly depends on their environment. The more intelligent the parents are, the more attention they pay to the younger generation, the easier it is for the child to develop.

Starting the first communication with adults through hooting, gradually the baby tries to imitate speech sounds that he hears every day. And if at first these are just separate syllables, then from 2 years of normal development the child can operate with simple sentences.

Further - more, the kid moves on to word forms. And the more actively the parents communicate with the child, the more talkative he will be (in a good way). The main help in the development of the baby's speech will be reading, i.e. books that adults will read aloud to their children.

Develop your baby's interest in reading

Naturally, Small child cannot read on his own. But you can teach him to communicate with literature from the very first years of his life. It is children's books that form the correct speech development of the baby. The more often the child sees the book in the hands of the parents, the more confidence he has in it, and the faster, over time, there is a desire to learn to read independently.

It is necessary to turn reading into a kind of ritual - fairy tales, nursery rhymes, lullabies are best perceived before bedtime. The clearer and more correct the pronunciation of an adult while reading, with emotional coloring, the more memorable the phrases heard by the child will be.

And the clearer the baby will have visual images. And this will further help in teaching reading. After all, what better baby thinks in images, the faster and easier he learns.

The benefits of family reading

And in the future, even magazines and books on the shelves (and not in the hands of the parents) will be associated with positive emotions and attract the child's attention. In other words, reading books to your child instills a love of literature for life, giving an impetus to the fastest learning self-reading.

In addition, reading for children contributes to their spiritual unity with their parents, bringing joy to everyone. And the child develops a sense of family comfort, which he associates with books. In a family where there is a cult of the book, children develop a craving for reading faster.

Read with your children

The best way to prepare your child for independent reading is to read a book while sitting next to your child. He should see the pages of the book on which the text is written. This will allow you to first visually get used to the letters that involve you in the world of the sacrament.

The first children's books are rich in colorful illustrations for a reason. With their help, you can perceive what you hear in the images traced in the pictures. And when the child goes to first grade and begins to put letters into words, familiar phrases will already be perceived precisely figuratively, which will make it faster and easier to learn to read.

While reading a fairy tale or nursery rhyme, try to spell the letter with your child's finger so that the baby can see which word you are reading. Visual memory will further help correct learning.

How to teach a child to read correctly?

How earlier child will be ready for perception, the better - having gone to the 1st grade, he must master the basics of reading. Even if the kid walks in Kindergarten, where they study with him special technique, parents should also set aside time for activities together.

How to approach the process itself correctly so that learning is easy? It is impossible to teach children by force - everything should happen in game form... When choosing a methodology, one should also take into account the age at which training began.

But in any case, you should not learn exactly the letters - you should start with the phonetic sound. It will be easier for the child to associate the written symbol with the sound that he is used to hearing.

Learning is easier if each lesson passed is repeated many times. From the moment you learn the sounds to reading the syllables, keep an eye on the clear pronunciation of your baby's speech.

Learning stages

Then comes the turn of muffled sounds;

Leave the sizzling ones for last.

  • Repeat each sound you have learned before moving on to the next. "Repetition is the mother of learning" - this phrase should become the guiding thread of the entire learning process.
  • Simultaneously with the study of sounds, start forming syllables (and the very first may be "ma", which will be close and soulful to the child). Read the syllable with your baby, as if singing it. The child should have the feeling that the consonant sound, as it were, tends to a vowel. This will help you pronounce sounds in pairs.
  • Do not strive to immediately form the learned syllables into words. First, let the child understand the very principle of combining vowels and consonants in pairs. Reinforce knowledge on simple syllables, gradually moving to difficult to pronounce.
  • Having taught the child to compose syllables, where the consonant sound comes first, proceed to a more complex structure, where the vowel is in front ("om", "ab", etc.).
  • Having mastered the individual syllables, translate the children to read simple words. Start with those that consist of 2 syllables, then - 3 syllable. But the first words that the child will read should be familiar to him and be associated with understandable images.

Correct pronunciation is the key to learning quickly

Do you know how to teach a child to read quickly? Let him sing every sound he studied, a syllable, but he does it clearly. When you move on to the pronunciation of words, at first the syllables should be sung separately, with each subsequent time reducing the intervals between them. And in the end, the whole word must be sung in one breath.

But so that reading in children is not associated only with singing, the consolidation of the material should take place already in normal pronunciation, with a clear pronunciation of sounds. At the same time, when you move on to reading sentences, teach your child to make the correct pauses before punctuation marks.

When is the best time to start learning?

At what age children should be able to read, many parents ask themselves a question. This, first of all, depends on how psychologically prepared the child is for learning. But it should be said unequivocally that study should not begin immediately before school, when children are going to the 1st grade.

Children can begin to teach at the age of 3 years, if the child himself expresses a desire for this. But you shouldn't force them to sit behind books - this can discourage the desire for further training.

The most appropriate receptive age to prepare for 1st grade is 5 years. And in parallel with reading, children should be taught to write (so far only in block letters), which will help them consolidate their reading skills.

How do you know if your child is ready?

To understand how to teach a child to read, one should initially decide whether the baby is ready for such learning. To do this, first test the development of the child.

Teaching according to the Nikitin method

The classics of domestic education of the wife of Nikitina completely departed from traditional principles learning, instead putting forward their own. They believe that in the classroom, children should be given complete creative freedom. Only then will they have an interest in learning.

Do not limit the independence of children - they must do all the work themselves. The third rule is the combination of mental activities with physical exercise(i.e. learning in a playful way).

Involve the child in joint activities- for example, you can prepare study guides together. And then the baby will perceive the material easier and faster. But the main incentive for successful learning is praise for even the smallest victory. And you should never focus on mistakes.

Here are the basic principles by which the Nikitins taught their children (and they can be applied both to children of 3 years old, as well as 5, and 7):

  • You cannot impose a certain educational program on the child - he himself chooses in the form of which game he is more interested in.
  • It is not necessary to explain the course of the game to the kid. Dress up the study in a fairy tale, where each participant has a role to play.
  • In the early stages of the learning game, adults are active participants. In the future, when the child gets used to it, he will be able to continue classes on his own.
  • It is always necessary to unobtrusively set tasks for the learning kid, which will become more complicated at each new stage.
  • Do not dare to prompt your child - teach him to think for himself.
  • If it is difficult for a child to cope with a new task, do not force him - take a step back and repeat what was passed.
  • If you notice that the child has lost interest in the game, or has reached the limit of his capabilities (temporary), stop learning for the time being. Return to school when your toddler asks. And he will do it without fail, tk. all children love to play.

Nikolay Zaitsev - a learning innovator

Traditional teaching according to the "phonemic-verbal" principle enslaves the child's freedom of speech and forms complexes in him, inhibiting development - this is the opinion of the teacher Nikolai Zaitsev.

He developed his own unique methodology, more like a game than a lesson. Children move freely around the class (room). However, they can jump, run, etc. Master educational material can be in any position - in motion or sitting, lying down. And this should start earlier - from about 3 years old.

All manuals are posted on the walls, boards, cabinets, tables. This is usually a set of cardboard cubes. They different sizes and various colors. On some faces, single letters are depicted, on others - syllables (both simple and complex), on the third - consonants with a soft or hard sign.

Previously, the cubes can be in the form of blanks, which the teacher glues together with the children. In this case, special fillers should be put inside:

  • it is better to put sticks (wooden and plastic) into cubes with dull sounds;
  • for ringing sounds metal bottle caps are suitable;
  • bells will hide inside the cubes with vowel sounds.

The cubes must be different in size (both single and double). For soft warehouses - small, for hard warehouses - large. Color solutions also play a role here - each warehouse has its own shade.

In addition to cubes, tables are also used as aids, where all known warehouses are collected. This allows the child to see the entire volume to be studied. And this greatly facilitates the work of the teacher.

Another point that makes it easy to master reading is writing. It should run in parallel. Before sounding the studied sounds (not letters), the child himself must learn how to translate them into signs. You can do it different ways: drive on a sheet of paper with a pencil, on a table - with a pointer or by laying out cubes.

Various teaching methods

Among teachers, there are constant debates about how to properly teach a child to read, what methodology to use. And there are quite a few of them, and each has both its fans and opponents.

For example, the motto of Masaru Ibuki in education is the well-known phrase "After 3 years it is too late." The Japanese teacher bases his methodology on the belief that children under the age of 3 are the most receptive to learning during the period of brain cell formation.

The methodology of Pavel Tyulenev, who created his own system "Mir", is also akin to it. Its main idea is to have time to reveal the potential of the child. The teacher believes that you should start from the first minutes of birth. In his opinion, children can learn to read and write before they start to walk.

But no matter what methods of teaching a child have been developed (according to Montessori, Frebel, Lupan, etc.), all teachers agree on one thing - learning should take the form of a game and be based on love for children. Knowing how to teach your child to read quickly, you will succeed.

1 rule of an effective method of teaching a child to read: Buy the alphabet for a child without pictures.

Always with in big letters, preferably without pictures.
This will make it easier for your child to focus on the letters rather than the colorful drawings. You can teach a child to read from 2-3 years old, but at the same time it is worth remembering that in such early age it is difficult for children to concentrate - to keep attention on the same subject for a long time. And therefore, you should not complicate the child's task: it is best to buy the simplest alphabet with letters drawn in a beautiful but understandable font without unnecessary curls, and preferably without fancy verses and unnecessary pictures.

Rule 2 of an effective method of teaching a child to read: First, learn the main letters.

Start learning letters with vowels: A, E, E, I, O, U, Y, E, Yu, Ya. Vowels are easier for children. They can be learned easily by singing. So that the child can quickly and easily learn the vowels, organize a joint family singing lesson: hum together as much as you can, A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a ..., And-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and ..., N-s-s-s-s-s-s -..., I-I-I-I -I-I-I ... This "reading lesson" will be very funny, and most importantly - memorable for both you and your baby.

Once you've learned the basic vowels, you can move on to consonants. A few learned vowels and a couple of consonants are already enough to compose syllables.

Rule 3 of an effective method of teaching a child to read: Quickly learn letters, and even faster - move on to syllables.

Do not delay with syllables! The easiest way is to teach a child to read by syllable, not by letter.

Start learning syllables from letters you already know as soon as possible: knowing a few vowels and a pair of consonants is already suitable for making up the simplest words, like “mom”, “dad”, but in any business the most difficult thing is to start. Therefore, you need to start with the simple, then move on to the complex. After learning to read syllables, move on to composing full-fledged words.

Rule 4 of an effective method of teaching a child to read: When you call your child a letter, say its pronunciation ("M"), not its name ("Em").

When naming a letter, sound the sound. When teaching a baby to letters, sounds should be pronounced, not the name of the letters. For example, say the letter "S", not "Es" or "Se". Don't make it difficult for your child to learn to read, save him from the knowledge he doesn't need at this stage: everything that's ingenious is simple! Less detail, more to the point.

Rule 5 of an effective method of teaching a child to read: Study with your child often, but little by little.

Work with your child for no more than 15 minutes at a time.

Children under the age of six find it difficult to keep their attention in the same activity. Do not overload the child by engaging with him for a long time. It is better to work with the child twice a day for 15 minutes, rather than once, but half an hour.

Learning to read Russian words is like learning to read on foreign language: too much new information is difficult for the child's brain. Therefore, it is advisable to break it into many small pieces, each time "swallowing" one at a time, rather than trying to squeeze a whole "pie" of incomprehensible information into the baby's head at a time.

For 15 minutes we worked out in a playful way, preferably with motivation for prizes or in a funny, relaxed way, and then rest, switching the child to other activities.

Rule 6 of an effective method of teaching a child to read: Reading lessons also involve drawing lessons!

Draw letters! The best way to remember a letter is to draw it, or better yet, to write it. Thus, you will immediately teach your baby to read, while preparing your hand for writing.

In general, it's great if the child's mom and / or dad knows at least a little about psychology and, in particular, knows what psychotype his child belongs to - visual, auditory, or sensitive / tactile.

People-visuals perceive and memorize information best if their eyes and organs of vision are maximally involved, i.e. for a child-visual the most The best way learning to read is looking at letters in a children's alphabet and contemplating letters written with one’s own hand in a notebook or on a sheet of colored paper.

The audial child learns best by listening to information. Those. Such a child will best remember the letter if you pronounce it aloud to him clearly, and if he himself repeats its pronunciation several times aloud and, preferably, will be able to associate this sound with his writing, the image - with a letter in writing.

A tactile child - a child who perceives life through sensations, through the skin, is best able to learn to read, no matter how paradoxical it sounds, by learning to write letters. Or if he has curly letters without unnecessary hieroglyphs on the sides, then feeling them.

Rule 7 of an effective method of teaching a child to read: We consolidate the theory in practice, in everyday life.

Why do we need letters? The child needs to be intelligible, simple and understandable, explain why it is mom and dad who are forcing him to learn all these letters. What is the meaning of this alphabet?

On the bus or walking around town, show your child different signs and names of buildings. The child should realize that the study of letters opens up new interesting opportunities for him. Let the child look for familiar letters in the inscriptions on goods and at bus stops, in car numbers and inform you about their findings!

Learning to read then becomes interesting for a child when he realizes the meaning of this process. Tell your child that having mastered the knowledge of the world of letters, he will be able to read interesting children's stories himself, and not wait for mom to be free from cooking in the kitchen.

Read to your child children's, jokes, inscriptions for jokes and from time to time do not forget to remind him unobtrusively that, "having learned the letter" A "or the syllable" Ma ", he will soon be able to read all these interesting and funny things himself, without the help of his mother. And, perhaps, one day he will read a fairy tale to his mother himself!

Reading can be fun for your child. But to show the love of reading is, first of all, the task of the parents. And praise the kid, even for small victories, because every letter learned is a real triumph for him! Do not forget to notice and celebrate even small achievements of your child in the process of teaching him to read, build your own strategy, an effective method of teaching your child to read, do not save time communicating with your child, and then a rich harvest of upbringing will not be long in coming.

Learning to read by syllables - this stage in teaching children to read is one of the most important and difficult. Often, parents simply do not know how to teach a child to pronounce two letters together and "get stuck" on this for a long time. Tired of the endless repetition of "ME and A will be MA", the child quickly loses interest, and learning to read turns into a torment for the whole family. As a result, children who already know letters from two to three years old cannot read even by the age of five. simple words not to mention reading sentences and books.

What to do next when the child has memorized the letters? Let's make a reservation right away that teaching a preschooler to read syllables can begin even BEFORE he has mastered the entire alphabet (moreover, some teachers insist that you need to switch to syllables as quickly as possible, without waiting for the study of all letters). But the letters that we will combine into syllables, the child should call without hesitation.

In order to start learning to read by syllables, a child needs to know 3-4 vowels and several consonants. Take, first of all, those consonants that can be pulled (S, Z, L, M, N, V, F), this will help teach the child the continuous pronunciation of a syllable. And this is a fundamentally important point.

So, let's consider a few, in our opinion, the most effective methods that modern teachers offer for teaching a child to fold letters into syllables.

1. We play the "Locomotives"

(game from the manual by E. Baranova, O. Razumovskaya "How to teach your child to read").

Instead of boring cramming, invite your child to "ride the train." All the consonants are written on the rails along which our cars will go, and vowels are written on the cars themselves. We place the trailer on the rails so that a consonant appears in the window, and we name which station we got (for example, BA). Next, we move the trailer down the rails - until the next consonant and read the syllable that appears.

There is a similar manual in the cards "The game" Engine ". We read the syllables. " from E. Sataeva

This game is good because the child does not need to specifically explain how to add syllables. Suffice it to say: "Now we will ride the letter A, it will be our passenger, name all the stations at which we will stop." To begin with, "ride" yourself - let the child move the trailer along the rails, and you loudly and clearly call the "stations": BA, VA, GA, YES, ZHA, ZA, etc. Then invite your child to take turns doing this with you. During the game, listening to you, children easily grasp how to pronounce two sounds together. For the third time, the child will “ride” himself without much difficulty.

If the child does not know all the letters, stop only at those “stations” that are familiar to him. Next, we change the trailer. Now we roll the letters O, U, Y. If the child copes with the task easily, we complicate the task. For example, we ride at speed - timing the time, which of the carriages will get to the end of the path first. Or another option: stopping at the station, the child must name not only the syllable, but also the words starting with this syllable (BO - barrel, side, Borya; VO - wolf, air, eight; GO - city, golfs, guests; DO - rain, daughter, boards, etc.).

Please note that with this game you can practice reading not only open syllables(with a vowel at the end), but also closed (with a consonant at the end).

To do this, take the trailers where the vowels are written in front of the window, and proceed in the same way. Now we have the letter on the trailer, not a passenger, but a driver, it is the main one, it is in front. First read the resulting "stations" with closed syllables yourself: AB, AB, AG, AD, AZ, AZ, etc., then invite the child to "ride".

Remember that in this and in other exercises, we first train to add syllables with vowels of the first row (A, O, E, U, Y), and then introduce the vowels of the second row (I, E, E, Yu, I) - the so-called "iotated" vowels, which make the sound preceding them soft.

When the child is good at reading individual tracks with syllables, alternate cars with passengers and drivers, without prompting which car we will ride. This will help the child learn to clearly see where the vowel is in the syllable (the syllable begins with it or ends with it). At the beginning of learning to read by syllables, a child may have difficulties with this.

2. "We run" from one letter to another

(from "ABC for Kids" by O. Zhukova)

This is a visual exercise that will help your child learn to pronounce two letters together.

Before us is a path from one letter to another. To overcome it, you need to pull the first letter until the finger that we are leading along the path reaches the second letter. The main thing we are working on in this exercise is that there is no pause between the first and second sound. To make it more interesting to study, replace your finger with a figurine of any animal / man - let him run along the path and connect two letters.

("Primer for Kids" by E. Bakhtina, "Russian alphabet" by O. Zhukova and others).

Many authors of primers and alphabets use animated images of letters that need to be folded into a syllable - they are friends, walk together in pairs, pull each other through obstacles. The main thing in such tasks, as in the previous exercise, is to name two letters together so that the two girlfriend letters remain together.

You don't even need any special manuals or primers to use this technique. Print out several figures of boys and girls (animals, fairy-tale or fictional characters), write a letter on each of them. Let the consonants be written on the boys 'figures, and the vowels on the girls' figures. Make the kids friends. Check with the child that boys and girls or two girls can be friends, but it is not possible to make two boys (pronounce two consonants together). Change pairs, put girls first, and then boys in them.

Read the syllables first in one order, then in reverse.

These few techniques are quite enough to teach a child to put two letters in a syllable. And learning in the form of a game will allow you to avoid cramming and boring repetition of the same thing.

4. Games for strengthening the skill of adding letters

- Syllabic lotto

It is very easy to make them yourself, for this you need to select several pictures - 6 for each card and print the corresponding syllables.

  • The manual will help you "Syllables. Choose a picture by the first syllable BA-, VA-, MA-, CA-, TA-. Educational lotto games. FSES DO "E. V. Vasilyeva- there are a few more tutorials in this series
  • “Letters, syllables and words. Lotto with verification "A. Anikushena
  • There are similar exercises in the book. "Syllabic tables. FGOS "N. Neschaeva

- Play store

Place toy goods or pictures with their images on the counter (for example, RY-ba, DY-nya, PI-horns, BU-lka, YAB-loki, MY-so). Prepare "money" - pieces of paper with the name of the first syllables of these words. A child can buy goods only for those "bills" on which the correct syllable is written.

Make an album with your child with your own hands, in which a syllable will be written on one page of the spread, and objects whose names begin with this syllable on the other. Review and supplement these albums periodically. For more effective learning to read, close one or the other half of the spread (so that the child does not have unnecessary clues when naming a syllable or choosing words for a particular syllable).

They will help you with this. "Flashcards for sound and syllabic analysis of words."

- Airfield game (garages)

Largely write syllables on sheets of paper, arrange them around the room. These will be different airfields (garages) in our game. A child takes a toy plane (car), and an adult commands which airfield (which garage) to land the plane (park the car).

For this exercise, Zaitsev's cubes or any cards with syllables (you can make them in the form of traces) are suitable. We build a long path from them - from one end of the room to the other. We select two figures / toys. One is played by you, the other is a child. Roll the dice - take turns with your figures on the cards for as many moves as you have on the dice. Step on each card, name the syllable written on it.

For this game, you can also use various "walkers" by writing syllables in circles on the playing field.

5. Reading simple words by syllable

Simultaneously with working out syllables, we start reading simple words (from three to four letters). For clarity, so that the child understands what parts a word consists of, which letters need to be read together, and which ones separately, we recommend that the first words be composed of cards with syllables / separate letters or graphically divide the word into parts.

Two-syllable words can be written on pictures with two parts. Pictures are easier to understand (the child is more willing to read the words written on them than just columns of words), plus it is clearly visible into which parts a word can be broken when reading it by syllables.

Increase the difficulty gradually: start with words consisting of one syllable (UM, OH, EM, UZH, HEDGEHOG) or two identical syllables: MOTHER, UNCLE, DAD, NANNY. Then move on to reading words from three letters(closed syllable + consonant): BAL, SON, LAC, BOK, DOM.

You need to understand that even if a child pronounces all the syllables in a word correctly, this does not mean that he will immediately be able to intelligently put them into a word. Be patient. If the child has difficulty reading words of 3-4 letters, do not move on to reading longer words and even more sentences.

Be prepared for the fact that the child will begin to read words fluently only after he has automated the skill of adding letters to syllables. Until this happens, periodically return to working out syllables.

And, most importantly, remember that any learning should be a joy - for both parents and children!

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher preschool education
Svetlana Zyryanova

The time has passed when children who could not read were sent to school. Now children are being introduced to literacy much earlier, and this responsibility usually falls on the parents. Someone teaches children "the old fashioned way" - the alphabet and syllables, while someone, on the contrary, takes up modern methods of teaching reading, of which there are many now (the most popular of them are the methods of Doman and Zaitsev). What approach should you choose so that learning is enjoyable, and so that the baby really loves books? After all, you can praise the new one as much as you like. modern technique, but if classes on it are under pressure and only spoil your relationship with your child, then it’s worthless.

Today I will try to highlight the main methods of teaching reading, their advantages and disadvantages, and also talk about how to get a child interested in reading. I really hope that this article will help you determine the direction in which you need to move. Well, about specific games and activities, read the new section "".

Taisiya began to read her first words of 3-4 letters on her own at the age of 3 years 3 months. Now she is 3 years 9 months old, she already reads long words and short sentences more confidently. No, she hasn't read fairy tales yet, but most importantly, she really likes the process of reading! She gladly writes letters to me, and can on their own get a baby book to read a little. On our way of mastering literacy there were both mistakes and interesting finds, as a result, a clear idea of ​​how to make learning fun was formed. Well, first things first.

Learning letters by alphabet

Alphabets, cubes and other toys, where each letter is accompanied by a picture, are considered almost mandatory purchases for the baby. With their help, many parents begin to acquaint the baby with letters quite early, and already at two years old can boast to friends that their child knows the entire alphabet. Only after that, the matter does not progress further, having learned all the letters, the child for some reason does not begin to read. “He knows letters, but does not read” - you must have heard about such a problem, and maybe you yourself have already encountered it.

The fact is that when you and your baby repeatedly view beautiful pictures, placed in the alphabet next to the letters, and repeat "A - watermelon", "H - scissors", persistent associations between the letter and the picture appear in the child's mind. A very specific image is assigned to the letter, which then interferes with combining letters into words ... So, the simple word "YAMA" turns into "Apple, Ball, Watermelon".

Even worse, if showing the baby letters in the alphabet, the parents do not pronounce the sound that corresponds to this letter, but title letters. That is, not "L", but "El", not "T", but "Te". Needless to say, the child does not understand at all why "Se-u-me-ke-a" should suddenly turn into a "Bag". Sadly, it is precisely this pronunciation of letters that is found in all kinds of " Living ABCs" and sound posters. If you still teach the baby individual letters, then pronounce only the sound that corresponds to this letter ... But before you memorize individual letters, check out other methods of mastering reading.

Reading individual syllables and primers

Another helpers in the class are primers. Their main task is to teach a child to merge letters into syllables, and to form words from syllables. There is only one problem - they are often very boring for a child. Especially when it comes to a baby up to 4-5 years old. Before the child gets to reading words, he will be asked to reread a dozen of the same type of meaningless syllables. To be honest, even boring columns of syllables like "shpa-shpa-shpu-shpy" catch up with melancholy. Of course, you can learn to read from the ABC book, but again the question is - how interesting it will be for your child. It is rare to hear that a child under 4.5-5 years of age is carried away with a primer, but many, even at this age, do not want to hear about reading at the sight of a primer.

Why does reading syllables bore children (be it syllables in an ABC book or on some homemade cards)? It's simple: for a kid MA, MI, BA, BI do not make the slightest sense , they do not denote any real object or phenomenon, you cannot play with them, and what to do with them is generally incomprehensible! From a child's point of view, it's just a set of squiggles. The preschooler is more focused on the world of games, feelings and tangible objects; the sign system as such is not yet very interesting to him. But here's what is curious: if you put these same squiggles into a word that means something specific and familiar, then you will immediately notice a spark in the eyes of the child. One has only the kid to grasp the connection between letters and the real world, and he will relate to classes in a completely different way. From here first rule of engaging reading learning :

Don't put off reading the words in long box, as early as possible start reading exactly the words! Let them be very short and simple words, like DOM or AU, but they will make sense for the child!

Perhaps here you will have a question, how can you read words if "he cannot even connect two letters." Read on to find out how to fix this problem.

Reading according to Doman's method and our not the most successful experience

Of all the techniques, reading according to Doman seems to be the most unusual for our understanding. In this system, whole words, many words are shown to the baby at a fast pace on the cards at once! According to Doman, the child very quickly begins to memorize the spelling of the words shown to him and gradually comes to reading them. "But it's impossible to memorize all the words of the Russian language!" - you must have thought now. However, Doman argues that in the process of multiple impressions, the child does not just photographically memorize words, he learns to analyze their composition. And after looking at a lot of words, the kid soon begins to understand how the word is built, what letters it consists of, and how to actually read it. And, having mastered this, he will be able to read not only the words that you showed him, but absolutely any.

I was skeptical about reading according to Doman, it seemed to me completely unnatural, but nevertheless the example of those children who learned to read using this method pushed me to start classes. Since I doubted for a long time, my daughter and I started only at 1.5 years old (Doman recommends starting from 3-6 months). Indeed, shortly after the start of class, the daughter began to recognize the words shown to her. It was only necessary to put 2-4 words in front of her and ask where it is written, for example, "Dog", she showed correctly in 95% of cases (even if I asked her about words that she had not seen before!), But the daughter herself read did not start in any way. Moreover, gradually it began to seem to me that the further we advanced, the harder it became for her. More and more I saw in her eyes an attempt to guess, and not to read.

If you search for reviews of the methodology on the Internet, then you will meet both people who are completely disappointed in the methodology, and those who really taught their children to read and it is not easy to read, but at a fairly decent speed. And here's what I noticed: all the people who have achieved success in this difficult business are united by one thing - they started classes very early, before eight months. It is this age that Doman calls optimal and it is no coincidence: what younger child, the better his ability to perceive the image of the word as a whole is developed, gradually this ability is lost, and the child closer to 2 years of age increasingly needs a literal analysis of the word.

So, it would be wrong to call the technique complete nonsense, as many do outright. The mass of children around the world who have learned to read speaks in its favor. But I will not persuade you to take it, because Taisia ​​never learned to read from it.I can only say one thing: if you have not started classes on Doman before a year, then don’t start, don’t waste your nerves either for yourself or for your child.

In addition to reading letter by letter and reading the whole word, there is another approach - warehouse. Nikolay Zaitsev is considered to be the founder of the method. He defines warehouse as the minimum-pronounced unit that is easiest for a child to perceive. It is the warehouse, and not the letter and not the syllable, that is easiest for a child to say and read. The warehouse can be:

  • fusion of consonant and vowel (YES, MI, BE ...);
  • single vowel as a syllable ( I AM-MA; CA- YU-TA);
  • a separate consonant in a closed syllable (KO- Sh-KA; MA-Z- TO);
  • a consonant with a soft or hard sign (МЬ, ДЪ, СЬ ...).

Thus, the warehouse never consists of more than two letters, and by this it compares favorably with the syllable , which can consist of both 4 and 5 letters, and can also include several consecutive consonants (for example, the STRU syllable in the STRU-Y word), which is quite difficult for a beginner reader to read.

Spelling a word in different ways makes it much easier for a child to read, but this is not the only thing that Zaitsev suggested. Zaitsev suggested to put aside boring primers and to play with warehouses! He wrote all the warehouses on cubes and offered a lot of games and songs with them. That is, practicing according to the method, we completely eliminate boring instructions like "Read", "And what is written here?" It should be noted that in Zaitsev's method, letters are not purposefully studied, they are learned by themselves thanks to the many games with warehouses .

The very idea of ​​a playful approach to classes is, of course, not new. Word games are also offered by Teplyakova, and in the same cubes Chaplygin... But it is the warehouse principle that gives Zaitsev's method a significant advantage: the child sees both the whole word as a whole and its component easy-to-read parts (warehouses) ... As a result, it is easier for the baby to navigate the word, and the process of merging warehouses into words is quick.

The main material of Zaitsev's technique is all famous cubes... However, I do not want to say at all that blocks are such a necessary aid for teaching a child to read. you can arrange it simply by writing words on the cards, highlighting the warehouses in different colors.

So which method to choose and when to teach your child to read?

Although it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question "How to teach a child to read correctly?" the main key to success in mastering reading is a playful approach ... Will you use in your games Zaitsev's cubes, Chaplygin or just cards with words - this is secondary, the main thing is that there are more active games in the classroom, where words can be moved, rearranged, hidden, drawn with a pencil, where the kid's favorite toys are involved, interesting pictures etc. (This is especially important for children from 1.5 to 5 years old). More specifically, you can read about the first games for interesting reading.

The method of teaching reading should be chosen according to the age of the child. For kids up to 1.5-2 years the whole word teaching methods are more suitable (like the Doman-Manichenko method).

After 2 years children have an increasing need to analyze the structure of a word, and therefore teaching with a whole word is becoming less and less effective. But at the same time, the mechanism of merging individual letters into syllables at this age is still poorly understood by children. But warehouses are already quite within the power. Therefore, the most effective games at this age are games with words and patterns written on cards, cubes, etc.

Closer to 4-5 for years, children may already be interested in the primer, games with words and warehouses will also be useful.

When choosing activities, also remember: it is always more interesting for a child to read words, rather than individual letters and syllables ... When he sees the connection between the letters he read and some specific, familiar object, his favorite toy, when he reads the signs and names of goods in the store, he begins to understand that reading is not just a mother’s whim, but a really useful skill.

What is the optimal age for starting classes? Some mothers are supporters of early learning to read, while others, on the contrary, fundamentally do not teach children to read before 4-5 years old, believing that this is against the nature and interests of the child. Yes, indeed, if you force a 2-3-year-old child to sit down at an ABC book and require him to merge letters into syllables, then you can once and for all discourage his love of reading. But if the learning takes place during the game, and the child enjoys the lessons, then what is the point of postponing the lessons until the age of 5? After all, reading is one of the ways to develop the brain of a small person. Early introduction to the sign system of the language improves the visual perception of the child, expands vocabulary, develops logic, finally. Therefore, if parents are pursuing precisely these goals, and not striving for the envious glances of friends, then there is nothing wrong with early education.

Start learning when it is interesting for you and your child. The main thing is not to put pressure on the baby and do not demand quick results from him! Enjoy!

And don't forget to check out our first reading games article: